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2023-05-19 20:10:58
TAG: co bo 英语 boc cop


How America"s police armed itself to the teeth

Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarisation of America"s Police Forces. By Radley Balko. PublicAffairs; 382 pages; $27.99. Buy from Amazon

RADLEY BALKO"S writing has long been read by people who care about civil liberties. First for the Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank, then for his own blog, “The Agitator”, now part of the Huffington Post, he has written about criminal-justice policy, with a focus on police abuses: not corruption so much as the excesses that have bee inherent in ordinary policing.


Mr Balko manages to avoid the clichés of both right and left, and provokes genuine outrage at the misuse of state power in its most brutal and unaccountable form: heavily armed police raiding the homes of unarmed, non-violent suspects on the flimsiest of pretexts, and behaving more like an occupying army in hostile territory than guardians of public safety.

“Rise of the Warrior Cop”, Mr Balko"s interesting first book, explains what policies led to the militarisation of America"s police. To his credit, he focuses his outrage not on the police themselves, but on politicians and the phoney, wasteful drug war they created.

After the obligatory backward glances to the colonial era—in which the sort of social shaming possible only in *** all, homogeneous munities obviated the need for standing police forces—and the American civil war, Mr Balko"s story really begins with the Supreme Court"s 1963 ruling in Ker v California, which allowed the police to enter someone"s home without a warrant and without knocking or announcing themselves. That was the first in a long series of rulings that gutted the Fourth Amendment"s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.

The social upheaval of the 1960s caught the attention of ambitious politicians and led them to focus on crime. Daryl Gates, then a rising star in the Los Angeles Police Department, created America"s first SWAT team in 1965 (he would eventually bee the LAPD"s chief in 1978, call drug use “treason” and state that casual drug users “ought to be taken out and shot”). Richard Nixon ran successfully for president on a law-and-order ticket in 1968, bolstered by a “Silent Majority” which, in Mr Balko"s view, “began to see a link between drugs, crime, the counter-culture and race”.

Ronald Reagan made Nixon"s drug policies tougher. He dramatically increased both federal involvement in bating drugs and asset forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to seize goods and property believed to be used in crime or, more controversially, purchased with the proceeds of crime. This gave the police an incentive to find connections between property and drug activity, often at the expense of more serious crimes. As Mr Balko notes, “Closing a rape or murder case didn"t e with a potential kickback to the police department. Knocking off a mid- or low-level drug dealer did.”

Financial incentives also came through drug-war grants and, after the attacks of September 11th 2001, homeland-security grants that allowed police departments to buy surplus military hardware of dubious utility. Fargo, North Dakota, has received $8m in grants to buy goodies such as an armoured truck with a rotating turret—used “mostly for show, including at the annual city piic, where police parked it near the children"s bouncy castle”.

Mr Balko is adept, in “Rise of the Warrior Cop”, at finding outrageous examples of SWAT-team misuse, such as deploying heavily armed police to break up *** all-stakes poker games, raid fraternity parties suspected of serving alcohol to underage patrons and arrest barbers for operating without licences. But he is too di *** issive of arguments that stricter policing may have helped produce the remarkable drop in America"s crime rate. Thanks to his book, Americans will be more aware of the costs of those methods. But they—and he—should also consider possible benefits.



agitating lorry
2023-01-09 12:07:047


treater; plunger; whip (厨房用); rabbler; stock (洗衣机中的); beater; agitator; stirrer; stirring apparatus; mixer都是搅拌器的意思相关短语:搅拌器;搅拌浆    strirrer搅拌器;搅拌装筐    strring apparatus搅拌器;搅拌装置    agitating device白泥搅拌器    mud agitator板片搅拌器    blade agitator厨房搅拌器    kitchen whisk磁搅拌器    magnetic stirrer磁力搅拌器    magnetic stirrers; magnetic stirring a aratus; magnetic stirring apparatus; magnetic stirrring apparatus磁性搅拌器    magnetic stirrer错臂搅拌器    cross-beam agitator带式搅拌器    ribbon agitator例句:Stirrers break up gas bubbles .搅拌器打碎气泡。Do you have a mixer , too ?你们是否也有搅拌器?A heavy-duty magnetic stirrer, such as cole-parmer model is needed during the fluorination .在氟化过程中需要用一架大功率的电磁搅拌器。For satisfactory fluidization under these conditions an agitator is used in the bed .在这些情况下,为了得到满意的流态化,在流化床中加有搅拌器。Coarse particles that will not disperse can be shredded by placing them with some water in a blender .将不分散的粗颗粒与水置于搅拌器中,扯碎粗颗粒。
2023-01-09 12:07:271


2023-01-09 12:07:397


2023-01-09 12:08:024


钻井中的水利振荡器用英语表达翻译如下:hydro-oscillator for drilling
2023-01-09 12:08:242


  你知道傲慢的英文单词怎么写吗?一起来学习一下吧!    傲慢的英文单词: arrogant    傲慢的英文单词: haughty    傲慢的英文单词: overbearing   傲慢的英文单词例句:   1. He is spoiled, arrogant and has a tendency towards snobbery.   他被宠坏了,傲慢无礼,而且经常自命不凡。   2. He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.   他说新闻媒体把他歪曲成了一个傲慢而又霸道的人。   3. Kenneth is an arrogant, rude, social snob.   肯尼斯是一个傲慢粗鲁只喜欢结交权贵的势利鬼。   4. I thought him conceited and arrogant.   我认为他既自负又傲慢。   5. John Steed was an arrogant, swaggering young man.   约翰·斯蒂德是一个傲慢狂妄的年轻人。   6. He found most of them insufferably arrogant.   他发现他们当中大部分人都傲慢得让人难以忍受。   7. She was said to be proud and arrogant.   据说她傲慢自大。   8. He"s an arrogant little swine!   他是个傲慢的小讨厌鬼!   9. Mona had watched him grow into an arrogant political agitator.   莫娜瞧着他成长为一个高傲的政治鼓动家.   10. You"ve got to get rid of your arrogant ways.   你这骄傲劲儿得好好改改.   11. Is she aloof and arrogant or just shy?   她是冷漠傲慢还是仅仅是害羞?   12. She was selfish, arrogant and often callous.   她自私傲慢,而且往往冷酷无情.   13. People are waking up that he is arrogant.   人们开始认识到他很傲慢.   14. He is an arrogant man.   他是个傲慢的人.   15. The tone of his book is consistently negative, occasionally arrogant, and often superficial.   他的书基调一贯是负面消极的,有时还有点儿傲慢自大,且常常流于肤浅。   傲慢的英文单词例句:   1. He gave me a haughty look and walked away.   他向我摆出傲慢的表情后走开.   2. They were displeased with her haughty airs.   他们讨厌她高傲的派头.   3. He is haughty to us.   他对我们很傲慢.   4. A haughty girl is always unpopular at school.   骄傲的女孩子在学校常常不受人欢迎.   5. " Wen - wan, don"t tell him,"said Hsin - mei in a haughty, jealous tone.   辛楣 又骄又妒道:“文纨, 不要告诉他. ”   6. He spoke in a haughty tone.   他说起话来口气傲慢。   7. The English have continued to show and to see themselves - islanders, haughty, puzzled.   英国人一直就表现为岛民,也看到自己确实是岛民, 傲慢 、 困惑.   8. The priest was a fat and a haughty man.   神父一个胖胖的目空一切的人.   9. If Catherine had been frigid the night before, today she was haughty.   如果说昨天晚上凯瑟琳举止僵硬的话, 今天晚上可以说是态度傲慢.   10. He was at the same time haughty, reserved, and fastidious.   他为人兼有傲慢 、 含蓄和爱挑剔的性子.   11. Yet he was not a haughty aristocrat.   但他并非一个高傲的贵族.   12. The haughty Ione burst into passionate tears.   高傲的伊俄涅伤心地痛哭起来.   13. Miss Pybus said she was cold and haughty.   皮不斯小姐说她冷若冰霜,不把人放在眼里.   14. She was a lady of a haughty temper.   她是一个高傲的女人.   15. Arthur said, in a haughty tone.   亚瑟说, 声调显得盛气凌人.   傲慢的英文单词例句:   1. She returns to the big screen to play Candy"s overbearing mother, Rose.   她又重返大银幕,扮演坎迪专横的母亲罗丝。   2. He"s so overbearing that no one wants to work for him.   他那么专横,没人愿为他工作.   3. Promoted too quickly, the conceited young man became overbearing.   提拔得太快, 那个自负的年轻人变得盛气凌人.   4. Their overbearing bureaucracy and their self - satisfied airs are really more than one can stand.   他们那种神气十足的官僚架子实在叫人吃不消.   5. My husband can be quite overbearing with our son.   我丈夫有时对儿子很专横。   6. They were insolent and overbearing to the servants and friends of Penelope.   他们对待佩内洛普的仆人和朋友傲慢无礼.   7. During Nixon"s ascendancy, too many staffers were overbearing.   在尼克松蒸蒸日上的时期, 他的手下人一个个骄横跋扈.   8. At the office he was mean and overbearing.   他在公司里表现得卑鄙专横.   9. He was clever, bad - tem - pered, and overbearing.   他聪明, 暴躁, 专横.   10. Her arched eyebrows and grotesquely powdered face were at once seductive and grimly overbearing.   眉棱棱着,在一脸的怪粉上显出妖媚而霸道.   11. He is never overbearing, though accustomed to command men in the utmost degree below him.   尽管他指挥过级别最低的下等兵打仗,他却从不盛气凌人.   12. She remembered to have hated her father"s overbearing manner toward her kindly - souled mother.   她记得他曾很恨父亲,因为他对心地善良的母亲非常蛮横.   13. Likewise, an overbearing stare can make you appear arrogant and egotistical.   此外, 过度的注视会让别人觉得你傲慢而自负.   14. At one time, she was known as arrogant overbearing.   她从前的名声是傲慢自大,甚至就年轻女演员而言.   15. TV critics said the program exploited the stereotype of the overbearing mamma.   电视评论说此节目利用了专横妈妈们的一贯做派.
2023-01-09 12:08:331

stir agitator怎么读什么意思

2023-01-09 12:08:462


2023-01-09 12:08:574


中文的诗词,歌词要押韵。英语也是如此。英语的押韵或押韵词为rhyme。押韵词也叫做同韵词。英语同韵词的定义和种类。英语押韵的基本原则是:一个单词的元音和与这个元音相连的辅音与另一个单词的元音和与这个元音相连的辅音发音相同。如,cat 和hat,它们的元音a 和在a 后面的t 都发一样的音。两个同韵词至少要有一个不同的音。或是元音,或是辅音。在大多数情况下,是辅音。如果是两个发音完全相同但拼写不同的词,他们同音词,而不是同韵词。例如,wait 和weight,它们的发音都是w/a:/t. (长元音A). 这两个词是同音词,不是同韵词。英语同韵词有多种,包括尾韵词,结尾音节韵词,单韵词,双韵词,三韵词,前韵词,首音节韵词等等。下面来一一介绍。尾韵词End rhymes:两个单词结尾的元音加辅音相同。· Laughter, admirer · Blue, shoe · Hat, cat · Plate, eight · Marigold, button holed · Night, fight · Rain, pain · Fun, sun · Pay, say · Tin, pin 结尾音节韵词last syllable rhymes:两个单词的最后一个音节的发音相同。· Tumor, harbor · Explain, plain, · Humanity, zesty · Threw, breakthrough · Pleat, complete 双韵词double rhymes:两个单词的最后两个音节的发音相同。· Adoring, exploring, · Conviction, prediction · Walking, talking · Humming, coming · Navigator, waiter · Water, agitator · Singing, ringing · Friction, addiction 三韵词triple rhymes:两个单词的最后三个音节的发音相同。· Frightening, brightening · Combination, explanation · Antelope, cantaloupe · Greenery, scenery · Mightily, vitally 下面这两种韵词属于非常韵词,一般不归纳进韵词的范围。但是诗词,歌词作家们会运用这些韵词丰富自己的作品。前韵词beginning rhymes: 两个单词的最开始的辅音和元音的发音相同。· Physics, fizzle · Plantation, plan · Scenery, cedar · Cat, kangaroo · Table, tailor · Car, carpet · Soccer, sauce · Sole, soul · Game, gain 首音节韵词first syllable rhymes: 两个单词的第一个音节的发音相同。· Carrot, caring · Pantaloons, pantomimes · Highlight, hydrant · Tulip, twosome · Extra, exhale · Explanation, excavate · Biangular, bite · Triple, trim · Fight, fire如果有帮到您,点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮即可,如果还有问题 请发帖重新提问哦
2023-01-09 12:09:111


