barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-22 19:52:50
TAG: 英文

I get on well with most of my classmates.

We want to get rid of the old conception: one side has to be blamed when the couple divorces.

I think we have gotten away from the subject.

They continue to do illegal things, but still get rid of punishment.

You can still work with that computer, but it is best to get a better one.



2023-08-14 10:14:421


2023-08-14 10:14:521


dump 【音标】:[dmp] 【词典解释】:dump 及物动词 vt. 1. 倾倒;抛弃记得采纳啊
2023-08-14 10:15:051


2023-08-14 10:15:582


2023-08-14 10:16:511

我被抛弃了 用英文怎么说

She /He left me alone
2023-08-14 10:17:264

我被抛弃了 英文

I got dumped 这个才是对的!
2023-08-14 10:17:574


be abandoned at last
2023-08-14 10:18:051


抛弃的英文为:abondon离弃;放弃;抛弃;遗弃例句:We had to abandon the car.我们不得不弃车而去。By the time the rebel troops arrived, the village had already been abandoned当叛军杀到时,村民们已经撤离了村子。As a baby he was abandoned by his mother.他在强裸之中就被母亲遗弃了。We were sinking fast, and the captain gave the order to abandon ship我们的船下沉得很快,船长下令弃船。
2023-08-14 10:19:181


丢弃的翻译:discard;discard vt.抛弃;放弃,丢弃;vi.放弃;n.抛弃;被丢弃的东西或人abandon v. 遗弃;离开;放弃;终止;陷入;n.放任,狂热give up放弃;交出cast off摆脱;抛弃,解开 (缆绳等)throw away扔掉,丢弃双语例句1、她丢弃的书被胡乱地堆了起来。Her discarded books were piled up just anyhow.2、亚力山德拉穿着她那件丢弃的衣服,显得臃肿而又笨拙。Alexandra looked plump and awkward in her cast-off clothing.3、不当丢弃的垃圾会传播细菌并有害健康。lmproperly discarded garbage can spread bacteria that are dangerous to health.。4、在它旁边,一条丢弃的横幅半埋于污泥中。Beside it, half-buried in the dirt, was a discarded banner.5、在长大成人的过程中,我们会丢弃很多东西。We will throw away a lot of things as we grow up.6、剩下的垃圾大部分是不可回收的,就被丢弃了。The remaining trash, which is mostly unrecyclable, is discarded.
2023-08-14 10:21:361


throw 扔
2023-08-14 10:22:529


hate to be deserted/abandoned
2023-08-14 10:23:219


I am only afraid that you will abandon me.
2023-08-14 10:23:371


Will you abandon me?orWill you give me up?
2023-08-14 10:24:065


所以你也要像他们一样把我丢掉的英文是So , you will be like them , abandon me.所以呢,你也要像他们一样把我丢掉,是吗?该句出自抖音一个搞笑的英语配音BGM,原版是“So , you will be like them , abandon me”,最早是一个网友分享自己朋友群中的配音录屏,其中u200cu200cu200c一个搞笑朋友一个字母一个字母地读这句英文,没有技巧,全是感情,乍一听甚至没觉得有什么不对劲。因为按字母读句子的搞笑形式,连散装英语都算不上,只能说是零件英语,被很多人剪辑出来当搞笑伤感视频的背景音乐。被人抛弃是一种什么样的感觉会伤心,会难过,甚至痛苦到对整个世界失望。但时间是万能药,总会治好那块疤。至于那个抛弃你的人,不管是谁,都不要再把她(他)当做你人生里重要的角色。一个不重视你的人,再去多关注一点,都是自己宝贵情感和时间的浪费。生活里还有太多重要的人和事需要我们去关注,比如我们自己的幸福快乐。
2023-08-14 10:24:231


If I was to abandon the world, would you accompany me ..
2023-08-14 10:24:413


I was the world abandoned
2023-08-14 10:24:534


say goodbye
2023-08-14 10:25:053

被女友抛弃怎么说 用英语

say byebye to you
2023-08-14 10:25:594

全世界都抛弃了我 英语怎么说

it"s the whole world that dumped me
2023-08-14 10:26:178


—— 英文:You make me feel love, I feel abandonment 或 You make me feel the love, have experienced the abandonment。
2023-08-14 10:26:373

