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2023-07-31 11:23:38

The Higginbotham Brothers of East Texas

Part IV

A German Soldier"s Last Letter

Found after the Battle for Hill 192 in Normandy

"Dear Strupple,

For the third time I am writing to get in touch with you by letter. I hope that it will reach you. Some time ago when I left the 6th Group, I arrived by way of Gardeleben in Wittstock where I made my ten jumps. Then I came to my regiment in France and to my company. We were stationed in Brittany, near Brest. When the invasion started we moved out approximately 30-40 km daily, but only at night. During the day American fighter-bombers controlled the area. Then were put into line east of St. Lo, approximately 5 km. Away from the town. When we were committed our company strength was 170. Then the 11, July arrived and the most terrible and gruesome day of my life. At 0300 our company sector got such a dense hail of artillery and mortar fire, that we thought the world was coming to an end. In addition to that, the rumbling of motors and rattling could be heard in the enemy lines - tanks. It scared the pants off us. We could expect a very juicy attack. If we thought that the artillery fire had reached it"s climax, we were disillusioned at 0530. At that time a tremendous firing started which continued to 0615. Then tanks arrived. The movement of tanks, however, is somewhat difficult here in Normandy. As we at home have our fields fenced in by wire and wooden fences, so the fields over here are lined with hedgerows. They are about five feet high, and have the same thickness. These hedgerows are winding crisscross through the terrain. We dig in behind these walls and the Americans do the same. It is a regular hedgerow war.

Well on that 11 July the tanks were rolling toward us. They shot with their guns through the hedgerows as though cake dough. Sharpshooters gave us a lot of trouble. You must know however, that the Americans are using H.E. ammunition, which tears terrible wounds. Around 1000 the order came to withdraw, as the position could not be held. I had one wounded in my MG position. When I wanted to get him in position with the help of someone else, a shell landed 2 yards away from us. The wounded fellow got another piece of shrapnel in his side, and the other fellow also was wounded. I however did not get one single piece of shrapnel. Anyway, on that day I escaped death just by a few seconds a hundred times. A piece of shrapnel penetrated through the leather strap of my MG and was thus diverted from my chest. In this way I could name many instances.

At 1135 I left the platoon sector as last man. Carried my MG through the enemy lines into a slightly more protected defile and crept back again with another fellow to get the wounded. It was time to get them, for tanks were moving 30 yards from us.

On our way back we were covered again with terrific artillery fire. We were just lying in an open area. Every moment, I expected deadly shrapnel. At that moment I lost my nerves. The others acted just like me. When one hears for hours the whining, whistling and bursting of shells and the moaning and groaning of the wounded, one does not feel too well. Altogether it was Hell.

Our company has only 30 men left. In the meantime it was reorganized to a certain extent. We are now located in a somewhat more quiet sector, i.e., what we call quiet. We are expecting a new attack supported by tanks today or tomorrow. in some ways we are fighting, for nobody but ourselves,therefore i shall neither give up nor give"n, if you see my mom please note her that i love her for always,as for my dad, please let him know i am struggling my best. we are fighting, since we are afraid.

I have been recommended for the Air Force Ground Fighting Badge, on account of the hand-to-hand fighting on 11th and 12th of July.

Now I would like to finish this letter. I gave you sufficient reading material, I guess. Hope to hear from you soon.

selected from above

" in some ways we are fighting, for nobody but ourselves,therefore i shall neither give up nor give"n, if you see my mom please note her that i love her for always,as for my dad, please let him know i am struggling my best."


Telling head of state will never surrender!Tell a mother a love still her!Tell a father to have already make an effort!





2023-07-31 05:42:381


2023-07-31 05:42:461


弹药的英文如下:ammunition。参考例句:a cache of ammunition。隐藏的弹药。The garrison broke into their reserves of ammunition。卫戍部队启用储备的弹药。The rebels were short of gunpowder。反叛者们缺少弹药。They began distributing ammunition to the militia.他们开始把弹药发给民兵。They fished up the sunken ammunition。他们打捞出沉在水中的弹药。An explosive mixture,such as gunpowder.火药易爆炸的混合物,如弹药。We were desperately short of ammunition.我们非常缺乏弹药。Minimum number of rounds。最低弹药数需求。"Reloading" is defined as the replacement of one source of ammunition with another.重新装填弹药定义为替换另一个补充弹药的装置。"Reloading" is defined as the replacement of one source of ammunition with another.「重新装填弹药」定义为替换另一个补充弹药的装置。
2023-07-31 05:43:091


意义:ammunition主要指弹药(projectiles to be fired from a gun)munition(指军需品的总称(military supplies considered collectively:including military weapons,ammunition and equipment)But in the archaism ammunition also has the meaning of 军需品,later replaced by munition in this meaning.古语中ammunition 有军需品的意思,后来因为munition用来指军需品,ammunition就主要指弹药。用法:munition可作n./vt./vi.vt.供应…军需品:例句: We have been munitioned and ready for the battle.我们军需品齐备,已做好了战斗准备。vi.从事军需品生产adj.军需品的;生产军需品的ammunition可作n./v作n.时有比喻义:[比喻]炮弹(可用来为自己辩护或攻击别人的依据、证据、材料等),进攻(或防御)手段vt./vi.装弹药(于);供弹药(给)
2023-07-31 05:43:281


armament 1. 武器装备2. (一国的)军备,军事力量3. 战备,备战行动4. 军火5. 战斗部;弹头一般讲的是国家级别的大型军火储备例句 The U.S. decided to reduce armament. 美国打算减少军火储备量。ordnance 1. 大炮2. 军械(如弹药、军车等)3. 军械器材这个是一般用来讲军事后勤时的用于例句 The navy has an ordnance depot at the pier. 海军在港口有个军械库。ammunition 1. 弹药, 军火2. (辩论中可攻击对方的)信息,事实,炮弹一般讲个人或者一个团队的装备例句 I am out of ammunition. 我的子弹打完了。如果还有问题可以找我~
2023-07-31 05:43:471


ammunition anger fire urgent
2023-07-31 05:43:576


2023-07-31 05:44:164


2023-07-31 05:44:374


生化危机8无限弹药快速解锁秘籍分享。本文为大家带来的是8代中快速解锁无限子弹的秘籍指南,还不知道如何快速解锁的玩家们一起来看看吧。无限弹药快速解锁秘籍这次的无限ammunition跟3代Re一样需要点数购买的但在点数商店里解锁firearms的条件为该把武器改装到满等就解锁该firearms的无限ammunition购买权问题是在游戏里需要该满全部15把武器所需的Lei(货币)为一百万Lei,这个数目可不小哦所以就有老外研发了邪道方式运用复数存档来解锁武器的无限ammunition购买权首先在既有的存档里选一把武器改满然后存个新档,接着再退出到点数商店里购买该武器的无限ammunition,最后读取回既有存档,那么虽然该firearms还是处于未改装状态,但是已经启动了无限ammunition效果,直接能把游玩难度大幅降低顺带佣兵模式需要通关主线一次才会在点数商店里解锁,也是需要用点数购买的,佣兵模式的关卡全数共8关,需要达成Rank A(前三关)和Rank B(后四关)解锁的
2023-07-31 05:45:191

集束弹药 英文

集束弹药英文是Cluster ammunition1.集束弹药又称集束弹药。指一种爆炸性武器,可在广阔的区域内发射多枚较小的子弹药或子炸弹。这些子弹药的目的是散布和目标,如车辆、人员或基础设施。虽然集束弹药在战斗中可能有效,但由于其滥杀滥伤性质和对平民造成伤害的可能性,引起了严重的人道主义关切。2.组成和功能集束弹药通常由一个装子弹药的主容器或弹壳组成。该容器的设计目的是将子弹药散布在指定的目标区域。释放后,容器打开,子弹药通过降落伞或使用机械或烟火装置弹出。然后子弹药在撞击时或经过重新确定的时间延迟后散射和引爆。3.子弹药类型集束弹药中使用的子弹药有各种类型,每种子弹药都是为特定目的而设计的。有些子弹药是为了穿透装甲车而设计的,而另一些子弹药则是为了产生爆炸效果,以人员为目标或摧毁基础设施。子弹药可配备不同类型的引信,如撞击引信或延时引信,以最大限度地发挥其效力。4.军事优势集束弹药具有若千军事优势。与单一爆炸装置相比,它可以覆盖更大的区域,使其有利于打击分散的目标。它还可以对敌军造成心理影响,扰乱他们的行动,造成恐惧和混乱。此外,集束弹药可被用来制造雷场或封锁道路,从而阻止进入某些地区。5.人道主义关切尽管集束弹药具有军事优势,但也构成重大的人道主义关切。集束弹药的滥杀滥伤性质意味着它们无法区分军事目标和平民。这增加了平民伤亡的风险,特别是在人口稠密地区。此外,未爆炸的子弹药在冲突结束后很长时间内仍可能留在地面上,对平民,特别是儿童构成威胁,他们可能将其误认为玩具或日常用品。6.国际努力和法律框架由于认识到集束弹药的人道主义影响,国际社会已作出努力,限制其使用。2008年通过的《集束弹药公约》禁止使用、生产、转让和储存集束弹药。许多国家加入了这项公约,承诺销毁其储存并援助受影响社区。然而,包括主要军事大国在内的一些国家尚未加入该公约。
2023-07-31 05:45:311


