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2023-08-17 09:50:46
TAG: 英语 感恩

Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving is celebrated each year on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Thanksgiving in Canada falls on the same day as Columbus Day in the United States. Because of the longstanding traditions of the holiday, the celebration often extends to the weekend that falls closest to the day it is celebrated.The centerpiece of contemporary Thanksgiving in the United States and Canada is a large meal, generally centered around a large roasted turkey. The majority of the dishes in the traditional American version of Thanksgiving dinner are made from foods native to the New World, as according to tradition the Pilgrims received these foods from the Native Americans. However, many of the classic traditions attributed to the first Thanksgiving are actually myths introduced later. Many other foods are alongside the main dish—so many that, because of the amount of food, the Thanksgiving meal is sometimes served midday or early afternoon to make time for all the eating, and preparation may begin at dawn or on days prior.Traditional Thanksgiving foods are sometimes specific to the day, and although some of the foods might be seen at any semi-formal meal in the United States, the meal often has something of a ritual or traditional quality. Many Americans would say it is "incomplete" without cranberry sauce; stuffing or dressing; and gravy.



感恩节的单词拼写是Thanksgiving day.
2023-08-10 07:47:131


感恩节的由来用英语怎么写   每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常,基督徒按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城市乡镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。那么,感恩节的来历是什么呢?下面是我给大家准备的关于感恩节的由来英语介绍,一起来了解一下吧!   【Thanksgiving Day】   thanksgiving day fourth thursday in november almost every culture in the world has held celebrations of thanks for a plentiful harvest. the american thanksgiving holiday began as a feast of thanksgiving in the early days of the american colonies almost four hundred years ago.   in 1620, a boat filled with more than one hundred people sailed across the atlantic ocean to settle in the new world(新大陆). this religious group had begun to question the beliefs of the church of england and they wanted to separate from it. the pilgrims settled in what is now the state of massachusetts. their first winter in the new world was difficult.   they had arrived too late to grow many crops, and without fresh food, half the colony died from disease. the following spring the iroquois indians(美国纽约州东北部易洛魁族印第安人)taught them how to grow corn, a new food for the colonists. they showed them other crops to grow in the unfamiliar soil and how to hunt and fish.   in the autumn of 1621, bountiful crops of corn, barley(大麦), beans and pumpkins were harvested.   the colonists had much to be thankful for, so a feast was planned. they invited the local indian chief and 90 indians. the indians brought deer to roast with the turkeys and other wild game offered by the colonists.   the colonists had learned how to cook cranberries and different kinds of corn and squash dishes from the indians. to this first thanksgiving, the indians had even brought popcorn.   in following years, many of the original colonists celebrated the autumn harvest with a feast of thanks.   after the united states became an independent country, congress recommended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole nation to celebrate. george washington suggested the date november 26 as thanksgiving day. then in 1863, at the end of a long and bloody civil war, abraham lincoln asked all americans to set aside the last thursday in november as a day of thanksgiving.   thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, a different date every year. the president must proclaim that date as the official celebration.   thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all give thanks together for the good things that they have.   in this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless.   on most tables throughout the united states, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.   【symbols of thanksgiving】   turkey, corn, pumpkins and cranberry sauce(酸果曼沙司)are symbols which represent the first thanksgiving. now all of these symbols are drawn on holiday decorations and greeting cards.   the use of corn meant the survival of the colonies. "indian corn" as a table or door decoration represents the harvest and the fall season.   sweet-sour cranberry sauce, or cranberry jelly, was on the first thanksgiving table and is still served today. the cranberry is a small, sour berry.   it grows in bogs(沼泽), or muddy areas, in massachusetts and other new england states. the indians used the fruit to treat infections. they used the juice to dye their rugs and blankets.   they taught the colonists how to cook the berries with sweetener(甜味佐料)and water to make a sauce. the indians called it "ibimi" which means "bitter berry."   when the colonists saw it, they named it "crane-berry" because the flowers of the berry bent the stalk over, and it resembled the long-necked bird called a crane. the berries are still grown in new england.   in 1988, a thanksgiving ceremony of a different kind took place at the cathedral of st. john the divine. more than four thousand people gathered on thanksgiving night.   among them were native americans representing tribes from all over the country and descendants of people whose ancestors had migrated to the new world.   the ceremony was a public acknowledgment of the indians" role in the first thanksgiving 350 years ago. until recently most schoolchildren believed that the pilgrims cooked the entire thanksgiving feast, and offered it to the indians.   in fact, the feast was planned to thank the indians for teaching them how to cook those foods. without the indians, the first settlers would not have survived.   【感恩节的由来中文版】   每逢11月第四个星期四,美国人民便迎来了自己最重要的传统民俗节日——感恩节。这个节日始于1621年。那年秋天,远涉重洋来到美洲的英国移民,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。1863年,美国总统林肯正式宣布感恩节为国定假日。届时,家家团聚,举国同庆,其盛大、热烈的情形,不亚于中国人过春节。   感恩节的起源,和英国基督教的宗教纷争有关。大约在公元16世纪末到17世纪,英国清教徒发起了一场来势猛烈的宗教改革运动,宣布脱离国教,另立教会,主张清除基督教圣公会内部的残余影响。 但是,在17世纪中叶时,保皇议会通过了《信奉国教法》,清教徒开始遭到政府和教会势力的残酷迫害,逮捕、酷刑,宗教审判,每时每刻都在威胁着清教徒。被逼无奈,他们只得迁往荷兰避难。但是,寄人篱下的日子不好过。在荷兰,清教徒不仅没能逃脱宗教迫害,而且饱受战争带来的痛苦和折磨。更令他们难以忍受的是,远在异国他乡,孩子们受不到"英国式的教育,对故土的感情一天一天地淡薄下去。为了彻底逃脱宗教迫害的魔爪,为下一代保留住祖国的语言和传统,他们再一次想到大迁徒。   天下虽大,何处是这群天涯沦落人的归宿呢?想来想去,他们把目光投向了美洲。哥伦布在100多年前发现的这块"新大陆",地域辽阔,物产富饶,而且有很多地方还是没有国王。没有议会、没有刽子手、未开发的处女地。"海阔凭鱼跃,天高任乌飞。"只有在这样的地方,他们才能轻轻松松地生活,自由自在地信奉、传播自己所喜欢的宗教,开拓出一块属于清教徒的人间乐园。   于是,清教徒的著名领袖布雷德福召集了102名同伴,在1620年9月,登上了一艘重180吨,长90英尺的木制帆船——五月花号,开始了哥伦布远征式的冒险航行。对于航海来说,这艘有着浪漫名称的船只未免太小了。由于形势所迫,他们"选择"的,又是一年中最糟的渡洋季节。不过,怀着对未来的美好憧憬,为了找回失去的权利和自由,这群饱经忧患的人已经不顾一切了。   海上风急浪高,五月花号就像狂风暴雨中的一片树叶,艰难地向前漂泊着,几乎随时都有船毁人亡的危险。但在大家的共同努力下,船只没有遇到任何损害,并在航行了66天后,于11月21 日安抵北美大陆的科德角,即今天美国马萨诸塞州普罗文斯敦港。稍事休整后,五月花号继续沿海岸线前进。由于逆风和时差,它没有能到达预定的目的地——弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦,反而在圣诞节后的第一天,把他们送上了新英格兰的土地。   有意思的是,在这次充满危险的远征中,所有探险者只有一人死亡。但由于旅途中诞生了一名婴儿,使到达美洲的人不多不少,仍然是102名。移民都是虔诚的教徒,无不手划十字,衷心感谢上帝的眷顾。   现在,呈现在他们面前的,完全是一块陌生的土地,蜿蜒曲折的海岸线,显得沉寂、荒凉。因此,大约在一个月内,移民们不敢贸然靠岸,仍然以船为家。在此期间,他们派出了侦察队,乘坐小船在科德角湾沿线寻找定居地。一天,正在大家焦急等待的时候,侦察队返回来报告说,他们发现了一个适合移民们居住的、真正的"天堂"。"天堂"就是今天的普利茅斯港,这是一个天然的良港,非常适合五月花号停泊。港口附近有一个优良的渔场,可以提供大量的海产品。不远处一片连绵起伏的小山,就像一道天然屏障,把这块土地环绕起来。在明亮的阳光下,结了冰的小溪反射着晶莹的光泽,可以为移民们提供充足的淡水。开垦过的肥沃农田,一块一块整整齐齐地排列着。除此之外,他们还看到了一片虽然残破,却足以遮风避雨,帮助他们度过严冬的房屋u2026u2026看起来,一切都不错,而且不能再好了。唯一令他们感到迷惘的是,这片到处都有人类生活遗迹的土地,竟然看不到一个人影,一缕炊烟,显得是那样荒凉,倒好似事先就为他们准备的一样。后来才知道,这里原来是一个相当繁荣的印第安村落。几年前天花流行,全村人无一幸免,这才使它成了这群异国漂泊者的.最佳避难所。   几天后,五月花号渡过了科德角湾,在普利茅斯港抛下了锚链。移民们划着小艇登陆时,按照古老的航海传统,首先登上了一块高耸于海面上的大礁石。五月花号上礼炮轰鸣,人声鼎沸,共同庆祝新生活的开始。后来,这块礁石就被称为"普利茅斯石",成为美洲新英格兰第一个永久性殖民地的历史见证。   不过,对这些渴望幸福的移民来说,第一个冬天并不美好。从大西洋上吹来的凛冽寒风,像魔鬼一样在空中嘶鸣,漫天的冰雪,无情地拍打着简陋的住房。在这一片冰天雪地里,移民们缺少必要的装备,也缺乏在这片土地上生活的经验。在繁忙劳动的重压下,不少人累倒了,累病了,恶劣的饮食,难以忍受的严寒,使更多的人倒地不起。接踵而来的传染病,夺去许多人的生命。一个冬天过去,历尽千难万险来到美洲的102名移民,只剩下了50个。几乎每天都有人死去,几乎天天都有一家或几家在做丧事。刚刚踏上这片土地时的欢乐没有了。每个人、的心头,都被一种空前绝望的气氛所笼罩。一个梦,一个刚刚开始的美梦,难道就这样被打破了吗?每个人都在思索着。   就在移民们束手无策,坐以待毙时,第二年春天的一个早晨,一名印第安人走进了普利茅斯村。他自我介绍说,他是临近村落的印第安酋长派来察看情况的。这是移民们来到美洲后接待的第一个客人。他们向客人倾诉了自己的来历以及所经受的种种无以复加的苦难。印第安人默默地听着,脸上流露出无限的怜悯和同情。事情就此有了转机,几天后,这名印度安人把他的酋长马萨索德带进了移民们的房屋。酋长是个慷慨热情的人,他向移民表示了热烈的欢迎,给他们送来了许多生活必需品作礼物。派来了最有经验、最能干的印第安人,教给移民们怎样在这块土地上生活,教他们捕鱼、狩猎、耕作以及饲养火鸡等技能。   这一年,天公作美,风调雨顺,再加上印第安人的指导和帮助,移民们获得了大丰收,终于闯过了生活的难关,过上了安定、富裕的日子,就在这一年秋天,已成为普利茅斯总督的布雷德福颁布了举行盛典,感谢上帝眷顾的决定,这就是历史上的第一个感恩节。当然,他没有忘记为移民们排忧解难的真正"上帝"——热情、好客、智慧的印第安人,特地邀请马萨索德和他手下的印第安人前来参加节日庆典。   印第安人欣然接受了邀请,提前送来了5只鹿作为礼物。11月底的一天,移民们大摆筵席,桌子上摆满了自山林中打来的野味和用自产的玉米、南瓜、笋瓜、火鸡等制作的佳肴。庆祝活动一共进行了3天,白天,宾主共同欢宴,畅叙友情。晚上,草地上燃起了熊熊簧火,在凉爽的秋风中,印第安小伙子同普利茅斯殖民地的年轻人一起跳舞、唱歌、摔跤、射箭,气氛非常热烈。   今天,在美国人心目中,感恩节是比圣诞节还要重要的节日。首先,它是一个长达4天的假日,足以使人们尽情狂欢、庆祝。其次,它也是传统的家庭团聚的日子。感恩节期间,散居在他乡外地的家人,都要赶回家过节,这已经成了全国性的习俗。此外,美国人一年中最重视的一餐,就是感恩节的晚宴。在美国这个生活节奏很快,竞争激烈的国度里,平日的饮食极为简单。美国的快餐流行世界,就是一个很好的说明。但在感恩节的夜晚,家家户户都大办筵席,物品之丰盛,令人咋舌。在节日的餐桌上,上至总统,下至庶民,火鸡和南瓜饼都是必备的。这两味"珍品"体现了美国人民忆及先民开拓艰难、追思第一个感恩节的怀;日情绪。因此,感恩节也被称为"火鸡节"。   尽管感恩节是合家团圆的日子,每年节日期间,仍然有成千上万人抽出余暇,前往普利茅斯港参观、游览,重温美国的历史。今天,不仅美国人过感恩节,加拿大人也把它视为例行节日。 ;
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感恩节英语祝福语如下:1. From all of us to all of you at thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。2.Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.给你们全家感恩节的祝福。3.Warm wishes at thanksgiving。在感恩节,衷心的祝福你们。4.I wish you could be here on thanksgiving.但愿你能来过感恩节。5.It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.家人团聚的日子里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。6.Our first thanksgiving should be our best.我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们美好的时光。7.Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.今天是感恩节,衷心祝福你!8.What a wonderful time to be together.在一起的时光多么快乐。9.Thanksgiving just wont be the same without you .没有你,感恩节,就会不一样。10.This will be our first thanksgiving apart.这将是我们第一次不在一起过感恩节。11.Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。12.Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说,我们都爱你们。
2023-08-10 07:48:401

