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2023-08-13 13:22:54

eat a meal


[例句]After the kill the men and old women collect in an open space and eat a meal of whale meat.



用英语是 eat something



repastHaving a DinnerTaking meals
2023-08-08 12:13:362

吃饭 用英语 怎么说???

2023-08-08 12:13:546


你好,外出“go out”,就餐,可分为“早餐/中餐/晚餐”那么“外出就餐”可以写为“go out for breakfast(早餐) /go out for lunch(中餐)/go out for dinner(晚餐)”。
2023-08-08 12:14:121


out for dinner
2023-08-08 12:14:235


all kinds of main meals
2023-08-08 12:14:455


英语之餐厅用语:点餐 点菜就餐的次序:找桌子 看菜单 点菜 就餐 付钱 离开Have you got a table for two, please?请问您有两个人的桌子吗??Have you booked a table?您预定餐桌了吗?Have you made a reservation?您预定了吗?smoking or non-smoking?吸烟区还是非吸烟区?Would you like something to drink?您想喝什么?Would you like to see the menu?您需要看菜单吗?点菜就餐的典型次序是:找一张桌子坐下——看菜单-—点菜——就餐-—付钱-—离开。英语语言的表达基本上也是依照次顺序。“订餐”在英文中有两种说法,即 to book a table 和 make a reservation。在英国以及其它很多国家,餐厅一般划分为吸烟区和非吸烟区。一进餐厅,服务员会主动征询客人的意见,然后引领客人前往所选择的区域就餐。Expression 表达Excuse me, could I see the menu, please?打搅一下,我能看看菜单吗?Are you ready to order?您现在可以点餐吗?first course第一道菜maincourse主菜dessert甜食Could I have the bill, please?请拿账单来,好吗?How would you like to pay?请问您怎样付款?在西餐厅就餐,菜单一般由三类不同的菜别组成。the first course 或者 starters 是指第一道菜,往往是汤、一小碟色拉或其它小吃。第二道菜是主菜,fish and chips 是鱼和炸土豆条,它同“roast beef and york shir pudding——牛肉布丁”、“shepherd spie——牧羊人馅饼”一样,都是典型的英国传统菜肴。最后一道是甜食——或冷或热,但都是甜的。西方饮食习惯是先吃咸的,后吃甜的。西餐菜单名目繁多,有时不易读懂。遇到这种情况,可以请服务员解释一下。Conversation In A Restaurant餐厅里的对话Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant休正在餐厅点餐a few moments later�(过了一会儿)Emma: one sparkling water埃玛:一份带汽的矿泉水。Hugh: Thanks very much休:谢谢!Emma: Are you ready to order?埃玛:您现在可以点菜吗?Hugh: Yeah. I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please?休:是的,可以。请先给我来一份例汤,好吗——今日的例汤是什么?Emma: That"s minestrone, is that all right sir?埃玛:是意大利蔬菜汤,可以吗?Hugh: Yeah, that"s fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please?休:可以。好的…至于主菜,请给我一份鸡肉,好吗?Emma: Chicken.埃玛:…鸡肉…Hugh: And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please休:再来一点蔬菜和煮土豆。Emma: Boiled potatoes, OK?埃玛:…煮土豆。好的。Hugh: Thanks very much.休:谢谢!Emma: OK.埃玛:好的。
2023-08-08 12:15:173

英语作文【就餐i would like】60字

Today I would like to share my diet with you. I like many kinds of food. And my favorite food is beef and fish. I think they are very delicious. So at breakfast I often eat beef noodles. At lunch I have some rice fish and vegetables. when I eat dinner ,I like to eat rice beef and vegetables. After lunch I often eat some fruits. This is my diet. Do you think I am heath? And what"s your diet?Can you tell me.
2023-08-08 12:15:271


  餐厅里有很多道菜,每天点一道不同的话,要几天能吃遍餐厅里所有的菜呢?下面是我给大家整理的餐馆就餐英语对话,供大家参阅!   餐馆就餐英语对话:消费者要如何确保自己的权益呢   客人:   Hey, waiter, come here.   嘿,服务员,过来。   服务员:   What is the matter,sir?   怎么了,先生?   客人:   I have a complaint. Please ask your manager here.   我要投诉,找你们经理来。   服务员:   Sir, is there anything unsatisfying?   先生,有什么地方不满意吗?   客人:   Look at the soup, there is a fly floating over it.   看这汤,上面漂着一只苍蝇。   服务员:   That is impossible, I have checked it carefully.   不可能啊,我仔细检查过了呀。   客人:   Anyway, I want to see your manager.   不管怎样,我要见你们经理。   服务员:   OK, I go to find our manager.   好,我去找经理。   客人:   I need you give me a reasonable explanation.   我需要你们给我个合理的解释。   服务员:   We will, please wait a moment.   会的,请稍等。   餐馆就餐英语对话:用餐前   客人:   No,thanks,I am waiting for a friend.   不,谢谢,我等一个朋友。   服务员:   OK,do you like something to drink?   好的,那您要来点喝的吗?   客人:   A cup of coffee,please.   一杯咖啡,谢谢。   服务员:   No problem. Sir, what kind of coffee would you like?   没问题。先生,请问您喜欢喝哪种咖啡?   客人:   Just the usual, but add plenty of sugar.   一般的就好,但是要加足糖了。   服务员:   We don"t have “the usual” here.   我们这没有“一般的咖啡”。   客人:   I"m not too bothered. What would you recommend?   我并不太介意。你有什么好的提议吗?   服务员:   Espresso, latte, mocha, cappuccino and so on- they are hot today   意大利浓咖啡,拿铁咖啡,摩卡咖啡,卡布奇诺咖啡,等等——现在都非常流行。   客人:   Fine, I"ll take the mocha.   好的,来一杯摩卡咖啡。   餐馆就餐英语对话:预约座位   Frank:   I"d like to make a reservation for tonight.A table for two,please.   我想预定今晚一张两人桌的座位。   Marry:   For what time,sir?   几点的,先生?   Frank:   Around 8∶30.   晚上8:30分左右。   Marry:   May I have your name please,sir?   你能告诉我你的名字吗?   Frank:   Mr.Frank.   弗兰克先生。   Marry:   All right.A table for two for this evening at 8∶30 .   好的。今晚8:30分一张2人桌。   Frank:   Yes.   是的。   餐馆就餐英语对话:点餐   A: What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要来点什么?   B: What have you got this morning? 今天早上你们这儿有什么?   A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything.   水果汁、糕点、各种茶点等等,应有尽有。   B: Iu2019d like to have a glass of tomato juice, please. 请给我来一杯西红柿汁。 A: Any cereal, sir? 要来点谷类食品吗,先生?   B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat. 好的,来一份麦片粥。   A: And eggs? 还要来点鸡蛋什么的吗?   B: Year, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp. 要,再来一份熏猪肉和鸡蛋,我喜欢熏猪肉松脆一点。   A: How do you want your eggs? 您喜欢鸡蛋怎么做?   B: Fried, please. 煎的。   A: Anything more, sir? 还要什么别的东西吗,先生?   B: No, thatu2019s enough. Thank you. 不要了,足够了。谢谢。   餐馆就餐英语对话:等待就座   (A couple waiting to be seated in a crowded restaurant)   (一对夫妇在拥挤的餐厅外等待就座)   A: Do you have a reservation, sir? 请问您订位了吗?先生,太太?   B: No, I am afraid we donu2019t. 没有。   A: Iu2019m sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour. Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available? 很抱歉,餐厅已经满座了。约要等30分钟才会有空桌。你们介意在休息室喝点东西直至有空桌吗?   B: No,thanks. Weu2019ll come back later. May I reserve a table for two? 不用了,谢谢。我们等一会儿再来。请替我们预定一张二人桌,可以吗?   A: Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir? 当然可以。请问先生贵姓? B: Bruce. By the way. Can we have a table by the window?   布鲁斯。顺便,我们可以要一张靠近窗口的桌子吗?   A: Weu2019ll try to arrange it but I canu2019t guarantee, sir.   我们会尽量安排,但不能保证,先生。   B: Thatu2019s fine.我们明白了。   (Half an hour later, the couple comes back.)   半小时后,布鲁斯夫妇回来了。   A: Your table is ready, sir. Please step this way.   你们的桌子已经准备好了,先生,太太。请往这边走。   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。
2023-08-08 12:15:361


I like to eat at a fast food restaurant .I often have meals there .Sometimes I order.  Nowadays,fast-food restaurants have mushroomed everywhere & many people enjoy dining there.Fast-food is rapidly gainng popularity for quite a few reasons.Firstly,there is a variety of food awailable.If you are busy or tired of cooking,you may have food cooked quickly by modern techniques for a change.Secondly,fast-food satisfies people"s needs.It is convenient,nutritious & delicious with a reasonable price everybody can afford.Finally,dining out in the fast-food restaurant,you can save time & a world of trouble,such as shopping,cooking,washing dishes.Consequently,it benefits people a lotFast food has already changed our ways of living.With the rapid development of science & technology,it will give us better service & possibly become indispensable to us.
2023-08-08 12:15:451


