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2023-08-04 19:33:28



by Hans Christian Andersen

ONCE upon a time there was little girl, pretty and dainty. But

in summer time she was obliged to go barefooted because she was

poor, and in winter she had to wear large wooden shoes, so that her

little instep grew quite red.

In the middle of the village lived an old shoemaker"s wife; she

sat down and made, as well as she could, a pair of little shoes out of

some old pieces of red cloth. They were clumsy, but she meant well,

for they were intended for the little girl, whose name was Karen.

Karen received the shoes and wore them for the first time on the

day of her mother"s funeral. They were certainly not suitable for

mourning; but she had no others, and so she put her bare feet into

them and walked behind the humble coffin.

Just then a large old carriage came by, and in it sat an old lady;

she looked at the little girl, and taking pity on her, said to the

clergyman, "Look here, if you will give me the little girl, I will

take care of her."

Karen believed that this was all on account of the red shoes,

but the old lady thought them hideous, and so they were burnt. Karen

herself was dressed very neatly and cleanly; she was taught to read

and to sew, and people said that she was pretty. But the mirror told

her, "You are more than pretty- you are beautiful."

One day the Queen was travelling through that part of the country,

and had her little daughter, who was a princess, with her. All the

people, amongst them Karen too, streamed towards the castle, where the

little princess, in fine white clothes, stood before the window and

allowed herself to be stared at. She wore neither a train nor a golden

crown, but beautiful red morocco shoes; they were indeed much finer

than those which the shoemaker"s wife had sewn for little Karen. There

is really nothing in the world that can be compared to red shoes!

Karen was now old enough to be confirmed; she received some new

clothes, and she was also to have some new shoes. The rich shoemaker

in the town took the measure of her little foot in his own room, in

which there stood great glass cases full of pretty shoes and white

slippers. It all looked very lovely, but the old lady could not see

very well, and therefore did not get much pleasure out of it.

Amongst the shoes stood a pair of red ones, like those which the

princess had worn. How beautiful they were! and the shoemaker said

that they had been made for a count"s daughter, but that they had

not fitted her.

"I suppose they are of shiny leather?" asked the old lady. "They

shine so."

"Yes, they do shine," said Karen. They fitted her, and were

bought. But the old lady knew nothing of their being red, for she

would never have allowed Karen to be confirmed in red shoes, as she

was now to be.

Everybody looked at her feet, and the whole of the way from the

church door to the choir it seemed to her as if even the ancient

figures on the monuments, in their stiff collars and long black robes,

had their eyes fixed on her red shoes. It was only of these that she

thought when the clergyman laid his hand upon her head and spoke of

the holy baptism, of the covenant with God, and told her that she

was now to be a grown-up Christian. The organ pealed forth solemnly,

and the sweet children"s voices mingled with that of their old leader;

but Karen thought only of her red shoes. In the afternoon the old lady

heard from everybody that Karen had worn red shoes. She said that it

was a shocking thing to do, that it was very improper, and that

Karen was always to go to church in future in black shoes, even if

they were old.

On the following Sunday there was Communion. Karen looked first at

the black shoes, then at the red ones- looked at the red ones again,

and put them on.

The sun was shining gloriously, so Karen and the old lady went

along the footpath through the corn, where it was rather dusty.

At the church door stood an old crippled soldier leaning on a

crutch; he had a wonderfully long beard, more red than white, and he

bowed down to the ground and asked the old lady whether he might

wipe her shoes. Then Karen put out her little foot too. "Dear me, what

pretty dancing-shoes!" said the soldier. "Sit fast, when you dance,"

said he, addressing the shoes, and slapping the soles with his hand.

The old lady gave the soldier some money and then went with

Karen into the church.

And all the people inside looked at Karen"s red shoes, and all the

figures gazed at them; when Karen knelt before the altar and put the

golden goblet to her mouth, she thought only of the red shoes. It

seemed to her as though they were swimming about in the goblet, and

she forgot to sing the psalm, forgot to say the "Lord"s Prayer."

Now every one came out of church, and the old lady stepped into

her carriage. But just as Karen was lifting up her foot to get in too,

the old soldier said: "Dear me, what pretty dancing shoes!" and

Karen could not help it, she was obliged to dance a few steps; and

when she had once begun, her legs continued to dance. It seemed as

if the shoes had got power over them. She danced round the church

corner, for she could not stop; the coachman had to run after her

and seize her. He lifted her into the carriage, but her feet continued

to dance, so that she kicked the good old lady violently. At last they

took off her shoes, and her legs were at rest.

At home the shoes were put into the cupboard, but Karen could

not help looking at them.

Now the old lady fell ill, and it was said that she would not rise

from her bed again. She had to be nursed and waited upon, and this was

no one"s duty more than Karen"s. But there was a grand ball in the

town, and Karen was invited. She looked at the red shoes, saying to

herself that there was no sin in doing that; she put the red shoes on,

thinking there was no harm in that either; and then she went to the

ball; and commenced to dance.

But when she wanted to go to the right, the shoes danced to the

left, and when she wanted to dance up the room, the shoes danced

down the room, down the stairs through the street, and out through the

gates of the town. She danced, and was obliged to dance, far out

into the dark wood. Suddenly something shone up among the trees, and

she believed it was the moon, for it was a face. But it was the old

soldier with the red beard; he sat there nodding his head and said:

"Dear me, what pretty dancing shoes!"

She was frightened, and wanted to throw the red shoes away; but

they stuck fast. She tore off her stockings, but the shoes had grown

fast to her feet. She danced and was obliged to go on dancing over

field and meadow, in rain and sunshine, by night and by day- but by

night it was most horrible.

She danced out into the open churchyard; but the dead there did

not dance. They had something better to do than that. She wanted to

sit down on the pauper"s grave where the bitter fern grows; but for

her there was neither peace nor rest. And as she danced past the

open church door she saw an angel there in long white robes, with

wings reaching from his shoulders down to the earth; his face was

stern and grave, and in his hand he held a broad shining sword.

"Dance you shall," said he, "dance in your red shoes till you

are pale and cold, till your skin shrivels up and you are a

skeleton! Dance you shall, from door to door, and where proud and

wicked children live you shall knock, so that they may hear you and

fear you! Dance you shall, dance- !"

"Mercy!" cried Karen. But she did not hear what the angel

answered, for the shoes carried her through the gate into the

fields, along highways and byways, and unceasingly she had to dance.

One morning she danced past a door that she knew well; they were

singing a psalm inside, and a coffin was being carried out covered

with flowers. Then she knew that she was forsaken by every one and

damned by the angel of God.

She danced, and was obliged to go on dancing through the dark

night. The shoes bore her away over thorns and stumps till she was all

torn and bleeding; she danced away over the heath to a lonely little

house. Here, she knew, lived the executioner; and she tapped with

her finger at the window and said:

"Come out, come out! I cannot come in, for I must dance."

And the executioner said: "I don"t suppose you know who I am. I

strike off the heads of the wicked, and I notice that my axe is

tingling to do so."

"Don"t cut off my head!" said Karen, "for then I could not

repent of my sin. But cut off my feet with the red shoes."

And then she confessed all her sin, and the executioner struck off

her feet with the red shoes; but the shoes danced away with the little

feet across the field into the deep forest.

And he carved her a pair of wooden feet and some crutches, and

taught her a psalm which is always sung by sinners; she kissed the

hand that guided the axe, and went away over the heath.

"Now, I have suffered enough for the red shoes," she said; "I will

go to church, so that people can see me." And she went quickly up to

the church-door; but when she came there, the red shoes were dancing

before her, and she was frightened, and turned back.

During the whole week she was sad and wept many bitter tears,

but when Sunday came again she said: "Now I have suffered and

striven enough. I believe I am quite as good as many of those who

sit in church and give themselves airs." And so she went boldly on;

but she had not got farther than the churchyard gate when she saw

the red shoes dancing along before her. Then she became terrified, and

turned back and repented right heartily of her sin.

She went to the parsonage, and begged that she might be taken into

service there. She would be industrious, she said, and do everything

that she could; she did not mind about the wages as long as she had

a roof over her, and was with good people. The pastor"s wife had

pity on her, and took her into service. And she was industrious and

thoughtful. She sat quiet and listened when the pastor read aloud from

the Bible in the evening. All the children liked her very much, but

when they spoke about dress and grandeur and beauty she would shake

her head.

On the following Sunday they all went to church, and she was asked

whether she wished to go too; but, with tears in her eyes, she

looked sadly at her crutches. And then the others went to hear God"s

Word, but she went alone into her little room; this was only large

enough to hold the bed and a chair. Here she sat down with her

hymn-book, and as she was reading it with a pious mind, the wind

carried the notes of the organ over to her from the church, and in

tears she lifted up her face and said: "O God! help me!"

