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2023-08-19 07:58:15
TAG: 英语



英 ["pu028cmpku026an]    

美 ["pu028cmpku026an]    






pumpkin是南瓜的意思。读音:英[u02c8pu028cmpku026an],美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an]。释义:n.南瓜;南瓜的果肉,南瓜囊;〈俚〉重要人物。例句:This video is about how to grow pumpkins.这个视频是关于如何种植南瓜的。复数:pumpkins。短语:pumpkin seed oil南瓜子油。pumpkin head傻瓜。pumpkin seed南瓜子。pumpkin的近义词squash读音:英[skwu0252u0283],美[skwɑu02d0u0283]。释义:n.壁球;摺皱不堪;拥挤嘈杂的人群;浓缩果汁;美国南瓜。vt.压制;压扁。vi.变扁;挤进。变形:第三人称单数squashes,复数squashes,现在分词squashing,过去式squashed,过去分词squashed。短语:squash rackets软式墙网球。orange squash桔子水。true squash笋瓜。
2023-08-11 07:41:481


2023-08-11 07:42:089


1、pumpkin读音:英[u02c8pu028cmpku026an],美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an]。释义:n.南瓜。例句:This video is about how to grow pumpkins.这个视频是关于如何种植南瓜的。变形:复数pumpkins。2、squash读音:英[skwu0252u0283],美[skwɑu02d0u0283]。释义:v.把……压扁;挤进,塞入;压制,抑制;打断,制止;去除,粉碎;断然拒绝;把……镇住,使无言以对。n.墙网球,壁球;果汁饮料;南瓜,倭瓜;南瓜属植物;拥挤的环境;挤压;咯吱声。例句:The refugees almost squashed the boat.难民们几乎挤满了船。变形:过去式squashed,过去分词squashed,现在分词squashing,第三人称单数squashes,复数squashes或squash。3、cushaw读音:英[ku028a'u0283u0254u02d0;'kuu02d0u0283u0254u02d0],美[ku0259u02c8u0283u0254u02d0]。释义:n.南瓜;[园艺]倭瓜。例句:Water leakage of naked-oats and cushaw was also studied.相应对莜麦和小南瓜田进行了田间水分渗漏观测。Pumpkin的分类1、Field Pumpkin农场南瓜黄色圆形南瓜皮薄,主要用来雕刻南瓜灯和装饰用,也就是Jack O" Lantern。吃法:南瓜子撒盐和油烤箱烤制。2、White Pumpkin白南瓜表皮是白色的非常好看,果肉是橙色的,适合万圣节装饰吃法:适合烤制吃,南瓜子也可以烤了吃。3、Sugar Pie Pumpkin甜南瓜比上面的大南瓜小很多,外形圆润,口感很甜。吃法:适合做南瓜派和各类甜点还有南瓜汤,超市罐头都是用这个做的。4、Cheese Pumpkin芝士南瓜又大又扁,外皮淡土黄色,皮糙肉厚,但也很甜,削皮很难。吃法:适合烤着吃或者做南瓜派,适合用南瓜当容器塞满食材烤制。5、Blue Hokkaido Pumpkin北海道南瓜外皮蓝灰色,果肉橙色,甜度高。吃法:适合烤着吃或者切块做沙拉。6、Peanut Pumpkin花生南瓜表面附着很多花生壳一样的东西。吃法:皮薄肉厚,肉质非常甜,种子可以播种。7、Caribbean Pumpkin加勒比南瓜也叫Calabaza,有点像原形放大版的西葫芦,软绵又甜腻。吃法:适合加香料做南瓜的菜,适合配咖喱和加勒比地区的香料。
2023-08-11 07:42:541


