barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-13 10:28:55
1.Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today. 上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名字叫……。今天有机会进行自我介绍深感荣幸。我乐意回答你们所提出来的任何问题。我希望我今天能表现的非常出色。 2、I am ??years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education. 我今年……岁,出生在……省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西南……等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。 3、 My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/ 我主修篮球/排球/足球/羽毛球/乒乓球/网球/田径/游泳/跆拳道等运动训练专业。在我毕业以后,我将会获得学士学位。 4、In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have passed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice. 在过去的1/2/3年中,我把大量的时间用在学习上。我已经通过了大学英语2/3/4/6级。而且,我已经从理论和实践二方面对运动训练专业的基础知识有了一个大致的了解。 5、Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing. I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… . Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training. 除此以外,我还参加了在北京举行的许多运动会。我还是中国网球公开赛,羽毛球大师赛……的志愿者。通过这些,我对运动训练专业有了一个更深刻的了解。 6、I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on. 我有很多兴趣爱好,如唱歌、跳舞、画画等。 7、Thank you! 谢谢大家!




Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单,就是一个人先说"Nice to meet you", 另一个人说 "Nice to meet you, too",...


Give me a hug.给我一个拥抱吧。 如果两个人相识已久,见面再说"Nice to meet you"...


Do you want to exchange numbers? 你想不想交换电话呢?...





First sight.
2023-08-08 10:44:292


2023-08-08 10:44:476

初次见面,英语中除了How do you do?之外,还有哪些说法

it"s a pleasure to meet"s an honor to make your acquaintance.
2023-08-08 10:45:032


Hi ! Plesed to meet you ! My name is … . I"m from … . This is the first time we have met ! But I have heard of so much about you! And I"m very happy that I can get to know your more from now on! So I hope that we will get along well with each other and be good friends!“HI,很高兴认识你!我叫… 我来自…这是我们第一次见面,久仰久仰(我听说过你的很多事)!我也很高兴从现在起能了解你更多。希望我们能相处融洽成为好朋友!” 呃```` 不知道你那对话的情景是什么额``` 如果是同一辈的,我想就可以这样说吧 有必要的话 ,你还可以加你的兴趣爱好啊也行 ,还可以根据自身情况添加其他内容。比如 ,你是刚到某个城市的人,在介绍自己时就可以说,“I"m a stranger in the city . I don"t understand the local language. So I use the Mandarin to communicate with other people , I wish the others do the same with me …”“我是刚到这个城市来的人,我不懂这里的方言,我就用普通话与别人交流,我希望对方和我一样用普通话……”
2023-08-08 10:45:241


2023-08-08 10:45:352


初次见面 A: How do you do ? B: How do you do !
2023-08-08 10:45:457


  初次见面时是印象留的最深刻的时候,为了不给别人留下坏印象,要好好地注意自己的仪容仪表和问候语哦。下面是我给大家整理的初次见面的英语小对话,供大家参阅!   初次见面的英语小对话:第一次见面   N:Hello, my name is Nicole, What is your name?   C: Hello, My name is Cici, Nice to meet you.   N: Nice to meet you too!   C: Where are you from? Nicole.   N: I am from Guangdong, What about you?   C: I am from Guangdong too.   N: Oh, great. How old are you?   C: I am 12 years old. How old are you?   N: I am 12,too. What your hobby? Do you like playing baskeball? C: No, I donu2019t. My hobby is swimming, and you?   N: Oh, What a coincidence! We have the same interest. I like swimming too.   C: Wow, Maybe we can be good friends!   N: I think so. The teacher is coming, Letu2019s have a class first.   初次见面的英语小对话:初次见面   “How are you doing today, miss?”   “小姐,今天过得怎么样?”   A genuine hello accompanied by a heartwarming, three second smile is one of the most basic, highly effective ice breakers there is.   一句真诚的问候搭配上一个温暖的三秒钟微笑是最基本也最有用的开场白。   Think about the people who say “good morning” or “howdy” to their neighbors. This simple greeting is usually followed up with “how are you” or “how are the kids?” Before long, the two parties are talking about their families and even favorite sports teams.   想想那些对邻居说“早上好”或者“你好”的人。这种简单的问候通常会得到“你好吗”或者“孩子们好吗”作为回应。很快,双方就开始谈论他们的家庭甚至最喜欢的球队了。   初次见面的英语小对话:初次见面   “Nice earrings!”   “你的耳环真漂亮!”   This comment represents a classic technique that is quite effective for starting a conversation. Regardless of whom you are talking to, saying something genuinely nice about their outfit, accessories or even mood will usually be received well.   这句评价代表了开场白中十分有用的一种经典技巧。不论你在和谁聊天,真诚地赞美一下他们的着装、配饰、甚至是心情,对方通常会很乐意接受。   The person receiving the compliment will thank you and possibly say something nice about you in return. In doing this, a dialogue begins. Keep the dialogue going by asking a question like “Where did you buy the earrings? I really like them.”   接受你赞美的人会向你表示感谢,可能还会对你说一些赞美的话作为回报。这样一来,一场对话就开始了。想要继续对话,可以问这样的问题,比如“你的耳环在哪里买的?我非常喜欢。”
2023-08-08 10:46:171