感恩节英文介绍 感恩节英文介绍带翻译

1、Hanksgiving Day (Thanksgiving Day), a traditional western holiday, is a holiday created by the American people, but also a holiday for American families to get together. In the beginning, there was no fixed date for Thanksgiving. It wasnt until 1863, after independence, that President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. In 1941, congress officially designated the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day.?The Thanksgiving holiday usually lasts from Thursday to Sunday.In 1879, the Canadian parliament proclaimed November 6 a National Day of Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving. In later years, the date of Thanksgiving changed many times until January 31, 1957, when the Canadian parliament proclaimed the second Monday in October as Thanksgiving Day. 2、中文:感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),西方传统节日,是美国人民独创的一个节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日。1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定为“感恩节”。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节。
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Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year" s bounty and reverently ask for continued blessings.译文:感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,美国和最最早的历史紧密相连。在1620年,殖民者或朝圣者,五月的花他们航行到美国,寻求宗教自由的地方。之后他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个落终于在酷寒的十一月里,现在的普利茅斯,马萨诸塞。在他们的第一个冬天,半数以上的移民死于饥饿或流行。活下来的人在第一个春季开始播种。整个夏天他们都热切地等待着丰收的焦虑,知道他们的生活和未来的殖民地的存在与否都将取决于即将到来的收成。最后生成的区域产量丰富超出预期。因此我们决定一天的感恩节耶和华是固定的。多年以后,美国总统宣布每年十一月的第四个星期四为感恩节。感恩节庆祝活动便定在这一天,直到如今。感恩节的庆祝形式多年来从未改变。未来几个月大家庭晚餐计划。在餐桌上,人们会发现苹果、桔子、栗子、胡桃和葡萄。会有葡萄干布丁、肉馅饼、其他种类的食物和蔓越莓汁和南瓜。最好的和最具吸引力的是烤火鸡和南瓜馅饼。他们一直是最传统和最喜欢的食物在感恩节。每个人都同意晚餐必须建立在烤火鸡塞满了面包酱吸收烤肉美味的果汁。但随着烹饪随家庭和地区一个生命,是不容易得到共识的精确的填料为皇家鸟。今天是感恩节,在每一个意义上说,一个国家的年度假期的各种信仰和背景的美国人加入来表达他们的感谢今年的赏金,虔诚地要求继续的祝福。1、感恩节简介:感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日 。1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定为"感恩节"。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节。除了美国、加拿大,世界上还有埃及、希腊等国家有自己独特的感恩节,但英国、法国等欧洲国家却与感恩节绝缘 ,也有学者倡议设立"中华感恩节",以弘扬传统文化。2、感恩节的意义:感恩节就其意义和庆祝方式来说,从1621年以来,几乎没有什么变化。在这一天,各个教派的教堂都开放,向上帝的慷慨恩赐表示感谢。感恩节是个家庭节日,全国各地,丈夫和妻子、孩子和老人,从市到镇、从镇到乡、从乡到庄,都回到老家共度节日。回不了家的人也打长途电话和父母家人畅谈,分享感恩的事。感恩节的正餐,全国上下实际上都一样。餐桌上总是摆满了各式各样的美味食品。自然主要是火鸡。吃南瓜馅饼是让大家记得当年印第安人曾送给第一批定居者这样的礼物。在大多数家庭里,饭后都会做一些传统的游戏。感恩节是一项愉快的庆祝活动,是一个家庭团聚的日子,是重叙友情的时刻。在那一天,就是单身汉也总是被邀请到别人的家里,同大家一起分享感恩的欢乐,并且感谢上帝的恩惠。这也是感恩节的意义所在。
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Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring. All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed[2]. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today. The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years. Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird. Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year" s bounty and reverently ask for continued[5] blessings. 感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。 1620年,一些朝圣者(或称为清教徒)乘坐"五月花"号船去美国寻求宗教自由。他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯登陆。 在第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于饥饿和传染病,活下来的人们在第一个春季开始播种。整个夏天他们都热切地盼望着丰收的到来,他们深知自己的生存以及殖民地的存在与否都将取决于即将到来的收成。后来,庄稼获得了意外的丰收,所以大家决定要选一个日子来感谢上帝的恩典。多年以后,美国总统宣布每年十一月的第四个星期四为感恩节。感恩节庆祝活动便定在这一天,直到如今。 感恩节庆祝模式许多年来从未改变。丰盛的家宴早在几个月之前就开始着手准备。人们在餐桌上可以吃到苹果、桔子、栗子、胡桃和葡萄,还有葡萄干布丁、碎肉馅饼、各种其它食物以及红莓苔汁和鲜果汁,其中最妙和最吸引人的大菜是烤火鸡和番瓜馅饼,这些菜一直是感恩节中最富于传统意义和最受人喜爱的食品。 人人都赞成感恩节大餐必需以烤火鸡为主菜。火鸡在烘烤时要以面包作填料以吸收从中流出来的美味汁液,但烹饪技艺常因家庭和地区的不同而各异,应用什幺填料也就很难求得一致。 今天的感恩节是一个不折不扣的国定假日。在这一天,具有各种信仰和各种背景的美国人,共同为他们一年来所受到的上苍的恩典表示感谢,虔诚地祈求上帝继续赐福。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 注释: 1. died of:死于…… 当死于身体内部原因的,die后面要接介词of,如:饥饿(starvation)、悲伤(sadness)等;当死于外因时则要用die from,比如死于受伤(wound). 2. it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed: decide可是个让你省事儿的好词了。它后面如果接从句,往往接虚拟语气。所以看见decide后面的从句,你就可以大胆地用动词 (should)+"原形""啦! 3. dressing:调味品、填料。这里的dressing可不是穿的呀,a bread dressing可不是"面包衣服"!和bread在一起,dressing自然就是吃的啦!它是"调味品"的意思,"穿"在食物的身上了. 4. consensus on:就……达成一致。注:consensus后面的介词要用on,而不用about。 5. continued:继续的。这里的continued看似动词continue的过去式,但它却是有自己的含义的,它是形容词"继续的"意思。这样continued blessings就是上帝"继续的赐福"了
2023-08-10 07:50:351

