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2023-05-19 18:31:58












2023-01-08 02:54:297


土部 土 二至三画 玍 去 圣 圩 圬 圭 寺 在 至 尘 圪 老 考 圳 圾 圹 圮 圯 地 场 四画 坛 坏 坜 址 坚 坝 坐 坌 坋 圻 坂 均 坍 坎 坞 坟 坊 坑 块 坠 坳 灶 五画 坪 坷 茔 坩 坯 垄 坫 垆 坦 坤 坰 垇 坿 丘 坻 坼 坨 垃 幸 坢 坡 坭 坳 六画 型 垚 垩 垭 垣 垯 垮 垤 城 垫 垌 垲 垱 埏 垡 垍 垧 垢 垕 垛 垜 垴 垞 垵 垓 垟 垒 垦 垠 七画 埔 埂 埕 埘 埋 埚 埙 垾 袁 埆 埒 埒 垸 埌 垽 埃 八画 堎 堵 野 垭 垩 域 坚 基 埴 崎 埯 堑 堂 埸 堌 埚 埰 埝 埨 埵 堆 埤 堄 堋 埠 堍 埳 培 埻 堉 堃 执 墋 埽 堀 埭 堕 九画 堧 堛 墴 堪 堞 塔 堾 堰 堙 堶 堦 堤 场 塄 塅 堠 堡 堘 块 塆 堩 报 墍 堖 壻 十画 塥 墓 塨 填 塬 埘 塌 埙 堽 垲 塕 塮 坞 塍 塓 涂 塞 塙 塘 塑 茔 塱 冢 十一画 墕 台 堑 墐 塼 塽 墙 垫 墘 墈 墟 墅 墁 塲 墖 墚 境 墒 塾 墉 尘 坠 墬 堕 朅 墋 十二至十四画 坟 墶 墝 墠 墨 墦 墺 墩 墪 樽 墡 增 墀 墙 壄 墼 臻 壋 垦 壈 坛 壅 壁 壐 压 壑 鼃 埙 壕 圹 十五画以上 垒 坜 垆 壜 垄 壠 坏 疆 壤 坝 壪
2023-01-08 02:55:062


坬拼音:guà,wà  笔划:8  部首:土五笔输入法:  基本解释:   坬  guà  土堆。  山坡。  坬  wà  用做地名:如暖泉坬、高家坬等,一般在陕西北部的一些村庄的名称居多。
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2023-01-08 02:55:241


土字笔顺:横、竖、横,如下图:土拼音:tǔ释义:1、地面上的泥沙混合物:土壤。黄土。2、疆域:国土。领土。3、本地的,地方性的:故土。4、民间生产的(区别于“洋”):土方(民间流传的药方,亦称“偏方”)。5、不合潮流:土气。6、未熬制的鸦片:烟土。7、中国古代乐器八音之一。8、中国少数民族,主要分布于青海省:土族。9、姓。扩展资料汉字演变:相关组词:1、沙土[shā tǔ] 由80%以上的沙和20%以下的黏土混合而成的土壤。泛指含沙很多的土。这种土壤土质疏松,透水通气性好,但保水、保肥能力差,耕种时需要改良。2、净土[jìng tǔ] 佛教认为佛、菩萨等居住的世界,没有尘世的污染,所以叫净土。3、乡土[xiāng tǔ] 本乡本土。4、土豆[tǔ dòu] 马铃薯的通称。5、本土[běn tǔ] 乡土;原来的生长地。
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2023-01-08 02:56:101


土的写法是:横、竖、横。一、土的基本释义:1、地面上的泥沙混合物:~壤。黄~。2、疆域:国~。领~。3、本地的,地方性的:故~。4、民间生产的(区别于“洋”):~方(民间流传的药方,亦称“偏方”)。5、不合潮流:~气。6、未熬制的鸦片:烟~。7、中国古代乐器八音之一。8、中国少数民族,主要分布于青海省:~族。9、姓。二、土的组词:一丘土、一培土、一方水土养一方人、一棺之土、一片焦土、水土不服、乡土、依土、入土为安。三、土的例句1、 总的来说,月季喜欢肥沃均衡的黏性壤土,能够忍受砂质土壤,但是会在白垩土中生长不良。在池栽试验条件下,研究了壤土、粘土、砂土三种质地土壤对高油玉米碳氮积累和运转的影响。2、 结果表明:在水利条件较好、土壤特性为砂质壤土且肥力条件较好的田块适合采用免耕栽培法。3、 大别山南麓晚第三纪为炎热潮湿的气候环境,酸性黄红壤土上生长着海南红豆、秋枫等被子植物。4、 铺盖与斜墙相连,铺盖由粘土或壤土做成,一般要求地基与铺盖土料渗透系数之比至少在1000以上。5、 采用自创的“三维坐标容器法”,研究了潮砂土、红壤土、水稻土对陆稻根系生长发育的影响。
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2023-01-08 02:58:481


土字有哪些字你是说土字的组词有哪些吧,与土字组词的有土地,土地的意思是和田地相近,田地;土壤,土地平旷。——晋· 陶渊明《桃花源记》土地肥沃,土地分配(2) [territory] 领土;疆域欲者土地。——《韩非子·五蠹》欲辟土地。——《孟子·梁惠王上》割土地,赔银两(3) [land"s god;local god of land;village god] 神名。指掌管、守护某个地方的神还有领土,领土是指疆域。《国语·吴语》:“凡 吴 土地人民, 越 既有之矣,孤何以视於天下。”《孟子·梁惠王上》:“然则王之所大欲可知已,欲辟土地,朝 秦 楚 ,莅中国而抚四夷也。” 宋 苏轼 《策略》:“而 高祖 以 项氏 创残之馀,而又与 布 信 之徒,角驰於中原,此六七公者,皆以绝人之姿,据有土地甲兵之众,其势足以乱。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第一章:“目今倘不一战却敌,张我国威,恐怕订城下之盟,割土地,输岁币,接踵而至。”再有就是土豆,学名叫马铃薯,是一种可以当菜亦可做主食的食物。还有地名,比如:土耳其。土耳其是一个国家,土耳其,全称为土耳其共和国,地跨亚、欧两洲,位于地中海和黑海之间。大部分领土位于亚洲的小亚细亚半岛,欧洲部分位于巴尔干半岛东南部,全国总面积约780576平方公里。东界伊朗,东北邻格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆,东南与叙利亚、伊拉克接壤,西北和保加利亚、希腊毗连,北滨黑海,西与西南隔地中海与塞浦路斯相望。博斯普鲁斯海峡和达达尼尔海峡以及两海峡间的马尔马拉海,是沟通黑海和地中海的唯一水道,战略位置十分重要。
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2023-01-08 02:59:212


