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求阿姆,军人soldi 的中文歌词。

2023-08-24 22:12:38















现在Ja Rule说“我试图阻止这场口水战,但为时已晚”




























我们确实有去阻止50cent和Ja Rule之间的口水战发生


叫他不要开骂,他也没打算回击Ja Rule

直到Ja Rule在杂志上叫嚣我们如何攻击他的

Cao,50cent,我说cao ta ma的,让他叫嚣吧







去ta ma的,那家伙居然拿到了母带,gan他!







要向他们表达我们想他们回来,让他们知道有一帮Runyon Avenue的弟兄站在我们这边是多么重要
















大哥们,soldier和 Like Toy Soldiers不是同一首歌吧?!你们搞清楚再来译好不好?!




溜溜" ,绝不是一个暴徒,只是痴迷枪,决不是一个匪帮,无菌我毕业于一,

并得到了代表的恶棍,武器concealin " ,采取了形象的暴徒,保持狗屎

appealin " , willin "坚持了我的脖子,尊重如果这意味着生或死,活到永远






直到它的空白,引诱我,推我, pussies ,我需要一个很好的理由让这触发了良好






我爱pissin "你就会发现,它得到的我,就像我的律师的,当fuckin "法官让我,

所有你motherfuckers总得做的是一套我,我会违反和所有motherfuckin "赌的是

后,我是一个点燃引信,什么我带来的新闻,手枪whippin " motherfuckin " bouncers ,


下次欺负,它实际上不是更好的事业你murderin " ,你可以伤害他们"来

再次和污物在踢他们,就像pourin "盐的伤口,殴打并获得起诉,你


所有你看到的是bitches comin "他们的缰绳上衣, runnin "和duckin "了热岩













soldiers 英 ["su0259u028aldu0292u0259]     美 ["sou028aldu0292u0259]    n. 兵;军人。名词soldier的复数形式。英英释义名词 soldier:an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army。a wingless sterile ant or termite having a large head and powerful jaws adapted for defending the colony。动词 soldier:serve as a soldier in the military。soldiers的用法和样例:例句用作名词 (n.)Enemy soldiers ransacked the town.敌兵洗劫这座城市。They lived in terror of capture by enemy soldiers.他们生活在被敌兵俘虏的恐惧中。Soldiers must do as they are bidden.军人必须服从命令。This bar is off limits to all soldiers.这家酒吧禁止任何军人入内。
2023-08-18 14:54:591


士兵英文是Soldier。一、Soldier释义:1、本义:Soldier为英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“军人;[昆]兵蚁;懒汉;一片烤面包”,动词时意为“当兵;磨洋工;坚持干;假称害病”。2、词态变化:Soldier的第三人称单数:soldiers;复数:soldiers;现在分词:soldiering;过去式:soldiered;过去分词:soldiered。二、士兵概念:士兵,军队中被授予士官(军士)和兵军衔的军人。直接操作装备,执行战斗或保障等任务。有的国家士官还负责兵的基础训练和日常管理工作。士兵是军队的基础,数量和质量是关系军队战斗力强弱、影响战斗胜负最直接的因素。三、士兵英文的词组短语:1、Space Soldier太空战士;太空兵士;太空战士汉化版。2、Combine Soldier联合军士兵;联合军;联合。3、wounded soldier作战中受伤的人员;伤兵。4、Soldier Statues两个士兵雕像;士兵雕像。5、Pretty Soldier美少女战士;美少女战士啊;美少女战士欧版。士兵英文例句:1、French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开架势,准备迎战一名持枪者。2、There is a certain impatience among some of the soldiers.有些士兵有点儿不耐烦。3、The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men.士兵对上校报以震天的欢呼声。4、Soldiers took away four people one of whom was later released.士兵们抓走4个人,其中1个随后被放了回来。5、He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.他讲述了自己是怎样被全副武装的士兵从总统官邸里赶出来的。6、Fusilier Jones ran towards the Ops Room to find his lieutenant.燧发枪团士兵琼斯奔向作战指挥室寻找他的中尉长官。7、The soldiers, for their part, agreed not to disrupt the election campaign.就士兵们而言,他们答应不去干扰竞选活动。Plans have been mooted for a 450,000-strong Ukrai-nian army.  建立一支拥有45万名士兵的乌克兰军队的计划被提出供讨论。He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.他讲述了自己是怎样被全副武装的士兵从总统官邸里赶出来的。
2023-08-18 14:55:201


  关于士兵的电视剧你们看过吗?士兵这个单词用英文来表达的话怎么说?下面是我给大家整理的士兵的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   士兵的英文是什么   soldier   英 ["su0259u028aldu0292u0259]   美 ["sou028aldu0292u0259]   士兵的英语例句   1. The commander and some of the men had been released.   指挥官和一些士兵已经获释。   2. French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.   在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开架势,准备迎战一名持枪者。   3. There is a certain impatience among some of the soldiers.   有些士兵有点儿不耐烦。   4. The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men.   士兵对上校报以震天的欢呼声。   5. Soldiers took away four people one of whom was later released.   士兵们抓走4个人,其中1个随后被放了回来。   6. He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.   他讲述了自己是怎样被全副武装的士兵从总统官邸里赶出来的。   7. She volunteered as a nurse in a soldiers" rest-home.   她自告奋勇到士兵疗养院当护士。   8. Soldiers there are going to seal the airport off.   那里的士兵将封锁机场。   9. His men made a sortie to Guazatan and took a prisoner.   他的士兵袭击了瓜扎坦,擒获了一名俘虏。   10. Just what the soldier was doing in Bireij is unclear.   就连那个士兵在比雷杰干什么都不清楚。   11. The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.   士兵们征用首都的车辆,并且占领了电视台。   12. Fusilier Jones ran towards the Ops Room to find his lieutenant.   燧发枪团士兵琼斯奔向作战指挥室寻找他的中尉长官。   13. The soldiers, for their part, agreed not to disrupt the election campaign.   就士兵们而言,他们答应不去干扰竞选活动。   14. Plans have been mooted for a 450,000-strong Ukrai-nian army.   建立一支拥有45万名士兵的乌克兰军队的计划被提出供讨论。   15. He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle.   他虽然拄着拐杖,但依然带领士兵们投入战斗。   士兵soldiers的双语例句   1. French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.   在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开架势,准备迎战一名持枪者。   2. There is a certain impatience among some of the soldiers.   有些士兵有点儿不耐烦。   3. Soldiers took away four people one of whom was later released.   士兵们抓走4个人,其中1个随后被放了回来。   4. He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.   他讲述了自己是怎样被全副武装的士兵从总统官邸里赶出来的。   5. She volunteered as a nurse in a soldiers" rest-home.   她自告奋勇到士兵疗养院当护士。   6. Soldiers there are going to seal the airport off.   那里的士兵将封锁机场。   7. The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.   士兵们征用首都的车辆,并且占领了电视台。   8. During the war, Joan helped her mother knit scarves for soldiers.   战争期间,琼帮妈妈给战士们织围巾。   9. The soldiers, for their part, agreed not to disrupt the election campaign.   就士兵们而言,他们答应不去干扰竞选活动。   10. He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle.   他虽然拄着拐杖,但依然带领士兵们投入战斗。   11. Felix watched his men move like soldiers, spreading out into two teams.   费利克斯看着他的手下像士兵一样散开分成了两队。   12. 13 soldiers were killed and 10 wounded in action.   战斗中有13名士兵阵亡,10名士兵受伤。   13. Wherever he goes, a carload of soldiers goes with him.   不管他去哪里,总有一车士兵跟着。   14. Paratroopers and foot-soldiers entered the building on the government"s behalf.   伞兵和步兵代表政府进入大楼。   15. The rebel soldiers tried repeatedly to storm the building.   叛军屡次尝试强攻这座建筑。   
2023-08-18 14:55:571


soldier 英["su0259u028aldu0292u0259(r)] 美[u02c8soldu0292u025a] n. 士兵,军人;军事家;<口>偷懒,懒汉;(群居性昆虫)兵虫,兵蚁 vi. 当兵;坚持做;<口>装病 名词复数:soldiers [例句]A soldier lowers his rifle.一个士兵放低他的枪。
2023-08-18 14:56:051


2023-08-18 14:56:263

Abba的《Soldiers》 歌词

歌曲名:Soldiers歌手:Abba专辑:The VisitorsIngrid Michaelson - SoldierI don"t believe in anything but myselfI don"t believe in anything but myselfBut then you opened up the door,You opened up the doorNow I start to believe in something elseBut how do I know if I"ll make it through?How do I know, where"s the proof in you?And so it goes, this soldier knowsA battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonBut it can be won, but it can be wonI sit in the back of the bus watching the world goWatching the world go by all by myselfI took a faithful leap and packed up all my thingsAnd all my love and gave it to somebody elseBut how do I know if I"ll make it through?How do I know, where"s the proof in you?And so it goes, this soldier knowsA battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonBut it can be won, but it can be wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsA battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonAnd so it goes, this soldier knowsThe battle with the heart isn"t easily wonBut it can be won, but it can be won
2023-08-18 14:56:331

