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2023-08-20 03:47:44
TAG: 英文 单词

magic 魔法

wizard 男巫

witch 女巫

sorcerer 魔术师

crystal ball 水晶球

sorcery 魔术 巫术


黑魔 Black Magic

魔旋涡Trials Of Werlin

钥匙The Magic Key

Summoning Magic 召唤术


魔法反抗Magicka;Magic Resistance
黑魔法Black Magic;Dark Magic;Dark Arts;Dark Mark
魔法旋涡Trials Of Werlin;Triings Of Werlin;Mana Vortex
召唤魔法Summon;Summoning Magic;SUMMONING SPHERE;it you
魔法少女magical girl;Magic Girl;Chapter one;Orange Caramel
魔法钥匙The Magic Key;magic keys

mage 魔法师

crystal ball 水晶球

witch 女巫

fire ball 火球术

summon 召唤

curse 诅咒





magic conjuring sleight of hand a sleight of hand
2023-08-11 14:15:144


  魔术是以不断变化让人捉摸不透并带给观众惊奇体验为核心的一种表演艺术,是制造奇迹的艺术更简单的说,他是一种违反客观规律的表演。它是依据科学的原理,运用特制的道具,巧妙综合视觉传达、心理学、化学、数学、物理学、表演学等不同科学领域的高智慧的表演艺术。那么你知道魔术用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    魔术英语说法1:   magic    魔术英语说法2:   conjuring    魔术英语说法3:   gramary    魔术的相关短语:   魔术师 Magician ; The Illusionist ; What are you going to do ; Caster   魔术数字 Magic number ; Nombre magique ; magic number   近景魔术 Micromagic ; Close-up ; Close Up Magic   魔术贴 VELCRO ; MAGIC TAPE ; velcro backing ; ONE STAR   魔术片 CANADY MAGIC ; CANDY MAGIC KING SIZE    魔术的英语例句:   1. The picture will now appear, as if by magic!   这幅画立刻就会出现,好像变魔术一般!   2. Her grandfather taught her to conjure.   她的祖父教她变魔术。   3. They were inducted into the skills of magic.   他们被传授魔术。   4. Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation.   有些魔术要求有观众的参与.   5. The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.   魔术师从他的帽子里变出一只兔子.   6. I can"t simply conjure up the money out of thin air.   我是不能像变魔术似的把钱变来.   7. Can you do magic tricks?   你会变魔术 吗 ?   8. Art and history fuse in inextricable magic.   艺术和历史魔术般地溶和在一起,难解难分.   9. He conjured with everything.   他对每件东西施魔术.   10. The audience craned forward as their conjuror came to the crucial part of his trick.   当魔术师的魔术变到关键时刻,观众们都向前伸着脖子看.   11. The news had run round the streets like magic.   这消息在街上像魔术一般传了开来.   12. The submitted submarine on the magic magazine is shining and magnificent.   魔术杂志上那艘提交的潜艇闪亮而壮观。   13. Gerald"s face had brightened as if by magic at her entrance.   杰拉尔德一见她进来便容光焕发了,仿佛施了魔术似的.   14. In early stages of design, pretend the interface is magic.   在设计的早期阶段, 假设界面有魔术效应.   15. Was it the poems alone which wrought magic change?   这种魔术般的回心转意,是不是要完全归功于那几首诗呢 ?
2023-08-11 14:15:291


魔术 [词典] magic; conjuring; sleight of hand; a sleight of hand; gramary; [例句]这幅画立刻就会出现,好像变魔术一般!The picture will now appear, as if by magic!
2023-08-11 14:15:451


2023-08-11 14:16:044


2023-08-11 14:16:155


2023-08-11 14:16:3410


问题一:变魔术用英语怎么说 make magic changes或者直接说magic My hobby is magic, because magic make people happy, forget worries, and let me be more creative. I hope in the future would like to bee a magician, like Liu Qian. 问题二:魔术用英文怎么说 魔术 Magic 问题三:表演魔术用英语怎么说 perform a magic show (perform 表演。楼上用play 也可以,通法,perform较正式) 挑选适合你的吧,O(∩_∩)O~,希望对你有帮助 问题四:魔术师用英语怎么说 魔术师:magician 问题五:变魔术的英文怎么说? do magic Do a magic trick 问题六:我要表演一个魔术的英语怎么说 I will have a magic show. 问题七:揭秘魔术 英语怎么翻译 reveal a magic. He performed a magic trick for us. 问题八:“魔术师” 用英语怎么讲??? magician吧,最好查查朗文词典,网上什么形式都有(⊙o⊙)哦
2023-08-11 14:17:171


