barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-31 14:05:26
TAG: 电影 翻译

我爱你,不,不是以一个朋友的身份在爱你,尽管我们是很好的朋友。至少在我看来事实如此。这也并不是那种被误/错认的情感【原文直译:这也并不是情感的错位】,那种青涩懵懂,晦暗不明的悸动,尽管我知道你就是这么定义的。【此句见后注释】我爱你,就是如此简单,如此诚挚。你满足了我对于爱人的所有理想与期望【原文直译:你是我理想的典范(爱人),(你身上)集中了我所寻求的一切。或:在你身上,我找到了一直以来我所寻求的一切。原文another human being我给出的译文是爱人,因为一个人不会无缘无故的去另一个身上寻求(look for)他想要的一切。(你求,不光对方要有,还要对方肯给吧?所以此处应该是指爱人)所以对another human being处理成了爱人或是进行了省译。另epitome原意为典范,方括号内的译文更忠实,但介于电影台词,要有抒情的考虑,所以会相对地砍掉些细节】。我知道你只把我当朋友看待,你也从未想过要跨过那条界限。可是我不得不说,我仅仅是,我真的再也无法忍耐下去了。



【注释】:文中出现puppy-dog way,puppy-dog直译的确是小狗,但假如翻译成小狗的方式显然是不妥当的。英文中有一个词是 puppy-love (also calf-love) :immature infatuation of an adolescent 指未成年男女不成熟的爱情,记得我原来在哪看过说有初恋的意思,但是这次字典里没查出来。囧!






我爱你。不,不是在一个友好的方式,虽然我觉得我们是很好的朋友。而不是在一个错位的感情,小狗,狗的方式,但我敢肯定,这就是你会打电话给它。我爱你。非常,非常简单,非常真实。你是我的一切在另一个人身上,我曾经找过的一个缩影。我知道你把我当成只是朋友,穿过这条线是从一个选项,你会不会考虑最远的东西。但我不得不说出来。我只是,我不能这样继续下去了。我不能忍受你旁边没有想抱着你。我不能,我不能看着你的眼睛没有感觉,那渴望你只能在没用的言情小说阅读。我不能跟你没有想表达我对你的一切都是爱。我知道这可能会酷儿我们的友谊 - 没有双关语意 - 但我不得不说出来,因为我从来没有这样的感觉了,我不在乎。我喜欢我的,因为它是谁。如果把这个光意味着我们不能一起出去玩了,那伤害了我。但上帝,我只是,我不能让另一天去了只是没有得到它在那里,不管结果如何,它通过在你的脸上的表情是成为必然击落。而且,你知道,我会接受。但我知道......我知道你有些部分是犹豫了一下,如果有犹豫了片刻,那意味着你感觉到什么了。我问,请,就是你而已,你只是不排除有 - ,并尝试在其居住的短短十秒钟。贾静雯,没有在这个他妈的地球另一个灵魂谁曾经让我一半,我当我和你在一起的人,我会冒险这种友谊的机会,把它带到下一个平台。因为它的存在你我之间。你不能否认这一点。即使,你要知道,即使我们从未今晚之后再谈,请知道你是谁,因为你对我意味着什么,那我永远地改变。




我爱你,不是以一个朋友的身份,尽管我认为我们是最好的朋友.也不是以一种错误的方式,就像你说的那样不认真.我只是爱你.非常简单也非常真实.你是我见过的所有人类的缩影.我知道你只把我当朋友,也知道我将是你从未想过的选择.我不能,我不能在你眼中看到那种只在烂俗的言情小说中出现的感情.也不能向你表达我所有的爱.我也知道这样会结束我们的友谊-没有双关的意思-但是我还是得说出来,因为我从未有过这种感觉,也不在乎.我因此喜欢我自己.伤害我的只能是,我把这一切说出来了之后我们不能再一起玩了.我接受了这一切 但是我知道...知道你那时候有一些犹豫.那点犹豫告诉我你对我还是有些感觉的.所以,我求求你,别只是否认,哪怕只有10秒.Alyssa,地球上他妈的没有另一个人可以让我有和你这种感觉.我甚至愿意用这段友谊去换取可以把这段感情上升到另一个高度的机会

因为这是你和我之间的事情 你不能否认. 即使今晚过后我们再也没有讲过话,请记住我永远地变了因为我明白了你是谁,也明白了你对我意味着什么


我爱你! 尽管我知道我们是很好的朋友,但是却不是以一种朋友的方式爱你!



最近看到一则新闻:黑龙江大庆一饭店老板劝阻顾客吸烟,反遭训斥,网友评论:公共场合吸烟,太没素质了。 那“没素质”用英语怎么说呢?以下有几种表达方式: 1. Trashy 垃圾的,没用的,无价值的,质量极差的,没营养的,没素质的。 Trash是垃圾的意思,Trashy就是形容词,垃圾的。 I hate people who litter. It"s so trashy. 我讨厌那些乱扔垃圾的人,太没素质了。 2. No Manners/ill manners/Bad manners 没礼貌,不文明,没素质。 You have no manners/you are so bad mannered 你真没礼貌,真没素质 Who taught you such bad manners? 你怎么这么没素质? 3. No class 低劣的,劣等的,没水准的 This trashy guy on the tube kept playing videos out loud. He has absolutely no class. 地铁上有个人特没素质,一直很大声的在放视频,简直太没素质了 4. Uncultured/uneducated/Uncivilized/unmannered 没素质的,不礼貌的,不文明的,举止粗鲁的,没素质的 Why would you fart in the list? You are incredibly uncultured. 你怎么在电梯里放屁呀?太没素质了吧 5. Rude. 粗鲁的,不礼貌的,没素质的 It"s rude to speak when you"re eating. 吃东西的时候说话是不礼貌的。
2023-07-31 09:02:141

trashy 90s music是什么意思

垃圾似的90 秒音乐,,trashy 90s music
2023-07-31 09:02:393

it is no use doing.是什么意思

It is no use doing sth 翻译成做某事没有意义there is no use dong也是可以的,这是固定句型,use 翻译成意义
2023-07-31 09:02:487


