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七夕快乐 的英语怎么说 谁知道

2023-08-08 10:58:12

祝天下有情人 七夕情人节快乐

Merry all the valentines a happy Double-Seventh Day.

七夕,Double-Seventh Day.是中国情人节,is Chinese Valentines Day。

或者说Have a happy Double-Seventh Day!








wish mom a happy Chinese Valentine"sDay
2023-08-06 06:19:125


Mom, I wish you a happy Chinese Valentine"s Day
2023-08-06 06:19:263


【 #英语资源# 导语】七夕要到了,告白的日子也要到了,是不是觉得千言万语爱在心口难开呢?下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.七夕节英语祝福短语   你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!   You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.   我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。   I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you 。   你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。   Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart。   常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你……   Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so mach……   你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。   Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears。   我不知道我是否真的爱,但是我知道我不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么我要告诉你“你是我想见的人”。   I don"t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see.   To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.   对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。   Love and a cough cannot be hid.   爱情跟咳嗽一样是掩饰不了的。   To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.   爱人和被人爱是人生的幸福。   A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.   一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。   No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.   没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。   Don"t spend time with someone who doesn‘t care spending it with you.   不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你分享的人身上。   Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.   在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 2.七夕节英语祝福短语   may i wish that all jacks shall have jills, all shall be well.   希望你的心上人早日出现。   wish your mr.right/miss right will appear soon.   情人节快乐:happy valentine‘s day!!   祝你们朝朝暮暮,缠缠绵绵到永久。   may you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time.   愿你们一起分享生命中的每一天,直到永远。   may you two share every day of life together till forever.   愿我俩的爱情永远不变!:may our love will last forever.   一如既往的我,愿情人节快乐!   as always ,i hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!   我想在七夕情人节紧握你的手。亲爱的,七夕情人节快乐。   i want to hold your hand on valentine"s day. happy valentine"s day, sweetie.   但愿在七夕情人节,我俩的美梦成真。   may all of our wishes come true this valentine"s day.   我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。亲爱的,情人节快乐。   our love grows stronger with every passing year. happy valentine"s day, sweetie.   送你一个吻,悄悄的.说我很高兴你是我的。七夕情人节快乐!   sending you a kiss to say i"m glad that you are mine. happy the day!   你是我生命的全部。请说你愿意。七夕情人节快乐,我亲爱的。   you mean everything to me. please say yes.happy valentine"s day, honey!   愿情人节带给我们丘比特之爱和暖融融的浪漫。七夕情人节快乐!   may this valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. happy valentine"s day honey!   你走出了我的梦,投入我的怀里。我不能让你走。七夕情人节快乐。   you stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. i can"t let you go. happy valentine"s day.   我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。亲爱的,七夕情人节快乐。 3.七夕节英语祝福短语 1、织女绣云锦,牛郎河西盼。鹊桥河间架,七夕终短暂。愿爱长相依,月儿永无缺。我欲银河逝,予两星永洁! She Embroidered Brocade, cowboy Hexi hope. Hejian bridge frame, the Qixi Festival short end. Love looks in, never missing moon. I want the Milky Way passes to the two stars never clean! 2、与你相识是一种缘,与你相恋是一种美,与你相伴是一种福,我愿和你相伴到永远。情人节快乐! Acquaintance with you is a kind of fate, falls in love with you is a kind of beauty, accompanied by a blessing with you, I would like to accompany with you forever. Happy Valentine"s Day! 3、有情之人,天天是节。一句寒暖,一线相喧;一句叮咛,一笺相传;一份相思,一心相盼;一份爱意,一生相恋。 Love people, every day is the festival. A cold warm, first phase noise; a marker, a legend; a lovesickness, with hope; a love, life in love. 4、初恋的人,期待着情人节的到来;热恋的人,每天过着都是情人节!但愿天下的有情人,天天都是情人节! First love, looking forward to the arrival of Valentine"s day; madly in love, every day is Valentine"s day! I wish all lovers, every day is Valentine"s day! 5、永不褪色的是对你默默的关怀,永不停息的是对你无尽的思念,永不改变的是对你深深的爱恋。情人节快乐! Never fade is silent care for you, never stop is to you endless thoughts, never change is deeply love you. Happy Valentine"s Day! 6、你说不过洋人的节,今天是七夕,中国人的情人节,哈哈,躲不过了吧!