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struck it rich

2023-08-24 09:37:16

struck it rich 表示一夜暴富,突然发财.



The farmer struck it rich when oil was found on his land.




struck英 [stru028ck]美 [stru028ck]v. 罢工,打击,撞击(strike的过去式和过去分词)adj. 受罢工影响的n. (Struck)人名;(英)斯特拉克;(瑞典)斯特鲁克;(德)施特鲁克struck 发出的,打接,罢工blast struck 爆炸袭击struck capacity 装载能量,平装容量,平装斗容量1.He hit me, so I struck him back. 他打了我, 所以我才还手打他。2.They struck for more pay. 他们为增加薪金而罢工。3.She struck a glass of wine in my hand. 她一掌打落了我手中的一杯酒。
2023-08-17 06:17:021


struck的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[stru028ck]美语音标:[stru028ck]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译v.打;撞;罢工;划燃(动词strike的过去式和过去分词)单词例句用作动词 (v.)The union struck for better work conditions. 工会为争取更好的工作条件而罢工。The ship struck on a rock and sank. 船触礁沉没。We were struck dumb with horror and grief. 惊恐和忧伤使我们哑口无言。
2023-08-17 06:17:101


"Struck" 是一个动词,过去式和过去分词形式。它的发音是 /stru028ck/。/s/:这个音素表示辅音 [s],发音时舌头靠近上颚的牙龈,气流从口腔中间流出。这个音素在 "struck" 中表示 "s" 的发音。/t/:这个音素表示辅音 [t],发音时舌尖轻轻触碰上颚的牙龈,然后突然分离,气流从口腔中间流出。这个音素在 "struck" 中表示 "t" 的发音。/r/:这个音素表示辅音 [r],发音时舌尖不接触任何部位,舌尖稍微卷起,气流从舌尖和口腔之间流出。这个音素在 "struck" 中表示 "r" 的发音。/u028c/:这个音素表示短元音 [u028c],发音时口腔稍微张开,舌头位于中央,不接触任何部位,气流自由地流出。这个音素在 "struck" 中表示 "u" 的发音。/k/:这个音素表示辅音 [k],发音时舌尖与软腭接触,然后突然分离,气流从口腔中间流出。这个音素在 "struck" 中表示 "k" 的发音。综上所述,"struck" 的音标是 /stru028ck/,其中 /s/ 表示辅音 [s],/t/ 表示辅音 [t],/r/ 表示辅音 [r],/u028c/ 表示短元音 [u028c],/k/ 表示辅音 [k]。请注意,音标只能提供一种近似的发音指引,因为每个人的发音习惯和口音有所不同。最好的方法是听一些来自英语母语者的发音示范,以便更准确地掌握 "struck" 这个词的发音。
2023-08-17 06:17:191


struck和striken的区别:Struck用于一般打击、撞击、刺激。Stricken指受打击,受煎熬,只用于负面场合,较struck富感情色彩,又多用于正式场合。 扩展资料 struck的"例句:I was struck with the man"s singular appearance(那个人的奇特外貌给我留下了深刻的印象);striken的例句:A nonlinear theoretical model of the partial deformation on longitudinally striken surface bars(杆件纵向撞击面局部变形的非线性模型)。
2023-08-17 06:18:001


strike常用作及物动词或名词. (1)表示“打,击”,结构为: strike sb. on the head He struck her on the head.他打了她的头. strike +双宾语 He struck the table a heavy blow.他狠狠地击了一下桌子. strike sb.(/sth)+宾补 They struck him dead.他们把他打死了. (2)表示“打动,迷住,给.以印象” be struck by sth She was struck by his kindness.她被他的好意打动了. It strikes sb +that从句 It struck me that he was a nice young man.给我的印象是他是个好小伙. How +助动词+主语+strike you? How does he strike you?他给你的印象如何? (3)表示““(钟)响,敲过” The clock has just struck.钟刚刚敲过. The clock has struck 10.钟敲十点了. (4)表示“罢工”可以做名词和动词 shtike for为.而罢工 They strike for higher pay.它们为增加工资而罢工 如果有帮到您
2023-08-17 06:18:191


strike a tone就是用什么样的音调这里指david使用的地下谦卑的语调
2023-08-17 06:18:392

strike 和 struck的区别

2023-08-17 06:18:593

This combination of healing myself and healing the world struck me as th里面有哪些知识点。 解释

