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2023-07-30 07:08:26

3月英文简写是Mar. 。

Jan. January 一月

Feb. February 二月

Apr. April 四月


Jun. June 六月

Jul. July 七月

Aug. August 八月

Sep. September九月

Oct. October 十月

Nov. November 十一月

Dec. December 十二月





3月24号英式写法:24th March美式写法:March 24
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答案:March 29, March 29th, 29 March, 29th March, (the) 29th of March等,其中的March都可以写成缩写形式Mar. Mar. 29, Mar. 29th 这两个常见些. 年月日英文表达 A. 年份 读年份时一般分为两个单位来读,前两个数为一个,后两个数为一个: 1949 读作:nineteen forty-nine或nineteen hundred and forty-nine 如果是三位数,先读第一位,再把后两个数合起来读: 253 读作:two fifty-three或two hundred and fifty-three 另外: 2000 读作:two thousand 1902 读作:nineteen hundred and two或 nineteen o two 如果要使用year,year放在数词之前,例如:in the year two fifty-three B.C. 在公元前253年 B. 月份 月份是专有名词,除了少数几个月份外都有缩写形式: January - Jan. 一月 February - Feb. 二月 March - Mar. 三月 April - Apr. 四月 August - Aug. 八月 September - Sept. 九月 October - Oct. 十月 November - Nov. 十一月 December - Dec. 十二月 注意:缩写形式后面的点不能省略,因为它是表示缩写形式的符号. C. 日期:用序数词表示 例:十月一日 写作:October 1, October 1st, 1 October, 1st October, (the) 1st of October等,其中的October都可以写成缩写形式Oct. 读作:October the first或the first of October(此结构在现代英语中,定冠词the可以省掉不用了) D. 年月日 用英语表达年月日的顺序: 1) 月日年 例:2002年1月17日 写作:January 17(th), 2002或January seventeenth, 2002(日和年之间需用逗号隔开) 读作:January the seventeenth, two thousand and two 2) 日月年 例:2002年1月17日 写作:17(th) January, 2002或the seventeenth of January, 2002(月和年之间需用逗号隔开) 读作:the seventeenth of January, two thousand and two
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3月18日 用英语怎么读

March 18th
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3月英文简写是Mar. 。1、月份英文单写及简写分别是:Jan. January 一月,Feb. February 二月,Mar. March 三月,Apr. April 四月,May五月,Jun. June 六月,Jul. July 七月,Aug. August 八月,Sep. September九月,Oct. October 十月,Nov. November 十一月,Dec. December 十二月。2、英文缩写词,是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。英文缩写是英语词语的简易形式,用英文单词中重要的字母来代表整个单词的意义,也被称为缩略词。扩展资料:1、3月是阳历年中的第三个月,是大月,共有31天。 在北半球,3月是春季的第一个月,本月节气有:惊蛰、春分。 英文中的3月(March)来源于古罗马战神玛尔斯。2、月是历法中的一种时间单位,传统上都是以月相变化的周期作为一个月的长度,迄今,朔望月仍是许多历法的基石。一年分为12个月;中国农历一年也为12个月,农历的闰年为13个月,多出的一个月称为闰月。3、春夏秋冬四季,三个月为一季,春季中排行老三,因此把三月叫做季月。“桃花尽日随流水,洞在清溪何处边”。唐人张旭描写的景致为暮春季节,落英缤纷,好似溪水流霞,于是三月的别称又为桃月。此外三月还有晚春、暮春、蚕月等别称。4、March,原是罗马旧历法的1月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗马人仍然把3月看做是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征的季节。为了纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁文名字作为3月的月名。英语3月March,便是由这位战神的名字演变而来的。
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Mar. 2nd 3月2日 Jan. January 一月 Feb. February 二月 Apr. April 四月 May五月 Jun. June 六月 Jul. July 七月 Aug. August 八月 Sep. September九月 Oct. October 十月 Nov. November 十一月 Dec. December 十二月 扩展资料   英文缩写词,是用一个单词或词组的简写形式来代表一个完整的.形式,它不同于首字母缩写词。英文缩写是英语词语的简易形式,用英文单词中重要的字母来代表整个单词的意义,也被称为缩略词。
2023-07-30 00:00:381

3月简写 英语

3月的英文缩写是:3月英文简写是Mar。3月是阳历年中的第三个月,它是大月,共有31天。 在北半球,3月是春季的第一个月,节气有:惊蛰、春分。 英文中的3月(March)来源于古罗马战神玛尔斯。3月里有春分,农历春社.3月开始于与11月一个星期的同样一天在平年,3月开始于与2月一个星期的同样一天3月的星座包括双鱼座和白羊座3月,原是罗马旧历法的1月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗马人仍然把3月看做是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。由于凯撒(JULIUS CAESAR)大帝把JANUARY,FEBRUARY定为元月和二月,为了纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为3月的月名。英语3月March,便是由这位战神的名字--MARS演变而来的。
2023-07-30 00:00:461

泰国有哪些党派???并且与军方 民众 和他信的关系

截至2006年12月,共有44个政党在选举委员会登记注册。主要政党有: 1、泰爱泰党(THAI RAK THAI PARTY)。1998年7月24日成立。代党首乍都隆·采盛。秘书长素立亚·曾隆乐吉。执委61人。在全国设有10个党部。党员1439,4404人。 2、民主党(DEMOCRAT PARTY)。1946年4月6日成立。党首阿披实·威差奇瓦。秘书长素帖·特素班。执委49人。在全国设有194个党部。党员407,4792人。 3、泰国党(CHARTTHAI PARTY)。1982年7月8日成立。党首班汉·信拉巴阿差。秘书长巴帕·普素图。执委49人。在全国设有14个党部。党员260,0731人。 4、大众党(MAHACHON PARTY)。1998年2月10日成立(原名公民党,2004年7月19日改为现名)。党首沙南·卡钟巴萨。秘书长汶乐·盖布希。执委34人。在全国设有10个党部。党员230,4324人。 5、皇家人民党(ROYAL PEOPLE PARTY)。2006年1月10日成立。党首沙诺·天通。秘书长素拉蓬· 宋威瑟。执委7人。党员19万人。
2023-07-29 23:59:443


