barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-23 04:12:47
TAG: 英语

sit up



坐了起来 sat up

不坐蹲起来 Squat on stool

坐直起来 sit up straigh


Sit up

或者坐直 Sit up straight



get up
2023-08-15 07:08:274


起来:stand up,坐下:set down
2023-08-15 07:08:351


2023-08-15 07:09:006


Up Yours英 [ʌp jɔːz] 美 [ʌp jərz] 你起来Up Yours英 [ʌp jɔːz] 美 [ʌp jərz] 你起来
2023-08-15 07:09:353

起床的英文是什 么?

get up
2023-08-15 07:09:574


问题一:看起来一样,用英语怎么说? look the same 看起来一样 请采纳支持下 问题二:看起来一样(用英语怎么说) 居然找到一种奇怪的译法,It looks as if same.实际上look the same就可以了,这个短语在英语里并没有十分特别的说法,并不是说把英语用的多么生僻就显得很有文采。即使在汉语里也有拽文的工候,那样会很生硬的。从语法与语言习惯上而言,look the same都是十分合适的 问题三:我看起来还行吗?用英语怎么说 Do I look okay? 最地道的,出现在很多英文歌词中,比如bruno marz的the way骇you are 问题四:它看起来怎么样?用英文怎么说? What does it look like? 问题五:看起来用英语怎么说 5分 It looks like 问题六:看上去很好看。用英语怎么说 英文原文: It looks great It looks nice It looks beautiful 英式音标: [?t] [l?ks] [gre?t] [?t] [l?ks] [na?s] [?t] [l?ks] [?bju?t?f?l; -f(?)l] 美式音标: [?t] [l?ks] [ret] [?t] [l?ks] [na?s] [?t] [l?ks] [?bj?t?f?l] 上面三句都行。 问题七:请问用英语怎么说:你看起来像.../你看起来不像... You look resemble (my teacher, Mr. Wang). You don"t look like (a Japanese). 问题八:"你看起来英语很好"用英语怎么说? You look like En憨lish to be very good 问题九:看起来一样,用英语怎么说? look the same 看起来一样 请采纳支持下 问题十:看起来一样(用英语怎么说) 居然找到一种奇怪的译法,It looks as if same.实际上look the same就可以了,这个短语在英语里并没有十分特别的说法,并不是说把英语用的多么生僻就显得很有文采。即使在汉语里也有拽文的工候,那样会很生硬的。从语法与语言习惯上而言,look the same都是十分合适的
2023-08-15 07:10:111

英语词组:高兴起来 怎么译英文

高兴起来cheer up
2023-08-15 07:10:322


letu02cas start
2023-08-15 07:10:406


就是high 或者let"s high
2023-08-15 07:10:564


shall we + “摆头”
2023-08-15 07:11:243


2023-08-15 07:11:346


可以表达为 cheer up
2023-08-15 07:11:502


and Matthew Caldwell. Richmond
2023-08-15 07:12:005


The wind packed the snow against the wall . 风把雪吹到墙边堆积 起来 。 Look , no. 5 jumps and is heading it . 看,5号运动员跳 起来 用头顶球。 "betrothal" sounds less suburban . “订婚”这个词听 起来 不那么土气。 The quiet village suddenly became astir . 寂静的山村,顿时沸腾 起来 。 We unite to pursue a shared objective . 我们联合 起来 追求共同的目标。 The meat was salted away for future use . 肉腌了 起来 ,以备日后食用。 As an elderly figure he seemed conservative . 晚年他似乎保守 起来 了。 She began to enlarge upon the subject . 他开始在这个题目上发挥 起来 。 I sat down, and cried most vehemently . 我坐下来,非常激动地哭 起来 。 His head ached and he wondered idly . 他头也痛了,一时胡思乱想 起来 。 They"ll close it up next spring . 明年春天,他们就会把它封盖 起来 的。 The furniture is too cumbersome to move . 家具太笨,搬 起来 很不方便。 Looking back, she would bitterly regret . 回顾 起来 ,她要追悔莫及的。 The gate where he was leaning grew grey . 他倚著的大门变得灰白 起来 。 The bank seemed to swim before my eyes . 银行似乎在我眼前旋转 起来 。 The telephone started drilpng all of a sudden . 电话突然嗡嗡响 起来 。 The story has a certain bizarre interest . 这个故事听 起来 别有风味。 The whole earth would be unified at last . 整个世界将最终联合 起来 。 I collected what cushions i could find . 我把能找到的垫子都搜集 起来 。 Would you care to have separate checks ? 你们合 起来 算,还是单独算。 He instantly regretted his words . 他顿时为自己刚才说的话懊悔 起来 。 She felt colour flame up in her cheeks . 她感到脸上 *** 辣地红了 起来 。 They came around the desk to help him up . 她们绕过办公桌来扶他 起来 。 The boy rolled himself up in a blanket . 这孩子拿毯子把身体裹了 起来 。 The fire in the stove was banked up at night . 夜间炉火是封 起来 的。 Some dancing would ginger up the party . 跳跳舞就可以使聚会活跃 起来 。 Moments later the telephone buzzed . 过了一会儿,电话嗡嗡地响了 起来 。 She also stepped up travel at home . 她在国内的访问,也逐步频繁 起来 。 A second old lady got out of a chair . 第二个老妇人从椅子上站了 起来 。 They converged on the central open space . 他们在中央空地上集中 起来 。 I was so oppressive that i hesitated . 我也吃不住了,竟然犹豫 起来 。 The horse started off at a steady trot . 那匹马快步稳健地跑了 起来 。 She tried to nestle deep away in herself . 她想让自己深深隐藏 起来 。 Work has piled up during his absence . 在他离开期间工作堆积 起来 了。 He began to heat, pke iron in the forge . 他象锻炉里的铁一样热 起来 。 She changed into alarm in another moment . 她紧跟着又变得吃惊 起来 。 It painfully affects my engpsh ear . 这使我这个英国人听 起来 很不舒服。 I pke apples better than pears . 苹果和梨比较 起来 ,我更爱吃苹果。 She stood up to wipe the sweat off her face . 她站 起来 擦擦脸上的汗珠。 Turn-ups are being fashionable again . 裤脚留卷边又时兴 起来 了。 He went on with his fluent explanations . 他又滔滔不绝地讲解 起来 。 Sikes gave him a push and he got up . 赛克斯推了他一下,他才 起来 。 Yusef chuckled and beamed . 尤塞夫呵呵笑 起来 ,脸上露出得意的笑容。 The earth seemed to spin beneath his feet . 地好象在他的脚下旋转 起来 。 At once his suspicions were all aroused . 他一下子满腹狐疑 起来 了。 "people are getting together," he said . 他说:“人们正在团结 起来 。” In the long run, you"ll be sitting pretty . 你的情况最终会好 起来 。 An edge of sharpness crept into sam"s voice . 萨姆的语音变得尖锐 起来 。 At other times he doesn"t have to get up at all . 平时他根本不必 起来 。 The next moment he started to write violently . 接着他又胡乱地写 起来 。
2023-08-15 07:12:331


