barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-22 23:06:38



a teacher was on the way to the classroom for teaching. he talked with 6 his colleagues on the way. which are 4males and 2females. we could understand that he had a nice weekend.

2。TED是一名学生,他到video shop去想要一盘video。他与店员交谈,店员问他有没有卡,他说他没有,于是店员决定帮他



TED was a student. he went to the video for a video disc. he talked with clerk. the shop assistance asked whether he had a card or not. he said he had not. so the clerk was determined to help him create a new card. the clerk asked his name, spelling, add. tel etc. when the clerk asked his credit card numbers. he said he had not credit card. finally, it was not finished.

3。有2个人在因特网上寻找旅馆,他们分别找到了2家旅馆。一个人找到的是商业旅馆。另一个人找到的是一家ritz hotel,


there are 2 person are searching hotel in internet. they found two hotels each others. one is business hotel and other is ritz hotel.

one of them was surprised with the other hotel"s list. so they couldn"t make a decision finally.

4。一对男女要去滑雪,他们关于要带的东西展开了一场讨论。女的提醒了男的许多要带的东西。例如要带些a ski jacket,

a sweater,ski boots,等等。然后对于服装的颜色等也进行了挑选,最后决定用一个大箱子带他们所挑选的东西去。

a man and a woman want to have a skee. they are talking about the luggages which they need to take. the woman had reminded the man there are many tools should be taken. such as a ski jacket, a sweater, ski boots etc. and then they talk about the color. at the end of, the decision is using a big luggage to contain all of commodities.


一个来自san francisco,一个来自bogota colombia,一个来自osaka,另一个来自italy。其中有住在italian的人,也有住在


four people met in the airdrome hall. the had a short conversation. the met and say hello each other. we could know one of them was from san francisco. one was from bogota colombia, other two were from osaka and italy.from their conversations . some of them are living in italy or london. they are clerks or students

6。2位女性在电话中交谈,其中一位女士谈论到她最近改变了形象,她有个一个新的形象,她把她brovon long curly的头发

改变成blond,short,straight.而且她walked and jogged every day.and went swimming a more fat.另一为女士则





8。有2个人要去nijo castle,他们在路上一共问了3个人,第一个人不会讲英文,第2个人用日语为他们指的路,他们听不懂







互询问了之后发现他们在时间上不能相互配合,不是 celia有事,就是laura有公主,但是他们发现他们2人每星期都会去同

一家silver gym on east main street,只是因为时间上不同所以2人没有见面,于是她们约定星期5一起去silver gym on

east main street,并且在之后一同去吃饭。


england出发,他穿过atlanta ocean,用了111天到达U。S。然后使用in-line skated到达旧金山,再从旧金山花了53




最好的办法 就是自己去下载一个金山快译



One teacher walks for on the way getting rid of a classroom giving lessons in the front, all the

way she conversation , 4 males happened in her colleague with 2 daughters. From being able to

know his weekend lives with good in the conversation, have needed a cup of coffee before she gets

rid of a classroom, he walks into a classroom and then , schoolmates start and good morning, course

one day mutually. 2. TED is one student , he goes round video shop to want a video. He has a

conversation with the sales clerk , the sales clerk asks that if he has a card , he criticizes him

the sales clerk does not decide to help him to purchase a card thereupon, sales clerk having asked

his full name , having spelt method , address , telephone and so on. Think that the sales clerk

asks about the silver arriving at him





1. A teacher talked with her 6 colleague, 4 guys and 2 ladies, when she was on her way to classroom. We learnd that she had had a nice weekend from their conversation. She took a cup of coffee then walked into the classroom, and she began the whole day"s courses by saying morning with her students mutually .


