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2023-08-22 14:05:02
TAG: to it si is mito mi os tos sis

Front period:

Dye quality gradual the Ning Suo become thick, at first is a curl for one regiment snarled hemp, subsequently ability peg out each chromosome, and obvious can see each chromosome to dye from 2 list body constitute of, 2 dye list body total use 1 silk point.Pit Ren and pit film gradual become unclear.Spindle silk beginning formation.


Pit Ren and pit the film be complete disappear, spindle body obvious it is thus clear that.From the on the side observation of cell, wear of each chromosome silk point all arrange on the spindle body central equator noodles, but it two the arm then at liberty stretch two side of noodles in equator.At this time, the chromosome have the shape of typical model and be suitable for an observation and record number.

Empress period:

The wear of each chromosome silk grain break asunder, each 2 of chromosome dye list body respectively separate but become two independence of chromosome, and at spindle silk of lead bottom to move respectively to two pole.Move to two pole of chromosome number is complete similar, and together front the abruption mother the chromosome number, appearance of the cell complete similar.

Last phase:The chromosome has already moved to two pole, around the chromosome re- appear pit Ren pit film, chromosome again re- become lax thin long, reply is dye quality of appearance.Go to this, a mother is inside cell formation two statures pit.Immediately after in the spindle body of the formation cell of plank district in the equator plank, the cell quality be box off to open, a mother cell division is two complete homology of sub- cell.Subsequently, the sub- cell get into G1 a period again.

The mitotic whole process is a continuous of process, divide the line is front, medium, after, the end be four period is artificial of, just is describe convenience just, in actually the abruption the process in no way obvious of partition.Include a silk abruption to need time, because of species and the external world environment but difference, under the 250 c, broad bean root point the cell need a 2 hr around, but garden pea root point cell need 83 minutes.Under the 30 c, the broad bean root point cell then need 880 minutes.In the abruption the process, front period keep on of period most long, share whole abruption around time of the half be even more.

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
Events during Mitosis
Interphase: Cells may appear inactive during this stage, but they are quite the opposite. This is the longest period of the complete cell cycle during which DNA replicates, the centrioles divide, and proteins are actively produced. For a complete description of the events during Interphase, read about the Cell Cycle.

Prophase: During this first mitotic stage, the nucleolus fades and chromatin (replicated DNA and associated proteins) condenses into chromosomes. Each replicated chromosome comprises two chromatids, both with the same genetic information. Microtubules of the cytoskeleton, responsible for cell shape, motility and attachment to other cells during interphase, disassemble. And the building blocks of these microtubules are used to grow the mitotic spindle from the region of the centrioles.

Prometaphase: In this stage the nuclear envelope breaks down so there is no longer a recognizable nucleus. Some mitotic spindle fibers elongate from the centrioles and attach to kinetochores, protein bundles at the centromere region on the chromosomes where sister chromatids are joined. Other spindle fibers elongate but instead of attaching to chromosomes, overlap each other at the cell center.

Metaphase: Tension applied by the spindle fibers aligns all chromosomes in one plane at the center of the cell.

Anaphase: Spindle fibers shorten, the kinetochores separate, and the chromatids (daughter chromosomes) are pulled apart and begin moving to the cell poles.

Telophase: The daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles and the spindle fibers that have pulled them apart disappear.

Cytokinesis: The spindle fibers not attached to chromosomes begin breaking down until only that portion of overlap is left. It is in this region that a contractile ring cleaves the cell into two daughter cells. Microtubules then reorganize into a new cytoskeleton for the return to interphase.


Events during Mitosis

Interphase: Cells may appear inactive during this stage, but they are quite the opposite. This is the longest period of the complete cell cycle during which DNA replicates, the centrioles divide, and proteins are actively produced. For a complete description of the events during Interphase, read about the Cell Cycle.

Prophase: During this first mitotic stage, the nucleolus fades and chromatin (replicated DNA and associated proteins) condenses into chromosomes. Each replicated chromosome comprises two chromatids, both with the same genetic information. Microtubules of the cytoskeleton, responsible for cell shape, motility and attachment to other cells during interphase, disassemble. And the building blocks of these microtubules are used to grow the mitotic spindle from the region of the centrioles.

Prometaphase: In this stage the nuclear envelope breaks down so there is no longer a recognizable nucleus. Some mitotic spindle fibers elongate from the centrioles and attach to kinetochores, protein bundles at the centromere region on the chromosomes where sister chromatids are joined. Other spindle fibers elongate but instead of attaching to chromosomes, overlap each other at the cell center.

Metaphase: Tension applied by the spindle fibers aligns all chromosomes in one plane at the center of the cell.

Anaphase: Spindle fibers shorten, the kinetochores separate, and the chromatids (daughter chromosomes) are pulled apart and begin moving to the cell poles.

Telophase: The daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles and the spindle fibers that have pulled them apart disappear.