感恩节英文介绍 感恩节英文介绍带翻译

1、Hanksgiving Day (Thanksgiving Day), a traditional western holiday, is a holiday created by the American people, but also a holiday for American families to get together. In the beginning, there was no fixed date for Thanksgiving. It wasnt until 1863, after independence, that President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. In 1941, congress officially designated the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day.?The Thanksgiving holiday usually lasts from Thursday to Sunday.In 1879, the Canadian parliament proclaimed November 6 a National Day of Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving. In later years, the date of Thanksgiving changed many times until January 31, 1957, when the Canadian parliament proclaimed the second Monday in October as Thanksgiving Day. 2、中文:感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),西方传统节日,是美国人民独创的一个节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日。1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定为“感恩节”。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节。
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具体的翻译如下:In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special festivals. Thanksgiving is a special holiday in the United States. It is usually on the fourth Thursday of November and is a time to thank the food in autumn.在大多数国家,人们通常在特殊的节日吃传统的食品。在美国一个特殊的节日时感恩节。它通常在11月第4个星期四,并且是一个感谢秋天的食物的时间。At this time, people also remember the first travelers who came to the United States from England 400 years ago. These travelers had a long and hard winter, and many people died.在这个时候,人们也记住了第一批在400年以前从英格兰来到美国的旅行者。这些旅行者度过了一个漫长的,艰苦的冬天,并且有许多人死了。In the next autumn, they thanked for the life and food in their new home. These days, most Americans still celebrate the idea by drinking at home and having a big meal with their family. The most important dish of this meal is usually almost Turkey, a big bird.在下一个秋天,他们感谢在新家的生活和食物。这些天,大多数的美国人任然一在家喝家人吃一顿大餐来庆祝这个主意。这顿饭的最重要的一道菜通常几乎是火鸡,一只大鸟。
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英语感恩节手抄报内容资料   感恩节是一个充满感恩的节日,而通过感恩节手抄报的制作,能让学生们更深入地了解感恩节的内容。英语感恩节手抄报内容资料是我推荐给大家的,欢迎参考学习。   英语感恩节手抄报内容资料一   Thanksgiving Day   Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.   In 1620, the settlers, or pilgrims, they sailed to America on the may flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts   During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.   All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the lord be fixed.   Years later, president of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.   The pattern of the thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash.   The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.   Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with bread dressing to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.   Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the yearu2018s bounty and reverently ask for continued blessings.   感恩节   每逢11月第四个星期四,美国人迎来了自己最重要的传统节日感恩节。感恩节,原是清教徒为感谢上天赐与的好收成,同时,也表达了新英格兰“移民”对印第安土著居民最初的谢意。如今,这一传统节日更多意味着合家团聚。感恩节特辑帮您了解一个全方位的“感恩节”。   11月的第四个星期四是感恩节。感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。   感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,著名的“五月花”号船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒102人到达美洲。1620年和 1621年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有50来人。这时,心地善良的印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。   在第一个感恩节的这一天,印第安人和移民欢聚一堂,他们在黎明时鸣放礼炮,列队走进一间用作教堂的屋子,虔诚地向上帝表达谢意,然后点起篝火举行盛大宴会。第二天和第三天又举行了摔交、赛跑、唱歌、跳舞等活动。第一个感恩节非常成功。其中许多庆祝方式流传了300多年,一直保留到今天。   初时感恩节没有固定日期,由各州临时决定,直到美国独立后,感恩节才成为全国性的节日。   每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常,人们按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城乡市镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。劳燕分飞了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团团圆圆,品尝美味的感恩节火鸡。   感恩节的食品富有传统特色。火鸡是感恩节的传统主菜,通常是把火鸡肚子里塞上各种调料和拌好的食品,然后整只烤出,由男主人用刀切成薄片分给大家。此外,感恩节的传统食品还有甜山芋、玉蜀黍、南瓜饼、红莓苔子果酱等。   感恩节宴会后,人们有时会做些传统游戏,比如南瓜赛跑是比赛者用一把小勺推着南瓜跑,规则是不能用手碰南瓜,先到终点者获胜。比赛用的勺子越小,游戏就越有意思。   多少年来,庆祝感恩节的习俗代代相传,无论在岩石嶙峋的西海岸还是在风光旖旎的夏威夷,人们几乎在以同样的方式欢度感恩节,感恩节是不论何种信仰、何种民族的美国人都庆祝的传统节日。   英语感恩节手抄报内容资料二   感恩节习俗   The Thanksgiving legacy has been alive for hundreds of years. The customs we see in our homes today remind us of ancient celebrations of harvest, thankfulness for peace, and the endeavors of native Americans. It consists of stories of those who believe that gratitude for blessings is a virtue all must possess.   感恩节的已经有好几百年的历史了。现在我们看到的关于它的.习俗活动使我们想起了过去人们的丰收、感谢和平以及美国印地安人的努力。这些都是由那些信仰感恩和赐福的人的故事构成。   Custom of Praying(祈祷的习俗)   For centuries, "Thanksgiving Day" is associated with communal prayers in church and in homes. People offer various meal time prayers during the day. It is a time, when mankind thanks God for all his blessings and grace. It is also a day to show gratitude to your friends and relatives for all the good deeds.   几个世纪以来,“感恩节”与在教堂和家里祈祷者有关。人们提供各式各样的用餐,祷告一下白天的情况。这是一个人类感谢上帝带来所有祝福的时候,同时也是一个感激你的朋友和亲人及所有的好事的时候。   Custom of Family Dinner(家宴习俗)   The traditional stuffed turkey adorns every dinner table during the feast. pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, corns are some of the dishes cooked everywhere to mark the day.   家庭盛宴是感恩节期间的一个重要习俗。全家人围坐在饭桌边一起祈祷,愿上帝施与永不停息的恩惠。 这也让身处异地的亲友欢聚一堂,同庆美好时光。   Though historians donu2019t have an evidence to prove that turkey was eaten during the first thanksgiving dinner, the thanksgiving celebration will be incomplete without it.   传统的填制火鸡让每个餐桌生色不少,南瓜派、酸果沙司、玉米更是那天必不可少的菜肴。虽然历史学家没有证据证明在第一个感恩节时人们就吃火鸡,但没有火鸡的感恩节是不完美的。   The traditional thanksgiving parade probably started with president lincoln proclaiming it an official day. the full- dress parade is a way to display the countryu2019s military strength and discipline. the main aim of such parades is to lift the spirits of the spectators, provide them with wholesome entertainment. in the present day, parades are accompanied with musical shows and celebrities.   感恩节那天进行的巡游仪式大概始于林肯总统时期,而且这天被宣布为法定节日。隆重的巡游仪式是显示国家军事力量和严明纪律的一个方式,但这样的巡游主要目的是振奋国人,为大众提供一个积极健康的娱乐活动。现代的巡游活动还加入音乐节目,众多名人也参与其中。   football games??watching nfl football during thanksgiving is a popular tradition. the traditional game between the detroit lions and the green bay packers continues. one of the most memorable games having been played on this day.   感恩节观看美国国家足球联盟的橄榄球比赛也是一个习俗。底特律雄狮和绿湾包装工队之间的传统比赛至今仍然保留着。其中最值得纪念的比赛之一就在感恩节这天举行。   Custom of Decoration(装饰习俗)   Thanksgiving is a time to decorate homes with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers. People beautify their homes, give the interiors a whole new look and feel. They light lamps to brighten the environment. Tables are adorned with best china and antique silver cutlery to mark the occasion.   感恩节是人们装饰房屋,用清新干花点缀房间的时间。人们美化家园,给内部一个全新的外观和感觉。他们点灯照亮周围环境。桌子也挂有最好的瓷器、古玩银餐具以示庆祝。   Custom of sending messages(发送祝福的风俗)   Thanksgiving is a day when people send loving messages and warm wishes to their relatives, colleagues at work place, superiors and subordinates, near and dear ones. It is a day of conveying their feelings through Thanksgiving cards.   感恩节是人们送爱的信息和温馨的祝愿给他们的亲戚、同事、上司和下属、极亲密的人的一个节日。这一天他们通过赠送感恩节贺卡来表达自己的感受。   英语感恩节手抄报内容资料三   感恩节英语词汇   Thanksgiving Day   感恩节   Happy Thanksgiving Day 感恩节快乐   family reunion 家人团聚   purely American 纯美国式   cherished traditions 宝贵的传统   blessings 恩典   religious services 宗教仪式   Black Friday黑色星期五   MayFlower 五月花号   Mayflower Compact 《五月花号公约》   Puritan 清教徒   religious persecution 宗教迫害   Wampanoag tribe 万帕诺亚格部落   Plymouth Colony 普利茅斯殖民地   Indian 印第安人   hunt 狩猎   fishing 捕鱼   crop 作物   Turkey 火鸡   Turkey Day (也称)感恩节   venison 鹿肉   wild bird 野鸟   英语感恩节手抄报内容资料四   懂得感恩   落叶在空中盘旋,谱写着一曲感恩的乐章,那是大树对滋养他的大地的感恩;白云在蔚蓝的天空中飘荡,描绘着一幅感人的画面,那是白云对哺育他的蓝天的感恩。因为感恩才会有这个精彩的世界,因为感恩才让我懂得了生命的真谛。   感恩很简单又很深奥。感恩的心是发自内心的,感恩不需要惊天动地,只需一丝的关爱,一丝的感激。感恩的心是公平的,不论你是家财万贯的大富豪,还是贫困无助的穷苦人,感恩的心永远是正直的。只要你对世界怀有一颗感恩的心,你的精神就是最富有的。   感恩每一位父母,用我们的爱回报他们无私的奉献,用我们的心抚平他们心中的痛楚;感恩每一位老师,用我们的情报答他们无量的教诲,用我们的成绩来换取他们欣慰的一笑;感恩给予我们关爱的人;感恩美丽的大自然;感恩美好的全世界。虽然我并不懂得什么大恩大德,但我知道对每件美好的事物都应心存感激。这样,上苍会安排更多的幸福伴我同行。   在我懂得了感恩的那一瞬间,我终于发现,原来---生活可以这样美好。我对每一个人充满感恩,回报我的是每一个人更多的关爱,这些关爱将我包围,使我身在爱河中,无比的幸福。   如果你还没有学会感恩,那么试着去多爱别人一点,慢慢的慢慢的,你就会发现,其实感恩很简单,很美好。这时你就已经懂得了感恩。 ;
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感恩节英文是 Thanksgiving Day可以写作Thanksgiving,没有缩写。Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.给你们全家感恩节的祝福。Warm wishes at Thanksgiving. 在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.但愿你能来过感恩节。It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.家人团聚的节日里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。Our first Thanksgiving should be our best. 我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。 I wouldn"t want to spend Thanksgiving with anyone else.我只愿和你共度感恩节。Thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you. 没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。
