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2023-08-01 19:43:38
TAG: 英文

低调点吧! Keep it in low profile.

低调一般我们用 in low profile

高调 in high profile


低调: [ dī diào ]

1. low key

2. low-profile


<undertone> <low keyed>


1. 政府一直低调处理教师的工资问题.

The government has been soft-pedalling (on) the question of teachers" pay.


keep a low profile


























从字面意思来看,“battle”作为名词是战役、战斗、搏斗、较量、争论、斗争、奋斗的意思,而作为动词是搏斗、奋斗、斗争的意思。后来随着网络的发展,“battle”一词作为网络流行语出现在人们视线里。“battle”一词常常用于在说唱、街舞中,是rapper和rapper、dancer和dancer之间的一种pk和较量。例如,在爱奇艺自制节目《中国新说唱》中就经常出现这个词。  短语搭配:battle against与...作战。lose battle输掉战斗。half the battle(完成某事的)关键, 最艰难的阶段, 成功的重要一步。the battle lines are drawn战线已经划清(指争战之际各拥一方形成对垒之势)。battle cry呐喊;喊杀声;口号;战斗口号。pitched battle对阵战;激战;酣战。line of battle战线;战斗队形;线形战舰队形。battle fatigue作战服;战斗服。
2023-08-01 16:48:231


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2023-08-01 16:49:023


in front ofbehindleftright
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2023-08-01 16:50:1713


   篮球 (basketball),是奥运会核心比赛项目,是以手为中心的对抗性 体育运动 。篮球运动起源于美国。1891年12月21日,由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德青年会训练学校体育教师詹姆士&middot;奈史密斯发明。如今篮球已经成为了一项十分热门的运动,那么你知道篮球用英语要怎么说吗?下面随我来学习一下吧。    篮球英语释义:   basketball    篮球英语例句:   我们爱打篮球。   We love playing basketball.   他把篮球扔进了我们的屋子。   He has pitched his basketball into our house.   他打篮球时的灵巧和速度弥补了他身材的矮小。   In basketball, he offsets his small size by his cleverness and speed.   两国篮球运动员在比赛后聚在一起,切磋球艺。   The basketball players of the two countries got together and compared notes after the match.   她也会打篮球,也会打 网球 。   She can play tennis as well as basketball.   篮球队员沿场向前运球。   The basketball player bounced the ball along the ground.   除了篮球你还喜欢什么运动?   Besides basketball, what other sports do you like?   但是我也喜欢篮球和 体操 。   But I also like basketball and gymnastics.   我篮球打得与他一样好。   I play basketball as well as him.   所有的运动中我最喜欢篮球。   Of all the sports, I like basketball best.   我总是在电视上看 足球 比赛。但是我也喜欢篮球和体操。   I always watch football on television,but I also like basketball andgymnastics.   “对我来说,篮球已经结束了,”他说。   “For me, basketball is over, ” he said.   你喜欢足球还是喜欢篮球?   A:Do you like football or basketball?   我热爱篮球。   I love basketball.   他经常跟他的同事们一起打篮球。   He always plays basketball with his workmates.   每一个球都赞同篮球。   Every ball agreed with the basketball.   我每周都和朋友打篮球。   I play basketball every week with friends.   这可能就是我如此热爱篮球的原因吧。   Maybe that is why I love basketball so much.   气球、 棒球 、篮球、足球和 排球 都在火山上跳 芭蕾舞 。   Balloon, baseball, basketball, football and volleyball all dance ballet on thevolcano.   我比较喜欢足球和篮球。   I prefer football and basketball.   她不是一个棒球或篮球运动员。   She&rsquo;s not a baseball or basketball player.   我喜欢的篮球和 羽毛球 。   I like playing basketball and badminton.   我已经30岁了,作为运动员,我再也不是中国篮球的未来了。   I&rsquo;m 30. As an athlete, I am not the future of China basketball anymore.   一直以来,不管是作为球员、教练,还是球迷,我都对篮球充满了热情。   I &lsquo;ve always been passionate about basketball& as a player, a coach, and a fan.   她也会打篮球,也会打网球。   She can play tennis as well as basketball.   说明篮球规则的32页的小册子   A thirty-two-page pamphlet explaining the rules of basketball   以前打过大学赛和职业赛的篮球运动员   A former college and pro basketball player
2023-08-01 16:51:101


They pitched in with contributions of money . 他们主动捐款支援此事。 The horizontal anger has a variable pitch . 横向搅龙具有可变的螺距。 I pitched upon the very house that suited me .. 我找到了合适的房子。 Can a man touch pitch and not be defiled ? 一个人能出污泥而不染吗? Men and women , old and young , all pitched in ... 男女老幼齐动手。 Their rifles were pitched at every odd angle . 枪支都搁得七歪八斜。 Other maintenance departments had pitched in . 其他维修部门纷纷出动。 The pitch was a mud bath after the heavy rain . 大雨过后球场成了泥潭。 You have reared them to this pitch . 是你们把她们搞成这种状况的。 The program was pitched at just the right level . 大纲所定水平恰到好处。 The pitch depends on the frequency . 音调的高低是由频率决定的。 People just pitch their rubbish over the wall .. 人们直接把垃圾扔过墻去。 They pitched a yarn about finding the jewels . 他们编了一个找到宝石的故事。 Men and women , old and young , all pitched into the work . 男女老少齐上阵。 Patrioti *** was then at fever pitch . 当时爱国主义情绪高涨。 The popce dragged the football fans off the pitch . 警察把足球迷拖出了球场。 They pitched into the work immediately . 他们立刻干了起来。 Let us pitch out the troublemakers . 把这些捣乱分子赶出去。 The guard pitched backward without a sound . 警卫一声不吭,仰面朝天倒在地上。 Rain had made the pitch rather dead . 场地因雨而阻力增大。 We batted on a pvely pitch . 我们击中了对方快速投来的球。 The ship was rolpng and pitching heavily in the rough sea . 船舶在狂涛中簸荡。 The voices rose to a deafening pitch . 声音大得震耳欲聋。 They all pitched in and soon finished the job . 大家七手八脚,工作很快就完成了。 I won"t plain of your pitch . 我不抱怨你装腔作势。 He may pitch on some tuft of placs over a river . 他可以到小河边去采摘一簇丁香花。 You"re always in there pitching . 你一直在拚命地干。 She pitched forward and vanished among the shrubs . 她向前跌去,然后就消失在灌木丛中。 I"ll pitch into harry-i"ll have him turn away . 我要狠狠的骂哈莱一顿--我要把他赶出去。 The car hit the child and she pitched over backwards . 汽车把那孩子撞了,她重重向后倒下。 The deck of the *** all cabin sharply pitched and bumped . 这小舱房的甲板剧烈地颠簸了一下。 They pitched into the meal . 他们大吃了一顿。 The note of the whistle is heard to change to a lower pitch . 汽笛的音调听起来就越变越低了。 The ball was pitched short . 投的球是短球。 The match had to be abandoned because the pitch was waterlogged . 那场比赛因场地汪水只好取消。 The ship pitched and rolled and many passengers were sick . 那轮船颠簸摇晃,很多乘客头晕恶心。 Emily dickinson too is unsure how to pitch her work . 艾米莉狄更森也不知如何为自己的作品调音。 With all the work i have to do i must be at concert pitch . 我要做的工作这么多,我必须精神饱满。 Independent pitch and yaw of the o birds produce noise . 两只吊舱的独立俯仰和偏航均会产生噪声。 Sorry for richetts, i made my pitch as quickly as possible . 我为里基茨感到遗憾,并立即加以解释。
2023-08-01 16:52:271


问题一:低调用英语怎么写? 30分 Low profile 和Low key都可以的。祝学习进步哦 问题二:低调的 英文怎么翻译 low-key。( 很多个翻译软件都翻译为低调~只有极少数翻译软件译为抑制的;软调的 )。 反义词大概对应于 nb。 high key 是专业术语,应该与 NB 无关。 1.a low key; a low tone; undertones 2.low; low-key(ed); low-pitched 求采纳 问题三:低调的英文是什么 下面两个词是最接近的 modest moderate 问题四:低调英文怎么写 低调 low profile. Let"s keep a low profile. 让我们保持低调 问题五:低调奢华用英文怎么写 low-profile & luxury 问题六:低调用英语怎么说 unobtrusive 不触目的,不夸耀的, unassertive 谦逊的,不过分自信的 humility 谦虚 meek 温和的,善忍的 问题七:低调的英文怎么写啊 low-pitched adj. 低调的, 倾斜缓的 low-pitched low-pitched AHD:[l?“p1cht“] D.J.[6lou6pit.t] K.K.[6lo6p!t.t] adj.(形容词) Low in tone or tonal range. 低调的:声调不高的,或声调范围内低的 Having a moderate slope: 倾斜缓慢的:有缓和坡度的: a low-pitched roof. 一个倾斜缓慢的屋顶 问题八:我们很低调的英文怎么写? ```we are very modest 问题九:低调用英文翻译 low-profile
2023-08-01 16:52:331