2023-08-11 14:17:361


问题一:魔法的英文名 魔法(magick):利用精神力,催动外界的游离魔法元素,并加以控制,以达到特定效果的一种技巧。电影中最常用的是power。 魔法一般泛指仪式魔法(Ceremonial magic 或 high magic),魔法是从西洋传来的概念,例如英语以不同的单字更精确地区分魔法,例如 Magic(魔术、魔法、幻术、咒术)、Sorcery (巫术、道术、妖术)和Witchcraft(巫术)等,每个单字皆含有细微的差别。但耽些魔法师认为魔术(Magic)一词与魔法有太大的差别,所以他们在“Magic”后面加“k”,加以区别,以显示魔法和舞台上娱乐观众用的魔术是不同的。驱使魔法的人,有男性也有女性。男性叫做巫师或魔法师,女性叫做女巫、巫婆或是魔女,亦可以通称为术士、魔法使或魔法师。他们施展的是“魔法(Magick)”而非“魔术(Magic)”。 问题二:天使的英文名字和读法 天使:angel 读法: [ ?eind??l ](安周) 问题三:西方魔法中天使的名字有那些!例如:米迦勒!路西法! 米迦勒 (Michael) 米迦勒是上帝的首席战士,天界天使团的领导者。 拉斐尔 (Raphae) Rapha即希伯来文的治疗者、医师等。 加百列 (Gabriel) 旧约圣经曾提及加百列坐于神的左侧。 乌列 (Uriel) 掌管地狱之火的天使,是支配地狱的天使,在最后审判的时候开启负责地狱之门,在地狱执行以永远的火焚烧罪孽深重的人等等苦刑。 沙利尔 (Sariel) 传具有所谓“邪眼(Evil-eye)”的能力。 雷米尔 (Remiel) 雷米尔是背教者的导师,是堕天使之一。 米达伦 (Metatron) 米达伦有神的代理人之称,亦是天使之王。 梅塔特隆 (Metatron) 梅塔特隆在诸多大天使的候补中, 最为宗教律法学者所偏好。 拉贵尔 (Raguel) “神之友”。 拉结尔 (Rasiel) 号称“秘境与至高之神秘天使”。 问题四:magic丶angel这个英语名字是什么意思 魔力天使,网游的话无所谓啦 问题五:堕落的魔法天使的日文写 和汉字写法一样 堕落天使(だらくてんし)(darakutenshi) 或者是 堕落エンジェル(anjeru) 问题六:求问一个手机游戏名字,好像叫魔法天使什么的,记不清了??游戏是这 您说的应该是《帝国时代》吧,Age of Empires 如果不是,以下是全战系列 你说的也有可能是《汉匈全面战争》 在不是的时候,可以根据知道的关键词在应用宝里面搜索的。 里面的游戏是全面的,可以找到这个游戏的。 问题七:天使的魔法,温暖中慈祥。 美丽的白发 幸福中发芽 天使的魔法 温暖中慈祥 在你的未来 音乐是你的王牌,我是很忠实的杰迷,相信我 这首歌是听妈妈的话 。。 还有不是 问题八:残酷魔法天使紫苑的概要 日本美少女游戏会社LiLiTH的2007年作品【残酷魔法天使~紫苑~(シオン~残酷な魔法の天使~)】,日前确定改编成动画版,目前正锐意制作中!这部动画目前为止(2010.7)共出了四集,分别为:シオン Vol.01 残酷な魔法の天使 DLシオン Vol.02 穷地の魔法少女 DLシオン Vol.03 _属の天使たち DLシオン Vol.04 堕ちた魔法の天使 DL
2023-08-11 14:17:591


Perform magic tricks
2023-08-11 14:18:1015


其实魔术是很简单的,有些魔术一解密之后,你都觉得不可能——实在是太简单了,魔术师为什么那么“神奇”其实只是他们把魔术练得天衣无缝了 你就比如说吧 我看见过刘谦橡皮筋魔术魔术揭秘太简单了……
2023-08-11 14:18:462


