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2023-08-07 22:31:25
TAG: 英文 翻译

shut the fuck up, you guys


shut up. 口语里面这个是最有气势的,如果你还要加上其它的话就叫画蛇添足了,真正的英语是简单明了,不像中文表达得很清晰



shut up your fucking ass



直接用Shut up就够地道了 不需要用别的


shut up .you


1 “shut the fuck up” in my presence.

2 “shut the fuck up” when I am here.


闭嘴用英语怎么说 闭嘴英文到底是啥

1、闭嘴用英语是shut up。 2、shut up,英语单词,意思是闭嘴。 3、shut up,英文词组,意为“闭嘴”,正式场合少用,一般多为生气时使用,作为一名绅士,最好听完别人所说的话。 4、shut,英语单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“关闭”。作形容词时意为“关闭的;围绕的”。作及物动词时意为“关闭;停业;幽禁”。作不及物动词时意为“关上;停止营业”。
2023-08-05 23:28:411


  很多人只知道闭嘴的英文是shut up,其实闭嘴的英文不止一个,还有其他说法。下面是我为你整理的闭嘴的英文,希望大家喜欢!   闭嘴的英文   1.shut up   2.button one"s lip   3.hold one"s jaw one"s lip   shut up造句   1. For God"s sake shut up. I can"t hear myself think!   看在老天爷的份上,闭嘴吧。吵死我了!   2. They say "Tom, shut up" and I go "No, you shut up"   他们说:“汤姆,你闭嘴!”我说:“才不呢,你们闭嘴!”   3. Would you shut up, please! I"m having enough trouble with these children!   请你闭嘴!这些孩子已经够我烦的了.   4. Archie, shut up. You"re prattling.   阿奇,闭嘴!净废话。   5. Oi! You lot! Shut up!   嘿!你们几个!闭上嘴巴!   6. Just shut up, will you?   闭嘴,好吗?   7. Shut up, you moaning whinger.   闭嘴,你这个只知道发牢骚的家伙。   8. It"s time to shut up shop and go home.   该闭店回家了.   9. It"s getting late; let"s shut up shop and finish the job tomorrow.   天快黑了, 咱们停止工作吧,明天再把它干完.   10. Shut up. I"m trying to think.   别说了, 我在想问题.   闭嘴相关的英文短语   你闭嘴 Blast The Speakers ; You shut up ; Shut up you ; you shut she *** up   闭嘴鲸鱼 Shut up whale   我闭嘴 I shut up you *** ; mute   矮子闭嘴 Shut Up Little Man An Audio Misadventure   他妈的闭嘴 Shut The Fuck Up ; Fucking shut up ; Damn it shut his mouth ; Fuck shut up   闭嘴家族 Shut Up Family ; You I Together ; YouI Together   要么闭嘴 Put up or shut up   就闭嘴 shut up   闭嘴播放 shut up and play
2023-08-05 23:28:481


  闭嘴的意思是“停止说话”、“不要讲下去”。多含有命令他人不准说话之意。那么你知道吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   闭嘴的英语说法1:   Shut Up   闭嘴的英语说法2:   zipone"s lip   闭嘴相关英语表达:   你闭嘴   You shut up   闭嘴的英语例句:   1. I had to box Max"s ears to get him to hush.   我不得不打了马克斯一耳光让他闭嘴。   2. For God"s sake shut up. I can"t hear myself think!   看在老天爷的份上,闭嘴吧。吵死我了!   3. They say "Tom, shut up" and I go "No, you shut up"   他们说:“汤姆,你闭嘴!”我说:“才不呢,你们闭嘴!”   4. Would you shut up, please! I"m having enough trouble with these children!   请你闭嘴!这些孩子已经够我烦的了.   5. A sharp put-down was the only way to shut her up.   对她冷嘲热讽是让她闭嘴的唯一方法。   6. This performance will silence many of his detractors.   这一表演将会让很多诋毁他的人闭嘴。   7. Archie, shut up. You"re prattling.   阿奇,闭嘴!净废话。   8. Just shut up, will you?   闭嘴,好吗?   9. Chambers waved his hand. "Belt up!" he snapped.   钱伯斯手一挥,喝道:“闭嘴!”   10. Now be quiet and buzz off.   现在请闭嘴并滚开。   11. Shut up, you moaning whinger.   闭嘴,你这个只知道发牢骚的家伙。   12. If you don"t shut your mouth, I"ll clock you one.   如果你再不闭嘴, 我可要揍你一顿.   13. The cop told him to button his lip.   警察叫他闭嘴.   14. "We don"t know the answer to that." — "Exactly — so shut up and stop speculating."   “我们不知道那个问题的答案。”——“就是——那就闭嘴,别瞎猜。”   15. "Oi, shut your mouth and have respect for elders," Langda said to the boy.   “喂,闭嘴,对长者要尊重,”兰达对那男孩说。
2023-08-05 23:28:571


