barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-21 00:38:54


  There are three little pigs. They live in a small house with their mother."This house is too small.The three of you must leave home.You must build your own homes," says the mother pig one day.


  The first little pig gets some hay."I will build a house of hay," he says."It will not be hard.My house will be easy to make.Then, I will go play.


  "I will use sticks to make a house," says the second little pig."It will be easy.Then, I will go play with my brother.The second little pig quickly builds his home.He goes outside to play.


  " I will build my houseof bricks.It will take a long time," says the third little pig.He builds his house。 It is hard work, but the house is strong。


  One day, the three little pigs see some footprints.They are the big bad wolf"s footprints。 The little pigs run to their homes。 They are afraid of the big bad wolf.He eats little pigs。


  The big bad wolf goes to the first little pig"s house。 The house is made of hay。 "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" says the wolf。


  "No way! I will not let you in," says the little pig。


  "If you don"t let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf. The wolf blows hard. The house falls down. The first little pig runs away。 He runs to the second little pig"s house。


  The second little pig"s house is made of sticks。 The first little pig and the second little pig are in the house。 They are both very afraid。


  "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" says the wolf。


  "No way! We will not let you in," say the two little pigs。


  "If you don"t let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf。 The wolf blows down the second little pig"s house。 The stick house is easy to blow down。 The two little pigs run to the third little pig"s house。


  The wolf goes to the third little pig"s house。 The house is strong。 It is made of bricks。 "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" says the wolf。"No way! We will not let you in," say the three little pigs。


  "If you don"t let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf。 The wolf is hungry。 He wants to eat all of the three little pigs。 He blows and blows and blows and blows, but the house cannot be blown down。


  The wolf is angry。 "I will get all of you," says the wolf。 He climbs on top of the house。 He goes down the chimney。 The third little pig makes a fire。


  "Owwwwwwwwww!" cries the wolf。 The fire burns the wolf, and he runs away。 The three little pigs never see him again。


  The next day, the third little pig helps his brothers。 He helps them build houses。 They all build houses of brick。 It takes a long time, but no one can ever blow their houses down。


  The wolf runs far away。 He doesn"t eat little pigs anymore。 It is too dangerous。




2023-08-12 01:31:062


pig读作英[pu026ag] 美[pu026aɡ],猪英语是pig。一、pig的基本释义n.猪;猪肉;令人不快(或讨厌)的人;金属块(锭)vi.生小猪;像猪一样过活;举止像猪;贪吃vt.吃得过量,大吃特吃;生小猪二、相关短语1、Pigu2002outu2002狼吞虎咽地大吃2、Whenu2002pigsu2002flyu2002无稽之谈三、例句1、Wild boar readily hybridises with the domestic pig 野猪很容易和家猪杂交2、After pigging herself on ice cream she went upstairs. 大吃特吃了一通冰激凌之后她上了楼。3、He and Dermott Reeve almost made a complete pig"s ear of the final push for victory. 他和德莫特·里夫几乎把获胜的最后一把努力彻底搞砸了。扩展资料一、pig的第三人称单数和复数:pigs pigsn.猪肉;猪(pig的名词复数、第三人称单数);令人不快(或讨厌)的人;金属块(锭)例句:There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。二、pig的现在分词:pigging pigging英["pu026agu026au014b] 美["pu026agu026au014b] n.生铁;通井v.pig的现在分词例句:This paper introduced the technology of pigging, diameter measuring& pressure testing for Guangdong LNG trunk-line. 本文介绍了广东液化天然气输气干线工程应用的清管测径试压技术。三、pig的过去式和过去分词:piggedpiggedvi.生小猪(pig的过去式与过去分词形式)例句:We pigged out on potato chips and cookies until our bellies ached. 我们大吃薯条和曲奇,吃到肚子撑到痛为止。
2023-08-12 01:31:191