Cytokinesis: The spindle fibers not attached to chromosomes begin breaking down until only that portion of overlap is left. It is in this region that a contractile ring cleaves the cell into two daughter cells. Microtubules then reorganize into a new cytoskeleton for the return to interphase



What is (and is not) mitosis? Mitosis is nuclear division plus cytokinesis, and produces two identical daughter cells during prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Interphase is often included in discussions of mitosis, but interphase is technically not part of mitosis, but rather encompasses stages G1, S, and G2 of the cell cycle.

Interphase & mitosis Interphase

The cell is engaged in metabolic activity and performing its prepare for mitosis (the next four phases that lead up to and include nuclear division). Chromosomes are not clearly discerned in the nucleus, although a dark spot called the nucleolus may be visible. The cell may contain a pair of centrioles (or microtubule organizing centers in plants) both of which are organizational sites for microtubules.


Chromatin in the nucleus begins to condense and becomes visible in the light microscope as chromosomes. The nucleolus disappears. Centrioles begin moving to opposite ends of the cell and fibers extend from the centromeres. Some fibers cross the cell to form the mitotic spindle.


The nuclear membrane dissolves, marking the beginning of prometaphase. Proteins attach to the centromeres creating the kinetochores. Microtubules attach at the kinetochores and the chromosomes begin moving.


Spindle fibers align the chromosomes along the middle of the cell nucleus. This line is referred to as the metaphase plate. This organization helps to ensure that in the next phase, when the chromosomes are separated, each new nucleus will receive one copy of each chromosome.


The paired chromosomes separate at the kinetochores and move to opposite sides of the cell. Motion results from a combination of kinetochore movement along the spindle microtubules and through the physical interaction of polar microtubules.


Chromatids arrive at opposite poles of cell, and new membranes form around the daughter nuclei. The chromosomes disperse and are no longer visible under the light microscope. The spindle fibers disperse, and cytokinesis or the partitioning of the cell may also begin during this stage.


In animal cells, cytokinesis results when a fiber ring composed of a protein called actin around the center of the cell contracts pinching the cell into two daughter cells, each with one nucleus. In plant cells, the rigid wall requires that a cell plate be synthesized between the two daughter cells


Events during Mitosis

Interphase: Cells may appear inactive during this stage, but they are quite the opposite. This is the longest period of the complete cell cycle during which DNA replicates, the centrioles divide, and proteins are actively produced. For a complete description of the events during Interphase, read about the Cell Cycle.

Prophase: During this first mitotic stage, the nucleolus fades and chromatin (replicated DNA and associated proteins) condenses into chromosomes. Each replicated chromosome comprises two chromatids, both with the same genetic information. Microtubules of the cytoskeleton, responsible for cell shape, motility and attachment to other cells during interphase, disassemble. And the building blocks of these microtubules are used to grow the mitotic spindle from the region of the centrioles.

Prometaphase: In this stage the nuclear envelope breaks down so there is no longer a recognizable nucleus. Some mitotic spindle fibers elongate from the centrioles and attach to kinetochores, protein bundles at the centromere region on the chromosomes where sister chromatids are joined. Other spindle fibers elongate but instead of attaching to chromosomes, overlap each other at the cell center.

Metaphase: Tension applied by the spindle fibers aligns all chromosomes in one plane at the center of the cell.

Anaphase: Spindle fibers shorten, the kinetochores separate, and the chromatids (daughter chromosomes) are pulled apart and begin moving to the cell poles.

Telophase: The daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles and the spindle fibers that have pulled them apart disappear.

Cytokinesis: The spindle fibers not attached to chromosomes begin breaking down until only that portion of overlap is left. It is in this region that a contractile ring cleaves the cell into two daughter cells. Microtubules then reorganize into a new cytoskeleton for the return to interphase



Spindle作名词时意思是“轴;纺锤,锭子;细长的人或物”,作及物动词时意思是“装锭子于”,作不及物动词时意思是“长得细长,变细长”,作形容词时意思是“锭子的,锭子似的;细长的”。单词发音:英[u02c8spu026andl];美[u02c8spu026andl]。短语搭配:muscle spindle[解剖]肌梭。Spindle RPM主轴设定 ; 主轴转数 ; 主轴转速 ; RPM形式。spindle fiber[细胞]纺锤丝 ; 纺锤体纤维 ; 组成纺锤体的微管。第三人称单数:spindles第三人称复数:spindles现在分词:spindling过去分词:spindled过去式:spindled双语例句:1. Even from distance I could tell from the spindle figure that the approaching man was David.尽管在远处我也能从这细长的身躯辨别出来人是大卫。2. Do not spindle this card.不要将这张卡片插在纸扦上。3. The spindling tree grew bigger without our notice.这棵长得细长的树在我们不知不觉中长粗了。4. The song of the spindle was silent.纺锤的歌声沉默了。5. Spindle is the measure for yarn.司品德是纱的度量单位。6. The clerk put the check on a spindle.店员将支票放到扦子上。
2023-08-13 20:13:361

spindle n 45 u是什么意思

阀柄 北上45度
2023-08-13 20:14:122


2023-08-13 20:14:233


2023-08-13 20:15:241

什么是 (2spindle) ???

