barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-16 19:04:46
















1 - one2 - two3 - three4 - four5 - five6 - six7 - seven8 - eight9 - nine10 - ten11 - eleven12 - twelve13 - thirteen14 - fourteen15 - fifteen16 - sixteen17 - seventeen18 - eighteen19 - nineteen20 - twenty21 - twenty-one22 - twenty-two23 - twenty-three24 - twenty-four25 - twenty-five26 - twenty-six27 - twenty-seven28 - twenty-eight29 - twenty-nine30 - thirty40 - forty50 - fifty60 - sixty70 - seventy80 - eighty90 - ninety100 - one hundred31等等的就像21,22那样的在后面加上-数字就行了
2023-08-10 00:55:445


1到100的英文:1-12:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve;13-19末尾以teen结尾,比如19 nineteen;20-99可用“十位-个位”的方法读数,比如21 twenty-one;100的英文hundred。1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty21 twenty-one 22 twenty- two 23 twenty- three 24 twenty- four 25 twenty- five26 twenty- six 27 twenty- seven 28 twenty- eight 29 twenty- nine 30 thirty31 thirty- one 32 thirty- two 33 thirty- three 34 thirty- four 35 thirty- five36 thirty- six 37 thirty- seven 38 thirty- eight 39 thirty- nine 40 forty41 forty- one 42 forty- two 43 forty- three 44 forty- four 45 forty- five46 forty- six 47 forty- seven 48 forty- eight 49 forty- nine 50 fifty51 fifty- one 52 fifty- two 53 fifty- three 54 fifty- four 55 fifty- five56 fifty- six 57 fifty- seven 58 fifty- eight 59 fifty- nine 60 sixty61 sixty- one 62 sixty- two 63 sixty- three 64 sixty- four 65 sixty- five66 sixty- six 67 sixty- seven 68 sixty- eight 69 sixty- nine 70 seventy71 seventy- one 72 seventy- two 73 seventy- three 74 seventy- four 75 seventy- five76 seventy- six 77 seventy- seven 78 seventy- eight 79 seventy- nine 80 eighty81 eighty- one 82 eighty- two 83 eighty- three 84 eighty- four 85 eighty- five86 eighty- six 87 eighty- seven 88 eighty- eight 89 eighty- nine 90 ninety91 ninety-one 92 ninety- two 93 ninety- three 94 ninety- four 95 ninety- five 96 ninety- six97 ninety- seven 98 ninety- eight 99 ninety- nine 100 hundred
2023-08-10 00:56:233


1one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 ninetee 20 twenty21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven sixty 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty31thirty-one 32 thirty-two 33 thirty-three 34 thirty-four 35 thirty-five 36 thirty-six 37 thirty-seven 38 thirty-eight 39 thirty-nine 40 forty41 fourty-one 42 fourty-two 43 fourty-three 44 fourty-four 45 fourty-five 46 fourty-six 47 fourty-seven 48 fourty-eight 49 fourty-nine 50 fifty51 fifty-one 52 fifty-two 53 fifty-three 54 fifty-four 55 fifty-five 56 fifity-six 57 fifity-seven 58 fifty-eight 59 fifity-nine 60 sixty61 sixty-one 62 sixty-two 63 sixty-three 64 sixty-four 65 sixty-five 66 sixty-six 67 sixty-seven 68 sixty-eight 69 sixty-nine 70 seventy 71 seventy-one 72 seventy-two 73 seventy-three 74 seventy-four 75 seventy-five 76 seventy-six 77 seventy-seven 78 seventy-eight 79 seventy-nine 80 eighty81 eighty-one 82 eighty-two 83 eighty-three 84 eighty-four 85 eighty-five 86 eighty-six 87 eighty-seven 88 eighty-eight 89 eighty-nine 90 ninety91 ninety-one 92 ninety-two 93 ninety-three 94 ninety-four 95 ninety-five 96 ninety-six 97 ninety-seven 98 ninety-eight 99 ninety-nine 100 a/one hundred
2023-08-10 00:56:3813