亲爱的让我们相约这个古老的情人节哦! But you say foreigners Festival, today is the Qixi Festival Chinese, Valentine"s day, haha, hiding! Dear, let us meet the old Valentine"s day oh! 7、上邪,我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝! Wrong, I want to be together, life without end. The hills do, the river for the exhaust, the thunder rumbles in winter, Xia Yuxue, heaven, but dare and the king must! 8、爱你是我一生无悔的决定,漫天星星都是我注视你的眼睛。无论结局如何,我都知道:此生最爱是你!情人节快乐! Love you regret the decision of my life, the stars are watching your eyes. Regardless of the outcome, I know: you are the love of my life! Happy Valentine"s Day! 9、银河之上,一世的等待,几世的缘分,都化作了滴滴晶莹的泪珠,洒下凡间,留给世人无限的祝福! The Milky Way above, I wait, a few of the world"s fate, have turned into a bit of crystal tears, shed, left the world of infinite blessings! 10、情人节又来到,过节的人们心如小兔扑通跳,等着情人 来呼叫,去品尝爱情的味道。愿有情人做幸福的比翼鸟! Valentine"s Day arrived again, the holidays people heart such as the rabbit plop jump, waiting lover phone calls, to taste the taste of love. Lovers do get happiness! 4.七夕节英语祝福短语 1、无情的时空将你我分隔,但想你的心儿依旧难平,七七相见! The ruthless space and time separates us from you, but your heart is still hard to reach. 77 meetings. 2、你是我最思念的人,朵朵玫瑰似我的热情;你是我最爱的人,片片巧克力就是我的心。亲爱的,七夕赏月,行不! You are the one I miss most, roses are like my passion; you are the one I love most, chocolate is my heart. Honey, enjoy the moon on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. 3、很感谢你给我了一生中最快乐的时光,今天是中国的情人节,祝我们俩永远相爱,白头偕老!深深地吻你! Thank you very much for giving me the happiest time of my life. Today is Valentine"s Day in China. Wish us both love each other forever and live together forever! Kiss you deeply! 4、好想朝朝暮暮,更想天长地久。思念悠悠,爱意浓浓。 I want to go on and on. Longing for love and deep longing. 5、千山万水飞难渡,何处离情诉?天涯地角几多愁,只有拥你入怀恨方休! Thousands of mountains and rivers fly hard to cross, where to go away? There are so many worries in the ends of the earth, only to hold you in hate! 6、你说不过洋人的节,今天是七夕中国人的情人节,哈哈躲不过了吧! You say, but the festival of foreigners, today is the Valentine"s day of Chinese Valentine"s day. 7、在漫漫的人生中,我找到了你,是你给了我生存的信心,是你让我的生活从此不再平淡。我爱你! In the long life, I found you, you gave me the confidence to survive, you let my life from now on is no longer plain. I love you! 8、莫羡鹊桥仙,人间花更嫣;今沐七夕雨,爱你更心坚! Do not envy the fairy of the magpie bridge, the flowers of the world are more beautiful. 9、我们不做牛郎织女,因为他们相距太远而相见又太短;我们要做我们自己,因为有你在我身边把我的心牢牢拽住! We will not be Cowherd and Weaver Girl, for they are too far apart and too short to meet; we will be ourselves, because you hold my heart firmly by my side! 10、上天又给我一个约你的借口,相爱的人儿,与你共渡,天天都是情人节。 God gave me another excuse for asking you to love each other and spend time with you, Valentine"s day. 5.七夕节英语祝福短语 1、读它你欠我一个拥抱;删除它欠我一个吻;储存它欠我一个约会;如回复你欠我全部;如不回你就是我的。选择! Read it and you owe me a hug; delete it owe me a kiss; save it owe me an appointment; like reply you owe me all; if not back you are my. Choice! 2、月影光如昼,银霜茫茫;七夕会鹊桥,情意绵绵。仙花团锦簇,美景交融;仙鹊聚天桥,好生幸福! The moon such as day light, the vast Ag cream; the Qixi Festival bridge will lingering sentiments. Xian rich multicolored decorations, beautiful blend; cents magpie bridge together, so happy! 3、很感谢你给我了一生中最快乐的时光,今天是中国的情人节,祝我们俩永远相爱,白头偕老!深深的吻你! Thank you for giving me the happiest time of my life, China today is Valentine"s day, I wish we were never in love, said of a couple! Deep kiss you! 4、天上牛郎织女相约鹊桥,地上一群傻瓜约会断桥。试问:今夕是何夕?答曰:中国情人节! The cowherd meet on the magpie bridge, a bridge dating a fool. Ask: is it tonight? Answer: Chinese Valentine"s day! 5、牛郎会织女,成了千古佳话,我和你在统一时空下,铸筑爱巢。愿天下有情人终成眷属,用我们的爱架起彩虹! The cowboy weaver will, the story through the ages, you and me in a unified time, cast the nest. May the world lovers, we love a rainbow! 6、天上人间,岁岁年年,今宵团聚,惟愿永远。对你的那种特别的感情,只想告诉你,今生不变!七夕情人节快乐! This year, immeasurably vast difference, reunion, wish forever. That special feeling to you, just want to tell you, this life unchanged! Happy Chinese Valentine"s Day! 7、我们不做牛郎织女,因为他们相距太远而相见又太短;我们要做我们自己,因为有你在我身边把我的心牢牢拽住! We don"t do cowherd, because they too far and too short to meet again; we have to do our own, because I have you in my heart firmly! 8、思念是甜美的惆怅,它能把女性生成的嫉妒搓揉成忧伤,溶成一片浓浓的蜜意,像月光般皎洁、明亮。七夕情人节快乐! Miss is a sweet melancholy, it can generate women envy rub into sorrow, melting into a deep sense of love, like a bright, bright moonlight. Happy Chinese Valentine"s Day! 9、情人节快乐!愿我俩的爱情能比牛郎织女更深,但不要像他们的两地相思! Happy Valentine"s Day! May our love be deeper than that of the Cowherd and the weaver girl, but do not like their love. 10、捧上一束红玫瑰,送给梦中的你;献上一句真的好想你和我的心中只有你;祝你情人节快乐! Hold a bunch of red roses for you in your dream; offer a really good wish for you and only you in my heart; wish you a happy Valentine"s Day!
2023-08-06 06:19:501