按照通用的架构分类,笔记本电脑有3中不同的架构,用专用术语Spindle区别,包括1-Spindle,2-Spindle,3-Spindled。(Spindle是指能够旋转的轴或锥,在笔记本电脑中,Spindle代表硬盘、软驱和光驱等)。 1-Spindle指笔记本电脑机器内部只有一个Spindle,当然是硬盘了,否则不能开机工作了。那么要么软驱和光驱全外置或者没有配备光驱和软驱; 2-Spindle是指机器内部除硬盘之外还有一个光驱或者是软驱,如果内置光驱,没有标配软驱或者软驱外置都属于此列; 3-Spindle当然是指硬盘、光驱、软驱全部内置于机器内部了,就是我们常说的全内置机种了。 不同架构的笔记本电脑重量和厚度有很大的差异, 1-Spindle(全外置笔记本电脑)一般具备超轻超薄的特性,重量一般不超过1.8公斤,厚度不超过2.5厘米,为了在有限空间内解决散热问题,其外壳一般采用铝镁合金材料,否则会影响性能质量; 3-Spindle(all-in-one,全内置)机种因为内置了光驱和软驱,体积和重量都是最大的,重量一般大于3公斤,厚度大约4厘米,电池容量大,一般用于固定办公需要; 2-Spindle(没有内置软驱或者软驱外置,或者软驱与光驱互换)介于全外置和全内置之间,重量和尺寸适中,是目前最主流的笔记本电脑类型。
2023-08-13 20:15:341


对应的机床功能键RAPID 快速移动 SPINDLE 主轴功能FEED 进给功能JOG HANDLE 手动手轮方式TAIL SPINDLE 尾座功能TAPE 纸带,磁带GL/CF 功能指示灯
2023-08-13 20:15:455

spindle error是什么原因造成的

2023-08-13 20:16:021


纺锤体是由纺锤丝构成的,纺锤丝是一种微管。 动物细胞有丝分裂前期时靠近核膜有两个中心体。中心体放射出星体丝,即放射状微管。带有星体丝的两个中心体逐渐分开,移向相对的两极。核膜破裂后形成两极之间的纺锤体。 前中期时,自核膜破裂起到染色体排列在赤道面上为止。前中期的主要过程是纺锤体的最终形成和染色体向赤道面的运动。纺缍体有两种类型:一为有星纺锤体,即两极各有一个以一对中心粒为核心的星体,见于绝大多数动物细胞和某些低等植物细胞。一为无星纺锤体。两极无星体,见于高等植物细胞。 有星纺锤体含有3种纺锤丝,即三种微管。一种是星体微管,由星体散射出的微管;二是极微管,是由两极分别向相对一极方向伸展的微管。三是动粒微管,与动粒联结的微管,亦称动粒丝或牵引丝。无星纺锤体只有极微管与着丝点微管。纺锤体 spindle,spindle body是指在有丝分裂的前期末构成,并为末期消失的有丝分裂结构的一个成分。是染色体从前中期到后期的运动场所。分裂细胞的纺锤体用普通光学系统观察时,因为其内部折射率的差不大,所以看起来是均质的,无结构的,但是,用相差或微分干涉光学系统观察时,可以看到在纺锤体内部从染色体的着丝粒伸向两极的着丝粒丝。用偏光显微镜观察,整个纺锤体是沿长轴显出弱的正复折射性,着丝粒丝却显出强的正复折射性。这样,由于构成纺锤体的物质与构成细胞质的物质所表现的性质不同,所以称前者为纺锤体原生质,以表示区别。纺锤体在正常情况下位于两极之间,呈纺锤形。但如用药物等处理,就会变成多极纺锤体。从中期到后期,它占据着子染色体群与两极之间的部位,所以称为半纺锤体。从后期发展到末期时,半纺锤体之间的中间区域,在植物细胞中,则膨润起来,变为成膜体;在动物细胞中,则向长轴方向延长,中间变细。纺锤体一经固定,即使在普通光学显微镜下也能观察到许多纤维结构(通常将此统称为纺锤丝),除着丝粒丝之外,还能够观察到两极之间的连接丝和子染色体之间的中间连接丝。如果用戊二醛和锇酸进行双重固定,纺锤体就会以几乎近似活体的状态固定下来。纺锤体是由排列于长轴方向上的直径为15—25纳米的微管构成,着丝粒丝则由微管束构成。纺锤体蛋白质的等电点属于酸性(pH4.5),因此,一直认为纺锤体不能用嗜碱性染料染色,所以称为非染色相。如果用极低的pH处理,就会使纺锤体破坏。如用醋酸洋红或醋酸地衣红进行固定染色,就会很容易看到中期的染色体,其原因就在于此。
2023-08-13 20:16:112

spindle线 ,关于喷涂 方面的,老是有人说SPINDLE线,SPINDLE线,是机型还是什么意思?