是 猪 的意思
2023-08-12 01:31:425


猪pig 复数是 pigs
2023-08-12 01:32:013

Cypress Hill的《Pigs》 歌词

歌曲名:Pigs歌手:Cypress Hill专辑:Original Album ClassicsPink Floyd: Pigs (3 different ones )Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.And when your hand is on your heart,You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost a joker,With your head down in the pig bin,Saying "Keep on digging."Pig stain on your fat chin.What do you hope to find.When you"re down in the pig mine.You"re nearly a laugh,But you"re really a cry.Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost worth a quick grin.You like the feel of steel,You"re hot stuff with a hatpin,And good fun with a hand gun.You"re nearly a laugh,You"re nearly a laughBut you"re really a cry.Hey you, Whitehouse, Ha ha charade you are.You house proud town mouse, Ha ha charade you areYou"re trying to keep our feelings off the street.You"re nearly a real treat,All tight lips and cold feetAnd do you feel abused?.....! .....! .....! .....!You gotta stem the evil tide,And keep it all on the inside.Mary you"re nearly a treat,Mary you"re nearly a treatBut you"re really a cry.
2023-08-12 01:32:111


这两个词的区别我懂,"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的其他区别:1. 词性不同:"pig"是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。"piggy"是"pig"的昵称或可爱的变体形式。例句:- The farmer raises pigs on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养猪。)- Look at that cute little piggy!(看那只可爱的小猪!)2. 客观程度不同:"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。例句:- The pig is eating its food.(猪在吃食物。)- Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?(妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?)3. 表示大小不同:"pig"通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。"piggy"则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。例句:- The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。)- Look at those adorable piggy piglets!(看那些可爱的小小猪仔!)4. 使用方式不同:"pig"通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。"piggy"可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。例句:- Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.(莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。)- Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail? I need to cook it.(你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。)5. 情感色彩不同:"pig"通常没有特殊的情感色彩,只是简单地指代猪。"piggy"可以呈现积极的情感,引发喜爱、关心或喜悦等感受。例句:- We saw some pigs on our farm visit today.(今天我们农场参观时看到了几只猪。)- The kids were delighted to meet the little piggies at the petting zoo.(孩子们在触摸动物园见到小小猪仔时非常开心。)
2023-08-12 01:32:181


在亚洲有“四小龙”、“四小虎”等发展迅猛的经济体,龙和虎那都是好词啊,但是在欧洲发达国家中有四个国家,被称为“金猪四国”,缩写是pigs,猪的意思。 金猪四国(PIGS)是葡萄牙(Portugal)、意大利(Italy)、希腊(Greece)和西班牙(Spain)四个国家第一个英文字母的缩写,之所以叫它们"金猪四国"(金猪中的猪是四个国家英文首字母组成pigs)是因为近来这几个国家依然面临着严重的金融危机。 葡萄牙(Portugal),是一个位于欧洲西南部的共和制国家。东邻同处于伊比利亚半岛的西班牙,葡萄牙的西部和南部是大西洋的海岸。除了欧洲大陆的领土以外,大西洋的亚速群岛和马德拉群岛也是葡萄牙领土。葡萄牙首都里斯本西的罗卡角是欧洲大陆的最西端。 2008年以来,受国际金融经济危机影响,经济遭受重创,失业率走高,经济复苏势头明显回落。2010年初,希腊出现主权债务危机,葡主权债务形势也急转直下。2010年至2012年,国际评级机构先后多次下调葡主权信用评级。 意大利(Italy),全称意大利共和国,是一个欧洲国家,主要由南欧的亚平宁半岛及两个位于地中海中的岛屿西西里岛与萨丁岛所组成。国土面积为301333平方公里,人口6002万,北方的阿尔卑斯山地区与法国、瑞士、奥地利以及斯洛文尼亚接壤,其领土还包围着两个微型国家——圣马力诺与梵蒂冈。 希腊共和国(希腊语:Ελληνικu03ae Δημοκρατu03afα]),通称希腊(希腊语:Ελλu03acδα ),是地处欧洲东南角、巴尔干半岛的南端的共和制国家。全国由半岛南部的伯罗奔尼撒半岛和爱琴海中的3,000余座岛屿共同构成。希腊为连接欧亚非的战略要地,本土从西北至正北部分别邻阿尔巴尼亚、马其顿、保加利亚三国,东北与土耳其国境接壤。周围则自东而西分别濒临爱琴海、地中海本域与伊奥尼亚海。 西班牙全称西班牙王国 ,是一个位于欧洲西南部的君主立宪制国家。 地处欧洲与非洲的交界,西邻同处于伊比利亚半岛的葡萄牙,北濒比斯开湾,东北部与法国及安道尔接壤,南隔直布罗陀海峡与非洲的摩洛哥相望,领土还包括地中海中的巴利阿里群岛,大西洋的加那利群岛及非洲的休达和梅利利亚。该国是一个多山国家,总面积505925平方公里,其海岸线长约7800公里。
2023-08-12 01:32:311


