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2023-08-14 23:30:19

Think Win-Win

Habit 4

Win/Win is one of six total philosophies of human interaction.

Win/Win - People can seek mutual benefit in all human interactions. Principle-based behavior.

Win/Lose - The competitive paradigm: if I win, you lose. The leadership style is authoritarian. In relationships, if both people aren"t winning, both are losing.

Lose/Win - The "Doormat" paradigm. The individual seeks strength from popularity based on acceptance. The leadership style is permissiveness. Living this paradigm can result in psychosomatic illness from repressed resentment.

Lose/Lose - When people become obsessed with making the other person lose, even at their own expense. This is the philosophy of adversarial conflict, war, or of highly dependent persons. (If nobody wins, being a loser isn"t so bad.)

Win - Focusing solely on getting what one wants, regardless of the needs of others.

Win/Win or No Deal - If we can"t find a mutually beneficial solution, we agree to disagree agreeably - no deal. This approach is most realistic at the beginning of a business relationship or enterprise. In a continuing relationship, it"s no longer an option.

The most appropriate model depends on the situation. When relationships are paramount, Win/Win is the only viable alternative. In a competitive situation where building a relationship isn"t important, Win/Lose may be appropriate. There are five dimensions of the Win/Win model: Character, Relationships, Agreements, Supportive Systems and Processes.

Character is the foundation of Win/Win. There must be integrity in order to establish trust in the relationship and to define a win in terms of personal values. A key trait is the abundance mentality that there is plenty for everybody (v. the Scarcity Mentality). The abundance mentality flows from a deep inner sense of personal worth and security.

Relationships are the focus on Win/Win. Whatever the orientation of the person you are dealing with (Win/Lose, etc.), the relationship is the key to turning the situation around. When there is a relationship of trust and emotional bank account balances are high, there is a much greater probability of a successful, productive interaction. Negative energy focused on differences in personality or position is eliminated; positive, cooperative energy focused on understanding and resolving issues is built.

Performance agreements or partnership agreements give definition and direction to Win/Win,. They shift the paradigm of production from vertical (Superior - Subordinate) to horizontal (Partnership/Team). The agreement should include elements to create a standard by which people can measure their own success.

Defined results (not methods) - what is to be done and when.

Guidelines - the parameters within which the results should be accomplished

Resources - human, financial, technical or organizational support available to accomplish the results.

Accountability - the standards of performance and time(s) of evaluation.

Consequences - what will happen as a result of the evaluation.

The agreement may be written by the employee to the manager to confirm the understanding.

Developing Win/Win performance agreements is the central activity of management, enabling employers to manage themselves within the framework of the agreement. Then the manager can initiate action and resolve obstacles so employees can do their jobs.

There are four kinds of consequences that management or parents can control - Financial, Psychic, Opportunity and Responsibility. In addition to personal consequences, the organizational consequences of behaviors should be identified.

The Reward System is a key element in the Win/Win model. Talking Win/Win but rewarding Win/Lose results in negating the Win/Win paradigm. If the outstanding performance of a few is rewarded, the other team members will be losers. Instead, develop individual achievable goals and team objectives to be rewarded.

Competition has its place against market competitors, last year"s performance, or another location or individual where cooperation and interdependence aren"t required, but cooperation in the workplace is as important to free enterprise as competition in the marketplace. The spirit of Win/Win cannot survive in an environment of competition or contests. All of the company"s systems should be based on the principle of Win/Win. The Compensation system of the managers should be based on the productivity and development of their people. Reward both P (production) and PC (building production capacity).

The Win/Win process has four steps.

See the problem from the other point of view, in terms of the needs and concerns of the other party.

Identify the key issues and concerns (not positions) involved.

Determine what results would make a fully acceptable solution.

Identify new options to achieve those results.

You can only achieve Win/Win solutions with Win/Win procedures. Win/Win is not a personality technique. It"s a total paradigm of human interaction.


Opportunity and Success

Opportunities don"t come often. They come every once in a while. Very often, they come quietly and go by without being noticed. Therefore ,it is advisable that you should value and treat them with care. When an opportunity comes, it brings a promise but never realizes it on its own. If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitious, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you. The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities. The successful person always makes adequate preparations to meet opportunities as they duly arrive. The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits to see them pass by. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make use of them to achieve their purpose.



