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2023-08-03 18:08:29
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

The Shenzhou 7 mission, to launch as early as Thursday, will be the first to carry a full complement of three astronauts, one of whom will perform China"s first spacewalk, or EVA for “extra-vehicular activity.” It is China"s third manned mission.


The maneuver will help China master docking techniques needed for the construction of a space station, likely to be achieved initially by joining one Shenzhou orbiter to another.


The mission launches from the Jiuquan launch site in northwestern China. The lead astronaut, Zhai Zhigang, is expected to carry out the 40-minute spacewalk, which China will broadcast live.


“Shenzhou 7 is an incremental but important step forward,” said Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on the Chinese space program at the U.S. Naval War College in Rhode Island.

来自罗德艾兰州的一位研究中国空间项目的专家,美国海军学院的Joan Johnson-Freese先生说:“神七标志着中国在空间领域的一个非常重要的跨越式进步。”

Riding a wave of pride and patriotism after hosting the Olympics, China"s communist leaders face few of the public doubts or budgetary pressures constraining such programs elsewhere. That has allowed them to fuse political will and scientific gusto in a step-by-step process that could one day see Chinese astronauts landing on the moon.


Chinese space programs are methodically moving forward in a “very deliberate, graduated” manner, said Charles Vick, a space analyst for the Washington think tank Beijing is accumulating the building blocks of a comprehensive program, demonstrating “caution but confidence” as it gains on the U.S. and other space powers, he said.

中国空间项目正以其“非常从容不迫的、老道的”方式有条不紊地向前推进,华盛顿智囊团(、空间分析专家Charles Vick 先生说。北京正在积累建立空间综合项目的经验,以“小心谨慎却很自信”的角色,表露其赶超美国和其他空间大国的决心,Charles Vick先生接着说。

"NASA wishes China success on the launch of Shenzhou-7 and the safe return of its crew," a spokesman for the U.S. space agency told Xinhua on the eve of the mission.


China has announced that the Shenzhou-7 spacecraft will lift off on Thursday night. This will be the third Chinese manned space mission, but the first time Chinese astronauts perform a spacewalk.


"Spacewalks are very important to space exploration," said Michael Braukus, the public affair officer at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. "Spacewalks will probably be necessary in the repair and assembly of future exploration spacecraft."

Michael Braukus是位于美国华盛顿特区的美国宇航局总部的公共事务官员,他说“太空行走对太空探索来说是非常重要的,将来修理装备探测飞船需要太空行走的可能性非常大。”

He said NASA"s Apollo missions demonstrated the scientific importance of leaving the spacecraft and venturing outside into the moon"s hostile environment to collect samples and perform science experiments.


When asked about the prospect of cooperation between U.S. and China in the field of space exploration, the spokesman told Xinhua that during the NASA Administrator -- Michael Griffin"s visit to China in Sept. 2006, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) and NASA agreed to form working groups for discussion in Earth science and space science.

被问及美中两国在太空探索领域合作的前景时,这位发言人对新华社说,早在美国宇航局局长Michael Griffin于2006年九月访华期间,中国国家航天局和美国宇航局就达成一致,组建工作组共同探讨地球科学和太空科学。

"U.S. and China meet for initial discussions and exchange information on subjects of mutual scientific interest, centered on complementary measurements and data exchanges on missions that are already being pursued," Braukus said. And the recent meetings took place on June 30 and July 1, 2008.


NASA"s space exploration missions include expansion of human knowledge of our planet and phenomena in space. "International dialogues can increase this knowledge," said Braukus. "China"s space program offers potential opportunities for cooperation in Earth and space science."


China on Thursday successfully launched a three-man crew into space where one of them will make the country"s first spacewalk, the country"s most challenging space mission since first launching a person into space in 2003.


The Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, China"s third manned mission, blasted off atop a Long March 2F rocket shortly after 9:00 p.m. (1300 GMT) under clear night skies in northwestern China. The spacewalk by one of the astronauts is expected to take place either on Friday or Saturday.


The mission, expected to last three to four days, is devoted almost entirely to the execution of the spacewalk, known formally as an extra-vehicular activity, or EVA, is expected to help China master the technology for docking two orbiters to create China"s first orbiting space station in the next few years.


The two astronauts who don spacesuits for the Shengzhou 7 spacewalk will be supported by Russian experts throughout the mission. Only one will actually leave the orbiter module to retrieve scientific experiments placed outside. One of the astronauts will wear China"s homemade Feitian suit, while the other will wear a Russian-made suit.


Fighter pilot Zhai Zhigang, an unsuccessful candidate for the previous two manned missions, has been touted by the official Xinhua News Agency as the leading astronaut to carry out the spacewalk, expected to last about 40 minutes.


"The Shenzhou 7 mission marks a historic breakthrough in China"s manned space program," Zhai said. "It is a great honor for all three of us to fly the mission, and we are fully prepared for the challenge."


China will launch its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Thursday, a spokesperson with China"s manned space program said on Wednesday.

The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on Friday, a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off, the commander-in-chief of the mission"s ground operation has said.

The historic moment will be broadcast live across the world, x****.net quoted Cui Jijun as having said yesterday, and the space environment is expected to be fine for the mission.

The Shenzhou-7, carrying three taikonauts, will be launched on a Long-March II-F carrier rocket and then moved into orbit at an altitude of 343 kilometers.


Zhai Zhigang, a reserve for the Shenzhou V and VI missions, is poised to become China"s first spacewalker, reports have said.


The most likely takeoff time for Shenzhou VII is 9:10 pm on Sept 25, the website said.


Zhai is expected to conduct a 40-minute spacewalk


Two astronauts who are scheduled to perform the extravehicular activities (EVA)will each wear the Orlan and the Fetian suit, and Russian experts will provide technical support for the process。


All six members of the Shenzhou VII mission belong to China"s first generation of 14 astronaut candidates, selected in 1998.


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

China on Thursday successfully launched a three-man crew into space where one of them will make the country"s first spacewalk, the country"s most challenging space mission since first launching a person into space in 2003.


The Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, China"s third manned mission, blasted off atop a Long March 2F rocket shortly after 9:00 p.m. (1300 GMT) under clear night skies in northwestern China. The spacewalk by one of the astronauts is expected to take place either on Friday or Saturday.

Shenzhou 7宇宙飞船,中国的第三载人任务在一支长征2F火箭顶上下午((1300格林威治标准时间)在西北的中国中清楚夜空天空下面9:00之后不久升空.太空行走被宇航员之一预期星期六星期五金色也从事地方.

The mission, expected to last three to four days, is devoted almost entirely to the execution of the spacewalk, known formally as an extra-vehicular activity, or EVA, is expected to help China master the technology for docking two orbiters to create China"s first orbiting space station in the next few years.


Fighter pilot Zhai Zhigang, an unsuccessful candidate for the previous two manned missions, has been touted by the official Xinhua News Agency as the leading astronaut to carry out the spacewalk, expected to last about 40 minutes.

战士飞行员Zhai Zhigang,一个为不成功的前一两载人任务的候选人已经被作为领头的宇航员官方新华社把卖高价实行大约40分钟预期太空行走持续.

"The Shenzhou 7 mission marks a historic breakthrough in China"s manned space program," Zhai said. "It is a great honor for all three of us to fly the mission, and we are fully prepared for the challenge."

Zhai说Shenzhou 7任务标记一个历史性突破在朝派中国的载人空间程序."它是一伟大光荣所有的我们中的三人驾机执行任务,和我们被完全为做挑战"的准备.

China will launch its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Thursday, a spokesperson with China"s manned space program said on Wednesday.

The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on Friday, a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off, the commander-in-chief of the mission"s ground operation has said.

The historic moment will be broadcast live across the world, x****.net quoted Cui Jijun as having said yesterday, and the space environment is expected to be fine for the mission.

The Shenzhou-7, carrying three taikonauts, will be launched on a Long-March II-F carrier rocket and then moved into orbit at an altitude of 343 kilometers.


Zhai Zhigang, a reserve for the Shenzhou V and VI missions, is poised to become China"s first spacewalker, reports have said.


The most likely takeoff time for Shenzhou VII is 9:10 pm on Sept 25, the website said.


Zhai is expected to conduct a 40-minute spacewalk


Two astronauts who are scheduled to perform the extravehicular activities (EVA)will each wear the Orlan and the Fetian suit, and Russian experts will provide technical support for the process。


All six members of the Shenzhou VII mission belong to China"s first generation of 14 astronaut candidates, selected in 1998.



The Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, China"s third manned mission, blasted off atop a Long March 2F rocket shortly after 9:00 p.m. (1300 GMT) under clear night skies in northwestern China. The spacewalk by one of the astronauts is expected to take place either on Friday or Saturday.


The mission, expected to last three to four days, is devoted almost entirely to the execution of the spacewalk, known formally as an extra-vehicular activity, or EVA, is expected to help China master the technology for docking two orbiters to create China"s first orbiting space station in the next few years.


