barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-17 02:07:06



火星最初是名叫拉斯特的宠物猫,他的父亲是杰克(宠物猫),母亲是肉豆蔻(宠物猫),与长鞭(Strap)、短袜(Sock)、红宝石(Ruby)是同父异母的兄弟。后来加入雷族成为学徒火爪并由蓝星指导,学徒训练结束后成为武士火心,《疑云重重》末成为副族长,《力挽狂澜》蓝星死后成为族长。他指导的学徒有炭毛、云尾和黑莓掌。他任命的副族长依次有:白风、灰条和黑莓掌。火星的第一个武士任务是把风族带回来。火星有时为了朋友或他相信是正确的事而打破守则,如和灰条去找银溪、在蓝星要攻打风族时和高星通报避免战争、给河族食物等。 在《力挽狂澜》中,他集结四个族对抗血族,杀死血族族长长鞭。在外传中,火星接受远古天族族长云星的托付,与其伴侣沙风前往北方完成了重建天族的使命,并在回族群后生下了两个女儿。



蓝星是只蓝灰色的蓝眼母猫,淡银色的口鼻和尾巴,火星前的雷族族长。她决定把火星带进森林。她是位冷静公平的族长。蓝星的武士名是蓝毛,和河族的橡心相恋,生下了三个孩子。由于当时的副族长褐斑打算退休,而蓝毛要阻止好战的蓟掌成为副族长,只好将2个孩子送到河族(小苔藓冻死),当上副族长,后当上族长。 蓝星最初选红尾为副族长,后红尾被虎星谋杀,第二任副族长狮心在当上副族长后不久在影族的战斗中牺牲,蓝星又选择了虎掌,虎掌在《疑云重重》末背叛,谋杀蓝星,被火星发现,虎掌便被蓝星流放。蓝星因为信任的副族长背叛自己,开始不信任族猫,精神失常,并向星族宣战,直到《险路惊魂》末蓝星恢复理智,为了引诱野狗而掉落悬崖死亡。蓝星原来老师是石毛,因石毛在与风族的战斗中重伤,老师变为日星,学徒为霜毛、奔风和火星。蓝星的母亲在为月花,父亲是暴尾,伴侣是河族的橡心,姐姐是雪毛,幼崽是石毛、小苔藓、雾星。也是火星在接受第九条命的猫。





虎星的儿子,武士名为黑莓掌,有妹妹褐皮和同父异母的弟弟鹰霜、妹妹蛾翅,松鼠飞的伴侣,曾多次因为父亲虎星而遭受对群族忠诚的质疑,最后终于证明自己有能力在灰条失踪后担任副族长的职位。星族选中的四只猫之一,带领着六只猫去见獾午夜,聆听午夜的消息,并参加了拯救急水部落的行动。后带着四大群族一起找到了新家。虎星在梦中训练黑莓星和弟弟鹰霜,想让他统治雷族、风族,但黑莓星对族群忠心耿耿(接受训练的原因是为了成为一名优秀的武士,想成为副族长是希望用自己的努力成为,他不清楚父亲的阴谋),最后杀死了野心勃勃的鹰霜。 黑莓星抚养的孩子有冬青叶、狮焰和松鸦羽,但他们其实是叶池和鸦羽的孩子。 在《拂晓之光》中对于松鼠飞帮叶池隐瞒叶池怀孕的事情愤怒而和松鼠飞关系破裂。四部曲末与黑森林的战斗结束后当上了族长,副族长为松鼠飞,从语气上可以看出已经基本上原谅。

















一只拥有蓝色眼睛,毛茸茸的浅灰色母猫,是白翅和桦落的女儿,藤池的姐姐。她出生于《拂晓之光》。她的导师是狮焰,并且拥有星预言的庇祐。在四部曲星预言的第一集《第四学徒》中,将提及她的能力 ──可以听见或看见远处所发生的事 。在《第四学徒》中和导师狮焰一起带领四族武士破坏了河狸的水坝,使湖里的水回归,结束了干旱。虽然在武士考核上一根胡须都没有抓到,但是狮焰和蛛足认为鸽爪救冰云的时候很英勇,和常春藤爪一起在《月光印记》中晋升为武士。鸽翅是云尾和亮心、尘毛和香薇云的孙女,公主、纹脸的曾孙女,是叶池、火星、松鼠飞、松鸦羽等猫亲戚。


深蓝色眼睛,银白相间的母猫。是白翅和桦落的女儿,鸽翅的妹妹。她出生于《拂晓之光》,在《拂晓之光》尾声第二次出现。并且也有提及她或者她的手足会是三力量预言中的第三只猫,因为冬青叶并不是那个预言所提及的猫。她的导师是炭心。鸽爪的能干使得族里的上上下下的所有猫对她都刮目相看,让常春藤爪非常嫉妒,被鹰霜骗到黑森林,后来发现了黑森林猫不是要让她成为一名更优秀的武士,而是在利用她对抗她的族猫,变焦急地鸽爪商量;鸽爪带她去找松鸦羽和狮焰,最终成为黑森林的间谍,但最后之战中因为帮助一只风族猫把风皮拖下来暴露了身份,被霜等猫把她逼入死角,被冬青叶所救(但冬青叶死了)。和鸽翅一起在《月光印记》晋升为武士。藤池是云尾亮心、尘毛和香薇云的孙女,公主、霜毛 、纹脸的曾孙女,是叶池、火星、松鼠飞、松鸦羽、冬青叶等猫的亲戚。


