原理:keepalived是以VRRP协议为实现基础的,VRRP全称Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol,即虚拟路由冗余协议。虚拟路由冗余协议,可以认为是实现路由器高可用的协议,即将N台提供相同功能的路由器组成一个路由器组,这个组里面有一个master和多个backup,master上面有一个对外提供服务的vip(该路由器所在局域网内其他机器的默认路由为该vip),master会发组播,当backup收不到vrrp包时就认为master宕掉了,这时就需要根据VRRP的优先级来选举一个backup当master。这样的话就可以保证路由器的高可用了。keepalived主要有三个模块,分别是core、check和vrrp。core模块为keepalived的核心,负责主进程的启动、维护以及全局配置文件的加载和解析。check负责健康检查,包括常见的各种检查方式。vrrp模块是来实现VRRP协议的
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VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol虚拟路由冗余协议)是由IETF提出的解决局域网中配置静态网关出现单点失效现象的路由协议,在学习路由交换技术中,我们经常会遇到这个知识点,下面,请跟随我们一起来详细了解一下VRRP吧! VRRP简介 VRRP将可以承担网关功能的一组路由器加入到备份组中,形成一台虚拟路由器,由 VRRP的选举机制决定哪台路由器承担转发任务,局域网内的主机只需将虚拟路由器配置为默认网关即可。 VRRP报文 VRRP 协议报文用来将 Master 设备的优先级和状态通告给同一备份组的所有 Backup 设备。VRRP 协议报文封装在 IP 报文中源地址为发送报文接口的主 IP 地址(不是虚拟 IP 地址),目的地址是224.0.0.18,TTL 是 255,协议号是 112。 目前,VRRP 协议包括两个版本:VRRPv2 和 VRRPv3,两者的主要区别为:1、支持的网络类型不同:VRRPv3适用于 IPv4和 IPv6两种网络,而 VRRPv2仅适用于 IPv4网络。2、认证功能不同:VRRPv3 不支持认证功能而 VRRPv2 支持该功能。3、发送通告报文的时间间隔单位不同。VRRPv3 支持的是厘秒级,而 VRRPv2 支持秒级。 VRRP的工作原理 1、初始创建的VRRP 设备工作在 Initialize 状态,接口up后,若此设备的优先级小于 255,则会先切换至 Backup 状态;若此设备优先级为 255(即虚拟 IP 地址也是该设备的物理接口地址),则会切换成 Master 状态并定时发送 VRRP 通告报文。 2、切换成Backup 状态的设备,在 Master_Down_Interval 定时器[ Master_Down_Interval定时器取值为:(3×Advertisement_Interval)+Skew_time,Skew_time=(256-Backup 设备的优先级)/256;默认情况下 Advertisement_Interval 为1( 秒 )],超时后再切换至 Master 状态。 3、首先切换至Master 状态的设备向外发送 VRRP 通告报文,如果 Backup 设备中有设备优先级高于 Master 设备,且该设备采用抢占方式,则该 Buckup 设备变为 Master。 4、如果多个 VRRP 设备同时切换到 Master 状态,通过 VRRP 通告报文的交互进行协商后,优先级最高的 VRRP 设备成为最终的 Master 设备;优先级相同时,VRRP 设备上 VRRP备份组所在接口主 IP 地址较大的成为 Master 设备。 5、新的 Master 设备会立即发送携带虚拟路由器的虚拟 MAC 地址(格式为:00-00-5E-00-01-{VRID}(VRRP for IPv4);00-00-5E-00-02-{VRID}(VRRP for IPv6))和虚拟 IP地址信息的免费 ARP 报文,刷新与它连接的主机或设备中的 MAC 表项,从而把用户流量引到新的 Master 设备上来。 6、原 Master 设备故障恢复时,若该设备为 IP 地址拥有者(优先级为 255),将直接切换至 Master 状态。 7、优先级0 和 255 不可以手动设置,只有虚拟 IP 和接口 IP 为同一个 IP 地址时,该设备的优先级会自动调为255。Master 设备要退出该VRRP 时,会发送优先级为0 的VRRP通告报文。 VRRP模式 1、主备备份 主备备份方式表示转发任务仅由Master路由器承担。当Master路由器出现故障时,才会从其它Backup路由器选举出一个接替工作。主备备份方式仅需要一个备份组,不同路由器在该备份组中拥有不同优先级,优先级最高的路由器将成为Master路由器,如图所示(以IPv4 VRRP为例)。初始情况下,Router A为Master路由器并承担转发任务,Router B和Router C是Backup路由器且都处于就绪监听状态。如果Router A发生故障,则备份组内处于Backup状态的Router B和Router C路由器将根据优先级选出一台新的Master路由器,这台新Master路由器继续向网络内的主机提供网关服务。 2、负载分担 一台路由器可加入多个备份组,在不同备份组中有不同的优先级,使得该路由器可以在一个备份组中作为Master路由器,在其它的备份组中作为Backup路由器。负载分担方式是指多台路由器同时承担网关的功能,因此负载分担方式需要两个或者两个以上的备份组,每个备份组都包括一台Master路由器和若干台Backup路由器,各备份组的Master路由器各不相同,如图所示。同一台路由器同时加入多个VRRP备份组,在不同备份组中有不同的优先级。 在图中,有三个备份组存在: 备份组1: 对应虚拟路由器1。Router A作为Master路由器,Router B和Router C作为Backup路由器。 备份组2: 对应虚拟路由器2。Router B作为Master路由器,Router A和Router C作为Backup路由器。 备份组3: 对应虚拟路由器3。Router C作为Master路由器,Router A和Router B作为Backup路由器。为了实现业务流量在Router A、Router B和Router C之间进行负载分担,需要将局域网内的主机的缺省网关分别设置为虚拟路由器1、虚拟路由器2和虚拟路由器3。在配置优先级时,需要确保备份组1中,Router A的优先级最高;备份组2中,Router B的优先级最高;备份组3中,Router C的优先级最高。 监控上行链路的方法 Master 上行链路检测方法:(1)VRRP 与接口状态联动,实现 VRRP 主备切换直接用track 命令联动上行链路,上行链路出现问题时优先级降低,从而触发主备切换,避免流量丢失。(2)VRRP 与路由联动,监视上行链路使用VRRP 监控设备上行转发路径路由条目,当上行转发路由条目撤销或是变为非活跃状态,通知 VRRP 备份组降低 Master 设备优先级,触发主备切换。上行链路故障恢复时,原 Master 设备在备份组中的优先级将恢复原来的值,重新抢占成为 Master,继续承担流量转发的业务。联动路由时的链路切换时间依赖于 VRRP 所联动路由协议的收敛速度。(3)VRRP 与BFD 联动监视上行链路通过在Master 设备上配置 VRRP 与 BFD 联动,使用 BFD 会话检测 Master 设备上行链路状态,当 BFD 检测到上行链路故障时,及时通知 VRRP 备份组降低 Master 设备优先级,触发主备切换。 上行链路故障恢复时,原 Master 设备在备份组中的优先级将恢复原来的值,重新抢占成为 Master,继续承担流量转发的业务。 BFD(Bidirectional Forwarding Detection,双向转发检测) 可以实现毫秒级的故障检测,联动 BFD 可以快速地检测故障,从而使主备切换速度更快。(4)VRRP 与NQA (Network Quality Analysis,网络质量分析)联动监视上行链路通过在Master 设备上配置VRRP 联动NQA,使用NQA 测试例检测设备上行链路状态,当 NQA 检测到上行链路故障时,通知 VRRP 备份组降低 Master 设备优先级,触发主备切换。 上行链路故障恢复时,原 Master 设备在备份组中的优先级将恢复原来的值,重新抢占成为 Master,继续承担流量转发的业务。 心跳线 当使用三层交换机部署 VRRP 时,为防止 VRRP 文所经过的链路不通或不稳定可以在 Switch A 和 Switch B 之间部署一条心跳线,该心跳线属于二层链路,且允许相关 VLAN通过。 为防止环路还需部署 STP 这样的二层破环协议,且保证 Master 设备为 STP 协议中的根桥。通过上面的内容,我们详细了解了VRRP,最后留下几个问题,大家可以思考一下,加深对知识点的理解:1、 为什么要设置抢占延时?2、 VRRP如何保障安全性?3、 主备切换时,如何确保交换机能正确转发数据?4、 什么VRRP双主?
2023-07-29 23:59:551


