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2023-08-03 18:46:39
TAG: 英语

问题一:节气词汇:寒露节气英文怎么说 寒露节气

Cold dew throttle

问题二:十月用英语怎么说? 十月

[天] October



问题三:二十四节气用英语怎么说? 二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:

立春 Spring begins.

雨水 The rains.

惊蛰 Insects awaken.

春分 Vernal Equinox

清明 Clear and bright.

谷雨 Grain rain.

立夏 Summer begins.

小满 Grain buds.

芒种 Grain in ear.

夏至 Summer sols耽ice.

小暑 Slight heat.

大暑 Great heat.

立秋 Autumn begins.

处暑 Stopping the heat.

白露 White dews.

秋分 Autumn Equinox.

寒露 Cold dews.

霜降 Hoar-frost falls.

立冬 Winter begins.

小雪 Light snow.

大雪 Heavy snow.

冬至 Winter Solstice.

小寒 Slight cold.

大寒 Great cold

问题四:二十四节气用英语怎么说 24 solar terms 24节气

Start of Spring立春, Rain Water雨水, Awakening of Insects惊蛰, Spring Equinox春分, Clear and Bright清明, Grain Rain谷雨, Start of Summer立夏, Grain Buds小满, Grain in Ear芒种, Summer Solstice夏至, Minor Heat小暑, Major Heat大暑, Start of Autumn立秋, End of Heat处暑, White Dew白露, Autumn Equinox秋分, Cold Dew寒露, Frost"s Descent霜降, Start of Winter立冬, Minor Snow小雪, Major Snow大雪, Winter Solstice冬至, Minor Cold 小寒 Major Cold大寒(来自 Chinadaily)

问题五:24节气用英语怎么说? 二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:

立春 Spring begins.

雨水 The rains.

惊蛰 Insects awaken.

春分 Vernal Equinox

清明 Clear and bright.

谷雨 Grain rain.

立夏 Summer begins.

小满 Grain buds.

芒种 Grain in ear.

夏至 Summer solstice.

小暑 Slight heat.

大暑 Great heat.

立秋 Autumn begins.

处暑 Stopping the heat.

白露 White dews.

秋分 Autumn Equinox.

寒露 Cold dews.

霜降 Hoar-frost falls.

立冬 Winter begins.

小雪 Light snow.

大雪 Heavy snow.

冬至 Winter Solstice.小寒 Slight cold.

大寒 Great cold

问题六:24节气用英文怎么说 二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:

立春 Spring begins.

雨水 The rains.

惊蛰 Insects awaken.

春分 Vernal Equinox

清明 Clear and bright.

谷雨 Grain rain.

立夏 Summer begins.

小满 Grain buds.

芒种 Grain in ear.

夏至 Summer solstice.

小暑 Slight heat.

大暑 Great heat.

立秋 Autumn begins.

处暑 Stopping the heat.

白露 White dews.

秋分 Autumn Equinox.

寒露 Cold dews.

霜降 Hoar-frost falls.

立冬 Winter begins.

小雪 Light snow.

大雪 Heavy snow.

冬至 Winter Solstice.

小寒 Slight cold.

大寒 Great cold

问题七:24节气用英语怎么表达百度作业帮 二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:

立春 Spring begins.

雨水 The rains.

惊蛰 Insects awaken.

春分 Vernal Equinox

清明 Clear and bright.

谷雨 Grain rain.

立夏 Summer begins.

小满 Grain buds.

芒种 Grain in ear.

夏至 Summer solstice.

小暑 Slight heat.

大暑 Great heat.

立秋 Autumn begins.

处暑 Stopping the heat.

白露 White dews.

秋分 Autumn Equinox.

寒露 Cold dews.

霜降 Hoar-frost falls.

立冬 Winter begins.

小雪 Light snow.

大雪 Heavy snow.

冬至 Winter Solstice.

小寒 Slight cold.

大寒 Great cold

问题八:英语的24节气怎么说 The 24 Solar Terms



solstice 英 ["su0252lstu026as] 美 ["sɑlstu0259s] n. 至,至日;至点例句1.Alaska, too, will have the full moon and the solstice occur on these respective dates, but in a time zone one hour later than Hawaii. 还有阿拉斯加,满月和至日也出现在各自不同的时间,只不过时区上比夏威夷晚了一个小时。2.For thousands of years, cultures the world over feted the winter solstice as the moment of the sun"s return, the turning of the wintry tide. 在几千年中,世界各地的文化都广泛庆祝冬至日,因为它是太阳回归的日子,是冬季潮汐变更方向的日子。
2023-08-03 13:09:411


2023-08-03 13:09:492


solstice[英]["sɒlstɪs][美][ˈsɑlstɪs, ˈsol-, ˈsɔl-]n.至,至日; 复数:solstices望采纳,谢谢
2023-08-03 13:09:572


Solstice 最初于2002年在底特律举行的北美国际车展中以概念车出现;而在四个月中,它就从概念车转变成了可驾驶的概念车。来自通用汽车公司内部和广大爱好者潮涌般的支持,帮助了这一项目的顺利进展并得以于2004年开始投入生产。不到两年的时间中的进展速度本身就是一个非凡的成就。2005 年4月15日在Solstice 新品亮相于美国全国广播公司(NBC)的一期节目,节目邀请消费者订购最先生产的 1000 辆新车。仅仅41分钟,这1000辆拥有项链顺序的车辆识别号,特殊徽章和防伪证书的Solstice就预售一空。2009年4月29日,通用正式宣布砍掉庞蒂亚克这个品牌,拥有102年历史的庞蒂亚克从此消失。庞蒂亚克的总经理John Larson认为:Solstice具有GXP汽车的一切性能,新车只是它们自然发展的结果。Solstice基本款自身即具备所有经典跑车应具备的特点:时尚风格、灵敏操控、以及激动人心的性能。Solstice GXP汲取纯种跑车的基因,并将其提升到新高度,比如输出功率提高了47%,其它方面也有所改进,从而创造出更新鲜刺激的驾驶体验。
2023-08-03 13:10:141


Solstice由2.4升Ecotec四缸发动机提供动力,在6600转/分钟时可以产生177马力(132千瓦的动力, 在4800转/分钟时可以达到166磅-英尺的扭力(225牛顿米)。由于其整备重量只有2860磅(1297千克),2.4升Ecotec发动机令Solstice拥有令人称羡的近16.2比1的动力-重量比。2.4升Ecotec是一款采用尖端技术的双顶置凸轮轴发动机,使用铝制气缸体和气缸盖,这形成了Solstice重量轻的特性,也加强了其从前至后的重量平衡。 · 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) ,每缸四阀· 双反向旋转平衡轴· 带有液压齿轮配合背隙调整装置的低摩擦、滚筒指针随动气门装置· 凸轮轴的零保养链传动机构· 极为紧凑的尺寸和低重量· 所有附件直接安装在发动机结构上以消除通常的噪音、振动和不适来源· 比普通四缸动力系统更硬的全接触式变速箱固定装置减少噪音和振动· 通用汽车油液寿命系统以达到最佳换油频率(包括可选驾驶员信息系统)· 除定期更换机油和机滤外,无需日常保养· 催化剂转化净化器靠近排气歧管,有利于加速催化剂“点火”并降低碳氢化合物排放· 创新性的镶铸机油过滤器壳体,它使得人们在换油时不必再爬到车下,也消除了仍留有用过的油液的机油过滤器罐被丢弃到垃圾场中的可能性 与2.4升Ecotec相匹配的是标准Aisin多档五速手动变速箱。自速自动变速箱将在晚些时候作为选件上市。五速手动动力系的标准驱动桥减速比为3.91:1。卡迪拉克CTS的后桥使用通用的齿轮系统。选择此后桥是由于其卓越的性能和高扭力能力。可以选用限滑后差速器。
2023-08-03 13:10:291


  变形金刚资料——爵士  真人版车型:通用公司庞蒂克轿车  原型车旁蒂克Solstice跑车  生产厂商:通用旁蒂克  价格:24945-31045美元  动力系统:2.4升VVT 2.0升涡轮增压VVT发动机  变速箱:5速手动变速箱  旁蒂克品牌并没有进入中国市场,甚至没有进入北美以外的其它市场,它是通用旗下一个非常重要的品牌,生产基地都建在北美。我们在国内无法购买这款旁蒂克Solstice跑车,而且通用汽车在卖掉旁帝克品牌以后,我们更加没有机会在国内能降到这款旁蒂克Solstice跑车了。  旁帝克Solstice一共有四种车型,分别是Solstice普通版、Solstice GXP高性能版、Solstice Coupe和Solstice GXP Coupe高性能版。尽管Solstice体型娇小,但却装备精良,带来令跑车爱好者们欣喜若狂的舒适和方便。车厢内部宽敞得惊人,即使身材高大的驾驶员也可以享有舒适的驾驶位置,这一优势是一些跑车竞争车型所无法比拟的。  Autobots Special operations saboteur  JAZZ 爵士/爵士  忠诚:汽车人/博派  职责:特种作战  “干什么,像什么。”  描述:如果不打仗的话,爵士宁愿在新奥尔良的波旁大街上闲逛或者停在格林威治村的一家地下俱乐部旁享受当地的音乐。他是一个坚定的地球文化爱好者——可以流利的谈论芭蕾舞或霹雳舞(当然他更喜欢后者)。对于更多的素材,爵士也很留心。丰富的地球文化知识以及对地球环境的高度适应使得爵士成为汽车人领袖擎天柱的好帮手,最危险的任务总是派给他。凭借着特有的冷静和深不可测的智囊,爵士会轻易的将任务完成。比起毫不费力的将任务解决,他更愿意用自己的风格使你惊叹不已。  能力:在机器人模式中,爵士可以用他的太阳能光子枪准确的击中9英里外的目标,无论自己身处何地。他也可以用肩部装备的全光谱发射器(最大距离250英尺)和180分贝的立体声扬声器来创造出一种宏大的声光效果,已达到迷惑敌人的目的。此外,靠着他的副翼,爵士可以滑行3000英尺。灵活多变、足智多谋是爵士所拥有的最大财富。  弱点:虽然爵士的火力与体力相对其他汽车人较弱,但他的勇气与技巧补偿了这一点。对于爵士来说,地球人有趣的行为举止常常会使他在执行重要任务时精力分散,从而造成难以想象的后果。
2023-08-03 13:10:411


自经典跑车纯正的驾驶体验中汲取灵感, Ecotec的先进动力系统为其提供和谐稳定的驾驶性能,2006庞蒂亚克Solstice为驾驶者带来激动人心的驾驶快感;疾驰电掣而过,优美的车身曲线令人叹为观止。纯正的跑车装备包括:后轮驱动、四轮独立SLA悬架系统、18英寸铝合金轮圈,额定功率可达177马力(132千瓦)的强劲的2.4升Ecotec四缸发动机。* Aisin多档五速多档手动变速箱为标准装备,晚些时候还将向市场推出五速自动变速箱。
2023-08-03 13:11:101


爵士 角色:汽车人(博派) 原型车:Pontiac Solstice 角色重量级:★★★★ 汽车人爵士非常了解地球文明,并总是希望能够学到更多的有关知识。这也使他成为汽车人领袖擎天柱的不可或缺的助手。他的座右铭是:做就是做出特色,要不干脆就别做。他很酷,很时尚,而且还很有能力。他可以制造出令人头晕目眩的声音和眼花缭乱的光亮以迷惑敌人。 原型车Pontiac GM汽车集团全球销售体系下,PONTIAC专攻年轻族群,这不但意味着造型前卫、性能出众,这也与爵士在影片的人物性格很相符。简洁、动感是GM工程人员必须达成的目标,Solstice线条简单,独特的圆润品味将成为PONTIAC新一代造型象征,车头水箱护罩设计类似雪笳赛车的复古风味。Solstice同时也是一部非常有操控乐趣的小钢炮。0-100㎞/h加速有望进入6秒内,极速表现更是难以想象
2023-08-03 13:11:471

Summer Solstice是什么意思

summer solstice 英[u02c8su028cmu0259 u02c8su0254lstis] 美[u02c8su028cmu025a u02c8sɑlstu026as] [释义] 夏至; 全部释义>> [例句]Buy on the summer solstice if you want to get it right.不想弄错的话,就在夏至这一天买入股票。
2023-08-03 13:11:591


据悉,通用正计划在09年的第一季度推出一款庞蒂亚克Solstice Targa车型,该车型在内部被命名为GMX627,拥有两部分可拆卸的车顶构造,该构造巧妙的隐藏于娇小的车舱内部。有传言称,新车型将于09年1月在通用的Wilmington工厂开始量产,其年产量大约为10000辆,并将会在2008年的SEMA车展或者于同年举行的洛杉矶车展上实行首发。另外,关于Solstice Coupe,有报道称,一款硬顶版的Solstice现仍在计划之中。该车型的推出将会使Solstice车系阵容变得更加充实,同时吸引更多的消费者。
2023-08-03 13:12:081


