barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-25 07:42:16

a person who is not very bright

The economy,stupid!

同义词:stupid person / stupe / dullard / dolt / pudding head / pudden-head / poor fish / pillock


stupid 怎么读用汉语怎么读

马晓丹老奶奶,我看到你那么疑惑,就帮帮你呗!stupid: [ stju:pid ] a. 愚蠢的,笨的 n. 傻瓜 [ 副词stupidly ] [ 形容词比较级stupider 最高级stupidest ] [ 名词stupidness ]
2023-08-19 21:34:013


2023-08-19 21:34:216

stupid 翻译中文

2023-08-19 21:34:482


stupid: [ stju:pid ]a. 愚蠢的,笨的n. 傻瓜[ 副词stupidly ][ 形容词比较级stupider 最高级stupidest ][ 名词stupidness ]例句与用法1. I think he was born stupid.我认为他生来就愚笨。 2. This stupid car won"t start.这辆老爷车就是发动不了。 3. What a stupid idiot!真是个愚蠢的白痴! 4. What a stupid prick you are!你真是个大傻瓜! 5. What did he say in explanation of his stupid behavior?他说了什么来解释他那愚蠢的行为? 6. It"s stupid to go to the expense of taking music lessons if you never practise.花钱上音乐课而从不练习是很愚蠢的. 7. Why grumble at me about your own stupid mistakes?你自己犯了愚蠢的错误, 为什麽向我抱怨? 8. You stupid jerk!你这蠢猪!
2023-08-19 21:36:161


2023-08-19 21:37:345


stupid 英[u02c8stju:pu026ad]美[u02c8stu:pu026ad]adj. 愚蠢的; 迟钝的; 乏味的; 晕眩的,昏迷不醒的;n. <口>傻子,笨蛋;[例句]I"ll never do anything so stupid again我再也不会做这种傻事了。[其他] 比较级:stupider 最高级:stupidest
2023-08-19 21:37:521


stupid作名词时为:笨蛋,傻瓜 作形容词时为:愚蠢的没有动词形式,不因时态变化,所以没有过去式。
2023-08-19 21:38:082

stupid怎么读 英语stupid怎么读

1、stupid英[u02c8stjuu02d0pu026ad]美[u02c8stuu02d0pu026ad],adj.愚蠢的; 笨的; 傻的; 欠考虑的; 糊涂的; 脑子不好使的; (用以加强语气)讨厌的,恼人的;n.傻子,笨蛋(常用于开玩笑)。 2、[例句]I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake.我很生自己的气,竟犯了这样愚蠢的错误。
2023-08-19 21:38:231

The W S的《Stupid》 歌词

歌曲名:Stupid歌手:The W S专辑:Trouble With XJC - StupidOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!(This was the best thing that ever happened to be. But over time, I realized that I was stupid)(Listen)How did it get to this, see I thought I headed into the perfect relationship.Should"ve known you"d be influenced by them girls you was hanging with.Cause they (?), just thought you wouldn"t trip, flip, dealt the script.Don"t oh oh yeah, overheard your conversations on the phone (Yeah)Last time I checked Tim wasn"t a woman.So I knew you was creeping, baby you"re fronting. I feel so stupid.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.What"s the reason you"re doing this, everyday"s an argument.Cause it doesn"t take nothing to make you smile (Oh yeah)From not answering the phone to not coming home.To the dude you was walking with in green by the mall.I ain"t seen everything, you can do what you wanna do, do.I"m so stu-stu.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.The lying, the cheating, the heartache, the pain, the strain.The worry, frustration, was all.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.
2023-08-19 21:39:511