2023-07-31 09:03:102


2023-07-31 09:03:192


英文中的比喻用法(十一) 蓝色还常用来表示社会地位高、有权势或出身于贵族或王族。He"s a real blue blood。(他是真正的贵族。)在美国英语中blue book(蓝皮书)是刊载知名人士,尤其是政府高级官员的名字的书。 Green(绿色):除了前面提到的green with envy ,英语中还有green-eyed monster和green-eyed,都表示“嫉妒”。可是,常用来表示“嫉妒”的汉语却是“眼红”(或“害了红眼病”),英语直译为red-eyed,恰好与英语green-eyed相反。有趣的是,过去汉语有“戴绿帽子”(to wear a green hat)或“戴绿头巾”(wear a green head ban)的说法,如说“某人戴了绿帽子”,即指其人之妻与他人私通。 英语中还常用绿色表示没有经验、缺乏训练、知识浅薄等。如:You are expecting too much of him。 He"s still green,you know.(你对他要求太高。他还没经验嘛)greenhorn 则表示“没有经验的人”或“新到个地方不了解当地习惯的人”,这一词语经常用于移民并带有轻微的贬义色彩。 yellow(黄色):汉语中有“黄色电影”、“黄色书刊”、“黄色音乐”等说法,译成英语怎么说呢?不能译为 yellow movies;yellow books,yellow music,这种词语没人懂,因为英语中没有这样的说法。把“黄色”译成英语可用pornographic(色情的),trashy(无聊的,低级的),obscene(*的,猥亵的),filthy(*猥的)或vulgar(庸俗的;下流的),所以“黄色电影”可译为 pornographic pictures, obscene movies,“黄色书刊”可译为filthy books,“黄色音乐”可译为vulgar music。
2023-07-31 09:03:431

Redneck Woman 歌词

歌曲名:Redneck Woman歌手:Gretchen Wilson专辑:公告榜前100单曲(2004)Well, I ain"t never been the Barbie doll typeNo, I can"t swig that sweet Champagne, I"d rather drink beer all nightIn a tavern or in a honky tonk or on a four-wheel drive tailgateI"ve got posters on my wall of Skynyrd, Kid and StraitSome people look down on me, but I don"t give a ripI"ll stand barefooted in my own front yard with a baby on my hip"cause I"m a redneck womanI ain"t no high class broadI"m just a product of my raisingI say, "hey ya"ll" and "yee-haw"And I keep my Christmas lights onOn my front porch all year longAnd I know all the words to every Charlie Daniels songSo here"s to all my sisters out there keeping it countryLet me get a big "hell yeah" from the redneck girls like me, hell yeahVictoria"s Secret, well their stuff"s real niceBut I can buy the same damn thing on a Wal-Mart shelf half priceAnd still look sexy, just as sexy as those models on TVI don"t need no designer tag to make my man want meWell, you might think I"m trashy, a little too hardcoreBut in my neck of the woods I"m just the girl next doorI"m a redneck womanI ain"t no high class broadI"m just a product of my raisingI say, "hey y"all" and "yee-haw"And I keep my Christmas lights onOn my front porch all year longAnd I know all the words to every Tanya Tucker songSo here"s to all my sisters out there keeping it countryLet me get a big "hell yeah" from the redneck girls like me, hell yeahI"m a redneck womanI ain"t no high class broadI"m just a product of my raisingI say, "hey y"all" and "yee-haw"And I keep my Christmas lights onOn my front porch all year longAnd I know all the words to every ol" Bocephus songSo here"s to all my sisters out there keeping it countryLet me get a big "hell yeah" from the redneck girls like me, hell yeahHell yeah, hell yeahHell yeahI said hell yeah!
2023-07-31 09:04:031


It"s not that easy to answer the question, "what is fashion?" because it means different things to different people. Fashion is an art. It"s a religion. It"s a job. It"s a peek into a personality. It"s playfulness. It"s an escape or a disguise. It is a feast for the eyes. But ultimately, fashion is an individual statement of expression for each of us.French fashion designer Coco Chanel once said, "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."It"s true. Fashion isn"t defined solely by our clothing choices, but is also conveyed through the way we carry ourselves, our personalities and our views of the world.At its most fundamental (and straight from the dictionary), fashion is simply the prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior.So, who exactly answers the question "what is fashion"? Who decides what"s fashionable and what isn"t? What"s in or what"s out?
2023-07-31 09:04:144

Lady Gaga 的新歌sexxx dreams 谁能帮我翻译一下^ω^

2023-07-31 09:04:363

军灰色的卫衣 配什么颜色的运动裤 并说明理由

2023-07-31 09:04:463

Stray的《Suicide》 歌词

歌曲名:Suicide歌手:Stray专辑:SuicideThe Raveonettes - SuicideDream little girlOn lonely streetLittle runaway girlDo it againYour boyfriend"s meanAnd your mom"s a bitchRun run run away little girlGet your fun in this trashy worldEmpty-hearted boys by your sideLick your lips and fuck suicideSuicideNo tonightYou"re ripe for loveNew York"s the shitOn the Brooklyn BridgeYou fix your stareThe East River sleeps
2023-07-31 09:04:561


2023-07-31 09:05:074

vip kesha 歌词

《V.I.P.》KeshaThere ain"t no scene in the V.I.P for meNo, it ain"t no scene for meNo, it ain"t no scene for meNoHe"s paying for your vodka, you"re using what you gotDoesn"t really want you but you don"t stop"Cause this is what you"re here for, and everyone can see (why)This is the place to beNo, way, nah, it"s not meNot, right, I wanna get rowdy tonightAnd this, s*cks, yeah, it"s f*cked upYou"re making me sick, ughI hate to say it butThere ain"t no scene in the V.I.P for meSo you can take your class, shake your ass, and drown in that martiniCause there ain"t no scene in the V.I.P for meIt"s understood that you"re all too good, this shit is crazyV.I.P, V.I.PEverybody"s someone, no one"s got a clueFlash a couple dollars, and who are you?Judge a little closer, all roped up in redSurprise surprise, you wanna get me in bed, ohNo, way, nah, it"s not meNot, right, I wanna get rowdy tonightAnd this, s*cks, yeah, it"s f*cked upYou"re making me sick, ughI hate to say it butThere ain"t no scene in the V.I.P for meSo you can take your class, shake your ass, and drown in that martiniCause there ain"t no scene in the V.I.P for meIt"s understood that you"re all too good, this shit is crazyV.I.P, V.I.PCan"t you smell the s.e.x?V.I.P, V.I.PWho you gonna get?V.I.P, V.I.PAin"t no scene for meV.I.P, V.I.PThis sh*t is crazyI wanna get down, down and get dirtySick of this scene, it doesn"t deserve meUh oh, there"s gotta be somewhere else go"Cause I wanna get off, get a bit trashyWanna get hot, get a bit nastyUh oh, baby let"s goThere ain"t no scene in the V.I.P for meSo you can take your class, shake your ass, and drown in that martiniCause there ain"t no scene in the V.I.P for meIt"s understood that you"re all too good, this shit is crazyV.I.P, V.I.PV.I.P, V.I.PV.I.P, V.I.PV.I.P, V.I.P
2023-07-31 09:05:141

