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如有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系 英语怎么写

2023-08-13 16:29:43
TAG: 英语


Please feel free to contact us for any questions,thank you!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


把这些中文翻译成英文,网站上用谢谢:资讯、经理致辞 、精品展示 、联系我们

The informationmanager give a speechthe high-quality goods demonstrated contacts with us
2023-08-08 13:51:033


Should you have any questions, please feel free to let us know.
2023-08-08 13:51:272


用英文发邮件,一般开头是dear+称谓,给一个机构发邮件怎么开头(不知道对方男女) …… 前面就写职务,manager,director都看你,其实sir/madam也是可以的。在英文邮件开头用"Hello" 和 "Hi" 哪个更正式 …… hello意思是你好,hi只是打招呼。比如电话里,我们接到不熟悉人电话,我们不会说hi,那是打招呼,...延伸:英文邮件格式一封电子邮件(E-mail),不管是中文邮件,还是英文邮件,一般都由收件人、主题、正文三大部分组成。收件人和抄送的区别接收人为传递信息或分布任务的对象。除了接收人之外还可以同时抄送给其他人,抄送对象要看邮件重要程度而定。收件人和抄送人都能看到邮件内容,只不过意义不同,收件人,表示你的邮件是发给他的,抄送人,表示你的邮件不是直接发给他的,而只是需要他也看看。邮件主题每一封电子邮件都需要写主题(Subject),就好比每一篇文章都需要些标题一样。主题里的内容是对邮件内容的简要概括,能够让阅读者明白此封邮件是为何而发、发信目的是什么,主题内容切忌含糊不清。在英语邮件中,主题中只要将首字谜和专有名词首字母大写即刻。比如:Invite you to the Christmas party邮件正文邮件正文还细分为称呼、主体文、结尾、署名、日期。“称呼”也称“起首语”,是对收信人的称呼。称呼要在信纸第一行顶格写起,后加“:”,冒号后不再写字。称呼和署名要对应,明确自己和收信人的关系。如果是邮件是写朋友、同事或兄弟姐妹的,可以直呼其名,如Alice,还可以在称呼前适当的加上Dear,如Dear Alice。如果是写给领导或长辈的邮件,最好在称呼中加上姓氏,如Mr.Smith。
2023-08-08 13:51:382


2023-08-08 13:52:011

写一篇英语作文不少于五句话一下,不要对话还要翻译中文(My English teacher)我

2023-08-08 13:52:252


用英文发邮件,一般开头是dear+称谓,给一个机构发邮件怎么开头(不知道对方男女) …… 前面就写职务,manager,director都看你,其实sir/madam也是可以的。在英文邮件开头用"Hello" 和 "Hi" 哪个更正式 …… hello意思是你好,hi只是打招呼。比如电话里,我们接到不熟悉人电话,我们不会说hi,那是打招呼,...延伸:英文邮件格式一封电子邮件(E-mail),不管是中文邮件,还是英文邮件,一般都由收件人、主题、正文三大部分组成。收件人和抄送的区别接收人为传递信息或分布任务的对象。除了接收人之外还可以同时抄送给其他人,抄送对象要看邮件重要程度而定。收件人和抄送人都能看到邮件内容,只不过意义不同,收件人,表示你的邮件是发给他的,抄送人,表示你的邮件不是直接发给他的,而只是需要他也看看。邮件主题每一封电子邮件都需要写主题(Subject),就好比每一篇文章都需要些标题一样。主题里的内容是对邮件内容的简要概括,能够让阅读者明白此封邮件是为何而发、发信目的是什么,主题内容切忌含糊不清。在英语邮件中,主题中只要将首字谜和专有名词首字母大写即刻。比如:Invite you to the Christmas party邮件正文邮件正文还细分为称呼、主体文、结尾、署名、日期。“称呼”也称“起首语”,是对收信人的称呼。称呼要在信纸第一行顶格写起,后加“:”,冒号后不再写字。称呼和署名要对应,明确自己和收信人的关系。如果是邮件是写朋友、同事或兄弟姐妹的,可以直呼其名,如Alice,还可以在称呼前适当的加上Dear,如Dear Alice。如果是写给领导或长辈的邮件,最好在称呼中加上姓氏,如Mr.Smith。
2023-08-08 13:52:424


2023-08-08 13:53:333

"以后如果有什么问题,都可以和我们联系." 英文怎么说?