七夕节快到呢 我想提前祝大家七夕快乐 用英语怎么写呀 求翻译

I wish you happy Chinese valentine"s day
2023-08-06 06:20:101


1、七夕到了,愿我们能相爱永远,也希望每个七夕都能与你共度! 2、七夕快到了,我祝我们永远这样幸福快乐下去,老公,七夕快乐。 3、七夕节之夜,爱情永不灭;传送真挚情,没有真不行;老公,七夕快乐! 4、Chinese Valentines Day is coming, I wish us happiness forever, husband, happy Chinese Valentines day. 5、Tanabata has arrived. I hope we can love each other forever, and I hope every Tanabata can be with you! 6、有人送礼物的七夕节,真幸福!谢谢老公的神秘惊喜礼物,谢谢你的用心良苦。 7、夏天你帮我扇风,冬天你帮我暖被窝,那个人永远是你,我的老公,情人节快乐! 8、Happy Chinese Valentines day with gifts! Thank you for your husbands surprise gift. Thank you for your hard work. 9、朋友,七夕快乐!你看到了吗?七夕之桥,是我们沟通的心灵之桥!愿我们的友谊永存! 10、昨夜做了一个梦,梦见天上通个洞。我学女娲去补天,石头太重搬不动。七夕情人节快乐! 11、Love is beautiful, but life is always longer than love, and life needs wisdom. Optimism, sunshine, everything to the good. 12、七夕之夜星麻麻,看着水里鱼双双。想到了你心一酸,唯有想着当初情?七夕情人节快乐哦! 13、爱情很美好,但是,生活永远比爱情要长,而生活,是需要智慧。乐观,阳光,凡事往好处想。 14、In summer you help me fan, in winter you help me warm my bed, that person will always be you, my husband, Happy Valentines Day! 15、Friends, happy Chinese Valentines Day! Did you see it? Qixi bridge is the bridge of our hearts! May our friendship last forever! 16、亲爱的老公,你是我一生的牵挂,我的心永远为你敞开,无论天涯海角,你是我的思念!情人节快乐。 17、浪漫是一种自我修养,是生活的格调。不管自己已婚未婚,什么年龄,总要保持有一种少女般浪漫情怀。 18、虽然不知道你什么时候可以来我身边,但是我依旧坚信爱情,只有相信才会存在,你说对吗?七夕节快乐! 19、On the night of the Chinese Valentines day, love will never die; true love cant be conveyed without it; Happy Chinese Valentines day, husband! 20、Although I dont know when you can come to me, but I still believe in love, only believe will exist, are you right? Happy Chinese Valentines day! 21、谢谢老公送的七夕礼物,我一定好好对你,不随便耍不随便发火,保证不拉黑你,不冷战,不任性,听你的话。 22、My Valentines day, there is no lover, only my wife, she is my favorite, today is, tomorrow is, until I die, my heart is only her! I Really Love You! 23、一杯茶驱散漫漫长夜孤单,一盏灯点亮一个世界灿烂,一声问候传递,深深情谊温暖衷心,祝你七夕情人节快乐! 24、亲耐的,七夕节快乐。往年,我祈求上天赐我幸福。现在有你在我身边。我知道,幸福,我已经得到了。我爱你! 25、月缺时我想你,月圆时我念你,无论月圆月缺,我的心如那恒古不变的月光,默默地追随着你!七夕情人节快乐! 26、有情之人,天天是节。一句寒暖,一线相喧;一句叮咛,一笺相传;一份相思,一心相盼;一份爱意,一生相恋。 27、醉过才知酒浓,爱过方知情重。回转人世间活一回,只为与你相会。你的微笑,你的眼泪,都是我最刻骨铭心的。 28、Dear husband, you are the concern of my life, my heart is always open for you, no matter the end of the world, you are my missing! Happy Valentines day. 29、爱是一种感受,痛苦也感到幸福;爱是一种体能,心碎也感到甜蜜;爱是一种经历,破碎也感到靓丽。七夕节快乐! 30、祝七夕情人节快乐!你在我心中永远是最具有气质,最特别和最具吸引力的!不管将来怎样,你依然是我最爱的人! 31、蝴蝶暗恋着花儿,织女追随着牛郎,白云陪伴着蓝天,绿水环绕着青山,我的梦想是陪你度过的每一天。七夕快乐! 32、Dear, happy Chinese Valentines day. In the past years, I prayed to God for my happiness. Now you are by my side. I know, happiness, Ive got it. I love you! 33、我的情人节里没有情人,只有我的老婆,她是我的最爱,今天是,明天是,直到我死去我的心中也只有她!真的爱你! 34、Last night, I had a dream that there was a hole in the sky. I learned from Nuwa to mend the sky. The stone was too heavy to move. Happy Chinese Valentines Day! 35、Romance is a kind of self-cultivation and the style of life. No matter what age you are married and unmarried, you should always have a romantic feeling like a girl. 36、Happy Valentines Day! You are always in my heart the most temperament, the most special and the most attractive! No matter in the future, you are still my favorite person! 37、For those who have feelings, every day is a festival. A cold warm, a line of noise; a exhortation, a paper handed down; a Acacia, hope for one heart; a love, love for life. 38、On the night of the Chinese Valentines day, the stars are numb. Look at the fish in the water. Think of your heart a sour, only think of the original love? Happy Valentines Day! 39、A cup of tea dispels the loneliness of a long night, a lamp lights a brilliant world, a greeting is delivered, deep friendship is warm and heartfelt, I wish you a happy Valentines Day! 40、Love is a kind of feeling, pain and happiness; love is a kind of physical strength, heartbreak and sweetness; love is an experience, broken and beautiful. Happy Chinese Valentines day! 41、Thank you for the present of Chinese Valentines day. I will treat you well. I will not play casually or get angry casually. I promise not to blackmail you, not to cold war, not to be willful. I will listen to you. 42、When the moon is short, I miss you. When the moon is full, I miss you. No matter the moon is full and the moon is short, my heart is like the eternal moonlight, following you silently! Happy Chinese Valentines Day! 43、Only when you are drunk can you know how strong the wine is. Only when you are in love can you know how heavy it is. Return to the world to live once, just to meet you. Your smile, your tears, are my most unforgettable. 44、Butterfly is secretly in love with flowers, Weaver Girl follows cowherd, white cloud accompanies blue sky, green water surrounds green mountain, my dream is to accompany you to spend every day. Happy Chinese Valentines Day!
2023-08-06 06:20:171


Hope you are right, happy Qixi Festival.
2023-08-06 06:20:255


Happy Chinese Valentine"s Day! I"m always here with you.
2023-08-06 06:20:392

提前祝你七夕情人节快乐。 英语怎么说??

