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2023-08-24 21:54:23
TAG: 英语


1.____ the house on fire, he dialed 119.

A. To see B. Seeing C. Having seen D. Being seen

2. I fell down and broke three of my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth ___ . A. fix B. fixing C. fixed D. to fix

3. We"re ____ to listen to her ___voice. It"s ___ to hear her sing.

A. pleased; pleasing; pleasure B. pleased; pleasant; a pleasure

C. pleasing; pleased; a pleasure D. pleasing; pleasant; pleasure

4. ____ a post office, I stopped ____ some stamps.

A. Passed, buying B. Passing, to buy C. Having passed, buy D. Pass, to buy

5. ____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A. Comparing B. To compare C. Compared D. Having compared

6. Here are some new computer programs _________ for home buildings.

A. designing B. design C. designed D. to design

7. ____ a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp

A. To save B. Saving C. Saved D. Having saved

8. The teacher came into the classroom ____ by his students.

A. following B. to be following C. followed D. having followed

9. With the money ____ , he couldn"t buy any ticket.

A. to lose B. losing C. lost D. has lost

10. There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn"t make himself ___-.

A. being heard B. hearing C. heard D. hear

11. The result of the test was rather ___ .

A. disappointed B. disappointing C. being disappointed D. disappoint

12. I"ve never heard the word ____ in spoken English. A. use B. used C. being used D. using

13. ____ how to do the homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.

A. Not to know B. Not knowing C. Knowing not D. Not known

14. Deeply ____ , I thanked her again and again.

A. being moving B. moved C. moving D. to be moved

15. With winter ____ on, it"s time to buy warm clothes.

A. came B. comes C. come D. coming

16. ___ the office, the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching building.

A. Having shown B. Showing C. Has shown D. Having been shown

17. He went from door to door, ____ waste papers and magazines.

A. gathering B. gathered C. gather D. being gathered

18. The student corrected his paper carefully, ____ the professor"s suggestions.

A. follow B. following C. followed D. being followed

19. The _____ price will save you one dollar for each dozen.

A. reduce B. reducing C. reduced D. reduces

20. People ____ in the city do not know the pleasure of country life.

A. live B. to live C. lived D. living

21. The foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn"t make his point ____ .

A. understand B. understanding C. to understand D. understood

22. The scientists were waiting to see the problem ____ .

A. settle B. settled C. to settle D. settling

23. The library"s study room is full of students ____ for the exam.

A. busily prepared B. busy preparing C. busily prepare D. are busily preparing

24. The ground is ____ with ____ leaves.

A. covering, falling B. covered, falling C. covered, fallen D. covering, fallen

25. Lessons ____ easily were soon forgotten.

A. to learn B. learn C. learned D. learning

26. The wallet ___ several days ago was found ___ in the dustbin outside the building.

A. stolen, hidden B. stealing, hiding C. stealing, hidden D. stolen, hiding

27. A person ___ a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language ___ all about his own. A. to learn, to forget B. learning, to forget C. to learn, forgetting D. learning, forgetting

28. ___ different kinds of pianos, the workers farther improved their quality

A. To produce B. Being produced C. Produced D. Having produced

29. The students in the university are all taking courses ___ a degree.

A. coming to B. going to C. leading to D. turning to

30. Many things ____ impossible in the past are very common today.

A. consider B. considering C. considered D. be considered

31. ____ many times, he still couldn"t understand.

A. Having been told B. Having told C. He having been told D. Telling

32. The old sick lady entered the hospital, ____ her two sons.

A. to support B. supporting C. supported by D. having supported

33. China is one of the largest countries in the world, ___ 9.6 million square kilometers.

A. to cover B. covered C. covers D. covering

34. "We must keep a secret of the things ___ here", the general said, ___ at the man in charge of the information office.

A. discussed, stared seriously B. being discussed, seriously staring

C. to be discussed, seriously stared D. discussed, stared

35. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, ___ that he had enjoyed his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added

36. "Can you read?" Mary said ____to the notice.

