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2023-08-24 22:47:08
TAG: 英文

意见相同的英文短语是Same opinion。



复数: opinions


  We two share the same opinion.



  I should not be surprised, many customers have the same opinion.


  Most people hold the same opinion as you do.


  The boss has a very high opinion of her.


  She has a very low opinion of her own abilities.




2023-08-18 16:17:241

我的意见如下 英文怎么翻译

这样翻译:My opinions are listed below:
2023-08-18 16:17:352

我的意见是 英文怎么说

i think
2023-08-18 16:17:4610

征求某人的意见 英文

ask for somebody"s opinion upon sometheing 询问某人对某事的看法consult with somebody 向某人咨询某事的做法
2023-08-18 16:19:283

询问对方意见的英文怎么说 多举几个词

What about... How about... Let"s . Shall we... Would you like to do sth? What do you think of doing sth? Do you want to do sth?
2023-08-18 16:19:361

我想知道您的意见 英文

呵呵,就等你采纳前面的那个. 你收到我寄给你的灯管了吗? Have you received the light tubes I sent you? 我想知道你的意见,是否可以达到你的要求. I"d like to know if our product meets your requirement. 或者需要我们改进我们的产品. Or if you want some improvements in our product. 你的任何要求,我们一定会竭尽所能让你满意. We will do our best to satisfactorily meet your requirement. 纯手工翻译.
2023-08-18 16:19:461


反对的意见_释义:contrary opinionsdissenting voicesopposing views网络:我反对你的意见 I oppose your views赞成和反对的意见 pros and cons压到反对的意见 Mow down the opposition
2023-08-18 16:20:341


What do you think of
2023-08-18 16:20:455

请帮忙查看并提出意见或建议 的英文

Please help me check it and offer some suggestions for me
2023-08-18 16:21:034


日常的英语口语对话中,我们经常会在交流中表达自己的想法意见。从雅思功能法的教学方向来看,表达意见是语言中的一个目的和趋向,所以本文和大家分享的就是如何在英文的语境中表达自己意见。当雅思考官说出观点时,我们听了之后觉得很赞同,在这种情况下,我们可以有很多选择来回答,而且回答很简略。比如,“I think there is a lot of pressure on kids these days”,这是别人的观点,那我们最为地道的回答可以是“Definitely”,“Absolutely”,“Exactly”等,这些都是表达十分赞同的口语常用词。如果不想用一个词来说明,也可以选择一些简单的句子,比如“You"re right.”,“That"s true.”,“That"s for sure.”等。这组句子其实就是肯定对方的话,但使用了完整的简单句子来表示。而除此之外,我们还有更多的表达方法,比如“I agree(with) you.”,“(oh) yeah.”,“(oh) I know”.等,这样的表达方法更为直接,都可以表达自己对对方想法的赞同。当我们不再随时附和别人的观点,而是要提出自己的建议的时候,我们该怎么表达更好呢?最简单的方法就是“I think”,“I believe”等。除此之外,我们还有很多其他的表达方法,比如“It seems like…”,“It seems to me(that)…”,这样的表达方法更为委婉,更容易被人们接受。我们可以举一个具体的实景来看一下:A: I do not think families spend enough time together—not like they used to.B: That"s for sure. And it seems to me that is why some kids get into trouble.这个对话中显示出了另一个人提出自己的一个想法,运用it seems that 更能表现出这种建议的个人性与独立性。另外,在表达自己观点与别人不一致的时候,我们需要一定的委婉转折。我们可以看一个实际的情景来说明一下:A: I can not decide what to do because it is an extreme difficult time for me. Even though I would like to stay with him and maybe in the future I want to marry him, he still hesitates whether I am the most suitable one for him.B: Yeah, I know. But actually one thing you need to know is that he does not really care you a lot. It seems to me that he just feels good to stay with you now, but that is just all about it and there will not be any results between you.通过上面的对话,我们看到了对方在表述自己的建议的时候,先用了actually,这个词在口语中的常用度非常高,因为actually是提出自己新观点的开头,它后面的内容往往都是新的信息,所以需要我们多去注意这后面的信息。之后对话中又用了it seems to me that是一种自己处于为对方假设的情况,从而表达出了自己的建议与观点。从以上的一些常用口语的词汇句式来看,英文利用一些基本的词义与一定的句子结构表达出具有逻辑性的陈述内容。所以我们在日常口语交际回答中,首先要注意的问题就是short and simple,其次就是在这个基础之上能够运用简单的句式逻辑表现出具体的思路。交流是一种艺术,英文的交流时文化带着艺术,我们需要用英文的文化特点来具体的进行交际,这就是运用语言的一种能力体现,希大家在今后的学习中都会有所提高。更多长春雅思培训资讯,欢迎访问长春先行教育
2023-08-18 16:21:161

