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老师点名的时候 答 ,到 。用英语怎么说

2023-08-03 21:44:29
TAG: 英语 老师


When the teacher called the roll,just answer here.


teacher 英[u02c8ti:tu0283u0259(r)] 美[u02c8titu0283u025a]

n. 教师,教员,老师,先生; [航] 教练机;

[例句]I"m a teacher with 21 years "experience.


call 英[ku0254:l] 美[ku0254l]

v. 打电话给; 呼唤,喊叫; 召唤,叫来,召集; 下令,命令;

n. 喊叫,大声喊; 电话联络; 必要,理由; 要求;

[例句]I always wanted to call the dog Mufty for some reason


here 英[hu026au0259(r)] 美[hu026ar]

adv. 在这里; 这时; 在这一点上; (给某人东西或指出某物时说) ;

n. 这里;

int. 喂; 嗨;

[例句]I"m here all by myself and I know I"m going to get lost









HERE 我们都是外教教的,点名的时候都是这么说的








提出 英语怎么说

动词Put forwardProposeRaisePoseBring forwardAdvanceDish
2023-08-03 17:22:406


put forward come up with
2023-08-03 17:22:583


every student can put up his ownopinion.
2023-08-03 17:23:105


提出建议的英语是:Make a suggestion.用英语提出建议的方法有很多,总体归为一下方法:1、用Let"s…?表示“让我们”(包括双方在内)做某事“这一建议时要用以Let"s 开头的祈使句。而Let us在表示让我们做某事时,不包括对方在内。如:Let"s go and see the pandas. Let us go,will you?让我们去吧,好吗?2、用Why not…?Why not…?意思是:为什么不……?后接不带to的不定式(即动词原形)。Why not…?是省略了主语的省略形式,完整句Why don"t you/they/we…?如:Why don"t you go with me? Why don"t you try again?=Why not try again?3、用What about…?意为“……怎么”后可接名词、的代词和动名词。如:What about going out for a walk?I"m going to the park.What about you?英语的介绍英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是五世纪盎格鲁-撒克逊移民带到英国的一组英格瓦方言,统称为古英语。中世纪英语始于11世纪末,当时诺曼人征服了英国;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机引进英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响。
2023-08-03 17:23:511

提出要求 用英语咋说?

2023-08-03 17:24:154


2023-08-03 17:24:249


to propose on one"s own
2023-08-03 17:24:418


2023-08-03 17:24:594


He put forward the theory that 1, children from friends to learn things than they learnfrom their parents much.2 there are questions to be asked at the meeting?3 we are going to argue with the manager to work.4.. The accident put forward a series of safety problems to the people.5 people put forward many theories to explain this phenomenon.6 the government puts forward several new initiatives, to address the rising crime rate.7 he refused all the Commission"s recommendations.8 boss asked us to come up with some new ideas.Requirements: will provide the verbs into suitable context. If specified, with which verb.
2023-08-03 17:25:091


raise a question:)
2023-08-03 17:25:185


需要做某事用英语翻译成:need to do something。1、需要:need; want; require; demand。2、做:make; manufacture; produce。3、某:certain; some。用法:need用作情态动词时没有人称、时态及语态的变化,后面须接不带to的动词不定式一起用作谓语,表示“必须,必要”。一般只用于否定句或疑问句中,也可用于含有否定意味的肯定句中。need not后可接动词不定式的被动式、进行时及完成时。当接动词不定式的完成式时常表示“做了本来不必做的事情”。need用作名词作“需要,需求”解时,其后常接介词for或of短语作其定语,当表示“责任,必要”时,其后常接动词不定式。need的复数形式needs可以表示多种需要。
2023-08-03 17:25:461


make a question
2023-08-03 17:26:035

向别人提出邀请 用英语怎么说

What about come with me to..........Can you join us to do ........can I invite you to join us
2023-08-03 17:26:284

"如果你有任何问题想与其分享,欢迎提出" 用英语怎么说?

if you have any problems to share,please ask me
2023-08-03 17:27:164

提出解决对策 英语怎么说?