The soldiers这个英语题不懂。。

2023-08-18 14:57:304

soldiers arrive是什么意思

soldiers arrive士兵们到达双语对照例句:1.Kamu, afghanistan: villagers watch as us and afghan soldiers arrive for a meeting withthe local leader 阿富汗卡木:村民们看着美国和阿富汗士兵与当地领导人会面2.Eventually, russian soldiers arrive to find a few emaciated survivors. 最终俄罗斯士兵到达的时候,只找到几个骨瘦嶙峋的幸存者
2023-08-18 14:57:571

It is the day when people in America remember soldiers killed in war。

2023-08-18 14:58:282


2023-08-18 14:58:383


Hearing the lady"s cries for help,two police run to her aid.During the war,hundreds" of people lived in fear of lossing their own lives.Soldiers held their ground until the enermy was driven back.She devotes herself to reaserch,spending days and nights in the lab.
2023-08-18 14:58:564


【 #英语资源# 导语】无论是春夏秋冬,无论是雨雪风霜,无论多么艰难,军人们始终坚守在自己的岗位,默默的为国家安宁坐着贡献。建军节,祝福送给最可爱的人,愿他们一生平安!以下是 无 整理的军人建军节英语演讲稿【三篇】,希望对您有所帮助。 【篇一】军人建军节英语演讲稿   Dear leaders, dear comrades in arms   How do you do!   When I was very young, I was looking forward to entering your ranks one day. Now, although he has white hair, he still often receives your charge in his dream. In your invincible hero team, in your invincible powerful force, I repose all the ideals, life and emotions of an ordinary soldier.   You have gone through the glorious journey of XX years, the blood of countless martyrs, washed and dyed the flag of victory; The expectation of hundreds of millions of people holds up the glorious military emblem. The August day is the totem of my life forever.   In the mighty iron current, I saw the great deeds of my father"s generation. It was they who made great contributions in fighting for the liberation of the nation and the freedom of the people.   On the extraordinary journey, I heard the powerful footnotes of my comrades in arms and me, and vowed to give our youth and life for the rise of China and the peace of generations.   You shape me with your fearless spirit, so that I can feel the motherland and the world, war and peace, the times and the people, responsibility and mission with a broader mind and broader vision.   You edify me with your courage and determination, so that I can master the technology, tactics and art of information warfare with more conscious will and more tenacious strength.   There was also hesitation, but in the end, he still stood loyally under the banner of Bayi army; There have been painful helplessness, however, and finally firmly embarked on the motherland designated sentry. Experienced how many bumpy, experienced how much snow, rain, wind and frost, a set of military uniform full of dust, is enough to let us overcome difficulties and win!   You didn"t give me a high position, nor did you give me too much promise, but you gave me courage, tenacity and loyalty. You taught me that responsibility is not sacrifice, but honor; Sacrifice is not loss, but creation. You make the melody of my youth so high and exciting; You have made my life so simple.   Waves and fire make me purer and stronger. I don"t know how to repay your nurturing kindness. I don"t know whether I can repay your forging love. All I can say to you is the oath deeply engraved in my heart - to love you forever! 【篇二】军人建军节英语演讲稿   Dear leaders, dear comrades in arms   How do you do!   In my mind, there is a picture of a group of young people in green uniforms fighting on the battlefield full of gunpowder, throwing their heads and blood to defend the motherland. I have always felt that soldiers should hold a steel gun and fight in the battlefield. They should use their lives to compose their loyalty to the motherland. However, when we saw the snow disaster and the Wenchuan earthquake, the armed police soldiers pulled up the buried people with their hands. I also felt that the soldiers could use their hands to save our people.   With the ambition of serving the country and defending the people, I bid farewell to my dear hometown, put on a brand-new military uniform, and come to the military family with the entrustment of my relatives. In front of the glittering national emblem, I solemnly swear: "I will compose my loyalty to the motherland on the guard tower."   Dong Cunrui sacrificed his life to blow up the blockhouse, turning the loyalty of the soldiers into a loud noise; Huang Jiguang bravely blocked the loophole and turned the loyalty of soldiers into a leap; Wang Wei intercepted the invaders and turned the loyalty of the soldiers into a fight in the air... The loyalty of the soldiers is the immortal soul of a country and the unyielding backbone of a nation. My loyalty is the small guard tower under my feet. What he protects is the safety of soil and water.   As a soldier, being in a military camp, I worry about the world. He has a strong sense of national self-esteem, self-confidence and pride. He always thinks that the Chinese nation can not be bullied and the territory of the motherland can not be lost. Although a guard tower is nothing, it will become an insurmountable steel fortress for criminals and a security barrier for reform, opening up and socialist modernization. Once the country"s sovereignty, security and unity are challenged and violated, every officer and soldier will resolutely stand up and continue to write a new generation of victorious chapter of serving the country with enthusiasm and life.   When the international situation is changing, the soldiers have built a solid defense line against corruption and degeneration in the complex environment with their boundless loyalty to the party; When the enemy invaded the motherland, the soldiers built the great wall of steel to defend the dignity and territorial integrity of the motherland with their boundless loyalty to the motherland in the smoke of blood and people; When the flood was raging, the soldiers built the mainstay of protecting people"s life and property with their boundless loyalty to the people in the turbulent waves; When it"s late at night, we are holding steel guns and telling our loyalty in the post.   The loyalty of soldiers is the blood boiling in blood vessels and the fresh soul in life. With their boundless loyalty to the party, the motherland and the people, the soldiers lie on the snow and climb the ice on the snowy plateau, sleep in the wind and sleep in the lonely frontier, march through the vast sky, break through the clouds and fog, and plough the waves on the vast blue sea... The loyalty of the soldiers is a silent poem and a magnificent painting.   When the flowers are in full bloom, the loyalty of soldiers is the warm spring breeze written on the earth; In the dead of night, the loyalty of soldiers is the sweet fruit written in people"s sleep; When the war broke out at the border, the loyalty of the soldiers was a hot-blooded poem written in the hail of bullets; When the pigeons are released in the morning, the loyalty of the soldiers is written on the green olive branch in the sunlight   As soldiers, we have different missions. Because we carry the police rank on our shoulders and the national emblem on our heads, we have a duty called commitment and a duty called dedication.   For the sake of the peace of the motherland and the stability of the society, when people are immersed in the sweet dream, we should guard against sticking to the sentry post; When our peers are enjoying "natural and unrestrained" in the colorful karaoke hall, we have to patrol the streets against the wind and rain. Hard military life and heavy duty make it difficult for us to fulfill the filial piety of our children, enjoy the happiness of our family and take care of our family. This spirit of sacrifice and dedication is also worthy of respect.   In today"s grim situation, in the face of disaster, although we did not personally go to the front line, it is our mission to stick to our posts, and it is our duty to stand every sentry well. When the motherland needs me, as a soldier, I will not hesitate to put my everything, including life.   In the Spring Festival, although we can"t get together with our families, we stand on the sentry post with steel guns in hand to protect the people"s living and working in peace and contentment.   On the night of XX, although we can"t see a historic moment, our hearts beat with our motherland and cheered with the people. 【篇三】军人建军节英语演讲稿   Dear leaders and comrades in arms   hello everyone!   I believe we all have a touching sentence in the TV series "soldier assault": "don"t abandon, don"t give up." This sentence is very impressive. It completely expresses the military feelings of our soldiers. This slogan "don"t abandon, don"t give up" is regarded as the soul of the army by the seventh steel company. Xu Sanduo has done it. He is successful and lucky. Compared with Xu Sanduo"s "don"t give up", one kind of giving up is more moving.   Shi Jin took off his beloved military uniform in order to make Xu Sanduo get more exercise in the monitor"s position; In order not to drag down the comrades in arms, smile in front of the finish line and ring the help bomb in hand; Gan Xiaoning refused the ration that Xu Sanduo gave him and calmly withdrew from the selection; After being discovered by Gao Cheng, Ma Xiaoshuai rejected the "good intentions" of the former company commander and used giving up to prove that he had "the bone of steel seven company".   Shijin gave up, Wu Liuyi gave up, Gan Xiaoning gave up, Ma Xiaoshuai gave up, chose to give up, they have no regrets, no regrets, no regrets, what we see is the sunshine like smile on their faces. Less joy of success, and more people from the bottom of their hearts moved and respect.   Some people say that the word "give up" is not in the military dictionary; However, in fact, soldiers who do not give up on the battlefield know better the meaning of giving up when the motherland and people need it.   Zhu De, he long and Ye Ting resolutely gave up their high positions for their ideals and joined in the revolution, which started the first shot of Nanchang Uprising; Deng Jiaxian and Qian Xuesen gave up for the benefit of the country, and resolutely devoted themselves to the cause of national defense scientific research of the motherland, supporting the unyielding backbone of the nation with their life-long efforts; Dong Cunrui and Huang Jiguang gave up their lives at the critical moment and opened up the way for their comrades in arms with their own bodies; Today, in the era of peace, the soldiers who stick to their posts in the border defense of the motherland are far away from the red and the red. They give up their small families to take care of everyone and protect their youth and blood for the prosperity of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation.   Now when I enter the military camp, put on my uniform and become a revolutionary soldier, I finally understand why the seemingly contradictory words "don"t give up" and "know how to give up" can be so perfectly integrated in the soldiers.   As soldiers, we are not afraid to give up our lives for the sake of national security; For the happiness of the people, we do not hesitate to give up our youth; In order to win, we don"t care about personal gain and loss; For the sake of military integrity, we don"t eat what comes from nothing.   We give up youth because we do not give up ideals, we give up fame and wealth because we do not give up faith, we give up freedom because we do not give up discipline, we give up life because we do not give up victory.   Some people say that we are stupid, because the most precious thing in life is life; Some people say that we are stupid, because the most difficult thing in life is freedom; Some people say that we are stupid, because the happiest thing in life is family happiness; Some people say that we are stupid, because the best life is youth.   In fact, we are not stupid. We long for freedom, but we are more disciplined; We cherish life, but we know more about the value of sacrifice; We love our youth, but our motherland needs us to contribute silently; We want our families to be happy, but the people need us to be on guard.   If one day the nightmare of war disappears from the earth forever, then we will not give up everything that belongs to us. However, as long as this day has not come, we should not put down the steel gun in our hands.   To pursue the ideal until death, to meet the challenge without fear, to defeat the enemy without looking back, to choose to give up without regret, this is the heartfelt voice of a Chinese soldier. There is no regret in joining the army, no resentment in serving the country, and the purpose of dedicating youth is to safeguard the prosperity of the motherland and the happiness and well-being of the people in the world!   Comrades and comrades in arms, let"s set sail for our ideals, open our wings for our dreams, and soar towards victory in the years of burning passion with a fiery heart!
2023-08-18 14:59:031

