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2023-08-25 01:44:42










2023-08-18 23:40:022


shirt这个英语单词的词性是名词,这个英语名词属于可数名词,shirt的复数形式是shirts,这个单词的词义为衬衫,汗衫,内衣。 扩展资料   shirt怎么搭配   dress shirt 礼服衬衫,男式白衬衫   sports shirt 运动衫   flannel shirt 法兰绒衬衫,法兰绒上衣   sweat shirt 运动衫   white shirt 白衬衣,白衬衫
2023-08-18 23:40:121


shirt 英[u0283u025c:t] 美[u0283u025c:rt]n. 衬衫,衬衣; 内衣,汗衫;男式衬衫
2023-08-18 23:41:025


shirt衬衫shirt; overshirt; blouse; undies:男衬衫 shirt女衬衫 blouse; shirt短袖衬衫 sports shirt硬领衬衫 stiff-collared shirt现成的衬衫 ready-made shirt缝补衬衫上的破洞mend a hole in a shirt这件衬衫的后身太长了。The back of the shirt is too long.汗水浸透了他的衬衫。His shirt was soaked (steeped) with sweat.他的衬衫浸透了汗水。His shirt was steeped with sweat.他一气之下把我的衬衫撕了一个口子。He clawed a hole in my shirt in his temper.迪克买了3件免烫衬衫出门旅行用。Dick bought three wash and wear shirts to take on his trip.
2023-08-18 23:41:191


单音节shirtsshirt英 [u0283u025c:t]美 [u0283u025c:rt]n.衬衫,衬衣; 内衣,汗衫
2023-08-18 23:41:301


2023-08-18 23:41:521


sweat shirt[英][swet u0283u0259:t][美][swu025bt u0283u025at]n.绒衣; 运动衫; 网络圆领长袖运动衫; 卫生衣; 双语例句1And the sun comes out, sweat shirt eliminate, wear short covering, knickers, short skirt only.而太阳一出来,便又将绒衣除去,只穿短衣、短裤、短裙。2My shirt was clammy with sweat.我的衬衫汗涔涔的。
2023-08-18 23:42:053


shirt的中文意思是衬衫。一、详细解释shirt[读音]英[u0283u025cu02d0t]美[u0283u025cu02d0rt][释义]n. (尤指男式的)衬衫。v. 给…穿上衬衫。[例句]Give the shirt a good soak before you wash it.把衬衫好好泡一泡再洗。[其他]复数:shirts。二、shirt造句1、Jihwan"s cloth is almost same, white shirt and black pants, leather jacket.至奂的服装也几乎没变,白色的衬衫和黑色的裤子,皮革外套。2、Shall I press out the shirt for you?要不要我帮你把衬衣熨好?3、The young man slipped on the shirt and buttoned it up.年轻人迅速套上衬衫,扣上扣子。4、Jack"s plaid shirt didn"t mix well with his striped trousers.杰克的方格衬衫与条纹长裤不相配。5、My shirt was clammy with sweat.我的衬衣沾满了汗,又粘又湿。6、I am going to buy a new shirt tomorrow.我明天要买一件新衬衣。7、An oversize man"s button-down shirt can be worn as both a cover-up and a bathrobe.一件大号的男式系扣衬衣既可用来覆盖身体又可当做浴袍。8、Indignity or not, he would change his unofficial shirt for a regulation one.不管丢脸不丢脸,他一定要把普通衬衫换成规定的衬衫。9、Hiss shirt and pants were made of coarse fabric.他的衬衣和裤子由粗糙的布料做成。10、You can entrust us with the sole agency for your shirt in our country.贵方可授予我方在我们国家销售贵方衬衫的独家代理权。
2023-08-18 23:43:031


shirt[英][u0283u025c:t][美][u0283u025c:rt]n.衬衫,衬衣; 内衣,汗衫; 复数:shirts例句:1.What"s the price of your new shirt? 你的新衬衫是多少钱买的?
2023-08-18 23:43:271