Ward 21的《Suicide》 歌词

歌曲名:Suicide歌手:Ward 21专辑:BounceThe Raveonettes - SuicideDream little girlOn lonely streetLittle runaway girlDo it againYour boyfriend"s meanAnd your mom"s a bitchRun run run away little girlGet your fun in this trashy worldEmpty-hearted boys by your sideLick your lips and fuck suicideSuicideNo tonightYou"re ripe for loveNew York"s the shitOn the Brooklyn BridgeYou fix your stareThe East River sleeps
2023-07-31 09:05:321


2023-07-31 09:05:403

a little bit后面可以接形容词么

2023-07-31 09:05:482

there are worse things i could do 歌词

歌曲名:there are worse things i could do歌手:grease专辑:grease soundtrack(Stockard Channing)There are worse things I could do, than go with a boy or twoGreaseEven though the neighborhood thinks I"m trashy and no goodI suppose it could be true, but there are worse things I could doI could flirt with all the guys, smile at them and bat my eyesPress against them when we dance, make them think they stand a chanceThen refuse to see it through, that"s a thing I"d never doI could stay home every night, wait around for mr. RightTake cold showers every day, and throw my life awayOn a dream that won"t come trueI could hurt someone like me, out of spite or jealousyI don"t steal and I don"t lie, but I can feel and I can cryA fact I"ll bet you never knewBut to cry in front of you, that"s the worst thing I could do
2023-07-31 09:06:051


2023-07-31 09:06:492


2023-07-31 09:06:581


2023-07-31 09:07:071


问题一:招摇过市近义词 大摇大摆 [dà yáo dà bǎi] 释义 走路时身子摇摇摆摆。形容自以为了不起的傲慢神态。 出处 清u30fb吴敬梓《儒林外史》:“知县看了来文;挂出牌去。次日早晨;大摇大摆出堂;将回子发落了。” 问题二:N瑟近意词 N瑟近义词:炫耀、显摆、招摇 东北话,常指获得不值一提的成就或做成一件芝麻大的事就得意忘形。一般带有贬义或者调侃之意,有时也表示严厉的训斥。作为方言词语收录于《现代汉语词典(第6版)》。 问题三:招摇过市 近义词 大摇大摆 [dà yáo dà bǎi] 释义 走路时身子摇摇摆摆。形容自以为了不起的傲慢神态。出处 清u30fb吴敬梓《儒林外史》:“知县看了来文;挂出牌去。次日早晨;大摇大摆出堂;将回子发落了。” 问题四:干嘛的近义词是什么 弄虚作假 虚和假是近义词 虚:不真实的,~伪。~假(jiǎ)。~妄。~惊。~夸。~构。~传。~张声势。 假:本义:不是真的 【近义词】: 招摇撞骗、歪门邪道 问题五:loud的近义词是什么 loud 英音 [ laud ] ; 美音 [ laud ] 副词 1.喧闹的;响亮的;大声的 2.刺眼的,太招摇的,俗艳的;花哨的 3.(人或举止)说话太大声的;吵闹的 ad. 1.喧闹地;大声地;响亮地 词形变化:形容词比较级:louder,loudest;副词:loudly;名词:loudness。 同义词:flash,flashy,garish,gaudy,gimcrack,brassy,meretricious,tacky,tatty,tawdry,trashy,cheap;forte;aloudly;noisy。 反义词:soft;piano,soft;quietly,softly。 问题六:弄虚作假近义词 弄虚作假近义词: 、,惺惺作态,招摇撞骗,故弄玄虚,染旧作新,欺上瞒下,粉饰太平 来自百度汉语|报错 弄虚作假_百度汉语 [拼音] [nòng xū zuò jiǎ] [释义] 耍花招欺骗人。 问题七:谣言惑众的近义词 蛊惑人心, 招摇撞骗, …… 问题八:招摇撞骗同义词 招摇撞骗――撞骗:寻机骗人。假借名义,进行蒙骗欺诈。 近义词: 坑蒙拐骗――指以欺骗手段捞取钱财,陷害他人。 弄虚作假――制造假的现象以欺骗别人。 掩人耳目――遮掩别人的耳朵和眼睛。比喻用假象迷惑人,欺骗人。 连蒙带骗――欺蒙,欺骗别人。
2023-07-31 09:07:301

loud的.反义词 loud的反义词是

loud的反义词 。quiet. 安静的 loud的反义词是什么? quite loud的反义词是什么? loud的反义词是:quiet。 析: 主要是对单词、词组的一理解掌握,集中出现的题型有:找出不同的单词、判断正误、单词 loud反义词( ) 反义词silent adj. 安静的, 不吵的, 沉默的, 无言的 loud 英 [lau028ad] 美 [lau028ad] adj. 响亮的,大声的,高声的;响亮的,洪亮的,高亢的;高声的,激烈的;刺眼的,太招摇的 adv. 大声地,高声地,响亮地 标签:作文经典 上一篇:钢琴波浪线什么意思 钢琴横波浪线什么意思 下一篇:成绩好的诗词 祝贺取得好成绩的诗词 loud的英文反义词是什么怎么拼 quiet low loud的反义词是什么? 6.quite loud的反义词是什么 反义词:安静的;quiet 、calm 、peaceful loud 1. 声的,响亮的 He has a loud voice. 他嗓门很大。 2. 喧噪的;(举止等)招摇的,炫的 Joe is a loud, vulgar person. 乔是一个招摇的,庸俗的人。 3. (衣服颜色等)鲜艳的,花俏的 She wore a loud dress. 她穿一件 loud的反义词 loud 英音 [ laud ] ; 美音 [ laud ] 副词 1.闹的;响亮的;大声的 2.刺眼的,太招摇的,俗艳的;花哨的 3.(或举止)说话太大声的;吵闹的 ad. 1.喧闹地;大声地;响亮地 词形变化:形容比较级:louder,loudest;副词:loudly;名词:loudness。 同义词:flash,flashy,garish,gaudy,gimcrack,brassy,meretricious,tacky,tatty,tawdry,trashy,cheap;forte;aloudly;noisy。 反义 loud的反义词? softly adv. 柔和地, 静... soft adj.柔 “lond”的反义词是什么? lond :大声 反义词:twitter: 小声聊天 相关短语 * Lond Managemens: 负荷管理 * no lond :无载 * bination lond :联合债券 * no lond current: 无载电流 * no lond losses :无载损耗 * University of Lond :伦敦大学 例句 One of Cromwell"s generals Gee Monck, occupied Lond on and arranged for new parliamentary elections. 克伦威尔的一位将军乔治蒙克占领伦敦, 安排新的议会选举。 近义词 loud :大声的、高声的、不断的、喧吵的。 近义词相关短语 out loud:亮地、大声地 loud and clear:一清二楚 laugh out loud:声笑 for crying out loud:搞什么名堂(不耐烦的一表现)、哎呀(生气时的叹词) loud speaker:扩音器、扬声器、增高话音 近义词例句 The crowd burst forth into loud cheering at the singer. 群众对歌唱家顿时发出响亮的喝彩 标签:作文经典 上一篇:钢琴波浪线什么意思 钢琴横波浪线什么意思 下一篇:成绩好的诗词 祝贺取得好成绩的诗词
2023-07-31 09:07:501