Marketing Major
2023-07-29 23:59:562

As a result,two people rarely ( ) all of them. A:agree B: agree on c:agree with D:agree to

agree是不及物动词,排除A,agree on sth, 排除B,
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虚拟路由器冗余协议 (VRRP:Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) 虚拟路由器冗余协议(VRRP)是一种选择协议,它可以把一个虚拟路由器的责任动态分配到局域网上的 VRRP 路由器中的一台。控制虚拟路由器 IP 地址的 VRRP 路由器称为主路由器,它负责转发数据包到这些虚拟 IP 地址。一旦主路由器不可用,这种选择过程就提供了动态的故障转移机制,这就允许虚拟路由器的 IP 地址可以作为终端主机的默认第一跳路由器。使用 VRRP 的好处是有更高的默认路径的可用性而无需在每个终端主机上配置动态路由或路由发现协议。 VRRP 包封装在 IP 包中发送。 使用 VRRP ,可以通过手动或 DHCP 设定一个虚拟 IP 地址作为默认路由器。虚拟 IP 地址在路由器间共享,其中一个指定为主路由器而其它的则为备份路由器。如果主路由器不可用,这个虚拟 IP 地址就会映射到一个备份路由器的 IP 地址(这个备份路由器就成为了主路由器)。 VRRP 也可用于负载均衡。 VRRP 是 IPv4 和 IPv6 的一部分。 VRRP(Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol,虚拟路由冗余协议)是一种容错协 议。通常,一个网络内的所有主机都设置一条缺省路由(如图3-1所示,, 这样,主机发出的目的地址不在本网段的报文将被通过缺省路由发往路由器 RouterA,从而实现了主机与外部网络的通信。当路由器RouterA 坏掉时,本网段 内所有以RouterA 为缺省路由下一跳的主机将断掉与外部的通信。 VRRP 就是为解决上述问题而提出的,它为具有多播或广播能力的局域网(如:以 太网)设计。我们结合下图来看一下VRRP 的实现原理。VRRP 将局域网的一组路 由器(包括一个Master 即活动路由器和若干个Backup 即备份路由器)组织成一个 虚拟路由器,称之为一个备份组。 这个虚拟的路由器拥有自己的IP 地址10.100.10.1(这个IP 地址可以和备份组内的 某个路由器的接口地址相同),备份组内的路由器也有自己的IP 地址(如Master 的IP 地址为10.100.10.2,Backup 的IP 地址为10.100.10.3)。局域网内的主机仅 仅知道这个虚拟路由器的IP 地址10.100.10.1,而并不知道具体的Master 路由器的 IP 地址10.100.10.2 以及Backup 路由器的IP 地址10.100.10.3,它们将自己的缺省 路由下一跳地址设置为该虚拟路由器的IP 地址10.100.10.1。于是,网络内的主机 就通过这个虚拟的路由器来与其它网络进行通信。如果备份组内的Master 路由器坏 掉,Backup 路由器将会通过选举策略选出一个新的Master 路由器,继续向网络内 的主机提供路由服务。从而实现网络内的主机不间断地与外部网络进行通信。 关于VRRP 协议的详细信息,可以参考RFC 2338。 一、 应用实例 最典型的VRRP应用:RTA、RTB组成一个VRRP路由器组,假设RTB的处理能力高于RTA,则将RTB配置成IP地址所有者,H1、H2、H3的默认网关设定为RTB。则RTB成为主控路由器,负责ICMP重定向、ARP应答和IP报文的转发;一旦RTB失败,RTA立即启动切换,成为主控,从而保证了对客户透明的安全切换。 在VRRP应用中,RTA在线时RTB只是作为后备,不参与转发工作,闲置了路由器RTA和链路L1。通过合理的网络设计,可以到达备份和负载分担双重效果。让RTA、RTB同时属于互为备份的两个VRRP组:在组1中RTA为IP地址所有者;组2中RTB为IP地址所有者。将H1的默认网关设定为RTA;H2、H3的默认网关设定为RTB。这样,既分担了设备负载和网络流量,又提高了网络可靠性。 VRRP协议的工作机理与CISCO公司的HSRP(Hot Standby Routing Protocol)有许多相似之处。但二者主要的区别是在CISCO的HSRP中,需要单独配置一个IP地址作为虚拟路由器对外体现的地址,这个地址不能是组中任何一个成员的接口地址。 使用VRRP协议,不用改造目前的网络结构,最大限度保护了当前投资,只需最少的管理费用,却大大提升了网络性能,具有重大的应用价值。 二、工作原理 一个VRRP路由器有唯一的标识:VRID,范围为0—255。该路由器对外表现为唯一的虚拟MAC地址,地址的格式为00-00-5E-00-01-[VRID]。主控路由器负责对ARP请求用该MAC地址做应答。这样,无论如何切换,保证给终端设备的是唯一一致的IP和MAC地址,减少了切换对终端设备的影响。 VRRP控制报文只有一种:VRRP通告(advertisement)。它使用IP多播数据包进行封装,组地址为224.0.0.18,发布范围只限于同一局域网内。这保证了VRID在不同网络中可以重复使用。为了减少网络带宽消耗只有主控路由器才可以周期性的发送VRRP通告报文。备份路由器在连续三个通告间隔内收不到VRRP或收到优先级为0的通告后启动新的一轮VRRP选举。 在VRRP路由器组中,按优先级选举主控路由器,VRRP协议中优先级范围是0—255。若VRRP路由器的IP地址和虚拟路由器的接口IP地址相同,则称该虚拟路由器作VRRP组中的IP地址所有者;IP地址所有者自动具有最高优先级:255。优先级0一般用在IP地址所有者主动放弃主控者角色时使用。可配置的优先级范围为1—254。优先级的配置原则可以依据链路的速度和成本、路由器性能和可靠性以及其它管理策略设定。主控路由器的选举中,高优先级的虚拟路由器获胜,因此,如果在VRRP组中有IP地址所有者,则它总是作为主控路由的角色出现。对于相同优先级的候选路由器,按照IP地址大小顺序选举。VRRP还提供了优先级抢占策略,如果配置了该策略,高优先级的备份路由器便会剥夺当前低优先级的主控路由器而成为新的主控路由器。 为了保证VRRP协议的安全性,提供了两种安全认证措施:明文认证和IP头认证。明文认证方式要求:在加入一个VRRP路由器组时,必须同时提供相同的VRID和明文密码。适合于避免在局域网内的配置错误,但不能防止通过网络监听方式获得密码。IP头认证的方式提供了更高的安全性,能够防止报文重放和修改等攻击。
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一.例证法   例1:Describe a city you want to live in and explain why? Use details or examples in your response.   I would like to live in Kunming for the following reasons. At first, you know, Kunming is famous for its pleasant climate, which attracts me most, and it"s the most important reason for me to decide to live in that city.   What"s more, Kunming natural scenery is amazing, and it has a great variety of national culture, which also appeals to me a lot. I think I will definitely fall in love with them once I live in such a beautiful city. Besides, it is said that people live in Kunming arc very friendly, so I can have many new friends and will not feel lonely there.   这个答案不好,因为每一点都没有展开去进行论述,所以,不会在考试中取得高分。因此建议考生在组织答案的时候,可以采用例证法,比如通过补细节或者举实例的方法来组织自己的观点。   (1)比如补细节组织答案:   I would like to live in Kunming for the following reasons. Ai first, Kunming*s climate is temperate and pleasant, and it is named as Spring city because it is like spring oil the year round. Everyone who used to go there speaks highly of the city"s climate. They can breathe m fresh air, feel gentle breeze, and enjoy the steady drizzle. Such a pleasant climate can make people totally relaxed and it is good for health.   What"s more, I am fascinated by its splendid natural scenery. Thanks to such moist and pleasant climate, Kunming is as beautiful as the paradise. Its natural scenery is unique and amazing. There are a number of clear rivers and green hills around the city, with the sun shinning,birds singing and butterflies dancing everywhere. Even in the center of the city, each street is full of trees, tidy and dean.   (2)用实例组织答案,考生在备考的过程中,也可以用实例法来组织自己的观点,比如可以借他人之言,亲身经历或者公认的事实来组织自己的观点。   比如First, Kunming"s climate is temperate and pleasant, and it is named as Spring city because it is like spring all the year round. Everyone who used to go there speaks highly of the city"s climate. They can breathe in fresh air, feel gentle breeze, and enjoy the steady drizzle. Such a pleasant climate can make people totally relaxed and it is good for health.   除此之外,借他人之言还可以用在人物类,地点类,具体事物和事件类的话题中。Every time when people talk about him/her/the place/the book/the celebration…they always say that she/he/the place/the book/the celebration……   (3)公认事实   As a minority nationality area, Kunming is colored with unique national culture, which can help broaden my horizon. For instance, Water-sprinkling Festival of the Dais is the most solemn festival in Kunming every year, while Torchlight Festival is traditionally observed by the Yis. Such strong cultural atmosphere really appeals to me.   (4)亲身经历   ① Where would you like to live,Mountain, forest, beach, or desert?   I would like to live in the forest, because it would be a great place for my health. The air in the forest is much fresher than that in other places, because there are so many trees giving off fresh oxygen. When I was five years old, following the doctor"s advice, my parents took me to the forest to live for months to deal with my lungs" problems, which turned out to quite beneficial.   ②Students should always study in quiet places.   Well, I think it is necessary for students to learn in quiet places for the following reasons. First of all, the quiet environment will help students focus attention on their homework; especially on some difficult subjects that absolutely need students full concentration, such as mathematics, physics, or chemistry. Thus, the efficiency of their study and learning could be greatly enhanced.   