barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-13 19:53:16

生产成本”用英语是production cost。

生产成本(production cost)亦称制造成本,是指生产活动的成本,即企业为生产产品而发生的成本。生产成本是生产过程中各种资源利用情况的货币表示,是衡量企业技术和管理水平的重要指标。


[英][pru0259u02c8du028cku0283n][美][pru0259u02c8du028cku0283u0259n, pro-]

n.产量; 产品; 生产,制作; 夸张的行动或形象,小题大做;



n.价钱,代价; 花费,费用; 牺牲; [用复数][法律]诉讼费;

vi.价钱为,花费; 估计成本;

vt.付出代价; 估价; 使丧失; 使付出努力;


production cost 生产成本例:Now we can reduce the production costs with the help of the computer.现在有这台电脑帮忙,我们就能降低生产成本了。



2023-08-08 15:56:221


2023-08-08 15:56:374


Cost, Insurance plus Freight plus commission
2023-08-08 15:56:572

机会成本的英语翻译 机会成本用英语怎么说

opportunity cost
2023-08-08 15:57:073


物流成本_有道词典物流成本logistics cost更多释义>>[网络短语]物流成本 logistics cost;cost;cost of logistics物流成本控制 Logistics cost control;control on logistical cost;Logistics Cost Controlling物流成本核算 Logistics Cost Accounting;Logistics costing;accounting of logistics cost
2023-08-08 15:57:193


2023-08-08 15:57:281


ean foyer, the yawning space slowly
2023-08-08 15:58:174


production overhead的意思是生产管理的意思吧 查出来是这个 overhead的意思是开销 经费的意思manufacturing cost的意思是制造成本
2023-08-08 15:58:262


increase the costs
2023-08-08 15:58:385


labor cost
2023-08-08 15:59:103


Costing manager
2023-08-08 15:59:445


订货成本一般可分为两部分1.固定成本订货成本有一部分与订货次数无关,如采购人员的工资等,称为订货的固定成本,用F1表示;2.变动成本 每次订货的变动成本用K表示,由于资本成本的资本在英语里是capital,首字母发音是K计算公式订货次数=D/Q=年需要量/每次进货量。订货成本=订货次数*K+F1
2023-08-08 16:00:541


cost reduction
2023-08-08 16:01:174

你的报价已经接近我们的成本 怎么说英语 急用 感激

Your quotation has been close to our costs
2023-08-08 16:01:252


2023-08-08 16:01:544


“降低成本” 可以翻译如下:〔动词短语〕cut the cost、、lower production costs、reduce production costs〔名词短语〕cost down、cost reduction
2023-08-08 16:02:401


成本太高,没有维修价值The cost is too high to be of maintenance value重点词汇成本cost; prime cost; capitalized cost; final cost维修service; maintain; servicing; keep in (good) repair价值worth; value; cost; be worth; count for希望对你有帮助~
2023-08-08 16:03:011


the cost is low
2023-08-08 16:03:112


Cost accounting
2023-08-08 16:03:242


削减成本: To cut costs减低成本:To reduce costs.
2023-08-08 16:04:001


The cost of fixed assets in the one-time cost
2023-08-08 16:04:392

摊余成本的英语翻译 摊余成本用英语怎么说

你好!摊余成本Amortized cost
2023-08-08 16:04:481


The cost of trial and error is not high, and the cost of miss is very high.
2023-08-08 16:05:062


cost control直译就可以了
2023-08-08 16:05:363


机会成本[会计] opportunity cost机会成本法 Opportunity Cost Approach,opportunity cost method,Opportunity Cost资金机会成本 opportunity cost of capital,OCC例句:如果对于看电影而言,你的次优选择就是读那本书的话,那看电影的机会成本就是你看电影花的钱,再加上你因为不能读那本书而放弃的那份愉悦。If your next-best alternative to seeing the movie is reading the book, then the opportunity cost ofseeing the movie is the money spent plus the pleasure you forgo by not reading the book.
2023-08-08 16:05:441


资本成本率为什么用K表示?K —— 资本成本率,以百分率表示 ;资本成本率英语是The cost of capital rate。 因为读音是以K开头,所以用k表示
2023-08-08 16:06:033


维修成本低Low maintenance cost maintenance 英[u02c8meu026antu0259nu0259ns] 美[u02c8mentu0259nu0259ns] n. 维护; 维修; 维持,保持; 保养,保管; [例句]The window had been replaced last week during routine maintenance.上周例行维修的时候换了窗户。
2023-08-08 16:06:151