2023-08-17 06:19:092

The blow struck him full in the face 这一拳正打在他脸上

他的脸上 为什么不用his face呢?而用 him full in the face? 这里struck是动词,所以它们放在一起构成了打一拳的含义。 full在这里应该指的是
2023-08-17 06:19:183

be struck by的意思

2023-08-17 06:19:384


罢工双语对照词典结果:strike[英][strau026ak][美][strau026ak]vt.罢(工、课等); 撞; 攻击; 来到; vi.罢工; 打击; 朝某一方向前进; n.攻击; 罢工[课,市]; 发现; 第三人称单数:strikes过去分词:struck stricken复数:strikes现在进行时:striking过去式:struckstrook很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-08-17 06:19:493

struct student*fun(struck student *a)怎么解释啊,struct fun(struck student *a)对不对?麻烦解释下

struck应该是拼写错误吧。。。struct student是之前定义的一个结构体struct student * 是该结构体的指针struct student * fun(struct student *a); 声明了一个函数,名字叫fun,参数是struct student *,返回值也是struct student *。struct fun(struct student * a); 编译会报错,struct后面必须 有结构体的名称
2023-08-17 06:19:571


没听说过有struck函数。倒是有struck类型,struck只是CTS里规定的5种类型(类类型、委托类型、结构类型、枚举类型、接口类型)之一的结构类型,它是值类型,是一种轻量级的类类型,常用于建模几何和数学数据。 如果楼主是初学者,建议多看些C#的经典书籍,提高一下。
2023-08-17 06:20:051

句型it struck sb that中的struck是谓语还是非谓语 主动还是被动?还有as far as中的far表示距离远是

此句中的 struck 是主句的谓语动词过去式,主动语态。It struck sb. that...... 是一个 it 作为形式主语的句型。这也是英语表达方式中具有代表性的“英语思维”特点之一,也是英语作为第二语言或外语教育的重点内容之一。在这个句型中,代词 it 只是形式上的主语,真正的主语是紧接主句表语之后的 that-从句或者不定式短语。语言学上称其为“逻辑主语”。例:It struck me that my students could speak English fluently in just four weeks! (= [The fact] that my students could speak English fluently in just four weeks struck me!)It is important to understand the whole sentence before you can figure out the meanings of the words used in the sentence. (= To understand the whole sentence before you can figure out the meanings of the words used in the sentence is important.)从上面的例句中不难看出,当括号中的逻辑主语作为句子的主语使用时,由于太长而影响对句子的理解。而用形式主语 it 句型就能快速和清晰地理解句子所表达的语义。这也反映了英语思维的语言特征:头小身子大。英语从句是对这一思维特征的最好注解。
2023-08-17 06:20:141

Struck by和 struck against有什么不同? 意思分别是什么?

struck是strike 的过去式---------------------strike against反对...而罢工struck by不是短语应该是be struck by 是一个被动语态如:The threes was struck by lighting。
2023-08-17 06:21:531

strike过去式 strike的过去式是什么

1、strike过去式:struck. 2、strike:撞; 碰; 撞击; 碰撞; 打; 击; 击打,踢(球等);罢工; 罢课; 罢市; 军事进攻; 袭击; (尤指) 空袭; 击; 打; 踢; 3、[例句]:French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day strike in a dispute over pay.法国空中交通管制员因为薪资纠纷已开始了为期3天的罢工。
2023-08-17 06:22:001