Values 价值观
2023-08-09 04:09:222


sense of worth 很地道,很简洁的说法!
2023-08-09 04:09:311


文化冲突我知道:culture shock 文化休克
2023-08-09 04:09:564


2023-08-09 04:10:246


The social mainstream values/ideologies.The mainstream values/ideologies.
2023-08-09 04:10:392


company culturecompany values
2023-08-09 04:10:595


社会主义核心价值观The core values of Chinese socialism假如对你有帮助,觉得我回答得好的话,请采纳谢谢!!!
2023-08-09 04:11:242


2023-08-09 04:11:324


人生观是 outlook on life,人生价值观应该翻译为 outlook on life value。
2023-08-09 04:11:532


hm七个价值观HM seven values
2023-08-09 04:12:172


你好!社会主义核心价值观he core values of Chinese socialism
2023-08-09 04:12:285

树立正确的价值观 英语怎么说?

Establish the correct values
2023-08-09 04:12:422


the right views of value of diversity
2023-08-09 04:12:503


to set up the correct life-view and value-view
2023-08-09 04:12:595


社会主义核心价值观The core values of Chinese socialism例句要培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,加强公民道德和精神文明建设。We should foster and practice core socialist values, strengthen civic morality, and advance cultural and ethical progress.
2023-08-09 04:13:241

每个人的价值观不同 用英语怎么说

Everyone"s values are different
2023-08-09 04:13:323


core socialist values
2023-08-09 04:13:402

情感态度价值观 英语怎么说

Emotion, Attitude and Values
2023-08-09 04:14:021


Nowadays with the great improvement of people"s living standard and the affluence of many mid-class families, youngsters are more and more materialized. They would measure everything in terms of money. Wealth, in their eyes, has become a symbol of success, completely ignoring the richness in people"s hearts. Comparison with the peers in material way is quite common: who drives the most expensive car? who lives in the most luxurious house? whose father can give them the best life, and so on. We Chinese traditionally think highly of some virtues like hardworking, braveness and thrift, which constitute the core of our value. We must carry all these time-honored traditions forward so that our children and grandchildren can live a better life. If we do nothing about this trend of youngsters being weakened by materialization, the future of the Chinese people, even the ancient civilization would be destroyed in our hands.
2023-08-09 04:14:102

英语翻译: “树立正确的价值观”

Set up the correct values.
2023-08-09 04:14:184


to build up correct value-view
2023-08-09 04:14:262


2023-08-09 04:15:032


翻译成英语,Different cultural backgrounds and values should not hinder students" communication and cooperation.
2023-08-09 04:15:271


I want to learn more about the East-West cultural differences, experience the American way of life, understand their values.
2023-08-09 04:15:342

核心价值观的内容用英语怎么翻译,内容是:忠诚于党,热爱人民,报效祖国,献身使命,崇尚荣誉 急用

The loyalty is at the party, passion people, report effect motherland, dedicate body mission, emphasize honor
2023-08-09 04:15:432


forming the wrong value(s)formation of the wrong value(s)
2023-08-09 04:15:561


Network violence in children establish error values, and even to commit crimes
2023-08-09 04:16:081


Form error values
2023-08-09 04:16:474


2023-08-09 04:17:134


2023-08-09 04:17:483

家庭核心价值观 英语作文

There is no doubt that honesty is one of the best qualities any citizen should have. Whatever we do, we should always hold an honest attitude not only towards the people who are on the same team with us but also towards the work we do. For example, cheating in exams is not an honest deed because it may lead to the misunderstanding between teachers and students, which is not beneficial for the studentsu2019 moral development as well as academic improvement. Therefore, we should stick to the idea that anything bad, although it is small, should never be done and always try to remain honest.
2023-08-09 04:17:551


很多的比如影牙城堡简称YY啊 哀号洞穴简称AH等就是打头字母的拼音组合的细心就能知道的
2023-08-09 04:16:233


2023-08-09 04:16:242


Go straight
2023-08-09 04:16:267


scissors[英]["su026azu0259z] [美]["su026azu0259rz] 生词本简明释义n.剪刀;两腿前后错跃v.剪开( scissor的第三人称单数);作剪式移动(尤指腿)复数:scissors易混淆的单词:Scissors以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组The form scissor is used as a modifier. scissor 用作修饰语。1.N-PLURAL剪刀;剪子Scissors are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together. You use scissors for cutting things such as paper and cloth.
2023-08-09 04:16:261