搏击俱乐部 里那句‘抛弃一切才能自由’英文怎么说布

抛弃一切才能自由The only way to be free is to discard everything重点词汇释义抛弃abandon; discard; throw away; forsake; cast away才能ability; talent; gift; aptitude; aptness
2023-08-14 10:26:521


“tomato”的复数形式是什么?这是很多同学不会理解的问题,下面就简单的说说。 1、 “tomato”的复数形式是tomatoes。读音:英[tu0259"mɑu02d0tu0259u028az]、美[tu0259"metoz]。 2、 双语例句:Most tomatoes are red when ripe,but some kinds are yellow。大多数西红柿成熟时是红色的,但有些品种是黄色的。 3、 名词变复数的规则:一般名词复数是在名词后面加上“s”,如maps, bags等。 4、 以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的词加“es”,如buses,watches等。 5、 以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i加es,如babies等。 6、 以元音字母+ y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数,如monkey→monkeys, holiday→holidays等。 7、 以o结尾的名词变复数时分两种情况:(1)有生命的加es,如:tomatoes,potatoes,heroes等。(2)无生命的加s,如:photos,radios等。 8、 以f或fe结尾的名词变复数时,有两种情况:(1)直接加s,如:beliefs,roofs等。(2)去掉f,fe加ves,如:halves,knives等。 以上的就是关于“tomato”的复数形式是什么的内容介绍了。
2023-08-14 10:18:191


煎炒烹炸时,粘锅是大家都会遇到的烦恼。粘锅不但会影响菜的外观和口感,还很容易变糊,产生致癌物质。怎样做菜才不粘锅呢?土豆、藕片先用水泡。这类食材容易粘锅,主要和其中含大量的淀粉有关。所以,想让淀粉类食材不粘锅,最好是烹饪前用清水泡,去除食材表面的淀粉,捞出沥干水分再炒。此外,热锅快炒也能减少粘锅的几率。煎鱼先抹点油。鱼肉细嫩,纤维组织不紧密,煎鱼时鱼皮容易粘锅。最好的办法是给鱼身抹少量油,下热油锅后改小火,煎出来的鱼就会完整,不粘锅。其原理是把鱼皮和热锅隔离。类似方法还有在鱼身上涂一层薄薄的面粉或鸡蛋糊。此外,煎炸前,把鱼用盐、料酒腌一下,使鱼皮和鱼身更紧密,也可使鱼皮不粘锅。 炒肉要热锅凉油。为使肉丝、肉片嫩滑,炒肉前需用淀粉和蛋清浆拌,这时常会出现炒肉粘锅的现象,这主要和锅内温度和油温有关。最好的解决办法是热锅凉油,先用中火把锅烧热再放油,然后放肉煸炒,这样肉表面的蛋白质和淀粉浆逐渐受热舒展,炒肉就不会粘锅了。有时,没有加淀粉的肉也会粘锅,此时可以在锅里放了油之后,把油锅晃一下,让锅周围都沾上油再炒。炒饭先用微波炉加热。蛋炒饭、扬州炒饭、酱油炒饭也是不少人的最爱,但炒饭也容易粘锅。炒饭粘锅,多和米饭太软有关。因此可以把米饭晾干,或者炒之前把米饭放在微波炉里稍微加热一下。还有个办法是炒饭前将米饭捣松,倒入鸡蛋液搅拌至米粒均匀地沾上鸡蛋液,然后下油锅急速翻炒,这样炒出的米饭好看又好吃。  此外,烹炒前,先将锅洗净、擦干、烧热,用鲜生姜在锅底抹上一层姜汁,能在锅面形成保护膜,也可以避免食材粘锅。
2023-08-14 10:18:192


2023-08-14 10:18:212


2023-08-14 10:18:241


tomato是意思是番茄,番茄红。n.(名词)番茄,西红柿;番茄红,鲜红色;番茄植株;番茄,西红柿短语1、Tomato sauce番茄酱 ; 番茄沙司 ; 蕃茄酱 ; 西红柿酱2、tomato juice蕃茄汁 ; 西红柿汁 ; 西红柿3、tomato soup番茄汤 ; 番茄浓汤例句1、It"s similar in size to a tomato.大小和西红柿差不多。2、The tomato hit the wall with a splat.西红柿啪的一声打在墙上。3、Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.诺曼切开他的馅饼,往里面挤了番茄酱。
2023-08-14 10:18:281