落叶Fallen Leaves




warriors读音:英[u02c8wu0252ru026au0259z] 美[u02c8wu0254riu0259rz]翻译:n.(尤指旧时的)武士,勇士,斗士;词典:warrior的复数;例句1.Warriors armed with bows and arrows and spears have invaded their villages.佩带弓箭和长矛的武士闯入了他们的村庄。2.I like reading the stories of ancient warriors. 我喜欢读有关古代武士的故事。3.The aims of the negotiators in New York again seem likely to collide with the aims of the warriors in the field 看来,纽约谈判人员的目标可能会再次与战场上勇士们的目标发生冲突。4.Achilles is a mighty Greek warrior. 阿喀琉斯是一位威猛的希腊勇士。5.An average man cares that things are either true or false, but a warrior doesn"t. 普通百姓关心的事情不是对就是错,战士就不是这样。6.Today, along the Silk Road there"re many places of interest, such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi"an and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. 如今,丝绸之路沿线有许多名胜古迹,如西安兵马俑和敦煌莫高窟。7.Men feared him and women lusted after the handsome warrior. 男人们害怕他,女人们纷纷追求这个英俊的勇士。8.The 5th Brigade is now taking 895 Land Warrior ensembles to Afghanistan. 第五旅现在携带895套陆地勇士装备去阿富汗。9.The warriors speared the man to death. 武士们把那个男子戳死了。10.A warrior and holding a sharp weapon in his hand, laughed loudly the moment he saw Zhao Jianzi. 有个武士名叫公卢望,他身上穿着恺甲,手里拿着锐利的兵器,一看到赵简子就放声大笑。11.The high stern castle was a riot or carved gods, demons, knights, kings, warriors, mermaids, cherubs. 其尾部高耸的船楼上雕满了神仙、妖魔鬼怪、骑士、国王、勇士、美人鱼、天使
2023-08-10 03:56:511


warrior ["wu0252ru026au0259] 勇士
2023-08-10 03:57:282


2023-08-10 03:57:3915

wolf warriors什么意思

wolf warriors狼战士
2023-08-10 03:58:094


warrior cat 猫放在武士的后面翻译
2023-08-10 03:58:398

Thin Lizzy的《Warriors》 歌词

歌曲名:Warriors歌手:Thin Lizzy专辑:Live And DangerousWarriorYour words fall out like a rain from a cloudBut they feel like stonesThey cut me openEvery promise rips me apartCause in the endYou always break themDo you know what it feels likeTo feel so unwantedYou keep thinking you deserve the painWhen you"re loving someoneWho knows when your heart breaksAnd isn"t going to changeI gotta be a warriorIn my head, in my heartI gotta be a warriorFind the strength in these starsIt"s time to turn aroundIt"s time to think of meGotta stand up and fight for what I believeA warrior, a warriorEverytime you clawed your way back inI crushed myselfLike I was worthlessYou used to crawling under my skinBut now you don"t even scratch the surfaceDo you know what it feels likeTo feel so unwantedYou keep thinking you"re the one to blameWhen you"re loving someoneWho knows when your heart breaksSomethings gotta changeI gotta be a warriorIn my head, in my heartI gotta be a warriorFind the strength in these starsIt"s time to turn aroundIt"s time to think of meGotta stand up and fight for what I believeA warrior, a warriorAnd I know I"m strong enough to make itNothing in the world could bring me downYou can try your wordsBut I won"t shake I"ll stand my groundI gotta be a warriorIn my head, in my heartI gotta be a warriorFind the strength in these starsIt"s time to turn aroundIt"s time to think of meGotta stand up and fight for what I believeA warrior, a warriorI gotta be a warriorIn my head, in my heartI gotta be a warriorFind the strength in these starsIt"s time to turn aroundIt"s time to think of meGotta stand up and fight for what I believeA warrior, a warrior
2023-08-10 03:58:541


你说的我也不再提了鬼泣,弑魂散打,武神气功,百花街霸,毒王柔道,暴风眼枪炮师,大枪漫游枪手,漫游弹药专家,弹药机械师,机械蓝拳圣使,蓝拳圣骑士,金身驱魔师,驱魔(大叔有时指全体,有时光指圣骑)召唤师,女皇元素师,元素魔道学者,魔道战斗法师,战法、力法级高以后都这么叫 一般都是按觉醒来 除非特征明显 还有什么问题HI我
2023-08-10 03:59:042


2023-08-10 03:59:121


是由陈奕迅演唱《孤勇者》,完整歌词:都是勇敢的你额头的伤口你的不同你犯的错都不必隐藏你破旧的玩偶你的面具你的自我他们说要带着光驯服每一头怪兽他们说要缝好你的伤没有人爱小丑为何孤独不可光荣人只有不完美值得歌颂谁说污泥满身的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗配吗这褴褛的披风战吗战啊以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄他们说要戒了你的狂就像擦掉了污垢他们说要顺台阶而上而代价是低头那就让我不可乘风你一样骄傲着那种孤勇谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄爱你孤身走暗巷爱你不跪的模样爱你对峙过绝望不肯哭一场爱你破烂的衣裳却敢堵命运的枪爱你和我那么像缺口都一样去吗配吗这褴褛的披风战吗战啊以最卑微的梦致那黑夜中的呜咽与怒吼谁说站在光里的才算英雄你的斑驳与众不同你的沉默震耳欲聋You Are The Hero创作背景该曲由音乐制作人钱雷编曲、制作,作词人唐恬作词,他们以平凡英雄、背后英雄的角度开展创作,主要扣住《英雄联盟:双城之战》的主题,还原出那些不是正统意义中的无名英雄形象。因动画围绕上城和底城文明冲突的故事、英雄成长的磨炼和蜕变展开,“天生就是用音乐讲故事”的陈奕迅便成为了演唱主题曲的最佳人选。陈奕迅也表示希望这首歌能给跟生活“对线”的听众们更多勇气。
2023-08-10 03:59:222