petroleum equipment - drilling spool
2023-01-09 12:09:174


2023-01-09 12:09:393


hydraulic horizontal axis mixing the wok device characteristics: the U-shaped top of the pot vacuum, steam heating jacket, stepless worm gear reducer combination drive, increasing the stirring moment of the horizontal axis,using a Teflon blade stirrer, a tumbling mixing process in the material, a stirrer and a pot full-full contact, to ensure that the stirring was no dead ends.Opening the lid of the pot, discharge, reset hydraulic, mechanical transmission control, operation is extremely convenient.Frying temperature, vacuum frying can reduce the heat-sensitive raw materials especially suitable for frying, to avoid excessive heat caused by the deterioration of color and taste, keeping raw materials original color, smell and taste.Improve the efficiency of the frying, and reduce energy consumption and to shorten the frying time.Uses: used in bean paste, fruit Rong, jam and other food processing and traditional Chinese medicine and high-viscosity materials such as cooking and vacuum compression.
2023-01-09 12:09:519


firebrand 英[ˈfaɪəbrænd] 美[ˈfaɪərbrænd] n. 火把; 燃烧的木柴; 放火者; 煽动叛乱者; 同义词:火把: torch; flambeau; lunt.放火者:firebug; firer; incendiary.煽动叛乱者:agitator; incendiary;abetter; demagog.希望能帮到你。纯手打,望采纳。
2023-01-09 12:10:271


2023-01-09 12:10:326


(一)工程井钻井工艺在工程井钻井施工作业中分三开作业,以DS01-1井为例。一开直井段施工,二开造斜段施工,三开钻井时两井对接连通,连通后主井眼水平段钻进,三开分支井眼钻进。(二)大位移分支水平井钻井和悬空侧钻技术1.大位移分支水平井钻井斜深与垂深之比大于1.8的水平井为大位移水平井。其难度在于钻进过程摩阻大,滑动钻进加压困难。采用钻具倒装,多旋转少滑动,保证井眼平滑等措施来减少摩阻。同时,随着井深增加摩阻增大,下入减阻器(Agitator)帮助克服摩阻。2.悬空侧钻技术在煤层段侧钻,不可能像油气井那样填水泥候凝侧钻。侧钻时没有井壁支撑,增加了侧钻难度。采用选好侧钻点和控制钻时等措施来保证侧钻成功率。PHH-001井在后期施工中采用了两次侧钻进行两个分支井的施工。在侧钻时,主要做好了侧钻点、侧钻钻头、井下造斜工具、钻具组合、钻进方式的选择等工作,侧钻效率较高,一般2小时能形成完整的新井眼。(三)综合录井1.地质录井地质录井主要是:岩屑录井和钻时录井,并取全、取准各项原始数据,以获取地质资料建立钻井地层柱状。岩屑、钻时录井:一开井段不做要求,进入基岩风化带超过20.00m,一开井深50.20 m;二开、三开按设计要求进行录井工作。2.气测录井本井录井使用的气测录井仪是上海神开科技工程有限公司生产的SK-2Q02C快速色谱录井仪,主要适用于煤层气、天然气的勘探、开发的仪器设备,它的核心部分为高灵敏快速色谱。SK-3Q03氢焰色谱仪。SK-3Q03氢焰色谱仪是钻井勘探领域的浅层、薄层、地面导向的实时测量必备系统,是地面导向、薄层勘探、水平井勘探等钻井勘探获取钻井现场与科研第一手信息的重要仪器,一般的综合录井仪分析周期是2min,SK-3Q03氢焰色谱仪的分析周期是30s,使用它可发现0.5m以下的薄煤层,是煤层气勘探开发的新一代综合录井仪。气测录井是根据钻井过程中钻遇煤气层,气体浸入泥浆钻井液中返出地面,经电动脱气器分离后进入色谱仪,从而分析出气体成分,是发现煤气层的重要手段,也关系到钻井施工等相关作业。对气测异常井段及时做出了预报和初步解释,保障了水平井的顺利施工。3.伽马录井本井三开水平段钻进过程中,在MWD随钻测斜仪中增加伽马探管,利用自然伽马曲线在不同地层中的反映,特别是在煤层顶、底板为泥岩时,自然伽马曲线具有明显的幅值反映。能够分析判断钻头是否在煤层中,当钻头穿透煤层到达其顶、底板时,能够及时调整MWD随钻测斜仪钻进参数,使钻头重新回到煤层中。利用伽马录井配合钻时、气测、岩屑录井,能够很好地分析解释钻头在煤层中水平钻进,起到地质导向的作用。(四)测井测井内容及要求如下表。全国油气资源战略选区调查与评价
2023-01-09 12:10:541


A a. c .balance indicator,交流平衡指示器 a. c. bridge,交流电桥 a. c. current calibrator,交流电流校准器a. c. current distortion,交流电流失真 a. c. induced polarization instrument,交流激电仪 a. c. potentiometer,交流电位差计a. c. resistance box,交流电阻箱a. c. standard resistor,交流标准电阻器 a. c. voltage distortion,交流电压校准器a. c. voltage distortion,交流电压失真 Abbe comparator,阿贝比长仪 aberration,象差 ability of anti prereduced component,抗先还原物质能力 ablative thickness transducer [sensor],烧蚀厚度传感器abrasion testing machine,磨损试验机 absolute calibration,绝对法校准 absolute coil,独立线圈 absolute error,绝对误差 (absolute)error of measurement,测量的(绝对)误差absolute gravimeter,绝对重力仪 absolute gravity survey,绝对重力测量 absolute humidity,绝对湿度absolute method,绝对法 absolute moisture of the soil,土壤(绝对)湿度 absolute pressure,绝对压力 absolute(pressure transducer,绝对压力表absolute pressure transducer[sensor],绝对压力传感器 absolute read-out,单独读出 absolute resolution,绝对分辨率 absolute salinity,绝对盐度 absolute stability,绝对稳定性absolute stability of a linear system,线性系统的绝对稳定性 absolute static pressure of the fluid,流体绝对静压 absolute temperature scale,绝对温标absorbance,吸光度absorbed current image,吸收电流象 absorptance,吸收比absorptiometer,吸收光度计 absorption cell,吸收池 absorption coefficient,吸收系数 absorption correction,吸收修正 absorption edges,吸收边absorption factor,吸收系数 absorption hygrometer,吸收温度表 absorption spectrum,吸收光谱absorption X-ray spectrometry,吸收X射线谱法 absorptivity,吸收率absorptivity of an absorbing,吸引材料的吸收率 abstract system,抽象系统 abundance sensityivity,丰度灵敏度AC-ACLVDT displacement transducer,交流差动变压器式位移传感器 accelerated test,加速试验 accelerationg voltage,加速电压acceleration,加速度acceleration error coefficient,加速度误差系数 acceleration of gravity,重力加速度acceleration simulator,加速度仿真器 acceleration transducer[sensor],加速度传感器 accelerometer,加速度计acceptance of the mass filter,滤质器的接收容限 acceptance test,验[交]收检验access,存取 access time,存取时间 accessibility,可及性 accessories of testing machine,试验机附件 accessory(for a measuring instrument),(测量仪表的)附件 accessory hardware,附属硬件 accessory of limited interchangeability,有限互换附件accumulated error,积累误差accumulated time difference,累积时差 accumulative raingauge,累积雨量器accumulator,累加器 accuracy,精[准]确度accuracy class,精[准]确度等级accuracy limit factor(of a protective current transformer), (保护用电流互感器的)精确度极限因数accuracy of measurement,测量精[准]确度accuracy of the wavelength,波长精确度 accuracy rating,精确度限acetylene(pressure)gauge,乙炔压力表 acetylene regulator,乙炔减压器 acoustic amplitude logger,声波幅度测井仪acoustic beacon,水声信标 acoustic current meter,声学海流计 acoustic element,声学元件 acoustic emission,声发射 acoustic emission amplitude,声发射振幅 acoustic emission analysis system,声发射分析系统acoustic emission detection system,声发射检测系统acoustic emission detector,声发射检测仪 acoustic emission energy,声发射能量 acoustic emission event,声发射事件acoustic emission preamplifier,声发射前置放大器acoustic emission pulser,声发射脉冲发生器acoustic emission rate,声发射率 acoustic emission signal processor[conditioner],声发射信号处理器acoustic emission rate,声发射信号 acoustic emission source location and analysis system,声发射源定位及分析系统 acoustic emission source location system,声发射源定位系统acoustic emission source,声发射源 acoustic emission spectrum,声发射频谱acoustic emission technique,声发射技术acoustic emission transducer[sensor],声发射换能器acoustic fatigue,声疲劳acoustic impedance,声阻抗acoustic logging instrument,声波测井仪acoustic malfunction,声失效 acoustic matching layer,声匹配层 acoustic(quantity)transducer[sensor],声(学量)传感器 acoustic ratio,声比 acoustic releaser,声释放器 acoustic resistance,声阻 acoustic thermometer,声学温度计;声波温度表 acoustic tide gauge,回声验潮仪 acoustic transponder,声应答器acoustical frequency electric,声频大地电场仪 acoustical hologram,声全息图 acoustical holography,声全息 acoustical holography by electron-beam scanning,电子束扫描声全息acoustical holography by laser scanning,激光束扫描声全息 acoustical holography by mechanical scanning,机械扫查声全息acoustical imaging by Bragg diffraction,布拉格衍射声成像acoustical impedance method,声阻法 acoustical lens,声透镜acoustically transparent pressure vessel,透声压力容器acquisition time,取数据时间actinometer,光能计;直接日射强度表;日射表 (active)energy meter,(有功)电度表 active gauge length,有效基长 active gauge width,有效基宽 active metal indicated electrode,活性金属指示电极active remote sensing,主动遥感 active transducer[sensor],有源传感器activity,活度 activity coefficient,活度系数actual material calibration,实物校准actual time of observation,实际观测时间 actual transformation ratio of voltage transformer,电压互感器的实际变化 actral transformation ratio of current transformer,电流互感器的实际变化 actual value,实际值 actual voltage ratio,实际电压比 actuator,执行机构;驱动器 actuator bellows,执行机构波纹管 actuator load,执行机构负载 actuator power unit,执行机构动力部件actuator sensor interface(ASI),执行器传感器接口 actuator shaft,执行机构输出轴actuator spring,执行机构弹簧actuator stem,执行机构输出杆 actuator stem force,执行机构刚度 actuator travel characteristic,执行机构行程特性adaptation layer,适应层 adaptive control,(自)适应控制adaptive control system,适应控制系统adaptive controller,适应控制器adaptive prediction,适应预报 adaptive telemetering system,适应遥测系统adder,加法器addition method,叠加法additional correction,补充修正 additivity of mass spectra,质谱的可迭加性 address,地址 adiabatic calorimeter,绝热式热量计adjust buffer total ion strength,总离子强度调节缓冲剂 adjustable cistern barometer,动槽水银气压表 adjustable relative humidity range,相对湿度可调范围adjustable temperature range,温度可调范围 adjusted retention time,调整保留时间 adjusted retention volume,调整保留体积 adjuster,调整机构;调节器 adjustment,调整 adjustment bellows,调节波纹管 adjustment device,调整装置adjusting pin,校正针adsorbent,吸附剂 adsorption chromatography,吸附色谱法 aerial camera,航空照相机 aerial remote sensing,航空遥感aerial surveying camera,航摄仪aerodynamic balance,空气动力学天平 aerodynamic noise,气体动力噪声 aerograph,高空气象计aerogravity survey,航空重力测量aerometeorograph,高空气象计aerosol,县浮微料;气溶胶aging of column,柱老化agitator,搅拌器agricultural analyzer,农用分析仪 air-borne gravimeter,航空重力仪 air capacitor,空气电容器air consumption,耗气量air damper,空气阻尼器 air-deployable buoy,空投式极地浮标 air-drop automatic station,空投自动气象站 air duct,风道air gun,空气枪air inlet,进风口air lock,气锁阀air-lock device,锁气装置air outlet,回风口 air pressrue balance,空气压力天平 air pressure test,空气压力试验 air sleeve,风(向)袋 air temperature,气温air-tight instrument,气密式仪器仪表 air to close,气关air to open,气开airborne electromagnetic system;AEM system,航空电磁系统 airborne flux-gate magnetometer,航空磁通门磁力仪 airborne gamma radiometer,航空伽玛辐射仪airborne gamma spectrometer,航空伽玛能谱仪airborne infrared spectroradiometer,机载红外光谱辐射计 airborne optical pumping magnetometer,航空光泵磁力仪 airborne proton magnetometer,航空甚低频电磁系统 airborne XBT,机载投弃式深温计airgun controller,气控制器 airmeter,气流表 alarm summery panel,报警汇总画面 alarm unit,报警单元albedograph,反射计alcohol thermometer,酒精温度表 algorithm,算法 algorithmic language,算法语言alidade,照准仪alignment instrument,准线仪alkali flame ionization detector(AFID),碱焰离子化检测器 alkaline error,碱误差alkalinity of seawater,海水碱度 all-sky camera,全天空照相机all-weather wind vane and anemometer,全天候风向风速计 allocation problem,配置问题;分配问题allowable load impedance,允许的负载阻抗 allowable pressure differential,允许压差allowable unbalance,许用不平衡量alpha spectrometer,α粒子能谱仪alternating[exchange]load,交变负荷 alternating-current linear variable differential transformer(AC-ACLVDT), 交流极谱仪 alternating temperature humidity test chamber,交变湿热试验箱altimeter,高度计 altitude angle,高度角altitude meter,测高仪 ambient humidity range,环境湿度范围 ambient pressure,环境压力 ambient pressure error,环境压力误差ambient temperature,环境ambient temperature range,环境温度范围 ambient vibration,环境振动 ambiguity error,模糊误差ammeter,电流表ammonia(pressure)gauge,氨压力表amount of precipitation,雨量amount of unbalance,不平衡量amount of unbalance indicatior,不平衡量指示器ampere-hour meter,安时计amplitude,幅值amplitude detector module,振幅检测组件amplitude error,振幅误差amplitude modulation(AM),幅度调制;调幅amplitude-phase error,幅相误差 amplitude ratio-phase difference instrument,振幅比—相位差仪 amplitude response,幅值响应 analog computer,模拟计算机analog control,模拟控制analog data,模拟数据analog deep-level seismograhp,模拟深层地震仪analog input,模拟输入 analog magnetic tape record type strong-motion instrument,模拟磁带记录强震仪analog model,模拟模型 analog output,模拟输出analog seismograph tape recorder,模拟磁带地震记录仪analog simulation,模拟仿真analog stereopotter,模拟型立体测图仪analog superconduction magnetometer,模拟式超导磁力仪 analog system,模拟系统 analog telemetering system,模拟遥测系统 analog-to-digital conversion accuracy,模-数转换精确度 analog-to-digital conversion rate,模-数转换速度analog transducer[sensor],模拟传感器analogue computer,模拟计算单元analogue date,模拟数据 analogue measuring instrument,模拟式测量仪器仪表 analogue representation of a physical quantity,物理量的模拟表示analogue signal,模拟试验 analogue-digital converter;A/D converter,模-数转换器;A/D转换器analogue-to-digital conversion,模/数转[变]换 analysis of simulation experiment,仿真实验分析analytical balance,分析天平analytical electron microscope,分析型电子显微镜analytical gap,分析间隙analytical instrument,分析仪器 analytical line,分析线 analytical plotter,解析测图仪analyzer tube,分析管 anechoic chamber,消声室;电波暗室 anechoic tank,消声水池 anemograph,风速计 anemometer,风速表anemometer meast,测风杆 anemometer tower,测风塔aneroid barograph,空盒气压计aneroid barometer,空盒气压表;空盒气压计aneroidograph,空盒气压计angle,角度angle beam technique,斜角法angle beam testing,斜角法angle form,角型angle of attach,冲角 angle of field of view,视场角 angle of incidence,入射角angle of refraction,折射角 angle of spread,指向角;半扩散角 angle of view of telescope,望远镜视场角 angle of X-ray projiction,X射线辐射圆锥角 angle probe,斜探头angle resolved electron spectroscopy(ARES),角分辨电子谱法angle strain,角应变 angle transducer[sensor],角度传感器 anglg-attack transducer到下面的连接去看看,A到Z的都有,太多了,就不往上复制了,希望能够帮到你:)
2023-01-09 12:11:001

