barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-29 17:40:06

认证账户支持的银行卡有,招行、工行 或 建行的普通储蓄卡  .  

有visa, master card标志的双币信用卡  


买家用来付款    支持付款的银行卡有:    有visa, master card标志的双币信用卡    62卡号开头的银联卡      三、卖家收款后,用来接收paypal的转帐。paypal术语就是“提现":(这个后期提现时再添加也可以的)    支持paypal提现转帐的银行卡有以下的银行(普通储蓄卡就可以):    工商银行











上海浦东发展银行    注:认证,付款,和提现的银行卡,可以是相同的银行卡,也可以是不同的银行卡。






2023-07-28 22:39:041


Paypal是目前全球最大的在线支付提供商和数码货币转账的龙头企业,它在多个国家的业务被视作属于金钱传送带。但是有时我们在使用的时候账号却无缘无故被冻结。那么PayPal被冻结的原因有那些呢?账号冻结的原因(1)账号资金不稳定当我们新注册一个paypel账号时,如果这个账号在新手缓冲期间,短时间内账号有大量的资金流入,比如我们的一个新账号内突然多了几百万,那么paypal可能就会怀疑我们这笔钱来源和使用目的的合法性,于是就会暂时冻结我们的账号。还有一种情况是,无论时新号还是老号,如果我们的账户刚收到与一笔钱,接着我们就马上提现出来,那么平台也会立马冻结我们的账号,如果涉及金额过大的话,平台可能认为我们有贪污、洗钱的嫌疑,随即发出警告甚至联合网警展开调查。(2)被多人投诉因为PayPal是支持在线交易的一个平台,所以我们可以用在企业间合作的项目资金来往、跨境电商的收支等等,这些领域的经济纠纷是最多的。所以一旦出现经济纠纷,我们的账号可能会被客户或者买家投诉而导致冻结。如果是小的金额,为了保住账号,当我们被投诉时,如果没有冻结账号的话,最好还是不要去申诉了,因为申诉不通过的话会直接转为冻结。但是如果大笔金额被冻结的话,我们就必须要去申诉了。但是说到底,为了防止投诉冻结,所以尽量还是要尊重客户的意愿。(3)账号关联我们都知道,跨境电商需要通过多开账号的运营把店铺做起来,同时我们每个对应的小号也要注册一个PayPal来进行收支流程。所以说,PayPal也是需要多开账号的。而且除了跨境电商,不同企业的不同项目部门也是有独立的资金账号的,所以相当于也是同一用户多开账号,但很多人往往没有注意到多开账号是会被平台关联冻结的,这也是许多人账号被冻结的原因。如何做好账号防关联系统判断我们账号关联的途径主要是我们每个账号登录的浏览器环境是一样的,所以我们想要做好防关联就要从这方面入手。我们可以试试像AdsPower指纹浏览器这样的辅助工具,为我们创建不同的独立浏览器环境,其中包括IP 地址、cooike、浏览器指纹、操作路径的模拟和修改,每个环境就相当于一台独立电脑设备,这也是目前主流的操作模式,极大提高防关联系数。总结总的来说,以上三种冻结原因都是值得我们注意的,并且要制定好合适的应对措施。尤其是账号的防关联,我们合理利用指纹浏览器的特性来帮助我们防止账号关联。
2023-07-28 22:40:112


PayPal是国际贸易支付工具,全球使用最为广泛的第三方支付工具之一,针对具有国际收付款需求用户设计的账户类型。PayPal即时支付,即时到账,全中文操作界面,能通过中国的本地银行轻松提现,解决外贸收款难题。简单点来说,PayPal是一种便捷的第三方在线支付。就像支付宝,微信支付一样,直接通过在线账户转账。相比较传统的电汇,西联这些汇款方式,要简便。【拓展资料】PayPal服务:1.进行便捷的外贸收款,提现与交易跟踪;2.从事安全的国际采购与消费;3.快捷支付并接收包括美元、加元、欧元、英镑、澳元和日元等25种国际主要流通货币。PayPal特点及优势:1.买家付款,款项立即到卖家账户;2.卖家先拿款,再发货;3.买家可以选用多种付款方式,支持信用卡支付;4.可美金提现到国内银行卡;5.可人民币提现到国内银行卡;6.不管是个人还是企业都可以开通PayPal账户。7.注册完全免费;8.集国际流行的信用卡,借记卡,电子支票等支付方式于一身;9.全球化支付平台,服务范围超过200个市场,支持的币种超过100个。PayPal支付流程:1.只要有一个电子邮件地址,付款人就可以登录开设PayPal帐户,通过验证成为其用户,并提供信用卡或者相关银行资料,增加帐户金额,将一定数额的款项从其开户时登记的帐户(例如信用卡)转移至PayPal帐户下。2.当付款人启动向第三人付款程序时,必须先进入PayPal帐户,指定特定的汇出金额,并提供收款人的电子邮件帐号给PayPal。3.接着PayPal向商家或者收款人发出电子邮件,通知其有等待领取或转帐的款项。4.如商家或者收款人也是PayPal用户,其决定接受后,付款人所指定之款项即移转予收款人。5.若商家或者收款人没有PayPal帐户,收款人得依PayPal电子邮件内容指示连线站进入网页注册 取得一个PayPal帐户,收款人可以选择将取得的款项转换成支票寄到指定的处所、转入其个人的信用卡帐户或者转入另一个银行帐户。以上是关于PayPal支付的相关内容介绍。总的来说,PayPal和支付宝是类似的,只是支付宝面向的群体是国内,而PayPal面向的群体是世界。
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我也是跟你一样的情况,不知道会不会有问题,我也是debit card
2023-07-28 22:42:516


