barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-01 16:36:50
TAG: re ad rea read





read的读音是:英 [riu02d0d],美 [riu02d0d]。v. 识字;阅读;朗读;理解;读到;猜测;读唇语;写着;读起来(给人以某种印象);显示;看读数;听到;将...改为;攻读;(计算机)读盘n. 阅读;好读物adj. 博学的;熟知的例句:Read the text slowly and deliberately.翻译:缓慢,有意的读全文。短语1、read a map 查阅地图2、read a novel 读小说3、read a poem aloud 朗诵一首诗4、read a story 读故事5、read a telegram 读电报
2023-08-01 08:35:241


2023-08-01 08:35:431


2023-08-01 08:36:573


过去式:read过去分词:readread英[ri:d]美[rid]vt.& vi.阅读,朗读;显示;研究;看得懂vt.显示;阅读;读懂,理解n.阅读;读物;读书;里德(人名) [例句]I must remember to read the book. 我必须记得去读这本书。过去式和过去分词读法相同 [red]
2023-08-01 08:37:061


2023-08-01 08:37:141


都念 /red/
2023-08-01 08:37:264


read的音标是:英[riu02d0d]、美[riu02d0d]。意思:n. 阅读;好读物。举例:Only a few of the children there can read.那里只有几个小孩识字。用法1、read的基本意思是“读”“阅”,指“阅读”的能力或“阅读”的动作。含有用阅读的方法理解内容的意味。2、read既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句或疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to或for的宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。3、read有时还可用作系动词,接名词作表语。4、read用作不及物动词时强调行为而不强调对象,后面常接副词或介词来表示阅读的方式,其主动形式可以表示被动意义。
2023-08-01 08:38:211


read 读法 美 [red]v.识字;阅读;读懂;读;朗读;读到;查阅到n.阅读;读书;好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等)adj.博学的;熟知的;精通的词语搭配:1、read only memory 只读存储器 ; 只读光盘 ; 唯读记忆体2、Read-only 只读 ; 只读缓存 ; 只读方式 ; 读扩展资料词语用法:1、read作“读,默读,诵读”和“借助阅读发现某人〔事〕的情况”时不用于被动结构。接含as短语的复合结构时多用于被动结构。2、read用作不及物动词时,强调行为而不强调对象,后面常接副词或介词来表示阅读的方式,其主动形式可以表示被动意义。3、take (it) as read that...的意思是“认为”。4、read用于现在完成进行时可不带宾语,但用于现在完成时其后必须接宾语。
2023-08-01 08:38:321

read过去式怎么读 英语read过去式怎么读

1、read的过去式是read,read的英式读法是[rid],美式读法也是[rid]。值得注意的是,当read用于现在完成进行时时,可不带宾语,但是当用于现在完成时时,必须接宾语。 2、read有三种用法,第一种是用作动词,意思是“阅读;读;读到;朗读;读懂;识字;查阅到”;第二种是用作名词,意思是“阅读;读书;好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等)”;第三种是用作形容词,意思是“博学的;熟知的;精通的”。
2023-08-01 08:39:131


2023-08-01 08:40:073


ri:d现在时读这个 red 过去和过去完成时读这个
2023-08-01 08:40:261


read的音标是:英[riu02d0d]、美[riu02d0d]。意思:n. 阅读;好读物。举例:Only a few of the children there can read.那里只有几个小孩识字。用法1、read的基本意思是“读”“阅”,指“阅读”的能力或“阅读”的动作。含有用阅读的方法理解内容的意味。2、read既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句或疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to或for的宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。3、read有时还可用作系动词,接名词作表语。4、read用作不及物动词时强调行为而不强调对象,后面常接副词或介词来表示阅读的方式,其主动形式可以表示被动意义。
2023-08-01 08:40:501


2023-08-01 08:40:581


read的发音是:[riu02d0d , red]。read的意思是:阅读、读、朗读、阅读、读书、博学的、熟知的、精通的。含有read的双语例句1、Schools need volunteers to help children to read.学校需要义务工作者帮助儿童阅读。2、I"ve read all the available literature on keeping rabbits.我阅读了我能找到的养兔的全部资料。3、I read much less now than I used to.我现在看的书比过去少得多。4、I read about the accident in the local paper.我在当地的报纸上看到了这次事故。5、Can we take it as read that you want the job?我们能不能认为你想要这份工作?6、Don"t read too much into what she says.不要在她的话里加进太多自己的理解。
2023-08-01 08:41:471

读 用英语怎么说?

