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2023-05-19 19:14:17


wrong的读音是:英[r??]。wrong的词语用法是adj.(形容词)wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则; 也可指“不确实的,不正确的,错误的”,表示某一事物与其标准不相符。wrong还可指“不合要求的,不适合的”“有故障的,有毛病的”。wrong【近义词】bad。


adj.(形容词)错误的,不对的,不正确的不道德的邪恶的相反的,颠倒的犯罪的不健全的不公正的不好的失常的不舒服的,有毛病的反对的背面的,里面的无聊的不适当的adv.(副词)错误地,不对,失当不好地不公正地逆,方向错误地邪恶地,不正当地不成功地,不幸地n.(名词)错误邪恶坏事不道德不法行为,犯罪,罪过失不正不得当的处置冤枉,不公正的对待【律】侵犯(权利)损害,虐待,作孽,委屈,折磨问题v.(动词)害,使受害无礼地对待,不正当地对待, 不公正对待虐待,折磨诈骗诬害,加害,诽谤,中伤,侮辱误解勾引,诱奸、玷辱(女子)【海】追过,超过冤枉,委屈二、词典解释


If you say there is somethingwrong, you mean there is something unsatisfactory about the situation, person, or thing you are talking about.

e.g. Pain is the body"s way of telling us that something iswrong...


e.g. Nobody seemed to notice anythingwrong...



If you choose thewrong thing, person, or method, you make a mistake and do not choose the one that you really want.

e.g. He went to thewrong house...


e.g. Thewrong man had been punished...



If something such as a decision, choice, or action isthe wrong one, it is not the best or most suitable one.

e.g. I really made thewrong decision there...


e.g. Thewrong choice of club might limit your chances of success...



If something iswrong, it is incorrect and not in accordance with the facts.

e.g. How do you know that this explanation iswrong?...


e.g. 20 per cent of the calculations arewrong.



A child was wrongly diagnosed as having a bone tumour...


Civilians assume, wrongly, that everything in the military runs smoothly.


If something iswrong or goeswrong with a machine or piece of equipment, it stops working properly.


e.g. We think there"s somethingwrong with the computer...


e.g. Something must have gonewrong with the satellite link.



If you arewrong about something, what you say or think about it is not correct.

e.g. I waswrong about it being a casual meeting...


e.g. Am Iwrong in thinking that?...



You can usewrong in expressions such asyou thought wrong andyou heard wrong to tell someone that what they thought or were told is incorrect, usually when you are annoyed.

e.g. "I thought you and I were going to spend the night together," he whispered. "You thoughtwrong," Nancy whispered back.



If you think that someone waswrong to do something, you think that they should not have done it because it was bad or immoral.

e.g. She waswrong to leave her child alone...


e.g. We don"t consider we did anythingwrong.



Wrong is used to refer to activities or actions that are considered to be morally bad and unacceptable.

e.g. Is itwrong to try to save the life of someone you love?...


e.g. It iswrong that we have to tell ill people to go somewhere else to look for treatment...



Awrong is an unfair or immoral action.

e.g. I intend to right thatwrong...


e.g. The insurance company should not be held liable for the wrongs of one of its agents.



If someonewrongs you, they treat you in an unfair way.


e.g. You have wronged my mother...


e.g. She felt she"d been wronged...



You usewrong to describe something which is not thought to be socially acceptable or desirable.

e.g. If you went to thewrong school, you won"t get the job...


e.g. The prospect of easy profits has attracted thewrong kind of businessman.



You say "Don"t get me wrong" when you want to make sure that someone does not get an incorrect idea about what you are doing or saying, or about why you are doing or saying it.

e.g. Don"t get mewrong, it"s interesting work. But it"s not permanent...


e.g. I mean, don"t get mewrong. Joanie"s my best friend, but she can be kind of a pain sometimes.



If a situationgoes wrong, it stops progressing in the way that you expected or intended, and becomes much worse.

e.g. It all went horriblywrong...


e.g. Nearly everything that could gowrong has gonewrong.



If someone who is involved in an argument or dispute has behaved in a way which is morally or legally wrong, you can say that they arein the wrong .

e.g. He didn"t press charges because he was in thewrong...


e.g. She was the one in thewrong.



If someone says "Two wrongs don"t make a right", they mean that you should not do harm to a person who has done harm to you, even if you think that person deserves it.

17. not farwrong -> see far

to get off on thewrong foot -> see foot

to get hold of thewrong end of the stick -> see stick

to be barking up thewrong tree -> see tree


1. wrong

1. 错:对(right)错(wrong)本来像黑白一样,是绝对的. 对错在日常生活里,被微调成为合(appropriate)与不合(inappropriate).