2023-08-13 20:16:321


找到软件快捷图标以后,然后通过鼠标左键单击启动hypermesh2020,接着打开软件的界面,会弹出弹出user profile对话框,使用鼠标左键单击application右侧的下拉菜单,在列表中选择engineering solution,我们会看到对话框中模块将自动从hypermesh前处理模块切换到工程化解决方案模块,接下来勾选左侧选项中NVH,并选择右侧下拉列表中optistruct,然后在对话框下方单击确定,进入hypermesh2020>NVH(optistruct)模块,在软件主界面查看NVHD模块主程序是否启动,即NVHAssembly,在NVHD模块的模型搭建界面,我们可以查看建模的基本框架,可以在Model下面创建子系统及零部件的表征模型和分析模型,鼠标右键单击Model,弹出下拉列表,查看NVHD模型搭建的主要应用工具,如edit representation为表征模型编辑界面等。ypermesh是一款非常强大的有限元前处理软件,其强大的前处理功能包括:网格模型的搭建、零部件连接关系的生成以及载荷工况的设置等。
2023-08-13 20:16:401


2023-08-13 20:16:481


2023-08-13 20:16:562


轴套英文怎么说啊 轴套 axle sleeve 或 shaft sleeve 飞轮flywheel 轴 axle 或 shaft 你得看是汽车哪个部分的轴了。 仅供参考。 dictki/...%u5957 dictki/...%u8F6E 密封用轴套英文怎么写 密封用轴套英文 shaft installing sleeve 机械的轴套叫布司,布司这个名称个来由 译过来的,英文里叫bush,动不动这个bush那个bush的,不光轴套叫这个,别的缸筒状的经常有这么叫的。 机械英语翻译 5分 This graduation design is mainly the headstock and cutting feed mechani *** , clutch disengages from the embedded in the headstock teeth, friction type clutch control spindle turning and stopping, turning the plane thread can be carried out; when the friction clutch and the main shaft, jaw clutch and bonding, spindle will be reversed, is used for boring and the car end. Need to screw drive the carriage for cutting motion cutting and feeding mechani *** , starting at the end of the movement of screw stop, when arriving at the starting end of stroke, carriage return in situ. The design of the main pleted the headstock and entry into the overall design agency, headstock is mainly single slot and connected to the main shaft. Pawl gear sleeved on the spindle rotation, when the pulley axis of motion to the gear, a pawl through single tooth sleeve and drive the spindle rotating, spindle directly tran *** itted to the gear, the gear can rotate clockwise, the pawl skidding on the single tooth on the shaft sleeve, spindle stop. Feed mechani *** is controlled by the hydraulic system, the piston, through the gear rack mechani *** , so that the screw rotation, the screw nut pair, the rotary motion into linear motion, realized the feed. In addition to the main parts of the calculation, in order to meet the design requirements. 老大的英文是什么? boss 英 [bu0252s] 美 [bu0254:s] .n. 老板,上司; 领袖,首领; [机] 轴套,套筒; vt. 当…的首领; 管理,指挥; vi. 当首领; 发号施令; [例句]He cannot stand his boss.他无法忍受他的老板。 弱弱的问一句,老板的英文怎么这 boss 英[bu0252s] 美[bu0254:s] n. 老板,上司; 领袖,首领; [机] 轴套,套筒; vt. 当…的首领; 管理,指挥; vi. 当首领; 发号施令; 谢谢我的老板和女老板用英文怎么说 谢谢我的老板和女老板 Thanks to my boss and my female boss 注: boss 英 [bu0252s] 美 [bu0254:s] n. 老板,上司; 领袖,首领; [机] 轴套,套筒; vt. 当…的首领; 管理,指挥; vi. 当首领; 发号施令; [例句]He cannot stand his boss. 他无法忍受他的老板。 用英语我是你的boss怎么读 I"m your boss. 注: boss 英 [bu0252s] 美 [bu0254:s] n. 老板,上司; 领袖,首领; [机] 轴套,套筒; vt. 当…的首领; 管理,指挥; vi. 当首领; 发号施令; [例句]He cannot stand his boss. 他无法忍受他的老板。 [其他] 第三人称单数:bosses 复数:bosses 现在分词:bossing 过去式:bossed 过去分词:bossed 老板英文怎么写 boss 英[bu0252s] 美[bu0254:s] n. 老板,上司; 领袖,首领; [机] 轴套,套筒; vt. 当…的首领; 管理,指挥; vi. 当首领; 发号施令; [例句]He cannot stand his boss 他无法忍受他的老板。 [其他] 第三人称单数:bosses 复数:bosses 现在分词:bossing过去式:bossed 过去分词:bossed 英语抱死咋写 boss [英][bu0252s][美][bu0254:s] n. 老板,上司; 领袖,首领; [机]轴套,套筒; vt. 当…的首领; 管理,指挥; vi. 当首领; 发号施令; adj. 很好的,一流的;
2023-08-13 20:17:031