put forward solutions 提出 put forward 解决对策 solutions
2023-08-03 17:27:263


I cling to the idea that... In my point of view... Personally speaking... As far as I know... From my angle... The way I look at... I hold the belief... It can be argued... It occurs to me... 这些全是我们以前外教Dean教的,
2023-08-03 17:27:351


put forward v. 提出;拿出;放出; 例句: He has put forward new peace proposals. 他已提出了新的和平建议。 They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting. 他们提出了许多有根据的理由来反对出口。 扩展资料   She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan.   她为放弃这个计划提出了一些具有说服力的理由。   Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.   达尔文最终提出了一套生物进化的理论模式。   At least that"s the argument put forward in the New England Journal of Medicine.   至少这是《新英格兰医学杂志》提出的观点。   I think this is fairly faithful to the kind of argument he means to put forward.   我认为这很符合他想要提出的论点。
2023-08-03 17:27:561


Think up 想出 [xiǎng chū] dope out; think; enter; excogitate; construct ; 提出 [tí chū] put [bring] forward; raise; propose; present;
2023-08-03 17:28:091


提出英语短语:put forward。 forward:adv.向前;进展;前进;向将来;往后; adj.向前的;前进的;(尤指船、飞机或其他交通工具)前部的,前面的;未来的;将来的; v.发送,寄(商品或信息);(按新地址)转寄,转投,转交;促进;有助于…的发展;增进; n.(运动队的)前锋 扩展资料   New proposals have been put forward to break the deadlock among rival factions.   旨在结束各竞争派别之间僵持局面的.新提案已被提交。   Archaic practices such as these are usually put forward by people of limited outlook.   视野狭隘的人通常会提出类似于这些的陈腐做法。   I hope you don"t think I"m being too forward.   我希望你不要认为我太冒失。   It was decided to bring the meeting forward two weeks.   已决定把会议提前两周。
2023-08-03 17:28:161

"提起 提出"用英语怎么说

你好!提起 提出filedPut forward
2023-08-03 17:28:312


问题一:提出建议 用英语怎么说 Give suggestion 问题二:提出建议的英语翻译 提出建议用英语怎么说 提出建议 用英语表达是: offer a proposal put forward a suggestion 问题三:接受某人的建议用英语怎么说 take one"s advice或者follow one"s advice,不能用accept 问题四:建议用英语怎么说? 建议(动词) suggest advise propose vote remend 建议(名词) suggestion advice propose vote remendation 问题五:给.提建议用英语怎么说 give (some)advice (给)提建议 问题六:欢迎提建议!这句话用英语怎么说? Wele to give us your precious opinion 或者Any helpful suggestions would be wele 问题七:“这里是给你的一些建议”英语怎么说 Here is some advice to you. advice (不可数名词)浮advice (on something) advice (to somebody)
2023-08-03 17:28:391


问题一:出去 英文 怎么说 出去 go out 有“滚出去”之意用:Get out ! 求采纳 问题二:出来用英语怎么说 e out 问题三:出什么事了 用英语怎么说 What happened? 问题四:从....出来 用英语怎么说 e out from... 问题五:想出提出用英语怎么说 put [bring] forward;raise;project;advance 提出建议 put forward a proposal; 请对这个文件的初稿提出修改和补充意见。 Please propose amendments and addenda to the first draft of the document. 问题六:想出用英语怎么说? dope out; 有帮助请点好评或者采纳 祝你新的一学期学习进步! 问题七:计算出用英语怎么说 下列句中用了不同的方法表示“计算出”: Please (figure out) the total cost. 请算出总费用. they were unable to (work out) how muchthey has spent.时,他们算不出来花了多少钱。 Please (reckon up) how much I must pay. 请你算一算我该付多少钱? 问题八:"看得出来"用英语怎么说 easily seen. 贰我看得出来,她看不起我 的翻译应该是 It could be easily seen that she scorned me. 问题九:"问题出在哪里"的英语怎么说? where the problem appear 或者 where the p畅oblem can be found.
2023-08-03 17:29:001

提出建议 用英语怎么说

2023-08-03 17:29:118

提出建议的英语翻译 提出建议用英语怎么说

put suggestion。
2023-08-03 17:29:323


可以说成:put forward a suggestion
2023-08-03 17:29:392

提出请求的英语翻译 提出请求用英语怎么说

make /submit / raise / propose / offer / put (out)a request提出请求
2023-08-03 17:29:472


提出要求requestWe" ll visit___the _ __ Museum___ __of___ ___Art__(美术博物馆)tomorrow。They __are__ ___dressing_ themselves ___up___(正在化妆)to attend the costume party.
2023-08-03 17:30:061

提出看法用英语怎么讲? 提出我的观点用英语怎么说?