2023-08-03 13:12:408


Winter Solstice 即是英文冬至的翻译中中释义冬至 [dōng zhì]1.冬至以后,白天渐渐变长。The days begin to draw out after the winter solstice.百度翻译例句库2.中国人过冬至吗?这天对你们重要吗?Do Chinese celebrate the winter solstice? Is it important to you?m.nciku.com3.方法:采用大鼠松果体摘除模型,运用原位杂交技术,探讨了在冬至、夏至SD雄性大鼠睾丸C Fos和C JUN的mRNA的变化规律。Adopting rat pinealectomy model and in situ hybridization technology, we discuss the varying regularity of c fos and c jun mRNA in male rat"s testis in midwinter and in midsummer.[the Winter Solstice] 二十四节气之一,在12月21,22或23日,这一天北半球白天最短,夜间最长
2023-08-03 13:13:132


Summer Solstice 夏至“夏至”是每年6月21日至6月22日,太阳高度到达北方最高点。这一天是北半球一年中白天时间最长的一天,中国南方许多城市的日照能达到14小时每天,夏至之后,太阳直射点逐渐向南移动。Although, this day has the longest daylight, it"s not the hottest. As traditional Chinese books described, there are three periods of the hot season. It starts around “Summer Solstice” and ends around “Autumn Begins”. The temperature rises day by day and the hottest days come around mid-July to mid-August, where temperatures of some cities in China reach 40 degree Celsius.俗话说,“冬吃饺子夏吃面”,夏至面又叫“入伏面”。炎炎夏日,新麦磨粉做成面条,是美味尝新,也有助于消化。根据北京地区的旧俗,每到夏至时,人们就会吃凉面刺激食欲,同时也不必担心会腹泻。In some provinces, it is customary to eat cold noodles on the summer solstice. According to the old customs in Beijing, people will eat cold noodles to stimulate their appetite every summer solstice, and at the same time they don"t have to worry about diarrhea.
2023-08-03 13:14:401


happy winter solstice
2023-08-03 13:15:135


冬至饺子夏至面立春烙饼摊鸡蛋The winter solstice summer solstice dumpling face spring Flapjack egg stand重点词汇释义夏至June solstice; the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)立春Beginning of Spring (lst solar term); spring begins烙饼flapjack; latke; a baked pancake; fritter摊鸡蛋scrambled eggs
2023-08-03 13:15:452

summer solstice是什么意思

summer solstice[英]u02c8su028cmu0259 u02c8su0254lstis [美]u02c8su028cmu025a u02c8sɑlstu026as夏至[例句]The summer solstice is the first official day of summer and the longest day of the year.夏至是夏天正式开始的第一天,也是一年之中时间最长的一天。如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-08-03 13:16:061


Happy winter solstice
2023-08-03 13:16:174


Pontiac Solstice
2023-08-03 13:18:026


2023-08-03 13:18:301

summer solstice是什么意思

summer solstice [英]u02c8su028cmu0259 u02c8su0254lstis [美]u02c8su028cmu025a u02c8sɑlstu026as 夏至 [例句]2 / 15 New york , us : more than 200 people practice yoga on the morning of the summer solstice in timessquare2/15美国.纽约:夏至的早晨,200多人在纽约时代广场(timessquare)练习瑜伽。
2023-08-03 13:18:441

winter solstice是什么意思

winter solstice英[u02c8wintu0259 u02c8su0254lstis]美[u02c8wu026antu025a u02c8sɑlstu026as]冬至[例句]The winter solstice celebrations of the kalash people in northwestpakistan巴基斯坦西北部的卡拉什人(kalash)在庆祝冬至的到来。
2023-08-03 13:19:421


  关于介绍冬至的英语作文一   On December , 3, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 00years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.   As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.   关于介绍冬至的英语作文二   On December 22, 2013, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 2500years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.   As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.   关于介绍冬至的英语作文三   Winter solstice is a very important solar term in Chinese Lunar calendar.   Being a traditional holiday as well, it is still now celebrated quite often in many regions. Early during the Spring and Autumn period, 2500 odd years from now, Winter solsticewas first determined as the Chinese traditional solar term among the total 24 terms. In Gregorian calendar, it is around Dec 22nd or 23rd.   Midwinter day is the very day in North hemisphere with the shortest day and longest night year-round. After it, daytime will become increasingly longer and the coldest clime will invade all the places on the Northern part of the globe. We Chinese always call it "JinJiu", which means once Winter solstice comes, we will meet the coldest time ahead.   That conclusion is proved well founded. According to scientific results, on Winter solstice, a right angle is formed by the sun and the tropic of carpricorn. Thus, the North hemisphere receives the least sunlight and the shortest day and longest night occur.   Ancient china did pay great attention to this holiday, regarding it as a big event. There was the saying that "Winter solstice holiday is greater than the spring festival". Nowadays, many regions still celebrate it as a big holiday. Northerners may have dumplings and raviolis that day while southerners may have dumplings made by rice and long noodles. Some places even have the tradition to offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth.   关于介绍冬至的英语作文四   As early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points. The time will be each December 22 or 23 according to the Gregorian calendar.   The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytime and longest nighttime. After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. As ancient Chinese thought, the yang, or muscular, positive things will become stronger and stronger after this day, so it should be celebrated.   The Winter Solstice became a festival during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279). The Han people regarded Winter Solstice as a "Winter Festival", so officials would organize celebrating activities. On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest. The army was stationed in, frontier fortresses closed and business and traveling stopped. Relatives and friends presented to each other delicious food. In the Tang and Song dynasties, the Winter Solstice was a day to offer scarifies to Heaven and ancestors. Emperors would go to suburbs to worship the Heaven; while common people offered sacrifices to their deceased parents or other relatives. The Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) even had the record that "Winter Solstice is as formal as the Spring Festival," showing the great importance attached to this day.   In some parts of Northern China, people eat dumpling soup on this day; while residents of some other places eat dumplings, saying doing so will keep them from frost in the upcoming winter. But in parts of South China, the whole family will get together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things. In other places, people also eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour. The Winter Solstice rice dumplings could be used as sacrifices to ancestors, or gifts for friends and relatives. The Taiwan people even keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors.   They make cakes in the shape of chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with glutinous rice flour and steam them on different layers of a pot. These animals all signify auspiciousness in Chinese tradition. People of the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in age order. After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet.
2023-08-03 13:21:191


  关于介绍冬至的英语作文一   On December , 3, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 00years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.   As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.   关于介绍冬至的英语作文二   On December 22, 2013, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 2500years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.   As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.   关于介绍冬至的英语作文三   Winter solstice is a very important solar term in Chinese Lunar calendar.   Being a traditional holiday as well, it is still now celebrated quite often in many regions. Early during the Spring and Autumn period, 2500 odd years from now, Winter solsticewas first determined as the Chinese traditional solar term among the total 24 terms. In Gregorian calendar, it is around Dec 22nd or 23rd.   Midwinter day is the very day in North hemisphere with the shortest day and longest night year-round. After it, daytime will become increasingly longer and the coldest clime will invade all the places on the Northern part of the globe. We Chinese always call it "JinJiu", which means once Winter solstice comes, we will meet the coldest time ahead.   That conclusion is proved well founded. According to scientific results, on Winter solstice, a right angle is formed by the sun and the tropic of carpricorn. Thus, the North hemisphere receives the least sunlight and the shortest day and longest night occur.   Ancient china did pay great attention to this holiday, regarding it as a big event. There was the saying that "Winter solstice holiday is greater than the spring festival". Nowadays, many regions still celebrate it as a big holiday. Northerners may have dumplings and raviolis that day while southerners may have dumplings made by rice and long noodles. Some places even have the tradition to offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth.   关于介绍冬至的英语作文四   As early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points. The time will be each December 22 or 23 according to the Gregorian calendar.   The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytime and longest nighttime. After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. As ancient Chinese thought, the yang, or muscular, positive things will become stronger and stronger after this day, so it should be celebrated.   The Winter Solstice became a festival during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279). The Han people regarded Winter Solstice as a "Winter Festival", so officials would organize celebrating activities. On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest. The army was stationed in, frontier fortresses closed and business and traveling stopped. Relatives and friends presented to each other delicious food. In the Tang and Song dynasties, the Winter Solstice was a day to offer scarifies to Heaven and ancestors. Emperors would go to suburbs to worship the Heaven; while common people offered sacrifices to their deceased parents or other relatives. The Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) even had the record that "Winter Solstice is as formal as the Spring Festival," showing the great importance attached to this day.   In some parts of Northern China, people eat dumpling soup on this day; while residents of some other places eat dumplings, saying doing so will keep them from frost in the upcoming winter. But in parts of South China, the whole family will get together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things. In other places, people also eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour. The Winter Solstice rice dumplings could be used as sacrifices to ancestors, or gifts for friends and relatives. The Taiwan people even keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors.   They make cakes in the shape of chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with glutinous rice flour and steam them on different layers of a pot. These animals all signify auspiciousness in Chinese tradition. People of the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in age order. After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet.
2023-08-03 13:21:401