在快餐厅里要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶。 I"d like a hamburger and an iced tea. *iced tea因为发音相同,有时也可写成ice tea。我要两个热狗。 May I have two hot dogs, please?May I have two hot dogs, please? (我要两个热狗。)Anything else? (还要别的吗?)Two hot dogs, please. 请加蕃茄酱和芥末。 With ketchup and mustard, please. 在这儿吃还是带走? Will that be for here or to go? *在快餐店服务员一定会问的问题。For here or to go? 您带走吗? Will that be to go?Take-out? 您是在这儿吃吗? Will you be eating here?Will you be eating here? (您是在这儿吃吗?)I"d like it to go, please. (不,带走。) 带走。To go, please. 在这儿吃。 For here, please.●预订餐馆这附近您能推荐家好吃的饭馆吗? Could you recommend a good restaurant near here? *recommend “推荐,建议”。 我想吃意大利菜。 I"d like some Italian food. 您推荐哪家饭馆? Which restaurant do you recommend? 这附近有墨西哥餐馆吗? Is there a Mexican restaurant around here?Is there a Mexican restaurant around here? (这附近有墨西哥餐馆吗?)Yes, there"s one. (是的,有一家。) 最近的墨西哥餐馆在哪儿? Where is the closest Mexican restaurant? 这附近有没有还在营业的饭馆?Are there any restaurants still open near here? 我需要预订吗? Do I need a reservation? 您好,这是公园餐厅。我可以为您服务吗?Hello, this is the Park Restaurant. May I help you? 我想订餐。今天晚上6点,8个人的位子。 I"d like to make a reservation for eight people at six o"clock tonight. *make a reservation “预订”。 我们一共8个人。We are a group of eight. 我想订八个人的餐。 I"d like to reserve a table for eight.I"d like to reserve a table for eight. (我想订餐8个人。)What time, sir? (什么时间的?) 我们能不能要张离乐队近一点儿的桌子? Could we have a table close to the band? *close to... “离……近一些”。 对不起,今天晚上都订满了。I"m sorry. We"re all booked up tonight. *用booked up或booked来表示“订满了”。I"m sorry. We are quite full tonight.I"m sorry, all the tables are booked tonight. 要等多长时间? How long is the wait?How long do we have to wait?Is the wait long? (等得长吗?) 我们可以等。 We can wait. 可以预订几点的? What time can we make a reservation? *make a reservation “预订”。 一直营业到几点? How late are you open? *How late...? 表示“……到几点?”How late are you open? (一直开到几点?)Until eleven. (到11点。)我怎么才能到那儿? How do I get there? 可以用信用卡吗? Do you accept credit cards?Do you take credit cards? 一顿饭多少钱? What is the price of a dinner course? 衣着上有什么规定吗? What is your dress code? *code “规定,规范”。What is your dress code? (服装上有什么规定?)We require a jacket and tie. (要求穿外衣、打领带。) 我必须得穿外衣打领带吗? Should I wear a jacket and tie? *Should... “必须、应该……吗?”。 女性必须穿礼服吗? Should the ladies wear dresses? 请问您几位? How many in your group?We need a large table, please. (我们需要一张大桌子。)How many in your group? (请问您几位?)How many in your party? *这里的party不表示“聚会”,而表示“一行人,一群人”。 2个人。 Two. 对不起,我想取消订餐。I"m sorry, but I have to cancel my reservation.●点菜请给我菜单。 Could I have a menu, please?May I see your menu, please?I"d like to see a menu, please. 有日语的菜单吗? Do you have a menu in Japanese?May I see a menu in Japanese?Do you have a Japanese menu? 请给我看一下酒单。 May I see the wine list, please? 你们都有些什么葡萄酒? What kind of wine do you have?What kind of wine do you have available? 点菜吗?/您来点点儿什么?May I take your order?May I take your order? (您来点儿什么?)Well, let"s see... (唔,让我想想……)What would you like?What will you have?Are you ready to order yet? (可以点菜了吗?) 有什么菜可以推荐的吗?What do you recommend?What do you recommend? (有什么菜可以推荐的吗?)The seafood is good here. (我们店的海鲜很可口。)What do you think I should order?What is your suggestion?What do you think is the best?What do you suggest I order? 我想要和那个一样的。Can I have the same as that?Can I have the same as that? (我想要和那个一样的。)Sure, no problem. (好的,没问题。)我要这个和这个。 I"ll take this and this. *可以边指菜单,边轻松地点菜。 您这儿有什么地方风味吗? Do you have any local specialties? *local “这一地区的”,specialty “特色,特产”。 我们可以分别付款吗? Could we have separate checks? *separate “分开的,分别的”。May we have separate checks?Could we pay separately? (我们可以各付各的吗?)We"d like to have separate checks. (我们想分别付款。) 我要一个60美元的晚餐包括酒水。I"d like to have dinner for sixty dollars including drinks. *including...“包含……”。 我要一份牛排。 I"d like a steak.I want a steak. 我要红葡萄酒。I"d like some red wine, please. 要几成熟的? How would you like it?How would you like it done?How would you like your steak cooked?How would you like your steak prepared? 烤熟点。Well-done, please. *rare“三成熟(中嫩的)”,medium “适中的,半成熟”,well-done “烤得熟的,八成熟”。 请做得清淡些。 Can you make it mild? 您用早餐吗? Are you having breakfast?Are you having breakfast? (您用早餐吗?)No, I"ll just have a cup of coffee. (不,我只要一杯咖啡。)来杯咖啡怎么样? Would you like some coffee?Would you like some coffee? (来杯咖啡怎么样?)That would be great. (那太好了。)Would you care for some coffee? *更礼貌的说法。Do you want some coffee?How about some coffee? 套餐里包括咖啡吗? Is coffee included with this meal? 请给我来一杯咖啡。I"d like a cup of coffee, please. *I"d like是I would like的缩写。意思是“我想要……”,它比“I want...”的说法更礼貌。 还要别的吗? Anything else? *在听了对方想要的东西之后,餐厅服务员经常向顾客询问还需要什么。Anything else? (还要别的吗?)No, thank you. That"s all. (不要了,就要这些吧,谢谢。)Will that be all? (就要这些吗?)Anything else you want? (别的还要吗?)Is there anything else (that) you"d like? (还再要点其他的吗?) 够了/就要这些。 That"s all for me.That"s it.That"s all.That would be all. 我没有点这个菜。I didn"t order this.I didn"t order this. (我没有点这个菜。)You didn"t, sir? (您没要吗?)This is not what I ordered. (这和我点的不一样。) 我点的菜还没上。 My order hasn"t come yet. *order 是名词,表示“订的东西”、“订购物品”。饭桌上我有点饿了。I"m kind of hungry.I"m kind of hungry. How about you? (我有点儿饿了,你呢?)Yeah, it"s lunch time. (是的,到了吃午饭的时候了。)I"m getting hungry. (我已经饿了。) 我都快饿死了。 I"m starving. *starve是动词,表示“饿得不得了”。I"m very hungry.I"m extremely hungry.I could eat a horse. *直译是“我能吃下一匹马”。表示饿的程度,“非常地饿”。 我渴了。 I"m thirsty. 闻着真香。It smells good.It smells nice. 我在节食。 I"m on a diet.I"m on a diet. (我在节食呢。)How"s it going so far? (现在感觉怎么样?) 看上去真好吃! This looks great! *看到食物,说“好像很好吃”。This looks good!This looks delicious!My mouth is watering. (我都要流口水了!)This smells great! *用于闻着味道,说“很香”时。 看上去都好吃。 They all look good.They all look so delicious, don"t they?They both look great. *以上两个例句是就3个以上的东西或饭菜所说。这一句只限于说2个东西或饭菜。我可以吃这个吗? Can I eat this?Is this edible? 你不能吃这个。 You can"t eat that.It"s inedible. 这个好吃吗? Is this delicious?Does this taste good? 好吃。 It"s good.How is it? (怎么样?)It"s good. (很好吃。)Good.It"s delicious.Delicious!Yum-yum! *比较随便的说法。Umm! *比较随便的说法。Mmm! *比较随便的说法。Yummy! *女性和孩子们常用。不好吃。It"s not good.It doesn"t taste good. 味道很怪。 This tastes strange.This tastes funny. *funny “怪的,奇妙的”。This tastes weird. *weird “不可思议的,奇怪的”。 我什么都能吃。 I eat anything.I can eat anything. 别吃太多。Don"t overeat.Don"t eat too much.Don"t eat so much. 他真能吃。He"s a big eater. 我什么都不想吃。 I don"t feel like eating anything. *fell like ... ing “产生想要(饮食等)的感觉”。 我是海量。 I drink like a fish. 我酒量小。 I get drunk easily. 我酒量还可以。 I can hold my own. *hold my own表示“一般”、“比赛等中不输”、“不亚于任何人”。I can hold my liquor.I can drink a lot. (我能喝很多酒。)I"m a strong drinker. (我的酒量大。) 吃蛋糕会发胖。Cake is fattening. *fatten 有“使人胖”的意思。 你喝咖啡吗? Would you like some coffee?Would you like some coffee? (你喝咖啡吗?)Not now, thanks. (现在不喝,谢谢。) 请把盐递给我。Please pass me the salt. *pass 在饭桌上“传递,递过来”。Could I have the salt, please?Salt, please? *较随便的说法。Could you hand me the salt, please? 这是大酱汤。It"s called misoshiru.This is misoshiru.This is called misoshiru. 寿司怎么吃呀?How do you eat sushi? 你得蘸酱油。 You dip it in soy sauce. *dip 表示“浸泡或涂抹液体”。Place the sushi in some soy sauce. 你会用筷子吗? Can you use chopsticks? *筷子是chopsticks。 这是什么鱼? What kind of fish is this?What kind of fish is this? (这是什么鱼?)Oh, that"s tuna. (啊,那是金枪鱼。) 真辣! It"s spicy.It"s hot. 真咸。 It"s salty. 真甜。It"s sweet. 真脆。 It"s crispy.真粘。 It"s slimy. 这咖啡不够热。This coffee is not hot enough.This coffee is lukewarm. 面包没烤透。 This bread is soggy. *soggy “面包等没有烤透的”状态。 这土豆片变味了。These potato chips are stale. *stale也可用来表示面包等“不新鲜”、“走味”、“有霉味的”。These potato chips are soft. 这牛奶酸了。 This milk is sour.This milk is sour. (这牛奶酸了。)I"ll buy more today. (今天我再买点吧。) 这咖啡太苦了。 This coffee tastes bitter.This coffee is bitter. 这肉太老。This meat is tough.This meat is tender. (这肉挺嫩。) 味很重。 This has a strong flavor.This has a weak flavor. (味道淡。) 太咸了。 It"s too salty. 太油腻。 It"s too greasy.It"s too oily. 太烫了。 It"s too hot. *语气上是“太烫了”。It"s too cold. (太凉了。) 我的嘴都麻了。 My mouth is burning. *吃了辣椒或芥末等辛辣的东西时。burn除了“燃烧”、“烧焦”以外,还有“嘴和舌头都麻木了”的意思。My mouth is on fire. 你也来点儿吗? Would you like some? *把自己吃的东西向别人推荐时。Would you like some? (你也来点儿吗?)Yes, please. (好吧。)*拒绝时用No, thank you. I"m fine. (不,谢谢,我不要),是比较有礼貌的说法。Do you want some? *比较直接的说法。 我想再要一点葡萄酒。I"d like some more wine. 我的叉子掉了。 I dropped my fork. 再要一杯咖啡。 I"d like another cup of coffee. 真好吃。 That was good. *除了食品、饮料之外,还表示事情顺利。That was delicious. 我吃饱了。 I"m very full.I couldn"t eat another bite. (再也吃不下了。)I"ve had enough. (我已经吃得够多了。)I"m very hungry. (我很饿。) 食物不够了。 There isn"t enough (food).There isn"t enough food. (食物不够了。)I"ll make more. (我再做点儿。) 再喝一杯吗? Would you like another drink?Would you like another drink? (再喝一杯吗?)No, I think I"ve had enough. (不,我喝得够多的了。) 您喝什么样的咖啡? How do you like your coffee? *这样询问是表示“咖啡里要加糖和牛奶吗?”。喝清咖啡时,回答是Black will be fine.只放糖时Just sugar, please.只放牛奶是Just cream, please.How do you like your coffee? (您喝什么样的咖啡?)With cream and sugar, please. (放牛奶和糖的。)How do you want you coffee?●付款请结账。Bill, please.I"d like the check, please. 在哪儿付钱? Where should I pay? 我请客。It"s on me.It"s on me. (我请客。)Oh! How nice! (哦!那太好了,谢谢!)This is my treat.I"ll pay for dinner.I"ll treat you.I"ll pay for drinks. (我付饮料的钱。) 我来付。 I"ll take care of it. 这是什么的钱? What is this for?What is this charge for?What is this amount for? 我觉得这儿算错了。 I"m afraid there is a mistake here. *I"m afraid... “我觉得是不是……”,一般用于不太好的事情。mistake 表示“错误”。 我们各付各的吧。 Let"s go Dutch. *Dutch 表示“荷兰人”,而go Dutch则表示“自己的费用自己付”、“分摊”。Let"s split the bill.Let"s divide the cost. 我们分开付款。We"d like to pay separately.We"d like to pay separately. (我们分开付款。)All right. (明白了。) 不用找钱了。Keep the change. 请开张发票。May I have a receipt, please?Have you got a table for two, please?请问您有两个人的桌子吗?Have you booked a table?您预定餐桌了吗?Have you made a reservation?您预定了吗?smoking or non-smoking?吸烟区还是非吸烟区?Would you like something to drink?您想喝什么?Would you like to see the menu?您需要看菜单吗?
2023-08-08 12:15:561