if you need any help,let me know
2023-08-08 13:53:458


Hey! LOL
2023-08-08 13:54:3912


2023-08-08 13:55:236


商务英语电子邮件范文   商务邮件的使用一直是职场人士的利器,但是使用不当也可能成为你的硬伤。下面是我整理的一些商务英语电子邮件范文,欢迎阅读!   忘开发票道歉英文邮件范文1   Dear Madam,   We have received your letter of April 12, 2011, complaining no invoice attached with the lady shaver you brought from us. We have to admit that it was due to our negligence. We checked our sales record, which is in accordance with the information you provided and made out an invoice for the item.   We apologize sincerely for the trouble we brought to you.   Enclosed please find an invoice.   Yours sincerely,   Li Ming   尊敬的女士:   我们已经收到了您于2011年4月12日关于投诉您从我处购买的女用剃毛刀未开发票的来信。我们不得不承认这是由我们的疏忽所致。我们查对了销售记录,发现与您提供的.信息一致,我们已经为该商品补开了发票。   我们为给您带来的麻烦表示道歉。   随信附上发票一份。   李明   谨上   忘开发票道歉英文邮件范文2   Dear Mr. Li,   I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 22, 2011 and enclosed invoice. Thank you for your prompt attention.   Yours faithfully,   Mary   亲爱的李先生:   您2011年3月22日的来信及所附的发票已经收到。感谢您的及时回复。   玛丽   敬上   忘开发票道歉英文邮件范文3   Dear Mr. Li,   I acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 22, 2011, and I really appreciate your prompt attention to my request.   I am a faithful consumer of your products, and your service has always been satisfying. I promise I will support you in the future.   Yours sincerely,   Mary   亲爱的李先生:   我收到了您2011年3月22日的来信。感谢您对我的要求的及时回复。   我是你们产品的忠实客户,你们的服务一直都让人满意。我保证以后会继续支持你们。   玛丽   谨上   开错发票的道歉英文邮件范文1   Dear Ms. Wang,   Thank you for your mail of March 15, 2011 regarding the wrong amount in the invoice for your order. We were able to track down the error and have corrected the figure accordingly. We are enclosing the amended invoice.   You are a valued customer and we apologize for any inconvenience this mistake may have caused. If we may be of further assistance, please contact us at your convenience.   Yours sincerely,   BBC Company   尊敬的王女士:   感谢你方2011年3月15日有关订单发票金额错误的来信。我方已经查究了错误,并就金额作了相应的更正。随信附上修改过的发票一份。   你们是我们的重要客户,我们为这一错误可能造成的任何不便表示道歉。如果你们需要进一步的协助,请随时联系我们。   BBC公司   敬上   开错发票的道歉英文邮件范文2   Dear Sir or Madam,   We have received your letter of March 20, and the enclosed invoice. Thank you for your prompt attention to our request.   We have been delighted to cooperate with you and hope to establish a longstanding business partnership with you.   Sincerely yours,   Wang Rong   尊敬的先生或女士:   我方已经收到你方3月20日的来信及所附发票。感谢你方迅速关照我方的要求。   我们很高兴与你们合作,并且希望能与你们建立长期的贸易伙伴关系。   王荣   敬上   开错发票的道歉英文邮件范文3   Dear Sir or Madam,   We are writing to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 20 and the enclosed invoice. We appreciate your prompt attention to our request.   We are quite satisfied with your execution of this order, and are planning to place a larger order with you in the near future.   Sincerely yours,   Wang Rong   尊敬的先生或女士:   我方已经收到你方3月20日的来信及所附发票。感谢你方迅速关照我方的要求。   我们对你方此次订单的执行情况感到很满意,我们不久将向你方下一张更大的订单。   王荣   敬上 ;
2023-08-08 13:55:381


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If you need more in the future, please contact us.如果以后你们还需要,请联系我们。
2023-08-08 13:57:201


Should you have interests in us, please don"t hesitate to get in touch with us.
2023-08-08 13:57:301


Should you have interests in us, please don"t hesitate to get in touch with us.
2023-08-08 13:57:371


If you find him, please contact us as soon as possible.
2023-08-08 13:57:452


1、I hope you are well.我希望你一切都好。2、I hope you enjoyed your holiday and are finding it easy to settle back in to work.我希望你已经好好享受假期并且很快重新投入工作。3、Thank you very much for your email. I am glad to hear that you and your family are well.非常谢谢你的邮件,我很高兴听到你和你的家人都很安康。4、Thank you for your prompt reply.感谢您的及时回复。5、I apologize for not replying sooner, but I have been very busy these last few weeks.很抱歉没能及早回信,但是过去几周实在太忙。6、Thank you for getting in touch with us about XXXX. (Less formal, more friendly)非常感谢你关于XXXX联系我们。(不是很正式,更友好)7、Thank you for contacting us regarding XXXX. (More formal)非常感谢您因关于XXXX的事接洽我们(更正式)扩展资料:1、如果你不知道邮件是写给谁的,商务信函可以用下面任意一种方式开头:Dear Sir,/Dear Madam,尊敬的先生,/尊敬的女士2、如果你不知道是写给先生还是女士,可以写:Dear Sir or Madam,尊敬的先生或女士。3、如果知道对方姓名,邮件中写上总是好的。如果这是你第一次写信给某人,可以用下面任意一种方式开头:For men: Dear Mr XXXX,写给男士:尊敬的XXX先生,For women: Dear Ms XXXX,写给女士:尊敬的XXX女士
2023-08-08 13:57:521


2023-08-08 13:58:231


2023-08-08 13:58:313

翻译成英文,谢谢, ***你好,收到商品后如有损坏,请与我们联系.

please contact us if any cargo damages arised.
2023-08-08 13:58:424

我们联系过吗?英文怎么说 是did we connected?还是 are we connected?为什么?

did we connected?be +v.过去分词表示被动,是被联系.connect是实意动词,变一般疑问句需要借助助动词do之类的词来进行提问.
2023-08-08 13:58:491


