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Come up,turn up都有"出现"要怎么辩析?

2023-08-25 01:11:24



turn up是说你刚才没看到他,他出现了,强调出现。

come up是指走近你。




turn up 什么意思?

调大;出现。turnup,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时译为“翻起物,卷起的部分”,作形容词时译为“翘起的;被翻起的,被卷起的”。简介turnup p裤角折边。turnup nose翻鼻孔。Turnup Procedure频率调制方式。turnup pipe翻卷管。Turnup the heat来把热度提高。full power turnup全功率试车。mask " s turnup荫罩翘曲量。mask s turnup荫罩翘曲量。The escapee"s turnup is expected soon.预料很快就会出现逃亡者。
2023-08-18 22:12:481

turn up是什么意思

2023-08-18 22:14:057

turn up的意思

2023-08-18 22:14:234

turn up这个短语什么意思

。e out fcァǒm去せ亍hcァǒkqm去せ亍vノ●うa
2023-08-18 22:14:323

turn up中文什么意思呢

turn up: vt. 朝上翻(出现,来到,,卷起,找到,被找到,出现,发生)例句与用法: He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind. 他竖起大衣领抵御寒风. I can"t hear the radio very well; could you turn it up a bit? 收音机我听不太清楚, 你把声音开大点行吗? Investment is turning up sharply. 投资额急遽增长. We invited her to dinner but she didn"t even bother to turn up. 我们请她吃饭她都不露面. I"m sure your watch will turn up one of these days. 我担保你的手表准有一天能找到. He"s still hoping something (eg a job or a piece of good luck) will turn up. 他仍在期待机会出现(如得到工作或好运). The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field. 那农民耕作时挖出一个人类的头颅骨.
2023-08-18 22:14:531

turn up!dance up!是什么意思啊!好心人解答

turn up 英[tə:n ʌp] 美[tɚn ʌp] [词典] 出现; 翻起; 开大; (尤指失去后偶然) 被发现; [例句]Richard had turned up on Christmas Eve with Tony理查德和托尼在圣诞夜一道露面了。dance up! 全部释义和例句>>舞起来!
2023-08-18 22:15:021

turn up的用法总结

turn up的用法一:开大(音量);竖起;上扬(反弹)由于up的基本词义是“向上(区域较高的位置、地方或程度)”,所以与动词turn(转、变)组合使用后就不难产生这样的联想:A. 调大(电视机、收音机、电脑等)的声音; 调高(空调、暖气等)例如:Please turn up the radio; I can"t hear a word!请把收音机(音量)开大一点,我一个字都听不见!2.turn up的用法二:出现、露面;被找到由于up的另一个内涵是“靠近”,“由远至近”的感觉,如“come up here”表示“到这边来”。所以很容易联想到“turn up”可以表示一种由远至近的“到来”或“被发现、被找到”。Don"t be too anxious, and I am sure your watch will soon turn up.别太担心了,我保证你的手表很快会出现(被找到)。Don"t bother to look for my umbrella, it will turn up some day.不要麻烦去找我的雨伞了,它总有一天会现身的。
2023-08-18 22:15:251

turn up的用法归纳

turn可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。 扩展资料   例句:   1、turn的基本意思是“旋转,转动”,指做圆周运动或弧形运动。引申可作“翻转”“开始涨或落”“瞄准,指向”“作“改变”解时,指彻底改变,以至面目全非,且常用于朝坏的.方向改变。   2、turn可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。   3、turn还可用作系动词,意为“成为,变成”,后接名词或形容词作表语,用作表语的名词须用零冠词。   4、turn后接副词   turn off 关掉 ; 关上 ; 关 ; 拐弯   turn up 开大 ; 出现 ; 来到 ; 找到   turn down 关小 ; 调低 ; 拒绝 ; 调小   turn over 移交 ; 翻过来 ; 仔细考虑 ; 翻身   turn back 回来 ; 折回 ; 翻过来 ; 往回走   turn around 转身 ; 转向 ; 转过身 ; 转圈   5、turn a hand和turn a hair通常用于否定结构。   6、turn用作名词的基本意思是“转动,旋转”,指使某人或某物转动的行为或某物自己旋转的动作,是可数名词。表示“方向的改变,转折,转折点”“转弯处”,引申可作“时间上的转折点,交替时期”解,是可数名词。
2023-08-18 22:15:481