spindle override是什么意思

2023-08-13 20:17:113

acentrosomal spindle是什么,如何翻译?谢谢~~

2023-08-13 20:17:193


2023-08-13 20:17:271


釿 jīn 形声。字从金,从斤,斤亦声。“斤”指斧钺。“金”指金属。“金”与“斤”联合起来表示“金属斧钺”。本义:金属斧钺(相对石制斧钺而言)。   (1) 古同“斤”,斧头:“良匠善能运~”。   (2) 古代金属重量名,亦货币名。中国战国时期东方各国多以“釿”为单位,秦统一衡制时被废除。
2023-08-13 20:17:504


三阀,蝴蝶,三程式。孔,的C /瓦特气动执行器阀。 6阀门, 10个程式。膛,起重机,铸铁, 100级,非上升主轴,法兰,以表E ,理学学士10 ,手轮经营。 10阀,闸门, 11 / 2程式。 BSP的,铜合金/铜, 125级,非上升主轴,螺纹BSP的首选品牌"眼镜蛇" 2阀,闸门, 1.1 / 4程式。孔铜合金/铜, 125级,非上升主轴,楔形光碟,螺纹BSP的特20阀,门,铜合金/铜, 1.1 / 4孔, pegler级125 非上升主轴,螺纹的BSP ,首选品牌"眼镜蛇,克068 ,第BS 5154 五阀,闸门, 12 ins.bore ,铸铁,轻型,第2类,上升主轴,法兰,以表D ,理学学士10 , sabs 6464 ,手轮经营。 1个瓣膜,大门,二程式。膛,铸铁,轻型, 2级上升主轴,法兰,以表D ,理学学士10 , sabs 664 ,手轮经营。 一阀,闸门,三程式。膛,铸铁, 150级,非上升主轴, 法兰,以表D ,理学学士10 6阀,闸门, 4程式。膛,铸铁, 100级,非上升主轴,
2023-08-13 20:18:061


  稀饭是以中国为主的东方人特有食物,通常比粥要稀一些。早餐多吃些稀饭可以清理肠胃,对身体还是很有益处的。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来稀饭的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。   稀饭的英语说法1:   porridge   英 [u02c8pu0254:ru026adu0292, u02c8pu0254r-] 美 [u02c8pu0254ru026adu0292, u02c8pɑr-]   稀饭的英语说法2:   thin gruel   英 [θin u02c8gru:u0259l] 美 [θu026an u02c8ɡruu0259l]   稀饭的英语说法3:   conjee   稀饭相关英语表达:   煮稀饭 make porridge   绿豆稀饭 Mung bean soup   白米稀饭 rice porridge   即食稀饭 instant porridge   稀饭英语说法例句:   1. He was writing his report so attentively that he didn"t know the rice gruel in the pot had boiled over.   他聚精会神地写报告,连锅里的稀饭煮溢了也不知道.   2. Spindle - shanks is anxiously watching a pan of congee , till the *** oke makes her start coughing violently.   “芦柴棒”着急地要将大锅子里的稀饭烧滚, 但是倒冒出来的青烟引起了她一阵猛烈的咳嗽.   3. Keep your breath to cool your porridge , and I shall keep mine to swell my song.   你留口气吹凉稀饭, 我也就留口气唱歌吧.   4. Yes, I had a little porridge.   是的, 我吃了点稀饭.   5. Did the twins have porridge and eggs for breakfast yesterday?   这对双胞胎昨天早饭吃的是稀饭和鸡蛋 吗 ?   6. Breakfast consists of salty vegetables, porridge and eggs for $ 3.   早餐是咸蔬菜 、 稀饭和鸡蛋,价格是3美元.   7. Staple food: cake, chinese dumpling, steamed bread , congee, omeletter.   主食: 糕点, 包子, 馒头, 稀饭,煎蛋.   8. We eggs and porridge breakfast.   早饭我们吃鸡蛋和稀饭.   9. I have porridge for breakfast.   早饭我吃稀饭.   10. I ate a big bowl of porridge.   我喝了一大碗稀饭.   11. You listen to the gruel to lose weight?   你听过稀饭减肥 吗 ?   12. I like rice gruel porridge, noodles, toast .   我喜欢大米粥 〔稀饭, 面条, 烤面包〕.   13. She warmed up some porridge and the child ate it with a good appetite.   她热了一点稀饭,孩子吃得津津有味.   14. Perhaps you should heed your representation"s advice, take some additional time to consider your response.   偶很稀饭这句话滴, 经常在邮件里面对老外说,嘻嘻.   15. The effects of proteinase, cellulase and pectinase on the qualities of instant rice soup were studied.   研究了中性蛋白酶 、 纤维素酶、果胶酶对方便稀饭品质的影响.
2023-08-13 20:18:561