从字面意思来看,“battle”作为名词是战役、战斗、搏斗、较量、争论、斗争、奋斗的意思,而作为动词是搏斗、奋斗、斗争的意思。后来随着网络的发展,“battle”一词作为网络流行语出现在人们视线里。“battle”一词常常用于在说唱、街舞中,是rapper和rapper、dancer和dancer之间的一种pk和较量。例如,在爱奇艺自制节目《中国新说唱》中就经常出现这个词。  短语搭配:battle against与...作战。lose battle输掉战斗。half the battle(完成某事的)关键, 最艰难的阶段, 成功的重要一步。the battle lines are drawn战线已经划清(指争战之际各拥一方形成对垒之势)。battle cry呐喊;喊杀声;口号;战斗口号。pitched battle对阵战;激战;酣战。line of battle战线;战斗队形;线形战舰队形。battle fatigue作战服;战斗服。
2023-08-01 16:52:551


  一、Woodwinds: 木管乐器   1.Piccolo 短笛   2.Flute 长笛   3.Soprano Recorder 高音竖笛   4.Oboe 双簧管   5.English Horn 英国管   6.Bassoon 大管   7.Contrabassoon 低音巴松   8.Clarinet in Eb 降E调单簧管(小黑管)   9.Clarinet in A A调单簧管   10.Clarinet in Bb 降B调单簧管   11.Bass Clarinet 低音单簧管   12.Soprano Saxophone 高音萨克斯   13.ALto Saxophone 中音萨克斯   14.Tenor Saxophone 次中音萨克斯   15.Baritone Saxophone 上低音萨克斯   16.Alto Flute 中音长笛*   17.Bass Flute 低音长笛   18.Oboe d" Amore 双簧管的一种   19.Piccolo Clarinet 高音单簧管*   20.Alto Clarinet 中音单簧管(Eb调的,属于低音单簧管)   21.Contrabass Clarinet 倍低音单簧管   22.Descant Recorder 高音竖笛   23.Alto Recorder 中音竖笛   24.Tenor Recorder 次中音竖笛   25.Bass Recorder 低音竖笛   26.Bagpipes 风笛   27.Basset Horn 巴赛管(单簧管)   28.Panpipes 排萧   二、Brass: 铜管乐器   1.Cornet 短号   2.Trumpet in Bb 降B调小号   3.Trumpet in C C调小号   4.Flugelhorn 夫吕号(行进乐队常用)   5.Horn in F F调圆号   6.Trombone 长号   7.Tenor Trombone 次中音长号   8.Bass Tromone 低音长号   9.Baritone(T.C.) 次中音号   10.Baritone 次中音   11.Euphonium 小低音号   12.Tuba 大号   13.Bass Tuba 低音大号   14.Piccolo Cornet 高音短号   15.Piccolo Trumpet in A A调高音小号   16.Bass Trumpet in C C调低音小号   17.Alto Trombone 中音长号   18.Contrabass Trombone 倍低音长号   三、Pitched Percussion: 有音高打击乐器   1.Timpani 定音鼓   2.Bells 排钟   3.Glockenspiel 钢片琴   4.Crystal Glasses   5.Xylophone 木琴   6.Vibraphone 颤音琴   7.Marimba 马林巴琴   8.Bass Marimba 低音马林巴琴   9.Tubular Bells 管钟   10.Chimes 钟琴   11.Steel Drums 钢鼓   12.Mallets 三角木琴   四、Percussion: 小打击乐器   1.Percussion 小打击乐器组   2.Wind Chimes   3.Bell Tree 音树   4.Triangle 三角铁   5.Crotales 响板   6.Finger Cymbals 手指小镲   7.Sleigh Bells 马铃   8.Cymbals 大镲   9.Cowbell 牛铃   10.Agogo Bells (由两个锥型铁筒组成,比牛玲音高)   11.Flexatone   12.Musical Saw 乐锯   13.Brake Drum 闸鼓   14.Tam Tam 大锣   15.Gong 锣   16.Claves 响棒   17.Slapstick 击板   18.VibraSlap   19.Sand Block 沙轮   20.Ratchet 齿轮剐响器   21.Guiro (木制,用铁棍剐)   22.Cuica (发出的声音象狗叫的拉丁乐器)   23.Maracas 沙槌   24.Castanets 响板   25.Wood Blocks 盒棒   26.Temple Blocks 木鱼   27.Log Drum 木鼓   28.Tambourine 铃鼓   29.Whistle 哨   30.Siren 汽笛   31.Jawbone   32.Anvil 乐钻   五、Drums: 鼓   1.Drum Set 架子鼓   2.Bongo Drums 邦加鼓(用手指敲的小鼓,夹在两腿间)   3.Timbales 蒂姆巴尔鼓   4.Conga Drums 康加鼓(橄榄型)   5.Snare Drum 小军鼓   6.Quad Toms 4组鼓筒鼓   7.Quint Toms 五组筒鼓   8.Tenor Drum 次高音鼓   9.Tom Toms 筒鼓   10.Roto Toms 轮鼓   11.Bass Drum 低音鼓   六、Plucked Strings: 弹拨乐   1.Harp 竖琴   2.Guitar 吉他   3.Scoustic Guitar   4.electric Guitar 电吉他   5.Banjo 班卓   6.Bass 贝司   7.Acoustic Bass 非电贝斯   8.Electric Bass 电贝司   9.String Bass 弦贝司   10.Mandolin 曼陀林   11.Lute 琉特琴   12.Ukulele 夏威夷四弦琴   13.Zither 齐特尔琴   14.Sitar 锡塔尔琴   七、Keybords: 键盘   1.Piano 钢琴   2.Organ 管风琴   3.Harpsichord 大键琴   4.Celesta 钢片琴   5.Accordion 手风琴   6.Clavichord 古钢琴   7.Harmonium 脚踏式风琴   8.Synthesizer 电子合成器   八、Strings: 弦乐   1.Violin 小提琴   2.Violin Ⅰ 小提琴1   3.Violin Ⅱ 小提琴2   4.Viola 中提琴   5.Cello 大提琴   6.Violoncello 低音提琴   7.Contrabass 低音提琴   8.Double Bass 倍低音提琴   9.Solo Violin 独奏小提琴   10.Solo VIola 独奏中提琴   11.Solo Cello 独奏大提琴   12.Solo Bass 独奏低音提琴   13.Viola d" Amore   九、Handbells: 手铃   1.Handbells 手铃   2.Handbells(T.C) 手铃(中音)   grand piano 三角钢琴,大钢琴   keyboard 键盘   key 键   pedal 踏板   string 琴弦   hammer 琴槌   pianola 自动钢琴   harpsichord 击弦古钢琴   organ 管风琴   register, organ stop 调音器   harmonium 风琴   barrel organ 手摇风琴   bowed instruments 弓弦乐器   violin 小提琴   viola 中提琴   cello, violoncello 大提琴   contrabass, double bass 低音提琴   harp 竖琴   zither 齐特拉琴,九弦琴   lyre 里拉琴,七弦琴   lute 诗琴, 硫特琴   Chinese lute,   琵琶   banjo 班卓琴   guitar 吉他   electric guitar 电吉他   first string 第一弦   bass string 低音弦   sound hole 音孔   sound box 音箱   mute, sourdine 弱音器   bow 弦弓   plectrum 拨子   fret 品   neck 琴颈   nut 回纹柱   bridge 琴马,弦马   woodwind (instrument) 木管乐器   flute 横笛   pipe, shawm 芦笛   harmonica, mouth organ 口琴   oboe 洋埙   bagpipes 风笛   accordion 手风琴   English horn, tenor oboe, coranglais 英国管   clarinet 单簧管   bassoon 低音管,巴松管   brass instruments 铜管乐器   double bassoon, contrabassoon 倍低音管   horn, trumpet 小号   cornet 军号,短号   trombone 低音号   saxophone 萨克管   mouthpiece 哨嘴   reed 簧片   key 键   piston 活塞   drum, kettledrum 鼓   tambourine 手鼓   small tambourine 小手鼓   bass drum 低音鼓,大鼓   drumstick 鼓槌   cymbals 铙,钹   xylophone 木琴   vibraphone 颤声器   castanets 响板
2023-08-01 16:54:551

麻烦解释一下下列单词在音乐术语中什么意思 pitch rhythm tempo dynamic articulation timbre form

pitch:为...定音高;为...定调[O]The song is pitched too high for my voice. 这首歌的起音太高了,我唱不上去。 rhythm:节奏;韵律[U]The rowers lost their rhythm and the boat lost speed. 桨手们划桨的节奏乱了,赛艇因此慢了下来。 2.节拍[C]A rhythm of One Two Three One Two Three is characteristic tempo:名词 n. 【音】速度,拍子;dynamic:)(音)力度的;力度记号的an astounding dynamic range.惊人的音域力度范围。form:(艺术作品的)表现形式,体裁[U]He adopted the prose form. 他采用散文形式。 timbre: nounthe character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity音品,音色,音质trumpet mutes with different timbres.各种音质的小号弱音器。[mass noun]a voice high in pitch but rich in timbre.声调高但音色圆润的嗓音。■[mass noun]the distinctive quality or character of someone or something
2023-08-01 16:55:331

he really pitched in on the housework 这里的on可不可以去掉?为什么要不直接pitch in the housework?