好的话要给分哦~~~~~这几个任你选~~~~~~~~1:4-A breach run Results: taking four A out to the audience to see. . Then put the top. . Start the table to four A-open. Then take a caving below. Hand ring for a fight. A run of the above. Above repeatedly used a release. . Hand ring for a fight. A running below the. Below caving repeatedly used a hand ring for a running play above! Among repeatedly used an interpolation. . Hand ring for a fight. Hey ~? ? Not above. . Ha ha. . Below! Practices: taking four A look at the audience when put in a multi-A space below license. Points can then take to the table when the first card is the last card plugs into the middle! On the other done on the effect of the above! 2: Fables Magic Results: taking a piece of paper to write on two cards. For example:-2 and 2. But the audience not to see. Paper licenses will be inserted in the middle. Then turned to the audience to see. . Paper was trapped in a red 2 and Black 2 between! Practices: on paper is about the top and bottom of the license. . Interpolation is getting better. The audience turned to look at the paper at the right hand holding the first half of the dorsal face of paper. Below left that part of the pressure on the paper. . Give the audience a misconception! 3: Third licensing Fables Results: laundered license. The license to the audience. Let the audience to Set licensing arbitrarily divided into three on the table. Magician can know that the top three licensing Let"s talk about what is a license! Practice: First, the top should know Let"s talk about licensing. . When unable to wash the top那张washing into! Divided into three minutes later. The first is that you remember above Let"s talk about licensing. The second is at the top from the first points above the license. Third is the second top starting points above the license. Then the top third of the license card was fable that!
2023-08-11 14:19:061


每当看电视,我就喜欢看一些魔术大师的魔术表演,从帽子里飞出一只鸽子或跳出一只兔子,都让我感到惊异。两块一黑一白的布合成一条黑白格子的布,一个小球从这个杯子转移到另外一个空杯里,我都会不经意的叫了起来,不知道他们是怎么变的。还有一些魔术惊险刺激,真让人捏把汗。  一次,我有点生气,坐在电视机前正看一些人在表演魔术。他们惟妙惟肖地表演夸张的动作,行为举止都很奇怪,短而卷曲的假发,松垮垮的睡衣,大号的皮鞋,他把一块橡皮泥从这只耳朵里塞进去,又从另一只耳朵里取出来,蹦起来,全身的衣服抖动着,让我开怀大笑。还有一个人拿着五个分开的铁环,两个铁环轻轻一碰就拴在一起了,接二连三的拴在一起,不停地变换,五个铁环在大师的手里变成了战士的头盔,然后又变成了旧社会的黄包车,最后弄了奥运五环,真想学过来,再变给别人看。我被都得哈哈大笑,这时候的生气也不知道跑到哪里去了...
2023-08-11 14:19:492


今天,我要为大家表演一个魔术,至于什么魔术呢?先不告诉你. Today I will do you a magic.What is the magic?I won"t tell you now. 现在,我需要一个助手来帮助我完成魔术. Now I need an assistant to help me with this magic. 举起你的手,并握紧拳头. Lift up your hand and hold your fist tight. 猜猜我想干吗? Guess what I am going to do? 现在,我将用意念把香烟灰传入你的手. Now I will use my mind to put the cigarette ash into your hand. 人工翻译.
2023-08-11 14:19:561


问题一:魔术师用英语怎么说 魔术师:magician 问题二:变魔术用英语怎么说 make magic changes或者直接说magic My hobby is magic, because magic make people happy, forget worries, and let me be more creative. I hope in the future would like to bee a magician, like Liu Qian. 问题三:魔术用英文怎么说 魔术 Magic 问题四:表演魔术用英语怎么说 perform a magic show (perform 表演。楼上用play 也可以,通法,perform较正式) 挑选适合你的吧,O(∩_∩)O~,希望对你有帮助 问题五:魔术的英文怎么写 magician 为了娱乐或者消遣而变魔术的人 希望采纳 问题六:变魔术的英文怎么说? do magic Do a magic trick 问题七:我要表演一个魔术的英语怎么说 I will have a magic show. 问题八:关于魔术的(英语单词) magician magician [mE5dViFEn] n. 善于变戏法的人, 魔术师, 术士 magician AHD:[m…-j1sh“…n] D.J.[m*6d9!.*n] K.K.[m*6d9!.*n] n.(名词) A sorcerer; a wizard. 巫师;术士 One who performs magic for entertainment or diversion. 魔术师:为了娱乐或者消遣而变魔术的人 One whose formidable skill or art seems to be magical: 变戏法的人:掌握令人敬佩的象魔法般技术或手艺的人 : a magician with words. 说话有魔力的人
2023-08-11 14:20:461


magician magician [mE5dViFEn] n. 善于变戏法的人, 魔术师, 术士 magician AHD:[m…-j1sh“…n] D.J.[m*6d9!.*n] K.K.[m*6d9!.*n] n.(名词) A sorcerer; a wizard. 巫师;术士 One who performs magic for entertainment or diversion. 魔术师:为了娱乐或者消遣而变魔术的人 One whose formidable skill or art seems to be magical: 变戏法的人:掌握令人敬佩的象魔法般技术或手艺的人 : a magician with words. 说话有魔力的人
2023-08-11 14:20:561