Then the sun shone so brightly, and right before her stood an

angel of God in white robes; it was the same one whom she had seen

that night at the church-door. He no longer carried the sharp sword,

but a beautiful green branch, full of roses; with this he touched

the ceiling, which rose up very high, and where he had touched it

there shone a golden star. He touched the walls, which opened wide

apart, and she saw the organ which was pealing forth; she saw the

pictures of the old pastors and their wives, and the congregation

sitting in the polished chairs and singing from their hymn-books.

The church itself had come to the poor girl in her narrow room, or the

room had gone to the church. She sat in the pew with the rest of the

pastor"s household, and when they had finished the hymn and looked up,

they nodded and said, "It was right of you to come, Karen."

"It was mercy," said she.

The organ played and the children"s voices in the choir sounded

soft and lovely. The bright warm sunshine streamed through the

window into the pew where Karen sat, and her heart became so filled

with it, so filled with peace and joy, that it broke. Her soul flew on

the sunbeams to Heaven, and no one was there who asked after the Red






Deep Forest 歌词

歌曲名:Deep Forest歌手:Deep Forest专辑:100% Enigmatic Hits Vol.1Deep forestArtist:矢住夏菜作词:矢住夏菜作曲:ジョー
2023-08-04 18:20:241

求:DEEP FOREST的全集,要无损的。(MP3:我也找的到)。

2023-08-04 18:20:322


我需要 我需要光灯, 我需要光, 面带微笑 ,问对方问候 悲伤的微笑回到 我身边需要光线 的黑暗 真或假的 怀里躲 逐步 逐个街道灯 的脚步离开位 街头今天,我再 分离的发动机声音黎明 明亮的灯在这里和那里, 我住的地方,我需要在太阳下山的光,灰色的 黑暗吞没的城市 安静和噪音的交界处一直 处于亏损状态,以找到所有四个 打算来得到什么东西 ,以生活为明天一些 其他的一天和 晚醒最任何 家庭的叛逃繁忙的运动 ,但我正在谈论有关 谈话的流动,提高你的声音 行走绘制的时候 我的梦想无菌 难怪 跟你去哪里在我的心里 投下幽暗 的光线似乎是 一个奇迹的地方, 在我的心里,你 投一个更加美好的明天, 面带微笑的所有 其他方面,要求 一个悲伤的微笑背后, 我需要一盏灯, 在黑暗中, 它真的还是假的 怀里躲 我需要的光, 光的地方是否在 你迷人的微笑,我想 我不知道 您想想 我需要 光的光,是否有某处 你迷人的微笑,我想 我不知道 什么u认为 我需要光 南耳语爱多 爱的深度嘛,真的 只是一个短暂时刻 离开光的情感空虚 和 一个 自我眼中所有的谈话,拥有移动电话在 那里看看是拉再次 另一个寂寞吐手中更多的朋友致电我 喜欢没有明天, 明天的日子结束,潜移默化流开始 下跌的黑暗在这个小镇, 没有一个霓虹灯标志 我需要一个明亮的光 棚,所有无菌 茎心需要明亮的光线下 一个微笑的所有 其他方面,问一个 悲伤的微笑回到 我身边需要光 夜色降临这里 太真或假的怀里躲 我的梦想无菌 难怪它会 在我的心里 投下幽暗 的光线似乎是 一个奇迹的地方, 在我的心里你 一个灿烂的明天 面带微笑 的问候,问 一个悲伤的微笑背后, 我需要光线 黑暗追逐下跌 太真或假的 怀里躲, 我需要光
2023-08-04 18:20:391

求一套Capture One预设Latitude Deep Forest

2023-08-04 18:20:472


甩葱歌 恋爱循环 猫耳开关 初音未来一些歌曲
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2023-08-04 18:21:074


1、微笑就像创可贴,虽然掩饰住了伤口,但是疼痛依然。我是一个经常笑的人,但不是一个经常开心的人。 A smile is like a band-aid. It covers the wound, but the pain remains. I am a person who often laughs, but not a person who is always happy. 2、一个人就算再好,但不愿意陪你走下去,那他就是过客。一个人就算有再多缺点,可能处处忍让你,陪你到最后,那就是终点。 No matter how good a person is, but he is not willing to accompany you to go on, he is a passer-by. Even if a person has more shortcomings, he may tolerate you everywhere and accompany you to the end, that is the end. 3、第一次喝酒是因为快乐,后来喝酒是为了快乐。 The first time I drank was because I was happy, and then I drank to be happy. 4、时间会告诉我们,简单的喜欢,最长远。平凡中的陪伴,最心安。懂你的人最温暖。 Time will tell us, simple like, the most long-term. The company in the ordinary, the most peace of mind. People who understand you are the warmest. 5、其实真正能击垮你的,往往不是那些突如其来的灭顶之灾。而是压在心底,日积月累的心事。 In fact, what can really break you is often not those sudden disasters. But in the bottom of my heart, accumulated mind. 6、终于到了小时候最羡慕的年纪,却没有成为小时候最想成为的人。 Finally to the most envious age of childhood, but did not become the most wanted to become a child. 7、人说:林深时见鹿,海蓝时见鲸,梦醒时见你。可实际:林深时雾起,海蓝时浪涌,梦醒时夜续。不见鹿,不见鲸,也不见你。 They say, "Deep in the woods I see a deer, blue in the sea I see a whale, and when I wake up I see you.". But the reality: deep forest when the fog, the sea blue surge, wake up at night. No deer, no whale, no you. 8、若爱,请深爱。如弃,请彻底。不要暧昧,伤人伤己。 If you love, please love deeply. If you abandon it, please do it thoroughly. Don"t be ambiguous, hurt others and hurt yourself. 9、人都是从开始相信全都是真的,慢慢觉得全都是假的,然后发现有真有假,最后无所谓真假了。 People are from the beginning to believe that all are true, slowly feel that all are false, and then found that there are true and false, and finally do not care about true and false.图片来源网络
2023-08-04 18:21:251


艺人: Otokaze 语种: 英语 唱片公司: soulcomp 发行时间: 2011年04月21日 专辑类别: 个人专辑 disc 101 - It"s a love thing -otokaze remix-02 - MidNightTown -Mellow City Mix-03 - LUV(SIC)Part5 -otokaze remix-04 - Deep Forest05 - mu-chi-no-chi-3.11 remix06 - World Peace07 - HANA-TO-AME -otokaze remix-08 - MIGRATORY BIRD09 - Active Balanced -otokaze remix10 - LUV(SIC)Part3 -otokaze"Mellow"remix11 - save the flavor disc 201 - Sakura Memory02 - My coffee break"PM15_00"03 - F.I.L.O(First In Last Out)-otokaze remix-04 - Passing rain-通り雨-(DEMO)05 - K O N O H A06 - Mallow Flower
2023-08-04 18:21:321


2023-08-04 18:21:403


中文歌词 | And the sign flashed out its warning in the words that it但我的语言象雨滴般无声滑落, 轻轻回荡在这寂静的墙中。 人们鞠躬并且祈祷
2023-08-04 18:22:282


斯卡波罗集市(Scarborough Fair)原唱是西蒙和加芬克尔(Simon & Garfundel)此曲为影片《毕业生》的插曲,在1969年获奥斯卡最佳电影插曲奖两人在这部片子里还献唱了另一首歌《寂静之声》(The sound of silence)L:Are you going to Scarborough Fair Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine Tell her to make me a cambric shirt (Oh the side of a hill in the deep forest green) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) Without no seams nor needle work (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) Then she`ll be ture love of main (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) Tell her to find me an acre of land (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Washes the grave with silvery tears) Between the salt water and the sea strand (A soldier cleans and publishes a gun) Then she`ll be a true love of mine Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme (Generals order their soldiers to kill) And gather it all in a bunch of heather (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) Then she`ll be a true love of mine
2023-08-04 18:22:391


  歌曲《斯卡布罗集市》作于六十年代末,是奥斯卡奖影片《毕业生》(THE GRADUTE,1967)的插曲之一,联系当时的时代背景(越南战争),不难领会歌曲的内涵。以下是我整理的斯卡布罗集市歌词,欢迎阅读。    斯卡布罗集市(英文版)   Are you going to Scarborough Fair   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme   Remember me to one who lives there   She once was a true love of mine*   Tell her to make me a cambric shirt   (Oh the side of a hill in the deep forest green)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme   (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown)   Without no seams nor needle work   (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain)   Then she`ll be ture love of main   (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call)   Tell her to find me an acre of land   (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme   (Washes the grave with silvery tears)   Between the salt water and the sea strand   (A soldier cleans and publishes a gun)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine   Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather   (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme   (Generals order their soldiers to kill)   And gather it all in a bunch of heather   (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine    中文版   您去过斯卡布罗集市吗?   芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好   她曾经是我的爱人。   叫她替我做件麻布衣衫   (绿林深处山刚旁)   芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)   上面不用缝口,也不用针线   (大山是山之子的地毯和床单)   她就会是我真正的爱人。   (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)   叫她替我找一块地   (从小山旁几片小草叶上)   芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)   就在咸水和大海之间   (士兵擦拭着他的枪)   她就会是我真正的"爱人。   叫她用一把皮镰收割   (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)   芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (将军们命令麾下的士兵杀戮)   将收割的石楠扎成一束   (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)   她就会是我真正的爱人。
2023-08-04 18:23:051


Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您要去斯卡布罗集市吗?   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好   She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。   Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫   (On the side of a hill in the deep forest green)? (绿林深处山冈旁)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)   Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线   (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) (大山是山之子的地毯和床单)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。   (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)   Tell her to find me an acre of land 叫她替我找一块地   (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) (从小山旁几片小草叶上)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (Washes the grave with silvery tears) (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)   Between salt water and the sea strands 就在咸水和大海之间   (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) (士兵擦拭着他的枪)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。   Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫她用一把皮镰收割   (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (Generals order their soldiers to kill) (将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀)   And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收割的石楠扎成一束   (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine她就会是我真正的爱人。   Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您要去斯卡布罗集市吗?   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好   she once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。
2023-08-04 18:23:121


  《Scarborough Fair》原是一首古老的英国民歌,其起源可一直追溯到中世纪,保罗·西蒙在英国学习期间从英国民歌歌手Martin Carthy(马汀·卡西)那学会了这首民歌,并对其进行改编,加入了自己创作的一首《The Side of A Hill》作为副歌。由加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)作曲并演唱的副歌做为歌曲的和音在听觉的感受上不是特别强烈,因此很多人对副歌不太留意,认为副歌只是歌唱的一种处理形式,实际上副歌却是整个歌曲的灵魂。西蒙用借尸还魂的手法把自己先前创作的反战歌曲《The Side of A Hill》嫁接到《Scarborough Fair》,实现了战争歌曲特别是反战歌曲常选爱情或亲情题材为载体的习惯,成功的把《Scarborough Fair》从单纯的情歌打造成一首反战歌曲。  Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你要去斯卡布罗集市吗?   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好   She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。   Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫   (On the side of a hill in the deep forest green) (绿林深处山冈旁)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)   Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线   (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) (大山是山之子的地毯和床单)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。   (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)   Tell her to find me an acre of land 叫她替我找一块地   (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) (从小山旁几片小草叶上)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (Washes the grave with silvery tears) (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)   Between salt water and the sea strands 就在咸水和大海之间   (A soldier cleans and pulishes a gun) (士兵擦拭着他的枪)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。   Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫她用一把皮镰收割   (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   (Generals order their soldiers to kill) (将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀)   And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收割的石楠扎成一束   (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)   Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。   Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你要去斯卡布罗集市吗?   Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香   Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好   she was once a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。  希望能帮到你。
2023-08-04 18:23:201

大熊猫 英语作文 大熊猫濒危的原因1.森林采伐,栖息地减少 2.盗猎,走私大熊猫皮张 大熊猫濒危的原因 80词

The panda is a cute animal. Most of them live in the deep forest China Sichuan province. They have white fur, though their shoulders, legs, ears and eyes are black. Pandas are usually very heavy. Some of them are about 1.5 meters high,100 kilograms of weight, related. However, the panda is very agile. They can climb the trees as easily as some other animalPandas live on bamboo leaves. They have large, sharp teeth. Every adult panda eats about15 -30 kilograms of bamboo leaf, sometimes they also eat meat.They are the world of our friends and there are not many pandas. Some people cut down trees, some people kill them. So we must try our best to take care of them.
2023-08-04 18:23:281


提起最准的15道心理测试,大家都知道,有人问一些很准的心理测试,另外,还有人想问求几道心理测试题.不要测试爱情的?你知道这是怎么回事?其实一道题的心理测试,下面就一起来看看一些很准的心理测试,希望能够帮助到大家! 最准的15道心理测试 1、最准的15道心理测试:一些很准的心理测试 2、最准的15道心理测试:求几道心理测试题.不要测试爱情的? 3、最准的15道心理测试:一道题的心理测试 解释不了。儿子的爸爸是局长,局长的爸爸是儿子的爷爷,局长在开会,说明儿子跑来是个闹剧。 局长的爸爸在和儿子的爸爸打架(儿子并不是局长的儿子)十个有趣的心理小测试。 局长是女的, 2楼是对的,如果是IQ题测试他有多想睡你。 局长是女的 4、最准的15道心理测试:心理测试选择题 情侣测试三观26题。 5、最准的15道心理测试:全球公认的最准的心理测试 这个就是眠具体的还得问心理医生代表什么 1、人;2、人;3、木头;4、水碗 兔子,羊,木头,锤子。 猪龙砖头钱 狐狸,野猪,木头,蜡烛 6、最准的15道心理测试:一个很准的心理测试: 没试过,不懂灵不灵 一道题的心理测试 灵灵灵灵灵灵灵灵灵 7、最准的15道心理测试:什么心理测试最准 有很准的,这是可以肯定的。 有不准的,这也是可以肯定的。 做适当的心理测试可以帮助你更加全面地认识自我,包括意识到性格上的一些缺陷。 其实心理测试,很多地方都有,但是都鱼龙混杂,我觉得,主要是侧重于心理学的,都应该是准的。测试靠谱吗。 心理学是个好东西,很准。测你的另一半有多爱你。 至于罗夏测试,主题统觉什么的,都是人格测试了。 上网一搜都有,现在常见的心理测试都差不多,我想不出有什么可以推荐的网站。心理测你有什么能力惊人。 深感抱歉。八种的心理游戏。 8、最准的15道心理测试:心理测试题 9、最准的15道心理测试:哪里有很准的心理测试 一个人生不可错过的心理测试!(世界心理学家)已经将英文转换成中文Heyitisquiteaccurate!!!Tryandsee!嗨,这个测试很准的哦,来试试看。请拿出一张纸一支笔把你的答案写下来,结论就在后面。Situation:场景:Youareinadeepdeepforestu2026asyouwalkonyousawanoldhutstandingthere你在森林的深处,你向前走,看见前面有一座很旧的小屋。(3)在桌子上有个花瓶,瓶子里有水,有多少水在花瓶里?(满的/一半/空的)(6)过了一会,你走过瀑布,你站在的地面上,你看见地上有金光闪烁,你弯腰拾起来,是一个带着钥匙的钥匙链。有多少把钥匙拴在上面,你可以任意选一个数字(从1到10)(旧的/新的)(8)你走进,看见一个游泳池,黑暗的水面上飘浮着很多闪闪发光的宝石,你会捡起这些宝石吗?(是/不)(9)在这个黑暗的游泳池旁边还有一座游泳池。清澈的水面上飘浮着很多枚钱币。你会捡起这些钱币吗?(是/不)(10)你走到的尽头有一个出口,你继续向前走走出了。在外面,你看见一座园,你看见地面上有一个箱子。这个箱子是多大尺寸的?(小/中/大)(15)哦,不!离马很近的地方突然刮起了一阵。你三种选择。 以上就是与一些很准的心理测试相关内容,是关于一些很准的心理测试的分享。看完最准的15道心理测试后,希望这对大家有所帮助!
2023-08-04 18:23:351


Paul Simon和Art Garfunkel的二人男生组合。。。
2023-08-04 18:23:432

一首经典英文老歌,旋律很慢,有点像《毕业生》,男的唱的,第一句好像是什么“gXXX gold say goodbye”

是不是seasons in the sun ,如果不是,我也介意你去听听看。哈哈。
2023-08-04 18:23:513

求一英文歌曲 --的市场 歌词有 are you going to --

2023-08-04 18:23:591

deep in the forest lives David中文意思?

Deep in the forest lives David大卫住在森林深处(这是倒装句)
2023-08-04 18:24:202

high in the mountains and deep in the forest 请从语法上分析句子结构,high与deep在句中做什么成分?