2023-08-01 08:42:146


read的过去式是read,read的英式读法是[rid],美式读法也是[rid]。值得注意的是,当read用于现在完成进行时时,可不带宾语,但是当用于现在完成时时,必须接宾语。read有三种用法,第一种是用作动词,意思是“阅读;读;读到;朗读;读懂;识字;查阅到”;第二种是用作名词,意思是“阅读;读书;好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等)”;第三种是用作形容词,意思是“博学的;熟知的;精通的”。例句:This poem reads well.这首诗读起来很好。His article reads fluently.他的文章读起来很通顺。I can"t read what the thermometer says.我不会看温度表上的度数。The teacher read a poem to the class.老师向班上的同学朗诵了一首诗歌。
2023-08-01 08:42:361


2023-08-01 08:42:527


read /ri:d/属于不规则动词,它的过去式是:read 读作/red/, 过去分词是:read 读作/red/
2023-08-01 08:43:181


read的过去式是read,read的英式读法是[rid],美式读法也是[rid]。值得注意的是,当read用于现在完成进行时时,可不带宾语,但是当用于现在完成时时,必须接宾语。read有三种用法,第一种是用作动词,意思是“阅读;读;读到;朗读;读懂;识字;查阅到”;第二种是用作名词,意思是“阅读;读书;好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等)”;第三种是用作形容词,意思是“博学的;熟知的;精通的”。例句:This poem reads well.这首诗读起来很好。His article reads fluently.他的文章读起来很通顺。I can"t read what the thermometer says.我不会看温度表上的度数。The teacher read a poem to the class.老师向班上的同学朗诵了一首诗歌。
2023-08-01 08:43:534


read 英[ri:d] 美[ri:d] 当它是过去式的时候读[red]vt. 阅读,朗读; 显示; 研究; 看得懂; vt. 阅读; 显示; 读懂,理解; n. 阅读; 读书; 读物; 里德(人名); [例句]Have you read this book?希望能帮到你,请采纳正确答案,点击【采纳答案】,谢谢 ^_^你的点赞或采纳是我继续帮助其他人的动力!
2023-08-01 08:45:002


过去分词读:英[ri:d]重点词汇:read英[ri:d]释义:vt.阅读;读懂,理解vi.读;读起来n.阅读;读物adj.有学问的n.(Read)人名;(英)里德[第三人称单数reads;现在分词:reading;过去式:read;过去分词:read]短语:read-only memory只读内存;唯读内存;唯读记忆体词语使用变化:readv.(动词)1、read的基本意思是“读”“阅”,指“阅读”的能力或“阅读”的动作。含有用阅读的方法理解内容的意味。引申可指“读懂”“解释”“理解”“标明”。2、read既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句或疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to或for的宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。read有时还可用作系动词,接名词作表语。
2023-08-01 08:45:462


read 原型读法[rid]过去式和过去分词 [red]
2023-08-01 08:47:123

read 怎么读 red? ri:d?

ri:d现在时读这个 red 过去和过去完成时读这个
2023-08-01 08:47:531


read的读音是read,读音:英 [ri:d];美 [rid]释义:v.读;读取;最后访问变形:过去式:read过去分词:read现在分词:reading第三人称单数:reads短语:read english读英语;read about阅读而知;read books阅读,读书read a book看书,读书;read on继续读下去;read out宣告开除;把…读出read aloud大声朗读;read as改为;把……错误地当作;read through通读例句:1.Every man is a volume if you know how to read him.每一个人都是一卷书,只要你懂得如何阅读它。2.Please read aloud so that I can hear you.请大声朗读,好让我能听到。3.I can read French but I can"t speak it.我能看懂法文但不会说。
2023-08-01 08:48:191