  随着感恩教育不断深化,感谢信使用的频率越来越高,请注意不同的感谢信内容同样也是不同的。相信许多人会觉得感谢信很难写吧,以下是我帮大家整理的英文感谢信10篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 英文感谢信 篇1   Dear Prof. Herthwell,   Many thanks for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during our delegation"s recent visit to your university. It was nice of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and celebrated scholars at your university. We had a safe and sound trip home. Now we have resumed our work. Meanwhile, I hope you will someday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”.   Please have no hesitation in writing to me if you want me to do something for you in China. With best wishes.   Sincerely yours,   Li Dong 亲爱的Herthwell教授,   感谢您友好好客和荣誉你向我展示了在我们的代表团最近访问你的大学。很高兴你这么把我介绍给你的许多著名的教授和你大学的著名学者。我们有一个平安回家。现在我们已经恢复工作。与此同时,我希望有一天你会对我们大学短期访问,给我们一些关于“现代西方经济学”的讲座。   请毫不犹豫地给我写信,如果你想要我为你在中国做些什么。最好的祝愿。   谨致问候,   李董 英文感谢信 篇2   dear ms。 grasso:   thank you for interviewing me at credit technologies。 i was impressed with the company and the type of banking services the corporation provides。   your comments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking。 i am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations in detail could be useful to credit technologies。   if you were to offer me this position, i believe that i could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation。   i look forward to talking again with you soon。   very truly yours,   richard t。 hamilton   各位参加歌咏比赛的员工们:   您好!   在集团举办的“金秋九月歌咏比赛”中,您及您所在的代表队以优异的成绩为公司赢得了荣誉。在此,我谨代表公司向您表示热烈的祝贺。   你们在比赛前的次次辛苦合练,比赛中镇定自然的发挥都激发了全体员工的集体荣誉感、团队精神,你们以饱满的热情,展现出fesco青春向上,朝气蓬勃的精神面貌。让我们把歌咏比赛的"激情带到工作中,感染每位员工,更好地服务于我们的客户。   最后祝您及全家国庆佳节快乐!   亲爱的朋友们:   您们好!给您们写这封信,是为了表达我们公司由衷的感谢,谢谢您们一直以来对我们的支持和信任!同时,我为能争取到您们的认可和友谊而感到高兴,我们会珍惜,并维系到长远。   在过去的日子里,网络让我们开始有了接触和交流,我不知道您们是否对我们的服务感到满意,我想我的工作肯定还有做得不够之处,但是您们都能够谅解并给予反馈,让我们得以改进并学习到更多的经验,我很感激,这都有赖于您们的每一份支持和厚爱。   如有任何问题,请不要忘了拿起桌上的电话致电给我们,欢迎您们提出任何的意见和建议,以便我们更顺畅的沟通及改进,并为您提供更好的服务。   最后,在您们需要帮助的时侯,请记得联系我们……   在未来的日子里,希望您们能继续支持我们公司,也愿我们携手共进,共同进步!   诚祝   幸福安康 事业兴旺! 英文感谢信 篇3 Dear Mother   Thank you for always supporting me without any conditions. As your son (or daughter) I"d like to appreciate your kindness by this letter. As the exam is near I hope you can understand my stressful condition and communicate with me with encouraging words. Also please give me some personal space before my exam. I can adjust myself well before the test because I know my own study progress very well. Furthermore I studies very hard during the whole year and prepare for the exam so I"m very confident. Finally I study a lot with my classmates who give me lots of suggestions. I think with those helps above I can do while during the exam. So please do not worry for me.   Love you 英文感谢信 篇4 Dear teacher:   I am just writing to say thank you.thank you for teaching us things we need to learn, thank you for being there for us when we have any problems, thanks for your devotion and willingness to help us, thank you for the love you"ve shown to us.   I am lucky to have a teacher like you. and no matter what kind of person i will become, you will always have your influence on me.   You taught me how to study, how to live and even how to be a man.   From you I learned what kind of person i want to be and what should i get from life.   this means everything to me. my dear teacher, no matter what you will always have a special place in my heart and i will remember what i have learned from you and carry the knowleges through my life! 英文感谢信 篇5   DearXXXX:   HI!   Pen, full of words like a flood in my heart, dont know where to start. That you give us the deepest impression of your words and deeds left our best memories.   Time flies, unconsciously, the teacher you have to accompany the time we spent almost a year, this year, we have to say no to you out of gratitude.   Come to the first lesson of the university, is your English class. In our eyes, your kind, no vehemently enforcement. Your class, I feel no pressure and tension. Not only learning in class, after class, you are also very concerned about to us. Whenever we meet with difficulties, you are always thinking about new ways to help us, teach us; When our mood depressed, you will take the initiative to clean our struggle, you have confidence in our future.   Although the teacher you often mention their own children in class, in our hearts, you are not only our English teacher, is more like a great mother.   Your class, I cant pick out any problem, you use your unique way of teaching to us in every class, both humorous and vivid.   In the coming days, we will be more efforts to study, with the most excellent grades in return for your sweat, return school and society.   To the dead silk side, ended.candles burn, you the silkworm spirit however we respect, thank you, teacher.   Thousands of words, express thanks to you. thank you very much!   Finally wish the teacher:   Healthy body, a happy family,   Happy every day.  your student:xxx   xx年x月x日 英文感谢信 篇6 * * * * * * * Manager:   Hello!   Let us first to you and your company to thank you, thank you for your busy schedule can take for us to carry out a good forum.   The day before, as a senior US face abroad, PubMed, etc., most of the students feel confused and at a loss for their own future. As a result, under the guidance of the head teacher, we were lucky to visit your company and have witnessed the work environment of your office.   We also remember that in the conference room full of all the products of your company, the manager made and demonstrated the slides of your company"s basic profile. We have benefited greatly from this work. We have not only realized the working concept of "passion for work and happy life", but also understood the main issues of foreign trade.   At the same time, we also want to thank your A for giving us detailed introduction to our foreign trade clerk"s work, so that we can deeply appreciate the ability and quality to be a foreign trade salesperson. We would like to thank your company"s B for imparting valuable learning Maxim and work experience, so that we have learned a lot of knowledge that we can"t get from the textbook.   In addition, we also appreciate your hospitality is also close first, Shixiongshijie earnest guidance still can be heard without end. In the end, let us express our sincere thanks to you and your company again.   Hope your company"s future development is more prosperous!    英文感谢信 篇7   Dear (Bosss Name),   I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you The day before yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name).   I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. From our discussion,I gained a strong sense of (Company Name)s commitment to their clients and their employees. I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.   I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title).   I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. I eagerly anticipate our next meeting. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.   Sincerely,   (Signature) 英文感谢信 篇8 dear,   i am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. i am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi.   if it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, i fear that the consequences might have been much serious. everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.   although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. if there were more people like you, the world would be a nicer place.   yours sincerely,   li ming   Sincerely,   (Signature) 英文感谢信 篇9   在面试后2至3天内写感谢信,特别是在第二轮面试过后。感谢信一能体现你做事周全,再者或许会扭转你面试失常的势态。感言要发自肺腑,毕竟你确实需要这份工作。若能引用面试官的话语并深入,何愁不能脱颖而出。另,在面试官许诺期未到之前,不要催问面试结果。没有落实聘用与否,不要放弃任何面试机会,因为期望和结果的反差悬殊屡见不鲜,当要做好被拒绝的心理准备。以下为我参加第二次IBM的面试后发给部门主管的感谢信:   I am very pleased that I was given the opportunity to attend the second interview this morning。 I hope that the conversation could make the manager and you know me further。   I was impressed with a sentence said by you during the first interview,美容论坛, which ws "John is reliable, very reliable。‘ I not only admired him for what he had done and the commend from you,but also I was encouraged and realized that the reaso找范文就来 wWw.d OwnhO t.cOmn why I keep on applying for the student placement is to take advantage of my knowledge, experience, abilities and skills, and then to contribute, to improve。 I hope that there could be such a chance for me to be recognized and praised because of my outstanding performance。 I am not inferior to other individuals, and I can even make things better。 Therefore, I am keen to gain this position。   Anyhow, if I cannot be given this position, I also would like to thank you and the manager。 Both of you are very kind and friendly, you made me relaxed during the interview so that the two interviews are valuable and memorable for me。   Thank you for your consideration。 英文感谢信 篇10   Of all the letters you will write, the thank-you letter may be the most important because it has the potential of producing the most good.   How to write a letter of thanks   1. If possible, address your letter to a specific person, not just the company or organization in general.   2. Stick to the point.   3. Be sincere–most people can sense when you aren"t being honest.   4. Be specific and include details from the event. Make your letter stand out.   5. End the letter on a positive note. Closing depends on the type of thank-you letter. For example, you may:   ·Reaffirm your gratitude or restate the compliment.   ·Suggest possible future action.   ·Close with either an expression of thanks or an indication of your intention to continue contact.
2023-08-08 13:58:591