2. (错的):费因伯格认为,尽管狭义的危害都构成了对利益的侵害,但是,不是所有的对利益的侵害都是错的(wrong),因为有些行为对利益的损害是正当的或可宽谅的,或者,有些行为损害的是他人没有权利要求获得尊重的利益.


I am afraid you"ve made a wrong decision.


I"m not going to bow down to such wrong opinions.


There is something wrong with the car.


What"s wrong with the engine? It"s making an awful noise.

发动机出什麽故障了? 噪音太大了.

A correct word used in a wrong cultural or religious context is a wrong word.


It is wrong to steal.


You"ve spelt the word wrong.


Children must be taught the difference right and wrong.


Her son can do no wrong in her eyes.


People who do wrong are punished.


Extreme right is extreme wrong.


But they are not in the wrong at all.


Wrong must be righted when they are discovered.


The teacher has done his students a great wrong.


You wronged him by saying that he had lied.


You wrong me if you think I only did it for selfish reasons.


He was wronged by the federal judges and the authorities.


The important thing is not to wrong any woman .



用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.The police arrested the wrong man.

警方逮错了人。Three wrong answers and you fail the test.

做错三道题考试就不及格。I"m afraid I"ll make the wrong decision.

恐怕我会作出错误的决定。That would creat a wrong impression.

那会造成一个错误的印象。That"s not at all the correct idea of what our country was like. You"ve got quite a wrong idea of it.

这完全不是对我们国家过去状况的正确理解,你得到的是个完全错误的认识。She had given me a wrong address.

她给我的地址不对。We are late because we took the wrong road.

我们因为走错了路而来晚了。We came the wrong way.

我们来时走错了路。I"m afraid you"ve got the wrong number.

很抱歉,您拨错了电话号码。The cloth has a right side and a wrong side.

这布料有正反面。He"s a good actor, but this is the wrong part for him.

他是个好演员,可是这个角色不适合他演。You"re doing it the wrong way.

你做的方法不当。He"s the wrong man for the job.

他不适合做这项工作。They live on the wrong side of town.

他们住在镇上环境较差的那边。I realized that I had said the wrong thing when I saw her reaction.

我一看到她的反应就知道我说话不当。用作表语S+be+~Cheating is always wrong.

欺骗总是不对的。Her estimate of the cost was completely wrong.

她估计的费用完全不正确。The sum is wrong.

这个金额不对。Can you prove that I am wrong?

你能证明我错了吗?That"s where you"re wrong.

在这一点上你错了。Thousands of satisfied customers cannot be wrong, so why don"t you try our new washing powder?

我们的新型洗衣粉顾客都很满意,成千上万的人不可能都错了,你也不妨试一试,好吗?Their decision proved to be wrong.

他们的决定证实是错误的。We shall probably not be far wrong if we say so.

如果我们这样说,我们不至于会错到哪里去。I knew something was dreadfully wrong.

我知道有些情况极不正常。You look upset; is anything wrong?

你看上去心烦意乱的,有什么不对劲?The clock"s wrong.

这钟不准。S+be+~+ prep. -phraseYou are quite wrong in doing this.

你做这件事是不应该的。Am I wrong in thinking that it is getting colder?

天气越来越冷了,对吧?I was wrong in going there.

我上那儿去是错误的。He was wrong in what he said.

他讲错了。His accounts are wrong by some £40,000.

他的账目搞错了大约40,000英镑。What"s wrong with this one?

这一个有什么不好?What"s wrong with the engine?

发动机出什么故障了?There"s something wrong with my eyes.

我眼睛有毛病了。What"s wrong with you?

你哪儿不舒服?The baby won"t stop crying— I hope there"s nothing wrong with him.

这孩子哭个不停,但愿他不是有病。S+be+~+to- vYou were wrong to take the car without permission.

你未得许可就把车开走是不应该的。I"ve been wrong to accuse him.

我指责他是不正确的。He was wrong to disregard your advice.

他无视你的忠告是错误的。You were wrong not to have mentioned it.

你没提及那件事是不合适的。It is/was+~+(of sb+) to- vIt is wrong to steal.

偷窃是不道德的。It was wrong of you to deceive him.

你不应该欺骗他。It is wrong of you to punish him in that way.

你那样处罚他是错误的。It was wrong of them to gossip.

他们散布谣言是不对的。None of your answers was wrong, but it was quite wrong of you to answer in such a rush without leaving a chance to your little sisters.

你的回答全都没错,但你那么抢着回答,不给你的妹妹们留个机会是很不对的。It would be wrong of me to do so.