A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing

37. ____ the composition, John handed it to the teacher and went out of the room

A. Writing B. Having written C. Written D. Being written

38. Were you ____ when you saw that wild animal?

A. fright B. frightening C. frightened D. frighten

39. Properly ___ with numbers, the books can be easily found.

A. marked B. mark C. to mark D. marking

40. The child sat in the dentist"s chair ____ .

A. tremble B. trembling C. trembled D. to trembled

41. At this moment the bell rang ___ the end of class.

A. announce B. announcing C. announced D. to announce

42. He walked down the hills, ____ softly to himself. A. sing B. singing C. sung D. to sing

43. I had to shout to make myself ____ above the noise.

A. heared B. hearing C. heard D. to hear

44. The graduating students are busy ___ material for their reports.

A. collect B. to collect C. collected D. collecting

45. The cars ____ in Beijing are as good as those ____ in Shanghai.

A. produce, produce B. produced, produced C. produced, producing D. producing, producing

46. When I came in, I saw Dr. Li____ a patient.

A. examine B. examining C. to examine D. examined

47. ____ a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly.

A. Having been given B. Having given C. Giving D. Being given

48 ._____a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would recover from his illness very soon.. A. Having been given B. Having given C. Giving D. Being given

49.He wrote a letter to me ___ that his trip to Japan had been put off because of the bad weather

A. inform B. informing C. informed D. being informed

50. He reads newspapers every day to keep himself ____ about what"s going on in the world.

A. inform B. informing C. informed D. being informed


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By Brian Hao 培优教师:杨秀英 董艳

大家看看这个 里面有很多整理的培优训练试题,很实用


reduce you to tears 为什么这里tear加s呢 这里reduce怎么翻译呢

reduce you to tears让你掉眼泪词条:reduce词义:(PHRASE短语) 使…落泪英英释义:If someone or something reduces you to tears, they make you feel so unhappy that you cry.【例句】The attentions of the media reduced her to tears.媒体的关注把她弄哭了。
2023-08-18 13:59:351

A reduces to B 是什么意思?

2023-08-18 13:59:447

The power of yet 的翻译是 (专注过程而不是结果) 请问为什么这么翻译啊~~?哪位

2023-08-18 14:00:023


最佳答案:In the normal year, the production foreign investment enterpriseaccording to 15% pays the enterprise income tax, after makes a profitfirst, two year tax-free, makes a profit latter three, for five yearsreduces partly levies, the production enterprise manages the time toexempt the enterprise income tax above ten years, the technologic-allyadvanced enterprise lengthens for three years to reduce according to10% levies the tax tax rate, the double crowded enterprise reduces inthe entire management time tax rate according to 10% levies the law.Business export-oriented production enterprise same year the productexportation output value achieved 70% above the tax rate reducesaccording to 10% levies the law. After business makes a profit first,for two years exempts the place obtained tax law. Business productexport model enterprise exports the output value to achieve 70%, sameyear the tax rate exempted the local extra tax exemption obtainedprofit to collect the tax law. Business is engaged in the cityinfrastructure construction the foreign investment enterprise, themanagement time in 15 year above, from starts to make a profit theyear, year before last exempted the enterprise income tax, the latterfive years reduced partly draft the enterprise obtained tax law.Business is engaged in the city infrastructure construction in thePudong newly developed area the foreign investment enterprise, theenterprise income tax tax rate is 15% law.
2023-08-18 14:00:211

pain free life equals hapiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.

2023-08-18 14:00:291

reduce pollution是什么意思

reduce pollution减污
2023-08-18 14:00:402


reducing的意思是降低,减肥,单词详细介绍如下:1、基本释义:reducing,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词,作名词时译为减低,减轻体重法,减肥法如节食,作动词时译为减少,降低,使液体变稠。2、单词用法:If you reduce liquid when you are cooking, or if it reduces, it is boiled in order to make it less in quantity and thicker. 使变稠收汁。If someone or something reduces you to tears, they make you feel so unhappy that you cry.使流泪。3、短语搭配:reducing nipple异径短节,异径螺纹接套,变径管接头,螺纹转接套reducing flame还原焰,还原性火焰,还原焰,余余递减法。reducing gear减速齿轮,减速装置,减速器,减速器减速装置。reducing bush大变小转换接头,缩口轴衬。4、用法:reducing socket异径管节,异径管接头,异经管节,变径管箍。Reducing provisions冲减准备金。reducing roasting还原焙烧。reducing piece缩径接头,缩小管接头 ,异径管接头。
2023-08-18 14:01:321

帮忙翻译一下这段英文(英文说明书) 急!