put forward one"s opinion. offer one"s proposal.
2023-08-03 17:30:161

希望您提出宝贵意见 用英语怎么说

I hope you can project valuable advice
2023-08-03 17:30:231

希望您提出宝贵意见 用英语怎么说

I hope you can project valuable advice
2023-08-03 17:30:311

"对 的问题点提出并改善"用英语怎么说

To put forward and improve the problem.
2023-08-03 17:31:042


2023-08-03 17:31:157

要求高 用英语怎么说对提出很高的要求

whipped through the open
2023-08-03 17:31:353


主动的用英文怎么说 主动的 active; voluntary; 例句: 他俩谁主动的?你认为是谁?Who initiated this little encounter? Who do you think? 主动地 on one"s own initiative on one"s own forwardly 关联词条: on his own initiative on her own initiative on their own initiative on my own initiative of one"s own accord 例句: 那孩子极为主动地把警察找来. The child displayed great initiative in going to fetch the police. 那个犯人主动地做了供述. The prisonermade a voluntary statement. 当时没有负责的人在场能大批订购削价货,因此我主动地订购了比我们正常需要多两倍的货物. Nobody in authority was available to take advantage of the offer of a reduced price for a bulk order,so I ordered twice our normal requirement on my own initiative. 主动地用英语怎么说 我觉得用initially 比较好,它有主动的,最初的,创新的意思 主动提出用英语怎么说 Shall we municate in English? Could you speak English? 主动要求 用英文怎么说 request actively 主动地 英语怎么说 initiatively: adv. 主动地 act initiatively: 主动地行动。 initiative: adj. 主动的。 subjective initiative 主观能动性。 have the initiative 掌握主动权。 on one"s own initiative 主动地。 take the initiative 带头,采取主动。 “你应该主动去问他怎么了?”用英语怎么说 20分 You should go to ask him what happened 主动的 被动的 ------用英语怎么说 active ....passive
2023-08-03 17:31:421


Let me give your questions my answer,now。
2023-08-03 17:32:302


Please teachers for their valuable advice
2023-08-03 17:32:413


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句: 现在翻译: now;at present;today;nowadays;these days;at the momentnow : 英[naʊ] 美[naʊ];adv. 现在;如今;立刻;adj. 现在的;n. 现在;目前;conj. 由于;既然present : 英["prez(ə)nt] 美["prɛznt];vt. 提出;介绍;呈现;赠送;vi. 举枪瞄准;adj. 现在的;出席的;n. 现在;礼物;瞄准百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。just now刚才;眼下;现在;方才now that既然;由于;既是;因为right now现在;立刻;此刻;马上join now参加;现在加入;点击注册;到场Apply Now立即应用;现在申请;立即申请;马上申请Install Now现在安装;立即安装;开始安装;立刻安装Sleep now现在;安睡吧;睡吧;供应安睡丸but now刚刚;但是现在;可是如今;但如今now playing正在播放;现在播放;正在播放中;演唱现在开始up to now 到目前为止 just now 刚才;眼下 for now 目前,暂时 from now on 从现在开始 by now 到目前为止;到如今 until now 至今,直到现在,迄今为止 even now 即使到现在;尽管这样 till now 到现在为止,迄今 now and then 偶尔;有时 now what 又怎么了(表示感到厌烦);现在该怎么办 there now [表示警告或引起注意等]看,瞧 here and now 此时此地;立刻 now then 那么;喂 do it now 现在开始;立即行动 every now and then 不时地;常常 as of now 此刻,眼下 now or never 勿失良机,机不可失;把握现在 before now 过去,以前 where are you now 你现在哪里 apply now 立即应用;马上申请;在线申请 present value[金融] 现值;面值;[金融] 现时值;当前值present members出席人员;出席职员;列席职员;盛大出席职员present tense现在式;现在时;现在时态;一般现在时Present Hunting礼物直升机birthday present生日礼物;三把黑雨伞;物轻情重;生日贺礼present state现状present status现状;目前地位present transfer即时转移Present Occupation目前职业;现行职业;现任职务present oneself 出席 at present 目前,现在 present situation 现状 at the present 目前;当前 present condition 目前的状态 present status 现状 for the present 暂时,目前 present something at someone 举枪对准某人瞄准,用(武器)对准某人 present time 目前;现在时(时态) present at 出席;在场 at the present time 目前 birthday present 生日礼物 present value 现值 present with 赠(礼物) past and present 过去与现在 live in the present 活在当下 at the present stage 在现阶段;目前 net present value 净现值,现在净价值;纯现价 present itself vt. 出现,呈现 the present day 目前;当代
2023-08-03 17:32:491


