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2023-08-23 01:50:38
TAG: 英语 翻译
不要停止对成功的梦想。作为一个学生,我们有很多梦想,这些梦想或大或小。一旦你确定一个梦想,你能为她付出什么?你有没有努力让它变为现实?一位澳大利亚作者 安德鲁马修斯 说 :“实现梦想是生命中最大的挑战”。你可能认为你不擅长学校课程,或者你不可能成为一个作家。这些想法阻碍你实现梦想。事实上,每个人都可以实现他们的梦想。你要做的第一件事就是记住你的梦想,不要让它离开你的视野,一步一步实现它。一个梦想不可能不被实现。一个大的梦想其实是由许多小梦想组成的。你不应该放弃梦想。在实现梦想的路上会有很多困难,但最大的障碍是你自己。你应该决定什么是最重要的。学习而不堪电视能取得更好的成绩,利用买冰激凌的五元能买译本书。因此你距离梦想越来越近,只需一点点。最后你实现了你的梦想过,你可以骄傲的说:我是人生最大挑战的胜利者。热爱你的生活。不论你的生活如何卑贱,面对它,不要躲避它和咒骂它。它并非你想的那么糟糕。在你非常富有的的时候它看起来十分糟糕,自我制造困难将使我们困难重重。 你是不是 用电脑 翻译的。非常中文化的一段英语。

"Never stop dreaming of success" As school kids, we have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, or they can be small.


Once you have found a dream, what do you do with it? Have you ever tried to make your dream real? An Australian author Andrew Matthews tells us that realizing our dreams is life"s biggest challenge You may think you"re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts stop you from getting your dream.


In fact, everyone can realize their dream.


The first thing you must do is remember what your dream is. Don"t let it leave your heart.Do this step by step. A dream cannot be realized in one day. A big dream is, in fact, many small dreams. You must also never give up on your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to realizing it. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is most important. Studying instead of watching TV will lead to better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. As you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. Finally as you realized your dream, you can say proudly: “I"m the winner in the life"s biggest challenge!


2——"Love Your Life " However mean your life is, meet it and live it, do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults




"Proudly"是一个副词,表示“自豪地、骄傲地”的意思。它可以用于以下情况:表示对某人或某物的成就感到高兴和骄傲,例如:"我非常自豪地看着我的孩子在舞台上演出" (I watched my child perform on stage proudly.)表示个人优越感或信心的态度,例如:"我自豪地宣布我获得了这份工作“(I am proud to announce that I have been offered this job.")用于展现团队成功和荣誉的场合,例如:"我们团队以优异成绩完成了项目, 我们深感自豪" (We completed the project with outstanding results as a team and we are proudly celebrating our achievement.)"Proudly"通常用于表达正面而积极的情感和态度,表示一种有自信心、行事果断和值得骄傲的信念。但是也需要注意,在使用本词时,一定要根据具体语境和听众的感受,适时控制自己情感的表达, 避免过度自大或炫耀失败导致的负面影响。最后,"proudly "是一个常见的褒义词,经常出现在日常生活和商业应用中。
2023-08-15 01:10:371

proudly英 [ˈpraʊdli] 美 [ˈpraʊdlɪ] adv. 自豪地;傲慢地;得意扬扬地;堂皇地
2023-08-15 01:11:042


proudly的意思是傲慢的。proud,英文单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“自豪的;得意的;自负的;突出的”,作名词时意为“人名;(英)普劳德”。短语搭配:1、proud a 骄傲的;自豪的;得意的。2、but proud 但感到自豪;但自豪;感到骄傲。3、proud mum 骄傲的妈咪图片。4、not proud 不傲;不自豪。5、proud parents 自豪的父母。6、proud souls 高傲的灵魂。7、proud rebel 侠骨柔情;傲骨慈心。双语例句:1、It was a proud day for us when we won the trophy.我们夺得奖杯那一天是值得我们骄傲的日子。2、He is too proud now to be seen with his former friends.他现在忘乎所以了,觉得跟以前的朋友在一起有失他的脸面。3、The college did us proud at the centenary dinner.院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。4、They are poor but proud; they never borrow money or ask for help.他们虽穷但很自重,他们从不向人借钱或求助。5、Tom is very proud of his new car.汤姆非常满意自己的新车。
2023-08-15 01:11:111


more proudly
2023-08-15 01:11:402

so proud和 so proudly有什么区别

区别就是:proud 形容词 proudly 副词可以用副词修饰动词例如:He is so proud, therefore, no one"s dare to point out any negative things about him in front of his face. 他很骄傲,所以没人敢在他面前指出他的缺点。The task was proudly completed by the soldiers. 士兵们骄傲地完成了任务。
2023-08-15 01:11:481


填proud look是联系动词,后面跟形容词,看上去自豪,骄傲 proudly是副词 pride是名词 pridely构词法看上去像是形容词,但是字典里没有这个词
2023-08-15 01:11:571

"I got a price from my English teacher,"he said _____.(proud)

proudly 因为老师said 是个动词, 应该用副词来修饰.
2023-08-15 01:12:123


2023-08-15 01:14:106

proudly presents是什么意思

自豪地介绍双语对照例句:1.Leo gallery proudly presents the exhibit small is beautiful, a collection ofsmall sculpture works. 狮语画廊荣幸展出“小是美丽”,一个小型雕塑的综合展览。自豪地介绍双语对照例句:1.Leo gallery proudly presents the exhibit small is beautiful, a collection ofsmall sculpture works. 狮语画廊荣幸展出“小是美丽”,一个小型雕塑的综合展览。
2023-08-15 01:14:291


2023-08-15 01:14:563

关于副词的 用适当形式填空 帮忙啊 也请帮忙讲解一下 速来 感谢感谢

2023-08-15 01:15:098


这个是因为marched up是一个词组吧,副词放在了词组的中间
2023-08-15 01:15:332

look proudly about at

三条腿的椅子不适合孩子坐,他会摔倒的. 当老师因为jack解答出数学问题而表扬他时,他(jack)自豪地看着他的同学
2023-08-15 01:15:521

关于副词的 用适当形式填空 帮忙啊 也请帮忙讲解一下 速来 感谢感谢

2023-08-15 01:16:002


最常用的助动词有:be, have, has,do, does,shall, did,will, should, would 它们表示时态,语态,构成疑问句与否定副词not合用,加强语气副词--副词 fù cí[adverb] 起修饰或限制动词或形容词作用、表程度或范围的词。2分类1) 时间和频率副词:now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, late, next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即), finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice2) 地点副词:here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward(向前地), home, upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on.3) 方式副词:carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地), fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly, warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely4) 程度副词:much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地), enough, extremely(非常).5) 疑问副词:how, when, where, why.6) 关系副词:when, where, why.等。7) 连接副词:therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why等。
2023-08-15 01:16:282


2023-08-15 01:16:404


时间频率副词now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today……yet地点副词here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前地), home,upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.……方式副词carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely……程度副词much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.……连接副词therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why……扩展资料1、多数副词放在动词后面,或者放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 如果实义动词后有宾语,则放于宾语之后。I am also Bush.我也是布什。I can also do that.我也可以这样做。I also want to play that games.我也想玩这游戏。I get up early in the morning every day.每一天的早晨我都起得很早。2)、副词修饰形容词时,一般放在被修饰词之前,但enough除外。It"s rather easy, I can do it.这很容易,我能做到。He did it quite well.他做得相当好。It"s rather difficult to tell who is right.很难说谁是对的。He didn"t run fast enough to catch the train.他的奔跑速度不足以快到能够追上火车。3、频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。I often help him these days.这些日子我经常帮助他。I always remember the day when I first came to this school.我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。You mustn"t always help me.你不能老是帮助我。We usually go shopping once a week.我们通常一周买一次东西。The new students don"t always go to dance.新学生并不时常去跳舞。参考资料:百度百科——副词
2023-08-15 01:16:491