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感恩节英语祝福语如下:1. From all of us to all of you at thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。2.Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.给你们全家感恩节的祝福。3.Warm wishes at thanksgiving。在感恩节,衷心的祝福你们。4.I wish you could be here on thanksgiving.但愿你能来过感恩节。5.It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.家人团聚的日子里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。6.Our first thanksgiving should be our best.我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们美好的时光。7.Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.今天是感恩节,衷心祝福你!8.What a wonderful time to be together.在一起的时光多么快乐。9.Thanksgiving just wont be the same without you .没有你,感恩节,就会不一样。10.This will be our first thanksgiving apart.这将是我们第一次不在一起过感恩节。11.Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。12.Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说,我们都爱你们。
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  每年11月的第四个星期四是美国最具特色的重要节日——感恩节。你知道吗?下面我精心整理了的相关资料,希望可以帮到你!   Thanksgiving Day 感恩节   Happy Thanksgiving Day 感恩节快乐   family reunion 家人团聚   purely American 纯美国式   cherished traditions 宝贵的传统   blessings 恩典   religious services 宗教仪式   Black Friday黑色星期五   MayFlower 五月花号   Mayflower pact 《五月花号公约》   Puritan 清教徒   religious persecution 宗教迫害   Wampanoag tribe 万帕诺亚格部落   Plymouth Colony 普利茅斯殖民地   Indian 印第安人   hunt 狩猎   fishing 捕鱼   crop 作物   Turkey 火鸡   Turkey Day ***也称***感恩节   venison 鹿肉   wild bird 野鸟   goose 鹅   entree 主菜   sweet potatoes 红薯   cranberries 越橘   pumpkin pie 南瓜派   flavoring 调料   pardon 赦免   美国感恩节习俗英文版   What is Thanksgiving?   The first Thanksgiving Days in New England were harvest festivals, or days for thanking God for plentiful crops. For this reason, the holiday still takes place late in the fall, after the crops have been gathered. For thousands of years, people in many parts of the world have held harvest festivals. The American Thanksgiving Day probably grew out of the harvest-home celebrations of England.   In the United States, Thanksgiving is usually a family day, celebrated with big dinners and joyous reunions. The very mention of Thanksgiving often calls up memories of kitchens and pantries crowded with good things to eat. Thanksgiving is also a time for serious religious thinking, church services, and prayer.   The first Thanksgiving observance in America was entirely religious and did not involve feasting. On Dec. 4, 1619, a group of 38 English settlers arrived at Berkeley Plantation, on the James River near what is now Charles City, Va. The group"s charter required that the day of arrival be observed yearly as a day of thanksgiving to God.   The first Thanksgiving in New England was celebrated in Plymouth less than a year after the Plymouth colonists had settled in America. The first dreadful winter in Massachusetts had killed about half the members of the colony. But new hope arose in the summer of 1621. The settlers expected a good corn harvest, despite poor crops of peas, wheat, and barley. Thus, in early autumn, governor William Bradford arranged a harvest festival to give thanks to God for the progress the colony had made.   The festival lasted three days. The men of Plymouth had shot ducks, geese, and turkeys. The menu also included clams, eel and other fish, wild plums and leeks, corn bread, and watercress. The women of the settlement supervised cooking over outdoor fires. About 90 Indians also attended the festival. They brought five deer to add to the feast. Everyone ate outdoors at large tables and enjoyed games and a military review. Similar harvest Thanksgivings were held in Plymouth during the next several years, but no traditional date was set.   How did we get the Thanksgiving Holiday?   Hale, Sarah Josepha, pronounced joh SEE fuh ***1788-1879***, became one of the most famous magazine editors in the United States during the 1800"s. As editor of the Ladies" Magazine and, later, of Godey"s Lady"s Book, she helped shape the taste and thought of thousands of women. She received credit for persuading President Abraham Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Of her many writings, her major surviving work is the children"s poem, "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Sarah Hale was born in Newport, New Hampshire.   感恩节英语祝福语   1、Our first Thanksgiving should be our best.   希望我们共度的第一个感恩节将成为我们回忆里最美好的时光。   2、I wouldn"t want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else.   我只想与你共度感恩节。   3、Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.   今天是感恩节,我要对你说我爱你。   4、Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.   感恩节是一年中最美好的日子。   5、I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.   我爱吃,所以我爱过感恩节。   6、I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.   希望你吃过感恩节晚餐后能生出点感恩之情。   7、I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.   我回家过感恩节,留点儿火鸡给我。   8、From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.   我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。   9、Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.   给你们全家感恩节的祝福。   10、Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.   在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。   11、Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.   今天是感恩节,衷心祝福你!   12、From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.   请接受我们诚挚的祝福:祝你们感恩节快乐!   13、I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.   我真的希望你能来过感恩节。   14、Thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you.   没有你的感恩节像缺了点什么。
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感恩节英文介绍`   感恩节,在没有在美国庆祝,是一个时间收集与家人和朋友表示感谢,对许多祝福享有的这些国家及其公民。然而,对许多人来说,它的意思是失去的。下面是我收集的英语的感恩节介绍,欢迎大家阅读参考!   【感恩节英语介绍】   Thanksgiving Day, as celebrated in No rth America, is a time to gather with family and friends to give thanks fo r the many blessings enjoyed by these nations and their citizens.   However, to many people, its meaning is lost. It has become simply another day fo r huge meals, dinner parties, get-togethers o r reunions. What does Thanksgiving mean to you?   Turkey dinners, cranberries, candied yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and family gatherings—these are all commonly associated with most Americans and Canadians yearly celebration of giving thanks—Thanksgiving Day!   In the United States, Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, it is the second Monday in October.   On this holiday, a Thanksgiving meal is prepared with all the trimmings; families gather together and talk, while others watch a game o r a parade filled with pilgrims, Indians and other colonial figures. Some families may even have their own yearly Thanksgiving traditions.   What comes to mind when you think of Thanksgiving? Do you picture a time of thankfulness towards God—o r is it merely one of eating, partying o r watching football?   Sadly, the latter is what Thanksgiving has become to most. They have fo rgotten why the day was established.   Its meaning has slowly deterio rated, and is now almost completely lost under a cloud of media hype, sales pitches, marketing tactics and blitz commercialism.   While many are familiar with the traditional representation of the o riginal Thanksgiving, it is helpful to examine the purpose fo r which it was first celebrated. By doing this, the days meaning will be firmly established.   【感恩节的美味食物】   感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)在北美属于一个特别大的节日,特别是对于加拿大人和美国人来说,这个节日特别重要,即使远在异乡的人也都要在节日前赶回去与家人团聚,共庆佳节。不过,加拿大的感恩节和美国的感恩节不在同一天,加拿大的感恩节是在每年10月的第2个星期一,而美国则是在11月的最后一个星期四。   为什么叫感恩节呢?追根溯源,感恩节是和美洲古代的印第安人有关,特别是和玉米的种植有十分密切的关系。1620年9月6日,一批英国清教徒难以忍受宗教的迫害,搭乘“五月花号”木船驶往美洲。他们在疲劳、饥饿、寒冷和疾病的袭击下在大西洋上漂泊了65天,最后到达北美殖民地的普利茅斯。   当时正值冬季,气候严寒,田野寂寥。当地印第安人慷慨地拿出贮藏越冬的玉米和土豆,送去猎获的野鸭和火鸡。春天来了,印第安人教他们种植玉米和南瓜,饲养火鸡。白人移民和印第安人建立了亲密的友谊。   这年秋季玉米丰收,移民们举行了丰盛的`感恩会,用烤火鸡和玉米糕点款待印第安人。印第安人带着各种玉米制品、烤火鸡、南瓜馅饼、野葡萄以及玉米酒浆等参加晚会,人们欢唱歌舞,通宵达旦。   以后在每年玉米收获后的11月底,定居在这里的白人移民都要举行感恩会,家家烤火鸡,烹制玉米食品,款待印第安人。长此以往,这种感恩会就成为一种惯例。   食物在感恩节扮演着非常重要的角色。感恩节特色食物有烤火鸡、南瓜馅饼和土豆泥,当然还有很多食物,但是这三种食物最具代表性。   人人都赞成感恩节大餐必需以烤火鸡为主菜。火鸡在烘烤时要以面包作填料以吸收从中流出来的美味汁液,但烹饪技术常因家庭和地区的不同而各异,应用什么填料也就很难求得一致。   感恩节购物已经成为了美国人的习俗。从感恩节到圣诞节这一个月,美国零售业总销售额能占到全年的1/3强,是各个商家传统的打折促销旺季。疯狂的购物月从感恩节的次日(星期五)开始,这一天即被称为Black Friday(黑色星期五)。   之所以叫这个名字,据说是因为周五这天一大早,所有人都要摸着黑冲到商场排队买便宜货,这种行为有个非常形象的说法,叫Early Bird(早起的鸟儿)。在外国“感恩节”和中国的春节一样重要!   每年一度的总统放生火鸡仪式始于1947年杜鲁门总统当政时期,但实际上这个传统仪式可以追溯到美国内战林肯总统当政的时期。1863年的一天,林肯的儿子泰德突然闯入内阁会议请求赦免一只名叫杰克的宠物火鸡,因为这只被送进白宫的火鸡,即将成为人们的感恩节大餐。 ;
2023-08-10 07:52:361