stop,shut up等等
2023-08-05 23:29:225


You shut up
2023-08-05 23:29:384


2023-08-05 23:30:031


问题一:你闭嘴用英语怎么说 close your mouse 问题二:你闭嘴,用英语怎么说 ho has e to terms with his limitatio 问题三:闭嘴 用英语怎么说? 闭嘴 问题四:闭嘴用英语怎么说 闭嘴:shut up 问题五:你给我闭嘴用英语怎么说 Shut up 问题六:你早就应该闭嘴了,用英语怎么说,拜托了,谢谢大家哈 It"s high time for you to shut up. 问题七:“请你闭嘴”用英语怎么说 Please shut up 问题八:闭嘴的英语怎么说? 闭嘴 [词典] stopper; [电影] Shut Up; [例句]看在老天爷的份上,闭嘴吧。吵死我了! For God"s sake shut up. I can"t hear myself think! 问题九:你给我闭嘴的英文 怎么说 Shut up! 或Be quiet!
2023-08-05 23:31:371


请给我闭嘴英文是:Please shut up; Please :int. (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请,请问; (用于加强请求或陈述的语气)请千万,请务必,的确; (表示接受的客气话)太感谢了,太好了。 扩展资料   You have the right to remain silent, so please shut up.   你有权利保持沉默,所以请你闭嘴。   Would you please shut up about reindeer?   你可以闭嘴别再问驯鹿的事吗?   I"m trying to read my paper. please, shut up.   我想看报纸,请你闭嘴。   Can you please& shut up!   拜托你&?-闭嘴!   Will someone please shut that girl up?   可以请人叫那孩子安静吗?
2023-08-05 23:31:451


“闭嘴”的英语怎么说? 闭嘴 (给你四种说法) 1.shut up 2.button one"s lip 3.hold one"s one"s lip 例句 1顶Shut up, go with your bag. 闭嘴,拿着你的包走吧。 希望对你有帮助 望采纳最佳答案 谢谢 你闭嘴用英语怎么说 close your mouse 闭嘴 用英语怎么说? 闭嘴 你给我闭嘴用英语怎么说 Shut up 你给我闭嘴的英文 怎么说 Shut up! 或Be quiet! 闭嘴用英语怎么说 闭嘴:shut up “请你闭嘴”用英语怎么说 Please shut up 闭嘴的英文翻译 Shut up! 闭嘴 闭嘴的英语怎么说? 闭嘴 [词典] stopper; [电影] Shut Up; [例句]看在老天爷的份上,闭嘴吧。吵死我了! For God"s sake shut up. I can"t hear myself think!
2023-08-05 23:31:531


Shut up. I don"t want to listen to you. Please leave.
2023-08-05 23:32:253


open your mouth
2023-08-05 23:32:487


2023-08-05 23:33:276


我认为文明点的是“Close your mouth , please !"也可以说”Shut up !"
2023-08-05 23:33:461

英文骂人脏话 难听点的

英文骂人脏话如下:1、Shut up! 闭嘴!2、You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!3、You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。4、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!5、You make me so mad. 你气死我了啦。6、Drop dead. 去死吧!7、Fuck off. 滚蛋。8、Who says? 谁说的?9、Don"t give me your shoot. 别跟我胡扯。10、No more excuses. 别找借口。11、You"re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。12、You"re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。13、You bastard! 你这杂种!14、Get over yourself. 别自以为是。15、You"re nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。16、It"s not my fault. 不是我的错。17、You look guilty. 你看上去心虚。
2023-08-05 23:34:011