STICK STRUCK 区别和用法谁知道啊

是stuck 还是struck? 如果是struck,和stick根本没有关系。如果是stuck, 如下:This tape STICKS well.This thing is stuck!
2023-08-17 06:22:092

the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思

the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思是指:她父亲的去世使她感到悲伤。the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思是指:她父亲的去世使她感到悲伤。重点词汇:death释义为死亡。father释义指父亲,爸爸。struck释义指罢工;打击,撞击。sadness释义为悲哀;悲伤,悲痛;使人悲伤的事。into her heart意思是指进入她的内心。英语学习如何快速提高1、首先、培养积极主动的动机。动机对于英语学习来说特别重要。学习是学生的任务,然而为了完成任务而应付学习的动机绝对是不正确的,我们的目的就是想让学生通过英语掌握一些交际的手段,看到外面世界的广大,从而了解一个完全不同的异域世界。2、其次、培养兴趣。除了动机以外,兴趣也很重要。有些学生总觉得学习英语很难,全是些单词,句子,所以总是一提到英语就头晕目眩,退而避之,从而形成了一种对英语的排斥心理。其实,正如我们在玩要时会发现其中一些有趣之处一样,当我们对英语有了一定程度的了解后,也能从中找到有趣的地方。3、最后,要勤奋。那些英语成绩好的同学,勤奋是很重要的一个因素。没有一个人是天生就会一项技能的,想有些成就,只能靠自己努力。所以要学生,第一、上课认真听讲,做好记录,抓住这35分钟的效率。第二、课后及时复习,有问题及时询问老师或同学。可想而知,他们的成功完全靠的是自己后天的努力,要勤奋的锻炼才做得到。
2023-08-17 06:22:181

So far,not one of them has been struck down by sudden death! 请解释struck down 他是词组吗

struck是strike的过去式,他们放在一起是词组,strike down 打倒 击倒的意思. 全句:到目前为止,他们当中没有一个被死亡击倒.
2023-08-17 06:22:381

be struck with 什么意思

be struck with(by) 为...所袭击; 为...所侵袭 为...所触动[感动]
2023-08-17 06:22:463

be struck to是什么意思

be struck to是被击中了的意思
2023-08-17 06:22:542

be struck with的意思

2023-08-17 06:23:142

be struck by的中文意思

2023-08-17 06:23:221

Do you know the terrible earthquake that ( struck )San Francisco in 1996为什么选A A struck B attack

2023-08-17 06:23:305


D 考查短语:struck…into,使突然产生恐惧,忧虑等,句意:地震使他的心里产生恐惧。所以选D。
2023-08-17 06:23:471

英文love struck me翻译成汉语是什么意思?

struck是strike的过去式和过去分词形式,意思是撞击、袭击. 这句话可按不同的语境翻译成: 1)我撞上爱情了 2)爱情突然来袭 3)爱情将我击倒 4)爱情震撼了我 5)我被爱情撞了一下腰 6)我被爱情电着了 等等
2023-08-17 06:24:051

you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning怎么翻译

2023-08-17 06:24:141

英语I was struck by that memory yesterday怎么翻译?

2023-08-17 06:24:222

defeat beat hit struck 怎么用各代表什么意思?下一句因该选择哪一个?

2023-08-17 06:24:301

beat hit struck 的区别

及物动词 vt. 1.打,击,攻击[O1]2.(用爪)抓伤;(用毒牙)咬伤;(疾病)侵袭3.(钟)敲响报(时)4.(船)触(礁);(光)照在;(声音)传到 选D老
2023-08-17 06:24:391

英语I was struck by a report怎么翻译?

2023-08-17 06:24:473

It was smashed to pieces.It A.was struck B.was cracked C.was destroyed D.was damaged

2023-08-17 06:25:072

So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!

击倒 是词组
2023-08-17 06:25:165

the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped。 为什么不用had struck啊

一般过去时与过去完成时的区别:1)一般过去时主要用来表示特定过去时间中一次完成的动作或一度存在的状况,其动作或状态已成为过去,现在已不复存在。从其动作的完成到现在之间有一段时间间隔。一般过去时在特定的句型中表示现在或将来。want, wonder, think,hope用过去时表现在,语气更加委婉。在wish或it is time从句后用一般过去时表将来,是习惯用法。例:He sold newspapers for a living. 他卖报为生计。He lived in Shanghai for 2 years. 他在上海居住了2年。(现在已不在上海)-Did you want me? —你找我吗? -Yes, I wondered if you"d help me. —是的,我不知道你能否帮我忙。(委婉语气)2)过去完成时的主要用法是表示两个事件中哪一个发生在前,表示过去的过去用过去完成时,常和when, after, before, as soon as, by the time that等一起使用。离现在时间最近的动作用一般过去时,表示依次发生在过去的动作应用一般过去时,若有时间间隔,又强调动作的先后概念,宜用过去完成时。过去完成时常用于间接引语结构中,表示时间向更遥远的过去后移,即通常所说的“过去的过去”。 例:I told her the parcel had not arrived. 我告诉她包裹还没到。When we bought it, the house had been empty for several years. 那房子我们买下前,已空置好几年了。He had died in 1920, before his son was born. 他死于1920,早在他儿子出生以前。
2023-08-17 06:25:321

英语语法问题。如图这句话。为什么不是had struck?