你的建议/意见是什么? 英语

2023-08-18 16:21:521


四种审计意见的英文表达如下:1、无保留意见:UNQUALIFIED OPINIONAn unqualified opinion states that the financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with GAAP. However, in some instances, the standard unqualified report may be modified without affecting the unqualified opinion issued on the financial statements.‎无保留意见是指财务报表的列报符合公认会计原则。但是, 在某些情况下, 标准无保留意见报告可能会在不影响对财务报表发表的无保留意见的情况下加以修改。‎2、保留意见:QUALIFIED OPINIONA qualified opinion is issued when the financial statements present the entity"s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with GAAP except for the matter of the qualification. Qualified opinions are issued, in some cases, when: (1) a scope limitation, or (2) a departure from GAAP exists.‎当财务报表按照公认会计原则列出该实体的财务状况、业务结果和现金流量时, 除资格问题外, 应发表有保留的意见。在某些情况下, 当: (1) 范围限制或 (2) 存在偏离公认会计原则的情况下, 就会发表保留意见。‎3、否定意见:ADVERSE OPINIONWhen issuing an adverse opinion, the auditor concludes that the financial statements do not present the entity"s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with GAAP. This type of opinion is only issued when the financial statements contain very material departures from GAAP.‎在发表反对意见时, 审计员的结论是, 财务报表没有按照公认会计原则列报该实体的财务状况、业务结果和现金流量。只有在财务报表中存在与公认会计原则的重大背离的情况下, 才会发表这类意见。‎4、无法表示意见:DISCLAIMER OF OPINIONA disclaimer of opinion is issued when the auditor is unable to form an opinion on an entity"s financial statements. A disclaimer may be issued in cases when: (1) the auditor is not independent with respect to the entity under audit, (2) a material scope limitation exists, or (3) a significant uncertainty exists.‎当审计员无法对一个实体的财务报表形成意见时, 就会发表免责声明。在以下情况下, 可以发出免责声明: (1) 审计员对被审计的实体不独立, (2) 存在重大范围限制, 或 (3) 存在重大不确定性‎。拓展资料审计意见是指审计师在完成审计工作后,对于鉴证对象是否符合鉴证标准而发表的意见。对于财务报表审计而言,则是对财务报表是否已按照适用的会计准则编制,以及财务报表是否在所有重大方面的公允,反映了被审计者的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量发表意见。在美国注册会计师协会发布的 《审计准则说明书》中,将审计意见分为无保留意见、有保留意见,否定意见和拒绝表示意见四种情况,分别是:1、无保留意见:在审计人员确信评价被审单位财务报表的证据已经充分,被审单位的财务报表允当地表示了该单位某一日期的财务状况和截止该日期的本会计年度的经营成果,符合一般公认的会计原则,并符合一贯性原则时,应在审计报告中表示无保留意见。2、保留意见:在审计人员对某些问题缺乏必要的证据而既不能肯定又不能否定时,可以在审计报告中对某些审计项目持保留意见。3、否定意见:在确信财务报表未能允当地披露重要事实时,审计人员应在审计报告中表示否定的意见。4、无法表示意见:在审计人员没有执行充分的审计工作以致未能获取表示意见的依据时,或在审计人员和被审单位之间存在着某种影响独立性的联系时,审计人员应在审计报告中说明情况表示无法表示意见。参考资料:百度百科--审计意见
2023-08-18 16:22:031