不可以去掉 on. on,这里需要才有意思.(英文的习惯用语)pitched in 词组 投入的意思。 on the housework 词组
2023-08-01 16:55:411


问题一:感恩老师,老师你们辛苦了。英语怎么翻译??? thank you for your hard work.give my best wishes to you. 问题二:表达感谢老师的英语句子 1、You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done. 您不仅是一位合格的教师,更是一位好朋友,谢谢您所做的一切。 2、You are not only a good teacher but our close friend. Thank you for helping us make something of our lives. 您不仅是一位好老师,也是我们亲密的朋友,谢谢您帮助我们奋发有为。 3、You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you. 您就象我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。 4、We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a *** all gift. Happy Teacher"s Day! 我们送您一件小礼物,以表我们对您的感激之情。教师节愉快! 5、We are more thankful than we can express. 对您的谢意,我们无法用语言来表达。 6、We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your unselfish dedication could we achieve no success today. 这是我们买给您的礼物,谢谢您,老师。没有您无私的奉献,就不会有我们今天的成功。 7、We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness. 我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您、感激您。 8、This *** all gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you. 这件小小的礼物略表我们的感激之情。我们大家都很感谢您。 9、The whole secret of the teacher"s force lies in the conviction that men are convertible. 教师力量的全部秘密,就在于深信人是可以改变的。 10、The man who can make hard things easy is the educator. 能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。 问题三:感恩老师用英语怎么说 thanksgiving teachers 问题四:教师节了想写一些感谢老师的话并把其翻译成英语 老师,您辛苦了!您让我知道“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” ! 翻译:The teacher, you have worked hard! You let me know “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” ! 桃李满天下,恩情似海深,祝老师身体健康! 翻译:Have, love as deep as the sea, I wish you healthy and happy! 高山不移,碧水常流,我师恩泽,在心永留! 翻译:Don"t move mountains, clear wa丹er flow, I Division Enze, in the heart forever! 敬爱的老师,您的谆谆教诲如春风,似瑞雨,永铭我心! 翻译:Beloved teacher, your earnest teachings such as the spring breeze, like Rui Yu, in my heart forever! 希望可以帮到你,加油!!! 问题五:谢谢老师英语怎么说谢谢老师,谢谢同学用 now l am here ,thanks teachers,thanks schoolmates 问题六:感恩老师的话英文加翻译20字 1) I may not remember what my teacher said but I"ll never forget my teacher"s voice. 也许我不曾记住老师说的话,但我永远忘不掉老师的声音。 2) Technology has made it easier for students to learn with devices new, but nothing can e close to the experience of being taught by an inspirational teacher like you. Thank you. 科技也许能给学生提供全新的学习用具,但是任何东西都比不上如您这样的老师的敦敦教导。谢谢您! 问题七:感恩老师,老师你们辛苦了。英语怎么翻译??? thank you for your hard work.give my best wishes to you. 问题八:感恩老师用英语怎么说 thanksgiving teachers 问题九:谢谢老师英语怎么说谢谢老师,谢谢同学用 now l am here ,thanks teachers,thanks schoolmates 问题十:感恩老师的话英文加翻译20字 1) I may not remember what my teacher said but I"ll never forget my teacher"s voice. 也许我不曾记住老师说的话,但我永远忘不掉老师的声音。 2) Technology has made it easier for students to learn with devices new, but nothing can e close to the experience of being taught by an inspirational teacher like you. Thank you. 科技也许能给学生提供全新的学习用具,但是任何东西都比不上如您这样的老师的敦敦教导。谢谢您!
2023-08-01 16:56:291


The climbers had a camp halfway up the mountain. 登山运动员们在半山腰有个营地. The river washed a ravine into the mountainside. 河流在山的半山腰冲出了一条沟壑. They pitched on a hillside. 他们在山腰上搭帐篷. The glacier has scored the mountainside. 冰河在山腰留下刻痕. lower oneself with a rope from a mountainside. 在山腰借绳子向下降落. The soldiers began to group on the hillside. 士兵们开始在山腰聚集 Our battalion would lie in ambush on the mountainside. 我们营将埋伏在山腰. Snow scattered unequally over the mountainside. 雪不均匀地散落在山腰上. An ancient pagoda frown; on the mountainside. 一座古塔阴森森矗立在山腰上. His house stand on the hill- side and commands a splendid view. 他的房子在山腰上并能浏览美丽的风景. The farm sits on top of the hill. 那个农场在山顶上. Clouds are forming on the top of the hill. 云在山顶上逐渐形成. The cowboy drew up his horse at the top of the hill. 牧童把马停在山顶上. We were already practically at the top. 我们可说已在山顶上. The view that greeted us at the top of the hill 在山顶上收入我们眼底的景色 Stand on the top of the mountain,you can see the full extent of the forest. 站在山顶上,你可以看到森林的全貌. The pagoda stands alone on the top of the hill. 那宝塔孤零零地坐落在山顶上. The peaks were surmounted with snow. 山顶上满是雪. The peaks are covered with snow all the year. 山顶上终年积雪. Can you get to the top of the mountain in one day? 你能够在一天内登上山顶吗?
2023-08-01 16:56:371


2023-08-01 16:56:488

Answer Ball是什么意思?