您可能听过的表达, “你看到的是,您得到什么” 。我的祖父曾经说过。 “如果你36一棵树足够长的时间,它会动议” 。我们看到37 ,我们所不愿看到的。心理学家告诉我们, 38个控制我们的生活比我们更selfimage 。我们生活的人一样,我们看到,在39 。我们是什么,我们认为我们是。如果你不相信您一定会获得成功,你40 。你不能,如果你不能看到它。您的生活是41至您的愿景。如果您想要变更您的42 ,你必须改变您的视觉生活。 阿诺是不是著名的当他43报社记者。有记者问施瓦辛格: “ 44您退休从班子建设,你有什么计划,接下来该怎么办? ”施瓦辛格回答非常冷静和45 : “我要成为第1号影星在好莱坞的”记者为46和有趣,在施瓦辛格的计划。在那个时间,这是很难47如何,这肌肉方向的健美运动员,谁不是一个 48个演员,谁以穷人的英语具有强烈澳洲口音,都不能予以49至好莱坞的第1号电影明星! 因此,有记者问施瓦辛格50 ,他计划使他梦想成真,施瓦辛格说: “我会做相同的51我成了第1号的健美运动员在世界上。我所要做的是创造一个愿景是谁,我想,然后我开始生活一样,人在我52就好像它已经真正“的声音几乎childishly 53 ,不是吗?但54 !施瓦辛格并成为第1号薪资最高的影星在好莱坞!请记住: “如果你能看到它,您就可以55它” 。
2023-08-15 01:17:053


定 义:副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。 分 类:1) 时间和频度副词: now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. 2) 地点副词: here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on. 3) 方式副词: carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly 4) 程度副词: much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly. 5) 疑问副词: how, when, where, why. 6) 关系副词: when, where, why. 7) 连接副词: how, when, where, why, whether. 用 法:副词在句中可作状语,表语,短语。 He works hard. 他工作努力。 You speak English quite well. 你英语讲的很好。 Is she in ? 她在家吗? Let"s be out. 让我们出去吧。 Food here is hard to get. 这儿很难弄到食物。 位 置:1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面。 I get up early in the morning everyday. 我每天早早起床。 He gave me a gift yesterday. 他昨天给了我一件礼物。 She didn"t drink water enough. 她没喝够水。 The train goes fast. 火车跑得快。 We can go to this school freely. 我们可以免费到这家学校学习。 They left a life hardly then. 当时他们的生活很艰难。 He has a new hat on today. 他今天戴了一顶新帽子。 I have seen this film twice with my friends. 这部电影我和朋友看过两次。 2) 副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面。 It"s rather easy, I can do it. 这很容易,我能做到。 He did it quite well. 他做得相当好。 It"s rather difficult to tell who is right. 很难说谁是对的。 It"s so important that I must tell my friends. 这件事太重要了,我得告诉我的朋友。 It"s much better. 好多了。 3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。 I often help him these days. 这些日子我经常帮助他。 I always remember the day when I first came to this school. 我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。 You mustn"t always help me. 你不能老是帮助我。 He seldom comes to see us. 他很少来看我们。 We usually go shopping once a week. 我们通常一周买一次东西。 The new students don"t always go to dance. 新学生并不时常去跳舞。 4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面。 When do you study everyday? 你每天什么时间学习? Can you tell me how you did it? 你能告诉我你如何做的吗? First, let me ask you some questions. 先让我来问几个问题。 How much does this bike cost? 这辆车子多少钱? Either you go or he comes. 不是你去就是他来。 The students were reading when the teacher came into the classroom. 当老师进教室时,学生们正在读书。 5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中, 地点副词在前面时间副词在后面。 We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o"clock yesterday. 昨天九点钟我们到超市买东西了. What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你在教室里干什么? The accident took place in the Eleven Avenue one hour ago. 一小时前十一号大街发生了一场事故。 比较等级:副词和形容词一样,也有它的比较级和最高级形式. 可以参考形容词的变换形式。但以词尾 -ly 结尾的副词(除 early )须用 more 和 most 。 hard harder hardest fast faster fastest early earlier earliest much more most warmly more warmly most warmly 单音节副词的比较级是在副词后面加上 -er 构成的,最高级是在副词后面加上 -est 构成的。 near nearer nearest hard harder hardest 多音节副词的比较级是在副词的前面加上 -more 构成的。 最高级是在副词前面加上 -most 构成的。 warmly more warmly most warmly successfully more successfully most successfully 有些副词的比较级和最高级形式是不规则的。 well-better - best little - less - least Much- more - most badly - worse - worst far-farther(further)-farthest(furthest) 副词的比较级和最高级用法同形容词的比较级用法基本一样。 最高级形式句中 the 可以省略。 He works harder than I. 他比我工作努力。 Lucy gets up earlier than Lili. 露西比丽丽起床早。 He runs fastest in our class. 他在我们班跑地最快。 He dives deeper than his teammates. 他比他的队员潜水深。 It"s true that he speak English more fluently than any of us. 他英语讲的确实比我们任何人都好。 Our school team play football best in our region. 我们校队在我们地区足球踢得最好的。
2023-08-15 01:17:251


美国国歌歌词:哦,你可看见,透过一线曙光,我们对着什么,发出欢呼的声浪?谁的阔条明星,冒着一夜炮火,依然迎风招展,在我军碉堡上?火炮闪闪发光,炸弹轰轰作响,它们都是见证,国旗安然无恙。你看星条旗不是还高高飘扬,在这自由国家,勇士的家乡?这些奴才、佣兵,没有地方藏身,逃脱不了失败和死亡的命运。但是星条旗却将要继续飘扬,在这自由国家,勇士的家乡。玉碎还是瓦全,摆在我们面前,自由人将奋起保卫国旗长招展!祖国自有天相,胜利和平在望;建国家,保家乡,感谢上帝的力量。我们一定得胜,正义属于我方,“我们信赖上帝。”此语永矢不忘。你看星条旗将高高飘扬,在这自由国家,勇士的家乡。英文版:Oh, say can you see by the dawn"s early light,What so proudly we hailed at the twilight"s last gleaming?Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,O"er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?And the rocket"s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,O"er the land of the free and the home of the brave?And where is that band who so vauntingly swore?That the havoc of war and the battle"s confusion.A home and a country should leave us no more,Their blood has washed out of of their foul footsteps" pollution.No refuge could save the hireling and slave,Blest with victory and peace, may the heav"n rescued land;Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave,O"er the land of the free and the home of the brave.扩展资料:美国国歌是《星光灿烂的旗帜》(The Star-Spangled Banner)官方正式翻译为《星条旗》,由英国作曲家约翰·斯塔福德·史密斯(John Stafford Smith)作曲,美国律师弗朗西斯·斯科特·基(Francis Scott Key)作词。歌词是一位名叫弗朗西斯·斯科特·基(Francis Scott Key)的美国律师,在1814年英美战争(亦称美加战争或第二次北美独立战争)期间的巴尔的摩,透过战场上的硝烟看到星条旗经过英军炮轰后仍在要塞上空高高飘扬时感慨万分而即景写下的。歌词写出来后,在一名法官的建议下,配上了英国作曲家约翰·斯塔福德·史密斯(John Stafford Smith)创作的《To Anacreon in Heaven》,从此流传开来,直到1931年被美国国会正式定为国歌。参考资料来源:百度百科—美国国歌
2023-08-15 01:17:346