2023-08-11 07:43:354


问题一:南瓜用英语怎么说 【汉语】南瓜 【英语】pumpkin 【音标】 英语读音【?p?mpk?n】 美语读音【?p?mpk?n】 【例句】 Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving. 南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。 To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to gouge out the inside of the pumpkin. 要做一个万圣节灯笼, 你先得挖空这个南瓜. 问题二:南瓜英语怎么说 pumpkin南瓜 请采纳支持下 问题三:南瓜的英文 南瓜 pumpkin或squash或 cushaw或cuaurbit或 marrow squash 短语 1. 南瓜海绵属 Tethya; 2. 南瓜面饼 pumpkin bread; 3. 南瓜属 Cucurbita; 4. 南瓜子 cucurbitae semina 祝你考上理想的学校 O(∩_∩)O 问题四:南瓜英文怎么说 pumpkin 如果有帮到您,请采纳,点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮即可,如果还有问题 请发帖重新提问哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您学习愉快 问题五:南瓜用英文怎么说? 南瓜[nán guā] 词典 pumpkin; squash; cushaw; cuaurbit 双语例句汉英大词典中中释义 全部 pumpkin squash cushaw 1 将南瓜切成4份,去掉籽。 Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds. 》 2 这个南瓜的分量不下二十斤。 This pumpkin weighs no less than twenty jin. 3 他们吃了火鸡和南瓜馅饼。 They ate turkey and pumpkin pie. 问题六:哪里有下载《等爱》这首歌? 5分 这里是所有《等爱》 问题七:万圣节南瓜用英语怎么说 那个意思是“南瓜灯” 万圣节南瓜是:halloween pumpkin 问题八:南瓜的英文 南瓜 pumpkin或squash或 cushaw或cuaurbit或 marrow squash 短语 1. 南瓜海绵属 Tethya; 2. 南瓜面饼 pumpkin bread; 3. 南瓜属 Cucurbita; 4. 南瓜子 cucurbitae semina 祝你考上理想的学校 O(∩_∩)O 问题九:南瓜用英语怎么说 【汉语】南瓜 【英语】pumpkin 【音标】 英语读音【?p?mpk?n】 美语读音【?p?mpk?n】 【例句】 Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving. 南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。 To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to gouge out the inside of the pumpkin. 要做一个万圣节灯笼, 你先得挖空这个南瓜. 问题十:南瓜英语怎么说 pumpkin南瓜 请采纳支持下
2023-08-11 07:44:131


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2023-08-11 07:46:474


南瓜 pumpkin或squash或 cushaw或cuaurbit或 marrow squash短语1. 南瓜海绵属 Tethya;2. 南瓜面饼 pumpkin bread;3. 南瓜属 Cucurbita;4. 南瓜子 cucurbitae semina祝你考上理想的学校 O(∩_∩)O
2023-08-11 07:47:161


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2023-08-11 07:47:466


pumpkin 美 [u02c8pu028cmpku026an]
2023-08-11 07:48:023


2023-08-11 07:48:127


南瓜英语,英语名称是:pumpkin 。其是以万圣节的南瓜灯和童话故事里面的南瓜作为背景的英语。重庆优维英语教育携手美国培生、圣智教育集团、迪士尼教育在2008年创造南瓜英语这一品牌。采用Pearson Education 美国培生教育出版集团携手Walt Disney迪士尼专门针对亚洲3-12岁的少儿研发的教材。现已宣布破产并在重庆市教委的推动下由重庆瑞思学科英语无偿接手
2023-08-11 07:48:591