2023-08-11 14:22:023


1.Today,I give you a magic show,it is a crossing phenomenon.2.This is a common coin and an ordinary glass,no problem.3.I want the coin through from here .4.then let"s witness a miracle moment.
2023-08-11 14:22:211

观看魔术 英文说法

watch a magic showperform in a magic show
2023-08-11 14:22:291


近景魔术 close-up magic舞台魔术 stage magic大型魔术 illusion魔术师 magician幻术师(即专业表演大型魔术的) illusionist托门、门子(即魔术的秘密所在) secret一些常见的大型魔术(世界通用语)——人体分割箱 cube zag人体三分 zig zag新式人体两分 modern art人体悬浮 levitation火笼出人 fire cage剑穿美女 impaled纯手打的,希望对你有帮助,如有雷同,纯属抄袭
2023-08-11 14:22:391


magic show magic show magic show magic show magic show
2023-08-11 14:22:474


魔术专业术语中英文对照纸牌篇:card 牌poker 扑克spade 黑桃heart 红心diamond 方块club 梅花card case 牌盒deck 整付牌pile 牌叠top 牌顶bottom 牌底face up 面朝上face down 面朝下fan 开扇spread 摊牌cut 切牌one hand cut 单手切牌false cut 假切shuffle 洗牌Hindu Shuffle 印度洗牌riffle shuffle 鸽尾式洗牌False/Blind Shuffle假洗牌double lifts 双翻secret additionsecret loadforce 迫牌riffle 拨牌riffle force 拨牌迫牌Under the Spread Force 摊牌迫牌classic force 古典迫牌cross force 十字迫牌false count 假数牌Elmsley count艾尔姆支雷数牌法Jordon count 乔登数牌Hamman Count 哈门数牌reverse top change 换顶牌pass 移牌classic pass 古典移牌Hamman pass 海曼移牌easy pass 简单移牌center pass 中央移牌half pass 偷翻牌Turnover 翻牌false deal 假发牌second deal 发第二张bottom deal 发底牌center deal 发中间牌palm 掌中藏牌top palm 藏顶牌bottom palm 藏底牌Gambler"s Cop 赌徒扣牌side steal 侧边偷牌Tenkai palm 天海藏牌back palm 手背藏牌Spread Control 摊牌控牌convincing control pass 控制移牌in jog 挪移break 布雷克Spectator"s Peek 偷看牌crimp 偷拗牌switch 偷换牌glide滑行技法color change 变牌To show a card/ Display a card 展示牌twisting card 转牌folding 折牌tearing 撕牌Selection or Selected Card观众选的牌double backer 双背牌硬币篇:coin铜版half dollar 美金五角english penny 英磅一分palm up 手心向上palm down 手心向下coin roll 转铜版shattle passHan Ping Chien Move韩秉谦移动click passpalm 手心classic palm 古典隐藏法thumb palm 姆指缝隐藏法finger palm 指间隐藏法Darwin palm 达尔文藏币finger tip 指尖藏币Tenkai palm 天海隐藏法sleeving 入袖lapping 落膝shell 钱壳一般术语:audience 观众spectator 观众performer 表演者entertainer 表演者volunteer 自愿者magician 魔术师clown 小丑misdirection 错误引导routine 程序timing 时间的控制acting 演技clic 魔术发生的时机flourish 花式illusion 幻觉trick 把戏setting 表演前的准备method 方法sleight 手法steal 偷道具篇:prop 道具magic wand 魔术棒ball 球dove 鸽子zombie 死灵silk 丝巾rubber band 橡皮筋cigarette 香烟topit 暗袋wax 魔术腊carpet 桌垫thumbtip 拇指套手指:thumb 大姆指index finger 食指middle finger 中指ring finger 无名指pinky 小指nail 指甲效果术语:effect 效果production 出现physical anomaly 反自然vanish 消失spectator failure 使观众失败transportation 移位control 控物力transformation 变形identification 辨认penetration 穿越thought reading 读心术restoration 还原animation 自动prediction 预言anti-gravity 反地心引力extra-sensory perception 第六感sympathetic reaction 使共鸣skill 特技invulnerability 不能伤害术
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2023-08-11 14:23:353