Purchasing and Cost Managing Department
2023-08-08 16:06:242


花费的四种用法句型如下:1、Spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:spend time/money on sth译为在某事上花费时间或金钱。Spend time/money in doing sth译为花费时间或金钱做某事。2、cost的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示“值”,常见用法如下:sth costs sb +金钱译为某物花了某人多少钱。注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句。3、take后面常跟双宾语,常见用法有:It takes sb+时间+to dosth译为做某事花了某人多少时间。doing sth takes sb+时间译为做某事花了某人多少时间。4、pay的基本用法是:pay sb money for sth译为付钱给某人买某物。扩展资料:重点词汇解释:1、spendvt. 度过,消磨(时光);花费;浪费;用尽vi. 花钱;用尽,耗尽n. 预算2、costn. 费用,代价,成本;损失;诉讼费用v. 花费;使付出;使花许多钱(非正式)3、payvt. 支付,付;偿还,补偿;给予vi. 付款;偿还n. 工资,薪水;付款;报答adj. 收费的;需付费的
2023-08-08 16:06:371

请问 成本会计中的 周转材料用英语怎么说?

2023-08-08 16:06:582


  经营含有筹划、谋划、计划、规划、组织、治理、管理等含义。经营和管理相比,经营侧重指动态性谋划发展的内涵,而管理侧重指使其正常合理地运转。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    经营英语说法1:   operate   经营英语说法2:   run    经营英语说法3:   manage    经营的相关短语:   经营范围 Business scope ; scope of business ; frame ; line of business   经营活动 Operating activities ; operational activities ; business operations ; operating activity   经营商 Operators ; inbound tour operator ; domestic tour operator ; touri *** operator   诚信经营 Honesty ; Manage sincerely ; unpromising integrity ; Good faith management   经营环境 Condition ; Condition of business ; business environment ; operating environment   合伙经营 partnership ; bination for sharing business ; go shares ; Pool   违法经营 illegal business ; west bank illegal business   经营成本 operating cost ; cost of ownership ; operational cost ; Business cost   苦心经营 Painstakingly ; elaboration ; Elaborating    经营的英语例句:   1. Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.   各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。   2. He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office.   他在美国运通公司办公大楼外经营一家报摊。   3. I learned a lot from him about how to run a band.   我从他那里学到了许多关于经营乐队方面的东西.   4. Attacks were reported on police, vehicles and mercial premises.   据报道,警察、车辆和商业经营场所均遭到袭击。   5. We have been successful because we are offering a quality service.   我们因提供的服务水准一流一直经营得很成功。   6. Jane Pollock Antiques deals in silver and *** all collectables.   简·波洛克古董店经营银器和小收藏品。   7. He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention.   他更倾向于在自由经营与国家干预之间走一条中庸之道。   8. The bank must be run in a cost-effective way.   银行的经营必须追求成本效益。   9. They now own and operate a farm 50 miles south of Rochester.   他们现在拥有并经营著一家位于罗切斯特以南50英里处的农场。   10. Farmers are increasingly losing touch with their instinct for managing the land.   农民正在逐渐丢失经营土地的本领。   11. It is hard to fault the way he runs his own operation.   他经营自己公司的方式无可指摘。   12. The Oxfam shops depend on regular supplies of saleable items.   乐施商店靠出售一些人们定期捐赠的适销物品维持经营。   13. They run it with a truly professional but personal touch.   他们的经营既有真正的专业水准又不乏个人特色。   14. His first essay in running a pany was a notoriously tough undertaking.   众所周知,他第一次尝试经营公司时十分艰难。   15. I have two assistants who help with the admin.   我有两个助手协助经营。
2023-08-08 16:07:431


支出英文为:expenses。短语搭配:1、财务支出:fiscal charges/expenditure。2、国民支出:national expenditure。3、支出账户:account of payments。4、一大笔支出:a large outlay。5、税务支出:tax expenditure。双语例句:1、一家人每月的支出估计在一千元左右。The whole family"s expenses are estimated at 1,000 yuan a month.2、我每年在孩子的教育上支出大约一万元。I spend about 10,000 yuan each year on my child"s education.3、所有支出均需入账。The entry of all expenditure is necessary.4、收入与支出相抵。The income balances the expenditure. / Income and expenses are balanced.
2023-08-08 16:08:191