1、pumpkin读音:英[u02c8pu028cmpku026an],美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an]。释义:n.南瓜。例句:This video is about how to grow pumpkins.这个视频是关于如何种植南瓜的。变形:复数pumpkins。2、squash读音:英[skwu0252u0283],美[skwɑu02d0u0283]。释义:v.把……压扁;挤进,塞入;压制,抑制;打断,制止;去除,粉碎;断然拒绝;把……镇住,使无言以对。n.墙网球,壁球;果汁饮料;南瓜,倭瓜;南瓜属植物;拥挤的环境;挤压;咯吱声。例句:The refugees almost squashed the boat.难民们几乎挤满了船。变形:过去式squashed,过去分词squashed,现在分词squashing,第三人称单数squashes,复数squashes或squash。3、cushaw读音:英[ku028a'u0283u0254u02d0;'kuu02d0u0283u0254u02d0],美[ku0259u02c8u0283u0254u02d0]。释义:n.南瓜;[园艺]倭瓜。例句:Water leakage of naked-oats and cushaw was also studied.相应对莜麦和小南瓜田进行了田间水分渗漏观测。Pumpkin的分类1、Field Pumpkin农场南瓜黄色圆形南瓜皮薄,主要用来雕刻南瓜灯和装饰用,也就是Jack O" Lantern。吃法:南瓜子撒盐和油烤箱烤制。2、White Pumpkin白南瓜表皮是白色的非常好看,果肉是橙色的,适合万圣节装饰吃法:适合烤制吃,南瓜子也可以烤了吃。3、Sugar Pie Pumpkin甜南瓜比上面的大南瓜小很多,外形圆润,口感很甜。吃法:适合做南瓜派和各类甜点还有南瓜汤,超市罐头都是用这个做的。4、Cheese Pumpkin芝士南瓜又大又扁,外皮淡土黄色,皮糙肉厚,但也很甜,削皮很难。吃法:适合烤着吃或者做南瓜派,适合用南瓜当容器塞满食材烤制。5、Blue Hokkaido Pumpkin北海道南瓜外皮蓝灰色,果肉橙色,甜度高。吃法:适合烤着吃或者切块做沙拉。6、Peanut Pumpkin花生南瓜表面附着很多花生壳一样的东西。吃法:皮薄肉厚,肉质非常甜,种子可以播种。7、Caribbean Pumpkin加勒比南瓜也叫Calabaza,有点像原形放大版的西葫芦,软绵又甜腻。吃法:适合加香料做南瓜的菜,适合配咖喱和加勒比地区的香料。
2023-08-11 07:49:291


南瓜的英文翻译为:pumpkin。 pumpkin:n.南瓜;南瓜大果; 复数: pumpkins 扩展资料   Comparison on photosynthetic characteristics of different pumpkin variety in different weather.   不同天气条件下南瓜苗期的光合特性比较。   Analysis of the Relationship between the Content of Water and Starch of Pumpkin.   南瓜的含水量与淀粉含量的相关性研究。   Investigation on Variation and Correlation of Pumpkin"s Main Quality Traits.   南瓜主要营养品质性状的变异及相关性研究。
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2023-08-11 07:50:455


南瓜[nán guā]词典pumpkin; squash; cushaw; cuaurbi双语例句汉英大词典中中释义全部 pumpkin squash cushaw将南瓜切成4份,去掉籽。Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds.南瓜的分量不下二十斤。This pumpkin weighs no less than twenty jin.pumpkin[u02c8pu028cmpku026an],例句 Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。
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2023-08-11 07:53:582