2023-08-17 06:25:412


2023-08-17 06:26:041

strucked 这个词不对吗?

这个词不对Strucke斯特鲁克strucken英 [ "stru028cku0259n ] 美 [ "stru028cku0259n ]释义<废>strike的过去分词strike 英 [ strau026ak ] 美 [ strau026ak ]vt.罢(工、课等); 撞; 攻击; 来到vi.罢工; 打击; 朝某一方向前进n.攻击; 罢工[课,市]; 发现变形复数: strikes 过去式: struck strook 过去分词: struckstricken 现在分词: striking 第三人称单数: strikes
2023-08-17 06:26:241

Struck by the terrible earthquake, Wenchuan was from the ou...

C 短语辨析。cut up切碎,抨击; cut down 削减,砍到; cut off 切断,中断; cut in超车,插入。句意:受大地震袭击,汶川被与外面中断了联系。故选C。
2023-08-17 06:26:311

she struck the keys too hard中的struck为什么不加s

the keys 是特指.定冠词the,指的是她摔的这些钥匙,不是别的随便什么钥匙 of 是介词,表示多少中的几个,也就是不是全部的意思.two of the strings 其中的两串 她摔钥匙用的力量太大了,以至于把钥匙摔开了两串. 希望能解决您的问题.
2023-08-17 06:26:391

he was struck。什么意思?

2023-08-17 06:26:484


2023-08-17 06:25:511

求一首英文歌,里面有一句歌词是 l need you all my life lii my heart

Love Paradise 陈慧琳 You"re always on my mind All day just all the time You"re everything to me Brightest star to let me see You touch me in my dreams We kiss in every scene I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days I"ll love you Till I die Deep as sea Wide as sky The beauty of our love paints rainbows Everywhere we go Need you all my life You"re my hope You"re my pride In your arms I find my heaven In your eyes my sea and sky May life be our love paradise
2023-08-17 06:25:562