应该是阿里旺旺的意思吧,就是聊天的。 追问: 那旺旺来提示你信息的
2023-08-09 04:16:323


2023-08-09 04:16:341


2023-08-09 04:16:354


2023-08-09 04:16:391


企业可以使用IRMA 来分析、澄清各项职能执行过程中相关单位/部门之间的职责分工关系,以明确各部门的职能定位,加强跨部门协作,减少职能重叠、扯皮等现象。IRMA图是伯特咨询使用的专业工具,用以澄清组织内的职责现状,并科学规划每条职责的分工与责权关系。职能梳理结束后,最终形成两个层级IRMA图:a)公司级IRMA总图:用于梳理各部门业务职能范围,界定部门间协作分工;b)部门级IRMA图:用于梳理部门内部业务职责细化及岗位间协作分工。编制IRMA图的主要工作步骤如下:1、确定企业业务领域和组织一级职能2、梳理岗位体系,明确岗位设置、人岗匹配关系3、组织开展把一级职能分解到二、三职能,明确部门职能、岗位职责4、按工作对象或者工作方法进行分解5、控制好职责描述的颗粒度,不能粗到无法区分工作由谁负责。6、对于规划职能或关键职能需明确必要的工作方法或者步骤,有利于促进与领导沟通和跨部门沟通,并促进员工理解工作内容,7、明确“短板职能”“核心职能”并了解其中的缘由。
2023-08-09 04:16:402


2023-08-09 04:16:454


2023-08-09 04:16:142


中组部,即中共中央组织部,是中共中央主管组织工作和干部工作的职能部门。主要职责是: (一) 研究和指导党组织特别是党的基层组织的建设,探索在各类新的经济组织中党组织的设置和活动方式的有关问题;研究、协调和指导党员教育,主管党员的管理和发展工作;组织开展新时期党的建设和理论研究。 (二) 提出关于省、直辖市,自治区和国务院部、委、办、行、署、大专院校以及其他列入中央管理的领导班子调整、配备的意见和建议;负责中央管理干部的考察及其任免、工资、待遇、出国(境)、军转安置、退(离)休审批手续的办理;负责干部档案和干部统计工作的综合指导;指导省、直辖市和自治区领导班子的思想作风建设;负责省、直辖省、自治区和国务院有关部委行署办机关部级干部职务任免的备案审查和宏观管理工作;承办部分干部的调配、交流及安置事宜;制订或参与制订组织、干部、人事工作的重要政策和制度。 (三) 组织落实培养选拔中青年干部、妇女干部、少数民族干部、非党干部的有关规划或方案。(四) 负责组织工作和干部工作的检查督促,及时向中共中央和中央政治局反映重要情况,提出建议;负责中央管干部现实问题调查核实及参与对反映有问题的省、直辖省、自治区和国务院部委行署办领导班子情况的调查了解,抓好干部监督制度的落实和历史遗留问题的审查。(五) 制订干部教育规划,组织中央管理的干部和一定层次的中、青年干部以及组织部门负责人的培训;指导、协调、检查省、直辖省、自治区和国务院部委行署办的干部教育工作。 (六) 调查了解知识分子工作情况,参与制订知识分子政策,检查贯彻执行知识分子政策的情况,组织、指导部分杰出专家开展有关活动。(七) 承办中共中央和中央政治局交办的其他事项。中宣部,即中共中央宣传部,是中共中央主管意识形态方面工作的综合职能部门。主要职能是:(1) 负责指导全国理论研究、学习与宣传工作;负责引导社会舆论,指导、协调中央各新闻单位的工作;(2) 负责从宏观上指导精神产品的生产;(3) 负责规划、部署全局性的思想政治工作任务,配合中央组织部做好党员教育工作,负责编写党员教育教材,会同有关部门研究和改进群众思想教育工作;(4) 受党中央委托,协同中央组织部管理文化部、新闻出版署、中国社会科学院的领导干部,会同中央组织部管理人民日报社、广播电影电视总局、新华社等新闻单位和代管单位的领导干部,对省、自治区、直辖市党委宣传部部长的任免提出意见;(5) 负责提出宣传思想文化事业发展的指导方针,指导宣传文化系统制定政策、法规,按照党中央的统一工作部署,协调宣传文化系统各部门之间的关系;(6) 完成党中央交办的其他任务。
2023-08-09 04:16:132