垃[lā] 〔~圾〕尘土和扔掉的脏东西。圾[jī] 见〖垃圾〗。地[dì] [de] 1.人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系八大行星之一)。~心说。2.地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。3.地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。4.地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。5.地球上的一个区域:...在[zài] 1.存在;生存:精神永~。留得青山~,不怕没柴烧。父母都~。2.表示人或事物的位置:我今天晚上不~厂里。你的钢笔~桌子上呢。3.留在:~职。~位。4.参加(某团体);属于(某团体):~党。~组织。5.在于;决定于:...土[tǔ] 1.土壤;泥土:黄~。黏~。~山。~坡。~堆。2.土地:国~。领~。3.本地的;地方性的:~产。~话。这个字眼太~,外地人不好懂。4.民间的;民间沿用的;非现代化的(区别于“洋”):~法。~专家。~洋并举。5.不合...去[qù] 1.从所在地到别的地方(跟“来”相对):~路。~向。从成都~重庆。他~了三天,还没回来。 2.离开:~国。~世。~职。~留两便。3.失去;失掉:大势已~。4.除去;除掉:~病。~火。~皮。这句话~几个字就简洁了。5...坐[zuò] 1.把臀部放在椅子、凳子或其他物体上,支持身体重量:请~。咱们~下来谈。他~在河边钓鱼。稳~江山。2.乘;搭:~船。~火车。3.(房屋)背对着某一方向:这座大楼是~北朝南的。4.把锅、壶等放在炉火上:~一壶水。火旺...墓[mù] 1.坟墓:公~。烈士~。扫~。2.(Mù)姓。块[kuài] 1.成疙瘩或成团儿的东西:糖~儿。把肉切成~儿。2.用于块状或某些片状的东西:两~香皂。三~手表。一~桌布。一~试验田。3.用于银币或纸币,等于“圆”:三~钱。
2023-01-08 02:59:322


土字旁的字大全有哪些?下面就给大家详细介绍:土字旁的字大全_ _ 圣 _ _ _ _ _ 圭 场 地 圾 圩 在 圬 圪 圳 圹 圮 圯 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 块 坞 址 坝 坊 坑 坟 坏 坚 坍 坌 均 坎 坛 坠 坐 坜 圻 坂 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 坷 垂 坤 坪 垄 垃 坯 坡 坦 坩 垅 坫 垆 坼 坻 坨 坭 坶坳 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 丘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 垣 垮 垛 城 垫垦 垒 垢 垩 垡 垌 垲 埏 垧 垴 垓 垠 型 垭 垤 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 埋 埔 埃 埂 埕 埘 埚 埙 埒 垸 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 堆 培 埠 堵 堕基 堑 堂 域 堇 埴 埯 埸 埤 埝 堋 堍 埽 埭 堀 _ _ _ 执 _ 崎 _ _ _ _ _ 坚 __ _ _ 野 _ 垭 _ _ _ _ _ _ 垩 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 埚 堤 塔土字旁的字大全按笔划分类部首为土的汉字 部外笔画数0: 土 部外笔画数1: _ _ 部外笔画数2: 圣 _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数3: 场 地 圪 圭 圾 圹 圮 圩 圬 圯 在 圳 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数4: 坝 坂 坌 坊 坏 坚 均 坎 坑 块 坜 圻 坍 坛 坞 址 坠 坐 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数5: _ 坳 _ 坼 坻 垂 坫 坩 坷 坤 垃 垄 垆 坭 坯 坪 坡 坦 坨 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 垅 _ 坶 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数6: _ _ 城 _ _ 垫 垤 垌 垛 垩 垡 垓 垢 _ _ _ _ 垲 垦 垮 垒 垴 垧 型 垭 埏 _ _ 垠 垣 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数7: 埃 埔 埕 埂 埚 _ _ 埒 埋 _ 埘 _ 埙 _ 垸 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 袁 部外笔画数8: 埯 埠 埭 堵 堆 _ 堕 _ 基 堇 堀 _ _ _ 埝 培 堋 埤 堑 埽 堂 堍 埸 域 _ 埴 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数9: 堡 _ _ 塔 堤 堞 _ _ 堠 _ 堪 塄 _ _ _ 堰 堙 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数10: _ 塍 _ 塥 _ _ _ 墓 塞 塑 塌 塘 填 _ _ 塬 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数11: _ _ 境 _ 墚 墁 _ 墙 墒 塾 墅 _ 墟 _ 墉 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数12: _ 墀 _ 墩 _ 墨 _ _ _ 增 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数13: 壁 墼 _ 壅 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数14: 壕 壑 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数15: _ _ 部外笔画数16: _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数17: 壤 _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数19: _ 部外笔画数20: _ 部外笔画数21: _ 部外笔画数22: _ 以上就是小编今天的分享,希望能够帮助到大家。
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2023-01-08 02:59:494


圣 圭 至 尘堃、圣、圭、坐、坚、坠、茔、垄、垒、基、堡、塾、墅、堂、堕、塑、壁、壅、壑坐,查字典啊
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2023-01-08 03:01:231