ZP就是正品的意思。正品是一个汉语词汇,读音为zhèng pǐn,指某个品牌原创出产的产品,而对应的词汇就是“假货”、“次品”。正品也有以“合格品”、“一等品”、“优等品”表示的,所以zp购入是指正品购入。 正品是指某个品牌原创出产的产品,而对应的词汇就是“假货“、”次品”完全符合质量标准的产品。 目前,在现实购物和网络购物中该词涉及较多,一般分为正品和仿品,尤其是网络购物盛行的今天,正确区分和对待正品及仿品是网购新手必须学会的。
2023-07-28 22:39:312

in order to 有什么同义词嘛

2023-07-28 22:39:329


2023-07-28 22:39:361

tarzan and jane歌词中文谐音

Oo-ee-oo-ee Deep in the jungle In the Land Of Adventure, lives Tarzan Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant My name is Tarzan, I am jungle-man The tree-top swinger from jungle-land Come, baby come, I will take you for a swing Let"s go, honey, I"m tinkoling Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong He is really cute, and his hair is long Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong So listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Tarzan from jungle You can be my friend Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant When you touch me I feel funny I feel is too when you are touching me Come to my tree-house to my party Yes I"ll go if you carry meTarzan is hansome, full of surprise He is really cute and his hair is nice Tarzan is hansome, Tarza is strong So listen to the jungle-song:Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Tarzan from jungle You can be my friend Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant Yeah Go cheetah, get banana Hey monkey, get funky Go cheetah, get banana Hey monkey, get funky When I am dancing, I feel funky Why do you keep ignoring me? Tarza is here, come, kiss me, baby Coochie coochie kiss me tenderly (Yes)Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong (Me tarzan) He is really cute, and his hair is long (Long hair) Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong So listn to the jungle-song: Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Tarzan from jungle You can be my friend Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant Oo-ee-oo-ee Go cheetah, get banana Hey monkey, get funky Oo-ee-oo-ee I am Jane and I Love to ride an elephant And so they got funky? But will Tarzan and Jane?哦~在丛林深处,在冒险岛上住着一个泰山哦~我是珍妮,我喜欢骑着大象我叫泰山,我生活在丛林里作为这个丛林岛上特时髦的人来吧,宝贝和我一起荡秋千去走吧,我要开始了泰山很帅,泰山很强壮也很可爱,他的头发好长泰山很帅,泰山很强壮让我们听听丛林的歌吧哦~我是泰山你可以和我做好朋友哦~我是珍妮我喜欢骑在大象的背上当你碰到我时感觉好痒是哟,我喜欢这种感觉来我树上的房子里做客吧如果你带着我我就去哟泰山很帅,泰山很强壮也很可爱,他的头发好长泰山很帅,泰山很强壮让我们听听丛林的歌吧哦~我是泰山你可以和我做好朋友哦~我是珍妮我喜欢骑在大象的背上耶~猎豹,香蕉猴子也显得有点羞涩猎豹,香蕉猴子也显得有点羞涩当我跳起舞来刚绝自己好性感为何你却总对我视而不见?泰山就在这里,吻我咯宝贝我的主人亲吻我咯泰山很帅,泰山很强壮也很可爱,他的头发好长泰山很帅,泰山很强壮让我们听听丛林的歌吧哦~我是泰山你可以和我做好朋友哦~我是珍妮我喜欢骑在大象的背上哦~猎豹,香蕉猴子也显得有点羞涩哦~我是珍妮,我喜欢骑着大象他们也开始打情骂俏那泰山和珍妮呢?
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2023-07-28 22:39:394

请用英语介绍袁隆平! Longping, China"s Most Famous "Farmer" It says every scientist cherishes a childhood dream indicating his or her future success, but for Yuan Longping, dubbed as "father of hybrid rice," the dream is that he cultivates rice as plump as peanuts, and farmers can relax in the cool shadow of big rice plants. Yuan, 71, won a 5 million yuan State Supreme Science and Technology Award today, known as the Nobel Prize in China, for his outstanding achievements in breeding high-yield hybrid rice, which has substantially increased China"s grain output. Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s. Since then, 50 percent of China"s total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice, which added some 300 billion kilograms to the country"s grain output. Furrows grown on his sunburnt face, a slim figure and coiled-up trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous scientist in China, who would rather be called "a farmer." Indeed, like many Chinese farmers, Yuan in his 70s and has devoted most of his life growing rice in paddyfields, but unlike those farmers, he reaps the seed from experimental fields only for hybridizing rice. The urbanite-turned-farmer graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953 has his name related to the world"s most advanced agricultural technology. Four minor planets, a listed seed company "s and a science college in China were named after him, which were the first time that a Chinese scientist"s name is valued for its intellectual assets. By lending his name to the Longping High-tech, a seed company, Yuan obtained a 5 per cent stake, or 2.5 million shares worth 2 million yuan, in the firm. However, Yuan said his research requires the lifestyle of a farmer, or rather a migrating farmer, as he has conducted extensive research related to the cultivation of new strains of hybrid rice "Super Hybrid Rice" in some 10 provinces. In the year 1999, more than 300 billion kilograms of grain were increased from about 240 million hectares of hybrid rice, which signified the success of his research. And this made Yuan firmly believe that China can surely feed her 1.2 billion population with her limited cultivated land. The "Super Rice" yields are 30 percent higher than those of common rice. The record yield of 17,055 kilograms per hectare was registered in Yongsheng County in Yunnan in 1999. But even after that achievement Yuan won"t take a break. He has a dream, more realistic than that of his young age, that popularizing new strains of grain with higher yields around the world, can eliminate starvation on earth. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has vowed to get involved in the work of spreading the coverage of Yuan"s high- yield hybrid rice, which it considers the best way to increase the world"s grain output. The FAO"s 1991 statistics show that 20 percent of the world"s rice output was yielded from 10 percent of the world"s rice fields, which grow hybrid rice. "If the new strain was sown in the rest of the rice acreage, the present grain output around the world can be more than doubled. This can be a solution to the grain shortage," said the unselfish scientist. In 1980, Yuan went to the United States at the invitation of the International Rice Research Institute to share his knowledge about the cultivation technology of hybrid rice. He was also employed in 1991 as the chief consultant of FAO to bring his research methods to other countries. With the help of Chinese scientists, the acreage of hybrid rice in Viet Nam and India increased to 200,000 hectares and 150,000 hectares in 1999, respectively. The rice research costs time to prove its value. At the age of 43, Yuan cultivated the world"s first hybrid rice. At that time the country"s grain yield was about 4,500 kilogram per hectare. "The natural disaster and policy miscarriage further deteriorated starvation in China by then," Yuan recalled tearfully. This is his motivation to stimulate his research. Largely due to his scientific progress, China"s total rice output rose from 5. 69 billion tons in 1950 to 19.47 billion tons last year. The growth rate of rice output far exceeded the population growth speed. Some people estimate Yuan"s actual fortune might amount to more than 100 million yuan (12 million U.S. dollars), making him one of the richest people in China. But he doesn"t know for sure himself, for he seems not to care about his own assets than the rice harvest. Some people asked him to move the focus of his research from improving amounts of hybrid rice to the quality and taste, which would be easier to do. But, the stubborn academician insisted that the amount of hybrid rice"s per unit yield still outweighs the quality, for his foremost task is to improve the grain reserve in developing countries
2023-07-28 22:39:462