3002 SPINDLE REFRIGERATOR MOTOR OR COOLANT MOTOR OVERLOAD中文的意思便是主轴冷却单元电机或者机床冷却水泵过载,解决办法必要具有电工资格的人去解决,通常电箱有一个热保护断电器保护电机因负载过大,缺相而造成电机过电流时断开电源起到保护的作用,将该热保护断电器复位便可以解决报警的问题,但是特别提醒要检查一下报警的原因是因为电机问题还是外面因素如有异物卡阻电机造成的,简单地复位是不能解决该问题的。
2023-08-13 20:19:061

英语翻译 非常感谢

C616 General of NC lathe, the use of computer on the vertical and horizontal feed system for open-loop control, the vertical pulse equivalent to 0.01mm / pulse, the horizontal equivalent of 0.005 pulse / pulse, with stepper motor drive components, drive system with ball screws Bar pair, a four-position turret electric automatic indexing turret. C616 lathe is mainly used for small and medium shaft, disk type and screw machining, machine tool processing requirements of these parts work to be completed includes: Reversible Control of the spindle and the cutting speed to achieve their different spindle speed; knife to Vertical and horizontal feed motion, and automatic tool change with changes in the four cutter to complete the selection tool; cooling pumps, lubrication pump start and stop; processing thread, should ensure a turn the spindle, tool holder by moving a Processing thread pitch or lead. The content of this work is the transformation of NC CNC system objects. Since the economic transformation of NC, so in consideration of specific proposals, the basic principles to meet the requirements under the premise of the changes on the machine as little as possible to reduce
2023-08-13 20:19:472


街舞术语,我整理,欢迎阅读!   基本的Top Rock步伐:   Indian Step   Uprock   Side Step   Boyoing:   --Bronx Rock   --Brooklyn Rock   Power Step/Power Circle   Power Step Hop   Boyoing   Latin Rock   Drops“下身动作”一般是舞者在完成Top Rock之后做下一步动作的衔接段动作,取决于下身的不同方式,有各种类型的Drops:   Coin Drop   Knee Drop (也叫做Colt-45)   Other Knee Drop   Sweep Drop   Thread Drop   Corkscrew   Downrock/Footwork包括   6 step   Helicopter或Coffee Grinder   2 step   3 step   4 step   5 step   7 step   8 step   10 step   12 step或baby love   CC"s或Cicis(Crazy mando"s的缩写)   Bicycle pumps   Zulu Spins   Spindle   Back CC"s   Kick outs   Shuffles   Scramble Example(也叫做Baby Love)   Russian Step   Pretzels   Swapping   Floor Rocks 身体大面积接触地面的动作 就算有些动作涉及旋转等,不过这不是power move,包括:   Body Rock(也叫做Back Rock)   Scissors   Belly Swim   Body Glide   Side Slide   Coffee Grinder或Helicopter或UFO
2023-08-13 20:19:541

加工中心1016 spindle tool unclamp报警怎么解决

2023-08-13 20:20:021

fanuc数控系统报警1004 SPINDLE GEAR BIL怎么处理?

2023-08-13 20:20:131


这是外部报警,一般这种跟主轴拉杆结构有关,主轴拉紧信号有两个,一个是有刀夹紧例如x6.5,还有一个是无刀夹紧例如X9.5. X6.5感应器在X9.5前面,有刀夹紧时主轴拉杆行程会靠前一点,X6.5有信号而X9.5没信号,反之亦然。 这是一种保护,当主轴没刀时也就是X9.5 ON并X6.5 OFF时,主轴是不让旋转和切屑的,主轴要旋转或切屑时要装刀上去。 或者有刀时报此警示因为信号位置没调好。
2023-08-13 20:20:221

spindle gear box oil high level 翻译是 主轴齿轮箱油液面过高?

