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2023-08-22 11:05:25
TAG: 英文

Thanksgiving day is the united states and canada, the festival. it originated in more than 300 years ago a shipment of 100 many immigrants from europe to america, hunger and cold it is difficult to live, and most people in the first year was dying of hunger in winter, more than 50 people at the local residents, the indian help to go fishing, hunting, and to plant corn and pumpkin. the second year of harvests, a thank god, and invited to attend. the indians with。This is the origin of thanksgiving day. later, president lincoln proclaimed the united states each year on the fourth thursday in november for thanksgiving。




Thanksgiving day is the united states and canada, the festival. it originated in more than 300 years ago a shipment of 100 many immigrants from europe to america, hunger and cold it is difficult to live, and most people in the first year was dying of hunger in winter, more than 50 people at the local residents, the indian help to go fishing, hunting, and to plant corn and pumpkin. the second year of harvests, a thank god, and invited to attend. the indians with。This is the origin of thanksgiving day. later, president lincoln proclaimed the united states each year on the fourth thursday in november for thanksgiving。





October 31st (western countries)

Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back

thousands of years. The holiday has had many influences from many

cultures over the centuries. From the Roman"s Pomona Day, to the

Celtic festival of Samhain, to the Christian holidays of All Saints

and All Souls Days.

Hundreds of years ago in what is now Great Britain and Northern

France, lived the Celts (凯尔特人), who worshipped (崇拜) nature and had

many gods, with the sun god as their favorite. They celebrated their

New Year on November 1st which was made every year with a festival

and marked the end of the "season of the sun" and the beginning of

"the season of darkness and cold."

On October 31st after the crops were all harvested and stored for

the long winter the cooking fires in the homes would be extinguished

(消失). The Druids, the Celtic priests, would meet in the hilltop in

the dark oak forest (oak trees were considered sacred). They would

light new fires and offer sacrifices of crops and animals. As they

danced around the fires, the season of the sun passed and the season

of darkness would begin.

When the morning arrived the Druids would give an ember from their

fires to each family who would then take them home to start new

cooking fires. These fires would keep the homes warm and free from

evil spirits.

The November 1st festival was called Samhain (pronounced "sow-en").

The festival would last for 3 days. Many people would parade in

costumes made from the skins and heads of their animals. This

festival would become the first Halloween.

The Celtics would carry a lantern (灯笼) when they walked on the eve

of October 31. These lanterns were carved out of big turnips (大头菜)

and the lights were believed to keep the evil spirits away. Children

would carve faces in the turnips. These carved turnips were called


It is said that the "jack-o-lantern" got its name from a stingy

(吝啬的) and mean old man, named Jack, who when he died was too mean to

get into heaven. When Jack went to hell he was meet by the Devil who

gave him a piece of burning coal and sent him away. Jack placed the

burning coal in a turnip to use as a lantern to light his way. The

legends claim that Jack is still walking with the lantern looking

for a place to stay.

When the early settlers came to America they found the big round

orange pumpkin. Being larger and much more colorful than turnips,

the pumpkin made great "jack-o-lanterns". Eventually the pumpkin

would replace the turnip. Eventually the Pumpkin would become the

most widely recognized symbol(象征)of the Halloween holiday.

The history of "Trick"O"Treating" can be traced back (追溯) to the

early celebrations of All Soul"s Day in Britain. The poor would go

begging and the housewives would give them special treats called

"soulcakes". This was called "going a-souling", and the "soulers"

would promise to say a prayer for the dead.

Over time the custom changed and the town"s children became the

beggars. As they went from house to house they would be given

apples, buns (圆形的小甜面包), and money. During the Pioneer days of the

American West, the housewives would give the children candy to keep

from being tricked. The children would shout "Trick or Treat!".


Thanksgiving Day



感恩节的由来英文介绍如下:Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.Family Reunion and Feasting?Family feast is an important tradition during Thanksgiving.The entire family sits at the table during dinner and offer prayer to the Lord Almighty for his continuous grace.It is also a time for relatives living in different places to come together and celebrate.Tradition of Turkey?The traditional stuffed turkey adorns every dinner table during the feast.Pumpkin pie,Cranberry sauce,Corns are some of the dishes cooked everywhere to mark the day.Though historians don"t have an evidence to prove that turkey was eaten during the first Thanksgiving dinner,the thanksgiving celebration will be incomplete without it.Football Games?Watching NFL football during Thanksgiving is a popular tradition.The traditional game between the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers continues.One of the most memorable games having been played on this day.感恩节感恩节是西方传统节日,是美国、加拿大感谢上帝赐予一年度丰收的节日,起源于马萨诸塞普利茅斯的早期移民。加拿大感恩节定于每年10月第二个星期一,美国感恩节定于每年11月第四个星期四。在风俗习惯上,美国和加拿大基本一致。
2023-08-13 12:36:251