  感恩节是西方的节日,我们当然要写篇关于感恩节的英语作文。下面是作文栏目我为你带来的《感恩节英语作文100字》,希望对你们有所帮助。    【感恩节英语作文100字:篇一】   Do you know thanksgiving day? do you know why human thank god?   Thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, liuxue.86 a different date every year. the president must proclaim that date as the official celebration.   Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all give thanks together for the good things that they have.   In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. on most tables throughout the united states, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.    【感恩节英语作文100字:篇二】   Thanksgiving originated from the United States, which is the forth Thursday of November, but in Canada its the second Monday of October. It started out as a holiday celebrating the aboriginals, but now it extended to be the celebration of others around you.   On that day, people would have a 2-day break, which they would meet up with family and friends and celebrate with joy and gratitude.   The delicious turkey is the main course at every Thanksgiving dinner.    【感恩节英语作文100字:篇三】   There axe many kinds of thanksgiving days in the world. american thanksgiving day is another important holiday related to christianity. it is on the fourth thursday of each november. thanksgiving day in america is considered as a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals, such as turkeys, pumpkin pie, indian corn and so on. there are always holiday parades and hot balloons on that day.    【感恩节英语作文100字:篇四】   I would like to thank the many people, but the most grateful to my father, from small to large, my father gave me encouragement and love so many.   my father is warm and severe, when holiday time, he likes to join me sitting in bed talking days later to see if the book later. he told me is so severe! in particular, i do not listen, his eyes were round, sharp eyes like a sword in my body scan to scan, i immediately for the mistakes i feel ashamed. i love my father, grateful to him for my pay, my education. when i was sick, is to take care of my father in every possible way; i am in trouble, the father is kind of nice to help me. he gave me the love is selfless. one sunday evening, i feel listless, had no energy to the body. dad found, help me to rest, give me temperature. goodfellas! 39 degrees 5! at this time, i also head halo youteng body cold and hot, uncomfortable bed in dengjiao, the father then took a wet towel on my head enough, i feel better. in the 3-point night, i did not fire back, the father had no choice but to the clinic to buy medicine for me, a father of seven liuxue86lianpao clinics, but are not yet open. by 6 o"clock, my father turned to the cou   nty hospital, the father upstairs downstairs to buy medicine for me, pay, i can clearly see the father of crystal beads of sweat on his forehead. at this point, i really wanted to say to the father: dad, i thank you! dad is not only concerned about my body, is also very concerned about my learning.    【感恩节英语作文100字:篇五】   Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.   In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.   During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.   All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed[2]. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.   The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.   Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.   Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year" s bounty and reverently ask for continued blessings.    【感恩节英语作文100字:篇六】   In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day.   On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year.Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts.   Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.    【感恩节英语作文100字:篇七】   The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with we existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for.   The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life!   The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us.   The thankful classmate and friend grows up road of, let I no longer standing alone in the itinerary of life; The with gratitude is frustrated and let us become in a time the failure stronger.
2023-08-10 07:53:041


Today is thanks giving day. Frist of all, i would thank my parents who give me life and educate me..Secondly,I would express the deepest gratitude to my grandparents who are the most important person who build up the whole family.Next,I am thankful to my brother and sister who accompany me all the way to grow up,,...Last but not least, my best friend worth who worth my whole hearted wish,who share the happiness and sorrow with me .
2023-08-10 07:53:152


感恩节的介绍英文   每年的十一月,感恩节活动就会陆续开展起来。感恩节的"活动充满民俗色彩,深受大家喜爱。感恩节就要到了,我给大家收集了关于感恩节的英文介绍,欢迎大家阅读了解!   【感恩节英语介绍】   thanksgiving day fourth thursday in november almost every culture in the world has held celebrations of thanks for a plentiful harvest. the american thanksgiving holiday began as a feast of thanksgiving in the early days of the american colonies almost four hundred years ago.   in 1620, a boat filled with more than one hundred people sailed across the atlantic ocean to settle in the new world(新大陆).   this religious group had begun to question the beliefs of the church of england and they wanted to separate from it. the pilgrims settled in what is now the state of massachusetts. their first winter in the new world was difficult.   they had arrived too late to grow many crops, and without fresh food, half the colony died from disease. the following spring the iroquois indians(美国纽约州东北部易洛魁族印第安人)taught them how to grow corn, a new food for the colonists. they showed them other crops to grow in the unfamiliar soil and how to hunt and fish.   in the autumn of 1621, bountiful crops of corn, barley(大麦), beans and pumpkins were harvested. the colonists had much to be thankful for, so a feast was planned. they invited the local indian chief and 90 indians. the indians brought deer to roast with the turkeys and other wild game offered by the colonists. the colonists had learned how to cook cranberries and different kinds of corn and squash dishes from the indians. to this first thanksgiving, the indians had even brought popcorn.   in following years, many of the original colonists celebrated the autumn harvest with a feast of thanks.   after the united states became an independent country, congress recommended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole nation to celebrate. george washington suggested the date november 26 as thanksgiving day.   then in 1863, at the end of a long and bloody civil war, abraham lincoln asked all americans to set aside the last thursday in november as a day of thanksgiving.   thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, a different date every year. the president must proclaim that date as the official celebration.   thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all give thanks together for the good things that they have.   in this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. on most tables throughout the united states, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.   【symbols of thanksgiving】   turkey, corn, pumpkins and cranberry sauce(酸果曼沙司)are symbols which represent the first thanksgiving. now all of these symbols are drawn on holiday decorations and greeting cards. the use of corn meant the survival of the colonies. "indian corn" as a table or door decoration represents the harvest and the fall season.   sweet-sour cranberry sauce, or cranberry jelly, was on the first thanksgiving table and is still served today. the cranberry is a small, sour berry. it grows in bogs(沼泽), or muddy areas, in massachusetts and other new england states. the indians used the fruit to treat infections. they used the juice to dye their rugs and blankets. they taught the colonists how to cook the berries with sweetener(甜味佐料)and water to make a sauce.   the indians called it "ibimi" which means "bitter berry." when the colonists saw it, they named it "crane-berry" because the flowers of the berry bent the stalk over, and it resembled the long-necked bird called a crane. the berries are still grown in new england.   in 1988, a thanksgiving ceremony of a different kind took place at the cathedral of st. john the divine. more than four thousand people gathered on thanksgiving night. among them were native americans representing tribes from all over the country and descendants of people whose ancestors had migrated to the new world.   the ceremony was a public acknowledgment of the indians" role in the first thanksgiving 350 years ago. until recently most schoolchildren believed that the pilgrims cooked the entire thanksgiving feast, and offered it to the indians.   in fact, the feast was planned to thank the indians for teaching them how to cook those foods. without the indians, the first settlers would not have survived. ;
2023-08-10 07:53:301