pigs和dogs读音相同吗解答:pigs和dogs读音i不同.pig美 [pu026aɡ] 名词. 小猪,生铁,野猪,【动】猪动词. 〈非正式〉大吃特吃,猛吃网络. 欧猪四国,笨猪四国,猪群变形. 复数:pigs,现在分词:pigging,过去式:pigged搭配. kill pig,wild pig,raise pig,potbellied pigdog美 [du0252ɡ] 动词. 跟踪,笼罩在…心头,弄得…狼狈不堪,被…困扰名词. 【动】犬,【动】雄性的犬科动物,常用于形容词后,〈侮辱〉卑鄙的人网络. 狗,瘦狗类,猎犬变形. 复数:dogs,现在分词:dogging,过去式:dogged搭配. keep dog,mad dog,walk dog,stray dog,train dog,rabid dog
2023-08-12 01:32:511


2023-08-12 01:33:143

Pigs (Three Different Ones) [2011 - Remaster] 歌词

歌曲名:Pigs (Three Different Ones) [2011 - Remaster]歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The Discovery Boxset (2011 - Remaster)Pink Floyd: Pigs (3 different ones )Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.And when your hand is on your heart,You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost a joker,With your head down in the pig bin,Saying "Keep on digging."Pig stain on your fat chin.What do you hope to find.When you"re down in the pig mine.You"re nearly a laugh,But you"re really a cry.Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost worth a quick grin.You like the feel of steel,You"re hot stuff with a hatpin,And good fun with a hand gun.You"re nearly a laugh,You"re nearly a laughBut you"re really a cry.Hey you, Whitehouse, Ha ha charade you are.You house proud town mouse, Ha ha charade you areYou"re trying to keep our feelings off the street.You"re nearly a real treat,All tight lips and cold feetAnd do you feel abused?.....! .....! .....! .....!You gotta stem the evil tide,And keep it all on the inside.Mary you"re nearly a treat,Mary you"re nearly a treatBut you"re really a cry.
2023-08-12 01:33:321

英语 pigs,bags,birds 这里的 s 读z 我知道 但我不清楚 比如pigs 这里的

2023-08-12 01:33:433


不完全相同。 "pigs" 和 "ducks" 中的 "s" 发音是相似的,都是清脆的慢速发音,但是它们的发音位置略有不同。在 "pigs" 中,"s" 发音位置在口腔前部齿龈区,让舌头轻触齿龈。而在 "ducks" 中,"s" 发音位置在舌后,让舌头靠近软腭,并使一些空气经过悬臂喉部,产生轻微的喉音。
2023-08-12 01:33:501


2023-08-12 01:34:015


chicks /s/ 清辅音结尾的+s读 /s/ pigs /z/ 浊辅音结尾的+s读/z/ hens /z/ 以t、d结尾的+s读/id/
2023-08-12 01:34:191