2023-08-01 16:57:084


2023-08-01 16:57:462


Violin 小提琴:A stringed instrument played with a bow, having four strings tuned at intervals of a fifth, an unfretted fingerboard, and a shallower body than the viol and capable of great flexibility in range, tone, and dynamics. 用弓演奏的一种弦乐器,具有在第五音的音程上调音的四根弦和不分格指板,形体较古提琴浅,音域、音色和强弱相当灵活. Viola 中提琴:A stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin, tuned a fifth lower, and having a deeper, more sonorous tone. 提琴家族中的一种弦乐器,稍大于小提琴,调音比小提琴低五度,声音更为深沉、洪亮. Cello 大提琴:A four-stringed instrument of the violin family, pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass. 一种提琴类四弦乐器,音调比中提琴低但比低音提琴高. Double bass 低音提琴或大贝司:The largest bowed stringed instrument in the modern orchestra, also used frequently in jazz ensembles, especially played pizzicato. The double bass, usually considered a member of the violin family, is tuned in fourths and has the sloping shoulders and flat back characteristic of the viols. It has a deep range beginning about three octaves below middle C. 尤用于拨奏的现代管弦乐队的最大弓弦乐器,也常用于爵士乐合奏.低音提琴通常被算作提琴类,定弦为第四级音,颈部倾斜和背平是低音提琴的特点.它有始于中音以下三个八度音阶的深度范围. flute 长笛:A high-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a slender tube closed at one end with keys and finger holes on the side and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown. 由一根一端封闭的纤细管子组成的高音木管乐器,侧边有按键和指孔,靠近封闭端有一个使气流进入的开口. piccolo 短笛:A small flute pitched an octave above a regular flute. 一种音调比普通笛子高八度音的小笛子. clarinet 单簧管:A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys. 单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个单簧吹口,以指孔和键的方式演奏. oboe 双簧管:A slender woodwind instrument with a conical bore and a double reed mouthpiece, having a range of three octaves and a penetrating, poignant sound. 带有一个圆锥形孔和双簧管吹口的细小的木管乐器,具有三个八度音域和穿透力强而尖利的声音. English horn 英国管:A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth. 一种双簧的木制管乐器,类似于双簧管,但音高比双簧管低五度. bassoon或fogotto 大管:A low-pitched woodwind instrument with a double reed, having a long wooden body attached to a U-shaped lateral tube that leads to the mouthpiece. The range of this instrument is typically two octaves lower than that of the oboe. 巴松管,低音管一种低调的有双簧的木管乐器,有长的木质管身并与通向吹口的侧面管身相连,这种乐器的音域范围比双簧管明显的低两个八音度. double bassoon 低音大管:The largest and lowest pitched of the double-reed wind instruments, sounding an octave below the bassoon. 双簧管系管乐器中音高最低的也是最大的乐器,比低音管的音高低一个八度. horn或French horn 圆号或法国圆号:A valved brass wind instrument that produces a mellow tone from a long, narrow tube that is coiled in a circle before ending in a flaring bell. 一种有活瓣的铜管乐器,从漩涡形且端部有喇叭口的又长又细的管子里发出圆润的乐音. trumpet 小号:A soprano brass wind instrument consisting of a long metal tube looped once and ending in a flared bell, the modern type being equipped with three valves for producing variations in pitch. 一种高音铜管乐器,由一根从前为环状的金属管和呈喇叭口得末端构成,现代小号上装有三个活瓣以制造不同的音高. cornet 短号:A wind instrument of the trumpet class, having three valves operated by pistons. 号类的一种管乐器,有三个用活塞控制的栓塞. trombone 长号:A brass instrument consisting of a long cylindrical tube bent upon itself twice, ending in a bell-shaped mouth, and having a movable U-shaped slide for producing different pitches. 一种铜管乐器,由弯曲两次的长圆筒形金属管构成,尾部有喇叭形口,有一个可滑动的U 形拉管,可发出不同音高的音. tuba 大号:A large, valved, brass wind instrument with a bass pitch. 大型带活塞的低音铜管乐器. harp 竖琴:An instrument consisting of an upright, open triangular frame with usually 46 strings of graded lengths played by plucking with the fingers.一种有一个通常系有四十六根长短不一的琴弦的直立的开放三角架、弹奏时用手指拨动琴弦的乐器. piano 钢琴:An instrument with a manual keyboard actuating hammers that strike wire strings, producing sounds that may be softened or sustained by means of pedals. 一种乐器,用手操作键盘驱动打击钢丝线产生声音,可以通过踏瓣的方式调轻声音或使之持续不断. organ 风琴:An instrument consisting of a number of pipes that sound tones when supplied with air and a keyboard that operates a mechanism controlling the flow of air to the pipes. 一种由一定数量的靠输送气流发声的管子和一个操纵机械装置以使气流通过管子的键盘构成的乐器. harpsichord 羽管键琴:A stringed instrument resembling a grand piano but usually having two keyboards and two or more strings for each note and producing tones by the plucking of strings with plectra.一种卧式竖琴型或梯形的键盘乐器,类似三角钢琴,但通常有两层键盘(部分为一层,及其个别亦有三层)和两套或更多的弦(每套发出不同音质的音),通过羽管或皮制拨子(拨子连接一顶重器,一般为一根直立的木杆)拨弦,赖琴键内端推动发声. glockenspiel 钟琴:A percussion instrument with a series of metal bars tuned to the chromatic scale and played with two light hammers. 按半音阶调准的分级金属棒构成的打击乐器,用两个轻槌击奏. xylophone 木琴:A percussion instrument consisting of a mounted row of wooden bars graduated in length to sound a chromatic scale, played with two small mallets. 一种打击乐器,由逐级加长的一排排镶嵌的木棒组成,并发出半音音阶,用两个小木槌敲击. bass drum 大鼓:A large drum having a cylindrical body and two heads and producing a low, resonant sound. 一种大鼓,有个圆筒形鼓身和两个面,并能发出低沉的、共鸣的声音. tambourine 铃鼓:An instrument consisting of a small drumhead with jingling disks that are fitted into the rim. It is shaken with one hand and struck with the other. 小手鼓,一种由边缘嵌有能叮当作响的小金属片的小鼓面构成的一种乐器,演奏时人们一只手摇它而另一只手敲它. lute 鲁特琴(中文的琵琶也译做lute):A stringed instrument having a body shaped like a pear sliced lengthwise and a neck with a fretted fingerboard that is usually bent just below the tuning pegs. 一种纵向削制的形状如梨的拨弦乐器,琴颈上有定音档的指板,通常弯曲于调音单轴之下. mandolin 曼陀林:An instrument with a usually pear-shaped body and a fretted neck over which several pairs of strings are stretched. 常是梨形琴身,在有格纹的琴颈上装有几组供挑拨的琴弦. guitar 吉他:An instrument having a large, flat-backed sound box similar in shape to a violin, a long fretted neck, and usually six strings, played by strumming or plucking. 一种具有大而平的音箱的乐器,形状与小提琴相似,琴颈长,通常有六根弦,为弹拨乐器.
2023-08-01 16:58:431


chirp的意思是:鸟叫,虫鸣。一、词性变形过去式:chirped;过去分词:chirped;现在分词:chirping;第三人称单数:chirps。二、英英释义1、a sharp sound made by small birds or insects。2、make high-pitched sounds; of birds。三、双语例句1、At night the crickets chirp in the woods.夜里蟋蟀在林中唧唧地叫。2、Birds had begun to chirp among the trees.鸟儿们已经开始在树林里叽叽喳喳地叫了。3、I was awakened by the chirps of the birds this morning.今天早晨我被鸟叫声唤醒。4、A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly a mile.一英寸长的蟋蟀发出的唧唧声在将近一英里远的地方都能听见。
2023-08-01 16:58:521


page读法是/peu026adu0292/。page词组有turn the page经过困难后翻开新的一页,开始新的生活。online page在线页面。yellow page黄页。page turner翻页机。on the same page目标一致,就目标达成共识。web page网页。home page主页。front page头版。title page标题页;书名页;扉页。full page满版;全页。man page手册页。page proof印刷页校样。city page金融新闻版。page例句:1、No need to interrupt the background music just to page the concierge.没有必要为了打断看门人而把背景音乐停下。2、He opened the book at a page tabbed by a cloth bookmark.他从有一张布书签标示的那一页将书打开。3、Each artwork is reproduced in colour on a full page.每件艺术作品都用彩色全页复制。4、He crumpled the page up and pitched it into the fireplace.他将这一页纸揉成一团,扔进了壁炉。
2023-08-01 16:59:161


Hold me.
2023-08-01 16:59:425


2023-08-01 16:59:587


众所周知,我国与日本隔海相望,而两国的关系一直都是若即若离,发展也称不上顺利。虽然,在中日关系之间,充斥着矛盾与纠纷,但是中日两国政府都在为改善两国关系这一方面做着不断的努力,中日政府都认识到两国之间的深入交往是必然的趋势,也是发展的需要。As is known to all,China and Japan are separated from each other by the sea.The relationship between these two countries are still foggy,and its development is also in imbalance.Although conflicts and dissensions exist between them,joint efforts are being intensified by their governments to better the relationship.Besides ,the governments of China and Japan have also mutually realized the it"s necessary for them to strengthen the communication into a deeper level ,which is also essential for both developments.关于中日关系,我们必须把它放在一个框架中来研究,而单纯从中日两国来看,任何一方都是片面的,单一的。所以,从东北亚格局的角度来看中日之间的关系,这样可以更加深入了解在东北亚格局变化中的中日关系。When it comes to the relationship between China and Japan,we must research it with a frame.Moveover,simply seen from China and Japan,any side is partial,and onefold.Therefore, seeing the relationship between China and Japan in a perspective of the Northeast Asia situation.we can develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between China and Japan,which is in a change of the Northeast Asia situation.从旧的东北亚格局来看,积贫积弱的中国一直处于内有外患的劣势地位,而日本则是一个在二战之后经济发展迅速的经济强国,是亚洲经济最为活跃的四个国家之一,也就是“亚洲四小龙”之一。In the light of the old Northeast Asia pattern,the long-lastingly poor and weak China had been in a position of domestic trouble and foreign invasion,whereasJapan was an economically strong country whose economy developed speedily after the World War II.Furthermore,at that time, Japan was one of the four countries whose economy was the most active;that is one of the four little dragons in Asia.日本虽然是个战败国,但“龙首”的地位,在此之前从未被撼动过。在这样的背景下,中日之间的冲突并不明显,因为两个国家的发展水平不同、发展目标和方向也不相同,利益上的交集也不多,中日之间的关系没有太大的进展,还依旧沉浸在日本军国主义的侵略阴影中,但是总体来讲,还算发展平稳,并且在不断加强对彼此的了解。简言之,就是一种低调的渐进式发展。Although Japan is a defeated nation,its head of dragon had never been vibrated before.In such background,the conflicts between China and Japan is not so pronounced.For the reason that the developing levels ,especially the developing goal and direction ,are different,and for the reason that the benefits" intersection is a little ,the relationship between China and Japan actually progresses rarely,which is still trapped itself in the aggression shadow of the revival of Japanese militarism.But generally it is barely steady.And they are now still enhancing the understanding of each other.In brief ,that is a low-pitched progressive development.但是,随着中国的不断发展,中国的生产力和中国人民的生活水平不断提高,中国在国际社会上的影响力尤其是在东北亚地区的影响逐渐扩大。这就在很大程度上削弱了日本的影响力。中国的不断强大,在很大程度上推动了东北亚格局的变化。在这样的变化中,中日间的利益冲突不断加剧,矛盾冲突屡见不鲜。虽然两个国家之间都在不断努力将两国外交引向正轨,但是国际社会中的纷繁复杂使得两国之间更深层次的发展变得举步维艰。Nevertheless,with the consistent development of China,along with the continuous development of Chinese productivities and the living standards of chinese people,the influence power of China is widening continually in the international society ,especially in the Northeast Asia,which has tremendously impaired the influence power of Japan.The ceaseless mightiness of China ,to a large degree,pushes forward the changes taking place in the situation of the Northeast Asia.Under such changes,the benefits" conflict of these two countries will pricking up incessantly,and the contradictions between them will be a commonplace.Notwithstanding the fact that they are now uninterruptedly sparing no efforts to guide the diplomatism to the right path,their developments in a more profound level will proceed more difficult in the complexity of the international society.在这篇文章中,我将围绕“东北亚格局变化中的中日关系”这一核心内容,来深入研究,这篇论文中除了序言的部分之外一共可分为如下五个部分:In this article,I will make a deep research forced on a nuclear content of the relationship between China and Japan in a changing Northeast Asia situation.Aside from the prelude,this article is divided into five parts as follows:一、Problems existing in the relationship between China and Japan。What are the factors resulting in the difficulties in breaking into the bottleneck when we deal with the relationship between China and Japan.(1500)二、The relationship between China and Japan in the old Northeast Asia situation。(1500)三、The relationship between China and Japan in the changing Northeast Asia situation。(2000)四、The future of the relationship between China and Japan .What changes will take place in the relationship between China and Japan in a new Northeast Asia situation。(2000)五、Conclusion。(1500)
2023-08-01 17:00:251