土的笔画 名称 横、竖、横、
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2023-01-08 03:01:512


一、土字的笔顺是:横、竖、横、二、田字格写法如下:三、释义:1、土壤;泥土:黄~。黏~。~山。~坡。~堆。2、土地:国~。领~。3、本地的;地方性的:~产。~话。这个字眼太~,外地人不好懂。4、民间的;民间沿用的;非现代化的(区别于“洋”):~法。~专家。~洋并举。5、不合潮流;不开通:~里~气。~头~脑。6、未熬制的鸦片:烟~。7、姓。四、相关组词:沙土 本土 土黄 乡土 土豆 净土 泥土 尘土 土壤 乐土 土匪 土坯 虚土 黏土扩展资料:一、字形演变:造字本义:名词,耸立在地面的泥墩。文言版《说文解字》:土,地之吐生物者也。二象地之下、地之中,丨,物出形也。凡土之属皆从土。        白话版《说文解字》:土,大地用以吐生万物的介质。上下两横的“二”,象地之下、地之中,中间的一竖“丨”,像植物从地面长出的样子。所有与土相关的字,都采用“土”作边旁。二、词组释义:1、虚土[xū tǔ] 翻过或耕过的松软的土。2、黏土[nián tǔ] 含沙粒很少,有黏性的土壤。养分较丰富,能保水、保肥,但通气透水性差,耕种时需要改良。3、守土[shǒu tǔ] 保卫领土:~有责。4、土方[tǔ fāng] 挖土、填土、运土的工作量通常都用立方米计算,一立方米称为一个土方。5、土人[tǔ rén] 外地人称经济、文化等不发达地区的当地人(含轻视意)。
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2023-01-08 03:03:581