南瓜的英文是 pumpkin在英文俚语中意思是“甜心”这说明女生对你有意思,你可以回复她 sweet heart
2023-08-11 07:54:431


2023-08-11 07:54:535


小南瓜little pumpkin
2023-08-11 07:55:182


2023-08-11 07:55:273


1. 介绍南瓜的英语短文 当世纪年纪还小的时候,有一个菜园,种着许多植物。 一天,菜园主在里面搭了一个棚架,立了许多根竹竿,在土里种下了南瓜,爱抚地摸了摸竹竿:“小南瓜,快快长大呀!”菜园主走后,菜园里的其他植物们议论开了。固执的洋葱、番茄和萝卜认为世界上根本不会有南瓜这种东西的。 洋葱说:“还没见过有蔬菜是要撑棍子的,长出来肯定是什么丑八怪。”南瓜听见了,默默无语,他心想:我要努力,快点长大,证明我自己! 转眼间,春暖花开,大自然一派盎然生机。 大树苍翠欲滴,番茄他们也已经长得非常茂盛,他们甚至看也不看南瓜一眼,但南瓜却置之不理,他努力吸取着土地的营养,顽强地伸展着茎叶,即使叶子是那么嫩小,茎是那么的柔弱。过了几天,南瓜没有辜负菜园主对他的期望,他茁壮地成长着,茎粗壮有力,在绳子上绕了一圈又一圈。 夏天到了,南瓜长得更加健壮了,每片叶子就有手掌那么大,在他的茎上,竟然长出了一些花苞,隐约透出点淡黄的小花瓣儿,漂亮极了!这时,萝卜小声地说:“看他会长出怎样的丑八怪来!”萝卜的话中带着几丝讽刺。几天后,南瓜花欣然怒放,黄色的嫩花瓣,他们在刚睁开打眼睛时,就已经许诺:认真完成自己的使命。 这时,番茄也已经长出漂亮的花,然而,他却不屑于南瓜。 就在植物们都结出果实的时候,暴风雨来了,风猛烈地刮着,南瓜的藤蔓紧紧地抓住绳子,不让风把自己吹跑;雨像是从天上倒下来一般,南瓜仍旧挺立着,不让风雨伤害到花儿,菜园里其他植物已是枝折花落。 南瓜却挺过了暴风雨,从这次暴风雨后,南瓜变得十分坚强了。终于,在南瓜的努力下,他的茎上挂着一个个黄绿相间的南瓜,有一个个麦克风似的龙凤飘,一个个洁白如雪的玉女瓜,还有华丽的鸳鸯梨,形态万千又大又漂亮,花朵舒展着,一阵微风吹来,就仿佛仙女的裙摆,叶子抖动着就像是水中的波纹。 此时,南瓜已经占了大半个菜园了。 只要有梦想,并朝着目标去努力,总有一天梦想会实现!When the age is still young, there is a vegetable garden, a lot of plants. Day Garden main inside pitched a scaffolding and made many pole, in the soil in the pumpkin, lovingly touched touch bamboo: " *** all pumpkin, grow up quickly!" When the main garden is gone, the other plants in the garden are talking about it. Stubborn onions, tomatoes and carrots that there is no such thing as a pumpkin in the world. Onion said: "has not seen a vegetable is to hold a stick, long out is certainly ugly eight strange." Pumpkin heard, silent, he thought: I want to grow up quickly, to prove myself! Blink of an eye, the spring, the nature of a lively vitality. Verdant trees, tomato, who have long very lush, they even see also don"t see pumpkin at a glance, but the pumpkin is ignored, he worked hard to learn land nutrition, strong stretching of the stems and leaves, even though the leaves are so young and tender, the stem is so weak. After a few days, pumpkin did not live up to the garden main expected of him, he and robust growth, stem thick and powerful, in the rope around the circle and circle. Summer, the pumpkins grow more robust, each leaf is as large as the palm of your hand, in his stem, unexpectedly long out of the bud, vaguely revealed a yellowish flower petals, very beautiful! At this time, the carrot whispered: "look at how he will grow ugly eight strange!" Radish with a few words in the words of irony. A few days later, pumpkin flowers in full bloom readily, tender yellow petals, they just opened my eyes, has promised to: earnestly carry out the mission. At this time, the tomato has also grown beautiful flowers, however, he did not disdain the pumpkin. In plants produce fruits when the storm came, the wind blew fiercely, pumpkin vines tightly grasped the rope. Don"t let the wind blow her away; rain is like from the sky down, pumpkin still stand a, do not let the rain damage to flowers, garden other plants is a ig of the flower falls. The pumpkin was a storm, and after the storm, the pumpkin became very strong. Finally, under the efforts of pumpkin, one green and yellow pumpkin hanging his stem, floating one microphone like dragon and Phoenix, one white as snow jade melon and geous mandarin duck pear, thousands of forms and and beautiful flowers stretch, a breeze blowing, as if the fairy"s skirt leaves quivered like ripples in the water. At this time, the pumpkin has accounted for more than half of the garden. As long as there is a dream, and toward the goal to work hard, one day the dream will e true!。 