问题一:主动的用英文怎么说 主动的 active; voluntary; 例句: 他俩谁主动的?你认为是谁? Who initiated this little encounter? Who do you think? 主动地 on one"s own initiative on one"s own forwardly 关联词条: on his own initiative on her own initiative on their own initiative on my own initiative of one"s own accord 例句: 那孩子极为主动地把警察找来. The child displayed great initiative in going to fetch the police. 那个犯人主动地做了供述. The prisonermade a voluntary statement. 当时没有负责的人在场能大批订购削价货,因此我主动地订购了比我们正常需要多两倍的货物. Nobody in authority was available to take advantage of the offer of a reduced price for a bulk order,so I ordered twice our normal requirement on my own initiative. 问题二:英语“主动”怎么翻译? initiatively: adv. 主动地 act initiatively: 主动地行动。 initiative: adj. 主动的。 subjective initiative 主观能动性。 have the initiative 掌握主动权。 on one"s own initiative 主动地。 take the initiative 带头,采取主动。 问题三:主动地用英语怎么说 我觉得用initially 比较好,它有主动的,最初的,创新的意思 问题四:主动地 英语怎么说 initiatively: adv. 主动地 act initiatively: 主动地行动。 initiative: adj. 主动的。 subjective initiative 主观能动性。 have the initiative 掌握主动权。 on one"s own initiative 主动地。 take the initiative 带头,采取主动。 问题五:主动提出用英语怎么说 Shall we municate in English? Could you speak English? 问题六:主动要求 用英文怎么说 request actively 问题七:“主动提供帮助”英文怎么说 Offering help 问题八:“你应该主动去问他怎么了?”用英语怎么说 20分 You should go to ask him what happened 问题九:英文形容,一个人很主动和被动怎么表达? I don"t want to answer for 0 points, please add on later a鸡person is active and chative, you can say he likes talk or he leads his friends a person with inner character you can say she is a quiet girl
2023-08-03 17:32:561

一般地,再学习对话之前,我会提出几个问题,让学生带着问题去听,这样,可以听说结合,以听促说. 用英语怎么说?

Generally, before learning dialogue, and I will put forward several questions, lets the student with problems to listen, in this way, you can hear, and listen to said
2023-08-03 17:33:062


  建议,通常是在适当的时候指针对一个人或一件事的客观存在,提出自己合理的见解或意见,具使其具备一定的改革和改良的条件,使其向着更加良好的、积极的方面去完善和发展。那么你知道建议用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    建议英语说法1:   suggest   建议英语说法2:   proposal    建议英语说法3:   advise    建议的相关短语:   提出建议 to table a proposal ; Giving Suggestions ; make suggestions ; give advice   提建议 give advice ; make suggestions ; Making suggestions ; make a suggestion   一条建议 a piece of advice   强烈建议 Strongly recommended   建议成本 proposed cost   投诉建议 Complaints proposals ; complaints ; Suggestion ; Complaint and Advice   搜索建议 Google Suggest ; Search Suggest ; Searching Suggestion ; Suggest   建议者 proponent ; Adviser ; suggester ; reporter-adviser   一些建议 some advice ; Some suggestions ; A number of recommendations    建议的英语例句:   2. She suggests you first assess your income and outgoings.   她建议你先估算一下自己的收入和开销。   3. She did not take kindly to being offered advice.   她不喜欢别人给她提建议。   4. Perhaps he"d followed her suggestion of a stroll to the river.   也许他已经听从了她的建议去河边散步了。   5. I suggest we gather enough firewood to last the night.   我建议大家捡足够多的木柴来撑过这一晚。   6. The service covers contraceptive advice and health checks, and is available free.   服务项目包括避孕建议和健康检查,并且免费提供。   7. They offer tips on topics such as home safety.   他们就家居安全等问题提供建议。   8. Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.   其他建议涉及此类信息储存方面的一些细节。   9. The defence counsel warned that the judge should stop the trial.   被告辩护律师强烈建议法官应该休庭。   10. You"ll also get expert advice on keeping your hair in good condition.   你还会获得有关如何保持良好发质的专家建议。   11. I respect his judgement and I"ll follow any advice he gives me.   我尊重他的判断能力,会接受他提出的任何建议。   12. The doses I suggested for adults could be halved or quartered.   我之前建议成人服用的剂量可以降到1/2或者1/4。   13. I would like your advice on a matter of conscience, Father.   我想就一件有关良心的事征求您的建议,神父。   14. Mr Baker was speaking off the cuff when he made those suggestions.   贝克先生临时提出那些建议。   15. Here are a few pointers to help you make a choice.   这儿有几条帮助作出选择的建议。
2023-08-03 17:33:281

建议做某事,用英语怎么说?可以用suggest sb. to do sth吗?