2023-08-10 00:57:3311


One two three four five six seven eight nine ten
2023-08-10 00:58:135


1到100的英文单词如下:1—10 one、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight、nine、ten.11—20 eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen.21—30 eighteen、nineteen、twenty、twenty-one、twenty-two、twenty-three、twenty-four、twenty-five、twenty-six、twenty-seven、twenty-eight、twenty-nine、thirty.31—40 thirty-one、thirty-two、thirty-three、thirty-four、thirty-five、thirty-six、thirty-seven、thirty-eight、thirty-nine、forty.41—50 forty-one、forty-two、forty-three、forty-four、forty-five、forty-six、forty-seven、forty-eight、forty-nine、fifty.51—60 fifty-one、fifty-two、fifty-three、fifty-four、fifty-five、fifty-six、fifty-seven、fifty-eight、fifty-nine、sixty.61—70 sixty-one、sixty-two、sixty-three、sixty-four、sixty-five、sixty-six、sixty-seven、sixty-eight、sixty-nine、seventy.71—80 seventy-one、seventy-two、seventy-three、seventy-four、seventy-five、seventy-six、seventy-seven、seventy-eight、seventy-nine、eighty.81—90 eighty-one、eighty-two、eighty-three、eighty-four、eighty-five、eighty-six、eighty-seven、eighty-eight、eighty-nine、ninety.91—100 ninety-one、ninety-two、ninety-three、ninety-four、ninety-five、ninety-six、ninety-seven、ninety-eight、ninety-nine、hundred.一百以上基数词表达形式是指描述事物数量的多少的数词。英语中数词主要分为基数词和序数词两类。英语中的基数词是用于描述事物数量的多少。百位数个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,例如:There are a hundred trees here.这里有一百棵树。千位数以上从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号“,”。从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后添加thousand,第二个“,”前面的数字后添加million,第三个“,”前的数字后添加billion,比如:There are one million kinds of trees in the world.世界上有一笔万种树。然后一节一节分别表示,两个逗号之间最大的数为百位数形式。例如:2648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight.16250064 sixteen million two hundred and fifty thousand and sixty-four.基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百、成千上万,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。例如:There are hundreds of people in the hall.大厅里有数以百计的人。Thousands and thousands of people come to go to the train station.每天有成千上万的人来到火车站。
2023-08-10 00:58:391


  数学学习的时候我们是从1到100数起学习起的,所以我们的英文学习也从这个开始。下面是我给大家整理的1到100数字的英文翻译,供大家参阅!   1到100数字的英文翻译1   1 one   2 two   3 three   4 four   5 five   6 six   7 seven   8 eight   9 nine   10 ten   11 eleven   12 twelve   13 thirteen   14 fourteen   15 fifteen   16 sixteen   17 seventeen   18 eighteen   19 nineteen   20 twenty   21 twenty-one   22 twenty- two   23 twenty- three   24 twenty- four   25 twenty- five   26 twenty- six   27 twenty- seven   28 twenty- eight   29 twenty- nine   30 thirty   1到100数字的英文翻译2   31 thirty- one   32 thirty- two   33 thirty- three   34 thirty- four   35 thirty- five   36 thirty- six   37 thirty- seven   38 thirty- eight   39 thirty- nine   40 forty   41 forty- one   42 forty- two   43 forty- three   44 forty- four   45 forty- five   46 forty- six   47 forty- seven   48 forty- eight   49 forty- nine   50 fifty   51 fifty- one   52 fifty- two   53 fifty- three   54 fifty- four   55 fifty- five   56 fifty- six   57 fifty- seven   58 fifty- eight   59 fifty- nine   60 sixty   1到100数字的英文翻译3   61 sixty- one   62 sixty- two   63 sixty- three   64 sixty- four   65 sixty- five   66 sixty- six   67 sixty- seven   68 sixty- eight   69 sixty- nine   70 seventy   71 seventy- one   72 seventy- two   73 seventy- three   74 seventy- four   75 seventy- five   76 seventy- six   77 seventy- seven   78 seventy- eight   79 seventy- nine   80 eighty   81 eighty- one   82 eighty- two   83 eighty- three   84 eighty- four   85 eighty- five   86 eighty- six   87 eighty- seven   88 eighty- eight   89 eighty- nine   90 ninety   91 ninety-one   92 ninety- two   93 ninety- three   94 ninety- four   95 ninety- five   96 ninety- six   97 ninety- seven   98 ninety- eight   99 ninety- nine   100 hundred   
2023-08-10 01:00:011


数字的英文写法:1-10one two three four five six seven eight nine ten11-19eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen sevsenteen eighteen nineteen 20-21twenty twenty-one30/40/50/60/70/80/90thirty fouty fifty sixty sevsenty eighty ninety100-101a hundred a hundred and one1,000-1,001a/one thousanda thousand and one1,012/1,144a thousand and twelvea thousand one hundred and fouty-four10,000-10,001ten thousandten thousand and one10,010/10,110/11,000/11,100/11110ten thousand and tenten thousand one hundred and tenten thousand ten hundredten thousand one thousand a hundredten thousand one thousand a hundred and ten200,000/1,000,000two hundred thousandone million
2023-08-10 01:00:119