loud英音 [ laud ] ; 美音 [ laud ] 副词 1.喧闹的;响亮的;大声的 2.刺眼的,太招摇的,俗艳的;花哨的 3.(人或举止)说话太大声的;吵闹的 ad. 1.喧闹地;大声地;响亮地词形变化:形容词比较级:louder,loudest;副词:loudly;名词:loudness。同义词:flash,flashy,garish,gaudy,gimcrack,brassy,meretricious,tacky,tatty,tawdry,trashy,cheap;forte;aloudly;noisy。反义词:soft;piano,soft;quietly,softly。
2023-07-31 09:08:011

Jane的《V.I.P》 歌词

歌曲名:V.I.P歌手:Jane专辑:V.I.P.Ke$ha - V.I.P.There ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meNo, it ain"t no scene for meNo, it ain"t no scene for me noHe"s paying for your vodkaYou"re using what you gotDoesn"t really want yaBut you don"t stop"Cause this is what you"re here forAnd everyone can see (why)This is the place to beNo, way, nah, it"s not meNot, right, I wanna get rowdy tonightAnd this, sucks, yeah, it"s fucked upYou"re making me sick, ughI hate to say it butThere ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meSo you can take your classshake your assand drown in that martiniCause there ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meIt"s understood that you"re all too goodthis shit is crazyV.I.P, V.I.PEverybody"s someoneno one"s got a clueFlash a couple dollarsand who are youJudge a little closerall roped up in redSurprise surpriseyou wanna get me in bed, ohNo, way, nah, it"s not meNot, right, I wanna get rowdy tonightAnd this, sucks, yeah, it"s fucked upYou"re making me sick, ughI hate to say it butThere ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meSo you can take your classshake your assand drown in that martiniCause there ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meIt"s understood that you"re all too goodthis shit is crazyV.I.P, V.I.PCan"t you smell the sexV.I.P, V.I.PWho you gonna getV.I.P, V.I.PAin"t no scene for meV.I.P P P, V.I.PThis shit is crazyI wanna get downdown and get dirtySick of this sceneit doesn"t deserve meUh ohthere"s gotta be somewhere else go"Cause I wanna get offget a bit trashyWanna get hot, get a bit nastyUh oh, baby let"s goThere ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meSo you can take your classshake your assand drown in that martiniCause there ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meIt"s understood that you"re all too goodthis shit is crazyV.I.P, V.I.PV.I.P, V.I.PV.I.P, V.I.PV.I.P, V.I.P
2023-07-31 09:08:091

Ride on Baby 歌词

歌曲名:Ride on Baby歌手:The Rolling Stones专辑:Flowers(Jagger/Richards)A smile on your faceBut not in your eyesYou"re looking through meYou don"t feel it insideGet out and ride on, baby, ride on, babyRide on, baby, ride on, babyI could pick your face out in an FBI fileYou may look pretty but I can"t say the same for your mindAh ah ahYou walk up to meAnd try to look shyThe red round your eyesSays that you ain"t a childGet out and ride on, baby, ride on, babyRide on, baby, ride on, babyWell i"ve seen your face in a trashy magazineYou know where you"re going but I don"t like the places you"ve beenAh ah ahGet out and ride on, baby, ride on, babyRide on, baby, ride on, babyI can pick your face out from the front or behindYou may look pretty but I can"t say the same for your mindAh ah ahLaugh it a bitGive it a tryIf i"m not impressedYou can still cryGet out and ride on, baby, ride on, babyRide on, baby, ride on, babyBy the time your thirty gonna look sixty-fiveYou won"t look pretty and your friends will have kissed you goodbyeRide on, babyRide on, baby...
2023-07-31 09:08:161


I have a hard time finding good clothes. Mostly because I"m short—5"2”—but also because my style tends to fluctuate. I enjoy stylish, easygoing, “hippie” clothes, but looking like a bag lady or pregnant isn"t on my agenda. I also want to seem my age, but office attire isn"t something I can bare. What"s a finicky, normal-sized girl to do? Become Free People"s biggest fan. I discovered this line a few years ago, and although I wouldn"t call myself a fashion maven, each season I await their newest catalogue with the sort of anticipation Michael Lohan reserves for trashy talk shows. If you enjoy comfortable, super-stylish clothes that won"t completely ruin your budget, look no further than this catalogue of cute, layerable tops and long, lean pants. Everything they sell is deliciously feminine; flattering for different body types, and steers clear of cheap, hoochie cuts and fits. I would literally wear everything from this brand if my wallet was thick enough, and own tons of pieces I put on year after year. My only gripe with FP? Sometimes the pants they carry have no love for short girls, and I have to get them heavily tailored. If one day they start carrying petite sizes, I"ll become their stalker for life.
2023-07-31 09:08:231

Everybody Knows 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Knows歌手:Elizabeth & the Catapult专辑:Taller Children---To Bingyu:May the very happiness be with you.---I love fairy tales about shoes that dance on their ownAbout prince and princess in glittering dresses on festivalsI love sunsets when the world seems so sweetEverything inside me is longing for a happy endWhy can"t they let me beThis is meDo I harm anyoneI love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodiesBut this ain"t life it"s all about this gameEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameI love to stand still, feel the wind in my hairTaste a raindrop spy out a bookshopand observe the people reading thereWhy can"t they let me beThis is me, do I harm anyoneI love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodiesBut this ain"t life it"s all about this gameEverybody shows everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameI whistle during shopping and weep when there"s no way outFrom time to time I even laugh out loudEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameDa all I can do is blessing and praying.---Wits
2023-07-31 09:08:441