go warriors什么意思

Warriors 是美国加州篮球队队名,全名是 The Golden State Warriors(中文译作“勇士”队)。Go Warriors:勇士队加油!
2023-08-10 04:00:001

warriors 歌词 中文翻译

在晚上,高高地在天堂方面我们对抗快速的比较闪电我们袭击同类整个夜晚撕开的火灾被光包围天空的愤怒雷电时间已经来牺牲我们是战士,从光出生一队军队为自由,生活的防御者战士,陶醉将会升从黑暗返回我们埋葬所有的谎言骑士,被逐出的而且在天空中遗失回到天堂否认大声的比较雷电我们骑预备好的状态袭击召来我们和你将会生还跟随我们到天堂[合唱]我们这里,光的战士我们这里,我们来自夜晚我们这里,光的战士我们这里, 陶醉将会升
2023-08-10 04:00:081

the Terra-cotta Warriors 怎么读

terracotta 英[u02ccteru0259u02c8ku0254tu0259] 美[u02cctu025bru0259u02c8kɑtu0259] Warriors ["wu0254riu0259z]
2023-08-10 04:00:291

warriors 歌词游戏王

罗马音标在歌词下面。揺れている面影にyu re te i ru o mo ka ge ni仆らの愿い永远に果てしないbo ku ra no ne ga i ei en ni ha te shi na iいつしか生きるためにi tsu shi ka i ki ru ta me ni置き去りにした幸せo ki za ri ni shi ta shi a wa se伪ることですがって踊ってたi tsu wa ru ko to de su ga tte o do tte taただの幻にta da no ma bo ro shi ni瞳闭じた视界の果てでhi to mi to ji ta shi ka i no ha te de君の笑颜を探してたki mi no e ga o wo sa ga shi te ta揺れている面影にyu re te i ru o mo ka ge ni仆らは梦抱き 駆け抜けていく そうbo ku ra wa yu me i da ki ka ke nu ke te i ki souいつの曰か 胸にしまってたi tsu no hi ka mu ne ni shi ma tte taこの想いを もう一度握りしめて 今ko no o mo i wo mou i chi do ni gi ri shi me te i ma俺の胸をなして戦い终えた戦士だちo re no mu ne wo na shi te ta ta ka i o wa e ta sen shi da chi何时の时代(とき)を越えれば答えを仆らは见つけるのi tsu no to ki wo ko e re ba ko da e wo bo ku ra wa mi tsu ke ru no远い空の向こうに続くto o i so ra no mu kou ni tsu dsu ku见果てぬ梦が泣いてるmi ha te nu yu me ga na i te ru揺れている面影にyu re te i ru o mo ka ge ni仆らの愿い永远に果てしない そうbo ku ra no ne ga i ei en ni ha te shi na i sou毁れてく 几つもの涙ko wa re te ku i ku tsu mo no na mi da拭(ぬぐ)っては明曰を目差してゆくnu gu tte wa a shi ta wo me za shi te yu ku何时か いえなかったことi tsu ka i e na ka tta ko to今曰は 君に捧げたいkyo wa ki mi ni sa sa ge ta i揺れている面影にyu re te i ru o mo ka ge ni导びかれるまま 駆け向けてゆこうmi chi bi ka re ru ma ma ka ke mu ke te yu kouそう 胸にしまってたsou mu ne ni shi ma tte taこの想いを もう一度握りしめて 今ko no o mo i wo mou i chi do ni gi ri shi me te i maめくるめく 时代の中me ku ru me ku ji da i no na kaこれからときっと歩いてゆくだろうko re ka ra to ki tto a ru i te yu ku da rouベベベベベベベ---be be be be be be beWARRIOS~~!!!!中文不知道。。。
2023-08-10 04:00:391


As a child you would wait ,and watch from far away .当我还是个孩子的时候,我远远的看着他,默默等待But you always knew that you"d be the one work while they all play但我坚信当所有人都爱上他的时候,我仍会是其中的一份子In youth ,you"d lay---awake at night and scheme年少时我常常会夜半醒来,幻想着未来的日子Of all the things that you would change所有的一切我都想要把它改变But it just a dream……但着看起来只是一个梦想而已Here we are don"t turn away ,now~终于到了今天我们不再彷徨We are the Warriors that built this town !我们就是创造新时代的勇士们Here we are don"t turn away ,now~终于到了今天我们不再彷徨We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……我们就是创造被埋没的时代的勇士们The time will come when you will have to rise当我们共同努力新的时代就要来临Above the best and prove yourself在最好的时代证明自己Your spirit never dies我内心的火焰从未熄灭Farewell , I" ve gone to take my throne above再见旧日子,我将去高举我的宝座But don"t weep for me ,cause this will be the labor of my love不要因为我的离开而哭泣,因为这才是我的最爱Here we are don"t turn away ,now~终于到了今天我们不再彷徨We are the Warriors that built this town !我们就是创造新时代的勇士们Here we are don"t turn away ,now~终于到了今天我们不再彷徨We are the Warriors that built this town from dust……我们就是创造被埋没的时代的勇士们Here we are don"t turn away ,now~终于到了今天我们不再彷徨We are the Warriors that built this town !我们就是创造新时代的勇士们Here we are don"t turn away ,now~终于到了今天我们不再彷徨We are the Warriors that built this town from dust我们就是创造被埋没的时代的勇士们
2023-08-10 04:00:481