2023-08-09 04:16:101


我同学告诉我它是北京吉利大学中的一个外语学院93年成立的 还不错 国家批准通过的
2023-08-09 04:16:052


剪刀用英语怎么说 scissors [英][u02c8su026azu0259z][美][u02c8su026azu0259rz] n.剪刀; 两腿前后错跃; v.剪开( scissor的第三人称单数); 作剪式移动(尤指腿);那是你的剪刀。用英文怎么说? 为你解答。 那是你的剪刀。 The pair of scissors is yours. 或 The scissors are yours. 解释:第一句中,主语是pair,用单数形式。第二句中,主语是scissors,用复数形式。 这是剪刀用英语怎么说 This is scissors 剪刀的英文单词怎么读 英["su026azu0259z],美 ["su026azu025az] 剪刀的英语怎么说 剪刀 forfex pair of scissors scissors 例句 Cut cloth with scissors. 用剪刀剪布 Cut it with the sc埂ssors. 用剪刀剪开。 having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or clippers. 用剪刀剪头发或羊毛。 You"ll blunt the scissors if you use them to cut card. 用剪刀剪硬纸板,你会把剪刀弄钝的。 You "ll blunt the scissors if you use them to cut cards. 用剪刀剪硬纸板,你会把剪刀弄钝的。 剪刀英文怎么读音 scissors [英][u02c8su026azu0259z][美][u02c8su026azu0259rz] n.剪刀; 两腿前后错跃; v.剪开( scissor的第三人称单数); 作剪式移动(尤指腿); Would you bring me some scissors? 你愿意给我带把剪子来吗? Did you touch the scissors? 你碰过剪刀吗? 两把剪刀用英语怎么说? 你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,应该为: two pairs of scissors *************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问, 另外如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! *************************************************** 剪刀的英语怎么写? scissors
2023-08-09 04:16:051

绝地大逃杀点击开始后出现dx11 feature level 10.0 is required

2023-08-09 04:16:044


旺旺水神难推销的原因主要有以下几点:1. 市场饱和度高:水神是旺旺公司的一个产品品牌,市场上已经存在许多类似的竞争产品,导致市场饱和度较高,消费者选择余地大,对新品牌的接受度较低。2. 品牌知名度不高:相比于其他知名的水产品品牌,旺旺水神的知名度相对较低,消费者对其产品的信任度和认可度可能不高。3. 缺乏差异化竞争优势:旺旺水神的产品特点和竞争对手相比没有明显的差异化竞争优势,消费者可能难以找到选择它的理由。4. 推广和营销不到位:旺旺水神的推广和营销力度可能不足,缺乏对产品的充分宣传和推广,导致消费者了解度不高,进而影响销售。5. 消费者偏好和需求变化:随着消费者健康意识的提高和市场需求的变化,消费者更加关注产品的质量和健康价值,旺旺水神在这方面的表现可能没有满足消费者的期望
2023-08-09 04:16:031


拉紧的英文单词有:cocking; tensioning; straining; forehand; tense; stretch; tauten拉紧在英文句子中,可以这么用:1、水平布置带式输送机拉紧力的确定。The Determination of Tensioning Force of Belt Conveyor with Horizontal Arrangement .2、单线循环客运索道液压拉紧装置的分析与应用。An Analysis& Application of Hydraulic Tensioning Unit for Circulating Passenger Monocable .3、务必要把绳子拉紧。Make sure that the rope is stretched tight.4、把绳子拉紧,别松开。Keep the rope taut.5、晾衣绳被拉紧并系牢。The clothes line is pulled taut and secured.6、你最好拉紧大绳,帆绷得还不够紧。You"d better harden in the ropes, the sails are not tight enough!7、把金属线拉紧,然后把两头捻紧。Pull the wire tight and then twist the ends round.8、基于MATLAB的带式输送机拉紧装置控制系统的稳定性分析。The simulation for take-up control system of belt conveyor based on MATLAB.9、ST型缓冲器拉紧螺栓折断和螺母脱落故障分析。Analysis of Breaking of the Drag Bolts and Falling Off of the Nuts on ST Draft Gears.10、于PCL股骨附着点解剖中心的稍前方钻取股骨隧道,屈膝70°,拉紧并固定移植物。The grafts were tightened and fixed in 70 ° flexion.11、如果你喝得酩酊大醉,也许你就成了“三条风中凌乱的帆绳”(three sheets to the wind)。这一习语来自于适度拉紧的船帆。If you are very drunk, you may be "three sheets to the wind." The phrase comes from having a ship"s sails properly fastened.
2023-08-09 04:15:581


scissors[英]["su026azu0259z] [美]["su026azu0259rz] 生词本 简明释义 n.剪刀;两腿前后错跃 v.剪开( scissor的第三人称单数);作剪式移动(尤指腿) 复数:scissors 易混淆的单词:Scissors 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 The form scissor is used as a modifier. scissor 用作修饰语. 1.N-PLURAL剪刀;剪子Scissors are a small cutting tool with two sharp blades that are screwed together. You use scissors for cutting things such as paper and cloth. He told me to get some scissors... 他让我去拿把剪刀. She picked up a pair of scissors from the windowsill. 她从窗台上拿起一把剪刀.
2023-08-09 04:15:572