What?Hao many letters?
2023-08-08 10:46:273


  初次见面最佳的英语开场白,看出你社交的情商。下面是我给大家整理的初次见面英语对话短文,供大家参阅!   初次见面英语对话短文1   AIt"s very nice of you to invite me.   你真是太好了,请我来做客。   BI"m very glad you could come, Mr. Liu. Will you take a seat at the head of the table? It"s an informal dinner, please don"t stand on ceremony... Mr. Liu, would you like to have some chicken?   刘先生,您能来我很高兴,请上坐。这是一次家常便饭,请大家别客气。刘先生,要吃点鸡肉吗?   AThank you. This is my first time to come to a Chinese restaurant. Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food?   谳谢,这是我第一次来中餐馆,请给我讲讲中国菜的不同特色好吗?   BGenerally speaking, Cantonese food is a bit light; Shanghai food is rather oily; and Hunan dishes are very spicy, having a strong and hot taste.   一般来讲,广东菜清淡一些;上海菜比较油腻:湖南菜香味浓,辣味很重。   AChinese dishes are exquisitely prepared, delicious, and very palatable. They are very good in colour,flavour,and taste.   中国菜做得很精细,色、香、味俱全。   BMr. liu, would you care for another helping?   刘先生,再来一点吧?   ANo more, thank you. I"m quite full.   不啦,谢谢。我已经够饱了。   BDid you enjoy the meal?   您吃得怎么样?   AIt"s the most delicious dinner I"ve had for a long time. It"s such a rich dinner.   好久没有吃过这样美味的饭莱了。这顿饭莱太丰盛了。   BI"m so glad you like it.   你能喜欢,我不胜荣幸。   AThank you very much for your hospitality.   谢谢你的盛情款待。   初次见面英语对话短文2   xian: hello,my name is xian.what"s your name?   你好,我叫冼.你叫什么名字?   lingling: hello,my name is lingling,nice to meet you.   你好,我叫玲玲,很高兴认识你.   xian: nice to meet you too,where are you going?   我也很高兴能认识你,你要去那里呢?   lingling: the weather is very good,today.i"m going to the bookstore. would you like to go with me?   今天天气很好,我要去书店看看.你要去吗?   xian: yes ,i also want to take a look there.   好的,我也想去看看.   lingling: ok! let"s go!   好的,我们走吧   初次见面英语对话短文3   A:Hello.My name is XXX.Very glad to see you!   B:My name is XXX.Glad to see you, too.And we will be roommantes this term.   A:Yes,i think it will be nice to be with you, i like making friends with different people.   B:Maybe i am not so sociabele as you, but i think we will be friends,for you look easy-going.   A:Thank you.In fact, i have many shortcomings you have not noticed.You seems a little upset,what happened?   B:Because this is the first time that i leave my parents, i feel that i will miss them so much.   A:Oh,cheer up! You will soon have new friends here.   B:I know, but.....   A:Take it easy.If you don"t mind, i am willing to be your new friends,and i will accompany you and help you.   B:Thank you so much.You are so kind and friendly.   A:YOU flattered me.   B:I"am a little hungry.How about you? Do you want to have something?   A:Oh,i didn"t feel it,if you hadn"t mentioned.   B:Do you konw where is the dinning hall?   A:No.But i think it is not too far away from here, we can find it.   B:Em,you are right.We must learn to depend on ourselves.   A:Well, and we can help each other.I hope it a good beginning.   B:Yes, i think so.   A:Shall we go and have lunch?   B:OK,let"s go!   
2023-08-08 10:46:351


2023-08-08 10:47:101


1. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单,就是一个人先说"Nice to meet you", 另一个人说 "Nice to meet you, too",然后相互握手。但人多的时候, 你不可能一个一个说 "Nice to meet you",这时简单说"Hi" 就可以了,但这么说不适用于比较正式的场合。2. Give me a hug.给我一个拥抱吧。如果两个人相识已久,见面再说"Nice to meet you" 反而显得有点见外。这时候通常问候一句 "How are you doing" 或者 "What"s up" 比较好一些。如果两个人还是不错的朋友,就会彼此拥抱一下。当然啦,拥抱之前不一定要说 "Give me a hug",只要看到人家张开双手,你就可以迎上去拥抱啦。3. Do you want to exchange numbers? 你想不想交换电话呢?如果是学生的社交场合,要不要名片就不是那么重要了。这时你可以尝试跟对方交换电话号码。你可以说 "Do you want to exchange numbers" 或是直截了当要对方的电话 "Could I have your phone number"。当然,第一次见面就要对方电话感觉好像怪怪的,所以你也可以跟对方要 E-mail address 或是 ICQ number。总之要什么就根据当时的情况和你个人的企图来定了.
2023-08-08 10:47:191