shirt的意思是“衬衫;汗衫,内衣”。【复数】shirts。【基本解释】衬衫,衬衣;内衣,汗衫。【中文词源】来自古英语scyrte,衬衣,短袍,来自Proto-Germanic skurtjon,短衫,来自 PIE sker,切,分开,词源同shear,skirt,short。【英音】u0283u025c:t。【美音】u0283u025at。用法和例句1、It was also a time of very shirt skirts。那也正是一个流行衬衫加短裙的时期。2、This shirt has a spot on the cuff。这件衬衣有一斑点在袖口上。3、Is your shirt made of cotton?你的衬衫是用棉布做的吗?4、What "s the price of your new shirt?你的新衬衫是多少钱买的?5、Your missing shirt will be delivered tomorrow。您丢失的衬衫明天给您送去。
2023-08-18 23:43:581


2023-08-18 23:44:201

the shirt is short 复数句子?

复数形式:The shirts are short.
2023-08-18 23:47:135

the shirt is short 复数句子?

2023-08-18 23:47:293


pets 宠物、shirts 衬衫、sweets糖果、 boats 船、sports运动 、lights灯、rabbits兔子、vets兽医
2023-08-18 23:47:492


2023-08-18 23:48:371


These shirts are made of cotton in America.这些衬衫是用棉花在美国制造的。对你有帮助的话,请及时采纳喔!
2023-08-18 23:49:031


2023-08-18 23:49:101

do you like shirt还是shirts

Do you like T-shirt?应该是错误的表达,句中的T-shirt要用复数T-shirts或this/the T-shirt才对.
2023-08-18 23:49:181


Do you have any shirt like this?
2023-08-18 23:49:297

these shirts run small什么意思

2023-08-18 23:50:203

What a nice T-shirts这句话对不对?

What a nice T-shirt! 多漂亮的一件T恤!T-shirt用单数
2023-08-18 23:50:453

casual shirt和dress shirt 的区别

2023-08-18 23:51:061

what a nice t一shirts这句话对不对

  不对,应该是单数,把shirts改成shirt,是感叹句,意思是一件多好的T恤啊!也可以加上it is。  满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-08-18 23:51:141

how nice t shirts还是what nice t-shirts

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . What nice T-shirts.对名词感叹用what
2023-08-18 23:51:591

姐姐妹妹站起来英文版叫什么? 方便大家找到歌,太难找了。 Sister Sister QQ音乐 歌手java那个

Gravitation is not responsible
2023-08-18 23:50:121

七支剑 speedfly-3ds-trainer怎么用

之前得到的隐藏人物下周目无条件加入,除了26话的分支路线隐藏:机体:ビルバイン(夜间迷彩)第26话 THE SHADOW OVER INNSMOUTH结束后选择バイストン·ウェルに飞ばされた;第28话 王の奸计开始后获得;本隐藏多周目不继承。リーンの翼机体:ギムゲネン(リュクス机)人物:リュクス第26话 THE SHADOW OVER INNSMOUTH结束后选择バイストン·ウェルに飞ばされた;第27话 地上人のオーラ力开始后加入;本隐藏多周目不继承。人物:ロミナ服装变更第26话 THE SHADOW OVER INNSMOUTH结束后选择この舰に同行している;第28话 束の间の出会い开始前选择戦闘服を着る;本隐藏多周目不继承。这几个隐藏都是选择路线后自动得到,下周目不继承。其他的隐藏都继承。最快三周目可以全齐所有隐藏。
2023-08-18 23:50:131

_____they____(like)the world Cup?(用适当形式填空)

正确答案是Do 句子意思是他们喜欢世界杯吗?
2023-08-18 23:50:171

Photoshop CS2 9.0注册机Keygen.exe

2023-08-18 23:50:183

active trainer是什么意思

active trainer活动教练拼音双语对照双语例句1And by strengthening health services, personal trainer online teaching and active participation in the propaganda use of learning, in Shenyang City to carry out large-scale fitness health club personal trainer teaching network service is totally feasible.并通过加强健身私人教练网络教学服务的宣传力度和积极参与使用学习,在沈阳市大型健身俱乐部开展健身私人教练教学网络服务是完全可行的。
2023-08-18 23:50:212


2023-08-18 23:50:221

The defending World Cup champion was fastest in practice.

