barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-21 21:53:57





  Where can I get a taxi?

  Where can I get a taxi? (我在哪儿可以打到车?)

  There"s a taxi stand up ahead. (前面就有出租汽车站。)

  Where can I catch a taxi?

  Do you know where I can get a taxi? (您知道哪儿有出租汽车站吗?)

  Where"s a taxi stand around here? (这附近哪儿有出租汽车站?)


  Where"s the taxi stand?

  Where"s the cabstand?


  Call me a taxi, please.

  Call me a taxi, please. (请帮我叫辆出租车。)

  Certainly. Where to, sir? (好的,您去哪儿?)

  Can you get me a taxi, please? (您能帮我叫辆出租车吗?)

  Taxi, please.

  Hail a taxi, please. *hail 表示“大声叫、叫住(船、车、人等)”。

  Ring me a taxi, please. *英式英语。用于打电话叫出租车时。


  How long does it take to get downtown?


  How much does it cost?

  How much will it cost?

  How much do you charge?


  Where to?

  Where"re you going?

  Where would you like to go? (您想去哪儿?)


  To Wall Street, please.


  To this address, please.

  Take me to this address, please.

  I"d like to go to this address.

  Please take me here. (请带我到这儿。)


  I"m in a hurry.

  I"m in a hurry. (我有急事。)

  May I ask why? (怎么了?)*有礼貌的问法。


  Take the shortest way, please.


  Could you wait for me, please?


  Stop here, please.


  Could you help me carry my bag?


  How much would it cost to get there? *用would表示类似“要是去……的话”的语气,句子显得有礼貌、客气。

  How much will it cost?


  Where"s the bus stop?


  Is there a bus to the airport?

  Is there a bus to the airport? (有去机场的汽车吗?)

  No, I"m afraid not. (恐怕没有。)


  How many stops to the museum?


  When is the next bus to Narita?

  When is the next bus to Narita? (下趟到成田机场的车是几点?)

  It"s at 4∶10. (4点10分。)

  When does the next bus to Narita leave? (下趟到成田的车几点开?)

  How long do I have to wait for the next bus to Narita? (还得等多长时间才能有到成田机场的车?)

  What time is the next bus to Narita?

  How soon is the next bus to Narita? (下趟到成田的车多久才能来?)


  Does this bus go to the airport?


  Could you tell me when to get off?

  Could you tell me when to get off? (麻烦您到站时告诉我一声。)

  No problem. (没问题。)


  The bus has just left. *加上just含有“就在刚才”的语气。

  The bus just left.

  We just missed our bus. (就在刚才,我们错过了那趟汽车。) *miss“错过,没赶上”。


  The buses don"t come on time. *on time“正点,按时间”。

  The buses are not punctual.

  The buses don"t come as scheduled.

  The buses are always late. (汽车总是晚点。)


  Is this seat taken?

  Is this seat taken? (这儿有人坐吗?)

  No, it"s not. (没人坐。)

  Is anyone sitting here? (有人坐这儿吗?)

  Can I sit here? (我可以坐这儿吗?)

  Do you mind if I sit here? (我坐这儿可以吗?)

  Is this seat free?


  Isn"t the traffic heavy?

  Isn"t it crowded?

  Isn"t the road congested?


  A subway map, please.

  Could I have a subway map, please? *比较礼貌的"说法。


  Where"s the ticket counter?


  How much is the fare to Shinjuku?

  How much is the fare to Shinjuku? (到新宿多少钱?)

  I"ll find out for you. (我看一下。)

  What is the fare to Shinjuku?

  How much does it cost to get to Shinjuku?

  What"s the price of a ticket to Shinjuku?

  How much do I pay to go to Shinjuku?


  It"s one hundred fifty yen.


  Which train should I take to Shinjuku?

  Which train goes to Shinjuku? (哪趟车到新宿?)

  Which train stops at Shinjuku? (哪趟车在新宿停?)

  Which train is going toward Shinjuku? (哪趟车开往新宿?)


  Where am I supposed to change? *be supposed to…“应该做……”。

  Where am I supposed to change? (我应该在哪站换车?)