2023-08-13 20:20:334


这是沈阳CAK_D系列数控车床的报警信息。1002 SPINDLE DRIVER NOT READY:主轴驱动器没有准备好。检查过载保护器是否跳闸;检查驱动器三相的R/S/T端子电压是否正常;驱动器有报警;地址X9.3有信号。
2023-08-13 20:20:432


Feed 是控制进给轴的 就是机床各个坐标轴。 MCP上进给倍率旋钮,进给保持键和进给轴选择键Spindle就是机床主轴,MCP上有控制机床主轴倍率和启动的键
2023-08-13 20:21:531

spindle n 60 u 是什么意思啊?

spindlen.纺锤,纱锭; 轴; 细长的人或物; [生]纺锤体; adj.像锭子的,绽子似的; 细长的; vt.装锭子于; 长成细长茎; 用纺锤形锉打眼; vi.长得细长; [英][u02c8spu026andl][美][u02c8spu026andl:]
2023-08-13 20:22:281

spindle housing在汽车上是什么意思

2023-08-13 20:22:381

spindle drive是什么意思

spindle drive 英[u02c8spu026andl draiv] 美[u02c8spu026andl: drau026av] [词典] 主轴传动机构; [例句]First of all, compressor lubrication oil pump is usually composed of spindle drive of the compressor.首先,压缩机润滑油泵通常是由压缩机主轴驱动的。
2023-08-13 20:22:481

三菱机spindle zero speed alarm报警是啥意思啊?

2023-08-13 20:22:582


2023-08-13 20:23:105

英文阀门知识 “spindle material ACC. to ASTM A 182 F 6a”是什么意思

主轴材料的行政协调会。以美国ASTM甲182 F 6A条
2023-08-13 20:23:482


2023-08-13 20:24:075

spindle motor是什么意思

spindle motor主轴电机双语对照词典结果:spindle motor[英][u02c8spu026andl u02c8mu0259utu0259][美][u02c8spu026andl: u02c8motu025a]主轴电动机
2023-08-13 20:24:351

法兰克ex1007 spindle clamp ls啥意思

spindle clamp是柄夹,前面的ex1007是型号
2023-08-13 20:24:451

spindle bearing是什么意思

2023-08-13 20:25:112

SPINDLE COOLER ALARM主轴冷却用润滑油异常报警该如何解决?

2023-08-13 20:25:213


肌梭(muscle spindle):是分布在骨骼肌内的梭形小体(如图)。典型的肌梭直径约1毫米,长0.05-13毫米,其长轴与骨骼肌纤维的纵轴平行排列。肌梭的表面被结缔组织的被囊所包裹,囊内有6-14条较细小特殊分化了的骨骼肌纤维,称梭内纤维(intrafusal muscle fiber)。而肌梭外的骨骼肌纤维称梭外纤维(extrafusal muscle fiber)。梭内纤维按其长短和核排列的方式分为两种:一种称核链纤维,细胞核在肌纤维中段纵行排列成链,肌纤维中段不膨大,肌纤维较短,一般不伸出囊外,对静止持续的牵拉刺激较敏感。另一种称核袋纤维,即细胞核堆积在肌纤维中段,肌纤维中段膨大似袋状,使中段没有横纹,也不收缩,肌纤维也较长,以致有小部分伸出被囊外,对快速牵拉刺激较敏感。进入肌梭内的感觉神经纤维也有两种:一种是较粗的有髓神经纤维,在进入肌梭前脱去髓鞘,进入后分支末端呈螺旋状,包绕在梭内纤维的中段,称螺旋末梢。另一种是较细的有髓神经纤维,也要脱去髓鞘,进入被囊后反复分支,末梢终端略膨大呈花枝样,分布在梭内纤维近两端处,称花枝末梢或花簇末梢。肌梭内还有运动神经末梢,它来自脊髓前角的γ运动神经元,末梢分布于梭内肌纤维的两端。
2023-08-13 20:25:421