Happy Valentine"s Day in advance.
2023-08-06 06:20:505


Chinese Valentine"s Day,
2023-08-06 06:21:072


七夕节快乐:Happy Chinese Valentine"s day。happy用法如下:1、表示高兴的原因,其后可接不定式、that从句、介词at,about等。He was happy to be coming home.就要回家了他感到高兴。2、表示“对...满意”,其后接介词with.Happy New Year.新年快乐。3、表示自己感到开心或幸福,也可表示某事物令人感到高兴或幸福。happy smile 幸福的微笑来源七夕节发源于中国,是世界上最早的爱情节日,在七夕节的众多民俗当中,有些逐渐消失,但还有相当一部分被人们延续了下来。在部分受中华文化影响的亚洲国家如日本、朝鲜半岛、越南等也有庆祝七夕的传统。七夕节既是拜七姐节日也是爱情节日,是一个以“牛郎织女”民间传说为载体,以祈福、乞巧、爱情为主题,以女性为主体的综合性节日。
2023-08-06 06:21:391

七夕节快乐 用英文翻译一下

Happy Chinese valentine"s day
2023-08-06 06:21:521


Happy Chinese valentine"s day
2023-08-06 06:22:034


Happy Chinese Valentine"s day! the unmarried!
2023-08-06 06:22:232


  【篇一】   我,只在做一件事的时候才会想你,那就是呼吸。   i only doing one thing, will miss you, that is breathing.   或许,与世隔绝是我维护自己的方式。   perhaps, isolated is the best way i maintain yourself.   跟你在一起的这些日子里,是我这辈子最快乐的一件事。   with you these days, it is the happiest thing in my life.   我的想念漂浮不定,我的感情一直不在。   i miss adrift, my feelings have been not in.   强迫自己忘了你,但爱过才知道,原来我并不能左右一切。   force yourself to forget you, but love just know, originally i and cannot control everything.   爱是恩慈。爱是恒久忍耐。爱是永无止息。   love is kindness. love is patient. love is never cease.   有人说,爱是条河,容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没。   some people say that love is a river that drowns the tender reed.   如果你曾骗我,那就一直这样骗下去,骗我一辈子。   if you ever lie to me, that have been cheated like this, you cheat me for a lifetime.   落花瞬间虽然那么美丽,下一秒却不见踪影。   fallen petal moment though so beautiful, the next second is missing.   孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。   alone is not innate, but by you fall in love with a person"s that moment start.   好笑吗?身边没你,好怪,陪我一生一世好吗?   it"s funny? side without you, good strange, with my whole life?   一起笑过哭过,便是最美的天涯。   laugh cry, is the most beautiful.   亲爱的,你今天在我的脑海里跑了一天,累不累?   dear, you today in my mind ran a day, tired not tired?   曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。   i was lost in my mind, it is you that led me out of loneliness.   破茧成蝶的岁月还在酝酿着。目的地并不遥远了。   broken cocoon into butterfly years also in brewing. destination is not far away.   等待,不是因为那个人会回来,是因为还有爱。   wait, it"s not because that person will come back, because there is love.   年少的我们什么都不在乎,总是让深受的人受伤。   young we don"t care about anything, always let people were injured.   爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。   love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love.   没有你,我会幸福得就像呼吸一样理所当然!   without you, i will be happy as breathing for granted!   因为爱,所以爱,因为爱,我无法停止对你的思念。   because of love, so love, because love, i can"t stop thinking about you.   有时候喜欢上一首歌,仅仅是因为一个人。   sometimes like a song, just because a person.   我这一生最美好的愿望,就是希望能够和你一起慢慢变老。   is i this life the best wishes, hope to grow old with you together.   在最美的时光,最想做的梦,去想去的地方,成为我想成为的人。   in the most beautiful time, want to do dream, go where want to go to, to become the person i want to be.   要学着自己笑,自己哭,自己唱歌给自己听。   to learn to laugh, cry, himself sing to listen to yourself.   原来等待也可以如此的美丽,因为爱你。   waiting can be so beautiful because of love you.  【篇二】   以后的日子,我们手牵手,一起走。   days later, we hand in hand, walk together.   我永远都不会忘记你,心里的角落永远都有你的位置。   i will never forget you, corner of the heart will always have your position.   时间会告诉你,越是平凡的陪伴,就越长久。   time will tell you, the more ordinary company, more long.   初恋是雾,你是雾中的玫瑰,隔着青纱看你,叫我心醉!   first love is the mist, you are the rose in the mist, through the green yarn to see you, call me memories!   一个男人给一个女人的情书,就是结婚证书。   a man to a woman"s best love letters, is the marriage certificate.   亲爱的,你以为还有人比我更适合你么。   dear, do you think there is one more suitable for you than i?   直到有一天你会发现,真正爱你的人独自守着伤悲。   until one day you will find that the man who ever really loves you keep alone sad.   世界上的爱,就是让所爱的人找到自己的爱。   the world"s best love, is to make the loved one find their love.   从校服到婚纱,一路上有你。   from school to the wedding dress, you have on.   自从你出现后,我才知道原来有人爱是那么的美好。   since you appear, i just know originally someone love is so beautiful.   那片属于我们的天空,总是那么美丽。   that piece of the sky belongs to us, always is so beautiful.   爱你不是因为想得到什么,完全只是因为不能失去你。   love you not because of want to get what, just because they cannot afford to lose you completely.   你若不嫌弃,我的心是你永远的归宿。   if you don"t abandon, my heart is your home forever.   你的幸福我来建筑,你的顽固我来让步,你的糊涂我来弥补。   your happiness i to construction, your stubborn i to concessions, you confused me to make up for.   的时光,就是你喜欢我,我也喜欢你,可我们都还没表白。   the best time, is that you like me, i also like you, but we haven"t.   她知道,既然不能开始,就只能离去。   she know, since can"t start, can only leave.   爱你,藏在我心里,暖在你心!   love you, hide in my heart, warm in your heart!   如果结局不是我要的,那就放弃所有吧。   if the outcome is not what i want, give up all it for you.  【篇三】   如果你不想要,想退出要趁早,我没有非要一起到老。   if you don"t want to quit to early, i didn"t have to go to the old.   好想牵你的手,在公园里走走,没有那个机会了。   really want to hold your hand, walk in the park, don"t have that chance.   亲爱的,当教堂的钟声响起时,我会陪你走过一生的幸福。   dear, when the church bells rang, i will accompany you through a lifetime of happiness.   站在街角,若我微笑,便是我想起了你。   standing on a corner, if i smile, is i think of you.   故事很长,我长话短说,我喜欢你好久了。   story is very long, i make a long story short, i like you for a long time.   曾经和你一起笑过骂过,但你却不知道我爱过你!   once and the world laughs with you scold, but you don"t know i love you!   我一定要给你幸福,谁也别想拦着。   i must give you happiness, who also don"t want to stop.   我时刻在想你,没有你我吃不下饭,睡不好觉,你在哪里!   i think about you moment, without you i can"t eat rice, sleep well, where are you!   有人说,爱是种饥渴一种无尽的带痛的需求。   some say love it is a hunger an endless demand with pain.   我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。   i know you like this song, i know your mind, i miss you.   天涯海角,我只想牵着你的手。   the ends of the earth, i just want to hold your hand.   如若深情不被辜负,我便与你白头到老。   if deep feeling not be disappoint, i will have a lasting relationship with you.   以前我们相濡以沫,现在我们形同陌路。   we used dawei, now we become strangers.   一想到你点头的那一刻,我感觉自己都飞了起来。   the thought of you nod at that moment, i feel all the fly.   回忆吞没的失重感栖息其中,想念汇流成河。   memory engulfed weightlessness lives among them, the miss to almost a river.   悄悄等你很久。你没来,我却习惯了等待。   quietly waiting for you for a long time. you didn"t come, but i used to wait.   越有浓度的陶醉,越有深处的累。   the more concentration, the more deep.
2023-08-06 06:22:351