介绍感恩节的英语短文   介绍感恩节的英语短文 感恩节是美国人民独创的节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。对于正在学习英语的"朋友,我们准备了介绍感恩节的英语短文,不仅可以锻炼英语,也能了解美国的文化。   介绍感恩节的英语短文1   Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America, generally observed as an expression of gratitude, usually to God. The most common view of its origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn harvest. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. In Canada, where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year, the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is observed as Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States.   Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends and family. In the United States, it is an important family holiday, and people often travel across the country to be with family members for the holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off. Thanksgiving is almost entirely celebrated at home, unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas, which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences   介绍感恩节的英语短文2   Thanksgiving which falls on the fourth Thursday of November, is one of the biggest American holidays. This   holiday started in the early 1600s after settlers arrived in America. These people who came from Europe   didnt know how to survive in the wild new country. Luckily, they met some friendly American Indians, who showed them how to hunt turkeys and grow corn. In the fall, after the harvest, the settlers had a great feast. They invited the Indians to thank them for their help.   Today the tradition continues. On Thanksgiving Day, Americans invite their friends over for a turkey dinner   and give thanks for what they have.   介绍感恩节的英语短文3   Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America, generally observed as an expression of gratitude, usually to God. The most common view of its origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn harvest. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.   In Canada, where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year, the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is observed as Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States.
2023-08-10 07:53:431


1.机械式粉碎机 机械式粉碎机是以机械方式为主,对物料进行粉碎的机械,它又分为齿式粉碎机、锤式粉碎机、刀式粉碎机、涡轮式粉碎机、压磨式粉碎机和铣削式粉碎机。(1)齿式粉碎机...2.气流粉碎机 气流粉碎机是通过粉碎室内的喷嘴把压缩空气(或其他介质)形成气流束变成速度能量...3.研磨机 研磨机是通过研磨体、头、球等介质的运动对物料进行研磨,使物料研磨成超细度混合物的...4.低温粉碎机 低温粉碎机是经低温(Zdi温度)处理,对物料进行粉碎的机器。常见的几种粉碎机...
2023-08-10 07:53:242


脱钩最常见的英文是:unhook。脱钩,汉语词语,读音tuō gōu,指脱离联系。原指火车车厢的挂钩脱落。引申为事物的联系中断 ,脱是一个汉字,本意是指取下,除去,掉下,落掉等,这是一个动词来着,比如脱衣服是一个动词。钩,悬挂或探取东西用的器具,形状弯曲,头端尖锐。引申指“形状像钩子的”。指“汉字笔形之一”。指“用钩形物搭、挂或探取”。指“研究,探寻”。指“牵连”。同“勾”。指“一种缝纫法,多指缝合衣边”。指“古代兵器”。又用作姓。
2023-08-10 07:53:241

realm defense雷夫怎么得

2023-08-10 07:53:281


2023-08-10 07:53:312

化妆品里面的 水漾 是什么意思??

2023-08-10 07:53:3515


不是一种音乐形式吗 可能还有别的意思
2023-08-10 07:53:363


2023-08-10 07:53:381


2023-08-10 07:53:383


  1、ous是一个标准的形容词后缀,只表示该词是个形容词,没有含义。   如:ambiguous模棱两可的、anonymous匿名的、cautious小心的、numerous大量的、gorgeous了不起的、tedious沉闷的、anxious焦虑的等等。   2、ous是out of service的缩写,意为:不工作的,未使用的,停工,停用。
2023-08-10 07:53:401

k-pop 舞蹈 百度百科

韩国流行音乐(英语:Korea-Pop,简称K-POP,朝鲜语:uac00uc694)是一音乐种类。指源自韩国的流行音乐,包括有舞曲、现代节奏蓝调、流行电音、嘻哈音乐。在K-pop形成早期时,H.O.T为代表,在情绪上多是一些狂热,浮华,表现了年轻人的叛逆心理,也含义:代表了很多年轻人的心声。歌曲大都节奏比较 快而且节奏感强烈,适于跳舞。他们演出时往往都边唱边跳,舞蹈是受欢迎的一个很重要的因素。演变:后来由于韩国电视剧广为传播,韩剧中主题曲或插曲也随之受欢迎,其中大部分是一些以唯美爱情的主题的歌曲,所以,韩国的流行音乐开始逐渐趋向柔和抒情,加上韩语在发音上有很多气声,在声音的感觉上具有柔和的元素。所以,其特有抒情成分形成了K-POP现今的主要风格。在美国格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)官方网站首页登载了“Korean boy band BigBang go boom”的消息,上传了韩国的当红K-pop组合 BigBang 成员的照片并介绍了K-pop的火爆人气。这是韩国歌手第一次荣登格莱美网站的首页。
2023-08-10 07:53:431


TIPS(Treasury Inflation Protected Securities)债券又称通胀膨胀保护债券,是一类与通货膨胀指数相关联的债券。其发展历史比较短,于1997年1月15日由美国财政部首次发行,规模为70亿美元。正如起名,TIPS南于在规避通胀风险的独特条款设计,自发行起就倍受投资者重视,截止2004年底。TIPS发行规模已达2230亿美元。通货膨胀历来是经济理论和实践上高度关注的经济指标,特别是自2004年以来,油价上涨、就业高企、物价指数上涨,市场普遍产生通胀预期,规避通胀风险的动机越发明显,TIPS债券市场的交易日益活跃。
2023-08-10 07:53:461


2023-08-10 07:53:471


水滴形天气预测器「Tempo Drop」,原理根据起源于17世纪欧洲的天气预测器“Storm Glass”,在密封玻璃瓶内注入蒸馏水、酒精、硝酸钾、氯化氨和樟脑等混合液,当瓶中液体清澈干净,代表天气将晴朗无云;当瓶中液体混浊朦胧,代表天空也将多云阴郁;当瓶中出现结晶,代表将降温甚至下雪。原理其实是利用樟脑(camphor)在乙醇(ethanol)中随着温度变化结晶,NH4Cl(ammonium chloride) ,KNO3(potassium nitrate) 和水是为了控制在晶体高速生长过程中的晶体连续成核。Pattern formation of crystals in storm glass外国的一篇参考文献
2023-08-10 07:53:483

k pop是什么?