  英语对话是高中英语教学内容中最容易被学生模仿的教学内容。我整理了关于餐馆就餐英语对话,欢迎阅读!   关于餐馆就餐英语对话一   Linda:Oh, Henry. I haven"t seen you in ages. e in. Let me take your coat. How are you getting along?   Henry:Very well, thank you。   Linda:Please take a seat. Everything will be ready in a minute。   Henry:Can you bring me a glass of orange juice, please? I am quite thirsty。   Linda:Here you are。   at the table   Linda:Here you go. We have your cocktail and there"s salad, fried chicken, French fries and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Eat the chicken while it"s hot. It tastes better。   Henry:Wow! You"re right. Everything is absolutely delicious. Please pass the pepper。   Linda:Here you are. Taste the French fries。   Henry:They"re soft。   Linda:Would you like some more?   Henry:No more. Thank you。   Linda:Here"s to our friendship and health!   Henry:Bottoms up!   关于餐馆就餐英语对话二   服务生: Are you ready to order, sir?   你准备点菜吗.先生?   汤 姆: Yes. I`ll start with an appetizer of oysters. And I`m also going to have the Chef`s Salad.   好的.我先要一道生牡蛎开胃菜.也要一份大厨师特制色拉.   服务生: What kinds of dressing would you like on your salad?   你的色拉要加哪种调味汁?   汤 姆: What kinds do you have?   有哪几种?   服务生: Italian, French, and Blue Cheese.   有义大利汁.法国汁.蓝乳酪汁.   汤 姆: I`ll have Italian.   我要义大利汁.   服务生: And what would you like to have for your main course?   你的主菜要什么?   汤 姆: I think I`ll have the New York steak.   我想来一份纽约牛排吧.   关于餐馆就餐英语对话三   Mr. Lee: I know you"ve had Chinese food before, but I had to look all over town to find an authentic Chinese restaurant. I"m hoping this experience will be new and different for you.   我知道你吃过中国菜,但我还是找遍全城,终于找到这家地道的中国餐馆。我希望这次能给你新的体验。   Miss Lewis: It all looks delicious! I love the way they"ve stacked the dishes in the middle of the table. What"s the dish in the middle making all the noise?   看起来真可口! 我喜欢象这样把菜肴摆在桌子中央。桌子中间发出声响的是道什么菜?   Mr. Lee: That"s called tie ban niu rou. It"s basically strips of beef with onion, but it"s poured onto a heated iron dish, which acts as a grill. That"s why it"s sizzling; it"s literally cooking at the table.   这是铁板牛肉。用洋葱和牛肉片做的,将洋葱和牛肉丝倒在加热的铁盘上,相当于烤炉,所以会发出咝咝声。这实际上是在餐桌上把菜做出来的。   Mr. Jones: So I guess we can be sure it"s hot. What"s this dish here? Looks like a salad or something!   那样可以保证菜是热的。这道菜是什么?看起来像沙拉一类的东西。   Mr. Lee: That"s cold dish. Believe it or not, we call it “Tiger Food.” It"s green pepper, cilantro, and cucumbers. I suppose we could consider that an appetizer.   那是道冷盘。信不信由你,我们把它称作“老虎菜”,由青椒、芫荽叶和黄瓜做的。我们把它当作开胃菜。   Miss Lewis: Is it hot?   它是热的吗?   Mr. Lee: Hot? It"s cold.   热?它是凉的。   Miss Lewis: I meant spicy-hot.   我是说辣。   Mr. Lee: It"s a little hot, but not too bad. For really hot, you should try the noodle dish in front of you. It"s called “Ants Climbing a Tree.”   有点辣,但不是很辣。说到辣,你应该尝尝你跟前的粉丝,这道菜叫“蚂蚁上树”。   Mr. Jones: What a funny name! I guess those little bits of pork are the ants. So what do Chinese people eat for dessert?   名字真有趣! 我猜这些小肉丁就是蚂蚁。那么中国人的甜点是什么呢?   Mr. Lee: We don"t have dessert. We end our meal with some sort of staple food like rice or noodles. But I think if you are hungry for something sweet at the end of the meal, you can try some of these steamed buns. They"ve been fried just enough to be crispy and golden. You dip them into this sweetened condensed milk.   我们没有甜点。我们在最后吃些主食,如米饭或面条。但如果你最后想吃些甜的食品,你可以尝尝这些馒头。它们被炸得酥脆焦黄。你可以蘸上些炼乳。   Miss Lewis: This food is just great! I don"t know how you manage to maintain a healthy weight with all this good food!   这些菜真不错! 真想象不出有这么好的食物,你们是怎么控制体重的!   
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“餐厅”的英语单词读作“canteen”,详细的单词解析如下。读音:"餐厅"的英式读音为 [u02c8ru025bstu0259ru0252nt],美式读音为 [u02c8ru025bstu0259rɑnt]。释义:名词。指供应正餐的商业场所,通常提供各种菜肴供客人选择,并提供用餐服务。用法:作为名词时,表示一种供应正餐的商业场所,通常提供各种菜肴供客人选择,并提供用餐服务。词形变化:复数:restaurants词语搭配:1. go to a restaurant:去餐厅2. have a meal at a restaurant:在餐厅用餐3. book/reserve a table at a restaurant:预订餐厅的桌子4. dine in a restaurant:在餐厅就餐5. restaurant menu:餐厅菜单词义解析:"restaurant"是一个名词,指的是供应正餐的商业场所,通常提供各种菜肴供客人选择,并提供用餐服务。餐厅通常有专业厨师负责烹饪食物,并提供顾客用餐的环境和设施。双语例句:1. Let"s go to a restaurant for dinner tonight.(咱们今晚去餐厅吃晚饭吧。)2. The restaurant was packed with customers.(餐厅里挤满了顾客。)3. We had a delicious meal at that new French restaurant.(我们在那家新的法国餐厅吃了一顿美味的饭菜。)4. The restaurant offers a variety of vegetarian dishes.(这家餐厅提供多种素食菜肴。)5. They celebrated their anniversary at a fancy restaurant.(他们在一家高档餐厅庆祝了他们的纪念日。)
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基本句型: Have you got a table for two, please? 请问您有两个人的桌子吗? Have you booked a table? 您预定餐桌了吗? Have you made a reservation? 您预定了吗? smoking or non-smoking? 吸烟区还是非吸烟区? Would you like something to drink? 您想喝什么? Would you like to see the menu? 您需要看菜单吗?
2023-08-08 12:17:072