2023-07-31 05:45:592


弹药库(Magazine)是指用于存放弹药或是其他爆炸物的地方,在英文中和弹匣一样用magazine表示。它是来自于阿拉伯语的 "makahazin"(仓库),经过中世意大利语和法语的转译出现在英语中。基本信息中文名 弹药库外文名 Magazine释义 存放弹药的地方拼音 dànyàokù基本介绍[ammunition depot;ammunition store house] 存放弹药的地方中文:在军事设施内存放弹药和炸药的建筑物英文:In the military installations storing ammunition and explosives in the building中文:船内用以放置弹药和炸药的船舱英文:In place to ship ammunition and explosives in the cabinMagazine也可以指一个弹药存放场,用于存放各种各样的弹药准备配发给各种作战单位而不仅限于一定种类的炮弹炸弹,不过这一用法少见。中国近代还会称药弹库。此外弹库和药库经常有严格区别,药库只放药包的情况(也意味着更严格的防火措施)。
2023-07-31 05:46:211


是不是拼错了啊 material吧
2023-07-31 05:46:333


2023-07-31 05:46:538


TILDE键就是ESC下面那个~符号键,按出来过后就会显示CONSOLE然后你可以输入以下秘籍:fc1ef2ed - Refill Ammunition 重装弹药3cfe170c - Infinite Ammunition 无限弹药91d428aa - Get Megahp 超级HP值 (不死)43b24753 - Invisible 隐形其他的秘籍基本没什么用。 在教楼主的方法在紧急的时刻按F5存档,挂了直接玩存档就是。希望楼主游戏愉快!!!O(∩_∩)O
2023-07-31 05:47:231


2023-07-31 05:47:337


fc1ef2ed:Refill Ammunition 重装弹药 3cfe170c:Infinite Ammunition 无限弹药 91d428aa:Get Megahp 超级HP值 (不死) 43b24753:Invisible 隐形
2023-07-31 05:48:463


2023-07-31 05:48:5712


2023-07-31 05:49:491

Police & Thieves 歌词

歌曲名:Police & Thieves歌手:The Clash专辑:The Story Of The Clash Volume 1Police & ThievesJunior MurvinLock, Stock & Two Smoking BarrelsPolice and thieves in the streetsOh yeah!Fight to the nation with their guns and ammunitionPolice and thieves in the streetOh yeah!Scaring the nation with their guns and ammunitionFrom genesis to revelationThe next generation will be hear meAnd all the crowd comes in day by dayNo one try to stop it in anywayAnd all the peacemaker turn war officerHear what i sayPolice and thieves in the streetsOh yeah!Fight to the nation with their guns and ammunitionPolice and thieves in the streetOh yeah!Scaring the nation with their guns and ammunitionall the crowd comes in day by dayNo one try to stop it in anywayAnd all the peacemaker turn war officerHear what i sayPolice and thieves in the streetsOh yeah!Fight to the nation with their guns and ammunitionPolice and thieves in the streetOh yeah!Scaring the nation with their guns and ammunitionpolice and thieves Police, police and thievespolice and thieves Police, police and thieves oh yeah
2023-07-31 05:50:261


2023-07-31 05:50:517

Police & Thieves 歌词

歌曲名:Police & Thieves歌手:The Clash专辑:Clash On BroadwayPolice & ThievesJunior MurvinLock, Stock & Two Smoking BarrelsPolice and thieves in the streetsOh yeah!Fight to the nation with their guns and ammunitionPolice and thieves in the streetOh yeah!Scaring the nation with their guns and ammunitionFrom genesis to revelationThe next generation will be hear meAnd all the crowd comes in day by dayNo one try to stop it in anywayAnd all the peacemaker turn war officerHear what i sayPolice and thieves in the streetsOh yeah!Fight to the nation with their guns and ammunitionPolice and thieves in the streetOh yeah!Scaring the nation with their guns and ammunitionall the crowd comes in day by dayNo one try to stop it in anywayAnd all the peacemaker turn war officerHear what i sayPolice and thieves in the streetsOh yeah!Fight to the nation with their guns and ammunitionPolice and thieves in the streetOh yeah!Scaring the nation with their guns and ammunitionpolice and thieves Police, police and thievespolice and thieves Police, police and thieves oh yeah
2023-07-31 05:51:181


问题一:防火演练用英语怎么说 fire drill 问题二:消防演习英文怎么说 Fire drill 问题三:场景演练的英文怎么说 Scene drill 问题四:消防演习英文怎么说如题 Fire drill 英[] ?fai? dril 美[] fa?r dr?l 词典释义 fire drill 问题五:请问消防演习英语怎么说啊 消防演习 fire drill ph. 1. 揣防训练 2. 火灾避难训练;消防演习 问题六:我们可以进行急救演练用英语怎么说 你好! 我们可以进行急救演练 We can make emergency drill 问题七:实弹演习 的英语怎么说 实弹演习 Live ammunition drill practice with live ammunition 问题八:地震演习 英语怎么说 1. earthquake prepare 2 earthquake drill 3 anearthquake drill 4 earthquake maneuver 这四个都比较互 别的也有 不类举了! 问题九:军事演习英文怎么说? military exercise 军事演习 military manoeuvre 军事演习 anti-互errori *** military exercise 反恐军事演习
2023-07-31 05:51:281


弹药基数的概念 弹药基数也可以称为弹药基本携载量(Basic Ammunition Load) 基数或基本携载量(Basic Load)的概念不仅用于弹药,实际上适用于所有战斗补给品.它的含义是在标准战斗情况(事先假定)下一个单位(最小到个人和单个车辆...)规定的补给物品的携载量. 比如一个士兵.在投入战斗以前将携带一定数量的弹药,食品,水等等.携带的数量是由后勤部门通过大量试验确定的最佳值(太多影响运动,太少无法持续战斗).不同国家不同时期的基数是不一样的.不同单位的基数也不同. 比如越战时美军单兵m16步枪的弹药基数是20个18发弹匣另加200发条状弹夹,总共560发子弹重12公斤左右.同时期一个105毫米炮兵连的弹药基数是1600发高爆榴弹,320发照明弹,60发白磷燃烧弹,36发反人员霰弹和24发增强型常规弹.一个4.2英寸迫击炮排的弹药基数则是1200发高爆弹,300发照明弹和50发白磷弹. 又比如一辆109自行榴弹炮的弹药基数是37发常规弹和2发铜斑蛇制导炮弹.对于装甲车而言,弹药基数是在设计车辆时就确定的.而对于牵引火炮单位,弹药基数则是根据以往战争的经验和伴随行动的运输车辆携载能力来确定的. 使用弹药基数可以简化补给数量的计算.保证补给的物品能够满足战斗的需要,既要避免不足也要避免过量导致的运输能力的浪费. 携带2或3个基数的弹药一般意味着需要进行持续时间较长的(进攻)行动而中途不进行补给.或者是要准备异常激烈的长时间战斗(比如阵地防守).
2023-07-31 05:51:463