1. A teacher at the school classroom would go along with her six of her colleagues in a dialogue occurred, the four men and two women. He can learn from the dialogue weekend is going fairly well, a cup of coffee before she went to the classroom, and then he walked into the classroom. and the students each other good morning, the day of course. 2. TED is a student, he wanted to go to the video shop in a game of video. He talked with the staff, the staff asked if he had cards, he said he did not, so staff members decided to help him to hold one card shopkeeper asked him the name spellings, addresses, telephone. When the shopkeeper asked his bank card number, he said he has no bank card, the card would not run last TED. 3. Two individuals on the Internet to find a hotel, they were found the two hotels. The hotel business is to find a person. Another person was found a ritz hotel. One of the hotel because the price of another person taken aback to find that they have not yet decided where to put the last one. 4. A man and a woman to go skiing, they should take things in the midst of discussion. Many of the men and woman reminded to take things. Talks example, to bring a jacket, a sweater, Talks boots, and so on. For clothing colors, and then also for the selection, they finally decided to try to bring a large box of the things they have chosen to. 5. There were four meet in the airport hall, they have a short dialogue with each other, they meet each other and say hello, to chat. They can learn from their chat from a San francisco. one from bogota colombia, one from osaka, and the other from italy. Italian in which people who have lived in London. Students also have staff. 6.2 women in the phone conversation, one of them was talking about her recent change of image She has a new image. She changed into her brovon long blond curly hair, short, straight. She walked and jogged every day.and and went swimming a more fat. Another wait for the President said she would like to see a new image. 7. A photograph of his family and his friends, photos with his mother, grandmother, The mother"s husband (stepfather), brothers, sisters, and his family is very strange, He divorced mother and stepfather after the divorce to marry his mother, the child and his stepfather is a child of a member of the family, his grandmother. They are very happy living together is a very happy family. 8. Two individuals go nijo castle, they would have asked a total of three, the first one does not speak English. Article 2 refers to the way Japanese individuals, they did not understand that they saw a man holding a map from the corner, The man was leaving, then that person tells them. . . . . . . . They look instructions go for the latter arrived at the destination. 9. Daniel to the hotel to find a job interviewer asked him a number of questions. For example, will a computer, the more people will be excluded from the work place, mail will be issued, will prepare food and so on. He said he will use the computer items will be issued, excluding contacts crowd, but he is not cooking. He also said he agreed to work on Saturdays, but he could not work on Sundays. In interviews after his return to wait a while. 10. Celia and laura occasionally met, they greeted each other and talked about the recent work and life About time they want to eat this week. But after the inquiry found each other at a time when they can cooperate with each other, not celia infected. laura is a princess. But they found two people with a silver gym each week would go on east main street. So just because two people did not meet different time, So they agreed to work together to silver gym five weeks on east main street. in a dinner together after. 11. Jason is a global travel is doing, he is now in Hawaii interview, He will exclusively use the manpower resources to complete the entire journey, five years ago from england, He atlanta Ocean through the use of U-111 days arrived. S. Use-line skated before arriving in San Francisco, then spent 53 days in San Francisco arrived in Hawaii. After that he intends to go to Australia, starting bicycle across Australia, and then to Indonesia, go Malaiqundao. through Asian countries, he finally returned to his starting point for the end of England"s World Whole World in Mind.




unable to hold oneself back;brook no delay;too impatient to wait;in haste;jump to so sth.以上都可以。
2023-08-14 18:11:338


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 迫不及待: too impatient to wait Examples: 1. 我迫不及待地想听到这个消息。 I can hardly wait to hear the news.2. 她对别人想出的主意总是迫不及待地批评。 She"s always prompt to criticize other people"s ideas. 3. 她好像迫不及待地非要离开。 She seemed to be too anxious to do something. 4. 她迫不及待地要把这个好消息告诉他. She was bursting to tell him the good news. 5. 她迫不及待地要把那消息告诉我们. She was positively bursting to tell us the news. 迫不及待地开始 impatient to begin. 迫不及待地开始 Impatient to begin. 我每天都迫不及待来上班。 I look forward to ing to work every day. 我迫不及待地要听消息了。 I could hardly wait to hear the news. 我迫不及待地想听到这个消息。 I can hardly wait to hear the news. 他迫不及待地接受了这提议。 He snapped up the offer. 他迫不及待地抓住了那个机会。 He leaped at the chance. 他迫不及待地接受了这一提议。 He accepted the offer like a shot. 敌人迫不及待地对我们发起了进攻。 The enemy lost no time in launching an attack against us. 她迫不及待地接受了出国的机会。 She jumped at the chance to go abroad. 无 线
2023-08-14 18:11:581