土字的笔顺:一、土的声母t,韵母u,音调 tǔ。二、释义:地面上的泥沙混合物:~壤。黄~。三、部首:土。相关组词:1、乡土 [xiāng tǔ] 本乡本土:~观念。~风味。2、净土 [jìng tǔ] 佛教认为佛、菩萨等居住的世界,没有尘世的污染,所以叫净土。3、沙土 [shā tǔ] 由80%以上的沙和20%以下的黏土混合而成的土壤。4、土豆 [tǔ dòu] 马铃薯的通称。5、本土 [běn tǔ] 乡土;原来的生长地:本乡~。6、土黄 [tǔ huáng] 像黄土那样的黄色。
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土字旁的字大全有哪些?下面就给大家详细介绍:土字旁的字大全_ _ 圣 _ _ _ _ _ 圭 场 地 圾 圩 在 圬 圪 圳 圹 圮 圯 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 块 坞 址 坝 坊 坑 坟 坏 坚 坍 坌 均 坎 坛 坠 坐 坜 圻 坂 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 坷 垂 坤 坪 垄 垃 坯 坡 坦 坩 垅 坫 垆 坼 坻 坨 坭 坶坳 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 丘 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 垣 垮 垛 城 垫垦 垒 垢 垩 垡 垌 垲 埏 垧 垴 垓 垠 型 垭 垤 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 埋 埔 埃 埂 埕 埘 埚 埙 埒 垸 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 堆 培 埠 堵 堕基 堑 堂 域 堇 埴 埯 埸 埤 埝 堋 堍 埽 埭 堀 _ _ _ 执 _ 崎 _ _ _ _ _ 坚 __ _ _ 野 _ 垭 _ _ _ _ _ _ 垩 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 埚 堤 塔土字旁的字大全按笔划分类部首为土的汉字 部外笔画数0: 土 部外笔画数1: _ _ 部外笔画数2: 圣 _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数3: 场 地 圪 圭 圾 圹 圮 圩 圬 圯 在 圳 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数4: 坝 坂 坌 坊 坏 坚 均 坎 坑 块 坜 圻 坍 坛 坞 址 坠 坐 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数5: _ 坳 _ 坼 坻 垂 坫 坩 坷 坤 垃 垄 垆 坭 坯 坪 坡 坦 坨 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 垅 _ 坶 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数6: _ _ 城 _ _ 垫 垤 垌 垛 垩 垡 垓 垢 _ _ _ _ 垲 垦 垮 垒 垴 垧 型 垭 埏 _ _ 垠 垣 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数7: 埃 埔 埕 埂 埚 _ _ 埒 埋 _ 埘 _ 埙 _ 垸 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 袁 部外笔画数8: 埯 埠 埭 堵 堆 _ 堕 _ 基 堇 堀 _ _ _ 埝 培 堋 埤 堑 埽 堂 堍 埸 域 _ 埴 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数9: 堡 _ _ 塔 堤 堞 _ _ 堠 _ 堪 塄 _ _ _ 堰 堙 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数10: _ 塍 _ 塥 _ _ _ 墓 塞 塑 塌 塘 填 _ _ 塬 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数11: _ _ 境 _ 墚 墁 _ 墙 墒 塾 墅 _ 墟 _ 墉 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数12: _ 墀 _ 墩 _ 墨 _ _ _ 增 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数13: 壁 墼 _ 壅 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数14: 壕 壑 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数15: _ _ 部外笔画数16: _ _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数17: 壤 _ _ _ _ _ 部外笔画数19: _ 部外笔画数20: _ 部外笔画数21: _ 部外笔画数22: _ 以上就是小编今天的分享,希望能够帮助到大家。
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土字旁的汉字有圾、地、坐、垃、土、在、壁、坡、埋、坪、墓、塘、块、墙、埂、场、坤、坛、袁、填、培、垮、坏、幸、塑、城、堡、垫、塔、境、垢、墩、堂、墨、址、型、垂、域、坚、坊、坑、基、坝、坷、坨、垄、堵、坎、坟、坍、增、墅、垛、圳、塌、堆、均、垒、圩、堤、坻、塞、垦等。一、坡[pō] 1、地形倾斜的地方:山坡。高坡。爬坡。2、倾斜:坡度。板子坡着放。二、埋[mái] [mán] 1、(用土、沙、雪、落叶等)盖住:埋藏。埋地雷。2、隐藏:埋伏。隐姓埋名。三、坪[píng] 1、平地(原指山区或黄土高原上的,多用于地名):草坪。停机坪。杨家坪(在陕西)。2、土地或房屋面积单位,1坪约合3.3平方米。四、塘[táng] 1、堤岸;堤防:河塘。海塘。2、水池:池塘。鱼塘。这个塘不太深。3、浴池:澡塘。4、室内生火取暖用的坑:火塘。5、姓。五、埂[gěng] 1、地势高起的长条地方:再往前走,就是一道小山埂。2、用泥土筑成的堤防:埂堰。堤埂。
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带土字旁的字有很多,比如:堵,堪,培,墙,坛等。   解释:    一:堵:[ dǔ ]   部首:土 笔画:11 五行:金 五笔:FFTJ   基本解释   1.阻塞(sāiㄙㄞ),挡:~塞。~挡。~截。~击。~嘴。   2.心中不畅快:~心。   3.墙:围者如~。   4.量词,用于墙。   5.古代钟或磐十六枚编成一组,挂在一个架子上称一堵。   6.姓。    二:堪[ kān ]   部首:土 笔画:12 五行:土 五笔:FADN   基本解释   1.能,可以,足以:不~设想。~当重任。~以告慰。   2.忍受,能支持:难~。不~一击。狼狈不~。疲惫不~。    三:培[ pi ]   部首:土 笔画:11 五行:土 五笔:FUKG   基本解释   1.为保护植物或墙堤等,在根基部分加土:~土。~种(zhng)。~修。~植。   2.帮助和保护人的成长:~养。~育。~训。    四:墻[ qiáng ]   部首:土 笔画:14 五行:土 五笔:FFUK   基本解释   1.用砖石等砌成承架房顶或隔开内外的建筑物:砖~。土~。院~。城~。~垣。~头。~头草。铜~铁壁。   2.门屏:萧~(喻内部,如祸起~~)。   3.古代出殡时张于棺材周围的帏帐。    五:坛[ tán ]   部首:土 笔画:7 五行:土 五笔:FFCY   基本解释   1. 古代举行祭祀、誓师等大典用的土和石筑的高台 :天~。地~。登~拜将。   2. 用土堆成的平台 :花~。   3. 僧道进行宗教活动的场所 :神~。法~。   4. 文艺界、体育界或舆论阵地 :艺~。文~。球~。论~。   5. 一种口小肚大的陶器 :~子。水~。   四画   坛 坏 坜 址 坚 坝 坐 坌 坋 圻 坂 均 坍 坎 坞 坟 坊 坑 块 坠 坳 灶   五画   坪 坷 茔 坩 坯 垄 坫 垆 坦 坤 坰 垇 坿 丘 坻 坼 坨 垃 幸 坢 坡 坭 坳   六画   型 垚 垩 垭 垣 垯 垮 垤 城 垫 垌 垲 垱 埏 垡 垍 垧 垢 垕 垛 垜 垴 垞 垵 垓 垟 垒 垦 垠   七画   埔 埂 埕 埘 埋 埚 埙 垾 袁 埆 埒 埒 垸 埌 垽 埃   八画   堎 堵 野 垭 垩 域 坚 基 埴 崎 埯 堑 堂 埸 堌 埚 埰 埝 埨 埵 堆 埤 堄 堋 埠 堍 埳 培 埻 堉 堃 执 墋 埽 堀 埭 堕   九画   堧 堛 墴 堪 堞 塔 堾 堰 堙 堶 堦 堤 场 塄 塅 堠 堡 堘 块 塆 堩 报 墍 堖 壻   十画   塥 墓 塨 填 塬 埘 塌 埙 堽 垲 塕 塮 坞 塍 塓 涂 塞 塙 塘 塑 茔 塱 冢   十一画   拓展资料   偏旁,是指对合体字进行切分后得到的某个部分。以前称合体字的左方为偏,右方为旁;现在把合体字的组成部分统称为偏旁。位于字的左边,叫左偏旁;位于字的右边,叫右偏旁。
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字体见下面:阳土:培、佳、坦、土、墨、坤、寺、坊、坛、城、域、垸、塬、塔等带土字旁的字。阴土:幽、峨、岳、崔、炭、岱、屿、峦、峰、崎、山、岚、岛、岩等带山字旁的字。土形基本笔划和部首为:尸、土、々、幺、扌、丑、田、艮、辰、一、阝等。 五行土字有艾、凹、鸟、圣、戊、阢、央、叶、永、用等。
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土字旁的汉字有圾、地、坐、垃、土、在、壁、坡、埋、坪、墓、塘、块、墙、埂、场、坤、坛、袁、填、培、垮、坏、幸、塑、城、堡、垫、塔、境、垢、墩、堂、墨、址、型、垂、域、坚、坊、坑、基、坝、坷、坨、垄、堵、坎、坟、坍、增、墅、垛、圳、塌、堆、均、垒、圩、堤、坻、塞、垦等。一、坡[pō] 1、地形倾斜的地方:山坡。高坡。爬坡。2、倾斜:坡度。板子坡着放。二、埋[mái] [mán] 1、(用土、沙、雪、落叶等)盖住:埋藏。埋地雷。2、隐藏:埋伏。隐姓埋名。三、坪[píng] 1、平地(原指山区或黄土高原上的,多用于地名):草坪。停机坪。杨家坪(在陕西)。2、土地或房屋面积单位,1坪约合3.3平方米。四、塘[táng] 1、堤岸;堤防:河塘。海塘。2、水池:池塘。鱼塘。这个塘不太深。3、浴池:澡塘。4、室内生火取暖用的坑:火塘。5、姓。五、埂[gěng] 1、地势高起的长条地方:再往前走,就是一道小山埂。2、用泥土筑成的堤防:埂堰。堤埂。
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土”字头的有去[ qù ],老[ lǎo ],考[ kǎo ],寺[ sì ]。1.去[ qù]离开所在的地方到别处;由自己一方到另一方,与“来”相对;距离,差别;已过的,特指刚过去的一年 ;除掉,减掉 ;扮演戏曲中的角色。2.老[ lǎo ]
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many much a lot of lots of a deal of a great deal of great abundant
2023-01-08 02:56:335


