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2023-08-18 06:19:49



种子的英文单词是什么 ?

2023-08-10 17:16:306


watermelon seeds 瓜子
2023-08-10 17:17:272

seeds 翻译成中文有哪几个意思.

2023-08-10 17:17:525


种子的作用:How do seeds work:answer:When seeds are planted, they first grow roots. As the plant grows and begins to make its own food from nutrients it takes from the soil, it will grow into a larger plant. The seed itself is like a survival package. It contains the food the seed needs while it is growing roots and forming into a small plant.Major points:Seeds works as absorbing energy from the soil and promoting the plant growing up from the soil.
2023-08-10 17:18:241

瓜子 英文怎么读

melon seeds英氏音标u02c8melu0259n si:dz美式音标u02c8mu025blu0259n si:dz
2023-08-10 17:18:3514


为你解答。填空:1、soil2、seeds3、sun4、water5、sprouts6、flowers问答:1、A pot of soil.2、We need soil to make a flower"s bed.3、Because the seeds need a lot of sun to keep them fed.4、No, we can"t.5、Yes, we will.
2023-08-10 17:19:242

do not eat the seeds,种子要不要加s

2023-08-10 17:19:481


瓜子―guā zǐ
2023-08-10 17:20:045

abaqus/CAE软件中设置global seeds是什么意思?