oneu30022 twou30023 threeu30024 fouru30025 fiveu30026 sixu30027 sevenu30028 eightu30029 nineu300210 tenu300211 elevenu300212 twelveu300213 thirteenu300214 fourteenu300215 fifteenu300216 sixteenu300217 seventeenu300218 eighteenu300219 nineteenu300220 twentyu300221 twenty oneu300222 twenty twou300223 twenty threeu300224 twenty fouru300225 twenty fiveu300226 twenty sixu300227 twenty sevenu300228 twenty eightu300229 twenty nineu300230 thirtyu300231 thirty oneu300232 thirty twou300233 thirty threeu300234 thirty fouru300235 thirty fiveu300236 thirty sixu300237 thirty sevenu300238 thirty eightu300239 thirty nineu300240 fortyu300241 forty oneu300242 forty twou300243 forty threeu300244 forty fouru300245 forty fiveu300246 forty sixu300247 forty seven48 forty eightu300249 forty nineu300250 fiftyu300251 fifty oneu300252 fifty twou300253 fifty threeu300254 fifty fouru300255 fifty fiveu300256 fifty sixu300257 fifty sevenu300258 fifty eightu300259 fifty nineu300260 sixtyu300261 sixty oneu300262 sixty twou300263 sixty threeu300264 sixty fouru300265 sixty fiveu300266 sixty sixu300167 sixty u3002seven68u3002 sixty eightu300269 sixty nineu300270 seventyu300271 seventy oneu300272 seventy twou300273 seventy threeu300274 seventy fouru300275 seventy fiveu300276 seventy sixu300277 seventy sevenu300278 seventy eightu300279 seventy nineu300280 eightyu300281 eighty oneu300282 eighty twou300283 eighty threeu300284 eighty fouru300285 eighty fiveu300286 eighty sixu300287 eighty sevenu300288 eighty eightu300289 eighty nineu300290 ninetyu300291 ninety oneu300292 ninety twou300293 ninety threeu300294 ninety fouru300295 ninety fiveu300296 ninety sixu300297 ninety sevenu300298 ninety eightu300299 ninety nineu3002100 one hundredu3002
2023-08-10 01:01:105


1到100序数词:1到20为:first、second、third、fourth、fifth、sixth、seventh、eighth、ninth、tenth、eleventh、twelfth、thirteenth、fourteenth、fifteenth、sixteenth、seventeenth、eighteenth、nineteenth、 twentieth21到40为:twenty-first、twenty-second、twenty-third、twenty-fourth、twenty-fifth、twenty-sixth、twenty-seventh、twenty-eighth、twenty-ninth、thirtieth、thirty-first、thirty-secondthirty-third、thirty-fourth、thirty-fifth、thirty-sixth、thirty-seventh、thirty-eighth、thirty-ninth、fortieth41到60为:forty-first、forty-second、forty-third、forty-fourth、forty-fifth、forty-sixth、forty-seventh、forty-eighth、forty-ninth、fiftieth、fifty-first、fifty-second、fifty-third、fifty-fourth、fifty-fifth、fifty-sixth、fifty-seventh、fifty-eighth、fifty-ninth、sixtieth61到80为:sixty-first、sixty-second、sixty-third、sixty-fourth、sixty-fifth、sixty-sixth、sixty-seventh、sixty-eighth、sixty-ninth、seventieth、seventy-first、seventy-second、seventy-thirdseventy-fourth、seventy-fifth、seventy-sixth、seventy-seventh、seventy-eighth、seventy-ninth、eightieth81到100为:eighty-first、eighty-second、eighty-third、eighty-fourth、eighty-fifth、eighty-sixth、eighty-seventh、eighty-eighth、eighty-ninth、ninetieth、ninety-first、ninety-secondninety-third、ninety-fourth、ninety-fifth、ninety-sixth、ninety-seventh、ninety-eighth、ninety-ninth、one hundredth扩展资料:基数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语。基数词主要表示事物或人物的个数。The two happily opened the box. 两个人高兴地打开了盒子。(作主语)I need three altogether. 我总共需要三个。(作宾语)Four students are playing volleyball outside. 四个学生在外面打排球。(作定语)We are sixteen. 我们是16个人。(作表语)They three tried to finish the task before sunset. 他们三个人尽力想在日落前完成任务。(作同位语)
2023-08-10 01:01:331


1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty- two23 twenty- three24 twenty- four25 twenty- five26 twenty- six27 twenty- seven28 twenty- eight29 twenty- nine30 thirty31 thirty- one32 thirty- two33 thirty- three34 thirty- four35 thirty- five36 thirty- six37 thirty- seven38 thirty- eight39 thirty- nine40 forty41 forty- one42 forty- two43 forty- three44 forty- four45 forty- five46 forty- six47 forty- seven48 forty- eight49 forty- nine50 fifty51 fifty- one52 fifty- two53 fifty- three54 fifty- four55 fifty- five56 fifty- six57 fifty- seven58 fifty- eight59 fifty- nine60 sixty61 sixty- one62 sixty- two63 sixty- three64 sixty- four65 sixty- five66 sixty- six67 sixty- seven68 sixty- eight69 sixty- nine70 seventy71 seventy- one72 seventy- two73 seventy- three74 seventy- four75 seventy- five76 seventy- six77 seventy- seven78 seventy- eight79 seventy- nine80 eighty81 eighty- one82 eighty- two83 eighty- three84 eighty- four85 eighty- five86 eighty- six87 eighty- seven88 eighty- eight89 eighty- nine90 ninety91 ninety-one92 ninety- two93 ninety- three94 ninety- four95 ninety- five96 ninety- six97 ninety- seven98 ninety- eight99 ninety- nine100 one hundred扩展资料英文数字的组成形式如下:1、1-9以及1-9结尾的个位数字分别为:one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine。从11-19分别为:eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen。这里除 eleven,twelve,thirteen,fifteen,eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。2、从 20-99的表达:整数几十中除twenty,thirty,forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six。
2023-08-10 01:01:411

1到100的英语怎么读 例如:1 万 2 兔 ......