turn up的用法归纳高中

turn up: 调大;出现;(常指出其不意地或经长久等待后)出现,到来,露面;找出;发现;注意到;开大,调高(收音机、暖气等)。 扩展资料   turn up:在这里表示“出现”的意思。这个词组的用法有很多,如下;   1、 调大(电视机、收音机、电脑等)的声音; 调高(空调、暖气等)   例如:May I turn up the lights a little? (我可以把灯调亮一点吗?)   2、 竖起(牌子、衣领等)   例如:Faced with the bitter cold, he turned up his coat collar. (面对刺骨的寒风,他竖起了衣领。)   3、(股票、价值)等的`上升、上扬   例如:The Shanghai Composite Index turned up by 3% yesterday.   (上证综指昨天上涨了3个点。)   4、 出现、露面;被找到   例如:When the sports hero turned up at our party, he was welcomed with open arms.   (当体育英雄出现在我们的晚会上时,他受到了热烈的欢迎。)
2023-08-18 22:16:061

turn up 意思 在线等 谢谢

2023-08-18 22:16:168

翻译 1.turn on turn off turn down turn up

2023-08-18 22:16:321

turn up什么意思?

2023-08-18 22:16:474

turn up中文什么意思呢

找到, 发现, 出现, 折起, 拐入, 卷起, 使仰卧, 突然发生
2023-08-18 22:16:554


 turn up :出现; 翻起; 开大; (尤指失去后偶然) 被发现; get up :站起来; (使) 起床; 安排; 举起;望采纳及好评 谢谢
2023-08-18 22:17:212

用“turn up"造句

It turned up to be true.(证明为)he turned up at the meeting.(出现)
2023-08-18 22:17:303

假面骑士剑中turn up是什么意思

2023-08-18 22:17:392

turn up意思

2023-08-18 22:18:225

turn up什么意思

turn up意思是调大; 出现; (常指出其不意地或经长久等待后)出现,到来,露面; 找出; 发现; 注意到; 开大,调高(收音机、暖气等)。turn up的用法和例句:And most of those eyes turn up on friday and saturday nights .并且大多数这些个眼睛也只是在周五和周六晚上才出现。I hope some of those photos turn up in campaign ads one day .我希望有朝一日这些照片中的某些会出现在竞选广告里。However security firms expect new variants of the worm to turn up .然而,据防毒安全机构预测,该病毒的新变种将很快出现。Hundreds of people are expected to turn up .预计将有数百人到场。More importantly iraq "s leaders have assiduously courted arab countries they previously ignored in what looks like a campaign to coax them to turn up .更重要的是,伊拉克领导人亦步亦趋地讨好着他们以前曾忽视过的阿拉伯国家,像是要把他们哄骗进峰会。And then bodies turn up in real life and it isn "t funny anymore .随后真的出现了数具尸体,这一点也不好笑了。Those unfortunates still turn up at emergency rooms and often do not pay their bills .这些没有医保的人们经常出现在急诊室里而且无力支付医药单。Tom should turn up now .汤姆现在该来了。Twenty-two of the 100 invited candidates don "t turn up a wisdom many of us envied by the end of the day .在100名受邀参加面试的人员中有22名没有露面,到了这一天结束的时候我们当中有许多人觉得她们是明智的。However analysis of images taken by cassini between 2008 and 2009 failed to turn up any evidence for rings around the saturn moon .但是,对在2008年-2009年之间卡西尼拍的照片进行分析,并不能找到任何关于土星卫星周围有环的证据。
2023-08-18 22:18:391

turn up 及come up的区别

2023-08-18 22:19:593

英语中,turn on,turn off,turn down ,turn up 区别

turn on 有启动的意思,turn on the TV turn off是turn off的反义词,关闭的意思,turn off the tv turn down--关小,turn down the volume关小音量 turn up--开大,turn up the vulume
2023-08-18 22:20:381

