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2023-07-30 06:12:02
TAG: 英文


V-ERG 打破;摔碎 When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped.

He fell through the window, breaking the glass...


The plate broke...


Break the cauliflower into florets...





the subject of what separates art and design has been debated for a long time .怎样翻译?su...

一:subject有话题、题目的意思,我觉得这里用“课题”这样比较“沉重、宏大”的解释比较合适。这句话的主干为the subject has been debated 二:separate可以做形容词和动词,此处为动词……(算了,你连悬赏都不舍得出,那我也只好吝啬自己的时间为你解答了。以上两个关键的地方已经为你解答了,希望你能弄明白) 好吧,既然没有帮您的忙,我继续给您回答吧。前面已经说过,这句话的主干为the subject has been debated 意思是:课题已经被讨论。然而,the subject 后面的 of what separates art and design 又是什么意思呢,of后面一般是连接名词的,实际上,一个完整的句子也是可以被看成一个名词的——另一种形式的名词。what separates art and design 是一个完整的句子,没错。what是句子中的主语,art作为名词有很多解释,这里,用“艺术”更好一点,design可以做动词也可以做名词,但是,做动词显然是行不通的,因为此处并没有宾语。separates是可以做形容词的,但此处是谓语动词,因为这里,只有它合适做谓语,意思是:什么区分艺术与设计。这样翻译起来没错,但是很不通顺,因为这怎么看都是个疑问式的句子,而此处,该为陈述式的句子更妥当一点,所以改为:区分艺术与设计的东西。the subject of what separates art and design连在一起就可以写成:区分艺术与设计的课题。 for a long time 是个时间短语,一般用于完成时,表示:一段时间以来综合起来,翻译可以写成这样:区分艺术与设计的课题一直以来都被争论着
2023-07-29 21:37:391


bu fan
2023-07-29 21:37:504

英语: 选词填空 demand() insist suffer separate expect depend dismiss complain think invest

1.separates 2.dismissed 3.complained 4. invested 5.insists 6.depend 7.suffers 8.thought 9.demanded 10.expect
2023-07-29 21:38:243

高中英语 求解释~~~~~

1.could 与 be able to 都可表能力只用be able to a. 位于助动词后。如:have been able to .. b. 情态动词后。 如:will be able to ... c. 表示过去某时刻动作时。 d. 用于句首表示条件。 Being able to help you ,I feel happy now. e. 表示成功地做了某事时,只能用was/were able to, 不能用could。 此题就表示当船翻时,他还有能力成功游上岸.2.Just my luck习语:我总是这样倒霉not at all和that"s all right 不客气:用于对方感谢时的应答语Never mind 没关系:用于对方道歉时的应答语3.两者均可表示“分开”:divide 指把整体分为若干部分,其后常接介词 into;separate 指把原来连在一起或靠近的东西分隔开来,其后常接介词 from试比较:The apple is divided "into" two parts 这个苹果被分成两部分These apples are separated the good "from" the bad . 这些苹果被分成好坏两部分A fence separates our garden from the playing field全句译:栅栏把花园和运动场分隔开了.4.delight A:作及物动词: 使高兴I am delighted that you are back. 你回来了,我很高兴。I am delighted to read your novel我喜欢读你的小说 B:作不及物动词:高兴 后面常和介词"in"连用I delight in reading your novel. 我喜欢读你的小说分析此句,主句的主语是“I”,状语部分的非谓语动词用现在分词还是过去分词,要看与主句主语是主动关系还是被动关系。 After I was delighted to see your mother.=Delighted to have seen your mother.(不定式用完成式表示动作发生在主语谓语动作之前)祝学习进步!!
2023-07-29 21:38:323

suit separates什么意思

2023-07-29 21:38:402


1,enter into积极参加2,channel into 贯注于 3,hold back 妨碍进展4,unaware of 没有意识到5,separates from 把 与 区分开来6,referred to as 提及 当做7,live up to没有辜负 8,calls for 需要9,contribute to 是 的原因10,see as把 看做
2023-07-29 21:38:482


  总会因为危险和分离的孤独感到担心,而你如何用英语来表达分离的心境呢?下面就由我为大家带来分离的 英语 短语 ,希望大家能有所收获。   分离的英语短语   分离畸变 {遗} segregation distorter;   分离激励 dissociative excitation;   分离计数器 gap counter;   分离检波方式 separated detection system;   分离角 angle of departure (投射线与水平面的角度);   分离结晶(作用) fractional crystallization;   分离界限 stall limit;   分离进位表示法 separate carry representation;   分离进位加法电路 separate carry adder;   分离精液保存 semen isolation storage;   分离的英语相关单词   separate;   sever   part ;   leave;   abruption   分离的英语词语辨析   separate, segregate, insulate, isolate这 组词 都有“分开,分离,隔离”的意思,其区别是:   separate 指一般意义上的分开或隔开。   segregate 指把一群人或物从整体或主体中分离出来。   insulate 指隔开、分离,尤指用某种东西阻挡从里面逃出或从外面进入的东西。作技术用词时,专指用某种绝缘体隔断通路。   isolate 侧重指完全分离、隔开,也指人或处于完全孤立的状态。   分离的英语短语短句   1.(分开) separate; sever; resolve; segregate; isolate; detach; dis(as)sociate; abstrict:   separate nitrogen from air;   从空气中把氮分离出来   an educational system where boys and girls are segregated   男女生分离的 教育 制度   2.(离别) part (for a long period); leave; bid farewell:   I met an old friend from whom I had parted for many years.   我见到了分离多年的朋友。   3.separation; severance; segregation; isolation; disassociation; demixing; detachment; diastasis:   after a long separation;   长期分离之后   Separation from his friends made him sad.   与朋友们分离使他伤心。   分离的英语短语例句   工程关注项的分离和集成。   Separation and integration of engineering concerns.   我们利用它分离脊髓灰质炎病毒并消灭其传播。   We use it to isolate and stamp out transmission of the poliovirus.   总会因为危险和分离的孤独感到担心,同时还有一些其他许多复杂的情感。   Thereu2019s always worry because of the danger and loneliness from the separation, along withmany other complex emotions.   但它是分离关注点的关键,我们在这些专栏中讨论过这个问题。   But that is the whole point of separation of concerns that we have discussed throughout thesecolumns.   实际上,你们就是他们的一部分,从未与他们分离,但此刻我们从不同的维度讨论,比如,在意识层面上,它在你们的线性时间结构之外。   Actually, you are part of them and not separate from them at all, but we are now speaking multidimensionally, i.e. on a level of consciousness that is outside of your linear framework oftime.   当您选择包括了这些资源的分离的模式时,您可以根据自己的需要将它们部署在同一计算机上或不同的计算机上。   When you select a pattern that includes a separation of these resources, you are free to deploythem on the same machine or on different machines.   如果在任一点上都不能建立信任关系,则需要应用适当的分离。   If at any point trust cannot be established, then the appropriate separation should be applied.   在这种情况下,应用程序和队列管理器之间的分离状况更好,但在性能方面会有所损失。   In this case there is greater separation between the application and queue manager but at thecost of a performance overhead.   想着分离和再造,他像摇果汁一样摇晃那个瓶子。   With thoughts of separation and reconstitution he shook the bottle up like juice.   它还允许在最终完成的系统中实现更好的关注分离。   It also allows for an improved separation of concerns in the finished system.   费比斯说道:"没有充分的证据表明,这曾是一个分离或隔离的好时机。   There is no good evidence that it is ever a good time to separate and segregate.   如果一个页面标记分离为两部分,您可以将该标记移动到真实段落之前或之后,将两部分重新合并在一起形成一个完整的段落。   If a page marker separates the two pieces, you might move the marker to before or after thetrue paragraph and rejoin the two pieces to make one single paragraph.   你意识的内容就是你的意识,这是所有你知道的---思考者是不该与他的思绪所分离的。   That the content of your consciousness is your consciousness, itu2019s all you know. That thethinker is not separate from the thought he thinks.   请注意命令可能使用.代替 :来在一些系统上分离用户和组;如果出现问题,则检查其文档详细资料。   Note that the command might use a . instead of : to separate the user and group on somesystems; if it complains, check its documentation for details.   在日托店里的锻炼和精神鼓舞会帮助你的爱犬克服分离焦虑。   The exercise and mental stimulation at the daycare should help your dog overcome separationanxiety.   使用分离的图层,意味着我能够将所有种类的细节放在他身后。   Being on a separate layer meant I could add all sorts of details behind him.
2023-07-29 21:38:551

separate from 造句(简单一些)

The Taiwan Straits separates Taiwan from Fujian. 台湾海峡把台湾和福建隔开了. Please separate the white shirt from the colored ones. 请把白衬衫与其他颜色的衬衫分开.
2023-07-29 21:39:141

distance never separates two hearts that really care是什么意思

遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。 众鸟高飞尽,
2023-07-29 21:39:234


问题一:请问如何用英文翻译"揭开神秘的面纱"? unveil the mysteries 问题二: *** 妇女所戴的“头巾”英文怎么说? veil veil AHD: [v3l] D.J. [ve!l] K.K. [vel] n.(名词) 1. A length of cloth worn by women over the head, shoulders, and often the face. 面纱:妇女穿戴于头上、肩上以及通常是脸上的一段布 2. A length of netting attached to a woman"s hat or headdress, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face. 面罩:附于妇女的帽子或头巾上的一段网状物,穿戴起来用作装饰或保护头部或脸部 3. The part of a nun"s headdress that frames the face and falls over the shoulders. 修女的头巾:勾勒出脸部并下垂到肩的修女头巾的那部分 4. The life or vows of a nun. 修女的生活或宣誓 5. A piece of light fabric hung to separate or conceal what is behind it; a curtain. 帷幔;幕布:悬挂着的一块轻薄织物,用来分隔或隐藏位于其后面的东西;幕布 6. Something that conceals, separates, or screens like a curtain: 遮盖物,分隔物:象幕布一样隐藏、分隔或掩盖某物的东西: a veil of secrecy. 神秘的遮盖物 7. Biology A membranous covering or part, as that on the developing fruiting body of certain mushrooms; a velum. 【生物学】 菌幕,缘膜:一种膜性覆盖层或其中的部分,如在特定蘑菇的正在发展中的子实体上;菌幕及物动词) veiled,,veils 1. To cover with or as if with a veil: 以面纱遮掩、隐蔽:用面纱或似乎用面纱覆盖: Dense fog veiled the bridge. 浓雾笼罩着桥 2. To conceal or disguise. 隐蔽;掩饰 问题三:用英语怎么说:自吹自擂,揭开面纱 Blow one"s own trumpet 自吹自擂,揭开面纱 重点词汇释义 自吹自擂blow one"s own horn; blow one"s own trumpet; sing one"s own praises; vaunt; cry roast meat 面纱veil; veiling; purdah; yashmak 问题四:纱英语怎么说 1.棉花麻等纺成的较松的细丝:yarn 2. 经纬线很稀的织物:sheer gauze均是纱
2023-07-29 21:39:311