名词是:laziness英['leɪzinəs]释义:n.怠惰;无精打采短语:Unit Three Laziness懒惰词语用法:adj.(形容词)lazy的基本意思是“懒惰的”,是贬义词,指日常工作中懒惰、磨蹭、不喜欢甚至讨厌下工夫做事。在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。扩展资料:词语辨析:idle,lazy这两个形容词均有“闲散、懒惰”之意。1、idle通常指不忙,无事可干,一般不含应责备之意。2、lazy指好逸恶劳,贪闲偷懒,或不愿学习或工作等,常含应受责备之意。词源解说:直接源自中古低地德语的lasich,意为虚弱的,疲惫的。
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eaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that those who
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形容词 懒的
2023-01-08 02:56:462

显卡或CPU后面的MHZ 、GHZ是什么意思 ?

2023-01-08 02:56:494

lazy怎么读 lazy的意思

1、lazy的读音:英[leɪzɪ],美[ˈlezi]。 2、adj.不愿工作的; 懒散的; 懒惰的; 无精打采的; 懒洋洋的; 没下工夫的; 粗枝大叶的; 马虎的。 3、[例句]Paolo returned to his lazy way and slept all morning.保罗又回到他懒散的生活方式,睡了一上午。
2023-01-08 02:56:531


求职英语面试:性格爱好篇(personality) 性格与爱好 通过个性和爱好的问答,主考官可以初步判断面试者的性格特点是否适合职位的需要。性格外向的人往往容易给人留下热情活泼、思维敏捷但不深沉的印象,这类性格的人在面试时说话的节奏要适当放慢,语言组织得当,要注意给人以博学多才、见多识广的良好形象。性格内向的人则容易给人留下深沉有余、反应迟缓的印象,在面试时,这类性格的人要力争积极回答,并就某一重大观点展开论述,以弥补自己性格上的不足。 兴趣爱好有助于工作的胜任愉快,而且热爱本职,从事的专业岗位与自己的兴趣爱好相吻合也更有利于出成果。 BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达 1) What kind of character do you think you have? 你认为自己是什么性格的人? 2) Are you introverted or extroverted? 你内向还是外向? 3) What kind of person would you like to work with? 你喜欢和什么样的人一起工作呢? 4) -How do you get along with others? 你和别人相处得怎样? -I get on well with others. 我和别人相处得很好。 5) Do you have any particular strengths or weaknesses? 你有什么特别的优点和缺点吗? 6) What basic principles do you apply to your life? 你生活中的基本原则是什么? 7) How do you spend your spare time? 你的业余时间怎么度过? 8) What kind of sports do you like most? 你最喜欢什么运动? 9) What are your hobbies? 你的业余爱好是什么? 10)I have an interest in traveling. 我对旅游非常感兴趣。 CONVERSATIONS 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 I: What kind of character do you think you have? A: Generally speaking,I am an open-minded person. I: What is your strongest trait? A: Cheerfulness and friendliness. I: How would your friends or colleagues describe you? A: They say Mr. Sun is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. I: What personality do you admire? A: I admire a person who is honest, flexible and easy-going. I: How do you get along with others? A: I get on well with others. I: 你认为你是什么性格的人? A: 总的来说,我是个思想很开明的人。 I: 你个性上最大的特点是什么? A: 乐观和友好。 I: 你的朋友或同事怎么形容你? A: 他们说孙先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。 I: 你欣赏哪种性格的人? A: 我欣赏诚实、灵活而且容易相处的人。 I: 你和别人相处得怎样? A: 我和别人相处得很好。 Dialogue 2 I: What kind of person do you think you are? A: Well, I am always energetic and enthusiastic. That"s my strongest personality. I: What are your strengths and weaknesses? A: Em, as I have said, It"s diligent and industrious. On the other hand, sometimes It"stoo hard-working and I put myself under too much pressure to make things perfect. I: What qualities would you expect of persons working as a team? A: To work in a team, in my opinion, two characteristics are necessary for a person. That is, the person must be cooperative and aggressive. I: How do you spend your leisure time? A: I like playing games and having sports. They are my favourite hobbies. I: So,what kind of sport do you like most? A: Oh, it"s hard to narrow it down to just one. I mean, I like all kinds of sports, basketball,swimming, bike riding and so on. Maybe it is just the reason why I am so energetic and vigorous. I: 你觉得你自己的个性如何? A: 嗯,我觉得自己精力很充沛,做事很有热情。这是我最大的特点了。 I: 那你认为自己的最大优点和缺点是什么呢? A: 正如我刚才说过的,我工作特别勤奋认真。但是,有时为了尽可能把事情办得完美些,我又会让自己背上太多的压力,工作太辛苦。 I: 你认为作为团队中的一员,一个人需要具备什么样的品质? A: 依我之见,作为团队中的一员,合作精神和进取精神两者皆不可少。 I: 你业余时间都做些什么? A: 我爱玩游戏和体育运动,这是我最大的爱好。 I: 那么你最喜欢什么体育运动? A: 哦,那可实在太多了,我喜欢各类体育运动,打篮球、 游泳、骑车之类的。也许这是我精力如此充沛的原因吧。 open-minded 开明的,开放的 easy-going 容易相处的 personality 个性,人格 enthusiastic 充满热情的" leisure 空闲的,闲暇的 hobby 业余爱好 应试者应该根据应聘职位的需求,尽量的使用适当的词语形容自己的个性特点。例如,应试者如果应聘秘书的职位,那么他(她)在形容自己的个性特点时应尽量选用类似efficient (有效率的)、careful(办事仔细的)、responsible(负责的)等词语而不应该选用purposeful(有目的的)或 liberal(心胸宽大的)等不着边际的词语。 1) What kind of character do you think you are? personality person 你认为你自己具有什么样的性格。 你认为你自己具有什么样的个性。 你认为你自己是个什么样的人。 2) Do you have any particular strengths or weaknesses? What are your strengths and weaknesses? merits strong points shortcomings 你有什么特别的强项或缺点吗? 你的强项和缺点是什么? 你有什么优点? 你有何长处? 你有何缺点? 3) How do you spend your leisure time? = What do you do for leisure? spare free 你的休闲时间如何度过? 你的空闲时间怎么打发? 你的空闲时间怎么打发? 4) I have an interest in traveling. am fond of like love 我对旅游感兴趣。 我喜欢旅游。 我喜欢旅游。 我爱好旅游。 ;
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2023-01-08 02:56:257