如果我这样做是不对的。用作副词(adv.)用作状语You guessed wrong.

你猜错了。You"ve done it wrong.

你做错了。You"ve spelt my name wrong.

你把我的名字拼错了。You pronounced that word wrong.

你这个词的读音错了。He played the tune all wrong.

他演奏的曲调全错了。He did his homework all wrong.

他把作业全做错了。The guide went wrong.




wrong的用法如下:1、wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则;也可指“不确实的,不正确的,错误的”,表示某一事物与其标准不相符。wrong还可指“不合要求的,不适合的”“有故障的,有毛病的”。2、go wrong中的go为保留运动意义的系动词。3、wrong通常无比较级和最高级。短语1、wrong answer 错误的答案2、wrong conduct 不道德的行为3、wrong decision 错误的决定4、wrong direction 错误的方向5、wrong impression 错误的印象
2023-01-08 16:36:021


  wrong有错误的;有毛病的;不适当的等意思,那么你知道wrong的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    wrong的用法大全:   wrong的用法1:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则; 也可指“不确实的,不正确的,错误的”,表示某一事物与其标准不相符。wrong还可指“不合要求的,不适合的”“有故障的,有毛病的”。   wrong的用法2:go wrong中的go为保留运动意义的系动词。   wrong的用法3:wrong通常无比较级和最高级。   wrong的用法4:wrong用作副词时意思是“错误地”,指做某事所采取的方法或得出的结果不正确。   wrong的用法5:wrong在句中主要修饰动词,且多放在动词之后。   wrong的用法6:wrong用作名词意思是“罪过,过失,罪恶”,指人所做过的某种违背社会道德或法律的行为,也可指“不义的行为或不公正的事”。   wrong的用法7:in the wrong作“负有责任,应受责备”解,一般只限于对比正确与错误。   wrong的用法8:wrong还可用作及物动词,意思是“冤枉,委曲(某人)”。    wrong的常用短语:   用作形容词 (adj.)   go wrong   on the wrong foot   用作副词 (adv.)   get wrong   用作名词 (n.)   in the wrong    wrong的用法例句:   1. Instead of complaining about what"s wrong, be grateful for what"s right.   别抱怨不好的事,要对好的事心存感恩。   2. It would be wrong to continue out of perversity.   为了故意作对而继续这样做是不对的。   3. One or other of the two women was wrong.   这两个女人当中有一个人错了。   4. A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong.   这次行动之后将会有一个任务执行情况报告会,以便确定是哪里出了问题。   5. Don"t get me wrong, it"s interesting work. But it"s not permanent.   别误会我的意思,这个工作很有意思,可惜不是长期性的。   6. Could you have given them the wrong drug by mistake?   你有没有可能一时疏忽给错他们药了呢?   7. Very dark glossy lips look wrong with heavily made-up eyes.   涂有深色唇彩的嘴唇看上去和浓艳的眼妆不相称。   8. I wouldn"t like to get on the wrong side of him.   我不想激怒他。   9. There"s absolutely nothing wrong in modelling yourself on an older woman.   以年纪较长的女性作为自己仿效的对象绝没有什么不对。   10. The title track is a pointed meditation on a continent gone wrong.   主打歌是对一个误入歧途的大陆的深刻沉思。   11. Something must have gone wrong with the satellite link.   卫星连接一定出了毛病。   12. They think that any legislation that involved putting down dogs was wrong.   他们认为任何涉及捕杀狗的立法都是错误的。   13. The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess.   不合适的洗发水会使卷发纠结成乱糟糟的一团。   14. If you remember these three golden rules you won"t go far wrong.   记住这三条金律,就不会错到哪儿。   15. The right decision was made, but probably for the wrong reasons.   作出的决定是正确的,但理由可能是错误的。
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1. 用作形容词,以下两点用法须注意:(1) 表示“某人做某事是不对的”,以下三种说法均可。如:It"s wrong of you to do it. / You are wrong to do it. / You arewrong in doing it. 你这样做是不对的。(2) 与something, anything, nothing 等连用,表示“出事”、“出错”、 “有毛病”。此时就注意:1)句子可直接用something, nothing 等放在句首作主语,也可用there is 来开始句子。2)若要具体表明某人 / 物出事了,可在wrong 之后用介词with 。3)该句型中的wrong = the matter。如:Something is wrong. = There"s something wrong. 出事了。Nothing is wrong (= the matter) with her. 她没什么事儿。2. 用作副词,意为“错误地”,与wrongly 同义,但用法上有些差异:(1) 放在动词之后,用wrong 或 wrongly 均可。如:You answered wrong (或wrongly). 你答错了。(2) 在动词或过去分词之前,一般用wrongly。如:The words are wrongly spelled. 这些词拼错了。I wrongly believed that he wanted to go. 我误认为他要去希望可以帮助您!满意的话,希望采纳哦,谢谢!
2023-01-08 16:36:241

wrong 这里是副词,还是?