你好,请问怎样联系你,我已经把你的情况跟我们老板说了,他说具体合作和报价面谈。Excuse me, Could you tell me how can I contact you? I"ve reported all of your conditions to my boss,and he invited an interview with you to talk about the specific cooperation and offer.
2023-08-08 13:59:181


  公司的简介用英语写作,怎么写?下面是我给大家整理的公司简介英语范文,供大家参阅!   公司简介英语范文模板1   Established in (成立年份)(公司英文名称) is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with   international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.   Covering an area of (工厂占地面积) square meters, we now have over (员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and are currently exporting (出口比例) of our production worldwide.   Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of   production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction. Besides, we have received (填写客户获得的国际证书,如ISO9001).   As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching (主要出口国家).   If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business   relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.   ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。   我司现有工厂占地面积XX平方米,XX多名员工。年销售额逾XX美金,百分之XX的产品远销海外。   为了保证客户满意度,我们引入了先进的设备设施,并在生产各个环节贯彻完善的质量检查措施。同时,我们已通过XX认证。   鉴于高质量产品和出色的客户服务,我们已经成功建立了一个全球销售网,网点已覆盖XX,XX。   如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。   公司简介英语范文模板2   Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.   We have over (员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and are currently exporting (出口比例) of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction.   As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching (主要出口国家).   If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business   relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.   ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX产品,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。   我司现拥有XX名员工,年销售额逾XX美金,百分之XX的产品远销海外。为了保证客户满意度,我们引入了先进的设备设施,并在生产各个环节贯彻完善的质量检查措施。   鉴于高质量产品和出色的客户服务,我们已经成功建立了一个全球销售网,网点已覆盖XX,XX等国家。   如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。   公司简介英语范文模板3   (成立年份)(公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.   If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business   relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.   对应中文翻译:   ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产XXX产品,集产品研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。   如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。   
2023-08-08 13:59:301

“按以下地址与我联系” 用英文怎么说

please contact me by the following address...
2023-08-08 13:59:381

我们会联系相关部门尽快处理 英文

We are contacting related department to fix it.
2023-08-08 13:59:463


we are good friends, we keep in tough with each other for many years
2023-08-08 14:00:072