两头尖造句子简单常用的 (1)、皮划艇包括皮艇和划艇,都是两头尖小,没有桨架的船艇。 (2)、划艇两头尖,艇身短,无桨架,无舵。 (3)、这是一种两头尖、中间五面体的“骰子”,一般是木制或玉制或骨制。 (4)、边巴活佛一见结界轻易被破,急忙掷出一件法宝,这是一根外形类似擀面杖的木棍但是两头尖尖的,通体呈现暗暗的红色,但又不失普通的红色,就像血凝固了一样。 (5)、柳树有着又高又苗条的身材,她把枝条垂到了水里,就像小姑娘把一头的头发垂到了水里,准备洗头。“头发”的形状有趣极了,两头尖中间圆,就像卡纸被小孩把四个角都给剪了似的。 (6)、将饧好的面揪一个面剂,放在案板上用两头尖擀杖擀开撒上葱花、椒盐叠起来,盘成圆形。 (7)、韩老六的大老婆子应声走出来。这是一个中间粗、两头尖的枣核样的胖女人,穿一件膏绸子大褂,衔一根青玉烟嘴的长烟袋。 (8)、"尖茶特点是叶芽挺直肥实,两头尖而不翘,不弓弯、不松散。 (9)、弯弯的月亮小小的船,小小的船儿两头尖,我在小小的船上坐,只看见闪闪的星星蓝蓝的天……,大家都应该还记得这首童谣吧!没错,这首童谣就是形容我们美丽的月亮的。 (10)、最初的鱼钩不过是一根两头尖的小绳针,绳针就拴在诱饵旁边。 (11)、桂花树的叶子碧绿碧绿的,两头尖尖,特别茂盛,桂花宝宝金黄金黄,很细小,花瓣跟两个大米粒差不多大。 (12)、月亮象小船,弯弯的两头尖。 (13)、弯弯的月儿小小的船,小小的船儿两头尖。 (14)、月亮象小船,弯弯的两头尖;月亮象盘子,圆圆的好清洁;月亮象孩子,时而和我捉迷藏;月亮象天使,守护着你和我。 (15)、小饺子,两头尖,芳香飘飘幸福甜;冬至冷,饺子暖,尖尖两头心相连;冬至到,饺子鼓,满满的祝福变无数;冬至祝你快乐连连,幸福热火朝天!冬至快乐! (16)、烧鸡的造型也是独具匠心,鸡体开剖后,用一段高粱秆把鸡撑开,形成两头尖尖的半圆形,别致美观。 (17)、小饺子,两头尖,芳香飘飘幸福甜;冬至到,饺子鼓,满满的祝福变无数;冬至祝你快乐连连,幸福热火朝天!冬至快乐! 两头尖英文造句写一句话 (一)、最初的鱼钩不过是一根两头尖的小绳针,绳针就拴在诱饵旁边。 (1) the original hook was just a small needle with two sharp ends, which was tied to the bait. (二)、"尖茶特点是叶芽挺直肥实,两头尖而不翘,不弓弯、不松散。 (2), "Jiancha" is characterized by straight and plump leaf buds, sharp at both ends without warping, bending or loosening. (三)、小饺子,两头尖,芳香飘飘幸福甜;冬至到,饺子鼓,满满的祝福变无数;冬至祝你快乐连连,幸福热火朝天!冬至快乐! (3) small dumplings are fragrant and sweet at both ends; at the winter solstice, dumplings are full of blessings; at the winter solstice, I wish you a happy life! Happy winter solstice! (四)、小饺子,两头尖,芳香飘飘幸福甜;冬至冷,饺子暖,尖尖两头心相连;冬至到,饺子鼓,满满的祝福变无数;冬至祝你快乐连连,幸福热火朝天!冬至快乐! (4) small dumplings are fragrant and sweet at both ends; the winter solstice is cold and the dumplings are warm and the two ends of the dumplings are connected; the winter solstice is full and the dumplings are full of blessings; I wish you a happy and prosperous winter solstice! Happy winter solstice! (五)、桂花树的叶子碧绿碧绿的,两头尖尖,特别茂盛,桂花宝宝金黄金黄,很细小,花瓣跟两个大米粒差不多大。 (5) the leaves of Osmanthus fragrans are green and green, with sharp ends, especially luxuriant. The baby of Osmanthus fragrans is golden yellow, very small, and its petals are about the size of two big grains of rice. (六)、月亮象小船,弯弯的两头尖。 (6) the moon is like a boat, with curved ends. (七)、将饧好的面揪一个面剂,放在案板上用两头尖擀杖擀开撒上葱花、椒盐叠起来,盘成圆形。 (7) take a dough preparation and put it on the chopping board, roll it with two pointed rolling pins, sprinkle with scallion, salt and pepper, and fold it up to form a circle. (八)、弯弯的月儿小小的船,小小的船儿两头尖。 (8) curved moon, small boat, small boat with sharp ends. (九)、划艇两头尖,艇身短,无桨架,无舵。 (9) the boat has sharp ends, short body, no paddle frame and rudder. (十)、这是一种两头尖、中间五面体的“骰子”,一般是木制或玉制或骨制。 This is a kind of "dice" with two pointed ends and a pentahedron in the middle, which is usually made of wood, jade or bone. 两头尖法语造句写一句话 (一)、弯弯的月亮小小的船,小小的船儿两头尖,我在小小的船上坐,只看见闪闪的星星蓝蓝的天……,大家都应该还记得这首童谣吧!没错,这首童谣就是形容我们美丽的月亮的。 (i), la lune courbée petit bateau, les deux extrémités du petit bateau, je m"assois sur le petit bateau, seulement pour voir les étoiles scintillantes ciel bleu...Tout le monde devrait se souvenir de cette comptine!C"est vrai, cette comptine décrit notre belle lune. (二)、这是一种两头尖、中间五面体的“骰子”,一般是木制或玉制或骨制。 (II). Il s"agit d"un "dé" à deux extrémités pointues, pentaèdre moyen, généralement en bois ou en jade ou en os. (三)、将饧好的面揪一个面剂,放在案板上用两头尖擀杖擀开撒上葱花、椒盐叠起来,盘成圆形。 (Ⅲ). Tirez une pate sur la pate et placez - la sur la planche à découper. Utilisez les deux extrémités de la planche à découper pour rouler et étaler les échalotes, les poivrons et le sel sur la planche à découper. Pliez - la en cercle. (四)、弯弯的月儿小小的船,小小的船儿两头尖。 (IV). Un petit bateau avec une lune courbée et des pointes aux deux extrémités. (五)、小饺子,两头尖,芳香飘飘幸福甜;冬至冷,饺子暖,尖尖两头心相连;冬至到,饺子鼓,满满的祝福变无数;冬至祝你快乐连连,幸福热火朝天!冬至快乐! (v), petites boulettes, deux extrémités pointues, parfum flottant bonheur sucré; solstice d"hiver froid, boulettes chaudes, deux extrémités pointues du c?ur connecté; solstice d"hiver, tambour de boulettes, plein de bénédictions deviennent innombrables; solstice d"hiver vous souhaite une connexion heureuse, bonheur chaud!Joyeux solstice d"hiver! 两头尖造句长一点复杂点的 (一)、最初的鱼钩不过是一根两头尖的小绳针,绳针就拴在诱饵旁边。 (二)、月亮象小船,弯弯的两头尖;月亮象盘子,圆圆的好清洁;月亮象孩子,时而和我捉迷藏;月亮象天使,守护着你和我。 (三)、小饺子,两头尖,芳香飘飘幸福甜;冬至冷,饺子暖,尖尖两头心相连;冬至到,饺子鼓,满满的祝福变无数;冬至祝你快乐连连,幸福热火朝天!冬至快乐! (四)、将饧好的面揪一个面剂,放在案板上用两头尖擀杖擀开撒上葱花、椒盐叠起来,盘成圆形。 (五)、烧鸡的造型也是独具匠心,鸡体开剖后,用一段高粱秆把鸡撑开,形成两头尖尖的半圆形,别致美观。 (六)、这是一种两头尖、中间五面体的“骰子”,一般是木制或玉制或骨制。 (七)、小饺子,两头尖,芳香飘飘幸福甜;冬至到,饺子鼓,满满的祝福变无数;冬至祝你快乐连连,幸福热火朝天!冬至快乐! (八)、划艇两头尖,艇身短,无桨架,无舵。 (九)、边巴活佛一见结界轻易被破,急忙掷出一件法宝,这是一根外形类似擀面杖的木棍但是两头尖尖的,通体呈现暗暗的红色,但又不失普通的红色,就像血凝固了一样。 (十)、桂花树的叶子碧绿碧绿的,两头尖尖,特别茂盛,桂花宝宝金黄金黄,很细小,花瓣跟两个大米粒差不多大。 (十一)、弯弯的月亮小小的船,小小的船儿两头尖,我在小小的船上坐,只看见闪闪的星星蓝蓝的天……,大家都应该还记得这首童谣吧!没错,这首童谣就是形容我们美丽的月亮的。 (十二)、皮划艇包括皮艇和划艇,都是两头尖小,没有桨架的船艇。 (十三)、月亮象小船,弯弯的两头尖。 (十四)、弯弯的月儿小小的船,小小的船儿两头尖。 (十五)、"尖茶特点是叶芽挺直肥实,两头尖而不翘,不弓弯、不松散。
2023-08-03 13:23:131


2023-08-03 13:23:4411


2023-08-03 13:24:202


【 #小学英语# 导语】冬至,又称日南至、冬节、亚岁等,兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是二十四节气中一个重要的节气,也是中国民间的传统祭祖节日。以下是 整理的《小学生关于冬至的英语作文》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 1.小学生关于冬至的英语作文   Today, my mother told me that today is the winter solstice, I asked: "what is the winter solstice?" My mother told me that the winter solstice is a festival, representing the winter is coming, the weather is getting colder and colder, according to the custom, we will eat glutinous rice balls today. At noon, we really ate the sweet dumplings.   In the afternoon, the teacher came, a door and asked me to eat dumplings today, I said no, the teacher said, today is the winter solstice, why did you not eat dumplings ah, today do not eat dumplings winter will freeze ears. I was very confused and asked: "why mother said to eat dumplings, the teacher said to eat dumplings?"   The teacher thought for a while and told me that it was the difference of traditional culture and customs in different regions. Im still a little confused. 2.小学生关于冬至的英语作文   On December 22, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 2500years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest. As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication. 3.小学生关于冬至的英语作文   Today is the winter solstice, mother said to eat dumplings, the winter solstice eat dumplings is a custom in my hometown, eaten in the morning my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy dumplings materials. Have eggs and leek, after buying food back home mother will not idle, and began to chop stuffing, then I go to school before mom, start with noodles. Because is the first time and, first of all, I poured a cup noodles into the pot, pour warm water and began to face to, looks good, but not as easy as imagined, less water, the face is too dry, it is much more water, and the surface is thinning, repeated several times to get the surface and good, but too much, and the face Im afraid we eat at noon, at this moment, moms dumpling stuffing also chop, we will work up and started to make dumplings.   Dumplings in the teaching of the mother, like like like dont like all packages, finally to eat, my own package dumplings.   Really is happy day! 4.小学生关于冬至的英语作文   On December , 3, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 00years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.   As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication. 5.小学生关于冬至的英语作文   "On October 1, to the winter solstice, every family to eat dumplings" we a family of four make dumplings.   Mother roll skin, and stuffing, my father and brother and I make dumplings, mother and stuffing is really unique! Both beautiful and delicious, green leek, golden eggs, plus a little pink shrimp skin, and then cut them up, and then mix them together, look at the appetite, dumplings must be very delicious. Mother roll out the dumpling skin, everyone in a rush, scrambling to grab the wrappers, packed up the dumplings, my mother made the most beautiful dumplings, my father made dumplings with a "general belly" arranged in the middle, my brother made dumplings soft collapse, I made dumplings of different sizes, but, I am satisfied with the appearance.   I quietly said to my mother: "in the future, dumpling activities can be arranged a little more, we together more happy ah!"
2023-08-03 13:24:531


2023-08-03 13:25:056


【 #英语资源# 导语】冬至,是二十四节气中的第二十二个节气,时间点在每年公历的12月21日—23日,兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是二十四节气中一个重要的节气,也是中国民间的传统祭祖节日。每年农历冬至这天,不论贫富,饺子是必不可少的节日饭。谚云:“十月一,冬至到家户户吃水饺。”这种习俗,是因纪念“医圣”张仲景冬至舍药留下的。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇一   Today, Grandma asked me to eat dumplings. Why did I eat dumplings? I also want my mother to take me to pizza! My mother told me: "The Chinese people have a custom of eating dumplings on the winter solstice, which is in memory of Zhang Zhongjing. It is said that one winter was very cold, and many people"s ears were damaged by the cold. Zhang Zhongjing asked his disciples to set up a big pot, wrap mutton and medicinal herbs in noodles, and make them into the shape of "ears". He cooked them and let people eat them, which cured many people"s ears. To commemorate him, people eat dumplings on the winter solstice every year." At noon, Grandma made me big meat dumplings, and I ate 16 big dumplings. After eating, he touched his ears and said to himself, "Now my ears won"t be damaged by the cold, will they?" 2.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇二   Today is the winter solstice, the coldest day of the year and the longest night. At the same time, according to people"s custom, we should eat dumplings.   I also ate delicious dumplings. The adults said, "As long as we eat dumplings on the winter solstice, we won"t freeze our ears." I didn"t want to freeze my ears, so I ate a lot of dumplings. ha-ha! 3.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇三   Today is the winter solstice, a festival for eating dumplings. Early in the morning, I went back to Grandma"s home with my father. Grandma made a lot of dumplings. Grandma said, "Eating dumplings on the winter solstice will not freeze your ears." I asked Grandma why? Grandma said, "Because dumplings look like ears."   I heard it was like this. I ate a lot of dumplings made by my grandma. The dumplings made by my grandma are really delicious! 4.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇四   Today is the winter solstice. My mother told me that the winter solstice is one of the 24 solar terms. It is also the shortest day and the longest night in 365 days of the year! i see!   After school at noon, my mother picked me up and went directly to my grandmother"s house. When I got home, the dumplings were cooked and I had a bite. Wow! Really delicious! Grandma made small dumplings with lace for me. I ate a small plate at a time. Grandma said that the dumplings were eaten by ear. It would be very cold after the winter solstice, and the ears would not freeze after eating dumplings. It"s so interesting. 5.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇五   Today is the winter solstice. Grandma prepared to make dumplings early. Grandma said that she would not eat flat food in the winter solstice.   Mom said that the winter solstice is the shortest day and the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. After the winter solstice, the days will get longer and the nights will get shorter. Mom also said that now, some places take the Winter Solstice as a festival. In the north, it is customary to kill sheep, eat dumplings and wonton on the winter solstice, while in the south, it is customary to eat rice balls and long noodles on the winter solstice. There is also a custom of offering sacrifices to heaven and ancestors in various regions on the winter solstice.   The customs and habits of our country are really diverse. Growing up in China, life is really colorful. 6.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇六   When I came home from school this afternoon, I saw my parents making dumplings. I asked strangely, "Today is not the Spring Festival. Why do you make dumplings?" The father smiled and replied, "Today is the winter solstice, and everyone needs to make dumplings." "What is the Winter Solstice?" The father said: "The winter solstice is a day of the year with the shortest days and the longest nights. After the winter solstice, the days will grow longer day by day. It is an important solar term in China and a traditional festival. Because the winter solstice is still in the cold season, but spring is not far away, so every family should eat dumplings to celebrate the winter solstice." "So it is!"   Then I heard my mother shout, "Eat dumplings!" Today, I not only ate delicious dumplings, but also learned a lot about the winter solstice. It"s really fruitful. 7.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇七   Today, when I came home, I saw my father making dumplings. I asked, "I just ate dumplings on Sunday. Why did I make dumplings again?" Dad said, "Today is the winter solstice, and we should eat dumplings." My father told me another story about eating dumplings on the winter solstice:   A long time ago, people often suffered from frostbite in winter, especially their ears. When Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical sage", saw this, he made mutton, pepper, wolfberry and some medicinal materials to drive away the cold into fillings. He wrapped them in flour skin and gave them to people to eat after they cooked them. Sure enough, the frostbitten ears were cured.   It is also a custom to eat dumplings on the winter solstice. Ha ha, the dumplings are out of the pot! I have finished my homework too. Let"s eat dumplings! 8.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇八   Today is the Winter Solstice, which is a traditional Chinese festival. I heard Grandma said that everyone should eat dumplings on the day of the Winter Solstice, or their ears will be frozen off. Today, after school, I just came home to see my mother in the kitchen alone busy making dumplings. I hurriedly said, "Mom, I also want to make dumplings. Please teach me!" Mom smiled and said to me, "OK." Mom rolled the skin. I held the skin with one hand and put a ball of filling on the skin with the other hand. Then I folded the two ends of the skin in two hands and squeezed the edges of the dumplings with both hands. In this way, a dumpling was wrapped. After a while, a plate of steaming dumplings came on the table. I couldn"t wait to squeeze one with my hand. Don"t blow it and bite it. Wow! How fragrant! Do you know why today"s dumplings are so delicious? 9.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇九   Today is the winter solstice, one of the twenty-four solar terms in China. At noon, my mother made us our favorite dumplings filled with carrots. The dumplings made by my mother were delicious. My sister and I ate a full bowl each, and our stomachs were full. Mom said that when she was young, the old man always said such a sentence on this day that if she didn"t eat dumplings on the winter solstice, her ears would freeze off. In fact, this is all to cajole children, for fear that children will not eat dumplings to frighten them.   But my sister and I can"t freeze our ears off this year because we both ate so many dumplings. 10.冬至吃饺子英语日记 篇十   Today is the winter solstice. According to the past custom, the family would sit around and make dumplings together. Mother put flour, rolling pin, dustpan and water on the table and prepared them. We are ready to start making dumplings. Grandma mixed my favorite leek meat stuffing today. Mom and Grandma began to make dumplings. I also rushed to learn how to make dumplings.   First of all, we washed our hands, and Grandma made dough and cut it into small pieces. Mom rolls the dumpling skin, and Grandma and I make dumplings. My mother taught me a way to make dumplings. Put the filling in the dumpling skin, pinch the middle first, and then pinch the two sides. I did as my mother taught me, and the result was better than that of my mother and grandma.   After dinner, the whole family ate hot dumplings and laughed happily. They felt that the winter solstice was not cold at all but warm from the bottom of their hearts.
2023-08-03 13:25:451