问题一:“我想起来了”用英文怎么说? I hit that. It es to me. I e up with that. I think of it. It reminds me. I get it. 问题二:想起,用英语怎么说 Think about 问题三:突然想起来,这句话英语怎么说呢 S储ddenly it came to me that... Suddenly I was struck with the idea... Suddendly it e to my mind that... I suddenly realize that... Suddenly it sprang into my mind that... 这几种说法都可以,其实还有好多翻译方法的,关键要看应用于哪一种语境呢。 问题四:使……想起 用英语怎么说?? remind的用法:remind有使人想起或提醒某人的意思,短语搭配有以下几种: 1、remind *** . of sth. 使......想起 The song reminds me of the day when we first met.这首歌使我想起我们第一次见面的那天。 2、remind *** . 提醒某人 I must call mother tonight---will you remind me?今晚我得给妈妈打个电话---你能提醒我吗? 3、remind *** . to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 Remind me to call mother tonight,OK?记得提醒我今晚给妈妈打电话,好吗? 4、remind *** . that+从句 使......想起 The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.看到钟使我想起自己已经迟到了。 问题五:想起某人的名字 用英语怎么说 前者的意思是想起的意思。 后者表示想出来,强调的是过程的困难。 问题六:请问:说到这里,我想起了…… 用英语怎么说? Speaking of which, .... Speaking of which, I just remembered.... Speaking of which, I"m thinking.... 问题七:说到这让我想起了…… 用英语怎么说 谢谢!! Speaking of this reminds me of…… 希望对你有帮助! 问题八:突然想起用英语怎么说 it suddenly o鼎curs to me that .... 或 suddenly it strikes me that 问题九:说到这让我想起了…… 用英语怎么说 谢谢!!! Speaking of this reminds me of ……
2023-08-15 07:12:431


Come along
2023-08-15 07:13:2515


2023-08-15 07:13:511


问题一:站起来,用英语怎么说? stand up求采纳 问题二:英语站起来怎么说怎么读 stand up 问题三:站起来英文怎么说 stand up 问题四:“站起来”用英语怎么说 STAND UP或者rise to one"s feet 问题五:“从哪里跌倒就从哪里站起来”这句话英语怎么翻译? 可以用状语从句,也可用定语从句。 即: St供nd up just where you fell(down). 或者 Stand up just at the place(where)you fell(down). 第一个简洁些。 问题六:“从哪里倒下就从哪里站起来”英文怎么说? Where fallen,where to stand up 请楼主川酌,合则采纳,不吝追问 问题七:为什么想站起来用英文怎么说 why do you want to 梗tand up?为什么你想站起来? why would like to stand up?为什么想站起来? 问题八:告诉我怎样才能站起来。用英语怎么说? tell me how to stand up
2023-08-15 07:14:021


问题一:让我振奋起来 英语两种说法 let me cheer up. let me get excited. 问题二:振奋人心的英文怎么说 Plot twists and turns 问题三:令人振奋的 用英语怎么说 excited 问题四:你的鼓励让我重新振奋了起来的英文句子 翻译为: 你的鼓励让我重新振奋了起来 Your encouragement made me cheer up again. 问题五:每个人都在努力让他振奋起来的英文 每个人都在努力让他振奋起来 Everyone was trying to cheer him up. 每个人都在努力让他振奋起来 Everyone was trying to cheer him up. 问题六:振作起来用英语怎么说? 【汉语】振作起来! 【英语】Cheer up! 【音标】 英语读音【t?i? ?p】 美语读音【tu0283?r ?p】 【例句】 Cheer up, better times may be ahead. 打起精神来,好日子也许还在后头呢。 Cheer up! It can"t be as bad as all that. 振作起来! 情况不会那么糟. 问题七:那是一个多么令人振奋的消息啊用英语怎么说 It is a very exciting news 问题八:令人振奋的 用英语怎么说 excited 问题九:让我振奋起来 英语两种说法 let me cheer up. let me get excited. 问题十:振奋人心的英文怎么说 Plot twists and turns
2023-08-15 07:14:101


请进? 英文怎么说? 请进! Please e in! 请坐! Please sit down.请站起来! Please stand up. 请把书打开。 Please open your books. 请把书合上。 Please close your books. 你明白了吗?(好几种表达) Got it?(Have you got it?的简称) D0 you get it? Do you see it? Do you understand? Do I make it clear? 不,我不明白。 No, I don"t understand. 请重复一遍。 Please repeat it. 到了上课的时候了。 It"s time for the class. 到了下课的时候了。 Class is over. 让我们现在开始。 Let"s begin now. 下一个。 Next. 很棒! Great! Terrific! 请大声说。 Please speak aloud. 你错了。 You ar搐 wrong. 她对了。 She is right. 请手指翘起来用英语怎么翻译 Please raise your fingers. 请输入一个数用英语怎么说了? please input two number 请问拉我起来用英语怎么说? 拉我起来 Pull me up 承兑汇票应该怎么做凭证?进帐和出帐怎么做??? 汇票开出:借:应付账款 贷:应付票据 到期付款:借:应付票据 贷:银行存款 汇票收进:借:应收票据 贷:应收账款 到期兑现:借:银行存款 贷:应收票据 所以,请你们振作起来的英文怎么翻译 So,please pick yourself back up.
2023-08-15 07:14:291