2023-08-04 18:24:282


个人履历 萨顶顶 萨顶顶(原名:周鹏),毕业于解放军艺术学院首届通俗唱法本科,有着深厚扎实的学院派背景。 作为一个歌手,她拥有一副令所有人惊羡的独特嗓音。极强的辨识度,丝丝融合的表现力,独一无二的演绎方式,独一无二的风格,电音舞曲,中国古典民族文化,中国民族特有乐器,东方独特神秘主义舞蹈,讲话般朴素的民族原生态演绎。 作为一个音乐人,她抛弃尘世的浮名繁华,剑走偏锋的自学梵语,遍游中国文化圣地,静心体验,音乐灵感完全来自于自己对中华民族古老文化的研究和体验, 从五千年的光华里提炼出来真正属于民族的精髓。萨顶顶认为歌唱是先于文字的人类第一语言,那就是说人在不会说话之前已经创造了音乐。因此她创造了独特的 “自语”式演唱,以无意义的随性哼唱来表达自己情绪,来期待心与心的纯粹交流和感动。这种演唱方式更被环球唱片亚太地区总裁Max Hole称为“与神交流的语言”。 作为一个制作人,她大胆开放的“世界音乐”意识, 使她并不拘泥于现有音乐的模式,而是利用西方电子乐的节奏感将古老神秘的东方原生态民族音乐衬托的更加出彩和现代。以Cross-over的方式将行云流水般优美的东方民族乐器与现代电子合成器融合也是如今世界上最前沿最时尚的音乐形式,这样的融合形成的一种异常强大的听觉震撼,形成独特的“萨顶顶音乐”。萨顶顶的音乐更是获得了全球音乐最高奖“格莱美”音乐奖高级评委Eric T.Johnson以及多位资深评委的肯定。“格莱美”方面甚至来函邀请萨顶顶赴美交流,这是“格莱美”成立亚洲地区常设机构几年来首次对华人歌手发出邀请。 作为一个舞者,她并未接受过专业的训练,却全凭音乐的驾驭和深入骨髓的东方气质,随身起舞,并独辟蹊径结合东方武术,构织成唯美,绚烂,独特的东方神秘主义舞蹈。 而作为一个文化符号,“萨顶顶”三个字远不只局限在音乐上.而是从音乐的最本源出发,以中华民族的千年文化为广大背景,巧妙融合西方创新意味的电子音乐,同时随之而出的是高品质音乐融合文化,深厚而不固守,创新挑战而不脱离现实的前卫时尚气质。 她怀着对音乐近乎偏执的狂热,潜心创作具有本土特质和生命力的音乐。秉承高贵、神秘的 萨顶顶 精灵,在音乐的疆域虔诚修行。 蛰伏四年,游历各国采风,足迹遍布欧亚大陆,为她的音乐创作汲取充足的养分。其中,西藏、印度之行更让她与藏传佛教结下不解之缘。 唱者身心合一,物我两忘;闻者胸襟豁然,神游情动。 萨顶顶独创的“自语”是来源于她内心对音乐的感悟所释放的感情,是以无意义的随性哼唱来表达自己情绪,来期待心与心的纯粹交流和感动。这种演唱方式更被环球唱片亚太地区总裁Max Hole称为“与神交流的语言”。这更使萨顶顶的音乐跨越了文化和语言的障碍。在萨顶顶的《锡林河边的老人》中全是以自语的方式演唱的,萨顶顶本人说过这首作品原来就取名为《外婆》的时候,虽然语言不通,但彼此之间瞬间就没有了距离。萨顶顶说,当初她想到用自语来唱歌,主要是因为时常看到婴儿和母亲之间的交流,那是一种超越了语言的沟通和理解,萨顶顶相信人在学会语言之前一定已经具有了表达情感的能力,所以这种依依呀呀的语韵可能是最没有束缚的情感表达。 对于“自语”这种表达方式在以前就有过。 爱尔兰共和国著名独立音乐家恩雅就曾尝试过,当年恩雅还是在努力依据某种语言规律来创造自己的语言,但萨顶顶认为如果还是需要强调语言本身的含义,那不如就用人类已有的语言。自语就是要有一种完全自由,每个人听都能在其中融入自己想像和情感理解的直白感动。 编辑本段从业经历 2000年 大学期间参加第九届CCTV全国青年歌手大奖赛,获得专业组通俗唱法银奖,“全国观众最喜爱歌手奖” 参赛曲目《塔里木河》获本届大奖赛十大金曲奖 2001年 参加中央电视台春节联欢晚会演出 2002年 参加中央电视台春节联欢晚会演出 2004年 发行专辑《自己美》(点睛文化出品)以“中国第一电子女声”之称出版此唱片 , 2005年 出席中国唱片业协会举办的中国第二界金唱片奖颁奖晚会,任颁奖嘉宾 萨顶顶 2005年,参加中央电视台举办的格莱美与中国音乐论谈会,成为中国流行音乐界第一个被邀请的歌手 2006年6月,签约环球唱片天韵文化 2006年9月14日,作为环球唱片亚洲区唯一艺人代表赴日本东京参加环球唱片公司世界年度峰会,演出震惊日本及全球70多个国家的环球唱片代表。 2006年9月底,远赴西藏阿里地区国家一级保护区的古格王朝遗址,耗资120余万元联合中央电视台拍摄大型史诗性MV《万物生》 万物生专辑照片 2006年10月12日,任第八届CCTV音乐盛典表演嘉宾广东佛山斯蒂芬的方式《神香》首度单曲打榜 2006年12月1日,任2006 MTV超级盛典表演嘉宾 2007年1月,参加北京电视台《唱响奥运》节目录制 2007年5月,受邀代表中国赴美国参加MTV主办的中美文化交流晚会 2007年6月,受到世界电子音乐大师PAUL OAKENFOLD邀请合作其新专辑歌曲。 2007年6月25日,受香港特区政府邀请,参加香港佛教界佛诞纪念盛会,并演出30分钟专场表演。 于日本发行首张专辑《万物生》,随后展开全球发行计划。 2007年7月,结束2轮日本东京的发片宣传,获得日本主流媒体的一致好评。 受英国著名制作人TOM NICHOLS (Kylie, All Saints, Savage Garden)邀请赴伦敦共同为环球澳大利亚 萨顶顶 艺人制作专辑.TOM NICHOLS表示非常期待与顶顶进一步合作.Guy Sigsworth (B jork,Madonna)制作人也表示非常欣赏萨顶顶的音乐,并想与其一起合作专辑. 在英国接受美国最大华语电视台LA的(CN对方是个的身份对方是个斯蒂芬公司的法国N旗下)专访. 并接受英国THE SUNDAY TIMES专访,获得美国及英国媒体高度赞扬。 专辑《万物生》作为整个东南亚的专辑发行启动。专辑销量冲上HMV排行榜第10,并稳居前三名数周之久。 新专辑《万物生》在中国大陆发行。 2007年10月,新专辑《万物生》在英国发行,《卫报》给出四颗星评价 萨顶顶入围BBC RADIO 3世界音乐大奖 2007年12月,唱片获得中国唱片评审团4星最高评价,是2007年唯一四星专辑. 《周末画报》年度惊艳女性大奖 2008年1月,受邀世界音乐大师Deep Forest邀请与其进行合作 2007COSMO时尚女性大奖 年度时尚音乐人 萨顶顶 2007南方周末年度盛典 年度音乐 入围2007中国金唱片最佳专辑,最佳MV,最佳新人 2008年2月,受邀演唱中国著名音乐家何训田发行的专辑《如来如去》中的《达塔伽达》。 2008年4月,“第八届音乐风云榜“四大奖提名:最佳新人(内地)最佳专辑(内地)最佳制作人(内地)最佳编曲(内地) 赴英国,德国,法国进行首轮宣传,并参加BBC音乐大奖活动获得“英国BBC世界音乐大奖”亚洲第一歌手大奖 赴英国进行首轮宣传并赴法国巴黎,德国柏林等欧洲国家巡演宣传 2008年7月2日,专辑《万物生》获得了第六届中国“金唱片”奖的通俗类专辑奖、音乐录音带奖 2008年7月,赴英国参加BBC音乐大奖颁奖典礼,并演出 2008年7月,赴英国参加WOMAD音乐节(最的世界音乐艺术音乐节) 赴美国宣传巡演 2008年8月,欧洲巡演 2008年11月,2008ELITE世界精英模特大赛全球总决赛演唱嘉宾 2009年,为电影《气喘吁吁》献唱《歌唱的力量》 2009年5月23日,参加湖南卫视《快乐大本营》节目 2009年7月12日,湖南卫视《华彩聚三湘》晚会,演唱《万物生》 2009年9月, 安徽卫视《剧风行动》节目 2009年9月23日,上海科技界庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年文艺晚会,演唱《Our Expo》 2009年10月受全球人道主义论坛主席科菲-安南 (原联合国秘书长)邀请,参加了公益歌曲《Beds Are Burning》的录制. 萨顶顶献唱《锦衣卫》 2009年11月20日 成功举办第二张专辑<天地合>(Harmony )的首唱会 专辑《天地合》在iTunes首发上线一天后,《天地合》专辑即获得World Music版块中TOP ALBUM的冠军。成为首位在全世界最大音乐下载网站iTunes上登顶的华语艺人。 2009年11月21日 参加浙江卫视《我是大评委》的嘉宾 2009年12月28日 获第四届A8原创中国音乐盛典年度最具风格演唱人 2010年为电影《锦衣卫》演唱主题曲《锦衣卫》 2010年1 月26日 以萨顶顶之名由环球唱片(Universal Music )发行了 萨顶顶第二张个人专辑《天地合》 第二张专辑《 天地合 Harmony 》,并在内地一举打破双白金记录 2010年3月《MOGO音乐专访》传奇女伶萨顶顶专访 2010年5月29日 韩国《starking》节目演出 2010年6月5日,萨顶顶将在深圳举行自己在内地的第一次个人演唱会。 2010年9月21日,萨顶顶萨顶顶2010世界巡回重庆音乐会。 2010年9月,萨顶顶吴青峰合唱电影《剑雨》主题曲《剑雨浮生》。
2023-08-04 18:24:381