Read的过去式和过去分词都是Read本身 Read 原型读法 [ri:d] 过去式和过去分词读法相同 [red]
2023-08-01 08:48:401


read English吃完早饭后,我便和同学一起读英语。After breakfast, IoftenreadEnglishwithmy classmates
2023-08-01 08:48:496


have you read的read读音是/ri:d/,以弱读为主。
2023-08-01 08:49:102


read原形的读音:/ri:d/,过去式的读音是:/red/。read 英 [riu02d0d]   美 [riu02d0d]    v. 识字;阅读;朗读;理解;读到;猜测;读唇语;写着;读起来(给人以某种印象);显示;看读数;听到;将......改为;攻读;(计算机)读盘n. 阅读;好读物adj. 博学的;熟知的Read the text slowly and deliberately.缓慢,有意的读全文。短语1、read a dream 释梦2、read a language 读懂某种语言3、read a letter 读信4、read a map 查阅地图
2023-08-01 08:49:191


2023-08-01 08:46:461


2023-08-01 08:46:471


Seve-by Tez Cadey
2023-08-01 08:46:4711

"No one eles can love you like i do" 这是什么歌?

Creepin Up On You
2023-08-01 08:46:494


2023-08-01 08:46:551


智能卫星机顶盒菜单显示英文改中文方法:1、打开机顶盒和电视机开关,等待机顶盒启动;2、机顶盒启动后,按机顶盒遥控器的“菜单”按钮;3、进入“MainMenu”,后使用遥控器的方向键,找到“System Setting”,点击遥控器“确认”键进入;4、在“System Setting”中通过方向键,找到“Display OSD”,点击“确定”;5、选择“OSD Language”,并把选项更改为“Chinese”;6、改完之后,按“OK”键保存并退出。
2023-08-01 08:46:581