1 one 万,2 two 兔,3 three 司瑞,4 four 佛,5 five 废物,6 six 塞克斯,7 seven 塞温,8 eight 哎特,9 nine 耐恩,10 ten 吞 11 eleven 伊来温,12 twelve 特外屋,13 thirteen 涉听,14 fourteen 佛听,15 fifteen 飞夫听,16 sixteen 塞克斯听,17 seventeen 塞温听,18 eighteen 哎听,19 nineteen 耐恩听,20twenty 湍踢 21 twenty-one 湍踢万,.29 twenty-nine 湍踢耐恩,30 thirty 涉踢 . 40 forty 佛踢 50 fifty 飞夫踢 60 sixty 塞克斯踢 70 seventy 塞温踢 80 eithty 挨踢 90 ninety 耐恩踢 100 one hundred 万罕桌的
2023-08-10 01:02:081


first(1st)Second (2nd) Third (3rd),4th,fifth,6th,7th,eighth,ninth,11th,twelfth----19th,twentieth,twenty-first,以后的类推,也可以在数字的后面加th.注意特殊的就行了.其它的根据规则.
2023-08-10 01:02:342


1one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 ninetee 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven sixty 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 31thirty-one 32 thirty-two 33 thirty-three 34 thirty-four 35 thirty-five 36 thirty-six 37 thirty-seven 38 thirty-eight 39 thirty-nine 40 forty 41 fourty-one 42 fourty-two 43 fourty-three 44 fourty-four 45 fourty-five 46 fourty-six 47 fourty-seven 48 fourty-eight 49 fourty-nine 50 fifty 51 fifty-one 52 fifty-two 53 fifty-three 54 fifty-four 55 fifty-five 56 fifity-six 57 fifity-seven 58 fifty-eight 59 fifity-nine 60 sixty 61 sixty-one 62 sixty-two 63 sixty-three 64 sixty-four 65 sixty-five 66 sixty-six 67 sixty-seven 68 sixty-eight 69 sixty-nine 70 seventy 71 seventy-one 72 seventy-two 73 seventy-three 74 seventy-four 75 seventy-five 76 seventy-six 77 seventy-seven 78 seventy-eight 79 seventy-nine 80 eighty 81 eighty-one 82 eighty-two 83 eighty-three 84 eighty-four 85 eighty-five 86 eighty-six 87 eighty-seven 88 eighty-eight 89 eighty-nine 90 ninety 91 ninety-one 92 ninety-two 93 ninety-three 94 ninety-four 95 ninety-five 96 ninety-six 97 ninety-seven 98 ninety-eight 99 ninety-nine 100 a/one hundred
2023-08-10 01:02:443


1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty21 twenty-one 22 twenty- two 23 twenty- three 24 twenty- four 25 twenty- fiveu3000u300026 twenty- six 27 twenty- seven 28 twenty- eight 29 twenty- nine 30 thirtyu3000u300031 thirty- one 32 thirty- two 33 thirty- three 34 thirty- four 35 thirty- fiveu3000u300036 thirty- six 37 thirty- seven 38 thirty- eight 39 thirty- nine 40 fortyu3000u300041 forty- one 42 forty- two 43 forty- three 44 forty- four 45 forty- fiveu3000u300046 forty- six 47 forty- seven 48 forty- eight 49 forty- nine 50 fifty56 fifty- six 57 fifty- seven 58 fifty- eight 59 fifty- nine 60 sixtyu3000u300061 sixty- one 62 sixty- two 63 sixty- three 64 sixty- four 65 sixty- fiveu3000u300066 sixty- six 67 sixty- seven 68 sixty- eight 69 sixty- nine 70 seventyu3000u300071 seventy- one 72 seventy- two 73 seventy- three 74 seventy- four 75 seventy- fiveu3000u300076 seventy- six 77 seventy- seven 78 seventy- eight 79 seventy- nine 80 eightyu3000u300081 eighty- one 82 eighty- two 83 eighty- three 84 eighty- four 85 eighty- five86 eighty- six 87 eighty- seven 88 eighty- eight 89 eighty- nine 90 ninetyu3000u300091 ninety-one 92 ninety- two 93 ninety- three 94 ninety- four 95 ninety- five 96 ninety- sixu3000u300097 ninety- seven 98 ninety- eight 99 ninety- nine 100 hundred
2023-08-10 01:02:541