The two astronauts who don spacesuits for the Shengzhou 7 spacewalk will be supported by Russian experts throughout the mission. Only one will actually leave the orbiter module to retrieve scientific experiments placed outside. One of the astronauts will wear China"s homemade Feitian suit, while the other will wear a Russian-made suit.


Fighter pilot Zhai Zhigang, an unsuccessful candidate for the previous two manned missions, has been touted by the official Xinhua News Agency as the leading astronaut to carry out the spacewalk, expected to last about 40 minutes.


"The Shenzhou 7 mission marks a historic breakthrough in China"s manned space program," Zhai said. "It is a great honor for all three of us to fly the mission, and we are fully prepared for the challenge."


China will launch its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Thursday, a spokesperson with China"s manned space program said on Wednesday.

The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on Friday, a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off, the commander-in-chief of the mission"s ground operation has said.

The historic moment will be broadcast live across the world, x****.net quoted Cui Jijun as having said yesterday, and the space environment is expected to be fine for the mission.

The Shenzhou-7, carrying three taikonauts, will be launched on a Long-March II-F carrier rocket and then moved into orbit at an altitude of 343 kilometers.


Zhai Zhigang, a reserve for the Shenzhou V and VI missions, is poised to become China"s first spacewalker, reports have said.


The most likely takeoff time for Shenzhou VII is 9:10 pm on Sept 25, the website said.


Zhai is expected to conduct a 40-minute spacewalk


Two astronauts who are scheduled to perform the extravehicular activities (EVA)will each wear the Orlan and the Fetian suit, and Russian experts will provide technical support for the process。


All six members of the Shenzhou VII mission belong to China"s first generation of 14 astronaut candidates, selected in 1998.


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

China on Thursday successfully launched a three-man crew into space where one of them will make the country"s first spacewalk, the country"s most challenging space mission since first launching a person into space in 2003.


The Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, China"s third manned mission, blasted off atop a Long March 2F rocket shortly after 9:00 p.m. (1300 GMT) under clear night skies in northwestern China. The spacewalk by one of the astronauts is expected to take place either on Friday or Saturday.


The mission, expected to last three to four days, is devoted almost entirely to the execution of the spacewalk, known formally as an extra-vehicular activity, or EVA, is expected to help China master the technology for docking two orbiters to create China"s first orbiting space station in the next few years.


The two astronauts who don spacesuits for the Shengzhou 7 spacewalk will be supported by Russian experts throughout the mission. Only one will actually leave the orbiter module to retrieve scientific experiments placed outside. One of the astronauts will wear China"s homemade Feitian suit, while the other will wear a Russian-made suit.


Fighter pilot Zhai Zhigang, an unsuccessful candidate for the previous two manned missions, has been touted by the official Xinhua News Agency as the leading astronaut to carry out the spacewalk, expected to last about 40 minutes.


"The Shenzhou 7 mission marks a historic breakthrough in China"s manned space program," Zhai said. "It is a great honor for all three of us to fly the mission, and we are fully prepared for the challenge."


China will launch its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Thursday, a spokesperson with China"s manned space program said on Wednesday.

The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on Friday, a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off, the commander-in-chief of the mission"s ground operation has said.

The historic moment will be broadcast live across the world, x****.net quoted Cui Jijun as having said yesterday, and the space environment is expected to be fine for the mission.

The Shenzhou-7, carrying three taikonauts, will be launched on a Long-March II-F carrier rocket and then moved into orbit at an altitude of 343 kilometers.


Zhai Zhigang, a reserve for the Shenzhou V and VI missions, is poised to become China"s first spacewalker, reports have said.


The most likely takeoff time for Shenzhou VII is 9:10 pm on Sept 25, the website said.


Zhai is expected to conduct a 40-minute spacewalk


Two astronauts who are scheduled to perform the extravehicular activities (EVA)will each wear the Orlan and the Fetian suit, and Russian experts will provide technical support for the process。


All six members of the Shenzhou VII mission belong to China"s first generation of 14 astronaut candidates, selected in 1998.









And "Shenzhou", "Shenzhou VI", "Shenzhou" on the 7th in the development of rockets on the key point is that spacesuits and air gates. "Shenzhou" will be on the 7th spacewalk, astronauts from the cabin air pressure can adapt to the sudden vacuum, valve gate spacesuits and played an important role.

Shenzhou VII, "when the astronauts on space walk of more demanding test. Spacesuit as a result of pressure than the normal low, human tissues may release the nitrogen in the formation of air embolism within blood vessels, leading to decompression Disease, and even endanger human life. Therefore, the astronauts put on their spacesuits, to be in full oxygen cabin air brake assist the work of the astronauts inside the capsule to return to (that is, the orbital module) to close the door in, and then gas Gateway module to begin relief vacuum, a vacuum of outer space and aligned state, when the astronauts can extravehicular activity. Extravehicular mission to complete and return to the cabin, but also on the spacesuit for a certain degree of relief, and then on Inflatable airlock.

"Astronaut extravehicular activity is a difficult, high-risk activities." Experts, "Shenzhou VII" of the spacewalk the astronauts have to ask the ground to do adequate testing and training, the training ground in a general A certain proportion of requests for the neutral pool. This pond is usually built on large-scale test of the room inside the spacecraft on the water, the buoyancy of water use simulation of the weightlessness of space, and then astronauts inside the pool and deck EVAs carried out training operations.

Experts said "Shenzhou VII" will have the astronauts of the space walk several requirements. First of all, will provide the astronauts living and working in the extravehicular environment and conditions, the most important of which is the extravehicular spacesuit, which have anti-micro-meteoroid, vacuum heat shield, tightness, pressure, ventilation, temperature regulation and other Functions, spacesuit gloves are sealed and flexible, transparent sealed helmet. Second, there exits bag control systems and communications systems, control systems equipped with some of its jet device so that astronauts can take control of the direction of walking. It is learned that the spacesuit and backpack structure is complicated, difficult, expensive cost, the United States produced a spacesuit of about 1,500,000 U.S. dollars. The third is, of course, must have a skilled technical operations, physical health, psychological stability of the astronauts.

In order to adapt to a vacuum, "Shenzhou" on the 7th from the airtight spacesuits, communications, drainage, communications, power, and other joint activities, than the "Shenzhou VI" are greatly enhanced.

"Shenzhou V", China"s manned space flight is only for one day in space on the assessment, when Yang Liwei returned to only stay in the cabins, the orbital module of the door is closed. The "Shenzhou VI" in appearance with the "Shenzhou V" is almost the same, different, the two astronauts entered the orbital module from the re-entry capsule, people involved in a number of days of space flight operating procedures. Experts punched a vivid metaphor, "the two astronauts is" Yishiyiting "in the activities." And in "Shenzhou VII", in addition to the astronauts, "Yishiyiting" activities, will be out of the "Office", the orbital module from the side of the window out to walk in space, "Shenzhou VII" of the astronaut"s life support systems, extravehicular equipment, gas-tight structure of the higher requirements, the "Shenzhou VII" will be out


China on Thursday successfully launched a three-man crew into space where one of them will make the country"s first spacewalk, the country"s most challenging space mission since first launching a person into space in 2003.


The Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, China"s third manned mission, blasted off atop a Long March 2F rocket shortly after 9:00 p.m. (1300 GMT) under clear night skies in northwestern China. The spacewalk by one of the astronauts is expected to take place either on Friday or Saturday.


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

我听说中级口译的题目主要来自shanghai daily 和china daily,你多上上这连个网站,都有english version的, 不一定考神七,地震啊,08奥运啊,都有可能的,你就每个方面看了几篇报道,差不多够用就可以了。

Too abhorrent, and I do when you come from the tube? You think who you are, seen cheap, but like you have never seen such a cheap, ordinary decent equipment, play simple, it is also up, I do not want to expose you to bully my head now, you have to see if there is no such ability. Misappropriated money is just, I do not care about that money when you go to the gynecological it, if there are leftovers, then take a look at the psychological, uneven whole day is easy abnormal psychology, you look out for themselves! You have this kind of colleagues Really be ashamed of.


百度里面搜一下吧 里面很多 或上BBC看看



2023-08-03 11:34:161


中国航天领域的最新成就包括长征五号乙运载火箭首飞成功、长征八号运载火箭首飞成功、新一代载人飞船试验船高速再入飞行试验成功、嫦娥五号完成世界首次月球轨道无人交会对接、中国行星探测第一步田文一号火星探测任务、 北斗三号全球卫星导航系统提前半年建成开通,通量宽带卫星系统建设启动,高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项。2021年4⽉29⽇,中国空间站天和核⼼舱成功发射升空。随后,它先后与天⾈⼆号和三号货运飞船、神⾈⼗⼆号和⼗三号载⼈飞船对接,共计6名航天员先后⼊驻,标志着中国航天正式进⼊空间站时代。
2023-08-03 11:34:334


2023-08-03 11:36:014


2023-08-03 11:36:343

仙籁Silent Angel M1的软件系统VitOS Orbiter好在哪里?

