barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-24 23:17:49
TAG: 英语

make sb. difficult


make sb. into trouble


put sb. in an awkward situatioon

make things difficult for



in a dilemma。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。
2023-08-18 17:35:071


让我为难. Makes it difficult for me. 让我们担心. Makes us worried.
2023-08-18 17:35:481


这一切使我很为难:This hard for me 你这样让我很为难:You"re putting me in an impossible position 我不知当讲不当讲:I don"t know when speak not speak.这个要根据语境就可以了啊
2023-08-18 17:36:031


英文好像没有 "为难" 这个词。关于见面,有点为难可以这样说, It"s not a convenient time for me to meet anyone right now.翻译成中文就是, 现在我有点不方便见任何人。
2023-08-18 17:36:111

我们也很为难 (用英语怎么说)

we are also under the harrow
2023-08-18 17:36:195

你这样做使我感到为难 英语怎么说

最口语化的 what you did has put me on the spot
2023-08-18 17:36:365

你这样让我很为难 英文翻译

you make it hard for me
2023-08-18 17:37:075


sorry to embarrass you
2023-08-18 17:37:254

我有点左右为难用英文怎么说?有用到catch? caught.

be caught in 就是陷入某种情况,也可以认为这是一个固定搭配,又如:I am caught in rain.我被雨淋了,
2023-08-18 17:37:331

不想让你为难 英语怎么说

I don"t want to bewilder you
2023-08-18 17:37:456

我不会让你为难 用英语

I will not make you feel uncomfortable
2023-08-18 17:38:047


honey, i know you feel embarassed, you can do as you like, i donnt like you are grived.
2023-08-18 17:38:503

请不要为难我 英语

2023-08-18 17:39:017

困惑的 英语翻译

一般用confused或puzzled困惑 1.bewildered; confused; perplexed; puzzled; bemused a loss; at a stick; in a maze; in a fog 3.bewilderment; confusion; a muddle; perplexity; a quandary
2023-08-18 17:39:204


2023-08-18 17:39:314


2023-08-18 17:40:181


2023-08-18 17:41:104


if the clock could be turn back,i wish you two had never met before,so you wouldn"t be so bothered. 主要是要注意应用虚拟语气. 如果时间可以倒流.希望你们不要相见遇(事实上他们过去已经遇到),你也不会这么为难(但事实上现在你的确很为难) 所以翻译的句子应该分别是对过去的虚拟,和对现在的虚拟.
2023-08-18 17:41:181


2023-08-18 17:41:434


很多人闯进你的生活,只是为了给你上一课,然后转身离开,请记得,别孤单也别为难。A lot of people broke into your life, just to give you a lesson, and then turned to leave, please remember, don"t lonely also don"t embarrass.
2023-08-18 17:42:121

你这样做使我感到为难 英语怎么说?

You make it so hard for me! 很常用的,请参考,5,你这样做使我感到为难 Your action really make me very puzzle.,2,What you have done has placed me in a very difficult position. What you did has placed me in a very difficult position. 为难并不一定就是尴尬。,2,最口语化的 what you did has put me on the spot,2,三楼的正确 比较口语化的 不用太累赘,1,
2023-08-18 17:42:331


这一切使我很为难:This hard for me 你这样让我很为难:You"re putting me in an impossible position 我不知当讲不当讲:I don"t know when speak not speak.这个要根据语境就可以了啊
2023-08-18 17:42:501