2023-07-29 21:39:413


  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我为大家收集的英语话题作文10篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语话题作文 篇1   Since we go to school, we have to learn English, it has been one of the main subjects. As we have learned English for a very long time, we will complain about it, we always make the joke that the foreigners should learn Chinese. Now, it is not the joke anymore, the world"s watching China, more and more foreign people are interested in Chinese, they have learned Chinese. When we open the TV, we can find that a hot show called Chinese Bridge, it is a competition for the foreign students to show their Chinese. I have seen the show, I was very impressed, the foreign students spoke Chinese so well, they knew our culture, they had enthusiasm, which made them enjoy learning Chinese. We should learn from the foreign students, they show us the way to learn a language well.   从我们上学起,就要学习英语,英语已经成为了主要的科目之一。由于我们要学习英语   很长一段时间,总会抱怨,我们会开玩笑说老外应该学习中文。如今,这不再是个玩笑了,全世界都在关注中国,越来越多的外国人对中文感兴趣,他们已经开始学习中文。当我们打开电视,可以发现一档热门的节目叫“汉语桥”,这是给外国学生展示汉语的.竞赛节目。我看过节目,印象深刻,外国学生能把汉语讲得很好,我们了解我们的文化,有热情,这使得他们乐于学习汉语。我们应该向外国学生学习,他们给我们展示了学好一门语言的方法。 英语话题作文 篇2   The Telephone   The Telephone   The telephone is one of the most welcome and useful inventions. No wonder more and more families have got to use their own telephones today.   The telephone makes things easy in many ways. Especially, after the mobile telephone appears, communication becomes easier and rapider. To students and people going out for business far away from their homes, the telephone can shorten the distance between them and their families. Thus they will get comfort whenever they are homesick or they run into trouble. With the help of the telephone, people can keep in touch with anyone at any time and in any place for urgent help.   All in all, the telephone is so helpful that we can say that nowadays we can not live without the telephone in our daily life. We will further improve the performance of the telephone so as to create better conditions for its development.   电话   电话是目前最受欢迎和最有用的发明之一,怪不得越来越多的人已经使用了自己的电话。   电话在许多方面使事情变得简单,尤其是在移动电话出现以后,通讯变得更加快捷方便。对于那些离家的学生和做生意的人来说,电话缩短了同家人的距离,在此它能蛤想家的人和处在困难中的人一个好的心情。有了电话帮助,人们可以随时随地和任何人联系,寻求紧急帮助。在这种情况下,电话显得尤其重要。   总之,电话是如此有用,以至于如今的日常生活离不开它。我们逐步提高电话功能,为它的发展创造更好的条件。 英语话题作文 篇3   Recently, to improve the students" listening and speakingabilities, the English teacher in Class 3 conducted a survey amongthe whole class on whether they should have a three-minute speechin English at the beginning of a period. According to the survey,65% of the students firmly support the idea, for they think thismethod will be helpful to their English learning and it is a goodchance for them to practise their listening ability as well asspeaking ability. However, 35% of the students are strongly againstit, saying that it costs the limited time in class. What"s worse,if they can not make sense of the speeches, they will loseconfidence in learning English. As for me, I think it is a goodidea to have a three minutes" speech at the beginning of a periodbecause I believe practice makes perfect. 英语话题作文 篇4    英语六级作文题目:   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topicCan Money Buy Happiness? You should write no less than 100 words and you should base yourcomposition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:   1. 有人认为金钱是幸福之本 (source of happiness)   2. 也有人认为金钱是万恶之源 (root of all evil)   3. 我的看法    英语六级作文范文:   Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.   But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can"t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.   I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can"t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can"t buy happiness. 英语话题作文 篇5   A Lesson from My Parents   Parents are your first teachers. Write a short essay to describe one of instructive lessons you once learned from your parents, including:   A distance of 500 miles separates my college from my hometown, an old city, where my parents have been living, but my heart has never been away for a single step, because the lesson from them will be a gift of lifetime.   When I was still 15, the laid-offs, or rather untimely retirements, of both my Mum and dad, arrived by far earlier than ever expected. Moreover, it could be hardly imagined how much their careers meant to them other than earning money.   Nevertheless, it would be not long before they managed to get over such a blow. They thus underwent all kinds of odd jobs they could run into, be they dirty or painstaking. That way with sufficient money for my tuition fee and living expenses I went through my three academic years.   Now one of them is getting weaker and both older, but the lesson that God only helps those who help themselves they taught me will endure in my mind despite the passage of time. 英语话题作文 篇6   目前,一些诸如GG、MM、 Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以 “Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?”为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。   注意:   1. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数; 2. 词数:100-120左右   Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?   At present, Internet Slang, such as “GG, MM, Xia Mi”, has become popular among the teenagers.   There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker.   However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding.   Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don"t know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations. 英语话题作文 篇7   Ideals   Everyone has his ideals. A businessman wishes to make greater profit; a farmer expects plumper harvests; a student tries to learn more and better. And   However, one should be sensible about whether his ideal is well founded or not. If it is, one has to plan and work hard for its realization. Effort, skill and persistence are all necessary. And very often, one has to get help from others, including advice and support in one form or another.   My ideal is to become a doctor. It is said that the field of medicine is a well-paid profession, but I take it as a lofty profession entrusted with saving people"s lives. To realize my ideal I have concentrated on laboratory work to develop the analytical skills necessary to become a qualified doctor. Ijm sure^willjiealizejm^jidealjifrperseverejinjthisjpursuit. (156 words)   理想   人人都有理想。商人的理想是赚取更大的利润;农民希望获得更大 的丰收;学生则争取学得、更好。每个人都为实现理想多多少少付 出了努力。   然而,人们应该想想自己的理想是否建立在扎实的基础上。如果是, 那么人们就必须为实现理想而做出计划、辛勤工作。努力、技巧和恒心 都是必备要素。人们还常常需要从别人身上获得帮助,包括各种形式的 建议和支持。   我的理想是成为一名医生。医师是一个薪水不错的职业,而我则视 之为一个治病救人的高尚职业。为了实现我的理想,我必须集中精力于 实验室的工作,从而培养作为一名合格医师所必备的分析技巧。若能持 之以恒,我相信我能实现自己的理想。 英语话题作文 篇8   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled On Maintaining Friendship by commenting on “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.”by Jean de la Fontaine. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.   Maintaining Friendship   By saying “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer”, Jean de la Fontaine has pointed out the importance of friendship. Nowadays, it seems that people get closer to each other by means of the increasingly advanced communicating technologies, yet the closeness of hearts has in fact been distanced. Therefore, it is high time that we should attach great importance to maintain this precious sentiment.   Everyone need the warmth of friendship. In good times, friendship is flowers growing fast because we irritate it by sharing our joy and happiness; in adversity, friendship is a dose of consolation since friends are always there ready to help. Also, friendship is the effective lubricator for cooperative organizations, communities and different countries in the process of cooperation and development.   As friendship is so important in our life, actions should be taken to pursue and maintain it. And it involves trust and honesty in establishing and maintaining true friendship. Frankness and uprightness contribute to a good relationship. Moreover, tolerance and modesty also help promote the closeness of friends. Only by doing these things will we retain our friend sand keep the lamp of friendship burning long. 英语话题作文 篇9    雪灾   去年春节期间,我国大部分地区遭受雪灾,特别是南方,室几十年未遇。公路、铁路、机场都被迫关闭,电网瘫痪,数百万人不能回家过年。部分山区人民生活异常困难,在各级政府的带领下,人民群众、解放军战士英勇抗击雪灾,涌现出大批可歌可泣的英雄事迹。作为一名中学生,你有何感想?有何打算?能不能改变这种状态?   As we know, our country suffered heavy snow last Spring Festival. Everything was covered with heavy snow. It made the buses, trains and planes stop. Millions of people couldn"t go home. Many people suffered trouble. There was no food, water or light in some places. Our government called on people to fight against heavy snow. As a student, I think we should learn from those heroes. We must study hard at school. We should learn all kinds of nowledge to make our motherland stronger, better and richer. 英语话题作文 篇10   Everybody likes smiling.But why do we smile?Smiling makes us attractive.We are drawn to people who smile.Smiling changes our mood,as it can trick the body into feeling better.Smiling is infectious.When someone is smiling they lighten up the room,change the moods of others,and make them happier.Smiling relieves stress.It helps to prevent us from looking tired.   Smiling makes us look healthier.It can bring us energy and pleasure.Smiling makes us become successful.Smiling people appear more confident,and are more likely to be approached.Smiling helps us stay positive.When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that “Life is good!”   So just try smiling our way through the day.Stay away from depression,stress and worry by smiling.Smile when you meet others.Smile in time of difficulty.Smile when you feel sad.Smile wherever you are and whenever you can.
2023-07-29 21:39:511


2023-07-29 21:39:595


2023-07-29 21:40:171

It is the Suez Canal_separates Asia_Africa.

1 It is the Suez Canal_THAT separates Asia_FROM Africa2 It is the Suez Canal_THAT separates Asia_AND Africa-------- 这两种解答都是正确的。
2023-07-29 21:41:051

英语作文 the traits of successful person

With the develop of the economy and literature,learning a language is more and more important.So,it is very important for us to know that how to be a successful language learner.First,we should learn the grammer and recite some useful words.We should always use these words in our daily life after reciting them.Or you may forget them soon.Second,we had better buy some books which are written in this language.
2023-07-29 21:41:121


清晨起床,先用10分钟整理一下今天要做的事情。 英语是靠读的,你英语天天读2个小时,别读太久,记不住。
2023-07-29 21:41:3115

The sea separates Taiwan()the Chinese mainland. B.into C.from D.of 选C 求解析 多谢~

选C fromseparate ...from ...将...与...分开海洋将台湾与大陆分离开来
2023-07-29 21:42:002

Level 5 - Unit 2 - Part 2 Listening - Light and Color(光与色)

People have wondered about the nature of light and color since ancient times. Some people though that light came from the eye rather than coming into the eye. To see, light was projected from our eyes to illuminate things as we look at them. Now we know that what we see is mostly reflected light, like the light from the moon which is reflected sunlight. Light comes from a light source, such as the Sun, and either enters our eyes directly or after it has reflected off something. 很久以前,人们就对光和色的本质产生了疑问。有些人认为光来自眼睛而不是进入眼睛。当我们看东西时,为了看见光就会从我们的眼睛投射出来照亮它们。现在我们知道我们看到的大部分光的反射,就像月球的光就是来自太阳光的反射。光来自光源,比如太阳,它要么直接进入我们的眼睛,要么经物体反射之后进入。 In 1666 Sir Isaac Newton showed that when light passes through a prism, it separates into all the other colors. This clearly demonstrated that light is composed of many different colors. The difference between colors is due to their wavelength. A prism separates light into different colors because each color has a different wavelength. The angle at which a color bends in a prism depends on its wavelength. 1666年,艾萨克·牛顿爵士指出,当光穿过棱镜时,它会分解成所有其他颜色。很明显这证明光是由很多不同的颜色组成,颜色之间的差异取决于它们的波长。棱镜把光分解成不同的颜色,因为每种颜色的波长不同。颜色在棱镜中弯曲的角度取决于其波长。 Colors with shorter wavelengths bend more than colors with longer wavelengths. This explains why red light bends less than yellow light. The reason is because its wavelength is longer. Of the visible colors, voilet light has the shortest wavelength, so it bends the most. 波长较短的颜色比波长较长的颜色容易弯曲。这就解释了为什么红色光弯曲度小于黄色光,因为红色光的波长更长。在可见的颜色中,蓝紫光的波长最短,所以弯曲度最大。 If you have ever painted, you know that different colors can be combined to create new colors. For example, if you add white to a color, you lighten it. However, the three primary colors, red, blue and yellow cannot be made by mixing other colors. It isn"t possible to mix any combination of colors to create red, blue or yellow. Mixing two primary colors creates a secondary color such as purple, which is made by mixing blue and red. Mixing three primary colors creates a tertiary color such as brown or gray. 如果你画过画,你就会知道不同的颜色可以组合成新的颜色。例如,如果你给一种颜色加上白色,它就会变亮。不过,红蓝黄三原色不能通过混合其他颜色来得到。不可能混合任何颜色的组合来创建红色、蓝色或黄色。混合两种原色会产生二次色,比如紫色,由蓝色和红色混合而成。混合三种原色会产生三次色,比如棕色或灰色。
2023-07-29 21:42:071


2023-07-29 21:42:184


这两个名词均含“海峡”之意. channel : 指比strait长而宽的海峡. The English Channel separates England and France.(英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来.) strait : 指短而窄的海峡.常用复数形式但作单数用. The BeringStrait separates Asia and America.(白令海峡隔开了亚洲和美洲.) 注:Strait还有一个词义是:窘迫,困难 例如:Now that father"s lost his job, we"re in dire straits.(父亲失业了,我们陷入了极大的困境.) 希望帮到你
2023-07-29 21:42:371


