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2023-08-24 23:04:36
TAG: is ra aise se ais


1、raise awareness:提高意识。例如:We need to raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection.(我们需要提高人们对环保重要性的意识。)

2、raise funds:筹集资金。例如:The charity organization is trying to raise funds for the homeless.(这个慈善组织正试图为无家可归者筹集资金。)

3、raise a question:提出问题。例如:The article raises some important questions about the future development of the company.(这篇文章提出了一些关于公司未来发展的重要问题。)

4、raise objections:提出反对意见。例如:Several members of the team raised objections to the new proposal.(团队中的几个成员对新提议提出了反对意见。)

5、raise standards:提高标准。例如:The company is committed to raising standards in the industry.(这家公司致力于提高行业标准。)

6、raise a family:养育家庭。例如:She raised a large family and worked full-time at the same time.(她养育了一个大家庭,同时还全职工作。)

7、raise the bar:提高标准。例如:The company is trying to raise the bar in terms of customer service.(这家公司正试图在客户服务方面提高标准。)

8、raise expectations:提高期望值。例如:The success of the previous project has raised expectations for the new one.(上一个项目的成功提高了对新项目的期望值。)

9、raise the issue:提出问题。例如:The president raised the issue of climate change during the meeting.(总统在会议上提出了气候变化的问题。)

10、raise the alarm:发出警报。例如:The fire alarm raised the alarm and everyone evacuated the building immediately.(火警报警声响起,所有人立即疏散了建筑。)

11、raise one"s voice:意为“提高嗓门”,指大声说话或呼喊。例如:He had to raise his voice to be heard over the noise of the crowd.(他不得不提高嗓门才能在人群嘈杂的声音中被听到。)

12、raise a flag:意为“升起旗帜”,指用旗帜或标志来表达某一立场或信仰。例如:The protesters raised a flag to show their support for democracy.(抗议者升起旗帜表达他们对民主的支持。)

13、raise an eyebrow:意为“挑起眉毛”,指表示惊讶或不满。例如:His behavior raised a few eyebrows among his colleagues.(他的行为在同事中引起了一些惊讶的眼神。)

14、raise the bar:意为“提高标准”,指将期望或要求的水平提高。例如:The company is constantly raising the bar in terms of quality and innovation.(这家公司一直在提高产品的质量和创新水平。)

15、raise a toast:意为“举杯祝酒”,指在庆祝场合中举起酒杯表示祝福或致辞。例如:Let"s raise a toast to the newlyweds.(让我们为新人举杯祝福。)



raise 英[reiz] 美[rez] 过去式: raised 过去分词:raised 现在分词:raising 复数:raises 及物动词 vt. 1.提起; 举起; 竖起 When he saw the principal,he raised his hand in salutation. 他看到校长时举手敬礼. I"ll raise both hands in favour of damming the river. 我举双手赞成拦河筑坝. From then on we raised our heads and became our own masters. 从此我们抬起头来当家做主了. Slowly he raised his bow and began to take aim at the bird. 慢慢地他举起弓,开始瞄准那只鸟. Raise the overturned lamp. 扶起倒了的灯. 2.增加; 提升 They raised their output by more than half in less than three years. 不到三年,他们把产量提高了一半还多. We must do everything we can to raise the people"s living standards. 我们要想一切办法来提高人民的生活水平. None of them raised any objection. 他们谁也没提出反对意见. Why didn"t you raise the question at the meeting? 这问题你怎么没有在会上提出来? As no one raised his voice against the plan,it was agreed on. 由于没有人提反对意见,那项计划便通过了. They decided to raise money by subscription. 他们决定靠募捐的办法来筹集这笔款子. How were they going to raise enough money for it? 他们怎样来为此筹集足够的资金呢? They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on. 他们靠养蚕等增加了收入. 3.抚养; 饲养 The old man likes raising rabbits,chickens,dogs and horses. 这个老人喜欢养兔子、鸡、狗和马. They raised five thousand chrysanthemums last year. 去年他们种了五千株菊花. We want to raise our children to be decent men and women. 我们盼望把孩子们培养成优秀人才. 4.饲养;培育;种植 5.筹募;征集;召集;组建 6.使起死回生;使复活 7.提及;提起(课题) 8.引起;导致;使出现 9.(使)直立,站立 10.终止,解除(约束) 11.(通过无线电或电话)与…取得联系,和…通话 12.唤起;激起;惹起 This book raised my interest in the study of history. 这本书引起了我研究历史的兴趣. 13.提高(价格等);增加(尺寸、数量等) They raised the price of rice from $1.5 to $2.5 per kilogram. 他们将米价由每公斤1.5美元提高到2.5美元. 14.提高(程度、强度等) He raised his voice but still I could not hear him. 他提高了嗓门,但我依然听不见他说什么. 15.引起;招致 His words raised a blush on her cheeks. 他的话使她脸红. 16.【航海学】使…进入视线;看得见(地平线上的事物) Now we raised a ship far away on the horizon. 现在我们看到远处的地平线上有一艘轮船. 名词 n. 1.(工资、薪金的)提升,增加 He went to ask for a raise. 他要求增加工资. The workers went on strike for a raise. 工人举行罢工,要求增加工资. The trade unions bargained away their rights in exchange for a small pay raise. 工会不惜牺牲自己的权利以换取微薄的加薪. 2.举起;升高 3.(路的)高处;高岗 不及物动词 vi. 1.上升,升高,升起 She raised higher and higher in the sofa. 她的身子在沙发里越挪越高.
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2023-08-18 17:01:572