求青春有你turn up歌词

turn up改编自周汤豪的《turn up》,歌词如下:演唱:管栎 姚明明 胡文煊 李振宁 苏宇航 殷实They call me n to the I C K自我介绍 if that"s OKSo fly so clean Balmain Alexander McqueenSo fresh so clean 准备好 自由无限靠近Hands up drinks down 燃尽无限一起跳进去Let"s goEverybody everybody everybodyEverybody turn it upEverybody everybody everybodyEverybody turn it up喜欢这种感觉就跟着节奏 go crazy管他几点今晚我就是要 go crazy我把重拍打碎 我让低音发威管他几点今晚我就是要 go crazyTurn upTurn up……I got this I got this what nick is backParty people can"t wait for another the hot track以为是谁 上次听完还不够你们继续站在台下听我秀Hold up hold up back up back up谁也抓不住我 turn my swag up做自己 so what我疯狂 so what人生只有1次 turn down for whatEverybody everybody everybodyEverybody turn it upEverybody everybody everybodyEverybody turn it up喜欢这种感觉就跟着节奏 go crazy管他几点今晚我就是要 go crazy我把重拍打碎 我让低音发威管他几点今晚我就是要 go crazyTurn upTurn upTurn upTurn upTurn up
2023-08-18 22:21:241

take up ,pick up ,put up .turn up的用法

A. take up 指开始从事 why did he take up foodball 为啥他从事足球运动。 或者指占用时间 the work take up all his time. 工作占用了他所有时间B. put up 指建造提供 They put up a fire by the tent 它们在帐篷旁边生气了火堆提供 I"m afraid he can"t put you up. 恐怕他不能为你提供食宿。放 The farmers put up the apples in barrels.农夫们把苹果装入箱内。C. pick up 指开车(或者不开车)接某人 I will pick up my father at the bus station when he arrives there. 等我爸爸到了车站,我就去接他捡起 He picked up his knife and fork.他捡起了刀叉。D. turn up 出现He"s still hoping something (eg a job or a piece of good luck) will turn up.他仍在期待机会出现(如得到工作或好运).
2023-08-18 22:21:371

appear ,attend , turn up的区别

appear 是“出现”不及物动词 vi.1.出现, 显现,呈现 We expected him, but he never appeared.我们等他, 他却一直没来。2.产生, 出版,广播 This magazine will appear fortnightly.这杂志将两周出一期。3.起源;出现;首次使用4.演出5.抵达;来到6.记载;提及 7.出庭(作证或受审)8.作为律师)出庭;出庭当…的律师9.觉得,觉察;看来(好像),显得明白,变得明显 It appears (to me that) she"s right.(依我)看来她是对的。10.看上去好像,似乎;显得,给人印象 The old man appears to be in good health.这位老人显得健康。11.(在公开场合、当众)露面(尤指晚到或只呆短时间),公开出现;来到 She appears on TV at seven every evening.她每晚7点在电视上露面。12.发表,问世;刊印,登(载) His biography appeared last month.他的传记上月出版了。13.开始存在 Speech appeared in the little girl"s second year.这小女孩在一岁多时开始说话。系动词 link-v.1.显得, 似乎,看来 It appeared that he had a taste for music.看来他对音乐还有一定的鉴赏力。She appeared not to have heard what he had said.她似乎没有听见他的话。习惯用语as it appears 似乎lt appears to me that... 据我看来, 我觉得appear for 替...出庭bind over to appear 【律】勒令出庭lt begins to appear that ... 看起来似乎It appears not... 看起来并非如此so it appears 似乎是如此strange as it may appear 虽似奇怪[作插入语]attend不及物--1. 出席,参加[(+at)]2. 照料,处理[(+to)]3. 护理;侍候[(+on/upon)]4. 注意,倾听;致力(于)[(+to)]---及物---1. 出席,参加2. 上(大学等),前往3. 照料;护理;侍候4. 伴随,带有5. 陪同,护送turn up 是“某事发生”,朝上翻(出现,来到,,卷起,找到,被找到,出现,发生)
2023-08-18 22:21:501

turnt up什么意思

turn up[英][tu0259:n u028cp][美][tu025an u028cp]开大; 翻起; 出现; (尤指失去后偶然)被发现; 调大例:And most of those eyes turn up on friday and saturday nights. 并且大多数这些个眼睛也只是在周五和周六晚上才出现。
2023-08-18 22:22:301