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2023-01-08 16:37:116

wrong (反义词)

2023-01-08 16:37:329

为什么wrong 这个单词我怎么也读不好 还有 日 run won

2023-01-08 16:38:032


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  wrong表示有毛病的,失常的; 错误的意思,那么你知道wrong的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了wrong的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   wrong的短语:   get someone wrong   1. 误解某人;冤枉某人   get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick   1. 误解某事;搞错   go down the wrong way   1. (食物)进入气管,吃呛   in the wrong   1. 为(争吵,错误,罪行)负责   the wrong way round   1. 方向(或顺序)不对(或不正)地   two wrongs don"t make a right   1. (谚)以牙还牙行不通;两个错误不等于一个正确;不能因别人错了自己也就可以犯错   do (someone) wrong【非正式用语】   1. 不诚实,不忠诚   go wrong   1. 走错路,搞不好:拐错弯或采取了错误的行动   2. 堕落:道德上的堕落   3. 出差错,出故障   常用俚语:   wrong gee   n .   1. (黑社会用语)不可信任的人,不光明正大的人,堕落者   How could I ever have trusted that wrong gee?   我怎么会信任那么个不光明磊落的人的呀?   俚语类型: 美国俚语   wrong的短语例句:   1. Instead of complaining about what"s wrong, be grateful for what"s right.   别抱怨不好的事,要对好的事心存感恩。   2. It would be wrong to continue out of perversity.   为了故意作对而继续这样做是不对的。   3. One or other of the two women was wrong.   这两个女人当中有一个人错了。   4. A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong.   这次行动之后将会有一个任务执行情况报告会,以便确定是哪里出了问题。   5. Don"t get me wrong, it"s interesting work. But it"s not permanent.   别误会我的意思,这个工作很有意思,可惜不是长期性的。   6. Could you have given them the wrong drug by mistake?   你有没有可能一时疏忽给错他们药了呢?   7. Very dark glossy lips look wrong with heavily made-up eyes.   涂有深色唇彩的嘴唇看上去和浓艳的眼妆不相称。   8. I wouldn"t like to get on the wrong side of him.   我不想激怒他。   9. There"s absolutely nothing wrong in modelling yourself on an older woman.   以年纪较长的女性作为自己仿效的对象绝没有什么不对。   10. The title track is a pointed meditation on a continent gone wrong.   主打歌是对一个误入歧途的大陆的深刻沉思。   11. Something must have gone wrong with the satellite link.   卫星连接一定出了毛病。   12. They think that any legislation that involved putting down dogs was wrong.   他们认为任何涉及捕杀狗的立法都是错误的。   13. The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess.   不合适的洗发水会使卷发纠结成乱糟糟的一团。   14. If you remember these three golden rules you won"t go far wrong.   记住这三条金律,就不会错到哪儿。   15. The right decision was made, but probably for the wrong reasons.   作出的决定是正确的,但理由可能是错误的。
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1.Wrong的读音:英[r??];美[r???]。 2. Wrong是一个英文单词,名词,动词,形容词,副词,名词翻译为“恶行;犯罪;不公正的行为;(美、俄、荷)朗(人名)”;动词翻译 为“不公正地对待,委屈;诽谤”;形容词翻译 为“错误的;搞错了的;失常的;不适当的;不道德的”;副词翻译为“错误地;出问题;不正当地。
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2023-01-08 16:39:113

mistake, error 和wrong有什么区别?

mistake可以是名词,也可以使动词,错误是可数名词,也可以指误会error 只有名词,错误也是可数名词,
2023-01-08 16:39:231


wrong的反义词 释义1:正确的 right 反义词辨析 wrong adj.错误的 指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则; 也可指“不确实的,不正确的,错误的”,表示某一事物与其标准不相符。 right adj.正确的 使用广泛,可与这些词中的correct换用,但常暗示道德、理解、行动等方面的正确。
2023-01-08 16:39:291


wrong英 [rɒŋ]美 [rɔŋ]n. 坏事;不公正adj. 错误的;失常的;不适当的vt. 委屈;无理地对待;诽谤adv. 错误地;邪恶地,不正当地n. (Wrong)人名;(英)朗更多释义>>   [网络短语]wrong 错误的,有误,理亏Wrong direction 倒果为因,倒果为因,向与该部位不符Wrong Turn 肢解狂魔,致命弯道,鬼挡路   
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2023-01-08 16:40:221