我只知道几个,希望你不嫌弃<<全金属狂潮>>克鲁兹.韦伯<<黑猫>>库利得.迪斯肯特<<7武士>>久藏<<头文字D>>藤原拓海<<拥抱春天的罗曼史>>香藤<<double call>>bl drama<<吃饭吧>>bl drama对不起,只有这几个,也许石田彰或森川智之会多一些.
2023-08-04 18:25:042

deep in the forest,deep 什么词性?

deep 此处是副词,相当于far down or in,在.....的深远之处。副词deep与介词短语in the forest 共同构成副词短语。
2023-08-04 18:25:231


creepin"up on you情不自禁爱上你 野人花园.wma 2 cs主打歌-她是我生命的全部-bon jovi-it is my life.mp3 3 h.o.t、s.e.s、shinhwa-圣诞歌曲jingle bell.mp3 4 loving you一首很棒的英文歌(酒吧里常放).mp3 5 our love will always last.mp3 6 shayne ward - that"s my goal.mp3 7 the mass.mp3 8 奥斯卡 - love story 爱情故事《爱情故事》.mp3 9 奥斯卡 - the colour of the night 夜色《色之夜》.mp3 10 奥斯卡--英文经典老歌-此情可待.mp3 11 奥斯卡-昨日从现(yesterday once more).mp3 12 奥斯卡_hear me cry_叫我哭泣(天籁村).mp3 13 奥斯卡_英文歌曲 - 卡萨布兰卡 - (欧美浓情经典).mp3 14 奥斯卡百年经典_保镖_我一无所有.mp3 15 奥斯卡百年经典_红衣女郎_电话诉衷情.mp3 16 奥斯卡百年经典_阿甘正传_三藩市.mp3 17 奥斯卡金曲 - up where we belong(直上云霄).mp3 18 奥斯卡金曲-奔放的旋律.mp3 19 奥斯卡金曲-昨日再现.mp3 20 欧美经典英文歌曲pro -- 雪绒花 奥斯卡 天籁村.mp3 21 慢嗨舞曲r&b 好听的慢歌samantha mumba - always come back to your love.mp3 22 慢嗨非常好听的德语歌曲,本站强烈推荐!).mp3 23 狼_bressanon 布列瑟农(天籁村).mp3
2023-08-04 18:25:331

斯卡布罗集市 - Sarah Brightman(莎拉.布莱曼)的歌词

Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there He once was a true love of mine Tell him to make me a cambric shirt Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Without no seams nor needle work Then he will be a true love of mine Tell him to find me on acre of land Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Between the salt water and the sea strand Then he"ll be a true love of mine Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme And gather it all in a bunch of heather Then he will be a true love of mine 好歌,赞!
2023-08-04 18:25:447

Fox Fire Suite 歌词

歌曲名:Fox Fire Suite歌手:John Denver专辑:The Harbor Lights Concertby EliteleeSpring is alive in Carolina, deep in the forest where the foxfire glows.High on a mountain, down in a holler, thunder and lightning, so it goes.Over a hundred years ago we came to Carolina, far across the water it"s a long hard road.With little more than courage we came seeking independence,a little less than nothing is a heavy load.From the heather to the highlands we have found the Smokey Mountains,hard work and simple ways and life is good, life is good.Spring is alive in Carolina, deep in the forest where the foxfire glows.High on a mountain, down in a holler, thunder and lightning, so it goes.You are every morning sunrise, you are every rain.You are every peal of laughter, you are every cry of pain.You are all the summer flowers, you are all the falling leaves.You are everyone rejoicing you are everyone who grieves.You are all my unknown secrets, you are all my hidden fears.You are known in lover"s kisses, you are seen in childhood tears.You are where the stars are shining, you are where the rainbow ends.You are why the war is over, you are how the peace begins.Whisper the wind over the water. Whisper the wind all through the night.Whisper the wind along the canyon. Whisper the wind into the light.Whisper the wind, brothers and sisters. Whisper the wind all the same.Whisper the wind, love one another. Whisper the wind, your precious name.Spring is alive in Carolina, deep in the forest where the foxfire glows.High on a mountain, down in a holler, thunder and lightning, so it goes.Spring is alive in Carolina, deep in the forest where the foxfire glows.High on a mountain, down in a holler, thunder and lightning, so it goes so it goes.
2023-08-04 18:27:281

阅读理解。 What do you think of a forest, what do you see? Just tre...

答案:1: D The trees feed the forest "people" by making food in their leaves, by using sunlight to join water and minerals from the soil and air. Their deep network of roots joins the soil together and stops it from dying out, making it possible for living things to live in it. 2. A The trees feed the forest "people" by making food in their leaves, by using sunlight to join water and minerals from the soil and air. Their deep network of roots joins the soil together and stops it from dying out, making it possible for living things to live in it. 3. B Human beings are like the living things in the forest.4.BWe need one another in order to live. We need the farmers to grow our food, railroad and truck drivers to bring it to our shops and clerks to sell it to us.5.D总结全文,我们跟森林是一样的,互相要依靠生存。阅读理解。 What do you think of a forest, what do you see? Just trees? Or do you see many other things, such as singing birds, colorful plants and wild flowers? The forest is a whole of its own. It is full of many different living things. But even though they are alldifferent, they have one thing in common: they all need each other in order to live on. The trees feed the forest "people" by making food in their leaves, by using sunlight to join water and minerals from the soil and air. Their deep network of roots joins the soil together and stops it from dying out, making it possible for living things to live in it. Human beings are like the living things in the forest. We need one another in order to live. We need the farmers to grow our food, railroad and truck drivers to bring it to our shops and clerks to sell it to us. We need people to prepare our food and cook it and others to take our waste things away. Then, of course, weneed doctors, nurses, government leaders, mailmen, telephone operators, and many others. We also need other human being in another way. We need people for friendship, to talk over our problems,exchange ideas. Think how lonely and unhappy you would be if you lived all alone. Life is a matter of giving and taking. We need to help other people as much as we need other people to help us. Think what a good feeling you have when you have done something for someone else. You know, being a volunteer is so great.1. According to the text, colorful plants and flowers live on ______.[ ]A. the leaves of the trees B. water and minerals C. the soil and air D. all of the above2. It is the _____ that make it possible for living things to live in the forest.[ ]A. trees B. birds C. plants D. farmers3. According to the writer, human being are the forest "people".[ ]A. different from B. like C. dislike D. unhappy with4. The write mainly wants to tell us _____.[ ]A. we need people for friendship B. we need one another in order to live C. the forest is a whole world of its own D. the forest is full of different living things5. Which one is the relationship between a forest and your life?[ ]A. We are trees in the forests.B. We like the living things in the forest. C. We need farmers to grow our food in the forest. D. We are the same as the forest: We need each other to live on.
2023-08-04 18:27:531

求一首歌:From Deep Forest-爱尔菲娜

From Deep Forest-爱尔菲娜(エルフィーナ)已经上传附件,你可以下载记得采纳哦
2023-08-04 18:28:151

on the side of a hill in the deep forest green 是什么意思

2023-08-04 18:28:391

Deep in the forest ___,who made no contact with the outside world.

live相当于一个表存在的词,这里和be动词是一样的又如There stands a tall building.
2023-08-04 18:28:513

deep in the forest 算是in the open air吗?

2023-08-04 18:29:005

Deep in the forest _____, who made no contact with the outside world. a couple B.w.

B 地点状语“Deep in the forest”位于句首,全部倒装
2023-08-04 18:29:291

Deep in the forest _____, who made no contact with the outside world.