找《JUNK BEAT》和《WAITING FOR》的歌词并翻译成罗马拼音

这两首 你要把歌手给我我就能拼成罗马的 问题是光有名字.给你别的歌的行吗 拼罗马的问题我都答了10几个了.....阴阳座<丛原火> 作词:瞬火 作曲:瞬火 编曲:瞬火·阴阳座 狂(たぶ)る滚(たぎ)る手縄(たなわ)引き千切り kyou ( tabu ) ru 滚 ( tagi ) ru te nawa ( tanawa ) biki sengiri 菖蒲(あやめ)躙(にじ)る汚れた其(そ)の足で shoubu ( ayame ) rin ( niji ) ru yogore ta sono ( so ) no ashi de 縢(かが)る啮(かじ)る骗(かた)る源の akome .ha,o,ya.hi,?#21870; .ha,o,ku.hi,?#39575; .ha,o,so.hi,?usa,ho 卵(かいご)待たずに tamago ( kaigo ) mata zuni 朱雀(すざく)を离(あ)らん咎人(とがびと)が shujaku ( suzaku ) wo 离 ( a ) ran toga nin ( togabito ) ga 御库裏(おくり)売り舍て戯(たわ)る o 库 ura ( okuri ) uri sha te gi ( tawa ) ru 足音(あのと)まで盗人(ぬすびと)の祸(まが) ashioto ( anoto ) made nusubito ( nusubito ) no 祸 ( maga ) (贪(どん)) ( 贪 ( don )) 只(ただ) 饲(か)はいた tada ( tada ) 饲 ( ka ) haita 掠(かそ)ふ胸に畏(おそ)れるならば ryaku ( kaso ) fu mune ni i ( oso ) rerunaraba 惟(ただ) 乾いた风吹く迄(まで) tada ( tada ) kawai ta 风 fuku made ( made ) 丛(くさむら)彷徨(さまよ)う 丛 ( kusamura ) houkou ( samayo ) u 祟(たた)る吐(たぐ)る玉绵(たまわた)撒き散らし ken .ha,so,so.hi,?anu.ha,so,^.hi,?afu 绵 .ha,so,",?so.hisao,yusaka, bin ki 危(あや)めたるやごの上粗相(そそう)をす ki ( aya ) metaruyagono ue sosou ( sosou ) wosu 倾(なだ)る流(なが)る铅の水面(みなも)向け 倾 ( nada ) ru ryuu ( naga ) ru 铅 no suimen ( minamo ) muke 滓(かす)を放出(はなてん) shi ( kasu ) wo houshutsu ( hanaten ) 孔雀(くざく)追(お)はふ宿无し女(め)は kujaku ( kuzaku ) tsui ( o ) hafu yado mu shi onna ( me ) ha 御国(おくに)売り弃(う)ち烂(ただ)る mikuni ( okuni ) uri ki ( u ) chi 烂 ( tada ) ru 彼(あ)の土间で転人(まろびと)の眼が kare ( a ) no tsuchi 间 de ten nin ( marobito ) no me ga (贪(どん)) ( 贪 ( don )) 只(ただ) 饲(か)はいた tada ( tada ) 饲 ( ka ) haita 掠(かそ)ふ胸に畏(おそ)れるならば ryaku ( kaso ) fu mune ni i ( oso ) rerunaraba 惟(ただ) 乾いた风吹く迄(まで) tada ( tada ) kawai ta 风 fuku made ( made ) 丛(くさむら)彷徨(さまよ)う 丛 ( kusamura ) houkou ( samayo ) u 只(ただ) 饲(か)はいた tada ( tada ) 饲 ( ka ) haita 掠(かそ)ふ腕に惧(おそ)れるならば ryaku ( kaso ) fu ude ni ku ( oso ) rerunaraba 惟(ただ) 乾いた风吹く尽(まま) tada ( tada ) kawai ta 风 fuku jin ( mama ) 丛(くさむら)呻吟(さまよ)ふ 丛 ( kusamura ) shingin ( samayo ) fuまきちゃんぐ的<<烟>>知っていたの 何もかも shitte itano nanimo kamo 待っていたの 今もなお matte itano ima monao とりまく宇宙の真ん中で torimaku uchuu no mannaka de 一体どこまで行けばいいのか ittai dokomade ike baiinoka まぶたの裏の记忆さえ mabutano ura no 记忆 sae このカタマリを濡らす kono katamari wo nura su 贵方はアタシを弱くする 贵 kataha atashi wo yowaku suru 贵方はアタシを弱くする 贵 kataha atashi wo yowaku suru アタシは弱い 弱い 弱い... atashi ha yowai yowai yowai ... アタシの涙を贵方は知らない atashi no namida wo 贵 kataha shira nai 火照った身を殴り描いて hi shou tta miwo naguri egai te 放り投げた梦と照らす houri nage ta yume to tera su 冷えた优しさを覚えても hie ta 优 shisawo oboe temo 淡く光る月に同じ tan ku hikaru gatsu ni onaji 悲しみを乗り越える力を kanashimi wo norikoe ru chikara wo 信じられる强さを shinji rareru 强 sawo 贵方はアタシを弱くする 贵 kataha atashi wo yowaku suru 贵方はアタシを弱くする 贵 kataha atashi wo yowaku suru アタシは弱い 弱い 弱い... atashi ha yowai yowai yowai ... アタシの涙を贵方は知らない atashi no namida wo 贵 kataha shira nai 贵方はアタシを弱くする 贵 kataha atashi wo yowaku suru 贵方はアタシを弱くする 贵 kataha atashi wo yowaku suru アタシは弱い 弱い 弱い... atashi ha yowai yowai yowai ... アタシの涙を贵方は知らない atashi no namida wo 贵 kataha shira nai 贵方を忘れてどこか远く 贵 houwo wasure tedokoka 远 ku 行きたい 行けない 行きたい 行けない iki tai ike nai iki tai ike nai アタシは弱い 弱い 弱い... atashi ha yowai yowai yowai ... アタシの涙を贵方は知らない atashi no namida wo 贵 kataha shira nai アタシは弱い 弱い 弱い... atashi ha yowai yowai yowai ... 涙の行方を贵方は知らない namida no namegata wo 贵 kataha shira nai
2023-08-01 08:46:582