好像是化妆品吧 它的解决方案3步系统- 第1步:清洗泡沫 mildcleasing toam帮助清除和防止污点删除污垢及过量的油. 舒缓,减少了外观油腻.皮肤感觉柔软,光滑,舒适.使用:泵机2-3 次.先轻轻的湿皮肤。上午和下午使用 第2步:洁肤水 温和的配方去除角质清除表面死细胞和过剩的石油,可以真皮休闲包,以呼吸.帮助平静和缓和刺激.油能吸收粉末消除斑.使用:夏克WELL.使用棉花球,面对镜子横者或纵着.上午和下午使用。 第3步: clearingMoisturizer去油 有助于治疗现有的污点,并防止今后问题.公式创建了一个无形的,透气屏障污点造成过剩的石油.通过每天的清理.平静,舒缓,降低了油脂,水化肌肤.使用时轻,尽量减少干旱,并减少使用每一天。
2023-08-18 14:02:523


2023-08-18 14:04:125

一个 史上 巨难 解释 的英语句子-----不是高手勿进

化为废墟。be reduced to,化为。ruin,废墟。reduce,使变成。大地震发生不久,该城化为废墟,变了模样。
2023-08-18 14:04:497

Shares Outstanding是什么意思?

2023-08-18 14:07:051

call money rate是什么意思

local rate call本地呼叫速率 双语例句1This reduces the cost by replacing long-distance call charges with a local call rate.这样,通过用本地电话费替代长途电话费的方法,降低了成本。
2023-08-18 14:07:413

新概念英语3第9课中,为什么不是 the impact of shock,而是the shock of impact?

impact作为名词有两个意思:影响、撞击。这里形容物理现象,impact是取撞击的意思,the shock of impact即撞击引起的震动。
2023-08-18 14:07:511


two hundedfive hundred and eightthree thousand nine hundred and forty-fiveseventy-eight thousand five hundred and ninty-twothree plus five equals to eight.ten minus six is four.five multi six is three hundred.thirty divided by five equals to six.
2023-08-18 14:08:365


蚂蚁英语是ant。ant造句:1、Probably has the ant to crawl,when urination,has the light emblem aching feeling.就好象有蚂蚁在爬,小便时,有轻徽的疼痛感。2、Ant Routing Algorithm Based on Packet Radio Network基于全分布式分组无线网络的蚂蚁路由算法3、A lucky visitor to the ant city may see the queen幸运的蚁城访问者可能会看到蚁后。4、Ant Colony System can develop excellent performance via self-adaptive behavior.蚁群系统能够通过自适应调整不断优化算法的性能。5、Wilson,now the most celebrated,most eminent ant scholar in the world,wanted to know.艾德·O·威尔逊,现今世界上最有名望的蚂蚁学家,想知道这个答案。6、Now I know that action reduces the lion of terror to an ant of equanimity.现在我知道,行动会使猛狮般的恐惧,减缓为蚂蚁般的平静。我现在就付诸行动。7、They are busy carrying food,but the ant colony and egoistic.它们忙着搬食物,但蚁群里也有自私自利的家伙。
2023-08-18 14:08:541