帮我翻译一下设备操作面板的英文 谢谢

2023-01-09 12:11:194


1936年10月19日,鲁迅逝世于上海。成千上万的普通人自动地来为他送行,在他的灵柩上覆盖着一面旗帜,上面写着“民族魂”三个字。 生前,他立下遗言:“一、不能因为丧事收任何一文钱,但朋友的,不在此例。二、赶快收敛、埋掉、拉倒。三、不要做任何关于纪念的事。四、忘掉我,管自己的生活。倘不,那就真是糊涂虫。五、孩子长大,倘无才能,可寻点小事情过活,万不可去做空头文学家或美术家。六、别人应许给你的事物,不可当真。七、损着别人的牙眼,却反对报复,主张宽容的人,万勿和他接近。”
2023-01-09 12:11:334


2023-01-09 12:11:4611


nonproprietary 全部释义和例句>>非专利药例句与用法1. The popularity of the j2ee based systems stems from them being non - proprietary基于j2ee的系统的流行起因于它们的非专有性。 2. Easy integration with third party software and hardware requiring off - the - shelf non - proprietary hardware only易与第三方的软硬体集成。 3. The agitator drive is comprised of a non - proprietary reducer which utilizes worm gearing to provide a variety of output speeds由非专利设计的蜗轮传动组成的搅拌驱动,提供多种搅拌速度。 4. The ws - i publishes non - proprietary web services specifications to promote the interoperability of web services across platformsWs - i发布了非专有的web服务规范,以提高跨平台web服务的互操作性。
2023-01-09 12:12:241


他自由自在地在自己个性的河流中畅游The True ArtistNorman Bethume 真正的艺术家诺尔曼·白修姆The true artist lets himself go. He is natural. He swims easily in the stream of his own temperament. He listens to himself. He respects himself. He comes into the light of everyday like a great leviathan of the deep, breaking the smooth surface of accepted things, gay, serious, sportive. His appetite for life is enormous. He enters eagerly into the life of man, all men. He becomes all men in himself. The function of the artist is to disturb. His duty is to arouse the sleepers, to shake the complacent pillars of the world. He reminds the world of its dark ancestry, shows the world its present, and points the way to its new birth. He is at once the product and preceptor of his time. After his passage, we are troubled and made unsure of our too-easily accepted realities. He makes uneasy the static, the set and the still. In a world terrified of change, he preaches revolution ---- the principle of life. He is an agitator, a disturber of the peace ---- quick, impatient, positive, restless and disquieting. He is the creative spirit working in the soul of man. 真正的艺术家狂放不羁,无拘无束。他自由自在地在自己个性的河流中畅游。他尊重自我,不随波逐流。 他像深海巨鲸,每日浮现水面、一展风姿、打破惯有的平静。他嬉闹玩耍、轻松愉快,又严肃认真、一丝不苟。他酷爱生活,渴望融入所有人的生活,与他们息息相通。 艺术家的作用就是惊世骇俗。其职责在于唤醒沉睡的人们,惊悟那些沾沾自喜、自鸣得意的世之骄子。他提醒世人不要忘记曾经在黑暗中摸索的先辈,让世人看到当前的现状,为他们指引新生之路。他既是时代的产儿,又是时代的先锋。他的出现先是令人困惑,继而怀疑早已习以为常的现实。他令平静、凝滞、死寂的一切苏活。在一个惧怕变革的世界里,他宣扬变革乃生活之本。他又是擅长鼓动,乐于打破平静的活动家。他机智敏锐,自信乐观,热烈急切,不满现状,激人奋发。他是活跃于人类灵魂深处,富于创造力的精灵。
2023-01-09 12:12:346


use用英语怎么说,回答如下:use[英 [ju:s] 美 [ju:s] ]use的过去式:used;   过去分词:used;   现在分词:using;   复数形式:uses;use 基本解释:名词使用; 使用权; 功能。动词使用; 运用; 消耗; 服用use 双语例句:1. We shall drink water from tubewells. If it is not available, we shall boil water or use alum.我们要饮用从管井中打出的水,如果没有管井的水,我们要把水烧开,或是使用明矾把水纯净。2. It is suitable to use in the fields where suffer great damage from the termites and require environment protection, and installation with pipe.本产品适用于在白蚁危害比较严重,且有绿色环保要求的场所,特别是埋地和管道敷设的电力系统输配电线路。3. The agitator use unique form, which separates the hydraulic motor and agitator bearing block, it will not influence fluid motor even though abrasion and slurry leak.搅拌机构采用独特的结构形式,将液压马达与搅拌轴承座完全隔离,即使搅拌密封磨损漏浆,也不至于影响液压马达。4. The new government built up close relations with the Soviet Union, which was especially keen to make use of the port of Berbera.新政府建立了密切的关系,苏联,这是特别热衷于利用伯贝拉港。
2023-01-09 12:13:161


Puissance surcharge pas de polymère / boue comperssor air conduite automobile dispsal agitateur boue / séparateur d"eau pompe de lavage polymère pompe de dosage pompe à boues polymère agitateur anormale-filtre en tissu forcé de conduire D"arrêt d"urgence manuel auto arrêter sur hors tension
2023-01-09 12:13:301