2023-08-01 08:46:595


2023-08-01 08:47:061

酒店里用空调 制冷和制热 英语简写

这个啊 看你们的需要啊 一般低于20度就可以开暖气 看你们自己的决定 通常室内保持在25度左右的多
2023-08-01 08:47:085


【 #英语资源# 导语】春天是一年的第一个季,春季有三个月,分别是三月、四月和五月,春季的天气是温暖和多风。 ! 【篇一】描写春天的小学英语作文   As spring comes, everything on earth comes to life. After an overnight s raining, the trees and flowers seem to wear their new clothes. Birds are chanting in trees. Butterflies keep dancing in flowers. All these elements form an elegant spring life.   As spring comes, everything is in a rush. Swallows are busy with building their nests; frogs are busy with breeding their offspring; little grass is busy with growing up; seeds are busy with sprouting. And the farmers are busy with their farm work. Look, how hard they are working in their field! So there s no doubt that they will reap a good harvest through their hard work.   春天来了,地球上的一切都苏醒了。一整夜的雨之后,树木和鲜花似乎都穿上了新衣服。鸟儿在树上歌唱。蝴蝶在花花间跳舞。所有这些自然力量形成了一个优雅的春天生活。   春天来了,一切都是匆匆忙忙的。燕子正在忙着筑巢;青蛙都忙着繁殖后代;小草忙于成长;种子忙着发芽。农民忙于农活。看,在他们的田野上他们是多么努力的工作啊!所以毫无疑问,通过他们的努力工作他们会有一个很好的收成。 【篇二】描写春天的小学英语作文   春天在哪里?春天在哪里?春天在田野里。田野里长满了漫山遍野的油菜花像一片金色的海洋。农民伯伯在田野里插上了秧苗,春风一吹它们救在尽情跳舞。田野里的蒲公英长大了它们坐着顺风车去各地游玩。   Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the field. The fields are full of rape flowers like a golden ocean. Farmer uncle planted seedling in the field, the spring breeze blows them to save in heartily dance. The dandelions in the fields grow up and they ride around in windmills.   春天在哪里?春天在哪里?春天在花园里。桃花笑红了脸,像穿上了一件粉红色的裙子显得楚楚动人。梨花开了像一片片雪花,五颜六色的郁金香实在是太美了。   Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the garden. Peach blossom blushed with a smile, as if wearing a pink skirt. Pear blossom like a snowflake, colorful tulip is too beautiful.   春天在哪里?春天在哪里?春天在森林里。竹子挺着直直的身子像士兵。蘑菇像一把把小伞。哦原来春天在眼睛里。   Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the forest. Bamboo has a straight body like a soldier. The mushroom is like an umbrella. Oh, spring is in my eyes. 【篇三】描写春天的小学英语作文   March breeze with moist, blows over the hills and fields, spring is coming.   Bid farewell to the cold winter, the birds fly freely in the sky, like to celebrate the arrival of spring.   You see, the sky white clouds forms and change multiterminal, like a magical magician magic from behind the clouds.   River, hits the trees smoke a lamina, greedy sucking the spring sunshine.   Ono flowers blossom, a swarm of bees "buzz" honey from flower to flower. A few butterflies came also, their beautiful wings hovering in the flowers, the flowers become more vibrant.   A stream wound its way into the distance, the glittering under the sun. A few duckling jumped into the water, exult in the water jump, chasing each other.   In large areas of wheat fields, green wheat seeding full sunshine rain and dew of spring, is thriving.   "The season of a year is in the spring, spring is the season of planting, is the season of nature is at its best, I love the beautiful spring.   三月的微风带着湿润的芬芳气息,吹过山峦和田野,春天来了。   告别了寒冷的冬天,鸟儿们在天空上自由自在的飞翔,像是在庆祝春天的到来。   你瞧,天上的白云形态各异,变化多端,像一位神奇的魔术师躲在云后变魔术呢。   河岸边,一棵棵树木抽枝展叶,贪婪吮吸着春天的阳光。   小野花们竞相开放,一大群蜜蜂“嗡嗡嗡”地在花间采蜜。几只蝴蝶也来了,它们那美丽的翅膀在花丛中时隐时现,花丛变得更加生机勃勃了。   一条小河弯弯曲曲伸向远方,河水在阳光的照射下金光闪闪。几只小鸭跳入水中,在水里欢腾跳跃,互相追逐。   在大片的麦田里,绿色的麦苗饱吸着春天的阳光雨露,正在茁壮成长。   “一年之季在于春”,春天是播种的季节,是万物欣欣向荣的季节,我爱美丽的春天。 【篇四】描写春天的小学英语作文   Bitterly cold winter may once come, but now it has gone.   As my bike has been stolen, I have to run from one teaching building to another every day.   The bell declares the end of the last lesson and the beginning of a new journey. Tired as I am, at the sight of the bench, I go straight to it. As soon as I get seated, a world of fresh green immediately catches my eyes. Grass sprouts burst through the soil right in the place of the withered grass and turn the dull grey into fresh green. As I look up, I find those tall trees have also put on new clothes. Green, here and there, everywhere!Spring has come, I realize suddenly.   A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance. I trace it,surprised to find several lovely small white flowers dotted on a tree. And there are even some singing birds! I am so delighted with all these tiny lives that my fatigue vanishes all of a sudden.   The sky shows its purest blue. The sun generously gives out its heat and light, shining evenly on the grass, on the trees,on the roofs of houses, on the people passing by, also on me,quietly and tenderly. There come a couple of young people,strolling leisurely. A group of students are sitting in a circle on the grass and discussing something heatedly. Some are reading English but in low voices afraid of breaking the peace of the campus. Others are lying on the lawn, having a nap, or just enjoying the sunshine as I am.   I feel I am free, free of thinking anything. In such a pleasing environment, doing anything is a great pleasure. I am fully indulged in this tranquility. If only time could stop!   I turn on the radio to enjoy some light music. Much to my disappointment, however, almost all the programs are about the war in Iraq. It is hard to believe that under the same blue sky,some people are suffering from bleeding and death of war while others are enjoying a happy life.   The sun is hidden by the clouds. After a few seconds, it shines brightly again.   Peaceful life seems to have gone, but it will come back one day, I am sure. 【篇五】描写春天的小学英语作文   Springs are not always the same. In some years, April bursts upon Virginia hills in one prodigious leap ? and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of floweringplum. The trees grow leaves overnight.   In other years, spring tiptoes in. It pauses, overcome by shyness, like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggling in the hallway. “I know you"re out there,” I cry. “Come in!” And April slips into our arms.   The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings. Within the perfect cup a score of clustered seeds are nestled. One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago? The apples display their milliner"s scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. All the sleeping things wake up ? primrose, baby iris, blue phlox. The earth warms ? you can smell it, feel it, crumble April in your hands.   Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. This is how it was, is now, and ever shall be, the world without end. In the serene certainty of spring recurring, who can fear the distant fall?
2023-08-01 08:47:091