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2023-08-11 14:23:543


魔术师用英语表示为magician。magician解析如下:一、读音:英式发音:[mu0259u02c8du0292u026au0283u0259n]美式发音:[mu0259u02c8du0292u026au0283u0259n]二、释义:n. 魔术师,魔法师;变戏法的人三、词性变化:复数形式:magicians四、词语搭配:stage magician 舞台魔术师professional magician 职业魔术师illusionist magician 魔术幻想师五、用法:1、用于描述一种职业,专门从事魔术表演和变戏法等活动的人。2、也可用于比喻某个人或物的表现非常出色,像是施了魔法一般。3、magician 这个词还可以用于描述某个人的特质或能力,比如 "a magician with words",表示某人擅长运用语言的能力非常强。六、例句:1、The magician made the rabbit disappear.魔术师让兔子消失了。2、She was amazed by the magician"s tricks.她被魔术师的魔法惊呆了。3、The magician pulled a coin out of my ear.魔术师从我的耳朵里掏出了一枚硬币。4、He was a magician with a deck of cards.他是一位掌握纸牌魔术技巧的魔术师。5、The politician was described as a magician with words.这位政治家被形容为是一位善于运用语言的魔术师。
2023-08-11 14:24:241


2023-08-11 14:24:405


learn to play magic
2023-08-11 14:25:356


make magic changes或者直接说magicMy hobby is magic, because magic make people happy, forget worries, and let me be more creative. I hope in the future would like to become a magician, like Liu Qian.
2023-08-11 14:25:521


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2023-08-11 14:26:241


"Through magic"
2023-08-11 14:26:312


例如:穿越显现 penetrationTransportation 转移现象 Prediction 预言 Psycho kinetics 意念 Berglas Effect 巴格拉斯效果 Extra sensory Perception 超感觉能力 Restoration 复原 Antigravity 漂浮 thought reading 读心术 Deja Vu 即视现象(以上参考“百度刘谦吧”)——————————————————————————————————-————————1:4-A breach run Results: taking four A out to the audience to see. . Then put the top. . Start the table to four A-open. Then take a caving below. Hand ring for a fight. A run of the above. Above repeatedly used a release. . Hand ring for a fight. A running below the. Below caving repeatedly used a hand ring for a running play above! Among repeatedly used an interpolation. . Hand ring for a fight. Hey ~? ? Not above. . Ha ha. . Below! Practices: taking four A look at the audience when put in a multi-A space below license. Points can then take to the table when the first card is the last card plugs into the middle! On the other done on the effect of the above! 2: Fables Magic Results: taking a piece of paper to write on two cards. For example:-2 and 2. But the audience not to see. Paper licenses will be inserted in the middle. Then turned to the audience to see. . Paper was trapped in a red 2 and Black 2 between! Practices: on paper is about the top and bottom of the license. . Interpolation is getting better. The audience turned to look at the paper at the right hand holding the first half of the dorsal face of paper. Below left that part of the pressure on the paper. . Give the audience a misconception! 3: Third licensing Fables Results: laundered license. The license to the audience. Let the audience to Set licensing arbitrarily divided into three on the table. Magician can know that the top three licensing Let"s talk about what is a license! Practice: First, the top should know Let"s talk about licensing. . When unable to wash the top那张washing into! Divided into three minutes later. The first is that you remember above Let"s talk about licensing. The second is at the top from the first points above the license. Third is the second top starting points above the license. Then the top third of the license card was fable that! 4:4 A top Results: the licensing divided into four. Pick up first. With the above in the first three cards to the first below. . Then from the top of a card with a license to each other on a third license. Put aside the first license. With its second license. The first license and do the same thing. With third. Fourth licensing different! After the release End! Four A"s on the top of each card! Practices: Magic at the start of four A in the above licenses. And click on the above release naturally in the top! 5: unity of the three K Results: taking three K out. . To the audience. Magician then put on the table their own in-kitchen. Let the audience in the kitchen release-K. Add a magician. Add an audience. Also take a magician. Viewers caving section 3! The table on the licensing of license on his left hand. Shouting and unity. Open the top of the three. 3 K on again together! Practices: prior to the first four K on the licensing section 2 below. That is the first three positions! According to the above approach will do! A very interesting poker magic, reason is very simple, as long as you show capacity in place, VAR or missed, then began teaching less nonsense. First, we opened with a poker when sneaked back a card. Method: novice can use four fingers in front licensing push, thumbs fixed first live poker. Push left the right! ! This time the audience to see the first card, in fact it will become the first two of the. We call it the audience casually previous 12 inside a card in mind, remember that the flower color and license licensing position, say is the first four. Then we put together a license, we can not ask the audience to see us back the card. Viewers see a license after the first four would become the first five, we count 4, the fact is that the audience saw the first three, he plugs into the card to the middle, viewers see the first four on the first in the licensing. There are 2 shows, you can give the audience blowing in one breath that you will become the first license you believe. Oh this is a The first two kinds that you ask the audience, you birthday is a few months? Licensing can appear in the first few, say 3. Told the audience拿住whole Deputy card, just think that the licensing. You put a card on a table in the audience to see the license go down in the first, three course not look at the audience, so the audience will laugh you, but he does not matter Immediately a nice, do you explain to him, you may not focus on just think, you want to come back once. You put a few down three unlicensed put the whole of the top card, the first on just become the first three. Told the audience拿住licensing think that once he has the license, once again a few 1 2 3 of the audience to see that.
2023-08-11 14:26:411