raise可用作及物动词和宾补动词,有提升,养育,筹集等含义。也可用作名词,有增加,高处,举起等含义。 raise的释义 v. 提升;增加;养育;筹集 n. 提升;增加;高处;举起 第三人称单数:raises;现在分词:raising;过去式:raised;过去分词:raised raise的用法 1.用作及物动词 S+~+n./pron. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation. 他看到校长时举手敬礼。 Every year we have charity days to raise money for unfortunate people. 每年我们都有慈善日来筹款帮助贫困人群。 2.用作宾补动词 S+~+n./pron.+toben./adj. We want to raise our children to be decent men and women. 我们盼望把孩子们培养成优秀人才。 You raise your voice to be loud! 把你的声音提高点。 3.用作名词(n.) He went to ask for a raise. 他要求增加工资。 The workers went on strike for a raise. 工人举行罢工,要求增加工资。 Within two months Kelly got a raise. 不到两个月,凯利就获得了加薪。
2023-08-18 17:02:051

Raise 这个单词怎么读

raise 英[reu026az] 美[rez] v. 筹集; 提升; 增加; 养育; n. 提升; 增加; 举起; 高处; [例句]He raised his hand to wave他举手挥动起来。[其他] 第三人称单数:raises 现在分词:raising 过去式:raised过去分词:raised
2023-08-18 17:02:271


raise 英[reu026az] 美[rez] v. 筹集; 提升; 增加; 养育; n. 提升; 增加; 举起; 高处; [例句]He has helped to raise a lot of money.他帮着筹集了很多钱。[其他] 第三人称单数:raises 现在分词:raising 过去式:raised过去分词:raised
2023-08-18 17:02:372


raise的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[reɪz]美语音标:[rez]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译n.上升;增高;高地vt.升起;举起;饲养;提出;引起;筹集,募集单词例句用作名词 (n.)The percentage of the pay raise equals the increase in prices. 薪水的提高比率和物价的上升一致。He got a raise in monthly wages. 他的月薪增加了。用作及物动词 (vt.)The guesture might come from Rome, when people raise the right hand to show their extolling and respect for the empire. 这一手势有可能来自罗马,那时人们将右臂举起以表示对帝王的称颂或敬意。Many western countries raise and butcher a large number of beef cattle. 许多西方国家饲养并屠宰大量的肉牛。I had asked everyone to raise questions in advance of the meeting. 我要求大家在会议前提出问题。I wonder how he actually plucked up his nerve to raise that ridiculous question. 我奇怪他怎会有胆量提出那个可笑的问题。Your speech and action will raise Cain. 你的言行会引起骚乱。These two-way TV systems raise serious questions about privacy. 这些双向电视系统将引起保密方面的严重问题。语法用法raise在美式英语中有“饲养,抚养”的意思,如 raise cattle(饲养牲口)和raise children(抚养孩子)。相对应的英式英语则是breed cattle和rear children;raise在美式英语中还有“增加”的意思,通常指工资等的上升,如a raise in/of salary。英式英语中习惯用rise或increase去替换该词;v.(动词)raise的基本意思是“向上动”“从低处向高处上升”,可指不太费力地将物体举向高处或将其从较低的平面移至较高的平面,也可指把某物垂直竖起来(即一头着地)。raise也常用于比喻,如提高政治觉悟、生活水平、物价、温度、声音、税率等。引申也可表示“筹集”“养大”“饲养”“种植”等。raise只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,偶尔也接以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。n.(名词)raise用作名词时表示工资、薪金等的增加,是美式英语的用法,英式英语用rise表示。
2023-08-18 17:02:471