  表达个人各种爱好的英文单词   going swimming (去游泳)   going shopping (去购物)   reading books (看书)   playing computer games(玩电脑游戏)   playing football (踢足球)   watching TV (看电视)   growing flowers (浇花)   eatting food (吃食物)   playing basketball 打篮球   traveling 旅游   reading 阅读   writing 写作   surfing the internet 上网   going hiking 去远足   going shopping 去购物   go skating 去溜冰   making crafts 花工艺品   collecting stamps 集邮   chatting 聊天   表达兴趣爱好的英文句型   1. I"ve always liked listening to inspiring speeches.   我一直喜欢听鼓舞人心的演讲。   2. I really go for authentic English tapes.   我很喜欢纯正地道的英语录音带。   3. I"m really fond of imitating standard American English from VOA.   我很喜欢模仿美国之音里面的标准美语。   4. I enjoy reciting an English passage every day.   我喜欢每天背诵一点英文短文。   5. I am/get excited about surfing the Internet.   我对上网很感兴趣。   6. I"m crazy about the ancient China poetry.   我迷上了中国古代诗词。   7. I have a passion for American movies.   我酷爱美国电影。   8. I"m big on collecting useful English sentence patterns.   我很喜欢收集有用的英语句型。   9. I have strong interest in visiting historical relics.   我对参观历史古迹有浓厚兴趣。   10. I find great pleasure in practicing English with my classmates.   我很喜欢和同学一起操练英语。   11. Writing articles on my blog is my favorite thing to do.   在我的博客上写文章是我喜欢做的事。   12. I am totally into going to English corner.   我非常喜欢去英语角。
2023-08-01 16:49:271


@item 物品名 个数 品级制造物品。例如:@item 天王刀 1 1 @移动 地图名 坐标X 坐标Y示例:@移动 长城以南 500 500@appearmop 怪物名移动到刷 NPC的地方。示例:@appearmop 白老虎@appearnpc NPC名移动到NPC旁边示例:@appearmop 老板娘@callnpc NPC名 在身旁招一个 NPC (必须是NPC,不是MONSTER)示例:@callnpc 雨中客@callmop 怪物名 召唤怪物。示例:@callmop 赦龙组@showme显示屏幕内的所有NPC,人物,monster,物品...@show 名字 X Y 后面的是 X,Y 坐标,能把 人物 传送到此点示例:@show 隐龙 500 500@banex 名字踢人指令示例:@banex 隐龙@lifedata 查看闪躲和命中@viewlifedata 查看详细资料@shout 名字禁言的指令示例:@shout 隐龙@show admin进去以后看不到地图的话打一下这个命令@设定隐身使自己状态为隐身@解除隐身 解除隐身状态@设定躲闪@解除躲闪设定/解除攻击无效状态@出兵 人物名移动到该人物身边@唤回 人物名将该人物召唤到身边@囚禁 人物名 时间这个稍微复杂一点,b9是九天b3是三天依此类推如:@囚禁 aimless b9就是关我九天。但是切记,9天以上系统会出错@释放 玩家名称@爆杀死屏幕上所有生物@整理道具删除自己物品拦中的所有物品@修改经验值 50修改服务器整体武功经验倍数@修改浩然正气 50修改服务器整体浩然正气经验倍数@修改武功 罗汉体 9999修改自己一个武功的等级值。@还生恢复自己所有的属性为最大值@die删除所有活力和三功@npcsetting NPC名称 刷新这个NPC的配置文件@REGENMAP刷新服务器地图(包括刷怪物)@remainuser用户刷新@report 报告一些草药的刷新位置@MOVEALLITEMSTART允许游戏中玩家扔东西和交易@MOVEALLITEMEND禁止游戏中玩家扔东西和交易@LoadScript重载服务器脚本@helpfilereload重载帮助脚本@createguild 名称创建门派@namelistload重载名称列表英文指令:@APPEAREX@APPEARMOP (移动到刷怪物的地方)@APPEARNPC (移动到NPC旁边)@BAN (踢人指令)@BANALL (踢人指令)@BANEX 名字 (踢人指令)@BATTLEEND 战斗结束@BATTLEMAPLOAD 读取战斗地图@BATTLESTART 战斗开始@CALLGUILD 查看门派@CALLMOP (召唤怪物。例如callmop 赦龙组)@CALLNPC (在身旁招一个 NPC 必须是NPC,不是MONSTER)@CREATEGUILD 创建门派@DAMAGE 破坏@DIE 删除所有活力和三功@DRAGDROPEVENT 进行或中止比赛@EMPTY 作用 减少/活力/内功/外功/武功/为/0@END 结束@Event830 比赛830?@GUILDDAMAGE 门派攻击@HELPFILERELOAD 服务端内help文件夹下的文件重读指令@lifedata (查看闪躲和命中)@MOVEALLITEMSTART 允许所有物品交易@MOVEALLITEMEND 禁止所有物品交易@MOVEITEMEND 禁止某物品的交易@MOVEITEMSTART 允许某物品的交易@NAMELISTLOAD 名称列表重读@NPCSETTING NPC名称 ----------刷新这个NPC的配置文件@REGEN@REGENMAP 地图刷新(包括刷怪物) @REMAINUSER 用户刷新@REPORT (报告一些草药的刷新位置)@scriptload 脚本重读@SELFSPEECH 一致团队@SERCHENABLE 给技能@SERCHSKILL 技能值@SERCHUNABLE 删除技能@SHOUT 名字 (禁言的指令)@SHOW 名字 XXX XXX (后面的是坐标,能把 人物 传送到此点)@SHOWME (显示屏幕内的所有NPC,人物,monster,物品...)@SPELL 拼写@swk@VIEWLIFEDATA (查看详细资料)未测指令:官方没有开放或者tgs1000.acs中没有汉化的指令@巩力 @问题@沥翠 @回答@惑前 @奖品@柠令角矫 @问题开始@柠令犬牢 @问题确认@啊傍角菩 @加工失败@扁*己傍 @技术成功@扁*芒 @技术窗@惑痢芒 @商店窗@概概芒 @买卖窗@郴魄概芒 @我的销售窗(窗)@捣林赣聪 @钱包@疙家啊傍 @名胜加工@阁胶磐葛栏扁 @怪物收集@加己锅龋犬牢 @属性号码确认@加己摹檬扁拳 @属性值初始化@胶乔靛眉农 @速度检查@铰鞭沥焊 @晋升信息@磊府犬牢 @坐标确认@力炼角菩 @制造失败@例技公傍荐沥 @节税武功修正@僳里舅覆 @战争通知@某腐磐沥焊 @登场人物信息@涅胶飘蔼 @包裹价格@涅胶飘夸距肺靛 @包裹要点路@涅胶飘檬扁拳 @包裹初始化@魄概霖厚 @销售准备@荤侩磊犬牢 @使用者确认@荤侩磊沥焊 @使用者情报@荐皑矫埃汲沥 @取消囚禁@荐皑沥焊荐沥 @囚禁时间修改@荐皑沥焊眠啊 @囚禁时间增加@焊包芒泪陛 @开关保管窗@焊包芒历厘 @保存福袋库玩家指令:@接瘤 @福袋@措僳曼咯 @参加对战@接瘤厚锅汲沥 @设定福袋密码@接瘤厚锅秦力 @解除福袋密码@厚锅汲沥 @设定密码@厚锅秦力 @解除密码@窜眉捞悼 @修改团队@窜眉汲沥 @设定团队@窜眉秦力 @解除团队@率瘤 @纸条@率瘤芭何 @拒绝纸条@率瘤荐脚 @开启纸条@公傍昏力 @武功删除@加己摹犬牢 @确认属性值@背券芒芭何 @关闭交易@背券芒汲沥 @开启交易@背券芒犬牢 @确认交换窗@翠 @答门派指令:@悼竿芭何 @解除同盟@悼竿汲沥 @设定同盟@巩颇公傍脚没 @申请门派武功GM指令:@荐皑沥焊 @囚禁情报@寇摹扁 @呐喊@巩颇沥焊 @门派情报@龋楷瘤扁荐沥 @修改浩然正气@券积 @还生@版氰摹荐沥 @修改经验值@公傍荐沥 @修改武功@公傍荐沥2 @修改武功2@巩颇昏力 @删除门派@酒捞袍 @ITEM@酒捞袍沥府 @整理道具@篮脚汲沥 @设定隐身@篮脚秦力 @解除隐身@捞悼 @移动@磊气 @爆@犁瓷汲沥 @修改技能@柳扁荐沥 @修改真气@流诀檬扁拳 @删除技能@荐皑 @囚禁@免皑 @释放@免滴 @出兵@家券 @唤回@雀乔汲沥 @设定躲闪@雀乔秦力 @解除躲闪
2023-08-01 16:49:281