  外贸公司的简介,我们可以从它们的网站上看到中英两种语言的介绍。下面是我给大家整理的外贸公司英文简介范文,供大家参阅!   外贸公司英文简介范文篇1   Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.   We have over (员工人数) employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and are currently exporting (出口比例) of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction.   As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching (主要出口国家).   If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business   relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.   ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX产品,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。   我司现拥有XX名员工,年销售额逾XX美金,百分之XX的产品远销海外。为了保证客户满意度,我们引入了先进的设备设施,并在生产各个环节贯彻完善的质量检查措施。   外贸公司英文简介范文篇2   (成立年份)(公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.   If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business   relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.   对应中文翻译:   ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产XXX产品,集产品研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。   如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。   外贸公司英文简介范文篇3   Company Profile   Changzhou Bxinyuse Lift Table Manufacture Co., Ltd, Jiangsu Province,to a professional committed to the design, development and production of electric lift ergonomic desk children learning tables and other products of the company. Since its inception, we have consistently uphold: "customer first, service first, genuine" business philosophy, always uphold the integrity, innovation, development-oriented principle.   The company has experienced design team, industry-leading R & D capability and strong manufacturing strength, the product has a stylish look and feel, and always follow the current fashion trends emerging, high-quality, world-renowned.   Changzhou Bxinyuse Lift Table Manufacture Co., Ltd sales to United States, Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea and other countries, and we sincerely hope to establish friendly business relations with customers from all over the world.   The company"s operating philosophy: adhere to customer-centric, technology and innovation as the fundamental, continued to improve the user experience, improve product and service quality.   The company"s mission: to make children more healthy growth, so that work more easy and free.   The company"s vision: "value-creating" leader. Through constant innovation and improvement of marketing value-added services, to continuously improve market share and customer satisfaction, so that we become Chinese lift tables industry "value-creating" leader.   The ultimate goal: to become the first Chinese brand lift tables industry. .   外贸公司英文简介范文篇4   Company Profile   XxxxX Garments Co., Ltd. is a professional textile and garment production and export enterprises, the company was founded in 1998 , currently has a quick costume proofing centers, stock garment   manufacturing plant ; former has all kinds of imported advanced production equipment and clothing , after supporting equipment more than 100 pieces (sets ) , the annual production capacity of one million(bar) .   Currently co- management of the factory ( production management , quality management, safety and health management , employment conditions ) has passed the JCP ENNEY, TARGET companies such assessments.   Our main products : all kinds of knit tops , jackets, woolen , fashion and more. The products are sold to Japan, America, Europe, Korea, Hong Kong and other places.   Our company is Japan AS KNOW AS , Japan MUJI, Japan DIL   DILASH, USA KAVU, Europe CUBUS, South Korean BASIC HOUSE good clothing , fabric suppliers.   Our Company with high-quality products , good service and   competitive prices , customers establish a good reputation , sincerely welcome home and abroad to discuss cooperation.   Our general manager with the staff sincerely hope that the good reputation at home and abroad to establish long-term customer relations and mutually beneficial cooperation and common development .   Company address: Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province China   Tel:   Fax:   公司概况   XXXV 公司是专业的纺织服装生产、出口企业,公司创立于1998年,目前拥有快捷的服装打样中心,服装生产工厂;拥有各类进口先进服装生产设备及前、后道配套设备100多台(套),年生产能力100万件(条)。 目前合作工厂的管理(生产管理、质量管理、安全卫生管理、雇佣条件)已全面通过了JCP ENNEY、TARGET等公司的评估。   公司主要生产产品:各类针织上衣、茄克、毛呢、时装等等。产品销往日本、美国、欧洲、韩国、香港等地。   目前公司是日本优品株式会社、日本MUJI、日本DIL DILASH、美国KAVU、欧洲CUBUS、韩国百家好等公司的常年服装、面料供应商。   公司凭着优质的产品、良好的服务和竞争性的价格,在客户中树立了良好的信誉,热诚欢迎广大海内外客商洽谈合作。   总经理携全体员工热诚希望与国内外信誉良好的客户建立长期的互利的合作关系,共同发展。   公司地址:   电话:   传真:   
2023-08-08 14:00:161