azy英音: ["leizi]   美音: ["leizi]副词1.不愿工作的;懒散的;懒惰的2.无精打采的;懒洋洋的3.没下工夫的;粗枝大叶的;马虎的4.行进缓慢的;慢吞吞的disinclined to work or exertionmoving slowly and gently词形变化形容词比较级: lazier,laziest副词: lazily名称: laziness近义词辨析这两个形容词均有“闲散,懒惰”之意。idle通常指不忙,无事可干,一般不含应责备之意。lazy指好逸恶劳,贪闲偷懒,或不愿学习或工作等,常含应受责备之意。例句With children as lazy as these, you have to beat the facts in.对这么懒惰的孩子,你只能把知识硬灌给他们。I have no time for lazy people like Steve.我讨厌像史蒂夫这样的懒汉。He is intelligent, to be sure, but he"s also very lazy.他固然聪明,但也很懒。Look how lazy we"ve become.瞧我们变得有多懒。I was feeling too lazy to go out.我当时懒得动,不愿意外出。
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cav的意思是风量;恒定角速度;鸡贫血病毒;丽声;鸡传染性贫血病毒;贫血病病等。1、风量。可以调变风量。常用的中央空调系统为AHU(空调机)与冷水管系统FCU系统。这两者一般均以定风量(CAV)来供应空调区,为了应付室内部分负荷的变动,在AHU定风量系统以空调机的变温送风来处理。2、恒定角速度。在电脑中得到光盘上的数据。3、鸡贫血病毒。试剂盒人γ分泌素激活蛋白(PION)ELISA,鸡贫血病毒(CAV)ELISA试剂盒。4、丽声。丽声家用功放AV1086产品描述/介绍-音响网这里是音响网产品中心为您提供的CAV(丽声)AV1086家用功放的产品产品描述/介绍信息。5、鸡传染性贫血病毒。括鸡马立克氏病病毒(MDV)、鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)、鸡传染性贫血病毒(CAV)、禽网状内皮组织增生症病毒(REV)和禽白血病病毒(ALV)等。6、贫血病病毒。单股、环状的DNA链组成。被列入该科的病毒既有植物病毒,又有动物病毒,动物病毒有鸡传染性贫血病病毒(CAV)、鹦鹉咏羽病病毒(PBFDV)。7、犬腺病毒。且与犬瘟热病毒(CDV)、犬细小病毒(CPV)、犬腺病毒(CAV)不发生交叉反应;特异性强;与NDV、AIV、NiPV等RNA病毒不发生交叉反应。 快速记单词的方法:1、拆分法:拆分法就是把一个单词拆开来记,降低记忆难度,提高记忆速度,例如income拆成in和come把一个新词拆成两个简单的单词,记忆起来就特别简单了。2、增减字母法:以某个单词为基础,增、减、换一个字母就变成了另一个新单词。例如:ice-nice-rice,ear-near-hear-dear,lake,snake、cake、make,这样不仅容易读出新词,而且能记住相同字母的发音规律。3、应用记忆法:即将单词应用到实际生活中,做到可以随时随地的记忆单词。例如:学记construction建设这个词,这个词来源于中国建设银行Construction Bank of China的一部分,在银行大牌匾上醒目的写着中英文,多看多记多背,多留心身边常见的英语就记住了。
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2023-01-08 02:56:134