2023-08-14 10:18:313

Elaine Paige的《Memory》 歌词

歌曲名:Memory歌手:Elaine Paige专辑:Andrew Lloyd Webber - GoldElaine Paige - MemoryMidnightNot a sound from the pavementHas the moon lost her memory?She is smiling aloneIn the lamplightThe withered leaves collect at my feetAnd the wind begins to moanMemoryAll alone in the moonlightI can smile at the old daysLife was beautiful thenI rememberThe time I knew what happiness wasLet the memory live againEvery street lampSeems to beatA fatalistic warningSomeone muttersAnd a street lamp guttersAnd soon it will be morningDaylightI must wait for the sunriseI must think of a new lifeAnd I mustn"t give inWhen the dawn comesTonight will be a memory tooAnd a new day will beginBurnt out ends of smoky daysThe stale cold smell of morningThe street lamp diesAnother night is overAnother day is dawningTouch meIt"s so easy to leave meAll alone with my memoryOf my days in the sunIf you touch meYou"ll understand what happiness isLook a new day has begun ...~END~
2023-08-14 10:18:321


2023-08-14 10:18:351


这个交通标志里的字母U表示U-turn,complete reversal of direction of travel,就是调头的意思,在同一条道路上将车转180度方向(行驶曲线像U,故名)。这个标志是指车子开到这里可以调头,边上特意留出了一个较宽的区域,供汽车调头。这个标志在国内也有。
2023-08-14 10:18:401


2023-08-14 10:18:447


2023-08-14 10:18:462

Brian Mcknight的《U-Turn》 歌词

歌曲名:U-Turn歌手:Brian Mcknight专辑:U TurnStevie Hoang - U-TurnGirl tell me how, you gotta nerveTo be coming back after all this timeThis I recall, girl it was youWho left me now you wanna call the shotsDon"t you remember? the first of DecemberSaid you were leavin" & you wouldn"t be comin" backI was so stupid, but I got through itSo now I"m telling youIt don"t matter what you sayIt"s too little too lateI"m tired of the liesAnd the game that you playTellin" me you wanna come backBut it"s not going down like thatIt don"t matter what you doGirl I"m saying we"re throughIt"s over now, I don"t wanna hear no excuseSo be on your way, there"s nothing to sayDon"t you know it"s time for you to learnThere"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)There"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)Look in my eyes, and you will seeI"m no longer the boy you used to knowI hate to say, I told you soBut it"s funny hell now the tables have turnedYou have me stressin"Girl I was guessin"Have me believin" that I just wasn"t good enoughNow you must be trippin"It"s me you"re missin"But I can"t take you back becauseIt don"t matter what you sayIt"s too little too lateI"m tired of the liesAnd the game that you playTellin" me you wanna come backBut it"s not going down like thatIt don"t matter what you doGirl I"m saying we"re throughIt"s over now, I don"t wanna hear no excuseSo be on your way, there"s nothing to sayDon"t you know it"s time for you to learnThere"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)There"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)Listen babe,Now girl you thought you could do much betterIt"s a shame you have to learn the hard wayNow you & me could never be togetherSo now I"ve got to take my love awayIt took a while too seeBut now I know the truth& I wanna tell the whole world that we"re throughIt don"t matter what you sayIt"s too little too lateI"m tired of the liesAnd the game that you playTellin" me you wanna come backBut it"s not going down like thatIt don"t matter what you doGirl I"m saying we"re throughIt"s over now, I don"t wanna hear no excuseSo be on your way, there"s nothing to sayDon"t you know it"s time for you to learnThere"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)There"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)
2023-08-14 10:18:481