读心术 翻译结果thought readingthe psychological number force网络释义 thought readingThe Psychological Number Forcemind readingMind Reader短语我不会读心术 I can"t read your mind超强读心术 Prevaricator by Patrick Redford读心术解决方案 Mind reader solution
2023-08-11 14:26:511


It"s magic show. Are you ready?
2023-08-11 14:27:344


魔法师用英文怎么说 魔法师的英文是什么 魔法师 基本释义 enchanter Magian魔法师的用法和样例: 例句:魔法师非常神秘。The enchanter is very mysterious. 魔法师的英文是wizard,那魔术师呢? 10分 magician; sorcerer; charmer; magus; thaumaturge; 这些都是,选一个就行了,记得给我采纳 法师的英文怎么写 Mage "魔法师"用英语怎么说? magician 魔法师英语翻译 译文 The wizard 魔法师的英文是什么 magician wizard boogeyman 第三个慎用,呵呵。。。 法师用英语怎么说? 顺手采纳答案 法师的英语是mage 例句: 法师和牧师不再拥有武器格档技能了! Mages and priests no longer receive the parry skill. 大法师英文怎么写 Archmage 现在的写法基本就是AM 你说AM别人也能听的懂 法师的英文单词 法师 [fǎ shī] [名] rabbi; (对和尚、道士的尊称) Master, a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest; [例句]只因为你被尊称为大法师,就把我当作乡野术士了? Because you are called Archmage, do you take me for a village sorcerer? 男魔法师的英文缩写是??? Male magician
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Light and magic
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2023-08-11 14:18:563

toms farher

选B,句子意思:他是汤姆的爸爸的朋友. Tom 的父亲,是Tom‘s 是 名词所有格;father"s的完整形式 是father"s friend(s) 而这个结构中的名词 friend(s)省略了.
2023-08-11 14:18:571


台风(Typhoon) 最大风速出现>32.6米/秒,也即12级以上(64海里/小时或以上) 强热带风暴(Severe tropical storm) 最大风速出现24.5-32.6米/秒,也即风力10-11级(48-63海里/小时) 热带风暴(Tropical storm) 最大风速出现17.2-24.4米/秒,也即风力8-9级(34-47海里/小时) 热带低压(Tropical depression) 最大风速出现<17.2米/秒,也即风力为6-7级(22-33海里/小时)
2023-08-11 14:18:596