Take my study room as an example, sitting at the foot of a hill, my house is far away from noisy cities. So that my study room is definitely quiet enough without any disturbance. I enjoy writing a diary to record the difficult questions encountered in the day or the feelings toward certain events in such a nice room, which I think is impossible if I live in a noisy room.(自身的亲身经历)   二.比较法-task2   在回答task2的时候可以用比较法来解答,答案可以分成两段,可以比较A,B的一方面,也可以比较A,B的两方面。比如A is more important/better…than B/Compared with A&B, C is the most.   例题:   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Smaller class with discussion is much better than larger class with lecture.   思路:   同意,比较一方:课堂互动性提升教学质量。   (1)比较一方   I would like to attend smaller class with discussion. First, I think both teaching and learning efficiency could be greatly improved during the discussion. For the students, they could talk with the professor, and propose the problems to the professor and get them solved in time. Meanwhile, such discussions can also help the professor find out the difficult parts, which they need to explain more.   While in a larger class, the professor will focus more on his lecture, rather than any particular student"s problems. The interactions between the professor and the students, and the communications among students are very few, for which the efficiency could not be so high in such o larger class.   (2)比较两方   Some people prefer working at home by using telephones and computers, while others would rather work in an office. Explain which do you prefer and why.   ①在办公室   思路:在办公室工作   比较工作效率   比较与同事,上司的交流   u2666 I prefer to work in the office. Because the efficiency could be very high if I work in the office. You know, the atmosphere in the office is filled with pressure and motivation that stimulates me to finish my task without delay. While if I work at home, the assigned task cannot be finished perfectly in time, because there are always something that can bother me, such as looking after my pets, answering the telephone calls from plumbers, all of which could distract me.   Another reason is that I can get along with my colleagues and boss very well, which is good for my promotion. You know that when working at home, colleagues will become less connected, and the relationship with the boss will be also less close, which means the opportunity for promotion becomes less too. By contrast, when working in the office, the relationship is much closer with face-to-face communication, which can benefit the advancement in the job.   ②在家工作   比较与家人的交流,比较上班路上所用的时间   I prefer to work at home by using computers and telephones. One reason is that I can spend more time with my families. You know that when working in the office, I always worry about my parents who are too old to take good care of themselves, which really bothers me a lot. While it will not be a problem when I work at home and I can take good care of them very well. When they are ill, I can send them to hospital in time, which totally impossible when I work in the office.   Besides, working at home can save much time that can be used to do something else. You know I have to get up very early in the morning to catch buses to go to the office, and it will drive me crazy if there are traffic jams. While if I work at home, it will not be so problematic, the time saved could be spent with my families, or just doing something to relax myself.
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I am major(ed) in My major is
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作为一名DPS,你的首要任务是打出尽可能高的DPS。本帖讲述了野性德鲁伊如何在Raid中输出。如果你发现任何错误请指正,这样我就能尽快修正它。非常感谢。天赋与雕文天赋T1:机动性天赋豹之迅捷:全形态提速,推荐野性位移:30秒cd的闪现,需要长距离位移时选用野性冲锋:快速接近目标,推荐T2:治疗天赋伊瑟拉之赐:被动的智能治疗,推荐新生:猫德自疗能力很强,一般用不到塞纳里奥结界:卡cd给当前坦克吧T3:控制类天赋精灵虫群:远程单体减速群体缠绕:顾名思义,缠绕一群小怪台风:提供击退效果,raid可能会用到T4:DPS天赋丛林之魂:5星终结技会回复20能量,一定程度上缓解野德能量不足的问题,适用于任何场合。化身:单体强爆发,化身期间斜掠和撕碎都得到强化,配合狂暴打出成吨输出。SIMC显示T17BIS下化身超越丛林之魂。自然之力:平庸的伤害,不考虑T5:控制类天赋惊魂咆哮:10码内的群体3秒瘫痪,也许能当个群体打断用?乌索尔旋风:群体减速+位移蛮力猛击:单体晕T6:治疗天赋野性之心:激活时显著提高坦克,施法和治疗能力。失去了野心宁静,也就失去了救场能力。野心愤怒也无法成为爆发技能。在多目标长时间AOE情况下,野心飓风不失为一种选择。对比其他两个,野性之心是唯一一个可以在dps上做文章的天赋。塞纳留斯的梦境:提高治疗之触和回春术的治疗量,奶力更上一层楼。自然的守护:懒人必备,卡CD用即可,配合爆发技能效果更佳T7:DPS天赋月之灵:猫版月火术的DPE高于撕碎,单体表现不如血腥爪击,适合3目标左右的多线输出。血腥爪击:快照机制,单体和多目标AOE的最佳天赋,比较考验输出手法,新手慎用。西瓦尔拉之爪:懒人必备,新手福音雕文必备:九命猎豹:被动硬免伤,没有不带的理由。野蛮/野蛮咆哮:这一组雕文的选择仁者见仁。野蛮雕文虽然猫叫加成低,但是将原来吼猫叫的资源都给了凶猛撕咬,也能弥补一定的伤害损失,胜在简单粗暴。野蛮咆哮雕文除了可以通过起手触发之外,还可以通过化身期间潜行以及影遁触发,可以减少补猫叫次数。注意野蛮咆哮雕文触发的猫叫不附带掠食者迅捷,并且二者法术id也不同。剩下一个雕文栏没有太好的选择,可以用狂奔怒吼雕文增加范围。技能撕碎:最主要的连击点来源,现在取消了站位要求,可以打脸了。潜行和化身期间施放相当于以前的毁灭。斜掠:持续15秒的流血效果,3秒一跳,尽可能一直保持目标身上的流血效果。潜行和化身期间施放附带晕眩效果,相当于以前的突袭。强化斜掠:潜行时斜掠伤害提高100%,因此起手要用斜掠而不是撕碎。野蛮咆哮:buff型终结技,消耗的连击点越多,持续时间越长。快照机制,即在野蛮咆哮buff下施放的dot,即使野蛮咆哮消失,dot依然受到其加成,反之如果dot施放时没有加成,即使半路补咆哮,dot伤害依然不变。割裂:dot型终结技,2秒一跳,这是猫德DPE最高的技能,要尽可能保持。凶猛撕咬:直接伤害型终结技,双倍爆率,可以消耗最多额外25能量获得最高100%伤害提升,目标25%血量下会刷新割裂的持续时间。这个技能DPE也很高,相当于割裂的一半左右。因此在保持割裂和野蛮咆哮覆盖率的前提下尽可能多打凶猛撕咬,就成了猫德循环的要点。痛击:群体流血技能,在AOE情况下优先级仅次于野蛮咆哮。由于能量消耗太大且不给星,单体循环中插入痛击会降低凶猛撕咬的使用频率,在触发清晰预兆时可以考虑使用。横扫:AOE技能,能攒星,面对大量目标时使用。猛虎之怒:重要的CD技能,能回复60能量,并在8秒内提高15%伤害。卡CD使用,由于是快照机制,尽量让流血和凶猛撕咬吃到猛虎buff。狂暴:爆发技能,开启后降低50%能量消耗,基本上无限能量。现在狂暴期间可以开猛虎。强化狂暴:狂暴期间能量上限提高50。没发现什么太大作用。生存本能:失去共生术、树皮术和乌索克之力之后,这是猫德唯一的保命技能。原始狂怒:暴击双星,大大提高攒星速度。清晰预兆:平砍触发的节能施法效果,减少下一次技能100%能量消耗。掠食者的迅捷:T7天赋如果选择血腥爪击,一定要监控这个buff。瞬发触可以扔给当前坦克,缓解治疗压力。治愈本能:隐藏被动,敏捷会提高自然系法术法强。属性武器秒伤:武器的每秒伤害通过武器的伤害最小值和最大值的平均值再除以它的攻击速度算得。所有有着相同物品等级和类型(单手或者双手)的武器都会有相同的秒伤。注意不像其他职业那样我们无须担心武器攻击速度,因为我们在猫形态下的攻击速度固定为1.0秒,而武器伤害会按照这个攻击速度标准化。敏捷:敏捷提高你的攻击强度,每点提高1AP,注意敏捷不提供暴击了。它远优于其他dps属性。精通:提高割裂、斜掠、痛击的持续性伤害。暴击:要获得1%暴击需要110暴击等级。它能提升包括流血在内的所有伤害。通过锋利兽爪被动,猫德获得的暴击属性额外增加5%。急速:你需要100急速等级以换取1%急速。急速提高你的普通攻击速度和能量回复速度。溅射:在每次攻击中有x%几率产生一次或者两次额外的治疗或者攻击相当于常规值的30%。可暴击,有可能一次出一次溅射也有可能一次出2次溅射。66点溅射等级提高1%溅射。全能:130点全能为增加1%治疗和伤害,260点全能为减少1%受到伤害。根据SIMC模拟,在T17史诗级别BIS下,化身+血爪天赋,敏捷暴击夜间:服务器时间6PM-6AM。巨魔:狂暴-急速提高15%,持续10秒,3分钟CD。牛头人:爆击伤害加成和爆击治疗效果提高2%。消耗品宝石:选用 [强效塔拉迪特暴击水晶]合剂:选用 [德拉诺强效敏捷合剂]烹饪:附魔:戒指: 附魔戒指 - 暴击之赐项链: 附魔项链 - 暴击之赐披风: 附魔披风 - 暴击之赐武器: 附魔武器- 雷神之印输出循环猫德没有一个固定的循环,我们输出的技能按照一个优先级来进行。单目标保持野蛮咆哮保持猛虎之怒处于冷却中当目标的血量低于25%的时候,使用凶猛撕咬来刷新割裂持续时间保持5星割裂保持斜掠如果割裂和野蛮咆哮有足够的剩余时间,那么使用5星凶猛撕咬使用撕碎来攒连击点数血腥爪击新手请忘无视这个天赋选另外两个当触发掠食者的迅捷buff时,根据当前能量以及流血剩余时间,在buff消失之前使用治疗之触。治疗之触会使接下来两个近战技能伤害提高30%。根据技能DPE的高低,消耗血爪buff的优先级如下:5星割裂凶猛撕咬(割裂和野蛮咆哮时间足够的前提下)斜掠痛击(触发清晰预兆的前提下)撕碎为了防止施放治疗之触时变人形,可以使用宏:/console autounshift 0/cast 治疗之触/console autounshift 1血腥爪击DOT刷新机制在DOT未结束前刷新DOT可以最大延长至130%基础持续时间。例如斜掠还剩4秒的时候刷新斜掠,新斜掠的持续时间为15+4=19秒。这样你就获得了一个持续时间更长的DOT。利用这个机制,将猛虎之怒和血腥爪击的快照作用于被延长的DOT,从而获得更高的伤害。少量目标猫德切换目标时,连击点会自动切换在新目标上,不会损失。因此面对少量目标,采用多线挂dot的方法输出。保持野蛮咆哮保持猛虎之怒处于冷却中攒够5星使用割裂当目标的血量低于25%的时候,使用凶猛撕咬来刷新割裂持续时间保持痛击(如果痛击可以覆盖到多个目标)保持每一个目标的斜掠保持每一个目标的月火术(月之灵天赋)使用撕碎来攒连击点数大量目标保持野蛮咆哮保持猛虎之怒处于冷却中攒够5星使用割裂保持痛击使用横扫来攒连击点数猫德常见问题Q:选长柄还是法杖?A:都一样Q:A和B两件装备哪件好?A:装等高的好Q:各项属性收益是否有阈值?A:没有Q:我怎么找不到XXX技能了?A:找不到就是没了......
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2023-07-30 00:00:181