所谓弹药基数是弹药供应的一种计算单位,而基数量是对单项装备规定的一个基数的物资数量或重量。其标准由军队最高领导机关根据国家工业生产水平、部队携行能力、武器的战术技术性能和一般的消耗规律统一规定。例如规定7.62 毫米半自动步枪的一个弹药基数量为200发枪弹,一枝冲锋枪300发枪弹,一门82 迫击炮120发炮弹,一辆解放 C A10运输车一个油料基数为161公斤,100人份的战救药材一个基数量为9公斤等。这是一个计算单位,对枪炮来说就是一个弹药基数。编辑本段定义 这是一个军事术语。什么是弹药基数呢?所谓弹药基数就是在一次补给中配发或分发给某作战单位的弹药数量。编辑本段作用 规定弹药基数可以给指挥和保障带来很大方便。它既便于上级下达命令、指示和其他行文,又便于各级军械部门计算弹药数量和向上级、首长报告弹药保障程度。使用弹药基数,既能使庞杂的数字简单化和规范化,又利于计算、供应、记忆和保密。所以在储备、请领、报销、补充弹药时,往往都以基数来表示。通常看到的多为一个整数,也有时用小数表示,如1.5个基数、3.0个基数或0.2个基数。 基数是物资的计算单位。不仅弹药,油料、战材都使用基数作为计算单位,即弹药基数、油料基数、战材基数。 不同武器装备,其基数标准不同。同一武器装备,其单枪、单炮基数与团基数、师基数的标准也不一样。 根据基数标准,部队可以科学的确定平时的储备量和行动时的携行量。
2023-07-31 05:52:582


Using this Trainer使用此训练------------------ ------------------Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.教练首先启动,然后启动游戏,然后在主菜单按F1。Listen for "Activated".倾听“激活”。Press desired option key按所需的选项键Options选项------- -------Numpad 1- Increased Health- You might still die from scripted events or large小键盘1 - 增加健康,您可能仍然死于脚本的事件或大 explosions!爆炸!Numpad 2- Ammo Clip- Your clip will stay at 100!小键盘2 - 弹药夹,您的剪辑将保持在100! May not work with all weapons.可能无法使用所有武器。 Basically you will not have to reload.基本上你不会重新加载。Numpad 3- Ammo Total- Your ammunition for the current weapon will rise to 1000 the小键盘3 - 阿穆共您当前的武器弹药将上升到1000年 next time you change clips.下次你改变剪辑。 May not work with all weapons.可能无法使用所有武器。
2023-07-31 05:53:143


创意设计发展的趋势?全球最好的设计公司创意总监和其他几位设计师一起,给出了关于未来的 25 个设计趋势。  1. 设计能开拓新市场  企业的运营和管理者越来越意识到,设计师们可以利用他们的才华去创造机会、解决问题,甚至是开发新的市场。所以在我们这里,他们是可以游走在公司规则之外的一群人。  ——Robert Brunner, Ammunition Group 创始人  2. 设计的界限一定会消失  在未来的五年,传统的平面设计师、UI 设计师和技术人员之间的界限会逐渐模糊、以至于消失。Jony Ive 就接管了苹果的产品设计,今后这一类跨界一定会变得越来越多。这也意味着,对设计师来说跨平台设计的能力变得越来越重要。寻找结合点变得很关键。  ——Mike Treff,Code and Theory 的产品设计组成员。  3. 产品设计会影响到使用者的空间感  一提到智能设备,人们想起的就是生产运动记录器的 Fitbit 或是智能温控器制造商 Nest 。我们都知道,单单把电路板接到网络里是无法创造出“聪明”的产品的。你的产品如何设计,将直接影响到用户的体验,甚至影响到用户的空间感。  —— James R. Wisniewski,Michael Graves Architecture & Design 建筑师  4. 自学成才的设计师会逐渐增多  自学成才的设计师人数将超过各大院校设计专业的学生。审美和技术是在不断进步的,大学里的教学课程已经跟不上它的步伐。记住,要时刻的保持自我更新。  经常去 starter league 和 codecademy 上去学点新东西吧。Keep with the pace of learning.  ——John Maeda, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers 设计师    5. HELLO, CEO  有越来越多设计出身的人开始担任企业的 CEO 了,这几乎成为了一个趋势,但并不是每位设计师都能成功。设计专业让他们对产品有良好的判断,但同时还需要对生意有着精准、全面的理解。  ——Robert Brunner, Ammunition Group 创始人  6. 服务于残障人士的建筑会不断涌现  给健全的人设计房子并不是什么新鲜事,但残疾人和老人同样需要舒适、便捷的生活空间。未来的五年,会有更多的设计师关注这个领域。  —— Patrick Burke,Principal – Michael Graves Architecture & Design 的建筑师  7. 智能的会变得更智能  如果恒温器都会说话,为什么我们所坐的椅子和会议室不能?无所不在的传感技术、机械自动化和新型的材料会帮助我们实现这一点。很快,枕头就能自动调节到我们想要的软硬度,会议室也会告诉你这次的会议开的是否成功,并为你即时调整室内光线和温度。
2023-07-31 05:53:454