征求某人意见ask sb. for adviceask for the opinion of sb . 征求某人的意见.asking for somebody"s opinion征求某人的意见征求某人意见hold counsel with sb.
2023-08-18 16:22:311


四种审计意见的英文表达如下:1、无保留意见:UNQUALIFIED OPINIONAn unqualified opinion states that the financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with GAAP. However, in some instances, the standard unqualified report may be modified without affecting the unqualified opinion issued on the financial statements.‎无保留意见是指财务报表的列报符合公认会计原则。但是, 在某些情况下, 标准无保留意见报告可能会在不影响对财务报表发表的无保留意见的情况下加以修改。‎2、保留意见:QUALIFIED OPINIONA qualified opinion is issued when the financial statements present the entity"s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with GAAP except for the matter of the qualification. Qualified opinions are issued, in some cases, when: (1) a scope limitation, or (2) a departure from GAAP exists.‎当财务报表按照公认会计原则列出该实体的财务状况、业务结果和现金流量时, 除资格问题外, 应发表有保留的意见。在某些情况下, 当: (1) 范围限制或 (2) 存在偏离公认会计原则的情况下, 就会发表保留意见。‎3、否定意见:ADVERSE OPINIONWhen issuing an adverse opinion, the auditor concludes that the financial statements do not present the entity"s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with GAAP. This type of opinion is only issued when the financial statements contain very material departures from GAAP.‎在发表反对意见时, 审计员的结论是, 财务报表没有按照公认会计原则列报该实体的财务状况、业务结果和现金流量。只有在财务报表中存在与公认会计原则的重大背离的情况下, 才会发表这类意见。‎4、无法表示意见:DISCLAIMER OF OPINIONA disclaimer of opinion is issued when the auditor is unable to form an opinion on an entity"s financial statements. A disclaimer may be issued in cases when: (1) the auditor is not independent with respect to the entity under audit, (2) a material scope limitation exists, or (3) a significant uncertainty exists.‎当审计员无法对一个实体的财务报表形成意见时, 就会发表免责声明。在以下情况下, 可以发出免责声明: (1) 审计员对被审计的实体不独立, (2) 存在重大范围限制, 或 (3) 存在重大不确定性‎。拓展资料审计意见是指审计师在完成审计工作后,对于鉴证对象是否符合鉴证标准而发表的意见。对于财务报表审计而言,则是对财务报表是否已按照适用的会计准则编制,以及财务报表是否在所有重大方面的公允,反映了被审计者的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量发表意见。在美国注册会计师协会发布的 《审计准则说明书》中,将审计意见分为无保留意见、有保留意见,否定意见和拒绝表示意见四种情况,分别是:1、无保留意见:在审计人员确信评价被审单位财务报表的证据已经充分,被审单位的财务报表允当地表示了该单位某一日期的财务状况和截止该日期的本会计年度的经营成果,符合一般公认的会计原则,并符合一贯性原则时,应在审计报告中表示无保留意见。2、保留意见:在审计人员对某些问题缺乏必要的证据而既不能肯定又不能否定时,可以在审计报告中对某些审计项目持保留意见。3、否定意见:在确信财务报表未能允当地披露重要事实时,审计人员应在审计报告中表示否定的意见。4、无法表示意见:在审计人员没有执行充分的审计工作以致未能获取表示意见的依据时,或在审计人员和被审单位之间存在着某种影响独立性的联系时,审计人员应在审计报告中说明情况表示无法表示意见。参考资料:百度百科--审计意见
2023-08-18 16:22:391