士兵 英文

士兵 英文如下:soldiers 英 ["su0259u028aldu0292u0259]     美 ["sou028aldu0292u0259]    n. 兵;军人。名词soldier的复数形式。英英释义名词 soldier:an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army。a wingless sterile ant or termite having a large head and powerful jaws adapted for defending the colony。动词 soldier:serve as a soldier in the military。soldiers的用法和样例:例句用作名词 (n.)Enemy soldiers ransacked the town.敌兵洗劫这座城市。They lived in terror of capture by enemy soldiers.他们生活在被敌兵俘虏的恐惧中。Soldiers must do as they are bidden.军人必须服从命令。This bar is off limits to all soldiers.这家酒吧禁止任何军人入内。
2023-08-18 14:59:221

soldier怎么读 soldier英文解释

1、soldier,军人,读音:美/?so?ld??r/;英/?s??ld??r/。2、释义:n.军人;[昆]兵蚁;懒汉;一片烤面包。vi.当兵;磨洋工;坚持干;假称害病。3、例句:Soldiers put personal interests behind national interests.军人都将个人利益置于国家利益之后。
2023-08-18 15:01:051

London Urban Collective的《Soldiers》 歌词

歌曲名:Soldiers歌手:London Urban Collective专辑:London Urban Collective Ii跳房子 - Soldier作词:田原作曲/编曲:李涛 刘利敏There is no sight,all the trees go black and blind.He"s already been trapped,later he"ll been sold abroad.Dreaming without sleep,wishing you could save his soul.Try to kill himself for free,bleed to make himself awake.He went off to be a freak,fight until the end of time.In the land of guilts and lieswatching blood run out to dry.He can never slip away,waiting for a chance to slide.Turn around this world and cry,spell his name in mud with pride.There is no sight,all the trees go black and blind.He"s already been trapped,later he"ll been sold abroad.Dreaming without sleep,wishing you could save his soul.Try to kill himself for free,bleed to make himself awake.He went off to be a freak,fight until the end of time.
2023-08-18 15:01:131


women soldiers Woman Soldier; Soldier Girl女兵[单数] Women Soldiers; Soldier Girls女兵[复数] 。
2023-08-18 15:02:032

Soldier Song 歌词

歌曲名:Soldier Song歌手:Firebrands专辑:First The Flash Then The PulseLong whistleDrowning PoolSoldiersOn your feet, who"s with meOn your feet, who"s with meOne world, made better, in slaight, hard bitter, there is no compromise, your bringing forth your sacrificeOn your feet, who"s with meOn your feet, let"s goEvery time I see inside you I see myself within youlet"s go(whoah, yeaheah) This is for the soldiers(whoah, yeaheah)This is for the soldiers(whoah, yeaheah) This is for the soldiersall for one, let"s goOn your feet, who"s with meLock tide, old strain, there it goes in vain, there is no compromise, your bringing forth your sacrificeOn your feet, who"s with meOn your feet, let"s goEvery time I see inside you I see myself within youlet"s go(whoah, yeaheah) This is for the soldiers(whoah, yeaheah)This is for the soldiers(whoah, yeaheah) This is for the soldiersone for all, we"re comingEvery time I see inside you I see myself within you, ohh let that fade awayYour pride inside of me, your honor inside me, respect inside of inside of me, go(whoah, yeaheah) This is for the soldiers(whoah, yeaheah)This is for the soldiers(whoah, yeaheah) This is for the soldiersour soldiers, let"s go(whoah, yeaheah) This is for the soldiers(whoah, yeaheah)This is for the soldiers(whoah, yeaheah) This is for the soldiersall for one, we"re comingEvery time I see inside you I see myself within you, ohh let that fade awayEvery time I see inside you I see myself within you, ohh let that fade away
2023-08-18 15:02:111

over 1000 soldiers died in the war last year 同意句

More than 1000 soldiers lost their lives in the war last year.
2023-08-18 15:02:302

Chinese soldiers怎么读

Chinese soldiers ["tu0283ai"ni:z "su0259uldu0292u0259] 中国军人
2023-08-18 15:02:381


第一题选A 。。。因为是……it is hard to breathe the air in 所以呢,the air is hard to breathe in,只是宾语air提前了而已,主被动关系式是不变的,所以不用被动,依旧用主动表示被动第二题选D。。。
2023-08-18 15:02:482

为万有引力写了好些歌的Mad Soldiers

2023-08-18 15:02:572

The crowd cheered as the soldiers marched(past)(passed).

2023-08-18 15:03:051


标题:Speech from Charlie Chaplin"s "The Great Dictator"正文:I"m sorry but I don"t want to be an Emperor, that"s not my business. I don"t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another, human beings are like that. We all want to live by each other"s happiness, not by each other"s misery. We don"t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful. But we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men"s souls, has barricaded the world with hate;has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in:machinery that gives abundance has left us in want.Our knowledge has made us cynical,our cleverness hard and unkind.We think too much and feel too little:More than machinery we need humanity;More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me I say "Do not despair". The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress: the hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people, will return to the people and so long as men die [now] liberty will never perish. . . Soldiers: don"t give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you, who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, diet you, treat you as cattle, as cannon fodder. Don"t give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men. You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don"t hate, only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural. Soldiers: don"t fight for slavery, fight for liberty. In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written:"The kingdom of God is within man"Not one man, nor a group of men, but in all men; in you, the people. You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy let"s use that power, let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie. They do not fulfil their promise, they never will. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfil that promise. Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men"s happiness. Soldiers! In the name of democracy, let us all unite! . . . Look up! Look up! The clouds are lifting, the sun is breaking through. We are coming out of the darkness into the light. We are coming into a new world. A kind new world where men will rise above their hate and brutality. The soul of man has been given wings, and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow, into the light of hope, into the future, that glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us. Look up. Look up.
2023-08-18 15:03:162


2023-08-18 15:03:384

Toy Soldiers 歌词

歌曲名:Toy Soldiers歌手:marianas trench专辑:Ever After (Deluxe Version)Marianas Trench - Toy SoldiersWho"ll be my Montague now,To this broken CapuletHow, how, how if not for youAnd you"ll be my local heroBe my role modelAnd don"t, don"t, don"t fail me now(My love)Don"t you want love,Don"t you want love,I"m your biggest fanIt"s so good to finally meet yaI deserve a little moreWouldn"t you say-oh, a-oh, a-oh(My love)Don"t you want love,Don"t you want tooDon"t you think I deserve better after allthat we"ve been through (love)Don"t you want love (love)Now what you say-oh, a-oh, a-ohTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersToy soldiersI will love you like goodbyeI will love you like you died, diedMartyred for me(My love)Don"t you want loveDon"t you want thisDon"t you look so shockedThat"s not the way I planned itI deserve a little moreWouldn"t you say-oh, a-oh, a-oh(My love)Don"t you want love,Don"t you fight backKnow this will hurt less if you just submit so (love)How bout a little gratitudeFor what I say-oh, a-oh, a-ohTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersThey don"t know youNot like I doOnly you and I were meant to beUnderstand youJust like I doJust like you and I were meant to be foreverOne day you willLearn to love meOne day you willThank me, you"ll seeIf I can"t have youNo one canFollow you like (toys)To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you like (follow you like toys)To-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll follow you likeTo-o-o-o-o-oy soldiersI"ll followUnderstand youJust like I doJust like you and I were meant to beDon"t know youNot like I doOnly you and I were meant to beUnderstand youJust like I doJust like you and I were meant to be forever
2023-08-18 15:03:461

are you soldiers?后面应该回答什么

Yes,i am或者NO,i am not
2023-08-18 15:03:571

The soldiers had to sleep in their wet clothes,___most uncomfortable.填入:which I think was

2023-08-18 15:04:073


出自 sailor soldiers(美少女战士) 这个是百度百科链接,但是找不到原图
2023-08-18 15:04:151

How long ago _____playing with soldiers?