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  内部收益率(Internal rate of return)财务内部收益率法(FIRR)、内部报酬率法、内含报酬率 。  内部收益率法是用内部收益率来评价项目投资财务效益的方法。所谓内部收益率,就是资金流入现值总额与资金流出现值总额相等、净现值等于零时的折现率。  内部收益率法的公式  (1)计算年金现值系数(p/A,FIRR,n)=K/R;  (2)查年金现值系数表,找到与上述年金现值系数相邻的两个系数(p/A,i1,n)和(p/A,i2,n)以及对应的i1、i2,满足(p/A,il,n) >K/R>(p/A,i2,n);  (3)用插值法计算FIRR:  (FIRR-I)/(i1—i2)=[K/R-(p/A,i1,n) ]/[(p/A,i2,n)—(p/A,il,n)]  若建设项目现金流量为一般常规现金流量,则财务内部收益率的计算过程为:  1、首先根据经验确定一个初始折现率ic。  2、根据投资方案的现金流量计算财务净现值FNpV(i0)。  3、若FNpV(io)=0,则FIRR=io;  若FNpV(io)>0,则继续增大io;  若FNpV(io)<0,则继续减小io。  (4)重复步骤3),直到找到这样两个折现率i1和i2,满足FNpV(i1) >0,FNpV (i2)<0,其中i2-il一般不超过2%-5%。  (5)利用线性插值公式近似计算财务内部收益率FIRR。其计算公式为:  (FIRR- i1)/ (i2-i1)= NpVl/ (NpV1-NpV2  内部收益率法的计算步骤  (1)在计算净现值的基础上,如果净现值是正值,就要采用这个净现值计算中更高的折现率来测算,直到测算的净现值正值近于零。  (2)再继续提高折现率,直到测算出一个净现值为负值。如果负值过大,就降低折现率后再测算到接近于零的负值。  (3)根据接近于零的相邻正负两个净现值的折现率,用线性插值法求得内部收益率。  内部收益率-内部收益率法的分析  内部收益率,是一项投资可望达到的报酬率,是能使投资项目净现值等于零时的折现率。就是在考虑了时间价值的情况下,使一项投资在未来产生的现金流量现值,刚好等于投资成本时的收益率,而不是你所想的“不论高低净现值都是零,所以高低都无所谓”,这是一个本末倒置的想法了。因为计算内部收益率的前提本来就是使净现值等于零。  说得通俗点,内部收益率越高,说明你投入的成本相对地少,但获得的收益却相对地多。比如A、 B两项投资,成本都是10万,经营期都是5年,A每年可获净现金流量3万,B可获4万,通过计算,可以得出A的内部收益率约等于15%,B的约等于28%,这些,其实通过年金现值系数表就可以看得出来的。  内部收益率法的优缺点  内部收益率法的优点是能够把项目寿命期内的收益与其投资总额联系起来,指出这个项目的收益率,便于将它同行业基准投资收益率对比,确定这个项目是否值得建设。使用借款进行建设,在借款条件(主要是利率)还不很明确时,内部收益率法可以避开借款条件,先求得内部收益率,作为可以接受借款利率的高限。但内部收益率表现的是比率,不是绝对值,一个内部收益率较低的方案,可能由于其规模较大而有较大的净现值,因而更值得建设。所以在各个方案选比时,必须将内部收益率与净现值结合起来考虑。
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IRR是Internal Rate of Return的简称,即为内部收益率 ,就是资金流入现值总额与资金流出现值总额相等、净现值等于零时的折现率。如果不使用电子计算机,内部收益率要用若干个折现率进行试算,直至找到净现值等于零或接近于零的那个折现率。内部收益率,是一项投资渴望达到的报酬率,是能使投资项目净现值等于零时的折现率。它是一项投资渴望达到的报酬率,该指标越大越好。一般情况下,内部收益率大于等于基准收益率时,该项目是可行的。投资项目各年现金流量的折现值之和为项目的净现值,净现值为零时的折现率就是项目的内部收益率。在项目经济评价中,根据分析层次的不同,内部收益率有财务内部收益率(FIRR)和经济内部收益率(EIRR)之分。扩展资料:一般基础设施项目的内部投资率一般不超过8%。公益性停车设施,按照“政府出地、市场出资”的公私合作模式(PPP),吸引社会投资人参与。参考一般基础设施项目,特许经营期不超过30年,内部收益率一般不超过8%。区、县政府交通行业主管部门通过招标等公平竞争方式选择特许经营企业。企业和个人均可申请投资建设公共停车场,原则上不对泊位数量做下限要求。鼓励企事业单位、居民小区及个人利用自有土地、地上地下空间建设停车场,允许对外开放并取得相应收益。参考资料来源:百度百科—内部收益率参考资料来源:人民网—企业个人可申请投资建设停车场 可采用划拨等方式供地
2023-07-28 22:40:001