英雄联盟s4世界总决赛歌曲是由梦龙乐队(Imagine Dragons)演唱的《Warriors》。歌名《Warriors》As a child, you would wait作为孩子 你会等待And watch from far away习惯远远观望But you always knew that you"ll be the one但你一直明白 你会是那个that work while they all play不同流合污浪费时间游戏的人And you, you lay, awake at night and scheme你躺在床上 夜不能寐 图谋计划of all the things that you would change你要改变一切but it was just a dream!但这都只是一个梦想Here we are, don"t turn away now,我们在这 现在不要转身离开we are the warriors that built this town.我们是建造城市的勇士Here we are, don"t turn away now,我们在这 现在不要转身离开we are the warriors that built this town.我们是建造城市的勇士From Dust平地而起 创造辉煌The time will come, when you"ll have to rise那个时刻将要来临 你会above the best, improve yourself脱颖而出 证明自我your spirit never dies!你的精神不朽Farewell, I"ve gone, to take my throne above永别了 我要离开 登上我的王位don"t weep for me不要为我哭泣Cuz this will be the labor of my love因为这是为我所爱的而努力Here we are, don"t turn away now,我们在这 现在不要转身离开we are the warriors that built this town.我们是建造城市的勇士Here we are, don"t turn away now,我们在这 现在不要转身离开we are the warriors that built this town.我们是建造城市的勇士From Dust.平地而起 创造辉煌Here we are, don"t turn away now,我们在这 现在不要转身离开we are the warriors that built this town.我们是建造城市的勇士Here we are, don"t turn away now,我们在这 现在不要转身离开we are the warriors that built this town.我们是建造城市的勇士From Dust.平地而起 创造辉煌扩展资料2014年10月19日,官方赛前报道将于北京时间下午14时进行,紧接着就将实时转播首尔上演体育场的终极总决赛开幕式。这里将成为整个首尔,乃至全球召唤师所关注的焦点。开场模式将现场演绎史诗级的音乐,第56届格莱美奖最佳摇滚表演奖获得者Imagine Dragons还将现场演唱2014赛季世界总决赛主题曲《Warriors》。历数过往,这已经是Riot Games为《英雄联盟》举办的第四届世界总决赛,从欧洲到北美,三支来自不同赛区的队伍都曾捧起过召唤师之杯。四年间全球召唤师数量也在不断地提升之中,《英雄联盟》赛季总决赛也逐渐成为最受全球玩家所关注的重量级赛事。
2023-08-10 04:01:081


2023-08-10 04:01:288

英语Mightly warriors怎么翻译?

Mightly warriors翻译过后的意思是:也许勇士
2023-08-10 04:01:4512

Terracotta Warriors是什么意思

terracotta warriorsn.兵马俑; 例句:1.This is the largest terracotta warriors I"ve found. 这是我找到的,最大批的兵马俑。2.If it weren"t for some toiling farmers digging a well back in 1974, the famed terracotta warriors may remain buried still. 如果不是1974年那些衣衫褴褛的农民挖井时的偶然发现,也许著名的兵马俑至今仍然沉睡在大地中
2023-08-10 04:02:191


2023-08-10 04:02:272


是金州勇士的后身 呵呵
2023-08-10 04:02:378

Terracotta Warriors是什么意思

Terracotta Warriors兵马俑;就是兵马俑;秦始皇兵马俑例句1.Terracotta Warriors and Horses is one of the eight wonders.兵马俑是八大奇迹之一。2.Is this the place that the terracotta warriors were discovered?这里就是发现兵马俑的地方吧?3.Thousands and thousands of people come to visit the Museum of Qin TerraCotta Warriors and Horses every day.每天有成千上万的人来参观秦兵马涌博物馆。4.HRH The Duke of York visits the Terracotta Warriors Museum in Xian, one of the worlds most important archeological discoveries .约克公爵参观了西安的兵马俑博物馆一项世界重要的考古发现。5.Let us go to Xi an to have a look at the Museum of Qin Terracotta Warriors.让我们到秦兵马俑博物馆去看一看。
2023-08-10 04:03:181


2023-08-10 04:03:263


2023-08-10 04:03:361

Samurai Warriors是什么意思

Samurai Warriors武士warriors[英]["wu0252ru026au0259z][美]["wu0252ru026arz]n.武士,勇士,战士( warrior的名词复数 ); 易混淆单词:Warriors例句:1.We"ve lost many warriors in these raids. 在突袭过程中我们失去了很多战士.
2023-08-10 04:03:571

go warriors什么意思

go warriors去勇士亲爱的芝麻,您好如果有帮助,请支持与采纳良好的体验来自双方的合作万千芝麻是一家,团结合作靠大家不明白请及时追问,敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~
2023-08-10 04:04:062