未转变者逃离塔科夫MOD枪械ID大全。本文为大家带来的是本作非常热门的塔科夫MOD枪械ID列表,供各位玩家们参考查阅。首先塔科夫MOD在创意工坊的名称为Nordic Studios | Nordic Armory 3.0 【3.28+】 | Specialist UpdateUNTURNED(未转变者)塔科夫工坊枪械ID58000 Colt M4A1 Carbine(M4小公主)58001 M855 Ball 30rnd STANAG Magazine58002 Colt M4A1 Carry Handle58003 5.56 M855 Ball NATO Ammunition Box58004 5.56 M855 Ball 140rnd Belt58005 Kalashnikov AK-74N Rifle58006 7N6 Ball 30rnd 6L20 Magazine AK74木制弹匣58007 5.45 7N6 Ball Ammunition Crate58008 5.45 7N6 Ball 30rnd Packet58009 Trijicon ACOG 4x32 TA31D58010 EOTech 553 Holographic Sight58011 Colt M45A1 (沙漠款)58012 45 ACP FMJ 7rnd Colt 1911 Magazine58013 45 ACP FMJ Ammunition Crate58014 FB Beryl M762 Rifle 波兰的模块化AKM58015 57-N-231 Ball 30rnd AK55 Magazine58016 7.62 57-N-231 Ball Ammunition Crate58017 7.62 57-N-231 Ball 20rnd Packet58018 Colt MK.18 CQBR Carbine(MK18卡宾枪标准型)58019 M855 Ball 30rnd STANAG Magazine (Dark)58020 Colt MK.18 Sight58021 Kalashnikov AKS-74N Rifle 伞兵AK7458022 7N6 Ball 30rnd 6L23 Magazine58023 Kalashnikov AKS-74U Carbine 坦克兵AK58024 M67 Fragmentation Hand Grenade58025 Midwest Industries AK Railed Scope Mount58026 EOTech 553 Holographic Sight W. AK Adapter58027 Dragunov SVD 标准型德拉贡诺夫58028 7N1 Ball 10rnd SVD Magazine58029 NPZ PSO-1 4x24 Scope PSO瞄准镜58030 7.62 7N1 Ball 20rnd Packet58031 HK G3 Battle Rifle(标准型G3)58032 M80A1 Ball 20rnd G3 Magazine58033 HK G3 Rear Sight58034 7.62 M80A1 Ball Ammunition Crate58035 7.62 M80A1 Ball 80rnd Belt58036 AN/PEQ-15 Laser Sight58037 Wooden CAF WASR 10-63 Handguard58038 HK AG-3F2 Battle Rifle(模块化G3)58039 KAC Vertical Grip58040 Magpul AFG2 Angled Fore Grip58041 NSPU-M Night Scope58042 Kalashnikov AK-103M Rifle58043 57-N-231 Ball 30rnd АK-103 Magazine58044 PK-120/1P87 Holographic Sight58045 AAC 762 SDN-6 Suppressor58046 KAC QDSS NT-4 Suppressor58047 Dog Tags58048 Military Radio PRC-15058049 Intelligence Folder58050 PBS-4 Suppressor58051 PK-120 Holographic Sight W. AK Adapter58052 Trijicon ACOG 4x32 TA31D W. AK Adapter58053 FN Mk.20 SSR DMR(SCAR-狙击型)58054 M80A1 Ball 10rnd Mk.20 Magazine58055 FN Mk.20 SSR Sight58056 RGD-5 Fragmentation Hand Grenade58057 Izhmash SKS Rifle(西蒙诺夫 也叫56半)58058 57-N-231 Ball 10rnd SKS Clip58059 SEI Mk.14 EBR(MK14射手步枪)58060 M80A1 Ball 20rnd Mk.14 Magazine58061 MG3 Bipod58062 PBS-1 Suppressor58063 FN M240B 班用机枪58064 M80A1 Ball 100rnd M240 Box58065 Trijicon ACOG 3.5x35 TA11F58066 FN M240 Bipod58067 Kalashnikov PKM (毛子快乐枪)58068 7N1 Ball 100rnd PKM Box58069 PKM Bipod58070 Makarov PM (马卡洛夫手枪)58071 9x18 8rnd Makarov Magazine58072 9x18 Makarov FMJ Ammunition Crate58073 Mk.153 Mod 0 SmAW Launcher(M4火箭筒)58074 Mk.6 Mod 0 HEAA58075 Mk.153 Sight58076 RPG-7V2 (人民快乐筒)58077 PG-7VL HEAT58078 M24A3 SWS Sniper(M24狙击步枪)58079 M80A1 Ball 5rnd M24 Magazine58080 SchmidtBender 5-25x56 PM IILP58081 HK G36C Carbine(短卡宾G36)58082 M855 Ball 30rnd G36 Magazine58083 HK G36 Sight58084 HK G36K Rifle(卡宾型G36)58085 HK HK416A5 (要我一个就够了!)58086 HK HK416 Rear Sight58087 HK HK417A2 Battle Rifle(416的精确射手步枪型)58088 M80A1 Ball 20rnd HK417 Magazine58089 Kalashnikov AK-74M (模块化的AK74M)58090 Glock 17 (警察快乐枪)58091 9mm FMJ 17rnd Glock Magazine58092 9mm FMJ Ammunition Crate58093 Glock 18C (全自动版德)58094 Zeiss Z-Point Reflex Sight58095 EOTech EXPS3 Holographic Sight58096 LaserWorks LE-032 Rangefinder58097 AI L118A2 Sniper(AWM)58098 M80A1 Ball 10rd L118A2 Magazine58099 SchmidtBender L17A1 3-12x58100 KAC M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System58101 M80A1 Ball 20rnd KAC Steel Magazine58102 Leupold Mark 4 LR/T 4.5-14x50mm58103 Harris Bipod58104 Harris Bipod (Folded)58105 Kalashnikov AK-308 Battle Rifle7.62NOTO口径的AK58106 M80A1 Ball 20rnd AK-308 Magazine58107 FN Mk.17 Battle Rifle(SCAR-H)58108 M80A1 Ball 20rnd Mk.17 Magazine58109 FN Mk.17 Sight58110 HK MP5A2 SmG(反恐快乐枪)58111 9mm FMJ 30rnd MP5 Magazine58112 Snaiperskaya SV-98 Sniper(SV98狙击步枪)58113 7N1 Ball 10rnd SV-98 Magazine58114 Kalashnikov AKM Rifle 普通的AKM58115 M249 Light Machine Gun 大菠萝58116 M855 Ball 200rnd M249 Box58117 HK MP5A2 Rear Sight58118 L85A2 Rifle(英国佬的烂货)58119 SA80 Sights58120 L22A2 Carbine58121 OKP-7 Reflex Sight (Dovetail)58122 OG-7V HE 40 mm Fragmentation Warhead58123 Kalashnikov RPK 卡拉什尼科夫机枪58124 57-N-231 Ball 40rnd 6P2.Sb-11 Magazine58125 Kalashnikov RPK74 5.45班用机枪58126 7N6 Ball 45rnd 6L18 Magazine58127 Kalashnikov PP-19-01 Vityaz SmG(AKSmG)58128 9mm FMJ 30rnd Vityaz Magazine58129 M9 Bayonet58130 Smersh-558131 Mk.3 Mod 0 HEDP58132 SV98 Rear Sight58133 Colt Mk.18 Mod 1 Carbine(MK18MOD1改进型)58134 RAS Flip Up Sights58135 PG-7VR Tandem AT58136 SVD S-1 Bipod (SVD专用脚架)58137 Zeiss Z-Point Reflex Sight W. AK Adapter58138 EOTech EXPS3 Holographic Sight W. AK Adapter58139 AKS-74U 6P26 0-20 Muzzle Brake58140 KAC QDSS NT-4 Suppressor (Tan)58141 M18 Smoke Grenade (White)58142 M18 Smoke Grenade (Red)58143 M18 Smoke Grenade (Green)58144 M18 Smoke Grenade (Yellow)58145 M18 Smoke Grenade (Violet)58146 Mosin Nagant Bolt-Action Rifle(莫辛纳甘狙击步枪)58147 7N1 Ball 5rnd Mosin Nagant Stripper Clip58148 PU 3.5x Scope(莫辛纳甘狙击镜)58149 Mosin Nagant Infantry Rifle(莫辛纳甘步枪)58150 SchmidtBender 5-25x56 PM IILP W. AK Adapter58151 SchmidtBender L17A1 3-12x W. AK Adapter58152 Leupold Mark 4 LRT 4.5-14x50mm W. AK Adapter58153 Colt Canada C7A2 Rifle(捷克斯洛伐克产的M16)58154 C79 Optical 3x Scope58155 Colt M1911 (标准版)58156 HK MP5 Navy SmG(皮卡顶导轨基座型)58157 CZ-805 BREN Rifle(捷克斯洛伐克模块化步枪)58158 CZ-805 Sights58159 HK MP7A1 Sub Machine Gun(德联邦打桩机)58160 4.6mm FMJ SX 20rnd MP7 Magazine58161 4.6mm FMJ SX 30rnd MP7 Magazine58162 4.6mm FMJ SX 40rnd MP7 Magazine58163 HK MP7 Sight58164 4.6mm FMJ SX Ammunition Crate58165 C79 Optical 3x Scope (Sight)58166 Elcan SpecterDR 1x-4x58167 Steiner DBAL-I_ Class 1 IR Laser58168 Hera Arms CQR Tactical Grip58169 F1 Fragmentation Hand Grenade58170 AUG A3SF Rifle58171 M855 Ball 30rnd AUG Magazine58172 AUG A3SF Scope58173 AI L115A3 Sniper(AWM沙漠迷彩)58174 338 Lapua Magnum Ball 5rd L115A3 Magazine58175 338 Lapua Magnum Ball Ammunition Box58176 M84 "Flashbang" Stun Grenade58177 Remington M870 MCS Shotgun58178 8 Rounds of 12 Gauge Buckshot58179 Kalashnikov Saiga-12K Shotgun58180 12 Gauge Buckshot 5rnd Saiga-12 Magazine58181 AK-74 6P20 0-20 Muzzle Brake58182 AK-103 Muzzle Brake58183 SRVV Mk. 2.0 SV-98 Compensator58184 tgP-V SVD Suppressor58185 2 Rounds of 12 Gauge Buckshot58186 Serbu Super Shorty M870 Shotgun(超级矮个子!)58187 Kalashnikov AN-94 尼科诺夫突击步枪58188 7N6 Ball 30rnd 6L23 Magazine (Plum)58189 TsNIITochMash AS VAL Rifle (巨浪9X39微生步枪)58190 SP-5 20rnd 6L25 Magazine58192 TsNIITochMash VSS Vintorez Rifle(9x39微生精确射手步枪)58193 SP-5 10rnd 6L24 Magazine58194 Colt M16A4 Rifle (标准三连发的M16A4)58195 9x39mm SP-5 Box58196 TsNIITochMash TOZ-194 Shotgun58197 Benelli M4 Super 90 Shotgun58198 RPK Bipod58199 USGI A2 5.56 Flash Hider58200 LMT M203 Standalone Launcher58201 40x46mm HE58202 M203 Rail-Mounted Leaf Sight58203 Kalashnikov PP-19 Bizon-2 SmG58204 9x18 FMJ 64rnd Bizon Magazine58205 12 Gauge Buckshot Ammo Box58206 Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun58207 Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun (Semi-Auto)58208 SPAS-12 Stock58209 SPAS-12 Stock (Folded)58210 HK M320 Grenade Launcher58211 RGM-40 Grenade Launcher58212 40 mm VOG-2558213 HK G36KA4 Rifle(模块化的G36K)58214 G36KA4 Dual Optic58215 Kalashnikov AK-74M Rifle (标准型AK74M)58216 Milkor MGL Mk.1s(美军快乐炮)58217 6 Rounds of 40x46mm HE58218 M2A1 Reflex Sight58219 Milkor MGL Vertical Grip58220 RG-6 Grenade Launcher58221 6 Rounds of 40 mm VOG-2558222 Barrett M107 Anti-Material Rifle58223 .50 BMG M33 Ball 10rnd M82 Magazine58224 .50 BMG M2 AP 10rnd M82 Magazine58225 Barrett M107 Sights58226 Barrett M107 Bipod58227 Barrett M107 Bipod (Folded)58228 Barrett M107 Muzzle Brake58229 Barrett M107 Flash Hider58230 .50 BMG M33 Ball Ammunition Box58231 Gepárd M6 Lynx Anti-Material Rifle(M6无托反器材步枪)58232 Sniper SN 7N34 5rnd GM6 Magazine58233 API-HC BS 7-BZ-1 5rnd GM6 Magazine58234 GM6 Lynx Muzzle Brake58235 Sniper SN 7N34 Ball Ammunition Box58236 Dragunov SVDM 伞兵型德拉贡诺夫58237 7N1 Ball 20rnd SVD Magazine58238 8 Rounds of 12 Gauge Slugs58239 2 Rounds of 12 Gauge Slugs58240 OSV-96 Anti-Material Rifle(毛子反器材快乐枪)58241 Sniper SN 7N34 5rnd OSV-96 Magazine58242 API-HC BS 7-BZ-1 5rnd OSV-96 Magazine58243 OSV-96 Sights58244 .50 BMG M2 AP Ball Ammunition Box58245 Colt M16A3 Rifle (A3型的M16 科全自动射击)58246 AR15 A2 Rear Sight58247 TsNIITochMash KS-23 Shotgun58248 23×75mmR Shrapnel-1058249 OSV-96 Bipod58250 M136 AT4 Launcher HEAT58251 84mm HEAT58252 Beretta 92FS (美军的贴身保险)58253 9mm FMJ 15rnd M9 Magazine58254 Beretta 92FS Sights58255 Beretta 92FS Meprolight Night Sights58256 Glock Tritium Night Sights58257 M1911 Sights58258 M1911 Tritium Night Sights58259 SVDM Bipod(SVDs脚架)58260 M856 Tracer 30rnd STANAG Magazine58261 M856 Tracer 30rnd STANAG Magazine (Dark)58262 5.56 M856 Tracer NATO Ammunition Box58263 5.56 M856 Tracer 140rnd Belt58264 Kalashnikov MP-443 Grach Pistol(BEAR们的副手)58265 9mm FMJ 18rnd MP-443 Magazine58266 SP-6 10rnd 6L24 Magazine58267 Taurus Model .44 Magnum(谢菲尔德将军)58268 .44 Magnum FMJ 6rnd Speedloader58269 .44 Magnum FMJ Ammunition Box58270 SI M39 EMR(半自动的MK14)58271 SP-6 20rnd 6L25 Magazine
2023-07-31 05:53:571