问题一:迫不及待用英文怎么说 迫不及待 【can"t wait to do sth】 有不会的可以再问我 问题二:“迫不及待” 用英文怎么说 用句型can"t wait to do/for sth望采纳! 问题三:迫不及待地用英语怎么说 can not wait 我是英语专业学生 想希望能帮到你的英语 英语加油啊 问题四:迫不及待的。用英语怎么说 can"t wait any longer 问题五:"我迫不及待的想见你"翻译成英语 I can"t wait to see you. 其实,你也可以下载一个有道词典,直接查字、翻译都很方便的。 问题六:迫不及待的用英语怎么说 迫不及待:can"t wait to do sth 问题七:我迫不及待想见你用英文怎么翻译 I can"t wait to see you.
2023-08-14 18:12:051


2023-08-14 18:12:141

迫不及待的英语翻译 迫不及待用英语怎么说

有一个短语是表达这个意思:can"t wait for sth 或者 can"t wait to do sth
2023-08-14 18:12:242

请问 迫不及待 的英语怎写

Can"t wait! 迫不及待
2023-08-14 18:12:336


can"t wait to do sth.
2023-08-14 18:12:482


too impatient to wait
2023-08-14 18:12:574


impatient 英[u026amu02c8peu026au0283nt] 美[u026amu02c8peu0283u0259nt] adj. 不耐烦的; 热切的,渴望的; 不能容忍的,恼火的; 他们都迫不及待地想知道发生了什么事。They were impatient to know what had happened.
2023-08-14 18:13:192


can"t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事以下表示渴望做某事:desire to do sthbe eager foraspirelong for
2023-08-14 18:13:271


2023-08-14 18:13:366


can not wait doing
2023-08-14 18:13:534


That"s great!I can"t wait!
2023-08-14 18:14:3012

英语中迫不及待做某事,是can not wait doing sth还是to do

2023-08-14 18:14:536


cannot help doing
2023-08-14 18:15:115


I can"t wait to have a picnic.
2023-08-14 18:15:291


My parents and I ate going to Shanghai to play this summer holiday.Now I I can"t wait, I"m very excited every day
2023-08-14 18:15:384


2023-08-14 18:15:575


我等不及了英文是:"I can"t wait" 或者 "I"m so impatient" 可以表达你迫不及待、等不及的心情。还有一些其他表达迫不及待、想要尽快做某事的英文表达方式(expressions),包括:1、"I"m itching to...":表示自己非常渴望/想要做某件事情。常常和动词原形连用。例如:I"m itching to go on vacation.(我迫不及待要去度假了。)2、"I"m dying to...":比较强烈地表达想要做某事的心情,表示非常渴望/迫切地想做某事。也常常和动词原形连用。例如:I"m dying to try that new restaurant.(我迫不及待地想去尝试那家新餐厅。)3、"I can hardly wait":表示自己已经等不及了,非常渴望/迫切地想要做某事,强调自己的心情非常激动。例如:I can hardly wait to see you again.(我已经等不及要再见到你了。)4、"I"m counting down the days/hours":表示自己已经开始倒计时,迫不及待地等待某个事件的到来。例如:I"m counting down the days until the concert.(我已经开始倒计时等待演唱会了。)表达迫不及待等不及的心情1、"I"m so eager to...":表示非常渴望/想要做某事。例如:I"m so eager to see my family again.(我非常渴望再次见到我的家人。)2、"I"m impatient for...":表示对某件事情等待的耐心已经用尽,非常渴望/迫切地想得到某种结果或体验。例如:I"m impatient for the new season of my favorite TV show to start.(我迫不及待地想看我的最爱电视剧新季将会在何时播出。)3、"I"m on tenterhooks":表示自己处于焦虑、不安的状态,等待某个结果的到来。例如:I"m on tenterhooks waiting to hear back from the recruiter.(等待招聘人员的选择结果,让我不安又焦虑。)
2023-08-14 18:16:121


He can"t wait to watch TV
2023-08-14 18:16:376


2023-08-14 18:17:084


He couldn"t wait to meet her.
2023-08-14 18:17:174


I can"t wait to go. Onesmart BBB learning Centre Christian GUO
2023-08-14 18:17:263