问题一:一切都会好起来的 英语怎么说 Everything will be well.绝对正确 or:Everything will be OK/all right. 问题二:你很快会好起来的英语怎么说 you will be better soon 问题三:一切都会好起来的 英语怎么说 Everything will be fine. 问题四:“一切都会好起来的”用英语怎么说 Everything will be all right 问题五:一切都会好起来的英文 Everything will be ok. Everything is going to be alright./Everything is gonna be alright. 最后那句曾经我在一首歌里面听过,多听听英文歌曲其实很有帮助的。 问题六:不要想太多,一切都会好起来的 用英文怎么翻译 Don"t think too much, everything will turn out to be fine. 问题七:英文翻译,你会好起来的 可以讲: You are gonna be fine. Better days are just around the corner, hang in there! 『如有疑问 欢迎追问』
2023-08-15 07:14:411


come on highcheer up
2023-08-15 07:14:506


stand up.......................
2023-08-15 07:15:148


看起来的英文是look。一、读音:英 [lu028ak],美 [lu028ak]    二、意思:v. 看;寻找;显得看起来;注视;面向n. 看;样子;脸色三、例句:They looked forward very much to seeing him again.他们非常盼望再次见到他。词义辨析:look,appear,seem:这三个词都可用作系动词,表示“看起来”。其区别是:在含义上,appear 强调外表上给人的某种印象,有时含实质上并非如此的意思,look意味着看上去如此,实际亦是如此,seem则暗示判断有一定根据,这种判断往往接近事实。例:He appears to be very young.他看上去很年轻。(实际上不一定如此)He looks to be very young.他看上去很年轻。(实际上也年轻)He seems to be very young.他看上去很年轻。(可能他的确很年轻)
2023-08-15 07:15:361


2023-08-15 07:16:047


摸起来的英文是feel。feel词义:动词:感受到,体会到;觉得,相信;使人感觉;察觉到,意识到;触摸;受到;摸索;有知觉,能感知。固定搭配:Feel the noise 感受热浪 ; 感受喧嚣 ; 舞动的节奏。例句:1、He likes to feel important. 他喜欢感到自己很重要。2、I feel grim this morning. 我今天早上感到不舒服。3、I feel quite exhausted. 我感到筋疲力尽。
2023-08-15 07:17:491


The penny dropped.
2023-08-15 07:18:248


smell[smel]释义:n. 嗅觉;气味;臭味;发出臭气的人[东西]v. 有(或发出)…气味,闻到,嗅到(气味),闻,嗅(气味),有难闻的气味;散发着臭气,觉察出;感觉到变形:复数. smells第三人称单数. smells过去式. smelled过去分词. smelt现在分词. smelling
2023-08-15 07:19:064


1. run up something跑起来翻译为run up something。示例:With the murder from last night;There"s something up来源:英语词汇学习小词典2. on average跑起来翻译为on average。示例:For an average noun or an average verb, an average mind can quickly create reference.在获取一个普通的名词和 一个普通的动词的情况下, 一个普通的大脑可以 很快联想到对应的东西。3. froup4. running takeoff跑起来翻译为running takeoff。示例:Jailbird One, you are not cleared for are not cleared for takeoff.来源:瓦里希英汉词典
2023-08-15 07:19:141


英语“大家嗨起来”翻译 Let"s cheer up! Let"s be active & lively! 嗨起来用英文怎么写 Let"s get it poppin"! Let"s get it started!Let"s get high! Let"s get wasted! Party up! 嗨起来 啥意思 还有当成翻译是 什么 英语 兴奋起来的意思。cheer up 哪位朋友知道嗨起来用英语怎么说的 get crazy 不能用high,high表示吸毒过量。 大家一起嗨起来英语怎么说 Everybody cheer up! 大家嗨起来的英文单词怎么读 Everybody cheer up! 嗨起来用英语怎么说 以下有这几种说法 Hey Get up; Hey up ; Similar to; Hey Baby ; Si攻ilar to treasure 楼主自己选择 今晚嗨起来英文怎么写的 Tonight just let"s go crazy.. 跟我一起嗨起来 英文怎么说 e on!guys let"s get started 嗨起来的英文怎么写? e on high cheer up
2023-08-15 07:19:471


just do it
2023-08-15 07:19:594


摇起来[词典] shake up; [例句]他正把车窗摇起来。He is winding up the car window
2023-08-15 07:21:071