一、煤层气多分支水平井的井型和设计优化(一)多分支水平井命名规则井名分4种:工程井、生产井、主水平井、分支水平井。井名的命名一般采用如下规则,井名由区块、工程井、翼数、生产井组成。如DS01-1V,DS表示“端氏”区块名称,以汉语拼音首个字母缩写;01表示第一个工程井,-1表示第一个翼,-1V表示该翼的生产井,-L1表示第一个分支水平井。生产井用V表示,如DS01-1V。主水平井用M表示,如DS01-1-M。分支水平井用L表示,如DS01-1-Ln,n为分支数目(图6-1)。图6-1 多分支水平井井名的命名规则多分支水平井由工程井和生产井组成一翼,工程井包括直井段、造斜段和水平段,水平段包括主支和分支。生产井为直井,在煤层段造洞穴,并与水平段连通(图6-2)。图6-2 单翼多分支水平井生产井和工程井组合图为了提高井场利用效率,在一个井场可以设计一翼到四翼多分支水平井,使分支水平井网络布满煤层的抽排面积。(二)井型分类示范工程共实施6口多分支水平井,对5种类型的井进行了试验。1.按工程井和生产井组合分类按工程井和生产井组合情况,分为工程井和生产井分离的多分支水平井、工程井和生产井合一的多分支水平井。前者如DS01-1、DS02-1、SX01-1(图6-3),后者如PHH-001、PHH-002(图6-4)。图6-3 工程井和生产井分离的多分支水平井图6-4 工程井和生产井合一的多分支水平2.按主支数量分类按主支数量,本次可以分为单主支多分支水平井和双主支多分支水平井,如PHH-001、PHH-002、DS02-1、SX01-1(图6-5)。3.按完井类型分类按完井类型,本次进行末端对接试验,采用单支水平井,分工程井和生产井,因此称为末端对接水平井。例如DS20-1、GSS-008-L1、BD4-L1~BD4-L4(图6-6)。图6-5 单主支多分支水平井图6-6 末端对接水平井4.不同类型井优点这些类型不同的多分支水平井,针对不同的地形、地质条件和煤层特征进行设计和部署,以最低的工程成本,获得最好的生产效益。单翼双主支多分支水平井,如DS01-1井,优点在于施工方便,主井眼不易损坏,有利于井壁保持稳定,避免由于工程施工中频繁活动而导致井壁坍塌,堵塞井眼。同时有利于增加分支井数,增大排泄面积。工程井和生产井合而为一,如PHH-001、PHH-002井,优点是节省工程量,降低成本,减少技术难度,不用进行两井连通的高难度高技术施工程序。缺点是井下泵无法下到近煤层的低位位置,距煤层距离一般还有20m左右,泵只能下到弯曲区段,因此,抽油机杆易被磨损。单翼双主支多分支水平井和工程井、生产井合而为一的多分支水平井的设计,是一种创造性地设计,在本项目得到第一次应用和试验,是一次具有创造性的实践,具有非常重要的意义,推广价值巨大。(三)井型设计和优化水平井井型设计和优化对钻井的成功具有重要意义。DS01-1等利用landmark设计软件优化多分支水平井施工设计。PHH-002等井轨迹采用兰德马克的Compass钻井轨迹设计软件包完成,钻井轨迹采用双增剖面双控制点,第一剖面采用曲率半径较大,造斜率较低;第二剖面采用曲率半径较小,造斜率较高,既降低了施工难度,又保证了轨迹控制,确保了在15号煤层的顺利着陆。1.井身结构(1)工程井井身结构。一开:φ311.1mm钻头开钻,下入φ244.5mm表套,水泥返至地面。二开:φ215.9mm钻头开钻,下入φ177.8mm技套,水泥返至地面。三开:φ152.4mm钻头开钻,下入主水平井及若干分支水平井,裸眼完井(表6-1、表6-2,图6-7)。表6-1 DS01-1井钻头程序表6-2 DS01-1井钻头程序套管程序图6-7 工程井井身结构示意图(2)生产井井身结构。一开:φ311.1mm钻头开钻,下入φ244.5mm表套,水泥返至地面。二开:φ215.9mm钻头开钻,下入φ177.8mm技套,水泥返至地面;煤层段下玻璃钢套管,造穴(表6-3、表6-4)。表6-3 DS01-1V井钻头程序表6-4 DS01-1V井钻头程序套管程序2.钻具组合钻具组合见表6-5。表6-5 DS01-1井钻具组合表3.钻井程序钻井程序见图6-8。图6-8 施工工艺流程图4.钻井液性能钻井液性能要求如表6-6。表6-6 钻井液性能要求5.多分支水平井工程技术参数多分支水平井工程技术参数如表6-7。二、钻井工艺技术(一)工程井钻井工艺在工程井钻井施工作业中分三开作业,作业流程和工艺详述如下:表层一开,下表层套管固井;直井和造斜段二开,造斜点定向钻进至煤层顶板着陆点,下套管固井;煤层水平段位三开,两井对接连通钻进,主井眼及分支井眼水平段钻进,裸眼完井。表6-7 多分支水平井技术参数续表(二)生产井钻井工艺(1)一开用311.1mm钻头钻入基岩层2~5m后,下入φ244.5mm的套管并固井,水泥浆返至地面。(2)候凝16h后二开,用φ215.9mm的钻头钻至3号煤层底板下60m,循环干净后起钻,进行标准测井,准确确定煤层位置。(3)测井后下入φ177.8mm的J55套管,煤层位置处带一根玻璃钢套管,然后用油井水泥固井,水泥返至3号煤层顶板200.00m以上,水泥浆密度1.85g/cm3。(4)固井、候凝后,用φ152.4mm的钻头扫水泥塞,循环干净后起钻。(5)根据煤层位置准确确定扫玻璃钢位置后,下钻扫玻璃钢套管,循环干净后起钻。(6)准确确定煤层位置后,下入掏穴工具至掏穴位置顶部,对煤层中部5.0m段掏穴,造穴井径不小于500mm,循环干净后起钻。(7)计算好填砂量,下钻向井内投砂至预定深度,准确探定砂面后起钻。(8)将井场恢复至进场状态。(三)大位移分支水平井钻井和悬空侧钻技术1.大位移分支水平井钻井斜深与垂深之比大于1.8的水平井称大位移水平井。其难度为钻进中摩阻大,滑动钻进加压困难。采用钻具倒装,多旋转少滑动,保证井眼平滑等措施减少摩阻。同时,随井深摩阻增大,需入减阻器(Agitator)帮助克服摩阻。2.悬空侧钻技术在煤层段侧钻,不可能像油气井填水泥候凝侧钻。侧钻时没有井壁支撑,增加了侧钻难度。采用选好侧钻点和控制钻时等措施来保证侧钻成功率。根据实钻井眼轨迹数据及DS01-1-L1靶点地质调整结果,做DS01-1-L1剖面数据。起钻至L1井的侧钻点位置,开始循环拉槽,定向、侧钻。根据主井眼滑动调整轨迹时工具的造斜率,确定侧钻分支时马达的弯角。侧钻时稳定工具面后,采取连续滑动的方式,尽快侧钻出新井眼。钻进5m后逐渐加快机械钻速,侧钻结束后,进行LWD实时测井。滑动侧钻及转盘稳斜钻进均在煤层中钻进,注意摩阻扭矩的变化。钻完L1井后,循环20min。起钻至L2井的侧钻点位置。重复上述步骤,完成其余分支井眼的作业。起钻至井口,关闸板防喷器,准备完井作业。PHH-001井在后期施工中采用了两次侧钻进行两个分支井的施工。在侧钻时,主要做好了侧钻点、侧钻钻头、井下造斜工具、钻具组合、钻进方式的选择等工作,侧钻效率较高,一般2h能形成完整的新井眼。(四)综合录井1.地质录井地质录井主要是岩屑录井和钻时录井,并取全、取准各项原始数据,以获取地质资料建立钻井地层柱状。岩屑、钻时录井:一开井段不做要求,进入基岩风化带超过20.00m,一开井深50.20m;二开、三开按设计要求进行录井工作。(1)岩屑录井。岩屑录井是建立地层柱状的依据,也关系到钻井施工等相关作业。严格按照《地质录井作业规范》的要求,加强录井前的各项准备工作。捞取岩屑严格按照录井规范做到不漏包、不丢包;清洗岩屑根据不同岩性采用不同工具和方法,保证了岩屑的数量和质量。岩屑描述实行专人负责,同时参考钻时等有关资料,准确鉴定岩煤屑,为建立地层柱状提供可靠的基础资料。(2)钻时录井。钻时数据是绘制钻时曲线的依据,而钻时曲线是岩煤屑鉴定描述、进行地质分层的重要辅助资料,本井严格按照设计要求,准确地获取了全井的钻时数据。一开不要求;二开后进行钻时录井每0.5m记录1点,为绘制钻时曲线、划分地层、水平井定向钻进提供准确数据。2.气测录井(1)气测录井仪简述。本井录井使用的气测录井仪是上海神开科技工程有限公司生产的SK-2Q02C快速色谱录井仪,主要适用于煤层气、天然气的勘探、开发的仪器设备,它的核心部分为高灵敏快速色谱SK-3Q03氢焰色谱仪,SK-3Q03氢焰色谱仪是钻井勘探领域的浅层、薄层、地面导向的实时测量必备系统,是地面导向、薄层勘探、水平井勘探等钻井勘探获取钻井现场与科研第一手信息的重要仪器,一般的综合录井仪分析周期是2min,SK-3Q03氢焰色谱仪的分析周期是30s,使用它可发现0.5m以下的薄层煤层,是煤层气勘探开发的新一代综合录井仪。(2)气测录井仪的使用。气测录井是根据钻井过程中钻遇煤气层,气体浸入泥浆钻井液中返出地面,经电动脱气器分离后进入色谱仪,从而分析出气体成分,是发现煤层气的重要手段,也关系到钻井施工等相关作业。本井严格按照《综合录井作业规范》的要求,加强录井前的各项安装准备工作。气测录井严格按照设计要求自二开至完钻进行全自动连续测量,每1m记录一点所测资料,全烃为连续记录曲线,做到不漏点、不漏测;对气测异常井段及时做出预报和初步解释,保障了水平井的顺利施工。3.伽马录井本井三开水平段钻进过程中,在MWD随钻测斜仪中增加伽马探管,利用自然伽马曲线在不同地层中的反映,特别是在煤层顶、底板为泥岩时,自然伽马曲线具有明显的幅值反映。能够分析判断钻头是否在煤层中,当钻头穿透煤层到达其顶底板时,能够及时调整MWD随钻测斜仪钻进参数,使钻头重新回到煤层中。利用伽马录井配合钻时、气测、岩屑录井,能够很好地分析解释钻头在煤层中水平钻进,起到地质导向的作用。(五)测井测井内容及要求如表6-8。表6-8 煤层气多分支水平井测井内容及要求三、定向和导向技术(一)LWD随钻地质导向技术“LWD”为随钻测井3个英文单词的简写。利用LWD导向,监测的主要参数是:地层自然伽马值和电阻率值,据此来判断钻头是在煤层中钻进,还是到了顶板或底板。地质师根据判断,要求定向井工程师随时调整井眼轨迹,最大限度保证在煤层中钻进(图6-9)。DS01-1V井采取“转动+滑动”的复合钻进方式,以及LWD随钻实时测井,能有效地实现钻头在目标层中穿行,导向钻进不但要考虑煤层穿行率,同时还要考虑机械钻速。二开造斜井段设计造斜段狗腿度11.081°/30m,剖面设计为双增圆弧剖面,连续造斜钻进至3号煤层顶部,钻至煤顶后,循环起钻,调整马达弯角。下钻时准确确定马达弯角方向,并预留反扭角;钻完第一柱后每单根测斜,定向井勤预测轨迹;在斜井段内钻具因故停止转动(洗井、测斜、机修、保养等)时,钻具需3~5min上提下放一次,活动距离不得小于6m,接立柱或起钻时,所卸接头需高于转盘面1~2m,钻进过程中不得转动转盘,接立柱时不得用转盘卸扣。图6-9 地质导向示意图二开钻进采用小钻压吊打,每50m测斜一次,保证井斜控制在2°以内。第二趟钻增斜调整方位,采用Sperry-Sun MWD 测量方式,定向方式为高边方式;第四趟钻通井处理泥浆后下套管,起钻测ESS多点;造斜钻进时,地质工程师每2m捞砂一次,注意地层变化,造斜钻进至煤层顶板后,控制钻速,进入煤层斜深1m结束二开。固井设计时,因造斜率比较高,决定少下扶正器,具体为:入井第1根套管最下端加刚性扶正器1只,100~380m井段每3根加弹簧扶正器1个每5根套管灌浆一次。三开钻进,试压后钻入新地层1m,处理泥浆后起钻,接入“LWD+Motor”钻具组合,按定向井的要求井口作业及测试;下钻到底后,循环一周后导向钻进;LWD实时检测轨迹,保持井眼在煤层的中上部运移,钻进过程中,解释工程师密切注意实时测井曲线,发现双Y曲线异常波动,及时与地质监督沟通,并结合返出岩屑,判断井眼轨迹趋势,及时采取措施,特别注意钻入底部的粉煤层;注意震动筛煤的返出量,若返出量减少,立管压力(LWD及录井检测)波动大,采取控制转速等措施,保持井眼清洁;加强录井、LWD监测,及时反馈,尽可能保持井眼在煤层中上部穿行;各分支井眼钻进,进行LWD实时测井。(二)MWD+伽马探管+钻时、岩屑、气测录井组合定向PHH-001和PHH-002多分支水平井在水平段钻进中,采用MWD无线随钻测斜仪进行定向钻进,配合钻时录井、岩屑录井、气测录井、伽马录井等方法进行地质导向。极大地降低成本,获得了十分有效的定向结果。根据地层性质,钻进煤层时,钻时小、伽马值低、甲烷气测值高;钻入煤层顶板泥岩时,钻时较大、伽马值极高、甲烷气测值较低;钻遇石灰岩时,钻时大、伽马值较高、甲烷气测值低。煤层中施工水平井时,煤层钻遇率是工程成功与否的关键。在施工中,施工方根据煤层钻进的特点,总结一套有效保证煤层钻遇率的方法。煤层钻进时,气测显示值远高于在顶底板的气测显示值,钻时则明显低于钻进顶底板的钻时;同时,将伽马探管接在离钻头较近的位置,根据15号煤层低伽马显示值的特性,进行地质导向,取得了很好的效果,PHH-002井煤层钻遇率高达80.7%。(三)无线随钻测斜定向技术PHH-001、PHH-002井采用国产无线随钻系统进行钻井轨迹控制。在实际施工中,采用不同造斜率的螺杆钻钻进,RST-48型无线随钻系统电子探管将井底参数通过泥浆传输至地面,远程计算机系统将泥浆脉冲进行解析后反馈给轨迹控制人员,轨迹控制人员通过采用滑动钻进、复合钻进、调整工具面、选择钻具造斜率等手段进行钻井轨迹控制。四、对接连通技术与水平井对应直井所造的洞穴直径一般为0.5~0.6m,水平井要穿过该洞穴,仅靠常规的精度很高的定向井测量仪器,一般来说是不可能的。必须采用专用连通仪器,用定向井测量仪器和工具作为配合,根据获得的信号和指令,要求定向井工程师调整井眼轨迹,达到对接连通的目的(图6-10)。DS01-1 井钻进参数:WOB 20~40kN;泵压8MPa。(1)直井下入VECTOR仪器。(2)水平井接收信号,判断与洞穴的相对位置。(3)每3m测斜一次,根据定向井工程师的预测数据,连通工程师发出井斜、方位调整指令。(4)定向井工程师依据指令,完成井斜和方位的调整。(5)距洞穴3m,直井起出仪器。(6)水平井旋转钻进连通,连通后钻进10m左右,起钻甩RMRS。图6-10 DS01-1工程井与生产井连通示意图五、排采技术排采技术包括排采设备、排采制度和修井等方面的技术集成。(一)排采设备排采设备的选择主要取决于井深、井底压力、水的流速及气的流速等因素。本项目直井选择管式泵排采设备,工程井和生产井合一的水平井进行了专门的泵型试验。井口装置包括:(1)单井采气系统。主要包括油、套环空出口+套管压力表+支管线+火把。(2)单井排液系统。主要包括油管出口+气、水分离器+水计量表+排水管线。(3)自动数据采集和设备自动控制系统。主要包括探头、传输电缆。CNG站的自动控制系统通过安装于井口的探头和传输电缆来采集各井的产水量和套管压力数据及控制抽油机和电机的运行。(二)排采制度排采工作制度根据产水量和降液速度进行调整。各井各不相同,同一口井在排采先后阶段需要适时调整。PHH-001、PHH-002、DS01-1V、DS02-1V井采用1.5~1.8m冲程,1.5~6.0次/min冲次,保证每日3~5m3的降液速率,满足该井排液,保持液面平稳。(三)压力煤粉控制和管理3号煤煤质较硬,排采过程中,可以随井液进入泵筒的只有悬浮的微粒,略大的井下物都沉积在井筒中,所以该类井在排采过程中,特别是排采初期,应当定期进行检泵,清除井筒内沉积物,保证后期产气的稳定。15号煤煤质较软,初期排采强度过大,降液速度过快,使井底流压突然变化,会造成井眼坍塌。所以该类井必须控制好降液速度,防止过快造成井眼坍塌,堵塞产气通道。(四)修井排采期间由于产液含煤粉量大,井下有大量煤浆,运行时煤浆进入泵桶,部分随井液排出地面,另有部分留在井桶内,造成凡尔堵塞或柱塞卡死,或因电路故障停机造成卡泵,因此排采井要定期进行修井作业。六、装备、工具钻井设备的选择是钻井成功的关键,水平井施工要求钻机具备较大的提升能力和加压钻进能力。导向工具确保完成设计的井眼轨迹,提高煤层钻遇率。对接系统要求准确连通。(一)钻机1.ZJ30B钻机设备清单ZJ30B钻机设备清单见表6-9。2.T130XD顶驱车载钻机PHH-001、PHH-002井钻井设备采用美国雪姆公司生产的T130XD顶驱车载钻机。该钻机主动力760马力,名义钻井深度1900m(311mm井径,114mm钻杆)。提升能力60t,顶驱给进能力14.5t,扭矩12kN·m,车载空压机2.4MPa,排量38m3/min。井台可伸起2.41m,可以直接安装防喷器。表6-9 ZJ30B钻机设备清单续表固控及防喷系统未列出。该钻机搬迁安装极为方便,提升、回转能力均能满足煤层气水平井施工的需要。该钻机即可采用常规钻井方法施工,也可采用空气钻井工艺施工。特别是该钻机加尺时用时很短,一般不超过1min,有效地减少了钻井时因停泵造成的井下复杂,使用钻井设备见表6-10。表6-10 钻井设备配备表(二)81/2″井眼井下特殊设备81/2″井眼井下特殊设备见表6-11。表6-11 81/2″井眼井下特殊设备清单(三)6″井眼井下特殊设备6″井眼井下特殊设备见表6-12。表6-12 6″井眼井下特殊设备列表七、钻井液和储层保护技术(一)钻井液性能要求钻井液性能要求见表6-6。(二)钻井液性能维护(1)开钻前检查固控设备、配浆及循环系统是否符合要求,各开关闸门是否灵活。(2)清泥浆罐,配浆。坂土浆需预水化24h以上。(3)钻进时开除砂器。一开结束,充分循环洗井。起钻前适当提高泥浆黏切,确保表层套管顺利下入。(4)二开用好各种固控设备,保证钻井液具有低的固相含量。(5)造斜段确保井眼清洁;可以不定期使用稠泥浆段塞清洗井眼。(6)造斜后应全面实施减阻防卡措施。(7)通井钻具到底后,充分循环洗净,起钻前打入3方稠塞。(8)下套管前裸眼段注入防卡减阻液,确保套管顺利下入;下套管完循环洗井时适当降低泥浆黏切,以提高水泥浆顶替效率。(9)水平段在煤层中钻进,以清水为介质,加强固控、除气。观察返出岩屑情况,可打入生物聚合物XC,提高井底的净化效果。(10)钻进用好振动筛和除砂器,清除煤粉。(11)为了确实保护好煤层,严格按照设计,采用清水钻进,用XC液体清洁井眼时高黏返出时放掉,泥浆罐内钻井液超过30s,放掉换清水。本井在使用清水+生物聚合物钻煤层时可能存在风险,特制定两套预案,但未实施。(三)煤层保护技术煤层气井施工时,煤储层保护极为关键。在本次钻井中,主要采用清水钻井液钻进,严格控制钻井液固相含量、密度,井内岩粉较多时,通过泵入高黏无污染钻井液排出岩粉,既保证了井内安全,又防止了储层污染。15号煤采用清水作为循环冲冼液钻进,为减少对储层污染,施工中严格控制清洗液的密度和固相含量,相对密度不超过1.03,由于煤层钻速很快,煤屑多,钻进一段时间需往井内泵入一定量的高黏无污染清洁液排出煤粉,保证井下既安全钻进又不污染煤层。完井起钻前采用清水清孔,替换孔内钻井液,保持孔内清洁干净,确保出气通道畅通。三开水平井钻井过程中,为避免和减少冲洗液中固相颗粒对煤层的污染,煤层水平井段使用吸水的钻进。但是由于清水的携带能力低,特别是水平井段不可避免地会造成煤屑、岩屑床,因此在钻进过程中,遇到井内复时,及时使用XC配制的清扫液进行清理,保持了井底干净,有效地避免了埋卡钻,确保了钻进安全,为本井的胜利完井打下了坚实的基础。
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2023-01-09 12:14:023