求翻译 化学合成

2023-08-18 14:09:422


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2023-08-18 14:03:361

他们看起来很高兴 英文翻译

看你的语气,如果是不屑的语气应该是look like.如果是肯定的语气look very.我猜的2333
2023-08-18 14:03:394


指头话什么成语 是“指腹为婚”吧 手指--指 男人--父 电话--喂 一男一女--婚 对你有帮助的话,希望可以采纳 指头话官是不是成语 指头话官 不是成语,指 开头的成语如下: 指不胜屈 指:手指;屈:弯曲。扳著指头数也数不过来。形容为数很多。 指东画西 指说话时的手势动作。比喻说话避开主题,东拉西扯。 指腹为婚 在怀孕时就为子女定下婚约。 指挥若定 形容态度冷静,考虑周全,指挥起来就象一切都事先规定好了似的。 指鹿为马 指著鹿,说是马。比喻故意颠倒黑白,混淆是非。 指鸡骂狗 指著鸡骂狗。比喻表面上骂这个人,实际上是骂那个人。 指名道姓 明确指出姓和名。 指日可待 指日:可以指出日期,为期不远;待:期待。为期不远,不久就可以实现。 指日可下 表示不久就可以攻下。 指桑骂槐 指著桑树骂槐树。比喻表面上骂这个人,实际上是骂那个人。 指山说磨 比喻错此说彼。 指手画脚 指说话时做出各种动作。形容说话时放肆或得意忘形。 指天画地 形容说话没有顾忌,目中无人。 指天射鱼 向着天空去射河里的鱼。比喻办事一定落空。 指天誓日 誓:发誓。指著天对着太阳发誓。表示意志坚决或对人表示忠诚。 指雁为羹 比喻用空想来安慰自己。 指不胜偻 形容数量很多,扳著指头数也数不过来。偻:弯曲。同“指不胜屈”。 指东划西 指说话时的手势动作。比喻说话避开主题,东拉西扯。 指东话西 犹言东拉西扯。指说话文不对题或空言不实。 指东说西 ①见“指东话西”。②犹言指桑骂槐。 指方画圆 指谈论时以手指比画。 指挥可定 指一经排程安排,不须多久,局势即可平定。同“指麾可定”。 指麾可定 指一经排程安排,不须多久,局势即可平定。 指空话空 指故弄玄虚。 指李推张 指相互推委,逃避责任。 指鹿作马 比喻有意颠倒黑白,混淆是非。同“指鹿为马”。 指南攻北 犹声东击西。 指破迷团 指点解说,破除疑问。 指亲托故 指为亲戚,假托故旧。即指攀附有权势的人。 指囷相赠 囷:圆形的谷仓。指著谷仓里的粮食,表示要捐赠给他人。形容慷慨资助朋友。亦作“指囷相助”。 指日成功 指不久即可成功。 指日而待 指不久即可实现。同“指日可待”。 指日高升 指很快就可升官。旧时官场预祝之词。 指日誓心 对着太阳发誓,表明忠诚无二。 指桑说槐 比喻明指此而暗骂彼。同“指桑骂槐”。 指山卖磨 指著山上的石头当磨来卖。比喻事情还没有头绪就过早说出去或答应下来。也指以有名无实的手法进行欺骗。 指矢天日 指著天、日发誓,表白心迹。同“指天誓日”。 指事类情 谓阐述事理,譬喻情状。 指手点脚 犹指指点点。形容背后指点议论之状。 指手顿脚 一面指著骂,一面跺着脚。形容蛮横不讲理的样子。 指手划脚 用手指,用脚划。形容说话时用手脚示意,也比喻瞎指挥,乱加指点批评。 指树为姓 道教传说,老子生于李树下,因以李为姓。 指天为誓 誓:发誓。指著天誓。表示意志坚决或对人表示忠诚。 指瑕造隙 犹言寻找事端,制造分裂。瑕,玉上的斑点。隙,裂缝。 指皁为白 指混淆黑白,颠倒是非。 指皁为白 谓混淆黑白,颠倒是非。 指掌可取 掌:手掌。手掌里的东西随时可以取得。形容非常容易。 指猪骂狗 犹指桑骂槐。亦作“指鸡骂狗”。 一个人伸指头讲话成语 一个人伸指头讲话成语是:屈指一算。 词目:屈指一算 发音:qū zhǐ yī suàn 释义:屈:弯曲。扳著指头一算。 示例:屈指一算,那些自称是名门望族的人已经没多少了。 拓展资料: 屈指一算,是一个成语。出自“蒋光慈《弟兄夜话》:‘江霞走着走着,忽然动了乡情,屈指一算,离家已是六年了。"” 是“扳著指头一算”的意思。 屈指一算辨析: 【用法】:作谓语;指算计 【近义词】: 寥寥无几、寥寥可数 【反义词】: 不可胜数、恒河沙数 【英文翻译】reckon on one"s fingers
2023-08-18 14:03:391


2023-08-18 14:03:401

优美世界的五个牌子,纷丽 ladies等哪个质量好?

2023-08-18 14:03:423

good night ladies这首歌的意思?