无 英语口语 频道为网友整理的《简单英语口语对话:校园里初次见面》,供大家参考学习。 JAKE: Hi! My name is Jake. We haven"t met before, have we? DEBBIE: No, we haven"t! My name is Debbie. JAKE: Nice to meet you, Debbie! DEBBIE: Nice to meet you, too, Jake. JAKE: Are you a new student? DEBBIE: Yes, I am. What about you? JAKE: Yeah, me too! JAKE: What"re you studying here? DEBBIE: Journalism. I want to be a journalist. What about you? JAKE: I"m doing law. But I"m thinking of doing business studies instead. DEBBIE: Do they allow you to change? 见机行事,见什么人说什么话。Jake和Debbie之间的对话适用于什么场合呢? 他们的对话适用于非正式场合。 因为: 1 Jake使用了Hi这个问候词。这个词适用于比较随意的场合或者正式场合下彼此非常熟识的人之间。 2 Jake和Debbie在介绍自己和称呼对方的时候都在用彼此名字的第一个字。如果两人第一次见面就直接用名字的第一个字相互称呼,这就暗示他们想让接下来的谈话无拘无束,闲散自在一些。 3 两个人谈话的语气和内容都显得轻松,随意。再来看一段James Taylor和Wang Dong之间的对话。James Taylor是AEC Advertising 的总裁,Wang Dong是China Bright Advertising Company 外事处的秘书。她负责到机场去接从未谋面的James Taylor。Wang Dong: Good morning. Are you James Taylor? James Taylor: Yes, and ... Wang Dong: Welcome to Beijing, President Taylor. I"m Wang Dong, the secretary of the foreign affairs office from China Bright Advertising Company. Please call me Wang. James Taylor: Oh, nice to meet you, Wang. Wang Dong: Nice to meet you, too. How was the flight? James Taylor: It was OK, though I feel a bit tired. Wang Dong: Would you like me to help you with the luggage? James Taylor: Oh, thank you. Wang Dong: Please follow me to the gate. The company car is waiting for you outside.大家已经意识到了吧,这段对话适用于正式的社交场合。 1 二个人用 Nice to meet you 相互问候。 2 Wang Dong 在自我介绍的时候不仅说了自己的姓名,还说了自己的职务和此行的身份。 3 Wang Dong 称呼对方为President Taylor,这是一种正式的称呼,而不是用Mr. James或者James。 4 Wang Dong 的用语十分礼貌,恭敬。 说到这里,让我们来作个初次见面问候用语的小结吧。 Brief greetings: -- Hi! (for informal situation) -- Hello! (for informal situation) -- Hullo! (for informal situation) -- Good morning/afternoon/evening. (for more formal situation) Extended greetings at the first meeting: -- Nice to meet you. (-- Nice to meet you, too.) -- How do you do! (--Nice to meet you.) (for more formal situation)附:几个实用的句子 1. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单,就是一个人先说"Nice to meet you", 另一个人说 "Nice to meet you, too",然后相互握手。但人多的时候, 你不可能一个一个说 "Nice to meet you",这时简单说"Hi" 就可以了,但这么说不适用于比较正式的场合。2. Give me a hug.给我一个拥抱吧。 如果两个人相识已久,见面再说"Nice to meet you" 反而显得有点见外。这时候通常问候一句 "How are you doing" 或者 "What"s up" 比较好一些。如果两个人还是不错的朋友,就会彼此拥抱一下。当然啦,拥抱之前不一定要说 "Give me a hug",只要看到人家张开双手,你就可以迎上去拥抱啦。3. Do you want to exchange numbers? 你想不想交换电话呢? 如果是学生的社交场合,要不要名片就不是那么重要了。这时你可以尝试跟对方交换电话号码。你可以说 "Do you want to exchange numbers" 或是直截了当要对方的电话 "Could I have your phone number"。当然,第一次见面就要对方电话感觉好像怪怪的,所以你也可以跟对方要 E-mail address 或是 ICQ number。总之要什么就根据当时的情况和你个人的企图来定了。
2023-08-08 10:47:291


2023-08-08 10:47:511


Hello,nice to meet you!
2023-08-08 10:48:023


Hi ! Plesed to meet you ! My name is … . I"m from … . This is the first time we have met ! But I have heard of so much about you! And I"m very happy that I can get to know your more from now on! So I hope that we will get along well with each other and be good friends!“HI,很高兴认识你!我叫… 我来自…这是我们第一次见面,久仰久仰(我听说过你的很多事)!我也很高兴从现在起能了解你更多。希望我们能相处融洽成为好朋友!” 呃```` 不知道你那对话的情景是什么额``` 如果是同一辈的,我想就可以这样说吧 有必要的话 ,你还可以加你的兴趣爱好啊也行 ,还可以根据自身情况添加其他内容。比如 ,你是刚到某个城市的人,在介绍自己时就可以说,“I"m a stranger in the city . I don"t understand the local language. So I use the Mandarin to communicate with other people , I wish the others do the same with me …”“我是刚到这个城市来的人,我不懂这里的方言,我就用普通话与别人交流,我希望对方和我一样用普通话…
2023-08-08 10:48:111


Hi,nice to meet you?How are you?I"m fine,thank you!Bye!英文水平不高,勿喷!
2023-08-08 10:48:233


2023-08-08 10:48:334


2023-08-08 10:48:471


good morning.godd name is Xx,what is your name?my name is XXX,nice to meet you.-- Hi! (for informal situation)-- Hello! (for informal situation)-- Hullo! (for informal situation)-- Good morning/afternoon/evening. (for more formal situation)Extended greetings at the first meeting:-- Nice to meet you. (-- Nice to meet you, too.)-- How do you do! (--Nice to meet you.) (for more formal situation)1. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单,就是一个人先说"Nice to meet you", 另一个人说 "Nice to meet you, too",然后相互握手。但人多的时候, 你不可能一个一个说 "Nice to meet you",这时简单说"Hi" 就可以了,但这么说不适用于比较正式的场合。2. Give me a hug.给我一个拥抱吧。如果两个人相识已久,见面再说"Nice to meet you" 反而显得有点见外。这时候通常问候一句 "How are you doing" 或者 "What"s up" 比较好一些。如果两个人还是不错的朋友,就会彼此拥抱一下。当然啦,拥抱之前不一定要说 "Give me a hug",只要看到人家张开双手,你就可以迎上去拥抱啦。3. Do you want to exchange numbers? 你想不想交换电话呢?如果是学生的社交场合,要不要名片就不是那么重要了。这时你可以尝试跟对方交换电话号码。你可以说 "Do you want to exchange numbers" 或是直截了当要对方的电话 "Could I have your phone number"。当然,第一次见面就要对方电话感觉好像怪怪的,所以你也可以跟对方要 E-mail address 或是 ICQ number。
2023-08-08 10:48:551