2023-08-01 16:49:322


  对于要写自己的兴趣爱好,这样的英语作文,相信大家很快就会有写作灵感。下面是我给大家整理的兴趣爱好英语范文,供大家参阅!   兴趣爱好英语范文1   I like play football very much.I think it is one of the most popular way to relax.And it can help your body grow more strong.I often play football on PE lesson and after school.In this way I make friends with a lot of football-liker.we always play together.Football bring me so much,I like it!   兴趣爱好英语范文2   Diffrent people have diffrent hobbies I have a lot of hobbies like reading books,watching movies and so on.I like reading books because I get lots of know ledge I find more interesting things so I like reading diffrent kinds of books I also like watching movies I enjoy my leisure time so I usually watch movies in my free time it"s makes me happy.   I think watching movies and reading books are most interesting than any hobbies I love life.myhobbies make life colourful.I like chinese book.   兴趣爱好英语范文3   I am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano, surfing the Internet.   One of my favourite hobby is reading. Reading has been in my life for many years, since I began to learn characters. It can not only kill the time, but also, more important, help improve my comprehension ability. When reading, I can learn a lot. Reading Shakespearu2019s works, I know how Hamlet looks like. Reading Scorates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers are. Reading Lu Xu, I come back to the old time of China.   Reading really affect my life.   兴趣爱好英语范文4   My hobby is singing. Itu2019s a great hobby! Itu2019s fun and it makes me feel proud.   Singing can be used to relieve (解除) my fatigues (疲劳), and can help me improve my accent(腔调)。 Singing makes me happy when I   It goes without saying that(毫无疑问) there are many different kinds of hobbies and they can not only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our minds (智力) but also (而且) add more fun to our life.   兴趣爱好英语范文5   I like reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them.   Two years ago, I didn"t like reading very much. I had plenty of time, but I spent lots of time on playing with computers. When I was very young, I didn"t think reading book was interesting, because I found nothing more interesting than the computer games.   I"ve changed now. I enjoy reading novels, because there"re lots of interesting stories. I love to read Harry Potter. That"s a good novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England. I"m always lose myself in the interesting stories.   I hate the words like "to be continued" in a novel. That makes me very sad, because I don"t know the end of the story. I also hate the words like "the end", because I want to read more. Some of my friends think that I"m strange.   Maybe you can find the interesting things in a book, so don"t waste your time in the computers any more. If you read very much, you抣l get lots of knowledge.   兴趣爱好英语范文6   From Monday until Friday most people are busyworking or studying, but in the evenings and off weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies;others participate in sports.It depends on individual interests. There are many different ways to spend our spare time.   Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. It may be anything from collecting stamps to making model airplanes.Some hobbies are worth a lot of money; others are valuable only to their owners.   I know a man Who has a coin collection worth several thousand yuan. A short time ago he bought a rare ten-yuan piece worth 250 yuan. He was very happy about the purchase and thought the price was reasonable, on the other hand, my son collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them but I doubt if they are wortfi any money. However, to my son they are extremely valuable. Nothing makes him happier than to find a new match-box for his collection.   That"s what a hobby means, i guess. It is something we like to do in our spare time simply for the fun of. it. The value in money is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.   兴趣爱好英语范文7   My hobby is listening to music. Because the music that people can work to eliminate tension, reduce stress and avoid all kinds of chronic diseases, and so on. Music far beyond the power of intangible personal imagination, so to listen to music, art music, is very common in modern life of the swap.   1. Music can relax the body, good music can relieve stress, avoid stress disorder due to autonomic nervous system and lead to the emergence of chronic diseases.   2. Music can open hearts and minds closed to relieve depression depressed mood, and even music can also be treated to some extent heart.   3. Music can stimulate the brain, activation of brain cells, the appropriate music to stimulate the activities of the brain very helpful, even to prevent the aging effect.   4. Music can enhance creativity, and planning as well as to stimulate the right brain, especially classical music, on the right brain training and development are very helpful.   5. Music can help sleep, enhance immunity and increase nerve conduction velocity, and enhance memory and attention, people have been moderate physical and psychological development of the liberation.   6. Melodic music can calm the baby breathing, slow heartbeat, so that crying baby is no longer disturbed, but also can stimulate the baby"s brain thinking ability, make it more intelligent.  
2023-08-01 16:49:341


tracker服务器是BT下载中必须的角色。一个BT client 在下载开始以及下载进行的过程中,要不停的与 tracker 服务器进行通信,以报告自己的信息,并获取其它下载client的信息。
2023-08-01 16:49:351


2023-08-01 16:49:388


RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
2023-08-01 16:49:385


有些人存在骨关节炎的情况,发作起来非常的痛苦,这个时候靠自己扛过去会比较辛苦,因此有些人就会选择去吃消炎止痛药,像塞来昔布胶囊就是其中一种比较常见的药物,不过塞来昔布胶囊要根据情况吃,接下来我们具体了解一下塞来昔布胶囊的相关知识吧。 塞来昔布胶囊的作用与功效 塞来昔布胶囊是西药的一种,那么塞来昔布胶囊的作用与功效有哪些呢? 塞来昔布胶囊是非甾体类抗炎药,其作用与功效是缓解骨关节炎的症状和体征,缓解成人类风湿关节炎的症状和体征,以及用于治疗成人急性疼痛,用于缓解强直性脊柱炎的症状和体征。塞来昔布作为非甾体类抗炎药,可通过抑制环氧化酶-2来抑制前列腺素生成。 不过当口服剂量不高于2次/日时,塞来昔布显示出与剂量成正比的暴露量增加,当剂量增高时正比关系减弱。在组织中广泛分布,并具有高蛋白结合力,主要由肝药酶cyp2c9代谢,半衰期大约为11小时,多剂量给药后大约5天内达到稳态血药浓度水平。 塞来昔布胶囊是止痛还是消炎 止痛药和消炎药的效果是不一样的,那么塞来昔布胶囊是止痛还是消炎呢? 塞来昔布是选择性的环氧化酶二抑制剂,属于非甾体抗炎药,具有消炎,解热,镇痛作用。通过抑制前列腺素的产生,聚集,起到消除炎性病变,减轻水肿,缓解疼痛等作用。 因此,塞来昔布可以治疗骨质增生,类风湿性关节炎,风湿性关节炎,痛风性关节炎,筋骨疼痛等疼痛的治疗。由于塞来昔布会增加脑卒中,心肌梗塞,胃穿孔,胃出血的风险,建议遵医嘱进行治疗。在决定使用塞来昔布胶囊前,应仔细考虑塞来昔布胶囊和其他治疗选择的潜在利益和风险。根据每例患者的治疗目标,在最短治疗时间内使用最低有效剂量。 塞来昔布胶囊多少钱一盒 塞来昔布胶囊可以在药店买到,那么塞来昔布胶囊多少钱一盒呢? 塞来昔布胶囊是具有独特作用机制的新一代化合物,即特异性抑制环氧化酶- 2。炎症刺激可诱导环氧化酶- 2(COX- 2)生成,因而导致炎性前列腺素类物质的合成和聚积,尤其是前列腺素E2,可引起炎症、水肿和疼痛。而塞来昔布胶囊可通过抑制环氧化酶- 2阻止炎性前列腺素类物质的产生,达到抗炎、镇痛及退热作用。 塞来昔布胶囊通常在60元到80元左右,因为药物成分不同,厂家不同,所以价格方面也会有所差别。塞来昔布胶囊具有镇痛功效,常用于治疗类风湿疾病,引起关节疼痛、浑身乏力以及行动不便等患者。同时在用药期间一定要禁止酒精摄入,与药物之间有相互冲突,不利于病情好转。 吃了塞来昔布胶囊可以喝酒吗 吃了塞来昔布胶囊有不少饮食禁忌,其中吃了塞来昔布胶囊可以喝酒吗? 吃塞来昔布不能喝酒,塞来昔布是治疗骨关节炎以及肌肉、骨骼疼痛的非甾体类的消炎药,非甾体类的消炎药较严重的并发症就是胃肠道黏膜的损害,因此需要规范服药,一般要饭后服用,要按量服用,不能过量,不能空腹服用。 这是因为喝完酒之后胃肠道黏膜的血管会扩张,如果这个时候服药,就会导致胃肠道的黏膜受到刺激,从而产生溃疡性病变,甚至可能会导致溃疡出血、消化道穿孔,所以服用塞来昔布期间严禁喝酒。同时塞来昔布胶囊禁用于冠状动脉搭桥手术(CABG)围手术期疼痛的治疗。
2023-08-01 16:49:411