  邮件的开头   感谢读者是邮件开场白的好办法。感谢您的读者能让对方感到高兴,特别是之后你有事相求的情况下会很有帮助。   Thank you for contacting us.如果有人写信来询问公司的服务,就可以使用这句句子开头。向他们对公司的兴趣表示感谢。   Thank you for your prompt reply.当一个客户或是同事很快就回复了你的邮件,一定记得要感谢他们。如果回复并不及时,只要将“prompt”除去即可,你还可以说,“Thank you for getting back to me.”   Thank you for providing the requested information.如果你询问某人一些信息,他们花了点时间才发送给你,那就用这句句子表示你仍然对他们的付出表示感激。   Thank you for all your assistance.如果有人给了你特别的帮助,那一定要感谢他们!如果你想对他们表示特别的感激,就用这个句子,“I truly appreciate u2026 your help in resolving the problem.”Thank you raising your concerns.   就算某个客户或是经理写邮件给你对你的工作提出了一定的质疑,你还是要感谢他们。这样你能表现出你对他们的认真态度表示尊重及感激。同时,你也可以使用,“Thank you for your feedback.”   在邮件的结尾   在邮件开头表示感谢一般是表示对对方过去付出的感谢,而在邮件结尾处表示感谢是对将来的帮助表示感谢。事先表示感谢,能让对方在行动时更主动更乐意。   Thank you for your kind cooperation.如果你需要读者帮助你做某事,那就先得表示感谢。   Thank you for your attention to this matter.与以上的类似,本句包含了你对对方将来可能的帮助表示感谢。   Thank you for your understanding.如果你写到任何会对读者产生负面影响的内容那就使用这句句子吧。   Thank you for your consideration.如果您是在寻求机会或是福利,例如你在求职的话,就用这封邮件结尾。   Thank you again for everything you"ve done.这句句子可以用在结尾,和以上有所不同。如果你在邮件开头已经谢过了读者,你就可以使用这句话,但是因为他们的帮助,你可以着重再次感谢你们的付出。   十种场合的表达   1. Greeting message 祝福   Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。   How are you? 你好吗?   How is the project going? 项目进行顺利吗?   2. Initiate a meeting 发起会议   I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.   我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空?   I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.   今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。   Weu2019d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time.   十月三十号(周四),老时间,开会。   Letu2019s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.   下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。   I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XXX project.   我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。   3. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议   Should you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know.   如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。   Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.   谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。   Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.   期待您的反馈建议!   What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?   你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做?   What do you think about this?   这个你怎么想?   Feel free to give your comments.   请随意提出您的建议。   Any question, please donu2019t hesitate to let me know.   有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。   Any question, please let me know.   有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。   Please contact me if you have any questions.   有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。   Please let me know if you have any question on this.   有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。   Your comments and suggestions are welcome!   欢迎您的评论和建议!   Please let me know what you think?   欢迎您的评论和建议!   Do you have any idea about this?   对于这个您有什么建议吗?   It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the useru2019s behavior.   您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了!   At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue.   如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。   4. Give feedback 意见反馈   Please see comments below.   请看下面的评论。   My answers are in blue below.   我的回答已标蓝。   I add some comments to the document for your reference.   5. Attachment 附件   I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.   我附加了评估报告供您阅读。   Attached please find todayu2019s meeting notes.   今天的会议记录在附件里。   Attach is the design document, please review it.   设计文档在附件里,请评阅。   For other known issues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.   其他个人特征方面的信息请见附件。   6. Point listing 列表   Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   今天我们要完成的任务:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   Some known issues in this release:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   声明中涉及的一些问题:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   我们阅读了最新的供应链管理政策,做出如下考虑:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   Here are some more questions/issues for your team:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   以下是对你们团队的一些问题:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   The current status is as following: 1u2026u2026   2u2026u2026   目前数据如下: 1u2026u2026   2u2026u2026   Some items need your attention:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   以下方面需提请注意:1u2026u2026.2u2026u2026.   7. Raise question 提出问题   I have some questions about the report XX-XXX   我对XX-XXX报告有一些疑问。   For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions:u2026   就ABC协议,我有以下几个问题:u2026u2026   8. Proposal 提议   For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposingu2026   关于平台启动的下一步计划,我有一个提议u2026u2026   I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future.   我建议我们就一周项目开一个电话会议。   Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding issueu2026u2026   Achievo团队建议应对突出问题采用A办法。   9. Thanks note 感谢信   Thank you so much for the cooperation感谢你的合作!   Thanks for the information   谢谢您提供的信息!   I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.   对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。   Thank you for your attention!   Thanks to your attention!   谢谢关心!   Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated.   我们对您的协助表示感谢。   Really appreciate your help!   非常感谢您的帮助!   10. Apology 道歉   I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding!   对造成的误解我真诚道歉!   I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP.   很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。
2023-08-08 14:00:231


Hope to keep in touch with you tightly.
2023-08-08 14:00:3210


Should we often keep in touch with each other?我想这么说就可以啦!
2023-08-08 14:00:542


2023-08-08 13:58:021


2023-08-08 13:58:031


CO2少量:CO2+Ca (OH)2=CaCO3↓+H2O。CO2过量:CO2+H2O+CaCO3=Ca (HCO3)2。
2023-08-08 13:58:054