good morninggodd morningmy name is Xx,what is your name?my name is XXX,nice to meet younice to meet you too
2023-08-08 10:49:152


初次见面打招呼英语口语情景对话Amber and Ethabella arrive for work on Monday morning. Ethabella introduces Amber to a number of co-workers on the way in. Then she introduces him to here department manager. Amber also gets to meet some of the people who will be working for him. The following conversation shows how you can use various expressions for greeting people. How does Amber handle himself? Will she make a good impression?   Ethabella:Good morning, Jim. I"d like you to meet Amber. She"s our new Sr. Software Engineer. Amber, Jim is our Personnel Officer.   Jim:(shakes hands w Amber) Hello, it"s a pleasure to meet you, Amber. Welcome aboard.   Amber:Thank you. I"m glad to meet you, too.   Ethabella:And this is Frank. He"s part of your team.   Amber:Hi, Frank, I"m very happy to meet you.   Frank:Hello, Amber, I"m glad to meet you.   Ethabella:(smiling) Only good things, John. Oh, and here comes Ed Blakely, the department manager.   Ed:Hello, you must be Amber. Pleased to meet you.   Amber:It"s an honor to meet you,sir. I"m looking forward to working for you.   Ed:From what I"ve heard, you"re going to fit in just fine. I"ll see you this afternoon to go over things.   Amber:Fine with me.   Ethabella:And this is Margot. She"s also part of your team.   Mira:Hello, Amber. It"s good to see you.   Amber: Hello, Margot. The pleasure"s all mine. Tointroducemyself (自我介绍) Hello,everyone! (大家好) My name is Winnie(我名叫云妮).Im a 15 years old girl. (我是一名十五岁的女孩)I live in the beautiful city of Ganzhou.(我居住在美丽的赣州市) Im an active,lovely and clever girl.(我是一名活泼,可爱,聪明的女孩)In the school,my favourite subject is maths.(在学校,我最喜欢的科目是数学)Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well.(或许有人认为想学好它有一定的困难)But I like it.I belive that if you try your best,everything can be done well.(但我喜欢它,我相信如果尽了自己最大的努力,任何事都能做好) I also like2008年中考英语作文预测 sports very much(我还很喜欢运动).Such as,running,volleyball and so on.(例如,跑步,排球等) Im kind-hearted.(我心地善良) If you need help,please come to me .(如果你需要帮助,请来找我) I hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友) OK.This is me .A sunny girl.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光女孩) 这是范文仅供参考
2023-08-08 10:49:261


英语初次见面问候语如下:1、Good morning.早晨好呀。2、 I"m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。3、Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?4、Yes,I am.是的,我是。5、How are you?你好吗?6、Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。7、How is Helen?海伦现在好吗?8、She"s very well,thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。9、Good afternoon,Mr. Green.午安,格林先生。10、Good evening,Mrs. Brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。11、How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗?12、Good night,John.晚安,约翰。13、Good-bye,Bill.再见,比尔。14、See you tomorrow.明天见。15、Thank you.谢谢你。
2023-08-08 10:49:331