2023-08-03 13:26:0814


The Winter Is Coming hahah
2023-08-03 13:26:375


夏至英文的说法是Summer Solstice。夏至的概念:夏至,是二十四节气的第10个节气。斗指午;太阳黄经90°;于公历6月21到22日交节。夏至这天,太阳直射地面的位置到达一年的最北端,几乎直射北回归线,此时,北半球各地的白昼时间达到全年最长。历史渊源:二十四节气,是历法中表示自然节律变化以及确立“十二月建”的特定节令。一岁四时,春夏秋冬各三个月,每月两个节气,每个节气均有其独特的含义。据陈希龄《恪遵宪度》解释[夏至]:“日北至,日长之至,日影短至,故曰夏至。至者,极也。”气象变化:夏至这天太阳直射地面的位置到达一年的最北端,北半球各地的白昼时间达到全年最长。这期间中国大部分地区气温较高,日照充足,作物生长很快,生理和生态需水均较多。夏至以后地面受热强烈,空气对流旺盛,午后至傍晚常易形成雷阵雨。夏至的食俗地域差异:1、浙江旧时,在浙江绍兴地区,人们不分贫富,夏至日皆祭其祖,俗称“做夏至”,除常规供品外,特加一盘蒲丝饼。而绍兴地区龙舟竞渡因气候故,明、清以来多不在端午节,而在夏至,此风俗至今尚存。2、漠河漠河市是中国纬度最高的县份,由于纬度高,使漠河地区在夏季产生极昼现象,时常有北极光出现,因此人们称漠河市为“中国的不夜城”“极光城”。漠河白夜产生在每年夏至前后的9天中,即6月15日—25日,此时漠河多出现晴空天气。3、山东夏至这天山东各地普遍要吃凉面条,俗称过水面,有“冬至饺子夏至面”的谚语。莱阳一带夏至日荐新麦,黄县一带则煮新麦粒吃,儿童们用麦秸编一个精致的小笊篱,在汤水中一次一次地向嘴里捞,既吃了麦粒,又是一种游戏。
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24节气:立春:spring begins雨水:rainwater惊蛰:excited insects春分:vernal equinox清明:clear and bright谷雨:grain rain立夏:summer begins小满:grain fills芒种:grain in ear夏至:summer solstice the Summer Solstice小暑:slight heat大暑:great heat立秋:autumn begins处暑:limit of heat白露:White Dew (15th solar term)秋分:autumnal equinox the autumnal equinox寒露:cold dew霜降:hoar frost descends立冬:Beginning of Winter小雪:light snow flurry大雪:heavy snow冬至:winter solstice小寒:Lesser Cold大寒: severe cold
2023-08-03 13:27:592


明日即是夏至 一年中白昼最长的日子 夏至之景 有阳光熠熠,有疾风骤雨 更有宁静闲适的温柔面孔 它交织着多样的情绪 也是生活热度自然的延绵 夏至   夏至时节的太阳为北半球带来了一年中最长的白天,也给予了生活在这里的我们最密切的普照。 至,极也,夏至似乎意味着一个顶点 ,虽然还不是一年中最炎热的时候,但太阳已开始毫无避讳地释放着热能,北方大部分地区气温明显上升,俨然一派赤日当空的夏日景致。 夏至(油画)刘仁杰   属于孩子们的纯真夏日是无忧无虑的,或许也伴随着成长的烦恼。刘仁杰的《夏至》中,孩子抬着头,若有所思,是在感叹天气炎热,还是在忧虑玩伴的缺席我们不得而知。身后的老人埋头劳作,屋檐下酣睡的黄狗正享受着夏日的宁静。高明度的色彩与流畅的笔触强调了夏日的光感效果,使整幅作品呈现出明快的暖黄色调。画面中,地里的菜叶、盛开的花儿、飞舞的蝴蝶以及孩子的脸庞都沐浴着日光,闪耀着温暖的光芒。正如画家所描绘的, 夏至的阳光热烈地拥抱着大地,给每一寸土地带去炽热关怀的同时,也照进了每一个孩子的童年,给了他们热情与希望。   与北方强烈的日晒不同,南方大部分地区的夏至则是另一番景象。因为地面受热强烈,空气对流旺盛,常有骤来疾去的雷雨天气,江淮一带也因湿热空气的交汇而导致连绵数周的“梅雨”。夏至的景象仿佛有了清晰的色彩区分, 北方赤黄耀眼,南方青绿雅致,截然不同又各具精彩。 曲湘建的油画作品《夏至梅雨》细腻地描绘了湖南湘西山村的烟雨时光。近处池边的野草绿意萌萌,中景的池水与远景的树木在云雾缭绕中更显静谧、深沉,远山与天空的界限模糊于云雾之中。画面整体色调清冷,展现出的是典型的南方夏季湿热、黏稠的空气质感。   夏至正是莲花初放的时节,“赏莲”便成了夏日里一项极具风雅的活动。莲花素有“水宫仙子”的雅称,以红莲、粉莲最为常见,而文人则更偏爱洁净的白莲。大家熟知的宋代文学家周敦颐就在其府署栽种了莲花,千古名篇《爱莲说》应运而生,“出淤泥而不染”的名句更是传诵至今。 夏塘风轻花落迟(中国画)陈孟昕   赏莲既要看莲花娇艳,也要看荷塘碧绿。“红粉笑隔盈盈水,碧叶羞含渺渺情”的荷塘美景确实赏心悦目。然而,离开了骄阳,夏日夜晚的莲花也同样娇媚可人。陈孟昕的工笔画作品《夏塘风轻花落迟》就描绘了一片夏夜的莲池幻境。画面中,蓝紫相交的夜空、女子素雅的粉红衣衫、白净通透的莲荷,似有皓月普照,清透明亮。画家以独特的色彩表现,传递出日退暑散后的清凉之感,呈现了充满诗意和无限遐想的夏夜画面。   夏至之景,有阳光熠熠,有疾风骤雨,更有宁静闲适的温柔面孔 ,它交织着多样的情绪,也是生活热度自然的延绵。 Summer Solstice Summer solstice brings the longest day of the year to the northern hemisphere. The sun is radiating heat with its full force. Temperature in most parts of the north rises significantly, and high summer is with us. Summer is a great time for kids. In Summer Solstice, an oil painting by Liu Renjie, a Chinese painter, we see a boy, head raised, is lost in thought. Behind him, an old lady is busy with her work, and a sleeping dog under the eaves is enjoying the peace of the summer. In the picture, vegetable leaves, flowers, butterflies, and the boy"s face are all basked in the sun. Unlike the strong sunlight in the north, summer solstice in most parts of the south presents a different scene. While the north is under bright sunlight, the south is a scene of elegant green. Although different in scenes, both the north and the south have their distinct appeals. An oil painting entitled Rain in Summer Solstice by Chinese painter Qu Xiangjian, vividly depicts a misty and rainy day in a village in west Hunan Province. Green grass near the pool is sprouting. Water in the pond and trees are shrouded by clouds and mist, which also make distant hills and sky indistinguishable. The underlying color of the painting is light green, depicting a humid summer day in the south. Summer solstice is a good time to watch blooming lotus. Lotus is known as the fairy of the water palace in China. In the Song Dynasty, lasting from 960 to 1279, renowned writer Zhou Dunyi loved growing lotus in his water garden. “How amazing that lotus flower, with its roots in the mud, grows pure and beautiful!” This famous line in his essay Ode to Lotus is still widely cited today. Watching both the lovely lotus and green pond is a refreshing experience. The nightly summer scene of the lotus pond is equally fascinating. In an elaborate Chinese style painting, painter Chen Mengxin depicts a lovely scene of lotus pond on a summer night. In the picture, you can see a young lady in pink with white lotus under a bright moon in the blue and purple nightly sky. With distinct strokes of colors, the painter conveys a touch of coolness after sunset, evoking poetic thoughts at a tranquil summer night. During summer solstice, there are not only bright sunlight and hailstorms, but also scenes with a gentle touch. This solar term,  describing a natural extension of heat and warmth in life, gives full rein to our imagination. 随着夏至到来 一年中最热的时候也要到了 稻田里蛙声一片 树上,蝉鸣声声响 盛夏已至 愿你我都平安喜乐 出品:光明日报&中国传媒大学 文字素材:《光明日报》2020年06月21日11版 责编:王远方
2023-08-03 13:28:081


1. 柯柏文(FREIGHTLINER 18 WHEELERS TRACTOR TRAILER)柯柏文作为博派的领军人物,体型必定要够庞大,够煞食,而最煞食的车辆,固然是美国制的十八轮拖头。这些美式拖头,根本就是大得蛮不讲理的,马力大,车厢也大,它的驾驶室内,除了欠缺一个厕所外,基本上已能够应付日常生活的需要,适合那些货车司机穿州过省地工作。但因为它的车体实在太大,所以除了北美本土和澳洲外,世界其它地方也很难见到它们出现。你想在南欧遇上一部十八个轮的FREIGHTLINER拖头吗?应该比见到柯柏文的可能性还要低。 2. 大黄蜂(1976 CHEVY CAMARO) 1976年的雪佛莱CAMARO,属车系中的第二代,在那个年代,CAMARO跟潘迪火鸟、CHEVY CORVETTE、福特野马等,同属很具代表性的美国跑车,不过以现在的标准来看,1976年的CAMARO,根本就是部垃圾,乘坐感不佳,操控也毫不精良。现时,在美国的马路上偶尔仍会见到第二代CAMARO的踪影,开车的,通常不外乎是那些不修篇幅,予人感觉很潦倒的中年男人。3. 爵士(PONTIAC SOLSTICE GXP) 大部分香港人不但对SOLSTICE GXP这型号感到陌生,甚至连PONTIAC这个品牌为何也不清楚,PONTIAC,香港汽车媒体通常音译作潘迪,这部SOLSTICE GXP,乃是车厂近年的主打ROADSTER,早在概念阶段时,便已经出现在GT4赛车游戏中,到了SOLSTICE正式开售时更是连番断市,喜欢开快车的人有机会到美国的话,如何也要租部属加强版的SOLSTICE GXP来尝尝它的实力。 4. 铁皮(GMC TOPKICK 4500 TRUCK) 这是部力大如牛的货车,它使用一副6.6公升V8汽缸柴油TURBO引擎,最大马力300匹,使用五前速自排,由静止加速至100km/h约需15秒,极速120km/h。它的车身高达八尺,净重五吨,假若H2与它并排的话,会实时渺小得像个小朋友。如此霸道的车辆,最适合用来警恶惩奸u22efu22ef去吧!去打机械人吧!去打狂派的机械人吧!5. 力捷(HUMMER H2) H2在美国和日本同属潮人至爱,但它在美国汽车市场中,由始至终也被归类为货车,推出时还得过「2003年北美全年最佳货车」这美誉。事实上,H2的阵式车架,的确是来自货车的,耗油量也跟同级货车差不多。它的越野性能虽然比不上HUMMER 1,不过原装的H2仍能轻易越过一幅0.4米的矮墙,安全涉水深度是20寸,可驶落斜幅60%的山坡,还能够拖 3吨重的物件。这么厉害,幸好它是博派,是忠的,否则这个世界真的要末日了。 6. 路障(狂派)(SALEEN S281) SALEEN S281的基本,来自美国福特著名车系MUSTANG,但经过专门生产OEM汽车的SALEEN改良车身气流动力表现后,便成为了S281。在现时有售的S281中,主要有3-VALVE、SC、EXTREME和SCENIC ROOF等,马力最低也有335匹,若果是EXTREME的话,更会使用SALEEN自行制造的V8引擎,最大输出550匹。变形金刚中的判官,变身前乃是部警车,假若香港交通部是用S281作隐形战车捉快车的话,相信要车神才有机会跑得掉
2023-08-03 13:28:291