2023-08-10 07:53:511


2023-08-10 07:53:521


说唱:药 药 切克闹 北鼻康忙脱外套懂了吗
2023-08-10 07:53:213


随着我国中药事业的不断发展,各种中药剂型相继涌现,人们对中药疗效的要求也越来越高。一些中药原料药材需要进行微粉碎,才能达到制备工艺的要求。为适应市场的需要,中药微粉的研究和生产工作已经在我国中药生产行业展开,并取得了一定的成绩。为促进一工作的进一步发展,笔者对我国中药微粉生产的现状进行了调查研究和评估,对其中存在的问题,进行了剖析,并对解决这些问题的对策,提出了笔者人的意见。现将笔者对中药微粉研究和生产的个人认识论述如下,供同道参考。   1 中药微粉研究与生产的必要性   微粉碎和超微粉碎技术是近几十年发展起来的一门新技术,已在许多工业部门及国民经济领域广泛应用,并引起了中医药界的高度重视。因为这一技术与传统机械粉碎相比,具有以下优越性。   1.1有利于提高中药制的质量   在中药制剂的生产和制备过程中,必须对原料药材进行微粉碎,才能达到制备工艺要求。一般而言,在含中药微粉的制剂中,微粉越细,其质量应越高。因为将中药材制成微粉或细胞破壁粉,能增加有效成分溶出量或提取量,可以提高药物的生物利用度,从而有利于提高中医药的临床疗效。同时,还能在保证疗效基础上,减少原有服用剂量。   1.2有利于节省资源,提高利用率   在实际生产过程中,对于许多中药材而言,如果采用一般的机械粉碎,很难将其加工成细粉。如甘草、黄芪、艾叶等纤维强度较大的药物,在一般机械粉碎过程中,常得到大量的“头子”,造成原药材的浪费。若采用超细粉碎,这类中药材便极易操作。如此,不仅可以减少资源浪费,而且超细粉体生药一般可直接用于制剂生产与中药调剂。 超细粉碎还可以在低温或深低温状态下进行,其速度快,瞬间即可完成,能限度地保留粉体的生物活性成分,有利于制成高质量的中药粉剂,如天麻微粉外观色泽即比天麻细粉浅。   1.3有利于提高生产效益   将中药材超微粉或细胞破壁粉,用于中药有效成分的提取,能有效地被溶媒浸润和溶解,因而可以减少溶媒的用量,改变原有的提取方法与条件。如原来采用乙醇回流法提取的中药材,若采用经超微粉碎技术加工后的微粉进行提取,便可将原有的乙醇回流提取法改用乙醇浸渍法。如此,有助于提高生产效率,降低成本,提高企业和社会的经济效益。   鉴于微粉和超微粉技术在中药生产中,具有上述优越性,因此,加强对中药微粉的生产与研究,就成为一个值得重视的问题。   2中药微粉的生产与研究现状   在全国和世界范围内,目前由于各行业的需求不同,因而对微粉与超微粉的生产和研究的认识与方法也不一致,这就直接影响到中药微粉的生产与研究。虽然,在中药生产与临床应用中,中药微粉的生产与应用,已经在一定程度上显示了它的优越性。但是,由于中药微粉的生产和研究时间还不太长,所以在中药微粉生产和研究中,不可避免地存在一些问题。据笔者调查,这些问题大致表现如下。   2.1 中药微粉的有关概念和术语混乱   微粉或称粉体,系指固体细微粒子的集合体。我国在冶金、化工、建材、炼油及食品等行业中,对中药微粉的称谓很含混,各个专业根据本专业的习惯或常用粒径,有各种各样的称呼,如“微粉”、“超微粉”、“超细粉”、“超微粒子”、“亚微粒子”、“极微粒子”等。目前,数资料比较认可的微粉是指微米级(μm)的。 国外对“超细”使用的词也不一致,有人用“ultra fine”,有人用“super fine”,也有人用“very fine”,还有人用“micropowder”。有人定义粒径小于lOOμm的粉体为超细粉体,有人定义粒径小于30μm或lOμm的粉体为超细粉体,也有人定义粒径小于1μm的粉体为超细粉体。目前国外定义较严格被较多采用的粒径小于3μm的粉体,被称之为超细粉体。   2.2中药微粉的概念缺乏明确的界定   由于国内、外目前对微粉的概念尚无统一认识,因而目前通行的2000版《中国药典》不可能对中药微粉的粒径制定统一的标准。《中国药典》2000年版一部对粉末的分级,最细只分到200目(75μm),并未涉及微粉(<75μm)粒径的分等及限度。2000年版《药典》规定:能全部通过五号筛(180±7.6μm),并含能通过6号筛(150±6.6μm)不少于95%的粉末称为“细粉”;能全部通过8号筛(90±4.6μm)并含能通过9号筛(75±4.1μm)不少于95%的粉末称为“极细粉”。   根据上述规定,如果中药粉末只要粉末能全部通过9号筛(200目,75μm),无论其小的具体细度如何,均称为“极细粉”,并无关于更细的“微粉”的界定。   2.3中药微粉研究的力度不够   目前,虽然微粉在中药行业已开始得到较为广泛的应用,但大多数微粉制剂的设计并不严谨,相关的研究力度不足,评价指标也不够确切。由此导致中药微粉的研究单位没有统一的相关标准,产品的评审无据可评,复核单位也没有相关法规作为检验依据。因此,加强中药微粉的规范化研究,不仅可以为行业和国家制订微粉生产和质量检验的相关标准提供参考,而且可以在促进中医药行业的良性发展方面,起到积极的作用。 此外,在临床上也缺乏对微粉细度与临床疗效关系的深入研究。如,究竟哪些物料需要细到什么程度,才能不致于能保证其疗效,而且最容易保存?对于这些问题的研究,目前尚属空白。因此,目前对超细粉的生产也就五花八门难以统一。   2.4中药微粉粉碎技术及相关设备繁杂   超细粉碎技术及设备的应用,涉及化工、冶金、建材、电子、轻工、医药、农业等许多领域。由于各行业或在同一行业之中,由于市场对超细粉产品的要求不同,因而生产者所采用的工艺和技术也不一样,为满足对微粉生产加工的各种不同要求,因而各生产单位所采用的超细粉碎设备类型也不一致,加之目前尚无超细粉生产技术的行业标准,因此生产此类产品的设备类型也较为繁杂。   目前在超微粉生产中运用的设备大致有:①高速机械冲击式微粉碎机——分立式与卧式;②气流粉碎机——分扁平式、循环管式、靶式、对喷式、流化床对喷式;③辊压式磨机——分高压辊磨机、立式辊磨机(莱歇磨、MPs磨);④介质运动式磨机——分容器驱动式(球磨机、振动磨、行星磨)及介质搅拌磨。 中药材超细粉碎设备,主要采用气流粉碎机、振动磨、高速机械冲击式微粉碎机等几类设备,目前,由于中药行业内对超细粉碎技术生产的“药粉”的概念在认识上还不统一,因而相应粉碎设备的称谓也不统一。如目前即有“微粉机”、“超微粉碎机”、“超细粉碎机”、“细胞破壁机”、“超音气流粉碎机”等不同设备和设备名称。这些机械所生产的粉末粒径大小各不同,其用适用范围也不一致,如果没有统一的规范,不仅不能保证其产品的正确运用,而且无法对超细粉设备的质量进行正确的评估和监测,如此,便难以保证超细粉产品的生产质量。   2.5 中药微粉粒径的测量方法不统一   由于微粉的粒径与中药的疗效密切有关,因此,对粒径的测量日益受到人们的重视。在超细粉生产行业内,目前所采用的微粉粒径测量方法,主要有:直接观察法、筛分法、沉降法、激光法等,现在还有学者研究了对微粉粒度更精确的测定方法。如,冯瑞棠等为了测量超出费氏仪读数板孔隙度范围的粉末的平均粒度,研究了两种扩大仪器测量范围的方法,并且用这两种方法测量了几种粉末的平均粒度,得到了满意的结果。在苍术、黄柏的粒径测量中,还采用了扫描电子显微镜测量法。然而,在实际应用中,并非粒径越小,疗效就越高,对于不同的药物和临床不同的需要,对微粉粒径的要求也不相同。在现今生产实际中,生产者常根据粉体的粒径分布范围、物理特性、干湿度和要求测量的粒度……来具体确定选择何种方法。因此,即使是同物料,由于选择的粉碎方法不同,所得到的结果也不相同。 3中药微粉规范化研究的对策   3.1明确界定中药微粉的概念   尽管中药微粉生产和研究尚处于起步阶段,存在概念不统一的问题是很自然的事情。但是,概念是人们进行思维活动的最基本单位,没有统一和明确的概念,便难以保证研究工作的科学性和实用性。因此必须从统一和规范中药微粉的概念人手,通过对现今中药微粉的有关概念和名词术语的收集、整理和分析,按临床实践和市场的需要,对各种不同要求不同级别的“微粉”或“超微粉”概念进行明确的界定,尽快结束中药行业的在微粉生产与研究中所存在的概念“混乱”的状态。只有结束了这种状态,才有可能为制定行业的超细粉生产的相关检测标准,铺平道路。   3.2以微粉粒径作为切入点   颗粒的粒度直接影响粉末及其产品的性质和用途。例如,水泥的强度与其细度有关,磨料的粒度和粒度分布决定其质量等级,粉碎和分级也需要测量粒度。微粉粒子细小,有着其自身的独特性质,如粒子的大小与形态、比表面积、密度与孔隙率、流动性、润湿性等。由于微粉粒径的变化,可影响物料的理化性质,而微粉的粒径又与其制备工艺密切有关。在制备中如不能控制好微粉的粒径大小,便有可能使挥发油等有效成分丢失(如对某些中药就不能采用细胞破壁技术);而其表面能的骤增,又会产生团聚现象。因此,应当根据市场需求及微粉不同用途,以微粉粒径为指标,统一界定不同级别中药微粒的概念。如此,便能更深人地了解微粉的其它性质,才能为中药微粉的研究、生产和检验奠定基础。   3.3规范统一检测方法   目前,用于粒径测量的方法虽然很多,且各有其优缺点,但是要选择一种或几种合理可行、操作简便的方法,却不是一件容易的事。虽然筛分法用于粒度分布的测量已有很长的历史,但由于微粉的特殊性质(如易团聚,易吸潮等),用此方法测量,其结果不一定准确。电子显微镜可以对完整细胞进行观察、测量,但对细胞破壁的微粉却不能给出准确的结果(此时粉末已成碎片)。激光粒度检测仪受分散溶媒的影响很大,这些都有待深人的研究。同时,在微粉检测中,并不是每一个研究生产单位都有相应的检测设备和仪器。因此,对微粉粒径的测量不能再走老路子,应该在充分调研的基础上,根据市场需求,在统一微粉概念的基础上,提出一套较为统一的适合各种不同需要的合理可行和操作简便的微粉检测方法。
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如何shiro中principal 属性的属性