2023-08-06 06:22:531

陈礼,祝你七夕快乐 用英语怎么说

Li Chen ,Happy Valentine"s Day
2023-08-06 06:23:032


Happy goddess of the seventh lunar month 祝女神七夕节快乐
2023-08-06 06:23:112


Happy Chinese Valentine"s Day
2023-08-06 06:23:322


I love you happy Chinese valentine"s day dear
2023-08-06 06:23:402


Happy Chinese Valentine"s Day! I love you forever!
2023-08-06 06:23:472


七夕情人节快乐!谢谢张先生.英语:Happy Double Seventh Festival ! Thank you, Mr Zhang.
2023-08-06 06:23:551


2023-08-06 06:24:023


情人节快乐Happy Valentine"s Day!祝你情人节快乐!Wishes your valentine day to be joyful!
2023-08-06 06:24:251


Wish each couple of lovers together..
2023-08-06 06:24:392


Happy Chinese Valentine"s DayI love you forever
2023-08-06 06:24:461


  1、他一个表情,我心里就上演了一场电影。   2、难得晴,难得雨,难得生命里有你。   3、我的心脏,一直都只停留于你的心上。   4、但愿在情人节,我俩的美梦成真。   5、对于我们最爱的人,不说永远,只说珍惜。   6、我想住在你心里,一住就是一辈子。   7、再灿烂耀眼的星,也未必亮的过你。   8、我躺在回忆的风中,用对你的思念取暖。   9、我在等一个偶遇,然后和你在一起。   10、我不敢看你的眼睛,我怕我每个眼神都是告白。   11、你名字那么普通,也就我听到才会心头一震。   12、开心的时候要想起我,难受的时候要记得你还有我。   13、我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。亲爱的,情人节快乐。   14、爱情让我们蓬头垢面,但是,它曾经让我们花枝招展。   15、有个人身上就是有那样一种力量,能在冥冥之中让你安心。   16、我不停的遇见,然后发现,除了你任谁都不能入我眼。   17、我一直在你身后,只要你回头看看,我一直在等你。   18、我们都欠彼此一句表白,但时光不再给我们机会。   19、我在等一个可能,一个不可能的可能,等你看见我。   20、时间会告诉我们,简单的喜欢最长远,平凡中的陪伴最心安。   21、只有甘于平淡,不争不执着,不计较,才能感受到更多幸福。   22、要记得我一直在思念你,不要哭泣,扬起你的头就要微笑。   23、守着你到永久,不让你的心有一丝寂寞,我的爱一直陪在你左右。   24、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。   25、他喜欢你,我看着你们打打闹闹。我喜欢你,我们只是闺蜜,仅此而已。   26、时光会是我爱你的最美证明。但时光还是个美人,带走了从前的你。   27、你是我见过最胖的人,不仅占满了我手机的内存,还占满了我的心。   28、我觉得一定有很多人暗恋我,因为这么多年了,也没有人跟我表白。   29、世界上最傻的是暗恋,比暗恋更傻的是互相暗恋。   30、真爱不是随便说说,而是看你付出多少。爱情不是一张嘴,而是一辈子。
2023-08-06 06:25:051


我在爱琴海祝每个人七夕快乐英文:I am in Aegean Sea, bless everyone happy
2023-08-06 06:25:121


干爹,七夕节快乐。Happy Chinese Valentine"s Day, Godfather.
2023-08-06 06:25:202


2023-08-06 06:18:531

求求大神给我《龙之谷破晓奇兵》的主题曲《Gem of love》 的中文歌词吧!