2023-08-15 01:18:251

proudly presented by jrs什么意思

jrs荣誉出品proudly 英[u02c8prau028adli] 美[u02c8prau028adlu026a] adv. 自豪地; 傲慢地; 得意扬扬地; 堂皇地; [例句]Among the protesters and war veterans proudly displaying their medals was Aubrey Rose.在抗议者和骄傲地展示勋章的退伍老兵中,就有奥布里·罗斯。[其他] 形近词: prouder 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度知道presented vt. (动词present的过去式及过去分词形式) ; 表示"展示; 展现; 出示"; v. 举向( present的过去式和过去分词 ); 面向; 举枪瞄准; (分娩时婴儿) 露出; [例句]Talbot was presented with 80 potential avenues of investigation.给塔尔博特提出了80种进行调查的可能途径。[其他] 形近词: dissented assented absented 双语例句 柯林斯词典 百度知道
2023-08-15 01:18:591


2023-08-15 01:19:083

proudly made in the usa英译中文是什么意思?

proudly made in the USA.英译中文意思是美国骄傲地制造
2023-08-15 01:19:172

proudly presents是什么意思

proudly presents自豪地介绍present[英][u02c8preznt][美][u02c8pru025bznt]vt.提出; 出现; 介绍; 赠送; vi.举枪瞄准; 第三人称单数:presents过去分词:presented复数:presents现在进行时:presenting过去式:presented例句:1.Massive hot-money inflows present two dangers to china"s economy. 大规模流入的热钱目前给中国经济带来两大风险。2.Sounds like a nice wedding present. 听起来像一件不错的结婚礼物
2023-08-15 01:19:271

proudly presents是什么意思

自豪地介绍双语对照例句:1.Leo gallery proudly presents the exhibit small is beautiful, a collection ofsmall sculpture works. 狮语画廊荣幸展出“小是美丽”,一个小型雕塑的综合展览.自豪地介绍双语对照例句:1.Leo gallery proudly presents the exhibit small is beautiful, a collection ofsmall sculpture works. 狮语画廊荣幸展出“小是美丽”,一个小型雕塑的综合展览.
2023-08-15 01:19:361


问题一:英语中副词的种类有哪些 (1) 时间副词:常见的有now, then, soon, ago, recently, lately, later, before, early, today, tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, suddenly, immediately, still, already, just等。如:An idea suddenly struck me.我心中忽然产生一个念头。 (2) 地点副词:常见的有here, there, up, down, away, nearby, home, ahead, abroad, indoors, overseas, upstairs, downstairs等。如:I am considering going abroad.我正在考虑出国。 (3) 方式副词:表示行为方式的副词大多以-ly结尾,常见的有quietly, heavily, warmly, carefully, happily, politely, angrily等。如:Look at the picture carefully.仔细看这幅画。 (4) 频度副词:常见的有always, usually, often, frequently, constantly, occasionally, sometimes, seldom, hardly, rarely, never等。如:Sometimes he gets up early.他有时起得早。 (5) 程度副词:常见的有fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly, deeply, partly, perfectly, really等。如:The film was quite good.这个电影不错。 (6) 焦点副词:就是通过强调使之成为人们注意的焦点的副词,常见的有:only, alone, also, even, just, merely, simply, mainly, especially, exactly, too, as well等。如:Only Tom knows the answer.只有汤姆知道答案。 (7) 连接副词:这类副词有相当于并列连词的therefore, besides, otherwise, however, moreover, furthermore, still, thus, meanwhile等,也有引导名词性从句或不定式的when, why, where, how等。如:I don"t want to go out now, and besides, I must work.我现在不想出去,而且我还得工作。 (8) 关系副词:就是引导定语从句的when, where, why等。如:This is the factory where his father works.这就是他父亲工作的那家工厂。 (9) 疑问副词:就是用于引出特殊疑问句的when, where, why, how等。如:When will he be back?他什么时候回来? (10) 句子副词:就是修饰整个句子,表达说话人的观点态度的副词,常见的有frankly, honestly, clearly, obviously, evidently, generally, briefly, fortunately, lucki......>> 问题二:英文中常用的副词有哪些 in rather neat and reserved terms. The 问题三:英语有哪些常见重要副词,麻烦列举多点 形容词+ly 表时间: afterwards然后后来,later稍后随后,eventually最后终于,hence从此今后fromthistime/fromnow从此今后 directly直接地立即,quickly很快地,shortly立刻不久,soon不久马上 nowadays现今,presently目前不久,lately近来的, 表频率: constantly,continuously不断地经常地 repeatedly重复地再三地, frequently经常地, occasionally偶尔地, seldom很少不常, rarely很少地, yearly,monthly,weekly 表逻辑: accordingly相应地Inaccordance;correspondingly. likewise同样地照样,*Thefoodwasexcellent,(and)likewisethewine.菜好极了,酒也是.*I"mgoingtobedandyouwouldbewelladvisedtodolikewise.我要睡觉了,你最好也睡吧. accordingly因此, consequently因此, hence因此,thereby因此由此 merely只不过仅仅merelyafleshwound.仅仅是皮肉伤 furthermore,moreover,besidesnevertheless,nonetheless;however仍然 *Heisoftenrudetome,butIlikehimnevertheless.他时常对我粗鲁无礼,但我还很喜欢他. Inspiteofsth;尽管, regardless无论如何continuestoworkregardless.不顾后果地继续工作 表语气: actually,definitely,undoubtedly,absolutelynormally,generally, wholly完全地彻底地 likely或许很可能, virtually事实上实质上, naturally, necessarily必要地, similarly类似地同样地 simply简单地 conversely相反地颠倒地 respectively逐个地分别的, individually个别地*speaktoeachmemberofagroupindividually对组里每个人逐个地说. separately个别地单独地 roughly概略地大致地, somewhat稍微有点 表程度: approximately,nearly, largely,mainly,mostly,primarily, increasingly,partly, scarcely, 表方位(通常也都可作形容词,或部分介词): aside往旁边pullthecurtainaside把帘子拉向一边 alongside旁边stoodwithabodyguardalongside, backwards/backward都可作副词steppedbackwards向后踏步abackwardview(作形容词时不能用backwards) beneath在…之下*Theyfoundthebodyburiedbeneathapileofleaves. downwards向下downdard形容词, forth*fromthatdayforth从那天起, forward向前地*settheclockforward.把表......>> 问题四:英语中的副词有哪些,还有副词的定义 时间频率副词 now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即), finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today…… 地点副词 here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前地), home, upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on.…… 方式副词 carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地), fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly, warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely…… 程度副词 much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地), enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.…… 疑问副词 how, when, where, why…… 关系副词 when, where, why…… 连接副词 therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why…… 表顺序的副词 first,then,next,finally,afterwards,primarily…… 完成时的副词 already,ever,just,never,since,yet,recently…… 问题五:英语写作常用副词有哪些 这个是文章结构用的 如果还需要其他的跟我说 一下 开头: 第一 first ,firstly 首先,第一 first of all ,to begin with ,in the first place ,to start with 首先(其次) for on thing (...for another) 一方面(另一方面) on the one hand (...on the other hand ) 一般来说 generally speaking ,in general 起初 in the begining 最初 at first 现在 at present ,now 目前 currently 最近 recently ,lately 结尾: 因此 hence 最后 finally 总之 in conclusion 简言之 in short ,in brief 摘要地说 in summary 简单地说 briefly 最重要的是 above all 结果 as a result 所以 so ,for this reason 终于 at last 如我所述 as I have said 如前所述 as has been noted 最后 eventually 一般来说 by and large 于是 accordingly 的确 indeed ,truly 无疑 undoubtedly ,surely ,certainly 显然 obviously
2023-08-15 01:19:481