  想知道吗?下面是我整理的解释,希望能帮到大家。   站起   站起的英文释义:   stand   网 络stand up;on one"s feet;get up;stood up   站起的英文例句:   我在会上真出了洋相了--一站起来就把问题忘了。   I made a real ass of myself at the meeting standing up and then forgetting the question.   我必须站起来讲话,感到很难为情。   I felt very foolish having to stand up and give a speech.   要是站起来,能把独木舟弄翻。   If you stand up you"ll overbalance the canoe.   因为我的愚蠢,我不得不站起来听他的批评。   I have to stand up listening to his critici *** of my foolishness.   请站起来。   Stand up, please.   1. My stomach churned as I stood up. 我 站 起 来时胃里直翻腾.   2. When I arose from the chair, my father and Eleanor"s father were in deep conversation. 当我从椅子上 站 起 来时,我父亲和埃莉诺的父亲谈兴正浓。   3. As Winston stood up O"Brien held out a hand. 温斯顿 站 起来时,奥勃良伸出了手.   4. The others also stood up, and all walked out together. 众人也一齐 站 起 , 向旁边那间屋子走去.   5. Finally, Jui - chueh rose to her feet. " We"d better be going back. " 最后瑞珏 站 起来说: “ 我们应该出去了. ”   6. Carrie got up and sought her lunch box. 嘉莉 站 起来去拿她的饭盒.   7. Make thy love larger to enlarge my worth. 听着这话,我要从羞愧中 站 起 ./扩大些你的爱,好提高些我的价值.   8. Staggering to his feet, the drunkard bellowed out a laugh. 醉汉摇摇晃晃地 站 起来时发出一声大笑.   9. I arose from the chair to answer the doorbell. 我从椅子里 站 起来去开门.   10. When he got up he felt dizzy. 他 站 起来时觉得头晕.   11. He dropped the glass as he stood up. 他 站 起来时,把杯子摔了.   12. Those old stoop up and started to dance. 那老俩口子 站 起 并开始跳起舞来.   13. There will be no tendency for him to bounce back up and regain his previousequilibrium. 对他来说,就不存在重新 站 起 ,恢复其生前平衡的趋势.   14. He jumped up from his chair and vigorously protested the chairman"saction. 他蓦地 从椅子上 站 起 ,强烈地 *** 主席的行为.   15. When it is time to pick up the pieces and begin again. 信念就是找到我们心中的勇气和力量,当我们从失败中 站 起 ,从头开始.   16. We slowly pull ourselves up with our own strength. 我们会慢慢地凭自身力量 站 起 .   17. She jumped to her feet as soon as she was sent for. 一听到有人叫,她立即 站 起 .   18. Putting out his cigarette, he got up to answer the telephone. 他熄了烟, 站 起来去接电话.   19. Wen Ting this character, attendant many party representative rises an ounceapplause. 闻听此言, 在座数以百计的党代表 站 起 ,报以打雷般的掌声.   20. If you can, get up and go for a walk outside. 如果可以, 站 起来去外面走走.
2023-08-15 07:21:321


你可以数“put them away”
2023-08-15 07:21:424


every bady 跟我一起嗨嗨嗨~
2023-08-15 07:21:515


MMI有两种意思,一种是MMI(Multi-Media Interface)即多媒体接口;另一种是MMI(Man Machine Interface)即人机界面。 其具体解释如下: 1.MMI是指:多媒体接口MMI(Multi-Media Interface),可以扩展接驳MP3、VCD、DVD、游戏机等的一种线。是数字电视推广时联接机顶盒和电视的一种线,也有其他用途。 2.MMI是指Man Machine Interface即人机界面,MMI是进行移动通信的人与提供移动通信服务的手机之间交往的界面。包括硬件和软件 3手机连接网络都是通过2G或者3G网络连接。也就是通过CMWAP或CMNET,前为2G后为3G,比如你设置成3G的连接而它自己改成2G的,就会出现这样的问题,你在改下设置。 如以上不能解决你的问题,你还是把手机恢复出厂设置,然后根据客服发送的上网设置,重新设置手机上网设置!
2023-08-15 07:17:431


  呈现的意思:   指显露;出现。   英文解释   (显露) present (a certain appearance);appear;emerge;show itself;take on ;   [take on;appear;emerge] 显现;展示出(呈现了多姿的风彩)   详细解释   显露;出现。   茅盾 《色盲》:“一幅官僚家庭的黑暗而冷酷的活动影片便呈现在眼前。” 徐迟 《牡丹》:“一切她所失去了的东西回来了,统统呈现在她的面前。”   ① 茅盾 《色盲》:“一幅官僚家庭的黑暗而冷酷的活动影片便呈现在眼前。”   ② 徐驰 《牡丹》:“一切她所失去了的东西回来了,统统呈现在她的面前。”[1]   ③李二和 《舟船的起源》:“随着黄河、长江等河流东向的泥沙冲积,海岸线又逐渐东移,直到距今6000年前,便呈现出略似现在海岸线的状态。”   其它含义   显示:展现出。指具体的事物在眼前显现出来。“呈现”较清楚,持续的时间长,多是直接看到的(不是想象的);呈现多在事物本身,有时在人的眼前;对象多是现实的事物,如颜色、景色、神情、气氛等。   例:越过被白雪常年所覆盖的顶峰,山的另一边呈现出截然相反的景致。   呈现(风采)。   此外,呈现也是人内在的一种外在反应,将内心的理想、渴望、信念、思想等,以语言、文字、画图等形式展现出来。   中英例句   海湾内的船舶呈现一派美丽的景象。   The ships in the bay present a beautiful sight.   科尔巴要着手让花旗变成一家更有效、更集中的企业,办法之一就是以更有效、更集中的方式向投资者呈现业绩。   One way for mr. corbat to start making citi a more efficient, focused firm would be simply to present it to investors that way.
2023-08-15 07:17:431


2023-08-15 07:17:443

strong opinions是什么意思

strong opinion 是指一个人有很强的主观. strong opinions 从字面上看应该可以理解为有很强的观点或思想,难以动摇的那种,可以解释为固执己见. 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 如果满意记得采纳哦,谢谢~~
2023-08-15 07:17:471