以‘’Regular Physical Exercises‘’为题的英语作文

As you can see, the topic, health benefits of regular physical activity is almost like a cliché. Wherever you go, whoever you talk to, you always have conversations like this: have you ever been to the gym? How do you like yoga? Balabala. If you tell people that you actually don" like exercises, then your parents, friends and even strangers will definitely try to persuade you to do some exercises. Usually, they will tell you all kinds of health benefits of regular physical activity, improving your mood, combating chronic disease, controlling your weight, promoting better sleep, etc.Well, that"s true. But you will not really recognize them until you"ve been through. A good example is my mother. She was diagnosed with hypertention two years ago, and took different kinds of drugs. However, the result was not as good as we had expected. Then she decided to do exercises regularly, following doctor"s advice. Not some magic exercise, you know, just walking and jogging. After a few months, her blood pressure turned back to normal again with the minimum of drug doses. Yeah, a vivid example. Now, she"s still insisted on.But remember, merely understanding the health benefits is far from enough. You should pay attention to the types of exercise and the duration time. Different types of exercise offer different benefits. Aerobic or cardio workouts primarily improve the cardiovascular system, while weight-training or strength-training improves muscular strength and flexibility or stretching exercises improve overall mobility and coordination. And the lasting time also matters. Experts recommend a 30 minutes of moderate- intensity physical activity most days of the week. Don"t go extremes and let exercise harm you.Hope everybody will gain benefits from regular physical activity.
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有个报告的关键词翻译指导思想(guidance):高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导(to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development)。总目标(general objective):完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化(to improve and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and push on with modernization of the country"s governing system and capabilities)。时间表(timetable):到2020年,我国在重要领域和关键环节改革上取得决定性成果,形成系统完备、科学规范、运行有效的制度体系,使各方面制度更加成熟更加定型(Decisive results must be achieved in key sectors, and a well-developed, scientific, procedure-based and effective framework must be in place by 2020 to ensure institutions in all sectors be more mature)。改革重点(key of the reform):经济体制改革时全面深化改革的重点,核心是处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中发挥决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用(Economic reform is key, and the core solution is the proper relationship between the government and the market, leaving the market to play the decisive role in allocation of resources)。新设机构(newly established institutions):中央全面深化改革领导小组(a central leading team for “comprehensively deepening reform”),负责改革总体设计、统筹协调、整体推进、督促落实(in charge of designing reform on an overall basis, arranging and coordinating reform, pushing forward reform as a whole, and supervising the implementation of reform plans);国家安全委员会(state security committee),完善国家安全体制和国家安全战略,确保国家安全(improving systems and strategies to ensure national security)。改革要点(main points of the reform):1. 坚持和完善基本经济制度(to keep to and improve the basic economic system):增强国有经济活力、控制力、影响力(to enhance the vitality of the state-owned sector of the economy and its capacity to leverage and influence the economy),激发非公有制经济活力和创造力(Development in the non-public sector will be encouraged which will in turn stimulate vitality and creativity in the whole economy)。2. 加快完善现代市场体系(to speed up the improvement of modern market system):完善主要由市场决定价格的机制(to improve the market price mechanism)。3. 加快转变政府职能(to speed up the transformation of government functions,):建设法治政府和服务型政府(to establish a law-based and service-oriented government)。4. 深化财税体制改革(to deepen the reform of fiscal and tax system):完善立法、明确事权、改革税制、稳定税负、透明预算、提高效率(to improve related legislation, ascertain government bodies" responsibilities, reform the taxation system, stabilize tax burden, ensure budgeting is transparent and efficiency improved)。5. 健全城乡一体化体制机制(to improve institutions and mechanisms for promoting integrated urban and rural development):赋予农民更多财产权利(to grant farmers more property rights),推进城乡要素平等交换和公共资源均衡配置(to enhance equal exchange of factors of production between urban and rural areas and balance allocation of public resources between them)。6. 构建开放型经济新体制(to build a new open economic system):放宽投资准入,加快自由贸易区建设(to relax investment access and speed up construction of free trade zones)。7. 加强社会主义民主政治制度建设(to improve the construction of socialist democratic political system):发展基层民主(to develop grassroots democracy)。8. 推进法治中国建设(To build China under the rule of law):确保依法独立公正行使审判权检察权(to ensure independence and fairness in prosecuting bodies and courts under the rule of law)。9. 强化权力运行制约和监督体系(to strengthen the restriction and supervision system of power operation):健全惩治和预防腐败体系,建设廉洁政治,努力实现干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明(to improve the establishment of a system of combating corruption through both punishment and prevention, promote political integrity and see to it that officials are honest, the government is clean, and political integrity is upheld)。10. 推进文化体制机制创新(to promote innovation in cultural institutions and mechanisms):完善文化管理体制,建立健全现代文化市场体系(to improve the cultural management system and establish a modern cultural market system)。