zerou3001oneu3001 Twou3001threeu3001fouru3001fiveu3001sixu3001sevenu3001eightu3001nineu3001tenu3001elevenu3001twelveu3001thirteenu3001fourteenu3001ffteenu3001sixteenu3001seventeenu3001eighteenu3001nineteenu3001twentyu3002twenty-oneu3001twenty-twou3001twenty-threeu3001twenty-fouru3001twenty-fiveu3001twenty-sixu3001twenty-sevenu3001twenty-eightu3001twenty-nineu3001thirtyu3002thirty-oneu3001thirty-twou3001thirty-treethirty-fouru3001thirty-fiveu3001 thirty-sixu3001thirty-sevenu3001thirty-eight u3001thirty-nineu3001fortyu3002forty-oneu3001forty-twou3001forty-threeu3001forty-fouru3001forty-fiveu3001forty-sixu3001forty-sevenu3001forty-eightu3001forty-nineu3001fifty-oneu3002fifty-oneu3001fifty-twou3001fifty-threeu3001fifty-fouru3001fifty-fiveu3001fifty-sixu3001fifty-sevenu3001fifty-eightu3001fifty-nineu3001sixtyu3002sixty-oneu3001sixty-twou3001sixty-threeu3001sixty-fouru3001sixty-fiveu3001sixty-sixu3001sixty-sevenu3001sixty-eightu3001sixty-nineu3001seventyseventy-oneu3001seventy-twou3001seventy-threeu3001seventy-fouru3001seventy-fiveu3001seventy-sixu3001 seventy-sevenu3001seventy-eightu3001seventy-nineu3001 eightyu3002eighty-oneu3001eighty-twou3001eighty-threeu3001eighty-fouru3001eighty-fiveu3001eighty-sixu3001eighty-sevenu3001eighty-eightu3001eighty-nineu3001ninetyu3002ninety-oneu3001ninety-twou3001ninety-threeu3001ninety-fouru3001ninety-fiveu3001ninety-sixu3001ninety-sevenu3001ninety-eightu3001ninety-nineu3001one hundred
2023-08-10 01:03:056


2023-08-10 01:03:353


2023-08-10 01:03:421


ten 10twenty 20thirty 30forty 40fifty 50sixty 60seventy 70eighty 80ninety 90hundred 100
2023-08-10 01:04:4614


1英语读作 :one 2英语读作 :two 3英语读作 :three 4英语读作 :four 5英语读作 :five 6英语读作 :six 7英语读作 :seven 8英语读作 :eight 9英语读作 :nine10英语读作 :ten 11英语读作 :eleven 12英语读作 :twelve 13英语读作 :thirteen 14英语读作 :fourteen 15英语读作 :fifteen 16英语读作 :sixteen 17英语读作 :seventeen 18英语读作 :eighteen19英语读作 :nineteen 20英语读作 :twenty 21英语读作 :twenty-one 22英语读作 :twenty- two 23英语读作 :twenty- three 24英语读作 :twenty- four 25英语读作 : twenty- five 26英语读作 :twenty- six 27英语读作 :twenty- seven 28英语读作 :twenty- eight 29英语读作 :twenty- nine 30英语读作 :thirty 31英语读作 :thirty- one 32英语读作 :thirty- two 33英语读作 :thirty- three 34英语读作 :thirty- four 35英语读作 :thirty- five 36英语读作 :thirty- six 37英语读作 :thirty- seven 38英语读作 :thirty- eight 39英语读作 :thirty- nine 40英语读作 :forty 41英语读作 :forty- one 42英语读作 :forty- two 43英语读作 :forty- three 44英语读作 :forty- four 45英语读作 :forty- five 46英语读作 :forty- six 47英语读作 :forty- seven 48英语读作 :forty- eight 49英语读作 :forty- nine 50英语读作 :fifty 51英语读作 :fifty- one 52英语读作 :fifty- two 53英语读作 :fifty- three 54英语读作 :fifty- four 55英语读作 :fifty- five 56英语读作 :fifty- six 57英语读作 :fifty- seven 58英语读作 :fifty- eight 59英语读作 :fifty- nine60英语读作 :sixty 61英语读作 :sixty- one 62英语读作 :sixty- two 63英语读作 :sixty- three 64英语读作 :sixty- four 65英语读作 :sixty- five 66英语读作 :sixty- six 67英语读作 :sixty- seven 68英语读作 :sixty- eight 69英语读作 :sixty- nine 70英语读作 :seventy 71英语读作 :seventy- one 72英语读作 :seventy- two 73英语读作 :seventy- three 74英语读作 :seventy- four 75英语读作 :seventy- five 76英语读作 :seventy- six 77英语读作 :seventy- seven 78英语读作 :seventy- eight 79英语读作 :seventy- nine 80英语读作 :eighty 81英语读作 :eighty- one 82英语读作 :eighty- two 83英语读作 :eighty- three 84英语读作 :eighty- four 85英语读作 :eighty- five 86英语读作 :eighty- six 87英语读作 :eighty- seven 88英语读作 :eighty- eight 89英语读作 :eighty- nine 90英语读作 :ninety 91英语读作 :ninety-one 92英语读作 :ninety- two 93英语读作 :ninety- three 94英语读作 :ninety- four 95英语读作 :ninety- five 96英语读作 :ninety- six 97英语读作 :ninety- seven 98英语读作 :ninety- eight 99英语读作 :ninety- nine 100英语读作 :hundred
2023-08-10 01:05:111