这个VitOS Orbiter是直接装在手机上的。只要接上耳机,后面的音乐播放、搜索、设置等等功能都是在手机上就可以完成,很顺畅的体验。在Roon的论坛上有看到很多树莓派的用户都在装Silent Angel的VitOS系统,有一个免费版是提供给树莓派RPI4用户,用户认可度非常高。
2023-08-03 11:36:531


The Space Shuttle is developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA coordinates and manages the Space Transportation System (NASA"s name for the overall Shuttle program), including intergovernmental agency requirements and international and joint projects. NASA also oversees the launch and space flight requirements for civilian and commercial use. The Space Shuttle system consists of four primary elements: an orbiter spacecraft, two Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB), an external tank to house fuel and oxidizer and three Space Shuttle main engines. The orbiter is built by Rockwell International"s Space Transportation Systems Division, Downey, Calif., which also has responsibility for the integration of the overall space transportation system. Both orbiter and integration contracts are under the direction of NASA"s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. The SRB motors are built by the Wasatch Division of Morton Thiokol Corp., Brigham City, Utah, and are assembled, checked out and refurbished by United Space Boosters Inc., Booster Production Co., Kennedy Space Center. Cape Canaveral, Fla. The external tank is built by Martin Marietta Corp. at its Michoud facility, New Orleans, La., and the Space Shuttle main engines are built by Rockwell"s Rocketdyne Division, Canoga Park, Calif. These contracts are under the direction of NASA"s George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
2023-08-03 11:37:072


自由泳(自由式)是一种游泳姿势,在比赛和健身游泳中非常常见。它的特点是身体俯卧,手臂入水后沿着身体中线向前划动,然后沿着身体中线向后划动,同时配合呼吸,即手臂出水时吐气,手臂入水时吸气。IM是个人混合泳(Individual Medley)的缩写,通常指的是混合泳。混合泳是指运动员在比赛中分别使用四种不同的泳姿游相同的距离,例如100米混合泳(100米IM)包括25米仰泳、25米蝶泳、25米蛙泳和25米自由泳。
2023-08-03 11:37:162


美国正式使用的第二架航天飞机。开发初期原本是被作为高拟真结构测试体(high-fidelity Structural Test Article,因此初期机身代号为STA-099),但在挑战者号完成初期测试任务后,被改装成正式的轨道载具(Orbiter Vehicle,因此代号改为OV-099),并于1983年4月4日正式进行任务首航。然而很不幸的,挑战者号在1986年1月28日进行代号STS-51-L的第10次太空任务时,因为右侧固态火箭推进器上面的一个O形环失效,导致一连串的连锁反应,并且在升空后72秒时,爆炸解体坠毁。机上的7名宇航员全在该次意外中丧生。美国正式使用的第二架航天飞机。开发初期原本是被作为高拟真结构测试体(high-fidelity Structural Test Article,因此初期机身代号为STA-099),但在挑战者号完成初期测试任务后,被改装成正式的轨道载具(Orbiter Vehicle,因此代号改为OV-099),并于1983年4月4日正式进行任务首航。然而很不幸的,挑战者号在1986年1月28日进行代号STS-51-L的第10次太空任务时,因为右侧固态火箭推进器上面的一个O形环失效,导致一连串的连锁反应,并且在升空后72秒时,爆炸解体坠毁。机上的7名宇航员全在该次意外中丧生。美国正式使用的第二架航天飞机。开发初期原本是被作为高拟真结构测试体(high-fidelity Structural Test Article,因此初期机身代号为STA-099),但在挑战者号完成初期测试任务后,被改装成正式的轨道载具(Orbiter Vehicle,因此代号改为OV-099),并于1983年4月4日正式进行任务首航。然而很不幸的,挑战者号在1986年1月28日进行代号STS-51-L的第10次太空任务时,因为右侧固态火箭推进器上面的一个O形环失效,导致一连串的连锁反应,并且在升空后72秒时,爆炸解体坠毁。机上的7名宇航员全在该次意外中丧生。
2023-08-03 11:37:291

仙籁silent angel m1对比市面上其他的一体机,优势在哪里?

2023-08-03 11:37:491


2023-08-03 11:37:5915

lunar reconnaissance orbiter

2023-08-03 11:39:022


水星是太阳系中距离太阳最近的行星。古代中国人将它称为“辰星”,因为它离太阳总不会超过一辰(一辰为30度)。因为离太阳近,人们在拂晓时见它在东方天空露面,傍晚它又出现在日落的西陲,并且只闪一下脸面就隐而不见了,这种时而暮星时而晨星的特征,把古代的那些天文学家和占星师搞糊涂了,他们认为水星是两颗行星,在暮色中见到它时,称它为“墨丘利”(Mercury),在晨曦中见到它时,称它为“阿波罗”。直到公元前350年左右人们才明白“墨丘利”和“阿波罗”其实就是同一颗星,就称水星为“墨丘利”。“墨丘利”是罗马神话中的信使,传说他帽插双翅,脚蹬飞靴,手握魔杖,行走如飞。用 “墨丘利”命名水星,的确体现了水星的行动迅速,令人眼花缭乱,神出鬼没,稍纵即逝的特点。就连音乐家霍尔斯特描绘太阳系行星的《行星组曲》中,也把水星乐章称为“飞翔的信使”(The Winged Messenger)。因为水星距太阳最近,被太阳耀眼的光芒所笼罩,所以人们在地球上很难看清它的“本来面目”。当水星运行到太阳和地球之间时,只有它的背面被照亮,因此从地球上望去,看不到水星的踪影。若想从地球上看到水星,只有在水星与太阳的角距最大时,才能在地面上看到它的一小部分,最多只能看到它的“半边脸”。而当水星在早晚的很短时间内出现在东西方地平线上空时,水星星光又被地球大气吸收,亮度很低,而且还要受地理纬度和地形的影响,所以从地面上观测水星的机会很少。相传,著名天文学家哥白尼临终前因为一生未曾见过水星而深深叹息,以致抱恨九泉。这颗名为“贝皮·哥伦布”(BepiColombo)的探测器有6.4米高,将携带两个轨道飞行器,就像一台双层巴士:由ESA制造的水星行星轨道卫星(Mercury Planetary Orbiter, MPO)和由JAXA制造的水星磁层轨道卫星(Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter, MMO)。贝皮·哥伦布水星探测器是欧空局(ESA)和日本宇航开发机构(JAXA)的一个联合任务,项目由欧空局主导,耗资高达13亿欧元,预计于2018年10月5日在法属圭亚那库鲁航天中心发射升空,经过7年的太空飞行后,在2025年12月5日抵达水星,进行为期1年的常规探测任务和1年的扩展任务。到达水星后,MPO和MMO将分离,进入不同的环绕水星轨道并执行各自的探测任务。这也是继上世纪70年代美国宇航局的“水手10号”和2011年“信使号”之后第三个造访水星的探测器。水星距离太阳5800万千米,表面温度白天高达450℃,夜晚低至-180℃。它也是系内除地球以外唯一拥有磁场的岩石行星。
2023-08-03 11:39:112


这次任务太阳轨道飞行器最接近我们恒星的时刻将发生在3月26日。 上图:这是太阳轨道飞行器在2022年初最后一次接近太阳时拍摄的视频。 太阳轨道飞行器是欧洲航天局和美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的一项联合任务。目前,正式地说,它正位于我们的星球和太阳的中间。根据欧空局发布的消息,这艘宇宙飞船目前距离我们的主星4660万英里。 太阳轨道飞行器于2021年11月开始进行科学观测,并将继续向太阳靠近。该航天器正在测量太阳风和挥发性日冕。 探测器位于地球和太阳之间,为研究人员提供了一个研究太空天气的独特机会。太空天气是太阳风的一个特征,太阳风是来自太阳的一股稳定的带电粒子流,会产生极光,偶尔会扰乱地球上的电子设备。 太阳轨道飞行器(Solar Orbiter)走的是一条绕行到太阳的路线,但这样做(违反直觉)节省了能源。轨道飞行器利用地球和金星的引力向内弹射。除了可以提供绝佳的拍照机会,这些重力辅助机动还减少了推动航天器所需的燃料量,节省了宝贵的有效载荷空间。 在太空里程表上,近5000万英里听起来并不多,但是,相较于韦伯望远镜只需要跋涉100万英里就可以到达它在深空的观测点而言,还是万里迢迢。 上图:太阳轨道器在它最接近太阳时的情景。 轨道飞行器目前距离地球和太阳很近,这使它能够收集关于太阳风如何吹过太阳系的有用数据。将太阳轨道飞行器的观测数据与IRIS(在地球轨道上)和ESA的SOHO(离地球近100万英里)等航天器的数据相结合,将会得到更完整的风的图像,就像太阳粒子海洋中的浮标一样,分散的航天器将提供空间天气的动态观察。 欧空局太阳轨道器项目科学家丹尼尔·米勒(Daniel Müller)表示:“ 从现在开始,就太阳轨道器对太阳的观测而言,我们将‘进入未知"领域 。” 轨道飞行器将于3月26日离太阳最近,距离太阳2600万英里。从3月14日到4月6日,它将在离太阳最近的行星水星的轨道内运行。在那里,轨道飞行器将收集太阳表面的数据和它向太空喷射的数据,但欧洲航天局的研究人员希望,该航天器接近太阳的位置将提供一些关于它在2020年发现的“太阳营火”的独特数据。去年,科学家们提出,营火可能是太阳表面磁场的汇聚,但这种情况仍然没有解决。 瑞士达沃斯物理气象台的物理学家、 极端紫外线成像仪的联合首席研究员路易丝·哈拉(Louise Harra)表示:“我最期待的是,找出我们在极紫外成像仪(创造的营火)中看到的所有这些动态特征是否可以进入太阳风。真是太多了!” 本月晚些时候,在宇宙飞船到达最接近太阳的地方后不久,我们将会收到一些有史以来最接近太阳的照片。
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刚入手了silent angel的纯数播仙籁M1T,为了接我那惠威监听音箱H8,配的是百灵鸟解码,就这样简简单单的连接,声音太棒了,很真实。手机下载专属APP Orbiter系统控制就可以听音乐了,想听串流音乐或本地都行,支持Spotify,AirPlay 2,Roon Ready,DLNA渲染器,灵活切换,可选择自己喜欢的方式来播放音乐。
2023-08-03 11:39:402