  At Shinjuku. (在新宿。)

  Where do I change trains?

  Where should I change trains?

  Where am I supposed to transfer?

  At what station should I change?


  Where am I supposed to get off for Ogikubo?


  You can change to the JR Chuo Line at Shinjuku.


  Where can I catch an express train? *特快是a limited express, 每站都停的车是a local train。


  Go to track number two.

  Go to track two.

  Take this train. (坐这趟车。)

  Take the orange train. (坐那辆黄色的车。)

  Take the Chuo Line. (坐中央线。)


  How often do the trains come?

  How frequently do the trains come? *frequently 表示频繁程度,“不时地,频繁地”。

  How many trains run in an hour? (一个小时有几趟车?)

  When do the trains come? (车什么时候来?)


  The trains come every ten minutes. *every表示“每”。

  The trains run six times an hour. (一个小时有6趟车。)

  The trains come very often. (一会儿一趟。)

  The trains come five times a day. (一天5趟车。)


  When is the next express?

  When is the next express? (下趟快车是几点?)

  At 1:10. (1点10分。)


  What time is the last train to Chofu?

  What time is the last train to Chofu? (到调布的末班车是几点?)

  I"m not sure. Probably around midnight. (不清楚,大概是夜里12点吧。)


  Is the next train an express?


  Does this train stop at Chofu?

  Does this train stop at Chofu? (这趟车在调布停吗?)

  Yes, it does. (停。)

  Will this train stop at Chofu?

  Does this train go to Chofu? (这趟车去调布吗?)


  It"s the fourth stop from here.

  How far is it to Shinjuku? (到新宿有多远?)

  It"s the fourth stop from here. (从这到那儿有4站地。)

  There are four more stops to Shinjuku.

  There are four more stops before Shinjuku.


  After the next stop.

  The second stop. (第2个站。)

  Two more stops. (还有两站。)


  How many stops are there to Shinjuku?

  How many stops are there to Shinjuku?(到新宿还有几站?)

  There are four more stops to Shinjuku.(到新宿还有4站。)


  What"s the next stop?

  What"s the next station?

  Could you tell me what the next station is? (您能告诉我下站是哪儿吗?)

  Would you tell me what the next stop is? (请告诉我下站到哪儿了?)

  I was wondering what the next station is. (我不知道下站是哪儿。)

  Is the next station Chofu? (下站是调布吗?)


  The next stop is Chofu.



  1. The quirks and quacks on the subway can make your five-stop train ridean unbearable mess.


  2. I really hate it when people push their way into cars before others exitthe train.


  3. Don"t be a pole hugger. The pole is meant for more than one person touse. You hold the pole, not wrap yourself around the pole.


  4. People having loud, TMI phone conversations on subway are annoying.


  5. I hate it when people stand in front of the turnstile and then startfishing in their purses or pockets for their Metrocards.


  6. Some people don"t even bother with earphones and turn on music on theirphone so loud that other people can hear it. There"s an extra demerit for anyonewho sings along with what they"re listening to.


  7. Why doesn"t they have a backup plan when the trains go out of serviceunexpectedly?


  8. Panhandling on the subway really bug me. Another pet peeve of mine ispeople who sit with their legs spread apart, taking up two seats.


  9. My biggest pet peeve is the subway door blockers.


  10. I hate it when people hold closing doors open for their slow friendswho take forever to swipe a MetroCard, damaging the car and delaying everyoneelse.




什么车才算是英语中的shuttle bus?