英语猪介绍带翻译英语猪介绍带翻译我来答共1条回答jack19841009LV.132017-11-11A pig has a snout for a nose, small eyes, and a small tail, which may be curly, kinked, or straight. It has a thick body and short legs. There are four toes on each foot, with the two large middle toes used for walking.Pigs are omnivores, which means that they consume both plants and small animals. Pigs will scavenge and have been known to eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, tree bark, rotting carcasses, excreta (including their own), garbage, and other pigs. In the wild, they are foraging animals, primarily eating leaves and grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. Occasionally, in captivity, pigs may eat their own young, often if they become severely stressed.
2023-08-12 01:34:314

Cypress Hill的《Pigs》 歌词

歌曲名:Pigs歌手:Cypress Hill专辑:Live At The FillmorePink Floyd: Pigs (3 different ones )Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.And when your hand is on your heart,You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost a joker,With your head down in the pig bin,Saying "Keep on digging."Pig stain on your fat chin.What do you hope to find.When you"re down in the pig mine.You"re nearly a laugh,But you"re really a cry.Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost worth a quick grin.You like the feel of steel,You"re hot stuff with a hatpin,And good fun with a hand gun.You"re nearly a laugh,You"re nearly a laughBut you"re really a cry.Hey you, Whitehouse, Ha ha charade you are.You house proud town mouse, Ha ha charade you areYou"re trying to keep our feelings off the street.You"re nearly a real treat,All tight lips and cold feetAnd do you feel abused?.....! .....! .....! .....!You gotta stem the evil tide,And keep it all on the inside.Mary you"re nearly a treat,Mary you"re nearly a treatBut you"re really a cry.
2023-08-12 01:35:311

Cypress Hill的《Pigs》 歌词

歌曲名:Pigs歌手:Cypress Hill专辑:The CollectionPink Floyd: Pigs (3 different ones )Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.And when your hand is on your heart,You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost a joker,With your head down in the pig bin,Saying "Keep on digging."Pig stain on your fat chin.What do you hope to find.When you"re down in the pig mine.You"re nearly a laugh,But you"re really a cry.Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost worth a quick grin.You like the feel of steel,You"re hot stuff with a hatpin,And good fun with a hand gun.You"re nearly a laugh,You"re nearly a laughBut you"re really a cry.Hey you, Whitehouse, Ha ha charade you are.You house proud town mouse, Ha ha charade you areYou"re trying to keep our feelings off the street.You"re nearly a real treat,All tight lips and cold feetAnd do you feel abused?.....! .....! .....! .....!You gotta stem the evil tide,And keep it all on the inside.Mary you"re nearly a treat,Mary you"re nearly a treatBut you"re really a cry.
2023-08-12 01:36:151


这两个词的区别我懂,"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的其他区别:1. 词性不同:"pig"是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。"piggy"是"pig"的昵称或可爱的变体形式。例句:- The farmer raises pigs on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养猪。)- Look at that cute little piggy!(看那只可爱的小猪!)2. 客观程度不同:"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。例句:- The pig is eating its food.(猪在吃食物。)- Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?(妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?)3. 表示大小不同:"pig"通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。"piggy"则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。例句:- The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。)- Look at those adorable piggy piglets!(看那些可爱的小小猪仔!)4. 使用方式不同:"pig"通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。"piggy"可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。例句:- Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.(莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。)- Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail? I need to cook it.(你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。)5. 情感色彩不同:"pig"通常没有特殊的情感色彩,只是简单地指代猪。"piggy"可以呈现积极的情感,引发喜爱、关心或喜悦等感受。例句:- We saw some pigs on our farm visit today.(今天我们农场参观时看到了几只猪。)- The kids were delighted to meet the little piggies at the petting zoo.(孩子们在触摸动物园见到小小猪仔时非常开心。)
2023-08-12 01:36:231

