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2023-08-13 02:19:10
TAG: 英文

lamp n.灯;(理疗用的)发热灯;(科学上用的)射线照射器

lantern n.灯笼;提灯

light n.光;光线;光亮;(具有某种颜色和特性的)光;发光体;光源;(尤指)电灯

burner n.煤气头;煤气灶火圈;炉膛;(取暖用的)炉子








2023-08-08 06:12:233


Lantern, 不用大写
2023-08-08 06:12:301


拿出纸杯,从杯口向杯底剪下去,只要等分即可,比如16等分。 再另外拿出一个纸杯,把杯底剪下来,注意要留一点边,并同样需要16等分。 在杯底戳孔,穿好红绳,然后把它如图粘贴。 拿出缎带,把灯笼的顶边和底边包上一圈作为装饰。
2023-08-08 06:12:522


Children like playing pumpkin lanterns at the mid-autumn festival.
2023-08-08 06:13:205


习俗: For new year"s money 给压岁钱 Sweeps the dust 扫尘 Setting off firecrackers 放爆竹Pastes the springfestival couplet 贴春联Taking a bath 洗浴 Meets the God of Wealth 接财神Meets Jade Emperor 接玉皇 Ancestor worship 祭祖Pastes the gate god 贴门神Paying new year"s call 拜年…………………………
2023-08-08 06:15:092


Lanterns originated in the East Han Dynasty.灯笼起源于东汉。
2023-08-08 06:15:352


Chinese people normally hang lanterns in the house (indoors) during Lantern Festival.
2023-08-08 06:15:452