Say,or shut up forever.
2023-08-05 23:34:293


Shut up
2023-08-05 23:34:4612


Shut up, you taught me how to do things, all his dry, also do customer service!拜托采纳哦~
2023-08-05 23:35:218


shut upuff01
2023-08-05 23:35:533


2023-08-05 23:36:024


shut up
2023-08-05 23:36:424


Shut up and I don"t want to listen to English .应该是这样。 希望采纳。
2023-08-05 23:36:535


骂人的脏话英文如下:1、Shut up! 闭嘴!2、You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!3、You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。4、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!5、You make me so mad. 你气死我了啦。6、Drop dead. 去死吧!7、Fuck off. 滚蛋。8、Who says? 谁说的?9、Don"t give me your shoot. 别跟我胡扯。10、No more excuses. 别找借口。
2023-08-05 23:37:101


Shut up,or i will beat you
2023-08-05 23:37:3414

给老子闭嘴 用英语怎么说?

you ,shut up
2023-08-05 23:38:027


英文骂人脏话句子如下:1、闭嘴!Shut up!2、你敢!Dare you!3、走开。Go away。4、真糟糕!Really bad!5、谁说的?Who said that?6、别碰我!Don"t touch me.7、省省吧。Save it.8、别烦我。Stop bugging me.9、去死吧!Go to hell!10、你自找的。You asked for it.11、别发牢骚!Don"t whine!12、你这蠢猪!You stupid jerk!13、别鬼混了!Stop fooling around!14、我不想听!I don"t want to hear it.15、关你屁事!It"s none of your business.16、我宰了你!I could kill you!17、我们完了!We"re done!18、真让我失望。I"m very disappointed.19、少跟我罗嗦。Get off my back.20、你太过分了!You have crossed the line!21、你想怎么样?What do you want?22、不是我的错。It is not my fault.23、我受不了了!I can"t bear it!24、别跟我胡扯。Don"t give me your nonsense.25、你一无是处!You Nothing is right!26、你会后悔的。You"ll regret it.27、你气死我了。You pass me off.28、你怎么回事?What"s wrong with you?29、你真让我恶心!You make me sick.30、看看这烂摊子!Look at this mess!31、他妈的给我滚!Fuck me!32、从我面前消失!Get out of my face.33、我才不信你呢!I can"t believe a word you said.34、你脑子进水啊?What were you thinking?35、离我远一点儿!Get out from me!36、你真不可救药。You"re impossible.37、这是什么意思?What"s the meaning of this?38、你脑子有毛病!You are out of your mind.39、你怎么回事啊?What"s your problem?40、你好大的胆子!You"ve got some nerve!41、别跟我摆架子。Don"t give me that attitude.42、你真是一个小丑!You"re joke!43、我不愿再见到你!I don"t want to see you anymore!44、全都让你搞砸了。You"ve ruined everything.
2023-08-05 23:38:211


Shut up, jerk!
2023-08-05 23:39:214


Shut up if you have no knowledge of it.
2023-08-05 23:39:351


2023-08-05 23:40:094

我想要关于描写嘴的英文词 忙上就要,有关嘴的,描写嘴的.是词啊

1.answer [talk] back 回嘴2.Shut your shop!闭嘴!3.Stop your gab!住嘴!4.pout (one"s lips) 撅嘴5.pout (one"s lips) 噘嘴6.Shut your trap!住嘴!7.Shut up!; Hold your tongue!闭嘴!8.Zip your fly!闭嘴.9.clumsy...
2023-08-05 23:40:361