冬至(Winter Solstice),是中国农历中一个重要的节气,也是中华民族的一个传统节日,冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等。早在二千五百多年前的春秋时代,中国就已经用土圭观测太阳,测定出了冬至,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个,时间在每年的公历12月21日至23日之间。冬至这天,太阳直射地面的位置到达一年的最南端,几乎直射南回归线(南纬23°26")。这一天北半球得到的阳光最少,比南半球少了50%。北半球的白昼达到最短,且越往北白昼越短。冬至过后,夜空星象完全换成冬季星空,而且从今天开始“进九”。而此时南半球正值酷热的盛夏。比较常见的是,在中国北方有冬至吃饺子的风俗。俗话说:“冬至到,吃水饺。”而南方则是吃汤圆,当然也有例外,如在山东滕州、曲阜、邹城,冬至习惯叫做数九,流行过数九当天喝羊肉汤的习俗,寓意驱除寒冷之意。各地食俗不同,但吃水饺最为常见。
2023-08-03 13:28:393


立春 Spring begins、雨水 The rains、惊蛰 Insects awaken、春分 Vernal Equinox、清明 Clear and bright、谷雨 Grain rain、立夏 Summer begins、小满 Grain buds、芒种 Grain in ear、夏至 Summer solstice、小暑 Slight heat、大暑 Great heat。立秋 Autumn begins、处暑 Stopping the heat、白露 White dews、秋分 Autumn Equinox、寒露 Cold dews、霜降 Hoar-frost falls、立冬 Winter begins、小雪 Light snow、大雪 Heavy snow、冬至 Winter Solstice、小寒 Slight cold、大寒 Great cold。
2023-08-03 13:28:494


基本解释 夏 xià 1、季节名:一年的第二季;夏季、夏天、夏令。 2、朝代名:我国历史上的第一个朝代,其第一代君主是禹;夏代、夏历、夏禹。 3、指代中国:华夏。 4、姓氏:夏昶、夏传寿。 5、另有同名小说《夏》,作者为沐子,在新浪读书首发连载中。[编辑本段]详细解释 夏 xià 【名】 (会意。据小篆字形,从页,从臼,从攵。页(xié),人头。臼(jù),两手,攵(suī),两足。合起来象人形。本义:古代汉民族自称) 同本义。也称华夏、诸夏〖Chinese〗 夏,中国之人也。——《说文》。朱骏声曰:“就全地言之,中国在西北一小隅。故陈公子少西字夏,郑公孙夏字西。” 泛指中国〖China〗 蛮夷猾夏。——《书·舜典》。孔传:“夏,华夏。” 春秋内其国而外诸夏。——《公羊传·成公十五年》。注:“诸夏外土诸侯也。谓之夏者,大总下上言之辞也。” 此之谓夏声。——《左传·襄公二十九年》。服注:“与诸夏同风。” 东夏之命。——《吕氏春秋·察今》。注:“东方也。” 又如:夏盟(古代华夏诸国间的结盟);夏声(古代中原地区的民间音乐) 朝代名〖theXiaDynasty〗 中国历史上的第一王朝,系传说中禹的儿子启所建立,奴隶制国家,建都安邑(今山西省夏县北),即夏后氏 构木钻燧于夏后氏。——《韩非子·五蠹》 始于虞夏。——蔡元培《图画》 夏后皋。——《左传·僖公三十三年》 虞夏以来。——《史记·货殖列传》 又如:夏礼(夏代的礼法);夏书(记载夏代史事的书);夏甲(夏朝君主孔甲) 封建割据政权或农民起义政权称号(1)∶东晋末,公元407年匈奴贵族赫连勃勃建夏国,建都统万城(今陕西横山西北)(2)∶隋末窦建德于公元618年建立夏国,都乐寿(今河北献县)(3)∶北宋仁宗时,赵元昊于1032年建立夏国,史称西夏,都兴州(今宁夏回族自治区银川东南)(4)∶元末明玉珍于公元1362年建立夏国,都重庆 古代波斯的巴克特利亚人建立的国名〖Bactria〗。如:夏国;大夏 通“厦”。大屋〖bighouse〗 曾不知夏之为丘兮,孰两东门之可芜?——《楚辞·哀郢》 见若覆夏屋者矣。——《礼记·檀弓上》 夏季。一年的第二季,中国习惯指立夏到立秋的三个月时间,也指农历“四、五、六”三个月〖summer〗 四月维夏,六月徂暑。——《诗·小雅·四月》 又如:夏汛(夏季汛期);夏安居(僧徒在四月十六日至七月十五日禁止外出,又称“坐夏”);夏畦(夏天治理田畦);夏苗(夏季的禾苗或田猎) 姓 夏 xià 【形】 大〖great〗 夏,大也。——《尔雅》 于我乎夏屋渠渠。——《诗·秦风·权舆》。传:“大也。” 〖夏〗此字本谊训大也。万物宽假之时也。——朱骏声《说文通训定声》 自关而西,秦晋之间,凡物之壮大者而爱伟之,谓之夏。——《方言》 又如:夏李(大李);夏屋(大屋);夏海(大海) 华彩,即五色〖magnificentcolor〗 秋染夏。——《周礼》 又如:夏翟(夏狄。羽毛五色的野鸡);夏缦(古代卿乘坐的五采车)[编辑本段]夏的相关词语释义 夏播 xiàbō 〖summersowing〗夏天里播下种子 夏布 xiàbù 〖grasscloth;grasslinen〗用苎麻织的麻布 夏锄 xiàchú 〖summerhoeing〗指夏季锄地的活儿 夏管 xiàguǎn 〖summerfieldmanagement〗夏季的田间管理 夏侯 Xiàhóu 〖surname〗复姓 夏侯婴、靳强、纪信(夏侯婴,沛人,跟从刘邦起义,后封汝阴侯。靳强,祖籍西河,刘邦的部属,因攻击项羽有功,后封汾阳侯。纪信,刘邦的得力部将,因救刘邦脱险,被项羽烧死)。——《史记·项羽本纪》 夏后氏 Xiàhòushì 〖theXiaDanastysetupbykingYu〗指禹建立的夏王朝。也称夏后或夏氏 钻燧于夏后氏之世。——《韩非子·五蠹》 夏季 xiàjì 〖summer〗∶见“夏天” 〖shemu〗∶埃及古历一年三季之一,每季四个月,其他两季为冬季和洪水季 夏口 Xiàkǒu 〖Xiakou〗古地名,位于汉水下游入长江处,由于汉水自沔阳以下古称夏水,故名。夏口在江北,三国吴置夏口督屯于江南,北筑城于武汉市黄鹄山上,与夏口隔江相对 夏历 xiàlì 见“农历” 夏粮 xiàliáng 〖summergraincrops〗夏天收获的粮食 夏令 xiàlìng 〖summer〗∶夏季 〖summerweather〗∶夏季的节令、气候 夏令营 xiàlìngyíng 〖summercamp〗夏季开设的供集体人员短期休养、娱乐的营地 夏秋 xià-qiū 〖estivo-autumnal;aestivo-autumnal〗夏季与秋季;关于或见于夏季和秋季的事物——主要指某种类型的疟疾 夏日 xiàrì 〖summer〗∶夏天 夏日葛衣。——《韩非子·五蠹》 〖summersun〗夏季的太阳 夏日炎炎似火烧 夏收 xiàshōu 〖summerharvest〗 夏日收获作物 夏季的收成 夏熟 xiàshú 〖summermaturing〗夏季作物成熟 夏熟作物 夏熟谷物 xiàshúgǔwù 〖fallgrain〗秋季播种和在来年春季或夏季收获的谷物 夏天,夏季 xiàtiān,xiàjì 〖summer〗同“夏2” 夏衣 xiàyī 〖summerclothing〗夏季穿的衣服 夏禹 Xià-Yǔ 〖XiaYu〗夏代开国之主。颛顼孙,姓如人氏,其号曰禹,亦曰文命。初封夏伯,故亦称“伯禹”。为有天下之号,史称夏禹,又称“夏后氏”。在位八年,后南巡,崩于会稽(今浙江绍兴市)。据传,禹治水,历十年之久,“三过其门而不入”,终于战胜洪水,民得以安。因此他是我国历史上劳苦功高而又最副盛名的国王 夏耘 xiàyún 〖summerhoeing(ploughing)〗夏锄 夏至 xiàzhì 〖summersolstice〗∶对北半球的居民来说,指太阳到达夏至点的时刻;对南半球的居民来说,指太阳到达冬至点的时刻 〖solstice〗∶二十四节气之一,在6月21或22日,这一天北半球白天最长,夜间最短 夏种 xiàzhòng 〖summersowing〗夏季的播种 夏装 xiàzhuāng 〖summerclothing〗夏衣[编辑本段]汉语大字典解释 [①]〔xià〕 〔《广韵》胡雅切,上马,匣。〕 “夓1”的今字。“昰2”的今字。 (1)大。 (2)大屋;大殿。 (3)五色。 (4)古代汉民族自称,也称华夏、诸夏。 (5)指中夏,中原地区。 (6)禹乐名。 (7)泛指大乐歌。 (8)舞名。文舞。 (9)水名。夏水。传说此水冬竭夏流,故名。故道从湖北省沙市东南分长江水东出,流经今监利县北,折东北至沔阳县治附近入汉水。 (10)水名。汉水的别称。 (11)佛教语。僧徒称年为夏。 (12)朝代名,即夏后氏。是我国历史上第一个朝代。相传为禹子启所创立的奴隶制国家。建都安邑(今山西省夏县北)。 (13)封建割据政权或农民起义政权称号。东晋末,公元407年,匈奴贵族赫连勃勃称天王大单于,国号夏。也称大夏。建都统万城(今陕西省横山西北)。 (14)封建割据政权或农民起义政权称号。隋末农民起义领袖窦建德于公元618年自立为王,国号夏。初建都乐寿(今河北省献县),次年迁洛州(今河北省永年东南)。 (15)封建割据政权或农民起义政权称号。北宋仁宗时,党项羌贵族赵元昊所建。史称西夏,亦简称夏。建都兴庆(今宁夏回族自治区银川市东南)。 (16)封建割据政权或农民起义政权称号。元末明玉珍所建。都重庆。 (17)姓。 [②]〔xià〕 〔《广韵》胡驾切,去禡,匣。〕 “夓2”的今字。 夏季。四季的第二季。阴历四月至六月。 [③]〔jiǎ〕 〔《集韵》举下切,上马,见。〕 “夓3”的今字。 木名。亦作“檟”、“榎”。参见“夏3楚”。
2023-08-03 13:29:221

变形金刚里面的4 个机器人是什么牌子的车?

电影版《变形金刚》剧情简介 男人的梦想 汽车人变形 为什么一代人可以在十几二十年前疯狂地追逐着这种变形玩具?为什么他们可以在多年以后的一次次梦中高喊“汽车人,变形出发”这大概源于男孩对汽车的天性迷恋,也源于干枯寂寞的童年突然被引爆的奇妙幻想。在经历了20年的光阴后这些童年偶像再次登上荧幕,回首20年前动画片里汽车人每一次变形,从强大的机器人变成各种车型,而这些车型都是现实生活中各个汽车品牌经典的量产车。今天,我们将带你走进从动画到电影里的每一款经典车型,共同迎接这盛宴的开幕。 · 回忆:卡通版变形金刚的原形车 · 看变形金刚后有感…… · 高度赞赏大陆对变形金刚的译名 · 看变形金刚首映礼归来 《变形金刚》演绎汽车神话 动画版 VS 电影版 电影版大黄蜂 雪佛兰Camaro 强壮、令人印象深刻、动感,用这三个形容词来描述雪佛兰Camaro再恰当不过。设计师从当今的流行趋势中准确地抓住了Camaro的精髓…… 动画版大黄蜂 大众甲壳虫 没有任何一辆车能像甲壳虫这样,它与德国的历史紧密相关,是德国经济奇迹的象征,甲壳虫就是四个轮子上的德国历史。它曾被希特勒鼓吹…… 擎天柱是美国高速公路上的霸王 Peterbilt 389型卡车 在动画片中,擎天柱红色的卡车头高大的身躯,一次次率领汽车人击败霸天虎的形象,深深的刻在每一个变形金刚的粉丝脑海中,而在现实社会中,擎天柱的蓝本是美国著名卡车品牌Peterbilt…… 电影版爵士 庞蒂克 Solstice GXP 电影中的爵士变成了造型前卫、性能出众的Pontiac Solstice,爵士在影片的人物性格很相符。简洁、动感是GM工程人员必须达成的目标,Solstice线条简单,独特的圆润品味。 电影版铁皮 GMC 4500/Topkick 铁皮在电影中更像一名身经百战的战士,Topkick系列是通用旗下GMC分部开发的中型商用车,C4500是其入门型号,它提供单排座、双排座、房车、公共汽车等4种车身样式。 动画版爵士 保时捷 935 turbo赛车 爵士在动画片中,非常了解地球文明,并总是希望能够学到更多的有关知识。他的原型车是著名的保时捷935。935是专为参加FIA 5组而设计的赛车版930, 性能极佳的935则被严格限制。 动画版铁皮 日产VANETTE 铁皮是汽车人中的元老级人物,同时也是最坚强和富有作战经验的斗士。动画片中他是以一部红色面包车的形象出现的,而这部面包车正是现实生活中的日产VANETTE。
2023-08-03 13:29:321