2023-08-10 17:20:272


  大一时就训练好自己的英语听力,才能够更好地迎接四级和六级的考试不是吗?下面是我给大家整理的大学英语听力训练,供大家参阅!   大学英语听力训练   听力真题:   Passage Two   29.   A. Cooking.   B. Cleaning.   C. Sink care.   D. Painting.   30.   A. 50%.   B. 40%.   C. 30%.   C. 20%.   31.   A. How to release oil from seeds.   B. How to test the local market for oil.   C. Food and oil.   D. Soybean and oil.   听力原文:   Passage Two   From the beginning of human history, [31]people have used oils from seeds and nuts. [29]Most of the time these oils are used as food, especially in cooking. But sometimes they have other uses. [29]For example, oils are found in paint and in cleaning products, like soap. Oil is separated from seeds by using pressure. A machine called a press is often used. Sometimes it is surprising to learn how much oil the seeds contain. Sesame, cotton and sunflower seeds, for example, all contain at least 50% oil. [30]Soybean is an important seed around the world, but it is only 20% oil. So chemicals are needed to release oil from soybeans. The first step in pressing the oil from seeds is to crush the seeds between two stones. A cloth container or bag is filled with the crushed seeds. Then the bag is hung up. Some of the oil will flow out of the bag and can be collected. But some oil will remain in the crushed seeds inside the bag. The easiest way to get the rest of the oil out is to place heavy rocks on the crushed material. Oil can also be collected with small, hand-operated machines. Small presses are important in areas where electricity or gasoline cannot be used. They are also a good way to test if a local market for oil exists.   答案解析:   Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.   29. What use of oil is NOT mentioned in the passage?   [C]解析:短文第2句开始谈植物油的用处,提到了cooking,paint和cleaning products,只有C项未提及,因而它就是答案。   30. How much oil does soybean contain?   [D]解析:短文提到,大豆的含油量为20%,故选D。百分比作选项,难点不在猜测问题是什么类型,而在于对文中出现的每个百分比(50%和20%)做出准确的笔记。在听到问题后才能根据笔记作答。   31. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?   [A]解析:短文第1句指出,人类使用植物(种子)油有着漫长的历史。然后谈到植物油的用途,主要的植物油来源以及提取植物油,因此,本文的主题是A。从选项的高度概括性来看,本题当问文章的主旨大意。核心词是oil,然后每个选项都给出了另一个关键词:seeds,market,food,soybean。本文多处提到oil和seeds,因此不难选出答案。其他几项的关键词只是文章中的局部内容,不能充当主题。   大学英语听力练习   听力真题:   Passage One   26.   A. The whole routine of life is shattered.   B. The need to talk to other people is increasing.   C. Nothing is more important than controlling one"sown time.   D. Nobody is alone in the unemploymentexperience.   27.   A. Days are getting longer.   B. Days are getting shorter.   C. Time becomes easier to fill.   D. It is a good opportunity to develop their hobbies.   28.   A. Unemployment brings bad feelings.   B. Unemployment brings good feelings.   C. One should try to make the best of unemployment.   D. Unemployed people are lonely.   听力原文:   Passage One   As more and more people lose their jobs, now is perhaps the time to consider the experience of unemployment. [26]What are the first feelings? Well, losing a job, or not being able to find one, almost always brings unwelcome changes. [26]As well as the loss of income, many people find the whole routine of their life is shattered, their contact with other people reduced, their ambitions halted and their identity as a worker removed.   At first there may be good feelings too-a new and better job is just around the corner-it"s nice to be able to lie in bed in the morning or spend more time with the children; have more time to think. [27]But, unless a better job does turn up, the chances are the days start getting longer and time becomes harder to fill. Many people pass through periods of difficulty in sleeping and eating. They feel irritable and depressed, often isolated and lonely.   [28]Despite all these problems though, unemployment can be a chance for a fresh start. You can discover that it provides an opportunity to sort out or rethink what you want from life and how best you can get it. You can use the time to plan how to find a new job, learn a new skill, develop your hobbies or see if you can run your own business.   答案解析:   Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.   26. What are the first feelings when one is jobless?   [A]解析:短文说:失去工作几乎总是会带来一些令人不快的变化。收入减少之外,许多人还发现整个生活常规全打乱了,与别人的接触减少,雄心受挫,还失去了工作者的身份。A正确。四个陈述句选项,各自的主语都不相同,选项的主要词汇也没有什么关联。由此可以推测的是,本题应该问细节而非主旨(主旨题各选项中的词语总会相互关联)。可以“听到什么选什么”。短文中的设问句What are the first feelings?之后出现了A中的原词,也属于在语义强调之处出题。   27. What do the unemployed feel before finding a new job?   [A]解析:短文中说到:但是如果不能找到一个更好的工作的话,日子可能会变得漫长,时间也变得更难以打发。由此选A。A、B、C三个选项说“时间”,D说“业余爱好”。A、B语义矛盾,B、C其实语义一致(等价)。由选项自身可以初步判断答案是A。But转折处出题。   28. What does the speaker try to tell us?   [C]解析:短文在前两个段落谈到失业的不良影响后,在第三段说“失业也是一个新的开始的机会”,该如何利用失业重新开始,故答案是C。A、B内容矛盾,各执一词,但太绝对化,故不能是答案。   大学英语听力材料   听力真题:   Passage Three   32.   A. Computers have become part of our daily lives.   B. Computers have more disadvantages thanadvantages.   C. People have different attitudes toward computers.   D. More and more families will own computers.   33.   A. Computers can bring financial problems.   B. Computers can bring unemployment.   C. Computers can be very useful in families.   D. Computerized robots can take over some unpleasant jobs.   34.   A. Computers may change the life they have been accustomed to.   B. Spending too much time on computers may spoil people"s relationship.   C. Buying computers may cost a lot of money.   D. Computers may take the place of human being altogether.   35.   A. Affectionate.   B. Disapproving.   C. Approving.   D. Neutral.   听力原文:   Passage Three   For good or bad, computers are now part of ourdaily lives. With the price of a small home computernow being lower, experts predict that before long allschools and businesses and most families in the richparts of the world will own a computer of some kind. [32]Among the general public, computers arousestrong feelings-people either love them or hatethem. The computer lovers talk about [33]how useful computers can be in business, ineducation and in the home-apart from all the games, you can do your accounts on them, usethem to control your central heating, and in some places even do your shopping with them.Computers, they say, will also bring some leisure, [33]as more and more unpleasant jobs aretaken over by computerized robots. The haters, on the other hand, argue that [33]computersbring not leisure but unemployment. They worry, too, that people who spend all their timetalking to computers will forget how to talk to each other. And anyway, they ask, what"s wrongwith going shopping and learning languages in classroom with real teachers? [34]But theirbiggest fear is that computers may eventually replace human beings altogether.   答案解析:   Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.   32. What is the main idea of this passage?   [C]解析:主旨题,短文在引出话题后说:“在一般民众之中,计算机引发了强烈的感情。人们或者喜爱它,或者痛恨它。”然后文章分别阐述这两种对立的观点。所以C正确。一般来说,对于main idea题目,具有概括性的选项是答案,C符合此特征。做主旨题时特别看重“第1句”,因此本题A是强干扰项。只是在本文中,A项提到的内容只是主题的引文,全文是分爱、恨两方面讨论人们对计算机的看法的。作为事实细节,D也符合文章内容,但不合题意。   33. What is not mentioned in the passage about computers?   [A]解析:短文提到,计算机对企业、教育和家庭有用,计算机化的机器人可以代替人做没意思的工作,计算机还会带来失业。B、C、D均有提及,A是答案。   34. What is the biggest fear of the computer haters?   [D]解析:短文最后说:痛恨计算机的人最大的担忧在于,终究有一天计算机会完全取代人类。D与此相符“语义强调”的内容常是解题关键。听到原文中的their biggest fear,就得特别留神!听到什么选什么。   35. What"s the speaker"s attitude toward computers?   [D]解析:短文说话人对正反两边的意见给予客观介绍,没有明显的偏向性,因此其态度是中立的,答案是D。A、C项含义一致,可以直接排除。由听过的短文可知,说话人并不反对计算机,故也可以排除B。   
2023-08-10 17:20:491