我最敬佩的英雄 为题的 英语作文 速求

第一篇the hero in my heart we always admire those heroes.they can guide us in life.the hero in my heart is Michael Phelps.he is really great.we all know that he got 8 gold medals in the 2008 olympics.but maybe you don"t how hard he trained before it.he said"i know no one trains harder than me."when his childhood didn"t go well,he was always cheated by his classmates for his big ears and long arms.but he faced the difficulty heard on,that is the reason why that he could success today. so i really admire him,i learnt a lot from i will study very hard from now on第二篇A Person I Admire——Franklin Roosevelt Times need heroes, and heroes stand out. Franklin Roose velt is just a hero of the times. Well known for his unprecedented 13 years as the President of U. S. , he is regarded as a savior of America. However, it is not his brilliant achievements that attract me. What I really admire are some qualities shining in his whole life such as fortitude, courage and also his amiability. His early time, I mean before his forties, was smooth. He was born rich and had a happy marriage. After graduating from Harvard, he served in the Navy. At that time, he had already shown his remarkable leadership and since his uncle was a President, he would surely enter the political arena. But everything changed when he was 39. Healthy and strong as he was, he was attacked by polio after swimming, which caused the life long de formity in his legs. It was extremely hard for this ambitious man to face the misfortune. He was, of course, in a bad mood and wanted to give up all his dreams at first. Then, after careful thinking, he finally decided to bestir himself. He was not a man easy to surrender. Again he took part in political activities and,at the same time, practiced standing up and then walking with a stick. Eventually this brave man won the battle against fate. He became the only disabled President in American history and unprecedentedly served four terms. All should be attributed to his fortitude. "The only thing we fear is fear itself." This famous saying now has spread all over the world and encouraged lots of people.Roosevelt first said it, and as a great leader, he made all his people believe it. He practiced what he preached for he was surely a courageous person challenging the tradition. He formulated new policies to help his nation out of the Depression. He declared war against Fascists though most of the Congressmen opposed him at that time. All proved that he was right for his courage was not rash but based on careful thinking. "A leader is one who dares to dream, and then, dares to achieve." He was great, but not great in appearance. He looked like a kind grandpa at the first sight. He initiated the fireside chat to express his ideas and explain his policies in a relaxed atmosphere on radio. He always smiled sincerely when speaking and listening. These didn"t lower his prestige but made him amiable and welcome. He is surely not a perfect man no one can be perfect.Every age has its hero in the forefront, just like Franklin Roosevelt a man I admire.
2023-07-31 05:54:092

求siting waiting wishing的歌词及中文翻译

I was sitting, waiting, wishing 我坐著 等著 想著你 You believed in superstitions 你还迷信算命的话 Then maybe you would see the signs 其实徵兆就在你眼前 But lord knows that this world is cruel 神也明白这世界残酷 And I ain"t the lord no I"m just a fool 我不是神 我只是个傻瓜 Learning loving somebody 学著怎麼去爱你 Don"t make them love you 学著不让别人爱上你 Must I always be waiting, waiting on you? 我得这麼一直 等著 等著你吗? Must I always be playing, playing your fool? 我得这麼一直 傻傻 傻傻等著你吗? I sang your songs I danced your dance 我唱你的歌 跳你的舞 I gave your friends all a chance 试著接受你的那群朋友 But putting up with them wasn"t worth never having you 忍受他们总好过从来没能拥有你 Maybe you"ve been through this before 我猜这出戏你早就上演过 But it"s my first time so please ignore 但这可是我第一次 所以请别太在意 The next few lines because they"re directed at you 下面几句 我要特别唱给你听的话 I can"t always be waiting, waiting on you 我没办法一直 等著 等著你啊 I can"t always be playing, playing your fool 我没办法一直 傻傻 傻傻等著你啊 I keep playing your part 我不停揣摩你的角色 But it"s not my scene 但这根本不是我的戏 Want this plot to twist 谁来改一下这剧本 I"ve had enough mystery 我已经受够这些悬疑 You keep building it up 你却还雪上加霜 But then you"re shooting me down 最后赐我致命一击 But I"m already down 怎知我早就不支 Just wait a minute 你先等等 Just sitting, waiting 就坐著 等著 Just wait a minute 你先等等 Just sitting, waiting 就坐著 等著 Well if I was in your position 如果我变成你 I"d put down all my ammunition 我会卸下所有防备 I"d wonder why it had taken me so long 我会怀疑我是不是有问题 But lord knows that I"m not you 但神知道我不是你 And if I was I wouldn"t be so cruel 如果我是你 我不会这麼残忍 Because waiting on love 因为等待真爱 Ain"t so easy to do 不是件容易的事 Must I always be waiting, waiting on you? 我得这麼一直 等著 等著你吗? Must I always be playing, playing your fool? 我得这麼一直 傻傻 傻傻等著你吗? No, I can"t always be waiting, waiting on you 我没办法一直 等著 等著你啊 I can"t always be playing, playing your fool, fool 我没办法一直 傻傻 傻傻等著你啊 太傻
2023-07-31 05:54:191


enemy意思可参考如下:enemy,英文单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“敌人,仇敌;敌军”,作形容词时意为“敌人的,敌方的”。enemy:英[u02c8enu0259mi] /美[u02c8enu0259mi]短语搭配1、Enemy Front 敌军前线 ; 敌后战线 ; 敌方前线2、Enemy state 敌国3、Current enemy 大敌当前4、Enemy Territory 雷神战争 ; 深入敌后雷神战争 ; 重返德军总部5、sworn enemy 死敌 ; 死对头 ; 不共戴天的敌人6、Your enemy 化敌为友 ; 你的敌人 ; 你们敌人 ; 你的死敌7、Enemy Lines 战线 ; 敌后战线8、personal enemy 仇人 ; 因怨恨而敌视的人9、Dearest Enemy 最可爱的敌人 ; 亲爱的敌人双语例句1、If you can not beat your enemy, then join them.如果你不能击败你的敌人,那么就加入他们。2、Do not surrender to your enemy.不要向你的敌人投降。3、He commanded that we (should) attack the enemy at once.他命令我们立即向敌人进攻。
2023-07-31 05:54:272

AMSS 是什么?