2023-07-29 21:42:454


2023-07-29 21:42:532

中文翻译成英文 急!在线等。。。

2023-07-29 21:43:024


“海内存知己,天涯若比邻" 译为 "Just a moment..."(计算机英语,美语)
2023-07-29 21:43:112

请高手帮忙用英语翻译一下这篇文章急需,很急 很急

汉:宝,不知道你为什么不肯跨过那浅浅的海峡英:Bao, don"t know why you would not cross the shallow strait汉:你要知道,我们在那道海峡后,手臂快要摇断英:You know, we in the way the strait, the arm is going to shake off汉:下面是我们给你写的一封信,希望你能英:Below are we give you to write a letter, I hope you can汉:来中国英:To China!汉:也许,那只是一段窄窄的海峡英:Maybe, it"s just a narrow strait汉:宝,当你第一次去日本的时候,我们听到你说:“Japan is quiet well,it is likes another world”,我们笑了。因为你来到了亚洲,因为你喜欢亚洲。那时是4月20多号的时候。我们跟着你的目光,走了一遍日本。英:Bao,When you first go to Japan,We hear you say:"Japan is quiet well,it is likes another world”,We laugh.For you come to the Asia, because you like Asia. At that time is on April 20 th. We follow your eye, go over Japan.汉:宝,当你第二次去日本的时候,我们空运了礼物给你,现在还没有看到你的反应。我们哭了,因为你再次来到亚洲,却再次选择了日本。隔一道海峡的我们在观望一切,可惜网络的传播却比不上内心的炙热。英:Bao,When the second time you go to Japan, we airfreight a present for you, now don"t see your reaction. We cry, because you again to Asia, but choose once again the Japanese. A strait between the us watching everything, but the spread of the Internet have less fervour of the heart.汉:宝,你知道吗,有多少的人在那道海峡的对岸,瞭望着你,希望你的来到。也许只是几个小时的飞机,你知道那会满足多少人一生的愿望吗? 是,那也许只是一道窄窄的海峡英:When the second time you go to Japan, we airfreight a present for you, now don"t see your reaction. We cry, because you again to Asia, but choose once again the Japanese. A strait between the us watching everything, but the spread of the Internet have less fervour of the heart.汉:也许对你来说,那7秒的视频足以让我们兴奋。你对了,我们是很兴奋,但那是看到“justinbieber给中国粉丝留言”的视频标签上,并不是等到网页刷好后,看见连缓冲都不用的7秒视频上。那视频上,你的笑容是温暖的,我们的心很凉很凉英:Maybe for you, the 7 seconds of video enough to let us excited. You"re right, we are very excited, but it is to see "justinbieber to Chinese fans message" video on the label, and not wait until page after brush good, see even buffer of 7 seconds video without. The video, your smile is warm, our heart is cool is cool汉:你的世界巡演中,多一个飞机的降落点能怎么样呢?你要知道,那次的降落也许是你的终身难忘英:Your world tour, with more than a plane landing point can? You know, the landing might be your lifelong memorable 汉:你的日程表里,多一个China arrived会怎么样呢?你要知道,那天的粉丝会比以往的还要疯狂英:Your schedule, many a China arrived? You know, on the day that the fans will be more crazy than ever before汉:你的脚底下,多一片中国的土地会怎么样呢?你要知道,我们会让你见识到这片土地上你所不能想象的温度。英:Under the bottom of your feet, a piece of China"s land? You know, we will let you see this piece of land that you cannot imagine temperature汉:而这温度,是我们的呐喊,我们的支持,我们的欢呼组成的。也许,那真的只是一道窄窄的海峡英:And this temperature, is we cry, we support, we composed of joy. Perhaps, that really just a narrow strait汉:却强有力的隔开了我们的欢呼,我们的挥舞,我们的心跳。却强有力的隔开了我们的向往,我们的梦想,我们的你英:But strong separates our shout for joy, our waved, our heart beat. But strong separates our yearning, our dreams, our you汉:一个海峡的意义,在于岸边的人。英:The significance of a channel, lies in the shore.汉:岸边的人不能去那里,Japan,那个不够我们立足的地方所以岸边的人呼唤你来到这里,我们会给你更大的舞台英:The man can"t go there, Japan, that not enough based on our place So the people calling you come here, we will give you a big stage汉:首先让你充分展示自己英:firstLet you show yourself汉:然后让我们有力气哭泣英:And then Let us have strength cry累,给分吧?!。
2023-07-29 21:43:181


统计分析的一些解释变量是选择代理的变量遗漏,这是当前值约简。股票的报价有效的市场,股票价格应该反映所有可用的信息相关的公司。不同的市场,不分的会计处理,能够检测电流 价值减少了公司的资产,这样的降低会有效果降低的股价。在这个假定的无偏减值会计,因此,我们期望的要负相关资产和股票市场的表现之前…分析包括很多其他解释变量,它会损害会计在先前的研究。他们可以被划分成四组:大小, 财务会计保守性、回报、管理变革。基于之前的发现,我希望有更多的障碍在大公司里更小的、比在赔钱的公司盈利的,比在公司的会计政策和un-conservative比那些保守的政策与管理,更在公司比那些没有变化。然而,这一发现任何显著的关系 减值会计和任何之间的矛盾,这些变量并不一定会原假设。任何这样的关系,因此必须被讨论。因变量的回归分析的障碍是那样的决定,而我使用两种不同的措施。一是损害发生,一个二元隔开,impairers从non-impairers。第二次测量是损害率,定义为一种确认减值损失的账面价值的比例,调整的减值准备的损失和逆转。两种方式都用于固定资产投资的三个主要类别,即有形资产和无形资产,non-goodwill友善、也有单独的回归对一种。我的书房像先前的研究上的障碍,但会计在许多方面都有三个主要的差异。首先,目前的研究分析会计行为在这个领域里是不存在的,或会计准则几乎如此。相反,我的论文会计行为的新一代的减值准则,这可能是最具代表性的呈现在FRS 11,以及在类似的会计 标准,特别是IAS 36。第二,与很多研究表明,使用前减值的概念,它是相同的会计准则。第三,有不同的选择方法。虽然大多数研究靠什么是记录的集合选择的方法,对数据库的调查是“手工采摘的“信息从8的财务报表。
2023-07-29 21:43:262


  英语四级中阅读理解是最多的,我们考生们都应该多做做阅读理解题,我为你提供了2019年大学英语四级考试阅读模拟试题三篇,希望能够帮助到你。 2019年大学英语四级考试阅读模拟试题:思想道德教育   In bringing up children, every parent watches eagerly the child"s acquisition (学会) of each new skill- the first spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feelings of failure and states of worry in the child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural enthusiasm for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.   Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters. Others are sever over times of coming home at night or punctuality for meals. In general,the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child"s own happiness.   As regard the development of moral standards in the growing child, consistency is very important in parental teaching. To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality(道德). Also, parents should realize that “ example is better than precept ”. If they are not sincere and do not practice what they preach(说教), their children may grow confused and emotionally insecure when they grow old enough to think for themselves, and realize they have been to some extent fooled.   A sudden awareness of a marked difference between their parents" principles and their morals can be a dangerous disappointment.   练习题:   Choose correct answers to the question:   1.Eagerly watching the child"s acquisition of new skill ______   A.can be avoided universal among parents   C.sets up dangerous states of worry in the child   D.will make him lose interest in learning new things   2.In the process of children"s learning new skills parents ________   A. should encourage them to read before they know the meaning of the words they read   B. should not expect too much of them   C. should achieve a balance between pushing them too hard and leaving them on their own   D.should creative as many learning opportunities as possible   3.The second paragraph mainly tells us that _________   A. parents should be strict with their children   B. parental controls reflect only the needs of the parents and the values of the community.   C. parental restrictions vary, and are not always enforced for the benefit of the children alone.   D. parental vary in their strictness towards their children according to the situation.   4.The word “precept” (Line3, Para.3) probably means “_______”   A. Idea   B.punishment   C. behavior   D. instruction   5.In moral matters, parents should ________   A. observe the rules themselves   B. be aware of the marked difference between adults and children   C. forbid things which have no foundation in morality   D.consistently ensure the security of their children   参考答案及解析   1.[B] 事实细节题。第1段第1句中的every parent,often等词表明这种做法在父母中是非常普遍的,显然B与之相符。A说法无原文依据,且由原文可看出题干所述现象是很难避免的;C中dangerous—词在原文中本是修饰其他情绪,故C不符;D是过多地让孩子自己一个独处的后果,不是题干所述行为的后果。   2.[C] 推理判断题。第1段第2句说明父母逼得太过分,应避免。最后一句则说明对小孩太放任自流同样不利。由这两点,我们可以做出如下判断:父母对孩子的“严”和“松”之间有一个恰当的“度”。C与之相符。   3.[C] 事实细节题。文章第2段表明:不同的家长对孩子的管制程度不同;家长对小孩的管制不仅是为了孩子个人的幸福,也反映了父母的需要以及社区的价值观,故C与原文相符。   4.[D] 词义理解题。由precept所在句可猜测precept应与example相对,且与下文的preach意思相近,故D正确。   5.[A] 推理判断题。第3段提到父母应该避免讲一套做一套,结合最后一段可得出结论:关于思想道德教育问题,父母应以身作则,带头遵循,故A正确。 2019大学英语四级考试阅读模拟试题:如何写作   Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking. I"d ask whether anyone in class had evertaken such a course. Always a few hands would go up.   "What did you learn in that course?" I"d ask.   "Well, the main thing was learning how to face an audience: not to be inhibited (拘谨)... not to be nervous. "   Exactly, when you take a course in public speaking nowadays, you don"t hear much about grammar and vocabulary. Instead. you"re taught how not to be afraid or embarrassed, how to speak without a prepared script. how to read out to the live audience before you. Public speaking is a matter of overcoming your long-standing nervous inhibitions.   The same is true of writing. The point of the whole thing is to overcome your nervous inhibitions, to break through the invisible barrier that separates you from the person who"ll read what you wrote. You must learn to sit in front of your typewriter of dictating machine and read out to the person at the other end of the line.   Of course, in public speaking with the audience right in front of you, the problem is easier. You can lookat them and talk to them directly. In writing, you "re alone. It needs an effort of your experience or imagination to take hold of that other person and talk to him or her. But that effort is necessary or at least it" s necessary until you"ve reached the point when you quite naturally and unconsciously "talk on paper".   练习题:   Choose correct answers to the question:   1.The main task of a public speech course is to __________.   A.teach grammar and vocabulary   B. teach how to write a script   C. teach how to overcome nervousness   D. teach live spoken-language expressions   2.Learning how to write is similar to learning how to speak in public in that writer should _____.   A.overcome his or her nervousness in the first place   B. take hold of a reader and talk to him or her before writing   C. learn to use a typewriter or dictating machine   D. talk to himself on paper   3.what does the author compare writing and public speaking?   A.Writhing needs more experience and imagination than public speaking   B.Both writing and public speaking require great effort   C.Writhing is just as imagination as public speaking   D.Writhing is not as natural as public speaking   4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?   A.Few students feel the need to learn public speaking   B.Training is necessary before you can speak with a script   C.In public speaking, the audience are more nervous than the speaker   D.Writing is just like making a public speech on paper   5.This selection is mainly about ___________.   A.the effort involved in writing   B.the similarities between writing and public speaking   C.learning how to make a public speech   D.learning how to talk on paper   参考答案及解析   1.[C] 事实细节题。原文第4段,特别是第4段的最后一句表明c为正确选项。本题稍具干扰性的是D,该选项中的live一词在第4段第2句末尾也有出现,但事实上D与该句的意思不相同。   2.[A] 事实细节题。本题考查对比处。第5段第1句表明下一句就是演讲和写作的相似之处,而A就是对该句的同义替换。其他选项并未按照题目的要求对比演讲与写作,只是说明了写作必须做的,因此都不正确。   3.[A] 推理判断题。本题考查对比处。结尾段对比了演讲和写作的不同之处,第1、2句和第3、4句形成了内在的对比关系,由此可推断写作比演讲更需要经验和努力,因此可确定A正确,而C不正确。虽然在这一段可找到effort和naturally等词,但原文并没有从是否要付出同样多的努力(B)或是否自然(D)等方面对比演讲与写作,因此B和D也不正确。   4.[D] 推理判断题。根据最后一句中的“在纸上说话”,可推断作者认为写作如在纸上作演讲一样,因此D正确。A中的Few students与事实不符;B中的speak with a script在文中未有提及;C中的separated by a barrier错误。   5.[D] 主旨大意题。文章的开头句就是全文的主题句,作者在前四段说明如何演讲,从第5段开始,作者转向说明如何写作,文章的结尾句对开头句做出了呼应。作者之所以将演讲和写作过程做比较是为了让自己的观点更容易、更生动地被读者明白和接受,因此本文的中心内容是围绕写作,而不是演讲。其余选项虽然文中都有提及,但只是各个具体的侧面内容,不能概括全文大意。 2019大学英语四级考试阅读模拟试题:农业技术   Even plants can run a fever, especially when they"re under attack by insects or   disease. But unlike humans, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away-straight up. A decade ago, adapting the infrared (红外线) scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide(杀虫剂) spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don"t have pest(害虫) problems.   Even better, Paley"s Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems   before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at night ,an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. The data were transformed into a color-coded map showing where plants were running "fevers".Farmers could then spot-spray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would.   The bad news is that Paley"s company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term backers were hard to find.But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation.Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works. "This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States, "says George Oerther of Texas A&M. Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks.remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.   这是一篇说明文。文章一开头就介绍了原用于军事和卫星的红外线扫描技术,如今被用在农业上。通过远距离测量植物的温度来判断农作物是否遭受虫害和疾病。在第二段中指出,物理学家帕里组建了帕里远红外扫描服务公司,来专门探测农业方面的情况。最后他的公司在三年后被迫关闭,主要是因为缺乏资金。另外,农民们也一时不能接受这种新技术。作者期待将来有一天可以解决财政困难,将这一新技术重新用到农业上去。   大学英语四级考试阅读模拟试题   1. Plants will emit an increased amount of heat when they are _______   A) sprayed with pesticides B) facing an infrared scanner   C) in poor physical condition D) exposed to excessive sun rays   2. In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning to   _______.   A) estimate the damage to the crops   B) measure the size of the affected area   C) draw a color-coded map   D) locate the problem area   3. Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by _______.   A) resorting to spot-spraying B) consulting infrared scanning experts   C) transforming poisoned rain D) detecting crop problems at an early stage   4. The application of infrared scanning technology to agriculture met with some   difficulties _______.   A) the lack of official support B) its high cost C) the lack of financial D) its failure to help increase production   5. Infrared scanning technology may be brought back into operation because of _______.   A) the desire of farmers to improve the quality of their produce.   B) growing concern about the excessive use of pesticides on crops   C) the forceful promotion by the Department of Agriculture   D) full support from agricultural experts   参考答案及解析   1、[答案及分析]:[C]。词组理解题。本文第一段的第一句话谈到:“Even plants can run insects or disease.”这就告诉了我们植物升高温度的原因。本句所问的也正是这个原因。因此,C正告诉了我们这一点,所以C是正确答案。   2、[答案及分析]:[D]词汇理解题。在第一段的原文中“The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide spraying...”其中的意思是“确定”(虫害发生的地方)”而答案D是说“要确定问题所在地区”,信息与本文相符,故D为正确答案;而A、B、C都与本文不符。   3、[答案及分析]:[A]。判断题。问农民通过何种方式可节省杀虫剂。在文章的第二段中谈到帕里远红外线扫描服务公司利用飞机上的远红外线扫描仪夜间在3000英尺的高度探测到庄稼的情况,然后可将这些情况提供给农民,农民可喷洒农药,这样只使用原来农药量的50%-70%就足够了。故答案A的信息与本文相符;而B、C、D均不正确。   4、[答案及分析]:[C]。词汇理解题。问远红外扫描技术用于农业上时遇到的阻力,原因何在。在本文最后段中指出:1984年,帕里公司被迫关闭的原因一资金缺乏。并呼吁说:“But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10years ago.”其中financial backing的意思与本题C的“financial support”相同。所以答案C正确。   5、[答案及分析]:[B]。正误判断题。问远红外扫描技术有可能重新用于农业,原因何在。在文章最后一段中说“But with the renewed get back into operation”由此可明显看出,B的信息与本文内容相符,所以答案B是正确的;而A、C、D都与本文不符。
2023-07-29 21:43:331