2023-08-18 15:04:243

Shadow Soldiers 歌词

歌曲名:Shadow Soldiers歌手:accept专辑:Stalingrad群66032164:木偶So cold and lonely it seems so long since someone was hereFollowing the shadows, with the sun till it disappearsThousands of stone white crosses, a formation for all to seeWith flags and flames, the ranks and the names of those who died to be freeThe fire remains in our hearts all of our dreams made newEtched in the flames of freedom, we"re living on thru youWe"re the Shadow Soldiers, laid to rest standing tallShadow Soldiers, in freedom you liveThat"s why we"ve given it allTaken too soon from the lives we loved a misery I can not explainOnly when we feel your presence are we sure we did not die in veinThe fire remains in our hearts all of our dreams made newEtched in the flames of freedom, are these words, oh so trueWe"re living on thru youWe"re the Shadow Soldiers, laid to rest standing tallShadow Soldiers, in freedom you liveThat"s why we"ve given it allThe fire remains in our hearts all of our dreams made newEtched in the flames of freedom, we"re living on thru youWe"re the Shadow Soldiers, laid to rest standing tallShadow Soldiers, in freedom you liveThat"s why we"ve given it allShadow Soldiers, laid to rest standing tallShadow Soldiers, in freedom you liveThat"s why we"ve given it all珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-08-18 15:04:561

Why soldiers hate March

为您解答这是双关语,march既有三月之意,也有行军之意。行军多累啊。It"s a pun.
2023-08-18 15:05:051

soldier怎么读 最好是中文谐音发音

soldier 英[u02c8su0259u028aldu0292u0259(r)]美[u02c8sou028aldu0292u0259r]n. 军人; (尤指) 士兵;v. 当兵; 磨洋工; 坚持干; 假称害病;[例句]The wounded soldier opened his eyes once, but lost consciousness again immediately.那个伤员睁了一下眼晴随即又昏了过去。[其他] 第三人称单数:soldiers 复数:soldiers 现在分词:soldiering 过去式:soldiered 过去分词:soldiered
2023-08-18 15:05:175

the group of soldiers

答案 在具体的时刻或地点;on 在具体的某一天;in 泛指在早上、下午或晚上.第一个空,arrive 到达,是一个不及物动词,表示到达大的地方用arrive in;到达小地方用arrive at.根据后面地点是a small town,所以用in;第二个空后a rainy morning 是具体的一个早上,故用on.故选C.
2023-08-18 15:05:331

Anumber of soldiers __at the camp gate

are或 were
2023-08-18 15:05:423

Die By The Sword 歌词

歌曲名:Die By The Sword歌手:Dragonforce专辑:The Power Within群66032164:木偶Outside the battle ragin death upon usNo surrender unchained and freeInsanity will lead to blind destructionCrush the evil, the foul diseaseOur final destination reborn in darknessWatching and waiting destroying with easeThe judgement day upon us as dawn is breakingMankind will fall to the spineless decievedFly through the storm, power of the steelStriking with vegence, force them to kneelSoldiers unite, force of the worldFight till the end we will die by the swordFight on in foreign fields of mass destructionStand as one, no man left behindOur final victory, tonight awaits usSlain in darkness behind the linesRaise the dead, ride beside of meFallen heroes, of a thousand moonsBlaze ahead the price that they now payOn the march to their doomly through the storm, power of the steelStriking with vegence, force them to kneelSoldiers unite, force of the worldFight till the end we will die by the swordFight till the end we will die by the swordLight the fires of freedom, on the shores of endless seasWings of glory guide us, on the path to victoryLight the fires of freedom, on the shores of endless seasWings of glory guide us, on the path to victoryOutside the battle raging death upon usNo surrender unchained and freeInsaniy will lead to blind destructionCrush the evil, the foul diseasely through the storm, power of the steelStriking with vegence, force them to kneelSoldiers unite, force of the worldFight till the end we will die by the sword珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-08-18 15:05:501


一、油气分布规律阿拉斯加北坡盆地为美国最丰富的油气产区之一,已累计产出石油约15110 MMb(21.2×108t)(表5-4),证实石油和天然气储量超过7000MMb(9.8×108t)和35TCF(0.98×1012m3)。在平面上,阿拉斯加北坡盆地已发现油气田几乎全部都分布于巴罗背斜之上,至少形成于早白垩世末的构造反转期,与主要烃源岩的生烃高峰期匹配良好。在层位上,已发现油气主要分布在埃尔斯米尔、波弗特和布鲁克斯3个层序内(表5-5),埃尔斯米尔层序是盆地最重要的含油气层系,大部分石油产自埃尔斯米尔储集层,包括密西西比纪至三叠纪海相碳酸盐岩和北东大陆边缘沉积的海相-非海相硅质碎屑岩,其石油储量约30000MMb(42×108t),石油和天然气可采储量分别约15000MMb(21×108t)和38TCF(1.06×1012m3),油气可采储量占盆地已发现可采储量的67.4%。部分石油产自波弗特储集层侏罗纪至早白垩世裂谷期沉积的海相硅质碎屑岩,以及布鲁克斯储集层白垩纪-第三纪海相-非海相硅质碎屑岩。波弗特层序中已发现的石油储量约10000 MMb(14×108t),石油和天然气可采储量分别为5000MMb(7×108t)和12TCF(0.34×1012m3),油气可采储量占盆地已发现可采储量的22.1%。布鲁克斯层序石油储量约40000MMb(56×108t),但大部分是稠油和重油,石油可采储量只有3000MMb(4.2×108t),天然气可采储量为2TCF(60×109m3),仅占全盆地油气可采储量的10.5%;布鲁克斯层序的储集层一般为非均质储集层,因此属油质较轻的油藏,如塔恩油田(API,370),采收率系数也低于埃尔斯米尔和波弗特层序的产层。阿拉斯加北坡盆地油气基本赋存在构造和构造-地层复合圈闭中。表5-4 北阿拉斯加及邻近海域至2005年累计石油产量及剩余油气储量注:*表示未开发。(据Houseknecht et al.,2006)表5-5 主要储集层石油地质储量和油气最终可采储量(据Houseknecht et al.,2006)二、油气资源潜力评价图5-8 阿拉斯加北坡油气资源分布图(据Houseknecht al.,2006)红色数据为已发现油气田最近美国地质调查局(USGS,2009)和美国矿产管理局对北极阿拉斯加地区油气待发现资源的评估结果,石油(包括凝析油)、天然气待发现资源量分别超过50000 MMb(70×108t)和227TCF(6.356×1012m3),大部分待发现油气资源位于盆地北部,其中楚科奇海美国部分大陆架的油气资源潜力最大(图5-8),楚科奇海陆架区(水深不超过100m)石油待发现资源量153.8×108b(21.53×108t),天然气待发现资源量76.77TCF(2.15×1012m3);波弗特海陆架区(水深小于500m的海域)石油待发现资源量82.2×108b(11.51×108t),天然气待发现资源量27.65TCF(0.77×1012m3);NPRA石油待发现资源量106×108b(14.84×108t),天然气待发现资源量61.4TCF(1.72×1012m3);北坡中部石油待发现资源量40×108b(5.6×108t),天然气待发现资源量33.3TCF(0.93×1012m3);ANWR石油待发现资源量104×108b(14.56×108t),天然气待发现资源量3.8TCF(106×109m3)。阿拉斯加北坡盆地油气大多来自多种烃源岩,拉张和挤压形成的构造圈闭均是油气有利勘探目标。楚科奇海岸和布鲁克斯山前的构造发育区均是盆地油气勘探区域。近几年来,在盆地北部发现和开发的地层圈闭油藏也是值得关注的具有油气潜力的勘探领域。ANWR的海岸平原目前还没有对外开放,是未来油气勘探开发的重点地区。
2023-08-18 14:58:141


2023-08-18 14:58:152

Panasonic KX-T7665如何通过PBXUnified设置多方通话

本篇为《Panasonic KX-T7665 PBX程控电话交换机操作说明书》,主要介绍该产品的使用方法以及常见故障解决方案。
2023-08-18 14:58:191