Advanced Meterological Sounding System 高级度量学声音系统
2023-07-31 05:54:562


现代军舰辞汇中英对照军 舰 分 类:英 文中 文 Aircraft Carriers (CVA)航空母舰Battleship (BB)战斗舰 (战列舰)Heavy Cruiser (CA)重巡洋舰Light Cruiser (CL)轻巡洋舰Destroyer (DD)驱逐舰Destroyer Escort (DE)护航驱逐舰 High Speed Transport (APD)快速人员运输舰Frigate (FF)巡防舰 (护卫舰)Corvette小型护卫舰Submarine (SS)潜舰 (潜水艇)Patrol Escort (PCE)巡逻舰Patrol Craft (PC) 巡逻艇 (护卫艇)Submarine Chaser (SC) 驱潜艇Motor Torpedo Boat (MBT)鱼雷快艇Fast Attack Boat Missile(FABG)飞弹快艇 (导弹艇)Fast Patrol Craft (PTF)巡逻快艇Gunboat (PG)炮艇Amphibious Assault Ship (LPH)两栖攻击舰Dock Landing Ship (LSD)船坞登陆舰Tank Landing Ship (LST)战车登陆舰 (坦克登陆舰)Medium Landing Ship (LSM)中型登陆舰Landing Craft,Infantry (LCI)步兵登陆艇Landing Craft,Utility (LCU)通用登陆艇Landing Craft,Mechanised (LCM)机械登陆艇Landing Craft,Vehicle,Personnel (LCVP)车辆人员登陆艇Minesweepier,Fleet (MSF)舰队扫雷舰 (基地扫雷舰)Minesweeper,Ocean (MSO)远洋扫雷舰Mineshunter (MHC)猎雷舰Minesweeper,Coast (MSC)海岸扫雷艇Minesweeper,Inshore (MSI)近岸扫雷艇Minesweeping Boat (MSB)小型扫雷艇Fast Combat Support Ship (AOE)油弹补给舰Destroyer Tender (AD)驱逐母舰Submarine Tender (AS)潜艇母舰Ammunition Ship (AE)弹药运输舰Transport (AP)运输舰Light Cargo Ship (AKL)轻型运输舰Surveying Ship (AGS)测量舰Oiler (AO)运油舰Gasoline Tanker (AOG)汽油运送舰Freighter运货船Collier运煤船Repair Ship (AR)修理舰Salvage (ARS)救难舰Submarine Rescue Ship (ASR)潜艇救难舰Hospital Ship (AH)医院船Auxilary Ocean Tug (ATA)辅助拖船Fleet Ocean Tug (ATF)舰队拖船Icebreaker (AGB)破冰船Dry Dock (AFDB,AFDL,AFDM)浮坞Large Harbour Tug (YTB)大拖驳Small Harbour Tug (YTL)小拖驳Fuel Oil Barge (YO) 油驳Water Barge (YO) 水驳Dredge (YM)挖泥船Dingey舰载小艇Life Raft救生筏flagship旗舰class 舰级fleet 舰队flotilla舰队squadron战队task force (TF)特遣舰队CVW航舰飞行联队Guided Missile + 飞弹 + (导弹)Ballistic Missile +弹道飞弹 +Nuclear +核子动力 +Hydrofoils +水翼 +Hovercraft + 气垫 +Armoured +装甲 +Amphibious +两栖 +Auxilary + 辅助 +Miscellaneous + 杂役 +军舰级别英 文中 文 Gleaves (DD)格立弗级驱逐舰 Mayo (DD)马由级驱逐舰Fletcher (DD)弗莱契尔级驱逐舰Allen M. Sumner (DD)桑拿级驱逐舰Gearing (DD)基灵级驱逐舰Spruance (DD)史普鲁恩斯级驱逐舰Arleigh Burke(DD) 勃克级驱逐舰Evarts (DE)艾瓦特级护航驱逐舰Bostwick (DE)波斯崔克级护航驱逐舰Rudderow (DE)鲁德罗级护航驱逐舰Perry (FFG) 派里级巡防舰Knox (FFG)诺克斯级巡防舰La Fayette (FFG)拉法叶级巡防舰Admirable (AM)赞赏级舰队扫雷舰Aggressive (MSO)进取级远洋扫雷舰Newport (LST)新港级战车登陆舰County (LST)郡级战车登陆舰军 舰 各 部:英 文中 文 ahead 舰前bow舰艏jack舰首旗hull船壳amidships舰舯starboard右舷port左舷deck 甲板superstructure 上层结构bulkhead隔舱bridge舰桥conning tower 指挥塔wheel house 舵房chart room 海图室sail 帆罩(潜艇)periscope潜望镜(潜艇)mast主桅(樯)antenna天线funnels烟囱water line水线keel 龙骨stern 舰尾ensign海军旗astern舰后人 员 组 织:英 文中 文 Admiral司令Commanding officer舰长Executive officer副长Chief Engineer 轮机长Engineer Officer 轮机官Quartermaster 舵手Sailor 水手Midshipman官校学生,练习生航 海 轮 机:英 文中 文 rudder 舵rudder order舵令"Hard starboard!""右满舵!"compass罗经Gyro电罗经Loran罗远Decca达卡GPS全球定位系统anchor 锚boiler 锅炉auxiliary machinery 辅机generator 电机main engine主机steam turbine 蒸汽涡轮机gas-turbine 燃汽涡轮机Diesel engine柴油机turbo-electric 涡轮电动Diesel-electric 柴油电动CODOG 柴油/燃气涡轮复合引擎AIP 潜艇绝气推进系统shaft 轴screws,propeller螺旋桨,推进器计 量 单 位:英 文中 文 length舰身长beam舰宽draught吃水displacement排水量tons吨speed 速率knots(kts) 节range 航程fathom 噚RCS雷达反射截面积Mach 马赫(音速)diving depth潜深complements 乘员数兵 器 设 备:英 文中 文 gun 炮CIWS 近迫武器系统Phalanx方阵快炮(密集阵)calibre倍径ammunition弹药shell弹头armour装甲turrets炮塔torpedo鱼雷Torpedo tubes鱼雷发射管mine水雷missile飞弹SSM反舰飞弹 (对舰导弹)SAM防空飞弹 (对空导弹)ASW反潜武器Harpoon鱼叉反舰飞弹 (捕鲸叉)Standard标准防空飞弹Sea Chaparral海欉树防空飞弹ASROC反潜火箭Depth Charge深水炸弹hedgehog刺猬炮VLS垂直发射系统wire guided线导radar雷达sonars声纳VDS 可变深度声纳Aegis神盾系统 (宙斯盾)IRST被动式红外线追踪仪SRBOC超快舷外散布干扰系统Pinguin企鹅遥控除雷载具helicopter直升机V/STOL垂直/短场起降飞机sky-jump ramp滑跳甲板RAST直升机辅降系统CIC战情中心兵器与造船厂牌:英 文中 文 Bethlehem Steel伯利恒钢铁(美)Ingalls SB.英格斯造船(美)Newport News SB.新港造船(美)General Dynamics通用动力Lorient SB.洛里昂造船(法)Wilton Fijenoord SB.威尔顿费吉诺造船(荷)Tacoma SB.达科马造船(美)OTO Melara 奥图美勒拉(义)Bofors波福斯(瑞典)Oerlikon奥勒冈(瑞士)Sikorsky塞考斯基(美)McDonnell Douglas麦道(美)Honeywell汉宁威(美)Raytheon雷神(美)IAI 以色列航空工业(以)造舰与基地后勤:英 文中 文 naval harbour军港dockyard船坞laid down安放龙骨launch下水completed完工FRAM 中期改进SLEP 寿期延长计划Wharf 码头Mooring 碇泊Naval Academy海军官校军 阶:英 文中 文 Admiral海军上将Vice Admiral海军中将Real Admiral海军少将Commodore 海军准将(代将)Captain海军上校Commander海军中校Lieutenant-Commander海军少校Lieutenant 海军上尉Lieutenant Junior Grade海军中尉Ensign海军少尉信 号 代 码:英 文中 文 AlfaANovemberNBravo BOscarOCharlieCPapaPDeltaDQuebecQEchoERomeoRFoxtrotFSierraSGolfGTangoTHotel HUniformUIndiaIVictorVJulietJWhiskyWKilo KX-ray XLimaLYankeeYMikeMZuluZ
2023-07-31 05:55:243