  关于介绍冬至的英语作文一   On December , 3, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 00years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.   As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.   关于介绍冬至的英语作文二   On December 22, 2013, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 2500years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.   As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.   关于介绍冬至的英语作文三   Winter solstice is a very important solar term in Chinese Lunar calendar.   Being a traditional holiday as well, it is still now celebrated quite often in many regions. Early during the Spring and Autumn period, 2500 odd years from now, Winter solsticewas first determined as the Chinese traditional solar term among the total 24 terms. In Gregorian calendar, it is around Dec 22nd or 23rd.   Midwinter day is the very day in North hemisphere with the shortest day and longest night year-round. After it, daytime will become increasingly longer and the coldest clime will invade all the places on the Northern part of the globe. We Chinese always call it "JinJiu", which means once Winter solstice comes, we will meet the coldest time ahead.   That conclusion is proved well founded. According to scientific results, on Winter solstice, a right angle is formed by the sun and the tropic of carpricorn. Thus, the North hemisphere receives the least sunlight and the shortest day and longest night occur.   Ancient china did pay great attention to this holiday, regarding it as a big event. There was the saying that "Winter solstice holiday is greater than the spring festival". Nowadays, many regions still celebrate it as a big holiday. Northerners may have dumplings and raviolis that day while southerners may have dumplings made by rice and long noodles. Some places even have the tradition to offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth.   关于介绍冬至的英语作文四   As early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points. The time will be each December 22 or 23 according to the Gregorian calendar.   The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytime and longest nighttime. After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. As ancient Chinese thought, the yang, or muscular, positive things will become stronger and stronger after this day, so it should be celebrated.   The Winter Solstice became a festival during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279). The Han people regarded Winter Solstice as a "Winter Festival", so officials would organize celebrating activities. On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest. The army was stationed in, frontier fortresses closed and business and traveling stopped. Relatives and friends presented to each other delicious food. In the Tang and Song dynasties, the Winter Solstice was a day to offer scarifies to Heaven and ancestors. Emperors would go to suburbs to worship the Heaven; while common people offered sacrifices to their deceased parents or other relatives. The Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) even had the record that "Winter Solstice is as formal as the Spring Festival," showing the great importance attached to this day.   In some parts of Northern China, people eat dumpling soup on this day; while residents of some other places eat dumplings, saying doing so will keep them from frost in the upcoming winter. But in parts of South China, the whole family will get together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things. In other places, people also eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour. The Winter Solstice rice dumplings could be used as sacrifices to ancestors, or gifts for friends and relatives. The Taiwan people even keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors.   They make cakes in the shape of chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with glutinous rice flour and steam them on different layers of a pot. These animals all signify auspiciousness in Chinese tradition. People of the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in age order. After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet.
2023-08-03 13:29:391


冬至的介绍 《冬至》为中国第一部通过官方审查的高清数字电影。为导演谢东龅拇ε作,亦是谢东龅摹扒楦腥部曲”之一,由许亚军、秦海璐、胡靖钒主演。故事讲的是律师学志刚接手被公安局收审的慧东兴其妻小白菜的离婚案,便得知自己的妻子新美已早有外遇,父母在学志幼年早已离婚,对稳定的婚姻和家庭的渴望使他选择了逃避。 英文冬至介绍…… 给你个中英文对照的: 冬至是我国农历中一个非常重要的节气,也是一个传统节日,至今不少地方仍有过冬至节的习俗。在二十四节气中,冬至节是被最早制定出来的一个,时间约在每年12月22日至23日左右。冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,白天就会一天天变长,各地气候都进入一个最寒冷的阶段,也就是人们常说的“进九”,我国民间有“冷在三九,热在三伏”的说法。 现在,一些地方还把冬至作为一个节日来过。北方地区有冬至宰羊,吃饺子、吃馄饨的习俗,南方地区在这一天则有吃冬至米团、冬至长线面的习惯。各个地区在冬至这一天还有祭天祭祖的习俗。 Winter solstice Winter solstice is a very important solar term in Chinese Lunar calendar. Being a traditional holiday as well, it is still now celebrated quite often in many regions. Early during the Spring and Autumn period, 2500 odd years from now, Winter solsticewas first determined as the Chinese traditional solar term among th抚 total 24 terms. In Gregorian calendar, it is around Dec 22nd or 23rd. Midwinter day is the very day in North hemisphere with the shortest day and longest night year-round. After it, daytime will bee increasingly longer and the coldest clime will invade all the places on the Northern part of the globe. We Chinese always call it JinJiu, which means once Winter solstice es, we will meet the coldest time ahead. That conclusion is proved well founded. According to scientific results, on Winter solstice, a right angle is formed by the sun and the tropic of carpricorn. Thus, the North hemisphere receives the least sunlight and the shortest day and longest night occur. Ancient china did pay great attention to this holiday, regarding it as a big event. There was the saying that Winter solstice holiday is greater than the......>> 描写冬至的句子 冬至,据说是北半球全年中白昼最短、黑夜最长的一天。似乎很多,到极处,便会峰回路转,属性回归。月盈极处,缺开始;花到盛时,便凋零。古人曰:冬至,阴极之至,阳气始生,日南至,日短之至,日影长之至矣。冬至后,气温真的下降了许多。昼夜的长短,似乎并不能明显觉察。但天气的寒冷,对于我这样一个本身畏寒的人来说,感觉尤甚。 介绍冬至的作文200字 今天是冬至,一回家爸爸直奔厨房,妈妈直奔阳台,我也赶紧奔进房间开始做作业。 不一会儿,厨房里就传来了爸爸“咚咚咚”的切菜声,阳台里传来了妈妈忙碌的脚步声,我也沉浸在学习中。 “吃饭啦!”爸爸叫道。我连忙站起来,洗了手,就跑出去摆桌子。 哇!饭菜真丰富,有清蒸鱼、油爆虾、三鲜汤,还有我最喜欢的大闸蟹! 爸爸满满地倒了一碗米酒说“今天是冬至,是一年中最长的一夜,来,我们庆祝一下吧!”说完就喝了一大口,我就试着也喝了一大口说:“真美味!”爸爸哈哈大笑:“女儿真像我!”妈妈也跟着笑了。今年的冬至好快活! 冬至的歌手简介 姓名:筠子原名:武雅君出生地:新疆,在郑州/北京两地长大生日:1973年1月24日身高:171CM血型:B型籍贯:山西星座:巨蟹座嗜好:看书、睡觉、听音乐家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈学历:大学最喜欢的颜色:纯色的筠子专辑最喜欢的歌手:THE DOORS、潘多拉最喜欢的演员:吉姆-凯瑞最喜欢的作家:加西亚u30fb马尔克斯、 亨利u30fb米勒最喜欢的食物:榴莲最喜欢的城市:威尼斯最喜欢的宠物:猫、狗口头禅:没问题愿望:成为一名弹贝斯的歌星异性类型:脾气好、有思想筠子(1977年7月-2000年9月10日),原名武雅筠,青年女歌手。 明天冬至,谁能介绍一下冬至的由来 冬至过节源于汉代,盛于 唐宋,相沿至今。《清嘉录》甚至有“冬至大如年”之说。这表明古人对冬至十分重视。人们认为冬至是阴阳二气的自然转化,是上天赐予的福气,。汉朝以冬至为“冬节”,官府要举行祝贺仪式称为“贺冬”,例行放假。《后汉书》中有这样的记载:“冬至前后,君子安身静体,百官绝事,不听政,择吉辰而后省事。”所以这天朝庭上下要放假休息,军队待命,边塞闭关,商旅停业,亲朋各以美食相赠,相互拜访,欢乐地过一个“安身静体”的节日。 唐、宋时期,冬至是祭天祭祀祖的日子,皇帝在这天要到郊外举行祭天大典,百姓在这一天要向父母尊长祭拜,现在仍有一些地方在冬至这天过节庆贺。 冬至牧师简介 staple modities, always in stock and on tap ready 冬至日是什么时候? 冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,白天就会一天天变长,黑夜会慢慢变短;南半球接近这一年的黄昏,北半球接近下一年的早晨。古人对冬至的说法是:阴极之至,阳气始生,日南至,日短之至,日影长之至,故曰“冬至 老福州图说冬至旧俗 节前理发做“米时”@(3张)”。冬至并非一年最冷的一天,人们所说的“进九”之后,还有一个月才是一年里最冷的时间(即翌年1月8日―1月18日交节)。中国民间有“冷在三九,热在三伏”的说法。冬至前是大雪(12月7-9日交节),冬至后是小寒(翌年1月4-6日交节),冬至是12月21日至12月23日交节。 冬至是怎么来的,有什么讲究吗? 冬至节简介 冬至,是我国农历中一个非常重要的节气,也是一个传统节日,至今仍有不少地方有过冬至节的习俗。冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等。早在二千五百多年前的春秋时代,我国已经用土圭观测太阳测定出冬至来了,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个。时间在每年的阳历12月22日或者23日之间。 冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,白天就会一天天变长。古人对冬至的说法是:阴极之至,阳气始生,日南至,日短之至,日影长之至,故曰“冬至”。冬至过后,各地气候都进入一个最寒冷的阶段,也就是人们常说的“进九”,我国民间有“冷在三九,热在三伏”的说法。 现代天文科学测定,冬至日太阳直射南回归线,阳光对北半球最倾斜,北半球白天最短,黑夜最长,这天之后,太阳又逐渐北移。 在我国古代对冬至很重视,冬至被当作一个较大节日,曾有“冬至大如年”的说法,而且有庆贺冬至的习俗。《汉书》中说:“冬至阳气起,道长,故贺。”人们认为:过了冬至,白昼一天比一天长,阳气回升,是一个节气循环的开始,也是一个吉日,应该庆贺。《晋书》上记载有“魏晋冬至日受万国及百僚称贺……其仪亚于正旦。”说明古代对冬至日的重视。 现在,一些地方还把冬至作为一个节日来过。北方地区有冬至宰羊,吃饺子、吃馄饨的习俗,南方地区在这一天则有吃冬至米团、冬至长线面的习惯。各个地区在冬至这一天还有祭天祭祖的习俗。 冬至节的由来与传说 冬至过节源于汉代,盛于唐宋,相沿至今。《清嘉录》甚至有“冬至大如年”之说。这表明古人对冬至十分重视。人们认为冬至是阴阳二气的自然转化,是上天赐予的福气,。汉朝以冬至为“冬节”,官府要举行祝贺仪式称为“贺冬”,例行放假。《后汉书》中有这样的记载:“冬至前后,君子安身静体,百官绝事,不听政,择吉辰而后省事。”所以这天朝庭上下要放假休息,军队待命,边塞闭关,商旅停业,亲朋各以美食相赠,相互拜访,欢乐地过一个“安身静体”的节日。 唐、宋时期,冬至是祭天祭祀祖的日子,皇帝在这天要到郊外举行祭天大典,百姓在这一天要向父母尊长祭拜,现在仍有一些地方在冬至这天过节庆贺。 冬至传说之一 过去老北京有“冬至馄饨夏至面”的说法。相传汉朝时,北方匈奴经常骚扰边疆,百姓不得安宁。当时匈奴部落中有浑氏和屯氏两个首领,十分凶残。百姓对其恨之入骨,于是用肉馅包成角儿,取“浑”与“屯”之音,呼作“馄饨”。恨以食之,并求平息战乱,能过上太平日子。因最初制成馄饨是在冬至这一天,在冬至这天家家户户吃馄饨。 吃“捏冻耳朵”是冬至河南人吃饺子的俗称。缘何有这种食俗呢?相传南阳医圣张仲景曾在长沙为官,他告老还乡那时适是大雪纷飞的冬天,寒风刺骨。他看见南阳白河两岸的乡亲衣不遮体,有不少人的耳朵被冻烂了,心里非常难过,就叫其****在南阳关东搭起医棚,用羊肉、辣椒和一些驱寒药材放置锅里煮熟,捞出来剁碎,用面皮包成像耳朵的样子,再放下锅里煮熟,做成一种叫“驱寒矫耳汤”的药物施舍给百姓吃。服食后,乡亲们的耳朵都治好了。后来,每逢冬至人们便模仿做着吃,是故形成“捏冻耳朵”此种习俗。以后人们称它为“饺子,也有的称它为“扁食”和“烫面饺”,人们还纷纷传说吃了冬至的饺子不冻人。 冬至传说之二 冬至吃狗肉的习俗据说是从汉代开始的。相传,汉高祖刘邦在冬至这一天吃了樊哙煮的狗肉,觉得味道特别鲜美,赞不绝口。从此在民间形成了冬至吃狗肉的习俗。现在的人们纷纷在冬至这一天,吃狗肉、羊肉以及各种滋补食品,以求来年有一个好兆头。 冬至传说之三 在江南水乡,有冬至之夜全家欢聚一堂......>>
2023-08-03 13:29:481