Thanksgiving food
2023-08-13 12:37:224


Hppy Thanksgiving Day.
2023-08-13 12:37:383


  每年11月的第四个星期四是美国最具特色的重要节日——感恩节。你知道感恩节相关的英文单词吗?下面我精心整理了感恩节相关的英文单词的相关资料,希望可以帮到你!  感恩节相关的英文单词   Thanksgiving Day 感恩节   Happy Thanksgiving Day 感恩节快乐   family reunion 家人团聚   purely American 纯美国式   cherished traditions 宝贵的传统   blessings 恩典   religious services 宗教仪式   Black Friday黑色星期五   MayFlower 五月花号   Mayflower Compact 《五月花号公约》   Puritan 清教徒   religious persecution 宗教迫害   Wampanoag tribe 万帕诺亚格部落   Plymouth Colony 普利茅斯殖民地   Indian 印第安人   hunt 狩猎   fishing 捕鱼   crop 作物   Turkey 火鸡   Turkey Day (也称)感恩节   venison 鹿肉   wild bird 野鸟   goose 鹅   entree 主菜   sweet potatoes 红薯   cranberries 越橘   pumpkin pie 南瓜派   flavoring 调料   pardon 赦免   美国感恩节习俗英文版   What is Thanksgiving?   The first Thanksgiving Days in New England were harvest festivals, or days for thanking God for plentiful crops. For this reason, the holiday still takes place late in the fall, after the crops have been gathered. For thousands of years, people in many parts of the world have held harvest festivals. The American Thanksgiving Day probably grew out of the harvest-home celebrations of England.   In the United States, Thanksgiving is usually a family day, celebrated with big dinners and joyous reunions. The very mention of Thanksgiving often calls up memories of kitchens and pantries crowded with good things to eat. Thanksgiving is also a time for serious religious thinking, church services, and prayer.   The first Thanksgiving observance in America was entirely religious and did not involve feasting. On Dec. 4, 1619, a group of 38 English settlers arrived at Berkeley Plantation, on the James River near what is now Charles City, Va. The group"s charter required that the day of arrival be observed yearly as a day of thanksgiving to God.   The first Thanksgiving in New England was celebrated in Plymouth less than a year after the Plymouth colonists had settled in America. The first dreadful winter in Massachusetts had killed about half the members of the colony. But new hope arose in the summer of 1621. The settlers expected a good corn harvest, despite poor crops of peas, wheat, and barley. Thus, in early autumn, governor William Bradford arranged a harvest festival to give thanks to God for the progress the colony had made.   The festival lasted three days. The men of Plymouth had shot ducks, geese, and turkeys. The menu also included clams, eel and other fish, wild plums and leeks, corn bread, and watercress. The women of the settlement supervised cooking over outdoor fires. About 90 Indians also attended the festival. They brought five deer to add to the feast. Everyone ate outdoors at large tables and enjoyed games and a military review. Similar harvest Thanksgivings were held in Plymouth during the next several years, but no traditional date was set.   How did we get the Thanksgiving Holiday?   Hale, Sarah Josepha, pronounced joh SEE fuh (1788-1879), became one of the most famous magazine editors in the United States during the 1800"s. As editor of the Ladies" Magazine and, later, of Godey"s Lady"s Book, she helped shape the taste and thought of thousands of women. She received credit for persuading President Abraham Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Of her many writings, her major surviving work is the children"s poem, "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Sarah Hale was born in Newport, New Hampshire.   感恩节英语祝福语   1、Our first Thanksgiving should be our best.   希望我们共度的第一个感恩节将成为我们回忆里最美好的时光。   2、I wouldn"t want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else.   我只想与你共度感恩节。   3、Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.   今天是感恩节,我要对你说我爱你。   4、Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.   感恩节是一年中最美好的日子。   5、I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.   我爱吃,所以我爱过感恩节。   6、I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.   希望你吃过感恩节晚餐后能生出点感恩之情。   7、I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.   我回家过感恩节,留点儿火鸡给我。   8、From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.   我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。   9、Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.   给你们全家感恩节的祝福。   10、Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.   在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。   11、Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.   今天是感恩节,衷心祝福你!   12、From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.   请接受我们诚挚的祝福:祝你们感恩节快乐!   13、I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.   我真的希望你能来过感恩节。   14、Thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you.   没有你的感恩节像缺了点什么。猜你喜欢: 1. 关于感恩的英语名言 2. 2017感恩节英文祝福语大全 3. 关于感恩的英文短句 4. 感恩节祝福语英文版
2023-08-13 12:38:031

感恩节 英文翻译 谁能帮我翻译成中文啊 准确的! 十分感谢!!

第一届冬季是很难让pilgrims.more超过一半的英国殖民者的冬天中死亡,1620-1621.sickness食物的缺乏,冷剩下的只有50人的存活102.ofen,两到三个人就会死于当天,和四个整个家庭去世了。 尽管当年清教徒没有遇到印第安人,因为他们的到来,他们惧怕indians.thus,朝圣者们竭尽全力来掩盖事实这么少的英国移民服务left.burial晚上举行了坟墓被种植与玉米来隐藏他们。 这是1621年3月21日在足够的房屋是建立在土地上,移民将会从住在五月花号船生活在陆地。 当“五月花”号准备重返英格兰队长april.1621,它提供了采取任何幸存者提供的免费charge.amazingly,没有人went.instead,朝圣者们决定呆在这艰难的新土地,并作新的生命吗 这是1621年3月21日在足够的房屋是建立在土地上,移民将会从住在五月花号船生活在陆地。 当“五月花”号准备重返英格兰队长april.1621,它提供了采取任何幸存者提供的免费charge.amazingly,没有人went.instead,朝圣者们决定呆在这艰难的新土地,并作新的生命吗
2023-08-13 12:38:124