<em>英 [rɒŋ]   </em><em>美 [rɔːŋ]  </em>adj.错误的;有毛病的;不适当的;不道德的adv.错误地n.不义行为;坏事;犯罪;欺骗;错误;不公正v.冤枉;不公正地对待用作形容词 (adj.)I am afraid you"ve made a wrong decision.恐怕你做了一个错误的决定。I"m not going to bow down to such wrong opinions.更多正确读音你可以到小马过河网上找专业老师
2023-01-08 16:40:533


wrong,英 [rɒŋ]   美 [rɔːŋ]  adj.错误的;不对的;不正确的;出错;搞错;有错误;引起问题(或麻烦);有毛病;不正常;不合适的;不道德,adv.错误地;不正确;不对,n.不义行为;欺骗行径;邪恶;犯罪;欺骗;罪恶,vt.不公正(或不诚实)对待。双语例句1、It was the wrong decision ─ there are no two ways about it. 这是错误的决定,毫无疑问。2、We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere. 我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。3、She doesn"t understand the difference between right and wrong. 她不能明辨是非。4、I try not to stress out when things go wrong. 出问题时,我尽量不紧张。5、Children must be taught the difference between right and wrong. 必须教儿童分清是非。
2023-01-08 16:41:091


1. 用作形容词,以下两点用法须注意:(1) 表示“某人做某事是不对的”,以下三种说法均可。如:It"s wrong of you to do it. / You are wrong to do it. / You arewrong in doing it. 你这样做是不对的。(2) 与something, anything, nothing 等连用,表示“出事”、“出错”、 “有毛病”。此时就注意:1)句子可直接用something, nothing 等放在句首作主语,也可用there is 来开始句子。2)若要具体表明某人 / 物出事了,可在wrong 之后用介词with 。3)该句型中的wrong = the matter。如:Something is wrong. = There"s something wrong. 出事了。Nothing is wrong (= the matter) with her. 她没什么事儿。2. 用作副词,意为“错误地”,与wrongly 同义,但用法上有些差异:(1) 放在动词之后,用wrong 或 wrongly 均可。如:You answered wrong (或wrongly). 你答错了。(2) 在动词或过去分词之前,一般用wrongly。如:The words are wrongly spelled. 这些词拼错了。I wrongly believed that he wanted to go. 我误认为他要去希望可以帮助您!满意的话,希望采纳哦,谢谢!
2023-01-08 16:41:231

wrong的四种用法 盘点wrong的四种用法

1、形容词:错误的,不适当的,相反的,有毛病的,不道德的。 He took a wrong turn. 他拐错了弯。 said the wrong thing. 说错了话。 She worn socks wrong side out. 她把袜子穿反了。 There is something wrong with the motor. 电机出故障了。 2、副词:不适当地,方向错误地,不公平地。 She acted wrong to lie. 她不该撒谎。 You led me wrong. 你把我带错了方向。 3、名词:错误,坏事,委屈。 He can know the difference between right and wrong. 他能够明辨是非。 He always puts me in the wrong. 他总是冤枉我。 4、动词:亏待,冤枉,伤害。 I was wronged. 我受了冤屈。 He had deeply wronged his wife. 他深深伤害了他的妻子。
2023-01-08 16:41:281


2023-01-08 16:41:331


wrong的英式发音为r__,美式发音为r___。/_/是后鼻音,需要舌根抬起发音,气流从鼻腔发出。wrong中文释义:(1)adj.错误的;不对的;不正确的;出错;搞错;有错误;引起问题;有毛病;不正常。(2)adv.错误地;不正确;不对。(3)n.不义行为;欺骗行径;邪恶;犯罪;欺骗;罪恶。(4)v.不公正(或不诚实)对待。例句:Some people feel that experimenting on animals is wrong。(有人觉得利用动物做试验是错误的。)一站式出国留学攻略
2023-01-08 16:41:461


wrong [英][rɒŋ][美][rɔŋ,rɑŋ] adj. 有毛病的,失常的;错误的,不正确的;不好的,不公正的;反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的 adv. 不对,错误,失当;不好,不公正;逆,颠倒,翻转;有毛病,不舒服 n. 过失,错误;不义的行为;不义行为;犯罪 vt. 委屈,无理地对待,诽谤 复数:wrongs 第三人称单数:wrongs 过去式:wronged 过去分词:wronged 现在分词:wronging 比较级:wronger 最高级:wrongest 双语例句 1. I got it wrong.It wasn"t the red one but the blue one. 我弄错了.不是红的那个,是蓝的那个. 2. At what age are children able to distinguish between right andwrong? 儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非? 3. Don"t be such a hypochondriac!—there"s nothing wrong with you. 别这么忧心忡忡的了!—你根本没病. 4. Children do not know by instinct the difference between right andwrong. 儿童并非生来就会分辨是非. 5. She intuited that something was badly wrong. 她凭直觉感到出了大问题.
2023-01-08 16:41:521