Goodnight Ladies Goodnight ladies Ladies goodnight It"s time to say goodbye Let me tell you now Goodnight ladies Ladies goodnight It"s time to say goodbye 晚安,女士们 女士们,晚安 到了说再见的时间 让我告诉你 晚安,女士们 女士们,晚安 该是说再见的时间 Now all night long You"ve been drinking your tequila But now you"ve sucked your lemon peel dry So why not get high And goodnight ladies Ladies goodnight 整晚的时间 你都在喝着龙舌兰酒 但现在你的柠檬皮都嘬干了 何不飘摇而起 晚安,女士们 女士们,晚安 Goodnight ladies Ah, ladies goodnight It"s time to say goodbye Goodnight sweet ladies Ah, ladies goodnight It"s time to say goodbye, bye bye 晚安,女士们 啊,女士们,晚安 该是说再见的时间 晚安,亲爱的女士们 啊,女士们,晚安 该是说再见的时间,拜拜 Ah, we"ve been together for the longest time But now it"s time to get high Come on, let"s get high And goodnight ladies Ladies goodnight 啊,我们在一起 呆的时间最长 但现在该是飘摇而起的时间 来吧,就让我们扶摇直上 晚安,女士们 女士们,晚安 Oh, I"m still missing my other half Ah, it must be something I did in the past Don"t it just make you wanna laugh It"s a lonely Saturday night Oh, nobody calls me on the telephone I put another record on my stereo But I"m still singing a song of you It"s a lonely Saturday night 噢,我还没有我的另一半 啊,想必是因为我过去做过的什么 这不令你发笑么 这么一个孤独的星期六晚上 噢,没人给我打电话 我把另一张唱片放进立体声唱机 但我依然在唱着一首你的歌 这么一个孤独的星期六晚上 Now if I was an actor or a dancer who was glamorous then you know an amorous life would soon be mine But now the tinsel light of star break [1] is all that"s left to applaud my heartbreak and at eleven o"clock I watch the network news [2] 假如说我现在是个演员 或是个魅力四射的舞者 你知道我很快就会拥有一个多情的生活 但实情是只有那浮华的星裂之光 在称颂着我的心碎 在十一点我看网络新闻 Oh wow wow, something tells me that you"re really gone you said we could be friends but that"s not what I want Ah anyway, my TV dinner"s almost done [3] It"s a lonely Saturday night I mean to tell you, it"s a lonely Saturday night One more word, it"s a lonely Saturday night 噢,一些事告诉我你是真的离去了 你说我们可以做朋友,但那不是我想要的 啊,不管怎么说,我的电视便利晚餐就要好了 这是一个孤独的星期六夜晚 我想告诉你,这是一个孤独的星期六夜晚 再说一句,这是一个孤独的星期六夜晚
2023-08-18 14:03:521


普通的香皂不能去除螨虫。专业的除螨香皂可以。 身体有螨虫的症状: 1.毛脂器官堵塞,刺激角质层增生,毛囊扩张,毛孔粗大,毛囊营养不足,毛发脱落等病变。皮脂过度分泌,导致油光满面。
2023-08-18 14:03:533


2023-08-18 14:03:581


2023-08-18 14:02:592

听说硫磺皂可以除螨,具体要怎么使用呢? 效果如何?

2023-08-18 14:02:582


选Aobserve observe及物动词,作“留心到;注意到;观察”解时,其用法与see, hear等相似,可用于以下句型: ① 跟带有不带to 的不定式的复合结构,但在被动结构中,不定式必须带to。如: The woman was observed to follow him closely. 有人看到那女子紧跟着他。 ② 跟带有现在分词的复合结构,表示“注意到的动作”正在进行。如: The police observed him entering the bank with a shotgun. 警察看到他带着猎枪进了银行。 ③ 跟从句。如: He observed how the work was done. 他看到那工作是怎样进行的。【拓展延伸】 observe还有“遵守;奉行(法律;习俗)”、“评论;评述;讲”之意。如: Do they observe Christmas Day in that country? 那个国家的人过圣诞节吗? He observed that it would probably rain. 他说很可 不定式带tomake sb do sth,但是被动sb is made to do,要加to
2023-08-18 14:02:581


2023-08-18 14:02:537

singie ladies 的歌词,谢谢啊!