时间频率副词now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today……yet地点副词here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前地), home,upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.……方式副词carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely……程度副词much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.……连接副词therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why……扩展资料1、多数副词放在动词后面,或者放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 如果实义动词后有宾语,则放于宾语之后。I am also Bush.我也是布什。I can also do that.我也可以这样做。I also want to play that games.我也想玩这游戏。I get up early in the morning every day.每一天的早晨我都起得很早。2)、副词修饰形容词时,一般放在被修饰词之前,但enough除外。It"s rather easy, I can do it.这很容易,我能做到。He did it quite well.他做得相当好。It"s rather difficult to tell who is right.很难说谁是对的。He didn"t run fast enough to catch the train.他的奔跑速度不足以快到能够追上火车。3、频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。I often help him these days.这些日子我经常帮助他。I always remember the day when I first came to this school.我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。You mustn"t always help me.你不能老是帮助我。We usually go shopping once a week.我们通常一周买一次东西。The new students don"t always go to dance.新学生并不时常去跳舞。参考资料:百度百科——副词
2023-08-15 01:20:141


2023-08-15 01:20:332

什么是副词 要例句说明

副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。 分 类: 1) 时间和频度副词: now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. 2) 地点副词: here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on. 3) 方式副词: carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly 4) 程度副词: much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly. 5) 疑问副词: how, when, where, why. 6) 关系副词: when, where, why. 7) 连接副词: how, when, where, why, whether. 用 法: 副词在句中可作状语,表语,短语。 He works hard. 他工作努力。 You speak English quite well. 你英语讲的很好。 Is she in ? 她在家吗? Let"s be out. 让我们出去吧。 Food here is hard to get. 这儿很难弄到食物。 位 置: 1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面。 I get up early in the morning everyday. 我每天早早起床。 He gave me a gift yesterday. 他昨天给了我一件礼物。 She didn"t drink water enough. 她没喝够水。 The train goes fast. 火车跑得快。 We can go to this school freely. 我们可以免费到这家学校学习。 They left a life hardly then. 当时他们的生活很艰难。 He has a new hat on today. 他今天戴了一顶新帽子。 I have seen this film twice with my friends. 这部电影我和朋友看过两次。 2) 副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面。 It"s rather easy, I can do it. 这很容易,我能做到。 He did it quite well. 他做得相当好。 It"s rather difficult to tell who is right. 很难说谁是对的。 It"s so important that I must tell my friends. 这件事太重要了,我得告诉我的朋友。 It"s much better. 好多了。 3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。 I often help him these days. 这些日子我经常帮助他。 I always remember the day when I first came to this school. 我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。 You mustn"t always help me. 你不能老是帮助我。 He seldom comes to see us. 他很少来看我们。 We usually go shopping once a week. 我们通常一周买一次东西。 The new students don"t always go to dance. 新学生并不时常去跳舞。 4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面。 When do you study everyday? 你每天什么时间学习? Can you tell me how you did it? 你能告诉我你如何做的吗? First, let me ask you some questions. 先让我来问几个问题。 How much does this bike cost? 这辆车子多少钱? Either you go or he comes. 不是你去就是他来。 The students were reading when the teacher came into the classroom. 当老师进教室时,学生们正在读书。 5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中, 地点副词在前面时间副词在后面。 We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o"clock yesterday. 昨天九点钟我们到超市买东西了. What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你在教室里干什么? The accident took place in the Eleven Avenue one hour ago. 一小时前十一号大街发生了一场事故。 比较等级: 副词和形容词一样,也有它的比较级和最高级形式. 可以参考形容词的变换形式。但以词尾 -ly 结尾的副词(除 early )须用 more 和 most 。 hard harder hardest fast faster fastest early earlier earliest much more most warmly more warmly most warmly 单音节副词的比较级是在副词后面加上 -er 构成的,最高级是在副词后面加上 -est 构成的。 near nearer nearest hard harder hardest 多音节副词的比较级是在副词的前面加上 -more 构成的。 最高级是在副词前面加上 -most 构成的。 warmly more warmly most warmly successfully more successfully most successfully 有些副词的比较级和最高级形式是不规则的。 well-better - best little - less - least Much- more - most badly - worse - worst far-farther(further)-farthest(furthest) 副词的比较级和最高级用法同形容词的比较级用法基本一样。 最高级形式句中 the 可以省略。 He works harder than I. 他比我工作努力。 Lucy gets up earlier than Lili. 露西比丽丽起床早。 He runs fastest in our class. 他在我们班跑地最快。 He dives deeper than his teammates. 他比他的队员潜水深。 It"s true that he speak English more fluently than any of us. 他英语讲的确实比我们任何人都好。 Our school team play football best in our region. 我们校队在我们地区足球踢得最好的。
2023-08-15 01:20:501


副词和状语是一样的吗? 0回答 23 秒钟前5 求解答副词和状语是一样的吗? 0回答 23 秒钟前5 求解答
2023-08-15 01:21:016

beautifully 的意思,急急急!

2023-08-15 01:21:596

副词的用法, 意思

副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念. 1) 时间和频度副词: now,then,often,always,usually,early,today,lately,next,last,already,generally,frequently,seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too,immediately,hardly,finally,shortly,before,ago,sometimes,yesterday. 2) 地点副词: here,there,everywhere,anywhere,in,out,inside,outside,above,below,down,back,forward,home,upstairs,downstairs,across,along,round ,around,near,off,past,up,away,on. 3) 方式副词: carefully,properly,anxiously,suddenly,normally,fast,well,calmly,politely,proudly,softly,warmly 4) 程度副词: much,little,very,rather,so,too,still,quite,perfectly,enough,extremely,entirely,almost,slightly. 5) 疑问副词: how,when,where,why. 6) 关系副词: when,where,why. 7) 连接副词: how,when,where,why,whether. 用 法: 副词在句中可作状语,表语,短语. He works hard. 他工作努力. You speak English quite well. 你英语讲的很好. Is she in 她在家吗? Let"s be out. 让我们出去吧. Food here is hard to get. 这儿很难弄到食物. 位 置: 1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面. I get up early in the morning everyday. 我每天早早起床. He gave me a gift yesterday. 他昨天给了我一件礼物. She didn"t drink water enough. 她没喝够水. The train goes fast. 火车跑得快. We can go to this school freely. 我们可以免费到这家学校学习. They left a life hardly then. 当时他们的生活很艰难. He has a new hat on today. 他今天戴了一顶新帽子. I have seen this film twice with my friends. 这部电影我和朋友看过两次. 2) 副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面. It"s rather easy,I can do it. 这很容易,我能做到. He did it quite well. 他做得相当好. It"s rather difficult to tell who is right. 很难说谁是对的. It"s so important that I must tell my friends. 这件事太重要了,我得告诉我的朋友. It"s much better. 好多了. 3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面. I often help him these days. 这些日子我经常帮助他. I always remember the day when I first came to this school. 我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天. You mustn"t always help me. 你不能老是帮助我. He seldom comes to see us. 他很少来看我们. We usually go shopping once a week. 我们通常一周买一次东西. The new students don"t always go to dance. 新学生并不时常去跳舞. 4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面. When do you study everyday? 你每天什么时间学习? Can you tell me how you did it? 你能告诉我你如何做的吗? First,let me ask you some questions. 先让我来问几个问题. How much does this bike cost? 这辆车子多少钱? Either you go or he comes. 不是你去就是他来. The students were reading when the teacher came into the classroom. 当老师进教室时,学生们正在读书. 5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中,地点副词在前面时间副词在后面. We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o"clock yesterday. 昨天九点钟我们到超市买东西了. What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你在教室里干什么? The accident took place in the Eleven Avenue one hour ago. 一小时前十一号大街发生了一场事故.
2023-08-15 01:22:181