11. 推进社会事业改革创新(to accelerate reform and innovation in social sectors):深化教育领域综合改革,健全促进就业创业体制机制,建立更加公平可持续的社会保障制度,深化医药卫生体制改革(to deepen overall education reform, improve the institutions and mechanisms of employment and starting business, build a fairer and more sustainable social welfare system, deepen reform of the medical and health system )。12. 创新社会治理体制(to innovate the social management system):创新有效预防和化解社会矛盾体制(to innovate a system that can effectively prevent and solve social contradiction)。建立国家安全委员会(to establish the state security committee)。13. 加快生态文明制度建设(to speed up the building of ecological civilization system):实行资源有偿使用制度和生态补偿制度(to establish a system of compensation for the use of natural resources and the subsequent impact on the ecosystem)。14. 深化军队和国防改革(to deepen the reform of army and national defense):深化军队体制编制调整改革(deepening reform of army establishments, pushing forward army policy adjustments)。15. 加强和改善党对全面深化改革的领导(the CPC must strengthen and improve its leadership in comprehensively deepening reform):中央成立全面深化改革领导小组(The Communist Party of China (CPC) will set up a central leading team for "comprehensively deepening reform")。
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货币是有时间价值的,也就是今天的一元钱要比明天的一元钱大。货币是具有投资价值的,也就是钱会生钱,今天拿着一元钱,到了明天需要超过1元钱才合理。无论IRR,还是NPV都是考虑的货币的时间价值在内的一种计算方法。IRR就是在投资范围里的考虑时间成本在内的平均收益率;NPV也是考虑时间价值在内的净现值。就是一种动态经济数据分析!如果存款100万,年利率4%,5年后的存款收益为20万,4%这就是一种静态的收益率。而如果每年以4%的利率,那么5年后的利率=100*{(1+4%)5次方-1}=21.66万,这就是包含了时间资金在内的IRR=4%。而上面的年利率4%不是IRR,真正的IRR却是只有3.7%。那么NPV又会如何呢?在计算NPV时,需要考虑一个基准收益率或期望收益率。一般投资企业项目会以社会基准收益率作为期望收益率,而这种收益率基本上是以8%。可有多少居民投资会达到8%的高收益率呢?还是以100万存款,年利率4%(这里为了简单计算期间就以IRR来表示),那么基准收益率设在8%。那么也就是每年会出现4%以上的亏损。NPV=100(1-1/1.21)=-17.35万元。也就是存银行在以社会基准收益率8%来分析,投资100万在5年内要亏损17.35万元。当然,如果年收益率达到了10%,那么NPV就会在10万元。可很多时候还要考虑融资成本,比如贷款购买房产,贷款利率5%,而十年内房产翻了一番。那么同样投资100万,其中80万贷款。十年里的总投资和资本金IRR和NPV又是不同的!计算分析得出:总投资的IRR为7.2%,总投资的NPV约23万元。至于资本金的IRR和NPV更加的计算复杂,以后有机会才进行分析。应答时间:2020-08-25,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。[平安车主贷] 有车就能贷,最高50万
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Young Tarzan: I"ll be the best ape ever!年轻的泰山:我将会是最棒的人猿!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tantor: That sounded like Tarzan. It sounded like he was in trouble.丹托:那听起来像是泰山。好像他遇到麻烦了。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terk: Yeah? Why doesn"t he get his new friends to help him? I don"t care.特克:是吗?他为什么不要他的新朋友帮助他?我才不管。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tantor: That"s it! I"ve had enough of your emotional constipation! Tarzan needs us, and we"re gonna help him!丹托:就是啊!我已经受够了你的冷漠!泰山需要我们,我们现在就去帮助他吧~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[places Terk on his back](特克放在他的背上)Tantor: So sit back and hold on tight... we"ve got a boat to catch.丹托:现在坐好抓紧了…我们要驾着一艘船。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Tantor charges off a cliff and into the ocean] (丹托越过悬崖驶进海洋中)Tantor: I"ve never felt so alive! 我从来没有觉得这么快活!Terk: Good, "cause I"m gonna kill you!特克:好的,因为我将要杀死你!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tarzan: No matter where I go, you will always be my mother.泰山:无论我在哪里,你都将永远是我的母亲。Kala: And you will always be in my heart.卡拉:并且你将永远在我的心中。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kerchak: You came back.科查克:你回来了。Tarzan: I came home.泰山:我回家了。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Jane draws Tarzan on the chalkboard] (简在黑板上画泰山)Professor Porter: Shall I, ahem, leave you and the blackboard alone for a moment?波特教授:可以吗,嗯,让你和你的黑白独自呆一会儿?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kala: Close your eyes. Now forget what you see.卡拉:闭上你的眼睛。现在忘记你看见的。Kala: [puts Tarzan"s hand to his chest] What do you feel?卡拉:(把泰山的手放在他的胸前)你感觉到了什么?Young Tarzan: My heart.年轻的泰山:我的心脏。Kala: [puts Tarzan"s head by her chest] Come here.卡拉:(把泰山的手放在她的胸前)放在这儿。Young Tarzan: Your heart.年轻的泰山:你的心脏。Kala: See? We"re exactly the same.卡拉:明白吗?我们是同样的。
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近年来娱乐圈发展非常火热,特别是小鲜肉们火了一大批,然而小鲜肉火起来与当带年轻人追星方式有直接关系。现在的粉丝为了支持自己喜欢的偶像不仅仅是花钱买票这么简单,还会去超话打榜、机场接机等,所以饭圈文化开始席卷各大网络平台,那么饭圈中zp是什么意思,饭圈bks女孩是什么意思?饭圈文化中有不少粉丝术语,不了解的人根本不知道是什么意思,看到会彻底懵逼,表示根本不知道说什么?如果追星不知道饭圈中某些词的意思,可能其它人聊天都插不上话。而饭圈中zp其实是增评,意思是去爱豆偶像微博底下增加评论。 另外,饭圈中bks有不可说的意思,泛指大规模恶意抹黑数据大头被打码,是粉丝的戏称。现在饭圈用语可谓是越来越多,它属于饭圈衍生产物,是追星女孩用词语或英文字母表达某些特定含义,而且有些粉丝后援团还自创了识别自家偶像的饭圈用语。 不追星的年轻人可能饭圈是什么意思都不知道,饭圈可以说是粉丝圈的简称,主要是指喜欢某一个明星或偶像组合的粉丝群体,这个词表达了一群人一起讨论喜欢的明星。而饭圈女孩简单来说就是为了支持喜欢的偶像,有钱出钱有力出力的做数据的忠诚粉丝,他们领悟流量和数据可以给自己喜欢的爱豆带来力量。但是我想说的是追星不能盲目,一定要理智。
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郑州大学2019年硕士生招生复试分数线中图书馆学专业:政治理论50,外国语50,业务课一100,业务课二100,总分355。图书情报专业:政治理论120,外国语50,业务课一0,业务课二0,总分230。学习年限一般为2年。课程学习为一年,实践教学不少于半年,采取集中实践与分段实践相结合的方式。总成绩等于初试成绩(百分制)70% 加上复试成绩(百分制)30%。培养掌握图书情报专业知识和技能,能够综合运用管理、经济、法律、计算机知识解决图书情报工作中的实际问题,具有较高职业素养,胜任图书情报行业的实际工作,适应国民经济与社会信息化、文化建设需要的高层次、应用型、复合型专门人才。