Jack o" Lantern
2023-08-08 06:16:233


问题一:灯盏糕的英语怎么说,英式的 灯盏糕 Deep-fried white radish cake Deep-Fried Turnip Pastry 问题二:关于灯会的英语的作文怎么写 灯节,又称元宵节,中国传统节日之一。新春期间的节日活动也将在这一天达到一个 *** 。元宵之夜,大街小巷张灯结彩,人们点起万盏花灯,携亲伴友出门赏灯、逛花市、放焰火,载歌载舞欢度元宵佳节。而元宵节俗真正的动力是因为它处在新的时间点上,人们充分利用这一特殊的时间阶段来表达自己的生活愿望。元宵节主要的传统民俗活动有舞龙、舞狮、跑旱船、踩高跷、扭秧歌等。 农历正月十五日夜,民间要点灯盏,又称“送灯盏”,以进行祭神祈福活动。河南灯节饮食颇多讲究,豫西喜蒸制糖包馍、枣花馍以及祈福避邪的馍形,诸如谷穗、麦穗、猪头、刺猬等。大部分地方还要炸油饼、面角,信阳各地要作年糕。也有讲究十五吃饺子,十六吃元宵。在三门峡一带十六则吃‘蒜面条”。60年代后,灯节元宵已渐普及。 所用灯盏有瓷制,也有面制,其形多样。一般呈碗形,直径有二市寸大小,高一市寸,中间空处有一圆柱形置灯芯处。自家所制的“面灯盏”,用豆面、玉米面或白面蒸成,俗称“灯馍”。使用时,将油盛于其凹窝中,内置灯芯。 正月十四日下午鸣炮焚香“请神”,至夜将备好的灯盏添上棉(香)油,并置芯点燃,俗称“试灯”。十五日夜为‘“正灯",届时焚香祷告毕,将所有灯盏送放于自家院内院外的神龛、牌位、水缸、粮囤、房门、墙头、大树下、捶布石,猪圈、羊栏、马棚、牛槽、鸡窝、粪坑,粪堆、厕所、磨盘、碾盘,石滚,井边等。每处均放两个,大户人家有放百十个灯盏的。测旱涝的灯盏要放在大门两边,每边六个,院中搭有‘灯山”、“灯树"和竖有‘天灯”,检杆的要放上灯盏,然后统统点燃。同时点燃大门楼下所挂的一对灯笼。此时满院生辉,一片光明,灯花起舞,油香扑鼻,它象征着家家到处油(有),当年生活一定富裕。民间称此举为‘送灯”、“点灯盏”。 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。 问题三:跪求了!!!!温州的一些特产英文怎么说 楼主是不是以为这些名称都有固定的英语单词的?其实很多根本翻不了的,只能音译,像县前头汤圆只能翻译成Xian Qian Tou sweet dumplings,县前头三个字无法直接翻译成英语,只能音译 问题四:我的人生格言是心有灯盏,向阳而生。翻译成英语 With the light in your heart , you will grow with the sun 问题五:XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。 问题六:用英语翻译一段文字 has already get tired of listening to those stories nothing but the trivialities about the living and the dead I used to clutch a stone when I was young lamps form the skeleton yelling, wants to light myself wit the sunrise only to know who will fall in love with me in the future 问题七:这个女孩是我的女儿用英语怎么写 the girl is my daughter 问题八:帮忙翻译一下 不要软件翻译的哦 Make a wish and blow out the candles on your birthday cake. If you blow them all out with one big breath, your wish will e true. But remember, the older you are, the more candles you have to blow out! 先许个愿,然后吹灭生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。假如你一口气把所有的蜡烛都吹灭了,那么你的愿望就会实现。不过要记住,你的年龄越大,就得吹灭越多的蜡烛。 Candles are often used at parties and at other special times. They give soft light at dinner parties. They are also used at sad times after people die. 蜡烛经常用于生日宴会或者其他特殊场合。蜡烛在宴会发出柔和的亮光。蜡烛也经常在人们去世后用于悲伤的时刻。 Years ago candles were burned to give light to homes. People making their homes in caves probably learned that animal fat could be coated on sticks and burned. Later just the fat was burned in holders to light up rooms. Next, people used long pieces of fat with a thin strip of cloth running through the center of each one, much like today"s candles.。 许多年前,点燃蜡烛是为了给家庭照亮。把家建在窑洞中的人们认识到动物脂肪可以裹在木棍上点燃,然后只有裹上去的脂肪在灯盏上被点燃照亮房间。再往后,人们把一块块长形脂肪片用一根细布条从它们中心穿过,非常像现在的蜡烛。 These old candles were made in different ways. Sometimes the strip of cloth or string was dipped over and over again into melted fat until the candle was the right size. At other times the fat was poured over the string while the string was turned with the fingers. At still other times the fat was poured into a form, or mold and the string was often pushed into the fat before it cooled. 这些旧式蜡烛是以不同的方法制成。有时候把布条或细绳在融化了的脂肪里一遍又一遍的浸透,直到它的粗细程度达到要求的大小;也有的时候,一边用手指转动细绳一边把脂肪浇注到上面;还有的时候,把脂肪注入一个模型或模子,细绳常被塞入模子里的脂肪,直至脂肪冷却。 Today most candles are ma......>>
2023-08-08 06:16:381


2023-08-08 06:16:482


2023-08-08 06:17:551


问题一:灯笼用英语怎么说 lantern(莱特嗯) 问题二:灯笼用英文怎么说? 灯笼: lantern; glim; scaldfish 问题三:英语挂灯笼,如何翻译 挂灯笼 Hanging lantern 【望采纳】 问题四:灯笼英语单词字母 灯笼 翻译成英文是:lantern lantern 英[u02c8l?nt?n] 美[?l?nt?rn] n. 灯笼; 灯塔; 灯罩; 灯饰; [例句]The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness 晚上点亮的灯笼在黑暗中发出柔和的光。 [其他] 复数:lanterns 问题五:看灯笼英语怎么翻译 have a look at the lanterns 例句:在元宵节这天,人们都出来看灯笼和猜灯谜,也许你还能看见一些精彩的民间表川龙舞和秧歌。 On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you can see some wonderful folk performances, Dragon Dance and Yangko 问题六:关于怎样制作灯笼的英语作业带翻译 无法解答
2023-08-08 06:18:021