wrong在这里是形容词 若将这里的wrong当作是副词,那么就是wrong修饰了do,但do wrong这个词组意思是"作恶",显然不符合句意 这句中就像你说的,wrong修饰what,即修饰名词,所有是adj 希望有帮助
2023-01-08 16:41:571

wrong的反义词 大家一起来学习吧

1、【反义词】right。 2、【基本解释】adj.有毛病的,失常的;错误的,不正确的;不好的,不公正的;反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的。 3、adv.不对,错误,失当;不好,不公正;逆,颠倒,翻转;有毛病,不舒服。 4、n.过失,错误;不义的行为;不义行为;犯罪。 5、vt.委屈,无理地对待,诽谤。 6、【英语解释】复数:wrongs第三人称单数:wrongs过去式:wronged过去分词:wronged现在分词:wronging比较级:wronger最高级:wrongest。易混淆的单词:Wrong。 7、【短语词组】getsomeonewrong。 8、get(holdof)thewrongendofthestick。
2023-01-08 16:42:031


2023-01-08 16:42:135

用“wrong" 造句

You"re wrong. 你错了. What"s wrong with you? 你怎么了. There is something wrong with my computer. 我的电脑有点问题.
2023-01-08 16:42:331


wrong 有四种词性.   1、形容词:错误的,不适当的,相反的,有毛病的,不道德的   He took a wrong turn. 他拐错了弯. said the wrong thing. 说错了话. She worn socks wrong side out. 她把袜子穿反了. There is something wrong with the motor. 电机出故障了.   2、副词:不适当地,方向错误地,不公平地   She acted wrong to lie. 她不该撒谎. You led me wrong. 你把我带错了方向.   3、名词:错误,坏事,委屈   He can know the difference between right and wrong. 他能够明辨是非. He always puts me in the wrong. 他总是冤枉我.   4、动词:亏待,冤枉,伤害   I was wronged. 我受了冤屈. He had deeply wronged his wife. 他深深伤害了他的妻子.  
2023-01-08 16:42:431


wrong 英 [rɒŋ] 美 [rɔ:ŋ] adj. 有毛病的,失常的; 错误的,不正确的; 不好的,不公正的; 反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的; adv. 不对,错误,失当; 不好,不公正; 逆,颠倒,翻转; 有毛病,不舒服; n. 过失,错误; 不义的行为; 不义行为; 犯罪; [例句]Pain is the body"s way of telling us that something is wrong疼痛是身体在告诉我们有地方出问题了。[其他] 比较级:wronger 最高级:wrongest 第三人称单数:wrongs 复数:wrongs 现在分词:wronging 过去式:wronged 过去分词:wronged
2023-01-08 16:42:492


wrong用汉语怎么读?回答:用汉语拼音读:ruang注释,wrong    英[rɒŋ]    美[rɔːŋ]    adj.    错误的; 不对的; 不正确的; 出错; 搞错; 有错误; 引起问题(或麻烦); 有毛病; 不正常;    adv.    错误地; 不正确; 不对;    
2023-01-08 16:43:026


这里应该是副词,作状语,修饰动词write.类似用法见如下例句: I must have added it up wrong. 那我一定是加错了. It looks like it"s spelled wrong...x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05 看起来像是拼错了. I can see exactly where he went wrong.x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05x05 我知道他究竟错在哪儿了 祝你开心如意!
2023-01-08 16:43:421


wrong 英 [rɒŋ]    美 [rɔːŋ]  adj.错误的;有毛病的;不适当的;不道德的adv.错误地n.不义行为;坏事;犯罪;欺骗;错误;不公正v.冤枉;不公正地对待用作形容词 (adj.)I am afraid you"ve made a wrong decision.恐怕你做了一个错误的决定。I"m not going to bow down to such wrong opinions.我不打算听从这种错误的意见。There is something wrong with the car.这车有点毛病。What"s wrong with the engine? It"s making an awful noise.发动机出什麽故障了? 噪音太大了.A correct word used in a wrong cultural or religious context is a wrong word.一个正确的字用在一个不适当的文化或宗教背景里,也将成为一个错字。It is wrong to steal.偷窃是不道德的.用作副词 (adv.)You"ve spelt the word wrong.你把这个单词拼错了。
2023-01-08 16:43:491