  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是我精心整理的英语话题作文8篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语话题作文 篇1   In my life I have met many people who are really worth my recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever knew is my Chinese language teacher。   What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember we always long for his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke loud laughs. Second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer-- an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Finally, I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us, for he treated us like friends rather than students。   Although it is nearly 10 years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart。   例2:   A Lesson from My Parents   Parents are your first teachers. Write a short essay to describe one of instructive lessons you once learned from your parents, including : 英语话题作文 篇2   If you think about a younger sister, you don"t want a crazy girl like her erratic. This summer vacation, she is a stick up will never let go, take me to the dead.   She is a born master plan, despite her age small, mind racing than sidon animals "little horse" of the novel. Not read how many books she had 36 plan of incisively and vividly. One day, the mother went into the kitchen to eat we eat fruit, she ran like mad to the kitchen and rolled up a plate like aside all kinds of fruit. Have long known that she is super fruit king, I know that should not take with her, then staged "lady" mode, let her take first. Unexpectedly, when I walked past "elegant", after the plate only lone a banana. "Alas," I with a heavy sigh, she is too hard. I was about to poke a banana, she suddenly reached out to rob. Fortunately, this young lady responds quickly, immediately lift the banana. "Hey, you also too bad." I said resentfully. After she heard, coquetry miraculously, said: "good sister, I haven"t eat enough, you give me is the banana?" "No! I haven"t eat!" I said angrily. Began to see not soft, hard, a madam, stretch hand to grab. I already familiar with her "moves", the electives. Her hand to the right, I will take the banana swing to the left; Her hand towards the left, I will give the banana to jilt to the right. See yourself with force afraid not line, only her eyes at a guru and smile at me. Mother often says her eyes can speak, at this time, her eyes as if to say: "ha ha, you of the end of the day, banana objects belong to the" owner "soon, wow kaka kaka!" At this time, I can"t help but think of the horror film face ferocious witch, played a quivering, vigilance arises spontaneously. She held up his hand to rob my banana in the hand, I subconsciously pick bananas reach even higher. Said slowly, when the moment, she suddenly stretched out her clutches to scratch my body the most weak place - the belly. I immediately laughed, inadvertently a soft hand, banana fell. She immediately like a hunter hit prey, hold up my poor a banana is running. Good one by then enter the meter!   At the same time, she is a great master of gossip. I"m doing my summer homework, she like a rabbit ran "beeping", his eyes bright. "What?" I stepped back warily. She smiled and said: "elder sister, I tell you oh, I found the secret of the father." "What is the secret? Let"s hear it." I immediately to the interest. She sells imprison son and stopped for a while, slowly and said, "sister, I"m going to not tell you!" She said and ran away. Soon after, I finished my homework, see her in my diary. Don"t! I immediately rush toward the past, a taken away. She said a wry smile: "elder sister, I know your secret." My face became livid, said: "you cannot say it out." She smiled and said: "no problem, however, elder sister, you want to help me wash the dishes." To help her wash the dishes! I don"t! But I can"t think of anything else, just nodded and agreed. I later learned that she was magically know the mother"s secret. Know so many secret, useful? It was not until that day, I know there is no use. It was the summer vacation, I and my sister secretly watching TV at home, I didn"t think be back early father saw, he said sternly: "I don"t tell your mother!" She immediately stood up and rightfully said: "how dare you!" Oh my god! The momentum reminds me of my roars from the mountains of that kind of dignity, the kind of fierce waters against the rock, the sort of bold plunges three thousand feet. I say this is no exaggeration, father is a king, as a child she dare to outspoken to intimidate dad, affirmation is enough! She picked up a book casually, said: "be careful I told my mother you hide private..." She hasn"t finished, dad"s face immediately changed color, interrupted and said, "okay, I do not say, you can"t say, let me catch you again next time in watching TV, you carefully to see how I tidy up you!" Watching me shocked with all this, thought: well, looks like a king and escapes the control of her gossip master!   She ah, counsel is not only a master, master of gossip, or a super annoying trick master. That day in the middle of the night, I got up and go to the toilet, came back, found that she actually gone! It scared me out in a cold sweat, just still in bed like a pig in a deep sleep now, how to push and push don"t wake up, how to evaporate from your room now? Jitters in the room, I turned around, there"s no one there. I thought, she can"t be captured by monsters! I just get ready to go across the room to inform mom and dad, suddenly saw a white thing standing in the doorway, as it was night, the white was particularly clear. I saw the white terror things took up the "hand" of white came to me. My first reaction was: ah! Sister is seized the ghost returned to catch me! The second response is: "ah," screamed and ran back sharply. Ghost after seeing my reaction to burst out laughing. "What!" I watched "ghost" of angry white cloth cover on it, it was just evaporate from the room"s sister. I said sternly, "where have you run!" She smiled and said in a sarcastic tone: "you"re a fool, I have been hiding behind the door!" I learned the truth provocation.   Well, you said, there is such a younger sister, can not let a person afflictive? Oh, she is back! I am not to be taunted still can"t afford to hide? Slipped quickly! What did you say? Hiss, small voice point, don"t let her hear. 英语话题作文 篇3   Seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, commonly known as "the Tanabata", it is the traditional Chinese folk "Gregorian calendar day. Recently, also somebody called it "the Chinese valentine"s day".   According to legend, the world the cowherd and heaven vega after marriage, male plow female weave, loves each other, having children, very happy. However, when the emperor known as earth, smell vega flew into a rage.   On July 7th, "the heavenly queen" serve the decree with heavenly generals will, caught vega.   