  记忆力对于人类的生存是非常重要的,能帮助我们熟悉新的环境,磨练技能和技巧,提升解决问题的能力。你知道自己的大脑是怎样记忆的吗?下面是由我给大家带来关于大脑究竟是如何进行记忆的,希望对大家有帮助!  第一步, 编码涉及到信息是如何被大脑感知和记忆的   编码信息也就是把外部信息转化成大脑可以存储的电信号。根据记忆的类型,科学家认为大脑也存在两种不同的编码形式:自动编码(无意识记忆)和有意识编码。比如,关于昨天晚餐的场景,是一种自动记忆。如果记住密码,则需要有意识的努力,这是有意识编码。认知科学家认为有意识编码存在三种形式:语义编码、语音编码和结构编码。语义编码是对信息按照具体的意义来进行组织和加工,会损失很多细节信息,主要关注信息的意义。比如对故事情节的记忆而忽略故事细节。语音编码则是根据信息的声音特征进行组织和加工。比如对于熟悉人的声音特征等。结构编码则涉及到视觉器官的信息输入,比如一些图形的形状特征等。多数时候,人类对信息是进行混合编码的,涉及多器官以及情感等因素。   第二步,大脑需要将编码好的信息进行存储   大脑有没有专门的区域来存储记忆信息?具体的运行机制和原理尚不得知。现在的主要研究手段是通过激活记忆去观察脑部反应。通常来说,当信息被大脑感知时,记忆就会被创造,投射出一条活跃的神经元突触连接。大脑最初处理和存储记忆信息的部位是海马区(工作记忆)。那感知的信息是否存储在一起?科学研究表明,如果大脑某个区域受到损伤,病人可能只对元音失去记忆。科学家还发现,那些海马回受损或者移除的人仍然能够记得过去,这说明过去的记忆被储存在其他的大脑部位。也就是说,感知的信息可能被分成若干片段进入大脑并且存入不同的区域,不同的感知信息也被存储在不同的区域。科学家对此感到及其困惑,如果信息被如此分散的记忆,那大脑是如何会把这些分散的信息联合起来呢?这就是科学家关注的“特征捆绑”(binding problem)。也就是说,大脑应该通过某些机制使得记忆信息能够被有序地连接起来。   第三步,就是对记忆信息的激活—回忆   科学家衡量记忆力的一个重要方法就是评测有多少信息能被激活,假设被激活的信息等同于被存储和记忆的信息。部分科学家认为有两种回忆模式:被动式影像图书馆(passively imagines libraries)和主动式影像寻找(aggressively imagines crime scenes)。在信息获取的较短时间内,回忆模式可能是被动式影像图书馆模式。这些信息能够被清晰记忆,就像记录图书馆中书所在的位置。而时间较长时,很多信息会被慢慢地减弱,大脑必须借助现有清晰的信息去弥补缺失的信息,就像破案一样,寻找蛛丝马迹来弥补信息。记忆力好的人更依赖于被动式影像图书馆模式来回忆,而记忆力不太好的人必须通过主动式影像寻找模式来回忆,而后者对于逻辑思维的训练具有帮助,因为后者必须通过记住事物的要点,优先级和逻辑关系来提升记忆力。但是,科学家发现主动式影像寻找模式的回忆是具有极强的不准确性。科学家对此的解释是:大脑需要不断地获取新的信息,而这些信息可能会存储一些已含有以前信息的区域,从而这些信息会被重组,使得信息变得不准确。   最后一步就是遗忘   在前一期中,我们已经花了很多笔墨谈论忘记的重要性,大家可以参阅前期内容。从神经科学的角度来看,遗忘产生的原因是存储信息的神经突触连接没有被持续地激活和加固,使得突触连接变弱,并且这些神经元细胞可能又会产生新的神经突触连接去存储新的信息。 猜你喜欢: 1. 大脑记忆的20种方法 2. 人的大脑如何记忆 3. 大脑思考和记忆的方式 4. 大脑的记忆过程 5. 怎么增强大脑记忆力 6. 大脑记忆的原理
2023-08-15 07:17:471