1. 根据下表提供的信息,以 Tom"sDay 为题,写一篇短文介绍你一天相关 Dear Tom,Thank you for your letter. Now let me tell you how to kepp healthy in my daily life.First,do sports every morning to keep fit.Next,it is good for you to eat more fruit and vegetables.Then,I drink milk every day and try to eat less junk food.Finally,I sleep for nine hours every night.My lifestyle help me to keep healthy.Good food helps me to study better. Yours, Tom。 2. 以“Tom"Day”为题,写篇作文 Tom"s Day Today is Monday. Tom gets up at 6:00. He has breakfast at about 6:30.Then he clean his room, wash his face and brush his teeth. He has noodles for breakfast. He goes to school at 7:00. He does morning exercises at 7:50.They have four classes in morning. At 11:30, he"s very hungry. He has lunch at school. He goes to bed at 12:00 in the noon. They have three classes in the afternoon. He has puter class and art classes. He likes them very much. He goes home at 5:30. He does homework after school. His sister、brother and he watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then he washes his face and brush his teeth. He goes to bed at 10:00. He"s happy today! 希望我有帮到你,麻烦给个好评哈o(∩_∩)o 3. 假如我是tom 以schoo day 为题写一篇短文两篇 Today is Monday.Tom gets up at 6:00.He has breakfast at about 6:30.Then he cleans his room,wash his face and brush his teeth.He has noodles for breakfast.He goes to school at 7:00.He does morning exercises at 7:50.They have four classes in morning.At 11:30,he"s very hungry.He has lunch at school.He goes to bed at 12:00 in the noon.They have three classes in the afternoon.He has puter class and art classes.He likes them very much.He goes home at 5:30.He does homework after school.His sister、brother and he watch TV at 8:00 in the evening.Then he washes his face and brush his teeth.He goes to bed at 10:00. He"s happy today! 4. 用Tom" day写一个作文 Tom always gets up early every day. On weekdays, he always gets up at six o"clock.Then,he and his family have breakfast at 6:30 am.Tom goes to school at 7:00 o"clock.He is never late for school.He uauslly waves them goodbye.Tom often has lunch at 12:00 o"clock, he has a lotTom goes home at half past five,first does his homework, then,he watches TV.He goes to bed at 9:30 .This is his day. Tom"s Day Tom"s day was not a good day. Everything went wrong. First, he slept fate and Mom yelled at him to wake up. He tried to wake up but he couldn"t. He just went back to sleep, and mom had to e and yell at him again. When he finally got out of bed, he went to the kitchen for breakfast, but there was no cereal. He decided to have some toast instead, but he burned it. He had to eat it anyway because there was no more bread. There was no juice, either. He just had a glass of water. Then he got dressed for school and began walking to the bus stop. When he was almost at the bus stop, I realized that I had fotten his wallet, so I had to go back home and get it. Of course, he missed the bus and had to wait for the next bus. He was late for school and the teacher told him to stay in the classroom at lunchtime to catch up on the schoolwork he had missed. After lunch, it was time to give the teacher his homework.He reached into his bag to get it but it wasn"t there. He had left it at home. Tom was in trouble again. The teacher gave him extra homework for tonight. After school, Paul asked Tom to play soccer with him. But Tom stepped on the ball and fell over. He tore his pants and hurt his ankle. He limped home. When he got home, he went straight to his room to catch up on my homework. Mom cooked fish for dinner. She knows he don"t like fish, but she thinks it good for him. He"s going to bed early so that nothing else can go wrong. It was a horrible day. He hoped tomorrow will be better.
2023-08-11 14:19:041


电动车分为电动摩托车和电动自行车。按照中华人民共和国家标准《电动自行车通用技术条件》(Elect ricbicycles - Generaltechnicalrequirements)(国家标准GB17761-1999),设计制造的时速不超过20KM/小时,整车重量不超过40KG,并且具备脚踏骑行功能的电动两轮车称为电动自行车,按照《电动自行车安全技术规范》(GB17761-2018)标准设计生产的整车重量40公斤以上、时速20公里以上的电动自行车,称为轻便电动摩托车或电动摩托车,划入机动车范畴”。电动车的运行原理。电动车驱动和控制系统主要由电池组、电机、控制器和调速手柄构成,电池组里的电流通过调速手柄和控制器共同调制解调给电机供电从而控制电机转速驱动车子运行。电池组的电流首先供到控制器,由控制器里的降压器件给调速手柄供电,转动调速手柄可以让控制器检测到不同的电压值,控制器根据电压值大小,模拟调节输送给电机电压的高低,从而控制了电机的转速。如图所示:
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tropical paradise热带天堂; 热带乐园双语例句1It is another tropical paradise in the Pacific Ocean. 它是太平洋中的又一个赤热带天堂。2I want to be on a tropical paradise being served pina coladas all day long. 我要到一个热带乐园,整天喝冰镇果汁朗姆酒。
2023-08-11 14:18:481