区分单词并举例raise,rise 太阳升起用那个

rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态.因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了.用的是这个词的主动语态.表示主语本身的动作 raise 是及物动词,意思很多.有抚养、举起等意思.它在表示举起时,是举起另一个东西,因为它及物,所以我们这样用:he raises it up.他把它举起来了.虽然也是主语发出的动作但作用对象是其他. == 这两个词作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而arise是及物动词.也就是说,使用的时候,rise后面不用跟宾语,而arise后面一定要有宾语.例如: He raised his arms above his head.他把手臂举过头顶. to raise salaries,to raise the rent 提高工资,提高租金 The sun rose at seven o"clock.太阳七点钟升起. The river is rising after the rain.雨后河水涨了. 当然这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法.例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question 建造、建立:to raise a memorial 发出(什么声响):ro raise a laugh,to raise the alarm 结束:to raise an embargo (解除禁运) etc. rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴;(风、风暴)转强等意思,这里就不一一举例了.
2023-08-18 17:03:151

raise rise区别是初中还是高中

rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态。因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了。用的是这个词的主动语态。表示主语本身的动作 raise 是及物动词,意思很多。有抚养、举起等意思。它在表示举起时,是举起另一个东西,因为它及物,所以我们这样用:he raises it up.他把它举起来了。虽然也是主语发出的动作但作用对象是其他。
2023-08-18 17:03:363


Rise 我叫你看清楚是rises等于RISE 为什么相同呢,rise在本句是动词而 Sun 只有一个且是 第三人称单数所以加了rise中加了S主语可有修饰语---定语,如,The red sun rises. rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态。因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了。用的是这个词的主动语态。表示主语本身的动作 raise 是及物动词,意思很多。有抚养、举起等意思。它在表示举起时,是举起另一个东西,因为它及物,所以我们这样用:he raises it up.他把它举起来了。虽然也是主语发出的动作但作用对象是其他。 这两个词作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词。也就是说,使用的时候,rise后面不用跟宾语,而raise后面一定要有宾语。例如: He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。 to raise salaries, to raise the rent 提高工资, 提高租金 The sun rose at seven o"clock. 太阳七点钟升起。 The river is rising after the rain. 雨后河水涨了。 当然这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法。例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question 建造、建立:to raise a memorial 发出(什么声响):ro raise a laugh, to raise the alarm 结束:to raise an embargo (解除禁运) etc. rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴;(风、风暴)转强等意思,这里就不一一举例了
2023-08-18 17:03:581


raise 英[reu026az]美[rez]vt. 引起,抱起;提高(价格等);养育;筹集n. (工资、薪金的)提升;增加;加价;筹措vi. 上升,升高过去式: raised过去分词: raised现在分词: raising第三人称单数: raises派生词:raisable raiser[例句]Why not then simply raise prices?那为什么不简单地提高价格呢?1. The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity. 银行职员使出各种可笑的花招为慈善事业筹款。来自《权威词典》2. They held a harambee meeting to raise funds for a new classroom. 他们为筹款建新教室而办了个募捐会。来自《权威词典》3. It would be inexpedient to raise taxes further. 进一步加税就是不合理。来自《权威词典》4. These discoveries raise intriguing questions. 这些发现带来了非常有趣的问题。来自《权威词典》5. Our campaign"s main purpose is to raise money. 我们这次活动的主要目的就是募款
2023-08-18 17:04:072


raise 英 [reu026az] 美 [rez] .v. 筹集; 提升; 增加; 养育; n. 提升; 增加; 举起; 高处; [例句]He raised his hand to wave.他举手挥动起来。[其他] 第三人称单数:raises 现在分词:raising 过去式:raised 过去分词:raised
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2023-08-18 17:04:252

raise的用法 英语

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2023-08-18 17:05:017

英语中rise 和 raise 的区别

rise 自然升起raise 人为举起
2023-08-18 17:05:223


raise英/reu026az /美/reu026az /。n.上升,高地,增高,提出vt.升起,举起,唤起,提高,使出现,使复活,提出,筹集;养育v.提出(问题)。征集,募集也作为Err参数。例句:1、Somehow we managed toraise her to her feet.不管怎样,我们终于让她站了起来Tanks raise huge trails of dust when they move.(坦克移动时掀起滚滚的尘土。)2、We have had to raise our prices because of rising costs.因为成本日益上涨,我们不得不提高价格。How can we raise standards inschools?我们怎样才能提高学校的水平?3、I"ll raise you another hundreddollars.我比你再加100元。The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.我们筹集的钱款将用于非常崇高的事业。
2023-08-18 17:05:441

Raise 这个单词怎么读

2023-08-18 17:06:121


raise 英[reu026az] 美[rez] v. 筹集; 提升; 增加; 养育; n. 提升; 增加; 举起; 高处; [例句]He raised his hand to wave他举手挥动起来。形态变化:第三人称单数:raises 现在分词:raising 过去式:raised过去分词:raised
2023-08-18 17:06:202


raise有很多汉语意思,下面我就把你列的这几个汉语解释一下英文。1.筹集:collect funds for a specific purpose2.饲养: cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques3.抚养: bring up4.增加: increase
2023-08-18 17:06:292


rise vi.既不及物动词=后面不直接加名词,若要加,就要+介词+名词raise vt.反之两者意思基本相同,都有升起的意思记住,有首歌叫;you raise me up,所以raise是及物名词
2023-08-18 17:07:084