  为你提供“2017年12月大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案”,希望能帮助到你,更多英语四级考试资讯,网站将持续更新,敬请关注!   2017年12月大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案   Flying over a desert area in an airplane, two scientists looked down with trained eyes at trees and bushes. After an hour"s flight one of the scientists wrote in his book, "Look here for probable metal" Scientists in another airplane, flying over a mountain region, sent a message to other scientists on the ground,"Gold possible." Walking across hilly ground, four scientists reported,"This ground should be searched for metals." From an airplane over a hilly wasteland a scientist sent back by radio one word,"Uranium".   None of the scientists had X-ray eyes: they had no magic powers for looking down below the earth"s surface. They were merely putting to use one of the newest methods of location minerals in the ground - using trees and plants as signs that certain minerals may lie beneath the ground on which the trees and plants are growing.   This newest method of searching for minerals is based on the fact that minerals deep in the earth may affect the kind of bushes and trees that grow on the surface.   At Watson Bar Creek, a brook six thousand feet high in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada, a mineral search group gathered bags of tree seeds. Boxed were filled with small banches from te trees. Roots were dug and put into boxes. Each bag and box was carefully marked. In a scientific laboratory the parts of the forest trees were burned to ashes and tested. Each small part was examined to learn whether there were minerals in it.   Study of the roots, branches, and seeds showed no silver. But there were small amounts of gold in the roots and a little less gold in the branches and seeds. The seeds growing nearest to the tree trunk had more gold than those growing on the ends of the branches.   If the trees had not indicated that there was gold in the ground, the scientists would not have spent money to pay for digging into the deeper. They did dig and found more fold below. They dug deeper. They found large quantities of gold.   1. Scientists were flying over a desert or hilly wasteland or a mountain region in order to search for ________ in the ground.   a. gold   b. silver   c. metals   d. minerals   2. The study of trees, branches and roots indicates that ________.   a. there were larger amounts of gold in the branches than in the seeds.   b. there were small amounts of gold in the roots than in the branches   c. there were larger amounts of gold in the seeds growing nearest to the tree trunk than seeds growing on the ends of branches.   d. there were more gold in the branches than in the roots   3. Which is the best title?   a. Scientists searching for metals with sepcial power   b. New methods of searching for minerals   c. Gold could be found by trees and plants   d. A new method of searching for minerals - using trees and plants   4. Which of the following is not mentioned as part of a tree that can help find minerals?   a. leaves   b. roots   c. branches   d. seeds   5. The scientists were searching for minerals by using ________.   a. X-ray   b. magic power   c. a special instrument   d. trained eyes   参考答案:dcdad
2023-08-10 17:20:561

在我幼小的心里种下了爱的种子。。。英语怎么翻译,别用翻译工具,要人工翻译的 在线等~~

In my young heart, planted the seeds of love
2023-08-10 17:21:054

put the seeds in the pot and put the

中文意思是:把种子放在锅里放也可以读作:Put the seeds in the pot.put[英][pu028at][美][pu028at]vt.放; 表达; 给予(重视、信任、价值等); 使处于(某种状态); vt.& vi.使感觉到; 使受到…的影响; vi.说; 猛推; 将…送往; 使与…连接; n.[方]笨蛋,怪人; 对策; adj.固定的; 不动的; 第三人称单数:puts现在分词:putting过去式:put过去分词:put形近词:PUT Putseeds[英][si:dz][美][si:dz]n.种子( seed的名词复数 ); 子孙; 起源; (尤指网球比赛)种子选手; 网络籽; 瓜子; 形近词:Seeds reeds deedspot[英][pu0252t][美][pɑ:t]n.罐; 一罐; (某种用途的)容器; 陶盆; vt.把…栽入盆中; 种盆栽; 台球、普尔和斯诺克击(球)入袋; 射杀; vi.随手射击; 第三人称单数:pots复数:pots现在分词:potting过去式:potted过去分词:potted 形近词:POT
2023-08-10 17:21:201

帮我看看语法吧 谢谢了

Before the farmer plants the kidney beans seeds. He has to choose some good seeds first, because the quality of the kidney beans seeds will affect the kidney beans later.Then the farmer buys the seeds, he will use some auto-machines to put the seeds into soil. And of course he will water the seeds everyday. Because seeds need water, sunlight and air to live and grow. I donu2019t know how he waters the seeds, but I think it also needs some auto-machines for help. When seeds start to grow, the farmer should fertilize it, so the kidney beans seed will grow better and better. farming needs peasants chose good seeds first. After sowing, people should do irrigating, fertilizing and worm killing. The plant will grow better and better in the sunshine. And there is one more work to do, which is worm killing. Otherwise, worm will eat the leaves and stuff. Farmer has to make sure there isnu2019t worm eat the plant. Now the kidney beans just need time, after the seeds become kidney beans. Farmer will just use some auto-machine to pick it up and sell it.
2023-08-10 17:21:492


seeds 英 [siu02d0dz]x09 美 [siu02d0dz]x09 n.籽 名词seed的复数形式. 动词seed的第三人称单数形式.用作名词 (n.) We have abundant oil seeds to sell. 我们有充裕的油籽出售. Don"t mix up the two kinds of vegetable seeds. 别把这两种菜籽搀杂在一起.
2023-08-10 17:22:321

seeds怎么读 seeds英文解释

1、seeds,读音:美/siu02d0dz/;英/si:dz/。 2、释义: (1)n.种子;种子选手(seed的复数);种子状物;子孙后代。 (2)v.播种;取出…的核;催化(seed的第三人称单数)。 (3)n.(Seeds)人名;(英)西兹。
2023-08-10 17:22:401