  在平日的学习、工作和生活里,许多人都接触过一些比较经典的句子吧,根据用途和语气,句子可以分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。你知道什么样的句子才能算得上是好的句子吗?下面是我帮大家整理的妇女节的英文句子,希望对大家有所帮助。   妇女节的英文句子 篇1   1, mom, thank you for giving me life, mother, thank you for giving me the warm like spring. Doing today belongs to you during the holiday, wish you longevity and health of children.   2, in this festival, the mother, hard to say to you, you paid a lot for me... Only wish you health and happiness!   3, mom, I wish you a happy mother"s day! You always lead me to the right way... Thank you, my good mother!   4, happy mother"s day! Mom, you embrace the most warm, your eyes the most kind, no matter how far I go, heart forever sentimentally attached to you!   5, dear mom, today is you of festival, no matter how long the time, I will always be your bosom baby!   6, the whole world know good fairy, only the mother cannot forget. There is only good mother! Mom, I wish you a happy mother"s day!   7, how much I love you, this amorous land, oh, mother! You gave me life and tending to growth of the land, I deeply in love with you.   8, festival happiness, the great mother! At this time of mother"s day is coming, I want to say to you: mom, you were laborious!   9, there is a mother"s love is great, the mother"s love is repay you. Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui?   Iraqis in 10, mother, you are my dream, I wish you a happy holiday! Dream, pregnant mother, you are my supreme sunlight.   11, mom, I wish you a happy holiday! Mom, you are absolutely combination of mother, a confidant, and friends.   12, the whole world believe in the mother"s love, nothing is greater than the mother.   13, in the mother"s eyes, the child is always a child, in the child"s mouth and mind, mother is god.   14, no flowers, no gifts, only my heartfelt greeting! Today is mother"s day, wish you healthy forever, beautiful; Everything is working, fortunes.   15, happy mother"s day! All of the mother, is the most respected in the world.   16, I hope today, all of the mother would smile from the heart, for all the son, let love into heaven, as long as mom happy, we are happy!   17, and special love to special you, in this special day, I want to say to your mother: mother happy holidays! To my mother in the future days more healthy and happy!   18, mom, you were laborious, son wish you a happy happy, happy mother"s day!   19, I know my heart of love, in this world, we always need the best people - is the mother of love.   20, send you a bunch of carnation! Say you were laborious! Hope on this special day to send my special blessing! I wish: happy mother"s day! Mother I love you forever!   24, I want to wish you longevity and health! Forever young! Happy every day!   25, if I were a manager, you are broker. If my chief engineer, you are the chief designer. No matter the road of my life will be how, I will always love you, mom!   26, happy mother"s day! Mom! You gave me birth, feed me, yukon I... Son has grown up, in this festival, ask you to a good, hope you healthy body, all the best!   27, the day the sun, the ups and downs, day after day, year after year, mother"s love into my heart, in the New Year, from a cup of wine, sincere wishes mother longevity and health, happy and clinking.   28, the door out of nothing, intelligence born heroes, all outstanding extraordinary people, have a good mother.   29, in this special day, I want to say to your mother: mother happy holidays! To my mother in the future days more healthy and happy!   30, if I were rich, you are the mom of big money. If I were President, you are the President"s mother. Whatever the road of life will be my future, I will always love you, mom!   31, hope today, all of the mother would smile from the heart, for the sake of children, in order to all, as long as mom happy, we are happy!   32, mom your daughter grew up, I also understand you can rest assured there is no my days you will be more care of yourself!   33, I wish you longevity and health! Forever young! Happy every day!   34, today is mother"s day, wish you healthy forever, beautiful; Everything satisfactory, fortunes. No flower, no gifts, only my heartfelt greeting!   35, the hope can in this festival said to mother: mom, you were laborious, son in the course of his life, is filial piety, you"re old happy mother"s day!!!!!!   36.How much like the mother of the world! Their heart is always the same. Every mother has a very pure utter innocence. ( Whitman )   37.A mother "s voice is the most beautiful sound in the world! ( Dante )   38.Mama where are you, where is the happiest place ( UK)   39.Maternal love is the greatest power in the world. ( mill)   40.hile women are vulnerable, the mother is strong ( France)   41.he mother of my great love I had to use my work to verify thisLove is worth it. -- Chagall ( painter)   42.One of the most beautiful things in life is love, it is a selfless love, morality and the dwarf. ( Japan )   43.rom my mother, I was happy and tells the story of happiness.-- Goethe   44.t is at our mother"s knee, we acquire our noblest, most really Sincere and the most lofty ideals, but there is seldom any money.-- Mark Twain   45、Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.   46、The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook, is to stimulate the spirit of power source, is the emotional rain nourishes the soul.   47、Between heaven and earth there is a thing called snow, drop from the clouds, the ground; the friend is a man who is you, know in the accident, stop at the permanent.   48、Affection is like water, so that all become pure filtered; it makes the flat family, by burning the more edges; the family is poetry, so boring after modified reached a kind of artistic conception. The family, life eternal power.   49、It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements of superiority from their mother.   50、My life is from the eyes, fall in love with my mother"s face began.-- George Eliot   妇女节的英文句子 篇2   Sending you wishes to say you blossom up the world around me! Happy Women"s Day!   