warriors 歌词 中文翻译

分类: 音乐 问题描述: At night, high up in the heavens we fight Faster than lightning we strike Like fires that rip through the night Surrounded by lightRaging thunder in the skies Time has e to sacrifice We are warriors, born from the light An army for freedom, defenders of life Warriors, euphoria will rise Returning from darkness we bury all lies The knights, outcast and lost in the skies Returning to heaven denied Louder than thunder we ride Ready to strike Call for us and you will survive Follow us to paradise [Chorus] Here we are, the warriors of light Here we are, we came from the night Here we are, the warriors of light Here we are, euphoria will rise 谢谢! 解析: 在晚上,高高地在天堂方面我们对抗 快速的比较闪电我们袭击 同类整个夜晚撕开的火灾 被光包围 天空的愤怒雷电 时间已经来牺牲 我们是战士, 从光出生 一队军队为自由, 生活的防御者 战士, 陶醉将会升 从黑暗返回 我们埋葬所有的谎言 骑士, 被逐出的而且在天空中遗失 回到天堂否认 大声的比较雷电我们骑 预备好的状态袭击 召来我们和你将会生还 跟随我们到天堂 [合唱] 我们这里, 光的战士 我们这里, 我们来自夜晚 我们这里, 光的战士 我们这里, 陶醉将会升
2023-08-10 04:04:131


2023-08-10 04:04:234

Ky Mani Marley的《Warriors》 歌词

歌曲名:Warriors歌手:Ky Mani Marley专辑:The JourneySecret And Whisper - Warrior (Southern Arrowwood)I am thunderFrom silver moon and sky.Born of a daughterCreation of Great Spirit of Wonder.The warrior the warriorventures on his own.The warrior the warriorChild of moon and water.Turn aroundAnd let the winds direction guide you.Fear no soundYour ancestors are right beside you.Dark Spirit (Dark Spirit)Will fear me because I"m a warrior.The warrior the warrior the warriorVentures on his own.The warrior the warrior the warriorChild of moon and water.The shaman asked for youYour vision will come true.Turn aroundAnd let the winds direction guide you.Fear no soundYour ancestors are here beside you.Wild untamed and gentle childOf southern arrowwood.A legend tells of a modern warrior.Who will rescue our people from evil spirits.Turn aroundAnd let the winds direction guide you.Fear no soundYour ancestors are here beside you.Wild untamed and gentle childOf southern arrowwoodI am thunder.I am made from silver moon and sky.
2023-08-10 04:04:311

Thin Lizzy的《Warriors》 歌词

歌曲名:Warriors歌手:Thin Lizzy专辑:JailbreakDisturbed - WarriorI am now, an instrument of violenceI am a vessel of invincibilityI cannot leave this undecidedStepping down to battle another dayRemember me for all time thisDetermination is a vital part of meSurrender now or be countedWith the endless masses that I will defeatCome on bring itDon"t sing it, better believe itBroken down till your hope has diedBeat down till victory"s mineStand up and show me some prideAnd now, are you ready?I"m the one with the warrior insideMy dominance can"t be deniedYour entire world will turnInto a battlefield tonightAs I look upon you,Through the warrior"s eyes nowI can see the fearThat will ensure my victory this timeI can"t be told to compromise thisThey"ll never doubt the body lying at my feetA most formidable reminderThey will speak my name for eternityI have no need of any guidanceI am a weapon, powerful beyond beliefSeen through the warrior"s eyes, INever need to question, how to defeat youCome on bring itDon"t sing it, better believe itBroken down till your hope has diedBeat down. Till victory"s mineStand up and show me some prideAnd now, are you ready?I"m the one with the warrior insideMy dominance can"t be deniedYour entire world will turnInto a battlefield tonightAs I look upon you,Through the warrior"s eyes nowI can see the fearThat will ensure my victory this timeYou can"t hide nowI am the warriorSo decide nowHow they"ll remember youDo not hide nowAct like a warriorShow some pride nowSolidify your place in timeI"m the one with the warrior insideMy dominance can"t be deniedYour entire world will turnInto a battlefield tonightAs I look upon you,Through the warrior"s eyes nowI can see the fearThat will ensure my victory this timeI"m the one with the warrior insideThe evidence can"t be deniedThe entire world will stareInto this battlefield tonightAs I stand before you with a warrior"s heart nowI can feel the strenght that willEnsure my victory this time
2023-08-10 04:04:381


《游戯王》第四片头曲歌:Warriors呗:生沢 佑一日文歌词:揺れている面影に 仆らの愿い 永远に果てしないいつしか生きるために 置き去りにした しあわせ伪ることで すがって踊ってた ただの幻に瞳闭した视界の果てで 君の笑颜 探してた揺れている面影に 仆らは梦 抱き駆け抜けてく そういつの日か 胸に闭まってた この想い も一度握り缔めて 今今宵も群れを成して 戦い终えた戦士たち几つの时を超えれば 真実(こたえ)を仆らは 见つけるの?远い空の向こうに続く 见果てぬ梦が 泣いてる揺れている面影に 仆らの愿い 永远に果てしない そう零れてく いくつもの涙 拭っては 明日を目指して行くいつか 言えなかった言叶(こと) 今日は 君に捧げたい揺れている面影に 导かれるまま 駆け抜けて行こうそう 胸に闭まってた この想い も一度握り缔めて 今目くるめく时代の中 これからもきっと 歩いて行くだろう罗马发音:Yurete iru omokage ni bokura no negai eien ni hateshinaiItsu shika ikiru tame ni okizari ni shita shiawaseItsuwaru koto de sugatte odotteta tada no maboroshi niHitomi tojita shikai no hate de kimi no egao sagashitetaYurete iru omokage ni bokura wa yume idaki kakenuketeku souItsu no hi ka mune ni shimatteta kono omoi mo ichido nigirishimete imaKoyoi mo mure o nashite tatakaioeta senshi-tachiIkutsu no toki o koereba kotae o bokura wa mitsukeru no?Tooi sora no mukou ni tsuzuku mihatenu yume ga naiteruYurete iru omokage ni bokura no negai eien ni hateshinai souKoboreteku ikutsu mo no namida nugutte wa ashita o mezashite yukuItsuka ienakatta koto kyou wa kimi ni sasagetaiYurete iru omokage ni michibikareru mama kakenukete yukouSou mune ni shimatteta kono omoi mo ichido nigirishimete imaMekurumeku jidai no naka kore kara mo kitto aruite yuku darou
2023-08-10 04:05:001