【 #英语资源# 导语】每一个人,都有一个属于自己的新年愿望,那个愿望可能是遥不可及的,也可能是触手可得的,但是,每一个愿望都有一个属于它自己的意义!新的一年,你有什么新年愿望呢?以下是 考 网整理的《兔年新年的愿望英语日记》,希望对您有所帮助。 1.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇一   Maybe you will be surprised because I talked about money from the beginning. No, I want money, but the headquarters doesn"t approve it! One day on the second day of last year, my family went to another place for the New Year. As soon as I entered the door, many adults gave me lucky money one after another. No matter my parents were angry with me, they ran away. When I looked at the money, my eyes sparkled. Because I can take my parents to take a plane to see the endless sea. You can buy a mountain bike by yourself... This money is quite important to me. At this time, my father and mother saw that I was not doing my job again, so they knocked me on the head. I have many big bags on my head. Since today, I haven"t talked about money with my parents. Money, money! Why don"t you stay close to me? This is my first New Year"s wish. 2.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇二   Time flies. The year 20xx is coming soon. A new year, a new goal and a new starting point! In 20xx, what is your wish? My wish is to be admitted to a good junior high school and meet a good teacher, so this year, I can"t live in vain.   I decided that in the new year, I would completely change myself, let everyone see different themselves, see the good child in the eyes of parents, the good student in the eyes of teachers, and the good partner in the eyes of classmates   First of all, I must get rid of my bad habits, like sleeping late and getting up late. Love talks back to her parents. Not obedient, etc., must strive to become a good child in the eyes of parents, help parents do more housework, understand their difficulties, and will not ask their parents for anything. Good child, I will become you one day.   Secondly, I will study hard, actively answer questions in class, take the initiative to discuss with the teacher after class, and I will not be slow in learning. I will read more extracurricular books, increase extracurricular knowledge, use more brains, practice words, memorize words, learn well, good student, I am coming.   Then, I will become a good partner in the eyes of my classmates. I will chat with them. I will become a bottle of their worries. If you have any worries to tell me, I will also keep my mouth shut and will not tell others. I must be my partner.   Throw all the bad problems in 20xx! I believe that in the new year, I can face new things with a new mentality, good children, good students and good partners. It has become my wish and goal in the new year. 3.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇三   Dang, Dang, Dang With the three heavy bells, telling us that it is xx hours, xx minutes, xx seconds, this announced that we have left the old year and ushered in a new one.   I believe that many people made many New Year"s wishes in the old year. Some people have realized their wishes as well as my classmates, while others have realized some and are still working hard. Of course, I hope that the more people who realize their New Year"s wishes, the better. After all, everyone"s New Year"s wish is beautiful.   New Year"s wishes vary greatly. It varies with age. Adults take my father as an example and hope that their family will be safe, build a new house, and their children will achieve something. Children! Innocent, of course, I hope that the red envelope of the New Year will be more. Young generation! People often say "ambitious youth", and ambition is also a form of desire. I am also a member of the youth, and of course I have many New Year"s wishes.   My wish is neither simple nor complex. As a student, the first New Year"s wish is, of course, the improvement of academic performance that every student will want; As a child, the second New Year"s wish is, of course, to hope that parents are healthy; The third wish, of course, is for yourself, which is different from the general public.   Everyone has his own aspirations. My third New Year"s wish is that I hope that the first essay I wrote will win a prize, because it is an encouragement that other things can"t match for me. If my confidence is the boat, winning the prize is the sail that takes me farther.   For this reason, I specially made full preparations - first, I read a large number of compositions and picked out good words and famous sentences; Then I wrote several drafts and revised them. Finally, please ask our Chinese teacher to give us some advice. It can be said that I have done my best and left no effort.   When. When. When. I had spent an hour unconsciously, and I went to sleep with a good New Year"s wish. 4.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇四   I felt that time passed in a flash and passed by me in a hurry and quietly. Unconsciously, it came to 20xx and ushered in a new year. At this time of leaving the old and welcoming the new, I believe that I have many new year"s wishes like you, but pick a few key ones.   My first wish is to improve my study. How can I say about my academic performance? Usually, it is not fixed, sometimes good or bad, but I always rank first in the big exam, such as the final exam. I hope that this good achievement will become permanent, not temporary. Get rid of my careless faults   My second wish is to wish my family good health. The master is now in the hospital for treatment. I hope the master will get better soon. And all my elders are getting better and happier every day in the new year.   My third wish is to dance better. Although I sometimes don"t want to be lazy in practicing basic skills, I hope I can practice the crossbar and rear bridge this year, and by the way, I can also practice the rear tiger. I hope that this year"s dance will reach a higher level.   My fourth wish is to get a lot of lucky money. When I arrive at the New Year, my first priority is to take the New Year"s money. As soon as I get the New Year"s money in my hands, I will cling to my mother and go to the bank to save it, so that no one can get it. ha-ha. Both my parents said I was a "small money addict".   These are my New Year"s wishes, not too many. I hope my wishes can be realized as soon as possible. Here I wish you a happy New Year and all the best! 5.兔年新年的愿望英语日记 篇五   Somehow, you can taste delicious cakes during the Spring Festival in previous years, but what about this year? Not a single cake! Why? Why not ask? It"s the mother-in-law who killed people. My mother-in-law was called "boring scientist" by the family and even the whole village. On this day, the VIP mother-in-law came to fight. I"m so happy. My mother-in-law is the "savior" for me. But today I was disappointed because my mother-in-law was more wordy than Tang Monk today. When I was about to taste the delicious cake, my mother-in-law told me to stop immediately. My "cake dream" is gone. My mother-in-law and I talked a lot about the harm of cake. Alas! This is my second wish.
2023-08-17 06:25:571