come into view和turn up 和appear有什么区别

appear 是“出现”不及物动词 vi.1.出现, 显现,呈现 We expected him, but he never appeared.我们等他, 他却一直没来.2.产生, 出版,广播 This magazine will appear fortnightly.这杂志将两周出一期.3.起源;出现;首次使用4.演出5.抵达;来到6.记载;提及 7.出庭(作证或受审)8.作为律师)出庭;出庭当…的律师9.觉得,觉察;看来(好像),显得明白,变得明显 It appears (to me that) she"s right.(依我)看来她是对的.10.看上去好像,似乎;显得,给人印象 The old man appears to be in good health.这位老人显得健康.11.(在公开场合、当众)露面(尤指晚到或只呆短时间),公开出现;来到 She appears on TV at seven every evening.她每晚7点在电视上露面.12.发表,问世;刊印,登(载) His biography appeared last month.他的传记上月出版了.13.开始存在 Speech appeared in the little girl"s second year.这小女孩在一岁多时开始说话.系动词 link-v.1.显得, 似乎,看来 It appeared that he had a taste for music.看来他对音乐还有一定的鉴赏力.She appeared not to have heard what he had said.她似乎没有听见他的话.习惯用语as it appears 似乎lt appears to me that... 据我看来, 我觉得appear for 替...出庭bind over to appear 【律】勒令出庭lt begins to appear that ... 看起来似乎It appears not... 看起来并非如此so it appears 似乎是如此strange as it may appear 虽似奇怪[作插入语]attend不及物--1. 出席,参加[(+at)]2. 照料,处理[(+to)]3. 护理;侍候[(+on/upon)]4. 注意,倾听;致力(于)[(+to)]---及物---1. 出席,参加2. 上(大学等),前往3. 照料;护理;侍候4. 伴随,带有5. 陪同,护送turn up 是“某事发生”,朝上翻(出现,来到,卷起,找到,被找到,出现,发生)
2023-08-18 22:22:401


2023-08-18 22:22:232

Virgil Abloh去世了,他有着怎样的一生?

2023-08-18 22:22:237


2023-08-18 22:22:291

chinese martial arts

2023-08-18 22:22:304


英音:[mu0259"u0283i:n]美音:[mu0259"u0283in]名词n. [C]1.机器;机械2. 计算机3. 汽车;自行车;飞机4. 机构;操纵组织的核心集团The Allies finally smashed the Nazi war machine.同盟国最终粉碎了纳粹的战争机器。5. 机器人似地工作的人;没有感情或意志的人及物动词vt. 1. 用机器做It will take far less time to machine the cuffs than to sew them by hand.用缝纫机缝制袖口比手工做省时得多。2. (使用工具)按规定尺寸制成[(+down)]其他释义:对某时间段内下达的订单,由工序计划产生工时数,然后按工作中心进行累加。机器加载不同于能力需求计划,它不使用来自MRP的计划订单,而只处理关于预计入库量的订单。因此,它的作业是有限的。
2023-08-18 22:22:311


2023-08-18 22:22:321

salad 意思?