1. 用作形容词,以下两点用法须注意:(1) 表示“某人做某事是不对的”,以下三种说法均可。如:It"s wrong of you to do it. / You are wrong to do it. / You arewrong in doing it. 你这样做是不对的。(2) 与something, anything, nothing 等连用,表示“出事”、“出错”、 “有毛病”。此时就注意:1)句子可直接用something, nothing 等放在句首作主语,也可用there is 来开始句子。2)若要具体表明某人 / 物出事了,可在wrong 之后用介词with 。3)该句型中的wrong = the matter。如:Something is wrong. = There"s something wrong. 出事了。Nothing is wrong (= the matter) with her. 她没什么事儿。2. 用作副词,意为“错误地”,与wrongly 同义,但用法上有些差异:(1) 放在动词之后,用wrong 或 wrongly 均可。如:You answered wrong (或wrongly). 你答错了。(2) 在动词或过去分词之前,一般用wrongly。如:The words are wrongly spelled. 这些词拼错了。I wrongly believed that he wanted to go. 我误认为他要去。
2023-01-08 16:43:562


wrong 英[rɒŋ],美[ rɑŋ]
2023-01-08 16:44:063


是的,小学学的都是基本的,比如表示方向的,上下左右,东南西北,还有表示对错的wrong的意思有英 [rɒŋ] 美 [rɔ:ŋ] adj.有毛病的,失常的;错误的,不正确的;不好的,不公正的;反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的adv.不对,错误,失当;不好,不公正;逆,颠倒,翻转;有毛病,不舒服n.过失,错误;不义的行为;不义行为;犯罪vt.委屈,无理地对待,诽谤小学里一般只学错误这一个释义希望对你有帮助!
2023-01-08 16:44:341


2023-01-08 16:44:414


wrong的中文读音是勿嚷呢。wrong读音:英 [rɒŋ] ;美 [rɔːŋ]adj. 错误的;搞错了的;失常的;不适当的;不道德的adv. 错误地;出问题;不正当地n. 恶行;犯罪;不公正的行为v. 不公正地对待,委屈;诽谤n. (Wrong) (美、俄、荷)朗(人名)短语Wrong Turn 致命弯道 ; 肢解狂魔 ; 鬼挡路 ; 致命弯路Wrong Direction 倒果为因 ; 向与该部位不符 ; 错误的方向wrong incorrect 错的Wrong Ball 错球 ; 误击他人的球 ; 误击independent wrong 独立的不法行为wrong court 发球错区 ; 发球错区时间 ; 发球错入场区 ; 发球错位Wrong Medication 用错药 ; 吃错药扩展资料:同近义词adv. 错误地;邪恶的,不正当地in error , incorrectlyn. 坏事;不公正bad , injusticeadj. 错误的;失常的;不适当的false , incorrect , unhappy , improper , inadequatevt. 委屈;无理地对待;诽谤vilify , asperse例句:His assumption proved to be wrong. 他的设想证明是错误的。
2023-01-08 16:44:581


wrong n. 坏事;不公正adj. 错误的;失常的;不适当的vt. 委屈;无理地对待;诽谤adv. 错误地;邪恶的,不正当地
2023-01-08 16:45:162


wrong[英][rɒŋ] [美][rɔŋ, rɑŋ] 生词本简明释义adj.有毛病的,失常的;错误的,不正确的;不好的,不公正的;反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的adv.不对,错误,失当;不好,不公正;逆,颠倒,翻转;有毛病,不舒服n.过失,错误;不义的行为;不义行为;犯罪vt.委屈,无理地对待,诽谤复数:wrongs第三人称单数:wrongs过去式:wronged过去分词:wronged现在分词:wronging比较级:wronger最高级:wrongest易混淆的单词:Wrong以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED有麻烦的;有问题的If you say there is something wrong, you mean there is something unsatisfactory about the situation, person, or thing you are talking about. Pain is the body"s way of telling us that something is wrong... 疼痛是身体在告诉我们有地方出问题了。Nobody seemed to notice anything wrong...似乎没有人注意到出了问题。...a relationship that felt wrong from the start
2023-01-08 16:45:262

wrong 是可数名词还是不可数名词?