i have tried to be ture哪首歌的歌词?

歌曲名为 "Tried To Be True"。这首歌出自英国R.E.M.的歌集 Indigo Girls(1989)。歌词如下:From baby to best with no second test, Little storms destroy you. Here is the fame they promised to give you, Taking the place of my hand now. Did you try to be true? What separates me from you? What separates me from you now? Did you borrow the soul, The soul that you sell now? What does your conscience tell you? Where are the demons Of your desire? Why does my love destroy you? Did you try to be true? What separates me from you? What separates me from you now? I said I tried to be true. What separates me from you. I said I tried, tried to be true. What separates me from you. What separates me from you now? Did you try to be true? What separates me from you? What separates me from you now? So where is the fame, Where is the fortune? Where is the world that denies you? Who is to blame, When my heart finally forfeits To a road that will only misguide you? Did you try to be true? What separates me from you? What separates me from you now? Did we try to be true? What separates me from you? Did we try, try to be true? What separates me from you: Did you try to be true? What separates me from you? What separates me from you now? I bought my love a hunger More precious than a stone. All these fatal flowers, Did I misguide you? (Where is the world that denies you) (Try to be true) Did you try to be true? What separates me from you? What separates me from you now?
2023-07-29 21:43:531


Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Red Riding Hood. She always wore a red cloak with a hood, which is why people called her Red Riding Hood. One day, her mother asked her to take some cakes and a pot of butter to her grandmother who lived in the woods. Red Riding Hood set out on her journey but was warned by her mother not to talk to any strangers on the way.As she walked through the woods, she came across a wolf who asked her where she was going. Red Riding Hood, forgetting her mother"s warning, told the wolf that she was on her way to her grandmother"s house. The wolf, wanting to eat Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, gave her wrong directions and ran ahead to the grandmother"s house.When Red Riding Hood arrived, the wolf had already disguised himself as her grandmother. The wolf then ate Red Riding Hood"s grandmother and waited for Red Riding Hood. When she arrived, she sensed something was different about her grandmother, but the wolf reassured her that everything was fine. But just as the wolf was about to eat Red Riding Hood, a hunter arrived and saved her.From that day on, Red Riding Hood always listened to her mother"s warnings and was more cautious around strangers.
2023-07-29 21:44:112

音频 People have wondered about the nature of light and color since ancient times. Some people thought that light came from the eye rather than coming into the eye. To see, light was projected(投射)from our eyes to illuminate things as we look at them. Now we know that what we see is mostly reflected light, like the light from the moon which is reflected sunlight. Light comes from a light source, such as the Sun, and either enters our eyes directly or after it has reflected off something. In 1666 Sir isaac Newton showed that when light passes through a prism, it separates into all the other colors. This clearly demonstrated that light is composed of many different colors. The difference between colors is due to their wavelength. A prism separates light into different colors because each color has a different wavelength. The angle at which a color bends in a prism depends on its wavelength. Colors with shorter wavelengths bend more than colors with longer wavelengths. This explains why red light bends less than yellow light. The reason is because its wavelength is longer. Of the visible colors, violet light has the shortest wavelength, so it bends the most. (A prism separates light into its component colors.) (Each color is a single wavelength of light.) If you have ever painted, you know that different colors can be combined to create new colors. For example, if you add white to a color, you lighten it. However, the three primary colors, red, blue and yellow cannot be made by mixing other colors. It isn"t possible to mix any combination of colors to create red, blue or yellow. Mixing two primary colors creates a secondary color such as purple , which is made by mixing blue and red. Mixing three primary colors creates a tertiary color such as brown or gray.
2023-07-29 21:44:181

separate from和divide...into的区别和各自的例句

separate from ,是两个物体(人)分开,A separates from B divide.into是将一个物体分成几份,或者是将一个大的范围分成若干个小的.如 divide a room into several compartment
2023-07-29 21:44:251


1.Thanks to the English Channel which separates Britain from Rurope, the country has not been invaded since 1066.2.However,now that modern warfare is far more complex, such fears no longer exist.3.Both Britain and Europe benefit enormously from a Channel Tunnle.(Both..and)
2023-07-29 21:44:471


  美国留学生有时候要参加派对,但你知道派对社交礼仪吗?下面跟着我一起来看看吧。 一、服装礼仪   美国的宴会或舞会,请帖上一般都会注明着装要求(Dress Code),分以下几种情况:   ①White Tie或者说是Ultra-formal   这是最最正式的场合,什么授勋仪式、宫廷晚宴之类的。 男士:要穿燕尾服(tailcoat),配套的是白色马甲,白色衬衫,白色领结。裤子两侧有两道笔直的竖条。裤子不用皮带用吊带。   女士:要穿大裙摆的长晚礼服。   ②Black Tie或者说是Formal   这是最常见的正规着装要求。   男士:要穿晚礼服(Tuxedo),前襟领子是黑缎面的,配白衬衫,黑领结,黑腰带,黑袜子,黑鞋。裤子两侧夹缝有和领子同面料的黑缎夹条。   女士:穿晚礼服(Evening gown),低胸露肩的那种,相配的小包和鞋子。项链、耳环等首饰的真假无所谓,但是要闪亮,戴手镯而不是手表。   ③Black Tie Optional 或者是Creative Black Tie   男士:可以穿Tuxedo或正式的深色圆摆西装,可以不打领结换成打领带,衬衫最好是白色的。   女士:可以是晚礼服、不拖地的四分之三长礼服或者是考究的晚宴两件套(dressy separates),和Formal相配的小包和鞋子。项链、耳环等首饰的真假无所谓,但是要闪亮,戴手镯而不是手表。   ④Semi-formal   男士:深色西服。   女士:短礼服、考究的套装。   ⑤Cocktail   鸡尾酒会一般在下午4点到7点举行,属于半正式着装,(Semi-formal)。   男士:穿深色西装。   女士:穿短裙或套装,长度和白天服装相同,但用料要讲究,天鹅绒、丝绸缎子之类的,颜色要比白天的服装明亮,华贵,配上闪亮的首饰,可搭配围巾。要穿高跟鞋。妆比白天要浓。   ⑥Dressy Casual   男士:比较讲究一点的便装,像西装上衣配休闲裤,衬衣休闲西裤等。   女士:连衣裙,漂亮上衣配裤子,毛衣配裙子等可以自由发挥。   ⑦Business Casual   不太正式的职场聚会(扩充人脉的party)和一些不错的餐馆都会要求businesscasual,这比DressyCasual 再随便一些,但是不能穿牛仔裤。   ⑧Casual 或Informal   这种说法意味着可以随便穿,但是短裤、凉鞋还是要避免,也不要西装革履的,有时越随便的穿着,越能看出人的品味,不能掉以轻心。   女士穿一件质地普通的连衣裙肯定比穿牛仔裤雅致。化淡妆。   二、社交礼仪   介绍时:   介绍人时,一般原则为将卑方介绍给尊方,具体就是先将男介绍给女,幼介绍给长。介绍后握手须简短有力,美国人认为有力的握手代表诚恳坦率。不过对方倘若是女性时,可等女方先伸手,以免失礼。   约会时:   男女交往在美国是比较开放的,约会看电影吃饭也是非常普遍的,和异性热情地交往并不算失礼。男女双方均可主动邀约,通常男性较主动,可以各自付账或一方请客。美国朋友倘若说:Let"s go get a beer或Want a cup of coffee?时,可别误会他要请客,这种情形通常是各自付费的。如果应邀地点在餐厅,餐后可提议付小费,倘主人坚持不允,也可不必勉强。   约会有时并不具其他含意,也不表示必将成为特殊性的伴侣。所以,如果你想和某人见面谈谈或看个电影或一起吃个饭,以增进双方的友谊,共度一段愉悦的时光,尽可主动大方地去邀约。如果你不想赴对方约会或对方有令你不舒服的举动,可以客气但肯定地说NO,彼此尊重是基本的交往原则,也是每个人的权利。   关于时间观念:   约会应准时,如赴宴则最好迟到几分钟;如果早主人先到,反而失礼。若有紧急状况无法准时赴约,必须电话通知和解释,绝不可无疾而终、让人空等。   关于赴宴:   美国人虽然会常说“随时来找我”,即使有些邀约是相当诚恳的,但拜访前仍应事先电话联系,确定时间,以免自己的随时而造成别人的不便。若接到正式的邀约,请柬上倘印有R.S.V.P.,去与不去必须电话通知。大型活动请柬通常印有Regrets only,此时只有不参加时才须通知。若没有赴约把握不要轻意应允;若临时不能赴约,务请电话通知。有任何饮食禁忌可先告知。特殊的文化风俗和饮食禁忌可得谅解和尊重。   如果应邀参加家庭聚会,可问主人需要什么礼物,即使主人婉谢,届时仍可带瓶酒或一束鲜花,或带一些具有中国风味的小礼物。除非事先言明,一般聚会活动以不带小孩参加为宜,如果聚会性质为野餐烤肉,则大都可全家参加。宴后三四天内别忘记寄一张感谢卡或谢函给主人,若在主人家过夜通常将感谢卡寄给女主人。   三、餐桌礼节   ①注意使用刀叉顺序,以及叉匙性质。   ②刀叉斜放盘缘,表示尚在用餐之中;若完全放在盘中,则表示已使用完毕。   ③盐、胡椒瓶倘离座远,不可伸手去取,而须请隔座代劳递送。   ④上甜点或咖啡时,主人可开始致词,宾客亦可利用此时答谢。   ⑤行路乘车:行路一般以右为尊,女士同行,男士应走左边,出入应为女士开门。搭车时,车主驾车,前座为尊,其他则以后座右侧为尊。自己开车时须先为客人开车门,等坐定后始上车启动。   四、一般礼仪   1. 保持面带微笑,碰到认识的朋友时,主动问候对方,别人问候你时,也要回问候对方,表示关心。   2. 说话时语气诚恳、态度大方,当别人问候你时,回答尽量简洁。   3. 多赞美对方。眼睛要亮一点,当对方改变发型时、看人家的相片时,有好的地方要尽量赞美;不好的,可用另一个角度来欣赏,如说cute(可爱的)。   4. 到别人家做客时,有机会就要赞不绝口地表示对主人招待的赞美和感谢。   5. 要注意自己的仪容整洁,千万不要形象太邋遢,身体或口腔的异味、头皮屑等等都是令人很不愉快的。   6. 别忘了说Excuse me,Please和Thank You,这几个词在和美国人交流时用的概率很大,可能也是我们最容易忽视的。
2023-07-29 21:44:531