2023-08-18 14:58:231


车牌号是由英语字母和数字组成,要选择到理想的车牌号,首先需要从《易》理的角度来认识字母和数字。其一象,所谓象就是形象,形状。凡车牌字母、数字的形状,如与其事业、希望、追求相对应,则会产生有利的促进作用。在26个字母和十个数字中,利官贵的字母有:A、B、D、E、F、I、P、T,数字有:1、4、6、7、9等,因为它们有竖划、向上、通天、得辅之象;利财运的字母有:A、B、D、E、F、H、M、O、P、Q、R、S、T、U、W、Z,数字有:2、3、4、5、6、8、0,因为它们有横划、圆满、水形、聚积之象;利婚姻的字母有:B、E、F、H、M、O、P、Q、R、S、Y、Z,数字有:2、3、8、0,因为它们有对应、结合、勾通、圆满之象。其二数,所有的自然数是没有吉凶的,但它与某个体结合产生关联时,就会有影响,才生吉凶。数的含意很多,简单地说有阴阳的含意,即单数为阳,双数为阴。有五行的含意,即1、6为水、2、7为火、3、8为木、4、9为金、5、0为土。有方位的含意,即1、6为北方、2、7为南方、3、8为东方、4、9为西方、5、0为居中。有卦象的含意,即三个数、四个数、五人数都可成卦,每个卦都蕴涵有许多相关事宜。其三理,所谓理就是道理。在26个字母和十个数字中,所存之理可谓无穷无尽,如字母ABC和数字1有尊贵之意,因为它们是字母的前端和数的开始。如三位数的车牌,其数也可代表天、地、人三才,前一个数代表天,中间数代表人,最后一个数代表地,如四位数,中间两个数代表人,如五位数,中间一位数代表人,因为天、地、人三才的思想存在于一切事理之中,车牌亦不例外。如数字由小到大,最宜求官贵之人和大型产业类企业选用,数字由大到小,最宜求长寿之人和小型服务类企业选用。因为从小到大是步步高升,不断发展,从大到小是返老还童,循环沉淀。另外,如果知道自己命理中的五行喜忌,则选择效果可能会更好。二、具体方法有了一定的《易》理概念后,选号则变得轻松容易,其总的原则是:据情,明理,选择。具体方法是:1、 字母有含义不论是一个字母或两个字母,除了从象的角度考虑以外,最好字母为姓名、公司、行业、祥瑞等词语的拼音或单词缩写,使后面的数字有头、有主、有魂。2、 数理要吉祥数经特定的排列组合后,它要产生寓意,产生吉凶。一般车牌的数字全加起来为1、3、5、7、8、9、11、13、15、17、23、24、31、33、35、37、39、41、45、48比较好。如果符合以上要求,其数字又正好是车主的生日、特殊纪念日则更佳。3、 卦象无不良卦象的好坏,需要一定的易学专业知识才能判断,但用以下简单方法可避开一些不良的卦象。如所有数字的和不要为6、18、14、16、19、22、26、29、32,因为它们的卦象分别为:坎、天地否、天雷无妄、天水讼、乾(常人不用)、兑、泽水困、泽天夬、火泽癸,这些卦象都不是很理想。三、注意事项在选车牌时,还应注意以下几点:1、 阴阳互见所谓阴阳互见,就是车牌号的数字要有单有双,不能全单或全双,因为《易》理认为,孤阴不生,独阳不长。2、 三才得配所谓三才得配是指天、地、人三者的关系要处理恰当,人生活在天地之间,一定要尊天敬地。如果三位数,其中间数不要全大于前后的数,如果四位数字,其中间两位数不要全大于前后的数,如果五位数,其中间的一位数不要全大于两边的数。3、 五行相生所谓五行相生,是指车牌尾数或三才中“人数”的五行为车主命理的喜用神,对车主命理有帮扶作用。
2023-08-18 14:58:241

英文日期连星期几怎写法呢? 例如:26 Jan(Fri),请多多指教!

英文日期连星期几怎写法英文日期连星期几不是只有一个正确的写法的,通常会先写星期几,再写日期,例如Friday 11 January 2013 Sunday 27 April 2013.星期几也可以用简写,Fri.11 January 2013 Sun,27 April 2013.日期也可以先写月份,Fri.January 11 2013 Sun,April 27 2013.也可加上comma(,),Fri.,January 11,2013 Sun,April 27,2013.月份也可用简写,Fri.,Jan.11,2013 Sun,Apr.27,2013.简写的标点符号也可省去,Fri Jan 11 2013 Sun Apr 27 2013.以上各种写法和它们的配答,都能表达日子和星期几,都是正确清楚的写法,可放心用.以下是一些例子:SCMP(南华早报)Sunday,28 April,2013NewstalkZB Sunday April 28 2013 Yahoo sports Sat Apr 27,2013
2023-08-18 14:58:291


2023-08-18 14:58:334

LSI 是什么意思

LSI是一个多义词,所代表的意思分别是:LSI指的是半导体和软件供应商:Large-scale integrated circuit 大规模集成电路就简称为LSI。LSI公司,是创新芯片、系统和软件技术的供应商。LSI指的是潜语义标号:潜语义标号是奇异值分解在文本特征矩阵中应用的产物。从物理意义上讲,每个LSI都是所有原始特征的线性组合,因而具有潜在的语义。LSI指的是朗格利尔饱和指数:朗格利尔饱和指数简称为LSI。1936年朗格利尔(Langlier)根据自己关于水中碳酸溶解平衡理论提出的描述碳酸钙固体与含二氧化碳溶液之间的平衡关系表达式,即水样实测的pH值减去饱和pH值的差值。LSI指的是大规模集成电路:大规模集成LSI含有等价于200-1 000 000个以上的门电路的元器件。LSI包括有小型存储器、微处理器、可编程逻辑元件和定制元件。扩展资料:作为世界上经济增长最快的国家,中国是LSI的业务结构中重要的组成部分。LSI中国在许多领域发挥着举足轻重的作用,LSI公司与本地制造商及客户建立了非常紧密的合作关系,并在本地精英员工的努力下不断开发新的产品。LSI公司于上海设立了全球技术研发中心,研发中心员工数量超过400人,并且还在不断增长。LSI在北京、上海、深圳均设有办事机构,每个LSI的产品部门以及销售、市场、人事、财务及IT等职能部门都在中国有成员部署。参考资料来源:百度百科—LSI参考资料来源:百度百科—LSI参考资料来源:百度百科—LSI参考资料来源:百度百科—LSI
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worm :n. :1. 虫; 蠕虫2. (人或动物体内的)寄生虫;肠虫3. (昆虫的)幼虫4. 懦夫;可怜虫 ; vt. & vi. 1. 蠕动,曲折行进(尤指通过狭窄或拥挤的地方)2. 给(动物)驱肠虫creep :vi. 1. 蹑手蹑足地走, 缓慢地行进2. 爬行, 匍匐 ; vt. & vi. 1. 谄媚;巴结;拍马屁 2. 非常缓慢地行进;不知不觉产生;渐渐出现 3. (植物 )蔓生;蔓延 ; n. 1. 讨厌鬼2. 讨好卖乖的人;谄媚奉承的人;马屁精
2023-08-18 14:58:111