on top of the agenda是什么意思

2023-08-08 13:58:081

欧姆表测量原理是什么 刻度有何特点

At last he got home with the watermelon.
2023-08-08 13:58:102


2023-08-08 13:58:112


可以使用一个小软件实现,你搜索 TOPWND
2023-08-08 13:58:151


2023-08-08 13:58:151


可以;钳型电流表可以测交流电流和直流电流。钳形表是电子电工类的一种仪器,其中测量工频交流电的是磁电式,而电磁式为交、直流两用式。下面主要讲述的是磁电式钳形电流表的测量原理和使用方法。钳形电流表一般可分为磁电式和电磁式两类。1、磁电式的主要结构磁电式钳形电流表主要由一个特殊电流互感器、一个整流磁电系电流表及内部线路等组成。一般常见的型号为:T301型和T302型。T301型钳形电流表只能测量交流电流,而T302型即可测交流电流也可测交流电压。还有交、直流两用袖珍钳形电流表,如:MG20、MG26、MG36等型号。它的准确度为2.5级,电流量程为:10 A、50 A、250 A、1000 A。2、钳形电流表的工作原理建立在电流互感器工作原理的基础上的,当握紧钳形电流表扳手时,电流互感器的铁心可以张开,被测电流的导线进入钳口内部作为电流互感器的一次绕组。当放松扳手铁心闭合后,根据互感器的原理而在其二次绕组上产生感应电流,电流表指针偏转,从而指示出被测电流的数值。注意事项:由于其原理是利用互感器的原理,所以铁心是否闭合紧密,是否有大量剩磁,对测量结果影响很大,当测量较小电流时,会使得测量误差增大。这时,可将被测导线在铁心上多绕几圈来改变互感器的电流比,以增大电流量程。扩展资料:钳形电流表的使用方法1、在使用钳形电流表前应仔细阅读说明书,弄清是交流还是交直流两用钳形表。2、钳形表每次只能测量一相导线的电流,被测导线应置于钳形窗口中央,不可以将多相导线都夹入窗口测量。3、测量运行中笼型异步电动机工作电流。根据电流大小,可以检查判断电动机工作情况是否正常,以保证电动机安全运行。4、钳型表钳口在测量时闭合要紧密,闭合后如有杂音,可打开钳口重全一次,若杂音仍不能消除时,应检查磁路上各接合面是否光洁,有尘污时要擦拭干净。5、首先正确选择钳型电流表的电压等级,检查其外观绝缘是否良好,有无破损,指针是否摆动灵活,钳口有无锈蚀等。根据电动机功率估计额定电流,以选择表的量程。6、钳形表测量前应先估计被测电流的大小,再决定用哪一量程。若无法估计,可先用最大量程档然后适当换小些,以准确读数。不能使用小电流档去测量大电流。以防损坏仪表。7、由于钳形电流表本身精度较低,在测量小电流时,可采用下述方法:先将被测电路的导线绕几圈,再放进钳形表的钳口内进行测量。此时钳形表所指示的电流值并非被测量的实际值,实际电流应当为钳形表的读数除以导线缠绕的圈数。参考资料:百度百科词条--钳型电流表
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井冈山大学王牌专业有化学、汉语言文学、生物科学、材料化学、护理学、音乐学、旅游管理、思想政治教育、英语、物理学、计算机科学与技术、应用心理学、体育教育等。井冈山大学(Jinggangshan University),位于江西省吉安市,是江西省人民政府和教育部共同重点支持建设高校,是科技部与江西省人民政府会商支持建设高校,是江西省一流学科建设高校,是同济大学对口支援高校,是硕士学位授予单位,为全国高校红色经典艺术教育示范基地、教育部全国高校思想政治理论课教师社会实践研修基地。学校创办于1958年6月。1977年10月和1978年8月,在原井冈山大学基础上,先后建立了江西师范学院井冈山分院和江西医学院吉安分院。在此基础上,1982年4 月和1993年4月,先后设立吉安师范专科学校和井冈山医学高等专科学校。2000年3月,吉安师范专科学校和吉安教育学院合并组建井冈山师范学院;2003年7月,井冈山师范学院、井冈山医学高等专科学校和井冈山职业技术学院合并组建井冈山学院,同时筹建井冈山大学;2007年10月恢复更名为井冈山大学。截至2022年10月,学校有青原、吉福、长岗3个校区,校园占地面积2458.7亩,校舍建筑面积73.7万平方米,教学科研设备总值4.2余亿元,图书馆藏书214万余册;设15个教学学院(部)和3个管理型学院,有“三级甲等”直属附属医院1所、非直属附属医院1所,开设本科招生专业50。拥有一级学科硕士学位授权点1个、硕士专业学位授权点2个;现有教职工1620余人,其中专任教师1248人,教授135人,副教授422人;现有全日制在校本科生、研究生和留学生22000余人,各类成人教育学生1万余人。
2023-08-08 13:58:021


妈妈mami 爸爸daddi 爷爷/姥爷grandpa 奶奶/姥姥grandma 叔叔/舅舅uncle 姨/婶 aunt 兄弟 brother 姐妹sister 表(堂)姐妹cousin sister 表(堂)兄弟cousin brother 侄子(外甥)nephew 侄女(外甥女)niece赞同0|评论
2023-08-08 13:57:593

Semblance Of Confusion 歌词

歌曲名:Semblance Of Confusion歌手:After Forever专辑:Prison Of DesireAfter Forever----Semblance of ConfusionfavorAs the light"s becoming more fierceand the heat is melting your heartThe fire is awakeningthere"s an ancient fear we all knowOminous, misleading,get entangled in yourselfIt"s a feeling, creeps up, deep withinSweet taste of innocence forgottenA semblance of confusionThe strength I need is now flowing awayThe choking feeling obstructs everythingSo erratic in search for the truthThe pain is strong and persistsSilence was just a diversion to come outon the hard truth againLeaving this world of illusionsseen through the eyes of the innocentConfronted with the infinity of chaos, forcing you to rearrangeSweet taste of innocence forgottenA semblance of confusionWhen your litanies are unheardPhantasm becomes coldly realThere"s a thin line between the worldof illusion and realityA purgatoric trip through the mirrors within youUnconsciousness beholden-----------Fear to face pass the border of painthat burning contagionTo break, conquer and find lost beautyRinse, the penance is overI know now where to find the answerConfronting unconsciousnessSweet taste of innocence forgottenA semblance of confusionAs the light"s becoming more fierceand the heat is melting your heartThe fire is awakeningthere"s an ancient fear we all knowOminous, misleading,get entangled in yourself------favor-------
2023-08-08 13:57:581