Do you think the lips of Zhu Hong, sweet and elegant.
2023-08-10 01:07:3311


1到100英语怎么读如下图:数词(Numeral),表示数量或顺序的词叫做数词。英语的数词可以作句子的主语、宾语、表语和定语。数词分为两大类,即基数词和序数词。基数词表示数目,如:one,two,three,four……;序数词表示顺序,如:first,second,third,fourth……序数词前一般要加the。扩展资料:基数词 : 表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下:(1).从1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.(2).从 11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen.这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。(3).从 20——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six(4).百位数个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and.101 a hundred and one 320 three hundred and twenty 648 six hundred and forty-eight(5).千位数以上 从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号“,”。从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后添加 thousand,第二个“,”前面的数字后添加 million,第三个“,”前的数字后添加 billion。然后一节一节分别表示,两个逗号之间最大的数为百位数形式。
2023-08-10 01:08:361


懒得一个个打了,所以直接给你复制过来了,1-100的序数词分为四个类。 1、第一类 first (1st) 第一 second (2nd) 第二 third (3rd) 第三 (在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。)这类序数词只有三个,在整个序数词里面是特殊的,就和第一类基数词一样,需要逐个地硬记下来。 2、第二类: fourth (4th) 第四 fifth (5th) 第五 sixth (6th) 第六 seventh (7th) 第七 eighth (8th) 第八 ninth (9th) 第九 tenth (10th) 第十 eleventh (11th) 第十一 twelfth (12th) 第十二 thirteenth (13th) 第十三 fourteenth (14th) 第十四 fifteenth (15th) 第十五 sixteenth (16th) 第十六 seventeenth (17th) 第十七 eighteenth (18th) 第十八 nineteenth (19th) 第十九 这一类序数词共有十六个。均在相应的基数词后面加上后缀-th构成。要注意其中fifth、eighth、ninth、twelth四个词的拼法。 3、第三类: twentieth (20th) 第二十 thirtieth (30th) 第三十 fortieth (40th) 第四十 fiftieth (50th) 第五十 sixtieth (60th) 第六十 seventieth (70th) 第七十 eightieth (80th) 第八十 ninetieth (90th) 第九十 这一类全是十位整数的序数词,共八个。它们的构成方法是:先将相应的十位整数的基数词词尾-ty中的y改成i,然后在加上后缀-eth。 4、第四类: thirty-first (31th) 第三十一 sixty-second (62nd) 第六十二 eighty-seventh (87th) 第八十七 ninety-eighth (98th) 第九十八 这类表示“第几十几”的序数词,跟表示“几十几”的基数词一样简单。在构成方法上均由基数词“几十几”变化而来,十位数不变,仅把个位上的基数词变成序数词就行了。第100 one hundredth
2023-08-10 01:09:065


number one to one hundred 你是问这个么?还是分开的数字?
2023-08-10 01:09:334


2023-08-10 01:10:117


from one to a hundred
2023-08-10 01:10:282


1one 2two 3three 4four 5five 6six 7seven 8eight 9night 10ten 11elever 12twelve 13thirteen f14ourteen 15fifteen 16sixteen 17seventeen 18eighteen 19nighteen 20twenty 21twenty-one 22twenty-two……30thirty 31thirty-one 32thirty-two40forty50fifty60sixty70seventy80eighty90nighty100one hundred
2023-08-10 01:10:363


  1.One(一)   2. Two(二)   3. Three(三)   4. Four(四)   5. five(五)   6. Six(六)   7. Seven(七)   8. Eight(八)   9. Nine(九)   10. Ten(十)   11. Eleven(十一)   12. Twelve(十二)   13. Thirteen(十三)   14. Fourteen(十四)   15. Fifteen(十五)   16. Sixteen(十六)   17. Seventeen(十七)   18. Eighteen(十八)   19. Nineteen(十九)   20. Twenty(二十)   21. Twenty one(二十一)   22. twenty two(二十二)   23. Twenty three(二十三)   24. Twenty four(二十四)   25. Twenty five(二十五)   26. Twenty six(二十六)   27. Twenty seven(二十七)   28. Twenty eight(二十八)   29. Twenty nine(二十九)   30. Thirty(三十)   31. Thirty one(三十一)   32. Thirty two(三十二)   33. Thirty three(三十三)   34. Thirty four(三十四)   35. Thirty five(三十五)   36. Thirty six(三十六)   37. Thirty seven(三十七)   38. Thirty eight(三十八)   39. Thirty nine(三十九)   40. Forty(四十)   41. Forty one(四十一)   42. Forty two(四十二)   43. Forty three(四十三)   44. Forty four(四十四)   45. Forty five(四十五)   46. Forty six(四十六)   47. Forty even(四十七)   48. Forty eight(四十八)   49. Forty nine(四十九)   50. Fifty(五十)   51. Fifty one(五十一)   52. Fifty two(五十二)   53. Fifty three(五十三)   54. Fifty four(五十四)   55. Fifty five(五十五)   56. Fifty six(五十六)   57. Fifty seven(五十七)   58. Fifty eight(五十八)   59. Fifty nine(五十九)   60. Sixty(六十)   61. Sixty one(六十一)   62. Sixty two(六十二)   63. Sixty three(六十三)   64. Sixty four(六十四)   65. Sixty five(六十五)   66. Sixty six(六十六)   67. Sixty seven(六十七)   68. Sixty eight(六十八)   69. Sixty nine(六十九)   70. Seventy(七十)   71. Seventy one(七十一)   72. Seventy two(七十二)   73. Seventy three(七十三)   74. Seventy four(七十四)   75. Seventy five(七十五)   76. Seventy six(七十六)   77. Seventy seven(七十七)   78. Seventy eight(七十八)   79. Seventy nine(七十九)   80. Eighty(八十)   81. Eighty one(八十一)   82. Eighty two(八十二)   83. Eighty three(八十三)   84. Eighty four(八十四)   85. Eighty five(八十五)   86. Eighty six(八十六)   87. Eighty seven(八十七)   88. Eighty eight(八十八)   89. Eighty nine(八十九)   90. Ninety(九十)   91. Ninety one(九十一)   92. Ninety two(九十二)   93. Ninety three(九十三)   94. Ninety four(九十四)   95. Ninety five(九十五)   96. Ninety six(九十六)   97. Ninety seven(九十七)   98. Ninety eight(九十八)   99. Ninety nine(九十九)   100. Hundred(一百)
2023-08-10 01:10:531