“jump rope”的意思是:做跳绳游戏用的绳。这是一个短语,可以这么写rope jumping跳绳(运动)重点词汇解释jump 英 [du0292u028cmp] 美 [du0292u028cmp]    n. 跳跃;跳动;上涨v. 跳越;暴涨例句:The athlete made a superb jump.翻译:运动员做了一个出色的跳跃。短语:jump prison 越狱Jump的ing形式为jumping。读法:英 ["du0292u028cmpu026au014b] 美 ["du0292u028cmpu026au014b] 1、v. 跳;跳过;(非正式)闯红灯;快速移动;猛地一动;猛涨;突然改变;略去;突然跳出正常位置;(非正式)突然袭击(某人);跳上(车辆等);欢跃;侵占;贸然做;(桥牌)跳叫;(非正式)助推启动;与(某人)发生性关系(jump 的现在分词)2、n. 跳,跳跃
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(一)公差与配合的基本概念1.互换性和公差所谓零件的互换性,就是从一批相同的零件中任取一件,不经修配就能装配使用,并能保证使用性能要求,零部件的这种性质称为互换性。零、部件具有互换性,不但给装配、修理机器带来方便,还可用专用设备生产,提高产品数量和质量,同时降低产品的成本。要满足零件的互换性,就要求有配合关系的尺寸在一个允许的范围内变动,并且在制造上又是经济合理的。公差配合制度是实现互换性的重要基础。2.基本术语在加工过程中,不可能把零件的尺寸做得绝对准确。为了保证互换性,必须将零件尺寸的加工误差限制在一定的范围内,规定出加工尺寸的可变动量,这种规定的实际尺寸允许的变动量称为公差。有关公差的一些常用术语见图1-82。图1-82 尺寸公差术语图解1)基本尺寸。根据零件强度、结构和工艺性要求,设计确定的尺寸。2)实际尺寸。通过测量所得到的尺寸。3)极限尺寸。允许尺寸变化的两个界限值。它以基本尺寸为基数来确定。两个界限值中较大的一个称为最大极限尺寸;较小的一个称为最小极限尺寸。4)尺寸偏差(简称偏差)。某一尺寸减其相应的基本尺寸所得的代数差。尺寸偏差有:上偏差=最大极限尺寸-基本尺寸下偏差=最小极限尺寸-基本尺寸上、下偏差统称极限偏差。上、下偏差可以是正值、负值或零。国家标准规定:孔的上偏差代号为ES,孔的下偏差代号为EI;轴的上偏差代号为es,轴的下偏差代号为ei。5)尺寸公差(简称公差。允许实际尺寸的变动量尺寸公差=最大极限尺寸-最小极限尺寸=上偏差-下偏差因为最大极限尺寸总是大于最小极限尺寸,所以尺寸公差一定为正值。6)公差带和零线。由代表上、下偏差的两条直线所限定的一个区域称为公差带。为了便于分析,一般将尺寸公差与基本尺寸的关系,按放大比例画成简图,称为公差带图(图1-83)。图1-83 公差带图在公差带图中,确定偏差的一条基准直线,称为零偏差线,简称零线,通常零线表示基本尺寸。7)标准公差。用以确定公差带大小的任一公差。国家标准将公差等级分为20级:IT01、IT0、IT1至IT18。“IT”表示标准公差,公差等级的代号用阿拉伯数字表示。IT01至IT18,精度等级依次降低。标准公差等级数值可查有关技术标准。8)基本偏差。用以确定公差带相对于零线位置的上偏差或下偏差。一般是指靠近零线的那个偏差。根据实际需要,国家标准分别对孔和轴各规定了28个不同的基本偏差,基本偏差系列如图1-84所示。从图1-84可知:基本偏差用拉丁字母表示,大写字母代表孔,小写字母代表轴。公差带位于零线之上,基本偏差为下偏差;公差带位于零线之下,基本偏差为上偏差。9)孔、轴的公差带代号。由基本偏差与公差等级代号组成,并且要用同一号字母和数字书写。例如u03d550H8的含义是:地勘钻探工:基础知识此公差带的全称是:基本尺寸为u03d550,公差等级为8级,基本偏差为H的孔的公差带。图1-84 基本偏差系列图又如u03d550f7的含义是:地勘钻探工:基础知识此公差带的全称是:基本尺寸为u03d550,公差等级为8级,基本偏差为f的轴的公差带。(二)配合及配合制度基本尺寸相同,相互结合的孔和轴公差带之间的关系称为配合。1.配合的种类根据机器的设计要求和生产实际的需要,国家标准将配合分为三类:1)间隙配合。孔的公差带完全在轴的公差带之上,任取其中一对轴和孔相配都成为具有间隙的配合(包括最小间隙为零),如图1-85所示。图1-85 间隙配合2)过盈配合。孔的公差带完全在轴的公差带之下,任取其中一对轴和孔相配都成为具有过盈的配合(包括最小过盈为零),如图1-86所示。图1-86 过盈配合3)过渡配合。孔和轴的公差带相互交叠,任取其中一对孔和轴相配合,可能具有间隙,也可能具有过盈的配合(图1-87)。图1-87 过渡配合2.配合的基准制国家标准规定了两种基准制:1)基孔制。这种制度在同一基本尺寸的配合中,是将孔的公差带位置固定,通过变动轴的公差带位置,得到各种不同的配合(图1-88)。图1-88 基孔制配合基孔制的孔称为基准孔。国标规定基准孔的下偏差为零,“H”为基准孔的基本偏差。2)基轴制。这种制度在同一基本尺寸的配合中,是将轴的公差带位置固定,通过变动孔的公差带位置,得到各种不同的配合(图1-89)。图1-89 基轴制配合基轴制的轴称为基准轴。国家标准规定基准轴的上偏差为零,“h”为基轴制的基本偏差。(三)形状和位置公差1.基本概念(1)形状误差形状误差是指被测实际要素对其理想要素的变动量。理想要素的位置应符合最小条件。形状误差在零件加工过程中产生,因此被测实际要素总是存在一定的形状误差。(2)形状公差形状公差是指单一实际要素的形状所允许的变动全量。它是为了限制形状误差而设置的,一般用于单一要素。形状公差包含直线度、平面度、圆度、圆柱度四项。(3)位置误差位置误差是指关联实际要素对其理想要素的变动量。标准规定位置误差有三种:一是定向误差,即被测实际要素对一具有确定方向的理想要素的变动量,理想要素的方向由基准确定;二是定位误差,即被测实际要素对一具有确定位置的理想要素的变动量,理想要素的位置由基准和理论正确尺寸确定;三是跳动误差,即被测要素绕基准轴线无轴向移动地回转一周或连续回转时,由位置固定或沿理想素线连续移动的指示器在给定方向上测得的最大与最小读数之差。(4)位置公差国标指出,位置公差是关联实际要素的位置对基准所允许的变动全量,它是用来限制位置误差的。位置公差的种类,按其项目分为以下三种:1)定向公差指关联实际要素对基准在方向上允许的变动全量,用于控制定向误差,包含平行度、垂直度、倾斜度三种。2)定位公差指关联实际要素对基准在位置上允许的变动全量,用于控制定位误差,包含同轴度、对称度、位置度三种。3)跳动公差指关联实际要素绕基准回转一周或连续回转时所允许的最大跳动量,用于控制跳动误差,包含圆跳动和全跳动两项。2.形位公差带(1)形状和位置公差带的定义形状和位置公差带是指限制实际要素变动的区域,简称为形位公差带。(2)形位公差带与尺寸公差带区别形位公差带与尺寸公差带控制的对象不同。尺寸公差带是用来限制零件实际尺寸的大小,通常是平面的区域;而形位公差带是用来限制零件被测要素的实际形状和位置变动的范围,通常是空间的区域。(3)形位公差带的组成形位公差带由形状、大小、方向和位置四个因素确定。1)公差带的形状 由被测要素的几何特征和设计要求来确定,它主要的有九种形式。2)公差带的大小由公差值表示,用以体现形位精度要求的高低,一般指形位公差带的宽度或直径,如t或u03d5t,Su03d5t。当公差带为圆形或圆柱形时,公差值前加u03d5,当公差带为球形时,公差值前加Su03d5。3)公差带的方向是指组成公差带的几何要素的延伸方向,分理论方向和实际方向两种。①形位公差带的理论方向:与图样上公差代号的指引线箭头方向垂直,如图1-90a中平面度公差带的方向为水平方向;图1-90a中垂直度公差带的方向为铅垂方向。②形位公差带的实际方向:就形状公差带而言,它由最小条件决定,如图1-90b所示;就位置公差带来讲,其实际方向应与基准的理想要素保持正确的方向关系,如图1-91b所示。图1-90 形状公差带的方向4)公差带的位置分为浮动和固定两种。①浮动位置公差带:是指形位公差带在尺寸公差带内,随实际尺寸的不同而变动,其实际位置与实际尺寸有关,如图1-92所示的平行度公差带的两个不同位置。②固定位置公差带:是指公差带的位置由图样上给定的基准和理论正确尺寸确定。如图1-93所示的同轴度公差带,其公差带为一圆柱面内的区域,该圆柱面的轴线应和基准在一条直线上,因而其位置由基准确定,此时的理论正确尺寸为零。理论正确尺寸是指确定理想被测要素的形状、方向、位置的尺寸。此尺寸不附带公差,标注时需围以框格。在形位公差中,属于固定位置公差带有同轴度、对称度、位置度和有基准要求的轮廓度,如无特殊要求,其他形位公差的公差带位置都是浮动的。图1-91 位置公差带的方向图1-92 浮动位置公差带图1-93 固定位置公差带3.形位公差与尺寸公差的关系公差原则可确定尺寸公差与形位公差之间的相互关系。分独立原则和相关要求两大类。(1)有关术语及定义1)局部实际尺寸。孔和轴分别用(Da,da)表示。2)体外作用尺寸。被测要素的给定长度上,与实际表面体外相接的最小理想面或最大理想面的直径或宽度称体外作用尺寸。如图194所示,与实际外表面体相接的最小理想面的或与实际内表面体处相接的最大理想面的直径或宽度称体外作用尺寸。分别用Dfe、dfe表示。图1-94 实际尺寸和作用尺寸3)体内作用尺寸。是指在被测要素的给定长度上,与实际内表面体内相接的最小理想面或最大理想面的直径或宽度。分别用Dfi、dfi表示。4)最大实体状态、尺寸、边界。最大实体状态(MMC):是指实际要素在给定长度上处处位于尺寸极限之内并具有实体最大时的状态,即实际要素在极限尺寸范围内具有材料量最多的状态。孔、轴处于最大实体状态时,允许其中心要素有形位误差。最大实体尺寸(MMS):是指实际要素在最大实体状态下的极限尺寸。对于内表面为最小极限尺寸;对于外表面为最大极限尺寸。内、外表面的最大实体尺寸的代号分别为DM、dM。最大实体边界:由设计给定的具有理想形状的极限包容面,尺寸为最大实体尺寸的边界称MMB。5)最小实体状态、尺寸、边界。最小实体状态(LMC):是指实际要素在给定长度上处处位于尺寸极限之内并具有实体最小时的状态,即实际要素在极限尺寸范围内具有材料量最少的状态。孔、轴处于最小实体状态时,允许其中心要素有形位误差。最小实体尺寸(LMS):是指实际要素在最小实体状态下的极限尺寸。对于内表面为最大极限尺寸;对于外表面为最小极限尺寸。内、外表面的最小实体尺寸的代号分别为DL、dL。最小实体边界:由设计给定的具有理想形状的极限包容面,尺寸为最小实体尺寸的边界称LMB。6)最大实体实效状态、尺寸、边界。最大实体实效状态(MMVC):是指在给定长度上,实际要素处于最大实体状态且其中心要素的形状或位置误差等于给出的公差值时的综合极限状态。最大实体实效尺寸(MMVS):是指要素在最大实体实效状态下的体外作用尺寸。内、外表面的最大实体实效尺寸的代号分别为DMV、dMV。对于内表面(孔),它为最大实体尺寸减去形位公差值t(加注符号 的),即DMV=DM-t对于外表面(轴),它为最大实体尺寸加上形位公差值t(加注符号 的),即dMV=dM-t最大实体实效边界(MMVB)尺寸为最大实体实效尺寸的边界。7)最小实体实效状态、尺寸、边界。最小实体实效状态(LMVC):是指在给定长度上,实际要素处于最小实体状态且中心要素的形状或位置误差等于给出公差值时的综合极限状态。最小实体实效尺寸(LMVS):是指要素在最小实体实效状态下的体内作用尺寸。内、外表面的最小实体尺寸的代号分别为DLV、dLV。对于内表面,它为最小实体尺寸加上形位公差值t(加注符号 的),即DLV=DL-t对于外表面,它为最小实体尺寸减去形位公差值t(加注符号 的),即dLV=dL-t最小实体实效边界(LMVB)尺寸为最小实体实效尺寸的边界。(2)独立原则指被测要素在图样上给出的尺寸公差与形位公差各自独立,分别满足要求的公差原则(图1-95)。图1-95 独立原则标注示例图(3)相关要求尺寸公差与形位公差相互有关的设计要求。分为:包容要求、最大实体要求、最小实体要求、可逆要求(可逆要求不能单独使用,只能最大实体要求或最小实体要求联用)。