a:nice to meet you.b:nice to meet you ,too.o(∩_∩)o...
2023-08-08 10:49:557


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam) 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。 2、How do you do? 您好!(初次见面) Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到您。 3、How are you? 您好吗? Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢。您好吗? 4、Wele to our hotel (restaurant, shop). 欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。 5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel. 愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时) I hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间) I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时) 7、Have a good time! 祝您过得愉快! 8、***hotel, front desk. Can I help you? ***饭店,前厅。您找谁? 9、Sorry, I"ve dialed the wrong number. 对不起,我拨错号了。 10、May I speak to your general manager? 能和你们总经理说话吗? Speaking. 我就是。 11、Sorry, he is not in at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在。 Would you like to leave a message? 您要留口信吗? 12、Pardon. 对不起,请再说一遍,好吗? I beg your pardon. 对不起,请再说一遍,好吗? 英语交流用语u2022祝贺用语 13、Congratulations! 祝贺您! 14、Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 15、Happy new year! 新年快乐! 16、Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 17、Have a nice holiday! 假日快郑?/P> 18、Wish you every success! 祝您成功! 答谢和答应语: 19、Thank you (very much). 谢谢您(非常感谢)。 20、Thank you for your advice (information, help) 感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。 21、It"s very kind of you. 谢谢,您真客气。 22、You are wele. 不用谢。 23、Not at all. 不用谢。 Don"t mention it. 不用谢。 24、It"s my pleasure. 非常高兴为您服务。 (With pleasure.) (My pleasure.) 25、I am at your service. 乐意为您效劳。 26、Thank you for staying in our hotel. 感谢您在我们酒店下榻。 27、I"m sorry. 很抱歉。 28、Excuse me. 对不起。 29、I"m sorry, It"s my fault. 很抱歉。那是我的过错。 30、Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 31、Sorry to interrupt you. 对不起,打扰您了。 32、I"m sorry about this. 对此表示抱歉。 33、I apologize for this. 我为此道歉。 34、That"s all right. 没关系。 35、Let"s fet it. 算了吧。 饭店英语交流用语u2022征询和指路用语 36、Can(May)I help you? 我能帮您什么吗? Yes, please. 好的。 37、What can I do for you. 我能为您干点什么? 38、Is there anything I can do for you? 有什么能为您效劳的穑?/P> 39、Just a moment, please. 请稍等一下。 40、May I use your phone? 我能借用您的电话吗? Certainly. 当然可以。 Yes, of course. 然可以。 41、Go upstairs/downstairs. 上楼/下楼。 42、It"s on the second (third) floor. 在二(三)楼。 43、Excuse me. 对不起。 Where is the washroom (restroom, elevator)? 请问盥洗室(休息室、电梯)在哪儿? This way, please. 请这边走 Turn left /right. 往左转/右转。 45、It"s in the lobby near the main entrance. 在大厅靠近大门。 46、It"s in the basement at the end of the corridor. 在地下室走廊尽头。 7、Mind/(Watch)your step. 请走好。 48、Please be careful. 请当心。 49、Please don"t leave anything behind. 请别遗忘您的东西。 50、Don"t worry. 别担心。 51、Take it easy. 放心好了。 52、Please don"t *** oke here. 请不要在这边抽烟。 53、Goodbye. 再见。 54、See you late. 再见。 55、Good night. 晚安。 56、See you tomorrow. 明天见。 57、Goodbye and thank you for ing. 再见,谢谢您的光临。 58、Goodbye and hope to see you again. 再见,希望再见到您。 59、Have a nice trip! 一路平安! 60、Wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck! 祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运! 店英语交流用语u2022前厅和客房部用语 1、Have you a reservation? 您预定过了吗? 2、May I know your name and room number? 您能告诉我您的名字与房间号吗? 3、Here is your room key. 给您房间钥匙。 4、Please pay at the cashier"s desk over there. 请去那边帐台付款。 5、Are these your baggage? 这些是您的行李吗? May I take them for you? 我来帮您拿好吗? 6、Housekeeping, may I e in? 客房服务员,我可以进来吗? 7、Leave your laundry in the laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom oor. 请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。 8、I hope I"m not disturbing you. 我希望没有打扰您。 9、One moment, madam. I"ll bring them to you right away. 等一会儿,夫人。我马上送来。 10、I"ll send for an electrician( doctor...) 我给您请电工(大夫……)。 餐饮部: 11、Sit down, please. Here is the menu. 请坐,给您菜单,先生。 May I take your order, sir? 您要点菜吗? 12、What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶? 13、Would you like to have any wine with you dinner? 您用餐时要喝点酒吗? 14、Service hours are: (餐厅)供应时间是: 9:00a.m.for breakfast. 早餐7点到9点。 11:30a.m.to1: 30p.m.for lunch. 午餐11点半到1点半。 8:30p.m.for dinner. 晚餐6点半到8点半。 15、Here is the bill. Please sign it. 这是您的账单,请签字。 店英语交流用语u2022销售用语 1、What kind of rooms(foods) would you like to have? 您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)? 2、Here is a brochure of our hotel and tariff. 这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。 3、We"ll give you a 10%(ten percent ) discount. 我们给您九折优惠。 4、We"ll offer tour guides plimentary breakfasts. 我们给陪同提供免费早餐。 、We accept your terms. 我们接受您的条件。 6、May I introduce myself? 让我介绍我自己。 7、May I present you a litter souvenir? 请接受我们的一点小纪念品。 、Let"s drink to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯! 9、Let me propose a toast to the health of our guests! 建议为在座客人的健康干杯! 10、Cheers!(Bottoms!) 干杯! 11、How do you like Chinese food? 您喜欢中国菜吗? 12、What do you think of our service? 您对我们的服务有什么意见? 13、Thank you for your ments(pliment, suggestions). 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)。 