谁能帮忙翻译点英文资料 非常感谢

TAYLO过滤器被供应作为一个紧凑单位, 用所有辅助部件 完成为以下滤清阶段: -过滤的援助悬浮 -预涂层 -固体分离和排泄 -蛋糕切口和放电 -滤出液提取 -过滤器洗涤物。 TAYLO过滤器被设计并且被修建与食品工业标准符合, 使用镍镀铬物不锈钢(AISI 304)或镍镀铬物Molibdenum不锈钢(AISI 316)。 主要特征在标准供应是: - Stepless speed variation of drum remote controlled from the control board. - Continuous mixing of slurry in trough with an oscillating type agitator. -蛋糕切口设备的自动和可调整的测微推进, 遥控从控制板。 -自动平实章程在低谷。 -清除洗涤在每个周期的结束的滤清和布料。 -蛋糕切刀耐磨性使用特别防磨蚀材料。 -静态防泡沫设备安装在滤出液分离坦克里面。 -用于真空泵的水挽救。 水回收和温箱控制自动恢复。 -容易和急流到汇编。 滤出液分离坦克, 泵浦和控制板在一个不锈钢的结构运输预了装配。 与过滤器的电子连接由一个快的closing多极的插座完成。 过滤器建筑: -鼓与不锈钢AISI 316滤布和低谷用一个电平控制设备控制的自动进刀阀门。 -滤出液分离器在鼓之外用静态消去设备。 -平实开关控制的提取泵浦。 -过滤的援助悬浮绞拌器。 - Vacuum pumps with silencer. -控制板- IP 55保护。
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问题一:搅拌用英文怎么说? stir n. 搅拌;轰动 vt. 搅拌;激起;惹起 vi. 搅动;传播;走动 The temperature field during friction stir welding has an important impact on the weld quality. 搅拌摩擦焊接过程中温度场的分布对焊缝成形质量具有重要的影响。 问题二:搅拌用英语怎么说? 1.mix up e.g. She mixed up flour and water. 她把面粉和水拌匀。 2. stir e.g. Stir the soy-bean milk powder to prevent it lumping. 把豆奶粉搅拌一下以免结块。 问题三:搅拌机的英语怎么说 a mixer; an agitator; a stirring machine 问题四:搅拌一下英文 你好! 搅拌一下 A stir 问题五:磁力搅拌子用英语怎么说? 好吧,我告诉你。百度,谷歌,和N多词典,都是用magnetic stirrers这个词儿。 问题六:搅拌器英语怎么说? 食物搅拌机。
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搅拌机blender, mixer
2023-01-09 12:15:043


牛奶的英文是:milk.音标:英式 [mlk]、美式[mlk]。例:The farmer milks the cows twice a day.关于牛奶的短语:牛奶咖啡white coffee、coffee with milk、Milk coffee牛奶蛇Milk snake牛奶香皂Cow Brand Soap Kyoshinsha脱脂牛奶skim milk 、kimmed milk冻牛奶Cold milk牛奶湖Milky Way、Milk Lake一瓶牛奶a bottle of milk、A milk bottle牛奶冻blancmange牛奶变应性milk allergy牛奶场dairy牛奶传染milk-borne infection牛奶蛋糊馅心酥壳饼quiche牛奶冻blancmange牛奶房milk house; milk bar牛奶加工设备milk processing equipment牛奶搅拌器milk agitator牛奶咖啡cafe au lait;white coffee牛奶糖toffee牛奶甜香酒posset
2023-01-09 12:15:171