A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You"re a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy." 好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 “昨天给你的钱干什么了?” “我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。”
2023-08-15 01:22:4515


定 义:副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。 分 类:1) 时间和频度副词: now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. 2) 地点副词: here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on. 3) 方式副词: carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly 4) 程度副词: much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly. 5) 疑问副词: how, when, where, why. 6) 关系副词: when, where, why. 7) 连接副词: how, when, where, why, whether. 用 法:副词在句中可作状语,表语,短语。 He works hard. 他工作努力。 You speak English quite well. 你英语讲的很好。 Is she in ? 她在家吗? Let"s be out. 让我们出去吧。 Food here is hard to get. 这儿很难弄到食物。 位 置:1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面。 I get up early in the morning everyday. 我每天早早起床。 He gave me a gift yesterday. 他昨天给了我一件礼物。 She didn"t drink water enough. 她没喝够水。 The train goes fast. 火车跑得快。 We can go to this school freely. 我们可以免费到这家学校学习。 They left a life hardly then. 当时他们的生活很艰难。 He has a new hat on today. 他今天戴了一顶新帽子。 I have seen this film twice with my friends. 这部电影我和朋友看过两次。 2) 副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面。 It"s rather easy, I can do it. 这很容易,我能做到。 He did it quite well. 他做得相当好。 It"s rather difficult to tell who is right. 很难说谁是对的。 It"s so important that I must tell my friends. 这件事太重要了,我得告诉我的朋友。 It"s much better. 好多了。 3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。 I often help him these days. 这些日子我经常帮助他。 I always remember the day when I first came to this school. 我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。 You mustn"t always help me. 你不能老是帮助我。 He seldom comes to see us. 他很少来看我们。 We usually go shopping once a week. 我们通常一周买一次东西。 The new students don"t always go to dance. 新学生并不时常去跳舞。 4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面。 When do you study everyday? 你每天什么时间学习? Can you tell me how you did it? 你能告诉我你如何做的吗? First, let me ask you some questions. 先让我来问几个问题。 How much does this bike cost? 这辆车子多少钱? Either you go or he comes. 不是你去就是他来。 The students were reading when the teacher came into the classroom. 当老师进教室时,学生们正在读书。 5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中, 地点副词在前面时间副词在后面。 We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o"clock yesterday. 昨天九点钟我们到超市买东西了. What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你在教室里干什么? The accident took place in the Eleven Avenue one hour ago. 一小时前十一号大街发生了一场事故。 比较等级:副词和形容词一样,也有它的比较级和最高级形式. 可以参考形容词的变换形式。但以词尾 -ly 结尾的副词(除 early )须用 more 和 most 。 hard harder hardest fast faster fastest early earlier earliest much more most warmly more warmly most warmly 单音节副词的比较级是在副词后面加上 -er 构成的,最高级是在副词后面加上 -est 构成的。 near nearer nearest hard harder hardest 多音节副词的比较级是在副词的前面加上 -more 构成的。 最高级是在副词前面加上 -most 构成的。 warmly more warmly most warmly successfully more successfully most successfully 有些副词的比较级和最高级形式是不规则的。 well-better - best little - less - least Much- more - most badly - worse - worst far-farther(further)-farthest(furthest) 副词的比较级和最高级用法同形容词的比较级用法基本一样。 最高级形式句中 the 可以省略。 He works harder than I. 他比我工作努力。 Lucy gets up earlier than Lili. 露西比丽丽起床早。 He runs fastest in our class. 他在我们班跑地最快。 He dives deeper than his teammates. 他比他的队员潜水深。 It"s true that he speak English more fluently than any of us. 他英语讲的确实比我们任何人都好。 Our school team play football best in our region. 我们校队在我们地区足球踢得最好的。
2023-08-15 01:23:571


2023-08-15 01:24:202


1. 我喜欢的1本书(英语作文) My favourite book is Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland.And the writer of the book is Lewis Carroll.The book is very interesting.So I like it very much. 附上中文:我最喜欢的书是爱丽丝梦游仙境。这本书的作者是刘易斯·卡罗尔。这本书很有趣所以我非常喜欢它。 ---------------------------------------这是分割线------------------------------------------------------------------ 希望对你有帮助,英语作文嘛,所以这本书是外国的童话。26个词。希望你能采纳 2. 英语作文 《我最喜欢的一本书》 咋写 我最喜欢的一本书 英语作文 范文: a lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and i always proudly answer them >, which is all history about china. this will be a long story for me to read this book. first time i touched this book is when i was 5 years old. my mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. this is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. i almost fot the dinner after i read the first page. from then on, i was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my clas *** eates. when i became older and older, i knew more about it and feel more confident about my own china. i am proud that i am a chinese and i will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let chinese history more brilliant. as me, this is the most important book in my life and now i still read it and recite some part of it. i think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice. 3. 我最喜欢的一本书的英语作文哪里有范文 I like reading,so I love many diffe rent kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizons(视野)but also give me inspiration(灵感).Up to now I have read a lot of books, for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story.It was created(创作)by an American writer—Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind(盲的),deaf(聋的)and dumb(哑的)person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day。 4. 求一篇英语作文、、题目:我喜欢的一本书 enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it"s the best book I"ve ever read。 5. 英语作文、题目为我最喜欢的一本书(带翻译)100字左右 A lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and I always proudly answer them <<The Five Thousand Years History>>, which is all history about China. This will be a long story for me to read this book. First time I touched this book is when I was 5 years old. My mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. This is a really wonderful present to me,which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. I almost fot the dinner after I read the first page. From then on, I was the historist in my class and showed my knowledge from that book to my clas *** eates. When I became older and older, I knew more about it and feel more confident about my own China. I am proud that I am a Chinese and I will make more effort to build a more powerful country and let Chinese history more brilliant. As me, this is the most important book in my life and now I still read it and recite some part of it. I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experenice. 翻译如下:很多人问我是我最喜欢的是哪一本书,我总是骄傲地回答《五千年历史> >;,中文全称为关于中国历史。这将是一个长期的故事我读这本书。我第一次碰这本书是当我5岁。我妈妈买给我来说,都像我5岁的礼物。这确实是一个很好的礼物,这对我来说是开一个历史的门我,一个完全无辜的男孩。我几乎忘记了晚饭看完第一页。从那以后,我是在我的课上historist,把我的知识clas *** eates从那书给我。当我成为老的时候,我知道更多一点也会更具信心对自己的中国。我感到自豪的是,我是中国人,我必使更多的努力建立一个更强大的国家,让中国历史更加灿烂夺目。
2023-08-15 01:24:301