区分单词并举例raise,rise 太阳升起用那个

rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态.因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了.用的是这个词的主动语态.表示主语本身的动作 raise 是及物动词,意思很多.有抚养、举起等意思.它在表示举起时,是举起另一个东西,因为它及物,所以我们这样用:he raises it up.他把它举起来了.虽然也是主语发出的动作但作用对象是其他. == 这两个词作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而arise是及物动词.也就是说,使用的时候,rise后面不用跟宾语,而arise后面一定要有宾语.例如: He raised his arms above his head.他把手臂举过头顶. to raise salaries,to raise the rent 提高工资,提高租金 The sun rose at seven o"clock.太阳七点钟升起. The river is rising after the rain.雨后河水涨了. 当然这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法.例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question 建造、建立:to raise a memorial 发出(什么声响):ro raise a laugh,to raise the alarm 结束:to raise an embargo (解除禁运) etc. rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴;(风、风暴)转强等意思,这里就不一一举例了.
2023-08-18 17:07:201

英语:rise raise的区别及各自用法

2023-08-18 17:07:372


raisev. 提升; 增加; 养育; 筹集n. 提升; 增加; 高处; 举起过去式: raised 过去分词: raised 现在分词: raising 第三人称单数: raises
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相信大家在英语中,应该遇到过raise这个单词,那么raise的中文是什么意思呢?raise的相关 短语 又有哪些呢?下面是我给大家带来的raise的短语有哪些_raise的短语例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ raise的意思 v. 举起;把…往上提;使升高;提高;增大;使被听见;使被考虑;使得到讨论;筹集;募集;养育;教养;使复活;解除;把…从窝里赶出;刺激…生成 n.提高;增加;赌注加码;提;举;加叫 第三人称单数: raises 现在分词: raising 过去式: raised 过去分词: raised ▼ raise的短语 raise the devil 1. (非正式)闹事;喧闹;兴风作浪 raise one"s glass 1. 举杯祝酒 我举杯向苏珊祝酒。 I &B{raised my glass to} Susan. raise one"s hand 1. (好像)要打,打 她朝我举起拳头。 she raised her hand to me. raise one"s hat 1. 脱帽致敬 raise hell 1. (非正式)闹事;喧闹;兴风作浪 raise a laugh 1. 引人发笑,使人发笑 raise the roof 1. 喧闹不休;闹翻了天;吵翻了天 当我最终进球时,球迷们像炸开了锅一样。 when I finally scored the fans raised the roof. raise one"s voice 1. 抬高声音;大声疾呼 raise Cain 或 raise the devil 或 raise hell 1. 粗野行事:以粗野、有污辱性的方式行为或表现 2. 谴责:生气地斥责某人 raise eyebrows 1. 使不满,使不快:引起惊奇或轻微的不满 raise the stakes 1. 增加困难,增加义务:增加某人的义务或财政困难 ▼ raise的 同义词 辨析 arise, rise, raise, lift 这些动词均有"上升,举起"之意。 arise :书面用词,多用于诗歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辞色彩。 rise :普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。 raise :及物动词,常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。 lift :语气比raise强,指用体力或机械的力举起或抬起某物。 lift, hoist, raise, elevate, heave, boost 这些动词均有"升起,举起"之意。 lift : 指用人力或机械力把某物升到较高的位置。 hoist : 多指用绳索、滑轮等机械把重物升起。 raise : 较正式用词,常可与lift换用,但强调把某物举起或抬起到应有的高度。常用比喻。 elevate : 较正式用词,指位置、高度的升高,多作比喻用,指职位、品德等的提高。 heave : 指需花大力气或借外力才能举起或抬起重物。 boost : 原义指从后面或下面推起或提高,现常用于指提高价格、振作精神等抽象概念。 ▼ raise的短语例句 1. The organisers hope to raise as much as ?6m for charity. 组织者希望能募集到高达600万英镑的善款。 2. Every year we have charity days to raise money for unfortunate people. 每年我们都有慈善日来筹款帮助贫困人群。 3. It seemed like a good neighbourhood to raise my children. 它看起来像是一个有利于我的孩子们成长的理想居住区。 4. Raise one foot, curl the toes and point the foot down-wards. 抬起一只脚,弯曲脚趾,使脚尖朝下。 5. The object of the exercise is to raise money for the charity. 那样做旨在筹集善款。 6. Chris couldn"t even raise the energy for a smile. 克里斯甚至连笑一笑的力气都没有。 7. They also hammered away at Labor"s plans to raise taxes. 他们还不断谈到工党的增税计划。 8. Agents will raise the issue of prize-money for next year"s world championships. 经纪人将提出下年度世锦赛奖金的问题。 9. I didn"t know if I could raise a child by myself. 我不知道自己是否能够独自养大一个孩子。 10. His main task is to raise enough finance to repay secured loans. 他的主要任务是筹集足够的资金以偿还抵押贷款。 11. Oh boy, this record"s going to raise a few hackles. 哎,这张唱片会激怒一些人的。 12. Large supplemental doses of vitamin E can slightly raise blood pressure. 大剂量补充维生素E可能会造成血压偏高。 13. This tax would raise petrol prices by about 3.5p per litre. 这项税收会使每升汽油价格提高约3.5便士。 14. Which brings me to a delicate matter I should like to raise. 这就把我带到了一个我想提及的敏感问题上。 15. "Don"t ask," he said, whenever Ginny ventured to raise the subject. 每当金尼鼓起勇气提起这个话题时,他就说“不要问”。 raise的短语相关 文章 : ★ raise的用法 ★ rise的短语有哪些 ★ range的短语有哪些 ★ hope的短语有哪些 ★ sight的短语有哪些 ★ raise的短语有哪些 ★ sight的短语词组 ★ range的短语有哪些 ★ 除了英文短语 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-08-18 17:09:271