搅拌车Mixer car或者是agitator truck
2023-01-09 12:15:271


The Answer(2001.06.20)01. The Answer(ロックマンX6OP曲)02. Happy Monday ManRide Free(2008.11.26)01. Ride Free(词曲:森久保祥太郎)02. Crazy Night(词曲:森久保祥太郎)03. DoPaMiNe(词曲:森久保祥太郎)Parallel World(2009.05.13)01. Parallel World(映画时空警察ハイペリオン 挿入歌 /DVD『时空警察ハイペリオン 决着1989』OP主题歌)(词曲:森久保祥太郎)02. Home sweet home(DVD『时空警察ハイペリオン 旅立2009』ED主题歌)(词曲:森久保祥太郎)03. Never surrender(映画 时空警察ハイペリオン OP主题歌)(作词:森久保祥太郎)Stand down (2010.12.08)01.Stand down(词曲:森久保祥太郎)02. MIRROR(词:森久保祥太郎)03. Cloudy sky(词曲:森久保祥太郎)Mr.CLOWN(2011.12.21)01.Mr.CLOWN (词曲 : 森久保祥太郎 )02.Fatboy(词曲 : 森久保祥太郎 )CHAIN REACTION(2013.11.20)01.CHAIN REACTION(词/曲:森久保祥太郎)02. 生存者(词:森久保祥太郎)03. Rock-2-U(词:森久保祥太郎)FOCUS(2014.02.25) FOCUS [TVアニメ「牙狼〈GARO〉-炎の刻印-」新ED主题歌](词:森久保祥太郎 曲・编曲:R・O・N) モンテーニュ(词:森久保祥太郎 曲・编曲:R・O・N) PHANTOM PAIN(2015.10.07) PHANTOM PAIN(词曲:森久保祥太郎) SHAKE!!(词曲:森久保祥太郎) It"s me(词曲:森久保祥太郎/井上日德) 髄(Zui)(2001.07.18)01. Build Up!!!(锻)02. Power03. G行为04. 身体検査05. Rainy Day06. The Answer(洛克人X6OP曲)07. Hedgehog Peter08. 臆病者09. Moon Light(洛克人X6OP曲)10. End of the skyShow(2006.05.17)01.shootin" stars02.Hurry up drive03.Change or never change04.Cross chord05.Continued叫~kyo~(2009.12.23) 01. 叫~kyo~02. Key(词曲:森久保祥太郎)03. dizzy candy(词曲:森久保祥太郎)04. DoPaMiNe(词曲:森久保祥太郎)05. My Destination(词:森久保祥太郎)06. Crazy Night(词曲:森久保祥太郎)07. Never surrender (电影时空警察主题曲)(词曲:森久保祥太郎)08. Home sweet home (DVD时空警察主题曲)(词曲:森久保祥太郎)09. Parallel World (电影时空警察插曲)(词曲:森久保祥太郎)10. Catharsis-Dinner(词曲:森久保祥太郎)11. Whenever I go (ハイビーム歌曲)(词:森久保祥太郎)12. UNDER CONSTRUCTION(词曲:森久保祥太郎)13. Ride Free(词曲:森久保祥太郎)14. never ends...(词曲:森久保祥太郎)凛~rin~(2012.10.31) 01.Introduction 凛~rin~02.Let"s get started(词曲:森久保祥太郎)03. Cloudy sky(词曲:森久保祥太郎)04. D.I.G(词曲:森久保祥太郎)05. Mirror(词:森久保祥太郎)06. ~interlude~ 「Detox」(词:森久保祥太郎)07. Fatboy(词曲:森久保祥太郎)08. nothing to lose(词曲:森久保祥太郎)09. gravIty(词曲:森久保祥太郎)10. Stand down(词曲:森久保祥太郎)11.Water in the tub(词曲:森久保祥太郎)12.Mr.CLOWN(词曲:森久保祥太郎)TRIBALISM ~sunrise side~(2014.05.28) 01.TRIBAL(词:森久保祥太郎)02.臆病者 Я03.Power Я(词曲:森久保祥太郎)04.Rainy day Я(词曲:森久保祥太郎)05. One more thing(词曲:森久保祥太郎)TRIBALISM 〜sunset side〜(2014.11.05) 01.AGITATOR (词曲:森久保祥太郎)02.G行为 Я(词曲:森久保祥太郎)03.身体検査Я(词:森久保祥太郎)04.Moon LightЯ(词曲:森久保祥太郎)05.SUNSET RADIO(词:森久保祥太郎) Showtaro Morikubo LIVE TOUR "01臆病者のG行为(2003.09.25)LIVE TOUR 2013~心・裸・晩・唱~PHASE 3(2013.12.04)LIVE TOUR 2014~心・裸・晩・唱~PHASE 4(2014.12.03) 网球王子(切原赤也)赤く染める月Time has comeHIKARI(OVA.ED曲)GatherWonderful daysメラメラ业火绚烂终わらない爱SOUL MATEBrave heartAggressor"s high歌之王子殿下(寿岭二)ガムシャラROman☆Tic溺爱テンプテーションRISE AGAINポワゾンKISSQUARTET NIGHTHyper×Super×Lover☆爱しき人へキスはウインクでマスカレイドミラージュエボリューション・イヴthe dice are castマリアージュYou"re my lifeNEVER...Hurray×2 ドリーマーズDIABOLIK LOVERS(月浪シン)S.O.S-ΑtoΩ-血戦のDies irae汝名艾丽斯Are you Alice? (白ウサギ)LIDDELL.THE END.Alice?闪灵二人组(天野银次)Born againTWINS时空警察ヴェッカーシグナ(织田优生)signWho am I...?新白雪姬传说(豪)THE GREAT JOURNEY~大航海~真女神转生恶魔之子(甲斐刹那)Invisible HeartsPeace and Love无敌侦探贵公子(信浓紫炎)I"m on Fire ~紫に燃える炎~スレイヤーズVSオーフェン(奥芬)Deep In The Darkest BlueZERO ZANY.(ZERO)UNDER THE WORLD(THE WORKS 3.0に収録)超速yoyo(堂本瞬一)Loop&Loop东京山手线男孩(岬虎太郎)爱の蜜(LOVE SYRUP)恋爱Passionista!!!!魔法にかけられて-Hello, My Dear PrincessOrdinary心跳回忆Girl"sSide(苍树千晴)未送信(1)青い鸟にのせて言叶にできないこの想い大胆华恋火影忍者(奈良鹿丸)流れ星~Shooting Star~(火影忍者ED)Re:member(火影忍者OP)薄桜鬼(冲田総司)牙月幕末恋华-新选组(永仓新八)ツバサのうた食梦者(KOOGY)GET UPEUPHORIAVitaminZ(岭アラタ)美术馆[ミュージアム]へようこそSingle Matchlove hunter爱してるZ!!!!!!魔侦探洛基(鸣神)Get Serious!~太阳を掴め~棒球大联盟(茂野吾郎)雨のち虹色(棒球大联盟ED)心絵(棒球大联盟OP)秋之回忆系列(河合春人)空を见に行こう恋爱番长(恋爱番长)Love★Monster a Go!Go!ONE"S DRIVE~Go Ahead~月光伝说滑头鬼之孙(花开院秋房)my shining sword卡片战斗先导者(三和大志)ウェルカムI"m on your Rear-SideWe Ride Everyday!!フレンドシップ・オーバーロード下天之华(羽柴秀吉)恋ノ文一世一代の恋飙速宅男(卷岛裕介)Long Way to Goもう少し、あと少し元气少女缘结神◎(大国主)恋の❤まにまに!!きみとシークレット幕末rock(桂小五郎)ハチノジディストーション重力のない世界What"s this?Rolling ThunderRIDE ON THE WAVEI DOLL U(魁イツキ)I DOLL U独り言のLOVESONG-8マイナスエイト(南锭景马)キミ専用(ルビ:ONLY)HERO!!!Beginning of Love同调MASS∞GAMEうるるんクエスト 恋游记(红)雾の向こうで目覚めたら...文明开华葵座异闻录(神鸣剑助)葵ノ风 ~云流るる果てに~洛克人系列(X、戴那蒙)begin the TRY(ロックマンエグゼED曲)Lazy Mind(ロックマンX7ED曲)白虎队志士异闻记(鹿目千岁)桜华、散リ往ク顷DYNAMIC CHORD(城坂依都)x-maniacIntimate time with YoritoRoots of LifeprecogKLAP!!~Kind Love And Punish~(美作灯真)SHOOTING STARHAPPINESSそしてこの宇宙にきらめく君の诗(ギルス)OUR NEWSlittle by little武士弗拉明戈(青岛苍一)オレたちフラメンジャー! ~サムライ戦队フラメンジャーのテー快感[TO]Night(show)电撃LOVE纯爱狂騒曲ドーリィ☆バラエティ HYPER ViSUADOLL MOVIEハイビーム(OP曲,词曲:森久保祥太郎)スレイヤーズVSオーフェン(オーフェン)プロローグDeep in the Darkest Blue
2023-01-09 12:15:331


2023-01-09 12:15:422


中文的诗词,歌词要押韵。英语也是如此。英语的押韵或押韵词为rhyme。押韵词也叫做同韵词。英语同韵词的定义和种类。英语押韵的基本原则是:一个单词的元音和与这个元音相连的辅音与另一个单词的元音和与这个元音相连的辅音发音相同。如,cat 和hat,它们的元音a 和在a 后面的t 都发一样的音。两个同韵词至少要有一个不同的音。或是元音,或是辅音。在大多数情况下,是辅音。如果是两个发音完全相同但拼写不同的词,他们同音词,而不是同韵词。例如,wait 和weight,它们的发音都是w/a:/t. (长元音A). 这两个词是同音词,不是同韵词。英语同韵词有多种,包括尾韵词,结尾音节韵词,单韵词,双韵词,三韵词,前韵词,首音节韵词等等。下面来一一介绍。尾韵词End rhymes:两个单词结尾的元音加辅音相同。· Laughter, admirer · Blue, shoe · Hat, cat · Plate, eight · Marigold, button holed · Night, fight · Rain, pain · Fun, sun · Pay, say · Tin, pin 结尾音节韵词last syllable rhymes:两个单词的最后一个音节的发音相同。· Tumor, harbor · Explain, plain, · Humanity, zesty · Threw, breakthrough · Pleat, complete 双韵词double rhymes:两个单词的最后两个音节的发音相同。· Adoring, exploring, · Conviction, prediction · Walking, talking · Humming, coming · Navigator, waiter · Water, agitator · Singing, ringing · Friction, addiction 三韵词triple rhymes:两个单词的最后三个音节的发音相同。· Frightening, brightening · Combination, explanation · Antelope, cantaloupe · Greenery, scenery · Mightily, vitally 下面这两种韵词属于非常韵词,一般不归纳进韵词的范围。但是诗词,歌词作家们会运用这些韵词丰富自己的作品。前韵词beginning rhymes: 两个单词的最开始的辅音和元音的发音相同。· Physics, fizzle · Plantation, plan · Scenery, cedar · Cat, kangaroo · Table, tailor · Car, carpet · Soccer, sauce · Sole, soul · Game, gain 首音节韵词first syllable rhymes: 两个单词的第一个音节的发音相同。· Carrot, caring · Pantaloons, pantomimes · Highlight, hydrant · Tulip, twosome · Extra, exhale · Explanation, excavate · Biangular, bite · Triple, trim · Fight, fire如果有帮到您,点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮即可,如果还有问题 请发帖重新提问哦
2023-01-09 12:15:522

狮子王2 one of us 歌词

If God had a name, what would it be? And would you call it to His face If you were faced with Him in all His glory? What would you ask if you had just one question? Yeah, yeah, God is Great Yeah, yeah, God is Good Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on a bus Trying to make His way home If God had a face, what would it look like? And would you want to see If seeing meant that you would have to believe In things like heaven and in Jesus And the Saints and all the Prophets Yeah, yeah, God is Great Yeah, yeah, God is Good Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on a bus Trying to make His way home Back up to heaven all alone. Nobody callin" on the phone "Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome. Yeah, yeah, God is Great Yeah, yeah, God is Good eah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on a bus Trying to make His way home Like a holy rolling stone. Back up to heaven all alone Just tryin" to make his way Home Nobody callin" on the phone "Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
2023-01-09 12:16:013


blender1水泥搅拌机把水泥搅动得可以倒出来用为止。A cement mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour. 百度翻译例句库2而Decide却发现,同一款搅拌机今年三月在这家零售店曾卖296美元。Decide data found the retailer offered the same mixer for$ 296 in March. 3运土卡车和混凝土搅拌机闲置着。The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle. 4泥浆太稠,你们得让所有的搅拌机都开着。The mud is too viscous.You must have all the agitators run. 相关短语水泥搅拌机Cement mixer食物搅拌机food processor把草莓放进搅拌机里Put the strawberries in the blender打开搅拌机Turn on the mixer混凝土搅拌机Concrete mixer
2023-01-09 12:16:411