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分类: 教育/学业/考试 问题描述: 以室内外装潢装饰、建筑工程之类的公司.因某个机遇和一"M"开头的事件有联系, 因此须找一个同样以字母"M"开头的英文来阐述公司的运营主旨 简单点说就是找一个以M开头的表达装饰装潢、建筑类的英文.请知道的回答英文、以及中文意思.(谁回答的更合理分给谁、经典者加倍分) 解析: the Most 最好的,最佳的,一切尽在不言中 Modernbuilt 现代建筑Modern-Arch 一样,Arch是建筑的缩写 Modernday 现代的 Modernist 现代人 这几个跟现代有关的都可以,比较适合建筑公司。 Metropolitan 大都市,大城市,很繁华很强的感觉。 Michelangelo 米开朗基罗,伟大的古代美术家和建筑师的名字,以他的名字命名,很气派,念起来也好听。
2023-08-10 07:53:011


病毒营销:病毒营销其实也是口碑营销的一种,主要是消费者给自己未来的消费者去做产品推广营销,是一种自发式的裂变营销。  情感营销:很多企业都在利用自媒体做情感营销,很多公益广告也是利用情感营销打动人们的微妙情感。  事件营销:事件营销也是当下非常流行的新媒体营销方式,事件营销能够迅速地提升产品的品牌知名度。新媒体营销和事件营销完美的结合有着比较优势,造成的受众面的人群会非常的高,然后对于营销成本的节省也非常的显著.  饥饿营销:很多新媒体也会专门的去为自己的产品和品牌做饥饿营销,饥饿营销的目的是制造产品供不应求的销售假象,从而促使品牌形象变得高大,然而自己的产品销量其实并不是非常的乐观。
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欧陆风云4前段时间刚刚发布,对于很多新手玩家们来说,要想成功掌握这款游戏中的250国家,可不是一件简单的事情,所以不少人想到了这款游戏的秘籍,下面深空高玩就为广大新手玩家们奉上欧陆风云4秘籍,希望可以帮助到大家。欧陆风云4秘籍大全:nopausetext #切换显示暂停指示条(截图更好看)nextsong #换下一首BGMdate [date in format] #改变当前日期time #现实时间oos #意义不明combatsound - 战斗界面多久产生一次随机音效? 0-50 用了下,具体意义不明morehumans(humans) [num] #添加更多的mr.humanwindow(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name] #打开或者关闭一个指定窗口reload [file name] #重载文件reloadinterface #重载界面reloadfx [Arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename] #重新渲染reloadtexture [texture file name] #重载材质reloadloc #重载localisation下文件poll #查看可触发的事件(就是on_actions里面那些固定2年和5年触发一次的事件)`event [event id] [Target Country Tag] #执行指定事件die(kill) [Target Country Tag] #弑君add_heir [Target Country Tag] #生成继承人(不用像EU3那样找侍女了)kill_heir [Target Country Tag] #悲伤淹没了你,杀死指定国家继承人siege [Province ID] #指定省份围城即刻胜利annex [Target Country Tag] #吞并指定国家integrate [Target Country Tag] #整合指定国家(这两个都变成一个过程了,两者区别不是很清楚,貌似后者是联统下的合并?)vassalize [Target Country Tag] #附庸指定国家discover [Target Country Tag] #发现指定国家首都省份winwars #战争胜利点数变为100%spritelevel [Sprite level] #指定兵模等级papvotes #指向候选枢机主教名字会显示投票情况kill_cardinal #杀死列表第一位枢机主教clear #清空控制台validateevents #重新检测事件但不触发testevent [Event ID] [Character ID] #测试事件但不触发testmission [Mission Name] #测试任务但不触发cash [Amount] #钱population [ProvinceID] [Amount] #给指定省份增加人口setmissionaryprogress [ProvinceID] [Amount] #设置一个省份的传教进度manpower [Amount] #添加后备兵员add_natives [ProvinceID] [Amount] #给指定省份增加土着add_reformlevel [Amount] #给帝国增加改革数目add_opinion [Country tag] #增加指定国家对你的关系add_pi [Country tag] #增加指定国家的教廷影响力add_pa [Country tag] #增加指定国家族长权威add_cb [casus belli tag] [target country tag] #添加对指定国家的指定宣战理由remove_cb [casus belli tag] [target country tag] #与上面相反tag [Country tag] #窜档指定国家reset_mission_cancel [Country tag] #重置取消任务的任务间隔期(可马上再选任务)remove_defender_faith #移除玩家当前宗教的宗教守护者add_missionary [Country tag] #给指定国家增加传教士add_colonist [Country tag] #给指定国家增加殖民者add_interest [Country tag] #添加指定国家到你感兴趣的国家列表中remove_interest [Country tag] #从感兴趣的国家列表中移除指定国家add_diplo #Adds diplomatic entroute (看不懂)add_idea_group [Idea group key] #添加理念组power [stability/tech_table_key/idea_key] #使用君主力量点数powerpoints [AMOUNT OPTIONAL] #增加君主力量点数adm [AMOUNT OPTIONAL] #增加行政力量点数dip [AMOUNT OPTIONAL] #增加外交力量点数mil [AMOUNT OPTIONAL] #增加军事力量点数piety [AMOUNT OPTIONAL] #增加虔诚stability [AMOUNT OPTIONAL] #提升稳定imperial_authority [] #增加皇帝权威prestige [] #增加威望PrintSynchStuff #显示随机数和随机种子observe(spectator) #看海模式fow(debug_fow) [Province ID OPTIONAL] #取消/开启战争迷雾collision(debug_collision) #显示碰撞模型ti(debug_ti) #切换地图是否全开savegame #存盘IP #显示你IPrequestgamestate #从主机获取游戏状态(单机别打这命令...会未响应)nudge - Go to the nudge toolrevolt [Province ID] #指定省份叛乱pirate [Province ID] #指定沿海省份出现海盗legitimacy [AMOUNT] #设定正统性mapmode [Mapmode type (int)] #切换地图模式fullscreen #切换全屏score #分数balance - Region Balance output.prices #物产价格信息add_core [Province ID] #给指定省份添加核心remove_core [Province ID] #去除核心own [Province ID] #获得指定省份所有权controll [Province ID] #获得指定省份控制权selflearningai #开启/关闭AI学习能力(就EU的破AI还能这么凶残?)aiview #显示AI额外信息yesman #ai会同意你一切要求memory #显示已使用内存msg #切换消息弹出helplog #在game.log里面显示所有控制台命令帮助help [command name] #查看指定命令的帮助信息欧陆风云4(Europa Universalis IV)整合全部The Rome DLC中文破解版v1.22.1.0
2023-08-10 07:52:531


K-POP是韩国流行音乐(英语:Korea-Pop)的简称,K-POP是一音乐种类。指源自韩国的流行音乐,是韩语、电子音乐、DANCE-POP、嘻哈音乐的结合。一 发展历史:在K-pop形成早期时,(早期)以H.O.T为代表,在情绪上多是狂热、浮华、表现了年轻人的叛逆心理,也代表了很多年轻人的心声。歌曲大都节奏比较 快而且节奏感强烈,适于跳舞。二 表达形式:他们演出时往往都边唱边跳,编舞舞蹈Urbandance.Cn是受欢迎的一个很重要的因素。除了节奏快的舞曲类型之外,还有节奏较舒缓的抒情性歌曲,这类歌曲在表达情感上更胜一筹。三 风格:K-pop音乐听上去非常快乐、充满力量,并且歌词描画的通常也是一派和谐。以及K-pop本身所具有融合性有关,这种音乐还不能单单被包含在哪一种流派,因为它几乎接纳了流行、R&B、摇滚、嘻哈、电子,甚至是现代民谣等等所有世界主流的音乐风格。
2023-08-10 07:52:492


2023-08-10 07:52:484


遥控器按下按键指令编码电信号,红外二极管发射红外电信号,电视机接收头接收红外电信号,解码电信号,CPU得到指令实现功能。最早用来控制电视的遥控器是美国一家叫Zenith的电器公司(这家公司现在被LG收购了),在1950年代发明出来的,一开始是有线的。1955年,该公司发展出一种被称为Flashmatic的无线遥控装置,但这种装置没办法分辨光束是否是从遥控器而来,而且也必需对准才可以控制。1956年罗伯爱德勒(Robert Adler)开发出称为Zenith Space Command的遥控器,这也是第一个现代的无线遥控装置,他是利用超声波来调频道和音量,每个按键发出的频率不一样,但这种装置也可能会被一般的超声波所干扰,而且有些人及动物(如狗)听得到遥控器发出的声音。1980年代,发送和接收红外线的半导体装置开发出来时,就慢慢取代了超声波控制装置。即使其他的无线传输方式(如蓝牙)持续被开发出来,这种科技直到现在还持续广泛被使用。
2023-08-10 07:52:481

technaxx prestige tx-53是什么手表?

2023-08-10 07:52:451