  3. dressing:调味品、填料。这里的dressing可不是穿的呀,a bread dressing可不是"面包衣服"!和bread在一起,dressing自然就是吃的啦!它是"调味品"的意思,"穿"在食物的身上了.   4. consensus on:就u201eu201e达成一致。注:consensus后面的介词要用on,而不用about。   5. continued:继续的。这里的continued看似动词continue的过去式,但它却是有自己的含义的,它是形容词"继续的"意思。这样continued blessings就是上帝"继续的赐福"了 关于感恩节的英文介绍!    感恩节由来的英文小故事    Halloween    October 31st (western countries)   Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. From the Roman"s Pomona Day, to the Celtic festival of Samhain, to the Christian holidays of All Saints and All Souls Days. Hundreds of years ago in what is now Great Britain and Northern France, lived the Celts (凯尔特人), who worshipped (崇拜) nature and had many gods, with the sun god as their favorite. They celebrated their New Year on November 1st which was made every year with a festival and marked the end of the "season of the sun" and the beginning of "the season of darkness and cold."
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感恩节英文庆祝方式   1621年11月下旬的木曜日,清教徒们和马萨索德带来的90名印第安人欢聚一堂,庆贺美国历史上第一个感恩节。下面我就跟大家介绍一下感恩节的庆祝方式是怎么样的吧!   【庆祝活动】   Bird, Beast, or Fish   A circle is formed and one person is chosen as the den. The den points out to the players one by one and calls him as a bird, beast or fish randomly and the person has to come up with a word related to the name given to him before the den can count to 10.   The person who cannot come up a word immediately loses and has to leave the group. Person who can stick to the last is the winner. Though it seems easy, people and children soon tend to run out of words and only one with the biggest stock of vocabulary can remain to the last.   Hide and Seekwith a twist   One participant is chosen as the hunter and sent out of the room. A toy turkey is hidden somewhere. Hunter comes in the room and has to find it. The only clue he gets is that when he or she is far from the turkey, all the others gobble like a turkey but in whispers and when he is nearer to the hiding place, others start to gobble louder. The person who takes least time to find the toy is the winner.   Cranberry Spoon Race   All the kids stand in a straight line. A spoon with real cranberries is put in their mouths from the handle side. They have to run to the finishing point without letting the cranberries fall. If it does, they have to put it back in the spoon and start afresh.   Wear the feet of turkey   Put turkey footprints all over the room and children have to try to stand on the footprints when the music turns off. During the party, music is turned off randomly and anybody who is not standing on the turkey footprint is out of the game.   【传统习俗】   Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.   感恩节是美国法定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。   Family Reunion and Feasting??Family feast is an important tradition during Thanksgiving. The entire family sits at the table during dinner and offer prayer to the Lord Almighty for his continuous grace. It is also a time for relatives living in different places to come together and celebrate.   家庭盛宴是感恩节期间的一个重要习俗。全家人围坐在饭桌边一起祈祷,愿上帝施与永不停息的恩惠。这也让身处异地的亲友欢聚一堂,同庆美好时光。   Tradition of Turkey??The traditional stuffed turkey adorns every dinner table during the feast. Pumpkin pie, Cranberry sauce, Corns are some of the dishes cooked everywhere to mark the day. Though historians donu2019t have an evidence to prove that turkey was eaten during the first Thanksgiving dinner, the thanksgiving celebration will be incomplete without it.   传统的填制火鸡让每个餐桌生色不少,南瓜派、酸果沙司、玉米更是那天必不可少的菜肴。虽然历史学家没有证据证明在第一个感恩节时人们就吃火鸡,但没有火鸡的感恩节是不完美的。   Parades??The traditional Thanksgiving parade probably started with President Lincoln proclaiming it an official day. The full- dress parade is a way to display the countryu2019s military strength and discipline. The main aim of such parades is to lift the spirits of the spectators, provide them with wholesome entertainment. In the present day, parades are accompanied with musical shows and celebrities.   感恩节那天进行的"巡游仪式大概始于林肯总统时期,而且这天被宣布为法定节日。隆重的巡游仪式是显示国家军事力量和严明纪律的一个方式,但这样的巡游主要目的是振奋国人,为大众提供一个积极健康的娱乐活动。现代的巡游活动还加入音乐节目,众多名人也参与其中。   Football Games??Watching NFL football during Thanksgiving is a popular tradition. The traditional game between the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers continues. One of the most memorable games having been played on this day.   感恩节观看美国国家足球联盟的橄榄球比赛也是一个习俗。底特律雄狮和绿湾包装工队之间的传统比赛至今仍然保留着。其中最值得纪念的比赛之一就在感恩节这天举行。 ;
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  感恩节那天进行的巡游仪式大概始于林肯总统时期,而且这天被宣布为法定节日。我整理关于感恩节的由来英文版简短介绍,希望能帮助到您。   关于感恩节的由来英文版简短介绍   Thanksgiving day is the most truly American of the national holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.   感恩节是美国法定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。   Family reunion and feasting,family feast is an important tradition during thanksgiving. The entire family sits at the table during dinner and offer prayer to the lord almighty for his continuous grace. It is also a time for relatives living in different places to come together and celebrate.   家庭盛宴是感恩节期间的一个重要习俗。全家人围坐在饭桌边一起祈祷,愿上帝施与永不停息的恩惠。这也让身处异地的亲友欢聚一堂,同庆美好时光。   Tradition of turkey, the traditional stuffed turkey adorns every dinner table during the feast. Pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, corns are some of the dishes cooked everywhere to mark the day. Though historians donu2019t have an evidence to prove that turkey was eaten during the first thanksgiving dinner, the thanksgiving celebration will be incomplete without it.   传统的填制火鸡让每个餐桌生色不少,南瓜派、酸果沙司、玉米更是那天必不可少的菜肴。虽然历史学家没有证据证明在第一个感恩节时人们就吃火鸡,但没有火鸡的感恩节是不完美的。   Parades, the traditional thanksgiving parade probably started with president lincoln proclaiming it an official day. The full- dress parade is a way to display the countryu2019s military strength and discipline. The main aim of such parades is to lift the spirits of the spectators, provide them with wholesome entertainment. In the present day, parades are accompanied with musical shows and celebrities.   感恩节那天进行的巡游仪式大概始于林肯总统时期,而且这天被宣布为法定节日。隆重的巡游仪式是显示国家军事力量和严明纪律的一个方式,但这样的巡游主要目的是振奋国人,为大众提供一个积极健康的娱乐活动。现代的巡游活动还加入音乐节目,众多名人也参与其中   Football games, watching National football leagueu2019s football game during thanksgiving is a popular tradition. The traditional game between the Detroit lions and the green bay packers continues. One of the most memorable games having been played on this day.   感恩节观看美国国家足球联盟的橄榄球比赛也是一个习俗。底特律雄狮和绿湾包装工队之间的传统比赛至今仍然保留着。其中最值得纪念的比赛之一就在感恩节这天。   感恩节教大家的感恩节的由来   Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you   Let"s all say thank-you   We will all say thank-you   On this special day   Thank-you, thank u2013you, thank-you   Let"s all say thank-you   On Thanksgiving Day!   Many, many years ago   When pilgrims first arrived   Crops were small, this made it all   A challenge to survive   In honor of their hard work   They all gathered "round and dined   And gave their thanks at harvest time   We celebrate this holiday   With friends and family   And thank the Lord for all our gifts   This joyful jubilee   There"s turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie   Enough for everyone
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感恩节的由来英文介绍如下:Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.Family Reunion and Feasting?Family feast is an important tradition during Thanksgiving.The entire family sits at the table during dinner and offer prayer to the Lord Almighty for his continuous grace.It is also a time for relatives living in different places to come together and celebrate.Tradition of Turkey?The traditional stuffed turkey adorns every dinner table during the feast.Pumpkin pie,Cranberry sauce,Corns are some of the dishes cooked everywhere to mark the day.Though historians don"t have an evidence to prove that turkey was eaten during the first Thanksgiving dinner,the thanksgiving celebration will be incomplete without it.Football Games?Watching NFL football during Thanksgiving is a popular tradition.The traditional game between the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers continues.One of the most memorable games having been played on this day.感恩节感恩节是西方传统节日,是美国、加拿大感谢上帝赐予一年度丰收的节日,起源于马萨诸塞普利茅斯的早期移民。加拿大感恩节定于每年10月第二个星期一,美国感恩节定于每年11月第四个星期四。在风俗习惯上,美国和加拿大基本一致。
2023-08-13 12:40:431