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Fire blade(2004年)2004年,CBR 1000RR横空出世,本田仍把它归为火刃家族,算起来已经是第七代了。首先是如CBR 600RR般的RC211V外形,凶狠、干练、性感。但这样的词语还不足以形容它的全部,多年赛场经验积累的空气动力学才是它的“秘密武器”。随后是最得意的HESD电子钛尺(HRCElectro hydraulic Steering Damper),原本是HRC供应给Resold Honda Team在赛道上使用的,现在却应用于CBR 600RR。由行车计算机控制的油路阀门会随着车速调整开启高度,低速时钛尺的作用表现柔软,当车速提高时,油路阀门收窄,钛尺开始变硬,技术含量很高。新车的亮点当然是发动机,CBR 1000RR的新发动机排气量提升了44毫升,达到998毫升,压缩比也轻微增加了0.4,达到了11.9∶1,爆发力更加强盛。新设计的发动机结构更加紧密,重心更加集中,有助于改善其操控性,功率更达到了火刃家族的最高记录:126千瓦,扭矩达到了114.6牛·米。全新的44毫米PGM电子燃油喷注采用每汽缸双喷嘴设计(DSFI),低速时只有一个喷嘴工作,高速时另外一个喷嘴才开始工作,从而更合理地使用燃油。对火刃家族而言,CBR 1000RR的装备是全新的,但对于本田来说,却是数十年制造经验的结晶,它有新的减少件数的车板、新多角度反射头灯、新大数字液晶仪表、新大功率发动机、新大口径燃油喷注系统、新铝合金中空车架、新GP式后摇臂、新排气、新制动系统和电子钛尺。车把散热栅面积加大了40%,锐意提升赛道表现的意图不言而喻。另外首度引用卡式变速箱设计,挡位可以快速地更换,改变齿轮比使得战车能够更快地配合每条赛道的特性。和2004年其他厂家的新车一样,制动卡钳的放射式装嵌法也在CBR 1000RR的43毫米HMAS前叉上应用了。更坚固的装嵌方法使前盘由330毫米减至310毫米,减轻了重量和惯性力,提升了转向表现,却不会降低制动性能。后悬挂系统采用CBR 600RR的UNIT Pro-Link连杆设计,隔开了车架和尾摇臂各自承受的压力。全新四出二出一不锈钢排气改为中置,牺牲了后座的储物空间。脱胎换骨的CBR 1000RR是火刃家族的鼎盛作品,本田不惜工本的改进虽然没有使其在马力占上风,但不俗的高档配置和综合性能都将对手远远抛开,车迷爱不释手、欣喜若狂。也难怪有人感叹:这样的车,谁不想拥有呢?2008 Honda CBR1000RR 规格表引擎形式:水冷四冲程并列4汽缸OHC 16气阀长x阔x高:2,075mm x 825mm x 1,130mm轴距:1,410mm前倾角:23.30°拖曳矩:96.2mm离地座高:825mm车底离地距:130mm净重量:203kg总排气量:999c.c.缸径x冲程:76 x 55.1mm压缩比:12.3:1最大马力:178ps/12,000rpm最大扭力:11.4kg-m/8,500rpm机油容量:3.8 L供油系统:46mmPGM-DSFI电子燃油喷注系统油箱容量:18 L(4 L后备油)点火启动:电动电控数码式传动系统:湿式多片6前速链传动附防锁死极力子车架形式:FDC中空铝合金双翼梁框式车架前悬挂系统:43mm HMAS倒立套管前叉,无段式全功能调较,120mm行程后悬挂系统:UNIT Pro-link HMAS单筒油压避震,13级预载,无段式受压及回弹调较前掣动系统:2 x 320mm刹车碟4活塞对向卡钳后掣动系统:220mm单碟配单活塞卡钳轮胎前:120/70-ZR17轮胎后:190/50-ZR172008 Honda CBR1000RR CBR系列一向给用家的印象是容易操控和外表前卫,但与日本其馀三大厂的同级车相比,往往在马力数据和整体科技上有所落後。你说Honda车不够竞争性吗?看看Honda在WSBK等世界大小赛事中成绩如何?相信没有人会认为Honda车不够竞争力。到底Honda的市售车种在帐面上为何会如此内敛?原因很简单,顶级市售车的最大马力可以去到180匹,试问又有多少用家在一般马路上用得尽呢?Honda研发团队希望用家能够真正享受到澎湃马力的奥妙,但在顾及骑者自身的安全的情况之下,让骑者能轻松驾驭便成了Honda的首要课题。但在现今高科技马力竞赛的年代里,车迷似乎一味以动力输出来判断一台车的设计成功与否,而判断下来的所谓结果(那些试车报告大比拚等…),往往直接影响到销情。以RC211V作为设计蓝本的CBR1000RR推出至今已有四年之多,车厂为她加入大量由赛车场上移植下来的配备,为整个公升级超跑界别写下了新标准。四年一大改的循环又回到了起点,Honda会以什麼策略来面对未来四年的超级跑车市场呢?请参阅以下介绍︰在美国加州的新车发布会中,车厂没有为08年新款CBR1000RR发表太多详细资料,只表示新款CBR1000RR已不是典型之作,并会从科技、减重以及增加动力输出这几方面著手。 引擎新车动力来自一具999c.c.直四引擎,缸径和冲程分别是76mm X 55.1mm,压缩比轻微增至12.3:1。新车采用更大缸径和更短的冲程,为了提高转数制造更高的马力输出。锻造活塞经过炭化处理,并在外层涂上钼金属物料,以确保长时间在高温燃烧室内运作正常和减低与缸壁的磨擦导致的损蚀,并提高引擎转数至15,000转(13-15,000为红区)。因应著缸径的改变,新车也改用较大的钛合金哇佬脚。即使是高转跑车引擎,2008年CBR1000RR的引擎活瓣检测周期长达25,600km!对於经常换车的你来说,随时卖左车都未使check机器住。进排气及供油系统为了配合活塞的进化,进排气批分别加大至30.5mm和24mm,而生气哇佬更用上钛合金制造,加上以双弹簧运作,在更轻更快的吸排效果使然下,动力输出将有前所未有的进步。头灯下的两个独立入风口经重新设计,能引入大量鲜风至安装了IACV节流系统的9.7公升超大风盒。比旧款更细更轻的ECU电脑系统完全控制CBR1000RR的电喷系统运作,每个气缸皆有两段式DSFI双喷咀以及两套3-D式12孔雾化喷油和点火程式,让这台新车在全区域转数都得到更线性且更高性能的表现。防锁死极力子防锁死极力子Slipper Clutch从03年开始,已经成为Suzuki的GSX-R和Kawasaki的ZX-R系列等新车的标准配备。等到08年,终于在新款CBR1000RR上找得到,而且更是市面上最新款的Center-cam-assist系统,在典型分离式夹板中间加上Cam顶,使夹板更容易分开,滑动过程也更为顺畅,全面减低收车拖波时的危险。轻量化要一部车快,除了一味提升匹数输出,减磅也占著非常重要的因素。新款CBR1000RR的另一项研发指标便是进行减重计划!这项减重计划从引擎、车架延伸至刹车油喉、Side架和电池等一向被视为微不足道的零部件,最值得赞赏的是如Fork脚以及轮圈都比以往造得更粗壮和坚硬,但重量却是轻了一大截。主要改良 - [车身细节]新款CBR1000RR外型设计上完全跳脱旧款框框,猪头和一体化的两面啡呤设计圆润,没有了旧款刚烈的线条,指挥灯也与睹後镜连成一体,以上都有助减低风阻,并且提高跑车在高速巡航时的稳定性。油缸上的HONDA翼仔标志和鸭尾部分则如外界所料,以RC212V为设计蓝本。後者设计得又细又尖,但後座垫范围并未因此而缩小;LED尾灯设在鸭尾末端,快拆式尾牌架和指挥灯则可以随时御下落场飞车,方便之馀也给人一阵简洁气息。避震系统方面则没有太大提升,08 CBR1000RR仍然采用43mm HMAS倒立套管前叉和Unit Pro-Link多连杆式尾避震。前後避震皆设有无段式全功能调较;前倾角没变仍然维持23.3度,但摇曳距由100mm下降至96.2mm,使操控感变得更灵敏,增加了车辆与骑者的沟通机会。懂得因应不同行走速度和引擎转数作出适当反应的HESD电子钉巴跟车送上;而强劲的掣动力量来自一对放射式对四卡钳和320mm大碟,尾掣动则是220mm碟配单活塞卡钳,算是现今超跑的标准配备主要改良 - [重心及操控]新车的引擎体积与旧款相比差异不大,但研发团队特意将引擎位置上调10mm,配合同样後移了油缸。驾驶姿势也更进取。在「把手、坐位和脚踏」的三角关系中,新CBR1000RR的座位移前了10mm和降低了10mm。把手则升高了6.5mm和推前了2mm。上述改动令08 CBR1000RR的重心更归一,使车辆的敏锐度直接提高,骑者入弯时所需做出的搬身动作更轻微,变相也增加了安全性。CBR1000RR首次采用中空铸造车架技术,四件头组成的主车架重量比旧款轻最少20%,但厂方强调这台由MotoGP战场上移植下来的车架技术,可以让2008 CBR1000RR的车架刚性有明显提升。为了配合车体重心归一,死气喉也由以往的尾排改为中置右出,可谓跟著潮流并肩而行。为配合肚兜设计,从侧面望过去会觉得很巨型,但细看之下原来铝合金尾摇擘巧妙地也预留了一些位置给死气喉使用,所以当在正面前後来欣赏CBR1000RR时,不致有累赘肥大的感觉。2007 Honda CBR1000RR2007CBR1000RR的主要改动是车花转换,因为在06年机件已经过改良。Honda市贩跑车阵营主将CBR1000RR Fireblade在2006年己经过多项改良,所以在07年便是踏入加推特别车花的必经阶段。继上次HRC Racing特别花之後,今次轮到Repsol Honda Team特别花抵港。Repsol Honda Team特别版以一身鲜艳车花作主大,充份显现出热情的赛车文化。最抢眼是一对橙色三柱軨,突显Repsol Honda Team版本与其他版本不同之处。Repsol Honda Team特别版的头尾合金軨、倒立前叉、迫力卡钳由标准版的黑色改换上橙色和金色。倒立前叉是Showa作品。除此之外,Tokico放射式四遮卡钳也由黑色转为金色。留意一点是Repsol Honda Team的车架是用银色,有别於标准版和HRC Racingt版本的黑色设定。所以银车架和橙色軨,便是Repsol Honda Team版本的标记。CBR1000RR两款特别版的售价都是一样,如何选择是好?这并不是个人偏好可以决定的事,因为先决条件是你要抢到货额!因为这都是限量生产的特别版本,最重要是够手快啊!今次抵港的HRC Racing特别花,在日本也是等到去年年尾才接受预订的抢手货色。究竟HRC特别版与飙准版,有何不同之处呢?标准版的车主别以为只要改喷啡呤便完事。HRC Racing特别版除了全车啡呤不同之外,头尾合金軨、倒立前叉、迫力卡钳由标准版的黑色改换上沙金色和银色。合金軨是Enkei作品,倒立前叉路是Showa。除此之外,Tokico放射式四遮卡钳也由黑色转为金色。坊间工作坊想去模仿HRC特别版,便要考虑合金轮圈、倒立前叉、尾摇臂和迫力卡钳的颜色对应,增添改装的成本和难度,直接打击模仿的意欲,令HRC特别版更矜贵,坐拥更高收视。Honda CBR1000RR Special是在06年11月17日才在日本接受订购的特别版本。全新三色拉花,威严慑人。2006 Honda CBR1000RR相比起2004年CBR1000RR,2006年新车的改动主要集中在引擎和内部零件方面。据灿基维修部的师傅表示,新车零件约有30%的改动。外表的改动不是重点,内部改良才是主菜。2004年推出的CBR1000RR,只是两年光景便被其他较新型号的对手迫入墙角。06年的改良项目并不是face-lift咁简单,修改清单包括引擎盘顶内的复杂构造、乘座姿势、转向几何、制动系统、啡呤、波箱、离合器等...结果是2006 CBR1000RR在重量,马力和操控性能等关键项目都有改良。 2006 Honda CBR1000RR采用全新更凶恶更进取的啡呤造形,座位软垫的密度轻微调低,提高舒适性。车身啡呤修窄了少许,并配上了新头灯。两侧啡呤据说能把引擎热量进一步带走,减轻对骑士的影响。Ram-Air导管入风口减低风阻,增强气流的集中性。新排气喉的重量比以前轻,流量也较以前大。 规格虽然仍是水冷998cc直四DOHC引擎,但2006 Honda CBR1000RR引擎盘顶有大幅度修改:包括燃烧室形状把压缩比由11.9:1提升至12.2:1、生气阀门、生气凸轮、进气岐管、哇佬弹簧通通重新设计,用意是增强中高段表现及提升引擎的峰值输出。11,650rpm引擎红区也往後推至12,200rpm。为了保持引擎在高转时的稳定性,哇佬弹弓改用双弹簧设计,而引擎阀门的检查时间表也可以相隔两万五千公里才需要作出保养调校。马力总增益是3.4%。 2006年CBR1000RR的尾牙由40齿增至42齿,让加速表现更凌厉。因为提升了的引擎红区,所以仍可维持尾段极速不变。离合器和波箱齿轮都经过改良,提升这个六速近牙波箱的啮合表现和耐用性,尾轮新增了差速器,平滑了离合器激烈操作时对尾轮的影响。 头双碟由310mm增加至320mm,同样采用放射性卡钳装嵌。直径虽然增加,但重量却减少了300g,原因是碟身的厚度由5mm减至4.5mm。尾碟仍然是厚5mm的220mm单碟单活塞卡钳。避震、转向及三角几何关系Motogp战车RC211V的车架没有改动,但头尾避震的特应特性经过改良,Unit Pro-link尾避震的连杆设计也经过修改,提高操控性。独门装备HESE电子钉巴当然仍会随车附送。轴距由1410mm缩短至1400mm,当中有5mm是缩短了尾摇臂的长度而来。拖曳距由102mm下降至100mm,前倾角由23°45减至"23°30",进一步增加操控的敏锐性。 CBR1000RR驰名的44mmPGM-DSFI二段式双喷咀电子燃油喷注系统设定大至不变,但喷注程式经过修改,提供更线性表表,ECU重量也轻微下降了100g。每一个喷咀都有12个小孔来雾化电油,低速时只有一个喷咀工作,在高转时另外一个喷咀才会加入战团。2006 Honda CBR1000RR 规格表长x阔x高:2,030mm x 720mm x 1,118mm轴距:1,400mm最低离地距:130mm离地座高:820mm干重:176kg油缸容量:18公升引擎形式:水冷四冲程直列四汽缸DOHC 16活瓣缸径x冲程:75 x 56.5mm总压缩比:12.2:1总排气量:998c.c.最高马力:172ps/12,500rpm最大扭力:11.67 kg-m/10,000rpm车架形式:铝合金双翼梁传动系统:湿式多片六前速链条传动燃油供应:44mmDSFI电子燃油喷注前倾角:23.45度拖曳距:100mm前悬挂系统:43mm倒立HMAS套筒前叉,附压缩及回弹预调,119mm行程后悬挂系统:Unit Pro-link HMAS单筒避震,135mm行程前掣动系统:双320mm浮动碟配四活塞放射式对向卡钳后掣动系统:单220mm碟配单活塞卡钳轮胎(前):120/70 - ZR17(后):190/50 - ZR17
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《泰山与珍妮》的歌词 要全英文的 不要那种翻译过的。