  11分之4和12分之5相比,12分之5大  12分之5>11分之4解析:  本题可利用糖水原理比较容易,糖水原理打比方如下:  一杯糖水,总质量为b,含糖量为a,则这杯糖水的含糖率为:b分之a;如果再往里面加点糖,设所加糖质量为c,现在这杯糖水的含糖率为:(b+c)分之(a+c),因为糖水变甜了,所以有(b+c)分之(a+c)>b分之a
2023-08-17 06:26:001


2023-08-17 06:26:053


您好:都是不错的哦!主要还是看那个的价格适合你把!扩展资料:它可以充镍氢、镍镉和锂离子(如18650)这三种类型的电池(听说内部还有个开关,可以用来设置为磷酸铁锂电池充电模式,但打开机身就会失去保修,请慎重考虑)。它是智能充电器,充满电以后,对于镍氢、镍镉会以微小电流(<= 50mA)涓流充电,对于锂离子电池就完全停充。只要一天内取下电池,一般不用担心过充。它的镍氢、镍镉充电会在快充满时自动将电流调小,所以可以设置较大的充电电流用于给电池快速充电,快充满时也会是安全的,因为电流调小了。充电时采用脉冲充电技术,避免电池过热。脉冲充电略有点噪音。它的锂离子电池充电模式是先恒流,充到4.0V以后再恒压(4.2V),直到充满为止。除了充电外,它还有放电、测试容量、循环充放电(3次)等功能。它能实时显示充了多少电、当前电压、充电时间、当前实际充电电流等信息。望采纳,谢谢了!
2023-08-17 06:25:471