Embarrassed me. Let us worry.
2023-08-18 17:43:023


  下面是我带来的 英语口语8000句: 为难 ,欢迎阅读。     >>>点击下载音频    该怎么办呢?   I don"t know what to do.   I don"t know what to do. (该怎么办呢?)   Don"t worry, I"ll help. (别担心,我来帮你。)   I"m at a loss as to what to do. (我真不知该怎么办才好。)   I"m unable to decide for myself. (我一个人决定不了。)   What shall I do? (怎么办?)    我该怎么办?   What am I supposed to do? *be supposed to “计划做u2026u2026”。   What am I supposed to do? (我该怎么办?)   I don"t know. Just relax, I"ll help you. (我也不知道。放松点儿,我会帮助你的。)   What am I going to do?   What should I do?   这下可麻烦了。   We are in trouble.   We can"t finish our proposal in time. (我们不能按时完成计划了。)   We are in trouble. (这下可麻烦了。)   We"re in big trouble. *进一步强调不知如何是好的心情。    那很麻烦。   It"s a hassle. *hassle “麻烦的事情,苦战”。   Do you like the new computer system? (你喜欢这种新计算机系统吗?)   No, it"s a hassle. (不喜欢,它很费劲。)   It"s a pain in the neck.   It"s a pain in the ass. *低俗的说法。   It"s a lot of trouble.    这真是个难题。   It"s really a difficult problem.   What should we do? (我们该怎么办?)   I don"t know. It"s really a difficult problem. (我不知道。这真是个难题。)   It"s big problem.    我不知道说什么才好。   I don"t know what to say.   I"m at a loss as to what to say. (我不知道说什么才好。) *at a loss “困惑不解,茫然不知所措”。    这下可难住我了。   You got me.   I have a full house. (〈打牌中的〉我是同花顺。)   You got me. (这下可难住我了。)   I don"t know.   I guess you"re right. (我想你是对的。)   You win. (你赢了。)   That beats me.    他特招人讨厌。   He"s a nuisance. *nuisance“难对付的人,麻烦的人”。    自作自受。   You asked for it. *“自己给自己找麻烦”。    哎哟!   Oops! *表示困惑、遗憾的心情,或吃惊和轻度欢喜。   You"re stepping on my foot. (你踩着我脚呢。)   Oops! I"m sorry. (哎哟!对不起。)   I made a mistake. (我犯了一个错。)   My mistake. (是我的错。)    噢!不!   Oh, no!   Oh, no! I missed the flight. (噢!不!赶不上飞机了。)   You did? (真的?)   Ah, man! *man 表示兴奋的和吃惊的口语说法。   Oh, my goodness!   Oh, my gosh!   Good heavens!    这正是难点。   That"s the hard part.   We have to decide what to do. (我们得决定什么做。)   That"s the hard part. (这正是难点。)   That"s the difficult part.    我感到内疚。   I feel guilty. *有罪恶感。   I feel guilty. I was mean. (我太刻薄了,我感到很内疚。)   Don"t worry about it. (不必为那事担心了。)   I feel bad about it. *虽然很在意,但还不致于有罪恶感。   I feel horrible.   It"s all my fault. (都是我不好。)   I feel terrible.    你看来很困惑 。   You look puzzled. *puzzle “使u2026u2026窘困”、“使u2026u2026糊涂”。   You look puzzled. (你看来很困惑。)   I can"t understand this machine. (我弄不明白这台机器。)   You look confused. (你看上去很困惑。)   那个念头总是萦绕着我 。   The idea haunts me. *haunt “不断缠绕在心头的”、“萦绕在脑海中的”、“使心烦的”。   I can"t get rid of the idea.   I can"t get it out of my mind.
2023-08-18 17:43:091


in a dilemma
2023-08-18 17:43:184


歌手:李泰歌曲:为难歌词:Love me make you embarrassedWhy hide me in the cornerLove me make you not satisfiedI"m AngleLove me make you embarrassedDon"t make up a fancy.Love me make you not satisfiedWhy can"t I love meYou and I have made mistakes.The feeling of who has a gap in the heartThey asked me who I was.You light said a friendEscape from the busy sceneYou and I"m always around the crowd.Not free to hold your handOne meter behind youHabit alone does not mention the requirementsI"m afraid you"re saying NOLove me make you embarrassedWhy hide me in the cornerLove me make you not satisfiedI"m AngleLove me make you embarrassedDon"t make up a fancy.Love me make you not satisfiedWhy can"t I love meYou and I have made mistakes.The feeling of who has a gap in the heartLove me make you embarrassedWhy hide me in the cornerLove me make you not satisfiedI"m AngleLove me make you embarrassedDon"t make up a fancy.Love me make you not satisfiedWhy can"t I love meYou and I have made mistakes.The feeling of who has a gap in the heart
2023-08-18 17:43:263