航天飞机升空后60秒 控制中心说的指令是什么?go and 什么

go and throttle up
2023-08-03 11:40:142

万元左右的解码耳放一体机,选乾龙盛QA390还是silent angel M1?

这两款的到手价确实没差多少,但非要二选一的话我会推荐Silent Angel M1。这两款相比,乾龙盛QA390最致命的一点就是它只支持本地播放或插入储存卡,不支持NAS!单就这一点我就把乾龙盛给pass了,虽然M1支持NAS不是什么特别之处,但单单看silent angel还有专门为M1研发的操控系统orbiter就足以看到这个品牌对M1这款产品的诚意。M1在声音上是属于厚暖型,但细腻度也不错,人声、弦乐、动态都比想象中好很多。不管是声音还是操作上,M1都值得这个价。
2023-08-03 11:40:251


这是一个在现实和幻想两条轴上都非常有张力的故事。基本上在现实这条线上讨论了一个宗教和科学博弈的主题(就是发生在地球上的此次试验的始末,和由此引发的各种人类信仰和情感的效应),而在幻想这条线上讲的是未来我们和外星生物接触的未知技术、前景和意义(就是那个未经证实的18小时虫洞之旅)。在这两条线上卡尔。萨根的原作都为电影提供了精彩的剧本基础。 这源于卡尔。萨根卓越的双重身份 - 他既是一位普利策奖得主的文学家,又是一位真正的科学家。以下是一段生平摘录: “卡尔·萨根(Carl Sagan)(1934-1996),是美国康奈尔大学行星研究中心主任、大卫邓肯天文和太空科学研究会教授、加州理工学院喷气推进实验室出色的科学家。他同时还是世界性的太空研究组织、美国行星研究学会的创始人之一和会长。卡尔·萨根博士不仅仅是一名杰出的、做出了许多重要贡献的天文学家,更是一位功勋卓著的科普大师,他的优秀科普作品《伊甸园的飞龙》曾获美国普利策奖,这是美国国家科学院对他在公众理解科学领域中所作出的成就的最高奖励。他还是康耐尔大学“大卫·邓肯”教席的天文学与空间科学教授及行星研究实验室的主任。 萨根是空间探索的积极拥护者,他对绝大多数探索太阳系的无人探测计划均有贡献。其中包括最先拍到火星的细节照片、证明那是一颗荒凉贫瘠行星的“水手9号”飞船; 在火星表面寻找生命的“海盗号”轨道器(其任务并不成功)与着陆装置;第一次揭示太阳外围行星及其卫星奥秘的“先驱者”与“旅行者”号探测器;还有正在传回极其清晰的木星和木星卫星图像的“伽利略”号飞船。 萨根的工作改变了我们对地球在宇宙中所处位置的认识。他推断,由于强烈的温室效应,金星表面其实热得可怕——以前人们曾一度认为那里可能是气候宜人的地方。他还指出,宇宙中大量存在的复杂碳基化学成分可能是其它生命的原始形态。萨根还搜集了土卫六大气层中存在与生命的基团相似的有机分子的证据。此项工作被20世纪80年代的“旅行者”号探测器极好地证实了。 在萨根的职业生涯中,他一直赞同寻找地外生命迹象的工作的重要性。在康耐尔大学,他开创了“外空生物学”的新领域——这是研究可能的外星生物化学和生命形态的学科。他曾设计过一块包含地球人的问候信息的金属板,这块金属板正随“先驱者”10号飞船飞向星际空间(还有两张更复杂的刻录唱片正随两艘“旅行者”号飞往其它恒星)。萨根与多方面的的合作者(包括哈佛大学的Paul Horowitz)一道支持利用射电天文望远镜“倾听”天外信号的计划——这些信号可能源自外星智慧文明。” 这就是这位出现在影片最末星空右下角的那个字幕"to carl" 的背后精彩的人生故事。让我们对这位在96年因骨髓癌去世的科学家肃然起敬的不只是他故事里精彩的科学演绎,最重要的是充满了整个故事的人对真理探索的强烈渴望、好奇心和勇气,像不灭的火炬,使人愿意付出无论怎样的代价,哪怕是未知的命运,是最珍贵的感情,甚至是生命。 最后题外,转眼都10年了,我都忘了朱迪福斯特有那么一双最美的绿眼睛了。 This is a reality and fantasy are very two-axis tension story. In reality, this is basically an online discussion of the theme of religion and science game (that is, occurred in this experiment on the earth the whole story, and the resulting variety of human beliefs and emotional effects), while in the fantasy of this online talking about the future contact us and an unknown alien technology, prospects and sense (that is, that 18 hours without a proven wormhole trip). Carl in these two lines. Sagan"s original offer for the film are wonderful script basis. This stems from Karl. Sagan excellent double identity - he is both a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, but also a true scientist. The following are extracts from a life: "Carl Sagan (Carl Sagan) (1934-1996), is a Cornell University planetary research director of the Center, David Duncan Professor of Astronomy and Space Science Research, California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory outstanding scientists. He also Space Research Organization, or worldwide, the United States Planetary Society"s co-founder and president. Dr. Carl Sagan is not only an outstanding and made many important contributions to the astronomers, but also a meritorious master of science, and his outstanding works of science, "the Garden of Eden Dragon" won the U.S. Pulitzer Prize, which is the U.S. National Academy of Sciences for his understanding of science in the public areas of the achievements made by the highest reward. He is Cornell University "David Duncan," a teaching professor of astronomy and space science and planetary research lab director. Sagan was an active advocate of space exploration, he was exploring the vast majority of the solar system exploration program have contributed to no one. These include the details of the first photograph of Mars pictures to prove that it is a desolate barren planet, "Mariner 9" spaceship; in the surface of Mars looking for life, "Viking" Orbiter (its task was not successful) and the landing gear; for the first time reveal the mysteries of solar planets and their satellites outside the "pioneers" and "Voyager" probe; there are very clear return of satellite images of Jupiter and Jupiter, "Galileo" spacecraft. Sagan"s work changed our planet in the universe location awareness. , He reasoned, because of the strong greenhouse effect, Venus has a surface hot in fact terrible - the past people had thought that there might be a pleasant climate in place. He also pointed out that the complexity of the universe, there is a large number of carbon-based chemical composition may be in other primitive life forms. Sagan was also collected Titan"s atmosphere and life, there is a similar group evidence of organic molecules. This work has been the 20th century, 80 years of "Voyager" was an excellent probe to confirm. In Sagan"s career, he has agreed to find signs of extraterrestrial life importance of the work. At Cornell University, he created the "exobiology" in the new field - This is a study of possible extraterrestrial biochemistry and life forms of the subjects. He has designed over a person"s greeting message that contains the Earth"s metal plate, this piece of metal plates being with the "Pioneer" 10 spacecraft flying in interstellar space (and two more complex with the two recording labels are "travelers "was to fly to other stars). Sagan with a wide range of collaborators (including Harvard"s Paul Horowitz) support the use of a radio telescope, "listen" to the outer signal of the program - the wisdom of these signals may have come from extraterrestrial civilizations. " This is the last Star appears in the lower right corner of that movie subtitles "to carl" the story behind the wonderful life. Let us be in 96 years, who died of bone marrow cancer, scientists awe of not only his wonderful story of scientific interpretation, the most important thing is the whole story is full of people"s strong desire to explore the truth, curiosity and courage, like the eternal torch that people are willing to pay whatever price, even the fate of the unknown is the most precious feelings, or even life. The last question, the twinkling of an eye are all 10 years, I forgot to Jodie Foster, so a pair of the most beautiful green eyes.
2023-08-03 11:40:341