问题一:会计用英语怎么说? 会计 作为学科是 accounting 作为做帐的人,accountant 问题二:我学的是会计专业 英文怎么说 I am an Accounting major. 问题三:会计专业用英语怎么说 会计专业 accounting major 问题四:会计的英语怎么说 accountant [&饥601;"kaunt?nt] n. 会计师;会计人员 问题五:会计相关职位用英语怎么说 Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员 Accounting Manager 会计部经理 Accounting Stall 会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 Cashier 出纳员 Financial Controller 财务主任 Financial Reporter 财务报告人 F.X. (Foreign Exchange) Clerk 外汇部职员 F.X. Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员 Fund Manager 财务经理 General Auditor 审计长 Senior Accountant 高级会计 Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管 tax accountant 税务会计 assistance accountant 会计助理员 assistant accountant 助理会计 certified public accountant 会计师; 审定会计师 chartered accountant 注册会计师, 会计师 chartered public accountant 注册会计师; 特许会计师 chief accountant 总会计师; 会计处长; 会计主任 cost accountant 成本会计师[员] general accountant 总会计师, 普通会计人员 in-charge accountant 主管会计, 会计主管员 incorporated accountant 入会[会员]会计师 independent accountant 独立会计师 junior accountant 初级会计员, 会计师的助手 licensed public accountant 执照[注册]会计师 managerial accountant 管理会计师 non-business accountant 非商业会计 office accountant 总会计; 复核员 private accountant 专任会人员, 私用会计师 professional accountant 会计师, 专业会计师 public accountant 会计师, 公众会计师 问题六:“基础会计”用英语怎么说 Fundamental Accountancy 问题七:主修会计学怎么翻译?是major in accounting还是什么呀? He is major in accounting/accountancy; accountant就是会计了,那个词accountance好像没有,刚刚查了三本字典--朗文2,4版,牛津 还可说a degree in accountancy His major is accounting; He is a histroy major;另外major in accounting的用法是美式用法 问题八:会计学院用英语怎么说呀? School of Accountancy Coll揣ge of Accounting Accounting School 都行
2023-08-08 16:09:111


问题一:财务会计专业的英文怎么说 financial accounting. 问题二:会计相关职位用英语怎么说 Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员 Accounting Manager 会计部经理 Accounting Stall 会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 Cashier 出纳员 Financial Controller 财务主任 Financial Reporter 财务报告人 F.X. (Foreign Exchange) Clerk 外汇部职员 F.X. Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员 Fund Manager 财务经理 General Auditor 审计长 Senior Accountant 高级会计 Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管 tax accountant 税务会计 assistance accountant 会计助理员 assistant accountant 助理会计 certified public accountant 会计师; 审定会计师 chartered accountant 注册会计师, 会计师 chartered public accountant 注册会计师; 特许会计师 chief accountant 总会计师; 会计处长; 会计主任 cost accountant 成本会计师[员] general accountant 总会计师, 普通会计人员 in-charge accountant 主管会计, 会计主管员 incorporated accountant 入会[会员]会计师 independent accountant 独立会计师 junior accountant 初级会计员, 会计师的助手 licensed public accountant 执照[注册]会计师 managerial accountant 管理会计师 non-business accountant 非商业会计 office accountant 总会计; 复核员 private accountant 专任会人员, 私用会计师 professional accountant 会计师, 专业会计师 public accountant 会计师, 公众会计师 问题三:会计用英语怎么说? 会计 作为学科是 accounting 作为做帐的人,accountant 问题四:会计的英语怎么说 accountant [&饥601;"kaunt?nt] n. 会计师;会计人员 问题五:公司财务部的“会计”职位用英语怎么说? 实习生吧 没看过香港做的财务报表吧 accounting 问题六:财务制度的英文怎么说 财务制度 Financial rules and regulations. 问题七:财务管理的英语翻译是什么呢? 您好, 如果是指科目或名词, 那可以翻成: Financial Management 如果是想用在句子中, 如: 我的日常财务管理... My routine managment on the financial affairs... 我通常自己管理财务. I usually manage my own financial affairs. 我是透过....来管理我的财务. I manage my financial affairs through... 问题八:会计用英语怎么说? 会计 作为学科是 accounting 作为做帐的人,accountant 问题九:财务人员 用英文怎么说 I am a financial officer。 问题十:我是财务人员,英语怎么说 I am a financial officer。
2023-08-08 16:09:201