四种审计意见的英文表达如下:1、无保留意见:UNQUALIFIED OPINIONAn unqualified opinion states that the financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with GAAP. However, in some instances, the standard unqualified report may be modified without affecting the unqualified opinion issued on the financial statements.‎无保留意见是指财务报表的列报符合公认会计原则。但是, 在某些情况下, 标准无保留意见报告可能会在不影响对财务报表发表的无保留意见的情况下加以修改。‎2、保留意见:QUALIFIED OPINIONA qualified opinion is issued when the financial statements present the entity"s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with GAAP except for the matter of the qualification. Qualified opinions are issued, in some cases, when: (1) a scope limitation, or (2) a departure from GAAP exists.‎当财务报表按照公认会计原则列出该实体的财务状况、业务结果和现金流量时, 除资格问题外, 应发表有保留的意见。在某些情况下, 当: (1) 范围限制或 (2) 存在偏离公认会计原则的情况下, 就会发表保留意见。‎3、否定意见:ADVERSE OPINIONWhen issuing an adverse opinion, the auditor concludes that the financial statements do not present the entity"s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with GAAP. This type of opinion is only issued when the financial statements contain very material departures from GAAP.‎在发表反对意见时, 审计员的结论是, 财务报表没有按照公认会计原则列报该实体的财务状况、业务结果和现金流量。只有在财务报表中存在与公认会计原则的重大背离的情况下, 才会发表这类意见。‎4、无法表示意见:DISCLAIMER OF OPINIONA disclaimer of opinion is issued when the auditor is unable to form an opinion on an entity"s financial statements. A disclaimer may be issued in cases when: (1) the auditor is not independent with respect to the entity under audit, (2) a material scope limitation exists, or (3) a significant uncertainty exists.‎当审计员无法对一个实体的财务报表形成意见时, 就会发表免责声明。在以下情况下, 可以发出免责声明: (1) 审计员对被审计的实体不独立, (2) 存在重大范围限制, 或 (3) 存在重大不确定性‎。拓展资料审计意见是指审计师在完成审计工作后,对于鉴证对象是否符合鉴证标准而发表的意见。对于财务报表审计而言,则是对财务报表是否已按照适用的会计准则编制,以及财务报表是否在所有重大方面的公允,反映了被审计者的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量发表意见。在美国注册会计师协会发布的 《审计准则说明书》中,将审计意见分为无保留意见、有保留意见,否定意见和拒绝表示意见四种情况,分别是:1、无保留意见:在审计人员确信评价被审单位财务报表的证据已经充分,被审单位的财务报表允当地表示了该单位某一日期的财务状况和截止该日期的本会计年度的经营成果,符合一般公认的会计原则,并符合一贯性原则时,应在审计报告中表示无保留意见。2、保留意见:在审计人员对某些问题缺乏必要的证据而既不能肯定又不能否定时,可以在审计报告中对某些审计项目持保留意见。3、否定意见:在确信财务报表未能允当地披露重要事实时,审计人员应在审计报告中表示否定的意见。4、无法表示意见:在审计人员没有执行充分的审计工作以致未能获取表示意见的依据时,或在审计人员和被审单位之间存在着某种影响独立性的联系时,审计人员应在审计报告中说明情况表示无法表示意见。参考资料:百度百科--审计意见
2023-08-18 16:22:551


指导意见 英文翻译instruction;
2023-08-18 16:23:252

询问对方意见的英文怎么说 多举几个词

What about... How about... Let"s . Shall we... Would you like to do sth? What do you think of doing sth? Do you want to do sth?
2023-08-18 16:23:341

个人意见 英文怎么说

In my opinion As far as I"m concernedAs the way I see it
2023-08-18 16:24:033

我也希望你能给我一些建议和意见 英文

I also hope you can give me some suggestions and opinions
2023-08-18 16:24:272


agree with,sb
2023-08-18 16:24:501


我同意他的意见I agree with him.我同意他的意见I agree with him.我同意他的意见I agree with him.
2023-08-18 16:24:582