Great High Mountain-Jack White 最后大家都坐在一起时想起的音乐 You Will Be My Ain True Love -- Alison Krauss 片尾曲(打开迅雷,复制上一行就能下载,也可以在百度MP3搜一下) 祝你好运
2023-07-29 21:45:023

It is the Suez Canal __________ separates Asia __________ Africa

C 前面是强调句,It"s.....that.... separate A from B
2023-07-29 21:45:113


goal:Understood that from 2008 to 2010 clinical separates Baoman not the walking beam strain distribution and bears the medicine characteristic, and provides the reference for the clinical reasonable use antibiotics. The method uses the slip of paper diffusion process (the KB law) or the self-reacting device clinical separates the Baoman walking beam strain not to enter takes a walk the sensitive experiment, according to CLSI in 2007 the standard determination medicine sensitive result, and carries on the data analysis with the WHONET5.4 software. The result in the statistical 582 Baoman motionless bacillus, the clinical specimen originates by the respiratory tract accounts for 85.40% primarily; The clinical administrative offices distribution accounts for 20.45% primarily by ICU; This fungus in tests in the antibiotic, its drug resistance assumes year by year the trend of escalation. The conclusion to this fungus"s monitor in demonstrated that its infection and the drug resistance in clinical assume year by year the trend of escalation, should continue to strengthen bacterium"s drug resistance monitor to instruct the clinical reasonable application antibiotics, slows down the bacterium drug resistance proliferation.
2023-07-29 21:45:191


1、爱是无辜的风筝,拉扯最在乎的人。 Love is an innocent kite, pulling the people who care most. 2、别等不该等的人,别伤不该伤的心! Don"t wait for the wrong person, don"t hurt the wrong heart! 3、如果记忆不说话,流年也会开出花。 If memory does not speak, flowering years will blossom. 4、有些东西,现在翻出来看一样会哭。 There are some things that can cry when they are turned over. 5、忘记你,是为了证明我可以忘记你。 To fet you is to prove that I can fet you. 6、笑是给别人看的,泪是给自己咽的。 Laughter is for others to see, tears are for oneself to swallow. 7、给我一个理由忘记,那么深爱的你。 Give me a reason to fet, so deeply loved you. 8、—个人的缝隙,隔开了我们的距离。 Individual gap separates us from each other. 9、别说我冷,暖的时候你没珍惜而已。 Don"t say I"m cold, you don"t treasure me when I"m warm. 10、说太多不如沉默,想太多我会难过。 Speaking too much is better than silence, thinking too much will make me sad. 11、世界笑我太虚伪,我笑世界太现实。 The world laughs at me too hypocritical, I laugh at the world too realistic. 12、无能为力的时候说什么都显得苍白。 When there is nothing to do, everything seems pale. 13、我爱你,没有什么目的。只是爱你。 I love you for no purpose. Just love you. 14、只因那时年少,总把未来想得太好。 Because I was young at that time, I always thought too much about the future. 15、连时光都在嘲笑我不该对你太认真。 Even time laughs at me for not taking you too seriously. 16、幸福不是得你所想,而是想你所得! Happiness is not what you want, but what you get! 17、不得不承认,时间真的会带走一切。 I have to admit that time really takes everything away. 18、我能做到的最好,不是你要的刚好。 The best I can do is not just what you want. 19、我们不在一个地方,请照顾好自己。 We are not in one place, please take care of yourself. 20、后来,我爱的人都与你有几分相像。 Later, the people I love are somewhat like you. 21、别等我变了后,才说怀念以前的我。 Don"t wait for me to change before you say you miss me. 22、放下该放下的你、退出没结局的剧。 Put down what you should put down and quit the endless play. 23、演绎得再美好,还是在悲伤中死去。 No matter how beautiful it is, it still dies in sorrow. 24、终归还是男人的阴谋,女人的一生。 The final return is a man"s conspiracy, a woman"s life. 25、等你爱我,哪怕只有一次也就足够。 When you love me, even once is enough. 26、你可能也不爱我,只是刚好遇见我。 You may not love me, but just meet me. 27、也许,走得太远的代价,就是寂寞。 Perhaps the price of going too far is loneliness. 28、思念是一首歌,我在心里低低吟唱。 Missing is a song, I whisper in my heart. 29、不知不觉,是这世上最可怕的力量。 Unconsciously, it is the most terrible force in the world. 30、突然,发现自己的笑变的好假好假。 Suddenly, I found that my laughter became good or false. 31、原来,他的故事,从来都与我无关。 It turned out that his story had never had anything to do with me. 32、你绝情,我断义,从此直线永平行。 You are absolute, I assert, since then the straight line will always be parallel. 33、原来爱情会过期,剩下的只是回忆。 The original love will expire, leaving only memories. 34、我需要一个拥抱,今天我心情不好。 I need a hug. I"m in a bad mood today. 35、留不住的是人心,抵不过的是背叛。 What cannot be retained is the hearts and minds of the people, but betrayal. 36、说了流泪无用,却还是禁不住落泪。 It"s no use crying, but I can"t help it. 37、风雨本是无心起,奈何花叶倾心落。 Wind and rain originally did not intend to rise, but the flowers and leaves fell in love. 38、被忘却,被记得,那都是别人的事。 Fotten, remembered, that"s someone else"s business. 39、你走了真好,要不然总担心你会走。 It"s nice of you to go, or you"re always afraid you"ll go. 40、我吹过你吹过的风,这算不算相拥。 I"ve blown through the wind you"ve blown. It"s not a hug. 41、当年你信口一誓,如今我空等一世。 When you swore, now I"m waiting all my life. 42、不如不见,过去了就让它随风逝去。 It"s better not to see it. Let it go with the wind when it"s gone. 43、从来不需要想起,永远也不会忘记。 Never need to think, never fet. 44、主动的人是不是卑微到不能被珍惜。 Is the initiative too humble to be cherished? 45、牵了别人的手,就别再做我的英雄。 Take someone else"s hand and stop being my hero.
2023-07-29 21:45:391

perhaps most seperates

A. 第一空是由what 引导的主语从句,在句中充当主要角色,意为“最能把成功人士和其他人区分开的”.类似的:what they don"t like他们不喜欢的. 后一空是由that引导的表语从句. 希望帮到你!
2023-07-29 21:45:461

separate from和divide...into的区别和各自的例句

separate from ,是两个物体(人)分开, A separates from B divide。。。 into是将一个物体分成几份,或者是将一个大的范围分成若干个小的。如 divide a room into several compartment
2023-07-29 21:45:541


晕··定语从句不是说是修饰主句中的主语和宾语的·那你这么说·那复合多重定语从句咋理解难···定语的含义是修饰与限制名词或者代词的词··这门理解··那定语从句也不言而喻···这句中定语从句修饰的就是名词english channel``充当从句中的主语。修饰的就是介词宾语···而thanks to 是主句中的状语成份··since1066也是··`什么叫后面可以加定语从句???????没搞懂这句话····
2023-07-29 21:46:043


DR在医学的意思 Digital Radiography,直接数字化X射线摄影系统. DR 由探测器、影像处理器、影象显示器等组成。透射过人体后的X线讯号被探测获取,直接形成数字影像,数字影像资料传到计算机,在显示器上显示,也可以进行后期处理。现在主要的DR探测器为非晶矽探测器和非晶硒探测器,两种探测器获取影像的效果差别不大。其它的还有多丝正比室探测器,这是一种空气探测器。还有一种CCD探测器。非晶矽探测器和非晶硒探测器都被称为平板探测器。 1.直接通过专业显示器进行阅片,无须再冲洗胶片,大大节约胶片成本(有特殊需求的患者除外); 2.DR升级后可以免除了拍错片等各种烦恼,拍错片或病人身体移动导致图片效果差,医生可以很快看到影响结果,并重新拍摄。 3.对骨结构、关节软骨及软组织的显示优于传统的X线成像,还可进行矿物盐含量的定量分析;易于显示纵隔结构如血管和气管;对结节性病变的检出率高于传统的X线成像;在观察肠管积气、气腹和结石等含钙病变优于传统X线影象;体层成像优于X线体层摄影;胃肠双对比造影在显示胃小区、微小病变和肠粘膜皱襞上,数字化影象优于传统的X线造影。 4.DR的成像过程 DR的成像过程是数字化成像过程。X线探测器将透过人体的X线能量转换和数字化,包括X线采集、转换、量化、传输、处理、显示等在内的整个X线成像过程均是数字化资讯处理过程。数字化摄影模式改变了影象资讯形成的基础,X线讯号的载体不再是屏/片系统,而是由众多种类的X线探测器取代,X线探测器通过不同的讯号采集原理,把代表人体资讯的X线强度分布,采用数字化模式进行采集、转换、储存、处理和显示。 NYHA在医学中的意思? NYHA分级 心力衰竭的分级,NYHA分级是按诱发心力衰竭症状的活动程度将心功能的受损状况分为四级。这一方案有纽约心脏病协会(NYHA)于1928年提出,因操作简单,临床上沿用至今。实际上NYHA分级是对C期和D期患者症状严重程度的分级。 Ⅰ级:患者有心脏病,但日常活动量不受限制,一般体力活动不引起过度疲劳、心悸、气喘或心绞痛。 Ⅱ级:心脏病患者的体力活动轻度受限制。休息时无自觉症状,一般体力活动引起过度疲劳、心悸、气喘或心绞痛。 Ⅲ级:患者有心脏病,以致体力活动明显受限制。休息时无症状,但小于一般体力活动即可引起过度疲劳、心悸、气喘或心绞痛。 Ⅳ级:心脏病患者不能从事任何体力活动,休息状态下也出现心衰症状,体力活动后加重。 scf在医学中的意思 重组人干细胞因子( SCF):干细胞因子(SCF)是一种造血生长因子,发挥其活性在造血的早期阶段。SCF *** 粒细胞,红细胞的增殖,并在骨髓培养的淋巴祖细胞已显示出协同作用,集落 *** 因子。 erp在医学中的意思是啥 件相关电位(ERP,event-related potential)是一种特殊的脑诱发电位,通过有意地赋予 *** 以特殊的心理意义,利用多个或多样的 *** 所引起的脑的电位。它反映了认知过程中大脑的神经电生理的变化,也被称为认知电位,也就是指当人们对某课题进行认知加工时,从头颅表面记录到的脑电位。 salience在医学或心理学中的意思? 突出经验 的意思亲 超声在医学的前景 现在的孕妇胎儿检查就是一个, 肿瘤的诊断,胸腔检查也在用。 医学的bolus什么意思 BOLUS 单次快注 肯定没错 short-gut在医学英语中文的意思 典范英语-。喔 还有一件事,目前我在学的ABC天卞英语中心的导师和我们说过 事实上想征服英语是不难的!一定要有一个适宜的研习空间及练习口语物件 老师水平是关键 标准口音(建议找欧美外教)很重要,不间断每天口语学习 1&1个性化学习才能有更.好.的进步效率..上完课记得重听课堂音讯,好巩固知识点!不过实在没人帮忙的话,那么就上 VOA或爱思拿到课余学习材料研习 多说多练很快的语境就培养起来 学习成长应该可以达成目标的 It was the first dayof term at Abby Park School. Blackbones was the new teacher in the Class . Andhe was a pirate. All of the students liked Blackbones. But, the head, MissLupin didn"t like Blackbones. So she sacked Blackbones. And he has got to go bythe end of the week. The students were very sad. But at the same time, theyknew a big secret! The secret was: the school need 10,000 to mend the roof. ButMiss Lupin didn"t have so much money. So they thought they can help the school.So, students told Blackbones ts secret. When, Blackbones knew that, he wasvery happy and surprised. Then, he sold many treasure maps and made a lot ofmoney. And he gave the money to the school. Miss Lupin was very happy. So, shedidn"t sack Blackbones. Blackbones managed to save the Abby Park School. CPTA在医学上是什么检查的意思 基因克隆吧 CHF在医学上是 心力衰竭的意思吗? chronic heart failure 慢性心力衰竭
2023-07-29 21:41:211