The defending World Cup champion was fastest in practice.卫冕世界杯冠军在实践中是最快的。
2023-08-18 23:50:261

Photoshop CS2注册机Keygen.exe怎么运行

双击运行。安装PS CS2的时候在要求输入序列号的地方输入Keygen.exe生成的序列号,方法:在Install Application的下拉列表中选择"Photoshop CS2 9.0",点击"Generate"按钮,即生成序列号,将序列号复制到PS CS2安装程序的序列号文本框中。在快要完成安装时,PS CS2会要求你激活。这个时候选择电话激活。然后在Keygen.exe的Activation的下拉列表中选择"Photoshop CS2 9.0",点击"Generate"按钮,生成激活码,将其复制到安装程序的激活码文本框内。注意序列号和激活码是有关联的,在运行的过程中不要关闭Keygen.exe;如果已生成序列号,就不要在"Install Application"中再次生成按钮。如果你输入的序列号不能和激活码相对应,那么激活必然失败。不知道你能看懂不?安装是一个很简单的过程,这样形成了语言看起来反而复杂。其实最开始我也不知道怎么使用这个Keygen,也是乱试试出来的,当然前提是你必须认识英文。如果还有不懂的地方,可以随时问我。
2023-08-18 23:50:272


5V皮带就是高速防油带 一般还有跟数字+LA,LA是表示外周。 一般皮带的周长是指线周长, 就是外周和内周之间的长度。SPB皮带中的spb代表三角带型号。三角带的型号有:Y Z A B C D E这几种,从Y到E,节宽依次变大。国标GB/T1154-1997中有详细解释。作用于印刷机械、纺织机械、工厂设备、动力设备、汽车传动、农机传动、等设备的机械传动。
2023-08-18 23:50:321


2023-08-18 23:50:331


2023-08-18 23:50:332


SPB是基准宽度制,5V是有效宽度制。型号 顶宽 带高 楔角SPB 17mm 14mm 40度5V 16mm 13.5mm 40度两种窄V带的物理机械性能完全相同。
2023-08-18 23:50:411


2023-08-18 23:50:421

fifa worldcup 2006 分辨率怎么调节阿

2023-08-18 23:50:104


2023-08-18 23:50:091

horse trainer是什么意思

2023-08-18 23:50:062


Python常用的web框架推荐:1、FlaskFlask是一个轻量级的web框架,可以快速构建web应用程序。Flask的优点之一是其灵活性,因为它允许您在自己的代码项目中实现所需的定制。Flask适合小型项目和初学者,因为它的学习曲线较低。2、DjangoDjango是一个功能强大的Web框架,适合大型项目。 它包括ORM,模板引擎,管理站点和完整的认证系统等内置功能。 Django的一个独特的优点是它的强大的管理站点,允许您在不编写任何HTML的情况下构建一个完整的后台管理应用程序。 Django具有强大的社区支持,因此可以轻松找到有用的示例代码和插件。3、PyramidPyramid是一个可伸缩的Web框架,旨在处理大型应用程序。 Pyramid具有高度定制的模式,使其在Web应用程序的多种应用中具有广泛的适用性。 Pyramid的一个重要优势是其可扩展性,允许您随着项目的不断发展进行逐步构建。4、BottleBottle是另一个轻量级的Web框架,适用于小型项目。 Bottle提供了一个快速而灵活的方法来构建Web应用程序,但它并不提供预定义的模板。 如果您需要快速启动一个小型Web应用程序并掌握它的完全控制权,则Bottle是一个不错的选择。5、TornadoTornado是一个基于异步事件循环的Web框架,适用于需要高性能的应用程序。 Tornado提供了一种非阻塞的方式来处理Web请求和其他事件,这可以大大提高应用程序的吞吐量。Tornado还包括内置的Web服务器,可以轻松扩展。总的来讲,Python在web开发领域有许多优秀的框架和工具可供选择。灵活性和可扩展性是Python web开发的明显优势,而这些优势正吸引着越来越多的开发者转向Python。
2023-08-18 23:50:062


Sister, Sister
2023-08-18 23:50:052

在安装proe5.0时候 ,点击keygen.bat,之后就闪烁了一下,就没有了 ,也没有生产许可文件 ,为什么啊?