你们都他妈的闭嘴, 谁给我翻译成英语

shut up
2023-08-05 23:41:019

"你TM的给我闭嘴"翻译成英语是什么 解 谢

美国有本土的you suck it“”,估计你多少人懂
2023-08-05 23:41:216


嘴巴的英文单词读作mouth。下面是对mouth的读音的详细描述:1、拼音及注音:拼音:m-ǒ-u-th,注音:[mau028aθ]2、音标及发音:音标:/mau028aθ/,发音:将舌尖卷起,放在口腔底部,让气流通过舌尖和上颚之间的空隙发出/m/音,然后迅速将舌尖离开上颚,让气流通过形成的窄缝发出/ǒ/音,最后以/θ/音结束,舌头轻轻触碰上齿龈。3、声母与韵母:声母:"m"在这里是一个辅音,韵母:"ǒu"代表一个双元音,由短元音/ǒ/和长元音/u/组成。拓展知识:口腔解剖学:理解嘴巴的英文单词"mouth"可以引起对人体口腔解剖学的兴趣。人的口腔包括唇、腭、牙齿、舌头和喉咙等部分,是用于咀嚼、吞咽和言语的重要结构。口型对发音的影响:学习英语时,正确的口型对准确发音非常重要。对于单词"mouth",要注意舌头位置和嘴唇形状,以达到清晰的发音效果。相关动词短语:与嘴巴相关的动词短语有很多,例如"open one"s mouth"(张嘴)、"shut one"s mouth"(闭嘴)、"put words in one"s mouth"(曲解别人的话)等,进一步丰富了表达和描述口腔动作的方式。总结:嘴巴的英文单词"mouth"的发音为/mau028aθ/,其中包括声母"m"和韵母"ǒu",并以/θ/音结束。正确的口型和舌头位置对于准确发音非常重要。了解口腔解剖学以及与嘴巴相关的动词短语可以进一步扩展知识,并提高口语表达的准确性。
2023-08-05 23:41:381


Learn to shut up is a kind of practice学会闭嘴是一种修行
2023-08-05 23:42:031


shape from用…做成…; shape into使做成…的形状; shape clay into a pot将黏土做成罐子; shape clay into balls将泥土揉成圆球; shape into different forms加工成各种形状 扩展资料   in shape在外形上;处于良好状态;   take shape v. 形成;成形;体现;具体化;   in the shape of以…的`形式;呈…的形状;   out of shape走样;身体状况不佳;   in good shape精神或身体状态好;处于很好的状态;   shape memory形状记忆;外形记忆;   good shape良形
2023-08-05 23:40:251


  shape做动词有塑造;定形;使 ... 成形等意思,那么你知道shape的过去式是什么吗?下面是我整理的shape的过去式和用法例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   shape的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: shaped   过去分词: shaped   现在分词: shaping   shape的用法:   shape的用法1:shape用作动词的意思是“制成(某种)形状”,用于具体物品时,常指将原料用刀具切削或加工制成有用的物品,其材料可以是金属,也可以是黏土、塑料等,强调制成某种特殊形状。引申可指“培养塑造(人的思想、性格)”“影响…的发展”“决定…的进展”等。   shape的用法2:shape还可表示“使(服装等)合身”,一般用于被动结构。   shape的用法3:shape既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式含有被动意义。   shape的过去式例句:   1. Stan Dean, easily identifiable by his oddly-shaped hat, sat in a doorway.   斯坦·迪安坐在门口,他那顶奇形怪状的帽子一下子就让人认出他来。   2. As the wheel turned, the potter shaped the clay.   轮子一边转动,制陶工人一边拉坯。   3. The skeleton consists of differently shaped bones held together by ligaments.   人体骨架是由依靠韧带连接的形状相异的骨头构成。   4. He feared his career had gone a bit pear-shaped.   他害怕自己的事业已经出了点儿问题。   5. This beautiful and curiously shaped lake lies at around fifteen thousand feet.   这个形状奇特的美丽湖泊周长约有15,000英尺。   6. Located off-center in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.   在这个形状不规则的湖泊的湖心以外的地方有一眼喷泉。   7. Martin"s upbringing shaped his whole life.   马丁的家庭教养影响了他的一生。   8. The eye first appears as a cup-shaped outgrowth from the brain.   眼睛开始是从大脑长出,呈杯状。   9. a huge balloon shaped like a giant cow   形似一头巨牛的大气球   10. This dress is shaped at the waist and doesn"t need a belt.   这件连衣裙腰部合身,不需要腰带.   11. The leaves of evergreens are often shaped like needles.   常绿植物的叶常是针形的.   12. The rocks were shaped by sun, wind and rain.   太阳, 风和雨使岩石变形了.   13. Christianity is a living faith which has shaped the history of Britain.   ____塑造了英国的历史,而且至今还有人信奉.   14. The potter carefully shaped the vase.   那个陶工精心地制作了这个花瓶.   15. Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.   记忆会受到后来经历的深刻影响.
2023-08-05 23:40:381