时间频率副词now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today……yet地点副词here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前地), home,upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.……方式副词carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely……程度副词much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.……连接副词therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why……扩展资料1、多数副词放在动词后面,或者放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 如果实义动词后有宾语,则放于宾语之后。I am also Bush.我也是布什。I can also do that.我也可以这样做。I also want to play that games.我也想玩这游戏。I get up early in the morning every day.每一天的早晨我都起得很早。2)、副词修饰形容词时,一般放在被修饰词之前,但enough除外。It"s rather easy, I can do it.这很容易,我能做到。He did it quite well.他做得相当好。It"s rather difficult to tell who is right.很难说谁是对的。He didn"t run fast enough to catch the train.他的奔跑速度不足以快到能够追上火车。3、频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。I often help him these days.这些日子我经常帮助他。I always remember the day when I first came to this school.我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。You mustn"t always help me.你不能老是帮助我。We usually go shopping once a week.我们通常一周买一次东西。The new students don"t always go to dance.新学生并不时常去跳舞。参考资料:百度百科——副词
2023-08-15 01:24:421


2023-08-15 01:25:027


蔬菜和水果的区别英语   蔬菜和水果的区别英语,蔬菜和水果是人们生活中吃的比较多的食物,蔬菜和水果都含有大量的植物纤维素和维生素。所以经常有人不能区分蔬菜和水果,下面是蔬菜和水果的区别英语   蔬菜和水果的区别英语1   aking care of our plants in the Fort is one of our favorite things to do   照料沃斯堡里的植物是我们最爱做的一件事,   And the best part is sometimes we get to eat what we grow   最棒的一点就是我们有时会吃自己种的植物。   We grow lots of plants including vegetables like lettuce and carrot and fruit like blueberries and tomatoes.   我们种的植物包括生菜和胡萝卜之类的蔬菜以及像蓝莓和番茄这样的水果。   Yeah, you heard me right.   是的,你没听错   According to scientists to study plants called botantists both blueberries and tomatoes are actually kinds of fruit   根据植物学家们即研究植物的科学家表明,实际上蓝莓和番茄都是水果   even though a lot of people call tomatoes vegetables   但许多人把番茄当成了蔬菜。   But how do we know the difference between fruits and vegetables?   那么我们该如何区分水果和蔬菜呢?   It can be tricky but if we learn a little bit about how plants grow, we can make a pretty good guess.   这可能有点儿麻烦,但如果我们了解一些植物生长的知识,就可以做出一个合理的猜测了。   So lets start with all plants start seeds.   那我们就从植物还是种子的时候开始说起吧。   When a young new plant begins to grow from a seed,   一粒种子要想长成一株鲜嫩的植物,   it pushes its roots deep into the soil and stretche its stems and leaves upward to the sun   它需要将根牢牢扎进土壤里,并且向着太阳尽力伸展茎叶。   sometimes the roots, stems, leaves and flower buds of a plant are edible which means we can eat them safely.   有时植物的根茎叶以及花蕾都是可食用的,也就是说我们可以放心食用。   and we call all of these edible plants part including unopened flowers,roots, stems and leaves vegetable.   因此我们把这些可食用的植物部分包括未开放的花苞,根,茎和叶统称为蔬菜。   Check out this popular favorite, the carrot.   看看这个最受欢迎的胡萝卜。   If you look at a carrot as its growing, you can see its leaves and stem grow above the soil   如果你看一株正在生长的胡萝卜,你会看到它的茎叶全部长在土壤表面,   the part that we usually eat grows down in the ground.   而我们通常食用的那部分是长在地下的。   Thats right! The carrot is a root and since its a root that we can eat, its a vegetable.   没错,胡萝卜就是根。因为我们可以食用它,所以它是蔬菜。   All right, now what about fruit?   那好,水果又是怎样的呢?   The fact is every fruit starts with a pretty blooming flower。   事实上,所有水果都始于一朵盛开的美丽花朵。   Flowers is not only look and smell nice, they also do something really important for the plants that make them.   这些花不仅美丽芬芳, 而且它们对植物的生长繁殖来说也相当重要。   They help plants reproduce.   它们帮助植物繁衍后代,   When the living thing reproduces, it makes more of itself.   生物繁殖的时候就会创造出更多的自己。   And plants that make flowers reproduce by making seeds   同样,植物通过产种使花朵不断繁殖。   In flowering plants, a seed start from a special part of flowers, which begins to swell as the seed gets bigger   开花植物的种子是从花朵的一个特殊部位开始的,这个特殊部位随着种子变大而膨胀。   A lots of time, this part of the plant keeps growing around the seed to protect it, eventually the flower falls off.   大多数时候,植物的这部分会围着种子不断生长来保护它,直至花枯萎了。   And the small and part of the plant thats left behind becomes what you and I know as a fruit.   留下的那一小部分就成为你我所知的果实了。   so if its an edible plant part like a root,stem, leaves or an open flower, but its a vegetable.   所以,如果它是可食用的植物部位,如根、茎、叶或是绽开的花朵,那么它就是蔬菜。   If its part of a flower and plant that has a seed in it, its a fruit.   如果它是花和植物的一部分,且其中有种子,那它就是水果。   So do you think you can guess whether what we growing in the greenhouse is fruit or a vegetable, lets go for it!   那么,你觉得你能猜出我们在温室里种的植物是水果还是蔬菜吗?不妨试试吧!   We start with a delicious plant thats super good for you, spinach.   我们从菠菜这种超级好吃又有益健康的植物开始吧。   