瓜子是英文是:melon seeds读法是:1、melon 英 [u02c8melu0259n] 美 [u02c8mu025blu0259n]2、seeds 英 [si:dz] 美 [si:dz]中中释义瓜子 [guā zǐ][melon seeds] 炒熟后供食用的瓜的种子,一般指西瓜子或南瓜子双语例句1我们经常在周末一起聊天,一边喝着咖啡,一边吃瓜子。We used to meet at weekend and chew the fat over coffee and sunflower seeds.百度翻译例句库以下例句来源芦御源于网络,仅供参考2咱们选了些肉,糖和瓜子。We choose meat, sugar and melon seeds.danci.911cha.com3传统婚陪态礼上,新娘一般会吃红枣、花生、桂圆和瓜子。In traditional weddings, the bride usually has red dates, peanuts, longans and melon seeds.www.hjenglish.com4如每日能吃几个核桃、少量的瓜拆拆子。Be like daily can eat a few walnut, a few melon seeds.danci.911cha.com5他们买了西瓜吃,边走边吐瓜子。They bought watermelons and ate them as they walked, spitting out the se
2023-08-10 17:22:521

seeds是什么意思 seeds什么意思

1、seeds的意思是:n.种子;籽;起源;起因;萌芽;开端;种子选手;v.结籽;(种子)繁殖;在…播种。 2、seed的第三人称单数和复数,seeds 读法:英 [sidz]、美 [sidz]。 3、melon seeds 瓜子、flower seeds 花种。
2023-08-10 17:23:141


2023-08-10 17:23:211

seeds怎么读 seeds英文解释

1、seeds,读音:美/siu02d0dz/;英/si:dz/。 2、释义: (1)n.种子;种子选手(seed的复数);种子状物;子孙后代。 (2)v.播种;取出…的核;催化(seed的第三人称单数)。 (3)n.(Seeds)人名;(英)西兹。
2023-08-10 17:23:281


melon seeds
2023-08-10 17:23:364


seed [sɪːd]n. 种子, 籽; 种子选手; 原因, 根源; 子孙, 后代v. 播种, 成熟, 结实; 结实, 播种seeds的中文谐音类似于:戏子。
2023-08-10 17:23:551


melon seeds
2023-08-10 17:24:065


瓜子的英文melon seeds炒熟后供食用的瓜的种子,一般指西瓜子或南瓜子Sunflower seed葵花籽
2023-08-10 17:24:393


seat [si:ts]seats 席位例句:Suppose I reserve seats in advance.我先去定好座位吧。 The audience must be in their seats before the overture.观众必须于序曲演奏前入座。 Oxford and Cambridge are England"s most famous seats in learning.牛津和剑桥是英国最著名的学府。
2023-08-10 17:24:461

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band的《Seeds》 歌词

歌曲名:Seeds歌手:Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band专辑:Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band-Live/ 1975-85SEED作词:川田まみ作曲:中沢伴行编曲:中沢伴行 & 尾崎武士歌: 川田まみ地の底で念る声は 天を突き空を切り裂くその伤を滴る水はこの大地润し 梦を宿した外の世界は何色?右も左も今は怖くはない 无知の种この体で受けた奇迹を 枯らさないようにはじめて见た光は眩しかったねえ ほら のびてゆくよ照りつける热い阳射し 殴るように吹きつける风その涸れた喉に沁みる 洁く打ちつける雨は恵み目にした梦は七色未熟な力今は武器に変える 未知の种その体で知る现実が 臆病にさせるでも确かに光は眩しかったさあ ほら のびてゆくよこの体で受けた奇迹を 枯らさないようにはじめて见た光は眩しかったさぁ ほらそしていつか 奇迹の花 咲いて…
2023-08-10 17:24:541


Daffodils sprouted seeds 【水仙花的种子发芽了】
2023-08-10 17:25:094


2023-08-10 17:25:192

what are seeds? 中文

what are seeds什么是种子seed 英[si:d]美[sid]n. 种子; 子孙; 起源; (尤指网球比赛) 种子选手;vt. 播种; 抽出种子选手; 除去…之种子; 确定(某人)为种子选手;vi. 结籽; (种子) 繁殖;[网络] 重制版; 深海的孤独; 种子数;[例句]I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost.我把种子种在几盆掺有堆肥的土里。[其他] 第三人称单数:seeds 复数:seeds 现在分词:seeding 过去式:seeded 过去分词:seeded
2023-08-10 17:25:261

种子的英文单词是什么 ?

分类: 外语/出国 >> 英语四级 解析: 种子:seed Relative explainations: <PIP> <semen> <germina> <en (semina)> <berry> Examples:1. 你知道从种子发展成为植物的过程吗? Do you know about the evolution of a seed into a plant? 2. 他被定为一号种子选手。 He was seeded number 1. 3. 每一种庄稼都留一部分作种子。 Part of every crop is saved for seed. 4. 大多数植物靠种子繁殖。 Most plants propagate by seed. 5. 这些种子应在四月播种。 These seeds should be sown in April. 6. 他的话已在他们心中播下怀疑的种子。 His words had sowed the seeds of suspicion in their minds. 7. 有些水果和种子有外壳。 Some fruits and seeds have hulls. 8. 他们把种子撒在地里。 They strewed seeds over the earth. 种子处理 seed treatment 种子库 seed storage 种子贮藏 seed presevation 种子法 seed law 种子萌发 seed germination 种子休眠 seed dormancy 林木种子 forest tree seed 混杂种子 foreign seeds 葫芦巴种子 The seeds of this plant
2023-08-10 17:25:471

seeds, thoughts的ds,ts发音与[s][z],还有this,thought中th的发音如何区别?