阿姆斯特朗 奥尔德林 科林斯
2023-08-03 11:40:4310


2023-08-03 11:41:151


advanced camera for surveys/增强型观测照相机ACS是装载在HST上的第三代有轴仪器(axial instrument)。ACS的最初设计和科研能力的设定是由一个属于约翰霍普金斯大学的小组来做的。然后,ACS由Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp 公司来装配并广泛测试。在Goddard空间飞行中心和经受了Kennedy空间中心的最终飞行测试,然后装载到Columbia orbiter中的货舱,并于2002年的三月一号作为Servicing Mission 3B (STS-109)的任务的一部分发射,并在7号装到了HST上,取代了原来的FOC(Faint Object Camera),那个最后一个最初的仪器。 ACS是一个多功能的仪器,并且很快成为了HST上面的主要成像仪器。他提供了一些比HST上的其他仪器要多的优点:三个独立、高分辨率的通道包含了从紫外到近红外光谱区域,更广阔的观测范围和更高的光子转换效率。从而使得HST的发现效率提高了10 倍,大量滤光片的补充,日冕观测的,偏振的,棱栅的能力(a rich complement of filters,and coronagraphic,polarimetric,and grism capabilities)。在ACS支持下的观测给了天文学家一个独特的高敏感度的观看宇宙的视角,以Hubble Ultra Deep Field最为典型,包括了一系列的广阔的天文现象,从彗星到太阳系的行星,再到最遥远的我们已知的类星体。2006年的六月二十五号,由于电子器件的故障,ACS不能工作了。当启用了备用电子系统(Side-2)之后,它又重新启动了。ACS的主要器件,CCD探测仪,在经过检测后,看来还是工作得很好,ACS后来在七月四号重新工作。在2006年的九月二十三号,ACS又出现故障了,到了十月九号,问题被诊断出来并解决了。到了2007年的一月二十七号,ACS因为备用电源的短路而停止工作。2007年的二月十九号,ACS的SBC(solar blind channel)系统在应用了side-1的电子设备,重新恢复工作。但是,至少在2008年的第四次维修任务之前,它两个主要的紫外和可见光通道,HRC(high resolution channel高分辨率通道),和WFC(wide field channel广角通道)都仍然无法工作。
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1969年对于人类来说是个有着重要意义的年份,那一年,美国航天员踏上了月球。不过,一直以来都有人怀疑人类从来没有登陆月球。那些航天员在月球漫步、插美国旗的照片和影像,全都是美国航空航天局搞出来的“登月骗局”。甚至连那个月球也是“道具”,是美国西部内华达州的沙漠或迪斯尼的电影布景。有人甚至为此专门出版了几本书,指出一切有关上世纪60至70年代登陆月球的场面都是美国航空航天局为政治需要发布出来的“登月骗局”(Moon Hoax)。关于人类是否登陆月球的猜测,被国外媒体称为——“惊天之谜”。 本报综合消息据《今日美国报》报道,美国上世纪60年代“登月骗局”疑团很快将被解开。欧洲太空总署“SMART-1”号太空船已环绕月球开始飞行,并且已经飞越美国“阿波罗”号登月飞船在月球的降落点,“SMART-1”号太空船所拍下的“阿波罗”号着陆点新照片可能会真正让对人类是否踏上过月球的争论平息,并为日后人类征月之旅做好准备。 探测目的——欧洲要查出基本真相 欧洲太空总署首席科学家福英格说:“我们正在观察某些降落地点,目的是查出基本的真相。”他表示,环绕月球的“SMART-1”号太空船已飞过“阿波罗”11、16和17号的降落地点及苏联“月球”16号及20号的降落位置。不过,由于事关重大,总署方面仍未公布最新图片。 福英格解释,“SMART-1”号起初的轨迹高度令它难以得出“确切结论”,不过透过离子引擎,太空船已经成功进一步接近月球。他指出了“阿波罗”号的着陆点,两人太空船的引擎气流会扰乱该处地形,因此如果真的登月的话必定会留下痕迹,这是“SMART-1”号值得拍摄的目标。福英格说:“我们会搜寻这些地点,我们将非常严谨,我们不只是拍拍黑白图片,而是会观察(着陆点)矿物质、风化作用或太空引擎干扰烟尘的资料。” 此外,“SMART-1”号也会为预备未来的国际月球探索之旅搜集资料。“SMART-1”号去年11月到达月球轨迹,欧洲太空总署上月宣布会把任务延迟一年到2006年8月。 著名疑点——国旗在月球也会飘扬 欧洲太空总署在新闻发布会上提到最著名的一个疑点,就是当年航天员登月后在月球插下的美国国旗,照片显示这面国旗仍在“飘扬”——这是让人难以置信的一幕,因为月球没有大气,几乎是真空状态,根本不可能有风。 还有人指出,其他登月照片“也有问题”。在另一张照片中,航天员影子长短不一,显示现场有超过一个的光源。而月球表面只有太阳一个光源,而且不是近距离照射,所以另外一个光源必定来自拍景用的射灯!另外,在这幅照片中,两名登陆月球的宇航员都在照片之中,但当时登陆月球的只有两人,而在照片拍摄的这个角度,很难想像会是自动相机所摄,况且当时登月飞船根本没带自动相机,那么是谁拍摄下的“合影”呢?——质疑者开玩笑说是“上帝”或者“外星人”所拍。 越闹越大——设计员著书“揭假” 日前,有“登月骗局之父”之称的BillKaysing与英国一位摄影师DavidPercy一起撰写了《我们从未曾登陆月球》(WeNeverWenttotheMoon)。BillKaysing来头可不小,他曾是登月舱制造商Rocketdyne公司的“设计员”之一,自称熟知“登月”骗局的“底细”。他为加强著作的可信性,声称邀请了多位“匿名”专家协助。 让人感到奇怪的是,迄今为止未看到美国官方对此有任何正式反应。而第一个登上月球的人———尼尔·阿姆斯特朗依然健在,为何不让他出来澄清事实?是美国对此根本不屑一顾,还是确有难言之隐?各国新闻媒体颇有要对此进行一番调查采访的势头。而欧洲太空总署此次派飞船前往“验证”,也很有些“醉翁之意不在酒”的味道。 相关链接 “登月骗局”四大论据 航天员放手后,国旗仍在飘动。 在电视传送画面中,两个航天员同时入镜。 航天员JohnYoung站在月球上向国旗敬礼时,他居然没有影子。 有张照片中近景一块石头上面似乎有一个C字,阿波罗14号和17号的传送画面中,航天员遮光面罩反射了很大的强光,太阳光不可能造成那样的效果,那只能是射灯的反射,证明现场只是一个布景。 小资料 第一位登月的人类 阿姆斯特朗(NeilArmstrong)出生地点:生于美国俄亥俄州学历:南加州大学航天工程硕士现况:在俄亥俄州的农场过着退休生活成就:第一名登陆月球的人类 美国探索月球时间表1958:先锋1号(Pioneer1)尝试飞往月球,但最终失败,返回地球。 1964~1965:游骑兵7-8号(Ranger7-8)成功接触月球表面,传送超过一万张照片回地球。 1966~1967:LunarOrbiter1-5成功在月球轨道打圈。 1966:Surveyor1抵达月球暴风区,传送超过一万张珍贵照片回地球。 1969:人类乘坐阿波罗11号(Apollo11)首次登陆月球。 1969~1972: 阿波罗12-17号(Apollo12-17)再次登陆月球。 1998:LunarProspector到月球进行为期一年的太空任务,探索有否水源及天然资源;仔细量度磁场及地心引力,结果证实月球两极有水源。
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基督城国际机场紧邻市区,通常只需20分钟左右车程即可到达市区各地。若从机场前往火车站,可从航站楼门口或机场附近的Sudima Hotel门口乘坐紫色P线至坎特伯雷大学(University of Canterbury)下车,换乘绿色Orbiter环线至Tower Junction,下车后步行5分钟即可到达。 公交车 Metro Bus:基督城国际机场有往返机场和市内各地的公交车,单程费用约8新西兰元/人。公交车停靠在国际到达大厅的最北边,分为紫色P线(Purple Line)、29路(No.29)和125路(No.125)。若想节省费用,也可以走出机场航站楼,到国际南极中心(International Antarctic Centre)或苏迪玛酒店(Sudima Hotel)门口搭乘前往市区各地的公交车。紫色P线:从机场到萨姆纳海滩(Sumner Beach),途经坎特伯雷大学(University of Canterbury)、Riccarton Westfield Mall、基督城理工学院(CPIT)等地。 29路:从机场到市中心公交换乘中心(Bus Exchange),途经Fendalton区。 125路:从Redwood区到Halswell区,途经机场附近的国际南极中心、 Northlands Shopping Centre、Hub Hornby等地。 穿梭巴士 Shuttle:穿梭巴士提供点对点服务,可以到达旅行者指定的基督城市区各地及部分郊外地点。如果想要去的地方搭乘公交车无法到达,又觉得乘出租车比较贵的话,可以选择搭乘穿梭巴士。在航站楼的游客信息中心i-SITE处可以预订穿梭巴士,一辆穿梭巴士上会有前往同一地点或沿路的多名旅行者。出租车 Taxi:基督城机场打车比较方便,通常出机场航站楼后就可以直接打到出租车,一般无需提前预订。从机场到市区大约需时20分钟,费用为45-65新西兰元不等(进出机场需支付5.5-6新西兰元),无需支付小费。 租车 Car Rental:从国际到达出口出来后,可以找到多家租车公司的柜台,如Avis、Budget、Hertz和Europcar。也有部分租车公司的办公室位于机场附近,其柜台不在航站楼内,但提供前往租车公司的免费接送服务,如Omega、Go Rentals、about New Zealand Rentals和Jucy,可以在到达后联系租车公司,等待租车公司派车前来。
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Vega发射第二颗Pléiades Neo成像卫星