感恩节的食物 英文

感恩节的食物是烤火鸡、南瓜饼、红莓苔子果酱、甜山芋、玉蜀黍,英文是Roasted、pumpkin pie、Cranberry jam、Sweet hawthorn、corn。食俗有:吃烤火鸡、南瓜饼、红莓苔子果酱、甜山芋、玉蜀黍;活动有:玩蔓越桔竞赛、玉米游戏、南瓜赛跑;举行化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等集体活动,并有相应的假期2天,在远方的人们都会回家与亲人团聚。现在还形成了豁免火鸡、黑色星期五购物等习惯。扩展资料:11月26日是美国传统节日感恩节,这一天对于美国人来说,就像中国人的除夕,人们都会从四面八方赶回家乡和亲人团聚。既然是家人团聚的一天,自然避免不了大快朵颐一番。感恩节聚餐传统的食物通常有火鸡、火腿、土豆泥、地瓜、蔓越莓酱、南瓜派等。除了这些“全国通用”的食物,根据各地饮食文化,美国各州都有具有地方特色的感恩节美食。不过,在品种繁多的美食中,火鸡是绝对的主角。美国人做火鸡,烹调方法基本上万变不离其宗,那就是烤。不过,烤火鸡的吃法也演变出了不少花样,其中一种比较奇葩的吃法,叫做“火鸭鸡”(Turducken)。顾名思义,“火鸭鸡”是火鸡(turkey)、鸭子(duck)和鸡(chicken)的组合,其做法是将鸡填到鸭子肚子里,然后再将填了鸡的鸭子填到火鸡肚子里。除了三种禽类,每种肉之间还要填上不同的馅料。之后,还要烤很长时间,才能保证入味。据说,做一只“火鸭鸡”前前后后需要用两天时间。参考资料来源:人民网-过节,不吃怎么行? 带你看舌尖上的感恩节
2023-08-13 12:41:331