2023-08-10 17:26:151


2023-08-10 17:26:242

They make seeds.(意思)

2023-08-10 17:26:442

the rice we eat is______ a.roots b.fruits c.leaves d.seeds

2023-08-10 17:26:532


2023-08-10 17:27:043

three seeds是什么意思

2023-08-10 17:27:132


2023-08-10 17:27:201


2023-08-10 17:28:044


2023-08-10 17:29:392


莲子的英文:Lotus seeds。莲子【lián zǐ】:(名)lotus seed。一颗/粒莲子:a lotus seed;莲子羹:lotus seed soup。例句:1、Add steamed lotus seeds and bring to boil.加入蒸熟的莲子、再次煮开。2、Strain and wash the lotus seeds to remove the skin.捞出莲子洗干净,去皮。3、Cook lotus seeds for 5 minutes, remove the core.将莲子放滚水内煮5分钟,取出去芯。4、So instead, they plant lotus seeds on raised beds.因此他们在升高的河床上种植莲子。5、Add lye water into lotus seeds, mix well and leave aside for 20 minutes.在莲子中加入碱水,混合均匀放置20分钟。
2023-08-10 17:29:461

怎么加载seeds dataset,python

下面的是网络上找到的python的布隆过滤器的实现. #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7#coding=gbk"""Created on 2012-11-7@author: palydawn"""import cmathfrom BitVector import BitVectorclass BloomFilter(object): def
2023-08-10 17:30:001


2023-08-10 17:30:071


地图: Martyr‘s Tower种子: 41/45 剩余4个这个是我选择的早期的图,也就是最左边的区域(我是从左往右打的),技术不太好,而且当时也不敏感,找不到方法,所以遗留下来了。现在补上:传送到这张图,走到平台边缘延伸出来的一个小台子上,面向左,往下看:可以看到两个种子,离得比较远,所以我决定多截几张图,以方便没捡到的朋友,如何走过去通过开始传送地点附近的黄色传送平台,传送一次,来到了这里,看图:注意那条缝隙,可以拉着那道缝隙过去向左走,通过一系列障碍,来到了这里:如图红线,利用反向跳加公主接力就可以过去了
2023-08-10 17:30:141


一天一个老富商在一个小镇遇到了一个工人、一位教练和一个渔民。他把三颗种子分别给了他们,说:「三个月后,谁的花最漂亮将得到我的钱!」三个月后,工人带来了一朵大红花。教练带来了一朵小紫的花。但那穷渔民没带东西来,他很伤心。渔民说:「我每天浇水,不知道为什么没长出花!」商人说:「你是诚实的人!」「这些种子是坏的,不可能发芽!这些钱是你的。」渔民很高兴,另外两人感到惭愧、伤心。~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~原文如下:One day, a rich old businessman in a small town meets a factory worker, a coach and a fisherman. He gives them three seeds and say, "Bring me the flowers in three months. The man with the most beautiful flower can have my money!"After three months, the factory worker brings a big red flower. The coach brings a small purple flower. But the poor fisherman brings nothing. He is very sad.“I don"t know why?”he says. “I watered it every day. ” “You are honest! ”the businessman says. “The seeds are bad and will never sprout! The money is yours. ”The fisherman is very happy. The other two men feel ashamed and sad.
2023-08-10 17:30:211

这是中国谚语吗?All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today.

2023-08-10 17:30:281

moringa seeds是什么意思

moringa seeds 辣木种子
2023-08-10 17:30:362


2023-08-10 17:30:584

sunflower seeds是什么意思

2023-08-10 17:32:584


作者:ansixiN奋战了3天,战斗方面没有深究,不过只要掌握好按键,不会遇到耗时5分钟以上的战斗,毕竟也死不了,有可爱princess Elika救命,哈哈主要是收集Light Seeds(一下用种子代替,别搞成BT了),目前还没有通关,不过对结局非常期待这是我目前的地图: 说一些心得,希望对想收集全1001个种子的战友有所帮助除了神殿(Temple)外,四大区域各有250个种子,总共就是1K个啦(目前我还没有看攻略,不知道那最后一个怎么搞,到时候再说),除了四个区域的尽头,每个区域分五个小关,每关45个种子其中四个区域的尽头,靠干掉并净化BOSS,每个区域能够得到25个种子,也就是还有900个种子需要我们自己去捡在过关的时候,不要净化完急着走,由于一开始开启的能力不多,就先把能捡的尽量捡到手,一般这样的种子有35~40个,所以捡到这个数量就可以往下闯关了每个区域的地图风格会比较相似,所以难找的种子地点也差不多相同,最明显的要数按地图顺序最右面的区域,这个区域的地图类似高塔,分层,有些种子就在底层的底部,需要走到该层边缘,滑下去,拉着吊环模仿黑客帝国的动作,无视引力走一圈,种子就到手了。(像Tower of Ahriman、Queen‘s Tower在底部都有难找的种子)好了,下面我说几个捡种子的经验:1. 关卡之间都是互通的,在这些介于关卡之间的通路有很多种子,所以收集某关卡种子时可以设定通路另一头的关卡为Destination(目的地),然后让Elika引路,搜刮一遍。搜刮完一般也到了目的关卡了,这时再传送回原来的关卡,设定另一条通路对面的关卡为目的地。如此将所有通路弄完,就只剩关卡内部的种子了2. 要随时保持怀疑的精神,不要匆匆而过,随着捡到的种子越来越多,我们就会越来越敏感,总会觉得某个平台边缘地下有种子,或者某个地点有隐藏通路之类的。除了飞檐走壁之外,每到一个平台,就走到平台边缘处,然后上下左右全方位的扫视一下周围的情况,有可能种子就会跃入眼帘3. 不怕看不见,就怕不知道在哪里。 只要能看见,我们就有办法,其实这也是第二点所说的(好像有点废话的感觉)。要保持耐心,一条路走不通就试试其他的,比如The Cauldron关卡,截图如下
2023-08-10 17:33:061