2023-08-14 10:18:542

Stevie Hoang的《U-Turn》 歌词

歌名:《U-Turn》歌手:Stevie Hoang专辑:The CollectionGirl tell me how, you gotta nerveTo be coming back after all this timeThis I recall, girl it was youWho left me now you wanna call the shotsDon"t you remember? the first of DecemberSaid you were leavin" & you wouldn"t be comin" backI was so stupid, but I got through itSo now I"m telling youIt don"t matter what you sayIt"s too little too lateI"m tired of the liesAnd the game that you playTellin" me you wanna come backBut it"s not going down like thatIt don"t matter what you doGirl I"m saying we"re throughIt"s over now, I don"t wanna hear no excuseSo be on your way, there"s nothing to sayDon"t you know it"s time for you to learnThere"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)There"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)Look in my eyes, and you will seeI"m no longer the boy you used to knowI hate to say, I told you soBut it"s funny hell now the tables have turnedYou have me stressin"Girl I was guessin"Have me believin" that I just wasn"t good enoughNow you must be trippin"It"s me you"re missin"But I can"t take you back becauseIt don"t matter what you sayIt"s too little too lateI"m tired of the liesAnd the game that you playTellin" me you wanna come backBut it"s not going down like thatIt don"t matter what you doGirl I"m saying we"re throughIt"s over now, I don"t wanna hear no excuseSo be on your way, there"s nothing to sayDon"t you know it"s time for you to learnThere"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)There"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)Listen babe,Now girl you thought you could do much betterIt"s a shame you have to learn the hard wayNow you & me could never be togetherSo now I"ve got to take my love awayIt took a while too seeBut now I know the truth& I wanna tell the whole world that we"re throughIt don"t matter what you sayIt"s too little too lateI"m tired of the liesAnd the game that you playTellin" me you wanna come backBut it"s not going down like thatIt don"t matter what you doGirl I"m saying we"re throughIt"s over now, I don"t wanna hear no excuseSo be on your way, there"s nothing to sayDon"t you know it"s time for you to learnThere"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)There"s no U TurnU Turn (x4)
2023-08-14 10:18:572


2023-08-14 10:18:171

英语好的滑雪高手请进,Skiing 和snowboarding的区别是什么

hrining the best that life could thi
2023-08-14 10:18:151


是可数名词,复数形式是tomatoes。意为“番茄,西红柿”。例句:Yes.One chicken soup and one tomato soup.是的。一个鸡蛋汤和一个番茄汤。 tomato短语搭配 tomato juice[食品]番茄汁;蕃茄汁;西红柿汁 tomato salad西红柿沙拉;蕃茄片;番茄沙拉;番茄色拉 Tomato sandwich蕃茄三味夹;西红柿三文治;番茄三文治 tomato extract番茄提取物;供应番茄提取物;番茄红素提取物 Tomato Powder番茄粉 tomato例句 1、There"snothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce. 在番茄沙司中无论加入什么都不如加一点儿新鲜的紫苏更能提味。 2、Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it. 诺尔曼切开自己的派,往里面挤了点番茄酱。 3、Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad. 把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加调味汁。
2023-08-14 10:18:081


描述的是生活在美国加州洛杉矶的一群女同志之间的故事。《拉字至上》(The L Word)是美国Showtime电视台于2004年1月18日推出一部女同志电视影集,由Showtime与米高梅公司联合制作,Ernest R. Dickerson执导,詹妮弗·比尔斯等主演。剧情介绍:在Jodi回来后,Bette为她好心的准备的惊喜却得到了事与愿违的结果。Shane与Paige之间发生了矛盾,因为Shane又犯了老毛病(fuck other girls)。Helena因为偷了Catherine的钱被关了监狱。因为无法联系到Helena的母亲,Helena被迫过起了不愉快的监狱生活。Jenny从墨西哥的旅行归来,比以前更加冷漠、神经质,并有一个古怪的亿万富翁William Halsey护着自己,使她接替Tina成为"Lez Girls"的负责人。在Kit为Phyllis准备的出柜晚会上,Phyllis因为Joyce对她生活上的约束对她产生二心。
2023-08-14 10:18:051