Thanksgiving at what time?望采纳!!!谢谢
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感恩节(英文名:Thanksgiving Day)是西方传统节日,是美国、加拿大感谢上帝赐予一年度丰收的节日,起源于马萨诸塞普利茅斯的早期移民。加拿大感恩节定于每年10月第二个星期一,美国感恩节定于每年11月第四个星期四。 在风俗习惯上,美国和加拿大基本一致,食俗有:吃烤火鸡、南瓜饼、红莓苔子果酱、甜山芋、玉蜀黍;活动有:玩蔓越桔竞赛、玉米游戏、南瓜赛跑;举行化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等集体活动。
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The Origin of Thanksgiving The earliest observance of Thanksgiving on this continent was with special services in Virginia as early as 1607. The first Thanksgiving Festival began on December 13th in 1621 at Plymouth, Massachusetts. It started as a harvest festival with the people thanking God for giving them sufficient crops. That first Thanksgiving celebration lasted three days with the people enthusiastically participating. On June 20, 1676 the town of Charlestown, Massachusetts issued the First Thanksgiving Proclamation. By unanimous vote the governing council instructed the clerk, Edward Rawson, to proclaim June 29th as a day of thanksgiving. George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving proclamation in 1789, the year of his inauguration as President of the United States of America. He called for another Thanksgiving Day in 1795. With other presidents and state governors proclaiming days of thanksgiving at various times there was no effort to organize a yearly Thanksgiving Day until Mrs. Sarah Joseph Hale started her crusade in 1827. It took thirty-six years to achieve victory when, in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln made his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation. The nation has celebrated the special day ever since. Today Thanksgiving Day is a legal holiday with most government and private employees being given the day off. Some companies and most schools also shut down the following Friday. Yes, the United States of America, for most purposes, observes Thanksgiving Day. But, it appears that Thanksgiving Day, like most other national and religious holidays, has been highly commercialized, to the point that many people forget what we are supposed to be celebrating. If we were to survey people on the street and ask, "What stands out in your mind when you think of Thanksgiving Day", we would probably get answers like:turkey, dinner, pilgrims, fall, pumpkins, corn stalks, etc. But, how many people on Thanksgiving Day actually pause and do what the name of the event suggests? What portion of the celebrators do stop to thank God for our nation and for all we have? Psalm 105:1 commands us, "Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done." As we approach Thanksgiving Day, let"s not focus on the food, which are gifts. Let"s focus on the giver. Let"s thank God for all He has provided. Let"s call on His name and invite Him to be present at our table. Let"s celebrate Thanksgiving Day with grateful hearts. 11月的第四个星期四是感恩节。感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。 感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。1620年,著名的“五月花”号船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒102人到达美洲。1620年和1621年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有50来人。这时,心地善良的印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢印第安人的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同庆祝节日。 在第一个感恩节的这一天,印第安人和移民欢聚一堂,他们在黎明时鸣放礼炮,列队走进一间用作教堂的屋子,虔诚地向上帝表达谢意,然后点起篝火举行盛大宴会。第二天和第三天又举行了摔交、赛跑、唱歌、跳舞等活动。第一个感恩节非常成功。其中许多庆祝方式流传了300多年,一直保留到今天。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由各州临时决定,直到美国独立后,感恩节才成为全国性的节日。 每逢感恩节这一天,美国举国上下热闹非常,人们按照习俗前往教堂做感恩祈祷,城乡市镇到处都有化装游行、戏剧表演或体育比赛等。劳燕分飞了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团团圆圆,品尝美味的感恩节火鸡。 感恩节的食品富有传统特色。火鸡是感恩节的传统主菜,通常是把火鸡肚子里塞上各种调料和拌好的食品,然后整只烤出,由男主人用刀切成薄片分给大家。此外,感恩节的传统食品还有甜山芋、玉蜀黍、南瓜饼、红莓苔子果酱等。 感恩节宴会后,人们有时会做些传统游戏,比如南瓜赛跑是比赛者用一把小勺推着南瓜跑,规则是不能用手碰南瓜,先到终点者获胜。比赛用的勺子越小,游戏就越有意思。 多少年来,庆祝感恩节的习俗代代相传,无论在岩石嶙峋的西海岸还是在风光旖旎的夏威夷,人们几乎在以同样的方式欢度感恩节,感恩节是不论何种信仰、何种民族的美国人都庆祝的传统节日。(汉语和英语是两回事,不是翻译)
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01.though we are not with you but we miss you all on this thanksgiving day.虽然感恩节你不能和我们在一起,但是我们会想念你的。02. love you all this thanksgiving day.感恩节里更加爱你。03. thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.给你们全家感恩节的祝福。04. may your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles.希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。05. thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you.没有你感恩节就不会一样了。06. god bless you and your family at thanksgiving and always!上帝会保佑你和你的家人!07. i wish you could be here on thanksgiving.但愿你能来陪我过感恩节。08. a card can say more than a thousand words. happy thanks giving day!千言万语敌不过卡片的祝福!09. it will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.没有你的节日我会感到难过。10. have a full thanksgiving day!感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧!11. thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.