2. 制作南瓜饼的一篇作文英文60字 lw : Today, the people in my family are almost finished, leaving only me and my aunt, I said: today, we make pumpkin pie." My aunt did not agree and said: "the pumpkin is not, I will not do it!" So after a while, I want to say: "nothing, I went to buy pumpkin, do not eat, I do not blame you." After several ists and turns, I finally persuaded her. () So, I quickly rode a bike to the market to buy, a round pumpkin hold back. It"s hard enough for the pumpkin to peel the pumpkin. The oil keeps on my clothes. The knife is coated with a layer of oil. I use it for almost an hour. If you ask me to do a dish of pumpkin, almost half a day. Peel well, a South - like mouse gnawed, uneven. Well, to start the second step, "steamed pumpkin", this can be Zhengou trouble must put a pumpkin steamed soft, steamed, I *** ell a fragrance of pumpkin float up, I think: "now it is so sweet, wait to make pumpkin pie, it would be more delicious incense." After a half, I open the lid, tried to use chopsticks, can be soft, too soft, then a taste, wow! It"s too sweet and delicious, without any food. I use the bowl of a bowl to eat now, too sweet, I said: "I choose pumpkin technology is fairly good!" My aunt said: "you do not where to sell the melon -- the pumpkin pulp praise the goods one sells, pinch the form, put some flour." 3. 南瓜用英语怎么写 【汉语】南瓜 【英语】pumpkin 【音标】 英语读音【u02c8pu028cmpku026an】 美语读音【u02c8pu028cmpku026an】 【例句】 Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving. 南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。 To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to gouge out the inside of the pumpkin. 要做一个万圣节灯笼, 你先得挖空这个南瓜.。 4. 写一篇六年级英语万圣节的作文50字并带中文翻译 Friday night, my clas *** ates and I went to the bond for halloween.Stand in the gate of the bond, there is a huge, scary ghost to meet us, as if entered to the devil in hell.Some of the students in the school have bee a ghost, but I do not like them, I"m dressed as a witch.Inside the most fun is Sigui reincarnation, I play with my clas *** ates, first of all with his left hand touch hold of the outer part of the ear, with the right hand ist her nose, bent down, place turn three times, the teacher put potato chips into the nose, with his tongue to eat potato chips. My potato chips have landed, but my clas *** ates are eating. She"s a real cow!Halloween is ing to an end. I really want to stay there.星期五晚上,我和我的同学一起去邦德过万圣节。 站在邦德的门口,有一个巨大的,恐怖的鬼,迎接着我们,好像一进去就到了魔鬼的地狱。在里面有些同学都装成了鬼,但我跟他们不一样,我装扮的是女巫。 里面最好玩的就是饿死鬼投胎,我和我同学玩,首先用左手摸住耳朵,用右手捻住鼻子,弯下腰,原地转三圈,老师把薯片放到我们的鼻子上,用舌头吃薯片。我的薯片已落地了,但我的同学吃到了。 她真牛!马上万圣节就要结束了,我真想再待在那里玩。 5. 请用英语写一篇作文,是写我最喜欢的一件物品,字数50字, My favorite thing is a snow globe.I get it from my brother on my 7th birthday.Well,this is a lovely snow globe with a very large birthday cake in it.There are many beautiful candles on the birthday cake.There are also some snow men around this cake.I like this snow globe very much, because it is very valuable and meaningful.。
2023-08-11 07:55:501