2023-08-14 10:18:031


2023-08-14 10:18:027

懂法律英语的进 翻译段话 加分

The theory of criminal law and judicial practice, due to a fruit cases of qualitative behavior is an intriguing question. If the victim is a special physique, after the implementation of some minor to violence, even on language stimulation induce original disease onset, namely, the consequences of death, then the qualitative to intentionally hurt (should), negligence death, or death as accident? In judicial practice, even the same court for different investigators basically the same case of such cases has different treatment. In special circumstances, the victim of the constitution as a factor, and behavior between the victim has died in criminal law, but the causal relationship between the law of causality is not necessarily cause of criminal responsibility, whether or not to let his criminal responsibility, also must be combined with the subjective aspect, main factors, according to relevant charges of criminal case to qualitatively.
2023-08-14 10:17:582

简单的女孩英文名字属鸡 100个洋气英文名分享

简单的女孩英文名字属鸡 1、sienna西恩那 2、Julia茱莉亚 3、Zoe、生命 4、Kaitlyn、纯洁的 5、Sophia、智慧 6、Jordan、趋小,向下 7、Mia、我的 8、rosalie罗莎莉 9、Madison、莫德之子 10、Audrey奥德丽 11、Madeline、来自麦格达拉的女子 12、victoria维多利亚 13、Ava、小鸟 14、harper哈珀 15、Alyssa、有逻辑的 16、Natalie、出生于圣诞 17、Kyra、太阳,上帝 18、Vivienne薇薇安 19、hayden海登 20、layla蕾拉 21、Rachel、母绵羊 22、Emily艾米丽 23、Juliet朱丽叶 24、Brooklyn布鲁克琳 25、Samantha、愿聆听的 26、caroline卡洛琳 27、Grace、优雅 28、Sydney、开阔芳草地 29、Brianna、有力的 30、isla伊斯拉 31、Chloe、鲜花盛开 32、scarlett斯嘉丽 33、Avery、智慧的 34、Claire克莱儿 35、Kayla、纯洁的 36、ava艾娃 37、Madeline玛德琳 38、Alexis、尊贵的,明亮的 39、esme埃斯米 40、eleanor埃莉诺 41、Lauren、月桂树,桂冠 42、Annabelle安娜贝拉 43、Penelope佩内洛普 44、piper皮佩 45、amelia艾米丽娅 46、Adelaide阿德莱德 47、hayley海莉 48、Elizabeth、上帝的誓言 49、adalyn阿达琳 50、Morgan、来自大海的 51、Riley、勇敢的,坚定的 52、Natalie娜塔莉 53、bailey贝莉 54、evangeline伊万杰琳 55、Kylie、凯利、u2013女孩名 56、lucy露西 57、Makenzie、蔲尹尼其神之子 58、Isabel、神圣的 59、anna安娜鸡年女宝宝小名大全 60、Lily、百合花 61、Allison、高贵的,善良的 62、stella斯特拉 63、Makayla、神一般的 64、isabella伊丽莎白 65、emma艾玛 66、Katherine、纯洁的,处女的 67、Sydney雪莉 68、teagan蒂根 69、Isabella、伊萨贝拉、u2013女孩名 70、evelyn伊芙琳 71、molly莫莉 72、Sarah、公主 73、charlotte夏洛特 74、autum奥特姆 75、Kaylee、欢乐洋溢 76、Emily、勤勉的,刻苦的 77、sophie索菲 78、isabelle伊莎贝尔 79、aria阿里亚 80、mia米娅 81、Jasmine、茉莉花 82、morgan摩根 83、Victoria、胜利 84、gabriella加布里艾拉 85、Olivia、橄榄树 86、cadence卡当斯 87、lydia莉迪亚 88、Megan、有力的,能干的 89、paige佩吉 90、leah莉亚 91、lila莱拉 92、addison阿迪森 93、sophia索菲娅 94、aurora奥若拉 95、nora诺拉 96、Julia、青春的 97、Fiona菲奥娜 98、ruby露比 99、Ella、美丽的仙女 100、clara克莱拉 101、taylor泰勒 102、lily莉莉 103、ella艾拉 104、Arianna阿里安娜 105、Samantha萨曼莎 106、grace格雷丝 107、Abigail、爸爸的欢乐 108、lauren劳拉 109、Hannah、神之优雅 110、Quinn奎恩 111、Savannah、大草原 112、Jessica、神在注视 113、Lillian莉莲 114、chloe克洛伊 115、Ashley、梣树林,开垦地 116、Gabrielle加里布埃尔 117、willow薇洛 118、madison麦迪逊 119、brooke布鲁克 120、Genevieve珍妮芙 121、savannah萨凡纳 122、Hailey、自然的,干草坪 123、Anna、优雅的 124、Taylor、裁缝 125、keira凯拉 126、Emma、宇宙的,世界的 127、sadie莎蒂 128、alice爱丽丝 129、abigail阿比盖尔 130、zoey佐伊 131、delilah黛利拉
2023-08-14 10:17:571