2023-08-10 01:08:031

字体后缀里的 MN 是什么意思

MN 是这些字体的厂商名称缩写,参见:很多字体名称中的后缀「MT」代表什么意思?缩写 MN 来自该厂商创始人的名字 Muthu Nedumaran [1]。该厂商是一家马来西亚公司,现名为 Murasu,官网为:Murasu.Com | The Art and Science of Type目标文字名称直接后附「MN」字样的是衬线字体,而后附「Sangam MN」的是无衬线字体。MN 出品的字体全都是针对印度系文字的,和你们这些用汉字与西文的人没有半点关系,这些字体的西文部分也都丑陋不堪,不值得使用。所以你们不用想太多,知道「MN」是厂商名缩写然后时刻远离这些字体就够了。这家 MN 公司近年来为 OS X / iOS 提供了大量印度系文字的字体 [2](基本都用作系统默认字体),包括印度的九大本土文字(Bengali/Bangla 孟加拉字母、Devanagari 天城体字母、Gujarati 古吉拉特字母、Gurmukhi 古木基字母(用于旁遮普语)、Kannada 坎纳达字母、Malayalam 马拉亚拉姆字母、Oriya/Odiya 奥里亚字母、Tamil 泰米尔字母、Telugu 泰卢固字母)以及东南亚的印度系文字(Khmer 高棉字母(用于柬埔寨的高棉语)、Lao 老挝字母、Burmese/Myanmar 缅语字母、Sinhalese/Sinhala 僧迦罗字母)等,极为多产,但字体设计水平惨绝人寰、臭名昭著。
2023-08-10 01:08:041


(1)吸收 葱叶细胞放在清水中 细胞质的浓度大于清水,所以肯定是吸收水分 (2)大 ,内侧 放入清水前外侧与内侧是平行的,两侧细胞大小一样 放入清水后向外卷曲,则说明外侧细胞小于内侧细胞 所以外侧吸水少,内侧吸水多, 即内侧细胞膨胀的程度大于外侧,内侧细胞具有较强的吸水能力 (3)收缩萎蔫 放入浓盐水中,葱叶细胞过度失水,质壁分离,细胞体积变小 所以“葱花”收缩萎蔫
2023-08-10 01:08:051


2023-08-10 01:08:061


乌贼 用英语怎么读 这是因为桌面主题软件的问题,把桌面主题软件卸载掉,比如Style XP、Windows Blinds什么的全部卸载掉。 如果你装了个模拟苹果机的软件,删除就可以了。 乌贼的英文是什么 cuttlefish; inkfish 乌贼的英语介绍 是乌贼 不是章鱼 急急急! 5分 Squid are cephalopods of the order Teuthida, which prises around 300 species. Like all other cephalopods, squid have a distinct head, bilateral symmetry, a mantle, and arms. Squid, like cuttlefish, have eight arms arranged in pairs and two, usually longer,tentacles. Squid are strong swimmers and certain species can "fly" for short distances out of the water.Squid have differentiated from their ancestral molluscs such that the body plan has been condensed antero-posteriorly and extended dorso-ventrally. What before may have been the foot of the ancestor is modified into a plex set of tentacles and highly developed sense organs, including advanced eyes similar to those of vertebrates. The ancestral shell has been lost, with only an internal gladius, or pen, remaining. The pen is a feather-shaped internal structure that supports the squid"s mantle and serves as a site for muscle attachment. It is made of a chitin-like material. The main body mass is enclosed in the mantle, which has a swimming fin along each side. These fins, unlike in other marine organi *** s, are not the main source of lootion in most species. The skin is covered in chromatophores, which enable the squid to change color to suit its surroundings, making it practicallyinvisible. The underside is also almost always lighter than the topside, to provide camouflage from both prey and predator. Under the body are openings to the mantle cavity, which contains the gills (ctenidia) and openings to ......>> 墨鱼英文怎么读 这是因为桌面主题软件的问题,把桌面主题软件卸载掉,比如Style XP、Windows Blinds什么的全部卸载掉。 如果你装了个模拟苹果机的软件,删除就可以了。 墨鱼,鱿鱼,乌贼这3种鱼的英文名称(cuttle fish,squid....)和样子有什么联系和区别呀?分不清啊 乌贼/墨鱼 (Cuttlefish) 其实不是鱼,是一种软体动物,不过壳退化变成了内骨骼。身体是长筒形的,十爪。墨鱼是乌贼的俗称,也叫墨斗鱼,身上有不均的黑斑。 鱿鱼/枪乌贼 (Squid) 跟乌贼是同一目,十爪,同样的长筒形,身体更狭长些,有点儿标枪的样子,所以也叫枪乌贼。内骨骼很薄 章鱼/八爪鱼 (Octopus) 完全是软体的,身体是圆形,八爪
2023-08-10 01:08:101