2023-08-08 16:09:313


I think our understanding of the word sample fee is not a misunderstanding. Because the sample is also a product, is cost, so the seller sent the sample on the premise that buyers need to pay a fee sample. This is all common practice to do a trade. Our sample fee is quoted twice, and this is our company policy. I hope you can understand.In addition, our products price is the lowest of similar products, or hope you will consider our products.In addition, we can talk to me in Chinese 不知对不对
2023-08-08 16:09:436


below...; under...; lower than...; less than...低于......Rainfall has been below average. 降雨量低于平均水平。The price is under first cost. 这价格低于成本。We have a buoyant economy and unemployment is considerably lower than the regional average . 我们经济繁荣,失业率远低于地区平均水平。This money is less than that money I expected.这笔钱要低于我所预料的。
2023-08-08 16:10:161


2023-08-08 16:10:295


2023-08-08 15:57:491


2023-08-08 15:57:521

在OGRE里面怎么判断鼠标滚轮滚动啊?就是滚动时摄像机前后移动。具体点的操作谢谢 你是如何解决的呀

你看一下应该能明白,在MouseEvent里,不在MouseButtonID里void injectMouseMove(const OIS::MouseEvent &evt) { updateCameraGoal(-0.0005f * evt.state.Z.rel);//evt.state.z.rel表示鼠标滚过的距离 }void updateCameraGoal(Real distChange) { cameraGoalNode->translate(0,0,distChange);//向父坐标系的z轴移动distChange距离 }
2023-08-08 15:57:541


2023-08-08 15:57:551

POMPEII 求歌词和出处

pompell 百度音乐有The golden dream, the seat of all decorum,a satellite to match the light of Rome:its silver children chatter in the Forum,the bath-house, and the brothels, and their homesabout the latest fashions for their clothes.Across the Tyrrhenian Sea comes driftingHammill Petera song that none of them have ever known.The golden dream that holds back all the hoursfor the ladies in their Dionysian rites,blonde heads all garlanded with flowers:wine and love and laughter through the nightin constant masque and pageant, constant flight.The ground below them whispers in a murmurof passion which is hotter yet than white.The golden dream, the city of all cities,its towers piercing into the azure sky,whose hand is dealt, regarless of all pity:condemned to martyrdom, but not to die.Two lovers look up from their hidden bower.The wine has stood too long and it turns sour.I see the tall and bending of your streetsbut now they echo only leather tourist feetand waking, ashen, grey-blue blinding deathyour sudden winding-sheet.
2023-08-08 15:57:552


2023-08-08 15:57:591

求一份 庞贝(pompeii)的英文版简介

2023-08-08 15:57:482


2023-08-08 15:57:451


2023-08-08 15:57:421


能做许多!你可以参考特性页中当前特性的更新列表。你也可以通过网站上的截屏看到它是多么棒。三、OGRE是一个游戏引擎吗?不。OGRE能(实际上就是)被用于开发游戏,但是OGRE被设计成只提供一个世界级的图形解决方案;对于其他的特性,如:音效、网络、人工智能、碰撞检测、物理等子系统,你则需要将其整合到OGRE中,在这些子系统中,已有一些成熟的库可供选择,在发布的SDK中,我们有一个碰撞/物理的参考整合库的例子。那为什么OGRE不是一个游戏引擎呢?原因之一是:不是每一个需要3D引擎的人都想用其来做游戏,我们并没有假设你要将OGRE用于游戏开发、模拟、商业应用、或是其他用途。其次,游戏产业中的需求是相当广泛的;以MMORPG(Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game,即:大型多人在线角色扮演游戏)为例,它比起FPS(First Person Shooting,即:第一人称射击)类游戏,需要不同类型的网络库,再如一个格斗类游戏将需要不同类型的碰撞/物理系统。如果OGRE包括了所有这些特性,你将被迫在一系列内建的假定的需求下使用一套有针对性的库,那将不是一个好的设计。相反,我们提供了一个用于整合其他库的非常友好的API。许多有经验的游戏开发者已经证明了这一点,因为没有内建的限制。这可能会使得那些仅仅只是想创建另一种类型的FPS游戏的新用户感到更加沮丧,但是对于这些人来说,已经有大量现存的采用OGRE提供完整解决方案的综合库可供使用。然而,需要明白的是OGRE自身总是保持足够地独立和灵活,以致能够与任何其他库融为一体。“与其他库协作和整合,而不是实现他们”的原则是面向组件设计的标准原则。
2023-08-08 15:57:411