1)包容要求。单一要素的尺寸极限偏差或公差代号后面注有符号u24ba时,则表示该单一要素遵守包容要求(图1-96)。此时被测要素应遵守最大实体边界,即当实际尺寸处处为最大实体尺寸时,形状公差为零,实际尺寸偏离最大实体尺寸时,允许形状误差相应增大,但体外作用尺寸不得超过最大实体尺寸,局部实际尺寸不得超过其最小实体尺寸。既外表面:dfe≤dM(dmax)da≥dL(dmin)内表面:Dfe≥DM(Dmin)Da≤DL(Dmax)图1-96 包容要求应用示例图2)最大实体要求及可逆要求。①最大实体要求用于被测要求。在形位公差内公差值后标注 。最大实体要求用于被测要素,其形位公差值是在该要素处于最大实体状态时给定的。当被测要素的实际较偏离最大实体状态,既实际尺寸偏离最大实体尺寸时,允许的形位误差值增加,增加量为实体尺寸对最大实体尺寸的偏移量,最大增加量等于被测要素的尺寸公差。最大实体要求用于被测要素时,被测要素应遵守最大实体实效边界。即外表面:dfe≤dMV=dmax+t,dmax≥da≥dmin内表面:Dfe≥DMV=Dmin-t,Dmax≥Da≥Dmin如图1-97a所注的轴,当轴处于最大实体状态(实际尺寸为u03d520mm)时,轴线的直线度公差为u03d50.1mm,如图1-97b所示。当轴实际尺寸<u03d520mm,为u03d51.9.9mm时,轴线的直线度公差为:0.1+0.1=0.2mm,如图1-97c所示。当轴的实际尺寸为最小实体尺寸u03d519.7mm时,轴线的直线度可能最大值,且等于给出的直线度公差与尺寸公差之和,为0.1+0.3=0.4mm(图1-97d)。在图1-97b、1-97c、1-97d中,轴的体外作用尺寸都没有超过最大实体实效边界(u03d520.1mm的圆柱面),实际尺寸均未超过最大、最小极限尺寸,所以是合格的。②可逆要求用于最大实体要求。图样上形位框格公差中,在被测要素形位公差值后面符号 之后标注 时,则表示被测要素遵守最大实体要求的同时遵守可逆要求。除具有上述大实体要求用于被测要素时的含义外,还表示当形位误差小于给定的形位公差时,也允许实际尺寸超出最大实体尺寸;当形位误差为零时,允许尺寸超出量最大,为形位公差值,从而实现尺寸公差与形位公差的相互转换。(四)表面粗糙度1.表面粗糙度的概念零件在加工过程中,受刀具的形状和刀具与工件之间的摩擦、机床的震动及零件金属表面的塑性变形等因素,表面不可能绝对光滑(图1-98)。零件表面上这种具有较小间距的峰谷所组成的微观几何形状特征称为表面粗糙度。一般来说,不同的表面粗糙度是由不同的加工方法形成的。表面粗糙度是评定零件表面质量的一项重要的指标,降低零件表面粗糙度可以提高其表面耐腐蚀、耐磨性和抗疲劳等能力,但其加工成本也相应提高。因此,零件表面粗糙度的选择原则是:在满足零件表面功能的前提下,表面粗糙度允许值尽可能大一些。图1-97 最大实体要求用于被测要素示例图1-98 表面粗糙度2.表面粗糙度的评定参数(1)轮廓算术平均偏差(Ra)指在取样长度内纵坐标值的算术平均值,代号为Ra(图1-99)。其表达式近似为地勘钻探工:基础知识式中: 分别为轮廓线上各点的轮廓偏距,即各点到轮廓中线的距离。图1-99 轮廓算术平均偏差RaRa参数测量方便,能充分反映表面微观几何形状的特性。(2)轮廓最大高度Rz是指在取样长度内,最大的轮廓峰高Rp与最大的轮廓谷深Rv之和的高度,代号为Rz,如图1-100所示。Rz的表达式可表示为Rz=Rp+Rv图1-100 轮廓最大高度Rz3.表面粗糙度的符号(1)表面粗糙度的符号及意义(表1-24)表1-23 表面粗糙度的符号(2)表面粗糙度要求图样标注的演变表面粗糙度要求图样标注从GB/T131演变到现在,已是第三版(表1-24)。地勘钻探工:基础知识注:①既没有默认值也没有其他细节,尤其是:无默认评定长度;无默认取样长度;无“16%规则”或“最大规则”。②在GB/T3505—1983和GB/T10610—1989国标表面粗糙度中定义的默认值和规则仅用于参数Ra、Ry和Rz(十点高度)。此外,GB/T131—1993国标中表面粗糙度标注存在着参数代号书写不一致问题,标准正文要求参数代号第二个字母标注为下标,但在所有的图表中,第二个字母都是小写,而当时所有的其他表面结构标准都使用下标。③新的Rz为原Ry的定义,原Ry的符号不再使用。④表示没有该项。4.表面粗糙度代号(1)表面粗糙度代号在表面粗糙度符号的规定位置上,注出表面粗糙度数值及相关的规定项目后就形成了表面粗糙度代号。表面粗糙度数值及其相关的规定在符号中注写的位置(图1-101)。图1-101 表面粗糙度代号1)位置a注写表面粗糙度的单一要求。标注表面粗糙度参数代号、极限值和取样长度。为了避免误解,在参数代号和极限值间应插入空格。取样长度后应有一斜线“/”之后是表面粗糙度参数符号,最后是数值,如:-0.8/Rz6.3。2)位置a和b注写两个或多个表面粗糙度要求。在位置a注写一个表面粗糙度要求,方法同①。在位置b注写第二个表面粗糙度要求。如果要注写第三个或更多个表面粗糙度要求,图形符号应在垂直方向扩大,以空出足够的空间。扩大图形符号时,a和b的位置随之上移。3)位置c注写加工方法。注写加工方法、表面处理、涂层或其他加工工艺要求等。如车、磨、镀等加工表面。4)位置d注写表面纹理和方向。注写所要求的表面纹理和纹理的方向,如“=”、“×”、“Μ”等(表1-25)。表1-25 表面粗糙度代号的标注示例及意义5)位置e注写加工余量注写所要求的加工余量,以毫米为单位给出数值。(2)表面粗糙度评定参数的标注表面粗糙度评定参数必须注出参数代号和相应数值,数值的单位均为微米(μm),数值的判断规则有两种:1)16%规则,是所有表面粗糙度要求默认规则;2)最大规则,应用于表面粗糙度要求时,则参数代号中应加上“max”。当图样上标注参数的最大值(max)或(和)最小值(min)时,表示参数中所有的实测值均不得超过规定值。当图样上采用参数的上限值(用U表示)(或、和)下限值(用L表示)时(表中未标注max或min的),表示参数的实测值中允许少于总数的16%的实测值超过规定值。具体标注示例及意义见表1-25。(3)评定长度的(ln)的标注若所标注的参数代号没有“max”,表明采用的有关标准中默认的评定长度。若不存在默认的评定长度时,参数代号中应标注取样长度的个数,如Ra3,Rz3……(要求评定长度为3个取样长度)。(4)加工方法或相关信息的注法如零件的加工表面的粗糙度要求由指定的加工方法获得时,用文字标注在符号上边的横线上(图1-102)。在符号的横线上面也可注写镀(涂)覆或其他表面处理要求。如图1-103镀覆后达到的参数值这些要求也可在图样的技术要求中说明。(5)表面纹理的注法需要控制表面加工纹理方向时,可在完整符号的右下角加注加工纹理方向符号(图1-104)。常见的加工纹理方向符号见表1-26。图1-102 加工方法的标注图1-103 镀覆的标注图1-104 加工纹理方向的标注表1-26 常见的加工纹理方向注:如果表面纹理不能清楚地用这些符号表示,必要时,可以在图样上加注说明。(6)加工余量在同一图样中,有多道加工工序的表面可标注加工余量时。加工余量标注在完整符号的左下方,单位为mm(图1-105)。图1-105 加工余量的标注5.表面粗糙度代号在图样上的标注方法表面粗糙度要求对每一表面一般只标注一次,并尽可能注在相应的尺寸及其公差的同一视图上。除非另有说明,所标注的表面粗糙度要求是对完工零件表面的要求。(1)标注的总原则《GB/T4458.4-2003 机械制图尺寸注法》规定,使表面粗糙度的注写和读取方向与尺寸的注写和读取方向一致(图1-106)。(2)表面粗糙度要求的标注1)标注在轮廓线上或指引线上。表面粗糙度要求可标注在轮廓线上,其符号应从材料外指向并接触表面。必要时,表面粗糙度符号也可用带箭头或黑点的指引线引出标注(图1-107、图1-108)。图1-106 表面粗糙度的注写方向图1-107 表面粗糙度要求在轮廓线上的标注图1-108 用指引线引出标注表面粗糙度要求2)标注在特征尺寸的尺寸线上。在不致引起误解时,表面粗糙度要求可以标注在给定的尺寸线上(图1-109)。3)标注在形位公差的框格上。表面粗糙度要求可标注在形位公差框格的上方(图1-110)。图1-109 表面粗糙度要求标注在尺寸线上图1-110 表面粗糙度要求标注在形位公差框格的上方4)标注在延长线上。表面粗糙度要求可以直接标注在延长线上,或用带箭头的指引线引出标注(图1-107、图1-111)。5)标注在圆柱和棱柱表面上。圆柱和棱柱表面的表面粗糙度要求只标注一次(图1-111)。如果每个棱柱表面有不同的表面粗糙度要求,则应分别单独标注(图1-112)。(3)两种或多种工艺获得的同一表面的注法由几种不同的工艺方法获得的同一表面,当需要明确每种工艺方法的表面粗糙度要求时,可如图1-113所示进行标注。图1-111 表面粗糙度要求标注在圆柱特征的延长线上图1-112 圆柱和棱柱的表面粗糙度要求的注法图1-113 同时给出镀覆前后的表面粗糙度要求的注法(4)表面粗糙度要求的简化注法为了提高绘图效率或标注位置受到限制时,可采用简化标注方法。1)有相同表面粗糙度要求的简化注法。如果在工件的多数(包括全部)表面有相同的表面粗糙度要求,则其表面粗糙度要求可统一标注在图样的标题栏附近。此时(除全部表面有相同要求的情况外),表面粗糙度要求的符号后面应有:①在圆括号内给出无任何其他标注的基本符号(图1-114)。②在圆括号内给出不同的表面粗糙度要求(图1-115)。不同的表面粗糙度要求应直接标注在图形中(图1-114、图1-115)。图1-114 大多数表面有相同表面粗糙度要求的简化注法(一)图1-115 大多数表面有相同表面粗糙度要求的简化注法(二)2)多个表面有共同要求的注法。当多个表面具有相同的表面粗糙度要求或图纸空间有限时可以采用简化注法。①用带字母的完整符号的简化注法。可用带字母的完整符号,以等式的形式,在图形或标题栏附近,对有相同表面结构要求的表面进行简化标注(图1-116)。②只用表面粗糙度符号的简化注法。可用基本和扩展的表面粗糙度符号,以等式的形式给出对多个表面共同的表面粗糙度要求(图1-117、图1-118、图1-119)。图1-116 图纸空间有限时的简化注法图1-117 未指定工艺方法的多个表面粗糙度要求的简化注法图1-118 要求去除材料的多个表面粗糙度要求的简化注法图1-119 不允许去除材料的多个表面粗糙度要求的简化注法
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蠕虫病毒(worm)蠕虫病毒和一般的计算机病毒有着很大的区别,对于它,现在还没有一个成套的理论体系,但是一般认为:蠕虫病毒是一种通过网络传播的恶性病毒,它除具有病毒的一些共性外,同时具有自己的一些特征,如不利用文件寄生(有的只存在于内存中),对网络造成拒绝服务,以及与黑客技术相结合等等。蠕虫病毒主要的破坏方式是大量的复制自身,然后在网络中传播,严重的占用有限的网络资源,最终引起整个网络的瘫痪,使用户不能通过网络进行正常的工作。每一次蠕虫病毒的爆发都会给全球经济造成巨大损失,因此它的危害性是十分巨大的;有一些蠕虫病毒还具有更改用户文件、将用户文件自动当附件转发的功能,更是严重的危害到用户的系统安全。 Bug (系统文件漏洞)一词的原意是“臭虫”或“虫子”。但是现在,在电脑系统或程序中,如果隐藏着的一些未被发现的缺陷或问题,人们也叫它“Bug”。所谓“(Bug)”,是指电脑系统的硬件、系统软件(如操作系统)或应用软件(如文字处理软件)出错。硬件的出错有两个原因,一是设计错误,一是硬件部件老化失效等。软件的错误全是厂家设计错误。那种说用户执行了非法操作的提示,是软件厂商不负责的胡说八道。用户可能会执行不正确的操作,比如本来是做加法但按了减法键。这样用户会得到一个不正确的结果,但不会引起bug发作。软件厂商在设计产品时的一个基本要求,就是不允许用户做非法的操作。只要允许用户做的,都是合法的。用户根本就没有办法知道厂家心里是怎么想的,哪些操作序列是非法的。
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2023-08-18 14:58:033