2023-08-08 06:19:022


2023-08-08 06:20:102


1 bamboo will wear the wire, installed in the bamboo head pedestal.2.一根竹篾安装在一格凹槽上,最后再用铁丝绑竹头,成为竹架。2 a bamboo mounted in a groove, and then wire binding bamboo head, a bamboo frame.3.顶住地面,将竹架慢慢往下撑开,直到变成筒型为止。3 against the ground, the bamboo stand down slowly open, until it becomes cylindrical.4.用手压折竹篾,调整灯笼的形状、弯度和竹篾间的距离。4 hands folded bamboo, adjust the lantern shape, curvature and the distance between the strips.5.在灯笼上端绑上棉线,以固定竹篾。5 in the lantern is tied with cotton, bamboo to fixed.6.在竹篾上铺白色纱布,用浆糊固定。6 white gauze covered in bamboo, with paste fixed.7.等纱布干了,再涂上洋菜胶。7 gauze dry, and then coated with agarose gel.8.阴干后,筒型伞灯就成型了。8 after the dried, barrel type umbrella lamp on the forming of the.9.接着描图、上彩。一般而言,字是朱红色,图则是八仙过海、福禄寿三星等吉祥画。9 then tracing, color. Generally speaking, the word is red, figure is The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, fukurokuju Samsung and other auspicious pictures.10.最后在竹头上安装底座,修饰一下,就完成了。10 finally in the bamboo head mounting base, modify, complete.
2023-08-08 06:20:171


中国灯笼有很多种类There are many kinds of Chinese lanterns中国灯笼有很多种类There are many kinds of Chinese lanterns
2023-08-08 06:20:271

一个中国灯笼 英文怎麼翻译

A Chinese lantern
2023-08-08 06:21:361


smill year of china!嘎嘎
2023-08-08 06:21:454

元宵节的意义与习俗 (英文的)

The first lunar month on the 15th, is China"s traditional Lantern Festival. The first month for January, the ancients said that night as "night" and on the 15th is also the year the first full moon night, it said fifteenth day for the Lantern Festival. Also known as the "Spring Festival." According to Chinese folk Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty, Emperor Han is said to be at Memory "Ping Lu" and set up. Han Ying king died, the usurper Empress Lu, Lu clan dominated court politics. Bo Zhou, Chen equality in the Empress Lu"s death, Empress Lu Ping in addition to forces and pro-li Liu Han Wen. Because the days are subsided on the 15th day after the first month on the 15th annual Night, Royal Park Chinese plain clothes, share happiness with the people to show Memory. And the first lunar month as Lantern Festival on the 15th. Emperor, the "too one God" in the fifteenth day festival. Sima Qian in "the beginning calendar" in important festivals as the Lantern Festival put. China"s civil society have the Lantern Festival Lantern eating customs. Folk legend, Lantern Festival originated in the Apart from the celebration of the Lantern Festival, there are faith activities. That is, "take all diseases," also known as "riddled with grilled" "scattered all diseases," the participants are women, they go hand in hand or go against the wall, or walk across the bridge over the outskirts of the purpose of flooding disaster disease.
2023-08-08 06:21:551


问题一:放孔明灯用英语怎么说? 你好,楼主!是Release Kongm攻ng Lantern. 理由:放孔明灯是一种具有中国特色的行为,也是一种文化传统。所以直译过去... ^_^ 问题二:孔明灯用英文怎么说 Kong Ming Lamp.孔明是中国专有词汇,要用汉语拼音 问题三:“天灯” (就是孔明灯)的英文翻译? 天灯Sky lanterns 天灯是一种特制的灯笼,上面写了人们的心愿。Sky lanterns are special lanterns that people write prayers on. 孔明灯.. Kongming Lantern Kongmin Light 欢庆中秋,让我们放飞孔明灯!Happy Mid-autumn Festival: Let"s Fly Kongming Lantern! 孔明灯:是三国时,诸葛亮发明的,用来传递信息。Kongmin Light: It is invented by Zhu Guoliang. It is used to pass the message. 问题四:放孔明灯用英语怎么说 放孔明灯 fly a Kongming lantern更多释义>> [网络短语] 放孔明灯 Kongming lanterns placed;Let lanterns 问题五:孔明灯 外国英文怎么叫? 5分 孔明灯又叫天灯 个人认为翻译成sky lantern楼上翻译成Kongming虽然没问题 但是老外估计不知道孔明是谁?会很迷惑 问题六:用英文介绍孔明灯 Kongmin light sources Kongmin light and that the sky lanterns, is said to be the various ge bore clear by three countries (that is, zhuge liang) had invented. That year, the various ge the bore in pingyang besieged by sima yi, can"t send troops out of the city to help out. The bore is clear is the direction of the wind, it floats must made paper lantern of the message, for help, and then later, followed by out called the lantern for kongmin light. Another said that laws is the lantern shaped like the various ge KongMingDai hat, hence its name. Modern people put more as the blessing with kongmin light. Men and women, old and young hand write down the desire of the blessing, the symbol of the harvest, happy years. Success Started about dao guang period, from fujian province, China ancient AnXi county to such as quanzhou of Taiwan Taipei county, township, very flat creek in Laos, namely the keelung river upstream. According to the Lao predecessors, who is in early July in oral said, very area between joking bandits, because it is in mountainous area, so villagers to the mountains, to the bandits escaped away, in the village of staying, cast in the night sky lanterns as signal, told the mountain villagers, can shelter down the mountain home, would also like to take this kind of wa胆 for peace to the villagers. Because by the mountain home that day, it is the day of shelter the fifteenth day that is the Lantern Festival, from now on, every year of the Lantern Fe......>> 问题七:关于孔明灯的英语句子
2023-08-08 06:22:031