歌曲名称:Single Ladies歌手名称:BeyonceAll the single ladies 所有单身女性们 All the single ladies 所有单身女性们 All the single ladies 所有单身女性们 All the single ladies 所有单身女性们 All the single ladies 所有单身女性们 All the single ladies 所有单身女性们 All the single ladies 所有单身女性们 Now put your hands up 举起你们的双手 Up in the club, we just broke up 醒醒吧,举起你的手 I"m doing my own little thing 我在忙着我的小事 Decided to dip but now you wanna trip 我决意沉浸其中,而你却要离开 Cuz another brother noticed me 因为另一个家伙在注视我 I"m up on him, he up on me 我看着他,他看着我 don‘t pay him any attention 其实不必在意他 Just cried my tears, for three good years 过去三年,眼泪中度过 You can"t be mad at me 你不该对我生气 Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it  因为若你喜欢那段时光,你该给它戴上戒指 If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it 若你喜欢那段时光,你该给它戴上戒指 If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it 若你喜欢那段时光,你该给它戴上戒指 Wooooo... Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it Don"t be mad once you see that he want it If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it I got gloss on my lips, a man on my hips 我涂上唇彩,身后跟着一个他 Got me tighter than my Dereon jeans 我们身影相贴 Acting up, drink in my cup 我们恣意妄为,摔碎了手中的杯 I could care less what you think 我才不在意你的想法 I need no permission, did I mention 我不需要你许可,我说过吧 Dont pay him any attention 我对他也并不在意 But now you gonna learn 可是现在你想要体会 Cuz you had your turn 因为这是你应得的结果 What it really feels like to miss me 想念我是何种滋味 Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it 因为若你喜欢那段时光,你该给它戴上戒指 If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it 若你喜欢那段时光,你该给它戴上戒指 Don"t be mad once you see that he want it 别生气,我只是想你看到他愿意那样做 If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it 若你喜欢那段时光,你该给它戴上戒指 If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it Wooooo... Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it Don"t be mad once you see that he want it Wooooo... Don"t treat me to the things of the world 别拿我当俗物对待 I"m not that kind of girl 我不是那样的女孩 Your love is what I prefer, what I deserve 我想要的是你的爱,我在意的是你的爱 Here"s a man that makes me then takes me 他是让我成为这个自己然后迷失其中的男人 And delivers me to a destiny, to infinity and beyond 他将我交给命运,交给无穷无尽的世界 Pull me into your arms   把我拥入你怀中吧 Say I"m the one you want 说我是你的 If you don"t, you"ll be alone 如果你不这样做,你会成为孤家寡人 And like a ghost I"ll be gone 我会像鬼魂一样,消失得无影无踪 All the single ladies All the single ladies All the single ladies All the single ladies All the single ladies All the single ladies All the single ladies Wooooo... Now put your hands up Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it Don"t be mad once you see that he want it If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it Don"t be mad once you see that he want it If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it wowowo...
2023-08-18 14:02:531

各位大侠,quartus 11产生的.vo .sdo文件在哪找啊?

2023-08-18 14:02:511


你好 我来为你解答一下吧:活氧除螨皂纯净臭氧成分首先作用于病菌、螨虫细胞膜,使细胞膜的构成受到损伤,导致新陈代谢障碍并抑制其生长,臭氧继续渗透破坏膜内脂蛋白和脂多糖,改变细胞通透性,导致细胞溶解、死亡,因此不存在耐药性和抗药性。纯净臭氧因子对各种细菌、真菌、病毒、螨虫具有极其广谱、快速、安全的杀灭效果。活氧除螨皂特别添加植物净螨素,植物抑满素以青花椒精油为主要原料,青花椒为我国特产经济植物,与花椒同属于芸香科花椒属,均为重要的辛香调味料和中药原料,具有消炎止痒、杀螨抑菌的独特功效,给肌肤更好的环境以及呼吸状态,驱螨率达到99.63%。
2023-08-18 14:02:472


方法和属性 是属于类的成员就是说类包括属性和方法,例如,人比作一个类,人的属性就有:名字,性别,年龄等(变量或是常量),人的方法就有:吃饭,睡觉,上班等(运算,计算,事情)。事件可以理解为现实生活中发生的各种事情,委托就说个例子吧例如,第一天,老板找了个秘书并教给秘书怎么做工作,第二天,老板拿了一堆文件放到秘书办公桌上,对秘书说帮我处理完这写报表,这就形成了一个委托,老板委托秘书帮他完成一份工作, 就是事先写好方法,事后调用。
2023-08-18 14:02:4413


observed是observe的过去式,作动词时意为“庆祝;观察;遵守;说;注意到;评论;观察;说;注意到;评论”。单词发音:英[u0259bu02c8zu025cu02d0v]美[u0259bu02c8zu025cu02d0rv]短语搭配:1、to observe庆祝 ; 观察 ; 观测 ; 遵守2、cannot observe无法观察3、accurately observe正观见4、OBSERVE LIST已选择球员 ; 搜到的球员按5、Observe rules请遵守规则6、observe cogently颇有说服力地评述7、clinical observe临床研究8、Observe thinking观察思维双语例句:1、How do you observe?你要怎样观察?2、You and your doctor have to observe your body.您和您的医生必须遵守自己的身体。3、So, when I quietly observe it , it is not afraid of me.所以,当我静静地观察它时,它是不惧怕我的。
2023-08-18 14:02:441