word中自动识别英文功能在哪里 七步解决识别问题

1、我们先新建一个word文档,点击“文件”菜单——“新建”或Ctrl+N。 2、新建好文档后,我们点击“工具”菜单——“语言”——“设置语言”。 3、在打开的“设置语言”窗口中,我们会就看到加载了好多语言列表。 4、我们在窗口的下方就会看到有一个“自动检查语言”,我们只要将其勾选,点击确定即可。 5、这时我们在文档中分别录入中文内容与英文内容。 6、当我们光标定位在中文上时,我们打开“语言设置”,我们就会看到自动检测到是中文。 7、当我们光标定位在英文上时,我们再次打开“语言设置”,我们就会看到自动检测到是英文。
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L&auml;cheln des Sadisten: Karlheinz B&ouml;hm über Rainer Werner Fassbinders Martha, ------- (2004)Unsere Besten Wer ist der gr&ouml;&szlig;te Deutsche? ------- (2003)Romy Schneider, étrange étrangère ------- (2002)Beckmann ------- (1999)A Very British Psycho ------- (1997)Ich will nicht nur, da&szlig; ihr mich liebt - Der Filmemacher Rainer Werner Fassbinder ------- (1993)屈丝特婆婆上天堂Mutter Küsters" Fahrt zum Himmel ------- (1975)佛克斯/狐及其友Faustrecht der Freiheit ------- (1975)血泪的控诉Effi Briest ------- (1974)玛塔 Martha ------- (1974)Schlo&szlig; Hubertus ------- (1973)The Venetian Affair ------- (1967)Heure de la vérité, L" ------- (1965)Come Fly with Me ------- (1963)Du rififi à Tokyo ------- (1963)Forever My Love ------- (1962)奇妙世界/童话大王 The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm ------- (1962)四骑士血洒自由魂The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ------- (1962)Gauner und der liebe Gott, Der ------- (1960)偷窥狂/偷窥者/魔光血影 Peeping Tom ------- (1960)Too Hot to Handle ------- (1960)Paloma, La ------- (1959)Dreim&auml;derlhaus, Das ------- (1958)Schlo&szlig; in Tirol, Das ------- (1957)茜茜公主3:皇后的命运Sissi - Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin ------- (1957)Kitty und die gro&szlig;e Welt ------- (1956)茜茜公主2:年轻的皇后 Sissi - Die junge Kaiserin ------- (1956)茜茜公主 Sissi ------- (1954)Unternehmen Schlafsack ------- (1955)Ewiger Walzer ------- (1954)Wienerinnen ------- (1952)Weibertausch, Der ------- (1952)Haus des Lebens ------- (1952)Alraune ------- (1952)Engel mit der Posaune, Der ------- (1948)丹维茨医生夫妇(1956)三个姑娘的家庭(1958)伟大的背叛者(1960)格林兄弟的奇妙世界(1962)埃菲·卜里斯特(1974)
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2023-08-01 08:46:213