I don"t mean to make you embarrassed. I don"t mean to put you in a very difficult position. I don"t mean to run/meet in your beard. I don"t mean to put you in a hole.记得采纳啊
2023-08-18 17:44:541


对于我来说学英语很难用英语怎么说 Learning English is very hard for me . 它对我来说很难用英语怎么说 it"s difficult /hard for me. 我很为难,用英语怎么说 让我为难. Makes it difficult for me. 让我们担心. Makes us worried.我感到非常难过。用英语怎么说 I feel very sad. 我觉得学英语太难了英语怎么说 I feel that learning English is t阀o difficult. too ~to ~ : 是 “太~而不~” 的意思,楼上的句子有点问题。供参考! 我很难过用英语怎么说? I‘m really/quite sad I feel really/quite sad 这个问题太难了 我理解不了 的英语怎么说 This problem is too difficult so I can"t understand it.
2023-08-18 17:45:011

何必为难自己 用英语怎么说?

Why do you make it hard for yourself?
2023-08-18 17:45:092


Idon"t know how to solve the problem. I am confused.
2023-08-18 17:45:161


You just baffle me.
2023-08-18 17:45:261


2023-08-18 17:45:472


这个是这样:a woman is not to be the enemy of another
2023-08-18 17:46:002


the show
2023-08-18 17:46:292


All right, hereafter not difficult you
2023-08-18 17:46:416

好汉不吃眼前亏 好汉不吃眼前亏 英语怎么讲? 呵呵,为难大家了.

好汉不吃眼前亏.A wise man does not fight when the odds are against him.苟可忍时忍为妙,事情闹大可难办:宁可眼前亏,不吃来日苦;孔及早补助,方免补大洞.It is better to endure,or deal with something painful...
2023-08-18 17:47:151

英语中,不能做与做不了区分.悬赏100 翻译的时候很为难,告诉我怎样区分.

英语中,不能做与做不了区分. 要翻译为英语,我们先要弄清楚它们在中文里的确切意思: 不能做:没有本事做,即不懂得怎样去做. 做不了:识得如何去做,但因为太多,做不完的意思. 分清楚它们的确切意思後,就易辨了: 不能做:unable to do / Do not know how to do 做不了:cannot be done (on time)
2023-08-18 17:47:491


Why make things difficult for a woman a woman?
2023-08-18 17:48:003


2023-08-18 17:48:126


2023-08-18 17:42:411

微软Xbox One X上有什么好游戏?

2023-08-18 17:42:413

四十用英语怎么说 用英语怎么说四十

1、四十的英文:forty。 2、参考例句: Among this money there was one forty-sou piece。里面有一个值四十苏的钱。 Younger/older than forty,fifty,etc years of age。不足[已过]四十、五十岁等. Mr. Smith is still in his forties.史密斯先生才四十几岁。 a steamer of 40 feet beam。船幅四十呎之轮船。
2023-08-18 17:42:411


2023-08-18 17:42:462

求助one x 黑屏问题

  我也试过这情况。 这种黑屏死机的现象尤其在以下两种情况发生比较频繁:  1.发生在多个程序运行时(比如闹铃、短信、电话、拍照、游戏等等程序)。  2.运行程序时按键太快使手机反应不过来时。  而且此时手机上还有不少下载的东东。  究其原因,主要是因为手机的内存太小,尤其是刷了中文软件以后剩余的空间实在是微乎其微啦。大家都是用电脑,只然知道内存对于电脑的重要性。其实内存对于手机同样相当重要。  大家在下载一些图片和铃声到手机上以后,一定会感觉到手机的反应速度比没有任何下载时明显减慢。 但是说实话:小V的反应速度还是很不错的,比NEC、MOTO等同类的手机快很多,当然比起黑白机来就慢一些了。  针对如何避免这种现象发生,我总结了几条经验:  1.最重要的一条:尽量少下载铃声和图片,铃声以15K为例,图片以20K为例,两者都应该保持在5条以下。其实我们手机上有那么多也不能同时使用呀。不如存在电脑上经常更换的好。  2.注意尽量按键慢一些,给手机一定的处理时间。  3.此外就是尽量避免几个程序同时运行(比如闹铃、短信、电话、拍照、游戏等等程序)。这就是大家通常说的拍照时闹铃会死机,其实其他程序同时进行时也通常会引起死机。  如果大家都能做到以上三点的话,基本上不会再出黑屏死机的现象了。
2023-08-18 17:42:481