征求意见 英语怎么说

Can i have your opinion on this issue?
2023-08-18 16:25:099


对此我想要你的一些意见I want some of your opinions on this.对此我想要你的一些意见I want some of your opinions on this.
2023-08-18 16:26:011


(接受) accept;adopt;take (sb."s advice)[例句]那这证据怎么不被采纳了?So why is it no longer admissible?
2023-08-18 16:26:232


I am very pleased to accept your opinion
2023-08-18 16:26:346

我的意见如下 英文翻译

My opinions are as follows
2023-08-18 16:26:512


viewpoint英 [u02c8vju:pu0254u026ant] 美 [u02c8vjuu02ccpu0254u026ant] n.视角; 观点,意见,角度; <物>视点You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint. 你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想Most scientists would probably lean toward this viewpoint. 大多数科学家可能会倾向于这个观点
2023-08-18 16:27:021

质证意见 英文怎么说?

Cross-examination views
2023-08-18 16:27:102

你有意见吗?英语 英语怎么说

如果是比较不客气的(就是“找岔啊?”),说 Do you have a problem with that? 如果是客气的,正常的说法,一般用 Do you have any questions?(你有问题吗?) 或 Do you agree?(你同意吗?) 或 What do you think?(你是怎么认为的?) 或 What"s your opinion on this matter?(你对这件事看法如何?) 或 Do you have any suggestions?(你有什么建议?) 这些问题代替. 不会说“Do you have opinion”的……
2023-08-18 16:27:171


意见统一”英文:Consensus on
2023-08-18 16:27:372


让我给你一些关于中国习俗的建议和意见Let me give you some advice and opinions about Chinese customs.让我给你一些关于中国习俗的建议和意见Let me give you some advice and opinions about Chinese customs.
2023-08-18 16:27:441


多谢你宝贵的意见英文系乜野? 1) Thank you for your most value opinions. 2) Thank you for your most precious personal opinions. 又或者做问卷最后果句英文通常系Thank you乜乜乜??? 1) Thank you for participating in this survey. 2) Thank you for your time in this survey. 3) Thank you very much for your wers in this survey. 4) Thank you for your opinion in this survey. 参考: myself. Thank you for your valuable ment. Thank you for your valuable suggestion. thanks for your sincerly opion. Thanks for your precious advice Thank you for your most precious personal opinions. 参考: me
2023-08-18 16:27:511


Here is some advice for you.
2023-08-18 16:28:008


we are satisfied with your product.but there is a small problem to deal with.It is
2023-08-18 16:28:242


2023-08-18 16:28:363


2023-08-18 16:23:471


收拼 音 shōu 部 首 攵 笔 画 6 五 行 水 繁 体 收 五 笔 NHTY生词本基本释义 详细释义 1.把外面的事物拿到里面;把摊开的或分散的事物聚拢:~拾。~藏。~集。~篷。衣裳~进来了没有?2.取自己有权取的东西或原来属于自己的东西:~回。~复。~税。没~。~归国有。3.获得(经济利益):~入。~益。~支。4.收获;收割:~成。秋~。麦~。今年早稻~得多。5.接;接受;容纳:~报。~留。~容。~礼物。~徒弟。6.约束;控制(感情或行动):~心。我的心像断了线的风筝似的,简直~不住了。7.逮捕; 拘禁:~监。8.结束; 停止(工作):~工。~操。~场。
2023-08-18 16:23:493