因为这个灯笼圆圆的,红红的颜色很漂亮,能带来好运气Because the lantern is round and the red color is very beautiful, it can bring good luck
2023-08-08 06:22:273


中秋节 Mid-autumn festival 农历 lunar calendar 象徵 symbolize 灯笼 lantern 阖家团圆 family reunion 祭拜 worship 祖先 ancestors 赏月 watch and admire the moon 月饼 moon cake 秋高气爽 the sky is high, the weather is cool 皎洁 (of moonlight) bright and clean 明亮 bright 名胜 scenic spot 地区 district 后院 backyard 烤肉 BBQ 聊天 chat 社区 community 举办 hold 联欢 get-together, party 活动 activity 度 spend time 佳节 wonderful festival 商店 shop 摆出 put out 各种各样 all kinds of 礼品 gift, present 可口 tasty 垂涎三尺 drool with envy 庆祝 celebrate 传说 legend 比如 for example 后羿射日 Hou Yi shooting the sun 嫦娥奔月 Chang E flying to the moon 吴刚伐树 Wu Gang chopping the tree 玉兔捣仙药 jade hare making heavenly medicine -民间故事 folk tales 使得 make 气氛 atmosphere 更加 even more 浓厚 strong, intense 有趣 interesting 添加 add 过节 celebrate festival 色彩 color 添加 add
2023-08-08 06:22:451


2023-08-08 06:22:541


2023-08-08 06:23:182


Spring Festive LanternsThe Lantern Festival marks the end of the festival. Lanterns in different shapes are displayed on the evening of Jan. 15th of lunar month. In ancient times, these lanterns were made of paper or silk with candles placed inside. Now the materials have changed and the candles have replaced by bulbs or LEDs. In many cities, organizations or local government decorate the gardens and other places with lanterns so you can enjoy their beauty. The Lantern Festival is also the first full moon night in the Chinese calendar, marking the return of spring and symbolizing the reunion of family. In the some of the dialect, the Chinese word for lantern (灯 dēng) is pronounced similarly to (丁 dīng), which means "a new-born baby boy". Therefore lighting lanterns means illuminating the future and giving birth.Lighting lanterns is a way for people to pray that they will have smooth futures and express their best wishes for their families. Women who want to be pregnant would walk under a hanging lantern praying for a child.
2023-08-08 06:23:311

用英语描述灯笼制作过程 越短越好

1 bamboo will wear the wire, installed in the bamboo head pedestal.2.一根竹篾安装在一格凹槽上,最后再用铁丝绑竹头,成为竹架。2 a bamboo mounted in a groove, and then wire binding bamboo head, a bamboo frame.3.顶住地面,将竹架慢慢往下撑开,直到变成筒型为止。3 against the ground, the bamboo stand down slowly open, until it becomes cylindrical.4.用手压折竹篾,调整灯笼的形状、弯度和竹篾间的距离。4 hands folded bamboo, adjust the lantern shape, curvature and the distance between the strips.5.在灯笼上端绑上棉线,以固定竹篾。5 in the lantern is tied with cotton, bamboo to fixed.6.在竹篾上铺白色纱布,用浆糊固定。6 white gauze covered in bamboo, with paste fixed.7.等纱布干了,再涂上洋菜胶。7 gauze dry, and then coated with agarose gel.8.阴干后,筒型伞灯就成型了。8 after the dried, barrel type umbrella lamp on the forming of the.9.接着描图、上彩。一般而言,字是朱红色,图则是八仙过海、福禄寿三星等吉祥画。9 then tracing, color. Generally speaking, the word is red, figure is The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, fukurokuju Samsung and other auspicious pictures.10.最后在竹头上安装底座,修饰一下,就完成了。10 finally in the bamboo head mounting base, modify, complete.
2023-08-08 06:23:401