祝福你,是你照亮了我周围的世界!妇女节快乐!   If you could see it from my eyes you would know you are one gem of a Woman!   如果你能读懂我的眼,你会发现自己是多么出色的一个女人!   Just wanted to thank you from bottom of my heart for all things you do! Happy Womens Day!   真想发自内心地感谢你为我所做的一切!妇女节快乐!   On women"s day what can I wish for, but the very best for you! Happy Women"s Day!   在妇女节,我忠心地祝你一切都好!节日快乐!   A beautiful woman is a diamond, a good woman is a treasure.   一个美丽的女人是一颗钻石,一个好的女人是一个宝库。   Wishing a very Happy Women"s Day to the most amazing women I know.   祝这个我所认识的最棒的女人妇女节快乐!   Across the miles... comes this wish from me to say... You are special!   相隔千里传给你我的祝福:你与众不同!   Happy Women"s Day to the one who has stolen my heart!   祝愿那个偷走我心的女人妇女节快乐!   You are as sweet inside as out. Hope your day is as sweet as you are!   你的好由内而外,祝你的生活也能像甜美可爱的本人一样甜甜蜜蜜!   What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. You are an inspiration to me.   在我们身后和面前的小事,相比存在于我们之间的都微不足道。你总能启迪我。   No matter from which angle I look at you, you appear to be an angel and Women"s Day is the perfect to say: I am so lucky to have you in my life.   无论我从那个角度看你,你都是一个天使。乘妇女节绝佳的机会告诉你:生命中有你真好!   A beautiful woman, a great friend and a wonderful mother. You are all this to me and much more... I feel so lucky and proud to have a mom like you.   美丽的女人、伟大的朋友、慈爱的母亲,对于我您是这三者,而且远远不止。我感到无比的幸运和骄傲,能够拥有您这样的母亲!   Woman"s name is not for the weak, strong is the name of a woman! no matter which man could not resist.   女人的.名字不是弱者,女人的名字是强者!不管是哪一类男人都抵挡不住。   Attractive beautiful woman does not depend on them, but by their beautiful, including manners, manners, speech, and manners as well as insight.   有吸引力的女人并不全靠她们的美丽,而是靠她们的漂亮,包括风度、仪态、言谈、举止以及见识。   You can do almost anything you put your mind to... You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak. Be a doctor or fly a plane. You can face adversity and still walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day. Happy Women"s Day!   你可以做任何想做的事!你可以在最深的海洋里畅游,也可以攀岩最高峰;你可以成为一名医生,也可以驾驶飞机在蓝天翱翔。面对逆境,你可以屡败屡战!你很强大、美丽、慈悲,好得无以名状!今天是你的日子,其他任何日子也属于你!妇女节快乐!   Through the years, I have shared so much with you, both bitter and sweet. You have been such a comfort to me, helping me in every way, and all I wanna say today is: Sis, I treasure you close to my heart.   这些年,我和你分享了如此多的酸甜苦辣。你是我的安慰,在方方面面给予我帮助。今天我想说的是:亲爱的姐姐/妹妹,我把你珍藏在内心最深处。   For all the times you"ve brought a smile and made my days seem brighter. For sharing ups and downs with me and making my burdens lighter. For doing the caring things that make a special friend. Your friendship is a joy. I wish it never ends! Happy Women"s Day!   你总是带给我微笑,为我的生活增添光明。和我分享人生的起起落落,为我分忧解难。关怀我,成为我特别的朋友。你的友谊带给我快乐,希望它永远长存!妇女节快乐!   The world because of had the woman, but appears particularlybeautiful! The regards are only the short several lines, is actually a thicktrue meaning! Wishes the March Eighth to be joyful, is forever youngattractively!   世界因为有了女人,而显得分外美丽!问候只是短短的几行,却是一个浓浓的真意!祝三八节快乐,永远年轻漂亮!   Will not have the sun, the flowers not to open; Has not likedthen not having happiness; Does not have the woman also not to love; Withoutthe mother, also will not have the poet, also will not have the hero. TheInternational Working Women"s Day is joyful!   没有太阳,花朵不会开放;没有爱便没有幸福;没有女人也就没有爱;没有母亲,既不会有诗人,也不会有英雄。妇女节快乐!   What is arrogant? Cow! What is modest? Installs! What isdiligent and thrifty? Digs out! What is Fengxian? Silly! What is intelligent?Blows! What beautiful woman? You! The beautiful woman holiday is joyful!   什么是骄傲?牛呗!什么是谦虚?装呗!什么是勤俭?抠呗!什么是奉贤?傻呗!什么是聪明?吹呗!什么美女?你呗!美女节日快乐!   As soon as delivers you to tie the rose, flirts to expressone"s ideas depends upon it. Delivers you a peach blossom, a change in one"sfortune from bad to good depends entirely on it. Delivers you a pallid togather, hundred years good and count on it. After delivering you bowl ofjellied bean curd to finish eating, laughed. March Eighth joyful   送你一束玫瑰,传情达意依靠它。送你一只桃花,时来运转全靠它。送你一扎白合,百年好和指望它。送你一碗豆腐花吃完之后笑哈哈。三八节快乐.   1000 roses give you, wants you to love itself well; 1000paper cranes give you, lets the worry be far away from you! 1000 ascendentsgive you, lets the good luck revolve you! The International Working Women"s Dayis joyful!   一千朵玫瑰给你,要你好好爱自己;一千只纸鹤给你,让烦恼远离你!一千颗幸运星给你,让好运围绕着你!妇女节快乐!   The International Working Women"s Day delivers you thefeminine keeping in good health law: 1 happy, facing me when long hangs thesmiling face; 2 careful, completes matter which every I confessed; 3 intimate,forever places me first. Has remembered?   妇女节送你女性养生法:1开心,面对我时长挂笑容;2细心,做好每一件我交代的事;3贴心,永远把我放在第一位。记住了吗?   The world because of feminine birth, appears particularlybeautiful! Is only small regards, is actually a thick true meaning! TheInternational Working Women"s Day is joyful!   世界因为女性的诞生,显得分外美丽!只是一个小小的问候,却是一个浓浓的真意!妇女节快乐!   A career that no one can replace, no one can match a tender, a Word looks like the spring rain, there is a concern the patter of rain in my heart always, MOM, 38 women"s day today, I wish you a happy holiday season.   Women"s day, I wish you a real "rich" women, spirit rich: no reflections, optimistic, cheerful, love richer: often has a sweet, confident self; rich: and dream company, takes sole charge of. Have a happy women"s day!   一份问候,包裹的是甜蜜;一份祝福,将幸福传递;一份快乐,让你洋溢迷人的笑意;一种默契,是心心相惜;一份关怀,让你永远年轻美丽。三八节快乐!   又是三八节,送你十斤铁。熬锅营养汤,补钙又补血。再放一年假,工资照样给。还有啥疑问,去找翠花姐。   The wife, today is March Eighth International Working Women"sDay, is your great holiday! At this moment, I must give you thousands ofinjunctions with to send regards that this is most valuable "poor"!   老婆,今天是三八妇女节,是你的大节日!在这个时刻,我要送给你千万个嘱咐与问候,这是最值钱的“寒酸”!   My shoulder is not very perhaps broad, but covers the windand rain sufficiently for you; My arm is not very perhaps powerful, but canalso support blue sky for you. The International Working Women"s Day is joyful!   也许我的肩膀不够宽广,但足以为你遮挡风雨;也许我的胳膊不够有力,但还能为你撑起一片蓝天。妇女节快乐!   Don"t let your busy life full of you, don"t let your space, don"t let little things just your time, don"t let yourself not panting. 38 women"s day today, remember to rest, take care of yourself.   别让忙碌充满你的生活,别让工作占据你的空间,别让琐事排满你的时间,别让自己没有喘气的时间。今天三八妇女节,记得多休息,照顾好自己。
2023-08-15 07:17:471