穿梭巴士 shuttle bus[英][ˈʃʌtl bʌs][美][ˈʃʌtl bʌs] n.豪华轿车; 通常称为“摆渡车”,.
2023-08-12 17:51:362


2023-08-12 17:51:453

公司班车 英语怎么说

company"s shuttle bus
2023-08-12 17:52:414

“坐班车”英文 怎么说阿

by bus take a bus
2023-08-12 17:52:516


They get up early to catch the first bus.
2023-08-12 17:53:226

英文中 last bus是上班车还是末班车

2023-08-12 17:53:552

第一班车英语是用early bus还是用fiart bus 谢谢

the first early bus
2023-08-12 17:54:043


early train 也可以。
2023-08-12 17:54:284


2023-08-12 17:54:504

员工班车费, 英文怎么说

班车是regular bus,不宜做直译commute是通勤的意思,更为贴切commute fees for staff members
2023-08-12 17:55:065


2023-08-12 17:55:301


the last bus/train
2023-08-12 17:55:545


2023-08-12 17:56:336


2023-08-12 17:57:263

通勤车 用英语怎么说

Commuter vehicles
2023-08-12 17:58:106


。。。Traffic? 交通方面很多啊,地铁、车站、路标系统,您要哪个呀?
2023-08-12 17:58:336

最后一班车是几点开? 英文怎么说?谢谢

What"s the departure time for the last train?
2023-08-12 17:59:055


噢 顺便说一下,我目前上的ABC天卞英语中心的导师和我们说过 就是要学好英语是轻松的..坚持有个恰当的研习环境跟练习口语对象,这取决于外教资质,口语纯正非常重要,不间断经常口语练习 一对一家教式辅导才能够有最.好.的学习效果~课后同样要复习听取课后录音反馈,更可以加深印象~然后要是真的无口语交谈的人的状况下,最好能上 VOA或BBC获得课余学习材料练习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,迅速的口语能力就加强起来 学习成效会非常突飞猛进的!the hotel receptionist_Rthe foreigner_FR: Good morning, Ts is Huaxia Hotel.What can i do for you?F: Good morning, I will drive to Kunming tomorrow on business. I"d like to reserve a room.R: Ok.May i have your name sir?F: Yes, ts is Frank.F-r-a-n-k,Frank.R: Ok, Mr.Frank.We have available rooms.What kind of room do you like to book?F: Hold on, How about your esuipment in the hotel and what about the service,like breakfast,parking and so on.R: Our hotel was built in 00 and it locates in the downtown of Kunming .And all the esuipments here are well-designed and match the security standard well.We offer free breakfast for those who are in the double room.We provide free net service for the Business suite.Free parking in the hotel"s underground park.F: Sounds great! I"d like to order the Business Suite.R: Mr.Frank, May i have your arrival time and your contact number? and how long will you keep your room?F: I will be there at about :0 pm tomorrow in my own car.My cellphone number is 1.Iwill stay there for days.R: Ok sir, Mr.Frank, your reservation for a business suite has been confirmed.I will expecting you tomorrow. Drive safely!F: Thank you so much!Bye!R: Thanks for calling,Good bye.
2023-08-12 17:59:231


如果你赶不上火车也没关系,因为晚些时候还有一班车It"s okay if you can"t catch the train, because there will be a bus later
2023-08-12 17:59:351


公交运营简单英语术语   导语:公共交通是人们日常出行的主要方式,下面是我收集整理的公交运营简单英语术语,欢迎参考!   1. 客运   passenger transport   城市公共交通企业运送乘客的业务。   2. 运营,营运   operating   公共交通的运输和经营。   3. 劳动班次   working shift   一天中,司机、乘务员工作时间的安排。   4. 整班   one-piece run   司机、乘务员连续工作的劳动班次。   5. 分班   every other run   司机、乘务员间断工作的劳动班次。   6. 替代   relief run   代替司机、乘务员休息日的劳动班次。   7. 司机   driver   公共交通工具的职业驾驶者。   8. 乘务员   attendant   随车售票及为乘客服务的人员。   9. 检查员   inspector   执行查票任务的人员。   10. 调度员   cotroller   城市公共交通企业中担任调度工作的人员。   11. 服务质量   service level   在公共交通服务中,安全、迅速、舒适、方便、正点等方面的优劣程度。   12. 安全行车   safe driving   公共交通车辆无事故的运行。   13. 车容   vehicle appearance   车辆外观和内部设备的综合面貌。   14. 站貌   station appearance   车站环境、设施及布置等的.综合面貌。   15. 车况   vehicle condition   公共交通车辆的车厢及机械动力装置的技术状况。   16. 运营时间   service time   公共交通为乘客提供的服务时间。   17. 非运营时间   non-service time   公共交通车辆的非营业时间。   18. 回场时间   pull-in time   回场车驶抵车场的时刻。   19. 单程时间   single-trip time   按行车时刻表的规定,车辆自起点站到终点站的运行时间。   20. 停站时间   dwell time   车辆在沿途站的停留时间。包括乘客上、下车时间和启闭车门的时间。   21. 终点站停车时间   layover time   车辆在终点站自调头停车后至回程发车离站的时间。   22. 调头时间   turn round time   车辆在终点站或沿途站空车回程转向的时间。   23. 首班车时间   first vehicle hour   首班车驶离起点站或到达各沿途站的时刻。   24. 末班车时间   final vehicle hour   末班车驶离起点站或到达各沿途站的时刻。   25. 收车时间   off-running time   末班车到达终点站结束运营的时刻。 ;
2023-08-12 17:59:431