2023-08-03 17:33:446


2023-08-03 17:31:561。翻译成中文是神么?

2023-08-03 17:31:588


2023-08-03 17:32:003


story英 [ˈstɔ:ri] 美 [ˈstɔri, ˈstori] n.故事,传说; 历史,沿革; 内情; 传记vt.用历史故事画装饰; 讲…的故事; 把…作为故事讲述vi.说谎第三人称单数: stories 复数: stories 现在分词: storying 过去式: storied 过去分词: storied双语例句1The second story in the book is titled "The Scholar". 书中的第二个故事题为《学者》。2The parents all shared interesting stories about their children.父母之间都会分享自己孩子的一些趣事。
2023-08-03 17:32:021


2023-08-03 17:32:037


2023-08-03 17:31:521


无论是日常发短信,还是在Facebook,Tweeter等社交媒体上聊天,人们都喜欢使用英文缩略语,这样不仅节省时间也使信息更加简单明了。下面是一些常用英文缩略语的总结,如果你可以活学活用,会让你也看起来很“酷”哦!一、首字母缩写u2755首字母缩写是由每个单词的第一个字母组合而成的,比如UN就是指UnitedNations。短信里,首字母缩写常常被用在习惯用语中。另外,发声相似的词会被字母取代。例如: OIC -OhIsee.BRB-Berightback BFN-Byefornow LOL-Laughingoutloud ASAP-Assoonaspossible BTW-Bytheway FYI-Foryourinformation JK-Justkidding TTYL-Talktoyoulater 二、缩略u2755短信的缩略词不是指一些约定俗成的"don"t"或"they"re"之类的缩略,但两者的目的是一样的:即当意思很清楚的时候可将一些不需要的词省略。元音常常会被省略,但是你仍然可以保留这个词的大概发音。有时候也会用数字代替字母:数字8有时候会发eight,所以later就写成l8r。数字4常也会取代for,也比如2这个音就替代了to。具体的一些常用形式如下: Plz-PleaseThx-Thanks L8r-Later U-You R-Are B4 - Before 2morro -Tomorrow cos = because hru = how are you me2 = me too 特别说明一个:sup=what"s up 这个是熟人之间问好的常用形式,就好比中国人见面问“嘛呢?" 回答就直接告诉别人你正在忙什么,如果没什么特别的可以回答nothing special,这就是最地道的表达。千万别以为sup就是supper,跟吃一点关系都没有哦~三、常见缩略词u2755在英语中,很多比较长的词都有特殊的缩写,例如:u2728uni = university gvmt = government goodnite/nite = goodnight Ad = advertisement ... u2755当然,还有一些常用的口语表达缩写词,例如:u2728pvt = private私人的 nvm = never mind msg = messageluv = love bro = brother sis = sister ILY =I love you 我爱你 IMO =In my opinion 依我所见 IOW = In other words 带着这项聊天技能,去找个外国朋友试一试学习成效吧~
2023-08-03 17:31:501

science怎么读 science的读法

1、读音:英[u02c8sau026au0259ns] 2、解释: (1)n.科学;(某一门)科学,学科;自然科学;理科;…科学,…学(指任何一门系统的知识);技术;技巧;知识。 (2)comp.自然科学的;理科的;…科学的;…学的;科学研究的;自然历史的;科学史的。
2023-08-03 17:31:471


  关于奥卡姆剃刀原理如下:   1、奥姆卡剃刀原理是由14世纪逻辑学家、圣方济各会修士奥姆卡的威廉,约1285年至1349年提出。这个原理称为“如无必要,勿增实体”,即“简单有效原理”。正如他在《箴言书注》2卷15题说“切勿浪费较多东西去做,用较少的东西同样可以做好的事情”;   2、公元14世纪英国萨里的奥卡姆对当时无止无休的关于“共相”、“本质”之类的争吵感到厌倦,于是注书立说,宣传只承认确实存在的东西,认为那些空洞无物的普遍性要领都是无用的累赘,都应当被无情的“剃除”。后来人们为了纪念他把“如无必要,勿增实体”这句话称为“奥卡姆剃刀”。
2023-08-03 17:31:471