Uptown Anthem (Lp Version) 歌词

歌名:Uptown Anthem演唱:Naughty By Nature『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:E.SongQQ群:3996988●●-Treach-Hey, you could smoke a spliff with a cliffBut there"s still no mountain hiiiigh enough, or wide enough to touchThe naughty nappy nasty nigga the nasty trashy hoe happy pappyThat"s Happi to be NappiMe and Vin rock when spots hit flocksand groups and troops with Timbo boots and jail suitsThat"s how I"m rollin my hair-do don"tWin I will I got wantin competition ain"t dopeBeat ya break ya broke ya smoke ya take yaSend you to your little group on mute, sooner or laterWhen wanna flip, tell em full semi half with a dipAnd all that other Ringling Brothers shitSporty naughty hi bye greater than nature while Ishin slam the flim flim and then jamYou can run but you can"t hide, you can"t go farNo matter where you go, there you areWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASHWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASH-Treach, Vinnie-Here we go yoHit a nigga kill a nigga will come backSee a sucker stretch a sucker guard your napsCussin wasn"t nothin til a black man rappedSee a forty suck a forty guess who"s backYou"re chillin with a Teddy fillin villianSteppin to the puny puddy punks catchin fillingsI hit so many guts, call me gutter, I"m the bread and butterpunk motherfucker I"ll cut up, workin from the gut upBrand new steady, heavy as a ChevyReady for the piddy peddy, I"m Friddie FreddiePlace your bet on a vet, the three man threatWhat you see is what you getWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASHWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASH-Treach-Comin round your corner with my uptown bunchI bet your bottom dollar that you"re bottom buck chumpsGive it up, it"s a juice thing I"m steppin for the rep andwreckin all the rest and, weapon testin on who"s steppinAin"t no bluff for the niggy nuff, for the rugged ruff stuffnigga if you"re tough knuckle upI"ll cut your ass like class, then blast you by the trashAfter I laugh then I"ll dashYou can"t handle the scandal of an uptown vandalShootin up your toes makin sandalsSomebody told me that you owe me, but can"t nobody hold meI do my dirt all by my lonelyWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASHWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASH﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^ ﹏_﹏﹏
2023-07-31 09:08:521


yytyyypljd,0oiiisdnnvhfiaeaippmdikmsvosdhirugvsbwurgvhuuda90fhbb0uy kifoejj,gwek0,iiiewjdgedw,segdegedrs,rhshh56584482!@#$%^&*()_+|nrg
2023-07-31 09:09:182


The movie centers around two characters: Ashley Albright (Lindsay Lohan) and Jake Hardin (Chris Pine). Ashley is the luckiest girl in New York. She"s the successful assistant at a major advertising agency and, even when she doesn"t plan on it, things always seem to go her way. However, this lifestyle of "always getting her way" has given her a big head. Jake is the unluckiest guy in New York. Nothing ever seems to work out for Jake. To make ends meet, he works at a local bowling alley, doing whatever his short-tempered boss orders him to do. He does have his safety nets: friends at the police station, the hospital and EMS on speed-dial, extra supplies for every emergency, all the lucky charms he can find, and the loving support of his friends and family. Both Ashley and Jake"s worlds are turned upside-down, when they meet at a promo party, kiss, and switch luck with each other.Although the casting was no my greatest concern in the movie, I thought the movie was well cast. Lindsay Lohan shines in this movie. This is her cutest movie in a long time. After all the trashy roles she"s done (Mean Girls, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, I Know Who Killed Me), it"s nice to see her in a cute and down-to-earth role. I haven"t seen many of Chris Pine"s movies (except for the Princess Diaries), but I thought he was great as Jake. He managed to keep his character both funny and charming. The rest of the cast was great too. Missi Pyle as Ashley"s boss, Fazion Love as the record producer which both Ashley and Jake are trying to impress, Makenzie Vega as Jake"s lovable little cousin and Ashley and Jake"s friends, offering their support to their hard-lucked friends.Overall, this movie is safe for the whole family to enjoy. It"s funny, it"s cute and, yes, it"s romantic. I recommend this movie to all the Lindsay fans out there and to anyone who likes cute, funny movies.
2023-07-31 09:09:392


I have a hard time finding good clothes.Mostly because Iu2019m short—5u20192”—but also because my style tends to fluctuate. I enjoy stylish, easygoing, “hippie” clothes, but looking like a bag lady or pregnant isnu2019t on my agenda. I also want to seem my age, but office attire isnu2019t something I can bare.Whatu2019s a finicky, normal-sized girl to do? Become Free Peopleu2019s biggest fan.I discovered this line a few years ago, and although I wouldnu2019t call myself a fashion maven, each season I await their newest catalogue with the sort of anticipation Michael Lohan reserves for trashy talk shows.If you enjoy comfortable, super-stylish clothes that wonu2019t completely ruin your budget, look no further than this catalogue of cute, layerable tops and long, lean pants.Everything they sell is deliciously feminine; flattering for different body types, and steers clear of cheap, hoochie cuts and fits.I would literally wear everything from this brand if my wallet was thick enough, and own tons of pieces I put on year after year. My only gripe with FP? Sometimes the pants they carry have no love for short girls, and I have to get them heavily tailored.If one day they start carrying petite sizes, Iu2019ll become their stalker for life.
2023-07-31 09:09:481