一个成功者只知抱定理想,向前行进。A winner only on pursuing ideal, marching forward.你还知道关于描述努力的英语 谚语 有哪些值得珍藏的好 句子 吗?接下来我为大家整理了努力的英语谚语,欢迎大家阅读! 努力的英文谚语 1、要学惊人艺,须下苦功夫。 It takes hard work to learn amazing art. 2、成功之难如升天,覆坠之易如燎毛。 Success is as difficult as rising to the sky, and falling as easily as burning a hair. 3、世事有成必有败,为人有兴必有衰。 When things are successful, there will be failures; if there is prosperity, there will be setbacks. 4、宁愿站着死,不愿跪着生。 I"d rather die standing than live on my knees. 5、卑鄙的朋友,远比正直的敌人更可怕的多。 A mean friend is far more terrible than an honest enemy. 6、人心隔肚皮,看人看行为。 People"s hearts are separated by their bellies, and their actions are judged by their actions. 7、虎不怕山高,鱼不怕水深。 Tigers are not afraid of mountain heights, and fish are not afraid of water. 8、只有冻死的苍蝇,没有累死的蜜蜂。 There are only flies that freeze to death, not bees that are tired. 9、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 Anger is to punish yourself for what others have done wrong. 10、高山挡不住太阳,困难吓不倒英雄。 Mountains can"t block the sun, difficulties can"t scare heroes. 11、勤奋就是成功之母。 Diligence is the mother of success. 12、百闻不如一见,百见不如一干。 Seeing is better than seeing. Seeing is better than doing. 13、经一番挫折,长一番见识。 After some setbacks, I have gained some insight. 14、天无一月雨,人无一世穷。 No man is poor without rain in January. 15、勤勉是成功之母。 Industry is the mother of success. 努力的英文谚语 最初的奋力一击,是战争成功的分水岭。 The first effort was a watershed in the success of the war. 人为万物灵,全靠双手勤。 All human beings depend on their hands. 宁做辛勤的蜜蜂,不做悠闲的知了。 Better be a diligent bee than a leisurely cicada. 如果把才华比作剑,那么勤奋就是磨刀石。 If talent is compared to a sword, then diligence is a whetstone. 顶峰属有志之人,困难欺无能之辈。 The summit belongs to the people with ambition, while difficulties deceive the incompetent. 香花不一定好看,会说不一定能干。 Fragrant flowers are not necessarily good-looking. They can say that they are not necessarily capable. 憨厚朴实有碍事业的成功。 Simple and honest hinders the success of the cause. 志大才疏事难成,志坚勤学虎添翼。 It is difficult to achieve great ambition and talent, but hard to learn from the tiger. 只要路子对,不要怕 摔跤 。 As long as the way is right, don"t be afraid of wrestling. 树不修,长不直;人不学,没知识。 If a tree is not built, it will not grow straight. 不怕百战失利,就怕灰心丧气。 We are not afraid of losing in a hundred battles, but we are afraid of losing heart. 学 游泳 ,不怕激浪;想进步,不怕困难。 Learn to swim, not afraid of the waves; want to progress, not afraid of difficulties. 努力的英文谚语 路在人走,事在人为。 The road depends on people, and everything depends on people. 不经一翻彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香。 If you don"t go through the bone chilling, you can"t get the plum blossom fragrance. 有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。 Achievement is the only real pleasure in life. 本来无望的事,大胆尝试,往往能成功。 If you try boldly, you can always succeed. 成功是结果,而不是目的。 Success is the result, not the end. 对搞科学的人来说,勤奋就是成功之母。 For those who engage in science, diligence is the mother of success. 山高流水长,志大精神旺。 The mountain is high and the water is long, the ambition is great, and the spirit is vigorous. 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。 The sea is wide and the sky is high. 