歌曲:『WARRIORS』 (第132话 - 第189话)唱:生沢佑一作词: 生沢佑一、IPPEI作曲: 山下雄大日文歌词:揺れている面影に 仆らの愿い 永远に果てしないいつしか生きるために 置き去りにした しあわせ伪ることで すがって踊ってた ただの幻に瞳闭した视界の果てで 君の笑颜 探してた揺れている面影に 仆らは梦 抱き駆け抜けてく そういつの日か 胸に闭まってた この想い も一度握り缔めて 今今宵も群れを成して 戦い终えた戦士たち几つの时を超えれば 真実(こたえ)を仆らは 见つけるの?远い空の向こうに続く 见果てぬ梦が 泣いてる揺れている面影に 仆らの愿い 永远に果てしない そう零れてく いくつもの涙 拭っては 明日を目指して行くいつか 言えなかった言叶(こと) 今日は 君に捧げたい揺れている面影に 导かれるまま 駆け抜けて行こうそう 胸に闭まってた この想い も一度握り缔めて 今目くるめく时代の中 これからもきっと 歩いて行くだろう罗马发音:Yurete iru omokage ni bokura no negai eien ni hateshinaiItsu shika ikiru tame ni okizari ni shita shiawaseItsuwaru koto de sugatte odotteta tada no maboroshi niHitomi tojita shikai no hate de kimi no egao sagashitetaYurete iru omokage ni bokura wa yume idaki kakenuketeku souItsu no hi ka mune ni shimatteta kono omoi mo ichido nigirishimete imaKoyoi mo mure o nashite tatakaioeta senshi-tachiIkutsu no toki o koereba kotae o bokura wa mitsukeru no?Tooi sora no mukou ni tsuzuku mihatenu yume ga naiteruYurete iru omokage ni bokura no negai eien ni hateshinai souKoboreteku ikutsu mo no namida nugutte wa ashita o mezashite yukuItsuka ienakatta koto kyou wa kimi ni sasagetaiYurete iru omokage ni michibikareru mama kakenukete yukouSou mune ni shimatteta kono omoi mo ichido nigirishimete imaMekurumeku jidai no naka kore kara mo kitto aruite yuku darou
2023-08-10 04:05:071

求 游戏王 WARRIORS歌曲的日文歌词、罗马发音、中文翻译

《游戯王》第四片头曲歌:Warriors呗:生沢 佑一日文歌词:揺れている面影に 仆らの愿い 永远に果てしないいつしか生きるために 置き去りにした しあわせ伪ることで すがって踊ってた ただの幻に瞳闭した视界の果てで 君の笑颜 探してた揺れている面影に 仆らは梦 抱き駆け抜けてく そういつの日か 胸に闭まってた この想い も一度握り缔めて 今今宵も群れを成して 戦い终えた戦士たち几つの时を超えれば 真実(こたえ)を仆らは 见つけるの?远い空の向こうに続く 见果てぬ梦が 泣いてる揺れている面影に 仆らの愿い 永远に果てしない そう零れてく いくつもの涙 拭っては 明日を目指して行くいつか 言えなかった言叶(こと) 今日は 君に捧げたい揺れている面影に 导かれるまま 駆け抜けて行こうそう 胸に闭まってた この想い も一度握り缔めて 今目くるめく时代の中 これからもきっと 歩いて行くだろう罗马发音:Yurete iru omokage ni bokura no negai eien ni hateshinaiItsu shika ikiru tame ni okizari ni shita shiawaseItsuwaru koto de sugatte odotteta tada no maboroshi niHitomi tojita shikai no hate de kimi no egao sagashitetaYurete iru omokage ni bokura wa yume idaki kakenuketeku souItsu no hi ka mune ni shimatteta kono omoi mo ichido nigirishimete imaKoyoi mo mure o nashite tatakaioeta senshi-tachiIkutsu no toki o koereba kotae o bokura wa mitsukeru no?Tooi sora no mukou ni tsuzuku mihatenu yume ga naiteruYurete iru omokage ni bokura no negai eien ni hateshinai souKoboreteku ikutsu mo no namida nugutte wa ashita o mezashite yukuItsuka ienakatta koto kyou wa kimi ni sasagetaiYurete iru omokage ni michibikareru mama kakenukete yukouSou mune ni shimatteta kono omoi mo ichido nigirishimete imaMekurumeku jidai no naka kore kara mo kitto aruite yuku darou动摇的面貌我们的愿望永远没有尽头曾几何时为了生存而舍弃的幸福倚靠虚伪活跃着 都不过是幻想而已闭上眼睛后视野的尽头找寻着你的笑容动摇的面貌我们怀抱着梦想不断向前奔去 是的于某一天 深藏在内心的这份思念现在再一次紧握在手中今夜战斗结束的战士们聚首一堂要超越多少时间才能看见真实通向遥远的天空那边看不见尽头的梦想在哭泣动摇的面貌我们的愿望永远没有尽头 是的擦掉曾几何时洒下的泪 目标直指明天那个时候说不出口的话今天献给你动摇的面貌我们被引导着不断往前奔去是的 深藏在内心的这份思念现在再一次紧握在手中目不暇接的时代之中从今以后一定会继续前进吧
2023-08-10 04:05:171