【用什么时态】 将来时可以吗 【I will have dumplings with families(家人用复数),watch lantern shows and fireworks at night 】
2023-08-08 06:23:481

他悲惨的生活就从此开始了 用英语怎么说

His miserable life began from then...
2023-08-08 06:14:005


要拿到蓝牙信号指示值 rssi 分为两个步骤。1.在oncreate方法里面增加 注册扫描广播public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {// 注册开始发现广播。IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED);this.registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter);}2.新建BroadcastReceiver广播对象,并实现里面的onreceive方法,在onreceive得到rssi(信号强度)。private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {@Override
2023-08-08 06:14:051


2023-08-08 06:14:076


2023-08-08 06:14:154


百度网盘高清免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: wvtz
2023-08-08 06:14:161

英语是我最喜欢的科目作文 题目要求:英语是被广泛使用的国际化语言,如果你要与外国朋友做生意,你得学会

2023-08-08 06:14:172


“好好学习”的英文表达为“study hard”。study hard 英[u02c8stu028cdi hɑrd] 美[u02c8stu028cdi hɑu02d0(r)d] [词典] 努力学习; 攻读; 刻苦攻读; 词组study English hard 努力学英语 ; 努力学习英语study very hard 很难研究 ; 学习很费劲 ; 研究很难 ; 学习很辛苦Study really hard 读书真辛苦study hardwork hard 努力学习study the hard way 努力学习例句1.She "s been studying hard since then.打那儿起,她就用心念书了。2.From now on we "ll study hard.从此以后,我们要好好学习。3.Only you study hard can you get good results.只有肯努力,才能得到好的学习成绩。4.We should constantly urge ourselves on to study hard.我们要经常鞭策自己努力学习。5.He studied hard that he might serve the country well.为了很好地为祖国服务,他会刻苦钻研。
2023-08-08 06:14:241


2023-08-08 06:14:241


2023-08-08 06:14:252


2023-08-08 06:14:305


【答案】:(Received Signal Strength Indicator)指的是手机接收到的总功率,包括有用信号、干扰和底噪,和UMTS中的RSSI概念是一致的;
2023-08-08 06:14:321


dreamy 梦幻般的impratical 不切实际的idea 空想的
2023-08-08 06:14:325


通俗地说,SSID便是你给自己的无线网络所取的名字。RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication接收的信号强度指示,无线发送层的可选部分,用来判定链接质量,以及是否增大广播发送强度。
2023-08-08 06:13:562


2023-08-08 06:13:533


my dream,hello everyone!it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you dream is to become a know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting.i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day.and if i am a teacher,i can teach my students a lot of knowledge.they might become stronger and cleverer because of me.that is a very contented feeling.are not that excellent in their teachers in china might be very very important.they can provide the society with a lot of successful people,and make china a better you think that i have a good dream?i will work hard to make my dream become true!thanks~
2023-08-08 06:13:522


2023-08-08 06:13:513


RSSI寄存器值RSSI.RSSI_VAL在RF上涉及的电能P为:P=(RSSI_VAL+RSSI_OFFSET) dBm,式中:RSSI_OFFSET是一个系统开发期间得到的来自前端增益的经验值,RSSI_OFFSET近似值为-45。ZStack中获得P的语句为:#define MAC_RADIO_RSSI_OFFSET HAL_MAC_RSS
2023-08-08 06:13:481