yet的中文翻译为:但是;还;已经;又,再;然而,但是。一、双语释义1、还,尚,仍然:before now;still。2、已经:already。3、甚至,更:even。4、然而,但是:but at the same time;however。二、词组短语1、and yet:可是,然而。2、as yet:至今仍。3、nor yet:也没有,也不 , 也不。三、双语例句1、He hasn"t done much yet.他做的还不很多。2、Have you composed your masterpiece yet? Have we seen it?对你来说,你是否已经完成了你的杰作了呢?我们什么时候能见到它?3、Edwina nodded, not ready yet to speak.埃德温娜点点头,仍然呆呆地说不出话来。4、It was a rash thing to do, yet one cannot but admire her courage.这事做得过于鲁莽5、She trained hard all year yet still failed to reach her best form.她全年艰苦训练,然而仍未达到自己的最佳状态。
2023-08-18 17:42:501


nae an eul pa go deu neun neon ma chi Like tattoo  nae ban eul da ga jyeo gan neon ma chi Like tattoo  seu chyeo gan hyang gi sok e do nae mal tu sok e do   nae ppyeos sok gip i bak hyeo iss neun Tattoo  Rap)   ne ga nam gi go gan tta tteus han ne on gi ga nae sim jang pa go deul eo wa  geu eo neu ttae da kka man bam geu reon kka man bam bo da sok ta neun nae mam  mi chil geos gat eun neo ui geu Motion  seu chil deus mal deus han neo ui Motion  ji u ryeo ae sseo do mom bu rim chyeo bwa do  mun sin cheo reom bak gin neo ui Motion  Keep on (I wanna keep on)  Keep on (on and on and on)  Keep on (uh uh I have no way uh)  Keep on (I wanna keep on)  Keep on (on and on and on)  Keep on your back on  tteo na ju gess ni mos ij eul geos gat a  i jen da ra jyeo nae sok e seo  sim jang sok ga deuk sae gin neon ma chi Like tattoo  meo ris sok ga deuk go in neon ma chi Like tattoo  du nun eul gam a bo a do so ri reul jil reo do  deo keo jyeo man ga neun neo ra neun Tattoo  Rap)   ne ga nam gi go gan tta tteus han ne mi so ga  nae meo ri e seu myeo deul eo wa  nae mok eul ta go o reu neun mal eul dam kyeo beo ri myeon  nae sim jang en keun mun sin i seon myeong hi saeng gi gess ji man  dah eul geos gat eun neo ui geu Motion  bo il deus mal deus han neo ui Motion  ij eu ryeo ae sseo do mom bu rim chyeo bwa do  sim jang sok e gam gin neo ui Motion  Keep on (I wanna keep on)  Keep on (on and on and on)  Keep on (uh uh I have no way uh)  Keep on (I wanna keep on)  Keep on (on and on and on)  Keep on your back on  mi chil geos gat eun neo ui geu Motion  seu chil deus mal deus han neo ui Motion  ji u ryeo ae sseo do mom bu rim chyeo bwa do  mun sin cheo reom bak gin neo ui Motion  Keep on (I wanna keep on)  Keep on (on and on and on)  Keep on (uh uh I have no way uh)  Keep on (I wanna keep on)  Keep on (on and on and on)  Keep on your back on
2023-08-18 17:42:401

英国学生签证表格8里面的第3部分的Sponsor contact details 是指什么?(满意加分!!)