take on 承担;呈现;具有; 例句: I cant take on any extra work. 我不能承担任何额外工作。 I dont feel ready to take on new responsibilities. 我不愿意承担新的责任。 扩展资料   No other organization was able or willing to take on the job.   没有任何其他组织能够或愿意承担这项工作。   The vice-president must now take on the mantle of supreme power.   副总统现在必须承担起最高权力的重任。   We"ve decided to take on some training staff, and I"d like to check details before I finalise their contracts.   我们已经决定雇用一些培训人员,在敲定他们的合同之前,我想先核实一下细节。   We can"t take on any more work—we"re fully stretched as it is.   我们不能再接受其他工作了—现在已经竭尽所能了。
2023-08-15 07:17:501


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2023-08-15 07:17:381

微动开关的原理 微动开关有哪些注意事项

可能很多人都没听过微动开关,更不知道它是什么,其实在我们的生活中,是需要频繁使用它的,只要是电子设备,都离不开它。今天我们就来了解下 微动开关 的原理以及微动开关有哪些注意事项的相关内容,一起来看看吧! 一、微动开关的原理 微动开关的机构是由微小的接点间隔和快动,在那些需要进行频繁换接电路的设备中,对他们进行自动控制以及安全保护,通常广泛的应用在电子设备、仪器仪表、矿山、电力系统、 家用电器 、航天、导弹、坦克等很多领域,它的原理是由外机械力通过传动的元件,然后将力的作用用在动作簧片上,当动作簧片的位移到一个临界点的时候,就会产生瞬时的动作,让动作簧片的末端它的动触点和定触点可以快速的接通或者断开,瞬间完成反向的动作。 二、微动开关有哪些注意事项 1、如果是固定开关的主体,一定要使用M2的小螺钉,然后把小螺钉放在平滑面上以0.098N·m以下的扭矩来进行固定,另外为了防止螺钉会出现松动的情况,最好同时在螺钉下使用垫圈。 2、在自由状态下动作体,一定要注意不能直接对按钮或者激励器施加力量,而是应该在使用的时候对按钮所对应的垂直方向上施加力量。 3、微动开关动作后的动作设定,应该以O.T.值的百分之七十以上为标准,在开关开了的情况下,不能直接将动作体设定在动作限度的位置上,不然容易出现因为冲击所伴随的开闭,这样会缩短它的使用寿命。 4、微动开关它的动作特性即使在规格值的百分之二十上下跳转,它也不会因为发生变化而引发故障。 5、使用微动开关手在焊接的情况下,一定要记得使用带温度调节的电温度320℃max.),并且在要3秒内完成作业,在完成作业的过程中一定不要在端子部上施加力量。 6、如果是在微小电流和电压下使用微动开关,建议最好使用小功率电路型,不要使用大功率的。 我总结:以上就是我分享的关于 微动开关 的原理以及微动开关有哪些注意事项的全部内容了。微动开关主要由五大类构成,所以在购买之前一定要了解清楚,如果你还想要了解更多装修方面的知识,请持续关注本网站哦!
2023-08-15 07:17:381

in our opinion in our opinions都对吗

两种都对,短语形式的都是正确的.在使用的过程中,要具体情况具体分析.in our opinion中我们的意见是统一的,大家都这么认为.in our opinions则不是统一的.例如:We are divided in our opinions.我们的意见不统一.
2023-08-15 07:17:371


2023-08-15 07:17:341


人类大脑记忆的缺陷:人类大脑里有两个区域负责我们的记忆。一个在我们后脑叶这个位置,大概占脑容量10~15的地方,叫做大脑存储区,它相当于一个仓库,记什么东西都会放到这个仓库里,人的大脑存储区能量非常大。大家可能都知道我们现在所研究的潜意识,其实你的潜意识里的好多东西都基于你大脑的存储区的存储内容,近几年的真人脑科学研究表明,从小、从你生下来开始,我们所能见到的东西都会在你大脑里留下一个或深或浅的记忆痕迹。那么人是不是只有一个存储区来负责记忆呢?不是,人还有一个直觉管理区,要不然,我们大家记东西就可以过目不望了,那么什么东西阻碍了我们这么好的记忆发挥在记单词过程中呢?是人脑里负责记忆的另外一个相对薄弱的环节——人脑的直觉管理区,它在人脑太阳穴之下,占大脑容量的2%左右,它相当于一个仓库保管员,它负责把你要记的东西放进去,并在你需要用的时候拿出来,它的能量比大脑存储区能量小很多,换句话说,你的仓库太大了,而仓库管理员的能力比较弱,造成一个什么后果呢,你存了好多东西,但取不出来。打个比方: 就像以前,有人问我,你有没有听过“挡起双浆”这首歌? 我说不知道,这是谁唱的呀?周杰伦的还是刘德华的?但当他把这首歌的旋律放出来的时候,我才恍然大悟,一下子连它的歌词都想起来了,我想起我小时候根本就会唱这首歌。这种恍然沌悟的感觉不是因为你的存储区里没有,而是因为你的直觉管理区不够强,调不出来,那么更糟糕的 ,直觉管理区还负责往大脑存储区里放,是它来负责往里记。它的管理能力相对比较薄弱,所以导致了人类大部分的记忆能量是浪费掉的。 艾宾浩斯记忆遗忘曲线告诉我们,人的记忆分为三种形式,一种是感觉记忆,一种是短时记忆,也叫工作记忆,一种是长时记忆痕迹,这三种记忆中感觉记忆只可以持续3~8秒钟,瞬间即逝,工作记忆可以持续4~16个小时,长时记忆痕迹是在这两种记忆消失的过程中出现的,它是我们学习过程中所能用的一种记忆,它是一个抛物线,就会有个最顶点,是个最高点,这是你这次记忆单词的记忆最强点,这是你这次学习单词产生的记忆最强的一个点,这个点能产生一个记忆强度,在这,还能产生一个记忆时间,在某个时间段,你对这次记忆单词会产生一个这次的一个最强点,它告诉我们,记忆一个东西要在抛物线的顶点及时复习才能达到最好的记忆效果,如果不及时复习就会遗忘掉。这是人类大脑记忆的普遍规律。自从发现以来 一直指导着人类对记忆的研究。突破性成果:“关于艾宾浩斯记忆曲线的定量性研究”在美国1999年世界记忆学大会上公布了一个成果,是“关于艾宾浩斯记忆曲线的定量性研究”这个这个研究终于找到抛物线的最高点了,科学家通过人机对话的方式找到了这个最佳复习时间间隔T和最佳的复习频率。于是结合此次研究龙文(美国)科技发展有限公司开发出了具有划时代意义的记忆核系统(Memory Nucleon System),它一种用来带动学习的高度智能化专家系统。从此以后开创了人类记忆的新篇章。科学家们评价说如果说内燃机的发明把人类从繁重的体力劳动中解放出来,记忆核系统将把人类从学习过程中繁重的脑力劳动中解放出来。这场人类脑力的革命,将让大脑突破其生理极限运转,大大超越人类现有的学习速度,从根本上改变人类传统学习方式。 记忆,是人类与外界分离后,即人类自我及其主体形成后,外界运动与体内运动相互作用的一切结果与表现。应该包括显著的互动结果,例如创伤;也包括通常人们理解的记忆现象——那些微弱的互动结果,例如幻听、幻视、意念等。按照绝对性的理解,记忆,是运动产生的人类用自身观察自身的生物活动现象。
2023-08-15 07:17:321

corn pone opinions什么意思请帮忙

2023-08-15 07:17:292


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