问题一:如图是硝酸钾、硫酸锂两种物质的溶解度曲线图,看图后填空:(1)溶解度随着温度升高而升高的物质是(填 (1)由溶解度曲线可以看出,KNO 3 的溶解度随着温度升高而升高;(2)20℃时,硝酸钾、硫酸锂二种物质的溶解度曲线交于一点,含义是该温度下,两物质的溶解度相等;(3)过滤可以将不溶于液体的物质与液体分离,故将未溶解硝酸钾分离可采用过滤的方法;(4)0℃时,硝酸钾的溶解度小于硫酸锂的溶解度,故硝酸钾饱和溶液中溶质质量分数比硫酸锂饱和溶液中溶质的质量分数小,所以将这两种物质0℃时的饱和溶液都升温至20℃,则硝酸钾溶液的溶质质量分数小于硫酸锂溶液的质量分数.故答案为:(1)KNO 3 ;(2)20℃时,硝酸钾和硫酸锂的溶解度相等,均为32g;(3)过滤; (4)小于. 问题二:如何书写3种元素以上的化学式 一. 单质的化学式和命名方法 常温下为固体的单质一般用元素符号表示该元素的单质,元素符号的名称就是该单质的名称,例如碳―C、硫―S、磷―P、钠―Na、铜―Cu、镁―Mg、铁―Fe,但是碘为I2。 稀有气体用元素符号表示该元素的单质,元素符号的名称就是该单质的名称,也可在元素名称后加一个“气”字,例如氦(气)―He、氖(气)―Ne、氩(气)―Ar等。 其它气体的单质,一般用用元素符号和右下标2表示该元素的单质,用元素符号的名称加一个“气”字的方法来命名,例如氧气―O2、氢气―H2、氯气―Cl2、氮气―N2。 二. 氧化物的化学式和命名方法 氧化物的化学式中,氧元素符号写在右边,另一种元素的符号写在左边,即“先读的后写,后读的先写”一般称为“氧化某”,例如“氧化铜”,后读“铜”,则先写铜的元素符号“Cu”,先读“氧”,则后写氧元素的符号“O”,故氧化铜的化学式为“CuO”。反之,MgO的名称就是“氧化镁”,CaO 的名称就是“氧化钙”。 某些稍微复杂点的氧化物或者有多种化合价元素的氧化物,一般称为“几氧化(几)某”,即化学式中有几个氧原子就称为“几氧化”,另一种元素有几个原子就称为“几某”,例如Fe3O4称为“四氧化三铁”、P2O5称为“五氧化二磷”, 若另一种元素原子数是1,则称为“几氧化某”,例如CO2称为“二氧化碳”、SO2称为“二氧化硫”、SO3称为“三氧化硫”。 说明:以上只是主要规则,某些物质还有特定的命名方法和规则,请对照表1―1记忆常见的单质、氧化物、酸、碱、盐的名称和化学式。 三. 酸的化学式和命名方法 中学化学要求掌握的无机酸的种类较少,请参考表1―1记住它们的化学式即可。 四. 碱的化学式和命名方法 碱一般是金属的氢氧化物,书写化学式时,金属元素符号先写,氢氧根(OH)后写,读作“氢氧化某”,例如氢氧化钠,化学式为NaOH,又如Mg(OH)2的名称为氢氧化镁。 说明:NH3,名称为氨,也称氨气,因其溶于水而生成NH3.H2O(一水合氨),NH3.H2O能电离产生OH?而使水溶液呈碱性,为了表1―1的简洁,故把NH3填在碱这一栏鼎但它并不是碱。 五.盐的化学式和命名方法 无氧酸(例如盐酸)形成的盐,称为“氯化某”,例如NaCl称为氯化钠,注意FeCl2称为氯化亚铁,称为FeCl3氯化铁。 含氧酸(例如硫酸、碳酸、硝酸等)形成的盐,称为“某酸某”,例如Na2SO4称为硫酸钠,Na2CO3称为碳酸钠,注意如果是含氧酸形成的酸式盐则称为“某酸氢某”,例如NaHCO3称为碳酸氢钠。还有一些特殊的盐,中学很少见到,就不提它们了。 化学式 化学式 chemical formula 用化学符号表示物质组成的式子。化学式是实验式、分子式、结构式、示性式的统称。用化学符号表示化合物中各元素的原子比例的化学式称为实验式,如乙炔和苯都是碳氢化合物,它们的组成都是含碳92.3%,含氢7.7%,碳和氢的原子比是1∶1,推导出来的乙炔和苯的实验式都是CH。有些无机化合物(如氯化钠)是由离子晶体组成的,晶体内部阳离子和阴离子交替地排列,现在,氯化钠晶体中到底有多少个钠离子和氯离子的问题尚未解决,只知道Na∶Cl=1∶1,所以只能用实验式NaCl代表氯化钠。用化学符号表示物质分子的组成的化学式称为分子式,它的含义是:组成该化合物的元素;各元素原子数之比;各元素原子的重量之和。用化学符号和价键表示化合物中各个原子间化学结构的方式称为结构式,它指出了分子中原子的排列顺序和连接方式,有机化......>> 问题三:氟分子的化学式怎样写 50分 F2 (2是下标,写小点) 问题四:如图是硝酸钾、硫酸锂二种物质的溶解度曲线图,看图后填空:(1)溶解度随着温度升高而减小物质是(填化 (1)由溶解度曲线可以看出,Li2SO4的溶解度随着温度的升高而减小;(2)20℃时,硝酸钾、硫酸锂二种物质的溶解度曲线交于一点,含义是该温度下,两物质的溶解度相等;(3)过滤可以将不溶于液体的物质与液体分离,故将未溶解硝酸钾分离可采用过滤的方法;(4)40℃时,硝酸钾的溶解度大于硫酸锂的溶解度,故硝酸钾饱和溶液中溶质质量分数比硫酸锂饱和溶液中溶质的质量分数大.故答案为:(1)Li2SO4;(2)20℃时,硝酸钾、硫酸锂二种物质的溶解度相等(或32g);(3)过滤;(4)大. 问题五:常用的化学式既名称 酸:氢硫酸H2S 氢硒酸H2Se 盐酸HCl 氢溴酸HBr 氢氟酸HF 氢碘酸HI 氢氰酸HCN 硫氰酸HSCN 次氯酸HClO 亚氯酸HClO2 氯酸HClO3 高氯酸HClO4 溴酸HBrO3 高溴酸HBrO4 碘酸HIO3 高碘酸HIO4 亚硫酸H2SO3 硫酸H2SO4 硫代硫酸H2S2O3 硝酸HNO3 磷酸H3PO4 偏磷酸HPO3 碳酸H2CO3 草酸H2C2O4 铝酸H3AlO3 硅酸H2SiO3 原硅酸H4SiO4 次溴酸HBrO 醋酸HAc 醋酸CH3COOH 硼酸H3BO3 碱:氢氧化钾KOH 氢氧化钠NaOH 氢氧化银AgOH 氢氧化锂LiOH 氢氧化钡Ba(OH)2 氢氧化钙Ca(OH)2 氢氧化铝Al(OH)3 氢氧化锰Mn(OH)2 氢氧化锌Zn(OH)2 氢氧化铬Cr(OH)3 氢氧化亚铁Fe(OH)2 氢氧化铁Fe(OH)3 氢氧化锡Sn(OH)4 氢氧化亚锡Sn(OH)2 氢氧化铅:Pb(OH)2 氢氧化铜Cu(OH)2 氢氧化汞Hg(OH)2 氢氧化镁Mg(OH)2 氢化物:磷化氢PH3 甲烷CH4 硅烷SiH4 氨气NH3 氢化钠NaH 氢化钙CaH2 氢化钾KH 氢化锂LiH 硝酸盐:硝酸铵NH4NO3 硝酸钾KNO3 硝酸锂LiNO3 硝酸钠NaNO3 硝酸银AgNO3 硝酸钡Ba(NO3)2 硝酸铍Be(NO3)2 硝酸镁Mg(NO3)2 硝酸铝Al(NO3)3 硝酸锰Mn(NO3)2 硝酸锌Zn(NO3)2 硝酸亚铁Fe(NO3)2 硝酸铋Bi(NO3)3 硝酸铁Fe(NO3)3 硝酸铜Cu(NO3)2 硝酸钙Ca(NO3)2 硝酸锡Sn(NO3)2 硝酸镉Cd(NO3)3 硝酸铅Pb(NO3)2 硝酸镍Ni(NO3)2 硝酸钴Co(NO3)2 盐酸盐:氯化铵NH4Cl 氯化锂LiCl 氯化钠NaCl 氯化钾KCl 氯化铍BeCl2 氯化镁MgCl2 氯化钡BaCl2 氯化铝AlCl3 氯化锰MnCl2 氯化锌ZnCl2 氯化亚铁FeCl2 氯化铁FeCl3 氯化铜CuCl2 氯化亚铜CuCl 氯化银AgCl 氯化汞HgCl2 氯化亚汞Hg2Cl2 氯化铅PbCl2 氯化锡SnCl4 氯化亚锡SnCl2 氯化磷:PCl5 氯化铬CrCl3 氯化钴:CoCl2 溴盐:溴化钾KBr 溴化锂LiBr 溴化钠NaBr 溴化镁MgBr2 溴化银AgBr 溴化铅PbBr2 碘盐:碘化钾KI 碘化锂LiI 碘化钠NaI 碘化镁MgI2 碘化铅PbI2 碘化银AgI 氟盐:氟化银AgF 氟化钙CaF2......>>
2023-08-17 06:25:381