Sponsor Licence Number是你学校的一个编号,英国为了规范每个学校都有个,在你的vl上肯定有,不是赞助人,后面就填学校的地址
2023-08-18 17:42:404


21.twenty-one 22.twenty-two 23.twenty-three 24.twenty-four25.twenty-five 26.twenty-six 27.twenty-secen 28.twenty-eight29.twenty-nine 30.thirty 31.thirty-one 32.thirty-two33.thirty-three 34.thirty-four 35.thirty-five 36.thirty-six37.thirty-seven 38.thirty-eight 39.thirty-nine 40.forty
2023-08-18 17:42:331


1.英文简短“纹身”的句子有哪些 双语例句: 1、The sailor had a bird tattooed on his right arm. 水手在右臂上刺了一只鸟。 2、To tattoo a dragon on someone"s chest. 在某人的胸部刺上一条龙 3、This is my favorite one. It was inspired by Indian Henna tattoo. 这是我的最爱,当时是受了印度海纳纹身的启发。 4、So I can give them massage, and they can give more tattoo. 我给他们按摩,他们给我继续往上纹。 5、But I"m looking for a tattoo artist who wants to trade. 但是我想找一个愿意跟我交易的纹身技师。 双语短语: 1、Taboo Tattoo:禁忌咒纹 2、Royal Tattoo:皇家刺青 3、MIYAZO TATTOO:日本 4、LOVE TATTOO:唱片名 5、INK TATTOO STUDIO:北京魂纹身刺青 2.唯美 小清新 纹身英文句子 1、I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。 2、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。3、Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed .不放弃就有的机会。 4、The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water.人生的道路就像一条大河,由于急流本身的冲击力,在从前没有水流的地方,冲刷出崭新的意料不到的河道。5、All things come to those who wait.苍天不负有心人6、When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.少时喜欢聪明人,老来喜欢仁厚人。 7、Get to another summit in your career.开创职业生涯的另一个高峰。8、A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.千里之行,始于足下。 9、Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。10、The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.最严重的错误莫过于不觉得自己有任何错误。 11、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort.不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。12、An idle youth,a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 13、Money doesn"t grow on trees.钱不是从天上掉下来的。转自。 3.唯美 小清新 纹身英文句子 1、I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. 我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。 2、I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own. 我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。 3、Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed . 不放弃就有的机会。 4、The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water. 人生的道路就像一条大河,由于急流本身的冲击力,在从前没有水流的地方,冲刷出崭新的意料不到的河道。 5、All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人 6、When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. 少时喜欢聪明人,老来喜欢仁厚人。 7、Get to another summit in your career. 开创职业生涯的另一个高峰。 8、A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. 千里之行,始于足下。 9、Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 10、The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none. 最严重的错误莫过于不觉得自己有任何错误。 11、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。 12、An idle youth,a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 13、Money doesn"t grow on trees. 钱不是从天上掉下来的。转自 4.最浪漫的法语纹身短句 tu est la surprise la plus belle pour moi j"ai besoin de toi je ne peut pas vivre sans toi 这是翻译的你的句子 如果你还要经典句子的话 Rien n"est grave puisque tout passe. 没什么大不了,因为一切都会过去。 Ne cours pas trop, les meilleures choses arrivent lorsque tu les attends le moins. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Si tu ne peux être soleil, sois étoile. 如果你不能成为太阳,你就作星星。 我没有给你写关于爱情的,嗯,的话,我觉得这些句子更永恒!嘻嘻
2023-08-18 17:42:321


tca循环中发生底物水平磷酸化的化合物是琥珀酰-CoA。柠檬酸循环(citric acid cycle):也称为三羧酸循环(tricarboxylic acid cycle,TCA循环,TCA),Krebs循环。是用于将乙酰CoA中的乙酰基氧化成二氧化碳和还原当量的酶促反应的循环系统,该循环的第一步是由乙酰CoA与草酰乙酸缩合形成柠檬酸。反应物乙酰辅酶A(Acetyl-CoA)(一分子辅酶A和一个乙酰相连)是糖类、脂类、氨基酸代谢的共同的中间产物,进入循环后会被分解最终生成产物二氧化碳并产生H,H将传递给辅酶I--尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD+) (或者叫烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸)和黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸(FAD),使之成为NADH + H+和FADH2。 NADH + H+ 和 FADH2 携带H进入呼吸链,呼吸链将电子传递给O2产生水,同时偶联氧化磷酸化产生ATP,提供能量。真核生物的线粒体基质和原核生物的细胞质是三羧酸循环的场所。它是呼吸作用过程中的一步,之后高能电子在NAHD+H+和FADH2的辅助下通过电子传递链进行氧化磷酸化产生大量能量。
2023-08-18 17:42:321