Caesars Palace

【美国娱乐场】西泽宫CaesarsPalace迎西泽宫,在那里你会发现多129000平方英尺赌场的空间。一切从高限插槽,你最喜欢的桌牌游戏。当你在这里,不要忘记使用你的 总奖励 卡,当您玩这样你就可以赚美元的比赛,获得邀请的特别活动,免费住宿和更多!-桌上游戏-西泽宫是一个现代的罗马帝国,将耀眼无比兴奋和你与你的每一个挑战的技能与游戏的机会,如二十一点,掷骰子,轮盘,百家乐,西班牙21,迷你百家乐,牌九和牌九扑克。-电子游戏-西泽宫提供各种各样的老虎机在各种教派。你可以从1美分,至500美元。播放卷筒式老虎机,视频老虎机,扑克,21或基诺。游戏只是为了乐趣或播放成为百万富翁。西泽宫一直是现场更亿美元,加上老虎机困境比任何赌场在世界前列。我们所有的游戏你要玩24小时的一天!玩扑克牌的最大和最令人兴奋的扑克室在拉斯韦加斯举行。西泽宫的显著8500平方英尺的主要扑克室还设有一个相邻的6000平方英尺的比赛室。有62桌,西泽宫提供24小时的行动,都与现金扑克游戏的所有股份和全赛程。无论你的游戏,西泽宫的地方玩。西泽宫是家中的NBC对决扑克冠军赛,只有拉斯韦加斯现场为世界扑克系列巡回赛事。西泽宫还举办了一系列西泽经典赛事每年秋季,除了我们的全年赛事日程和现金扑克行动。-西泽宫夜生活-寻找最佳的热点在拉斯韦加斯?无论是在复杂的世界著名的纯或轻浮有趣的阴影,你晚上在世界上最激动人心的城市将是难忘的。纯 PURE夜总会在西泽宫树立了新标准拉斯韦加斯的夜生活与进步的DJ,真棒意见和性感风格。了解更多关于Pure 纯虚拟游览影吧西泽宫再次提高了标准拉斯韦加斯的夜生活与目的地休息室,阴影:一个酒吧在西泽宫。了解更多关于影吧阴影虚拟游览克娄巴特拉的驳船这船石头!克娄巴特拉的驳船,豪华浮动休息室在西泽宫,是一个华丽的副本的坚固而优美的工艺是运输的版税埃及的尼罗河,在时间的西泽大帝。克娄巴特拉的驳船虚拟游览广场酒吧坐下来享受一杯饮料在此放松休息。有现场经典的拉斯韦加斯式娱乐与现代气息。广场酒吧虚拟游览西班牙台阶一样,原来,在拉斯韦加斯的西泽宫西班牙台阶作为一个充满活力的,户外的聚会场所。海马休息室如果您正在寻找一个轻松的喘息,或从事交谈和连接设置,你会发现它在海马休息室,泡沫联合设计和奇思妙想。了解更多关于海马休息室海马休息室虚拟游览麻木酒吧及冷冻鸡尾酒选择从您的标准玛格丽塔到了一夜,其中包含一个能量饮料的酒精浇在双方的顶部和底部。
2023-07-31 09:10:172

多么狗屎的一天 英文怎么说

How trashy day!
2023-07-31 09:10:277


When you refuse to reuse it"s our Earth you abuse. Don"t Litter, it makes the world bitter! Recycle today for a better tomorrow Never refuse to reuse Paper, Bottles, Cans, Plastic…recycle them all, it"s Fantastic! You can"t change the past but you can change the future, always remember to recycleRecycle each and every day, instead of throwing paper and plastic awayWaste it once…pay for it twice! Don"t throw it away, it can be used in some other way Recycle takes little effort on your part , for a big difference to our world. Money grows on trees: Recycle paper Recycle your trash or trash your Earth It"s easy being green- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Don"t throw away, recycle for another day The choice is yours- Save it or Waste it Why recycle glass? The answer is clear.When there is doubt, don"t throw it outDon"t trash our future: RecycleDon"t throw your future awayDon"t be trashy- recycle
2023-07-31 09:10:431

但愿他没你贱 翻译成英语

I hope he doesn"t mean you
2023-07-31 09:11:035


There ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meNo, it ain"t no scene for meNo, it ain"t no scene for me noHe"s paying for your vodkaYou"re using what you gotDoesn"t really want yaBut you don"t stop"Cause this is what you"re here forAnd everyone can see (why)This is the place to beNo, way, nah, it"s not meNot, right, I wanna get rowdy tonightAnd this, sucks, yeah, it"s fucked upYou"re making me sick, ughI hate to say it butThere ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meSo you can take your classshake your assand drown in that martiniCause there ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meIt"s understood that you"re all too goodthis shit is crazyV.I.P, V.I.PEverybody"s someoneno one"s got a clueFlash a couple dollarsand who are youJudge a little closerall roped up in redSurprise surpriseyou wanna get me in bed, ohNo, way, nah, it"s not meNot, right, I wanna get rowdy tonightAnd this, sucks, yeah, it"s fucked upYou"re making me sick, ughI hate to say it butThere ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meSo you can take your classshake your assand drown in that martiniCause there ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meIt"s understood that you"re all too goodthis shit is crazyV.I.P, V.I.PCan"t you smell the sexV.I.P, V.I.PWho you gonna getV.I.P, V.I.PAin"t no scene for meV.I.P P P, V.I.PThis shit is crazyI wanna get downdown and get dirtySick of this sceneit doesn"t deserve meUh ohthere"s gotta be somewhere else go"Cause I wanna get offget a bit trashyWanna get hot, get a bit nastyUh oh, baby let"s goThere ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meSo you can take your classshake your assand drown in that martiniCause there ain"t no scenein the V.I.P for meIt"s understood that you"re all too goodthis shit is crazyV.I.P, V.I.PV.I.P, V.I.PV.I.P, V.I.PV.I.P, V.I.P
2023-07-31 09:11:161


don t miss the final on sunday 11th july
2023-07-31 09:11:241

Everybody Knows 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Knows歌手:Rufus Wainwright专辑:Leonard Cohen: I"M Your Man---To Bingyu:May the very happiness be with you.---I love fairy tales about shoes that dance on their ownAbout prince and princess in glittering dresses on festivalsI love sunsets when the world seems so sweetEverything inside me is longing for a happy endWhy can"t they let me beThis is meDo I harm anyoneI love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodiesBut this ain"t life it"s all about this gameEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameI love to stand still, feel the wind in my hairTaste a raindrop spy out a bookshopand observe the people reading thereWhy can"t they let me beThis is me, do I harm anyoneI love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodiesBut this ain"t life it"s all about this gameEverybody shows everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameI whistle during shopping and weep when there"s no way outFrom time to time I even laugh out loudEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameDa all I can do is blessing and praying.---Wits
2023-07-31 09:11:331

英语翻译 要自己 、准确 的翻译 不要到百度搜的那些翻译

You will never know how I came over all difficults. Sorry to let you know such a trashy I.
2023-07-31 09:11:422