Craig S Brother的《Who Am I》 歌词

歌曲名:Who Am I歌手:Craig S Brother专辑:HomecomingWhoaAmanda PerezangelWhoaThis must be crazy,think he could get up on that uh uh check it outThis be the day that i never forget driving in my benzsipping on my way bangs in the trunk and i heard mymy chest blinged all out and its all on my neckI went to the crib about 2:00 forgot my keys so i had to knocknoone came to the front so i went to the back checked out the shitthat just happened i caught my man in the pool with a girl niceskinny chick with Sherley Temple curls she got it in easy she tried tocause these shit it aint no jokeand if you get a * the gone fill your throati could care less if you jokedgotta handle this here and thats for sureuh whoa(gotta handle this) whoa(this some scandle shit)whoa(whats a girl to do when she finds a man but nicked in the pool)whoa thanks for gettin away is you crazy you know that i dont playwhoa you can keep it cause on the real i dont need itSee you tryin to be a playboybut got caught up in the game now you noymatter fact you could go upstairs and you could packtry to love you but you dont know how to act tryto hit me from the front and not from the backpicking up chicks in my bens in my trunkthis the cadillac this aint the way that it goescause i sure aint your trick and i aint you hoeso things dont last forever so you gots to gojump in your ride put the medal to the floordont leave nothing behind take all your clothestake the bloody towel you used for your bloody nosethis right here the case is close if you didnt know then boy now youknow you up for a biz so now your sold uh uh uh uh uhuh whoa(gotta handle this) whoa(this some scandle shit)whoa(whats a girl to do when she finds a man but nicked in the pool)whoa thanks for gettin away is you crazy you know that i dont playwhoa you can keep it cause on the real i dont need itbetter not make an excuse to come to the cribdont try to beg for a home cause you aint got no where to livesorry little daddy thats the way that it is and right now i gotta handle my bizcause you the type of man that i gotta shut down cause you the type of man thati dont need around i caught you creepingfor all this time it was you that was peeping on all your late night callsbreaking my laws sliding off panties and unsnapping brawsdont blame it on me you did it just because dont try to say you didnt like theway that i was you so fake pleeding with me thatit was a mistake boy you was in a dreambut now your awake tell your girl friend to come pick up her snakes soi can go to sun set boulevard and get me a drink, find a true man faster thanyou can blink what made you think that yourshit didnt stink you think that you still drivin smoother than meuh whoa(gotta handle this) whoa(this some scandle shit)whoa(whats a girl to do when she finds a man but nicked in the pool)whoa thanks for gettin away is you crazy you know that i dont playwhoa you can keep it cause on the real i dont need itwhoa(gotta handle this) whoa(this some scandle shit)whoa(whats a girl to do when she finds a man but nicked in the pool)whoa
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