作为一个还算经常出国的人,跳跳认为语言绝不是旅行的主要阻碍! 跳跳的英语也就是四级低分飘过水平,但还是可以在国外玩得很开心~ 接下来,跳跳就根据自己的出国经验,给大家分析一下我们在国外可能会遇到的语言问题及解决方法!一、出国旅行,沟通一般会遇到以下3种情况: 1、去华人多的外语国家旅行(新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、越南等) 去这些国家旅行,你大可不必担心语言问题, 华人巨多,且大部分都会说汉语, 沟通完全无障碍!跳跳去 旅游 的时候,差点儿都怀疑自己是不是出了个假国~ 2、去英语普及率高的国家旅行(英国、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、荷兰、日本、韩国等) 到这些地方旅行, 提前下载个翻译软件应该就足够,毕竟现在翻译软件的中英翻译准确率还不错。 但如果你和跳跳一样对英语略懂一二,行前突击一下旅行常用语句练口语、看一下美剧提高听力,沟通时再加上点肢体语言,基本就能应付整趟旅行~ 3、去英语普及率低的国家旅行(俄罗斯、西班牙、意大利、法国等) 这些地方都是母语非英语的国家,会说英语的人不多,华人也少, 必须提前在手机下载好翻译软件, 跳跳推荐谷歌和有道,可语音/拍照翻译,覆盖100+种语言。预算充足的朋友,可以预约当地导游翻译,能玩得更尽兴~二、不懂外语,去国外旅行有哪些常用应对方法? 1、出门前恶补一下常用语 例如问价格、问方向等简单用语,至少不会哑口无言。网上的资料很多,搜索“ 旅游 常用xx语”就可以找到,跳跳就不在此赘述啦~ 2、提前把要去的地方或要买的东西抄在本子上 特别是酒店地址!迷路或是打车的时候直接把本子拿给对方看,对方也能一下子就能明白呢~ 3、学一些简单易懂的肢体语言 例如在美国,服务员把右手拇指、食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字,就是在委婉地提醒你,吃完了,该付账了! 4、提前下载好翻译软件 现在的手机翻译软大多支持离线/语音/拍照翻译,即使在国外没网也能使用,应付出国旅行绰绰有余。跳跳对比了下市场上4款较多人使用的翻译软件:对比发现, 谷歌和有道在互译语言数量上具有压倒性的优势,而且翻译的准确度一直都受到了普遍好评, 跳跳推荐大家使用~ 5、上网找个当地导游带你玩 目前,导游资源较丰富、较多人使用的导游预约网站有丸子地球和8只小猪。 不过,跳跳认为请地陪的价格有点小贵,至少需要300块/天,多则每日几千,如果只是一个人去旅行,不太划算。 6、寻找当地的 旅游 中心询问 很多著名景点都会设有 旅游 中心,工作人员有比较好的外语能力,有什么疑问都可以去找里面的工作人员咨询呢~像跳跳之前去韩国,就有中、日、韩、英语咨询服务可供选择,很贴心~综上,跳跳认为, 出国在外,外语水平不够,肢体语言和翻译语言来凑, 语言真不是问题,希望题主和不懂外语的朋友都放心大胆地往外走吧! 不懂外语去国外 旅游 全攻略 关于这个问题我想我有资格可以很好的回答。 我是已经退休八年的老头,去年八月约了几个朋友一起去马来西亚,感到打开了整个世界。于是一发不可收拾。由于时间冲突,个人喜好,费用等问题化了很大精力也协调不好。于是一气之下宣布独自 旅游 。 一年半来走了十多个国家,几十个国外城市。当然有种种不便,辛苦,心酸,寂寞,无助的感觉。但是总的来说得大大的多与失。其实也没有什么失 ,只是自己还脆弱。 旅游 ,无非吃住行玩。但是很多人包括我老婆也很担心。语言不通怎么办。 先介绍我的情况,退休前是搞机械行业技术,生产管理的。所以电脑是可以熟练运用的,手机更没有问题了。下个合适的APP使用没有问题。外语是不懂的。充其量认识字母。还有骚瑞,古德猫宁,哈罗…… 首先我认为,大多数人是有帮助弱者的美德的。如果有人故意坑你了。没有办法,俺人品不好。 其实在几十个国外城市 旅游 还真的没有遇到多少不愉快事情。 下面具体说说怎么在不懂当地语言的情况下在当地吃住行玩。 吃是第一要紧,去当地超市,便利店,明码标价,童叟无欺。喜欢什么点了按标价付款。无需开口。或者去当地人吃的小店指人家吃的来一份。今天吃错了马上再来过或者明天再来过。明白吗?反正价格不贵的。 比较正规的饭店有菜单,东南亚国家饭店好多有汉语菜单的,不建议去。坑人的多。当地人吃的才是好。菜单看不懂不要紧,翻译软件 大多有菜单拍照翻译功能。或者可以直接去厨房指着要,价格用计算机。 住的问题比较麻烦,如果行程安排合理,攻略做的比较好的话可以在国内全预定好,什么时候到哪里,什么时候接机,接站。方便。如果行程出了意外也很正常。那就是要求助当地人,没有能力直接对话,用翻译软件一定没有问题的。不能用翻译软件的就需要在出国前多准备点用中文标识的求助小卡片,用中文标识是为了你自己能找到你需要的那张。比如我要上厕所,哪里有旅馆酒店,请帮助我找个超市等等。会很有用的。 住下了,要记住住的酒店名称,记不住也没有关系,千万记得在酒店大堂哪张酒店名片。你去了天涯海角你也能摸回来。 按攻略计划去景点,千万记得请酒店前台打电话叫车,便宜。或者请酒店前台用当地语言写下公交线路。当你迷路的时候给人看会有大用。起码让愿意帮助你的人知道你从哪里来要到那里去。 玩更简单,到了景点也是明码标价的,也有坑外国人的,外国人价格高许多,那也没有办法是不。国内好像是优惠外国人的啊。进了景区往人多的地方去没毛病。 如果手机没有电,酒店名片掉了,钱也掉了,天黑了,迷路了,准备的卡片也掉或者没有合适表达的,那只有一招了,请在您的内裤上提早写上当地大使馆电话号码。 希望本文对你和有意愿去国外 旅游 的朋友有帮助。 积十多国家数十国外城市单人 旅游 经验,无论有什么问题全可以交流。 谢谢您的阅读。 不懂外语又想一个人出国 旅游 ,最简单省事的方法就是跟团 旅游 了,跟团游省心、省时、省力、省钱,吃住行都不用自己操心,有中文导游带队讲解,自己只要随着团队到各个 旅游 景点观光就行了。跟团游一般花费比自由行低些,去的也都是大众化的著名的经典景点,跟团游人身安全会更能得到保障。 跟团游路线和游玩的时间都是固定的,游览景点多但是都不够深入,基本都是走马观花的到此一游。想按照自己的喜好自由的选择 旅游 景点,更深入地体验异国风情,自由行更适合。 但是一个人到一个陌生的国度又不懂外语选择自由行确实比较困难,但是只要我们行前积极做好充分而又全面的准备,也是完全可以来一场说走就走的旅行。 万能的网络可以解决许多问题,先在网上租个移动WI-FI,在机场取还,有了网络出门就方便多了,到达目的地用卫星地图搜索想去的 旅游 景点、酒店、餐馆、乘车站等一目了然。我们到德国瑞士自驾游时就是靠的移动WI-FI,很精确方便地把我们带到想去的地点。现代的 科技 产品也可以帮助不懂外语的人出国 旅游 ,语音翻译机,你直接用中文通过语音翻译机帮你翻译成外语给老外,大体上可以满足基本的交流需求的,网上还可以下载一些翻译软件语音翻译,另外再辅助加上一个很实在的笨办法就是把机场入关、出关、酒店、问路、乘车等常用的口语中文外文对照写下来,加上手势比划,基本都能解决语言交流的问题。 一个人出国 旅游 ,还有一个办法,就是个人游和跟团游的组合,飞机来回飞都是自己,到了国外那些交通方便,各种信息发达的地方可以选择自由自在的自由行。而还想去一些交通不便的地方时可以选择在国外当地参团游,国外热门的 旅游 城市一般都有海外华人的旅行社,这样的组合式 旅游 既能满足自由自在的深度 旅游 ,又能解决不懂外语交流困难的困扰,更有效安全地游览更多的名胜美景。 最后再强调一下,一个人出国 旅游 ,又不懂外语,行前一定一定要做好充分的 旅游 准备,搜集目的地的各种信息资料,上各大 旅游 网站看 旅游 攻略,吸收别人的 旅游 经验和教训,尽量做到准备充分,心中有数。然后我们就可以带着一颗勇敢的心满怀期待和憧憬,愉快地踏上一个人的旅程了。 感谢阅读!想去国外 旅游 ,“不会英语”真的已经不是一个障碍了!你完全可以借助 科技 ,完成语言交流。 下面推荐几个我在国外 旅游 常用的软件: (1.)谷歌翻译 只要你手机下了这个app,就能直接对着它说话,然后它就自动转换英语或者其他语言。 点击“朗读”,它就可以播放这个语言。 同理,别人回答你的时候也可以用这个app来听,是不是挺方便的?(2.)有道词典 如果有一点点英语基础,可以用有道查单词,来表达自己的意思。 我们在国外有不懂的,都是那他查的,挺好使。 而且,他还可以实景翻译,就是你把图片放进去,他可以自动识别,转换成英语!(3.)翻译器 如果费用足够,可以带上一个翻译器。 手上拿着就行,他可以实时翻译,就像一个随身的翻译员! (4.)肢体语言 到了国外,不要觉得自己不会英语很丢人什么的 其实在人家看来,你是外国人,不会英语很正常,根本不会笑你,反而有的人很好奇还想和你搭话,帮助你呢! 所以,如果语言不通,你完全可以肢体语言,最重要的是克服你自己这关! 一个人去国外 旅游 不会外语真的不是障碍。以我去日本 旅游 的亲身经历来说,不会日语真的没有什么。因为首先,你不会说日语或英语,但日本的很多工作人员会说中国话。我在关西机场通关的时候,那些机场的工作人员就会说中国话。还有就是很多购物的商店也会聘用中国人来促进中国游客来消费,再有就是日本的景点都标有中文版英文版韩文版日文版的文字标识,去景点游玩不会有什么困难。最后就是在日本的中国人真的太多了,随处可见。遇到一个中国人也是很平常的事,如果有什么困难而又实在和外国人沟通困难,那么可以找中国人啊!最后就是实在找不到别的办法,那么还可以借助翻译软件。我当时在富良野王子酒店预定车票的时候服务员就是用的翻译工具交流的。最后如果你实在担心不敢去听不懂中国话的国家,那么你也可以去新加坡马来西亚。那里的国人大多数都中国话,这样你就无需担心语言不通这个问题了。 不懂外语没关系,主要是你有没有出行的勇气,任何一件事,都是被这样那样的困难吓退的,当你每去一个陌生地方,都有很多未知的东西,需要去 探索 和发现,不懂外语可以下载个讯飞翻译app,可以简单的沟通,还有哪个国家都有我们的同胞,还有会中文的外国人呀,所以说不懂外语这都不是事。希望对你有所帮助! 各位晚上好,今天来回答有关出国旅行不懂外文的问题。 想当年还在学校读书时,英语老师总是用“学好ABC,走遍天下都不怕”来勉励,但那时还没有认识到外语的重要性,上英语课时还要“翘课”。现在好了,去国外 旅游 ,尤其是说英语的国家,听老外说话就像听天书一样,一脸懵逼啊。言归正传,这几年,因为限于英语能力,许多出国旅行的机会都推掉了,实在是感觉出国语言交流太困难。但是,是不是不懂外语就不能出国了,回答肯定不是了。所以我会选择去中国游客比较热门的地方,去那里一般不用担心自己的外语能力。像去到马来西亚,住宿的酒店前台都提供免费的中文导游简介,拿一本就能解决出行指南。韩国的一些景点,售票处都会摆上各种语言的免费导游手册,至少让我对景点有个很好的认识。解决了出游的问题,你还得解决跟人交流的环节,出门打车、问路总要交流吧。现在大家都有手机,建议在出国前在手机上装个“谷歌翻译”APP,很管用,它有一个功能,就是可以实时将语音转成文字,比如你说中文,要立马转换成英语,只要对着手机说一段中文,马上就能在手机屏上看到实时翻译的英文,反过来也是如此。当然这个APP需要无线网络支持,建议出国前租一台WIFI设备,到了国外就能直接使用,还能支持“谷歌地图”的查询,对出国旅行还是有很大的帮助的。希望我的回答能帮到你。 曾独自背包走过越南、柬埔寨、泰国、意大利、法国、德国、捷克等国家,出行前也曾被这个问题困扰过,特意来分享下我的感受和看法:英语并不是出国旅行的必要条件 曾看过一个国外新闻:俩外国老人一句英文不会说,却跑遍全球。一直觉得这种事很传奇,直到在泰国认识了一个英语水平约等于0的旅行者,看着他连阿拉伯数字的英文表达都不会,我深深相信,语言障碍真的不会成为限制你脚步的枷锁。基本的英语水平足以 其实,基本的英语水平足以应付你在国外旅行生活基本所需的大部分沟通,这个基本的英语水平,指的是咱们通过学校教育达到的水平,大部分人都满足。相信你也不会是一点英语都不会,上学至少是学过的。身边朋友听说我的出国旅行事件后,怀疑我的英语很好。小米每次都会如实告知,我是那种考了几次才刚刚过大学英语四级及格线的水平。在泰国东北部某村的农场做义工的时候,结识了几个新西兰朋友,跟其中两个姐姐聊到来大姨妈不能做马杀鸡,可我哪里知道大姨妈的英文单词是什么。所以我就说:女生每个月总会来一次,那几天不舒服。这样她俩很容易就猜到了。另外,旅行中你会发现:身体语言的力量很强大,表达困难的时候,使用身体语言会比查手机翻译词典方便得多。您好!如果不懂外语,给您几个建议: 第一个方法可以跟团。这样即使自己不懂外语,导游、领队都是可以帮忙解决旅行中遇到的问题。第二个方法可以跟会懂外语的朋友去 旅游 。每个人可以分工,他们帮忙交流,然后您就可以帮忙去做一些其他的事情。大家有分工,这样的话朋友就不会觉得带着不懂语言的人是个麻烦的事情。第三个方法,我见过很多情侣或者是朋友在没有办法沟通的情况下,他们会下载一个同声传译在手机里面。类似的APP我也试过,不是很方便。每次交流的时候要先拿出手机(毕竟有的国家不是很安全,手机不能总握在手里),赶紧找到APP,然后再去输入自己想说的话。语言不懂的问题就是,不知道翻译出来意思能否正确。我尝试的时候,对方总是皱着眉头要读好几次才能大概明白我想说的是什么。一般情况下,不懂当地语言无法沟通,大家心里都会害怕,心里很慌。其实不用担心,外国人很多都很友好,即使不懂语言他们也会试用肢体语言,找其他的办法去帮忙的。我在动车上就见过一位南方的大姐不懂英语,也顺利帮忙老外找到他的座位。 还有就是,现在哪个国家没有中国人?不要担心。
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seasonal decomposition require at least one periodicdata component to be confined季节性分解要求至少一周期性将被限制的data组分在这方面浙江省的一些做法比较领先,比如《用SPSS分析浙江三城市蚊、蝇、蜚蠊密度季节消长规律》等
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诗经硕鼠原文及翻译如下:《硕鼠》原文硕鼠硕鼠,无食我黍!三岁贯女,莫我肯顾。逝将去女,适彼乐土。乐土乐土,爱得我所硕鼠硕鼠,无食我麦!三岁贯女,莫我肯德。逝将去女,适彼乐国。乐国乐国,爱得我直。硕鼠硕鼠,无食我苗!三岁贯女,莫我肯劳。逝将去女,适彼乐郊。乐郊乐郊,谁之永号?《硕鼠》原文翻译大田鼠呀大田鼠,不许吃我种的黍!多年辛勤伺候你,你却对我不照顾。发誓定要摆脱你去那乐土有幸福。那乐土啊那乐土,才是我的好去处!大田鼠呀大田鼠,不许吃我种的麦!多年辛勤候你,你却对我不优待。发誓定要摆脱你去那乐国有仁爱。那乐国啊那乐国,才是我的好所在!大田鼠呀大田鼠,不许吃我种的苗!多年辛勒伺候你,你却对我不慰劳!发誓定要摆脱你去那乐郊有欢笑。那乐郊啊那乐郊,谁还悲叹长呼号!《诗经》的由来:《诗经》约成书于春秋中期,起初叫做《诗》,孔子曾多次提及此称,如:“《诗》三百一言以蔽之,日:“思无邪“诵《诗》三百,授之以政,不达;使于四方,不能专对虽多,亦奚以为?”司马迁记载的也是这一名称,如:“《诗》三百篇,大抵贤圣发愤之所为作也。因为后来传世的版本中共记载有 311 首,为了叙述方便,就称作“诗三百”。之所以改称《诗经》,是由于汉武帝以《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《春秋》为五经的缘故。
2023-07-29 21:41:261