番茄,西红柿 potato玉米 corn南瓜 pumpkin黄瓜cucumber
2023-08-11 07:56:016

ipad mini新买的就有贴膜吗?

您好 没有的 都是要的或者买的
2023-08-11 07:54:106


2023-08-11 07:54:111

翻译英语课文 谢谢

2023-08-11 07:54:113


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Saint Seiya The jihad of the year described Thirteen years ago, Gemini Gold Saint Seiya saga as indiscriminate, killing the Pope Shion, and the rule of fake Pope sanctuary. Sagittarius Gold Saint Seiya Aieluosi insight into the secrets of the saga, and the saga was born 200 years attempting to time to kill in infancy the goddess Athena, the goddess when rescued. Ashura, known as the goddess of the most loyal in the 88 constellations of Saint Seiya, listened to the Pope"s orders to kill a traitor Yieluosi, and will lay the cliff with Yieluosi and goddesses. Some may say that regardless of Ashura is a non-shift allegiances, but, who knows,When Aiskaer liba towards their own comrades in arms "traitors" fly, the Shura in mind the contradictions and pain it.12 Palace of the battle, fighting hand to hand with the Shura, is Zi. Zilong time and time again been overthrown, and again plays doggedly stood up, his spirit, shook the Shura extent that he could not, under pain killer.Ashura is merciful. So, when he was surprised to find that Zi even willing to sacrifice their own lives, resorted to Lushan Kang Long Ba would like to die with him, the Shura could not bear to let such a young blood so forfeit their own lives, he would rather sacrifice their own, but also To keep Zi. Zi left, while the Shura failed to leave."Zi, you have to remember that your right wrist, with my soul, Heavenly Sword."Zi remembered, and tears.Nabing Heavenly Sword, along with Zi go through fire, or even, in the sighing of the walls of the entrance, blocking the three Underworld strong competitors. Nabing Heavenly Sword is the soul of Ashura, he moved to protect him, and lamented that gave its juvenile Saint Seiya, brave move.Until the resurrection of the dead soldiers of gold, Shura return to Sanctuary.MU defeated the death mask and Ebuluodi be going to the Shura, saga, Camus shot, only to find that their eyes, the outflow of blood and tears. The eyes of tears, hearts bleeding. Golden St Warriors, bite the bullet, they bear the pain How can it be ordinary people can understand! And then in Sha Lo Doubletree Park, the saga has been defeated, Shura was surprised to see the saga went so far as to re-appear in full as ever before, with blood, in the falling petals wrote oath, although bear, but still raised their hands, with St Jian Pi to the saga of the body.Sharjah, like smoke, like disappearing without a trace, Shura to burst into tears. "Saga, in fact ... ..." At a time when he wants to tell the truth, but found that the surrounding is still infested with ghost-like Underworld of butterflies. He can only step on to the saga of the Buddha bead.At that moment, Shura strong heart, broken into pieces.Then, with Athena"s shroud back to Underworld, Shura shot, Heavenly Sword stabbing Pandora. Pandora sneer aloud: "Shura, you look out the window bar! Do not you forget, your life is nothing but the shadow of our pre-dawn light it?" Ashura"s body began to turn into dust.He has too many unwilling, how much he would like to let go fight, but only ended there. Only Nabing Heavenly Sword the hands of his soul, with Zi and other juvenile Saint Seiya, fighting.Capricorn is not a bright constellation, but the Shura glory, no one can hide. It was a brilliant man, leading us to hope that looked!Ashura, once so getting from here, but also due to Peter injury this can never change the heart of his loyalty to Athena. Zodiac risk one"s life to save Zi, Ming Huang Ren disposable articles honorary resorted to Athena wonder Underworld Heavenly Sword in hand tool carrier on Pandora anterior share of calm, given Zi Heavenly Sword"s earnest and sincere. Saw, Ai Russia"s face, lay down their guilt, brothers still care about what? We are Athena"s Saint Seiya ah!
2023-08-11 07:54:214


转基因大豆没有活性,不能发芽,容易发出臭味,对水体有严重污染。非转基因大豆活性良好,能发芽,没有异味,对水体没有污染转基因黑豆颗粒较大,颜色不是特别特别的黑,豆大小差不多。非转基因黑豆颗粒小,有些扁,颜色浅,豆大小不一。黑豆具有高蛋白、低热量的特性,蛋白质含量高达45%以上。其中优质蛋白大约比黄豆高出1/4左右,居各种豆类之首,因此也赢得了“豆中之王”的美誉。与蛋白质丰富的肉类相比,黑豆不但毫无逊色,反而要更加胜出一筹,其蛋白质含量相当于肉类(猪肉、鸡肉)的2倍,是鸡蛋的3倍,更是牛奶的12倍,因此又被誉为“植物蛋白肉”。转基因技术的原理是将人工分离和修饰过的优质基因,导入到生物体基因组中,从而达到改造生物的目的。由于导入基因的表达,引起生物体的性状,可遗传的修饰改变,这一技术称之为人工转基因技术(Transgene technology)。人工转基因技术就是把一个生物体的基因转移到另一个生物体DNA中的生物技术。具有不确定性。常用的方法和工具包括显微注射、基因枪、电破法、脂质体等。转基因最初用于研究基因的功能,即把外源基因导入受体生物体基因组内(一般为模式生物,如拟南芥或斑马鱼等),观察生物体表现出的性状,达到揭示基因功能的目的。左一,转基因黑豆,左二,转基因黄豆,右一,非转基因黑豆
2023-08-11 07:54:311