感恩节要说我们都爱你们。12. joy and fun, wish fulfillment and blessing, come to your home this thanksgiving!感恩节里尽情享受快乐吧!13. i wouldn"t want to spend thanks-giving with anyone else.我只愿和你共度感恩节。14. have a mid-full thanksgiving!感恩节请不要暴饮暴食!15. what a wonderful time to be together.在一起的时光多么快乐16. wish you a very special thanksgiving day for you and your family.愿你们有一个特别的感恩节。17.wish you a wonderful thanksgiving!愿你有一个美妙的感恩节。18. i am so grateful that i have you all with me on this thanksgiving day.盼望能和你一起共度感恩节。19. thanksgiving is a time when i tell you that i love you.感恩节是对你表白的时候。20. season"s greetings to you all straight from our hearts.感恩节里献上最诚挚的祝福。16. wish you a very special thanksgiving day for you and your family.愿你们有一个特别的感恩节。17.wish you a wonderful thanksgiving!愿你有一个美妙的感恩节。18. i am so grateful that i have you all with me on this thanksgiving day.盼望能和你一起共度感恩节。19. thanksgiving is a time when i tell you that i love you.感恩节是对你表白的时候。20. season"s greetings to you all straight from our hearts.感恩节里献上最诚挚的祝福。
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感恩节 : 11月24日------ 感恩节 What a wonderful time to be together.在一起的时光多么快乐。 Thanksgiving just won"t be the same without you.没有你,感恩节就不会一样了。 This will be our first Thanksgiving apart.这将是我们第一次不在一起过感恩节。 Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。 Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说:我们都爱你们。 Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.感恩节是一年中最好的节日。 I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.我爱吃,所以我爱感恩节。 I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.希望你吃过晚饭后有感恩的心情。 I am getting hungry just thinking about it.一想到它我就饿了。 I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。 Have a MID-FULL Thanksgiving!感恩节请勿暴饮暴食! Have a FULL Thanksgiving day!感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧! Happy thanks giving day! It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.家人团聚的节日里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。 Our first Thanksgiving should be our best.我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。 I wouldn"t want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else.我只愿和你共度感恩节。 From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。 Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.给你们全家感恩节的祝福。 Warm wishes at Thanksgiving.在感恩节,衷心地祝福你们。 I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.但愿你能来过感恩节。 参考资料:
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分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: The fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On this day, families and friends gather together, share a meal, and give thanks for the blessings of good health,food,jobs,and families. In 1620,a group of Pilgrims left from England to search for religious freedom,part of whom were Protestants.And they sailed to America on a *** all sailboat named the Mayflower finally. And they landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts,in icy November. The price in human lives and tragedy had been great. On the other hand,they saw new hope for the future.The first official Thanksgiving in America took place in Plymouth colony, Massachusetts in October 1621.Thanksgiving did not bee a national holiday until 1863 during the American Civil War. In the United States,thanksgiving dinner is practically the same all over the country. The table is always loaded with delicious food of many different kinds.Naturally,the main course is turkey(a bird native to the Americans),with an array of vegetables and desserts.Pumpkin pie is often served in remembrance of the first settlers.
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感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),西方传统节日,是美国人民独创的一个节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日。1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定为“感恩节”。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节
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内脂豆腐以β-葡萄糖酸内脂为凝固剂,制作工艺简单,质地细腻洁白,保质期长。其做法如下:  1、泡豆。选用豆脐(豆眉)色浅、含油量低、粒大皮薄、粒重饱满、表皮无皱而有光泽的大豆,洗净,在春、秋季水温10~20℃时,浸泡12~18小时;夏季水温30℃时,浸泡6~8小时;冬季水温5℃时,浸泡24小时。水质以纯水、软水为佳。以豆、水重量比1∶3为好,浸泡好的大豆约为原料干豆重量的 2.2倍。泡好的豆要求豆瓣饱满,裂开一线。浸泡时间过长,会影响出浆率。  2、磨浆。选用能进行浆渣自动分离的磨浆机,粗磨、细磨2~3次,以尽可能提高大豆蛋白的抽提率。磨浆过程中加水量的多少决定内脂豆腐的老嫩。做老豆腐,水与干豆的比例是3~4∶1,做嫩豆腐为6~10∶1。第1次粗磨时,加水量为总加水量的30%。第2次调节磨浆机螺旋后进行细磨,加水量为30%。第3次的加水量为40%,尽量把豆渣里面的浆冲洗出来。磨好的渣应手感细腻、无颗粒。  3、煮浆。把磨好的浆放在不锈钢制的煮浆桶里,用蒸气煮至60~70℃时,放入浆重约0.3的食用消泡剂,把加热过程中产生的泡完全消除。然后把浆煮沸腾后保持3~5分钟。  4、冷却。煮好的浆冷却至35℃以下。  5、点脂(加凝固剂)。将β-葡萄糖酸内脂用少量冷开水溶解。做老豆腐1公斤浆加30克内脂,嫩豆腐1公斤浆加24~30克内脂。将溶解好的内脂加入冷却的豆浆中缓慢拌匀即可。  6、成型。将点脂后的浆倒进成型模中,放入凝固槽。以80~85℃保温20分钟,静置冷却即为成品。
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At the end of January:一月底In early February:二月初。诚信为您作答,如有疑问请追问,如觉满意请赏个采纳,祝楼主万事如意!
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物理 两张纸,为什么被揉成纸团的先落地,而另一张纸却后落下来?