Nations in the world, we Chinese people are one of the greatest nation. No country in the world as we, like China, has a long history of five thousand years from top to bottom; do not have a country like ours, like China, since ancient times has a pulse on the origin of the word. Why are our homeland at the long river of history, has experienced ups and downs for thousands of years, after big storms, still ranks at the east of the world? Why are we in this ancient nation, is still filled with vigor and strong vitality? This is because we have a nation of enormous vitality, cohesion and creativity, this is patriotism, which is the immortal soul of the Chinese nation. "Only the soul of the people are valuable, she can only carry forward up to true progress in China." Patriotism is the soul of the nation, are the concentrated expression of the national spirit, she is up for thousands of years to consolidate, the homeland of their own are one of the most profound feelings. Patriotism has always been encouraged by our country to mobilize and unite the people of a banner of struggle, in the long process of historical development, the outstanding sons and daughters of the Chinese nation in the creation of a glorious history in the process of continuous cultivation, the accumulation and the formation of a great national spirit. Patriotic tradition of the Chinese nation has taken root deeply in the national consciousness, national character and national spirit among the people of all nationalities in our country"s precious spiritual wealth. She is the manner of the Chinese nation, keep the spirit has grown in strength and power, are the essence of national culture. From the care for "top to bottom search" of the Yuan, to the "foreign enemy is not out why for the Home"; from the "sake of the general good" of Yue Fei, the "dedicated loyaltyaccording to" the Wen; from Haoran righteousness, the Linto the rejuvenation of China"s revolutionary pioneer Sun Yat-sen; from "a thousand pointing fingers, bow my head to be content to be a willing ox" of Lu Xun, to "only the expense of many aspirations, the courage to teach the sun-for - Xintian "of Mao Zedong; from the" less preferred to live twenty years, but also won the largest oil field, "Wang Jinxi, to" the people are my son, "Deng Xiaoping and so on. Are reflected in their possession a splendid come, light the sun, go down the history of the spirit of patriotism. Patriotism of a nation of any of the subject is timeless, it is the mother of the nation, the root of the nation, national power, the soul of the nation. Patriotism of any person is a moral and behavioral norms, which is a condensation of the loyalty and love of homeland. Loyalty, the soil should be loyal to their own; love, we should love their motherland. Chinese people in our belief, the "country" and "home" are inseparable. Patriotism as love, and love is better than the patriotic home, "to the world for any" feelings of this tradition, traditional beliefs, has been melting at the blood descendants of the Yellow Emperor. Blood flow in his heart, surging voice of the Chinese, the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Yellow River, Huangshan heavy in our hearts heavy. Sons and daughters of the motherland, patriotism, patriotic ambition, efficiency-nation tour, is no force that can not be shaken. Patriotic Spirit is the soul of the most pure, good men and women are the most beautiful soul, and love the nation is the most noble feelings of every patriotic Chinese are our most sacred mission of the sons and daughters. Is a noble patriotic feelings, but also a sacred duty; patriotism is a good habit, but also a down-to-earth practice; patriotism is a distillation of the idea, but also a willing sacrifice. If each of our students are on the rise of the Chinese reading; each peasant for the prosperity of the motherland work; each staff for the revitalization of the nation and fight; every military for the country"s peace and devotion; each of the intellectuals for the rich and powerful and luminous Chinese; each for Chinese people to fight off the Chinese! Well, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will certainly just around the corner! On the idea of patriotism must be in the minds of our deeply rooted feelings of patriotism in the U.S. must be rolling in the blood flowing, the banner of patriotism must be on the U.S. over the high flying, forever flying
2023-08-18 14:02:431


2023-08-18 14:02:391


2023-08-18 14:02:351

observe sb do sth的区别是什么?