现在我迫不及待的想参观长城 英文

I can"t wait to see the Great Wall.
2023-08-14 18:17:343


I can"t wait to go to Beijing.我迫不及待去北京
2023-08-14 18:17:411


小孩们迫不及待地想要返校The children can"t wait to get back to school
2023-08-14 18:18:021

高一英语翻译 我迫不及待的想把这个消息告诉你

I can"t wait to tell you the news.
2023-08-14 18:18:124


我们迫不及待待地要去旅行。We can"t wait to go on a trip.望采纳!谢谢!
2023-08-14 18:18:481

一切都准备就绪,它们迫不及待地要启动这个项目。(be dying to) 这句话用英语怎么翻译?

make a centences
2023-08-14 18:18:583


I can"t wait to fly it
2023-08-14 18:19:053


i can"t wait to marry you
2023-08-14 18:19:147


2023-08-14 18:19:308


I want go to play football!
2023-08-14 18:19:442


Can"t wait to do sth
2023-08-14 18:20:113


问题一:迫不及待用英文怎么说 迫不及待 【can"t wait to do sth】 有不会的可以再问我 问题二:“迫不及待” 用英文怎么说 用句型can"t wait to do/for sth望采纳! 问题三:迫不及待地用英语怎么说 can not wait 我是英语专业学生 想希望能帮到你的英语 英语加油啊 问题四:迫不及待的。用英语怎么说 can"t wait any longer 问题五:"我迫不及待的想见你"翻译成英语 I can"t wait to see you. 其实,你也可以下载一个有道词典,直接查字、翻译都很方便的。 问题六:迫不及待的用英语怎么说 迫不及待:can"t wait to do sth 问题七:我迫不及待想见你用英文怎么翻译 I can"t wait to see you.
2023-08-14 18:20:581


迫不及待地做某事:1、can"t wait t to do sth,迫不及待地想做某事。Couldn"t wait to do sth,迫不及待地想做某事;不能等做某事。2、wait to do sth等着做某事。3、等红灯=wait for the green light。千万不可说成:wait for the red light。例句:1、I can"t wait to get back home.我急不可待想赶回家。2、I can hardly wait to see him again.我迫不及待地想再次见到他。3、The children wake up very early ,and can"t wait to open the presents in their stockings.孩子们醒得很早,急不可耐地要打开长袜中的礼物。
2023-08-14 18:21:331


迫不及待地做某事:1、can"t wait t to do sth,迫不及待地想做某事。Couldn"t wait to do sth,迫不及待地想做某事;不能等做某事。2、wait to do sth等着做某事。3、等红灯=wait for the green light。千万不可说成:wait for the red light。例句:1、I can"t wait to get back home.我急不可待想赶回家。2、I can hardly wait to see him again.我迫不及待地想再次见到他。3、The children wake up very early ,and can"t wait to open the presents in their stockings.孩子们醒得很早,急不可耐地要打开长袜中的礼物。
2023-08-14 18:21:501


迫不及待地做某事:1、can"t wait t to do sth,迫不及待地想做某事。Couldn"t wait to do sth,迫不及待地想做某事;不能等做某事。2、wait to do sth等着做某事。3、等红灯=wait for the green light。千万不可说成:wait for the red light。例句:1、I can"t wait to get back home.我急不可待想赶回家。2、I can hardly wait to see him again.我迫不及待地想再次见到他。3、The children wake up very early ,and can"t wait to open the presents in their stockings.孩子们醒得很早,急不可耐地要打开长袜中的礼物。
2023-08-14 18:21:591


他迫不及待的想要去上学He can"t wait to go to school.请采纳
2023-08-14 18:22:214


can"t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事以下表示渴望做某事:desire to do sthbe eager foraspirelong for
2023-08-14 18:22:321


can"t help doing情不自禁干某事can"t wait to do 迫不及待做某事
2023-08-14 18:23:042


2023-08-14 18:23:276

迫不及待地想见你 用英语翻译

I can"t wait to see you. I am urgent to meet you. I do want see you as sonn as possible.
2023-08-14 18:23:531


I can"t wait to see you.
2023-08-14 18:24:121

迫不及待地想见你 用英语翻译

I can"t wait to see you. I am urgent to meet you. I do want see you as sonn as possible.
2023-08-14 18:24:241