rear door 后门。
2023-08-12 18:00:152


You would have to wait for another two hours ,if you miss the early bus.理由同 jissyli - 魔法师 四级
2023-08-12 18:00:324


2023-08-12 18:00:473


今早晨起晚,所没赶早班车 He was late this morning, so he didn"t catch the early bus. 今早晨起晚,所没赶早班车 He was late this morning, so he didn"t catch the early bus
2023-08-12 18:00:581

我早起以便赶上早班车 英语怎么说

I get up so early that I can catch a bus
2023-08-12 18:01:076


他迟到的原因是他没有赶上早班车英语:he was late for he missed the morning bus主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句都属于名词性从句范畴。引导这些从句的连词大体上相同,但是部分学生对其中某些连词之间的区别还不甚清楚。此外连词之间的差异也一直是各类英语试题的命题热点。that,what和which1. that引导名词性从句时只起连接从句的作用,本身没有任何意义,因此在从句中不充当任何句子成分,它的使用须注意以下几点:A. 引导宾语从句时,that常可省略,但如果主句后跟有并列宾语从句时,只能省略第一个that;若宾语从句前插有别的从句时,that也不能省略。例如:He told me (that) he was all right and that he would come to see me when he was free. 他告诉我说他很好,并说在他有空时来看我。B. that引导主语从句位于句首时不可省略.如果it作形式主语,而that从句置于句末, 这时that可以省略。
2023-08-12 18:01:341


班车用英语怎么说 shuttle 长途大巴用英文怎么说 长途大巴的英文应该是“coach" 它也有“教练”的意思。 班车?英语怎么说 词典结果: 班车[bān chē]regular bus (service); scheduled bus ; 公司班车 英语怎么说 Shuttle Bus 我公司是这么用的 我乘坐长途大巴车去其他城市用英文两种说法怎么说 我乘坐长途大巴车去其他城市 I go to other cities by Long-distance coaches. 2. I take Long-distance coaches to go to other cities. “坐班车”英文 怎么说阿 take a shuttle 乘坐汽车用英语怎么说?用两种。可以说get a bus吗? 不可以的,take a bus,或者是by bus(I go to some place by bus) 汽车客运站用英语怎么说 一般都可以叫bus station,如果一定要分,可以说long-distance bus station或者coach station。 巴士用英语怎么说 bus 我们需要订机场大巴英语怎样讲 We need to order the airport shuttle bus. 祝你开心!
2023-08-12 18:02:191


问题一:公共汽车英语单词怎么写 bus n. 公共汽车 [ 复数 buses ] 短语: by bus 乘公共汽车 ; 班车 ; 坐公交车 ; 乘公交车 Daewoo Bus 大宇巴士 ; 通用 Shanghai Bus 上海公交 句子: He jumped on the crowded bus. 他跳上了拥挤的公共汽车。 He pothered all evening over the bus schedule. 他为公共汽车时刻表心烦了整个晚上。 Talking loudly on a bus is a sign of vulgarity. 在公共汽车上大声喧哗是一种粗鄙的行为。 问题二:面包车、飞机、大巴车的英语单词怎么写 面包车: minibus/microbus 飞机: plane/aircraft 大巴车: bus 问题三:从的英语单词怎么写 从 [cōng,cóng] from follow through yielding unhurried 问题四:1到10的英文单词怎么写 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 场5 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 问题五:谢谢的英语单词怎么写啊? Thanks或Thank you thanks[英][θ??ks][美][θ??ks] n.感谢,谢谢; 感谢,谢谢,道谢的话( thank的名词复数 ); int.感激(的),致谢(的); v.谢谢,感谢( thank的第三人称单数 ); 责怪;
2023-08-12 18:02:261