  点餐的时候,你是否在犹豫?是不是在想怎么用英语表达出自己想要吃的东西?下面就由我为大家带来几则点餐英语对话,希望大家能有所收获。   第一则在肯德基点餐   休闲对话:哈!在肯德基用英语点餐   Salesgirl: Welcome to KFC! What can I do for you?   欢迎光临肯德基,有什么我能效劳的?   Ann: Yes, I"ll have a medium coke.   我要一个中杯可乐。   Salesgirl: Anything else?   还要其他的吗?   Ann: Let me see.Oh,yes.Iu2019ll have a hamburger,a medium chips.   我想想。噢,对了我还要一个汉堡和一个中薯条。   Salesgirl: OK.Wait a minute...Here you are.   请稍等u2026u2026给你。   Ann: How much?   多少钱?   Salesgirl: 20 yuan.Do you have a VIP card?   20元。你有贵宾卡吗?   Ann: Yes.Here it is.   有,给你。   Salesgirl: OK.17 yuan after discount.   好的。打折后17元。   Ann: Thank you.Hereu2019s the money.   谢谢,给你钱。   第二则就餐口语   1、Iu2019d like a table for two, please.   我想要一张两人座的桌子。   一进门先要找到有利地形才是享受美食的第一步。   2、I donu2019t know much about sth. What do you recommend?   我对u2026不是很了解。你有什么推荐的么?   要想尝到当地美食,还是问问别人有什么推荐是最保险的,毕竟别人都吃的,味道不会太怪。   3、May I see a menu?   我能看下菜单么?   我的菜我做主,对于有主见的同学来说,只有我自己才知道我自己要吃啥。
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  英语是世界上普遍使用的语言,许多国家都在强化和改革基础教育阶段的英语教学,英语教学得到了极大的重视,尤其是初中英语口语教学也越来越受到关注。我整理了关于餐厅吃饭的英语对话,欢迎阅读!   关于餐厅吃饭的英语对话一   Waiter: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?   晚上好。您约定座位了吗?   Tom: No, Idon""t.   没有   Waiter: How many people are you together?   你们一共多少人?   Tom: Me on my own   就我一个人。   Waiter: Please follow me.This is menu   请跟我来,这是菜单。   Tom: Well, I think I would like to have a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first   我想先点一个虾仁杯和一个番茄红肠汤。   Waiter: Yes, sir. What main dish would you like,sir?   好的,先生。你喜欢什么主菜?   Tom: I""ll have the sirloin steak.What special kind of desserts do you have?   请给我一客牛腰肉排。你们有什么特色甜品?   Waiter: Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding   柠檬派,糖油煎饼,巧克力圣代和奶油布丁。   Tom: Well, I think I""ll order after I finish the main course.   等我吃过主菜再点吧。   Waiter: All right, I""ll bring the soup right away.   好的,汤马上就会上来。   关于餐厅吃饭的英语对话二   AHello sir, welcome to Pistolera restaurant. May I take your order?   先生您好,欢迎来到Pistolera餐厅就餐,能告诉我需要点哪些食物吗?   BYes, I would like the chicken cheese enchiladas with a side of guacamole.   好的。我想要一份有奶酪微辣的墨西哥鸡肉蔬菜卷,并且一边有鳄梨味的色拉酱。   AI" m sorry sir, but we ran out of chicken. May I suggest our delicious beef burritos or cheese quesadillas? Both include a side of guacamole and jalapenos.   先生,真抱歉,鸡肉已经买完了。我能给您推荐其他美味吗,比如牛肉玉米煎饼或者有奶酪的油炸玉米煎饼。它们都有鳄梨泥和辣酱。   BSure I" ll have the burrito. Do you have nachos?   好吧,来一份玉米煎饼。你们有烤干酪辣味玉米片吗?   AOf course sir. Our nachos come with melted cheese and chili.   当然有,先生。我们的玉米片是融合了奶酪和辣椒。   BSounds good.   听起来不错。   AWould you like anything to drink?   您需要些喝的吗?   BSure, I" ll have a Corona.   嗯,就来杯淡啤酒吧。   关于餐厅吃饭的英语对话三   A: What can I do for you, sir?   先生,您要来点什么?   B: What have you got this morning?   今天早上你们这儿有什么?   A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything.   水果汁、糕点、各种茶点等等,应有尽有。   B: Iu2019d like to have a glass of tomato juice, please.   请给我来一杯西红柿汁。   A: Any cereal, sir?   要来点谷类食品吗,先生?   B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat.   好的,来一份麦片粥。   A: And eggs?   还要来点鸡蛋什么的吗?   B: Year, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp.   要,再来一份熏猪肉和鸡蛋,我喜欢熏猪肉松脆一点。   A: How do you want your eggs?   您喜欢鸡蛋怎么做?   B: Fried, please.   煎的。   A: Anything more, sir?   还要什么别的东西吗,先生?   B: No, thatu2019s enough. Thank you.   不要了,足够了。谢谢。   关于餐厅吃饭的英语对话四   (A couple waiting to be seated in a crowded restaurant)   (一对夫妇在拥挤的餐厅外等待就座)   A: Do you have a reservation, sir?   请问您订位了吗?先生,太太?   B: No, I am afraid we donu2019t.   没有。   A: Iu2019m sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour. Would you care to have a drink at the lounge until a table is available?   很抱歉,餐厅已经满座了。约要等30分钟才会有空桌。你们介意在休息室喝点东西直至有空桌吗?   B: No,thanks. Weu2019ll come back later. May I reserve a table for two?   不用了,谢谢。我们等一会儿再来。请替我们预定一张二人桌,可以吗?   A: Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir?   当然可以。请问先生贵姓?   B: Bruce. By the way. Can we have a table by the window?   布鲁斯。顺便,我们可以要一张靠近窗口的桌子吗?   A: Weu2019ll try to arrange it but I canu2019t guarantee, sir.   我们会尽量安排,但不能保证,先生。   B: Thatu2019s fine.   我们明白了。   (Half an hour later, the couple comes back.)   半小时后,布鲁斯夫妇回来了。   A: Your table is ready, sir. Please step this way.   你们的桌子已经准备好了,先生,太太。请往这边走。
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【 #英语口语# 导语】我们常说吃、住、游、购、娱,出门在外,第一要保证的就是吃和住,若果出国没有足够的词汇量,就连一些基本的吃住都比较麻烦。以下是 整理的住酒店的常用英语口语,欢迎阅读! 1.住酒店的常用英语口语   1.Do I need to pay a deposit.我需要付押金吗?   2.I"d like to book a suite.我想要预定一个套间。   3.I"d prefer a quiet room.我想要一个安静点的房间。   4.I"d like a room with a view.我想要一个风景较好的房间。   5.I"d like to book a single room.我想要预定一个单人间。   6.I"d like to book a double room.我想要预定一个双人间。   7.I"d like to book a deluxe suite.我想要预定一个豪华套间。   8.What kind of room would you like?您需要什么样的房间?   9.When will you stay in our hotel?您什么时候过来我们酒店?   10.How long will you stay in our hotel?你要在我们酒店待多久? 2.就餐常用英语口语   1. Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅?   2. I want a restaurant with reasonable prices. 我想去一家价位合理的餐厅。   3. Where is the main area for restaurants? 此地餐厅多集中在那一区?   4. Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这附近是否有中国餐厅?   5. Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 这附近是否有价位不贵的餐厅?   6. Do you know of any restaurants open now? 你知道现在那里还有餐厅是营业的吗?   7. I"d like to have some local food. 我想尝试一下当地食物。   8. Do I need a reservation? 我需要预约位子吗?   9. I"d like to reserve a table for three. 我想要预约3个人的位子。   10. We are a group of six. 我们共有6个人。   11. How long is the wait? 我们大概需要等多久?    3.如何提高英语口语   首先必须确定你自己的英语书写水平。每个人的情况不一样,有些人是阅读比较厉害,作文不行。有些人是阅读专业书一目十行,但是读个英文报都觉得费力,所以你首先得了解你自己的水平,知道自己哪方面薄弱,好对症下药。这种评估能找到一个英语水平比你高的人来帮忙,如果找不到,自己评估自己也必须得客观,公正。   如何提高英语口语水平的第二要点,就是要确定自己的发音水平。学习口语就是要说,如果刚开始不把发音带到正确的道路上,那么就只会越走越远。学习英语口语不管是学习美音还是英音都无所谓,千万不要学成中国音就好。这个如果有外国人来帮你进行测试,如果没有就对照录音,尽量掌握自己的发音弱点。   根据以上两点之后,就知道如何提高英语口语,大概确定自己的水平,就可以进行选择性的提高了。根据不同的情况,可以大致分为七个阶段。   自我学习法:因为害怕自己水平太低,不敢开口。这时找一个没人的地方,假设一个场景,一人分饰两角,把平时学到的都用上,出声是必须的,越大越好,同时锻炼我们说话时的胆量,以便日后敢和他人交流。   他人辅助法:这是我最提倡的办法,找自己的朋友进行对话,锻炼口语的同时也可以锻炼胆量,为以后和其他人做口语交流做准备。   听读齐上法:听录音,听阅读,听美国慢速VOA等等。将听到的内容重复朗读,直到熟练为止。   说写并上法:说跟写结合起来,也是很好的学习办法。可以说一句写一句,也可以写一句说一句,这样不但加深记忆,同时也会提高你的口语水平。   音影结合法:听英文歌曲,看欧美电影,这是很多人都会做的事情。但你要提高自己的口语就不能只是单纯的听跟看,还要说出口。不过看电影开始看有中英文字幕的电影,边看边说,更能加深我们的理解和记忆。听歌曲就建议听慢歌,便于学习。   每个人的情况不同,可以选择最适合自己的学习方法,才能决定如何提供英语口语。当然如果是有硬性需求的,也可以选择培训班进行学习,包括实体培训班,电话英语培训班等。     4.学习英语口语的误区   第一,过分讲究方法和技巧,而不愿意下真功夫。语言的运用是一种技能,但这种技能不是专靠技巧能够获得的。太讲究方法和技巧会被其占用很多的时间和精力,而对学习的内容本身投入较少的时间和精力,因此反而会影响学习的效果。如有一个参加高等教育自学考试的青年,他订了十多种讲自学和考试的刊物,认真学习和研究,讲起方法来一套一套的,可他每次参考的科目却大多考不及格。这是因为他只顾钻研方法和技巧,在学习内容上花的时间和精力太少,而且养成了投机取巧、不肯下功夫的习惯。方法和技巧只能适当利用,并且要从自己的学习实践中摸索出适合自己的方法和技巧才会真正管用。   第二,只学而不“用”,完全是以“学”的态度来学外语。语言的实践性很强,如果只学而不用,就永远也学不好。我们学语言的目的就是为了应用,要学会在用中学习,这样才能提高兴趣,达到好的学习效果。   第三,不重视听力训练。语言是有声的,我们对语言的感受首先是语言的声音作用于我们的大脑,如果不练习听力,只是默默地阅读和背单词,其结果不仅听不懂别人讲外语,而且阅读水平也难以提高。   第四,三天打鱼两天晒网,没有恒心,不能长期坚持学习。技能的熟练要有一个过程,在这个过程中会遇到各种困难,但不能向困难低头,要坚持不懈地反复学习,持之以恒。   第五,过分讲究速度和效率,不愿花时间经常重复(复习)已学过的内容,只求懂了则罢。语言的运用既是一种技能,技能则只有靠熟能生巧,要不断的重复才会熟练,只有熟练了才会形成一种应用自如、不假思索的技能。   5.英语口语的注意点   一、保持目光接触   中国考生回答问题时,往往眼睑下垂,这是一种东方人很喜欢的表情,但在欧洲人民和美国人看来,这是失去信心的表示。在雅思口语考试时,请与考官保持目光接触,以便交流,这比较符合西方人的沟通习惯。   二、不要自己说英语很差   有些考生英语并不坏,但是当他开始自我介绍时却这样自谦,我的英文不是很好……提醒你,即使你的英语真的不好,但是也不要自己说出来,更应该表露出足够的自信。   三、仔细听问题,快速反应   许多考生在考试时,因为听觉不灵敏,不能快速反应。建议你找一个朋友,进行雅思口语测试的现场模式,熟悉环境,这可以锻炼听力和反应,而且还培养了现场的眼神交流等细节。   四、不要不懂装懂   有些考生考试时没有听懂问题,但是他不想公开表示自己没有听懂,所以试着猜问题,试着去回答。这样做,存在风险,因为如果问题回答错误,考官会认定你的听力很差。事实上,要求考官重复或确认测试非常正常,所以,遇到这样的情况,你可以大大方方地说对不起,请再说一遍。   五、适当使用停顿技巧   遇到难以马上回答的问题,适当停止非常重要。   六、不要背答案   当考生背书回答问题时,考官很容易就会发现。背书是一种投机,不能真实地反映考生的英语口语,同时也会导致考官的怀疑。所以,要认真练习口语,注意语速不要太快,语调自然起伏,避免单一。
2023-08-08 12:18:001