Cypress Hill的《Pigs》 歌词

歌曲名:Pigs歌手:Cypress Hill专辑:Cypress HillPink Floyd: Pigs (3 different ones )Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.And when your hand is on your heart,You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost a joker,With your head down in the pig bin,Saying "Keep on digging."Pig stain on your fat chin.What do you hope to find.When you"re down in the pig mine.You"re nearly a laugh,But you"re really a cry.Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost worth a quick grin.You like the feel of steel,You"re hot stuff with a hatpin,And good fun with a hand gun.You"re nearly a laugh,You"re nearly a laughBut you"re really a cry.Hey you, Whitehouse, Ha ha charade you are.You house proud town mouse, Ha ha charade you areYou"re trying to keep our feelings off the street.You"re nearly a real treat,All tight lips and cold feetAnd do you feel abused?.....! .....! .....! .....!You gotta stem the evil tide,And keep it all on the inside.Mary you"re nearly a treat,Mary you"re nearly a treatBut you"re really a cry.
2023-08-12 01:36:511


猪英语是pig。读作:英 [pu026aɡ]。1、变形词:(1)复数:pigs或pig。(2)第三人称单数:pigs。(3)现在分词:pigging。(4)过去式:pigged。(5)过去分词:pigged。2、词组搭配:(1)in pig:(母猪)怀小猪的;[俚语]怀孕的。(2)pig iron:生铁。(3)guinea pig:豚鼠;[动]天竺鼠。(4)pig farm:养猪场。(5)when pigs fly:永无可能;决不可能。(6)pig manure:猪粪;猪粪肥。(7)pig out:狼吞虎咽地大吃;大吃特吃。(8)pig skin:猪皮。(9)pig feed:猪饲料。(10)wild pig:野猪。猪双语例句:1、我们喜欢猪,它们很爱干净。We like pigs,they"re very clean.2、那头猪尖叫着站起来,飞快地跑开了。The pig rose squealing and bolted.3、这些家伙毁了公司。他们是一群贪婪的猪。These guys destroyed the company.They"re all a bunch of greedy pigs.4、有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。There are all sorts of animals,including bears,pigs,kangaroos,and penguins.5、“一头会说话的猪!”他惊叫到,“啊,我太惊奇了”。"A talking pig!"he exclaimed."Well,I"ll be darned."
2023-08-12 01:37:011


这两个词的区别我懂,"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的其他区别:1. 词性不同:"pig"是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。"piggy"是"pig"的昵称或可爱的变体形式。例句:- The farmer raises pigs on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养猪。)- Look at that cute little piggy!(看那只可爱的小猪!)2. 客观程度不同:"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。例句:- The pig is eating its food.(猪在吃食物。)- Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?(妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?)3. 表示大小不同:"pig"通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。"piggy"则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。例句:- The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。)- Look at those adorable piggy piglets!(看那些可爱的小小猪仔!)4. 使用方式不同:"pig"通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。"piggy"可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。例句:- Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.(莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。)- Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail? I need to cook it.(你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。)5. 情感色彩不同:"pig"通常没有特殊的情感色彩,只是简单地指代猪。"piggy"可以呈现积极的情感,引发喜爱、关心或喜悦等感受。例句:- We saw some pigs on our farm visit today.(今天我们农场参观时看到了几只猪。)- The kids were delighted to meet the little piggies at the petting zoo.(孩子们在触摸动物园见到小小猪仔时非常开心。)
2023-08-12 01:38:261