我很想告诉,但是太简单了,百度一下什么都有 啊
2023-08-08 15:57:394


  朗诵与歌唱同属有声艺术,是紧密联系的。朗诵是歌唱的基础,歌唱近乎于朗诵,是赋予音乐性的朗诵。下面是我带来的经典英语朗诵美文,欢迎阅读!   经典英语朗诵美文篇一   知足Contentment   Contentment is such a rare state of mind that even the wisest men sometimes find it difficult to get. There is no end to what the heart can desire. We may never have all that we want, and we will always be unhappy if we canu2019t be satisfied with what we already have.   知足是一种难得的精神状态,甚至最睿智的人有时也会发现很难达到知足的境界。心中的欲望没有尽头。我们也许不能得到所有想要的。如果我们不能满足于我们已经拥有的一切,我们将会经常郁郁寡欢。   We foolishly ignore our loved one to search for more material possessions, only to find the joy it brings is temporary. We may lose that loved one we have ignored. We never can tell what will happen tomorrow, so appreciate and treasure people and things around us now.   我们时常愚昧地忽视我们钟爱的事物,去寻求更多物质上的拥有,结果却发现它带来的欢愉只是暂时的。我们可能会因此失去一直忽视的挚爱。我们永远不知明天将如何,所以感激并珍惜今天陪在我们周围的人和物吧。   Disappointment comes when we canu2019t get what we have desired or expected. The way to happiness is to learn how to control our human desires, especially the desire to have more.   当曾经的渴望或期待不能为我们所有时,失望会随之而来。通向快乐的途径是要学会控制我们人性的欲望,尤其是想要更多的欲望。   Someone once said that the constant preoccupation with desires is a sure road to misery. Donu2019t seek for wealth or riches. Instead, seek to be content.   有人曾说过,对欲望一直念念不忘是通往不幸的必然之路。不要追求财富,而要追求知足。   经典英语朗诵美文篇二   充分利用时间Make Full Use of Your Time   When you can only do a little, do it. Soon, youu2019ll have the chance to do a little more, and a little more again, until the job is done.   当你只能完成一点儿工作时,那么就做那一点儿。很快,你就会有机会完成更多一点儿,再多一点儿,直到将全部工作做完。   When you only have a moment or two, make full use of whatever time you have. Even when you canu2019t get all of it done, you can get some of it done.   当你只有一点儿时间时,充分利用你所拥有的时间,无论这段时间有多短。即使你不能在这段时间里完成全部的工作,你也可以完成其中的一部分。   Forget about the time you donu2019t have, and use the time you do have. Instead of worrying about how youu2019ll do it all, focus on doing what you can do right now.   不要去想你不能空出的时间,而要利用你所拥有的时间。与其为如何做完全部工作而担忧,不如现在就集中注意力来做你能做的部分。   Achievement requires many steps. So take one step each time that you can.   一份工作的完成需要很多个步骤。所以,循序渐进,每次完成你能力范围内的一点儿。   Donu2019t waste your time complaining when interruptions knock you off track. Just get yourself beyond them and get quickly back to work.   当各种干扰使你脱离正常轨道时,不要浪费时间去抱怨,而要超越这些干扰,并尽快返回到工作中。   Do what you can, when you can, as often as you can. Your persisten, consistent efforts will steadily take you where you choose to go.   在你能工作时,尽可能经常地去做你力所能及的事情。你坚持不懈的努力将带你朝着你所选择的方向坚定地前进。   经典英语朗诵美文篇三   你随时可以成功   To solve any problem or to reach your goal, you donu2019t need to know all the answers in advance. But you must have a clear idea of the problem or the goal you want to reach.   解决任何问题或实现目标,都不需要你预先知晓一切答案。但你需要明确知道自己面临的问题和实现的目标   All you have to do is know where youu2019re going. The answers will come to you of their own accord. Donu2019t procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem. Break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time.   你必须知道自己的目的所在,答案才会自然揭晓。面对大问题,不可延迟,要将问题分成若干部分,各个击破。   If you can get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. Itu2019s the job you never start that takes the longest to finish. Donu2019t worry about what lies dimly at a distance, but do what lies clearly ahead.   倘若你有开始的勇气,就一定会有成功的勇气。你从未接触过的工作,需要你花费更多的时间才能完成。切勿为远方朦胧之物而担忧,要做好眼前的明确之事。   Your biggest opportunity is where you are right now. Once you begin youu2019re half done.   你的最大机遇就在你此刻所在的地方。只要开始,就获得了一半的成功。
2023-08-08 15:57:341