2023-08-18 22:22:372


Bodies Without Organs - Sunshine in the Rain
2023-08-18 22:22:395


世界上古老的动物有哪些答案犀牛 娃娃鱼 狮子老虎猪獾麻雀凤凰猿猴野猪野牛野马野驴还有龟鱼
2023-08-18 22:22:4015


2023-08-18 22:22:441


  你知道reset是什么意思吗?下面一起来看看吧   reset   reset的意思:   n.重新设定;重新组合   v.重新设定;重新放置;重新组合   reset的英语音标:   英 [u02ccriu02d0"set]     美 [u02ccriu02d0"set]   reset的英语例句:   1. He is recovering from an operation to reset his arm. 他做了一个手臂复位手术,正在恢复。   2. You need to reset your watch to local time. 你需要把表调整到当地时间。   3. Mary"s broken arm had to be reset. 玛丽的断臂必须接骨. reset是什么意思   4. As soon as you arrive at your destination, step out of the aircraft and resetyour wrist-watch. 你一到达目的地,就走出飞机并重新设置手表时间。   5. The slave flit - flop is being set or reset. 从动 触发器正在进行置位和复位.   6. As Richard Colonno sees it, what new drugs do is reset a pathogen"sbiological clock. 理查德-柯罗诺认为, 新药物所起的作用只是重新调整病原菌的生物钟.   7. Reset rate is the number of times per unit of time the reset action occurs. “再调率”表示单位时间内再调动作发生的次数.   8. We can reset the seam and take in some of the material. 我们可以重新安排缝口,并收进一点衣料.   9. Release the reset button and give the router about 10 secs resettle. 释放Reset键,给路由器10秒钟的时间进行重新设定.   10. Reset Represents a reset button on an HTML form. 代表HTML表单中的reset[重置]按钮.   11. Type reset refresh buffer and re - importing the data coding requirements. 键入reset刷新缓冲区,重新输入要求编码的数据.   12. For each instance of an HTML tag on a form , a Reset object is created. 它将为表单中的每个HTML标签实例创建一个reset对象.   13. This monolithic integrated circuit is an analog latch device with digital reset. 进口工业网的这种单片集成电路是带数字复位功能的模拟锁存设备.   14. A small piece of code that is placed at the reset address. 一段被放置在重启地址的代码.   15. The priority is reset when the process returns to the waIt"state. 当进程返回到等待状态时,重置该优先级.   16. Each algorithm, the program will automatically reset the memory block. 每次选择算法时, 程序自动将内存块清零.   17. Where is there a reset button? Oh, here it is! Oh! 重设按钮在哪里? 哦, 在这儿! 喔!   18. The reset button is for resetting the light indicator after tripping. 指示器被锁定.按下复位按钮使灯光指示器恢复到正常状态.   19. I looked at the clock, reset it, and went back to sleep. 我很困,以为是闹钟在响, 所以看了钟,重新设定了时间后, 又睡了.   20. We need to reset the weight marks on this steelyard. 我们应该重新校准一下这个秤的定盘星.   21. The WatchDog has been reset and APs 1 and 2 are OFFLINE. 已经重启了监视器,且AP1 和AP2处于OFFLINE状态.   22. Before using, you should hand reset the clock and date. 使用前, 得人工重调时钟和日期.   23. Built - in AC contactor, thermal relay and universal self - reset convertingswitch. 内装交流接触器, 热继电器,自复位万能转换开关等.   24. We must reset the deadline for the outstanding projects. 我们应为没完成的计划设定最终期限.   25. Do you want to reset the transformations desfined using this connection? 是否要重设用此连接定义的转换?   26. Dropping time of the rotary turret exceeds the reset time. 转塔下降时间超设定时间.   27. Only with the magnetic reset circuit, can the forward converter work. 采用正激变换器必须要有磁复位电路才能正常工作.   28. A hard reset returns the device to its initialization or"boot - up"state. 硬复原会将设备返回到它的初始状态或 “ 引导 ” 状态.   29. After operating from high temperature, the Shutoff must be manually reset (opened ). 在高温操作后, 关闭阀必须人工重置 ( 开启 ).   30. Comprising an automatic reset timercontrol device for easy operations. 具备定时自动归零装置,操作方便.
2023-08-18 22:22:521


2023-08-18 22:22:5312


TUP ( Time UnitPlan )是华为公司于 2013 年底出台的员工持股计划,是一种虚拟股权激励计划。公司每年分配 TUP 的依据来源于配股饱和度、员工的个人绩效以及所在部门绩效,与传统的员工持股计划相比,员工无需个人花钱购买即可获得相应的增值权和分红权, 5 年后清零。 TUP股权激励计划的利与弊 1 、 5 年制 TUP 计划结合 “ 递延 + 递增 ” 的分配模式,能够解决公司内存在的部分搭便车问题,保证拉车人和坐车人资源分配的公平性,使实干人才得到可观的 虚拟受限股配置机会。从而解决了新员工激励不足,老员工资源占有比例过大的问题; 2 、五年制的 TUP 模式属于中期激励,每当到达五年的周期,员工得到分红收益后,与企业的捆绑力度将会下降,因此这一模式并不适用于核心层的激励。但 TUP 可以与其他长期激励政策相互补充,相互配合,如虚拟受限股,组合成为能够适用更大范围的激励计划。
2023-08-18 22:22:551


歌曲:Sunshine In The Rain (日不落英文版) When I""""m in Berlin you""""re off to London When I""""m in New York you""""re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Wishing we could be more telepathic Tired of the nights I sleep alone Wishing we could redirect the traffic And we find ourselves a home Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Even if we call the highest power We can only do one town a time Words are not enough action speaks louder Second time around Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la When I""""m in Berlin you""""re off to London When I""""m in New York you""""re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain
2023-08-18 22:22:191