我迫不及待地打开礼物 用英语怎么说

I cann"t wait to open the present.
2023-08-14 18:24:353


I eager you to eat my cookings.
2023-08-14 18:24:452


Yeah, I can"t wait to go and see him
2023-08-14 18:25:112

8上英语重点 详细哦

1. how often 多久一次。表示频率。2. how many多少3. how long多久.4. how far多远5. 锻炼 take/do exercise 阅读do some;健康状况n keep healthyhabit.习惯;习性n get into the habit of 养成???的习惯7. try to do 尽力去做某事 ,努力想达到目的He tried to climb that tree.他努力想爬上那棵树.try doing 尝试,试着做某事 ,只是试着去做,没有说十分想成功,作到的意思.试比较:He tried climbing that tree.他试着爬那棵树.6.had sth.7.keep保持;使保持某种状态v. keep +形容词 (保持???) keep doing sth 一直做???8. have a talk 谈话have a tea 喝茶have a rest 休息一会儿 have a class 上课have a hike 远足have a picnic 野炊have a concert 举办音乐会 have a visit 参观;访问have a look 瞧一瞧have a sleep 睡一会儿觉have a headache 头痛have a stomachache 胃痛;肚子痛have a toothache 牙痛have a sore throat 喉咙痛have a cough 咳嗽 have a cold 感冒have a fever 发烧have a sore back 背痛9.advice 不可数名词,建议,意见。Ask sb. for advice 征询某人的意见Give sb. some advice = give some advice to sb.给某人提出意见,建议Some advice a piece of stressed out紧张的;有压力的11.have problems in doing sth.做某事有困难12. in any way.无论如何in no way.无论如何不;决不on the way.在途中on one"s way to…….到……去的途中lead the way.带路by the way 顺便说一下13.believe sb. to do sth.相信某人做某事?轻信Believe it or not信不信由你14.hear.听见;听说v heard about 得知,听说Hear of听说起,听说到 hear from 收到??来信15.plan计划;规划;方案 plan to do sth. 计划做??16. 送某人某物 send sb sth =send sth to sb17.finish.结束;完毕;完成v finish doing sth. 结束做某事18.take花费(时间) v. it takes sb. some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事19.mean表示……的意思;作……的解释v. mean to do sth. 打算做?? Mean doing sth. 故意做?? common共同(的);共有(的) in common with ???和??一样21.interest兴趣;爱好n. have interest in doing sth. Be interested in 对??感兴趣22.necessary.必要的;必须的;必需的 It is necessary to do sth.有必要做???23.beat sb打败某人;战胜某人24.care喜欢Would you care for a drink?25.mix up混合在一起26.add ... to ...把……加到……上27. gift礼物;赠品 have a gift for 在??方面有天赋28Be good at doing 擅长??29.end结束;结尾by the end到/在最后in the end在最后,一般表示结果,强调的就是结果at the end of在??的尽头30.Practice doing sth 实践??31. 希望做某事 hope to do sth32. 需要做某事 need to do sth33例如 for example34就某事生气 be angry at/ about sth35做某事是容易的。 It"s easy to do sth36向某人出示某物 show sb sth=show sth to sb37忘记要干某事 forget to do sth忘记做了某事 forget doing sth38迫不及待做某事 can"t wait to do sth39问某人有关…… ask sb about sth40动身去某地 leave for…离开某地去某地 leave…for…41步行五分钟的路程 five minutes" walk42乘公共汽车take the bus 乘火车take the train乘地铁take the subway乘飞机take the plane坐小船take the boat乘出租车 take a tax步行on foot骑车去 ride to乘飞机去fly to 开车去drive to步行去walk to起床get up43把……带到…… take…to…44你认为……怎么样? what do you think of =how do you like45A is + 距离+ from B A地离B地有多远46花某人多少时间/金钱做某事It takes sb时间/金钱 to do sth47做某事的方法/式 the ways doing thing48在星期六下午 on Saturday afternoov49为考试 study for a test50邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do sth51忙于做某事 be busy doing sth / with sth52顺便来访 come over to53一张我的照片 a photo of me54擅长 be good at55善于和……相处 be good with56使得某人笑 make sb laugh make sb do sth 使??做??57和我性格相同的朋友friends who are like me58享受做…的乐趣 enjoy doing sth59停下来做某事 stop to do sth停止做某事 stop doing sth60给某人打电话 call sb at61每周一两次 once or twice a week62想要某人做某事 want sb to do sth63对……有益/害 be good/bad for64取得好成绩 get good grades65和……不同 be different from
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