   英语情景对话 对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。掌握好一些常用的 英语口语 表达,能让你的英语口语交际能力更上一层楼。下面我为大家带来餐厅英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习!    餐厅英语情景对话1:   Brad:Let me take care of the check today。   Lucy:Why? Itu2019s unfair. How about going Dutch?   Brad:You paid last time because I didnu2019t have any money, remember?   Lucy:Oh, come on. I almost forgot. Donu2019t worry about it. I didnu2019t mind picking up the tab last time。   Brad:But you really should let me treat one time. Iu2019d feel like I owe you one if I didnu2019t。   Lucy:OK. But itu2019s only for this time。   Brad:Whatu2019s the damage?   Lucy:Itu2019s 12 dollars and 80 cents altogether. But donu2019t forget the tip. Itu2019s usually 15%。   Brad:(to the waiter) Check, please.    餐厅英语情景对话2:   Brad:Are you satisfied with the dishes?   Jane:Great! The lamb stew tastes incredible!   Brad:I like it too. I like the fish, especially. Itu2019s so fresh and the flavor is kind of light for a freshwater fish。   Jane:Yes. The food here deserves its reputation. Chinese food is one of my favorites。   Brad:If youu2019d like, Iu2019ll take you to a new restaurant next time. I just heard about it from a friend and he was just raving about it. It serves great Sichuan cuisine. Would you like to try that?   Jane:Sure, Iu2019d love to. I heard Sichuan cuisine is very hot. I think Iu2019ll definitely love it。   Brad:Great! I love hot food too。   Jane:Well, letu2019s finish this great dinner first。   Brad:You said it!    餐厅英语情景对话3:   Waiter:Is anything wrong with your food this evening, Miss?   Linda:Sorry to trouble you, but I donu2019t think this fish is fresh. It actually tastes a bit off 。   Waiter:Sorry, Miss. Iu2019ll replace it immediately. Can I get you another drink while you wait?   Linda:No, please donu2019t do that. Iu2019d just like to return it。   Waiter:Iu2019m sorry, Miss, but Iu2019m afraid we canu2019t do that. But you may order something else instead. I would love to suggest the steak. Itu2019s the house specialty and quite tasty。   Linda:OK, then please bring me the steak medium-rare. Thank you。   Waiter:OK, Miss. I hope you enjoy the rest of your dinner.    餐厅英语情景对话4:   Waiter:Would you like to order now, mau2019am?   May:Yes, please. Iu2019d like the steak and mushrooms。   Waiter:How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done?   May:Iu2019d like it well-done, please。   Waiter:What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that? Mashed, boiled or baked?   May:I think Iu2019ll have baked potatoes. And Iu2019ll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。   Waiter:Good. And would you care for soup or salad to start with?   May:Iu2019d like a cream and onion soup, please。   Waiter:Will you be having dessert today, mau2019am?   May:I want to skip dessert. Thatu2019s all. Thank you。   Waiter:OK. Iu2019ll be with you in a moment。   以上就是我为大家带来的餐厅英语情景对话,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 餐厅英语情景对话相关 文章 : 1. 英语情景对话大全 2. 英语餐厅情景对话三则 3. 在快餐厅里就餐的英语情景对话 4. 英语情景会话 餐厅英语对话 5. 英语餐厅对话
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问题一:用餐用英语怎么说? 你好。 英语是:Dining. 希望对你有帮助。 追问: 短语 回答: Having Meals. 追问: 短语不是单词 回答: 短语:Having Meals. 问题二:用英语怎么说:欢迎来到餐厅就餐 Wele to our restraurant. 问题三:在饭店用餐用英语怎么写 have a meal in the restaurant 具体的看你的句子怎么写 问题四:“请随便用餐”用英语怎么说 对应的英语: Help yourself and enjoy the meal. 问题五:用英文怎么说我想在这用餐 i would like to dine here i would like to eat here 问题六:用餐人数和人用餐的数量分别用英语怎么说 用餐人数 Number of meals 人用餐的数量 Number of people dining
2023-08-08 12:18:291


When we have our meal at the restraunt . 就餐jiùcān动词 have a meal 外出就餐eat out 在食堂就餐have one"s meal at the canteen 就餐券meal-ticket 望采纳!谢谢!
2023-08-08 12:19:071


2023-08-08 12:19:322


W:Sir,what can I do for you?先生,需要我为你效劳吗?C: I"d like to have a table around corner, quiet.我想要一张靠近角落的餐桌,安静点的。W:Ok,please follow me.好的。请跟我来。C:May I have the menu?我可以看看菜单吗?W:Sure,here you are.当然可以,给你。(after a few minutes) 几分钟过后C:I"d like to order a bottle of wine,oh,I nearly forget I"ll drive. Please just a cup of coffee,two piece of cake.我想要一瓶酒。哦,我差点忘了我要开车的。那么就请来一杯咖啡和两块蛋糕吧。W: Is this all?就这么多吗?C:Well,I also want have some pastry. The biscuit on the menu looks very nice and a piece of this one.额。我还要一些油酥糕点。菜单上的烤饼看起来蛮好的,那就也来一块吧。W: Please wait a moment. 请稍等一会儿。
2023-08-08 12:19:441

就餐分餐制 用英语怎么说?

2023-08-08 12:19:522


  I like to eat at a fast food restaurant . I often have meals there .Sometimes I order........  Nowadays, fast-food restaurants have mushroomed everywhere & many people enjoy dining there. Fast-food is rapidly gainng popularity for quite a few reasons. Firstly, there is a variety of food awailable. If you are busy or tired of cooking, you may have food cooked quickly by modern techniques for a change. Secondly, fast-food satisfies people"s needs. It is convenient, nutritious & delicious with a reasonable price everybody can afford. Finally, dining out in the fast-food restaurant, you can save time & a world of trouble, such as shopping, cooking, washing dishes. Consequently, it benefits people a lot Fast food has already changed our ways of living. With the rapid development of science & technology, it will give us better service & possibly become indispensable to us.
2023-08-08 12:20:021


Waiter: Good afternoon, how can I help you today? Customer: I"d like a table for one, please. Waiter: Right this way. Here you are. Customer: Thank you. Can I have a menu? Waiter: Here you are. My name"s John and I"m your waiter today. Would you like to hear today"s specials? Customer: Certainly. Waiter: Well, our today"s starter is chowder soup and today"s main course is salmon and chips.Customer: Salmon and chips? Is the fish fresh? Waiter: Yes it is. It came straight from our own fishing vessels. Customer:Alright, I"d like the Salmon and chips. Waiter: Would you like to have the starter soup?Customer: Actually, I would like to have something else.Waiter: Why don"t you try our salad? Most customers order our fresh green salad. Customer:Okay, I want to have the fresh green salad. Waiter: Very good. Would you like something to drink?Customer: Oh, I"d like a pineapple juice, please. Waiter: OK. So that"s a green salad, Salmon and chips and pineapple juice.Customer:Yes, that"s right. Waiter: Here is your food. Thank you and enjoy your lunch.Customer:Thank you. Waiter: Welcome to Steak and Fish Restaurant. Here are your menus. Today"s special is Roasted Steak. I"ll be back to take your order in a minute. Waiter: Are you ready to order? Customer: I"d like a grilled salmon and a potato salad, please. Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?Customer: Just water, please.Waiter: OK. So that"s one grilled salmon, one potato salad and water, Is that right? Customer: Yes. that"s right Waiter: Okay, I"ll take your menus and Ill be back with your food. Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal. Waiter: How was everything? Customer: Delicious, thanks.Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert?Customer: No, just the bill please.
2023-08-08 12:20:121


Please speak Chinese!
2023-08-08 12:20:232


we should wait in a line for the bus at the bus sation
2023-08-08 12:21:043


Ann:mom,what do we have this dinner? Mom:How about fish,fruit salad,and bread? Dad:I just want to eat out.I don"t think we have enough time ti make dinner. Bob(the brother of Ann):mom,our biology teacher told me fish shouldn"t eat with fruit,that"s harmful to the body.And dad,most of the restaurants put too much oil to the meal in order to make the meals taste delicious,actrually it"s bad for our health. Ann:I agree with Bob,let"s eat salad and bread and some egg,that"s the balenced diet. Mom:Well done,chindren,I think you are great,mom and dad really should learn something new.
2023-08-08 12:21:141


餐厅英语常用口语:1、How are you doing today?您今天还好吗?2、Is this your first time in our restaurant?这是您第一次来我们餐厅吗?3、I"ll be your waitress for the night.今晚由我为您服务。4、How many in your group today?您今天几位(来就餐)?5、Are you ready to order?您准备好点餐了吗?6、Is there anything that you don"t eat?你有什么忌口的?7、Do you want to try our appetizers?您要尝尝我们的开胃小吗?8、How would you like your steak done?您需要怎样的牛排生熟程度?9、Do you want some dessert?需要点甜点吗?
2023-08-08 12:21:251


A:Hello,B!I read an article about western table manners.I found that there are many similarities and differences betwee western table manners and chinese table manners.  B:Yes.For example:When you are bidden to the feast,you are more interested in talking with people around you than having any dish.So when you have your meals,you should try your best to make less sound and action.  A:Yes.But in western countries before hostess pick up her spoon or fork,gests mustn"t taste any dish.The hostess won"t start her meal until all the guests get their dishes.She won"t do it like chinese,want you have first.It means that everyone can have their own meals when the hostess pick up her spoon or fork.  B:And in China,people wear casual clothes when they have meals in the restaurant,even the T-shirt and jeans are available.Only in important banquet do they wear grandly.But it requires people wear formal dress.  A:And the people seat of traditional chinese food is not that exquisite like in western countries.Most of them are seated according to their own willings and without napkin.  B:However,it"s very exquisite in western countries.  A:Yes,we have a lot to learn.  B:Of course您可以改编一下
2023-08-08 12:21:442


餐厅英语常用口语:1、How are you doing today?您今天还好吗?2、Is this your first time in our restaurant?这是您第一次来我们餐厅吗?3、I"ll be your waitress for the night.今晚由我为您服务。4、How many in your group today?您今天几位(来就餐)?5、Are you ready to order?您准备好点餐了吗?6、Is there anything that you don"t eat?你有什么忌口的?7、Do you want to try our appetizers?您要尝尝我们的开胃小吗?8、How would you like your steak done?您需要怎样的牛排生熟程度?9、Do you want some dessert?需要点甜点吗?
2023-08-08 12:22:231


Welcome How many? How may I help you today? Can I take your order? Here"s the menu. Anything else? Thank you for coming.
2023-08-08 12:22:546


Kate:Hey,this sounds good-snails with garlic! Have you ever eaten snails? Jhon:No,I haven"t. Kate:Oh,they"re delicious!I have them last time. Like to try some? John:No,thanks.They sound strange. Waitress:Have you decided on an appetizer yet? Kate:Yes,I"ll have the snails,please. Waitress:And you,sir? Jhon:I thinkI"ll have the fried brains. Kathy:Fried brains?Now that really sound strange!
2023-08-08 12:23:132


I like to eat at a fast food restaurant .I often have meals there .Sometimes I order.  Nowadays,fast-food restaurants have mushroomed everywhere & many people enjoy dining there.Fast-food is rapidly gainng popularity for quite a few reasons.Firstly,there is a variety of food awailable.If you are busy or tired of cooking,you may have food cooked quickly by modern techniques for a change.Secondly,fast-food satisfies people"s needs.It is convenient,nutritious & delicious with a reasonable price everybody can afford.Finally,dining out in the fast-food restaurant,you can save time & a world of trouble,such as shopping,cooking,washing dishes.Consequently,it benefits people a lotFast food has already changed our ways of living.With the rapid development of science & technology,it will give us better service & possibly become indispensable to us.
2023-08-08 12:23:521