Pigs (Three Different Ones) [2011 - Remaster] 歌词

歌曲名:Pigs (Three Different Ones) [2011 - Remaster]歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:Animals (2011 - Remaster)Pink Floyd: Pigs (3 different ones )Big man, pig man, ha ha charade you are.You well heeled big wheel, ha ha charade you are.And when your hand is on your heart,You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost a joker,With your head down in the pig bin,Saying "Keep on digging."Pig stain on your fat chin.What do you hope to find.When you"re down in the pig mine.You"re nearly a laugh,But you"re really a cry.Bus stop rat bag, ha ha charade you are.You fucked up old hag, ha ha charade you are.You radiate cold shafts of broken glass.You"re nearly a good laugh,Almost worth a quick grin.You like the feel of steel,You"re hot stuff with a hatpin,And good fun with a hand gun.You"re nearly a laugh,You"re nearly a laughBut you"re really a cry.Hey you, Whitehouse, Ha ha charade you are.You house proud town mouse, Ha ha charade you areYou"re trying to keep our feelings off the street.You"re nearly a real treat,All tight lips and cold feetAnd do you feel abused?.....! .....! .....! .....!You gotta stem the evil tide,And keep it all on the inside.Mary you"re nearly a treat,Mary you"re nearly a treatBut you"re really a cry.
2023-08-12 01:38:391


猪 pig 是可数名词 ,复数是规则变化一般在词尾加s即 pigs
2023-08-12 01:38:491

三只小猪盖房子英文版的十分钟 中英翻译半

There are three little pigs. They live in a small house with their mother. "This house is too small. The three of you must leave home. You must build your own homes." says the mother pig one day. 有三只小猪。他们跟猪妈妈同住在一间小屋子里。有一天猪妈妈说:“这房子太小了。你们三个必须搬出去住。你们必须自己盖房子住。” The first little pig gets some hay. "I will build a house of hay, " he says. "It will not be hard. My house will be easy to make. Then, I will go play." 第一只小猪拿了些干草来。“我要盖一间草屋,”他说。“这工作不难。我的屋子很容易盖。盖好后,我就可以去玩耍了。”"I will use sticks to make a house." says the second little pig. "It will be easy. Then, I will go play with my brother." The second little pig quickly builds his home. He goes outside to play. “我要用树枝盖一间屋子,”第二只小猪说。“这工作很容易。盖好后,我就可以跟哥哥去玩耍。”第二只小猪很快就把他的屋子盖好,便到外头去玩耍了。" I will build my houseof bricks. It will take a long time." says the third little pig. He builds his house. It is hard work, but the house is strong. “我的屋子要用砖头来盖。这要花上很长的时间,”第三只小猪说。他便盖起屋子,这工作不轻松,不过屋子却挺牢固的。One day, the three little pigs see some footprints. They are the big bad wolf"s footprints.The little pigs run to their homes. They are afraid of the big bad wolf. He eats little pigs. 有一天,三只小猪看到几个脚印,这是大野狼的脚印。三只小猪赶紧跑回各自的家里。他们很怕大野狼,因为他会吃小猪。
2023-08-12 01:39:371


2023-08-12 01:39:462

do pigs have hands为什么用do

do用在这里目的是加强语气。全句意思是:猪有手吗?重点词汇:pigs英[pu026aɡz]释义:n.猪;令人讨厌的人;贪吃的人;警官(pig的复数)。短语:Bay of Pigs猪猡湾;猪湾;古巴猪湾;猪湾事件。例句:用作名词(n.)1、A pig is a domestic animal.猪是一种家畜。2、The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm.那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。词源解说:直接源自古英语的picg,意为小猪。
2023-08-12 01:39:551


你好同学,意思是:“那里有猪”,there are pigs。谢谢。
2023-08-12 01:40:143


2023-08-12 01:40:211


a herd of pigs~flock常常指鸟群~herd多指兽群~或者直接用 a bunch of pigs~也可以~
2023-08-12 01:40:437

baby pigs 和little baby pigs区别

区别如下:指代不同;little pigs指的是小猪,baby pigs指的是宝贝小猪;用法不同:little pigs的little用作形容词时表示小的,幼小的,指由于因年龄小而身形娇小,含有感情色彩,意思是小的可爱,baby pigs的baby是指还不会说话或走路的幼兽。pigs是pig的复数,是猪群的意思。猪(学名Susscrofa domestica),哺乳纲,偶蹄目,猪科,杂食类动物。猪一般多指家畜。
2023-08-12 01:41:021