CTRL+shift+C然后输入motherlode是加50000 kaching是加1000还有其他的补充首先请在主画面 {社区模式中} 按下Ctrl+Shift+C开启密技输入 然后输入:boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true 然后请注意看你的游戏画面右上角, 会有一排数字 ( 就是已正确开启密技 使用这个密技后创新家庭,可以选择游戏中所有的服饰包括NPC 用这个密技案Shift+滑鼠点击任何物品,都会出现隐藏选单 而这些隐藏选单全部都有一个选项那就是 "Force Error" 点这个选项会出现三个选项, {Cancel}-->取消 {Reset}-->重置 {Delete}-->删除 经过我测试无法使用或是无动作、当机、错误、不知道作用的选项 我会在那个项目的后面会打上"→" ,并加上 [ 错误说明 ]。 接下来开始介绍密技的功能、使用方法、翻译 § 进入游戏后按Shift+滑鼠左键点击操作的小人会出现以下选项 § 1. Get Thin … 变瘦 2. Get Fat … 变胖 3. Change Suit … 改变服饰 4. Set to Birthday … 长大 5. Social Debug … 取悦、被取悦 6. Cheer Up … 欢呼,喝采 7. Debug - Calculate Attraction … 吸引 → [ 无动作 ] 8. Give Dead Token … 追悼死者 → [ 无动作 ] 9. Make Unselectable … 未知 → [ 当机 ] 10. Desperation 1 … 绝望 → [ 当机 ] 11. Debug - Toggle FBA On … 调整某个开关 → [ 不祥、无动作 ] 12. *set Aspiration … 期望指数 13. kill … 杀死 → [ 尚未测试 ] PS: 听说是自杀 14. Spawn … 产生 15. Display … 显示 16. Set Aspiration … 改变期望 17. Dump Happy Log … 不开心 18. Force Error § 现在开始解说细项,也就是选单里面的附加选单 § Shange Suit 改变服饰 └ Pajamas … 家居服 Normal Clothes … 泳装、运动服 Formal … 睡衣、裸体 Naked … 正式服装 *set Aspiration 期望指数 [ 只说明是高或低,不说明指数等级 ] └ Low 低 Immaturirty 1 高 Immaturirty 2 高 Immaturirty 3 高 Desperation 2 低 Desperation 3 低 Level 3 low 普通 Failure low 低 Med 低 High 高 Max 高 *Kill 杀死 → Die By Flies 自杀 Spawn 产生 └ 这里面的选项会创造出墓碑、衣架、柜子, 而这些物件都各有多个选项 所以我在下面会解说这些物件的选项, 到时再把这个细项一起打出来,在此就先不多做解说 Display 显示 └ Debug - Show Sims Gender Pref 显示有没有怀孕、生男的或生女的 Show Paths 显示轨道 → [ 功能不祥 ] Set Aspiration 改变期望 └ Grow Up 长大期望 Knowledge 知识期望 Reputation 名声期望 Romance 爱情期望 Wealth 财富期望 Family 家庭期望 § 用Shift+滑鼠点击任何物品所出现的各种选项如下 § 点橱柜时出现选项 *Set Ditty State └ Dirty 变脏 Clean 变乾净 Ultra - Clean 非常乾净 点种植的植物时出现选项 *Dubeg - Spawn Puddle 产生水坑 点水坑时出现选项 Spread 蔓延水坑 [ 让水坑变大 ] 点门时出现选项 Do knock Debug 敲门 [ 左上角出现被问候、问候的头象 ] 2 深入了解boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true吧!这是点窗户时出现选项 Look Out 看外面 Wash 擦窗户 *Slot Test 测验隙缝 → [ 功能不祥 ] 点冰箱时出现选项 Restock 进货 点咖啡机时出现选项 DEBUG - Clean Up 乾净指数提升 点微波炉时出现选项 Break 坏掉 Set Maintenance Level 维修 点电话时出现选项 DEBUG - Test Incoming Call 立刻来电 DEBUG - Test Random Incoming Call 随机来电 点音响时出现选项 Set Repair Level 坏掉 Set Maintenance Level 维修 Debug - Set High Skill 高的技能 → [ 功能不祥 ] Debug - Set Medium Skill 中的技能 → [ 功能不祥 ] Debug - Set Low Skill 低的技能 → [ 功能不祥 ] 点鱼缸时出现选项 Dirty 变脏 点灯具时出现选项 Break 坏掉 点望远镜时出现选项 DEBUG - Gat Abducted 被外星人绑架 点浴缸时出现选项 Age 变旧 Dirty 变脏 Break 坏掉 Set Meintenance Level 维修 *Bubble Trouble 故障漏水 点淋浴间时出现选项 *Age 变旧 *Break 坏掉 *Set Dirty State 脏的状态 └Dirty 变脏 Clean 变乾净 Ultra - Clean 非常乾净 Set Maintenace Level 维修 点洗手台时出现选项 *Break 坏掉 *Set Maintenace Level 维修 *Set Dirty State 脏的状态 └Dirty 变脏 Clean 变乾净 点温泉时出现选项 BREAK!! 坏掉 Set Maintenace 维修 点钢琴时出现选项 Break 坏掉 Untune 走音 点健身器材时出现选项 GHEAT - Get Fat Set Maintenace Level 维修 Break 坏掉 *DEBUG OBJECT ANIMS 不祥 点其他小人时出现选项 Talk └ Old Talk 普通对话 Complain About 对他发牢骚 § 现在说明使用"Spawn"创造出的物件使用方法 § Drop Wants Test Object 造成心情不好 职业数值箱【Chance Card Tester】 └ Chance Card Dialogs 职业奖励 └ 职业 Force Chance Card 不祥 Force Outcome 职业退休的成果 └ Clear 好的 Fail 不及格 Success 成功 以下是心情指数、肢体动作变化箱会出现的选项翻译说明 Interaction--对别人动作 Anim--直接做动作 Overay--取消动作 心情指数、肢体动作变化箱【Paul"s Rwaction Tester】 └ Loops - Currently Default 一般指数 → [ 用了看不出有变化 ] └ Set to 0~6 Loops - Currently 0 心情指数 → [ 用了看不出有变化 ] └ Set to 100 Timeout - Currently Default 心情指数 → [ 用了看不出有变化 ] └ Set to 50,100,200,400,800 Column 0 肢体语言【以下是我看到的动作做出的解释,非翻译】 └ Whine 嘀咕 Cheer 欢呼,喝采 Boo 听你在放屁 Rain 看看天空有没有下雨 Shoo 走开啦 Laug - Stong 大笑 Laug - Mild 笑 Tantrum Mild 发脾气 Watch Distressed 小哭泣 Column 1 肢体语言 └ Loop Template Test 恶心、讨厌 Pine 憔悴 Singleton Template Tester 闻某个东西 Smell Bed 臭死人啦 Smell Yummy 好香哦 Disgust 恶心、令人想吐 Yell At 你给我小心一点 Annoyed 厌恶 Laugh At 嘲笑对方 Column 2 肢体语言 └ Noise - Bad 听不下去、盖住耳朵 Startle 小惊吓 Surprise 大惊吓 3 深入了解boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true吧!这是 Shrug 耸肩 Cry - Mild 大哭 Sigh 叹气、难过 Shocked 惊讶 Nod 点头 Shake Head 摇头 Embarrassed 尴尬、不敢看 Column 3 肢体语言 └ Lecture - Strong 责备、指责 Tantrum - Strong 责备、发脾气 Why Me 为什麼是我 Approve 赞成,同意,嗯嗯嗯 Admire 欣赏,拍手 Dissapprove 不要啦 Worry 担心 Attraction 好热喔 You"re Crazy 你秀斗了 Lecture - Mild 解说、说明 Column 4 肢体语言 └ Wave 挥手、告别,掰掰唷 Do Consolable 哭泣 Flags 以下经过测试全部都没任何动作 └ Set Do Routing Set Do Anim Callbacks Set No Blending Set Prefer Overlag Set Animate During Route Clear Stopped by Cancal Set Do Run Callback Set Walk Style Run Ser Thought Belloon Set Do Tum to Face 期望等级降低箱【Scenario Test et】 └ Scenario Check Now [ 不祥 ] Add Me to Private School [ 不祥 ] Aspiration Dialog 各项期望,用这个心情会变差喔 └ Romance 爱情期望失败 Family 家庭期望失败 Wealth 财富期望失败 Reputation 名声期望失败 knowledge 知识期望失败 创造疾病箱【MakwMeSick Tester】 └ Give me aCold 让我著凉 Give me the Flus 让我得流行感冒 Morning Sickness 让我明天早上生病 Food Poisoning 让我食物中毒 Pneumonia 让我得肺炎 Make Me Immune 让我免疫 [ 不会生病 ] 各种特殊服饰衣架【Tom"s Clothing Tester】 └ Plan Outfit 搭配正常服饰 └ Casual 1 搭配家居服 Swimsuit 搭配泳装 Formal 搭配正式服 Pajamas 搭配睡衣 Uaderwear 搭配内衣 Workout 搭配运动服 Maternity 裸体 Force Redress 取消职业服装 What Clothes Do I Have ? 作用不祥 Dress Like NPC 换上NPC的服装 └ 各种NPC的名称 Work 换上各种职业的服装 └ 各种工作及职业等级 Burnk Skin 换上乞丐装 造物墓碑【Tombstone of L and D】这个功能会蹦出人物到家庭里 └ Get Family 获得家族成员 └ 人物 [ 选择的人物将会移到自己的家族里 ] Add Neighbor To Family 获得家族成员 └ 人物 [ 选择的邻居将会移到自己的家族里 ] Age Transtion 长大 Age Transtion Cinematic 长大两级 New Todder Boy 创造小男童 New Todder Girl 创造小女童 New Adult Famale 创造成年男子 New Adult Male 创造成年女子 New Child Girl 创造小女生 New Child Boy 创造小男生 New Teen Female 创造青少年男孩 New Teen Male 创造青少年女孩 New Elder Man 创造老男人 New Elder Woman 创造老女人 New Bady 创造婴儿 Get Pregnant with 跟某人怀孕 └ 选择人物 Make me Alien Pregnant 跟外星人怀孕 Make Me Friendly to Everyone Here 叫朋友都来家里 Show Parent and Sibling Ralationships 显示父母及兄弟姐妹 Rename Sim 更改名子 Make me Family CHild 给我家人子孙 CINEAM BABY 不祥 WordOut Current Clothes 做运动 Yoga - Current Clothes 做瑜珈 Setup Lot Export 输出多种姿态 [ 功能不祥 ] *Baldness ON 变光头 *Baldness OFF 取消变光头 死亡墓碑【Rodney"s Death Creator】 └ Death by Disease 中毒身亡 Death by Drowrung 淹死 Death by Electrocution 电死 Death by Fire 烧死 Die of Starvation 饿死 Die of Flies 被苍蝇围殴死 Die From Fright 吓死 Die By Satelite 卫星砸死 Die of Old Agr 老死 Spawn中的其他项目【以下测试中】 └ NPC killer CAS Reset Household Break Inducer Break Suppressor Memory Manager 用这个密技按住 Shift 然后用滑鼠拉需求度往右边拉 可以把需求度用满喔 试试看吧 好友也可以利用这个来增加友谊度一样是按住 Shift 往右拉 但是要让对方也跟你成为好友 那就必须要用操控访客之镜然后用同样的方法去拉友谊度拉完友谊度后你必须让两位互相应的小人聊天互动一下才会变成好友唷,可能要多聊几次如果是要变成情人就需要亲吻、调情 在渴望的图示上按住{Ctrl}并点选渴望可以刷新渴望 在创新家庭时,创造第一个家人之前先按{Shift+N} 启动所有服饰开放,可以穿游戏中所有NPC的服装喔! 其中有一件衣服是{无},选择之后小人就只有一颗头喔! 这隐藏服饰的其中还有骷髅全装,试试看吧
2023-08-01 16:49:454