14、I"m afraid it"s against the hotel"s regulations. 这是违反饭店规章制度的。 15、In our hotel we don"t accept tips. 我们饭店是不收小费的。 It"s our pleasure to serve our guests well. 我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。 Thank you all the same. 然而,还是要谢谢您。 16、I"m afraid you"ll have to pay for the damage. 您必须赔偿。 17、Thank you for telling us about it. 谢谢您告诉我们 I"ll look into the mater right away. 我马上去处理这件事情。 18、I assure you it wont happen again. 我保证此类事情不会再发生。 19、Please don"t worry, sir (madam) 先生(夫人),请不必担心。 I will send someone up to your room right away. 我马上派人到你的房间去。 20、I can"t guarantee anything, but I"ll try my best. 我不能保证,但我会尽力而为。 21、What can I show you. 您要买什么? 22、How do you like this fashion (color, size, design )? 您喜欢这种款式(颜色、尺寸、图案)吗? 23、The extra large size of this color is out of stock. 这种颜色的特大号已经卖完了。 Please try us again tomorrow. 请明天再来看看。 24、They are altogether 175(one hundred and seventy-five) Yuan. 共计175元。 You may pay in cash or with credit card. 您可以付现金也可以用信用卡。 25、You have made a good choice, you have very good taste. 您真会买东西,眼力真好。 馆英语u2022预订房间 1.I"d like to book a double room for Tuesday next week. 下周二我想订一个双人房间。 2.What"s the price difference? 两种房间的价格有什么不同? 3.A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night, one with a ear view is 115 dollars per night. 一间双人房朝阳面的每晚140美元,背阴面的每晚115美元。 4.I think I"ll take the one with a front view then. 我想我还是要阳面的吧。 5.How long will you be staying? 您打算住多久? 6.We"ll be leaving Sunday morning. 我们将在星期天上午离开。 7.And we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday. 我们盼望下周二见到您。 8.I"d like to book a single room with bath from the after-noon of October to the morning of October 10. 我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,10月4日下午到10月10日上午用。 9.We do have a single room available for those dates. 我们确实有一个单间,在这段时间可以用。 10.What is the rate, please? 请问房费多少? 11.The current rate is $ 50 per night. 现行房费是50美元一天。 12.What services e with that? 这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢? 13.That sounds not bad at all. I"ll take it. 听起来还不错。这个房间我要了。 14.By the way, I"d like a quiet room away from the street if the is possible. 顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间 8.I want a double room with a bath. 我要一间有浴室的双人房。 29.How much a day do you charge? 每天收费多少? 30.It is hundred yuan a day including heating fee, but excluding service harge. 一百元一天,包括供暖费但不包括服务费。 31.It"s quite reasonable. 收费十分合理。 32.How long do you intend to stay in this hotel? 您准备住多久? 33.Have you got through with the check-in procedure? 你是否已经办妥住宿登记手续? 34.Can I book a single room for my friend beforehand as he will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow morning? 我能为我的朋友预订一间单人房吗? 他将于明天早上到达上海。 35.Would you mind filling in this form and pay a hundred yuan in advance or him. 请填好并预付一百元钱。 36.This is a receipt for paying in advance. Please keep it. 这是预付款收据,请收好。 37.Have you any vacant (spare) room in the hotel? 旅馆里有空余房间吗? 38.Sorry, we have no vacant (spare) room for you. But I can remend ou to the Orient Hotel where you may get a spare room. 对不起,我们已经客满了。但是我可以介绍您去东方饭店,那里有空余的房间。 39.Good afternoon, my room number is 321. Any mail for me? 下午好!我的房号是321。有我的信吗? 40.Yes. You have o letters and one telegram, also a message was left y a lady before one hour. 有的。您有两封信和一封电报,一小时前有一位小姐来电话留言给您。 41.I"ll mail a letter to airmail. 我要寄一封航空信到美国。 42.How much do I have to pay for you? 我要付多少钱? 43.A letter generally mails to America-Europe-Africa by airmail. First 0 grams is 20 yuan. 通常一封寄到美国、欧洲、非洲的航空信,20克收费20元。 Words and Expressions heating fee 供暖费 exclude vt.把……排除在外 reasonable a.价钱公道的,不贵的 fortnight n.十四日,两星期 procedure n.过程,步骤,程序 check-in procedure 住宿登记手续 registration n.登记,注册 deluxe suites 豪华套房 宾馆英语u2022在接待处 (2) 44.Yes, we do have a reservation for you. 对了,我们这儿是有您预订的房间。 45.Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for ou? 请您把这份表填好,我同时就给您开出入证,好吗? 46.What should I fill in under ROOM NUMBER? “房间号码”这一栏我该怎么填呢? 47.I"ll put in the room number for you later on. 过会儿我来给您填上房间号码。 48.You fot to put in the date of your departure. 您忘了填写离店日期了。 49.And here is your key, Mr.Bradley. Your room number is 1420. 给您房间的钥匙,布拉德利先生。您的房间号码是1420。 50.It is on the 14th floor and the daily rate is $90. 房间在14层,每天的房费是90美元。 51.Please make sure that you have it with you all the time. 请务必随时带着它。 52.My business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than I had expected. 我的业务谈判进行得比我原先预料的慢了许多。 53.I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for o days. 我想知道是否可以让我在这儿多呆两天。 54.I"ll take a look at the hotel"s booking situation. 我来查看一下本店房间的预订情况。 55.I"m glad that we"ll be able to accept your extension re-quest. 很高兴我们有办法接受您延长住宿的要求。 56.But I"m afraid that it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last o nights. 不过,恐怕最后两天我们得请您搬到别的房间去。 57.We have already let your room to another gentleman. 我们已经把您住的房间租给了另外一位先生。 58.That"s no problem at all. 没问题。
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2023-08-08 10:50:594