  张开你的眼睛看这世界  你会发觉充满生气  天上星星 好象近在天边  想要抓住 总是遥不可及  人生路程 坎坷不平  我要去体会他的真谛  尝尝人情冷暖  还是体会世间的风险  没有办法逃避  看这世界在转  永远不停息  尽管向前走  是对是错  希望和失望  世事没有绝对  看这世界  是生生不息  (一段动画)  这世界正在转动  永远不停息  黑夜与白昼  不停转动  朝着阳光走  慢慢理会知道  看这世界  是生生不息  “My Lullaby”  Music by Scott Warrender, lyrics by Joss Whedon  Performed by Suzanne Pleshette, Crysta Macalush, Andy Dick & Chorus  Hush, my little one; you must be exhausted.  Sleep, my little Kovu  Let your dreams take wing  One day when you"re big and strong  You will be a king  I"ve been exiled, persucuted  Left alone with no defense  When I think of what that brute did  I get a little tense  But I dream a dream so pretty  That I don"t feel so depressed  "Cause it soothes my inner kitty  And it helps me get some rest  The sound of Simba"s dying gasp  His daughter squealing in my grasp  His lionesses" mournful cry  That"s my lullaby  Now the past I"ve tried forgetting  And my foes I could forgive  Trouble is I knows it"s petty  But I hate to let them live  So you found yourself somebody who"d chase Simba up a tree  Oh, the battle may be bloody, but that kind of works for me  The melody of angry growls  A counterpoint of painful howls  A symphony of death, oh my!  That"s my lullaby  Scar is gone... but Zira"s still around  To love this little lad  Till he learns to be a killer  With a lust for being bad!  Sleep, ya little termite!  Uh-- I mean, precious little thing!  One day when you"re big and strong  You will be a king!  The pounding of the drums of war  The thrill of Kovu"s mighty roar  The joy of vengeance  Testify!  I can hear the cheering  Kovu! What a guy!  Payback time is nearing  And then our flag will fly  Against a blood-red sky  That"s my lullaby!  帖子相关图片:  作者: 木法沙 封 2005-1-13 15:38 回复此发言 删除此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  作者: 魔术狮 2005-3-24 03:58 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  2 回复:@狮子王歌词集@  《One of Us》歌词  “One of Us”  Music by Tom Snow, lyrics by Jack Feldman  Performed by Chorus  Deception  Disgrace  Evil as plain as the scar on his face  Deception (An outrage!)  Disgrace (For shame!)  He asked for trouble the moment he came  Deception (An outrage!)  (He can"t change his stripes)  Disgrace (For shame!)  (You know these Outsider types)  He asked for trouble the moment he came  (See you later, agitator!)  Deception (An outrage!)  (Just leave us alone!)  Disgrace (For shame!)  (Traitor, go back with your own!)  He asked for trouble the moment he came  (See you later, agitator!)  Born in grief  Raised in hate  Helpless to defy his fate  Let him run  Let him live  But do not forget what we cannot forgive  And he is not one of us  He has never been one of us  He is not part of us  Not our kind  Someone once lied to us  Now we"re not so blind  For we knew he would do what he"s done  And we know that he"ll never be one of us  He is not one of us  Deception  Disgrace  Deception  Disgrace  Deception
2023-01-09 12:16:581


我来自北京用英语说:I"m from Beijing。from是一个英语单词,介词,作介词时意思是“从……起;从……开始;寄自,得自;来自;由……(制成);(两地的距离)离;从;从……(到);(使)免遭;由于;根据;与……(不同);防;不在;从……来看;妨碍”。例句:我来自北京。I come from Beijing/I"m from Beijing。句子1、By a special design on sealing structure of agitator, hydraulic motors are completely separated from bearing seats,which ensure the slurry having mo chance to get into motor even under the situation of sealing failure.2、The conception and theory basis of water yield from deep well are analyzed and discussed.3、We shall drink water from tubewells.If it is not available,we shall boil water or use alum.4、The incremental costs for the construction of LEED-certified buildings depend on different levels and may vary from 5 to 15 percent or more of the original estimate.5、So now,you will understand why our women football team is so good today.
2023-01-09 12:17:041


A washing machine (laundry machine, clothes washer, or washer) is a machine designed to wash laundry, such as clothing, towels and sheets. The top-loading design or V-axis clothes washer, most popular in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States and Latin America, places the clothes in a vertically-mounted perforated basket that is contained within a water-retaining tub, with a propeller-like agitator in the center of the bottom of the basket. Clothes are loaded through the top of the machine, which is covered with a hinged door. During the wash cycle, the outer tub is filled with water sufficient to suspend the clothing freely in the basket, and the movement of the agitator pulls the clothing downward in the center towards the agitator paddles. The clothing then moves outward and up the sides of the basket to repeat the process. Top-loaders are not well-suited to cleaning large objects such as pillows or sleeping bags due to the tendency for them to just float on the surface of the water without circulating, and the aggressive agitator action can damage delicate fabrics.In most top-loading washers, if the motor spins in one direction, the gearbox drives the agitator; if the motor spins the other way, the gearbox locks the agitator and spins the basket and agitator together. Similarly if the pump motor rotates one way it recirculates the sudsy water; in the other direction it pumps water from the machine during the spin cycle. Because they usually incorporate a gearbox, clutch, crank, etc., top-loading washers are mechanically more complex than front loading machines but are generally lower maintenance since there is no need for a door seal . However, the electro-mechanical components in conventional top-load washers have largely reached maturity.The top-loader"s spin cycle between washing and rinsing allows an extremely simple fabric softener dispenser, which operates passively through centrifugal force and gravity. The same objective must be accomplished by a solenoid-operated valve on a front loader. Another advantage to the top loading design is the reliance on gravity to contain the water, rather than potentially trouble-prone or short-lived front door seals.
2023-01-09 12:17:141


collector n. 收集家,收税员; alligator n. 短吻鳄; ancestor n.祖宗,祖先; abettor n. 唆使者; accelerator n. 加速者,加速器,油门。 扩展资料   更多单词:   accreditor 开信用证申请人(即买方)   actor n.男演员;演剧的人   administrator n. 管理人,行政官   agitator n. 煽动者   arbitrator n. 公断人   assassinator n. 暗杀者   auditor n. 听者,收听者,稽核员   aviator n. 飞行员   benefactor n. 行善者,捐助者   calculator n.计算器,计算者   capacitor n. 电容器   captor n. 捕捉者,逮捕者   carburetor n. 汽化器, 化油器   castor n.蓖麻   coadjutor n. 助手,副员,副主教
2023-01-09 12:18:131


自学的英文短语:learn by oneself; learn: v.学;学习;学到;学会;听到;得知;获悉;记住;背熟;熟记 第三人称单数: learns 现在分词: learning 过去式: learnt;learned 过去分词: learnt;learned 扩展资料   study on one"s own:   例句:   He studied these subjects on his own.   这些课程他是自学的。   learn by oneself:   例句:   I taught myself how to play the piano.   我自学了弹钢琴。   teach oneself:   例句:   Training attentively students "ability to analyse, solve problems and teach oneself.   注重培养学生分析、解决问题的能力和自学能力。   自学英语短语:   study on one"s own   self-study   自学的英语例句:   1. Paul is self-taught and became interested in photography just four years ago.   保罗是自学的,他四年前才开始对摄影产生兴趣。   2. He studied these subjects on his own.   这些课程他是自学的.   3. You can study by yourself.   你可以自学.   4. He teaches himself English.   他自学英语.   5. Traveling with the bands was a broadening experience for the musicians, who were usually self - taught .   和这些乐队一起旅行使那些平素全靠 自学 的.乐师们开阔了眼界.   6. I taught myself how to play the piano.   我自学了弹钢琴。   7. She taught herself the techniques of narrative and dialogue.   她自学了叙事和对话的技巧.   8. After several years"self study he acquired a great deal of knowledge.   经过几年的自学,他获得了不少知识.   9. He was self - taught in mathematics and so matured slowly in that subject.   他是 自学 数学的,因而在这门学科中成熟缓慢.   10. He is a self - educated man. He didn"t finish even elementary school.   他是一个 自学 成材的人. 他连小学也未读完.   11. He taught himself the alphabet of biology.   他自学了生物学的基础知识.   12. I taught myself the rudiments of printing.   我自学了印刷的基本知识.   13. Hitler"s just a self - educated street agitator.   希特勒无非是个 自学 出身的街头煽动家罢了.   14. He"s studying at home now; he has left school.   现在他在家里自学, 他不上学了.   15. He had taught himself advanced mathematics from textbooks.   他通过教科书自学了高等数学.
2023-01-09 12:18:191