love on top的中英文歌词

Beyoncé(碧昂丝) - Love On TopBring the beat in !带起节拍!Honey, honey亲爱的宝贝I can see the stars all the way from here从这里我能看到一路上星光满天Can"t you see the glow on the window pane?你没看到窗上的玻璃正闪耀着炽热的光吗?I can feel the sun whenever you"re near每当你在我身边我都感觉到了阳光般的温暖Every time you touch me I just melt away每当你触碰我,我都像是要融化在你怀里Now everybody asks me why现在所有人都在问我为什么I"m smiling out from ear to ear (They say love hurts)笑得合不拢嘴(他们说爱是一件伤人的事)But I know (It"s gonna take the real work),但我知道(你将会爱上我)Nothing"s perfect没有什么是完美的But it"s worth it,After fighting through my fears但在战胜恐惧之后,我感觉一切都是值得的And finally you put me first因为最后你把我放在了爱的第一位Baby it"s you !宝贝,就是你You"re the one I love你就是我心爱的那个人You"re the one I need你就是我需要的那个人You"re the only one I see你就是我眼中的那个人Come on baby it"s you !来吧,宝贝,就是你You"re the one that gives your all你就是那个让我付出所有的人You"re the one I can always call你就是那个我总在呼唤的人When I need you make everything stop当我需要你的时候我感觉一切都静止了Finally you put my love on top !最后你把我的爱放在了第一位Ooo! Come on Baby !噢,来吧,宝贝You put my love on top, top, top, top, top你把我的爱放在了第一位,You put my love on top你把我的爱放在了第一位Ooo Ooo! Come on baby !噢 噢,来吧宝贝My love on top, My love on top !我的爱在第一位Come on Baby来吧,宝贝I can feel the wind whipping past my face我能感觉到风在我脸颊边猛地掠过As we dance the night away因为我们在这个美好的夜晚相拥而舞Boy your lips taste like a night of champagne男孩你的唇亲起来就像今晚的香槟一样醉人甜美As I kiss you again, and again, and again and again当我亲吻你一遍又一遍时Ooo! Baby !噢,宝贝You put my love on top !你把我的爱放在了第一位You"re the only thing I see我的眼中就只有你You"re the one I that always calls你就是那个我总在呼唤的人When I need you baby everything stops当我需要你时我感觉一切都静止了Baby! You"re the one I love宝贝,你就是我爱的那个人Baby, you"re all I need宝贝,你就是我要的一切You"re the one I always call你就是那个我总在呼唤的人When I need you everything stops当我需要你时我感觉一切都静止了Baby !宝贝Cuz You"re the one that I love因为你就是我心爱的那个人Baby, you"re the one that I need宝贝,你就是我需要的那个人Baby baby it"s you !宝贝,就是你You"re the one that always calls你就是我总在呼唤的那个人You"re the one that always calls...你就是我总在呼唤的那个人。
2023-08-08 13:57:551


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1, the Haier Group, established in 1984, after 22 years of development, is now in a higher reputation at home and abroad in major international enterprise groups. 2, in the flat, he learned his, in the home, his wife and education. 3, China"s large population, vast territory and abundant resources, the Chinese people proud of the past and are often inferior race. 4, he nodded, meaning that he heard, but did not agree or do not agree. 5, Temple of Heaven is the Ming and Qing dynasties emperor "worship of heaven pray Valley; place, built in 1420, covers an area of 273 hectares. 6, Nanchang High-Tech Development Zone will be built to high-tech research and development and technology-led industries developed, complete facilities, transport facilities, a beautiful environment, a high level of urban modernization of the industry look at the park. 7, the third China-Africa Cooperation Forum summit on November 4, 2006 Great Hall of the People in Beijing successful conclusion. 8, what to eat what have rice to eat rice, steamed bread to eat steamed bread. 9, they always meet on a quarrel. 10, Fengnianguojie pack the house and agile, able to maintain long months, short Needless few days, the house is chaos, mainly in the trouble are everywhere Shuzui. The Fair could not go to bookstores, bookstore-goers can not buy books. Book, prepared depends on the book and read half of the book, with the collaboration is a book, the book value, occupy my house most of the space summary; but also continues to expand, all the time I cicada food for survival That space. This is not aggression? I comfortably, and its lot to accept this kind of aggression and conquest. 11, Jian-Yun Jiangxi Co., Ltd. is located in central and southern Jiangxi. He is from Jiangxichangyun Co., Ltd. (listed companies) in Ji"an City in Jiangxi Province and the state-owned Investment Holdings Limited jointly funded, in the December 24, 2003 in Ji"an City Administration for Industry and Commerce has incorporated a national business class 2 road travel, passenger and freight transport enterprises. At the same time undertaking automotive technology performance test and repair, spare parts, logistics, as well as domestic tourism and hotel. Registered capital of the company 30.8 million yuan RMB. Among them, Jiangxichangyun Inc. accounted for 60% of the registered capital, Jiangxi Ji"an City Holdings Limited of the state-owned investment company registered capital of 40 per cent. Ji"an City is the biggest and most powerful road transport enterprises tourists. To have 563 employees. By the end of 2005, total assets of a company billions of dollars. Real income 840 million yuan, 700 million yuan in profit, the rate of return on net assets each year in more than 10% of the "A-class tax credit enterprises". The company owns a 381-passenger operation. Among them, high, intermediate 169-passenger operation. Now operate various classes of passenger 130. Among them, Ji"an to Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan, and other inter-provincial passenger line 38 classes, operating Ji"an to Nanchang, Ganzhou, Xinyu, such as inter-city passenger line 26 classes. On the frequency of 626.5. At the same time the CDB Ji"an to Nanchang, Changsha to Ji"an, Suichuan to Nanchang, Ganzhou and Giambi to Ji"an in Guangdong class high-speed passenger line. In the constant development and expansion of the Jiangxi Ji"an long Transportation Company, over the past few years, not only achieved good operating performance, has also been commended for Jiangxi consumer associations" business integrity-Ruo unit ". The new company will continue to posture and comprehensively implement the ISO9000-2000 quality management system and documents, and return to first-class services to our love of the community, as well as members of a harmonious society, and to promote economic and traffic base Jinggangshan development of the cause of a more great contribution!
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awaits[u0259u02c8weits]v.等候( await的第三人称单数 ); 等待; 期待; 将发生在有待;等着;正在等待你;后果等着双语例句1. A warm welcome awaits her. 热烈的欢迎等待着她.2. A warm welcome awaits all our customers. 对我们所有的顾客准备好热烈的欢迎.3. The actual cause awaits further investigation. 究系何因,尚待深查.4. Sampras awaits the results of a bone scan on a painful left shin.
2023-08-08 13:57:502