What do you think spinach is a fruit or a vegetable?   你觉得菠菜是水果还是蔬菜呢?   A vegetable is right. spinach is a leaf.   它是蔬菜。菠菜是叶片。   If we take a look at the spinach plant we can see that has roots to hold it in the ground and then its leaves are held up by a stem.   如果我们仔细观察下菠菜植株,我们会发现其根在地下支撑着它,而它的茎支撑着叶子。   Good job, how about a cucumber? What do you think fruit or vegetable?   很好,那么黄瓜呢?你认为它是水果还是蔬菜呢?   Right, a fruit. If you look at a cucumber plant, we see it has roots stems and leaves,   没错,它是水果,如果你仔细瞧黄瓜植株,我们会看到它有根、茎和叶。   but those arent the parts we eat.   但这些都不是我们吃的部分。   Cucumbers also make flowers, its that special part of a flower that becomes the cucumber fruit   黄瓜也开花,正是花里的这个特殊部分最终变成黄瓜的果实。   If we look inside a cucumber thats been cut, we can see its little seed.   如果我们切开黄瓜看其内部,我们会看到它的小种子。   Lets try one more, how about green peas? fruit or vegetable?   让我们再试一个,豌豆是水果还是蔬菜?   Believe it or not, peas are a fruit.   信不信由你,豌豆是水果。   Pea plants make flowers and parts of these flowers become the fruit, that we call a pea pod.   豌豆植株会开花,其中一部分花会变成我们称做豌豆荚的果实。   If we eat the peas in the pod, were actually just eating the pea seeds.   如果我们吃豆荚里的豌豆,我们实际上是在吃它的种子。   Now, sometimes its hard to tell what something is in the supermarket.   如今,有时候我们很难区分超市里卖的到底是什么   Sometimes we grow fruits that dont have seeds or has seeds that are too small to see   有时我们会种无种子或种子小到难以发现的水果,   it can also be tricky to tell us something a root, stem or leaf.   对我们而言,植物的根茎或叶有时也难以区分。   But its always fun to see if you can guess what in your shopping car is a fruit and whats the vegetable   但猜猜在你购物车里的是水果还是蔬菜也是件乐事。   Just make sure you eat plenty of both.   只要你保证两样都多吃,准没错。   Thanks for joining us on scishow kids!   谢谢收看我们的儿童科学秀!   Do you have a question about a food you love or anything else,then gets help from grown up.   如果你对爱吃的食物或其他事情还有任何疑问,那么就让大人帮忙,   Let us know by leaving a comment down below or by sending a email at kids@the   在下方评论或发邮件到kids@the scishow.com告诉我们吧.   Lets see you next time!   让我们下次再见   蔬菜和水果的区别英语2    1、vegetable   英[vedtbl] 美[vdtbl, vdt-]   n. 蔬菜; 植物人;   adj. 蔬菜的; 植物的;   [例句]A good general diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables.   良好的日常饮食应该包含大量的新鲜蔬菜。   [其他] 复数:vegetables    2、fruit 英[fru:t] 美[frut]   n. 水果; 果实; 成果; (大地的) 产物;   vi. 树或花草结果;   vt. 使…结果实;   [例句]Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins.   新鲜水果和蔬菜提供植物纤维素和维生素。   [其他] 第三人称单数:fruits 复数:fruits 现在分词:fruiting 过去式:fruited过去分词:fruited   蔬菜和水果的区这其实只关乎水果和蔬菜定义的问题。植物学上没有明确的关于“什么是蔬菜或水果”这样的定义,至于园艺方面有没有这样的定义就不太清楚。一般而言,倾向于把肉质多汁的、可以生吃的植物果实部分称为水果(植物学上没有“水果”这一概念,至于相对的.有坚硬外壳包裹食用部分的称为“坚果”,但这与植物学上的坚果有差异)。而可以或需要经过烹饪制作的称为蔬菜,可以是植物的任何部位(所以西红柿和黄瓜这两货可以如此风骚地存在于蔬菜界和水果界),但更主要的是除果实以外的其他植物部位。   其实纠结于到底叫水果还是蔬菜这种事并没什么卵用,能够好吃才是王道。到了云南才是见识过了,什么青芒果蘸辣椒酱,菠萝切片腌泡椒芫荽,水煮菠萝蜜,等等等等,什么番茄生吃还是熟食这种问题简直弱爆了,到了云南你才知道大西南人民的无限智慧和创意,当然了,还有勇气。   PS:植物学中,由子房发育而来的叫真果,否则就叫假果。另外,又可以依据发育来源可以分单果、聚合果、聚花果。真果又可根据果皮质地分为干果和肉质果。我们吃的水果基本上全部属于肉质果(下面又分梨果、柑果、核果、浆果、瓠果等)或聚花果。苹果、梨属于梨果;柑橘类的都属于柑果;桃、杏、李、樱桃等属于核果;葡萄、西红柿属于浆果;瓜类(西瓜、哈密瓜)都属于瓠果;桑葚、无花果、菠萝蜜菠萝属于聚花果。例外的是,草莓、刺梨属于聚合瘦果,悬钩子类属于聚合核果。另外,我们常吃的“坚果”中,只有板栗、榛子才是植物学上真正的坚果。   蔬菜和水果的区别英语3    从百度百科来看看两者的定义   “蔬菜是指可以做菜、烹饪成为食品的一类植物或菌类。”——百度百科·蔬菜   “水果(含水分和糖分较多的植物果实)是指多汁且主要味觉为甜味和酸味,可食用的植物果实。”    百度百科中对水果的解释   从以上定义可以看到,蔬菜的定义更为广泛,可以做菜的植物都可以被称为蔬菜。而水果的定义则相对狭窄,味道是甜或酸的植物果实。    百度百科中对蔬菜的解释   即便如此,我们仍不能准确地区分蔬菜与水果。   这时候就需要从植物学和烹饪的角度来了解下两者之间各自有何不同了。   植物学角度看待两者区别   中国农业科普网在《蔬菜起源中心》中有这样一段描述——“目前栽培的蔬菜多数属于高等植物中的被子植物。古人类采食野生植物的地下肉质根、茎、柔嫩的地上茎、叶、果实和种子等充饥,其中无毒、风味好、能佐食、易繁殖的种类就逐渐成为蔬菜。”   由此可见,一切可供人类食用的植物,无论其任何部位皆可以称为蔬菜。   较大品种的番茄在超市的蔬菜架上   在植物学上,大多数水果的主要食用部位属于真果,但也有许多水果吃的不是真果,而是其他部位,包括:花托,例如草莓、凤梨、桑椹;花萼,例如莲雾;假种皮,例如荔枝、龙眼、石榴、百香果;胚乳,例如椰子;茎,例如甘蔗、水果萝卜等。   可以榨汁的甘蔗在南方会用来煲汤   从植物学上看,不管是蔬菜还是水果,所涉及的细分领域和特点众多,也不能完全定义出水果与蔬菜的区别。   最简单的区分方式——是否可以烹饪   不管是水果还是蔬菜,两者之间最大的区别在于,前者可以生吃,而后者可以烹饪。由此我们可以发现,很多植物既可以作为水果食用,又可以当做蔬菜来进行烹饪。   如争议最大的番茄,我们常拿番茄来生吃,但又可以烹饪番茄鸡蛋汤、番茄炒鸡蛋等,在汉堡中也是作为蔬菜夹在其中。   可以做为水果的番茄也是蔬菜之一   另外,比较极端的例子有椰子、甘蔗等植物,一方面我们可以吃椰子肉、嚼甘蔗,但在南方地方,椰子和甘蔗都可以拿来煲汤使用,所以这两者都有蔬菜和水果的属性。   曾经在网络上爆红的某大学食堂的苹果炒肉、橘子炒肉,这些从植物学上严格定义的水果,不也成为了蔬菜的一种吗?   所以,从以上的区别来看,蔬菜的范围更为广泛。水果虽然在植物学上有明确的定义,但在烹饪中,水果也可以作为蔬菜来食用。
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幼猫的饮食对于它们的生长发育至关重要。选择一个适合幼猫的猫粮品牌是很重要的,以下是一些常见而受欢迎的猫粮品牌:1. 皇家贵族(Royal Canin):提供特制的幼猫猫粮,以满足幼猫生长的需要。2. 优良之选(Hill"s Science Diet):他们的幼猫配方提供了均衡的营养,有助于幼猫的健康成长。3. 波斯顿(Purina Pro Plan):他们的幼猫配方注重幼猫的营养需求,有助于支持他们的免疫系统和消化健康。4. 罗素贝里(Wellness CORE):以高蛋白质和天然成分为特点,用于促进幼猫的肌肉发展和整体健康。
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2023-08-15 01:18:392

结构如图 已知P=100kN Q=300kN.试用虚位移原理求(1)支座B的反力(2)杆BC的内力

2023-08-15 01:18:411

印度尼西亚水果 都古是什么?