2023-08-17 06:25:359


We"re going to say goodbye to 2009. The year 2010 is around the corner. The next year is the Year of the Tiger. What are your wishes1 for the next year? We invite2 five kids across the country to talk about their New Year"s wishes. We"re going to say goodbye to 2009. The year 2010 is around the corner. The next year is the Year of the Tiger. What are your wishes1 for the next year? We invite2 five kids across the country to talk about their New Year"s wishes. Shanghai will hold3 the World Expo next year. The Expo Park is getting more and more beautiful every day. I want to be a volunteer (志愿者) at the Expo. I want to introduce my hometown to visitors4. Xu Yifan, 10, Shanghai I love learning English. Next year, I want to make a lot of progress5 in English. I hope I can get good scores on all my English exams. Gao Tong, 11, Beijing I hope more and more people around me protect the environment (保护环境) and care about our Earth. Wang Zihao, 9, Dalian Yao Ming is my favorite sports star. I want to go to the US to watch an NBA game. But it"s difficult for me. So I hope he and his Rockets teammates will come to China next year. Yang Tao, 12, Nanjing Although (尽管) I"m a girl, I like playing football. I want my parents to watch the FIFA World Cup (世界杯) with me next year. Que Jiaxin, 12, Xiamen
2023-08-17 06:25:353


2023-08-17 06:25:271