difrules是无敌;nolimit是无军队限制;leadership是增加领导能力 (指挥点数);money是增加金钱 (资金); prestige是增加声望 (威望); transports是增加运输;full control是全部控制handsoff 是手动模式 ; norevolts是叛乱开/关;nofog是战争迷雾 开/关;nowar是不能宣战;showid是显示省份。游戏详细介绍:1、Victoria基本上融合了EU与HOI的特点,但其强烈的加工生产与商业贸易系统非常类似imperialism2代,至于其技术研发则是一次研发选定的一种科技,这方面比较像文明系列,简而言之,Victoria是集到目前为止最佳的策略游戏优点于一身的游戏;2、HOI里没有实质性的商业贸易可言,贸易就是交换资源,转成工业生产力从而变成技术或部队,到最后必然是转换成部队压到敌人头上,简而言之,HOI是典型的战争游戏,当然他还有外交纵横的玩法,但主要还是以军事作战为主;3、在EU2里,贸易的概念很简略,就是全力抢COT塞暴之,如此钱自然就会滚滚而来。然后有了钱就可以生部队开发等。虽然仍嫌粗陋,但与HOI相比稍微均衡一点。
2023-07-31 05:55:322


enemy的中文意思:敌人; 仇人; 反对者; 敌国; 敌军; 敌兵; 危害物; 大敌;enemy,英文单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“敌人,仇敌;敌军”,作形容词时意为“敌人的,敌方的”。Enemy Front 敌军前线 ; 敌后战线 ; 敌方前线Enemy state 敌国Current enemy 大敌当前Enemy Territory 雷神战争 ; 深入敌后雷神战争 ; 重返德军总部sworn enemy 死敌 ; 死对头 ; 不共戴天的敌人Your enemy 化敌为友 ; 你的敌人 ; 你们敌人 ; 你的死敌Enemy Lines 战线 ; 敌后战线personal enemy 仇人 ; 因怨恨而敌视的人Dearest Enemy 最可爱的敌人 ; 亲爱的敌人If you can not beat your enemy, then join them.如果你不能击败你的敌人,那么就加入他们。Do not surrender to your enemy.不要向你的敌人投降。He commanded that we (should) attack the enemy at once.他命令我们立即向敌人进攻。
2023-07-31 05:55:402


问题一:什么是锤子手机 5分 罗永浩想再走小米的道路,先做rom,积累用户,类似于miui,再做手机适配rom。锤子是那基于android深度定制的rom的名字,之后出的恭机就叫锤子手机。 问题二:什么叫锤子手机 锤子手机是由罗永浩创办的锤子科技研发的一款基于安卓操作系统的中高端智能手机,将采用线上直销模式。采用Smartisan OS锤子智能手机操作系统,在Smartisan OS系统中一共有75项以上的大小改动与技巧,其中最重要的有11项。 问题三:锤子手机是什么系统 锤子是基于安卓深度的系统,在千篇一律的手机市场里独树一帜,易用性方面应该说是很好的了。软件部分是锤子手机的传统强项,但这次升级后的手机系统的确为我带来了更多的喜悦。比如说:讯飞语音输入+Big Bang+One Step。在过往的Smartisan OS中,有很多实用的、耍小聪明的、逗你玩的软件体验上的功能,但是总是给人一种花拳绣腿的感觉,并不是它们不够好,而是它们出现的并不是时候。给人一种“庙还没盖好,就想着雕梁画栋”的不务正业既视感。但这一版本的软件升级,仅仅从我个人使用而言,它解决了我在使用手机过程中非常实际的体验痛点,更重要的是,这些解决方案是呈链状的。Big Bang功能背后所驱动的分词和OCR技术在软件行业已经是古老的技术资源,差不多在10年前已经基本成熟。但是它可能从来没有用这么生动的应用方式展现给普通用户。所以Smartisan OS这次所展现的软件创新不仅仅是交互设计的创新,更本质的是对基础技术的应用发展创新。 问题四:锤子手机是什么手机 锤子手机是由锤子科技研发的一款智能手机,代号Smartisan,目前有两代,分别是Smartisan T1和SmartisanT2,即将发布第三代手机。锤子科技旗下还有面向年轻人的子品牌叫做“坚果”,价格相较于T系列便宜一些。希望答案能够给你起到帮助,谢谢。 问题五:“锤子手机是什么”锤子手机 锤子手机是众多国产手机品牌中的一个。 问题六:什么是锤子系统?请详细给讲一下?只有安卓能用吗? 锤子系统官方名称为 Smartisan OS,是一款基于 Android 平台深度定制的操作系统。截止到2013年10月15日,该操作系统支持的机型有三星 Galaxy S III(i9300)WCDMA 国际版、小米手机 2/2S 标准版、OPPO Find 5 WCDMA 版和三星Note 2。 名称由来 在发布会即将结束之时,罗永浩提到了锤子ROM的命名源于他的工匠情节,他声称做手机也是源自工匠梦想。锤子是工匠的工具,所以logo和ROM的名字都是锤子。公司的域名 *** artisan则是 *** art(智能)与artisan(工匠)的组合。 锤子系统,即Smartisan OS是由罗永浩带队的锤子科技公司基于第三方CM手机系统开发出来的、极其重视用户体验和人机交互的手机系统,其内核为安卓系统。多重的优化使得锤子系统具有良好的用户体验以及丰富的可扩展性。 锤子系统所支持的机型有:三星S2(三星I9100)、S3,三星galaxy note2,HTC One X,小米1、小米1s,小米2,魅族MX2。 锤子系统的特点: 1.重新定制的个性化图标。与苹果手机系统的圆角矩形图标不同,锤子系统中的图标被进行了重新的定制,所有图标全部进行了细致的仿真化处理,良好的视觉感官增加了用户对于应用使用的频率,增强了整体的使用流畅性; 2.人性化的人机交互。重新开发和深度优化的手势系统支持包括信息查阅、电话备忘、解锁等在内的多种日常常见操作,并且将这些操作的步骤进行了极度的简化,极大的方便了用户在操作时的使用。 3.完美配套的锤子手机。尽管锤子手机还没有推出,但是根据罗永浩在发布会上的言论,最终锤子系统将只支 锤子ROM(17张) 持锤子手机,并且完美匹配,所有80多项功能改进也将全部出现在锤子手机中。 4.丰富和高质量的锤子应用商店支持。为保证锤子系统在后期能够展现出极强的扩展优势、同时沿承锤子系统的一贯品质,锤子应用商店中的应用质量和数量都将是安卓应用商店中首屈一指的。 5.由开环到闭环。罗永浩和苹果公司的理念是一样的,优良的生态环境应该是闭环而不是开环,否则将无法控制,从而导致劣币逐良币,锤子系统未来将趋向于闭环,最终完成生态圈建设。 6.解锁功能点:锤子ROM利用了距离感应器帮助此功能更便捷,如前面没障碍物,电源键点亮屏幕,会自动向上滑动解锁。home键则可实现只点亮屏幕看时间不解锁。 7.预装软件:罗永浩表示锤子ROM的预装软件包括:新浪微博、陌陌、优酷视频、微信、搜狗输入法、语音助手等(部分app还在沟通洽谈中),以上app均为锤子ROM重点合作伙伴(包含天使投资),而像搜狗输入法,锤子ROM将进行定制优化。 希望我的回答能帮带您! 谢谢,请采纳! 问题七:锤子手机是什么牌子 “锤子手机”是指由锤子科技(北京)有限公司设计与研发的一款高端智能手机。采用 Smartisan OS 智能手机操作系统。“锤子手机”是其民间说法。 问题八:锤子手机是啥手机呀,啥牌子? Smartisan T1 是锤子科技2014年出品的一款全新智能手机。其工业设计出自业界传奇美国工业设计公司 Ammunition 之手,并以独创的 Smartisan OS 带来多项全新特性,以软硬件的完美结合打造出完美用户体验和示范级的美观、易用、人性化,堪称2014“年度话题手机”。 问题九:锤子手机还是一加! 说质量不行的十有八九没用过,Smartisan T1的品控抓的很严,即使去年刚开卖货源严重不足也没有降低品控标准来加速产能。 锤子和一加是我比较喜欢的两家手机公司,两家做的产品都不错,用户口碑也非常好。硬件参数方面二者比较接近: [一加]:5.5英寸1080P屏幕,前置500万后置1300万像素摄像头,3G运存,骁龙801处理器,电池3100mAh、手机厚度8.9mm,不可拆卸电池,不支持SD卡扩展。 [锤子T1]:4.95英寸1080P屏幕,前置503万后置1278万像素摄像头,2G运存,骁龙801处理器,电池2570mAh、手机厚度8.23mm,不可拆卸电池、不支持SD卡扩展。 就你谈到的发热,两机发热情况差不多,一加的发热是要比Smartisan T1更高一点,Smartisan T1的发热高也有后盖玻璃材质易吸热易散热特性因素。 续航方面一加要比Smartisan T1好一点。拍照方面Smartisan T1白天要好于一加,一加手机照片偏淡,晚上则一加手机更好一点。 定制系统方面Smartisan T1目前采用基于Android 4.4.2的Smartisan OS,一加手机则是Android 5.0的原生系统(一加自己的氢OS还在内测中),就定制系统的易用性、人性化而言,Smartisan OS比氢OS更有优势,毕竟一加做氢OS还不到一年。 从中关村在线的众多评论来看,一加手机的质量比锤子T1要差一些。(以下仅供参考) [一加]↓ [锤子T1]↓ 总结:看重续航、大屏、手感选择一加,看重系统使用、精致外观选择锤子T1。 【如果觉得回答满意,请采纳,谢谢。】 问题十:什么叫锤子手机?手机的名称? *** artisan T1 是国产品牌吧算是 系统是android
2023-07-31 05:55:551


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2023-07-31 05:51:451

visit是什么意思 详解visit的含义和用法?