答案B 地点状语“Deep in the forest”位于句首,全部倒装 查看原帖>>
2023-08-04 18:29:391


deep名词 n. 1. 深处 They got lost in the deep of the forest. 他们在森林深处迷了路. 2. 【书】海[the S]depth名词 n. 1. 深度,厚度[U][C][S1] The young man dived to a depth of 40 feet. 那个青年人潜到四十英尺的深度. The ice is ten feet in depth. 冰有十英尺深. 2. (色泽)浓度;(音的)低沉[U][S1] 3. (知识等的)深奥;(感情等的)深厚[U][S1] We have expressed the depth of our gratitude to them. 我们向他们表示了深切的谢意. 4. 深处;深渊[the P] Scientists used to believe that there was no life in the depths of the ocean. 科学家过去认为海洋深处没有生物. He ventured into the depths of the forest. 他大胆地走进树林深处. 5. 中间部分;最强烈部分[the P] An air-raid alarm sounded in the depths of night. 深夜响起了空袭警报.
2023-08-04 18:30:011

deep withinthe forest was a village where lived

deep withinthe forest was a village where lived直接翻译为:深在森林是一个村庄,住这里意思是:住在一个深山老林里的村庄
2023-08-04 18:30:101


deep名词 n. 1. 深处They got lost in the deep of the forest. 他们在森林深处迷了路。 2. 【书】海[the S]depth名词 n. 1. 深度,厚度[U][C][S1]The young man dived to a depth of 40 feet. 那个青年人潜到四十英尺的深度。 The ice is ten feet in depth. 冰有十英尺深。 2. (色泽)浓度;(音的)低沉[U][S1] 3. (知识等的)深奥;(感情等的)深厚[U][S1]We have expressed the depth of our gratitude to them. 我们向他们表示了深切的谢意。 4. 深处;深渊[the P]Scientists used to believe that there was no life in the depths of the ocean. 科学家过去认为海洋深处没有生物。 He ventured into the depths of the forest. 他大胆地走进树林深处。 5. 中间部分;最强烈部分[the P]An air-raid alarm sounded in the depths of night. 深夜响起了空袭警报。
2023-08-04 18:30:181

so 还是sol?

do re mi fa sol la si do
2023-08-04 18:26:032


个人党性分析材料:加强理论修养 严于律己做合格党员(约2700字) 人于1994年11月加入中国共产党,先后在区委办公室、区委组织部参加党组织生活,接受党的教育,在保持共产党员先进性教育活动中,通过系统深入地学习“三个代表”重要思想,党的十六大报告、十六届四中全会精神、《党章》和优秀共产党员的事迹,我深深地认识到开展保持共产党员先进性教育活动的重大意义。回首入党以来的历程,对照《党章》规定的党员标准,按照“两个务必”、“八个坚持、八个反对”和“十个模范”等要求,我认为自己离“行动上完全入党”、“思想上完全入党”的合格党员还有很大的差距。现作自我分析如下:一、存在的主要问题(一)在理想、信念方面没有真正树立坚定的共产主义理想信念,对实现共同理想直至最高理想的长期性和艰巨性认识不足,对“三个代表”重要思想在组织工作中的指导地位认识不够明确,实践“三个代表”重要思想的自觉性不够强,对科学发展观和正确政绩观理解不够深刻,缺乏应有的责任感和政治洞察力,对国家重大的政策、决策的关注和学习不够,存在“事不关己、高高挂起”的思想,对一些不良言论没有及时制止。(二)在宗旨观念方面未能牢固树立全心全意为人民服务的意识,存在着考虑个人利益多,自觉履行党员义务做得不够的问题,总是想自己应该得到什么,而很少想到自己作为一名党员应该为党组织做些什么,缺乏为基层、为群众服务的意识,突出表现在在接待来访党员、群众时有时有应付、推搪的现象,只求他们尽快结束上访或到别的部门去,而没有真正做到想群众之所想、急群众之所急,为他们切实解决问题。 (三)在作风方面存在着不够扎实的问题。一是工作作风不够踏实,存在急于求进的情绪,在接受领导交办的工作时偶然有讨价还价的现象,接到任务后,有时首先想到的是怎样尽快完成,而不是怎样做到最好,特别是从去年5月起,办公室人手不足,在任务重、压力大的时候更是如此,存在应付以求过关的想法,导致工作缺乏耐心,产生急躁情绪,在政务服务和事务服务工作中有时出现一头热、一头冷的现象,在后勤服务工作中有时存在态度不够好、工作不够细致、水平不够高的问题。二是创新意识不够强,对有关的业务知识研究少,没有时刻以高标准严格要求自己。没有充分发挥主观能动性和调动办公室同事的积极性,局限于领导布置什么做什么,有时有“多一事不如少一事”的心理,产生的新想法也只是停留于心动而无行动的状态。三是艰苦奋斗的作风坚持不够,在工作中有时存在大手大脚的现象,没有很好地履行领导交予的严把财务关的职责,如我部前年的工作经费超支得较多,去年的办公室装修工程总价也比原来的预算超出了近8万元。四是批评与自我批评的作风坚持不够,平时和其他同志、朋友交往时,存在“一团和气”的思想,有时对一些事情有不同意见,自己也不发表,对一些错误、消极的言行也不加制止,不愿意和别人发生正面冲突,这些表面看是尽力搞好团结,实质上是存在老好人思想,不敢开展正常的批评和自我批评。二、存在问题的主要原因(一)政治学习不够深入,理论修养不到家。一是没有把理论学习放在重要位置。学习存在片面性,认为自己喜欢学习的专业是计算机技术,党政理论研究不是自己的特长,而且理论学习又枯燥无味,自己对理论研究不感兴趣,也就没有下苦功去进行学习。二是存在着以干代学的思想。认为自己从参加工作以来就一直在区委办公室、区委组织部等党委重要部门工作,天天与理论打交道,工作过程就等于学习过程,而没有抽出专门的时间去系统地学习理论、研究理论,有惰性的心理。三是学习理论的深度不够。学习理论只是停留在理解表层意义的水平,满足于记住几条重要论断和几句讲话,缺乏系统性、经常性的深入学习,未能在把握科学体系和理论精髓上下功夫,以致自己在思想方法、工作方法方面出现片面性。(二)放松了对世界观的改造。随着生活条件的好转,个人主义、享乐主义、小资情绪也有所滋生,没有在树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观这个根本问题上认真下功夫,有时会产生人生在世就该好好地享受一下的心理。宗旨观念和大局意识在工作中体现不够,在工作实践中,没有很好地实践全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,深入到基层、到社区去的次数不多,没有认真思考群众急什么、要什么、想什么、盼什么。(三)降低了自我要求的标准。认为自己在机关工作了十多年,对机关的运作程序都比较熟悉,已经有一定的工作能力和思考问题的能力,于是就放松了对自己的要求,继续学习、继续提高的欲望不够强,对组织工作和服务工作任务多、责任重、压力大、时间短的难处认识不深,思想准备不充分,跟不上形势的发展,有时产生了马虎应付的心理,导致出现大错误没有犯、小失误经常有的现象。另外,平时没有注意积累,对各方面的政策和文件精神未能全面准确掌握,碰到问题才急急忙忙找资料,寻求解决办法,没有主动去研究新形势下的新问题,较突出地表现在政务服务方面,领导有什么要求就做什么,没有主动去考虑为领导决策提高更多的支持,参加调研活动,有时也是仅停留于做表面文章的水平,而没有真正用心去研究问题的根源和解决的办法。三、今后的整改措施和努力方向(一)加强理论学习,加强对世界观的改造。加强政治理论学习,坚持不懈地学习领会马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论的科学体系,学习掌握“三个代表”重要思想的精神实质,坚决贯彻执行党和国家的各项方针政策。认真学好《党章》,对党的性质、宗旨要有更深一步的了解和认识。用科学发展观、正确的政绩观重新武装自己的头脑,提高自己的政治敏锐性和政治鉴别力,真正做到在思想上入党,在一言一行中充分体现党员的先进性。要在理论联系实际、指导实践上下真功夫,不断提高理论学习的效果,实现理论与实际相统一。二)进一步增强宗旨意识和大局观念。牢固树立全心全意为人民服务的思想,走进社区,贴近群众,关心群众生活,解决群众困苦,把为人民服务的宗旨观念真正落实到实际行动中去。坚决克服过去在工作中全局观念淡漠的问题,正确处理个人利益和集体利益的关系,自觉地服从、服务于大局。(三)改进工作作风,提高工作水平。要以解决思想和工作中存在的突出问题为出发点,以改进自己的工作作风和工作方式、提高工作效益为落脚点,坚决克服自我满足、固步自封的缺点,积极参与区直机关建设“五型”机关的活动,树立公道正派的组工形象。深入基层,向工作一线的干部群众学习,真正做到了解民情、熟悉民生。进一步解放思想,不断克服畏难情绪,增强进取意识,努力提高业务水平,做一名行动上合格、思想上合格的共产党员。 (邓奇志)
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2023-08-04 18:26:052