Arianespace 于 8 月 16 日在 Vega 火箭上为 Pléiades Neo 成像 星座 发射了第二颗卫星。 Pléiades Neo 4 卫星于东部时间晚上 9 点 47 分从法属圭亚那发射升空,大约一个小时后成功与火箭分离。 这颗卫星将加入 Pléiades Neo 3,后者于4 月 28 日在织女星上发射,在 620 公里的太阳同步极地轨道上发射。 据该 星座 的建造者和运营商空中客车防务与航天公司称,两颗卫星能够以 30 厘米的原始分辨率对地球上的任何地方进行日常成像。 另外两颗 Pléiades Neo 卫星计划于 2022 年上半年在升级的 Vega C 火箭上一起发射,以完成 星座 。 空中客车公司表示,通过四颗卫星,该 星座 每天可以访问地球上的任何地点两到四次。Pléiades Neo 将补充空客也运营的合成孔径雷达 (SAR) 和低分辨率光学航天器。 其他乘客 Breizh Reconnaissance Orbiter-4 (BRO-4) 是法国初创公司 Unseenlabs 的海上监视纳米卫星,也在 8 月 16 日进行了织女星飞行。 BRO-4 是射频地理定位 星座 中的第四颗卫星,Unseenlabs 的目标是到 2025 年增加到 20-25 颗卫星。 欧洲航天局的三颗立方体卫星也加入了织女星任务: 这次任务是织女星自 4 月 28 日返回飞行以来的第一次任务,在 11 月 16 日失败后,调查发现火箭上级的电缆连接不当。
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是1969年7月20日世界时20:17:43。阿波罗11号(Apollo 11)是美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)简称NASA)的阿波罗计划(Project Apollo)中的第五次载人任务,是人类第一次登月任务;三位执行此任务的宇航员分别为指令长阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)和指令舱驾驶员迈克尔·科林斯(Michael Collins)以及登月舱驾驶员巴兹·奥尔德林(Buzz Aldrin)。1969年7月20日,阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林成为了首次踏上月球的人类。登月地点阿波罗11号的登陆点在宁静海(Mare Tranquillitatis)南部,在Sabine D环型山西南20公里处。这个登陆点被选择的原因是它比较平整(来自于游骑兵8号(Ranger 8);勘察家5号(Surveyor 5)以及月球轨道器(Lunar Orbiter)提供的信息),也就不会在降落和舱外活动时制造太多困难。登陆之后,阿姆斯特朗把登陆点称做“静海基地”。以上内容参考:百度百科—人类第一次登月
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有的哦 刚刚看了一下,帮你找到了这个,有~!!看简介试试,,,?
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1969年对于人类来说是个有着重要意义的年份,那一年,美国航天员踏上了月球。不过,一直以来都有人怀疑人类从来没有登陆月球。那些航天员在月球漫步、插美国旗的照片和影像,全都是美国航空航天局搞出来的“登月骗局”。甚至连那个月球也是“道具”,是美国西部内华达州的沙漠或迪斯尼的电影布景。有人甚至为此专门出版了几本书,指出一切有关上世纪60至70年代登陆月球的场面都是美国航空航天局为政治需要发布出来的“登月骗局”(Moon Hoax)。关于人类是否登陆月球的猜测,被国外媒体称为——“惊天之谜”。本报综合消息据《今日美国报》报道,美国上世纪60年代“登月骗局”疑团很快将被解开。欧洲太空总署“SMART-1”号太空船已环绕月球开始飞行,并且已经飞越美国“阿波罗”号登月飞船在月球的降落点,“SMART-1”号太空船所拍下的“阿波罗”号着陆点新照片可能会真正让对人类是否踏上过月球的争论平息,并为日后人类征月之旅做好准备。探测目的——欧洲要查出基本真相欧洲太空总署首席科学家福英格说:“我们正在观察某些降落地点,目的是查出基本的真相。”他表示,环绕月球的“SMART-1”号太空船已飞过“阿波罗”11、16和17号的降落地点及苏联“月球”16号及20号的降落位置。不过,由于事关重大,总署方面仍未公布最新图片。福英格解释,“SMART-1”号起初的轨迹高度令它难以得出“确切结论”,不过透过离子引擎,太空船已经成功进一步接近月球。他指出了“阿波罗”号的着陆点,两人太空船的引擎气流会扰乱该处地形,因此如果真的登月的话必定会留下痕迹,这是“SMART-1”号值得拍摄的目标。福英格说:“我们会搜寻这些地点,我们将非常严谨,我们不只是拍拍黑白图片,而是会观察(着陆点)矿物质、风化作用或太空引擎干扰烟尘的资料。”此外,“SMART-1”号也会为预备未来的国际月球探索之旅搜集资料。“SMART-1”号去年11月到达月球轨迹,欧洲太空总署上月宣布会把任务延迟一年到2006年8月。著名疑点——国旗在月球也会飘扬欧洲太空总署在新闻发布会上提到最著名的一个疑点,就是当年航天员登月后在月球插下的美国国旗,照片显示这面国旗仍在“飘扬”——这是让人难以置信的一幕,因为月球没有大气,几乎是真空状态,根本不可能有风。还有人指出,其他登月照片“也有问题”。在另一张照片中,航天员影子长短不一,显示现场有超过一个的光源。而月球表面只有太阳一个光源,而且不是近距离照射,所以另外一个光源必定来自拍景用的射灯!另外,在这幅照片中,两名登陆月球的宇航员都在照片之中,但当时登陆月球的只有两人,而在照片拍摄的这个角度,很难想像会是自动相机所摄,况且当时登月飞船根本没带自动相机,那么是谁拍摄下的“合影”呢?——质疑者开玩笑说是“上帝”或者“外星人”所拍。 越闹越大——设计员著书“揭假”日前,有“登月骗局之父”之称的BillKaysing与英国一位摄影师DavidPercy一起撰写了《我们从未曾登陆月球》(WeNeverWenttotheMoon)。BillKaysing来头可不小,他曾是登月舱制造商Rocketdyne公司的“设计员”之一,自称熟知“登月”骗局的“底细”。他为加强著作的可信性,声称邀请了多位“匿名”专家协助。让人感到奇怪的是,迄今为止未看到美国官方对此有任何正式反应。而第一个登上月球的人———尼尔·阿姆斯特朗依然健在,为何不让他出来澄清事实?是美国对此根本不屑一顾,还是确有难言之隐?各国新闻媒体颇有要对此进行一番调查采访的势头。而欧洲太空总署此次派飞船前往“验证”,也很有些“醉翁之意不在酒”的味道。相关链接“登月骗局”四大论据航天员放手后,国旗仍在飘动。在电视传送画面中,两个航天员同时入镜。航天员JohnYoung站在月球上向国旗敬礼时,他居然没有影子。有张照片中近景一块石头上面似乎有一个C字,阿波罗14号和17号的传送画面中,航天员遮光面罩反射了很大的强光,太阳光不可能造成那样的效果,那只能是射灯的反射,证明现场只是一个布景。小资料第一位登月的人类阿姆斯特朗(NeilArmstrong)出生地点:生于美国俄亥俄州学历:南加州大学航天工程硕士现况:在俄亥俄州的农场过着退休生活成就:第一名登陆月球的人类美国探索月球时间表1958:先锋1号(Pioneer1)尝试飞往月球,但最终失败,返回地球。1964~1965:游骑兵7-8号(Ranger7-8)成功接触月球表面,传送超过一万张照片回地球。1966~1967:LunarOrbiter1-5成功在月球轨道打圈。1966:Surveyor1抵达月球暴风区,传送超过一万张珍贵照片回地球。1969:人类乘坐阿波罗11号(Apollo11)首次登陆月球。1969~1972:阿波罗12-17号(Apollo12-17)再次登陆月球。1998:LunarProspector到月球进行为期一年的太空任务,探索有否水源及天然资源;仔细量度磁场及地心引力,结果证实月球两极有水源。
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Dream and Reality The beautiful legeng ,Chang"e flying to zhe moon, implies the dream of Chinese to explore the Moon . For thousands of years ,we Chinese have been working hard for it one generation after another . The moon orbiter ,Chang"e One,is named after the fairy . And the successful launch marks the nation"s first step towards realizing its dream of exploring the Moon.Indeed,I"ve got to learn a lot from this historycal event . First of all ,we need dreams in our life ,for they are the primitive drive to everything .Then we should follow our dreams and nevergive up.At the same time we have to be aware that the path to any success may not be easy to go though .Yet whatever we do ,we should believe “Where there is a will ,there is a way ." And then try our best to make our dreams come true.梦想和现实嫦娥奔月的美丽传说暗示着中国人民探索月球的梦想。几千年来,我们中国人一代又一代地 为这个梦想努力着。嫦娥一号月球探测器就是以这个神话故事命名的。嫦娥一号的成功发射标志着中华民族实现探月梦想的第一步。的确,我从这个历史事件中学到了很多。首先,我们的生活需要梦想,因为梦想是一切事情的原动力。然后我们要坚持梦想,永远不要放弃。同时我们必须认识到通往任何成功的路并不是平坦的。然而,不论我们做什么,我们应该相信“有志者,事竟成”,进我们所能使我们的梦想成为现实。 Please Give up SmokingNow we often see young men smooking in public places .They think smooking is a pleasure . How silly they are !Reports show several millions of people die from smoking all over the world every year .Smoking all over the world evevry year .Smoking can cause a lot of illness.Smoking is also the way leading the youth from bad to worse . In order to get money for smoking,some students take away the money from their parents"pockets.Some of them even steal money from others.As we all know , smookers can"t go on with their work without cigarettets.And the more they smoke,the worse their health will be.Smoking is our dangerous enemy. Please give up smoking as soon as possible.请戒烟吧现在我们经常会看到年轻人在公共场所抽烟。他们认为抽烟是一种乐趣。他们多么愚蠢呀!报道显示全世界每年有几百万人死于吸烟。抽烟会引起许多疾病。抱歉只有两篇!
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1969年7月16日,美国"阿波罗11号"飞船,载着阿姆斯特朗,奥尔德林和柯林斯三人在美国肯尼迪航天中心升空,飞向月球。到达了月球轨道后,由柯林斯驾驶飞船绕月飞行,而阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林驾驶登月舱于7月20日在月面静海降落。阿姆斯特朗第一个登上月球。他说出了下面这段意味深长的话:"对于一个人来说,这只是一小步; 但对人类来说,这是巨大的一步。"他们在月面上进行实地科学考察,并把一块金属纪念牌插上月球,上面镌刻着"公元1969年7月,来自行星地球上的人首次登上月球。我们是全人类的代表,我们为和平而来。"他们在月球上安装了测量月震的月震仪,采集了月球岩石和土壤。在完成月面考察任务以后,进入登
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China on Thursday successfully launched a three-man crew into space where one of them will make the country"s first spacewalk, the country"s most challenging space mission since first launching a person into space in 2003. 中国在周四成功的将三人小组送入太空,其中一人将进行该国首次太空行走,这是自2003年首次将一人送入太空后中国最具挑战的太空任务。 The Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, China"s third manned mission, blasted off atop a Long March 2F rocket shortly after 9:00 p.m. (1300 GMT) under clear night skies in northwestern China. The spacewalk by one of the astronauts is expected to take place either on Friday or Saturday. 晚上九点后(格林威治时间13:00),在中国西北方晴朗的夜空下,神舟七号飞船,这个中国第三个载人项目,由长征2F号火箭发射升空。 The mission, expected to last three to four days, is devoted almost entirely to the execution of the spacewalk, known formally as an extra-vehicular activity, or EVA, is expected to help China master the technology for docking two orbiters to create China"s first orbiting space station in the next few years. 这次任务预计持续三到四天,主要用于执行太空行走任务,太空行走正式的名称是“出舱活动(EVA)”,它将有助于中国掌握两颗卫星的对接技术,在未来几年建立中国的第一个空间站。
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准确将是7架(别惊讶)1.开路者号航天飞机,是一架由钢铁和木材建造的模拟航天飞机,建造与1982年,曾多次被展出(嘻嘻)2.企业号航天飞机,是为NASA建造的第一架航天飞机。实际上它是一个纯粹的测试平台,没有发动机,没有设备,没有任何功能。本来企业号是准备作为哥伦比亚号之后的第二架航天飞机的,但是后来NASA发觉改装测试平台STA-099更划算,而后来各种飞机又被建造出来,企业号就再也没有上天的机会了。 (NASA内部编号: OV-101)3.哥伦比亚号航天飞机,世界上最著名的航天飞机(NASA内部编号: OV-102),已坠毁4.挑战者号航天飞机(NASA内部编号: OV-009),已爆炸5.发现号航天飞机 (NASA内部编号: OV-103)6.亚特兰提斯号航天飞机 (NASA内部编号: OV-104)7.奋进号航天飞机(NASA内部编号: OV-105)
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挑战者号航天飞机是美国正式使用的第二架航天飞机。开发初期原本是被作为高拟真结构测试体(high-fidelity Structural Test Article,因此初期机身代号为STA-099),但在挑战者号完成初期测试任务后,被改装成正式的轨道载具(Orbiter Vehicle,因此代号改为OV-099),并于1983年4月4日正式进行任务首航。1986年1月28日,挑战者号在进行代号STS-51-L的第10次太空任务时,因为右侧固态火箭推进器上面的一个O形环失效,并且导致一连串的连锁反应。在升空后73秒时,爆炸解体坠毁。机上的7名宇航员都在该次意外中丧生。
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  《使命召唤19:现代战争2》第一赛季将在背景时间11月17日更新,同时也是免费大逃杀《战区 2.0》的改版时间,照惯例也会是新的战斗通行证(Battle Pass)奖励实装时间,不过这一次的通行证有点不一样。  《使命召唤19:现代战争2》导入了全新的战斗通行证进度系统「Battle Pass Area of Operations」,AO 系统跟以往的 100 个等级累积经验值慢慢解锁的型式不同,而是采取地图推进制,让玩家自由选择你想要的奖励路线。  简单来说,玩家在游玩多人游戏或《战区 2.0》所获得的经验值都可获得通行证代币,每一枚代币可以用来解锁每一个「区域」的奖励。  以 A1 区域为例,玩家必须先用代币解锁下方 4 个一般奖励,最后才能解锁目标奖励「The Orbiter」枪匠蓝图;当完成 A1 区域后,玩家便可自行选择要解锁 A2 或 A3 地区的奖励。  基本上玩家依然还是需要存到 100 代币才能解锁全部奖励,只是奖励路线能有优先选择的路线。当玩家将 A0 到 A20 所有区域奖励都解锁后,则可解锁最右上角「胜利区域」的最终奖励。
2023-08-03 11:48:031