oo-ee-oo-ee deep in the jungle in the land of adventure, lives tarzan oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant my name is tarzan, i am jungle-man the tree-top swinger from jungle-land come, baby come, i will take you for a swing let"s go, honey, i"m tinkoling tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong he is really cute, and his hair is long tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong so listen to the jungle-song: oo-ee-oo-ee i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant when you touch me i feel funny i feel is too when you are touching me come to my tree-house to my party yes i"ll go if you carry me tarzan is hansome, full of surprise he is really cute and his hair is nice tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong so listen to the jungle-song: oo-ee-oo-ee i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant yeah go cheetah, get banana hey monkey, get funky go cheetah, get banana hey monkey, get funky when i am dancing, i feel funky why do you keep ignoring me? tarza is here, come, kiss me, baby coochie coochie kiss me tenderly (yes) tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong (me tarzan) he is really cute, and his hair is long (long hair) tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong so listn to the jungle-song: oo-ee-oo-ee i am tarzan from jungle you can be my friend oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant oo-ee-oo-ee go cheetah, get banana hey monkey, get funky oo-ee-oo-ee i am jane and i love to ride an elephant and so they got funky? but will tarzan and jane? stay tuned!求采纳
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公交线路:地铁1号线 → 177路,全程约29.5公里1、从市公交总公司步行约690米,到达黄河南路站2、乘坐地铁1号线,经过14站, 到达西流湖站3、步行约240米,到达建设西路西流湖站4、乘坐177路,经过18站, 到达长椿路枫杨街站5、步行约820米,到达郑州大学(新校区)郑州市新图书馆
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2023-07-28 22:39:143