Hahhh... Hahhh... Hahhh... 我是你的风暴眼, 您的狮子咆哮 在战场上 我的爱将是你的盾 无需恐慌,我会来的武器 这个世界可能会下降 我们还是站在高大的 而当你认为所有的希望已经 我的心脏跳动会带动你 我会为你而战,给我生命给你 当你看不到的天空 我会让你飞 我是在做梦“,直到我不再呼吸 从飞机残骸上升, 战斗来保护这种宝石的爱情 你是我曾经的梦想, 所以我战斗,以保护这份爱 我们的爱是防弹 有过不断裂 你可以把你拍 但没有什么能阻止我们 我是月光反射恒星 在您的心脏 如果你失去了地面 我永远不会让你失望 所以,当你认为所有的希望已经 我将是你的秘密武器 我会为你而战,给我生命给你 当你看不到的天空 我会让你飞 我是在做梦“,直到我不再呼吸 从飞机残骸上升, 战斗来保护这种宝石的爱情 你是我曾经的梦想, 所以我战斗,以保护这份爱 爱的宝石 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦 爱的宝石 哦,哦,哦, 我战斗,以保护这份爱求采纳!!
2023-08-06 06:19:002


2023-08-06 06:19:001


2023-08-06 06:19:002


2023-08-06 06:19:031


 位于美国新泽西州的这一所综合研究型大学,是该州内最大的高等教育学府,罗格斯大学在数学、物理、计算机等理科专业上具有很高的学术能力,本文将介绍美国罗格斯大学留学费用。  大学全日制学生的学费一般是根据学分计算学分,全日制学生每学期修的学分必须大于12学分。学费会包含住宿费,餐食费,学校保险费(学校指定保险),学杂费,基础设施费等。学费一般在1万6-2万美金之间;其中住校生需要加上住宿费,一般为7000美金-10000美金。  下面简单介绍一下留学生支付学费的方式:  ●信用卡支付  信用卡缴费是最方便快捷的付款方式,只需要输入信用卡信息,即刻到账,不需要等待几个工作日。  缺点是使用信用卡缴费时银行要收取2%~3%的手续费。以一笔2万美金的学费为例,会产生3000rmb左右的手续费,性价比不高,所以不是很推荐大家用信用卡缴费。  ●E-check电子支票  ·方便程度★★★★☆  ·前提:美国银行卡账户。  ·这种付款方式是美国学费缴纳最常用的方式。优点支票无费用,和在线支付操作方便。付款方式:在学校网站上填写你的美国银行卡信息: Bank Name, Name of Account Holder, account number, routing number并提交。  评价:大一新生没有美国银行卡,无法实现e-check付款。  ●Wire Transfer国际电汇——线下柜台  方便程度★★☆☆☆  国际电汇是通过在银行详细填写自己的银行卡信息以及学校账户信息,从而进行跨过转账的方式。国际电汇需要亲自到银行填写表格,后续汇款到账时长需要2-7个工作日不等。  缺点:  国际电汇的缺点是会产生很多不必要的费用,除了收取固定的邮电费,还要向汇款人收取手续费,以及收款方账户也会被扣取一定费用。电汇信息填写复杂,需要知道对方的 routingnumber和accountnumber,还要在reference中写明付款人学号等信息,一旦填错会导致寄丢或付款mismatch导致学费支付不成功。  ●现金支付  方便程度★☆☆☆☆  ·根据美国海关规定,入境携带5000美金以上现金需要报关,以及银行的申请携带证;10000美金以上需要向外汇局申请携带证。  ●西联Western Union/飞汇Flywire  方便程度★★★☆☆  汇率比实际汇率高,2万美金为例,多交3000rmb。  缺点:经常有人出现转账  ●易思汇Easytransfer  方便程度★★★★★  专门为国际生服务,帮助他们支付学费。人民币在线支付,它最大的便利在于不需要换美金,3分钟就能完成填写并支付,并且由民生银行保证足额到账,无疑是现在留学生缴费界的业内第一,身边不少朋友都在用。  *不受每人每年5W美金的购汇限制。封顶手续费200人民币+25美金。  罗格斯大学院系设置  新布朗斯维克 / 皮斯卡特维校区  Cook College,库克学院。课程侧重于生命科学,农学及海洋科学  Douglass College,道格拉斯学院。只收女性学生  Livingston College,李文斯顿学院。其学院主旨为增进多样性,课程侧重于社会科学  Rutgers College,罗格斯学院。这是罗格斯大学最初的学院,课程侧重于经济和语言学科  College of Nursing,护理学院  Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy,药学院  Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology,心理学院  Graduate School of Education,教育学院  Mason Gross School of the Arts,梅森格罗斯艺术学院  Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick,罗格斯大学商学院  School of Communication, Information and Library Studies,通讯,信息暨图书馆学院  Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy,规划与公共政策学院  School of Engineering,工程学院  School of Management and Labor Relations,管理暨劳工关系学院  School of Social Work,社会工作学院  纽瓦克校区  Newark College of Arts and Sciences,纽瓦克文理学院  University College-Newark,纽瓦克成人高校  College of Nursing,护理学院  Graduate School-Newark,纽瓦克研究生院  Rutgers Business School-Newark andNew Brunswick,罗格斯大学商学院  School of Criminal Justice,刑事司法学院  School of Law-Newark,纽瓦克法学院  School of Public Affairs and Administration,公共事务与管理学院  肯顿校区  Newark College of Arts and Sciences,纽瓦克文理学院  University College-Newark,纽瓦克成人高校  College of Nursing,护理学院  Graduate School-Newark,纽瓦克研究生院  Rutgers Business School-Newark andNew Brunswick,罗格斯大学商学院  School of Criminal Justice,刑事司法学院  School of Law-Newark,纽瓦克法学院  School of Public Affairs and Administration,公共事务与管理学院
2023-08-06 06:19:062