问题一:“班次”用英语怎么说 Shift 问题二:班车用英语怎么说 shuttle 问题三:生产班次用英语怎么说? shift 晚班 night shift 问题四:火车班次用英语怎么说? 比较正式说:The frequency of the trains 问题五:“时间有限”用英语怎么说 时间有限 [网络] time constraint; time is limited; time limited; [例句]可惜的是,我的时间有限。 Unfortunately, my time is limited 问题六:找时间 用英语怎么说 找时间 make time; [例句]我们另外找时间再谈吧。 Let"s talk it over again some other time. 他仍然会找时间为女友准备烛光晚餐,制造浪漫。 He still finds time for romance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend “你愿意再找时间做那件事吗?”――“我觉得可以。” "Would you like to do that another time." ― "Yes I think so." 问题七:运行时间用英语怎么说 runtime; run time运行时间The table shows the run time / runtime for each bination. 该表展示了每个组合的运行时间。
2023-08-12 18:02:331


2023-08-12 18:02:422


2023-08-12 18:02:547


Bus comes every hour.
2023-08-12 18:03:493


问题一:首末班车用英语怎么说? First bus/ train Last bus/train 问题二:(公交车)末班没有了,用英文怎么说,俚语一些? The final shift has left. 问题三:末班车英语怎么说 the last bus final run vehicle 问题四:夜,末班车。英语怎么翻译? 夜,末班车。 Midnight , The last bus. 问题五:末班车的英文缩写? 如果你说的是电影《末班车》就是The Last Train(火车、列车) 如果是别的,只要把train换成bus(公车,巴士) 问题六:最后一班车是几点,用英语怎么说 最后一班车是几点, What time is the last bus, 问题七:班车用英语怎么说 shuttle 问题八:末班车也走了 用英语怎么说 ? 末班车也走了 The last bus has also gone.
2023-08-12 18:03:561


1.shouldn"t miss; early 2.should take ; with 3.had better go; by 4.had better not go 5.good through the year 6.sounds interesting 7.expensive to travel
2023-08-12 18:04:031


“尾班车” 的英文 按不同情况可以是: The last bus。如果所讲的车辆是大型公共汽车如巴士 “尾班车” 是 the last bus。你可以说 ‘We managed to catch the last bus home" (我们刚好赶上尾班车回家)。 The last train。当涉及的是火车或列车 “尾班车” 是 the last train。外国地方广大 火车是不可或缺的交通公具 例如美国文化中的歌曲便往往提及此话题 有乡谣歌曲名为 The Last Train To Geia、亦有流行乐曲歌名是 Last Train To Clarksville (Geia 和 Clarksville 都是美国地方名称)。在中国香港 外籍人士会在观塘地铁总站问职员 ‘When is the last train to Tsimshatsui ?" (往尖沙咀的尾班车几时开出呀?) The last despatch。在经营车辆行走的机构来说 “尾班车” 是 the last despatch。本港上市小巴公司「进智公交」绿色专线小巴车站的告示 有显示 “头班车” 和 “尾班车” 的时间 中英对照 前者是 first despatch、后者是 last despatch。‘Despatch" 亦可作 ‘dispatch" 原解 ‘派遣"、‘调遣" 在汽车公司角度来看 头班车即公司派遣第一班车出厂 故称为despatch 尾班车亦如同 因而借用despatch一字。 清楚详细,一流! The tail class car The last bus. last bus the end bus end bus Example: 我要赶尾班车 I have to catch the last bus. The last bus. Example: 我要赶尾班车 I have to catch the last bus.
2023-08-12 18:04:391