摩纳哥 AS Monaco 全名 Association Sportive de Monaco Football Club 绰号 红白军(Les Rouge et Blanc) 成立年份 1919年 主场 路易斯二世球场 城市 摩纳哥 主场容量 18,500人 主席 Michel Pastor 主教练 Francesco Guidolin 联赛 法国甲级联赛 摩纳哥足球俱乐部(Association Sportive de Monaco Football Club)是位于法国南部临地中海的摩纳哥大公国的足球俱乐部,成立于1919年,在1948年转为职业球队,现时在法国甲组足球联赛中角逐。摩纳哥是最成功的法国球队之一,曾夺得七届甲组联赛冠军及五次法国杯。
2023-08-04 18:26:051


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2023-08-04 18:26:113


哆 唻 咪 发 嗖 拉 西
2023-08-04 18:26:135


2023-08-04 18:25:581


winner and loser
2023-08-04 18:25:566


2023-08-04 18:25:551


算法融入信息传播,带来了传播的深刻变革。推荐算法基于大数据和人工智能技术,通过算法模型,进行信息与用户的匹配,成为智能传播中的主导力量。 然而,经过算法过滤选择后,匹配给用户的信息对个人认知、判断以及 社会 性的负面影响,引起了广泛的关注和担忧。 作者从智能传播中算法的缺陷入手,围绕算法优化和升级,与人工智能行业专家、国家广播电视总局广播电视科学研究信息与安全技术研究所王磊博士,展开探讨,以期为算法进化找到可行路径。 以下为两人对谈的详细内容。 推荐算法只能依从用户 个人的偏好、需求吗? 于烜: 算法融入信息传播,改变了信息采集、生产、分发和反馈等过程,带来了传播的深刻变革。在移动互联网时代,算法主导信息分发,算法的个性化推荐(简称推荐算法),有效应对了信息超载带来的分发危机,解决了海量信息与用户间的供需匹配问题,优化了生产和消费的资源配置效率,无疑是一种先进的技术和生产力。 但是, 推荐算法存在一个明显的缺陷。 我们知道在现代 社会 中,传播的一个重要功能是实现 社会 整合,以传统媒体为代表的大众传播发挥了 社会 整合的作用,传媒能够把不同阶层、人群、族群凝聚起来,形成 社会 共识,这就是媒体公共性的体现。 然而,个性化算法推荐,依据的是网络中用户本人或相似人群的个人兴趣、爱好、习惯、需求,只体现了个性,缺少公共性, 公共性缺席是算法主导信息传播的一个明显的缺陷。推荐算法只能依从用户个人的偏好、需求吗? 王磊:从技术上说,算法是一种中介, 通过算法模型,将信息与用户进行匹配,本质是要解决信息和用户的精准匹配问题。无论是传统的机器学习算法,还是近年来兴起的深度学习算法,通过用户个人属性和网络应用使用过程中的数据记录,挖掘用户个人兴趣、需求, 最终达成个人信息需求的精准匹配,这就是算法的使命。 当算法融入传播,算法主导的短视频平台、资讯平台成为了媒体,作为媒体,需要传播主流价值观,需要承担媒体公共性责任, 除了个性化的推荐,在算法中应该体现出公共性,这是从媒体角度、传播角度,对算法的要求。 于烜: 目前的智能传播中,算法并没有回应这样的要求。也就是说,从传播角度看,目前普遍应用的个性化推荐算法技术自身是有缺憾的,换句话说, 仅仅依靠推荐算法技术进行的传播,是有缺陷的,需要进化。 王磊: 对,可以这样理解。 于烜: 近年来,智能传播中,经过算法过滤选择后匹配给用户的信息,对个人认知、判断以及 社会 性的负面影响,引起了传播学研究的关注,比如信息茧房、算法囚徒、圈层化,这些研究都提示了算法带来的风险。所以无论是从算法技术自身的缺憾,还是算法在现实传播中带来的问题两个层面看,算法需要升级。 王磊: 确实如此, 推荐类算法需要从算法技术路线和网络架构上进一步升级, 以尝试解决上述问题。 算法是否能够发现用户更全面多样的内容? 于烜: 大众传播时代的信息也是要过经过媒体过滤选择的,但是在新闻专业主义的准则下,信息选择有明确的标准,要求客观、平衡,以尽可能反映 社会 现实。 但是,算法的根本逻辑是流量,以流量为目的进行信息匹配。研究表明,流量偏向情绪性、故事性、戏剧性内容,客观、平衡这一新闻传播大厦的基石已经被流量冲垮了。 100年后的今天,被算法选择的信息失衡、失真,拟态环境和现实世界不是越来越接近,相反却是越来越偏离了。 算法模型中,是否可以将客观、平衡等专业价值观要素导入进去?也就是说不仅仅找到迎合用户表面的喜好,也能发现他潜在的需要,或者是他愿意了解、也应该了解的更全面的这样一些内容?在实现过程中面临的困难和挑战又是什么? 王磊: 我想可以尝试突破信息传播失衡、失真的现状,但是实现起来难度很大。 一种办法是算法+规则,即以现有深度学习算法模型为基础,将专业价值观理念设定为相应规则,两者结合形成新的计算模型,进行相应信息匹配。 但是,现实中难度很大。 还有一个办法,需要通过技术演进来实现。从人工智能发展历程看, 现在正处于弱人工智能时代, 即“数据+算法”的时代,这一时期通过大量投喂数据,算法精度较过去提高了很多,但是 存在一个难以破解的核心问题——无法解决海量数据之间的深层次语义层面的关联关系,算法的泛化能力比较差, 简单说就是在一个数据集中的模型,运用在另一个相似数据集中,其效果会变差。 只有当技术演进到 “知识图谱+算法” 阶段,能够在数据间找到并建立起相应的关联关系,破解数据语义层面的联系,才有可能挖掘出用户潜在的、多层次的需要,改变目前简单迎合的状况。 清华大学张钹院士提出的第三代人工智能,即 知识+数据+算法+算力, 或许未来可以从这个方面突破,一定程度上弥补当前信息传播中推荐类算法的缺陷。 第二代人工智能阶段, 如何推动综合评价体系建立? 于烜: 算法驱动的内容平台通过组织生产和算法分发,已然成为了智能传播时代的主体,因此说需要通过规则导入,促使算法进化。 目前个性化推荐算法,强调的是迎合用户个人个性化的精度,是不是可以从内容端的广度进行考量, 比如说,内容的多样性,让观点多样、信源多样、品类多样的内容达到用户?也就说是否可以通过内容的广度,来体现新闻传播客观、平衡。 王磊: 是的, 除了精度,算法的广度应该成为一个评价指标,如对内容的非歧视性关联推荐等。现阶段综合评价指标的合理设计将引导算法不断地优化升级。 当然,这些评价标准的制定也需要传播学的专家加入,共同探讨。 于烜: 如果要对今天的对话做一简短小结,我想说,面对算法技术的缺憾及引发的问题,算法无疑需要进化。而算法进化有赖于算法技术自身的演进,有赖于算法掌控者的伦理培养,有赖于监管部门的标准规范。同时,这需要学界、业界、政府共同努力。 编者按: 作者:于烜,北京广播电视台高级编辑、新闻传播学博士,德外5号特约作者。
2023-08-04 18:25:551