  你是不是对英文字母K情有独钟?你是不是也想拥有一个属于自己的k开头的英文名?下面是我为你整理的k开头的英文名女,希望大家喜欢!   k开头的英文名女   Kama,卡玛,爱之神。   Karen,凯伦,纯洁。   Katherine,凯瑟琳,纯洁的。   Kay,凯伊,欣喜的;亚瑟王之兄弟。   Kelly,凯莉,女战士。   Kimberley,金百莉,出生皇家草地上的人。   Kitty,吉蒂,纯洁的。   Kristin,克莉丝汀,基督的追随者、门徒。   K开头好听的女孩英文名字   Kaitlyn 希腊语 纯洁   Kalika 希腊语 蔷薇花蕾   Kamaria 斯瓦希里语 像月亮一样   Kamiisa 车臣语 葡萄   Kamilia 斯拉夫语 甜蜜的花朵   Kande 非洲 头生子   Kanya 北印度语 贞洁   Kara 希腊语 纯洁www.zgjm.org起名网   Karima 阿拉伯语 高贵的、慷慨的   Karli 土耳其语 被雪覆盖的   Kate Catherine 希腊语 纯洁   Katherine 希腊语 纯洁,贞洁   Kathy 未知 纯洁,贞洁   Keelia Keely 未知 美丽的,优雅的   Kefira 希伯来语 小母狮子   Kelli Kelly 盖尔语 春天的农场   Kenda 非洲语 数字或者月   Kenisha 未知 美丽的女子   Kersen 未知 樱桃   Kiona 美洲印第安语 棕色的小山   Kiran 北印度语 光线   Kirima 未知 小山   Kita 日语 北方   Kitty 希腊语 小猫   Kohana 日语 小花   K字母开头的好听的女孩英文名字大全   Kaija   Kail   Kailah   Kailana   Kailanie   Kaile   Kailee   Kaileeann   Kailei   Kaileia   Kaileigh   Kailen   Kailena   Kaili   Kailiana   Kailie   Kailin   Kailina   Kailiyah   Kaille   Kailoni   Kaily   Kailye   Kailyn   Kailynne   Kaimana   Kainani   Kainoa   Kaiona   Kaira   Kairah   Kairee   Kairie   Kairyn   Kaisee
2023-08-06 06:19:091


DETAILED BIOGRAPHY OF LESTER R. BROWNThe Washington Post called Lester Brown one of the world"s most influential thinkers. The Telegraph of Calcutta refers to him as the guru of the environmental movement. In 1986, the Library of Congress requested his personal papers noting that his writings have already strongly affected thinking about problems of world population and resources.Brown started his career as a farmer, growing tomatoes in southern New Jersey with his younger brother during high school and college. Shortly after earning a degree in agricultural science from Rutgers University in 1955, he spent six months living in rural India where he became intimately familiar with the food/population issue. In 1959 Brown joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture"s Foreign Agricultural Service as an international agricultural analyst.Brown earned masters degrees in agricultural economics from the University of Maryland and in public administration from Harvard. In 1964, he became an adviser to Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman on foreign agricultural policy. In 1966, the Secretary appointed him Administrator of the department"s International Agricultural Development Service. In early 1969, he left government to help establish the Overseas Development Council.In 1974, with support of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Lester Brown founded the Worldwatch Institute, the first research institute devoted to the analysis of global environmental issues. While there he launched the Worldwatch Papers, the annual State of the World reports, World Watch magazine, a second annual entitled Vital Signs: The Trends That are Shaping Our Future, and the Environmental Alert book series.Brown has authored or coauthored 49 books. One of the world"s most widely published authors, his books have appeared in some 40 languages. Among his earlier books are Man, Land and Food, World Without Borders, and Building a Sustainable Society. His 1995 book Who Will Feed China? challenged the official view of China"s food prospect, spawning hundreds of conferences and seminars.In May 2001, he founded the Earth Policy Institute to provide a vision and a road map for achieving an environmentally sustainable economy. In November 2001, he published Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth, which was hailed by E.O. Wilson as an instant classic. He followed this in 2003 with another path-breaking book, Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble.He is the recipient of many prizes and awards, including more than 20 honorary degrees, a MacArthur Fellowship, the 1987 United Nations" Environment Prize, the 1989 World Wide Fund for Nature Gold Medal, and the 1994 Blue Planet Prize for his exceptional contributions to solving global environmental problems. In 2003, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Italy and appointed an honorary professor at the University of Shanghai.
2023-08-06 06:19:131


2023-08-06 06:19:143


2023-08-06 06:19:141

H3C 交换机interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 什么意思?

g1/0/3 表示的就是 第1板卡的0槽位3端口第一位。1表示第一个板卡槽位,一般1U设备都是1.如果是模块化设备就是机框上的板卡槽位数第二位。0表示在这个板卡上的0槽位第三位。3表示这个槽位上的端口H3C能够提供业界覆盖最全面的交换机产品。从园区到数据中心、盒式到箱式、从FE、GE到10G和100G,从L2到L4/7,从IPv4到IPv6,从接入到核心,用户都有最丰富的选择和灵活的组合。在以太网领域,经历多年的耕耘和发展,H3C积累了大量业界领先的知识产权和专利。产品覆盖园区交换机和数据中心交换机产品,从核心骨干到边缘接入,10多个系列上百款产品,全部通过中国信息产业部、Tolly Group、MetroEthernet论坛以及IPv6 Ready等权威部门的测]试和认证,其中S9500系列高端交换机获得了107 项 Tolly 认证,是 Tolly Group 为一类交换机颁发认证最多的一次。凭借丰富的产品系列和深厚的技术积累,H3C交换机产品在数据中心、政府、金融、交通、能源、教育、企业、SOHO均有广泛成熟稳定的应用。在中国交换机市场,H3C自2003年公司成立以来,已累计出货上百万台,以太网交换机端口数占全球的市场份额23.4%,在交换机领域内综合技术实力和市场份额排名均达到业界第一。在国际市场,承建了TELEFONICA、西班牙JAZZTEL Triple Play承载网、日本新生银行和泰国宋卡太子大学校园网的骨干网络,H3C以太网交换机已成为全球信息化建设的一支生力军。
2023-08-06 06:19:171

千兆交换机端口怎么用G0/0/1 2 3 4 5 6....表示?