stirrer station/agitator station /mixer station
2023-01-09 12:18:281


bath [bɑ:θ]n.(pl. baths [bɑ:ðz])洗澡; 沐浴浴水; 浴具浴室[常用复]有温泉或矿泉的名胜地浴场湿淋淋的状态浸物的溶液希伯来的液量单位(约等于10至11美国加仑)【摄】定影液【化】浴, 浴器; 浴锅; 电镀槽【冶】池铁桨(指反射炉中的铁)镀液; 电解液卤水a cold [warm, hot, steam]bath冷水[温水、热水、蒸汽]浴a sand bath沙浴take [have] a bath洗澡a wooden bath木制澡盆a public bath公共浴室Sea-water baths.海水浴场。He went into the bath to take a shower.他进浴室去洗淋浴。Your bath is ready.洗澡水给你准备好了。 词性变化bath [bɑ:θ]vt.替...洗澡You have your little girl to bath and put to bed.你得给你的小女孩洗个澡, 然后让她上床睡觉。bath [bɑ:θ]vi.洗澡; 沐浴; 浸, 泡He was expected to shave and to bath.要求他刮刮脸,洗个澡。 继承用法bathhousen.(公共)澡堂; 海滨更衣处bathrobe["bɑ:θrəub]n.浴衣bathroom["bɑ:θru:m]n.浴室bathtub["bɑ:θtʌb]n.澡盆bathableadj.=batheablebathless["bɑ:θlɪs]adj.不洗澡的; 无浴室的 习惯用语a bath of blood 浴血; 大屠杀Go to B-! [口]滚开! 见鬼去!Turkish bath 土耳其浴, 热水浴, 蒸气浴 特殊用法abum fixing bath 坚膜定象浴acetic acid bath 乙酸浴acid bath 酸浴酸性熔池acid fixing bath 酸性定象浴agitator bath (洗涤石油产品用)搅动(酸)槽air bath 空气浴 器; 气锅空气浴空气干燥器blanching bath 预煮锅, 热烫锅carburizing bath 加炭(液)池cellbath 电解槽电解液cementing bath 粘合浴chrome acid bath 铬酸浴chrome-plating bath 镀铬槽clear etching bath 透明酸浊刻槽clearing bath 澄清溶槽coagulation bath 凝固浴; 凝结浴纺丝浴coating bath 镀槽contrast bating bath 冷热交替浴cooling bath 冷却槽cross bath 十字形槽, 交错槽degumming bath 脱胶浴descaling bath 酸冼槽, 表面清洗槽developing bath 显影浴显色浴dipping bath 浸渍浴divided bath 分格的槽子dominant bath 主浴double strength stop bath 双浓度定影液dung bath 粪(脱灰)液dye bath 染色浴dyer"s bath 染浴器electric salt bath 电热盐浴electrolysis bath 电解槽电解液electrolytic degreasing bath 电解脱脂槽electroplating bath 电镀浴, 电镀槽电镀液electrosmelting bath 电炉熔炼池eye bath 洗眼杯fixing hardening bath 坚膜定影槽fluid bath 液槽fluidized solids bath 流化固体浴; 流动固体加热炉flux bath (罐身机)助焊剂槽form bath 成形池fused bath 熔池, 熔浴fused-salt bath 熔盐电解槽gas bath 气浴glycerine(e) bath 甘油浴gold bath 金盐液hardener bath 【摄】坚膜浴hardening bath 硬化浴, 淬火浴淬火槽, 淬火池hot caustic bath 热碱槽hydroelectric bath 电解槽hypo bath 海波浴槽, 大苏打浴槽immersed electrode salt bath 浸极盐浴, 埋入式电极盐炉impregnating bath 浸渍浴lead bath 镀铅槽, 铅淬火槽铅浴, 镀铅(铅淬火)liquation bath 熔析槽malt extract bath 麦芽汁浸出槽matte bath 冰铜浴melting bath 熔池, 熔浴mesoporphyrin bath 金属熔池, 金属浴metal(lic) bath 金属熔池, 金属熔体molten salt bath 熔融盐槽mordanting bath 浸色浴oil quenching bath 淬火油池organic bath 有机电解质paraffin bath 石蜡浴pickling bath 酸洗槽planting bath 电镀槽, 镀浴platinizing bath 镀铂浴precipitating bath 沉淀浴; 凝固浴quench oil bath 淬火油池; 淬火液quenching bath 淬火浴quick bath 快冷槽reducing bath 还原浴reheating bath 再热槽, 再热熔池rinse bath 洗涤槽, 冲洗槽salt bath 盐浴盐浴槽separating bath 分开热浴setting bath 沉降槽silver plating bath 镀银浴slag bath 渣池soda bath 碱浴, 苏打浴solder bath (测定石油产品自然点用)金属熔化浴spelter bath 镀锌槽spin bath 沉降槽spinning bath 纺丝浴standing bath 续染浴; 连缸; 老脚水steady bath 蒸汽浴steam bath 蒸汽浴steelbath 【工】熔池, 钢水浴stop bath 【摄】停显液, 急止浴sulfuric acid bath 硫酸浴sunbath ["sʌnbɑ:θ]日光浴swimming bath (通常指室内)游泳池tempering bath 回火浴thermostatic bath 恒温槽toning and fixing bath 调色定影槽vapor bath 蒸汽浴vulcanizing bath 硬化槽, 硫化槽washing bath 洗涤槽wax bath 蜡槽zinc bath 浸锌槽, 镀锌槽
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摩尔饰演的邦德较潇洒、豪放不羁,康纳利的诠释则较强硬、冷淡且爱冷嘲热讽,摩尔继续演出1974年的《金枪人》,克里斯托弗·李出任斯卡拉孟加这个角色,这个高价码的杀手企图利用太阳能来驱动他个人的太阳能武器,李是演反派的专家,他在70年代演过一系列经典的吸血僵尸电影,在最近的《魔戒》系列片中他出演白衣萨如曼,另外《星战前传II》里的大魔头杜酷伯爵也是他。这回的邦德女郎为布瑞特·埃卡兰和Maud Adams,Herve Villechaize饰演斯卡拉孟加的助手Nick Nack,克利弗顿(Clifton)继续演出上部片中首度出现的喜剧角色J.W. Pepper,他是满腹牢骚的美国南方警长。反派角色:克里斯托弗·李饰演的金枪人斯卡拉孟加精彩场面:前所未有的高水平追车场面噱头:反派角色栖身的所在地,事实上是在泰国普吉岛攀牙湾出的外景,让此地一炮而红,成为日后到普吉岛不可不错过的景点,当地导游甚至戏称为“007岛”。英国军情六处收到一枚表面刻有詹姆斯·邦德代号「007」的金子弹,众人认定子弹来自使用金枪的旧金山著名杀手斯卡拉孟加(Scaramanga)手上,这举意在恐吓特工。考虑到特工的生命安全,M撤回正在调查科学家吉布森的邦德,吉布森握有用太阳能发电解决能源危机的信息。邦德决定私下去找斯卡拉孟加。从贝鲁特一名肚皮舞者那拿到废弃的金色子弹后,邦德跟踪其制造者前往澳门。斯卡拉孟加的情妇安德烈·安德斯(Andrea Anders)在赌场捡到一枚金子弹。邦德跟着她来到香港半岛酒店的一间套房,迫使她透露斯卡拉孟加的信息,包括他的外表和计划,安德烈让邦德去干杯俱乐部(Bottoms Up Club)。斯卡拉孟加出现俱乐部里,吉布森从斯卡拉孟加的侏儒小弟尼克·奈克(Nick Nack)处窃走太阳能电站的核心「苏里斯转化器」(Solex agitator)。Hip中尉送邦德离开酒吧时,邦德不断为自己辩护,两人随后来到停泊在港口的伊丽莎白皇后号邮轮的残害处,与Q和M碰头。M让007截获转化器,并暗杀斯卡拉孟加。邦德随后前往曼谷,与密谋杀害吉布森的泰国企业家海法(Hai Fat)碰面。邦德本想冒充斯卡拉孟加赴会,岂知斯卡拉孟加就在海发的庄园里。邦德被抓后送往发的道场,发奉命道场武士杀害邦德。在Hip及其侄女的帮助下逃脱后,邦德驾驶一条尾部很长的船沿河狂飙,并和助手玛丽·晚安(Mary Goodnight)团聚。试图成为「新任董事会主席」斯卡拉孟加将海法杀害后,拿走了转化器。安德斯向邦德交代是自己将子弹寄往伦敦,藉此希望邦德杀害斯卡拉孟加。在报酬方面,她答应第二天在拳击场将转化器交给邦德。比赛期间,邦德发现安德斯被前往碰头的斯卡拉曼加杀害。邦德在地上找了个垃圾来掩盖转化器,让Hip将它带出场外交给晚安。晚安在撒卡拉曼加的座驾上安放了追踪器,以锁定汽车的踪迹。邦德看到斯卡拉孟加快要逃走,从汽车展厅偷了一辆车前去追击,不料难缠的J.W.佩彭警长就坐在车子里。邦德和佩彭在曼谷街头追击斯卡拉孟加,斯卡拉孟加见状将车变为飞机,载着尼克·奈克、晚安和他前往私人岛屿。找到了晚安的追踪器后,邦德在中国雷达的侦查下,开着水上飞机进入了中国海域,降落在斯卡拉孟加的岛上。到埠后,邦德受到斯卡拉孟加的盛情款待,参观了高科技太阳能发电厂。斯卡拉孟加打算将这种技术高价抛售。在展示装备的同时,斯卡拉孟加用强力的太阳光束摧毁了邦德的飞机。随后,斯卡拉孟加在沙滩上提出要手枪决斗。两人背靠背站着,尼克·奈克命令两人各走二十步后转身开枪,不料当邦德转过身开火时,斯卡拉孟加早已逃走。尼克·奈克将邦德引到斯卡拉孟加的游乐屋里,拿出用来冒充邦德的模特:当斯卡拉孟加经过时,邦德搞得他措手不及,最终杀死了他。晚安将一位前来拦路的手下推进液态氦池,太阳能发电厂失去平衡。邦德赶在岛上爆炸前拿到转换器,坐上斯卡拉孟加的中式帆船逃走,岂知尼克·奈克也登上了那艘艇。
2023-01-09 12:18:541


a开头,r结尾的单词有:1 air n.空气;空中;外观2 airliner n. 定期班机,客机3 ajar a. 微开的,半开的,不和谐的4 alabaster adj. 雪白的5 alder n. 赤杨6 alienator 让渡人,转让人7 alligator n. 短吻鳄(一种鳄鱼)8 almoner n. 施赈人员9 altar n. 祭坛,圣坛10 alter vt.改变,变更;改做11 altogether ad.完全;总而言之12 altorfer n. 阿尔托夫人13 amateur a.业余的n.业余爱好者14 ambassador n.大使,使节15 amber n. 琥珀色16 amour n. 奸情,恋情17 amphitheater n. 圆形剧场,斗技场,似圆形剧场的处所18 amplifier n. 放大器19 ancester n. 祖先20 ancestor n.祖宗,祖先21 anchor n.锚 vi.抛锚,停泊22 anger n.发怒23 angler n.钓鱼者,钓鱼人24 angular a. 有角的,消瘦的,有尖角的,生硬的25 announcer n.宣告者;播音员26 another adj.&pron.再一(个..)27 answer vt.回答;响应;适应28 antechamber n. 前堂,前厅,接待室29 anterior adj. 较早的,以前的30 anther n. 雄蕊的花粉囊,花药31 antler n.鹿角的一枝32 abettor n. 唆使者33 abhor v. 憎恨,嫌恶34 accelerator n. 加速者,加速器,油门35 accouter vt. 供以服装,供以军用品,装备36 accreditor 开信用证申请人(即买方)37 accuser n. 原告,控诉者,非难者38 actor n.男演员;演剧的人39 adapter n. 适配器,转换器40 adder n. 欧洲产的小毒蛇,北美产的无毒小蛇,41 administer vt. 实施,掌管42 administrator n. 管理人,行政官43 admirer n. 钦佩者,仰慕者,求爱者44 adulterer n. 奸夫45 adventurer n. 冒险家,投机者46 advertiser n. 做广告的人47 adviser n. 顾问,指导教授,劝告者48 afar ad. 由远处,遥远地49 affair n.事件;事情50 after prep.在…以后;次于51 aggressor n. 侵略者,侵略国,攻击者52 agitator n. 煽动者53 appear vi.出现;显得;好象54 appetizer n.开胃55 arbiter n. 权威人士,泰斗56 arbitrator n. 公断人57 arbor n. 藤架,树,心轴,凉亭58 arbour n. 藤架,凉亭59 archer n. (运动或战争中的)弓箭手,射手60 ardor n. 热心;热情,狂热;激情61 ardour n. 热心,热情62 armchair n. 扶手椅子63 armor n. 盔甲64 armorer n. 兵器制造者,军械修护员65 armour n. 盔甲,装甲;(同)armor,甲胄66 armourer n. 兵器制造者,军械修护员67 artificer n. 工匠,巧匠68 assassinator n. 暗杀者69 assembler n. 汇编程序70 assessor n. 辅佐人,顾问,估税员71 aster n. 紫菀72 astir a. 活动的,骚动的,起床73 astrologer n. 占星家74 astronomer n. 天文学家75 asunder adv. 分离,化为碎片76 atelier n. 工作室,画室77 atomizer n. 喷雾器,香水喷瓶78 attainder n. 剥夺公民权79 auctioneer n. 拍卖人80 auditor n. 听者,收听者,稽核员81 auger n. 螺丝钻,钻孔机82 augur n. 占兆官,占卜师,相命者83 aupair a.国外来的(姑娘)帮助料理家务换取住宿的84 auricular adj. 耳的85 author n.创造者,创始人86 avatar n. 天神下凡,神之化身,具体化87 avenger n. 复仇者88 aver v. 极力声明,断言89 aviator n. 飞行员90 avuncular adj. 伯(叔)父的
2023-01-09 12:19:161


檀木:almug槐木;the sophoramine of wood梨木:pear
2023-01-09 12:19:435


casy的意思是卡西。例句如下:And it is casy to be received by students.而且也易于为学生所接受。2.By the CASY cell viability analyzer to detect the number changes of living cells and cell viability. 使用CASY细胞活力分析仪检测活细胞数和细胞活力的变化。3.Al had Bought an ancient truck to take them west. The family asked Jim Casy to go with them. 艾尔买了一辆古老的卡车好载着他们一路到西部去。这家人请吉姆·凯西和他们一道走。4.He found casy, who was the leader of the agitators. 他碰到凯西,凯西这时已经是那些鼓动家的头头了。5.On the way he met Jim casy an expreacher; 在旅途中,他遇到了吉姆凯西,一名前传教士。
2023-01-09 12:20:021