2023-08-18 23:50:036


2023-08-18 23:49:592

The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point.

【答案】:驯象员站在大象面前,手里拿着一根带有金属尖头的长棒。句中的非谓语动词短语holding a long stick with a sharp metal point的逻辑主语是句子的主语the trainer,而不是紧挨着它的the elephant。
2023-08-18 23:49:581

Tornado的《Informer》 歌词

歌曲名:Informer歌手:Tornado专辑:InspectorWhat"s up man! Hey yo what"s up!Yeah what"s goin" on here.Sick an" tired of five-oh runnin" up on the block here.You know what I"m sayin"?Yo Snow, they came around here lookin" for you the other day. Word? Word! Bust it!Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Police them come an" now they blow down me door,One him come crawl through, through my window,So then they put me in the back the car at the station,From that point on me reach my destination,When the destination reached, it was the east detention, where themWhipped down me pants, looked up me bottom, soInformer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Bigger they are they think they have more power,They"re on the phone me say that on (every) hour,Me for want to use it once an" now me call me lover,Lover who I"ll be callin is the one TAMMY,an" me love her in me heart down to my belly,Yes me Daddy me Snow me I feel cool an" deadly,As the one MC Shan an" the one Daddy Snow,Together we-a love"em as a Tor-Na-Do.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Listen for me, you better listen for me now.Listen for me, you better listen for me now.When me rockin" the microphone me rock it steady,Yes sir, Daddy me Snow me are the article don.But in the in an" the out of a dance them they say where you come from,People them say you come from Jamaica,But me born an" raised in the ghetto that"s the one I want you to know,Pure black people mon that"s all I mon know.Yeah me shoes are tear up an" me toes used to show,Where me born in on the one Toronto, soInformer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Come with a nice young lady. Intelligent,Yes she"s gentle an" irie.Everywhere me go, me never left her at all.Yes, its Daddy Snow me are the roam dance mon.Roam between a dancin" in a in a nation-a.You never know say Daddy me Snow me are the Boom Shakata.Me never lay-a down flat in that one cardboard box.Yes say me Daddy me Snow me I"ll go reachin" at the top, so IInformer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Why would he?Me sittin" "round cool with my dibbie dibbie girl,Police knock my door,Lick up my pal,Rough me up an" I can"t do a thingPick up my line, when my telephone ring.Take me to the station,Black up my hands.Trail me down, "cuz I"m hangin" with the Snowman,What I"m gonna do,I"m backed an" I"m trapped,Slap me in the face an" took all o" my gap.They have no clues an" they wanna get warmer,But Shan won"t turn Informer!Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.
2023-08-18 23:49:581


2023-08-18 23:49:583


一、算法注册机 1 运行未注册软件,得到软件机器码。 2 运行算法注册机,由注册机算出注册码。(你去找你下载的包里有没类似Keygen.exe这样的程序,运行就可以了) 3 然后在原软件注册处输入即可注册成功。 或者直接由注册机得到Name和Code等信息进行注册。 二、内存注册机(内存补丁) 1 前提安装原版软件;下载内存注册机。 2 把内存补丁复制到软件所在(硬盘的)目录内;运行内存补丁,接着输入任意注册码点注册或确定。此时将弹出正确的注册码。 3 把你得到的正确注册码填入原软件需要注册的地方,点击确定或注册即可。 三、破解补丁(情况通常两种) 1 把破解补丁复制到软件所在(硬盘的)目录内,运行破解补丁,此时软件就被成功破解或输入任意注册信息后,点确定/注册即可。 2 运行破解补丁,点“浏览”寻找原程序所在硬盘上的位置,找到并选中原程序后,确定,将会提示修补成功,即为注册成功了。 四、*.reg 注册文件 运行该*.reg,导入注册信息即可注册。
2023-08-18 23:49:551


2023-08-18 23:49:554

_____ good news! The World Cup will be held in South Africa.

2023-08-18 23:49:536