一年之计在于春,一生之计在于勤。 Spring is the plan of a year and diligence is the plan of life. 知事必须虚心,成事须有恒心。 A magistrate must be open-minded and persistent. 立下凌云志,敢去摘星星。 Set up Ling Yunzhi, dare to pick the stars. 努力的英文谚语 山高有攀头,路远有奔头。 There is a long way to go. 打柴问樵夫,驶船问艄公。 Ask the woodcutter for firewood and the boatman for the boat. 人往大处看,鸟往高处飞。 People look to the big, birds fly high. 成功是用努力,而非用希望造成。 Success is made by effort, not by hope. 要得惊人艺,须下苦功夫。 It takes hard work to achieve amazing skills. 不吃苦中苦,难得甜上甜。 If you don"t eat bitterness, you can"t be sweet on sweet. 寒冷到了极致时,太阳就要光临。 When the cold reaches its peak, the sun will come. 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。 The wildfire can"t be burnt out, and the spring wind blows again. 学习不一定成功,不学习一定不能成功。 Learning is not necessarily successful, and you can"t succeed without learning. 当家才知盐米贵,出门才晓路难行。 Only when you are at home do you know that salt and rice are expensive, and when you go out, you will know the road is difficult. 人间之可爱,就再于它的有情有爱有牵绊。 The loveliness of the world lies in its affection and love. 努力的英文谚语 汗水浇开幸福花,勤劳种出甜蜜果。 The sweat pours the happy flower, the industrious seed produces the sweet fruit. 失败的人往往都是一些有德失心的人。 Those who fail are often those who have lost their heart. 不担三分险,难练一身胆。 It"s hard to be brave without three risks. 常说口里顺,常做手不笨。 Always say smooth, often do not stupid. 没有得到我想要的,我即将得到更好的。 I didn"t get what I wanted, I was about to get better. 才华是血汗的结晶。 Talent is the product of sweat and blood. 你不怕困难,困难就怕你。 You are not afraid of difficulties, difficulties are afraid of you. 成功就是简单的事情不断地重复做。 Success is doing simple things over and over again. 管理就是激发人的潜能,以赢取目标。 Management is to stimulate people"s potential to win goals. 观念的新旧,意味着能否接受新生事物。 The old and new ideas mean whether new things can be accepted. 先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。 Trust yourself first, then others will believe you. 世上本没有路,走的人多了便成了路。 There is no road in the world, and it becomes a road when more people go. 若要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 If you want to work hard, grind an iron pestle into a needle. 坚持努力的英语谚语相关 文章 : ★ 关于坚持努力的英语谚语 ★ 关于坚持的英文俗语有哪些 ★ 关于毅力坚持的英语谚语 ★ 简单努力的英语谚语 ★ 有关勤奋努力的英语谚语有哪些 ★ 关于勤奋的英语谚语 ★ 关于努力学习的英文谚语名言 ★ 关于勤劳的谚语英语版 ★ 关于勤奋的英文谚语有哪些
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那一段的英文:Zero camber is the ideal design for new riders and riders that want the best of both worlds. You"ll find this design on the Burton learn-to-ride boards and Chopper and Chicklet many shred boards. The flat press for the free riders and jibbers can be a good balance of performance for all mountain riding.中文:zero camber是对于新手和追求两全其美(大概指ride和jib,滑雪跟耍花样)的滑雪爱好者的理想设计型。你会发现其实在Burton(一个滑雪用品品牌)的很多learn-to-ride(初学者)滑雪板,Chopper(Burton的一个旗下类型)滑雪板,Chicklet(另一个旗下类型)滑雪板中都有这种设计。对于自由滑雪运动者来说,它的平底设计能让山上滑雪运动显得更加平稳。PS:我不懂滑雪,很多东西现查的。至于Burton那些牌子你去google上搜一下吧应该有图片。术语翻译得不准确请见谅。纯手动翻译哦亲~喜欢请采纳~!
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英语学习要有自信 我刚高考完 我的英语也不是很好 高考112分 最主要的还是心态 学习英语每天至少要阅读15分钟 如果觉得吃力 就找些简单的读读 看得懂了自然就爱读了 有了兴趣再加些难度 英语学习单词是基础 祝你早日找到自信
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