In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years. To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea.The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there. Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makeds more and more people interested in football Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan. 1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______. A. Many football fans B. a very good team C. many football player D. a big playground 2. The next World Cup will be held in_______. A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2005 D. 2004 3. From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________. A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers 4. In “Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries______. </P< p> A. to show their love for their owe country B. to tell the people their stories C. to show their good wishes for the football teams D. to show their new ideas about football 5.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______. A. they are interested in football B. they are football fans C. they think their favourite players are great D. all of A,B and C(B) In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artis .So he invented a very simple camera (照相机).He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of hia garden .That was the first photo. The next important date in thehistory of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year, Daguere, another Frenchman ,took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly ,even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype. Soon, other people began to use Daguerre"s way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains. In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them ,for example, some in the United States worked so hard. Mathew Brady was a famous American photographers. He took many picture of gread people .The picture were unusual beause they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的) Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photod were nor just cooies of the real world .They showed and feelings,like other kinds of art. 6. The first photo taken by Niepce was a picturte of ____________ A. his business B. his house C. his garden D. his window 7. The Daguerrotype was____________. </P< p> A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer 8. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840j, he had to_________A. watch lots of films B. buy an expensive camera C. stop in most cities D. take many films and something else with him. 9. Mathew Brady______________. A. was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual pictures C. was quite strong D. took many pictures of moving people 10. This passage tells us_____________. A. how photography was developed B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures C. how to take pictures in the world D. how to use different Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车) A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel They could all travel together. Mr.Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and bus a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents" home , the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents. Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes. 11. From the passage, a van is also called ____________. A. a motor car B. a motor home C. a motorbike D. a big truck 12. Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________. A. sold their old house B. moved to their grandparents" house C. built a new place for a van D. sold their second car 13. A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________. A. a baby B. much money C. more than two children D. interest in vans 14. Americans usually use motor homer____________. A. to travel with all the family members of holiday B. to do some shopping with all the family members C. to visit their grandparents at weekends D. to drive their children to school every day 15. Motor homes have become popular because___________. A. they can take people to another city when people are free B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays C. some people think motor homes are cheap D. big families can put more things in motor homes (D) Surtsey was born in 1963.Scientists saw the birth of this island. It began at 7.30 a.m. on 14th November. A fishing boat was near Iceland. The boat moved under the captain"s(船长)feet. He noticed a strange smell. He saw some black smoke. A volcano(火山)was breaking out. Red-hot rocks, fire and smoke were rushing up from the bottom(底部)of the sea. The island grew quickly. It was 10 meters high the next day and 60 meters high on 18th November. Scientists flew there to watch. It was exciting. Smoke and fire were still rushing up. Pieces of red-hot rock were flying into the air and falling into the sea. The sea was boiling and there was a strange light in the sky. Surtsey grew and grew. Then it stopped in June 1967.It was 175 meters high and 2 kilometers long. And life was already coming to Surtsey. Plants grew. Birds came. Some scientists built a house. They want to learn about this young island. A new island is like a new world. 16. Surtsey is ______. A. an island not far from Iceland B. a new volcano C. a fishing boat D. a place in Iceland 17. Scientists flew there ______. A. to watch the birth of the island B. to save the fishing boat C. to learn about the island D. to build a house 18. When did scientist fly there to watch? A. Before the volcano broke out. B. As soon as the volcano broke out. C. About four days after the volcano broke out. D. After the volcano stopped rushing up. 19. Put the following sentences in correct order. a. The captain found the boat was moving. b. A new island appeared in the sea. c. Fire, smoke and rocks were seen rushing up. d. A fishing boat was near Iceland. e. The island grew quickly. A. d-a-c-b-e B. a-b-c-d-e C .a-b-e-c-d D. b-e-d-a-c 20. The best title of this article is ________. A. A new island B. The birth of an island C. A new world D. Scientists discovered Surtsey (E) On Nov.18th,1908,three men went up in a balloon(气球).They started early in London. The headman was Augusta Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way. Soon they heard the sea. They were carrying the usual rope(绳子),and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to change its weight(重量).It was for use over the sea. They were also carrying some bags of sand. After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 metres, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the men"s basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice. At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 metres! Everything became icy. They were so cold that they decided to land. They came down in Poland heavily but safely. They had travelled 1,797 kilometers from London! 21. Three men flew in balloon ________. A. for nearly 1,800 kilometers B. to another city C. to visit Poland D. more than a century ago 22. The metal box was used for ________. A. carrying the bags of sand‘ " B. keeping drinking-water C. carrying ropes of the basket D. changing weight 23. When the balloon went up higher, ________.
2023-07-30 00:00:191