A:Hellouff0cwhat"s your nameuff1fB:My name is xxx,who ,nice to meet you.A:Nice to meet you,too.You are so beautiful(handsome).B:Thank you!Could you tell me your phone number?A:Of course!It"s my pleasure.
2023-08-08 10:51:091


hello,my name is **.we will be classmates,i hope we have a good semester,and i want make friends with you.i like english and watch english TV,For example <gossip girl>and i like listen to the musici am certain we will be have a geat time in this semester.I"m glad to meet you
2023-08-08 10:51:203


  在我国,对话教学是伴随新课程改革而出现的一种新的教学形态,在近几年倍受关注。我整理了两个人初次见面的英语对话,欢迎阅读!   两个人初次见面的英语对话一   Jiang Tao: Excuse me, but are you Mr Brown from America?   Brown: That"s it. I am Louis Brown. You must be Jiang Tao from Yiwu Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.   Jiang Tao: Yes. Nice to meet you,Mr Brown.   Brown: Nice to meet you too, Mr Jiang. Now let me introduce my family. This is my wife,Susan,and this is my son,Peter,and Dina,my daughter.   Jiang Tao: How do you do?   Susan: How do you do, Mr Jiang?   Jiang Tao: Let me help you with your luggage.   Brown:No,thanks.I can manage it.   Jiang Tao: Did you have a good flight, Mr Brown?   Brown: Wonderful!Nice food and good service. But how long will it us to get to the hotel?   Jiang Tao: About 30 minutes" ride. Our car is waiting over there.Let"s go.   Do you how to see the guests off?   Translation Reference参考译文   江涛:您好,您是美国来的布朗先生吗?   布朗:是啊,我是路易斯.布朗。您一定是义乌对外贸易有限公司的江涛吧?   江涛:正是,很高兴见到您,布朗先生。   布朗:很高兴见到您,江先生。噢,让我来介绍一下我的家人,这是我的妻子苏珊,这是我儿子彼得,蒂娜,我女儿。   江涛:你们好!   苏珊:您好!江先生。   江涛:我来帮您拿行李吧!   布朗:我能行,谢谢。   江涛:旅途愉快吗,布朗先生?   布朗:很愉快,吃得好,服务也不错。请问我们多久才能到达宾馆?   江涛:大约30分钟的车程。车子在那边等着呢。我们走吧.   两个人初次见面的英语对话二   Todd: OK. Hello!   Steven: Hello, there!   Todd: How are you doing today?   Steven: Pretty good.   Todd: Could you please introduce yourself(介绍下你自己).   Steven: Yeah. My name is Steven. And I come from the North of England.   Todd: Oh, really! Where in the North of England?   Steven: A little village called Gawsworth.   Todd: Mm-hm. Is it a big place?   Steven: No, it"s about 10,000 people I think.   Todd: Oh, really? Do you go back there often?   Steven: Not so often. The last time I went back was Christmas.   Todd: Oh, really! OK. Did you have a good time?   Steven: Yeah, it was very nice. I saw old friends and family and did the usual Christmas things.   Todd: What actually are the usual Christmas things?   Steven: Oh, I guess, uh, a lot of eating and a lot of drinking and a lot of laughing. Just general fun and games I guess.   Todd: How many of your family members still live in this town?   Steven: Well they don"t mum and dad live in the, my brother and sister actually live pretty close to this town, so my family is all in that general area.   Todd: Oh, OK. Great. Thanks a lot Steven.   两个人初次见面的英语对话三   Wang Dong: Good morning. Are you James Taylor?   James Taylor: Yes, and ...   Wang Dong: Welcome to Beijing, President Taylor. I"m Wang Dong, the secretary of the foreign affairs office from China Bright Advertising Company. Please call me Wang.   James Taylor: Oh, nice to meet you, Wang.   Wang Dong: Nice to meet you, too. How was the flight?   James Taylor: It was OK, though I feel a bit tired.   Wang Dong: Would you like me to help you with the luggage?   James Taylor: Oh, thank you.   Wang Dong: Please follow me to the gate. The company car is waiting for you outside.
2023-08-08 10:51:421


  与他人初次见面时,一些简单的打招呼英语口语对话。下面是我给大家整理的初次见面问候对话英语,供大家参阅!   初次见面问候对话英语1   1. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。   二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单,就是一个人先说"Nice to meet you", 另一个人说 "Nice to meet you, too",然后相互握手。但人多的时候, 你不可能一个一个说 "Nice to meet you",这时简单说"Hi" 就可以了,但这么说不适用于比较正式的场合。   2. Give me a hug.给我一个拥抱吧。   如果两个人相识已久,见面再说"Nice to meet you" 反而显得有点见外。这时候通常问候一句 "How are you doing" 或者 "What"s up" 比较好一些。如果两个人还是不错的朋友,就会彼此拥抱一下。当然啦,拥抱之前不一定要说 "Give me a hug",只要看到人家张开双手,你就可以迎上去拥抱啦。   3. Do you want to exchange numbers? 你想不想交换电话呢?   如果是学生的社交场合,要不要名片就不是那么重要了。这时你可以尝试跟对方交换电话号码。你可以说 "Do you want to exchange numbers" 或是直截了当要对方的电话 "Could I have your phone number"。当然,第一次见面就要对方电话感觉好像怪怪的,所以你也可以跟对方要 E-mail address 或是 ICQ number。总之要什么就根据当时的情况和你个人的企图来定了.   初次见面问候对话英语2   A: Hello. My name is Anna.   B: Hi Anna. My name is Tinna.   A: How do you do , Tinna.   B: Are you American?   A: No, I"m Chinese.   B: Nice meeting you, Anna.   A: Nice meeting you, too.   B: Bye, Anna.   A: Bye.   初次见面问候对话英语3   Why,hello,Green!   呃,你好,格林!   How are you,Mr Wang?   你好吗,王先生?   How have you been?   过得如何?   How are you feeling?   你觉得怎么样?   How have you been getting along?   过得怎样?   How are things?   过得如何?   How is everything with you?   过得如何?   How goes the world with you?   近况如何?   How goes it?   近来如何?   Where have you been up to?   近来在忙什么?   Where have you been?   你去哪儿了?   Where have you been keeping yourself?   你去哪儿了?   Haven"t seen you for such a long time.   很长时间没看到你了。   00:35.14]It"s quite a pleasant surprise!   真没想到会见到你!   Fancy meeting you here!   真想不到会在这儿遇见你!   How do you do?   你好。   Good morning,Mr.Black!   早上好,布莱克先生!   Hello,Mr./Mrs./MiBrown!   你好,布朗先生/女士/小姐!   How nice to see you!   很高兴见到你!   I"m glad to know you.   认识你真高兴。   I"m very glad to meet you.   很高兴遇见你。   It"s a pleasure to meet you.   很高兴遇见你。   How very nice to meet you!   见到你真高兴!   I"m glad to have the opportunity to meet you here.   很高兴有这个机会让我在这儿遇见你。   Fine,thanks.   很好,谢谢。   Fine,just fine.   很好,很好。   Really fine.   真的很好。   Great!   好极了!   Fine,and you?   很好,你呢?   Just so-so.   马马虎虎。   Nothing much.   不怎么好。   Bearing up,bearing up.   马马虎虎。   Surviving,thanks.   凑合,谢谢。   Same as ever.   和以前一样。  
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2023-08-08 10:52:001