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8月底 英文怎么说

the end of August
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蔬菜类食物的英语单词   蔬菜是人们日常饮食中必不可少的"食物之一,可提供人体所必需的多种维生素和矿物质等营养物质。下面是我整理的关于素材的英语单词,希望能帮到大家!   lettuce 莴苣   asparagus 芦荟   bamboo shoot 竹笋   dried bamboo shoot 笋干   chives 韭黄   ternip 白萝卜   carrot 胡萝卜   water chestnut 荸荠   ficus tikaua 地瓜   long crooked squash 菜瓜   loofah 丝瓜   pumpkin 南瓜   bitter gourd 苦瓜   cucumber 黄瓜   white gourd 冬瓜   gherkin 小黄瓜   yam 山芋   taro 芋头   beancurd sheets 百叶   champignon 香菇   button mushroom 草菇   needle mushroom 金针菇   agaricus 蘑菇   dried mushroom 冬菇   tomato 番茄   eggplant 茄子   potato, spud 马铃薯   lotus root 莲藕   agaric 木耳   white fungus 百木耳   ginger 生姜   garlic 大蒜   garlic bulb 蒜头   green onion 葱   onion 洋葱   scallion, leek 青葱   wheat gluten 面筋   string bean 四季豆   pea 豌豆   green soy bean 毛豆   soybean sprout 黄豆芽   mung bean sprout 绿豆芽   bean sprout 豆芽   kale 甘蓝菜   cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜   broccoli 花椰菜   mater convolvulus 空心菜   dried lily flower 金针菜   mustard leaf 芥菜   celery 芹菜   tarragon 蒿菜   beetroot, beet 甜菜   agar-agar 紫菜   lettuce 生菜   spinach 菠菜   leek 韭菜   caraway 香菜   hair-like seaweed 发菜   preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜   salted vegetable 雪里红   miso 味噌   seasoning 调味品   caviar 鱼子酱   barbeque sauce 沙茶酱   tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱   mustard 芥茉   salt 盐   sugar 糖   monosodium glutamate, gourmet powder 味精   vinegar 醋   sweet 甜   sour 酸   bitter 苦   lard 猪油   peanut oil 花生油   soy sauce 酱油   green pepper 青椒   paprika 红椒   star anise 八角   cinnamon 肉挂   curry 咖喱   maltose 麦芽糖 ;
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“line friends”是什么意思?

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弗兰明发现青霉素 弗兰明是英国细菌学家、英国皇家学会会员。1922年他发现溶菌酶。1928年他又发现了青霉素,这是他在观察培养葡萄球细菌的毓盘时,发现盘里长了青绿色的霉,再细心观察,这种青绿色霉的周围没有葡萄球菌。经过反复观察和研究,证实这种绿色坶是杀菌的物质。这就是他梦寐以求的葡萄菌克星。经过进一步研究制成了青霉素这种高效抗菌素。以后英国病理学家弗洛里和德国生物化学家钱恩肯定了它的治疗价值。青霉素的出现,挽救了无数人的生命。为此,他荣获诺贝尔奖。著有《青霉素——它的实际应用》。 张衡观测天象制作浑天仪 东汉杰出科学家张衡,在任太史令时,专心研究天文历算。在当时,有种比较先进的天文学说叫浑天说,认为天是浑圆的,像一枚禽卵,天像卵壳,地像卵黄,在天的中间,日月星辰在“卵壳”上不停转动。张衡认为这样的结论不完善。于是他天天观测天象,积累了大量恒星运动的资料并对恒星运动的规律进行了分析研究,制成了浑天仪,继承和发展了前人的浑天说。浑天仪用铜制成,主体是一个球体模型,上刻着恒心、南极、北极、经度、黄道、赤道。仪器上表现的情况同天空中星象出没完全相符。所以取得如此成就,完全由于张衡坚持观测天象的结果。 贝尔的不少朋友却希望他钻研电报术。但发明家不以为然。他心里唯一惦记的事,就是要完成传递人声的工作。他先试制成“谐和电报”——在一根导线上连接由带电芦苇组成的两个竖琴模样的集合。每根芦苇在导线的那一头都有同频率的对应者。贝尔把两个“竖琴”挂在磁性薄膜上。这薄膜是模仿人耳的一种装置。 有一天,贝尔的助手托马斯.沃森摆弄夹住了的芦苇,而贝尔却从导线上听到了邻室传来的拨动的弦音。他记下了事实,从而导致进一步试验。试验过程中,贝尔遇到不少困难。但他是个虚心好学的人,因而在向别人求教时,得到过一些著名科学家的指导与帮助,其中有著名的物理学家赫尔姆霍茨、约瑟夫.亨利、爱迪生等。 1876年3月10日,贝尔通过送话机喊道:“沃森先生,请过来!我有事找你!” 在实验室里的沃森助手听到召唤,像发疯一样,跃出实验室,奔向贝尔喊话的寝室去。他一路大叫着:“我听到了贝尔在叫我!我听到了贝尔在叫我!”…… 这样,人类有了最初的电话,揭开了一页崭新的交往史。1877年,第一份用电话发出的新闻电讯稿被发送到波士顿《世界报》,标志着电话为公众所采用。1878年,贝尔电话公司正式成立。 达·芬奇研究设计的机械装置非常多,如:飞机、降落伞、战车、各种火炮、潜水服、土木用机械、汽车、自行车等等。 莱昂纳多·达芬奇的科学发明正在维也纳展出。在展览上,人们可以看到62件与达芬奇发明原物同样大小的模型和微缩模型,此次展览是世界上同类展览中规模最大的。 此次展览在维也纳艺术中心举行,名为“莱昂纳多·达芬奇,男人、发明家和天才”,一直会持续到5月29日。这位文艺复兴时期最有才华的天才的设计包括自行车的“祖先”、潜水者的呼吸器械、悬挂式滑翔机、升降机、降落伞、嵌齿轮、传动装置、军用坦克和其它军舰或飞机,另外还有一个用于攻击敌人城墙的云梯,看上去与现代消防队员使用的梯子十分相似。 意大利橱柜制造者、技工尼科莱·加布里埃尔说:“计算机制图技术已能发现隐含在达芬奇大量技术制图中的信息,这使得我们可能通过计算机模拟使它们工作。”这些模型既有木制的,金属制的,也有用布做的,全部是由加布里埃尔和同事在对达芬奇的设计草图研究后做出来的。达芬奇的设计草图配有数千页手写说明,用于解释这些发明的工作原理。 这种遗产至少从数量上远远超过这位意大利艺术家留下的现存17件设计。达芬奇最著名的作品是《蒙娜丽莎》。加布里埃尔和同事保罗·达奇亚尼设计了多件达芬奇发明的工作模型,并称他们已得到学者卡洛·佩德莱迪的同意。佩德莱迪是世界上研究达芬奇的著名专家之一。 据组织者称,此次展览是同类展览中最全的,展出的模型数量超过意大利任何一家博物馆。达芬奇的一些发明已在他有生之年付诸于实践,比如清理米兰附近运河淤泥的挖泥船和装有轮子的移动河桥。其它一些发明后来付诸实施,例如拿破仑以达芬奇设计为模型制造出的炸弹。 但达芬奇的大部分发明都是在制图板上“虚度光阴”,具有密封隔间防止船沉没的船体就是典型事例之一,加布里埃尔称这种船体也许是达芬奇最重要的发明。双层船体如今已成为制造油轮的标准。达芬奇的自行车令人感到非常的好奇,它可能是达芬奇提出设想后由他的学生设计的。这部自行车当时已有在脚踏板和后轮之间移动的传动链,而19世纪晚期出现的早期自行车则没有这种设计。 达芬奇著名的飞机是他在对鸟翼工作原理长期研究的基础上设计的。这位天才的发明有时潜藏着巨大的危险。在一次实验中,飞行机坠毁,差一点要了达芬奇一名仆人的性命。但在现代,已有人驾驶飞行机成功在天空中飞翔,例如已在加拿大实验成功的巨型金字塔形降落伞。达芬奇还设计出飞行时使用的工具,例如风速计和陀螺仪。 在谈到丹·布朗的全球畅销书《达芬奇密码》时,加布里埃尔在各种秘密之间做了比较。《达芬奇密码》一书称达芬奇喜欢将秘密隐藏在《最后的晚餐》之类的画中以及其技术草图的一些细节中。不言而喻,这些细节旨在防止达芬奇的发现在专利和版权概念诞生前几个世纪被不适当的使用。
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烟花姹紫嫣红 ,转瞬即逝犹如昙花一现.可烟花是谁发明的?最早用来做什么的?