wolf warriors什么意思

wolf warriors 意思是战狼
2023-08-10 04:05:252

求 warriors 英雄联盟歌曲 mp3百度云

2023-08-10 04:05:361


the heart of a champion
2023-08-10 04:05:524

terracotta warriors怎么读音

Terracotta Warriors兵马俑terracotta warriorsn.兵马俑; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This is the largest terracotta warriors I"ve found. 这是我找到的,最大批的兵马俑。
2023-08-10 04:06:282

Terracotta Warriors是什么意思

陶土做的战士 所以是兵马俑
2023-08-10 04:07:393

Warriors of the World 歌词

歌曲名:Warriors of the World歌手:Manowar专辑:Hell on Wheels LiveWarriors Of The World UnitedManowar” ---战神【By: cloud】仅此献给WOW为信仰而战的战士们~Here Our Soldiers Stand From All Around The World世界各地的战士们站在这里Waiting In A Line To Hear The Battle Cry列队倾听着战斗的呐喊All Are Gathered Here Victory Is Near全都聚集在此,战斗即将胜利The Sound Will Fill The Hall Bringing Power To Us All这充斥在空气中的呐喊带给我们无尽力量We Alone Are Fighting For Metal That Is True孤独的为金属而战,是的~!We Own The Right To Live The Fight We"re Here For All Of You拥有生的权利,我们在这为你战斗Now Swear The Blood Upon Your Steel Will Never Dry诅咒利剑上的鲜血将永不干涸Stand And Fight Together Beneath The Metal Sky在金属天空下并肩作战Brothers Everywhere 四海的兄弟们啊!Raise Your Hands Into The Air 举拳誓天We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士Like Thunder From The Sky 就像天空的雷电Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓荣耀之战与死亡We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士Many Stand Against Us But They Will Never Win许多人站出来反对我们,但是他们必将战败We Said We Would Return And Here We Are Again我们说过会回来,现在我们有一次站在这里To Bring Them All Destruction Suffering And Pain带给敌人无尽的毁灭与痛苦We Are The Hammer Of The Gods We Are Thunder Wind And Rain我们是宙斯之锤,我们是雷电和风暴There They Wait In Fear With Swords In Feeble Hands他们软弱的双手握剑,在恐惧的等在这。With Dreams To Be A King First One Should Be A Man拥有称王之心,首先必须成为一个真正的男人。!I Call Them Out And Charge Them All With A Life That Is A Lie我招其现身,以虚伪一生控诉他的罪And In Their Final Hour They Shall Confess Before They Die在接受惩戒之前,他们必须为此忏悔Brothers Everywhere 四海的兄弟们啊!Raise Your Hands Into The Air 举拳誓天We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士Like Thunder From The Sky 就像天空的雷电Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓荣耀之战与死亡We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士If I Should Fall In Battle My Brothers Who Fight By My Side假若我战死沙场,我身边的战友们啊Gather My Horse And Weapons Tell My Family How I Died收集我的战马与武器,告诉我的家人我为何而死Until Then I Will Be Strong I Will Fight For All That Is Real如此我会更加强大,为这真实的世界而战All Who Stand In My Way Will Die By Steel所有胆敢阻挡我前进的道路之人,都将死在我的利剑之下Brothers Everywhere 四海的兄弟们啊!Raise Your Hands Into The Air 举拳誓天We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士Brothers Everywhere 四海的兄弟们啊!Raise Your Hands Into The Air 举拳誓天We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士Like Thunder From The Sky 就像天空的雷电Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓荣耀之战与死亡We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士Brothers Everywhere 四海的兄弟们啊!Raise Your Hands Into The Air 举拳誓天We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士Brothers Everywhere 四海的兄弟们啊!Raise Your Hands Into The Air 举拳誓天We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士Like Thunder From The Sky 就像天空的雷电Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓荣耀之战与死亡We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士Brothers Everywhere 四海的兄弟们啊!Raise Your Hands Into The Air 举拳誓天We"re Warriors 我们是战士Warriors Of The World 这世界的战士【~~END~~】
2023-08-10 04:08:051