2023-08-15 01:18:472


下面是2010年华东化工过程机械研究生初试最低分数线0807 动力工程及工程热物理 306(机电) 343(储建)你应该是考机电学院的,为306。080700动力工程及工程热物理(2011年整个动力工程及工程热物理专业总共拟招收25人)06化工过程机械初试:①101政治 ②201英语一 ③301数学一 ④811理论力学或824工程热力学复试专业课:过程流体机械或过程设备设计(任选一门) 硕士研究生入学考试大纲 考试科目名称:理论力学一、考试要求:1、考生凭准考证和身份证参加考试;2、考试为闭卷考试,除必要的文具(答题用笔和计算器)外,不得携带任何书 籍和资料(包括电子辞典);3、采用蓝色或黑色圆珠笔、钢笔或签字笔答题,铅笔或红色笔答题无效;4、答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上无效。二、考试内容1、静力学基本概念和力系简化理论(1)静力学基本概念、静力学公理。力偶和力偶矩。力矩。(2)力系向一点简化,力系简化结果的讨论,合力矩定理。2、约束与受力分析约束、约束反力,约束的基本类型。分离体与受力图。3、平衡条件及平衡方程力系的平衡条件和平衡方程,应用举例。静定和静不定的概念,物体系统的平衡。4、工程中的静力学问题(1)平面简单桁架的基本假设及内力计算。(2)滑动摩擦定律、摩擦角,自锁现象。滚动摩阻的概念。考虑摩擦时物体系统的平衡问题。组合图形的形心。5、点的运动学描述点的运动的矢径法、直角坐标法、自然坐标法,点的速度和加速度的矢量形式、直角坐标表达式、自然坐标表达式。6、刚体的基本运动刚体的平动特征。定轴转动刚体的转动方程,角速度、角加速度。定轴转动刚体上任一点的速度和加速度。定轴轮系的传动比。7、点的合成运动动参考系和静参考系,运动的分解与合成的基本概念。速度合成定理。牵连运动为平动、定轴转动时点的加速度合成定理。科氏加速度。8、刚体的平面运动刚体的平面运动分解为平动和转动。用基点法、速度投影定理、速度瞬心法求平面图形内各点的速度。基点法求平面图形内各点的加速度。 9、动力学基本定律动力学基本定律。质点运动微分方程。 10、动量定理质点系的动量、力的冲量。质点系的动量定理、质心运动定理。11、动量矩定理(1) 质点和质点系的动量矩。转动惯量,平行移轴定理。质点和质点系的动量矩定理以及守恒。刚体绕固定轴转动的微分方程。(2) 相对质心动量矩定理。刚体平面运动微分方程。12、动能定理质点系和刚体的动能。力的功。质点系的动能定理。功率、功率方程。势能,机械能守恒。动力学普遍定理综合应用。13、达朗伯尔原理惯性力的概念。达朗伯尔原理。平动、定轴转动和平面运动刚体的惯性力系简化的主矢和主矩。静平衡和动平衡的概念。14、虚位移原理约束的分类和约束方程。自由度,虚位移,理想约束。虚位移原理。以广义坐标表示的质点系平衡条件。15、动力学普遍方程和拉格朗日方程。 三、试卷结构:1)考试时间:120分钟,满分:150分2)题型结构a:概念题(50分)b:计算题(100分)四、主要参考书目:《理论力学》(第二版)刘延强主编,石油大学出版社,2006年版。硕士研究生入学考试大纲考试科目名称:工程热力学 一、考试要求:掌握工程热力学的基本概念和基本定律,能够正确运用能量转换规律和有效利用能量的基本知识分析热工过程,应用工程热力学原理分析、解决实际工程问题。二、考试内容:1)基本概念a: 工质、热源、热力系统b: 平衡状态及状态参数、状态方程式c: 过程、热力循环、热量、功。2)热力学第一定律a: 热力学能、焓与热力学第一定律b: 开口系统能量方程c: 充放气过程分析计算3)理想气体a: 理想气体的比热容、热力学能、焓和熵b: 理想气体混合物的热力性质4)理想气体的热力过程a: 定容、定压、定温、绝热四个基本热力过程b: 多变过程的分析计算,多变过程在p-v图及T-s图上的表示5)热力学第二定律a: 热力学第二定律b: 可逆循环及分析计算,卡诺循环及卡诺定理c: 熵函数及克劳修斯关系式,孤立系统的熵增原理d: 火用、热量火用,孤立系统熵增与作功能力损失6)水蒸汽a: 饱和状态,饱和温度与饱和压力关系b: 水和水蒸汽状态参数及图表c: 水蒸汽的基本热力过程7)气体和蒸汽的流动a: 稳定流动的基本方程式b: 马赫数、使流动改变的条件c: 喷管类型与喷管的计算d: 绝热节流过程8)动力循环与压气机a: 活塞式压气机的工作原理及耗功,余隙容积的影响,多级压缩与级间冷却b: 内燃机理想循环、燃气轮机循环、郎肯循环、制冷与热泵循环三、试卷结构:1)考试时间:180分钟,满分:150分2)题型结构a:分析简答(70分)b:推导作图(20分)c:计算(60分)四、参考书目1)工程热力学(第三版),沈维道等著,高等教育出版社;2)工程热力学,施明恒等著,东南大学出版社;
2023-08-15 01:18:331


2023-08-15 01:18:233


单相电机调速器工作原理:交流电动机的同步转速表达式:   n=60 f(1-s)/p (1)   式中 n异步电动机的转速; f异步电动机的频率; s电动机转差率; p电动机极对数。   由式可知,转速n与频率f成正比,只要改变频率f即可改变电动机的转速,当频率f在0~50Hz的范围内变化时,电动机转速调节范围非常宽。单相电机调速器就是通过改变电动机电源频率实现速度调节的,是一种理想的高效率、高性能的调速手段。
2023-08-15 01:18:233


TWG,这个源自新加坡的茶叶品牌,历经两百多年的发展,依然成为有口皆碑的世界一流品牌,除了其历史底蕴之外,TWG应对消费升级所作出的创新改变,成为其获得茶中“爱马仕”美誉的最大保障。从品牌名称上来说,TWG是The Wellness Group的简称,它所倡导的就是一种尊贵奢华的饮茶文化理念。拥有800多款单品茶种类,包括市面极为罕见的混合茶品类,可以说,TWG在产品生态布局上拥有极其深厚的底蕴。这个百年老字号品牌近年来极为注重中国在内亚洲市场的开发,而特别针对茶叶消费大国中国市场,TWG针对传统茶叶领域的竞争者们,树立了高端贵族文化为引领的差异化品牌标签旗帜。这一点,也成为它迅速打开中国市场的制胜法宝。由于其经营定位就是高档奢侈品牌,因此TWG主打线下市场,并且在门店选址和布局方面全面体现奢华风格。比如,新加坡著名娱乐城金沙聚集了LV、香奈儿、巴宝莉等国际大牌,TWG也置身其中,包括店面环境布局、店员服务流程等,都丝毫不亚于一众国际大牌。从遍布新加坡开始,TWG近年来已经连续打开英国、美国、日本、马来西亚、中国香港等地市场,包括近年来在中国上海的实体店落地,其精选地段都是核心商业圈,也与其茶中“爱马仕”的品牌定位十分契合。
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