  《大鹏赋·并序》   唐代:李白   余昔于江陵,见天台司马子微,谓余有仙风道骨,可与神游八极之表。因著大鹏遇希有鸟赋以自广。此赋已传于世,往往人间见之。悔其少作,未穷宏达之旨,中年弃之。及读晋书,睹阮宣子大鹏赞,鄙心陋之。遂更记忆,多将旧本不同。今复存手集,岂敢传诸作者?庶可示之子弟而已。其辞曰:   南华老仙,发天机于漆园。吐峥嵘之高论,开浩荡之奇言。徵至怪于齐谐,谈北溟之有鱼。吾不知其几千里,其名曰鲲。化成大鹏,质凝胚浑。脱鬐鬣于海岛,张羽毛于天门。刷渤澥之春流,晞扶桑之朝暾。燀赫乎宇宙,凭陵乎昆仑。一鼓一舞,烟朦沙昏。五岳为之震荡,百川为之崩奔。   乃蹶厚地,揭太清。亘层霄,突重溟。激三千以崛起,向九万而迅征。背嶪太山之崔嵬,翼举长云之纵横。左回右旋,倏阴忽明。历汗漫以夭矫,羾阊阖之峥嵘。簸鸿蒙,扇雷霆。斗转而天动,山摇而海倾。怒无所搏,雄无所争。固可想象其势,仿佛其形。   若乃足萦虹蜺,目耀日月。连轩沓拖,挥霍翕忽。喷气则六合生云,洒毛则千里飞雪。邈彼北荒,将穷南图。运逸翰以傍击,鼓奔飙而长驱。烛龙衔光以照物,列缺施鞭而启途。块视三山,杯观五湖。其动也神应,其行也道俱。任公见之而罢钓,有穷不敢以弯弧。莫不投竿失镞,仰之长吁。   尔其雄姿壮观,坱轧河汉。上摩苍苍,下覆漫漫。盘古开天而直视,羲和倚日以旁叹。缤纷乎八荒之间,掩映乎四海之半。当胸臆之掩昼,若混茫之未判。忽腾覆以回转,则霞廓而雾散。   然后六月一息,至于海湄。欻翳景以横翥,逆高天而下垂。憩乎泱漭之野,入乎汪湟之池。猛势所射,馀风所吹。溟涨沸渭,岩峦纷披。天吴为之怵栗,海若为之躨跜。巨鳌冠山而却走,长鲸腾海而下驰。缩壳挫鬣,莫之敢窥。吾亦不测其神怪之若此,盖乃造化之所为。   岂比夫蓬莱之黄鹄,夸金衣与菊裳?耻苍梧之玄凤,耀彩质与锦章。既服御于灵仙,久驯扰于池隍。精卫殷勤于衔木,鶢鶋悲愁乎荐觞。天鸡警晓于蟠桃,踆乌晰耀于太阳。不旷荡而纵适,何拘挛而守常?未若兹鹏之逍遥,无厥类乎比方。不矜大而暴猛,每顺时而行藏。参玄根以比寿,饮元气以充肠。戏旸谷而徘徊,冯炎洲而抑扬。   俄而希有鸟见谓之曰:伟哉鹏乎,此之乐也。吾右翼掩乎西极,左翼蔽乎东荒。跨蹑地络,周旋天纲。以恍惚为巢,以虚无为场。我呼尔游,尔同我翔。于是乎大鹏许之,欣然相随。此二禽已登于寥廓,而斥鷃之辈,空见笑于藩篱。   【白话译文】   我过去在江陵拜会过司马承祯,他说我有仙风道骨,能够和我一起神游八方极远的地方,就作《大鹏遇希有鸟赋》以自我安慰。这篇赋已经在世上流传,社会上经常能看到。但我并不满意这年轻时所写的未成熟的作品,感觉它还没有把宏大畅达的中心真正表现出来,中年就丢弃了它。等读《晋书》,看到阮宣子写的《大鹏赞》,自认为它很粗浅。于是又回想起当年写的《大鹏遇希有鸟赋》来,觉得它和世间流传的旧版本大多不相同。现在又存留手稿本,哪里敢说是传给大家,只是想给子弟们看看罢了。这赋写道:   庄子在漆园发挥他天赋的灵机,口吐不平凡的高论,发出广大旷远的奇言,从齐谐那里收集了非常怪异的事情,谈论北海里的大鱼,我不知道它有几千里长,它的名字叫鲲。鲲化成大鹏,本体就凝结成为浑混的胚胎。在海岛上脱去脊鳍,在天门张开羽毛。迅猛超过流往渤海的春天的河水,急骤胜过朝阳从树梢升起。显赫宇宙之间,高飞超过昆仑。每扇动一次翅膀,烟雾朦胧,沙土飞起,天色都昏暗下来。五岳因它而震动倒塌,百川因为它而冲破堤岸。   在大地上速奔,在太空翱翔,横飞云霄,穿越大海。激荡起三千里的波涛然后突然腾空而起,向着那九万里的高空疾飞而去。高耸的背脊就像巍峨的大山,扇动的翅膀就像纵横连绵的云。一会向左旋转,一会向右盘旋,顷刻之间消失了身影,眨眼之间又出现在天上。