1 在计算机中是一种教学语言 2 公司或企业的商标或标志标志、徽标、商标(logo)是现代经济的产物,它不同与古代的印记,现代标志承载着企业的无形资产,是企业综合信息传递的媒介。标志作为企业CIS战略的最主要部分,在企业形象传递过程中,是应用最广泛、出现频率最高,同时也是最关键的元素。企业强大的整体实力、完善的管理机制、优质的产品和服务,都被涵概于标志中,通过不断的刺激和反复刻画,深深的留在受众心中。3.LOGO的制作工具和方法 好像目前并没有专门制作LOGO的软件,其实也并不需要这样的一种软件。我们平时所使用的图像处理软件或者还加上动画制作软件(如果你要做一个动画的LOGO的话)都可以很好地胜任这份工作,如PHOTOSHOP、FIREWORKS等。而LOGO的制作方法也和制作普通的图片及动画没什么两样,不同的只是规定了它的大小而已。
2023-07-29 21:41:161


先分享一个旅途中我遇到的真实事件。 去年十一月份在西班牙机场,准备从巴塞罗那飞往俄罗斯的谢列梅捷沃时,碰到一个60多岁的老人一个人拖着29寸的大行李箱办理登记手续,等候时得知他跟我一样都是先飞俄罗斯然后转机飞往北京。然而令我吃惊的是,这样的一个老人在不会外语,没有跟团,没有家人陪同的情况下,一个人从北京飞往西班牙逛了半个月,然后顺便拐弯逛了葡萄牙,整整一个月的时间,都是自己独自旅行。他说,出发前闺女有帮他订酒店和机票,并且饶有兴趣的跟我分享了从机场如何可以很便宜的去往各个城市的技巧,当时我是持怀疑态度的,毕竟每个城市的规则不同,譬如,在西班牙打车确实算比较贵的,而乘坐地铁相对实惠,但当地的文字国人通常是看不懂的,如果想要咨询只能用英语跟当地人沟通,类似于这样小的事情,出来旅行会遇到很多。后来在俄罗斯转机时,因为一件事,改变了我对他的看法。因为时差,我在候机厅一直昏睡,不知道睡了多久,他来到我身边,告诉我,丫头你看看登机口是不是变了。因为我犯迷糊时身边有一群飞往北京的年轻人一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,所以潜意识里我只知道在这里等着登机便好了。然而他刚说完,我仔细听广播,果然是换了登机口,心里对他感激的同时,顺便问他是怎么知道的。他说,第一快要登机,我们坐的又是大飞机,这边候机的人太少了。第二,他还记得办理托运时飞往北京的那几个“面孔”,他们都去了另外一边排队,所以觉得不对。所以,我突然一下理解他为什么可以一个人旅行这么久,所以,我很想分享这个故事,有心的人都是怎样面对旅行中遇到的问题的。总结一下便是,旅行攻略里告诉我们,即便不会英语,我们还可以下载相关国家翻译的app,我们可以提前做好详细的攻略,我们甚至可以提前在淘宝上购买好要去的景区门票,最后,大不了,我们还可以跟团游。然而却忘了,真正的旅行,需要勇气需要智慧更需要有心。一直在旅行,希望你能关注我,也许有你的陪伴我的旅途会更精彩~懵小旅! 我是名高中英语教师。退休好几年了。自从退休,我就没再碰过英语。干了三十几年,厌倦它了,不想再接触它了!这样,听力与口语的自然衰减是不可避免的。这一点,凡是学过外语的人都清楚。临行前时间都花在各种攻略上了,也没时间恶补一下英语,就这么,带着妻子第一次凭着对旅行的热爱,凭着一股勇气和自信,平生第一次踏上万里外的一块陌生土地。 下了飞机,在伦敦机场接受海关入境检查的时候,排队的人并不太多。这时,有个海关工作人员,用英语说到,Is there anybody who can speak English? 于是我下意识地举起了手。原来,有一位中国乘客在接受入境检查时,没有返程机票。持 旅游 签证或访亲探友签证的人没有返程机票不可以入境的。于是,我便给他们充当了一回临时翻译。 令我没想到的是,此时我竟然脑洞大开,多年不用的英语语句和单词此时也不知都从哪里一股脑蹦了出来! 伦敦机场面积超大,通道四通八达。陌生人想从里面走出来,并非易事。我问路的老外特别热情认真的给我指路。他告诉我们,通往出站口和地铁的路很远,期间还需乘坐一段shuttle车。按他的指引,我和妻子顺利出站,并很快找到地铁站。 我们乘地铁要到达的那个站名叫BERMONSEY。我根本就不知道它的读音 。于是我拿着下面的照片向一位穿制服的黑人问路。接下来我们顺利乘坐地铁并找到民宿住地。2018年第二次欧洲行,我们在哥本哈根入境。有位中国女士在办理入境手续接受海关人员询问时,每当被问到一句话,都在摇头。感觉她对英语一窍不通。我正要打算上前帮忙。有个中国导游快步上前帮忙翻译。结果这位女士顺利通关。 也是2018年第二次欧洲行,在北京机场办理出境手续时,我前边是位老者,大概近80岁。检查人员问,老爷子,和你一起同行的人呢?你去哪啊?去哪里干什么呢?他说,就我自己,我去俄罗斯,不止一次了。我很惊讶!就连工作人员都吃惊!我学过俄语,和他说了几句,发现他的俄语能力真的不怎么样。佩服老人家的勇气! 以下是常见的几种用到英语的情景 办理入境手续时 按规定,办理入境手续时,工作人员可能会向你问些简单问题。我入境英国、法国时都没有被询问,只是在护照上加盖入境章了事。在丹麦,遇到一次。那位漂亮、面带笑容、和蔼可亲的女士给我印象深刻。她操着很标准的、吐字清晰英语就问了我几个简单问题就放行了。如:你来丹麦干什么?逗留几天?然后去哪里?海关人员要么不询问,要么询问就都很耐心。办理入境手续时,用翻译APP交流可以完美解决。 问路时 老外都愿意热心助人,这是他们的传统。这一点,威尼斯人给我印象颇为深刻。他们不但会给你认真的指路,这不算完,还会告诉你于此有关的另外一些有用的信息。可以事先将要问的写在手机上。他输入英文,然后翻译成中文。这种交流很顺畅。可以解决语言障碍。 购物时 购物时基本不用语言交流。 购买城市交通票时 国内事先做好攻略,也可以找当地人帮忙。他们会很热心。只要你能熟练使用导航,方向感较强,加上利用翻译APP,在国外旅行不懂外语不是问题。 各位朋友,语言不是障碍,障碍在你心里! 关注我,欢迎咨询! 希望我以上提供的信息对你会有帮助,哪怕是一点点都将会是我的荣幸!谢谢! 不懂外语可以借助翻译软件。 相比出国 旅游 ,很多人应该都深思过这个问题,谈语色变,去国外 旅游 语言不通这是最大的麻烦事,下面说说我亲身经历。 记得2018年,当时去越南 旅游 ,去之前,身边友人都提醒我下载中越语和中英文翻译软件,在大家的规劝之下,我也下载了,总体来说还可以吧,去越南之后,尤其是芽庄,很多商家都说英语,还有去住宿开房等,其次,人生地不熟的,身在异乡,千万不要吝啬用微笑打招呼,真不行,可以用手比划着,例如我当时去街头抽烟,摸口袋没带打火机,正好迎面走过来一位小哥,那时候大脑短路了,不知道打火机英语怎么说,急着没办法打哑语抽烟的意思,还好,越南朋友能理解,成功借到火机。 分享一下我的经历吧,虽然年纪不大,但英语真的是完全不会。几年来陆陆续续自由行几个东南亚国家国家。 1、出发前订做好攻略,如怎样登记、怎样坐地铁,每天要去的点如何坐车,都要出发前心中有个底。 2、路在嘴边,不会坐车,拿着目的地的图问;不会买地铁票,问,自己在旁边学,基本看一次就会了。 3、住宿可以提前订,也可以去到再找,价钱直接用计算机,很方便。 4、不会点餐,看图,看旁边桌的。 总的来说,不懂英文没关系,要胆大心细,勇敢地去问。 这个我深有感触,今年去越来 旅游 我可以说是一句都不会说,听的话也只有一些简单的,确实是一个障碍,坐车不会说,也不能问,因为问了人家也听不懂,不过也不用担心下面几点可以解决你的困惑: 1、 去泰国的话还好,中国人去 旅游 的特别多,可以遇到中国人可以一起结伴; 2、 泰国是一个 旅游 发达国家,中国人多的地方大多数会有一些懂中文的,像越南就有很多地方的人会讲汉语; 3、 如果实再不行可以和他们比划,常见用的比划一下他们也能懂; 4、 最主要是的要开通国际漫游开通通话和网络,国际电话是比较贵的,你也可以出境前办一张当地的电话卡上网用,保证国内手机畅通,当地卡用来上网;这有两个好处: 1) 遇到问题可以打电话求助 2) 迷路了可以导航 3) 不会说当地话和英语可以借助翻译软件进行翻译和人交流(不过这个翻译还是有差别的,大致能进行沟通交流) 4) 当地人自己也会有翻译软件,进行翻译,越南有就是这样子,听不懂就拿手机出来让你对着手机说,然后翻译成当地语言 以上就是我今年去越南是这样过来的,确实发现在境外很不习惯,吃饭不会说,只点图片这个;打车也不会说地方,直接拿图片给司机看,或者把地址翻译给司机看。 个人建议,语言不通的话不要一个人去,跟团或者成群去,不然真的很麻烦。 其实现在完全不用担心这个问题,智能语音翻译器可以让您出国语言沟通无忧。1,如果你的手机卡是全球通,或者将要去的国家Wifi覆盖面大的话,直接配一款价格实惠,连接Wifi或者手机热点就能翻译的翻译器就可以。2,第二种,你的手机国外无法用,而且该国家Wifi网络少,你就需要配一款带4G网络,同时支持mifi的翻译机,然后配一张国际流量卡,这种流量卡非常便宜,费用相对出国 旅游 可以忽略不计。同时翻译器也可以发出mifi信号,你的手机都可以连接mifi上网的。当然,你也可以说手机安装翻译app就行了,但毕竟翻译器是经过软件优化的,准备率95以上,翻译速度达秒级,做到同声翻译。有需要的朋友可以@我的哈 我去年夏天去了墨西哥。墨西哥是西班牙语系,本人是一句西班牙语也不会。 行前,还是有小紧张的。但特别想去看看一种不了解的文化,所以,还是出发了。 安全返回,啥问题都没遇到(危险的)。旅途即顺利又很惊艳,走进自己不太了解的一种文化,感觉很好。 总结一下在语言不通的情况下的旅行: 1、行前还是得做攻略,越详细越好。把目的地的名字最好查到本地语言的写法。路线也基本上查的八九不离十。这样,心理不至于发慌。 2、带一支笔和一个小本本。画。购买车票的时候,买单程我就画写下地名,然后画单线;如果是往返的,就画来回两个箭头。所以,买长途票没出现过差错。 3、下载本地语言的字典。语言无外乎名词和动词。把这两项表示清楚了也就八九不离十了。还有,翻译软件。不过,也不要太相信那种口语时时翻译那种,技术还不过关。 4、手机流量要充足。我就在机场购买了当地的电话卡,保证流量。现在有手机多方便啊,国外谷 歌地图超级好用。基本可以解决大部分行程问题。 5、比划。问道的时候我就结合地图与比划,也是八九不离十的。 6、微笑。微笑是人类最美丽的语言。对人报以善意的微笑,总是没错的。很多惧怕自由行的人第一个惧怕的因素就是语言,而与此同时, 相信很多大牛都会说翻译软件能解决90%的问题之类 ,其实很大程度上,这只是降低对于语言不通的恐惧从而帮助大家走出去的一种方法。事实上, 语言交流是一种更好了解当地人文的方法,但语言交流并不是去国外必须需要的技能! 对此完全不需要惊讶,各类负责人的 旅游 大牛常常挂在嘴边的那句话,不要去做说走就走的旅行也正是因此, 真正解决旅途中90%问题的是行前安排,而并不是语言 。 为自己安排过自由行的人应该都能发现,来回的机票是提前订好的、住宿的酒店是提前订好的、大致交通路线是提前查好的、甚至有时候一些一日游半日游也都是提前买好的,通常出门后需要的只是照着安排走,然后享受这次旅途就可以了,根本不用交流。在 商店,你指着一个商品,店家肯定知道你需要这件商品,你拿出计算机,店家必然会告诉你价格,而你再次按计算机,商家一定知道你是在讨价还价,之后点头摇头就能用“哑语”解决一次购物,这个方法在餐馆同样通用。 所以,还认为不懂外语是出国旅行的一大门槛吗?在这么多年的旅途中,我遇到过形形色色的人,也认识过许许多多的怪咖。