2023-08-04 18:25:543


01 经过一个半月的学习,让我深感党校确实是党性锻炼的熔炉,是个人修养的熔炉,在这里听名师授课、学时政精化,充实而又紧张的学习生活不时鞭策着我多思、多想,容不得一丝杂念,前沿且先进的理论导向时刻推动着我多学、多记,来不得半点马虎。 一、主要收获 (一) 入博学之堂,提升了理论素养 党校是党的理论研究和传播的基地,通过学习,我切实 感受到自己马克思主义理论修养进一步得到加强,共产主义理想信念得到进一步坚定,世界观、人生观和价值观得到进一步端正,全心全意为人民服务宗旨得到进一步牢固,党性修养得到进一步提升,组织纪律观念得到进一步增强。简单的来说是思想上大解放、理论上大提升、认知上大飞跃。 (二) 创优良之风,加强了党性修养 在学习党的基本理论的同时,广泛学习理论知识,学习做好本职工作所必需的各种新知识、新技能,切实提高战略思维、创新思维、辩证思维能力。其次是向实践学习。要在实践中掌握新知识,积累新经验,增长新本领,形成学以致用、用以促学、学用相长的良性循环。 二、今后的努力方向 通过党校的学习,本人思想认识升到了新层次,责任意识得到了新增强,自身建设找到了新水准,奋斗方向确立了新目标。今后工作中,我要努力当好工作中的表率: (一) 树立学习的理念,做先进理念宣传的表率。我将在理论学习问题上首先解决学习态度,认真、全面、细致地学习。其次是带头学习十九大精神和,让自身体会到理论指导实践,只有加强学习,不断为自己大脑充电,在实际工作当中保持清醒的头脑,转化思想动力,提高实际领导能力。 (二) 树立发展的理念,做解放思想的表率。在今后的工作中,自己要着眼于大思路、大视野、大举措,要努力增强加快发展的紧迫意识和危机意识,着力研究适应党的发展形势的新方法、新举措,要立足资源,发挥优势,突出重点,带头转变观念,带头开拓创新,克服求稳和保守思想。 (三) 树立楷模的理念,做廉洁自律的表率。坚持严以律已,带头执行廉洁自律的规定,认真履行一岗双责,严格约束自己。坚持从实际出发,实事求是的思想路线,深入基层,调查研究,时刻牢记党的宗旨,不断加强党性锻炼,做敢于负责、善于团结的模范,做联系党内干部、廉洁奉公的模范,清清白白从政、堂堂正正做人、扎扎实实办事。 党校学习是短暂的,但对我而言,理论学习是长期的、党性锻炼是永恒的,我将把在党校养成的良好思想作风、工作作风和好的学风带到实际工作中去。 02 根据组织安排,我于11.1日至12.15日参加了市委党校20xx年秋季第二期县级干部进修班培训。这是一次内容丰富、形式多样、全面系统的学习,通过为期一个半月的系统学习,我在加强理论学习、增强党性修养、改进工作作风、提高综合素质能力等方面都有了新的收获,开阔了视野、更新了思想、丰富了理论、提升了能力,增强了后劲。总之,这次培训使我获益匪浅。 一、主要学习收获 一是夯实了理论基础,提高了理论素养。这次培训学习以深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神为主线,安排了马克思主义经典著作、党性教育和党性分析、党的十九大精神、宏观经济形势、领导干部科学素养等,内容丰富,安排紧凑。学习期间,郭安市长莅临进修班看望全体学员并做了全面推行河湖长制、加快推进水生态文明建设的讲话,市委谢一平副书记做了开班动员讲话,宣讲了十九大精神,全面介绍了南昌市经济社会发展情况; 通过教师讲解、参观见学、讨论交流、异地培训等形式多样的教学方式,我进一步夯实了理论基础,弥补了平时在理论学习上不够系统和深入的欠缺。通过学习《路德维希u2022费尔巴哈与德国古典哲学的终结》等篇目,再次领略了马克思主义经典著作的独特魅力; 通过参观方志敏烈士陵园、瞻仰黄麻起义和鄂豫皖苏区纪念园,重温了党的光辉历程,进一步坚信了党的领导;通过研读党的十九大报告,加深了对党的十九大主题、中国共产党的历史使命和的理解,使自己的思想境界得到了升华。 二是坚定了理想信念。共产主义理想信念,对于共产党员来说,是灵魂、是方向。*多次郑重告诫全党要坚定对马克思主义的信仰、对和共产主义的信念,强调理想信念就是共产党人精神上的“钙”,理想信念缺失或者动摇,精神上就会“缺钙”,就会得“软骨病”,就会政治上变质、经济上贪婪、道德上堕落、生活上腐化,就会出这样那样的问题。 党校坚持把学员的党性修养和作风建设放在重要位置,并贯穿于学习培训始终,这是十分重要和必要的。学习期间,通过参观方志敏烈士陵园、瞻仰黄麻起义和鄂豫皖苏区纪念园、参观七里坪革命旧址群、中原突围纪念馆等革命旧址,我深刻认识到,我们党之所以能够领导人民建立新中国、取得新民主主义革命胜利、推进改革开放、带领人民走进******,最主要的原因就是有比铁还硬比钢还强的理想信念; 通过学习《论共产党员的修养》、新《党章》、《巡视条例》、《中国共产党问责条例》,我深刻的认识到,要保持共产党人的坚定理想信念,就要始终忠于理想、不忘初心,加强修养,增强“四个意识”,不断提高自己的理论水平,端正自己的世界观、人生观、价值观,增强党性观念,提高党性修养,及时接受新的理论,提高新的认识,实践新的要求,遵守新的规范。 三是开拓了工作思路。在党校接受系统培训机会难得,从学习的第一天起,我就全身心地投入到各项学习和活动中。通过学习宏观经济理论、产业转型升级战略和参观武汉光谷展示中心、武汉市民之家等,对当前经济和科技发展形势有了一些了解,对南昌在新一轮经济角逐和城市发展中所处的位置和存在的优势劣势更加清晰,进一步丰富了知识,拓展了思路。 一个半月的学习时间非常短暂,我十分珍惜与其他学员相遇、相知的缘分,向他们积极求教,还就加强党的建设、区域经济发展、文明城创建、社会建设等理论与实践的一些问题进行了共同探讨,学到了许多知识,开拓了工作思路,进一步提高了对全面建成小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的认识,也提高了建设“美丽南昌、幸福家园”重要性紧迫性自觉性,为今后的工作进一步夯实了基础。 二、存在的不足 “学然后知不足”。党校系统地政治经济理论学习,使我掌握了思想分析的利器。回顾自己的工作经历,剖析思想根源,我觉得自身在理想信念、工作作风、创新意识等方面都还存在着一些不足和问题: 一是平时学习不够深。总认为自己有坚定的理想信念,平时在学习上抓得也比较紧,但通过这次学习才知道自己实际上还存在不小的差距。比如:政治理论学习欠高度、欠深度,对马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、的学习欠主动性,缺乏思考,没有深刻领会其精神实质,对理论的理解与实际工作没有紧密联系起来,没有发挥理论的指导作用,想得不够远,站得不够高,思想境界没有提到更高的层次。这次虽然在市委党校对政治理论进行了系统学习,但由于时间比较短、下功夫不够深等原因,也还是存在学的不深、不透的问题,今后一定要时刻警醒,终身学习。 二是思想解放不够。喜欢按惯例办事,平时工作过多地讲究循规蹈矩、按部就班,并单纯地认为这样才是讲政治、重全局;有时有“不求有功、但求无过”的心理,还停留在为工作而工作的层面,机械性地按照领导安排和工作要求开展工作,积极性和主动性不够,只求完成任务,不能精益求精,存在着应付过关的思想。缺乏探索、创新精神,对工作的态度和精神尚可,但安于现状,思维不活,多想“不出问题”,少思与时俱进,不能很好地创新工作方式、方法,有时在标准上不够严格。 三是创新意识不够强。终日埋头于纷繁复杂的事务堆里,常用老眼光、老办法、老经验去对待和处理新问题,对新理论、新知识学习重视不够、深度不够,缺乏开拓创新意识。对待日常工作常常是求稳怕乱,有时只满足于完成目标任务,没有能做到“精益求精”、并愿意花费更多的时间和精力去研究与分析,探索与创新更好的、更有效的工作方法,缺少了以前那种敢拼敢干、初生牛犊不怕虎的朝气,工作上放不开手脚。 三、下一步改正措施 党校学习,使我及时地深刻地认识到了自身存在的不足和问题。究其原因可以说是多方面的,但我觉得归根结底是放松了政治理论学习,放松了自己的思想改造。作为一名共产党员,必须不断加强自身的党性修养,毫不动摇地牢固树立全心全意为人民群众服务的思想,增强“两学一做”的自觉性,时时处处保持共产党员的先进性,发挥共产党员的先锋模范作用。 ⒈加强学习,提高素质。作为******的共产党员不仅要有崇高的思想境界,而且还要有扎实的理论知识。要把学习作为内在追求,端正态度,树优学风,不断的、主动的学习政治理论和业务知识,博观而约取,厚积而薄发。树立终身学习的观念,把学习当成提高自我、完善自我、丰富人生的一大乐趣,不断用新知识、新理念武装头脑,增长才干,提高多元素质和综合能力。 ⒉锤炼党性,增进修养。将党性锻炼作为终生的必修课,树立看齐意识,向中央看齐,向先进典型看齐,增强政治修养和敏锐性、鉴别力。从树立正确世界观、人生观、价值观入手,理清、确立思想上的方向,看准目标,站稳脚跟,培养坚定和执着的信念,树立规矩意识,用纪律和规章制度规范自己的言行,保持良好状态,务实发挥自己的党员先锋带头作用。 ⒊尽职奉献,干好工作。纠正不正确的思想观念,重在敬业、奉献、求实、开拓、创新上做文章,在工作上走到前列、争创一流。统筹施力,灵活工作,加强调查研究,着力探究南昌教育事业改革发展良策,出好主意,当好参谋。精益求精,实干多干,高标准要求,大力度推进,全面提升工作效率和质量。 ⒋改进作风,树立形象。增强群众观念,做到既突出中心又服务基层百姓。主动谋事、大胆统事、扎实做事,脑勤、手勤、腿勤、口勤,善于协调,讲究配合,多沟通、少依靠,多联系、少等待,努力从小的方面做起,一丝不苟地做好分内工作,树立党员良好模范形象。 ;
2023-08-04 18:25:511