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2023-08-03 13:23:361


Despite popular belief, Mother"s Day is not just a holiday invented by Hallmark, but rather it is a holiday dating back several millenniaThe earliest known Mother"s Day originated in Ancient Greece honoring Rhea, mother of all deities, in an annual spring festival. The Romans honored Cybele, the same mother of all deities, and celebrated this festival by calling it the “Hilaria.” Early Christians continued the tradition by celebrating the Virgin Mary, on the fourth Sunday of Lent. In England, the celebration eventually expanded to include all mothersMother"s Day was not an official holiday in the United States until 1914. Modern Americans can thank the perseverance and determination of a woman named Anna Jarvis who, deeply devoted to her own mother, helped to make Mother"s Day an official U.S. holidayJarvis"s mother, Anna Maria Reeves Jarvis, was an activist during the Civil War and lost 8 of her 12 children before they reached adulthood. When she died in 1905, Anna (daughter) was distraught and vowed to devote her life to honoring her mother. Her devotion led her to strive to appoint an official U.S. holiday to recognize mothers. Though Mother"s Day had been celebrated informally for many years, Jarvis wrote many important figures (including U.S. congressmen and prosperous businessmen), imploring them to back Mother"s Day as an official holidayAnna"s efforts finally paid off. In 1910, the governor of West Virginia declared Mother"s Day a state holiday on the second Sunday in May. The following year, every other state followed suit. By 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill declaring Mother"s Day a Federal HolidayAt first, celebrations of Mother"s Day were relatively private, where children would accompany their mothers to the churches where their baptisms were held.
2023-08-03 13:23:371


八年级物理练习1一、选择题:1.图1所示是生活中常见的光现象,其中与日食的形成具有相同规律的是( )2.如图3所示,小华拎起水壶向暖水瓶中灌开水,小刚在一旁提醒他:“快满了!”小刚判断的依据是( )A. 灌的越多,水面上方空气柱越短,空气柱振动的频率越大,音调越高。B. 水灌的越多,水面上方空气柱越短,空气柱振动的频率越小,音调越高。 C. 水灌的越多,水面上方空气柱越短,空气柱振动的振幅越大,响度越大。 D. 水灌的越多,水面上方空气柱越短,空气柱振动的振幅越小,响度越小。3.某些动物如响尾蛇,是用对光的感应来捕食的,这种光是( ) A.白光 B.紫外线 C.红外线 D.红光4..自行车的尾灯设计得很巧妙,当后面汽车的灯光以任何方向射向尾灯时,它都能把光 “反向射回”。如图4所示是四种尾灯的刨面图,其中用于反光的镜面具有不同的形状,能产生上述效果的镜面是( )5.气象学里的日平均温度,是一日当中的2时、8时、14时、20时这四个时刻气温的平均值。图5是温度计在某一天当中这四个时刻的示数,那么这天的日平均气温是( ) A .2℃ B.1.5℃C.1℃ D.0℃6..图6是生活中晾衣服的几种情景,由此判断下列说法正确的是 ( ) A.衣服A和B相比较,B干的快,说明液体蒸发的快慢与温度有关 B.衣服C和D相比较,D干的快,说明液体蒸发的快慢与表面积有关 C.衣服E和F相比较,E干的快,说明液体蒸发的快慢与空气流动的快慢有关 D.蒸发是液体在任何温度下都能发生的,它需要放出热量7..观察图7中所示情景,下列说法正确的是( ) A.图7-1说明声音可以在水中传播。B.图7-2中停止击鼓,鼓面的振动也立即停止。C.图7-3中高架道路两侧安装透明板墙是为了阻挡车辆产生的噪声,减少噪声污染。D.图案7-4中小华咬住音叉叉股,发觉此时听到的声音比在空气中要大的多,这个实验表明声音在固体中传播速度比空气快。8..下列说法中错误的是( )A.用声波能粉碎人体内的“石头”,说明声音具有能量。B.光使周围变得明亮,变得温暖,说明光具有能量。C.空气的流动形成风,可驱动风力发电机产生电能,说明运动的物体具有能量。D.物态变化过程伴随着能量的产生,自然界中水的循环也伴随着能量的产生。二、填空与作图题:9.深夜时,正在播放的电视机的屏幕上会出现“夜深了,请你把音量关小!”的字,从环境保护的角度分析,这是从 处减小噪声;从乐音角度分析,这是减小声音的 。10.干冰是固态的二氧化碳,我们可以用它来人工降雨。在舞台上制造白雾以渲染气氛、或直接做致冷剂保鲜食品。这都是利用干冰 时(填物态变化名称)需从周围空气中 (填“吸收”或“放出”)大量的热,从而使周围空气温度下降。11.李白的诗句“举杯邀明月,对饮成三人”诗句中的三个人,除他自己外,另外的两个人,一个是由于光的 形成的影子,另一个是由酒面 形成的像。12.如图8所示,西安市的海洋世界有海豚表演。聪明的海豚会做算术加减法运算,当驯兽师问海豚“2+3等于几”时,海豚就会敲5下麦克风。实际上是有人在台下吹了5下哨声。哨音海豚能听到而人听不到。这其中的道理是因为人的听觉频率范围是 Hz,海豚的听觉频率为150Hz-150000Hz,台下人吹的哨声是一种 声波,故人听不到。13.将一把汤勺对着正处于沸腾状态的烧水壶的壶嘴处,一会就看到有小水滴生成,如图9所示,此时,壶内水的温度 (选填“不断升高”,“不断减少”或“保持不变”),在壶嘴处看到的“白气”是 形成的。14.一位视力缺陷者的眼球成像情况如图10所示,他是 视眼,需要配戴 透镜加以矫正;它的作用是使像相对于晶状体向 (前/后)移,从而使清晰的像落在视网膜上。15.如图11所示,人们用声呐探测海底某处的深度,向海底垂直发射声波,经过4秒收到回波信号,海洋中该处的深度是 m.(海水中的声速是1500m/s),这种方法不能用来测量月亮与地球之间的距离,其原因是 。16在探究“凸透镜成像规律”的实验中,在光屏上出现清晰的烛焰的像,如图12所示,由此可以判断蜡烛到凸透镜的距离所在的范围是 。利用凸透镜的这一原理可制成 。三.实验与探究: 20.目前制作眼镜的材料繁多,有玻璃、水晶、树脂等。在阳光明媚的一天,小刚想探究“大小、形状相同的凸透镜的焦距与制作材料是否有关”,可用的器材有三只大小、形状相同但材料不同的凸透镜,请你帮他设计这次探究的全过程,完成如下工作:(1).这次探究实验还需要哪些材料: 。(2).请你写出探究实验的主要步骤:(3).在这次探究实验过程中,你所运用的一种主要的科学研究方法是: 。21.小丽和小强用图14所示的装置探究海波和蜂蜡的熔化规律,下面是他们的研究过程和相关实验记录,请你帮他们完成相关内容:(1).小强按照图14所示装配实验装置后,提出了一个问题;为什么不把海波和蜂蜡直接装在烧杯中加热,而是装入试管中隔着石棉网通过加热烧杯中的水来加热海波和蜂蜡?(2).下面表格是他们记录的海波熔化过程的实验数据,且在8min时有液体出现,在18min时固体消失,在图15中作出海波的熔化图象。 (3).从图线可得出哪些结论?至少写出两条:(4)小丽进一步思考:在海波熔化过程中,如果撤去酒精灯海波还会继续熔化吗? 从中得出什么结论? ?四.综合简答题:(22题4分;23题4分;24题4分;共12分)22.如图16所示的漫画说明了什么问题?请用你学过的物理知识作出解释。
2023-08-03 13:23:443


降E大调的自然音阶,是把bE当作do,之所以觉得是do、re、mi、fa、so、la、xi、do是因为它们之间“相对距离”也就是音程关系,是确定的。且这个自然大调的音阶音和音之间的距离不是均等的,有的隔半个音有的隔一个全音,具体说明如下所示:1、由下图可见,降E大调的指法从右手的食指开始,指法是:21234123(上行一个八度)左手:32143213(上行一个八度)。2、如下图所示,在钢琴中央C的位置,弹奏的第一个音唱do,依次在白键上弹奏下去就形成了C大调音阶,其指法是12312345。3、钢琴中降E大调的指法在降E调在五线谱里是三个降号,就是降了7,3,6这三个音,其他没有变化。降E自然大调是降mi,fa,sol。大调的组成规则每个音之间的音程大小,依序为『全-全-半-全-全-全-半』,这就是大调的组成规则,我们将整个音阶分成两部分:『DO、RE、MIFA』 + 『SOL、LA、SIDO』,称之为"音型",每个音型含四个音,其间的音程距离都是『全、全、半』;所以一个大调就是由两个『全、全、半』音型,中间以一个全音连接而成。 整个大调音阶组成的口决是:"全全半、全全全半"。
2023-08-03 13:23:461


2023-08-03 13:23:321

请帮忙翻译一下这首歌的歌词Tu y yo

  涂y哟,  amamos(德没有什么问题吧  hecho hemos y de联合国卢格,联合国的一些生活日记…土族y哟  我的生命mejor厄尔·汉sido时间到没有问他pasado小品文受害者,我星期五  Cuantas cosas没有hemos vivido,  Cuantas glorias y derrotas涂y哟  Unidos siempre病休第amamos为什么,  她的第一个otro三十万necesitamos,  阿莫尔·厄尔多少岁到薄膜  我一门cancion  涂知道青年节是一个什么样的hecho sido一下  布洛杉机artesanos asi西班牙  你喜欢cuidado欺诈pulso y dedicacion欺诈  .... digo te  米拉阙,您丝氨酸妮ahorita酷  aprovechemos阙nos brinda啦compania图y米亚  德钛阙门casa需要什么“阙青年节mas妮囚徒  Aprovechemos消失,nos amamos酷medida罪  ....涂y哟,  第amamos涂你什麽……  第deseamos涂你什麽……  你看见.... muerte涂  涂y哟,  amamos(德没有什么问题吧  hecho hemos y de青年节,联合国英勇阿莫尔…土族y哟  什麽是我的生命entraste按键涂  nunca antes habia谭u2022封锁,快乐  没有hemos Cuantas cosas vivido,Cuantas glorias y derrotas涂y哟  Unidos siempre病休第amamos为什么,  她的第一个otro三十万necesitamos,  阿莫尔·厄尔多少岁到薄膜  我一门cancion  涂知道青年节是一个什么样的hecho sido一下  布洛杉机artesanos asi西班牙  你喜欢cuidado欺诈pulso欺诈dedicacion欺诈  .... digo te  米拉阙,您丝氨酸妮ahorita酷  aprovechemos阙nos brinda啦compania图y米亚  德钛阙门casa需要什么“阙青年节mas妮囚徒  Aprovechemos消失,nos amamos酷medida罪  ....涂y哟,  第amamos涂你什麽……  第deseamos涂你什麽……  你看见.... muerte涂  (2)。  您有写单词打错了?
2023-08-03 13:23:262