2023-01-08 16:45:361


2023-01-08 16:45:431


2023-01-08 16:45:501


wrong英语读法是:英 [rɒŋ] ;美 [rɔːŋ] 。基础释义:形容词:有毛病的,失常的; 错误的,不正确的; 不好的,不公正的; 反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的。副词:不对,错误,失当; 不好,不公正; 逆,颠倒,翻转; 有毛病,不舒服。名词:过失,错误; 不义的行为; 不义行为; 犯罪。及物动词:委屈,无理地对待,诽谤。详细释义:1、形容词It is wrong of you to bully the child.你不该欺侮那个孩子。What"s wrong with the machine?这机器出了什么毛病?2、副词You led me wrong.你把我带错了方向。3、及物动词wrong的反义词I was wronged.我受了冤屈。4、名词It is not always easy to know right from wrong.分辨是非并不总是很容易的。相关词组:go wrong : 出毛病;in the wrong : 错误, 不对, 不正确, 有过失, 犯错误;get it wrong : 误解, 误会, 曲解;do wrong : 作恶;双语例句:1、So it`s only because I applied to the wrong course, I would never have know the Truth otherwise.所以,正是因为我申请了错误的课程,否则我就决不会知道真理。2、Wrong time to work, flexible working system and on-line office is the Beijing Municipal Government during the Beijing Olympics in order to ease the traffic pressure and the implementation of the three new initiatives.错时上下班、弹性工作制和网上办公是北京市政府为了缓解北京奥运期间的交通压力而新推行的三个举措。3、But do not get me wrong. My friend was not a deadbeat.但不要误会我的意思,我的朋友不是赖帐的人。4、In fact, he declared it was of no use to work on his farm; it was the most pestilent little piece of ground in the whole country; every thing about it went wrong, and would go wrong, in spite of him.事实上,他宣称它没有用在他工作的农场,它是最pestilent地面一小部分全国,每一件事对出错,并会出问题,但在他。5、It must have been the wrong thing to say, as Snape tensed slightly in his arms.这肯定是个错误的话题,因为斯内普在他的臂弯中略微僵硬。6、If we seek to understand American foreign policy in terms of a rational engagement with international problems, or even as an effective means of projecting power, we are looking in the wrong place.如果我们设法了解美国外交政策而言,一个合理的接触与国际问题,甚至是作为一种有效的手段预测的权力,我们正研究在错误的地方。7、I`m muttering what is wrong with the present social values.我嘀咕着,现在的社会价值标准是不是有什么问题啊。8、I`m not a scientist, but I`m guessing that`s wrong.我不是一个科学家,但我猜测,这是错误的。9、The idea that you can do it without any difficulty is wrong.你能毫不费力就做好这件事的想法是错误的10、It is impossible for this generator to wrong.发生器是不可能出问题的。
2023-01-08 16:45:571

wrong和 incorrect有什么区别吗..?

incorrect 不准确的wrong 错误的 wrong还包括思想,想法,incorrect则不包括【东莞独尊牌具】
2023-01-08 16:46:123


2023-01-08 16:40:182


Angle天使你没听过张杰的云中的Angle么 Devil恶魔
2023-01-08 16:40:263


可能是没有设置好吧,哈哈代理服务器CCProxy用户快速入门 1.运行下载的ccproxysetup.exe 2.点击"Next" 3. 选择安装文件夹,默认的是C盘CCProxy文件夹,点击"Next" 4.继续点击"Next" 5.继续点击"Next" 6.点击"Install" 7.至此,CCProxy安装完毕.接下来设置客户端IE.假设安装代理服务器CCProxy机器的IP地址是:,选择IE菜单“工具”->“Internet 选项”: 8.点击上图中的"局域网设置": 9.点击上图中的"高级": 10.至此,客户端基本设置完毕,可以上网冲浪了 祝您中秋快乐!微笑past╱/ 希望可以帮到您,祝您愉快!╥﹏╥ 很高兴为您解答o(≥o≤)o 祝您早日把问题解决!您好,我很荣幸回答您
2023-01-08 16:40:271

“在” 打一字

2023-01-08 16:40:166


2023-01-08 16:40:146

逆战好听的英文名字,旖旎 ecstAsy

DestingIcefire Stopain Alsacecoser 情禁 Zene▋ StrAng3 终陌、 Scofild Ashily 万念 mannen Elegy Guard╯寂寞 Perfect -Emotiona°要珍惜 蓝颜 Memorie▲ 玩情desire ▲ 刺痛enough※ 血灵栀° Marvel Allure Love 倾城恋 侵蚀Emotiona° Gsexuality Grsrfegt Vengeance 失控▍Insane Angelwei Vurtnel Celerys 温存迷醉 Sexy 若凌° Provence - DyNAmIte 心如 Mo Maek 莫陌 旖旎 ecstAsy 别挽留▎ Letitgo Dreamspirit 丿Kiss灬 芋头 Glmlaoda
2023-01-08 16:40:131