法拉克加工中心1013 SPINDLE NOT ORIENTATION报警什么意思 应该怎么解决

2023-08-13 20:25:571


FANUC系统常见报警及解决方法 FANUC系统发生故障报警的时候,可以根据系统报警代码和信息,对多数故障做出大致判断。下面汇总了系统常见报警中文对照及解决方法。1005X AXIS INTERLOCK ,INHIBIT MACHINE MOVINGX轴闭锁,禁止移动,没在交换台过程中,没在修调方式,台板1或2在伸出位X轴锁住,不能移动,设D493=1进入修调方式,检查继电器,电磁阀,开关及线路1006Y AXIS INTERLOCK ,INHIBIT MACHINE MOVING机械手臂在主轴侧Y轴锁住,不能移动设D499=1进入修调方式,检查继电器,电磁阀,开关及线路1007Z AXIS INTERLOCK ,INHIBIT MACHINE MOVING机械手臂在主轴侧ZY轴锁住,不能移动设D499=1进入修调方式,检查继电器,电磁阀,开关及线路1010SPINDLE TOOL NOT CLAMP主轴刀具未夹紧主轴不能旋转检查主轴刀具夹紧开关,确认动作正常后,清除报警1011SPINDLE TOOL NOT UNCLAMP主轴刀具未松开主轴不能旋转检查主轴刀具松开开关,确认动作正常后,清除报警1012SPINDLE ORIENTAL NOT COMPLETE主轴定向未完成(F45.7没输出)不能进行刀具交换检查主轴定向开关是否工作正常1013M FUNCTION DID NOT COMPLETE在执行M功能时,可能是某个M代码未执行完程序加工不能正常进行检查是哪一个M功能未执行1014SPINDLE IS NOT AT GEAR POSITION主轴不在档位主轴不能正常旋转,与主轴相关的动作不能执行检查主轴高、低档开关及电磁阀清除报警1015SPINDLE CHANGE ERRORFORM HIGH GEAR TO LOW GEAR主轴由高档变低档错误主轴不能正常旋转查主轴低档开关及低档电磁阀1016SPINDLE CHANGE ERRORFORM LOW GEAR TO HIGH GEAR主轴由低档变高档错误主轴不能正常旋转检查主轴高档开关及高档电磁阀1017B AXIS CAN NOT UNCLAMP FOR PALLET UNCLAMP交换台板没夹紧,B轴不能松开B轴不能移动检查交换工作台板松开及夹紧信号1020B AXIS INTERLOCK ,INHIBIT MACHINE MOVINGB轴闭锁,禁止移动(没在交换台过程中,没在修调方式)B轴锁住,不能移动设D493=1进入修调方式,检查继电器,电磁阀,开关及线路1021TOOL NO.DONT FOND在数据表中未发现输入的刀号循环停止检查数据表及输入刀号(1-24)是否有错误。重新输入,清除报警。1022TOOL POT POSITION ERROR刀库中刀套未停在正确的位置主轴换刀及选刀检查刀套计数开关,并且用修调方将刀套调整正确的位置上,刀库重新回零1023TOOL MAG DON"T ROTATION刀库没转循环停止检查刀库电机及刀库正、反转接触器是否吸合,及刀库计数开关,清除报警。1024TOOL MAG RUNTNG DON"T STOP刀库运转未停止循环停止检查数据表及刀库计数开关,清除报警。1030CHIP1 MOTOR BREAKER OFF控制绞笼电机的空气开关未合或故障绞笼电机不能转检查或更换空气开关1031CHIP2 MOTOR BREAKER OFF控制排屑电机的空气开关未合或故障排屑电机不能转检查或更换空气开关1032PALLET EXCHINGE DOOR MOTOR BREAKER OFF换台门电机空气开关未和或故障换台门电机不能工作检查或更换空气开关1033EXTERNAL COOL MOTOR BREAKER OFF控制外部冷却电机空气开关未和或故障外冷电机不能工作检查或更换空气开关1034INTERNAL COOL MOTOR BREAKER OFF控制内冷却电机空气开关未和或故障内冷电机不能工作检查或更换空气开关1035HYDRAULIC TANK MOTOR BREAKER OFF液压电机空气开关未合或故障液压电机不能工作检查或更换空气开关1042SPINDLE OIL TANK BREAKER OFF主轴恒温油箱空气开关未合或故障主轴不能正常工作检查或更换空气开关1043MAGAZING DID NOT EXCHANGE TOOL,IN ADJUST MODE刀库在调整阶段,不能进行换刀不能进行换刀将刀库手动调整好后,取消修调方式,再进行换刀,清除报警。
2023-08-13 20:26:071

spindle orient alarm是什么意思?

spindle orient alarm主轴方向报警
2023-08-13 20:26:151


硬盘是电脑主要的存储媒介之一,由一个或者多个铝制或者玻璃制的碟片组成。碟片外覆盖有铁磁性材料。硬盘有固态硬盘(SSD 盘,新式硬盘)、机械硬盘(HDD 传统硬盘)、混合硬盘(HHD 一块基于传统机械硬盘诞生出来的新硬盘)。SSD采用闪存颗粒来存储,HDD采用磁性碟片来存储,混合硬盘(HHD: Hybrid Hard Disk)是把磁性硬盘和闪存集成到一起的一种硬盘。绝大多数硬盘都是固定硬盘,被永久性地密封固定在硬盘驱动器中。
2023-08-13 20:26:252

加工中心X,Y,Z三轴出现607,613报警以及750 SPINDLE SERIAL LINK ERROR 报警信号是什么故障?

2023-08-13 20:26:364

三菱系统29.spindle heat报警怎么解决?

1 确认主轴是否有第二编码器,是否皮带坏 2主轴互锁信号,如换档机构是否有信号 3主轴或动力头上的刀塔感应信号是否正常,有定位,刀塔有关主轴信号
2023-08-13 20:27:031

三菱系统spindle motor fan overload报警时什么意思

2023-08-13 20:27:252


2023-08-13 20:27:331


Workpiece bed Wheel Bed Grinding wheel spindle start sheft- end sheft- Centre sheft - Mill - Roll soft landing device Measurement System Curve Grinding System Spindle fine pressure system
2023-08-13 20:27:423

spindle override是什么意思

2023-08-13 20:27:522