I dont know why this world keep turningRound and RoundBut I wish it would stop, and let me off right nowI dont know why this world keep turningRound and RoundBut I wish it would stop, and let me off right nowYes manAs the World TurnsWe all experience things in lifeTrials and TribulationsThat we all must go throughWhen someone wants to test usWhen someone tries our patienceI hang with a bunch of hippiesand wacky tobacco plantersWho swallow lit roachesand light up like jack-o-lanternsOutsiders baby, and we suing the courtsCuz were dope as fuck and only get a 2 in the sourceThey never shouldve booted me out of reform schoolDeformed fool,takin a shit in a warm poolThey threw me out the Ramada InnI said it wasnt me, I got a twin (Oh my god its you! Not again!)It all started when my mother took my bike awayCuz I murdered my guinea pig and stuck him in the microwaveAfter that, It was straight to the 40 ouncersSlappin teachers, and jackin off in front of my counselorsClass clown freshman, dressed like Les NessmanFuck the next lesson, Ill past the test guessinAnd all the other kids said Eminems a dishead,Hell never last, the only class hell pass is phys edMay be true, till I told this bitch in gym classThat she was too fat to swim laps, she needed Slim Fast (Who Me?)Yeah bitch you so big you walked into big Tannys and stepped on Jenny CraigShe picked me up to snap me like a skinny twigPut me in the headlock, then I thought of my guinea pigI felt the evilness and started transformin (RARRRR!)It began storming, I heard a bunch of cheering fans swarmingGrabbed that bitch by her hairDrug her across the groundAnd took her up to the highest diving board and tossed her downSorry coach, its too late to tell me stopWhile I drop this bitch face down and watch her belly flopAs the World TurnsThese are the days of our livesThese are the things that we must go throughDay by dayWe drive around in million dollar sports carsWhile little kids hide this tape from their parents like bad report cardsOutsiders, and we suing the courtsCuz we dope as fuck and only get a 2 in The SourceHypercondriac, hanging out at the laundromatWhere all the raunchy fat white trashy blondes be atDressed like a sailor, standin by a pale of garbageIts almost dark and Im still tryna nail a trailor park bitchI met a slut and said "What up, its nice to meet ya"Id like to treat ya to a Faygo and a slice of pizzaBut Im broke as fuck and I dont get paid till the first of next monthBut if you care to join me, I was bout to roll this next bluntBut I aint got no weed, no phillies, or no papersPlus Im a rapist and a repeated prison escapistSo gimme all your moneyAnd dont try nothin funnyCuz you know your stinkin ass is too fat to try to outrun meI went to grab my gunThats when her ass put it on meWit an uppercut and hit me with a basket of laundryI fell through the glass doorsStarted causin a sceneThen slid across the floor and flew right into a washin machine
2023-07-31 09:12:001


灵歌天后当选PETA最差穿着名人 PETA thinks Aretha FrankLin is no queen of soul when it es to wearing fur. Franklin was crowned this year"s worst-dressed celebrity by the Animal rights anization. Her crime: wearing "yet another vulgar fur" at the Grammy Awards. "... you looked as if you were going to perform `I Am the Walrus" by the Beatles " People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said Wednesday of Franklin"s appearance. "You might be a queen but you don"t know jack about passion." "How "bout some R-E-S-P-E-C-T for animals?" PETA added. The other offenders are Marilyn Manson Eva Longoria ("in her trashy furs she looks like the streealker of Wisteria Lane") Lindsay Lohan Kate Moss and Kylie Minogue. PETA called Minogue as cold-blooded as her python purse. As for Lohan the group remarked: "`I Know Who Killed Me" isn"t just the title of Lindsay Lohan"s latest bomb it"s the cry of the animals snuffed outs." Christina Ricci Martha Stewart and Alicia Keys have said they"ve given up wearing fur since being singled out by PETA in previous years. PETA asked people to vote on the Web site Fur Is Dead. The group said it took Britney Spears out the running because they didn"t want to kick her while she"s 在“善待动物组织”看来,如果说到穿皮草,阿莉莎u2022富兰克林可不是什么灵歌天后。日前,富兰克林被该动物保护组织评为年度“最差穿着名人”。她的“罪状”是:在格莱美颁奖仪式上“又穿了件俗气的皮草”。 本周三,善待动物组织对富兰克林的装扮做出了这样的评价:“……看上去好像要去表演披头士乐队的《我是海象》。你可能是个什么歌后,但你根本不知道什么是同情。” “能不能给动物们一些尊重呢?” 其他几位“冒犯”了动物的女星包括玛里琳u2022曼森、伊娃u2022朗格莉亚(点评:她穿着那俗气的皮草,看上去就像是紫藤巷的 *** )、林塞u2022洛翰、凯特u2022摩丝和凯莉u2022米洛。 “善待动物组织”批评米洛与她的蛇皮提包一样“冷血”(蛇是冷血动物);洛翰得到的评价是:“‘我知道谁杀了我"不仅是她的最新败作,也是被杀害动物的哭泣。” 克里斯蒂娜u2022里奇、玛莎u2022斯图尔特和艾丽西娅u2022凯斯说,自从前几年她们被PETA点名后,就再也没穿过皮草。 善待动物组织号召人们登陆Fur Is Dead网站对年度最差穿着名人进行投票。 该组织未将“小甜甜”布兰妮列入名单,因为他们不想在她处于人生低谷的时候打击她。
2023-07-31 09:12:081

2023-07-31 09:12:174

Everybody Knows Her (Single/Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Knows Her (Single/Lp Version)歌手:Jonathan Edwards专辑:Jonathan Edwards---To Bingyu:May the very happiness be with you.---I love fairy tales about shoes that dance on their ownAbout prince and princess in glittering dresses on festivalsI love sunsets when the world seems so sweetEverything inside me is longing for a happy endWhy can"t they let me beThis is meDo I harm anyoneI love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodiesBut this ain"t life it"s all about this gameEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameI love to stand still, feel the wind in my hairTaste a raindrop spy out a bookshopand observe the people reading thereWhy can"t they let me beThis is me, do I harm anyoneI love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodiesBut this ain"t life it"s all about this gameEverybody shows everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameI whistle during shopping and weep when there"s no way outFrom time to time I even laugh out loudEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameDa all I can do is blessing and praying.---Wits
2023-07-31 09:12:241