英语:rise raise的区别及各自用法 RT,最好再带几道题目,谢谢!

rise 是不及物动词,没有被动语态.因此我们说the sun rises up.太阳升起来了.用的是这个词的主动语态.表示主语本身的动作 raise 是及物动词,意思很多.有抚养、举起等意思.它在表示举起时,是举起另一个东西,因为它及物,所以我们这样用:he raises it up.他把它举起来了.虽然也是主语发出的动作但作用对象是其他. == 这两个词作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而arise是及物动词.也就是说,使用的时候,rise后面不用跟宾语,而arise后面一定要有宾语.例如: He raised his arms above his head.他把手臂举过头顶. to raise salaries,to raise the rent 提高工资,提高租金 The sun rose at seven o"clock.太阳七点钟升起. The river is rising after the rain.雨后河水涨了. 当然这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法.例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question 建造、建立:to raise a memorial 发出(什么声响):ro raise a laugh,to raise the alarm 结束:to raise an embargo (解除禁运) etc. rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴;(风、风暴)转强等意思,这里就不一一举例了.
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2023-08-18 17:10:261

raise a few eyebrows 既用法

raised a few eyebrows =使一些人感惊讶 to raise your eyebrows= to move your eyebrows upwards in order to show surprise or disapproval. e.g "Reallr?" she said raising her eyebrows. e.g.This decision caused a few raised eyebrows = this decision raised a few eyebrows这决定令一些人感到惊讶。 (= surprise some people) 中文有很贴切的现成翻译句子:令人侧目 可以参考以下纲址: idioms.thefreedictionary/raises+eyebrows [raise a few eyebrows] 系形容他人对某一个行为或言论嘅反应,包括惊讶,不认同,或轻微反感。 例子: (1) 惊讶 For the first few days after Tom started University his presence always raised a few eyebrlows because he was only thirteen. (2) 惊讶 / 不认同 Peter Lam"s showing up at work as Mary Lam last week raised a few eyebrows. People are still talking and some female co-workers expressed uneasiness in sharing the washroom with her. (3) 轻微反感 The shoe throwing incident in the Executive Council had raised a few eyebrows. 参考: idioms.thefreedictionary/raises+eyebrows
2023-08-18 17:11:111


raise[reiz]n.上升, 高地, 提出vt.升起, 唤起, 提高, 使出现, 解除, 饲养, rise[raiz]n.上升, 增加, 上涨, 高地, 小山, 发生, 出现vi.升起, 起身, 发源, 起义, 高耸, 增长, 上升, 复活vt.使飞起筹集, 使复活所以当然用raise
2023-08-18 17:11:192

一个rise raise用法问题

rise是不及物动词,意思是 上升,上涨;raise是及物动词,意思是 提高;举起常说raise your voice,提高你的声音。e.g. He raised his voice to make himself heard by the students.
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2023-08-18 17:12:071

raise和rise的区别 详细 谢谢

raise: 及物动词,常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。 n. 上升, 增高; 高地 vt. 升起, 举起, 饲养; 提出, 引起例句:I"m glad you raised that point. 你能把那一点指出来,我感到很高兴。rise: 普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。 n.上升, 增加, 斜坡,小山 vi.上升, 升起, 增加, 起床, 反抗, 复活 例句:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。
2023-08-18 17:12:152


我是这样记这两个词的 Raise比较长, 所以他后面总要跟一个东西(所谓及物动词)比如raise your hand举手而rise呢则比较短一点,所以他后面不要跟东西(所谓不及物动词)比如,sun rise太阳升起这样就记住啦!!
2023-08-18 17:12:512