矛盾论主要内容概括 如何概括矛盾论主要内容

1、《矛盾论》的主要内容:研究事物的矛盾法则的重要性以及不得不涉及的广泛问题。除了引言外,分六个部分全面系统地论述了唯物辩证法关于对立统一规律的基本原理,最后有一个结论。 2、《矛盾论》具体地阐明了矛盾诸方面的同一性和斗争性及其相互关系。认为对立的统一是有条件的、暂时的、相对的,对立的互相排斥的斗争则是绝对的;有条件的相对的同一性和无条件的绝对的斗争性相结合,构成了一切事物的矛盾运动。
2023-08-05 23:40:401

请翻译成英语:“诉讼(管辖法院), 仲裁(仲裁机构)

lawsuit 和 litigation 都是诉讼. arbitration 是仲裁, 注意都是名词形式.
2023-08-05 23:40:402


2023-08-05 23:40:414


Two, product quality standards: according to sampleThree, acceptance criteria and methods: to plant inspectionFour, packing requirements:Five, the method of delivery, FOB Shenzhen Yantian, time: 2012 month dayIn six, settlement way and deadline: T / T, 30% as deposit, the amount of dollars. 70% balance, the shipment of the goods to the port.In seven, the liability for breach of contract : This contract by both sides of supply and demand must be performed after the signing, any party"s breach of this contract, should according to the Arbitration Commission.Will assume economic responsibility. As a result of breach of contract caused the other losses, should also pay damages.* if not in accordance with the contract date of delivery will assume lag cross gold, the amount of the value of 5%, according to the days a total of.In eight, the product must be kept cleanIn nine, the production of products with the same must be confirmed sampleTen, shipment please 100%, please do not much or short.In eleven, the order must be FCL shipments, the guests do not accept the tail boxIn twelve, the company must be finished product production and packaging to inform the inspection.In thirteen, export of goods, if the product quality problems, causes the customer to return or claims, all costs, generally by the supplier burden.Fourteen, if your company needs to arrange the second factors of the inspection, the inspection fee is by you.Fifteen, is your company to design products, the company shall not be intended to mimic or sold to others, or by the company to bear all legal responsibility.In sixteen, this contract by both parties with legal official seal and legal principal or agent after the date of signing.In seventeen, the execution of the contract dispute, both sides should actively consultation; consultation fails, to contract the location of the court.In eighteen, the two copies of the contract, each party holds one copy of both sides of supply and demand.In nineteen, the validity period of the contract from February 15, 2012 to December 31, 2012
2023-08-05 23:40:482

矛盾论 是 马克思 毛泽东 还是 黑格尔 提出来的?

2023-08-05 23:40:484


2023-08-05 23:40:492


2023-08-05 23:40:501


justice naturally inhabits man"s heart例句:Regardless of the strong opposition from the Chinese side, the Philippines stirred up the arbitration farce on the South China Sea issue, claiming that China"s non-participation in the arbitration undermines international rule of law. Some countries outside the South China Sea labeled China as "not abiding by international law" and "bulling the weak". Are these the facts? Is China trying to change the status quo of the South China Sea? Why does China not participate in the arbitration? There is a Chinese saying that "Loudness is not necessarily persuasive and justice naturally inhabits man"s heart." Hereby, we would like to discuss with the readers about this issue.菲律宾不顾中国强烈反对,单方面提起并执意推进南海仲裁,还诬称中国拒绝参与仲裁是破坏国际法治。一些域外国家并非南海问题当事方,也充当起"庭外仲裁员",为仲裁庭的裁决指定方向,把"不遵守国际规则"、"以强凌弱"的帽子扣在中国头上。事实真的是这样吗?中国在改变南海现状吗?中国为什么不参与南海仲裁?"有理不在声高,公道自在人心"。在此我愿与读者们谈一谈。
2023-08-05 23:40:181