麻烦牛人给在下翻译下这段话吧 ,不甚感激~~

2023-07-31 09:12:324

Uptown Anthem 歌词

歌名:Uptown Anthem演唱:Naughty By Nature『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:E.SongQQ群:3996988●●-Treach-Hey, you could smoke a spliff with a cliffBut there"s still no mountain hiiiigh enough, or wide enough to touchThe naughty nappy nasty nigga the nasty trashy hoe happy pappyThat"s Happi to be NappiMe and Vin rock when spots hit flocksand groups and troops with Timbo boots and jail suitsThat"s how I"m rollin my hair-do don"tWin I will I got wantin competition ain"t dopeBeat ya break ya broke ya smoke ya take yaSend you to your little group on mute, sooner or laterWhen wanna flip, tell em full semi half with a dipAnd all that other Ringling Brothers shitSporty naughty hi bye greater than nature while Ishin slam the flim flim and then jamYou can run but you can"t hide, you can"t go farNo matter where you go, there you areWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASHWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASH-Treach, Vinnie-Here we go yoHit a nigga kill a nigga will come backSee a sucker stretch a sucker guard your napsCussin wasn"t nothin til a black man rappedSee a forty suck a forty guess who"s backYou"re chillin with a Teddy fillin villianSteppin to the puny puddy punks catchin fillingsI hit so many guts, call me gutter, I"m the bread and butterpunk motherfucker I"ll cut up, workin from the gut upBrand new steady, heavy as a ChevyReady for the piddy peddy, I"m Friddie FreddiePlace your bet on a vet, the three man threatWhat you see is what you getWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASHWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASH-Treach-Comin round your corner with my uptown bunchI bet your bottom dollar that you"re bottom buck chumpsGive it up, it"s a juice thing I"m steppin for the rep andwreckin all the rest and, weapon testin on who"s steppinAin"t no bluff for the niggy nuff, for the rugged ruff stuffnigga if you"re tough knuckle upI"ll cut your ass like class, then blast you by the trashAfter I laugh then I"ll dashYou can"t handle the scandal of an uptown vandalShootin up your toes makin sandalsSomebody told me that you owe me, but can"t nobody hold meI do my dirt all by my lonelyWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASHWe gonna BREAK, we gonna BASHWe gonna ROLL, we gonna SMASH﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^ ﹏_﹏﹏
2023-07-31 09:12:401

姬磊 好听的英文铃声 是什么歌曲

The Game - LunikI love fairy-tales about shoes that dance on their ownAbout prince and princess in glittering dresses on festivalsI love sunsets when the world seems so sweetEverything inside me is longing for a happy endWhy can"t they let me beThis is meDo I harm anyoneI love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodiesBut this ain"t life it"s all about this gameEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameI love to stand still, feel the wind in my hairTaste a raindrop spy out a bookshop and observe the people reading thereWhy can"t they let me beThis is meDo I harm anyoneI love to live in harmony and die for trashy melodiesBut this ain"t life it"s all about this gameEverybody shows everybody seeseverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameI whistle during shopping and weep when there"s no way outFrom time to time I even laugh out loudEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody shows and everybody seesEverybody dares and everybody fearsIn the end we"re all the sameEverybody knows and everybody feelsEverybody hurts and everybody healsIn the end we"re all the sameOh I don"t like this gameEverybody, oh everybody knows, everybody knows
2023-07-31 09:12:491


kinda = kind of 其他不清楚.
2023-07-31 09:13:007


  照片,指用感光纸放在照相底片下曝光后经显影、定影而成的人或物的图片。那么,你知道照片的英文怎么说吗?来跟我一起学期照片的表达及 造句 方法 吧。   照片的英文单词释义   photograph ; photoprint ; pin ; picture ; photo   网 络photo;picture;Photos;photograph   照片的英文单词例句   她拍摄鸟儿飞行的照片。   She photographed the birds in flight.   我们必须找一个地方放这张新照片。   We must find a place for this new picture.   这张照片是人眼的特写。   This picture is a closeness of the human eye.   你能从这张照片中认出她吗?   Can you recognize her from this picture?   昨天他们拍了许多瀑布的照片。   They took many pictures of the waterfall yesterday.   科学家们正在研究火星的照片,寻求生命的迹象。   Scientists are studying the photographs of Mars for signs of life.   我们对第一张照片进行了重新构图,并确定了它与下一张照片重叠的程度。   We reframed the first shot and decided how much to overlap the next frame.   如果您从未将相机横转拍摄垂直照片,那么拍出的照片当然如此。   It is if you never turn it sideways to take a vertical picture.   显然,一张照片仅仅是非常清晰,照的毫毛也能数完是称不上好照片的。   The hair vellus can also finish counting is nothing of a good photo.   “P照片”英语怎么说   不管擅不擅用作图软件的人,都或多或少听说过“P图”这个词吧?P指作图软件Photoshop,一般来说明星和模特们妖娆多姿的杂志封面照都是P过的,因为真人可能没有那么完美。那么,“P照片”这个词,在英语里是什么说法呢?   请看Daily Mail的报导:   Britney Spears has allowed the pre-airbrushed images from a shoot she took part in to be used ALONGSIDE the digitally-altered ones, so people can see the difference.   布兰妮近日同时公布了自己未P过的照片和处理过的照片,好让人们看清这其间的差别。   上文中有个单词:airbrush,是油漆喷枪的意思,在Photoshop这样的作图软件出现之前,人们就是用airbrush来手动修改图片的;在电脑作图的年代,人们沿用了这个词,于是P图的英文说法就是airbrush an image;或者我们也可以说digitally alter   另外有个说法和中文更加类似,就是直接把photoshop当动词用:   Photoshopping is slang for the digital editing of photos. The term originates from Adobe Photoshop, the image editor most commonly used by professionals for this purpose.   P图就是指用电脑作图,这个词来源于Adobe Photoshop软件的名字。   像这样经过处理的图片,我们称之为retouched image;那么精通P图的专业人士就可以称为touch-up artist 猜你喜欢: 1. 打印的英语单词 2. 八年级上册英语单词unit4造句 3. 1-9的英文怎么写 4. 毛笔的英语单词 5. 英语怎样造句子的方法 6. 成长的英文单词
2023-07-31 09:10:001


2023-07-31 09:10:021


skid 是打滑的意思。 也引伸指,遇到问题,或失败。 They put the skids under my plan by telling my boss what I was doing would harm his benefit. 所以,打滑——〉撞车——〉有麻烦了——〉失败就这样一点点引伸来的。 如果你能给把你那里不清楚说得明白些,我将很乐意就你的距离来进行说明。
2023-07-31 09:09:581