点菜就餐的次序:找桌子 看菜单 点菜 付钱 离开 Have you got a table for two, please?请问您有两个人的桌子吗? Have you booked a table? 您预定餐桌了吗? Have you made a reservation? 您预定了吗? smoking or non-smoking? 吸烟区还是非吸烟区? Would you like something to drink? 您想喝什么? Would you like to see the menu? 您需要看菜单吗? Language Notes 三言两语 点菜就餐的典型次序是:找一张桌子坐下-看菜单-点菜-付钱-离开。英语语言的表达基本上也是依照次顺序。“订餐”在英文中有两种说法,即to book a table 和make a reservation.在英国以及在其它很多国家,餐厅一般划分为吸烟区和非吸烟区。一进餐厅,服务员会主动征询客人的意见,然后引领客人前往所选择的区域就餐。打搅一下,我能看看菜单吗?expression表达 Excuse me, could I see the menu, please?打搅一下,我能看看菜单吗? Are you ready to order?您现在可以点餐吗? Could I have the bill, please?请拿账单来,好吗? How would you like to pay?请问您怎样付款?
2023-08-08 12:24:001

英语作文:eating safely 要求:1在哪里就餐2如何烹饪食物3购买怎样的食品。80词左右

Everyone has his ideals. A businessman wishes to make greater profit; a farmer expects bumper harvests; a student tries to learn more and better. And everyone strives, with more or less effort, to realize his ideal.   One should be sensible about whether his ideal is well founded or not. If it is, one has to plan and work hard for its realization. Effort, skill and persistence are all necessary. And very often, one has to get help from others, including advice and support in one form or another.   is to become a doctor, It is said that the field of medicine is a well-paid profession, but I take it as a lofty profession entrusted with saving people"s lives. To realize my ideal I have concentrated on laboratory work to develop the analytical skills necessary to become a qualified doctor. I am sure I will realize my ideal if I persevere in this pursuit
2023-08-08 12:24:093


I have not see you for a long time.please let me tell you a,we visted a farm.early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together.the farm workers gave us a warm welecome.then the head of the farm showed us glad we were to see the cross and vegetables growing well!at noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine.after a short rest,we had great fun singing and dancing.but,the time passed quickly.before we knew it,we had to say goodbye to the workers.
2023-08-08 12:24:211


用英语是the dinner card of canteencanteen的意思是餐厅card意思是卡片
2023-08-08 12:24:331


基本句式 BASIC SENTENCES找位子A:I had a reservation. 我预订了座位。B: May I have your name? 请问您的姓名?A:When will a table be available? 什么时候会有空位?B: The tables will be available at 9. 九点钟的时候会有空位。重点词汇(A) have在第一组句子里面,注意have的翻译。千万不要字面翻译:“我有一个预订”及“我可以有你的名字吗?”。这里有强调一下,"May I have your name" = "What"s your name?" 但语境不同,May是很礼貌的用法。(B) availableavailable一般可译为可用的,可利用的,有空的,可联系的等。它的反义词是unavailable。比较常用的句子有"Are you available now?" 一般你想问别人此时有没有时间,就可以这么说。这个词语在日常生活中用的比较普遍,需要掌握。
2023-08-08 12:24:451


  在外国餐厅就餐时,很多人都不知道怎么用英语表达,下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家学习!   一   Could you remend something to drink?   能给我们推荐些喝的东西吗?   Well,since you have order the roast chicken, I suggest you to order the red wine to go with themain course. It can help you digest the food.   既然你们点了烧鸡,我推荐你们喝红酒。红酒能促进对食物的消化。   We would also like some alcohol before the main dish.   我们也想要些餐前酒。   I think whiskey will be a good choice.   我觉得威士忌不错。   二   Would you like something to drink?   想喝点什么吗?   Yes. Do you have a wine list?   是的,你们有酒单吗?   Here you are.   给您。   Bring us a bottle of Remy Martini and red wine.   给我们一瓶人头马和红酒。   Wait a moment.   稍等。   三   Would you like to order now?   现在要点菜吗?   Yes,can you remend some steak?   是的,能推荐些牛排吗?   Sure. I think pepper steak is quite good. Many guests like it very much.   好的,我觉得黑椒牛排很好吃,许多顾客都非常喜欢。   OK I will try it. Do you have a *** all portion? I am afraid I can"t finish the large one.   好的,我想尝尝。你们有小份量的吗?恐怕我吃不了一大份。   Yes madam. I will give you the *** all one.   有的,夫人。我会给您小份量的。   四   Are you ready to order sir?   准备好点菜了吗,先生?   Yes. I would like a roast duck and my friend wants steaks.   是的,我想要只烤鸭,我朋友要份牛排。   How do you like your steaks?   您希望牛排怎么做?   I"d like it medium-well.   七分熟。   OK sir, wait a minute.   好的,稍等片刻。
2023-08-08 12:25:121


from the place of work or school to home. The Britsh people tend to have a big breakfast before they go to work and the meal at mid-day is not spent with the members of the family but with workmates or schoolmates. Lunch is normally eaten between 12.30 pm and 1.30pm. Most people finish work at five thirty. It often takes at least an hour to get home from the school or workplace so people tend to eat their evening meal between 6.30pm and 8pm. On Sundays people don"t have to work so they take the opportunity to eat together with their family. Sunday lunch is usually the best meal of the week and many of the meals which are considered typically British are eaten for Sunday lunch. For example roast beef and 中文:在英国从工作的地方或学校到家的距离比较远.人们在上班之前早餐会多吃一点.午餐会和同事或同学一起吃而不是家人.午饭时间通常是在12.30到1.30之间.大多数人在5点半结束一天的工作.花一个小时到家.所以一般是在6.30到8.00之间吃晚饭周末人们不用去工作,所以会和家人一起吃饭.周末聚餐通常是最丰盛的,也被认为是最典型的英国饭,包括牛肉和补丁 pudding(
2023-08-08 12:25:231


eat out
2023-08-08 12:25:438

餐厅怎么读英语 如何用英语表达餐厅

1、餐厅的英文:restaurant,发音:英[u02c8restru0252nt]美[u02c8restrɑu02d0nt]。 2、释义:n.饭店; 餐馆; 饭馆; 菜馆,复数: restaurants。 3、例句,You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like. 只要喜欢,你什么时候都可以在我的餐馆免费就餐。
2023-08-08 12:26:111


至于你要什么菜什么牛排几成熟之类你自己去找你喜欢的加进句子中了。-Good evening, Here are the menus. Would you like to order an aperitif?-I"ll have a Campari and soda. What about you?-A medium dry sherry, please.-Thank you. Here we are. One medium dry sherry and a Campari and soda. Are you ready to order now, gentlemen?-No, we are still looking at the menu. Maybe you should recommend something for the main course?-Certainly. The T-bone steak is very good. I would suggest that you try this.-That"s a good idea. I love beef steak, I"ll have the T-bone steak.-How would you like it cooked?-Medium well-And what will your vegetables be?-Mushrooms and Carrots-And what would you like for your appetizer?-I"ll have hors d"oeuvres and the baked salmon.-Thank you, sir. What about you, sir?-I"ll start with the hors d"oeuvres followed by sole.-What would you like to follow?-What is this Noisettes Milanese exactly?-It"s lamb cooked with herbs and served with spaghetti.-That sounds very interesting, I"ll try that.-Mashed, boiled or baked potato?-Mashed.-And what will your vegetable be?-Some spinach, please.-Thank you. Pls wait a moment. The food will be ready soon.
2023-08-08 12:26:212


1. 吃英文怎么写 吃的英文:eat 读音:英 [iu02d0t] 美 [iu02d0t] v. 吃;吃饭;喝 词汇搭配 1、eat an apple 吃苹果 2、eat bread 吃面包 3、eat meat 吃肉 4、eat soup 喝汤 常见句型: 1、If you eat too much chocolate you"ll get fat. 吃巧克力太多会发胖。 2、The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 中国人用筷子吃饭。 3、They usually eat out on Sundays. 星期天他们通常上馆子吃饭。 扩展资料: 1、词源解说 直接源自古英语的etan,意为吃。 2、词语用法 eat可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时跟名词或代词作宾语。作“吃”解时其宾语可以为食物,也可为a meal, one"s breakfast等词。 eat有时可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,这时该形容词常表示eat的结果,或者是when引起的从句的紧缩形式,可用于被动结构。 eat可用于现在完成时,也可用于现在完成进行时,用于现在完成时必须带宾语,而用于现在完成进行时可不带宾语。 3、词义辨析 eat, feed这两个动词都有“进食”的意思。 用作及物动词时, eat的主语多为人,偶尔可为动物(拟人化),宾语为食物; feed的主语一定为人,宾语为动物或者是老弱病残者。 2. 用英文作文关于写你最喜欢吃什么,味道怎么样 Everyone has his favourite food. In China, some people from Sichuan like to eat hoe food, and some from Shanghai like to eat hot food. I think Chinese food is quite popular in the world because it has different tastes and it usually very delicious. My favourite food is Japanese Sushi. Why? Because it has many tastes and quite delicious! There are many Japanese restaurants in Shunde. My brother often takes me there to eat Sushi. Oh, yummy yummy, I like Sushi. What about you? 3. 关于 你想吃什么 I like eat delicious food .I usually eat a apple after dinner on Monday .On Tuesday,I want to eat fish,On Wednesday I would like to eat beaf.I always want to eat cake on Thursday.On Friday,I feel like some soup .On Saturday and Sunday ,I often eat some Vegetables . 上文汉语翻译:我喜欢吃美味的食物,我通常在星期一的晚饭后吃一个苹果,在星期而,我想吃鱼.星期三,我想吃牛肉.我总是喜欢在星期四吃一些蛋糕,星期五,我会想喝点汤.周末,我经常会吃些蔬菜.. 因为受 50个单词的字数限制,所以只能写这么简单了.. 4. 英语作文带翻译 how to keep Healthy ?Firstly,you should do exercise at least three times a week to strengthen your bodies.Secondly,you should eat less meat,but more vegetables and fruits. You shouldn"t eat fried food ,because it"s bad for health. You should never go to bed late.You must be sure that you sleep nine houres a day.It is very important to wash hand before eat food.We should not stay long nailsIf.When you getting ill ,you must go to the keep a good habit, it will make your healthy and help you study better. If you can do these,i believe you can keep healthy.如何保持健康呢?首先,你应锻炼身体,一周至少三次来加强你的身体。其次,你应该少吃点肉,但是更多的蔬菜和水果。你不应该吃油炸食物,因为它有害健康。你应该不要去睡觉晚了。你必须保证一天睡9个小时。我们要饭前洗手。我们不应该留长指甲。当我们有病的时候,我们要去看医生。如果你保持良好的习惯,它将使你的健康和帮助你学习得更好。 如果你能做到这些,我相信你可以保持健康。 5. 我喜欢吃什么 让我来告诉你吧 用英文写一篇作文 I like to eat apples I like to eat apples, because the apple is rich in nutrition, diet, has adjuvant therapy function. It is the world"s four largest one fruit, I especially like the red apple. Apple dietary fiber content is rich, also contains a lot of pectin, to adjusting intestinal flora has a great help. The apple contains a lot of pectin, a soluble fiber may reduce cholesterol and bad cholesterol level. Apple in addition to raw food, cooking methods are also many, used as a dessert filling, apple pie. My mother often tells me to do apple sweet circle, it is really very good! 望采纳。。。。。 6. 吃饭英文怎么写 吃饭英文是dining。 词汇分析 音标:英 [dau026anu026au014b] 美 ["dau026anu026au014b] 释义: n. 吃饭,进餐 v. 吃饭(dine的现在分词) 短语 dining table 餐桌 dining hall 餐厅,食堂 dining out 外出就餐 fine dining 正式餐厅 拓展资料 1、On the day they visited him, Professor Huggins was dining. 警方拜访哈金斯教授的那天,他正在进餐。 2、Do you avoid going shopping or dining with other people specifically because you hate being in these situations? 你是否会避免和某些人一起买东西或者和这些人一起吃饭,因为你讨厌这种情况? 3、After sleeping in the sledge and dining in the kitchen, to sit in an arm-chair in clean linen, in thinboots, with a chain on one"s waistcoat, is such luxury! 经过在雪撬上睡觉和在厨房吃饭后,穿着干净的亚麻布衣服,细薄的靴子坐在靠背椅里,某人的马甲上还挂着表链,这一切是多么的奢侈了啊! 4、Look for places that are quite busy and more importantly where other people are dining alone. 去找那些特别热闹的地方,更重要的是,去那些有单独食客在进餐的地方。 5、Three-quarters of *** s questioned in an online poll said they would sacrifice holidays, diningout, going to the movies and even shopping sprees but they could not resist buying books. 在一项线上调查中,四分之三的受访成年人说他们可以牺牲度假、出去吃饭、看电影甚至购物,但却无法抵制买书的欲望。 7. 我的饮食习惯 英语作文 My eating habits I have a good eating habits . I eat eggs and bread for breakfast . I drink milk every day.For lunch,I eat vegetables and fruits.I hardly ever eat jund food.I think they are not healthy.I eat soup for dinner,I sometimes eat ice-cream although they are not good.becuse they tastes good.You see,I have a healthy eating habits. 8. 英文作文,写出你一日三餐喜欢吃什么 错误的。 哥来帮你写:Many people in Asia have three meals for one day.But do you know what I have for one day?In the morning,I have o eggs,and one glass of milk.And I have rice,bread,meat and vegetables at noon.In the evening,I have chicken,tomatoes and hamburges.So how about yours? Joe 满意速速采纳,谢谢合作。
2023-08-08 12:26:391