2023-08-08 06:13:485


有一个人孤零零地住在一座小屋里。    A lonely man lived by himself in a little hut.他叫孙良。他一贫如洗,但诚实而善良。他为别人打零工,得到的报酬很少。然而每当他看到落入陷阱的动物,只要他有钱,一定把它买下来放归树林。    His name was Sun Liang. He was dirt poor, but he was honest and kind. He did odd jobs. His pay was very low. Whenever he saw an animal in a trap, if he had any money, he would buy the animal and set it free in the forest.就这样,孙良救了很多动物,但是他没省下一个钱,因此一直很穷。    In this way, he saved many animals, but he didn"t save any money, so he was still very poor.当他老得不能干活的时候,只好乞食度日。他满七十岁后的一天,虚弱得卧床不起,不久,便去世了。    When he was too old to work, he had to beg for food to stay alive. One day when he was over seventy years old, he was too weak to get up from his bed, and before long, he left this world.孙良没有亲戚朋友。他甚至穷得连一副棺材也买不起。对中国人来说,最悲惨的事莫过于死无葬身之地。没有人来照料他,他的邻居也像他一样穷。他们不知道他已经死了,即使知道,他们也没有钱去买一副棺材来埋葬他。    Sun Liang had no relative and no friends. He was so poor that he didn"t even have enough money for a coffin, and for Chinese people, the worst possible fate is to die and not get buried. But there was nobody to look after him. His neighbors were almost as poor as he was. They didn"t know he was dead, and even if they had, they certainly didn"t have enough money to buy him a coffin and bury him.孙良死了的那个早晨,邻居们惊奇地发现空中飞满了鸟儿。成千上万的鸟从四面八方飞进孙良的小屋里。他们进去看个究竟,发现孙良已经死在床上,他们想那些鸟儿一定是来啄食他的肉的。    The morning after Sun Liang died, the neighbors were amazed to see the sky full of birds. Thousands of birds came from all directions and flew into Sun Liang"s hut. The neighbors came to see what was wrong. They saw Sun lying dead on his bed. They thought the birds must have come to peck the flesh off his bones.接着,他们看到每只鸟儿嘴里都衔着一小块土,还把土撒在孙的尸体上。它们是来埋葬恩人以表达谢意的!    Then they saw that every bird brought a little soil in its beak, and dropped the soil on Sun"s body. They had come to show their gratitude by burying their savior!无数的鸟儿来来回回飞着。没到中午,它们就把小屋埋起来,把它变成了孙良的坟墓。    Thousands and thousands of birds came. They flew back and forth. Before noon, they had filled his whole hut with soil and turned it into a tomb for Sun Liang.这些邻居被眼前的景象深深感动了。从此以后,他们再也不用陷阱或网来诱捕动物了。    The neighbors were deeply touched when they saw this. From then on, they never caught another animal in a trap or a net.
2023-08-08 06:13:421


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2023-08-08 06:13:325


1. 核裂变:核裂变是一种核反应过程,其中一个大的原子核分裂为两个或更多的较小核,同时释放大量的能量。这个过程通常伴随着中子的释放,这些中子可以引发更多的核裂变,形成链式反应。核裂变是核能发电和原子弹的基础。2. 核聚变:核聚变是两个或两个以上的小原子核合并形成一个更大的原子核的过程,同时也会释放出大量的能量。太阳和其他恒星的能量主要来源于核聚变,其中氢原子核通过聚变反应转变为氦原子核。核聚变被认为是未来清洁、可持续能源的一种可能来源,但是在地球条件下控制和利用核聚变仍然是科学和工程的重大挑战。3. 人工转变:人工转变是指通过人为的方式改变原子核的类型或数量,从而改变元素的性质。这可以通过加速器将粒子打入原子核,或者使用核反应堆或核爆炸来实现。例如,镭-226可以通过α衰变转化为氡-222,这是一种自然发生的放射性转变。而人工转变可以通过将中子打入铀-238,将其转变为铀-239,然后通过β衰变转变为钚-239,这就是生产核武器和反应堆燃料的过程。
2023-08-08 06:13:302


各个厂家要求有细微的所不同,一般要求不高于-95DBM基站厂家 基站RSSI 正常范围主分集 RSSI 差值正常范围中兴 -115dBm~-95dBm ±10dB华为 -112dBm~-93dBm ±6dB上海贝尔 抬升0dB~15dB ±10dB摩托罗拉 -100dBm~-110dBm 城区5dB;乡村10dB北电 -115dBm~-105dBm ±9dB三星-85dBm~-100dBm ±10dB
2023-08-08 06:13:241