  我们每个人都有自己的兴趣爱好,可是你知道怎么用英语来表达兴趣爱好吗?下面是我为你整理的表达兴趣爱好的英文,希望大家喜欢!   表达兴趣爱好的英文   1. Iu2019ve always liked listening to inspiring speeches.   我一直喜欢听鼓舞人心的演讲.   2. I really go for authentic English tapes.   我很喜欢纯正地道的英语录音带   3. Iu2019m really fond of imitating standard American English from VOA.   我很喜欢模仿美国之音里面的标准美语.   4. I enjoy reciting an English passage every day.   我喜欢每天背诵一点英文短文   5. I am/get excited about surfing the Internet.   我对上网很感兴趣.   6. Iu2019m crazy about the ancient China poetry.   我迷上了中国古代诗词.   7. I have a passion for American movies.   我酷爱美国电影.   8. Iu2019m big on collecting useful English sentence patterns.   我很喜欢收集有用的英语句型.   9. I have strong interest in visiting historical relics.   我对参观历史古迹有浓厚兴趣.   10. I find great pleasure in practicing English with my classmates.   我很喜欢和同学一起操练英语.   11. Writing articles on my blog is my favorite thing to do.   在我的博客上写文章是我喜欢做的事.   12. I am totally into going to English corner.   我非常喜欢去英语角.   英语口语中有关爱好的基本表达   你有什么爱好?   What are your hobbies?   What are your hobbies? (你有什么爱好?)   I play golf. (我的爱好是打高尔夫球。)   你有点什么爱好吗?   Do you have any hobbies?   业余时间你都干什么?   What do you do when you have free time?   What do you do when you have free time?   (业余时间你都干什么?)   Nothing much. (不干什么。)   我喜欢看电影。   I like to watch movies.   I enjoy watching movies.   你喜欢看什么样的电影?   What kind of movies do you like?   What kind of movies do you like? (你喜欢看什么样的电影?)   Any kind. (什么都爱看。)   你的钢琴弹得真好。   You"re a good pianist.   You play the piano well.   你喜欢哪种运动?   What kind of sports do you like?   你滑了多长时间雪了?   How long have you been skiing?   我只是喜欢看。   I just like to watch.   Do you play baseball? (你打棒球吗?)   No, I just like to watch. (不,我只是喜欢看。)   I only watch.   我是棒球迷。   I"m a baseball fan.   I"m a fan of baseball.   我喜欢打高尔夫球。   I like to play golf.   你练习过健美操吗?   Have you ever done aerobics?   Have you ever done aerobics? (你练过健美操吗?)   No way. (怎么可能!)   Have you done aerobics before?   用英语口语描述自己的兴趣爱好的方法   My hobby is reading which allows mr to de-stress from my work responsibilities.   阅读是我的业余爱好,它能消除工作带来的压力.   One of his recent hobbies is playing online games.   他最近喜欢玩网络游戏.   He took up diving as a hobby.   他把潜水当做一种消遣.   He has a hobby for cooking.   他的爱好是烹饪.   How can you keep collecting butterfly specimens for such a long time?   你怎们能收集了这么长时间的蝴蝶标本?   用英语表达自己的爱好   I spend about two hours everyday singing.   我每天花两小时唱歌.   It"s a hobby of mine to bargain at a flea market.   我喜欢在跳蚤市场讨价还价.   Hobbies can make our life a bit easier and more enjoyable.   爱好能使人生变得更轻松,更幸福.   Happy is the man whose living is his hobby.   醉心于某种爱好的人是幸福的.   It would be impossible for him to drop his hobby.   要他放弃自己的个人爱好是不可能的.
2023-08-01 16:49:481


2023-08-01 16:49:493

求 模拟人生8合1 秘籍攻略

去模拟人生2中文网,家居栏。第45页有几个好东西,魔灯——状态全满(安装在房子墙上即可)常用秘籍:shift+ctrl+alt+c 打开秘籍,(秘籍不分大小写的)输入:rosebud 加1000元 !;!;!;!......!;!(!是重复秘籍 ;是分割附)以下秘籍,使用前,请保存输入: move_objects on 删除物品和人物(慎用!!!)
2023-08-01 16:49:554


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2023-08-01 16:49:174

trade 和 sell

sell是个动词,要sell sth,trade可以用作名词,才有trade in life
2023-08-01 16:49:151


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2023-08-01 16:49:124


没见到过需要区别他们两个的,呵呵,trade-off n.(对不能同时兼顾的因素)权衡;物物交换,交易;取舍trade n.贸易;交易;行业;同行;顾客;营业额;交易量 可能在意思的广度上有区别吧,表示交易应该吧区别的
2023-08-01 16:49:081


A Control Panel (Windows) File
2023-08-01 16:49:074


2023-08-01 16:49:061


塞来昔布胶囊是西药的一种,那么塞来昔布胶囊的作用与功效有哪些呢? 塞来昔布胶囊是非甾体类抗炎药,其作用与功效是缓解骨关节炎的症状和体征,缓解成人类风湿关节炎的症状和体征,以及用于治疗成人急性疼痛,用于缓解强直性脊柱炎的症状和体征。塞来昔布作为非甾体类抗炎药,可通过抑制环氧化酶-2来抑制前列腺素生成。 不过当口服剂量不高于2次/日时,塞来昔布显示出与剂量成正比的暴露量增加,当剂量增高时正比关系减弱。在组织中广泛分布,并具有高蛋白结合力,主要由肝药酶cyp2c9代谢,半衰期大约为11小时,多剂量给药后大约5天内达到稳态血药浓度水平。
2023-08-01 16:49:051


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