at table
2023-08-08 12:26:537


学生表现一般的评语 学生表现一般的评语,班主任对学生的评语就好像一面镜子,可以能帮助学生正确认识自己,明确今后努力的方向;对于不同的同学评语是不同的,下面是学生表现一般的评语。 学生表现一般的评语1 一、表现一般 成绩较好 1、头脑灵活,思维敏捷是你的优点;学习积极也是你的优点……但是你也有没有做好的地方,那就是在平时表现上过于“安静”,对班级和各项活动不能做到积极参与,有时还抱着无所谓的态度。要知道我们学习是要做到德、智、体全面的发展,光学习好可不是真正的好。希望以后能积极参加各种有益的文体活动! 2、你的成绩很好,这是大家公认的。老师知道这和你的努力是分不开的。不过在其他方面你做的还不够,如参加集体活动的热情,参加劳动的积极性,帮助同学方面。我们在学校学习,班里学习,学校班级就成为一个大集体,我们不但要个人努力,也要为集努力,大家好才是真得好! 3、xx同学基本上能遵守学校的各种规章制度,上课较为认真,学习上有进步的潜力。为人乐观但对集体不够关心,有时我行我素,不敢发挥自己的特长,望今后能在这方面有所改变。 4、xx:你的英语成绩一直很稳定,我很高兴,希望今后再接再励,不断努力;你的`数学成绩就不是很好,甚至很差!要知道偏科以后会给你带来很多的麻烦;你热爱集体,团结同学,若能多参加班级各项活动,定能锻炼自身的能力,你何乐为何不为呢? 5、xx同学在校表现尚可,基本上能遵守各项规章制度。在学习方面抓得较紧,能以积极的态度来学习是件好事。但你不应该止步不前,要知道学习就要不断进取,争取更好。 二、表现一般 成绩一般 1、不要计较老师总批评你,其实老师是喜欢你的,喜欢你聪明,对老师、同学热情。你的成绩不理想是因为你上课没有用心听讲,如果用心听讲你的成绩会赶上来的,那么老师会更喜欢你。和同学们来个竞赛有勇气吗?有老师帮助你,你进步一这会很快的。 2、该同学在校表现一般。能遵守校规校纪、尊敬师长、团结同学、劳动积极性高。但情绪波动较大,遇到不开心的事情时就会郁郁寡欢,与其他同学隔开距离,这样也影响到学习的成绩。要改变这种局面就必须改变自己的性格,要让自己坚强起来,当然时间较长还要有信心,不过只要你肯去做就一定会成功的。 3、该生学习认真,作业也能及时完成,态度端正,学习成绩较好。不过有个不好的方面就是上课爱讲话,这样不但影响你自己也影响到其他同学。望以后改正,上课时把注意力放到学习上,你就会发现成绩有很大的提高。 4、该生性格活泼开朗好动,积极参加体育。但学习不认真,上思想有进不大集中,偶尔还开玩笑,影响课堂秩序,也影响自己的学业成绩,望能改正缺点争取进步。 5、该生在校表现一般。能遵守纪律,尊敬师长,团结同学,积极参加各项有益的文娱活动。但学习不认真该苦,课堂上思想偶尔开小差,加上原有基础不扎实,故成绩一般,望加倍努力,争取更大的进步。 6、该生在校表现一般。上课有时不专心听课,思想上容易开小差,成绩中等。但能尊重师长,团结同学,望能在以后的学习中专心听讲,争取好成绩。 7、该生学习比较认真,作业能基本按时完成。遵守纪律和学校规章制度。劳动一般,锻炼身体还重视。希望今后再接再励争取更大胜利。 8、该生表现较好,但很容易骄傲,有时上课会与其他同学讲话。学习上头脑较为灵活,思维敏捷,答题速度较快。只是无法专心故成绩起伏很大。望今后要取长补短。保持成绩的稳定。 三、表现一般 成绩较差 1、你的表现不差,你的表现也不很好。说你表现不差是因为你基本上能遵守各项规章制度,作业也能按时完成;说你表现不很好,是因为你不能做到积极主动(在各个方面),学习是要有积极的进取心,做其它的事也一样。老师相信其实你很有本事,只是你没有表现出来,下个学期把它表现出来,好吗?老师在等你,大家都在等你。 2、性格内向不是什么缺点,但过于内向就不好了,一定要改变过来。你要勇于参加各项各项集体活动,在集体活动中和大家融洽相处,不要把自己和大家隔离开了。只要你这样去做老师相信到时你会有很大的变化:和同学关系好了,学习成绩也会好的。 3、xx同学平常表现一般,对学习兴趣不够强,上课不能专心听讲,经常讲话或发呆,导致成绩一直较差。望以后能注意改正不补,加强学习,争取更大进步。 学生表现一般的评语2 1、 虽然这学期你的某些行为受到了老师的批评,但你能正确对待,并且积极改正,这也是难能可贵的,希望你能在学习上多与老师和同学沟通,增强自信心和主动性,尽最大的努力去弥补自己的不足。 2、 性情温和、言语不多的你渴望学习进步,但还缺乏刻苦钻研精神、缺乏正确有效的学习方法,学习成绩还无起色,请你不要灰心,慢慢来,只有不懈的追求、不断努力,让无数次失败奠定成功的基石,你终能得到成功的喜悦! 3、 印象中的你总是休息时间在校园逛来逛去,这学期我们师生同班,也有了更多的了解,其实你也是个开朗懂事,渴望上进、尊师爱友、富有集体热情的男生,老师稍教导指正,你也愿意改变自己的一些不良习惯,这非常好。基本上能做到遵守学校纪律,也积极参加有益活动,学习比较认真,按时完成作业,如果能投入更多的时间和精力,应该会有更大的进步,加油哦! 4、 该生遵纪守法,积极参加社会实践和文体活动,集体观念强,劳动积极肯干。是一位诚实守信,思想上进,尊敬老师,团结同学,热心助人,积极参加班集体活动,有体育特长,学习认真,具有较好综合素质的优秀学生。 5、 你性格文静、待人诚恳肯,乐于助人,平时自觉遵守纪律,对待老师、同学很有礼貌。值日工作认真负责,学校的中心活动你能认真参加且表现的非常不错。学习目的明确,积极进取,课堂上积极思考,作业质量高,成绩优秀。希望你进一步战胜自我,为自己的明天而去拼搏!不负老师和家长的重望。 6、 你开朗活泼,尊师爱友,乐于助人,同学关系相当融洽。有很强的活动能力,集体荣誉感,积极参加各项活动,特别是在艺术节中你的才艺令人称赞,为班级争得了荣誉。学习态度端正,比较勤奋,但有时不够踏实。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。希望能发扬刻苦钻研精神,勤学好问,争取成为全面发展的好学生。 7、 古往今来,大凡出名的人哪一个不是跟“勤”字有关,大科学家爱因斯坦也曾说过:天才出于百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的天赋。你身上最大的缺点你自己一定清楚,它使你迷失了学习的方向。你很聪明,也很有悟性,你一旦认真起来,一定会有出色的表现。树立信心,持有恒心,老师期待着你可喜的进步。 8、 每次班级去搬书都有你的身影,劳动做卫生你也能积极去做。从这些看到你是个动手强,热爱生活的男孩,做为一个学生,来学校是来学习文化知识和提高自身修养,和同学相处要多一份关心和宽容,少一点拌嘴和红脸!我们应共同探讨将来的日子要怎么过?能否在下学期期初交给我一份满意的答卷呢? 9、 老师不相信你是个没有上进心的孩子,你的沉默不代表你没有思想,可是“一分辛劳,一分收获”,没有付出,哪有各方面的进步?我不相信电脑游戏会比与同学们的友好交往、丰富的活动更加吸引人,要知道人是群体性的,是需要交流的,试试看多花点时间在学习上,凭你的聪明,我相信你不比别人差。有什么困难,大家一定会鼎力相助 10、 本学期在各个方面都取得了很大的进步。尊敬师长,团结同学,遵守学校的各项规章制度。积极参加各项活动,集体荣誉感强,卫生委员工作认真负责,深得师生好评。学习认真,有很强的钻研精神,勤学好问,成绩也有明显进步。学习就是这样,肯下苦功夫,就会取得进步。继续进步吧,向成功迈进! 11、 你是个做事小心翼翼,感情细腻丰富的女孩,每次看你认真的样子老师都很感动。你也是幸运的,周边有很多人都在关爱着你,所以,对他们,尤其是父母,记得不要太莽撞,不要太任性,要学着体谅,学着换位思考,学着懂事。另外,今后要多运动、多锻炼,有健康才能成就美好未来! 12、 你严以律己、宽以待人,尊敬师长,团结同学,热爱集体。作为班级和学生会的主要学生干部,你发挥自己较强的管理才能,深得老师和同学的好评。学习勤奋,上课专心听讲,作业认真;善于开动脑筋,勇于探索,富有进取心。希后阶段更加严格要求自己,增强信心,继续努力,成为全面发展的好学生。 13、 你为人友善,与同学友好相处。在老师眼里,你是一个聪明的学生。学习上目的明确,有一定的自觉性和上进心,本学期各方面表现有较大进步,但成绩还有波动。希望今后加强紧迫感,深刻认识学习的重要性,以全新的面貌和高度热情投入学习,不断充实和完善自己,争取在学习上更上一个新台阶。 