一、声现象1、声音是由发生体振动产生的;声音靠介质传播;真空不能传声。2、声音在固体中传播最快,在气体中传播最慢;在空气中的传播速度是340m/s3、声音的三特征:音调、响度、音色。音调指的是声音的高低,与发声体振动的频率有关,频率越高音调越高。响度指的是声音的大小,与发声体振动的振幅有关,振幅越大,响度越大,还与距发声体的距离有关。不同的发声体,发出的声音音色不同。4、声音的大小用分贝(dB)来划分。5、减弱噪音的三条途径:(1)、声源处减弱;(2)、传播过程中减弱;(3)、人耳处减弱。6、声音可以传递信息和能量。二、热现象1、物体的冷热程度叫温度。测量温度的仪器是温度计;温度计是根据液体的热胀冷缩性质制成的。2、正确使用温度计。(如何使用?)3、物态变化(1)、晶体和非晶体的区别:晶体有一定的熔点和凝固点,而非晶体没有。(2)、汽化的两种方式:蒸发和沸腾区别:(1)发生的条件不同;(2)发生的位置不同。弄清:影响蒸发快慢的因素;液体沸腾过程中吸热但温度保持不变。(3)液化的两种方法:降低温度;压缩体积。4、分子动理论的基本内容:(1)物质由分子组成;(2)分子在不停地做无规则运动(扩散现象表明);(3)分子间存在相互作用的引力和斥力。5、内能(1)物体内所有分子做无规则运动所具有的动能和势能的总合叫内能。(2)内能的大小与物体的温度有关;同一物体温度越高内能越大(为什么?)。(3)改变内能的两种方法: 做功和热传递。对物体做功,物体内能增大;物体对外做功,内能减小。吸收热量,内能增大;放出热量,内能减小。6、比热容状态相同的同种物质比热相同,不同物质比热一般不同。水的比热最大是4.2×103J/kg.℃(表示什么意思?)7、热量的计算:Q=cmΔt(各符号表示什么?)8、热值:一千克某种燃料完全燃烧时放出的热量叫做这种燃料的热植;煤的热植是3×107J/kg表示什么意思?燃料完全燃烧放出的热量Q=mq (Q=Vq)9、内燃机的四个冲程:吸气、压缩、做功、排气。压缩冲程机械能转化为内能,做功冲程内能转化为机械能。三、光的现象1、光的直线传播光在均匀介质中沿直线传播;在真空中的传播速度最快是3×108m/s。2、光的反射要点:反射角等于入射角。两种反射:镜面反射和漫反射。区别:反射面不同3、平面镜的成像特点:(1)成虚像 (2)像与物大小相等 (3)像到镜的距离等于物到镜的距离 (4)物与像的连线与镜面垂直 4、光的折射光从一种介质斜射入另一种介质中时,传播方向会发生改变。要点: 空气中的角大。如1、2图。当光垂直入射时,传播方向不变 如3图 5、透镜 透镜分为凸透镜和凹透镜。如图: 凸透镜对光线有会聚作用。 凹透镜对光线的作用请同学们自己画画矫正近视眼应戴凹透镜,而远视眼(老花眼)应戴凸透镜。6、凸透镜成像规律:焦距分虚实;2倍焦距分大小;物进像退;虚正实倒。请同学们判断物体放在A、B、C处所成的像7、凸透镜的实际运用:照相机、幻灯机、放大镜。8、光的色散白色光是由红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫七种色光组成。9、把红、绿、蓝三种色光按不同比列混合可以组成各种颜色的光,把这三种色光叫做色光的三原色。10、物体的颜色不透明的物体的颜色是由它反射的色光决定的;透明的物体的颜色是由通过它的色光确定的。11、红外线和紫外线。四、力和运动1、运动 把物体位置的变化叫做运动。只要物体相对参照物位置发生改变我们就可以说它在运动。判断一个物体是运动的还是静止的要看以哪个物体作为参照物。选择的参照物不同,结论也不同。2、物体运动的快慢用速度表示。速度计算公式:v= 单位:m/s 和 km/h 单位换算:m/s 化 km/h乘3.6;km/h化m/s乘于 。能区分匀速直线运动和变速运动以及平均速度。3、力是物体间的相互作用。物体间力的作用是相互的。要有力的存在至少要有两个物体,其中一个是施力物体,另一个是受力物体。施力物体同时也是受力物体。4、力的作用效果:(1)改变物体的运动状态(包括速度或方向);(2)改变物体的形状。5、力的单位是牛顿(N);测量力的工具叫测力计;常用的测力计是弹簧测力计。6、力的三要素:力的大小、方向、作用点叫做力的三要素。7、力的图示和力的示意图的区别。8、重力物体由于地球的吸引而受到的力叫做重力。 重力的施力物体是地球。重力大小:G=mg ; 方向:竖直向下 ; 作用点:在物体的几何中心。9、同一直线上二力的合成:方向相同时,合力大小等于两个力之和,方向与这两个力方向相同;方向相反时,合力等于这两个力的大小之差,方向与大的那个力方向相同。10、牛顿第一定律:一切物体在没有受到外力作用时,原来静止的将保持静止,原来运动的将做匀速直线运动。11、惯性 保持原来运动状态不变的性质。一切物体都有惯性。12、二力平衡二力平衡的定义:一个物体在两个力的作用下,如果保持静止或做匀速直线运动,那么这两个力就是平衡力。(这是常用来判断两个力是否是平衡力的重要依据)二力平衡的条件:(1)作用在同一物体上;(2)力的大小相等;(3)方向相反;(4)作用在同一直线上。13、摩擦力滑动摩擦力的大小与压力大小及接触面的粗糙程度有关。摩擦力的方向与物体运动方向相反。减小摩擦力的两种方法:(1)变滑动为滚动;(2)使两个摩擦面隔开 。五、质量和密度1、物体所含物质的多少叫做质量;2、质量的主单位是千克(kg),其它常用单位有:t、g、mg,它们之间如何换算?3、如何用天平测量物体的质量?4、单位体积某种物质的质量叫做这种物质的密度。表达式ρ= 。单位:kg/m3和g/cm3。换算kg/m3化g/cm3去掉103;g/cm3化kg/m3乘于103。4、同种物质密度相同,不同物质密度一般不同。物质的密度只与物质的种类有关,与物体的质量和体积无关。5、想一想,如何测量一个石子和一杯盐水的密度?测量中需要哪些器材?六、压强1、压力 垂直压在物体表面上的力。 压力的方向与受力面垂直2、压强是用来表示压力作用效果的物理量。与压力的大小和受力面积有关。3、把单位面积上受到的压力叫做压强。 公式:p= 单位:帕(pa)4、受力面积指的是两个物体的接触面积。5、液体压强的特点:液体对容器的底和侧壁都有压强,在液体内部向各个方向都有压强,压强的大小与深度和密度有关;在同一深度处,液体向各个方向的压强相等。6、液体压强:p=ρgh 从公式可以看出液体产生的压强只与液体的密度和深度有关;与其他因素无关。(该公式也可以用于固体压强的计算,条件是:密度均匀,外形规则,上下一样大)7、大气压强 浸没在大气里面的物体受到的压强叫做大气压强。8、大气压随高度的增加而减小。(为什么?)9、液体沸点与气压的关系:气压增大,沸点升高;气压减小,沸点降低。10、1标准大气压=760mm高水银柱产生的压强=1.01×105 pa 。七、浮力1、物体的沉浮条件:F浮>G时 上浮(上浮的最终结果是?)ρ物<ρ液上浮(最终漂浮) F浮<G时 下沉 ρ物>ρ液下沉漂浮和悬浮时 F浮=G (为什么?) ρ物=ρ液悬浮2、浮力计算公式:(1)浮力产生的原因:F浮=F上- F下(2)漂浮或悬浮时:F浮=G(3)实验法测浮力:F浮=G-F (G--物重、 F--物体浸入液体中时弹簧称的读数)(4)阿基米德原理:F浮=G排=ρgV排七.简单机械1、杠杆 杠杆的五要素:支点、动力、阻力、动力臂、阻力臂。(你会作动力臂和阻力臂吗?)2、杠杆的平衡条件:F1L1=F2L2 或F1/F2=L2/L13、三种杠杆:(1)省力杠杆 L1>L2时,F1<F2 特点:省力但费了距离(2)费力杠杆 L1<L2时, F1>F2 特点:费力但省距离(3)等臂杠杆 L1=L2时, F1=F2 特点:既不省力也不费力4、三种滑轮:(1)定滑轮:F=G、 S=h 实质上是一个等臂杠杆(2)动滑轮:F= S=2h 是一个动力臂是阻力臂2倍的省力杠杆(3)滑轮组:A、向下不算向上算B、定偶动奇;C、承担物体的绳子数最少等于滑轮数,最多等于滑轮数加1;D、(理想情况下)F=G/n E、S=nh (n表示承担物体的绳子数)八、功和能1、功的两个必要因素:(1)作用在物体上的力;(2)物体在力的方向上通过的距离。2、功的计算:W=FS (W=Gh) 单位:焦耳(J)3、功的原理:理想情况下,使用任何机械都不省功。4、机械效率:η= 对于滑轮组常用η= 对于机械效率的计算要分清那部分是有用功,那部分是总功。5、在物理中,我们用功率来表示做功的快慢。6、单位时间内所做的功叫做功率。 公式:P= 单位:瓦特(W)常用单位:千瓦(KW) 1KW=1000W7、机械能机械能包括动能和势能。其中势能又包括重力势能和弹性势能(1)物体由于运动所具有的能叫做动能;动能的大小与物体的质量和速度有关。EK= mv2(2)举高的物体所具有的能叫做重力势能;重力势能的大小与物体的质量和高度有关。EP=mgh(3)发生弹性形变的物体所具有的能叫做弹性势能;弹性势能的大小与物体的弹性形变大小有关。8、能的转化九、电路1、摩擦起电的原因(1)用摩擦的方法使物体带电叫做摩擦起电。摩擦起电的实质是电子发生转移,失去电子的物体带正电,得到电子的物体带负电。想一想:绸子与玻璃棒摩擦过程中,谁失去电子?谁得到电子?2、检验物体是否带电的方法:(1)看是否能吸引轻小物体;(2)用验电器检验。3、同种电荷互相排斥,异种电荷互相吸引。4、异种电荷接触时,如果电量相同会互相抵消,叫做中和。5、电流的形成和方向(1)电荷的定向移动形成电流。(2)把正电荷定向移动的方向规定为电流方向。(注意:负电荷定向移动的方向与电流方向相反)(3)电流由电源正极流向负极。6、电流的三种效应:热效应、磁效应、化学效应。7、电流的定义:1S内通过导体横截面的电量叫做电流。定义式:I= 单位:安培(A)8、电流表的使用(如何正确使用电流表?)9、电流、电压、电源的关系电源---------电压------电荷定向移动--------形成电流----用电器工作10、电压(1)电压的单位是:伏特(V) 一节干电池的电压是1.5V; 照明电路电压是220V; 对人体安全的电压是不高于36V;(2)、电压表的使用(如何使用电压表,并与电流表的使用相对照)11、电阻(1)电阻的定义:导体对电流的阻碍作用。(2)决定电阻大小的因素:材料、长度、横截面积和温度。(初中阶段较少考虑温度影响)(3)在材料、长度和横截面积三个量中,要有两个相同才能进行比较。长度相同、横截面积相同时;电阻由小到大的排列顺序是:银、铜、铝、钨、铁、合金;材料相同、横截面积相同时;导线越长,电阻越大;材料相同、长度相同时;横截面积越大,电阻越小。12、滑动变阻器(1)滑动变阻器是靠改变接入电路中的电阻线的长度来改变电阻的。(2)滑动变阻器的使用:一上一下接电路,阻值变化观下柱,滑片靠近阻值小,滑片远离阻值大。13、导体和绝缘体的区别导体之所以容易导电是因为导体中有可以自由移动的电荷。(注意:金属导体中能够自由移动的是电子)绝缘体不容易导电是因为绝缘体中电荷几乎被束缚在原子范围之内,很少能自由移动。十、串联电路和并联电路串联电路特点:(1)串联电路中电流处处相等;即I=I1=I2 (2)总电压等于各部分两端的电压之和;即U=U1+U2 (3)总电阻等于各串联电阻之和;即R=R1+R2并联电路特点:(1)并联电路中总电流等于各支路电流之和;即I=I1+I2(2)并联电路中各支路两端电压相等,等于总电压;即U1=U2=U(3)并联电路中总电阻的倒数等于各支路电阻的倒数之和;即 只有两个电阻并联时R= 十一、欧姆定律、电功和电功率1、欧姆定律 I= (U=IR、R= )注意:知道电压和电流可以算出电阻,但电阻与电压及电流无关。只与导体的材料、长度和横截面积有关。2、电流做功的过程就是把电能转化为其它形式的能的过程。(判断一下下面一些用电器是把电能转化为?电灯、电炉、电动机)3、测量电功的仪器是电能表;4、电功率是表示电流做功快慢的物理量;5、电功和电功率的计算公式:W=Pt P=W/tW=UIt P=UIW=I2Rt P=I2RW=U2t/R P=U2/R6、比例关系式串联电路中: 并联电路中: 7、你能分清实际功率和额定功率吗?另外电学实验中测电阻和测电功率是非常重要的两个实验,你掌握了吗?十二、生活用电1、 家庭电路的组成入户线:火线和零线,他们之间的电压是220V,同时火线与地面之间的电压也是220V,零线和地面之间无电压。电能表:测量电功的仪表(如何读数?)。保险盒:里面有保险丝,当电路中电流过大时,保险丝熔断而断开电路对电路起保护作用。选择保险丝的原则时是等于或稍大于电路中所有用电器正常工作时的电流。开关:与所控制的用电器串联,控制该用电器的通断。注意开关一定要接在火线上。插座:分两孔插座和三孔插座。接线方式:左邻(零)右伙(火),上帝(地)保佑。灯座:分为卡口和螺丝口两类,使用螺丝口灯座时,火线一定要接在顶上。测电笔:用来辨别火线和零线,使用时人体要接触笔尾金属体,发光说明是火线。家庭电路中所有用电器都是并联使用的。十三、电与磁1、 物体能够吸引铁、钴、镍等物质,我们就说它具有磁性。2、 具有磁性的物体叫做磁体。3、 磁体上磁性最强的部分叫做磁极,每个磁体都有两个磁极。(N、S极)4、 同名磁极互相排斥,异名磁极互相吸引5、 使没有磁性的物体获得磁性的过程叫做磁化。6、 磁体与磁体间的相互作用力是通过磁场发生的。7、 磁感线用来表示磁场的强弱和磁场的方向,它从N极出来,回到S极。8、 奥斯特发现了电流可以产生磁场,说明电与磁之间有联系。(电生磁)9、 重点:通电螺线管的极性判断,或根据极性判断电源正负极或磁感线方向。10 、电磁铁与螺线管的区别。电磁铁的磁性有无与电流的通断有关;磁性的强弱与通过的电流大小和线圈匝数有关。11、闭合电路的一部分导体在磁场中切割磁感线时,电路中有电流产生,这就是电磁感应(磁生电)。12、发电机就是利用电磁感应现象制成的。13、通电导线在磁场中会受到磁力的作用,利用这个原理可以做成电动机。
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