它以矫健的身姿穿越漫无边际的云空,飞经险峻的高山而到达天门。上下俯冲,摇动大海云气,扇动翅膀,传出震雷声声,星斗转移而上天震动,高山摇晃而大海倾翻。发怒,没有什么敢和它搏击;称雄,没有什么敢和它竞争。本来就能想象它的气势和大概的情形。   至于它爪子周围环绕着虹霓,眼睛里闪耀着日月般的光芒。飞舞盘旋,迅疾倏忽。喷口气,天地四方就会生出云彩;抖动一下羽毛,方圆千里之内就会飞起漫天雪花。从遥远的北方准备往南方飞行。有时挥动强健的翅膀以侧旋,有时腾起狂风而直飞。烛龙神口衔宝物为它照亮万物,闪电挥舞长鞭为它开路。三山在它看来就是几个土块,五湖在它眼里就是一杯水。它一动就会有神相应,它一飞就会有道相从。任公子看见它停止了垂钓,有穷氏不敢弯弓放箭。他们掷下鱼竿、丢弃箭杆,仰天看着它发出无奈的长叹。   至于它勇盛的姿态、雄壮的形象,像是一眼望不到边际,掩映着整个银河。向上摩蹭着苍天,向下覆盖着大地。开天的盘古瞪着眼,直愣愣地望着它不知如何是好,羲和靠在日头旁边发出声声叹息。八方荒远的地方都能感受到它盛大的气势,大半个天下都被它遮盖住了。它的胸脯对着太阳就挡住了白天,如同黑夜降临,一片模糊,什么东西都难以分辨。突然间身体翻飞而回转过来,立刻霞光普照,云雾也消散了。   然后,每过六个月的时间就它到海边歇息一次。忽然间,它高举奋飞,遮蔽了日月的光辉,从天而降时巨大的身形向下垂挂着。在广大无边的原野上休息,有时进入深广的湖水。它迅猛的气势喷射到的地方,大海翻腾奔涌;余风吹过的地方,高峻的山峦一片散乱。水神天吴看到后惊恐不安,海神海若畏惧得一动不敢动。头脑像山一样的巨鳌退避跑开,腾飞在大海上的长鲸往下游飞驰。至于其它的生物,有的把头缩进壳中,有的收缩鬣毛,恐惧得连看都不敢看大鹏一眼。我也没有料想它的神奇怪异能到这种程度,这大约是大自然所创造的吧。   大鹏难道能和那个呆在蓬莱岛上的黄鹄相比,让人去夸耀金饰装点的上衣和菊花做成的下衣?大鹏耻于学苍梧山上的凤凰,去炫耀自己羽毛上彩色的质地和美丽的花纹。这些禽鸟,有的早已经被神仙役使,有的长久而顺服地生活在护城河的小水沟中。精卫勤劳地衔着树枝填海,鶢鶋对着人们敬献的美酒发出悲哀的叫声。天鸡在蟠桃树上报晓,三足乌在太阳中发出光辉。它们不能在旷远无边的地方随心所欲地表现情性,为什么竟这样拘泥地固守常规呢?它们都不如优游自得的这只大鹏,没有任何东西能够和大鹏相比。大鹏从不骄矜尊大而凶狠暴戾,每每顺应时宜,调整自己的行止。领悟道的根本以比较寿数多少,饮用天地未分前的混沌之气来充饥。在太阳升起的地方游戏,从容而安逸飞行;倚托南海一带炎热的岛屿,扬扬而自得。   不久,希有鸟看见了大鹏,它对大鹏说:“大鹏你真伟大啊,这真是让我高兴的事。我右边的翅膀能覆盖西方极远之处,我的左翼能遮挡东方极远之处。跨越疆域的界限,盘桓上天的纲维。以恍惚作为巢穴,把虚无当成场地。我呼唤你同游,你和我一起飞翔吧。”大鹏于是答应了它的要求,高兴地随它飞去。这两只鸟都已经飞上了辽阔的天空,而那些斥鷃一类的小鸟,因囿于自己的见识,而徒自对他们发出嘲笑。   【整体赏析】   《大鹏赋》作者以大鹏自况,淋漓尽致地抒发了作者从少年时代以来,一直在心头汹涌澎湃,而且越来越强烈的豪情逸致,读来令人感到极致的痛快。   大鹏这个形象从《庄子·逍遥游》一文脱化而来,它是庄子玄妙之道形象、生动的体现者。大鹏自由自在,彻底摆脱了种种束缚。李白在《大鹏赋》中保持了大鹏的精神内涵,使用文学手段,细描细绘,创造了一个辽阔无垠的艺术境界,塑造了一个博大雄奇的大鹏形象,展现了作者的宽阔胸襟、远大抱负、豪迈气概和热爱自由的个性。   《大鹏赋》是以大鹏在天地间的活动、与大自然的关系、与同类的纠葛来展开故事的。