observe sb do sth与observe sb doing sth的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.observe sb do sth释义:观察某人做过某事。2.observe sb doing sth释义:观察某人正做某事。二、用法不同1.observe sb do sth用法:observe的基本意思是对某人由于其国籍、信仰或职位所作出的建议性、命令性的事情或行为表示关注或尊重,即“看到”“注意到”“观察”“研究”,引申可指“评述”“论述”。2.observe sb doing sth用法:observe也可作“遵循”“遵守”解,指谨小慎微、拘泥于礼仪或对某人怀有尊敬或崇拜的感情,observe还可用于表示(按传统习惯)“庆祝”“纪念”。三、侧重点不同1.observe sb do sth解析:强调看到了某人做某事但是不在乎是以前还是现在,前者表看到全过程。2.observe sb doing sth解析:强调说这个的当时看到正在做,后者表看到正在做。扩展资料:observe的用法:observe的基本意思是对某人由于其国籍、信仰或职位所作出的建议性、命令性的事情或行为表示关注或尊重,即“看到”“注意到”“观察”“研究”,引申可指“评述”“论述”。observe也可作“遵循”“遵守”解,指谨小慎微、拘泥于礼仪或对某人怀有尊敬或崇拜的感情。observe还可用于表示(按传统习惯)“庆祝”“纪念”。observe既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,还可接以现在分词或不带to的动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,可用于被动结构。observe有时还可用来引出直接引语。observe用作不及物动词时,常与介词on〔upon〕连用。observe, note, notice, perceive这组词都有“注意”“观察”的意思。辨析如下:perceive指使用各种感觉器官去了解事物;notice指观察并注意到某个重要却又很容易被忽略掉的细节;note比notice意味更强烈,指不但注意到,而且记录下来,但有时只指思想上注意到并记在脑中;observe指在方便有利的位置上注意观察、研究某事物或现象,强调思想高度集中,态度严谨客观,但此词多用于科研方面。
2023-08-18 14:02:261

wow tmw插件代码导出后,在哪个文件里能找到

/ tmw 然后在对话框下方不是有导入文本的地方么。导入选项的下方就有导出选项啊。
2023-08-18 14:02:245


可以。市面上的除螨皂大致分为3类:第一类:药用杀菌除螨类的,像水杨酸、三氯生,水杨酸此类和我们平时刷酸原理相同,通过对角质的剥脱来达到除螨的目的,但对皮肤伤害较大。第二类:植物抑菌除螨,利用迷迭香等具有浓烈气味的植物提取物来驱除螨虫,但是效果较一般,大多情况下,不能达到除螨作用。第三类:就是化工除螨类,像工业硫磺,对皮肤刺激比较大,如上海硫磺皂,此类除螨皂,对皮肤刺激较大,不建议日常使用。相关介绍1) 不是有螨虫就会引起皮肤问题,我们已经能够和微生物和睦相处,在干净的环境里保持自我清洁的大部分情况下,不用太担心。2)由于一些特殊原因,产生了大量的皮屑,油脂,又没有及时清理干净,给尘螨提供充足的食物,如果温和、湿度适合,尘螨就会大量繁殖,超过一定的数量,尘螨的分泌物,会刺激皮肤,引起过敏。3)尘螨本身对肌肤并没有危害,但他的分泌物达到一定的数量值,就有可能会刺激皮肤。所以根本问题还是清洁。针对尘螨、蠕形螨这两类螨虫,如果皮肤没有不适,只要保持良好的卫生清洁习惯即可,不需要使用除螨产品,如果出现皮肤剧烈的瘙痒红肿等问题。怀疑是螨虫导致,请及时去医院就诊,遵循医嘱进行处理。市面上大多除螨皂等产品不仅对螨虫的去除作用有待考证,且因为成分添加很容易造成对皮肤更严重的伤害,大家需谨慎使用。
2023-08-18 14:02:222


2023-08-18 14:02:182


2009年最好玩的网络游戏:魔兽世界,火速穿越,飞龙骑士,火爆战机穿越火线,新疯狂坦克,骇客地下网络,烟雨侠缘,阿尔法特传奇,天关战纪-魔法大乱斗魂斗罗梦工厂,坦克作战,石器时代RPG改编版,魔域1.03升级版,弓战2,网络奇遇,网恋测试,周杰伦的龙拳,热血传奇超强格斗版,天关战纪-魔法大乱斗 魔兽世界 仙剑奇侠传 轩辕剑外传 乖乖猪世界3.0 魔域1.03版 驾车高手 Q版泡泡堂2 跑跑卡丁车 石器时代RPG改编版 炎龙骑士团:超强悍的SLG类型的小游戏,各职业的属性非常鲜明,吐血推荐! 3d:经典欢乐泡泡堂 仙剑奇侠传 霹雳小组3d 3d空中高尔夫 3d空中玩球 3D效果复仇天使 3D半条命射击 武林外传2008更新版 极品飞车9 flash版阿尔法特传奇 魔宫格斗 双人Flash3D枪战 3D劲舞王 记得采纳啊
2023-08-18 14:02:162