14、 你是一个积极上进的学生,对待同学总是谦虚友好,对待学习总是毫不怠慢,深得老师同学好评,被评为“最有礼貌的人”。 学习目的明确,进取心强,成绩优良,希望你平衡心态,争取各课平衡发展,做一个全面发展、高素质的海中学子。 15、 该生能很好地履行中学生行为规范,能始终严守班规校纪,积极参加社会实践和文体活动。在学习上肯下功夫,勤学好问,努力钻研,成绩稳定上升。尊敬师长,团结同学,劳动积极。是德、智、体全面发展且综合素质高的好学生。 16、 你性格开朗乐观,待人真诚,对老师彬彬有礼,待人接物得体,能乐意接受老师的建议。关爱班集体,有极强的集体荣誉感和自豪感,能出色地完成工作。学习上好学好问,成绩优良。希望继续努力,充满自信,坚信自己的实力,同时总结方法,相信你一定能取得令人满意的成绩! 17、 喜欢看你的作业,整洁怡人;喜欢看你上课的样子,专注投入。你安静稳重,刻苦塌实,你总在默默地努力,也取得了一定的成绩,尤其是英语进步很明显,而且一直保持着优势;但理科的学习似乎已成了拦路虎,让你产生了畏惧心理。但我要告诉你,唯有树立必胜的信心,加上勤奋的努力和刻苦的思考,才能达到理想的成绩。希望你能为自己树立更高远的目标,以更大的热情投入到新的战斗中去,别忘了有我为你加油呐喊!期盼着你的进步! 18、 你待人诚恳,为人坦率大方,浑身充满热情与朝气。尊敬师长,善解人意,能体谅父母、老师的`良苦用心。组织管理能力强,是名副其实的“十佳学生干部”。学习态度、习惯也有很大改进,成绩优秀。点点滴滴的进步,老师看在眼里,喜在心里。在通往知识的顶峰的路上充满荆棘,望克服困难,勇往直前! 19、 你性格谦和,懂事善良,积极追求进步,尊师爱友,有较强的集体荣誉感。积极参加各项活动,乐于为班级出力,在运动会、科技节中均表现不错。学习认真,作业一丝不苟,但成绩还有较大的上升空间。希望在今后再接再厉,继续树立信心,加强紧迫感。要相信:只要有付出,就会有收获,相信你会成功的。 20、 担任副班长工作的你,认真负责,有较强的组织管理能力,凡事任劳任怨,以身作则,深得同学们好评,是老师的好帮手。学习目的明确,有刻苦钻研之精神,踏踏实实,持之以恒的努力,成绩优秀。你是一个很有潜力和上进心的好学生,相信在你的人生旅途中没有最好,只有更好。 21、 该生遵纪守法,积极参加社会实践和文体活动。集体观念强,劳动积极肯干。学习目的明确,态度认真,肯钻研,勤思考,学风踏实,时间观念强,能认真地按时、按量、保证质量完成各项学习任务,成绩优异。能吃苦,帮助同学,尊敬师长。有理想抱负,各科发展全面,具有较好的综合素质。 22、 你性格谦和,尊敬师长,兴趣广泛,与同学和睦相处。积极参加各项活动,为班级建设出力,在学校组织的各项比赛中多次获奖,特别是在艺术节中表现特出。相信在明年化学竞赛中一定会有不凡的表现。希望拟对自己提出更高的要求,增强学习主动性,多些恒心和耐心,刻苦磨砺自己的意志品质,向着更高的目标迈进! 23、 你乐于助人,关心集体,和同学和睦相处。学习目标明确,上进心强,成绩优良。最难能可贵的是你是称职的课代表,工作认真负责,一丝不苟。希进一步严于律己,静心攻读,力争稳步提高。只要有恒心,有毅力,老师相信你会取得更大的进步的。 24、 勤奋是一把金钥匙,它会帮你打开知识殿堂的大门;勤奋是艘巨舰,它会载你搏击知识海洋的风浪!希望你能牢牢握住这把钥匙,努力学习,不懈追求,希望的大门一定会向你敞开。 25、 你思想纯朴,待人随和、诚恳,能自觉遵守纪律,尤其能遵守宿舍纪律,但你平时工作不够踏实,做事有点马虎,学习上效率不高,进取心不强,与同学不能和睦相处,缺乏为班级争光的热情与能力。老师希望你能锻炼自己的能力,做一个全面发展的好学生! 26、 稳重踏实的你凭借自己的拼搏为自己打造了一片天地,学习成绩保持在班级的上游,遵守纪律,热爱集体,尊敬老师。可有时你似乎还没有尽力而为。须知:知识的高峰在等待着你的攀登,无限的风光在静候你的包览,只有用勤奋作梯,用努力作扶手,你才能一步步走向胜利的巅峰! 27、 你稳重大方,学习刻苦,做事认真,热心帮助他人,深得老师同学喜爱。你思维敏捷聪颖过人,课后认真完成的作业,都在展示你是一个积极向上的好学生。你的努力换来了优异的成绩,但离第一名却还有一步之遥。其实你很有实力的啊!希望你在今后的学习中,成绩上争取超过你的对手。让事实证明:你是最棒的! 28、 如果生命是树,那么,理想是根,勤奋是叶,毅力是干,成功是果,你学习态度好,头脑灵活,为你的成功奠定了基础。你总是默默无语地认真学习,即使遇到了挫折也毫不气馁,沉静之中带着几分倔犟,淳朴之中透着踏实你会成功的,我始终对你充满信心。 29、 自信和执着的女孩,为了心中的梦想,你坚忍不拔,奋力拼搏,从不退缩。哭过,笑过,迷茫过,可你不曾屈服过。你文弱中透露出刚强。在今后的学习中,你还要一如既往地努力,同时还要学习正确的方法,争取能更快更稳地到达目的地!努力吧,付出总会有回报! 30、 你性格内向,不善言辞,在紧张的一学期中,你明显加大了努力的力度,比以前更强投入了,也取得了明显的进步。但目前你的潜力还没充分发挥出来,聪明的你还可以做得更好!吾生也有涯而学无涯。请用你的勤奋和智慧为自己构建知识的大厦,营造更为美好的未来生活! 学生表现一般的评语3 1、正直勇敢,性情刚烈,常常为一些小事和同学争个面红耳赤,但你心胸开阔,又绝不会为一些小事而耿耿与怀。你积极进取,学习刻苦,每周都有自己的目标与计划,因此你的成绩会不断进步。你对事尽责,老师交给你的任务总是那么放心,学期快结束时,你的思想有所松懈,锐气不足,相信一定回引起你的高度重视的。新的学期一定要打造一个全新的自我。 2、该生学习刻苦勤奋,认真学习,学习优等,思想积极上进,团结友爱,能及时完成老师布置的任务,在担任班干部期间,工作认真负责,做好宿舍清洁卫生工作,尊敬老师,遵守各项制度,有较强的动手和应用能力,积极参加各种社会活动和社会实践。 3、思想上要求进步,积极向党组织靠拢,学习勤奋努力、喜欢体育运动、乐于助人、与同学和睦相处、尊敬老师、遵守各项制度、社会实践经验丰富、有较强的动手能力和创新能力。 4、诚实,热情,尊敬师长,关心集体,学习自觉是你最突出的优点。你爱好广泛,知识丰富,好学好问,对班集体工作很关心。但处理同学关系缺乏技巧。老师要提醒你山外有山,人外有人,持之以恒,胆大细心永远是成功的法宝。只有学习上的优异成绩才能最终证明你并非弱者。 5、该生在校期间,认真学习,学完学校规定的全部必修课程和选修课程、成绩优良、热爱祖国、关心集体、政治上要求进步、自觉遵守学校的各项规章制度、学习目的明确肯下工夫。积极参加各项文体活动、较注重自己各方面素质的培养。该生在校期间学习态度端正,成绩优良,有较强的创新思维能力,尊敬师长,热爱集体,为人诚恳,工作踏实认真,能吃苦耐劳,富团队意识及协作精神,是一名全面发展的合格大学生。 6、大家一致夸你头脑机灵,反应敏捷,劳动积极干劲大,上课发言大胆,这些方面的确叫老师高兴。如果你把上课好动的精力用在学习上,能做到与同学和睦相处,那你将会成为人见人爱的人。要是这样,同学们定会为你喝彩,老师也会为你转变感到欣慰,聪明的你定会做到的! 7、该生在校期间学习态度端正,成绩优良,善于创新,严于律己,宽于待人,做事认真谨慎,能吃苦耐劳,团队意识及协作精神较强,是一名综合素质强的合格大学生。 8、如果不相信自己注定平庸,那就用坚强把困难压倒吧,如果不相信自己注定失意,那就用努力证明自己吧!既然天上不会掉馅饼,那么我们就要坦然地正视生活,努力付出才会有回报,把你的智慧尽力发挥出来吧,你会做得更好。 9、诚实、热情,尊敬师长,关心集体,学习自觉是你最突出的优点。从上课时用心听讲的神情,让人感到你的专注、认真。在尊师爱友方面你做得非常出色。能积极参加有益的文化体育活动。可惜的是你有时粗心大意,至使你无法获得你应有的成果,多学习别人的长处,争取更大的进步! 10、你活泼开朗,能言善辩,思维敏捷,聪颖好学,心地善良,热心助人,成绩也较好,但也希望你能明白:做大学问的人,往往是指有毅力的人,勤奋的人,入迷的人,忘我的人,而不仅仅是聪明的人,愿你勤读书,学会清气高雅,勤思索,做到虚怀若谷,更愿你百尺竿头,更进一步。
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需要在装货国提供中商会签发的原产地证书,一正三副. copy指副本. Original就是正本,3 copies of C/O表示3份副本
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