My Classmate My classmate LiShan is a lovely girl.She is very clever and active.She can always bring fun to all the class. One day, when our teacher Miss Gao was telling us a funny story about a monkey,LiShan stood up suddenly and played like a monkey.We all laughed.Miss Gao said she is a good actress. This is my classmate , LiShan.
2023-07-30 00:00:283


LB培养基的配方如下:胰蛋白胨(Tryptone) 10g/L;酵母提取物(Yeast extract) 5g/L;氯化钠(NaCl) 10g/L另外根据经验值用NaOH调节该培养基的pH,使其达到7.4(该pH适合目前使用最广的原核表达菌种E.coli的生长)LB培养基是一种培养基的名称,生化分子实验中一般用该培养基来预培养菌种,使菌种成倍扩增,达到使用要求.可分为液体培养基和固体培养基。
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什么是VRRP? VRRP是虚拟路由器冗余协议(Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)的缩写,用来提高网络的可靠性,实现设备冗余。VRRP协议是一种多设备共享同一个虚拟路由器IP地址的机制,其中一个设备作为主设备(Active),另一个设备作为备用设备(Standby)。VRRP如何提高网络可靠性? VRRP主要借助虚拟路由器IP地址和优先级机制来实现设备的冗余。主设备与备用设备通过VRRP报文进行通信协调,主设备每隔一段时间发送VRRP广告包,备用设备收到后检查是否大于当前主设备的优先级,如果是,则切换为主设备,否则继续保持为备用设备。这样就能够确保即使主设备宕机,备用设备能够快速接管,从而保证网络的连续性和稳定性。VRRP可以解决哪些问题? 1.设备单点故障问题VRRP作为一种设备冗余协议,可以解决设备的单点故障问题。比如,在企业网络中,如果只有一个路由器提供网络服务,那么当这个路由器发生故障时,整个网络就不可用了。而如果使用VRRP协议实现路由器冗余,备用设备可以快速接管,从而保证网络的连续性和稳定性。2. 避免手动操作的疏忽在传统网络中,如果需要手动更改路由器的配置,容易因为操作疏忽而导致网络中断。而使用VRRP协议,可以实现自动切换,避免了人为操作的风险。3.提高服务可用性VRRP协议的好处还在于,可以帮助企业提高服务可用性。 比如,如果在数据中心建立冗余防火墙, VRRP协议可以使得同一个虚拟IP地址被多个防火墙拥有,从而实现多台防火墙的热备,提高了防火墙的可用性。总结 VRRP协议是一种非常实用的设备冗余协议,能够帮助网络管理员解决设备单点故障问题、避免手动操作的疏忽、提高服务可用性等问题。如果你的网络中有重要设备没有备份,或者企图通过人工操作来调整不同设备的优先级,那么使用VRRP协议,无疑是一个更加理智和实用的解决方案。
2023-07-29 23:59:411


My major is...I major in...I"m a(n) ... major.
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one double-bed room
2023-07-29 23:59:3514


又叫思维导图,是表达发散性思维的有效图形思维工具 ,它简单却又很有效同时又很高效,是一种实用性的思维工具。思维导图运用图文并重的技巧,把各级主题的关系用相互隶属与相关的层级图表现出来,把主题关键词与图像、颜色等建立记忆链接。思维导图充分运用左右脑的机能,利用记忆、阅读、思维的规律,协助人们在科学与艺术、逻辑与想象之间平衡发展,从而开启人类大脑的无限潜能。思维导图因此具有人类思维的强大功能。内容归档:比如管理一个专门的导图,日常杂项一个导图,谈读书系列一个导图。将杂项中的内容分门别类的归入这些导图中去,不必太过在意构架和体系,可以同样在它们中建立杂项,扔进去即可。等到想用的时候再说,到时候不过是一个搜集资料的过程而已。同时,最好注明该条出自哪本书和页码。框架已经有了,每个分支下也有了一定内容,但是每个独立分支下的逻辑性并不清楚,需要将书中原话转变成自己理解的话语,尽力简化。同时,将这些句子的逻辑关系理清,用分支的形式体现出来,这时就有了一个层次、逻辑清楚的思维导图了。
2023-07-29 23:59:341