  1969年5月,即将执行首次登月任务的3名宇航员阿姆斯特朗,奥尔德林与柯林斯的标准任务合影。 据国外媒体报道,1969年7月20日,美国的阿波罗11号飞船释放“鹰”号登月舱安全着陆月球静海地区,达成人类首次登月的壮举。  原因:  美国东部时间7月20日22:56(北京时间7月21日上午10:56),尼尔·阿姆斯特朗准备好首次在另外一个星球的表面留下人类的脚印。此刻在地球上有超过5亿人正通过电视观看这次伟大行动的相关报道,他沿着舷梯走下,并说出了那句或许是整个阿波罗项目中后来最广为人知的话:“这是我的一小步;但却是人类的一大步。”(That"s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind。)  随后,奥尔德林也踏上了月球表面,并对月面作了一个简单却有力的描述:“华丽的苍凉”(magnificent desolation)。他们两人在月面上开展了大约两个半小时的考察工作,收集样品并拍摄照片。  他们还在月面插上了美国国旗,并将“鹰”号一条腿上的一块铭牌留在了月球表面,上面写着:“地球上的人类第一次踏上了月球。公元1969年7月。我们为全人类和平而来。”(Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon. July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all mankind。)  在完成考察任务之后,阿姆斯特朗与奥尔德林返回轨道并与柯林斯的轨道舱顺利对接。柯林斯后来回忆说:“那是我第一次感觉到我们或许就要圆满完成这次任务了。”  7月24日,宇航员们乘坐的返回舱溅落到太平洋的洋面上。肯尼迪总统当年的誓言得到了实现——人类的宇航员已经成功登上月球表面并安全返回。  在 多年之后的一次采访中,阿姆斯特朗高度赞扬了在整个阿波罗工程背后,默默无闻的数十万工程技术人员。他说:“所有那些开展各种测试,使用着扭力扳手或其他 设备的人们,那些男人和女人们,他(她)们都在心里说着:如果出现了任何差错,那么我将确保这种差错不会出现在我的手里。”  在返回地球之后召开的新闻发布会上,阿姆斯特朗将这次飞行任务称作是“一个新时代的开端”,而柯林斯则畅想了未来飞往火星的征程。  在那之后的3年半时间里,又有10名宇航员先后在月球上留下了他们的脚印。尤金·塞尔南(Gene Cernan)是最后一次阿波罗登月飞行(阿波罗17号)的指令长,在他即将离开月球时说:“我们来过这里,现在我们就要离开;若能如愿,我们还将回到这里,带着全人类的和平与希望。”
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1986年1月28日中午,数百万美国人端坐在电视机前,观看“挑战者号”航天飞机的发射情景。 这是航天飞机第25次飞行,但这一次非同寻常。在机上有7人——5男2女,包括克里斯特·麦考利夫,她是一位小学教师,志愿参加美国政府的“公民航天”计划。她的丈夫和孩子们,以及其他机组人员的家属,也都坐在电视机前观看电视转播。 “挑战者号”升空后只过了73秒钟,观看者就看到了爆炸,他们的笑容顿时化为恐惧的哭声。毫无挽救机组人员的希望。 这次事故是由于一个助推火箭的密封装置出现故障而引起的。航天飞机升入天空后不久,泄漏出的燃料便着了火,火焰很快就扩散到了主燃料舱。 ▲“挑战者号”以约3200千米的时速飞行,爆炸后成为一个火球。航天飞机的残骸落在大西洋中,后来被美国海军潜水员打捞出来。
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2023-08-03 11:42:411