如果一个音步中有两个音节,前者为轻,后者为重,则这种音步叫抑扬格音步,其专业术语是(iamb, iambic.)。轻读是“抑”,重读是“扬”,一轻一重,故称抑扬格。   英语中有大量的单词,其发音都是一轻一重,如adore, excite, above, around, appear, besides, attack, supply, believe, return等,所以用英语写诗,用抑扬格就很便利。也就是说,抑扬格很符合英语的发音规律。因此,在英文诗歌中用得最多的便是抑扬格,百分之九十的英文诗都是用抑扬格写成的。前面的那两句诗就是抑扬格诗。   An EMPTY HOUSE   Alexander Pope   You beat│your pate, │and fan│cy wit │will come:   Knock as│you please, │there"s no│body│at home.   (你拍拍脑袋,以为灵感马上就来。可任你怎么敲打,也无人把门打开。pate,脑袋。 fancy,动词:以为,想象。)   此诗的基本音步类型是抑扬格,每行五音步。因此称此诗的格律是“抑扬格五音步”(iambic pentameter)。一首诗的音步类型和诗行所含的音步数目构成此诗的格律(meter)。
2023-08-11 07:54:322

special和specials 的区别

specials["spu025bu0283u0259lz] n. 特殊的人或事;特刊;降价(special的复数形式)special 英["speu0283(u0259)l] 美["spu025bu0283l]n. 特使,特派人员;特刊;特色菜;专车;特价商品adj. 特别的;专门的,专用的
2023-08-11 07:54:042

5.Why did Alexander Pope say that a little learning is a dangerous thing?

2023-08-11 07:54:011

基因重组 与 转基因 有什么区别?

2023-08-11 07:53:573


2023-08-11 07:53:541


special 英["speʃl] 美[ˈspɛʃəl] adj. 特殊的;专门的;专用的;重要的 n. 专车;特价;特刊;特约稿 名词复数:specials;最高级:most special;比较级:more special [例句]Earth might be very special.因为地球可能非常特殊。
2023-08-11 07:53:541


1974年,科恩(Cohen)将金黄色葡萄球菌质粒上的抗青霉素基因转到大肠杆菌体内,揭开了转基因技术应用的序幕 。 1978年,诺贝尔医学奖颁给发现DNA限制酶的纳森斯(Daniel Nathans)、亚伯(Werner Arber)与史密斯(Hamilton Smith)时,斯吉巴尔斯基在《基因》期刊中写道:限制酶 将带领我们进入合成生物学的新时代。 1982年,美国Lilly公司首先实现利用大肠杆菌生产重组胰岛素,标志着世界第一个基因工程药物的诞生。 1992年荷兰培育出植入了人促红细胞生成素基因的转基因牛,人促红细胞生成素能 *** 红细胞生成,是治疗贫血的良药。 转基因技术标志着不同种类生物的基因都能通过基因工程技术进行重组,人类可以根据自己的意愿定向地改造生物的遗传特性,创造新的生命类型。 同时转基因技术在药物生产中有着重要的利用价值。 转基因技术,包括外源基因的克隆、表达载体、受体细胞,以及转基因途径等,外源基因的人工合成技术、基因调控网络的人工设计发展,导致了21世纪的转基因技术将走向转基因系统生物技术 2000年国际上重新提出合成生物学概念,并定义为基于系统生物学原理的基因工程与转基因技术。
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我也不知道╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
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