爆竹、烟花,古已有之。起源何时?历史上的名流学者诗人在文学作品中都有记载。 在春秋末年,政治家荡蠡在(陶朱公书)中载有:“除夜烧盆爆竹与照田蚕看火色,同是夜取安静为吉”之句西汉时文学家东方朔在(神异经)也记述有“爆竹驱山魈”的故事。 到南北朝梁时,宗懔在(荆楚岁时记)一文中,又有“正月初一(春节),……鸡鸣而起,先于庭前爆竹以辟山操恶鬼”的记载。 到了唐宋年间,有关爆竹的记载就更多了。唐诗人刘禹锡,在他畲田行诗中就有“照潭出老蛟,爆竹惊山鬼”的诗句。薛逢有(元日楼前观仗)二首之作耒鹄的(早春)诗中有“新历才将半纸开,小庭就聚爆竿灰”之语。 宋代李畋在他的(该闻录)中也有爆竹驱山鬼的故事:“李岐邻叟家,为山魈所祟,岐令除岁聚竹数十根于庭,焚之使爆裂有声,至晓乃寂然”。后来,李畋被人们称为爆竹的祖师。宋代诗人王安石、苏东坡在他们的诗文中,也记有“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏”,“爆竹惊邻鬼,驱傩逐小儿”的诗句。在南宋梁克家撰写福州地方志(三山记)(也叫长乐记)。也记有“州人除夕以竹著火,烧爆于庭中,儿童当街烧爆相望,戏呼达旦,谓之烧火爆”。在该志中,还记有宋宰相张浚和史学家郑樵闲谈中的趣事,“张丞相浚为帅日,除夕,浦人郑樵客郡中(指福州)与观火爆,丞相命赋诗,给竿字为韵”。樵即口占云,“驹隙光阴岁已残,千门爆竹竞团园。烧成焰焰丹砂块,碎尽琅琅碧玉竿。唤转韶光新景燠,碎除恶魈旧吐寒。主人从此占佳瑞,再入为霖洒旱干”。 这些记载,都充分说明,采用真竹燃烧发出爆炸响声的“爆竹”,起源于春秋,盛行于唐宋,而且宋盛于唐,到了宋代爆竹已流行于朝野了。后来,随着火药的普及,造纸业的发展,爆竹匠人用纸卷成筒,装上火药、导线、将两头扎紧,点燃后发出响地声和火花的爆竹、焰火,相继问世,不仅被人们用于除夕喜庆,以辟山操恶鬼,而且被帝王皇宫用来消遣玩乐和军事指挥。 (后武林旧事)有宋孝宗观海潮时施放烟火记载“淳煦十年(公元1183年)八月十八日,上诣德寿宫,恭请两殿往浙江观潮---管军命于江西分布五阵,乘骑弄旗,标枪舞刀,如履平地。点放五色烟炮满江及烟收、炮息,则诸船尽藏,不见一只。” 宋宁宗(公元1168年至1224年)时,西湖老人在(繁胜录)中也记有节日施放烟火爆竹的盛况:“-庙前拥挨、轮马盈路,多有后生于霍山之例,入五色烟火,放爆竹--。”宋理宗(公元1205年1264年)时,周密在(齐东野语)中也记载了当年皇宫观看烟火的故事:“穆陵(理宗)初年,尝于上元日(古正月十五日),在清燕排当,恭请圣太后(理宗母后)。既而烧烟火于庭,有所谓“地老鼠”者(花炮名),径至于太母圣座下,太母为之惊惶,拂衣径起,意颇疑怒,为之罢宴”。 吴自牧在(梦梁录)中“又有市爆仗,成架烟火之类”的记载,这与(北京春节风俗杂谈)中“发明火药后,宋代有了以纸裹药制成鞭爆。”和庄葳编写的(中国古代四大发明)一书中的“在南宋时侯,我们开始用火药制造爆竹和焰火,南宋京城杭州,放爆竹烟火,始于唐代,发达于南宋是无疑的。 到了明、清时代,我国爆竹烟火已很盛行。特别到清末,每逢婚丧喜庆或逢年过节,人们都要燃放爆竹烟火,拜神祭祖,表示 庆贺,求神灵祖先“保佑”全家顺序,万事如意。而腐败透顶的封建统治阶级,却借此不惜重金,大肆燃放爆竹烟火,一夜耗资白银数百万两。李鸿章为讨好慈禧太后,进献一盒大型烟花,价值六万金。各级官绅,效法竟起,一时侈风大炽,这在客观上对爆竹烟火的发展,也起了一些剌激作用。
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跳伞是人们利用降落伞从空中跳下的一项航空运动,又称为“勇敢者的运动”,是国防体育运动中的一个项目。翼形伞出现以前,降落伞的一般原理,可见于司马迁《史记.五帝本纪》所记载的舜手持遮阳的圆形斗笠,从着火的粮仓顶上跳下而平安落地的故事。1617年,意大利学者魏兰奇奥曾在他的著作中谈到,把方形帆布固定在尺寸相等的四根木棍上,在四个角上栓上四根绳子,一个人用双手扯住他们,就可以从高空跳下。1628年,意大利监狱里的犯人拉文将几根绳子系在伞幅条上,另一端与手柄相连,在一个夜晚,手攥伞绳手柄从狱堡上跳下。这次冒险载入了跳伞史册。中国的雨伞传入欧洲后,在1777至1779年,法国人曾试制了一顶降落伞,伞衣直径为2.5米,有22根吊,在伞的下部系一个吊篮,里边装了一只绵羊,然后,他们把降落伞从35高的塔上投下,羊安全落地。1911年,俄国退役炮兵中尉克杰尼柯夫发明了世界上第1个能折叠的、固定在人身上的背包式降落伞,经过改进,这种伞就系在飞行员身上,供危急时刻使用。跳伞运动员按载人器具分为伞塔跳伞、氢气球跳伞和飞机跳伞三种。其中飞机跳伞是我过开展跳伞运动的主要形式。他的项目很多,国际上开展的项目有定点跳伞、特技跳伞、造型跳伞、踩伞造型跳伞和表演跳伞;此外,还有在7000米以上高度进行的高空跳伞;日落后一小时至日出前一小时内的夜间跳伞;在江、河、湖、海等水域上进行的水上跳伞等。及时采纳 谢谢合作
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at the end of April
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KSG冷轩、RNGM酷酷和LGD染安退役 除了这2位明星选手之外,本赛季还有3位选手选择了退役。首先是KSG战队的冷轩。
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问题一:1~12月用英文怎么说? 这个就不用提问了嘛~ 一月January 二月february 互三月March 四月April五月May 六月June 七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December问题二:“在这个月末”用英语怎么说 In this end of the month 问题三:月份英文怎么说 是要说十二个月吗。month是月份 一到十二月分别是:畅一月:January 二月:February 三月:March 四月:April 五月:May 六月:June 七月:July 八月:August 九月:September 十月:October 十一月:November 十二月:December问题四:各月份用英文怎么表达 January Jan. Feburary Feb. March Mar April Apr. May May. June Jun. July Jul. August Aug. September Sept. October Oct. November Nov. December Dec.问题五:月初、月末用英文怎么讲 the beginning /end of the month 问题六:英文所有的月份怎么说? 一月January 二月February 三月March 四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月 November 十二月 December 月份的首字母必须大写. 问题七:可能一月底回来用英语怎么翻译 无法正常回答 问题八:各月份用英文怎么表达? January [Janu30fbuu30fbaru30fby || "d??nj??r?] February [Febu30fbruu30fbaru30fby || "febr??r?] March [mrt? /m?t?] April [Au30fbpril || "e?pr?l] May [me?] June [d?u?n] July常 [Juu30fbly || d?u?"la?] August [auu30fbgust || ??"g?st] September [Sepu30fbtemu30fbber || sep"temb?] October [Ocu30fbtou30fbber || ?k"t??b?] November [Nou30fbvemu30fbber || n??"vemb?] December [Deu30fbcemu30fbber || d?"semb?]问题九:春节通常在1月底或2月初用英语怎么翻译 The Spring Festival is usually in late 1 or early 2 采纳我吧O(∩_∩)O谢谢问题十:月份英语 一月:January 二月:February 三月:March 四月:April 五月:May 六月:June 七月:July 八月:August 九月:September 十月:October 十一月:November 十二月:December
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保时捷macan中文名是迈凯。迈凯是MACAN的意译,在印度尼西亚语中,是老虎的意思。macan是保时捷公司旗下的1款中型suv,尺寸分别是4696mm、1923mm、1624mm,汽车轴距为2807mm。保时捷MACAN依托于奥迪MLB平台制作,无论外型和内饰都和保时捷另1款suv车卡宴很像,因此很多人也将MACAN称之为小卡宴。保时捷卡宴是中大型suv车,而MACAN是中型suv车。macan总共是应用了4种汽车发动机,分别是2.0升涡轮增压式汽车发动机,3.0升涡轮增压式汽车发动机,低功率版2.9升双涡轮增压汽车发动机,大功率版2.9升双涡轮增压汽车发动机。保时捷的简单介绍保时捷,德国汽车品牌,公司的创始人费迪南德·保时捷在24岁时已经发明了电动轮套马达,在第二年的巴黎国际展览会上,保时捷已经名扬四海。保时捷汽车具有鲜明的特色,甲壳虫式的车形,后置式发动机和优异的性能,令它很快成为知名的汽车。1963年法兰克福国际汽车展览会上,展示了保时捷911车型,这个设计直到现在还有广泛的市场。它的车体设计者是费利,保时捷的大儿子,费迪南德·亚历山大·保时捷,保时捷带后齿轮箱底盘和V-8发动机的928型,新技术959型,以及带电子调整的四轮驱动系统和无升力车身的911 Carrera 4型。极少有品牌能够如保时捷一样,像出售必需品一样出售奢侈品。
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