The grief-stricken cowboy with the help of celestial cattle, carrying a pair of children with anecdotes overtook days. See will overtake, was the heavenly queen mother pulled out of gold zan row, his feet immediately appear a surfy tianhe.   The GanChang grieved vega and cowherd a in hexi, one in hedong om seaborne qi. Crying touched magpies swamp countless magpie fly to the tianhe, put up a bridge in the cowherd and finally can meet on the Milky Way. The heavenly queen had no alterna. 英语话题作文 篇4   题目:   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled Post-holidaySyndrome Among Students. You should write atleast 150 words following the outline given below.   1. 很多学生在开学伊始都会出现假期综合症   2. 出现这一现象的原因   3. 我的建议   范文:   Post-holiday Syndrome Among Students   With the gloomy prospect of returning toschool, many students could suffer from post-holiday syndrome, which refers to a general feelingof depression before returning to campus life, which is caused by irregular lifestyles duringthe holiday. Symptoms include fatigue, lack of appetite and concentration, irritability and afeeling of helplessness.   Various reasons can account for it. But most important of all, a large number of studentstend to overindulge themselves in eating, merrymaking and playing around during the holidays,which makes it difficult to adjust to their routine study schedule and life pace on the campus.   My suggestions to deal with this syndrome are as follows. First,exercising and sticking toa normal schedule over the holidays will make a difference and nip post-holiday syndrome inthe bud. Besides, it pays to return a few days earlier before the semester starts. The earlyreturn seems to have kept the holiday blues at bay. 英语话题作文 篇5   My English friend"s name is Jim.   He is ten years old, his family is in London,he and his family member come to China to play.He has a cousin,he name is qianyu. He is only four years old,but he has a lot of questions.Look, he is pointing at the chopsticks to ask me what this is.   jim and I had become good friends.Several days later Jim said that he had to go home, he said he loved China .He won"t forget me, and want me to leave to London to visit him when I"m free."Ok!see you,Jim." "see you."    【参考翻译】   我的英国朋友名字叫吉姆。   他十岁了,他的家人在伦敦,他和他的家人来中国玩。他有一个表弟,他的名字叫钱宇,他只有四岁,但他有很多问题。看,他指着筷子问我这是什么。   我和吉姆成为了好朋友。几天后吉姆说他要回家了,他说他爱中国。他不会忘记我,并希望我有空去伦敦找他。“好的!再见,吉姆。”“再见。” 英语话题作文 篇6   The bar chart clearly shows the situation of outdoor activities of both Chinese and American college students. To be specific, the number of American and Chinese college students who attend outdoor activities several times a year is fairly large, but the number of students attending once a month, once a week or once a day is falling gradually. Meanwhile, for the students taking part in outdoor activities several times a year, there are more Chinese than Americans, but in the other three cases, there are much fewer Chinese.   Why should this phenomenon take placeThere are two factors accounting for it. To start with, the students" poor sense of health makes them neglect the physical exercise, so a large number of students take outdoor activities just out of their interest. In addition, the reason why American students do more exercises than Chinese students may be that Chinese students" workload is relatively heavy. Facing the pressure of schoolwork, they have to study harder and have no time to do sports.   From what has been discussed above, I hold that we should enhance our awareness of health and take practical actions to take part in more outdoor activities. 英语话题作文 篇7   Our beautiful earth is only one, is also the only one. If you don"t cherish, in the end, the only regret. But now, people regardless of the image, the damage to the environment.   In the street, always see someone to walk less, will their garbage on the ground, this kind of behavior is damage to the environment, and not beautiful. Although there is a punishment, but has no effect. In the end, only the cleaner to clean up the mess. That if be in their own homes, garbage, flies are flying everywhere, do you feel better? That if no cleaner in the world, if so do you dare to imagine? Looking at people such behavior, the earth mother cry. Let"s ensure that their hand, whether in where, what time, please send their garbage home.   There is a bad behavior, and that is the grass. Every time after school, some children for fun, always likes to play football on the grass. When your foot jump on it, when enjoying the care of the earth, you can know it in complains to heaven. The grass also hurts, it just didn"t express. Dew on the grass face every morning there will be some, and the dew like their tears. The grass also have feelings, when it is happy, it will be a purposeful, enjoy the warmth of sunshine, the breeze bath; When it cry, it will be bent her waist; When it is complained that their is a humble grass, it dead. Let"s ensure that their feet, don"t trample on the lawn. Use action to soothe the soul of the dead, renewed the miracle of life.   Have you seen? Dozens of people saw an axe in hand, they are going to cut down trees. When forests there saw, with the trees fall. When there is a tornado and sandstorms, no trees to shelter from the rain. Then there is no regret medicine to eat. Without trees, also become no longer pure and fresh air. When you"re cold, you go to pick up trees make a fire, it is the warmth of your sacrifices for a tree. Some trees grow hundreds or even thousands of years, is a humble axe ended its long life. What a strong tree, I do not know the moment when it fell, it think about? How hardy tree, can eventually escapes according to the bad luck.   Friends, protect our environment, is to protect our earth. Cherish our only the earth, is to cherish our life. When a rainbow sky, means that garbage to go home, the grass smiles, uncle grandpa happy, our earth mother without crying.   参考翻译:   我们美丽的地球只有一个,也是唯一的一个。如果不好好珍惜,到头来,只有后悔。可现在,总有人不顾形象,在破坏环境。   在街上,总会看见有人为了少走几步路,将自己手中的垃圾随意扔在地上,这种行为既破坏环境,又不美观。虽然有惩罚,但一直以来并没有什么成效。到最后,只有清洁工来收拾残局。那假如是在自己的家里,到处都是垃圾、苍蝇还满天飞,你自己好过吗?那假如世界上没有清洁工,要是这样下去你敢想象吗?看着人们这样的行为,地球妈妈哭泣了。让我们管好自己的手,不管是在什么地方,什么时间,请将自己手中的垃圾送回家。
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懒惰的 ; 懒的 ; 懒惰 ; 偷懒 ; 懒散的 ; 慵懒意思adj.懒惰的;打在一侧的;粗心的;缺少努力的;缺少活动的;马虎的;流速缓慢的比较级: lazier最高级: laziest同根词词根:lazelazilyadv. 懒洋洋地;怠惰地,懒散地lazinessn. 怠惰;无精打采lazen. 闲散vi. 闲散;混日子;游手好闲vt. 消磨(时光);懒散单词辨析闲散;懒惰idle 通常指不忙,无事可干,一般不含应责备之意。lazy 指好逸恶劳,贪闲偷懒,或不愿学习或工作等,常含应受责备之意。请点击输入图片描述lazy的造句:They say he was lazy and incompetent .他们的意思是他既懒惰又不称职。Is he too lazy to make the effort ?他是不是太懒了,不愿花气力呢?The lazy man was a parasite on his family .那懒汉是家里的寄生虫。The other has been lazy and shiftless .另一个懒惰成性,碌碌无为。A lazy youth, lousy age .一个懒惰的少年将来就是一个褴褛的老年。She is very lazy . she likes to sleep .她非常懒。她喜欢睡觉。John"s boss bawled him out for his being lazy .约翰因偷懒被老板骂了一顿。A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy .一只懒惰的羊以为它自己的羊毛负荷沉重。She characterized him as lazy and selfish .她把他的性格描绘成又懒惰又自私。A lazy somnolence descended on the crowd .一阵沉沉欲睡的懒意降落在人群里面。
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