【 rise 和 raise 区别主要是rise 是不及物,无宾语;raise及物,有宾语】 都表示 "向上移动" rise (某物)上升;攀升;提高;达到较高的位置 / raise 提升;举起;提起(某物)例:Smoke wasrising from the chimney . 烟从烟囱里升起。 例:She raised the gun andfired.她举枪射击。都表示“起身”rise :起床;起立;站起身 / raise :(使)直立,站立例:She rose to herfeet. 她站起身来。 例:We managed to raise herto her feet. 我们让她站了起来。都表示“增加” rise :(数量)增加;增长;提高 / raise :增加;提高(数量水平等)例:The price of gas rose.煤气涨价了。例:Why notthen simply raise prices? 那为什么不简单地提高价格呢?都有提高声响的意思例:Her voice rose angrily .她气得提高了嗓门例:Don"t you raise your voice tome! 别冲我叫嚷!【补充(不同词义)】:rise:起源;发源 TheThames rises in the Cotswold hills.泰晤士河起源于科茨沃尔德丘陵。(风等) 加强 The wind was still rising. 风力仍在增强。起义;造反 A woman called on the population to rise up against the government. 一位女性号召人们起来反抗政府。raise:饲养;种植 He raises 2,000 acres of wheat and hay. 他种植了2,000英亩的小麦和牧草。养育;抚养 She raised four of us kidssinglehandedly. 她一个人把我们4个孩子带大的。提出问题等 Thebook raises many important questions. 这本书提出了许多重要问题。筹集,筹措 They raised the money to buy the house. 他们筹钱来购买房屋。
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2023-08-18 17:13:161

raise 中文解释是引起 急求此单词的英文解释

to cause or produce sth,to make sth appear
2023-08-18 17:14:242


farmed vt. 耕种(farm的过去式与过去分词形式)raise vt.引起,抱起;提高(价格等);养育;筹集n.(工资、薪金的)提升;增加;加价;筹措
2023-08-18 17:14:342


in English
2023-08-18 17:14:458


This 【raises】 interesting questions 【about】 the best training for today"s business people. As Daniel Goleman suggests in his new【 book, Emotional Intelligence】, the latest scientific findings 【seem to indicate 】that intelligent but inflexible people don"t have the right stuff in an age when the adaptive ability is 【the key to 】survival.raise bout, 提出。。关于。。例句: It raises doubts about his words. 这引起了对他的话的怀疑。同位语.book和 Emotional Intelligence是同位语,指代同一个东西,都是那本书。例句:She,the best singer, is from Shenyang. 她,最棒的歌手,来自沈阳。seem to do 看起来。。。例句: He seems to have a wife. 看起来他有妻子。the key to.. 。。。的关键,。。。的钥匙Here is the key to the house. 给你房子的钥匙;The key to forget someone is to find another lover. 忘记某人的关键在于找到新欢。
2023-08-18 17:15:342