你说的利率是年利率么?如果是的话,IRR 15.3%
2023-07-28 22:39:144

借问 in order to 同 due to 有咩分别?

两者『不一样』 『in order to』 解 『为了』 用于 『Adverb clauses of Purpose』 in order to = so as to = to 后面跟Verb He is working very hard (in order to / so as to / to) pass the exam. in order that = so that 后面 跟 Subject + Verb He is working very hard (in order that / so that) he can pass the exam 『due to』 解 『由于』 用于 『Adverb clauses of Reason』 due to = caused by 只能用于 Verb to be 后 或 Noun 后 He was absent (because of / on account of / owing to / due to (不能用于absent 后) / caused by (不能用于absent 后 ) his illness. His absent was (due to / caused by) his illness. 希望帮到你! 不一样。 in order to 是为了做某事或想做某事。 例如:为了想令你相信........(In order to make you believe ...........) due to 是因为某事。 例如:这意外是因为你的疏忽 (This accident was due to your carelessness)
2023-07-28 22:39:121

Tarzan Boy (Summer Version) (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Tarzan Boy (Summer Version) (2010 Digital Remaster)歌手:Baltimora专辑:Tarzan Boy: The World Of BaltimoraTarzan BoyBaltimoraOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohJungle lifeI"m far away from nowhereOn my own like Tarzan BoyHide and seekI play along while rushing cross the forestMonkey business on a sunny afternoonJungle lifeI"m living in the openNative beat that carries onBurning brightA fire the blows the signal to the skyI sit and wonder does the message get to youOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonightGimme the other, gimme the otherNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the other worldOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohJungle lifeYou"re far away from nothingIt"s all rightYou won"t miss homeTake a chanceLeave everything behind youCome and join me , Won"t be sorryIt"s easy to surviveJungle lifeWe"re living in the openAll alone like Tarzan BoyHide and seekWe play along while rushing cross the forestMonkey business on a sunny afternoonNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonightGimme the other, gimme the otherNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the other worldOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonight, Oh YeahNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherNight to nightYou won"t playNight to nightGimme the other, gimme the otherChance tonight, Oh YeahNight to night , Night to nightGimme the other, gimme the other worldOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...
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Planting1. IntroductionPlanting is a vital part of our ecosystem. It is an essential process that plays a significant role in maintaining the balance of nature. There are various ways in which planting affects the environment, and this article will explore the various benefits of planting and its impact on our environment.2. Benefits of PlantingPlanting has a wide range of benefits. Firstly, it helps to regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen during photosynthesis. This process helps in combating climate change, mitigating the effects of greenhouse gases and reducing air pollution. Secondly, planting helps to prevent soil erosion. The roots of plants help to hold the soil in place, and this reduces the amount of soil that is washed away by rain or wind. Thirdly, planting conserves water. Plants absorb water from the soil and release it into the air through a process called transpiration. This process helps in maintaining the water cycle and reducing the risks of floods and droughts.3. Impact of Planting on BiodiversityPlanting also plays a significant role in supporting biodiversity. By providing habitats for various flora and fauna, planting helps in maintaining the balance of nature. Trees, plants, and flowers are beneficial to insects, birds, and other animals that rely on them for food and shelter. The loss of habitat due to deforestation and other factors has led to the extinction of several species, and planting is an effective way of mitigating this loss.4. Importance of Sustainable Planting PracticesSustainable planting practices are critical to maintaining the benefits of planting. It is essential to consider the type of plants that are being planted, their location, and the methods used in planting. The use of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals can have adverse effects on the environment, and it is crucial to minimize their use or avoid them altogether. Sustainable planting practices also involve the proper disposal of waste and the responsible use of resources such as water and energy.5. Community Participation in PlantingInvolving the community in planting is an effective way of fostering environmental awareness and promoting sustainable practices. Planting can be done in schools, public spaces, and other communal areas to encourage participation and engagement with nature. Community-led planting projects can also help in bringing people together, promoting social cohesion and reducing crime.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, planting is essential to maintaining the health of our environment. It provides a wide range of benefits, including regulating the climate, conserving water, preventing soil erosion, and supporting biodiversity. However, it is critical to consider sustainable planting practices to ensure that the benefits of planting are maintained in the long term. Encouraging community participation in planting can also help in promoting environmental awareness and promoting sustainable practices.
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1.Zap 1.攻击,打败,快速移动 2.Zealous 2.热心的,积极的 3.Zebra 3.斑马 4.Zen 4.禅 5.Zenith 5.顶点,最高峰 6.Zero .零 7.Zest 7.风味,热心 8.Zig-zag 8.曲折的 9.Zilch 9.无价值之物,小人物 10.Zillion 10.庞大的数字 11.Zinc 11.锌;镀锌于 12.Zip 12.给……以速度,拉链 13.Zit 13.青春痘,面包 14.Zodiac 14.黄道带,十二宫图 15.Zombie 15.僵尸 16.Zone 16.区域 17.Zonked 17.使惊呆;醉酒的 18.Zoo 18.公园 19.Zoom 19.急速上升,使摄像机移动 20.Zucchini 20.西葫芦
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Mont Tai Mont Hua Mont Heng Mont Heng Mont Song
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2023-07-28 22:38:467

in order to与for好像都是“为了”的意思,它们有什么区别呢?

in order to 接动词不定式;for 后接名词或者动名词。We work hard in order to get good grades.We have bought some apples for the little children.
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