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2023-08-18 16:23:551


  1、12个月英文分别为:   1月:January。   2月:February。   3月:March。   4月:April。   5月:May。   6月:June。   7月:July。   8月:August。   9月:September。   10月:October。   11月:November。   12月:December。   2、扩展资料:January:雅努斯的守护神对于除旧迎新有着很好的代表性,英语1月,便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字Januarius演变而来的。   February:英语2月February,便是由拉丁文 Februarius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。   March:人们便把战神玛尔斯的拉丁文名字作为3月的月名。英语3月March,便是由这位战神的名字演变而来的。   April:英文4月April便由拉丁文Aprilis(即开花的日子)演变而来。   may:罗马人便用神话中女神玛雅的名字——拉丁文 Maius命名5月。   June:以罗马神话中裘诺的名字——拉丁文Junius来命名6月。   July:以凯撒的名字——拉丁文Julius(即朱里斯)命名之。   August:屋大维续任罗马皇帝。为了和凯撒齐名,他也想用自己的Augustus(奥古斯都)的尊号来命名8月。   September:老人们仍袭用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。   october:英语10月,来自拉丁文 Octo,即“8”的意思。它和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。   November:11月仍然保留着旧称 Novem,即拉丁文“9”的意思。英语11月November便由此演变而来。   December:12月仍然沿用旧名Decem,即拉丁文“10”的意思。英语12月December,便由此演变而来。
2023-08-18 16:23:561


渗碳氮化 后面估计是厚度要求0.2+0.1 硬度为520到600HB
2023-08-18 16:23:561


2023-08-18 16:23:571

怎么区分head, throat, armpit, nipple, chest, pit和abdomen

2023-08-18 16:24:011


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2023-08-18 16:23:442


首先你要知道一个句子只能有一个谓语动词。It is time to go. Let "s go.第一句话里面有谓语动词is ,要出现go只好利用动词不定式。第二句话没有其他动词,go 是谓语希望有帮助。
2023-08-18 16:23:421


2023-08-18 16:23:3913

歌词 动物园动物园你看见了什么

《动物园は大変だ》:Machi no doubutsuen wa isogashiiZOU-san kaze hikiHANA mizu no SHAWAA da ZOUKuma-san tetsuya deMe ni KUMA ga dekitaTaihen da sorya taihen daWatashi mo chotto taihen nano yoAITSU no HAATO oikaketeNatsu no hizashi wa koi no RIZUMU nano niDoushite nano hitori ja odorenaiNatsu no doubutsuen wa isogashiiSAI no oshaberiUruSAI yamete kudasaiKAERU no KUROORU nya akire KAERUTaihen da sorya taihen daWatashi mo chotto taihen nano yoDEETO no yakusoku shita no niTotsuzen no KYANSERU nanteDoushite nano hanashi ga chigau janaiMachi no doubutsuen wa isogashiiZOU-san kaze hikiHANA mizu no SHAWAA da ZOUKuma-san tetsuya deMe ni KUMA ga dekitaTaihen da sorya taihen daNatsu no doubutsuen wa isogashiiSAI no oshaberiUruSAI yamete kudasaiKAERU no KUROORU nya akire KAERUTaihen da sorya taihen da
2023-08-18 16:23:371


后面是Can you see the storm getting closer now?Tell me how it feels being out thereI want to stay with you, and I see it clear nowYou are giving me no choiceLet the rain pour downHe"s holding for the moment of the fallStolen knowledge by minds unformedRegulate the demolition of annexe for the differing thoughtsDiscarded sparks left years agoEvoked a language much more austereReverberating with figmentsHe left a trace of translucenceShattered manThere"s a shattered man in a shattered land这里是全部歌词:Can you see the storm getting closer now?Tell me how it feels being out thereA moment"s glimpse of his vignetteAs he shone a light on the falling wallInstant pictures form shattered personsWhenever he leaves there"s a tainted markFlashbacks of his stark sleep filter out through smokeRevoking from the past things less provokedAny which day, there is no reliefAdhesive words, spoken silentlyThe shattered manCan you see the storm getting closer now?Tell me how it feels being out thereI want to stay with you, and I see it clear nowYou are giving me no choiceLet the rain pour downHe"s holding for the moment of the fallStolen knowledge by minds unformedRegulate the demolition of annexe for the differing thoughtsDiscarded sparks left years agoEvoked a language much more austereReverberating with figmentsHe left a trace of translucenceShattered manThere"s a shattered man in a shattered land
2023-08-18 16:23:341

清嗓子clear my throat 的声音的英语是什么

2023-08-18 16:23:333