在赋中,作者仿佛在迷茫中看见北冥天池中的巨鲲,随着大海的春流,迎着初升的朝阳,化为大鹏,飞起在空中。它一开始振动羽翅,便使五岳为之震荡,百川为之崩奔。接着它便广袤的宇宙中翱翔,时而飞在九天之上,时而潜入九渊之下,那更是“簸鸿蒙,扇雷霆,斗转而天动,山摇而海倾。”只见它“足系虹霓,旨耀日月。喷气则六合生云,洒毛则千里飞雪。”它一会儿飞向北荒,一会儿又折向南极。烛龙为它照明,霹雳为它开路。三山五岳在它眼中只是一些小小的泥丸,五湖四海在它眼中只是一些小小的杯盏。古代神话中善钓大鱼的任公子,曾经钓过一条大鱼让全国人吃了一年,见了它也只好甘拜下风。夏朝时候有穷氏之君后羿,曾经射落过九个太阳,见了它也不敢引弓。他们都只有放下钓竿和弓箭,望之兴叹。甚至开天辟地的盘古打开天门一看,也目蹬口呆。至于海神、水伯、巨鳌、长鲸之类,更是纷纷逃避,连看也不敢看了。   作者把大鹏置于浩浩渺渺的天宇背景中,重点写其巨大威猛,任意而行,无所拘束,自由自在的脱俗神采,并以黄鹄、玄凤、斥鷃等俗鸟形象作对比,充分体现了其摆脱现实羁绊,追求自由的理想。大鹏这个形象,正是李白个性和人格的生动再现,也是其精神追求和理想的形象化身。   李白继承与发展的庄子美学,崇尚壮阔无限和纯任自然之美。在《大鹏赋》中,大鹏无处不在,无时不在,无所不能。这种无处不在、无时不在、无所不能的无限与自由之美,正是李白美学思想的体现。这样的无限与自由在现实生活中是不存在的,是一种想入非非。但在艺术世界里,它却能开出绚丽的鲜花。从艺术风格看,《大鹏赋》清雄奔放,是浪漫主义的杰作。全赋语言闳丽,却不艳薄,句式自由而朗畅,在李白“句字麋丽”的大赋中,也算是平易好懂的了。   《大鹏赋》是李白超越有限的精神图腾,他在大鹏的现象中寄寓了自己的自由理想。李白赋中的大鹏出于庄子寓言。大鹏的形象,在庄子文中诞生,在李白赋中完成。从此,大鹏作为一个壮志凌云,博击万里的巨大形象,彪炳于文学史册。但庄子和李白写此形象的目的以及形象的内容却有许多差别。庄子写大鹏的目的,是说其与小小的斥鷃本无高下之分,庄子也未以大鹏自喻;李白则不然,他是以大鹏自比,寄托自己的远大志向。《大鹏赋》继承了庄、屈浪漫主义手法及杨、马、班、张排比铺陈的文风,开始形成李白自己独特的风格。   扩展阅读:轶事典故之李白搁笔   在黄鹤楼公园东边,有一亭名为“搁笔亭”,亭名取自“崔颢题诗李白搁笔”的一段佳话。唐代诗人崔颢登上黄鹤楼赏景写下了一首千古流传的名作:“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁。”   后来李白也登上黄鹤楼,放眼楚天,胸襟开阔,诗兴大发,正要提笔写诗时,却见崔颢的诗,自愧不如只好说:“一拳捶碎黄鹤楼,一脚踢翻鹦鹉洲。眼前有景道不得,崔颢题诗在上头。”便搁笔不写了。有个少年丁十八讥笑李白:“黄鹤楼依然无恙,你是捶不碎了的。”李白又作诗辩解:“我确实捶碎了,只因黄鹤仙人上天哭诉玉帝,才又重修黄鹤楼,让黄鹤仙人重归楼上。”   实际上,李白热爱黄鹤楼,到了无以复加的程度,他高亢激昂,连呼“一忝青云客,三登黄鹤楼”。山川人文,相互倚重,崔颢题诗,李白搁笔,从此黄鹤楼之名更加显赫。后来,李白也仿照《黄鹤楼》写下《登金陵凤凰台》:“凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流。吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠成古丘。三山半落青天外,二水中分白鹭洲。总为浮云能蔽日,长安不见使人愁。”
2023-08-10 17:17:441