一些真的喜欢尬聊的朋友,即便是用上几个简单的单次、比比划划用一些象声词,都能和你尬上好几个小时 ,而一些老年朋友,即便会的只有中文,也同样穿梭在世界各地玩的很嗨,所以会不会外语,真的并不重要。我不想让人觉得这篇内容写的是多么的专业,最后出国发现是多么的无用 ,走的地方多了,很能了解这种事。 即便是再先进的翻译软件甚至翻译设备也有不好使的时候,在俄罗斯我遇见过还在用键盘机的当地人,根本无法交流,在古巴甚至可能因为网络问题翻译软件直接嗝屁 ,而我还不是好好的完成了旅行并且收获颇多。 真正世界通用的是肢体语言,别怕,走出去,会发现这个世界没有想象的复杂,完全不需要恐惧 。 不懂外语又想一个人出国 旅游 ,最简单省事的方法就是跟团 旅游 了,跟团游省心、省时、省力、省钱,吃住行都不用自己操心,有中文导游带队讲解,自己只要随着团队到各个 旅游 景点观光就行了。跟团游一般花费比自由行低些,去的也都是大众化的著名的经典景点,跟团游人身安全会更能得到保障。 跟团游路线和游玩的时间都是固定的,游览景点多但是都不够深入,基本都是走马观花的到此一游。想按照自己的喜好自由的选择 旅游 景点,更深入地体验异国风情,自由行更适合。 但是一个人到一个陌生的国度又不懂外语选择自由行确实比较困难,但是只要我们行前积极做好充分而又全面的准备,也是完全可以来一场说走就走的旅行。 万能的网络可以解决许多问题,先在网上租个移动WI-FI,在机场取还,有了网络出门就方便多了,到达目的地用卫星地图搜索想去的 旅游 景点、酒店、餐馆、乘车站等一目了然。我们到德国瑞士自驾游时就是靠的移动WI-FI,很精确方便地把我们带到想去的地点。现代的 科技 产品也可以帮助不懂外语的人出国 旅游 ,语音翻译机,你直接用中文通过语音翻译机帮你翻译成外语给老外,大体上可以满足基本的交流需求的,网上还可以下载一些翻译软件语音翻译,另外再辅助加上一个很实在的笨办法就是把机场入关、出关、酒店、问路、乘车等常用的口语中文外文对照写下来,加上手势比划,基本都能解决语言交流的问题。 一个人出国 旅游 ,还有一个办法,就是个人游和跟团游的组合,飞机来回飞都是自己,到了国外那些交通方便,各种信息发达的地方可以选择自由自在的自由行。而还想去一些交通不便的地方时可以选择在国外当地参团游,国外热门的 旅游 城市一般都有海外华人的旅行社,这样的组合式 旅游 既能满足自由自在的深度 旅游 ,又能解决不懂外语交流困难的困扰,更有效安全地游览更多的名胜美景。 最后再强调一下,一个人出国 旅游 ,又不懂外语,行前一定一定要做好充分的 旅游 准备,搜集目的地的各种信息资料,上各大 旅游 网站看 旅游 攻略,吸收别人的 旅游 经验和教训,尽量做到准备充分,心中有数。然后我们就可以带着一颗勇敢的心满怀期待和憧憬,愉快地踏上一个人的旅程了。 欢迎加关注,我会带来更多的精彩 旅游 信息跟大家分享。也欢迎在此交流分享。 感谢阅读!完全不用担心语言问题,会说OK、Yes、No就行,再加上比比划划,也能足够表达你的意思。 其实很多场合不用说话就能达到目的,比如打车,准备一份酒店预定单或者景点目的地名单,拿给来出租车司机看;在商场超市购物,收银机会显示金额;餐厅看菜单图片点餐,用账单去结账;酒店前台直接拿出护照办理入住,有些地方酒店前台还有中文服务。出行前做好攻略,就万无一失了。 现在出国玩最不适应的不是语言,而是支付宝不那么普及。国外不像国内电子支付这么发达,好多地方都是付现金、刷银行卡,已经不习惯了。在国内拿着手机出门就行,街边卖菜的小贩都有二维码。
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定语从句是在句子中充当定语成分的从句,修饰名词和代词,即主语和宾语.下面是我认为比较要的点(从网上找的). That 指人或物 which 指人或物(定语从句中) [注意] 1、because与so;(al)though与but;if与so不可以同在一个句子中成对出现. 2、时间、条件、原因,让步状语从句放在句首时需要用逗号与主句隔开. 条件状语从句中没有将来时,用一般现在代将来. 定语从句:在复合句中作定语用修饰句子中某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句.  ① 定语从句的位置:放在名词或代词的后面.如:The man who has an umbrella in his hand is my uncle. ② 语法术语的改变:被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词;引导定语从句的连接词称为关系词,其中that、which、who称为关系代词,where、when、how称为关系副词. ③ 关系代词或关系副词的作用:关系代词who、whom 和whose指人,分别在从句中作主语、宾语和定语.which指物,that多指物,有时也指人,它们在从句中可以作主语或宾语.定语从句中关系代词作从句宾语时可以省略.This is the thief (that/who/whom) we have been looking for these days./ Please find a room which is big enough for all of us to live in.关系副词when或where引导定语从句时,它们在从句中分别作时间状语和地点状语.如:This is the room where they had a quarrel a week ago./ I can never forget the day when I first saw you. ④ 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句.限制性定语从句在句中不能省略,否则主句意思就不完整.非限制性定语从句和主句之间往往用逗号分开,这种从句是一种附加说明,如果从句子中省去,也不至于影响主句的意思.如:She spent the whole evening talking about her latest book,which none of us had heard of. [注解] 1、关系代词只能用that的情况:当先行词是指事物的不定代词(all,anything等),或先行词部分含有最高级,或含有序数词时,不能用其他的关系代词,只能用that.如:All that Lily told me seems untrue./ Can you give me anything that has no sugar inside?This is the first two-story bus that runs in our city. 2、先行词既有指人的名词又有指物的名词时,关系代词用that而不用which. Do you know the things and persons (that) they are talking about? 3.、主语是there be 句型时关系代词用that. There is a book on the desk that I am very interested in. 3、关系代词在从句中作主语时一般用who(指人)、that(指物),而不用that指人或用which指物.如:Do you know the woman who is weeping in the corner(?/ Do not tell me any words that have nothing to do with me. 4、关系代词作从句的宾语时,常用which或whom,较少使用that或who,而且,关系代词常常省略.如:Tom"s father was the first parent whom our teacher talked to. 5、当关系代词紧跟在介词后面时,必须用which或whom,而当介词移到句尾时,则又可以使用that或who.如:This is the room in which Miss Li once lived.(= This is the room Miss Li once lived in. 6、as引导非限制定语从句位置较灵活,可以放在主语前中后,which 引导的定语从句只能放在主语之后. As everybody knows,Shakespeare is a famous writer. Shakespeare,as everybody knows,is a famous writer. Shakespeare is a famous writer,as everybody knows. The plan worked out very well,which is more than we could expect. . 5.只用which,不用that的情况: 引导非限制性定语从句时; 引导词前有介词时; 一个句子中若有两个定语从句,一个用that引导,另一个用which引导; e.g.He bought a book that could give him much knowledge and which could help him to kill the time. 6.当those作为先行词指人时,通常只能用who引导; as 从句的先行词是the same,such,或被他们所修饰;多用于表示肯定意义的从句中,不用于表否定意义的从句中. e.g.Many of the sports are the same as they were when they started. The result was not such as he expected. It was raining hard,which(as) was unexpected. 8.介词+关系代词要根据 谓语动词的固定搭配 e.g.This is the evidence with which the case is connected. 先行词 e.g.I"ll never forget the day on whichwhen I joined the party. c.句子表达的意思 e.g.The boss in whose department Mr King worked got sacked. d.在非限制性定语从句中,名词代词+of+whichwhom表示整体与部分的关系 e.g.The workers,some of whom stayed for four years,came from different countries. e.介词的位置一般放在关系代词之前,有时也可放在从句中原来的位置上. e.g.We did it in the same way in which he didwhich he did in. 9.That 作为关联词可以当作关系副词用 e.g.This is the house in which Louis XIII lived. This is the house that Louis XIII lived. This is the house where Louis XIII lived. This is house which Louis XIII lived in. This is the house Louis XIII lived in.
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