英文什么时候加ing 什么时候加ed 什么时候加to 什么时候加ly

2023-08-03 11:42:443


1、so + 形容词/副词 + that + 从句,如: This story is so interesting that I want to read it again. (这个故事如此有趣以至我想再读一次。) He spoke so quickly that I couldn"t follow him. (他说得如此快以至我不能跟上他。) 2、so+形容词/副词+(a/an)+(单数)复数可数名词/不可数名词+that+从句,如果句中的名词是单数可数名词,其前就要用不定冠词a或an,如果是复数可数名词或者不可数名词,前面就不用冠词,如: She is so lovely a girl that everyone loves he(这个故事如此有趣以至我想再读一次。)r. (她是如此可爱的一个女孩,以至每个人都喜欢她。) Those are so beautiful flowers that the girl wants to pick them.(那些花是如此漂亮以至那个女孩想要摘下它们。) 3、such+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that+从句,如: She is such a lovely girl that everyone loves her.(她是如此可爱的一个女孩,以至每个人都喜欢她。) It is such an interesting story that I want to read it again. (这是一个如此有趣的故事以至我想再读一次。) 4、such+复数可数名词/不可数名词+that+从句,如: He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative.(他表现得如此关心以致于人们都把他当作亲戚了。)
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2023-08-03 11:42:458

用matlab 解方程 y’ = u221220y, y(0) = 1 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.

程序一:syms tdsolve("Dy+20*y=0","y(0)=1")结果:exp(-20*t)程序二:t=linspace(0,1,1000);plot(t,exp(-20*t),"r.-")结果:
2023-08-03 11:42:491


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现将such用法简单归纳如下: 一、such修饰单数名词时,放于不定冠词a(an)之前,若名词前有one,no,any,some,all,many等修饰时,such放在这些修饰词之后。 He"s such a man. 他就是这么一个人。 One such table is enough. 这样的桌子,有一张就够了。 There is no such thing. 没有这么一回事。 二、such位于句首时,句子须倒装,谓语动词的单复数根据其后的名词决定。 Such is my hope for the future. 我对未来的希望就是这样。 Such were the facts. 事实就是这样。 三、在such…that…,such…as…句型中,如从句不缺少句子成分,用that引导,表示“如此…以至于”;如从句中缺少句子成分,用as引导,表示“像…一样的”“像……”。 He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceilign. 他的胳臂很长,几乎能碰到天花板。 She is such a good teacher just as we expect. 正如我们所料,她是一位好老师。 四、用于某些短语中,如:such as表示列举,有“例如、诸如”等意思,as such则是“作为一个…,本身”等意思,such and such表示“某某,这种那种的”等意思。 I like drinks such as tea and soda. 我喜欢诸如茶和汽水之类的饮料。 Wealth,as such doesn"t matter much. 财富本身算不了什么。 Such and such results follow from such and such causes. 这样那样的原因就产生这样那样的结果。
2023-08-03 11:42:341


My mother and me attended my aunt"s twin-babies one-month-old party. Today my friends and me go for community service. We help to copy the sixth census forms. We kept writing and writing, my hands and nack became sour, i"m feeling so tired. Found out this is not easy thing. I look up at the computer fot the things I don"t know. I will have Military training soon, i feel nervous and exciting, and picturing the life of the unknown. 满月酒:在英文中的说法叫baby shower,但只不过美国的这种baby shower是为即将出生的婴儿所办的聚会,参加的亲朋好友都会参加,这儿我用one-month-old比较实意一点,看LZ想怎么用了.
2023-08-03 11:42:321

matlab 没有wavefast函数,怎么回事,我是2012a

function [c, s] = wavefast(x, n, varargin) %WAVEFAST Perform multi-level 2-dimensional fast wavelet transform. % [C, L] = WAVEFAST(X, N, LP, HP) performs a 2D N-level FWT of % image (or matrix) X with respect to decomposition filters LP and % HP. % % [C, L] = WAVEFAST(X, N, WNAME) performs the same operation but % fetches filters LP and HP for wavelet WNAME using WAVEFILTER. % % Scale parameter N must be less than or equal to log2 of the % maximum image dimension. Filters LP and HP must be even. To % reduce border distortion, X is symmetrically extended. That is, % if X = [c1 c2 c3 ... cn] (in 1D), then its symmetric extension % would be [... c3 c2 c1 c1 c2 c3 ... cn cn cn-1 cn-2 ...]. % % OUTPUTS: % Matrix C is a coefficient decomposition vector: % % C = [ a(n) h(n) v(n) d(n) h(n-1) ... v(1) d(1) ] % % where a, h, v, and d are columnwise vectors containing % approximation, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal coefficient % matrices, respectively. C has 3n + 1 sections where n is the % number of wavelet decompositions. % % Matrix S is an (n+2) x 2 bookkeeping matrix: % % S = [ sa(n, :); sd(n, :); sd(n-1, :); ... ; sd(1, :); sx ] % % where sa and sd are approximation and detail size entries. % % See also WAVEBACK and WAVEFILTER. % Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins % Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004 % $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2003/10/13 01:14:17 $ % Check the input arguments for reasonableness. error(nargchk(3, 4, nargin)); if nargin == 3 if ischar(varargin{1}) [lp, hp] = wavefilter(varargin{1}, "d"); else error("Missing wavelet name."); end else lp = varargin{1}; hp = varargin{2}; end fl = length(lp); sx = size(x); if (ndims(x) ~= 2) | (min(sx) < 2) | ~isreal(x) | ~isnumeric(x) error("X must be a real, numeric matrix."); end if (ndims(lp) ~= 2) | ~isreal(lp) | ~isnumeric(lp) ... | (ndims(hp) ~= 2) | ~isreal(hp) | ~isnumeric(hp) ... | (fl ~= length(hp)) | rem(fl, 2) ~= 0 error(["LP and HP must be even and equal length real, " ... "numeric filter vectors."]); end if ~isreal(n) | ~isnumeric(n) | (n < 1) | (n > log2(max(sx))) error(["N must be a real scalar between 1 and " ... "log2(max(size((X)))."]); end % Init the starting output data structures and initial approximation. c = []; s = sx; app = double(x); % For each decomposition ... for i = 1:n % Extend the approximation symmetrically. [app, keep] = symextend(app, fl); % Convolve rows with HP and downsample. Then convolve columns % with HP and LP to get the diagonal and vertical coefficients. rows = symconv(app, hp, "row", fl, keep); coefs = symconv(rows, hp, "col", fl, keep); c = [coefs(:)" c]; s = [size(coefs); s]; coefs = symconv(rows, lp, "col", fl, keep); c = [coefs(:)" c]; % Convolve rows with LP and downsample. Then convolve columns % with HP and LP to get the horizontal and next approximation % coeffcients. rows = symconv(app, lp, "row", fl, keep); coefs = symconv(rows, hp, "col", fl, keep); c = [coefs(:)" c]; app = symconv(rows, lp, "col", fl, keep); end % Append final approximation structures. c = [app(:)" c]; s = [size(app); s]; %-------------------------------------------------------------------% function [y, keep] = symextend(x, fl) % Compute the number of coefficients to keep after convolution % and downsampling. Then extend x in both dimensions. keep = floor((fl + size(x) - 1) / 2); y = padarray(x, [(fl - 1) (fl - 1)], "symmetric", "both"); %-------------------------------------------------------------------% function y = symconv(x, h, type, fl, keep) % Convolve the rows or columns of x with h, downsample, % and extract the center section since symmetrically extended. if strcmp(type, "row") y = conv2(x, h); y = y(:, 1:2:end); y = y(:, fl / 2 + 1:fl / 2 + keep(2)); else y = conv2(x, h"); y = y(1:2:end, :); y = y(fl / 2 + 1:fl / 2 + keep(1), :); end
2023-08-03 11:42:311


欢送会 1.farewell party 2.a send-off party 3.going-away party 4.farewell告别,欢送会 1.farewell举行欢送会 1.hold a farewell entertainment告别;欢送会 1.farewell同事欢送会 1.Read the rest of
2023-08-03 11:42:251