Are those pigs?有几种回答

这句话的意思是那些是猪吗?他的回答可以分肯定和否定的两种形式,肯定回答是:Yes ,they are他们的否定形式是No they arent.或者说Yes, those are
2023-08-12 01:41:111


这两个词的区别我懂,"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下pig和piggy的其他区别:1. 词性不同:"pig"是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。"piggy"是"pig"的昵称或可爱的变体形式。例句:- The farmer raises pigs on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养猪。)- Look at that cute little piggy!(看那只可爱的小猪!)2. 客观程度不同:"pig"是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。"piggy"则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。例句:- The pig is eating its food.(猪在吃食物。)- Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?(妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?)3. 表示大小不同:"pig"通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。"piggy"则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。例句:- The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.(农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。)- Look at those adorable piggy piglets!(看那些可爱的小小猪仔!)4. 使用方式不同:"pig"通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。"piggy"可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。例句:- Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.(莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。)- Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail? I need to cook it.(你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。)5. 情感色彩不同:"pig"通常没有特殊的情感色彩,只是简单地指代猪。"piggy"可以呈现积极的情感,引发喜爱、关心或喜悦等感受。例句:- We saw some pigs on our farm visit today.(今天我们农场参观时看到了几只猪。)- The kids were delighted to meet the little piggies at the petting zoo.(孩子们在触摸动物园见到小小猪仔时非常开心。)
2023-08-12 01:41:181


妈妈:Goodbye,kids!build your own house,but be careful of the wolf. 三只小猪:goodbye,mum. Pig one: “Please, grandpa, give me that straw to build me a house." 稻草爷爷:the house will be beautiful,but it easy to be broken down by wind. Pig one:never mind.only for live. 稻草爷爷:it"s you are. 狼: "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." pigone answered: "No, no, go away." The wolf: "Then I"ll huff, and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in." Pig one:I"m regretful that I didn"t listen to the grandpa. Wolf: "Little pig, little pig, let me come in." Pig one and two:"No, no, go away." Wolf:"it"s very easy.sticks is not strong.Then I"ll puff, and I"ll huff, and I"ll blow your house in." Wolf:Little pig, little pig, open the door." Threepigs:"No, no, you are the wolf.go away" Wolf:"Then I"ll huff, and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in." Wolf: "Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips." Three pigs:"Where?" Wolf:"Oh, in Mr. Smith"s home field, and if you will be ready tomorrow morning I will call for you, and we will go together and get some for dinner." Three pigs:"Very well,I will be ready. What time do you mean to go?" Wolf:"Oh, at six o"clock." Wolf: "Little pig, are you ready?" The little pig said, "Ready! I have been and come back again, and got a nice potful for dinner." Three pigs:sing a song.
2023-08-12 01:41:343

要求将PCA、PCC配置在VLAN 10中,将PCB、PCD配置在VLAN 20中,写出SWA、SWB的配置命令

SWAinterface ethernet 1/0/1 switchport mode accessswitchport access vlan 10interface ethernet 1/0/2 switchport mode accessswitchport access vlan 20interface ethernet 1/0/24 switchport mode trunkSWBinterface ethernet 1/0/1 switchport mode accessswitchport access vlan 10interface ethernet 1/0/2 switchport mode accessswitchport access vlan 20interface ethernet 1/0/24 switchport mode trunk
2023-08-12 01:33:002


scarf n. 围巾; 例句: She tied her scarf over her head. 她把围巾围在头上。 He unwound his scarf from his neck. 他从脖子上解下围巾。 A scarf was wrapped around his neck. 他的脖子上围着一条围巾。 扩展资料   I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf.   我买了条很棒的.扎染丝巾。   I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.   我用我的红围巾换了她的蓝围巾。   He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck.   他伸出手松开围在脖子上的围巾。   Greenough wears a blue chequered shirt, red scarf and brown chaps.   格里诺穿着一件蓝格子衬衣、红围巾,棕色皮套裤。   How much did the scarf cost Alice?   爱丽丝的围巾花了多少钱?
2023-08-12 01:33:041