Sine Benjaphorn是cosplay界的泥石流吗?

2023-08-18 14:58:034


  虫子是体积比较小的动物,可是很多热你都比较害怕或者讨厌虫子。那么你知道虫子的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的虫子的英文,希望大家喜欢!   虫子的英文   1.[无脊椎] bug   2.worm   bug常见用法   n. 臭虫;窃听器;[计]漏洞   v. 窃听;打扰;失去(镇定)   用作名词   Why do we need bug spray?   我们要杀虫剂干什么?   The police tested the room for bugs.   警察检查房间里是否放有窃听器。   There might be a bug in the program.   程序里可能有一个错误。   用作动词   Be careful what you say; our conversation may be being bugged.   说话要当心,咱们的话可能被窃听了。   Don"t bug me with petty details.   不要讲那些琐碎的细节来烦我。   That man really bugs me.   那个人真把我惹火了。   worm常见用法   用作名词   Many birds eat worms.   很多鸟类都以虫为食。   The glowworm isn"t a worm.   萤火虫不是蠕虫。   The bird had a worm in its beak.   鸟儿嘴里叼着一条虫。   The most infamous is known as the Internet Worm.   其中最臭名昭著的是因特网蠕虫。   When you open the file, it activates the worm.   当你一打开文档,就会启动电脑蠕虫。   用作动词   用作及物动词   S+~+ n./pron.   I think we"d better worm the cat.   我想我们最好给猫驱打虫子。   Have you found any drug to worm your dog?   你找到给你的狗打虫的药了吗?   My children have worms.Maybe you"ve got some gentle drug to worm them with?   我的几个孩子肚子里有寄生虫,你们这儿有什么驱除虫子的无刺激驱虫药吗?   I have no idea as to how to worm out of the job.   我不知如何摆脱这项任务。   They have to worm their way through the narrow tunnel.   他们得钻过狭窄的隧道。   I think we would better worm the cat .   我想我们最好给猫打打虫。   The vet prescribed a medicine to worm my puppy.   兽医开了一种药驱除我那小狗体内的寄生虫。   He manages to worm into an important position in the government.
2023-08-18 14:57:551