raise 和rear 区别

rise是不及物动词,后面不能跟宾语sth. risesraise是及物动词,后面要跟宾语 raise sth.
2023-08-18 17:15:437


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2023-08-18 17:08:144


Scene 1场景1:皇宫Characters:the Emperor ,Soldier-A and Soldier-B(人物:皇帝,士兵A, 士兵 B)Narrator:Many years ago there lived an emperor. He was veryfond of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to obtain them; hisonly wish was to always be well dressed. He had a coat for every hour of theday. One day, the Emperor said (to Soldiers):旁白:很久以前有一个皇帝,他非常喜欢新衣服,因此他把他所有的钱都花在衣服上,他唯一的愿望就是每时每刻都能穿得很漂亮。在一天里,他每个钟头都要换一套新的衣服。有一天,皇帝(对士兵说……)Emperor:Are there any new things about clothes today?皇帝:今天有没有有关新衣服的消息? Soldier-A:Today man came to our city. They said they were thebest weavers in the world.士兵A:今天有两个人来到我们的城市,他们说自己是世界上最好的织工。Soldier-B:And that they could produce the finest cloth, whichwas not only beautiful, but the clothes couldn"t be seen to any man who stupid.士兵B: 他们还说他们能织出最美丽的布。这些布不仅仅非常好看,而且用它缝出来的衣服,凡是愚蠢的人都看不见。Emperor:That must be wonderful cloth, if I dress in a suitmade of this cloth, I can find out which men are unfit for their places orstupid. I must ask them to weave for me right now.皇帝:这一定是非常奇异的布,如果我能够穿上这种布做成的衣服,我就能够找出我的王国里哪些人是不称职的,哪些人是愚蠢的。我要叫他们马上织出这种布。Emperor:(to soldier-A) Find them and ask them make cloth forme.皇帝:把他们找来,叫他们来给我织布。Soldier-A:Yes, right away.士兵A:好的,我立刻去。Emperor:(to soldier-B) Set up two rooms for them.皇帝:准备两间房子给他们。Soldier-B:Yes, right away.士兵B:是的,我立刻去做。Scene 2场景2:织布机房,投影片画面上有织布机,有灯光。Characters:Narratoe, Weaver A, Weaver BNarrator:The two weavers were asked to work in the two newrooms. They pretended to be very hard at work, but they did nothing whatever inthe rooms. They asked for the finest silk and the most precious gold-cloth, andworked in the empty rooms till late at night.旁白:两个织工被叫到两间新房子工作。他们假装努力工作,实际上却什么都没有做。他们要求找来最好的丝绸和最贵的金纺布料,假装在那些空房间里工作到深夜。(表演建议:解说时,两个骗子在机房里做着织布的动作,按剧情表演。Scene 3场景3:皇宫(与场景1 同)Characters: the Emperor ,Old Minister (皇帝,老大臣)Emperor:(几天后皇帝在皇宫里走来走去) I should very much like to know how they are getting on with thecloth. But if I can not see it, I am stupid. I don"t want that. I must sendsomebody else to look.皇帝:我很想知道他们的织布究竟织得怎样了。但如果我看不见的话,那就说明我是愚蠢的人。我不能这样做,我应该先派一个人去看看。Emperor:( to the old minister)You an honest man. So I want youto take a look at my new cloth and report back to me.皇帝:(对老大臣说)你是个诚实聪明的人,所以我派你去看一看我的新布料,然后向我汇报。Old Minister:Yes, right away.老大臣:我现在就去。Scene 4场景4(与场景2同) Characters:Minister,Weaver-A, Weaver-B〉Old Minister:(老大臣来到那两间新房子。边看、边想着……看了看,走到台的一侧,对观众说) Oh!my god! I cannot seeanything at all.大臣:我的天啊!我什么都看不见。Weaver-A:Hello! Mr. Minister, come closer and you"ll see.织工A:你好,大臣先生,你可以走近点,看清楚一点。Weaver-B:Oh, Mr.Minister, did you see these beautiful colors. How wonderful it is!织工B:啊,大臣先生,看见这些漂亮的颜色吗?多么美啊!Narrator:The poor minister tried his very best, but he couldsee nothing, for there was nothing to be seen.He thought, "Oh dear, can Ibe so stupid? I should never have thought so, and nobody must know it! Is itpossible that I am not fit for my office? No, no, I cannot say that I wasunable to see the cloth.旁白:这个可怜的大臣尽他最大的努力去看,可是他什么都看不到,因为那里根本就什么东西都没有。大臣想:天啊,难道是我愚蠢的人?我从来都没怀疑过自己,也不能让任何人知道。难道是我不适合这个位置?不,不,我不能说我没有看到布。Weaver-A:Haveyou nothing to say?织工A:现在你有什么意见吗?Old Minister:Oh, it is very pretty. Very very beautiful! Whatbeautiful patterns(式样)! Whatbright colors! I will tell the Emperor this is the best cloth in the world.老大臣:啊,多么美啊,美极了!多么漂亮的式样啊,多么美丽的色彩啊!我会呈报皇帝这是天下最好的布。Weaver-A and Weaver-B:We are happyto hear that. 织工A和B:听到你的话我们真高兴。Narrator:Theweavers told the cloth to him. The old minister listened carefully, so that hecould relate it back to the Emperor. Then the weavers asked for more money,silk and gold. They kept everything for themselves, and pretended to work hard.旁白:织工们向大臣描述这些布的颜色和花纹,大臣注意的听着,以便照样说给皇帝听。然后两个织工要求更多的钱,丝和金子。他们把所有东西都装进了自己的腰包,还是继续在空空的机架上假装工作。Scene 4场景4皇宫Characters: theEmperor, Young MinisterEmperor (to the Young Minister):I always thoughtyou were more honest than the old minister. So you go and see how they weregetting on, and if the cloth is nearly finished or not.皇帝(对年轻大臣说):我一直都认为你老大臣更诚实,因此你去看看他们进行得怎样,看看布是不是快织好了。Young Minister:Thank you for your praise.年轻大臣:谢谢您的夸奖。Scene 5场景5:织布机房,同场景2)Characters: Young Minister,Weaver-A Weaver-B〉Narrator:Like the old minister, he looked and looked but couldsee nothing, as there was nothing to be seen.