相对其他材料耐氯腐蚀性强一点。热塑性聚氨酯弹性体(TPU)介于橡胶和塑料之间,具有很多优良的特性:1、优异的耐磨性能:它的Taber磨耗值为0.35-0.5mg,是塑料中最小的。加入润滑剂可降低磨擦,从而进一步提高耐磨程度;2、拉伸强度和拉伸率:TPU的拉伸强度是天然橡胶和合成橡胶的2-3倍,聚酯型的TPU拉伸强度〉60Mpa,伸长率410% , 聚氨酯TPU的拉伸强度为50Mpa,伸长率550%;3、耐油:TPU的耐油性能优异于丁腈橡胶,具有极好的耐油寿命;4、耐低温、耐候性、耐臭氧性能,TPU的耐气候老化性能优于天然橡胶和其它合成橡胶,它的耐臭氧、耐射线的特点在航天工业有特殊的用途;5、食品医疗卫生:TPU具有生物相容性和抗血凝性,医用TPU应用越来越广泛。如输血管、输尿管、输液管。TPU不含增强剂、无毒无味,广泛应用于食品行业;6、硬度范围:TPU的硬度为60A-75D。在硬度85A以上时仍保持弹性,这是其它弹性体所没有的特性,所以TPU具有高负载支撑能力和良好的吸排效果;7、TPU一般分为聚酯型TPU、聚醚型TPU和聚几、聚己内酯型TPU;
2023-08-18 22:22:181


歌曲:Sunshine In The Rain (日不落英文版)When I""""m in Berlin you""""re off to LondonWhen I""""m in New York you""""re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Wishing we could be more telepathic Tired of the nights I sleep alone Wishing we could redirect the traffic And we find ourselves a home Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Even if we call the highest power We can only do one town a time Words are not enough action speaks louder Second time around Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la When I""""m in Berlin you""""re off to London When I""""m in New York you""""re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain
2023-08-18 22:22:122


machine英语的读法是[mu0259"u0283iu02d0n]。machine时机械、机器或者机构的意思,也形容机械般工作的人。还可以表示时用机器制造的。也是人名马基内的意思。machine的复数形式是machines,第三人称单数形式是machines,过去式形式是machined,过去分词形式是machined。可造句子如下:1、Planes dropped bombs and raked the beach with machine gun fire.飞机投下炸弹,并用机关枪扫射海滩。2、Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.父母可以设定这台机器的程序,使它在特定时间段无法开启。3、The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion.对哈夫纳机器的修理即将结束。4、Boys and girls will enjoy messing about with any kind of machine.男孩和女孩会喜欢摆弄各种机械装置。
2023-08-18 22:22:111


2023-08-18 22:22:102


maritial art 武术希望对你有帮助
2023-08-18 22:22:082


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2023-08-18 22:22:022


分类: 体育/运动 >> 武术搏击 问题描述: 谁知道,和小弟我说说好吗? 解析: 上面的说得不太全面。 我来说说吧: 武:搏击、打斗术:技术、艺术 总的来说,武术包括技术和艺术两个方面,艺术方面又有欣赏艺术和搏击艺术(技术之升华)两层含义。 中国人一般都认为“术”是技术之意,其实应该强高“艺术”之意。看看武术的英语:Martial Arts. Martial是尚武,Art是艺术。是Martial Arts,而不是Fighting Technique. 至于“止戈为武”,只是一种艺术说法或者武术哲学的升华,不战而屈人之兵的最高境界,有多少呢? 欢迎访问我的武术网站:brucejkd
2023-08-18 22:21:591

英语口语 ,胡说,怎么说

Bullshit 口语
2023-08-18 22:21:556


TPU(热塑性聚氨酯)和硅胶(硅橡胶)是两种常见的材料,它们在性质和应用方面有一些区别。1. 化学成分:TPU是一种热塑性聚氨酯材料,是一种由聚醚或聚酯与二异氰酸酯通过反应制得的弹性塑料。而硅胶是由硅酸酯通过加水分解聚合而成的弹性橡胶材料。2. 弹性和硬度:TPU具有较高的弹性和韧性,在不同硬度范围内可提供不同的弯曲弹性。硅胶也有一定的弹性,但相对较软且柔韧。3. 耐磨性和耐化学性:TPU具有良好的耐磨性和耐化学性,可以在宽温度范围内保持良好的性能。硅胶也具有较高的耐磨性和耐化学性,但在高温下的耐高温性能更好。4. 透明度和柔软度:TPU可以具备透明度,且具有一定的柔软度。硅胶通常是不透明的,但可以通过染色改变颜色并具有柔软的触感。5. 应用领域:TPU常用于制作鞋底、运动器材、汽车零件、管道和电缆保护等领域。硅胶常用于制作密封件、防水件、医疗器械、厨具、电子产品等领域。总的来说,TPU和硅胶在化学成分、弹性和硬度、耐磨性、透明度和柔软度、应用领域等方面存在差异,根据具体需求和应用场景选择适合的材料。
2023-08-18 22:21:552


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