Terracotta Warriors是什么意思

2023-08-10 04:08:152

evil warriors 歌词

歌曲名:evil warriors歌手:Possessed专辑:seven churchesMusic : MT Lyrics : JBSolo : MTWhen you wake up in the nightAnd you stare into the darkYour eyes will scream for sightEvil left its markYou"ll be looking all aboveLooking all aroundBut if you want to see themyou have to look downTortured by thoughtsstricken with fearblasted to hellthe end is nearAs you wait upon your fateyour throat is full of painand when you try to screamYou know it"s all in vainNothing you can changeDestiny is completesilence seems so strangeAs you start to feel the heatPossessedForever to burninfinite paindemons of darknesswarriors domainSolo : LLYou think you"re so secureProtected from aboveGaze into the hell fireI know you"ll fall in loveThey"ll hunt you down at nightYour Flesh is what they wantYour eyes will scream for sightWhen Evil comes to hauntCursed by nightmaresWhen you sleepThey"ll cut your throatAnd blood will seepFighting through the mistforever trapped in hellcrushed with satan"s fistYou can"t escape his spellSanity will passReality is just a wordevil does its taskwith its mighty swordby the hand of massescape and you"ll defymy long awaited graspSolo : MT Solo : LL Solo : MTThey want to steal your soulDeath will steal awayYour wrongs will take their tollBelow the crust you"ll laySpell has cast no hopeforgotten thoughts of goodYour neck awaits a ropeAnd things go like they shouldEnslaved in forever tormentblood drips from your eyesThere is no way to repentfrom your wicked liesBlades of metalCut off your headServed as a mealSatan is fedMasters of evilBlasters of hellno one can stop themwe"re under their spellRed eyes are glowingWith you in sightAnd if your knowingScream out in fright
2023-08-10 04:08:231


2023-08-10 04:08:343

dynasty warriors4 是什么?

dynasty王朝warriors勇士是游戏《真 三国无双4》的英文名
2023-08-10 04:08:425

求warriors Of The world United -Manowar 的歌词

歌曲已经发到你的QQ邮箱了,满意请采纳Here Our Soldiers Stand From All Around The World 这里,我们的战士们来自世界各地 Waiting In A Line To Hear The Battle Cry 排队等待着倾听战斗的哭喊 All Are Gathered Here Victory Is Near 在这里全都集合完毕胜利接近 The Sound Will Fill The Hall Bringing Power To Us All 将充斥这大厅的声音为我们全体带来力量 We Alone Are Fighting For Metal That Is True 我们孤独地为金属而战,真的 We Own The Right To Live The Fight We"re Here For All Of You 我们拥有生存战斗的权利,我们在这里是为了你们全体 Now Swear The Blood Upon Your Steel Will Never Dry 现在祈祷你的利剑上的鲜血将永不干涸 Stand And Fight Together Beneath The Metal Sky 站起来并战斗,一道在金属的天空下 Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电 Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Many Stand Against Us But They Will Never Win 很多人站起来反对我们但他们永远不会胜利 We Said We Would Return And Here We Are Again 我们说过我们将会回来现在我们就又到了这里 To Bring Them All Destruction Suffering And Pain 给他们带来全部摧毁、折磨与痛苦 We Are The Hammer Of The Gods We Are Thunder Wind And Rain 我们是众神之锤,我们是雷电、狂风和暴雨 There They Wait In Fear With Swords In Feeble Hands 他们在那恐惧中等待软弱的手中握着刀剑 With Dreams To Be A King First One Should Be A Man 梦想成为国王你要首先学会做一个男人 I Call Them Out And Charge Them All With A Life That Is A Lie 我把他们召唤出来,因谎言的生命控告他们 And In Their Final Hour They Shall Confess Before They Die 而最后一刻他们将在死去之前忏悔 Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电 Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界战士 If I Should Fall In Battle My Brothers Who Fight By My Side 假如我将要在战斗中倒下,我身边战斗的兄弟们 Gather My Horse And Weapons Tell My Family How I Died 集起我的马匹与武器,告知我的家人我如何死去 Until Then I Will Be Strong I Will Fight For All That Is Real 那以后我将会强大,我将会为真实的一切而战 All Who Stand In My Way Will Die By Steel 挡在我道路上的都将死于钢铁之下 Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电 Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士
2023-08-10 04:08:561


2023-08-10 04:09:171

サヨナラ Warriors 罗马音

2023-08-10 04:09:252

edda hayes是谁

Edda Hayes是欧美音乐人。Edda Hayes曾参与英雄联盟2020赛季宣传曲《Warriors 战士》的制作。拳头游戏音乐官宣2022全球总决赛冠亚军决赛开场表演嘉宾名单,11月6日,Lil Nas X将携手王嘉尔 、2WEI乐队成员Louis Leibfried和Edda Hayes共同亮相比赛现场。《Warriors 战士》介绍《Warriors》是英雄联盟2020赛季宣传曲,由Edda Hayes演唱,发行于2020年01月10日。歌词介绍As a child you would wait.And watch from far away.But you always knew that you"d be the one.That work while they all play.In youth you"d lay.Awake at night and scheme.Of all the things that you would change.But it was just a dream.
2023-08-10 04:09:331

战狼 英文怎么说

warrior wolf
2023-08-10 04:09:523

The Terracotta Warriors是什么意思

The terracotta warriorsn.兵马俑; 例句:1.This is the largest terracotta warriors I"ve found. 这是我找到的,最大批的兵马俑。 2.This is where the famous terracotta warriors were found, mute witnesses to the scale, resources and organising capacity of the ancient chinese state. 这里是著名的兵马俑的发现之地,他们默默地见证着古代中国之规模、资源和组织力量
2023-08-10 04:10:071

Terracotta Warriors是什么意思

terracotta warriorsn.兵马俑;
2023-08-10 04:10:163

Terracotta Warriors是什么意思

terracotta warriorsn.兵马俑; 例句:1.This is the largest terracotta warriors I"ve found. 这是我找到的,最大批的兵马俑。2.If it weren"t for some toiling farmers digging a well back in 1974, the famed terracottawarriors may remain buried still. 如果不是1974年那些衣衫褴褛的农民挖井时的偶然发现,也许著名的兵马俑至今仍然沉睡在大地中。
2023-08-10 04:10:241