旁白:就像老臣一样,他看了又看,但是什么也没看见,因为那里本来就没有东西。(建议表演:年轻达成像那个老的大臣一样,他看了又看,非常疑惑的样子。)Weavers:Is it a beautiful piece of cloth?织工们:这块布漂亮吗?Young Minister:(想一想,走到一侧,对观众说) I am not stupid, it is therefore my goodappointment for which I am not fit. It is very strange, but I must not let anyone know.年轻达成:我并不愚蠢,可能是我不适合担当现在的官职。这真够奇怪的,但是我不能让其他人知道。Young Minister:It is excellent!年轻大臣:这真是太美了!Weavers:Thank you very much. You are a very clever man. Pleaseask the king to come review our product.织工们:谢谢,你真是一位聪明的人,你可以回去请皇帝来看我们的杰作了。Young Minister:I will tell the king.年轻大臣:我会向皇帝报告的。Narrator:The weavers described to him the colors and explainedthe curious pattern. The Official listened attentively, so that he might relateto the Emperor what they said. Everybody in the whole town talked about theprecious cloth.旁白:织工们向他描述这些布奇异的颜色和花纹,年轻达成注意的听着,以便回到皇帝那去,可以照样说出来。城市里所有的人都在谈论这些奇异的布。Scene 6场景:在织布机房里Characters: the Emperor,Official-A , Official-B,Narrator:In the end, the Emperor decided to see the cloth. Hecame to the rooms with all his staff. 旁白:最后,皇帝决定亲自去看看。他跟着他的大臣们来到机房。Emperor:( 看了看,走到台侧惊讶地对着观众说)What is this? I don"t see anything at all. Am I stupid? Am I unfitto be emperor? How terrible it is.(转向两个骗子,说)Really, your cloth has ourmost gracious approval.皇帝:怎么回事?我什么都看不见,难道我愚蠢?还是我不适合当皇帝呢?好可怕啊。啊,你们的布我非常赞赏。Narrator:All his attendants with him could see nothing at all.旁白:皇帝的随从们都没有看到任何东西。Official-A, Official-B:It is very beautiful.(装作赞美的样子)官员A和B:太漂亮了。Official-B:It is the most beautiful cloth what I have seen in my life.官员B: 这是我一生中所见过的最漂亮的布。Official-A:You can wear the new clothes at a great processionwhich will soon take place.官员A: 你可以穿着新衣服参加即将举办的盛大游行队伍。Emperor:I will appoint you as Imperial Court weavers.皇帝:(对两个骗子说)我将雇佣你们为宫廷纺织师。Scene 7场景7:在皇宫里Characters: the Emperor,Official-A, Official-B, Weaver-A andWeaver-BNarrator:The whole night before the procession, the weaverspretended to work. Everyone saw that they were busy to finish the emperor"s newsuit.旁白: 举行游行大典的前一天晚上,两个织工假装在工作。人们可以看出他们是在忙着赶制皇帝的新装。Weaver-A and Weaver-B:Theemperor"s new suit is ready now.织工们:皇帝的新装做好了。Narrator:The Weavers held their arms up as if they heldsomething in their hands .旁白:织工们把他们的手臂高高举起,好象他们手里拿着什么东西。Weaver-A:These are the trousers!织工A:这是裤子。Weaver-B:This is the coat!织工B:这是大衣。Weaver-A:Here is the cloak!织工A:这是斗篷。Weaver-B:Try on your new clothes. You will find them as lightas the air.织工B:试试您的新衣服吧。您将发现他们轻的就像空气。All the Officials:Indeed!所有官员:是啊。Weaver-A:Please your Majesty now to take off your dress, andput on these new suits before the large mirror.织工A:现在请陛下脱去衣服,我们要在这个大镜子面前为陛下换上新装。 Narrator:The emperor undressed, and the Weavers pretended toput the new suit upon him, and the emperor looked at himself in the mirror fromevery side.旁白:皇帝脱去身上的衣服,织工们假装给他穿上新衣,皇帝在镜子前转换着角度看着镜子里的自己。Official-A:How wonderful they look!官员A:这衣服真好看啊!Official-B:How well they fit!官员B:这衣服真合身啊!Young Minister:What a beautiful colours!How nice the cloth is!年轻大臣:多好看的花纹啊!这真是一套华丽的衣服!Scene 8场景8:在大街上Characters: theEmperor,Official-A, Official-Bresident-Aresident-B, the father and a little boyNarrator:The emperor marched in the procession under abeautiful canopy. People who saw him on the street exclaimed in surprise.旁白:皇帝在那个富丽的华盖下游行着,所有站在街上和窗户的人都在惊叫着。Resident-A:Indeed, the emperor"s new suit is nice!居民A:真的,皇帝的新装真的无与伦比!那长袍多适合他啊!Resident-B: Yes,of course I saw it . Itis very wonderful.居民B:是啊,我当然看见了,这真是奇妙啊。Narrator:Nobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he wouldhave been unfit for his office or too stupid. Never were the emperor"s clothesmore admired.旁白:没有人想让别人知道他什么都看不见,因为这样他会暴露自己的不称职,或者是太愚蠢。皇帝的衣服从来没有得到这样普遍的称赞。Little boy:But he has nothing on at all.小男孩:可是他什么都没有穿啊。Father:Good heavens! Listen to the voice of an innocentchild.父亲:上帝啊,你听听这小孩子纯真的声音。Narrator:At once, everyone whispered to the other what thechild had said.旁白:同时大家把这小孩子讲的话传播开来。Resident-A:But he has nothing on at all.居民A: 他什么也没有穿。Resident-B:But he has nothing on at all.居民B:他什么也没有穿。Narrator:At last all the people cried out. The emperor thoughtthat they may be right, but he must finish the parade. 旁白:后来所有的人都在大叫。皇帝想也许老百姓说的话是对的。不过他对自己说,现在我必须把这个游行大典举行完毕。Narrator:And the officials walked with still greater dignity,as if they carried the train which did not exist.旁白:他的内臣们仍旧庄严地跟在他的后面,手中托着一个并不存在的长袍。
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