在要塞里 转圈你就看到了 蓝色感叹号
2023-07-29 23:59:333


1、watermelon is many people‘s favorite. it is sweet and it has a lot of water. watermelon has o colors, green outside and red inside. people usually have watermelons in summer. but nowadays we can eat watermelon every season in the year. 西瓜是很多人喜欢的食物。它很甜而且水量多。西瓜的颜色,外面是绿的里面是红的。人们以往通常在夏天才吃西瓜,但现在一年的每个季节我们都可以吃到西瓜了。 2、Today is the first day that we start our summer camp. Everybody is amazed at the foreign teacher. They have white skin, yellow hair, blue eyes……But no one is very beautiful or handsome. Foreigners are very tall or fat. I don"t like them. White skin with them is a little ugly. All day around I found that o thirds of the day time I was sleepy. I think tomorrow will be better. 3、Today is sunny day, the sunshine is very nice. I am very happy, because I meet some new clas *** ates, chinese teachers and an Englsih teacher. They are really friendly to me. In the morning we go to meeting room to atten the opening ceremony of the summer camp. There are so many people in it. Then I have a test. In fact, I really can"t stand it. In the afternoon, we meet English teacher. He is rea厂掸班赶直非绊石豹将lly tall and thin. He is funny and friendly. The lesson is very interesting. We like him. Then we meet Maria Zhang. She can speak English very well. She teachs them about genesis and sing an English song. They are so great. Ho, I"m free and I"m happy! 4、Full of excitement The English summer camp begins today.We were all excited today. When we got on the bus in the morning,our guide miss Guo reminded us to take care of ourseues.She also asked us to introduce ourselves and after that,we got known with each other. How time flies!After only on hour,we got to Zhejiang University.The university is pretty,beautiful and large.The Teaching buildings and student"s building are very new.I couldn"t wait to go into the student"s building.The condition of the flat is good.The air conditioner is prepared for us.The headteacher has a strong mind,no matter how hot it was,he still helped us to solve the problems. In the afternoon,we had our first class.Mrs Zheng asked us 10 questions,and we answered them. After having dinner,my friend and I went to the supermarket to buy some fruit. How happy the day we had today! 5、This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, puter and word and I fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off, but my mother said to me:“go on, you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try. Now my English is better than 2months ago. I must thanks my mother, she is good for me. Practices makes perfect. 6、How happy I am. Yesterday I finished all the work very quick, so I have a lot of time to do myself. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we can have more interests to do the next work. Because of this, I write English dairy eight in the morning. But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day. Everyone, if you can finish the work quickly, not lazy, just try your best. 7、Travel in Lijiang I heard Lijiang is a very beautiful city when I was young. I travel there in a holidy with my parents.I went there plane. I saw there were many moutain when I got out the plane. The air was fresh.We went to the Lijiang Gucehng the fist day, we bought some intresting things and had a good meal in the Lijiang Gucheng. The second day ,we went to the Yulong snow moutain, it"s beautiful, and it"s my first time see the snow. I played with the snow happily. My father told me that Yulong snow moutain is a famous place in China, many people came here every year. I was happy in this trip, even like there better than Beijing! 8、It is a special day today今天是个特殊的日子. My mother sent one hundred basket of red bayberries妈妈在市场买了一百多个红红的杨梅. I like to eat red bayberries我很喜欢吃红色的杨梅. It tastes nice味道尝起来很不错. When they arrived in Shanghai到他们到了上海, they were still fresh他们仍然很新鲜. But most of them would be sent to my mother"s business friends但是大多数要给我妈妈商业上的朋友送去. I chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat我收好红杨梅不吃了. I put the rest in my refrigerator我放进了我的冰箱. Red bayberry is my hometown"s special product红杨梅是我家乡的特产. It is well-known in china在中国很知名. Many people like to eat it很多人都非常爱吃它. 9、 //   my family i love my family, because i have a happy family. my father is an english teacher. his name is jacky. he is thirty-eight. he likes playing basketball. what"s my mother job? is she a teacher? yes, you"re right! my mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. my mother is always laborious work. i love my parents! on saturday and sunday, i often go to the library and play the piano, my father go to play basketball. sometimes, we watch tv and listen to music at home. i love my family. because i"m very happy to live with my parents together! 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! lan and fred lan and fred were boys. they were both elve years old, and they were in the same class in their school. last friday afternoon they had a fight in class, and their teacher was very angry. he said to both of them, “stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a thousand times.” after the last lesson, all the other boys went home, but lan and fred stayed in the classroom with t厂掸班赶直非绊石豹将heir teacher and begin writing their names. then fred began crying. the teacher looked at him and said,” why are you crying, fred?” “because his name"s lan may, and mine"s frederick hollingsworth,” fred said. 易恩和富雷得 易恩和富雷得都是男孩,他们都十二岁了。他们在学校里是同班同学。上周五下午他们在学校里打了一架。为此老师很生气。老师对他们说:“下午下课后留在着把你们的名字写一千遍。” 最后一节课下课,所有的学生都回家了。只有易恩和富雷得被他们的老师留在教师里抄写他们的名字。 接着富雷得哭了起来。 老师看了看他问:“富雷得,你为什么要哭呢?” “因为他的名字是lan may, 而我的名字确是frederick hollingsworth,”富雷得回答道。 ann"s diary today was sunday. today was september 30th, 2004. it was a boring day. it was hot. i was not a work. i watched tv all morning. the shows were boring. then i called my friend, nancy. she wasn"t at home. i didn"t know where she was. at elve i was hungry. there was not any food in the fridge. i was lazy. i was tired. then i ate lunch outside. at one o"clock. i was in bed. in the afternoon i was at the movies. the film was boring. i‘m glad tomorrow is monday. i can go to school and see my friends. 安的日记 今天是星期天,2004年9月30日。这是令人厌烦的一天。今天天气很热,我呆在家里,不用去上学。 我看了一上午的电视。电视节目和无聊。于是我给好朋友南西打电话,可她不在家。我不知道她去哪里了。 十二点我饿了,可是冰箱里什么食物都没有。我很懒惰,也很劳累,于是我出去吃了午饭。一点我上床睡觉。下午我去了电影院。电影很无聊。很高兴明天就是星期一了,我有可以返回学校见到我的好朋友了。 notice to all the teachers and students in grade 7, this afternoon, all the students in grade 7 will go to the west hill to plant trees. we‘ll take a bus there, and make sure to gather at the school gate at 2pm. don‘t be late. the school office march 18th, 2006 告示 今天下午七年级全体同学要乘车去西山(west hill)植树(plant trees).请2:00准时在校门口集合 或者 watermelon is many people‘s favorite. it is sweet and it has a lot of water. watermelon has o colors, green outside and red inside. people usually have watermelons in summer. but nowadays we can eat watermelon every season in the year. 西瓜 西瓜是很多人喜欢的食物。它很甜而且水量多。西瓜的颜色,外面是绿的里面是红的。人们以往通常在夏天才吃西瓜,但现在一年的每个季节我们都可以吃到西瓜了。 inside the russian embassy in london a kgb colonel puffed a cigarette as he read the handwritten note for the third time. there was no need for the writer to express regret, he though. correcting this problem would be easy. he would do that in a moment. the thought of it caused a grim *** ile to appear and joy to his heart. but he pushed away those thoughts and turned his attention to a framed photograph on his desk. his wife was beautiful, he told himself as he remembered the day they were married. that was forty-three years ago, and it had been the proudest and happiest day of his life. 在伦敦的俄国使馆,一位克格勃上校一边吞云吐雾,一边读着一张手写的字条,这已是他第三次在读这张字条了。便条的作者不必表示遗憾了,上校这样想着。纠正这个错误其实很容易。他只要一会儿工夫便会做到。想到   mary is a student.she is very clever.mary has a big family.there are six people in her family.they are her father,her mother,her younger brother,her elder brother and her younger sister.her father is a doctor,he works in a hospi school.she teaches english.mary is elder brother is a famous new *** an.he works in hong kong now.mary is sister is a nurse. she looks after children in their father is hospital.mary is you nger brother is a student,too.he is a good student.he wants to go to harvard u.niversity. 玛丽是一个学生。她非常聪明。她有一个很大的家庭。在她的家里有六个人,他们分别是:她的爸爸,她的妈妈,她的弟弟,她的哥哥和她的姐姐。她的爸爸是一个医生,在一所医学院工作。她的妈妈是一名老师,教英语。玛丽的哥哥是一个著名的新闻工作人员,他现在在香港工作。玛丽的姐姐是一个护士,她在她爸爸工作的医院里照顾生病的孩子们。玛丽的弟弟也是一个学生。他是一个好学生。他想要以后在哈佛大学就读
2023-07-29 23:59:311

游戏手柄中的LB RT RB LT 键分别是什么意思?在键盘的那个位置啊??万分感谢!!!!

是 上。右。下。左的意识。不是W A S D就是方向键
2023-07-29 23:59:287


2023-07-29 23:59:283


2023-07-29 23:59:263


上海货代公司有:中国外运股份有限公司、中远海运物流有限公司、德迅(中国)货运代理有限公司、哈德逊湾物流、Schenker等。1、中国外运股份有限公司成立于2002年11月20日,并于2003年2月13日在香港成功上市,是中国外运长航集团有限公司(简称“中国外运长航”)控股的H股公司。2、中远海运物流有限公司于2016年12月21日正式挂牌运营。2017年9月18日,中国外轮理货总公司整合并入中远海运物流有限公司。中远海运物流是居中国市场领先地位的国际化物流企业。3、德迅(中国)货运代理有限公司德迅(中国)货运代理有限公司于2004年5月27日在上海市工商局登记成立。法定代表人WONG SIEW LOONG,公司经营范围包括受母公司及其授权管理的中国境内外企业和关联企业的委托等。4、哈德逊湾物流哈德逊湾物流经验上海港货运进出口代理,多年来,哈德逊湾物流以科学发展观为指导,深化改革,创新发展,企业实力不断提升。5、SchenkerSchenker中文译名为全球国际货运代理(中国)有限公司,属于世界500强德国铁路(DeutscheBahnAG简称DB)。是一家拥有140年历史的全球领先一体化国际物流服务公司。
2023-07-29 23:59:261