分类: 教育/科学 >> 升学入学 >> 考研 解析: 液晶显示器(lcd)是现在非常普遍的显示器。它具有体积小、重量轻、省电、辐射低、易于携带等优点。液晶显示器(lcd)的原理与阴极射线管显示器(crt)大不相同。lcd是基于液晶电光效应的显示器件。包括段显示方式的字符段显示器件;矩阵显示方式的字符、图形、图像显示器件;矩阵显示方式的大屏幕液晶投影电视液晶屏等。液晶显示器的工作原理是利用液晶的物理特性,在通电时导通,使液晶排列变得有秩序,使光线容易通过;不通电时,排列则变得混乱,阻止光线通过。下面介绍三种液晶显示器的工作原理。 1.“扭曲向列型液晶显示器”(isted nematic liquid crystal display),简称“tn型液晶显示器”。这种显示器的液晶组件构造如图11所示。向列型液晶夹在两片玻璃中间。这种玻璃的表面上先镀有一层透明而导电的薄膜以作电极之用。这种薄膜通常是一种铟(indium)和锡(tin)的氧化物(oxide),简称ito。然后再在有ito的玻璃上镀表面配向剂,以使液晶顺着一个特定且平行于玻璃表面之方向排列。(图11 a)中左边玻璃使液晶排成上下的方向,右边玻璃则使液晶排成垂直于图面之方向。此组件中之液晶的自然状态具有从左到右共的扭曲, 这也是为什么被称为扭曲型液晶显示器的原因。利用电场可使液晶旋转的原理,在两电极上加上电压则会使得液晶偏振化方向转向与电场方向平行。 因为液态晶的折射率随液晶的方向而改变,其结果是光经过tn型液晶盒以后其偏振性会发生变化。我们可以选择适当的厚度使光的偏振化方向刚好改变。那么,我们就可利用两个平行偏振片使得光完全不能通过(如图12所示)。若外加足够大的电压V使得液晶方向转成与电场方向平行,光的偏振性就不会改变。因此光可顺利通过第二个偏光器。于是,我们可利用电的开关达到控制光的明暗。这样会形成透光时为白、不透光时为黑,字符就可以显示在屏幕上了。 2.tft型液晶显示器的原理 tft型液晶显示器也采用了两夹层间填充液晶分子的设计。只不过是把左边夹层的电极改为了fet晶体管,而右边夹层的电极改为了共通电极。在光源设计上,tft的显示采用"背透式"照射方式,即假想的光源路径不是像tn液晶那样的从左至右,而是从右向左,这样的作法是在液晶的背部设置了类似日光灯的光管。 光源照射时先通过右偏振片向左透出,借助液晶分子来传导光线。由于左右夹层的电极改成fet电极和共通电极,在fet电极导通时,液晶分子的表现如tn液晶的排列状态一样会发生改变,也通过遮光和透光来达到显示的目的。但不同的是,由于fet晶体管具有电容效应,能够保持电位状态,先前透光的液晶分子会一直保持这种状态,直到fet电极下一次再加电改变其排列方式为止。 相对而言,tn就没有这个特性,液晶分子一旦没有被施压,立刻就返回原始状态,这是tft液晶和tn液晶显示原理的最大不同。 3. “高分子散布型液晶显示器”(polymer dispersed liquid crystal liquid crystal display),简称“pdlc型液晶显示器”。这种显示器的液晶组件构造如图13所示。高分子的单体(monomer)与液晶混合后夹在两片玻璃中间,做成一液晶盒。这种玻璃与上面所用的相同,是表面上先镀有一层透明而导电的薄膜作电极。但是不需要在玻璃上镀表面配向剂。此时将液晶盒放在紫外灯下照射使个单体连结成高分子聚合物。在高分子形成的同时,液晶与高分子分开而形成许多液晶小颗粒。这些小颗粒被高分子聚合物固定住。 当光照射在此液晶盒上,因折射率不同,而在颗粒表面处产生折射及反射。经过多次反射与折射,就产生了散射(scattering)。此液晶盒就像牛奶一样呈现出不透明的乳白色。足够大电压加在液晶盒两侧的玻璃上,液晶顺着电场方向排列,而使每颗液晶的排列均相同。对正面入射光而言,这些液晶有着相同的折射率n。如果我们可以选用的高分子材料的折射率与n相同,对光而言这些液晶颗粒与高分子材料是相同的;因而在液晶盒内部没有任何折射或反射的现象产生。此时的液晶盒就像透明的清水一样。 参考文献
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