hello你好; First Meetings初次见面; Please give me convenience in the future请多多关照。 扩展资料   例句:   Novice playing please care, more care.   新手上场请多多关照,多多关照。   I am inexperienced, but also invite more attention.   我初出茅庐,还请多多关照。   I still remember one of the very first meetings we put together.   至今我都还记得我们第一次召开的那场会议。
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初次见面:meet for the first time 初次见面用语:打招呼:1.Nice to meet you! 2.I am so glad to see you! 上面两句都是很高兴见到你的意思
2023-08-08 10:52:451

初次见面时用英语怎么说?A How are you. b Nice to meet you. c What is your name?

2023-08-08 10:52:543

初次与人见面打招呼用英语,应说: 什么呀!

最经常的:nice to meet you. 最实用的:glad to see you. 最正式的:how do you do. 最谄媚的:I"ve heard so much about u. 差不多了就这些能用上的.
2023-08-08 10:53:051


投资管理公司是一种新型的投股控股公司,英文缩写:投资管理公司PIMC。其主旨是为其它公司提供战略策划以及资金引进等一些限制其公司发展的不利因素,从而实现公司的复兴,体现了竞争合作求双赢的合作原则。  资产管理(assetmanagement),通常是指一种“受人之托,代人理财”的信托业务。从这个意义上看,凡是主要从事此类业务的机构或组织都可以称为资产管理公司(assetmanagementcompanies)。  1、从概念上来看,投资管理公司侧重于对外投资业务,资产管理侧重于托管客户资产。  2、投资管理公司和资产管理公司的注册资金要求也不同:  (1)投资管理公司没有资金要求;  (2)资产管理公司注册资金一千万以上。
2023-08-08 10:46:472


I spent most of time at home reading and resting.希望可以帮到你,喜欢请采纳~
2023-08-08 10:46:482


2023-08-08 10:46:481


你可以承受价位高一点的可以选择例如卡地亚(Cardier)、蒂芬妮(Tiffany)、宝嘉丽(Bvlgari)、中等价位的可选择周生生、金至尊、周大福等、低端的可以选择施华洛世奇(Swarovski)、folli folie等。
2023-08-08 10:46:582


82、乐游原 李商隐
2023-08-08 10:46:583


2023-08-08 10:46:593

Sⅰlly me!Thαnks!什么意思?

silly me一般是指自己不当心、心不在焉、没留意造成了一些小小的不便,经受影响的对方提醒后说的自责的话,这个一般程度很小,问题不大。
2023-08-08 10:47:001


以下是 阀门行业中公认的一些知名品牌,它们被广泛认可并享有很高的声誉。虽然排名可能因时间和市场情况而有所变化,但以下品牌通常被认为是阀门行业的顶级品牌之一:水系统阀门和工业阀门以下比较有影响力的一线品牌可以作为参考,但是仅供参考:苏州纽威阀门、上海冠龙阀门、上海奇众阀门、三花、超达、神通、苏阀、南方、江一、尧字。以上厂家只是预估和参考的作用,具体情况可能会因为市场行情的变化、竞争格局大小、产品质量稳定等一系列因素的变化而有所不同或者随时浮动的情况发生。阀门作为工业生产和民用设施中不可或缺的关键装置,其品牌的质量和声誉直接影响着使用者的满意度和信任度。这些品牌在阀门行业中以其创新技术、高品质产品和可靠性而著名。值得注意的是,市场和行业发展变化快速,不同的排名可能会因时间和地区而有所不同。对于最新的排名信息,建议参考行业报告、专业机构或市场调研数据,以获取更详细和准确的信息。
2023-08-08 10:46:465


2023-08-08 10:46:451


2023-08-08 10:46:401


2023-08-08 10:46:381

求索菲娅 .格林 茉莉花(英文版)MP3在那下载?

2023-08-08 10:46:351


2023-08-08 10:46:331


2023-08-08 10:46:322