2023-08-10 01:08:131

Nee Jathaga中文歌词

2023-08-10 01:08:144


哇嘎播播是一款在线播放电影的流媒体播放器,采用P4P技术对影片进行加速,使高清晰 DVD影片在网页上播放也只需要缓冲不到30秒即可观看!独有的流媒体核心技术,让在线观看 一点都不卡,与流行的BT类似,观看电影的人越多影片播放越流畅。 标准版安装程序仅1.5M左右,不包含任何流氓插件,是一款难得的绿色流媒体播放器; 如果您的机器没有装Real或AVI解码器,那么只需要下载哇嘎播播增强版,大小只有15M,仅 是暴风影音、KMplayer等播放器大小的一半,但并不逊色于他们(同时支持多达400种影片格 式)。 更可贵的是,您可以访问哇嘎播播的电影网站,在线免费观看10万部电影、电视剧、综 艺、动漫等。 那么,我们将哇嘎播播的特点归纳如下: 1、资源丰富,可免费在线观看电影、电视剧、综艺、动漫等; 2、缓冲时间少,只需要不到30秒的时间,即可实现流畅播放; 3、高清晰效果,在线播放DVD格式的影片,赶紧丢弃那些不清晰的在线视频吧; 4、支持Rmvb、Wmv、Asf、Avi、Mpg、Mp4、3GP等400多种格式; 5、支持P4P流媒体播放时的任意拖拽,支持网络数据流的控制; 6、高效的NAT和防火墙穿透能力,帮助内网用户加快传输速度; 7、软件小巧精致,优化的安装包仅1M多,占用极少的系统资源; 8、“人人为我,我为人人”的共同加速机制,让每部电影播放都是那么流畅; 9、软件终身免费,决不捆绑任何插件程序,并不断更新与升级; 10、更多特点等你发现,让我们哇嘎到底。
2023-08-10 01:08:163


2023-08-10 01:08:175


提升squid的速度,可以: 1.减少cache_mem的值; 2.关掉内存池memory_pools off ; 3.通过降低一个或多个缓存目录的大小,减少磁盘缓存大小。
2023-08-10 01:08:182


spend主语应该是人cost是一件物品花了某个人多少U0001f4b0take sb某物让某人花费payU0001f4b0for物 物品让人花多少U0001f4b0区别是后面加的不同主语不同
2023-08-10 01:08:184


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2023-08-10 01:07:481


输 vinisi.com南非世界杯的官方主题曲:《飘扬的旗帜(Wavin"Flag)》题歌的演唱者为31岁的歌手克南,他出生在索马里。《飘扬的旗帜》是他今年2月底发行的专辑《游吟诗人》中的一首歌,歌曲带有浓郁的非洲气息,表达了对这片充满战火、贫穷和落后的土地不离不弃的热爱。在2009年9月国际足联举行的世界杯主题曲征集中,克南将自己的歌曲寄给了国际足联,最终被国际足联所认可。
2023-08-10 01:07:477

求初中英语中几 花费 (spend,pay,take,cost)的详解。 spend .....doing sth/in doing sth/on sth 2.It takes 时间 to do 3. sb paid 金钱 for sth4. sth cost sb sm
2023-08-10 01:07:453

octopus squid cuttlefish 有什么区别哦

octopus 章鱼,就是八爪鱼(有八个触爪的,很容易跟下面两种区别)squid 鱿鱼,枪乌贼。cuttlefish 乌贼,墨鱼(遇到危险会喷出像墨汁一样的液体)乌贼,又称花枝, 墨斗鱼或墨鱼,是软体动物门头足纲乌贼目的动物。 与鱿鱼不同的是,乌贼有一船形石灰质的硬鞘。 鱿鱼,又称柔鱼,枪乌贼,是软体动物门头足纲管鱿目开眼亚目的动物。鱿鱼也不是鱼,它和乌贼是“亲戚”,但它的肉比乌贼更鲜嫩味更美。鱿鱼与乌贼,在外貌上 有些相似,但又有明显的不同。鱿鱼身体狭长,有点像标枪的枪头,所以又叫枪乌贼。鱿鱼的长脚没有乌贼的长脚长,而且不能全部缩到身体内。我们吃乌贼的时候,必须把它的内骨骼拿掉,而鱿鱼的内骨骼已经变成像叶子一样的薄片,当然可以吃的。
2023-08-10 01:07:451


2023-08-10 01:07:412


enterprise ["entu0259praiz]
2023-08-10 01:07:391


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