2023-08-06 06:18:471


屋子英语:room.Room是一个英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时翻译为“房间;空间;余地;机会;房间里所有的人,(英)鲁姆(人名);(俄)罗姆(人名)”。作及物动词时翻译为“为…提供住处;租房,合住;投宿,住宿;留…住宿”,作不及物动词时翻译为“居住;住宿”。短语搭配:Locker Room更衣室 ; 休息室 ; 更农室 ; 衣帽间。Chinese Room中文房间 ; 中文屋 ; 中国屋 ; 中式宴会厅。operating room[外科]手术室 ;[科技]操作室 ; 急诊手术室 ;[科技]工作室。delivery room产房 ; 分娩室 ; 临盆室 ; 出产室。unmade room未清扫的客房 ; 未打扫房 ; 未彻底扫除房。room key客房钥匙 ; 房卡 ; 房间的钥匙。room rate房价 ; 房费 ; 房租订价 ; 要交房费。operation room手术室 ; 操作室 ; 切除缝合室 ; 洁净手术部。Adjoining Room相邻房 ; 邻近房 ; 指两间房间连在一起。双语例句:1.Do you like my room? Yes, I do.你喜欢我的房间吗?我喜欢。2.How do you like this room?您觉得这个房间怎么样?3.I like my room.我喜欢我的房间。
2023-08-06 06:18:461


磁共振指的是自旋磁共振(spin magnetic resonance)现象,指具有磁矩的微观粒子体系在恒定外磁场中,磁矩相对于磁场方向只能取几种量子化的方位;若垂直于恒定磁场方向加一交变磁场,在适当条件下能改变磁矩的方位,使磁矩体系选择地吸收特定频率的交变磁场能量的现象。 其意义上较广,包含有核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR)、电子顺磁共振(electron paramagnetic resonance, EPR)或称电子自旋共振(electron spin resonance, ESR)。用于医学检查的主要是磁共振共像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)。
2023-08-06 06:18:462


shero (女英雄)
2023-08-06 06:18:449


阿姆斯特丹机场南航商务舱休息室Amsterdam airport business class lounge阿姆斯特丹机场南航商务舱休息室Amsterdam airport business class lounge
2023-08-06 06:18:391


Gigabit只表示它是千兆口,不管是光口还是电口显示都是一样的,你要详细看的话,可以display int查看
2023-08-06 06:18:372


2023-08-06 06:18:341


2023-08-06 06:18:344


男卫生间 Men"s Room 女卫生间 Ladies"Room 服务台 information desk 门厅 hall 等待区 waiting area 茶水间及员工休息室兼储藏室 Staff Rest Room IT机房 IT equipment room 产品橱窗展示区 exhibition zone 玻璃门 sash door 司机休息室 Drivers" Lounge 打印复印室 copy room 钢结构楼梯 steel stair 会议室1(接待室)reception room 玻璃隔墙 glass partition 文件柜 Filing cabinet 主管1 Director 敞开办公室38人 Open office for 38 people 男更衣间 Men"s locker 女更衣间 Women"s locker 安保室 Security Room 过道 aisle 门厅 hall 靠墙制作书架 司机休息室 rest room for drivers 一层平面布置图 floor chart 房间尺寸 Room size 工人就餐及备餐通道(如有需要此处加装踏步) 备餐间 pantry 工人就餐餐厅 cafeteria 会议室2 meeting room 2 面对敞开办公区的矮书柜兼作临时办公桌共6个 休息阅读区 resting area 安全栏杆 Safety railings 一层敞开办公区(上方挑空) 靠墙档案文件柜 Filing cabinet 储藏室 store room 经理办公室 manager"s office 大厅上空 茶水间 Pantry 员工就餐餐厅 cafeteria 二层平面布置图(方案二)
2023-08-06 06:18:291

GigabitEthernet0/0/2 6 D 请问下 这在H3C 7502交换机上是什么意思 在线等,THANK YOU!

GigabitEthernet0/0/2 6GigabitEthernet =千兆接口第一个0为 0板卡 。如果是1U设备就是0如果是模块化交换机就不一定了。第二个0为 0槽位。板卡上的槽位第三位为端口号。连起来就是第0板卡0槽位26端口千兆接口。
2023-08-06 06:18:271


罗格斯大学(Rutgers University),简称RU或Rutgers,全名为新泽西州立罗格斯大学(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey),前身是成立于1766年的皇后学院(Queen"s College),是一所在世界上享有盛名的一流公立研究型大学,也是新泽西州规模最大的高等学府,其学术声誉在州内仅次于普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)。罗格斯大学是美国最早成立的第八个高等教育机构,也是美国独立革命前的九所私立殖民地学院之一,新泽西州州议会分别于1945年和1956年通过法案将罗格斯大学指定为公立的新泽西州州立大学。学校由三个校区组成,主校区位于新泽西州新布朗斯维克市(New Brunswick),另两个分校区位于纽瓦克(Newark)和肯顿(Camden),三个校区共有约48,000名在校学生,提供跨175个系别、29所学院的超过100个学士学位、100个硕士学位以及80个博士学位。罗格斯大学是北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的62所成员校之一,也是十大联盟(Big Ten Conference)成员之一,被美国社会誉为“公立常春藤”大学。2015年,罗格斯大学被《美国新闻与世界报道》(US News)发布的世界大学综合排名评为全球第55名,在2014年上海交大ARWU世界大学学术排名中位列第52名,世界大学排名中心(CWUR)2014年全球大学排名第33名。
2023-08-06 06:18:221