一、visit的含义visit也可以用作名词,表示“拜访、参观、访问”的行为。例如:I visited my friend in the hospital yesterday.(我昨天去医院看望了我的朋友。)1. 拜访I had a visit from my old friend yesterday.(我昨天接到了我的老朋友的拜访。)
2023-07-31 05:51:474

少儿英语动画Peppa Pig第7集:岩池

以下是 考 网为大家整理的关于《少儿英语动画Peppa Pig第7集:岩池》,供大家学习参考! 粉红猪小妹 Peppa Pig 是一部原版的英语动画。纯正的英式发音、有趣的情节、可爱的动画人物设计,受到了国内外很多家长和小朋友的欢迎。我们在这里总结Peppa Pig的重点词组,配以例句,伴你和孩子一起学习!   没有沙滩的海边,有更有意思的岩池,看看Peppa和George在玩什么吧~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……   【小Car笔记】重点词组讲解   1, rocky beach:岩滩   例句:There are lots of exciting things to do on this rocky beach. 在岩滩上有很多有意思的事。   2, go out:出去,退去   例句:When the sea goes out, it leaves little pools of water in the mounts of rock. 退潮的时候,会在岩石堆里发现小水池。   3, rock pool:岩池   例句:In every rock pool, there is something special that sea is left behind. 每个岩滩都有大海留下的特别的东西。   4, treasure:宝藏   例句:It"s a pirate"s treasure.这是一个海盗的宝藏。   5, collection:收集   例句:Let"s make a collection of all the things we find.我们收集所有找到的东西。   6, There is nothing especially in this one. 这一个没什么特别的。   7, crab:螃蟹   例句:The crab is pinching grandpa"s pig"s finger.螃蟹夹住了爷爷的猪脚。   8, naughty: 淘气的。   例句:Naughty Mr. Crab。淘气的螃蟹先生。   9, Mr. Crab is walking side away.螃蟹先生横着走。   10, sea shell:海螺   例句:If you put the sea shell to your ear, you can hear the sea.如果你把海螺放在耳边,你就能听到海的声音。   11, fossil:化石   例句:A fossil is the remains of animal that lived long ago.化石就是保留这很久以前生存过的生物。   12, trap:陷入,陷阱,被困   例句:The fish is traped. 鱼被困住了。   13, pose:姿势   例句:I love that pose. 我喜欢那个姿势。
2023-07-31 05:51:541


如果是实际的单词,最长的是含1913个字母的单词 1913个字母,“色氨酸合成酶a蛋白质”(一种含有267种氨基酸酶)的化学名: methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolyphenylalanylvalythreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylserylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylthreonylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalanylasparthlalanylleucylglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylphenylalanylserylaspartylprolylleucylalanylaspartylglycylprolylthreonylisoleucylglutaminylaspfraginylalanylthreonylleucylarfinylalanylphenylalanylalanylalanylglycylvalythreonylprolylalanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylalanylglutamylmethionylleucylalanylleuoylisoleucylarginylglutaminyllysyhistidylprolylthreonylisoleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucylmethionyltyrosylalanylasparaginylleucylvalylphenylalanylasparaginyllysyglycylisoleucylaspartylglutamylphenylalanylthrosylalanylglutaminylcysteinylglutamyllysylvalylglycylvalylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylalnylaspartylvalylprolylvalylglutaminylglutamylserylalanylprolylphenylalanylarginylglutaminylalanylalanylleucylarginylhistidylasparaginyvalylalanylprolylisoleucylprolylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylcysteinylprolylprolylaspartylalanylaspartylaspartylaspartylleucylleucylarginylglutaminylisoleucylalanylseryltyrosylglycylarginylglycyltyrosylthreonyltyrosylleucylleucylserylarginylalanylglycylvalylthreonylglycylalanylglutamylasparainylarginylalanylalanylleucylprolylleucylasparaginylhistidylleucylvalylalanyllysylleucyllysylglutamyltyrosylasparaginylalanylalanylprolylprolylleucylglutaminylglgycylphenylalanylglycylisoleucylserylalanylprolylaspartylglutaminylvalyllysylalanylalanylisoleucylaspartylalanylglycylalanylalanylglycylalanylisoleucylserylglycylserylalanylisoleucylvalyllysylisoieucylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylhistidylasparaginylisoleucylglutamylprolylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucyllysylvalylphenylalanylcalylglutaminylprolylmethionlysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine === 词典中可以查到的最长单词45个字母 pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis [ "nju:mEnEu ,vltrE-,maikrEs" kCpik"silikEvCl"keinEu kEuni"Eusis ] 意思:火山矽肺症
2023-07-31 05:51:541


复杂一般简单这些形容难易程度的词Complex general simple description of these difficult words复杂一般简单这些形容难易程度的词Complex general simple description of these difficult words
2023-07-31 05:51:371


营业税改增值税取得的发票抵扣融资租赁的适用17%的税率,进项的话就是购进那些租赁的设备的进项税额。比如说企业2013年购进一批设备2000万,进项税额340万,当年度取得租赁收入4000万,那本年应交增值税就是680-340=340万。 1、 一般纳税人 支付给非试点纳税人取得的发票(营业税票)能抵扣吗不能,但是如果你是实行差额纳税的企业,由非试点纳税人取得的营业税票可以作为差额纳税抵扣。一般纳税人提供应税服务,试点期间按照营业税改征增值税有关规定允许从销售额中扣除其支付给非试点纳税人价款的,应在“应交税费——应交增值税”科目下增设“营改增抵减的销项税额”专栏,用于记录该企业因按规定扣减销售额而减少的销项税额;同时,“主营业务收入”、“主营业务成本”等相关科目应按经营业务的种类进行明细核算。企业接受应税服务时,按规定允许扣减销售额而减少的销项税额,借记“应交税费——应交增值税(营改增抵减的销项税额)”科目,按实际支付或应付的金额与上述增值税额的差额,借记“主营业务成本”等科目,按实际支付或应付的金额,贷记“银行存款”、“应付账款”等科目。对于期末一次性进行账务处理的企业,期末,按规定当期允许扣减销售额而减少的销项税额,借记“应交税费——应交增值税(营改增抵减的销项税额)”科目,贷记“主营业务成本”等科目。 2、 小规模纳税人 取得的试点纳税人发票能抵扣吗不能抵扣,小规模纳税人实施简易计税法,适用3%的征收率计税,不能 抵扣进项税 额。取得的非试点纳税人发票能抵扣吗不能抵扣,但是实行差额纳税的企业,由非试点纳税人取得的票可以作为差额纳税的抵减额。小规模纳税人提供应税服务,试点期间按照营业税改征增值税有关规定允许从销售额中扣除其支付给非试点纳税人价款的,按规定扣减销售额而减少的应交增值税应直接冲减“应交税费——应交增值税”科目。企业接受应税服务时,按规定允许扣减销售额而减少的应交增值税,借记“应交税费——应交增值税”科目,按实际支付或应付的金额与上述增值税额的差额,借记“主营业务成本”等科目,按实际支付或应付的金额,贷记“银行存款”、“应付账款”等科目。
2023-07-31 05:51:351


有声书 [网络] audiobook; audio book; Audio Books; audio; [例句]这是另一个下载有声书的好资源。This is another great resource for downloading audio books
2023-07-31 05:51:311


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2023-07-31 05:51:244