可以说“to catch the first bus”
2023-08-12 18:04:473

错过早班车能不能用英语说成pass the bus

Miss the early bus 最佳答案
2023-08-12 18:04:563


问题一:火车班次用英语怎么说? 比较正式说:The frequency of the trains 问题二:请问 火车车次 用英语怎么说?? Train No. baidu/...n&ct=0 问题三:班次(例如“列车班次”)用英语怎么说? Frequency 问题四:班车用英语怎么说 shuttle 问题五:火车用英语怎么拼 火车 train choochoo iron horse 问题六:“班次”用英语怎么说 Shift 问题七:火车的英语用中文怎么说 列车train 机车lootive 问题八:生产班次用英语怎么说? shift 晚班 night shift 问题九:火车车次 英文请问“火车车次”用英文怎么说 train number
2023-08-12 18:05:041


One train every 15 minutes
2023-08-12 18:05:303


when is the last bus arriving
2023-08-12 18:05:402


school bus如果答案对您有帮助,请点采纳或右上角好评哦!!谢谢 O(∩_∩)O
2023-08-12 18:05:481


2023-08-12 18:06:182


2023-08-12 18:06:252

英语翻译 末班车是几点

2023-08-12 18:07:252


求“汽车”英语单词怎么写 汽车的英语单词是automobile,详细信息如下: automobile 英 [u02c8u0254:tu0259mu0259bi:l] 美 [u02ccu0254tu0259mou02c8bil, -u02c8mou02ccbil] n. 汽车 v.开汽车,坐汽车 例句: You must obtain a new automobile license when your old one expires. 当旧的汽车牌照满期,你得领取新的。 她乘坐小汽车来学校用英语怎么写? 顺手采纳答案 她乘坐小汽车来学校 的英语是 She came to school by car 小车的英文。 小 车 [词典] dolly; wheelbarrow; handbarrow; sedan; handcart; [例句]这辆小车外表看起来还不赖。 The car is not bad in appearance. 公共汽车英文怎么写 bus 公共汽车 公共汽车在路上抛锚了。 The bus broke down on the way. 我在等公共汽车。 I was waiting for a bus. 这趟公共汽车中途不停。 This is a nonstop bus. 我真幸运赶上了最后一班公共汽车。 I was lucky enough to catch the last bus. 公共汽车英语单词怎么写 bus n. 公共汽车 [ 复数 buses ] 短语: by bus 乘公共汽车 ; 班车 ; 坐公交车 ; 乘公交车 Daewoo Bus 大宇巴士 ; 通用 Shanghai Bus 上海公交 句子: He jumped on the crowded bus. 他跳上了拥挤的公共汽车。 He pothered all evening over the bus schedule. 他为公共汽车时刻表心烦了整个晚上。 Talking loudly on a bus is a sign of vulgarity. 在公共汽车上大声喧哗是一种粗鄙的行为。
2023-08-12 18:07:321


2023-08-12 18:07:434


Missing the last train means词汇拓展:train,英文单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词时译为“火车;行列;长队;裙裾”,作动词时译为“培养;训练;瞄准”。mean,作动词时意为“用意;意味着;意欲;引起;十分熟悉;严肃地说;意义重大;预示”作形容词时意为“吝啬的;刻薄的;低劣的;凶狠的;平均的;简陋的;出身卑贱的;(非正式)有效的”,作名词时意为“ 平均值;中庸”凶狠的
2023-08-12 18:07:501


标准的翻译! was sitting by train to go to school
2023-08-12 18:08:452

快点,否则你要错过末班车了 英文翻译

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: Hurry up, or you will miss the last bus.
2023-08-12 18:09:372


两种译法:1) They got up early so as to catch the first bus (或 the first scheduled bus); 2) They got up early so that they could catch the first (scheduled) bus.这一句是用动词不定式 so as to, 这句是个简单句;so as to 是强调目的;第二名是个目的状语从句, 由so that 引导。班车是scheduled bus,如果不强调是班车,用bus也就行了。希望对你有用。相信我,没错的!
2023-08-12 18:09:482