much money
2023-08-05 23:40:175


矛盾论中最经典的名句如下:历史的经验教训告诉我们,人们不会从历史的经验中吸取教训。就人类认识运动的秩序说来,总是由认识个别和特殊的事物,逐步地扩大到认识一般的事物。由特殊到一般,又由一般到特殊,他们完全不懂得马克思主义的认识论。为要暴露事物发展过程中的矛盾在其总体上、在其相互联结上的特殊性,就是说暴露事物发展过程的本质,就必须暴露过程中矛盾各方面的特殊性,否则暴露过程的本质成为不可能,这也是我们作研究工作时必须十分注意的。一个大的事物,在其发展过程中,包含著许多的矛盾。世事总是充满矛盾的,这些矛盾,各有其特殊性,不能一律看待,需要我们学会了解渗透矛盾的方方面面,从根源上去解决。矛盾论中最经典的名句心得如下:矛盾论在生活中随处可见,可以说没有矛盾就没有世界,任何事物的发展都有矛盾伴随。正如我们从事的计划生育工作,现有的计生政策与少数育龄妇女存在的生育观念就是矛盾对应的,是矛盾的斗争性的一面;在育龄妇女管理与优质服务上又显现出了矛盾的同一性的一面。有的育龄妇女就是不理解政策,不支持国策,其实仔细想想,站在她们的立场和角度上考虑问题,或许她们有她们的想法。计划生育政策强,涉及千家万户,方方面面,作为一名计生工作人员一定要一把尺子量到底,政策面前人人平等。这就要求我们在实际工作中,首先要动之以情,晓之以理的做好群众工作,把她们的辱骂放在脑后,把自己的工作责任心放在首位,做好政策的带头人,做好政策的执行者。其次,良好的心态是干好工作的基础,我们要以一颗善良的心,来对待我们的工作对象,以一颗诚挚的心,去了解他们,去关心他们,急他们之所急,想他们之所想。只有真正做他们的贴心人,才能在工作.上得到他们的配合和认可。还有就是要深入育龄人群,与她们拉家常、聊生活,以更准确的掌握育龄妇女的第一手资料,清楚育龄人群需要什么帮助,在了解育龄群众需求的同时,注意总结规律,发现问题,查找原因,从而更好的解决问题,进一步倡导科学、 文明、进步的婚育观念,营造新型生育文化
2023-08-05 23:40:171


2023-08-05 23:40:125

Permanent Court of Arbitration是什么意思

Permanent Court of Arbitration常设仲裁法院双语对照词典结果:permanent court of arbitration[英][u02c8pu0259:mu0259nu0259nt ku0254:t u0254v u02ccɑ:bu026au02c8treu026au0283u0259n][美][u02c8pu025amu0259nu0259nt ku0254rt u028cv u02ccɑrbu026au02c8treu0283u0259n][经] 常设仲裁法院; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A ruling by the permanent court of arbitration in the hague in 2009 appears to put thefield in the sudanese state of southern kordofan. 2009年,海牙常设仲裁法院将海格里格判给了苏丹,隶属南科尔凡省。
2023-08-05 23:40:111


2023-08-05 23:40:106


县委大院的拼音是:[xiàn wěi dà yuàn]《县委大院》是一部由胡歌、吴越、张新成领衔主演,黄磊、李光洁、刘涛、包贝尔特别出演,王骁、任程伟、尤勇智、宁文彤、房子斌主演,孔笙执导,王小枪担任编剧的电视剧,于2022年12月7日起登陆CCTV-1黄金时间播出,浙江卫视、北京卫视、河北卫视跟播,腾讯视频、咪咕视频同步播出。该剧主要讲述了光明县县委书记梅晓歌(胡歌 饰)团结艾鲜枝(吴越 饰)等同事,面对急需修复和发展的光明县,团结民众克服万难,为了建设心目中的美好家园不断努力的故事。
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