  现今医学分为传统医学、基于“生物-医学模式”近代发展起来的西医。从就业形式来看,医学类的就业情况依然是最好的。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   医学专业的英语说法:   medical speciality   医学专业相关英语表达:   临床医学专业学位 degree of clinical medicine   村医学专业 Rural Medicine   自然医学专业文凭 Professional Diploma in Naturopathy   医学专业留学生 International medical students   医学专业英语 medical English   医学专业的英语例句:   1. Be a professional website in preventive medicine in China!   致力于打造中国预防医学专业医学门户网!   2. To explore how to make up multimedia courseware among medical professional teachers.   本文探讨医学专业教师多媒体制作课件问题.   3. The relative countermeasures of enhancing teaching quality of physiological experiment were proposed.   就如何提高动物医学专业生理学实验的教学质量提出了相关对策.   4. Thirteen medical students will learn about treating children and performing operations.   十三个医学专业的学生将学习有关治疗儿童和手术操作方面的知识.   5. Bachelor degree or above at Clinical Medicine with over 1 - year working experience.   临床医学专业,本科学历或以上学历,一年以上工作经验.   6. Medical genetics is an important medical major that contains rich humanistic resources.   医学遗传学是一门重要的医学专业,具有非常丰富的人文内涵.   7. The medical student studies the skeleton of the human body.   这位医学专业的学生研究人体的尸骸.   8. I do not believe the medical profession has a monopoly on morality.   我不认为医学专业是唯一的高尚的职业.   9. Food Testing was the experimental and applied basic courses for Prevent Medicine.   《食品检验》是预防医学专业一门实验性和应用性很强的专业基础课.   10. College Degree in Nursing or Medicine.   大专学历,护理或医学专业.   11. There are many medical specialties.   有很多医学专业.   12. Medical professionals call auti *** spectrum disorders.   它的医学专业称谓是自闭症障碍.   13. The article summarize the measures on constituting the model of munity oriented preventive medicine education.   对如何建立以社群为基础非预防医学专业预防医学教育教学模式进行总结.   14. And we focus on technical report and clinical and basic research world wide.   我们关注全球最新的医学专业上报道以及临床、基础研究进展情况.   15. I am a sweet , caring , openminded, warmhearted , educated Chinese girl. I like reading, swimming, travilling, music.   医学专业毕业{士}现从是美容, 心地善良, 真诚, 喜欢阅读, 游泳, 旅游, 听音乐及健康的生活方式.
2023-07-29 23:59:251


问题一:百度脑图怎么用 百度脑图是一款在线的思维导图编辑工具 具体操作整理快捷键如下图: 思维导图导出格式和软件支持如下图: 问题二:百度脑图能离线使用吗 1、百度脑图不能能离线使用。 2、原因: 百度脑图是在线的思维导图工具,需要先登录百度账号才可以使用,需要在线登录账号才可以试用,没有网的情况下是不能登录的。 3、替代方式: 使用思维导图软件。 问题三:百度脑图不能用,怎么回事 1、百度脑图是百度平台的思维导图在线工具。 2、通过百度账号,直接登录。 3、如果登录失败,请查看是否百度账号密码有误。 4、如果打开失败,换个浏览器就可以了。 问题四:百度脑图怎么导入XMind6备注 1、 打开脑图,点击百度脑图边上的小箭头。 2、选择打开。打开本地文件。 3、打开相应的文件即可。 Xmind格式是支持的。如果无法导入备注,说明不支持。 问题五:百度脑图导入节点和导出节点怎么用 百度脑图其实就是在线的思维导图,可以实现和思维导图类似的功能,但由于其无需安装,因此十分方便,但是由于产品开发的时间并不长所以很多人都不怎么会用。   下面我来帮大家解决节点不能换行的问题。   我们使用百度脑图时会遇到一个节点字数过多,想要换行但是每次Enter的结果就是产生一个新的节点,其实换行的方法非常简单,就是使用Shift+Enter组合键,轻松换行   怎么样,快去试试吧   然后,我再帮大家解决百度脑图怎么导出图片的问题   这个问题很多朋友都遇到过,导出来的文件都是word或者TXT文档,大家看下图就知道了,点击百度脑图选项→保存→导出到本地→PNG图片   这样我们就能导出PNG图片了,方便大家编辑和使用 问题六:百度脑图怎么导出图片 百度脑图导出图片教程 首先点击左上角的百度脑图标示 然后选择另存为-导出 选择你要导出的格式即可 问题七:百度脑图怎么用 百度脑图怎么用_百度经验 问题八:百度脑图怎么用 整理的快捷操作如下: 问题九:怎样把百度脑图分享到微信 百度脑图其实就是在线的思维导图,可以实现和思维倒头类似的功能,但由于无需安装,因此十分方便。 制作的脑图分享也很方便,用浏览器打开脑图,点左上角的百度脑图,共享,与人共享,复制链接,把链接发到微信朋友即可打开。也可把文件另存,导出到本地。 问题十:百度脑图怎么用 思维导图一样的软件
2023-07-29 23:59:251


Be quiet on class.上课安静。Don"t throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾。No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒。Don"t fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人。Don"t bully girls.不要欺负女生。Ask for leave on emergency.有事请假。Be friendly to classmates.友好待人。No cheat in exam.考试不能作弊。Don"t wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服。Be responsible for your behaviour.对自己行为负责。额。。好累。
2023-07-29 23:59:243

谁有the snow _ lenka 歌词啊

I"m just a little bitcaught in the middleLife is a mazeand love is a riddleI don"t know where to goI can"t do it alone(I"ve tried)and I don"t know whySlow it downmake it stopor else my heart is going to pop"cuz it"s too muchYeah, it"s a lotto be something I"m notI"m a foolout of love"cuz I just can"t get enoughI"m just a little bitcaught in the middleLife is a mazeand love is a riddleI don"t know where to goI can"t do it alone(I"ve tried)and I don"t know whyI am just a little girllost in the momentI"m so scaredbut don"t show itI can"t figure it outit"s bringing me downI knowI"ve got to let it goand just enjoy the showThe sun is hotin the skyjust like a giant spotlightThe people follow the signand synchronize in timeIt"s a jokeNobody knowsthey"ve got a ticket to that showYeahI"m just a little bitcaught in the middleLife is a mazeand love is a riddleI dont know where to goFrom I can"t do it alone(I"ve tried)and I don"t know whyI am just a little girllost in the momentI"m so scaredbut don"t show itI can"t figure it outit"s bringing me downI knowI"ve got to let it goand just enjoy the showoh ohJust enjoy the showoh ohI"m just a little bitcaught in the middlelife is a mazeand love is a riddleI dont know where to goI can"t do it alone(I"ve tried)and I don"t know whyI am just a little girllost in the momentI"m so scaredbut I don"t show itI can"t figure it outit"s bringing me downI knowI"ve got to let it goand just enjoy the showdum de dumdudum de dumJust enjoy the showdum de dumdudum de dumJust enjoy the showI want my money backI want my money backI want my money backJust enjoy the showI want my money backI want my money backI want my money backJust enjoy the show
2023-07-29 23:59:231

要使用Wod文本编辑软件时为了把不相邻两段文字互换位置最少用?次剪切+粘贴操作? 2次。怎么做?

2023-07-29 23:59:231


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2023-07-29 23:59:083

英文歌Lenka - Trouble Is A Friend这首歌我想学,谁可以告诉我学的快的方法?

2楼 你是我偶像 ORZ
2023-07-29 23:59:085


本科专业英文:undergraduate program ; bachelor"s degree program
2023-07-29 23:59:081