2023-08-12 01:33:041


雨后为什么会出现彩虹?雨后会出现彩虹是因为空气中悬浮着大量的小水滴,当阳光照射到这些水滴时,光线会发生折射和反射,形成七彩光谱。 彩虹的明显程度取决于空气中小水滴的大小,小水滴体积越大,形成的彩虹越鲜亮。 彩虹通常在下午、雨后刚转天晴时出现,这时空气内尘埃少而充满小水滴。 冬天一般不会有彩虹出现,因为冬天的气温较低,在空中不容易存在小水滴,下雨的机会也少。
2023-08-12 01:33:071


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2023-08-12 01:33:171


围巾英语:scarf双语例句:围巾轻拂着她的脸。The scarf flapped her face. 今年流行那种围巾。Those scarfs are in this year. 喂, 你的围巾快掉了。Hey, your scarf is slipping off.
2023-08-12 01:33:171

会计学原理编制会计分录 根据某公司以下经济业务编制会计分录:

2023-08-12 01:33:232


2023-08-12 01:32:571


2023-08-12 01:32:551


2023-08-12 01:32:542


2023-08-12 01:32:501


2023-08-12 01:32:481

求 《会计学原理》第9版 pdf 谢谢

2023-08-12 01:32:471


  美食对于人们的吸引力是非常大的,为了烹煮出可口的食物,大家需要各种不同的家电来帮忙。微波炉可以说是现代家庭中比较受欢迎的用来加热食物的现代烹饪灶具。随着科技的进步,厨房家电的产品也越来越多,市场上也出现了一种叫做光波炉的加热神器。那么光波炉和微波炉有什么区别呢?两者有何不同呢?下面为大家具体介绍一下!   一、什么是光波炉   光波炉号称是微波炉的升级版,光波炉是指采用光波和微波对食物进行双重高效加热,因其能瞬间产生巨大热量,却不耗电,反而具有节能的特点,深受大家的欢迎!   二、什么是微波炉   相信大多数人对微波炉都比较熟悉。微波炉是利用食物在微波场中吸收微波能量而使自身加热的现代化烹调灶具。微波炉利用内部的烧烤管进行微波传递,使食物中的水分子也随之运动,从而加热事物。   三、光波炉与微波炉的区别   1、价格上的区别   (1)微波炉使用的铜管或者石英管成本比较低,所以微波炉价格稍稍便宜一些。   (2)光波炉使用的光波管成本只比铜管或者石英管贵一点点,但是光波炉价格比微波炉贵的多。   2、加热方式的不同   (1)微波炉内部的烧烤管是磁控管,它是一种微波发生器,是从内到外加热食物。微波炉的烧烤管普遍使用的是铜管或者石英管,石英管的热效不太高;而铜管在加热以后很难冷却,容易导致烫伤。   (2)光波炉又叫光波微波炉,光波炉的烧烤管是卤素管又称其为光波管。光波是从外至内加热食物的。光波炉冷却速度也快,加热效率更高,而且不会烤焦,从而保证食物色泽。   3、功能上的区别   (1)众所周知,微波炉装食物的容器必须用绝缘材料制成,否则不安全。   (2)光波炉是不挑锅具的,对装事物的材质要求也不是太多,光波炉有炒菜、煮米饭、加热牛奶、取暖等多种功能。   4、对人体的影响不同   (1)微波炉是微波辐射,对身体有害。   (2)光波炉的工作原理是没有辐射,健康环保,而且烹饪的食物美味健康,光波炉发出的红外线光对人体有辅助理疗作用。
2023-08-12 01:32:471


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