stupid固定搭配:act stupid 装傻stupid mistake 愚蠢的错误play stupid 扮傻一、发音英:[/ˈstjuːpɪd/];美:[/ˈstuːpɪd/]二、中文翻译adj.愚蠢的;糊涂的;呆滞的n.傻子,笨蛋(通常用于开玩笑或贬损)三、形式比较级:more stupid最高级:most stupid四、词义辨析以下这些形容词都可表示"愚蠢的,笨的,傻的"的意思foolish:一般指人的无头脑、愚蠢,或缺乏常识与判断力,或指行动的愚蠢可笑。silly:口语用词,可和foolish互换,但语气稍强。侧重指人的言行不合常规或不理智,强调单纯、低能和糊涂。stupid:多指人或行为的愚蠢,尤指先天智能低下,或因某种原因失去正常的反应或感觉。有时也可与silly和foolish换用,但语气强,常含贬义。simple:强调头脑简单或缺少智慧。dull:指对问题理解迟钝,缺乏灵敏机智头脑,可能是先下智力低下,也可能因疲倦或健康不佳所致。五、双语例句1. He was stupid to leave the job.他离开这份工作真是愚蠢。2. Don"t act stupid. I know you understand what I"m saying.别装傻,我知道你明白我在说什么。3. She made a stupid mistake in her test.她在测试中犯了一个愚蠢的错误。4. They think they can play stupid and avoid the responsibility.他们认为他们可以装傻,逃避责任。5. Stop being a stupid and think for a moment!别当傻子了,想想吧!六、用法1. "Stupid" 是形容词,用来形容某人或某事愚蠢、不明智或者理解能力差。例如:That"s a stupid question. (那是个愚蠢的问题。)2. "Stupid" 的比较级形式是 "more stupid",最高级形式是 "most stupid",用来比较不同程度的愚蠢。例如:He is more stupid than I thought. (他比我想的还要愚蠢。)3. "Stupid" 也可以作为名词,用来开玩笑或贬损地称呼某人为“傻子”或“笨蛋”。例如:You"re such a stupid! (你真是个笨蛋!)4. "Stupid" 可以用在一些固定短语或表达中,例如 "act stupid" (装傻)、"stupid mistake" (愚蠢的错误) 或 "play stupid" (装傻)。例如:Don"t play stupid with me. (别在我面前装傻。)5. "Stupid" 通常作为描述人的词汇,应当注意在交流中适度使用,避免可能引发的不适或冒犯。例如:It"s not nice to call someone stupid. (称别人为愚蠢是不礼貌的。)
2023-08-19 21:40:011


2023-08-19 21:40:374


stupid可做形容词,意思是愚蠢的,麻木的,乏味的,脑子不好使的;又可做名词,有傻子,笨蛋的意思。是一个带有一点攻击性的词语,常用于开玩笑。 小葵花妈妈课堂开课了,孩子英语成绩老不好,怎么办?骂一顿是最解气的办法,但如何让孩子从挨骂中学到知识就是一门学问了,我们可以尝试用英语“教育”孩子,最简单的“教育词汇”有stupid,silly,dull等。那他们是什么意思呢?又是怎么运用在生活中呢?跟着我一起学习吧。 详细内容 01 stupid形容词意思是愚蠢的,麻木的,乏味的,脑子不好使的;名词意思是傻子,笨蛋。和silly,foolish,unintelligent等意思相近,一般用于嘲讽别人。 02 常用短语: 1,look stupid 看上去很傻。 2,feel stupid 觉得愚蠢。 3,(don‘t) do anything/something stupid (不要)做愚蠢的事。 03 单词变形: 比较级 stupider. 最高级 stupidest. 名词 stupidness. 副词 stupidly. 04 例句: 1,He"s a rather stupid person. 他是一个二百五。 2,A stupid fellow is talkative; a wise man is meditative. 蠢人饶舌,智者思虑。 3,I wouldn"t call it art.It"s iust stupid and tasteless. 我不认为这是艺术。它简直无聊透顶,毫无品味。
2023-08-19 21:41:331


stupid的读音:英[u02c8stjuu02d0pu026ad] 美[u02c8stuu02d0pu026ad]基本释义:adj.欠考虑的;糊涂的;笨的;傻的;脑子不好使的;(用以加强语气)讨厌的,恼人的;n.傻子,笨蛋(常用于开玩笑)。
2023-08-19 21:42:091


stupid的名词 stupidness stupid adj.欠考虑的;糊涂的;笨的;傻的;脑子不好使的; n.傻子,笨蛋(常用于开玩笑) 比较级: stupider 最高级: stupidest 派生词: stupidly adv. 扩展资料   You stupid little bitch!   你这个愚蠢的小悍妇!   I can"t think he would be so stupid.   我不能想象他会这么蠢。   I can"t get the stupid thing open!   这破玩意儿我怎么也打不开!
2023-08-19 21:42:181

stupid 英文

adj.愚蠢的;笨的;傻的;欠考虑的;糊涂的;脑子不好使的;(用以加强语气)讨厌的,恼人的n.傻子,笨蛋(常用于开玩笑)单词发音英[u02c8stjuu02d0pu026ad]美[u02c8stuu02d0pu026ad][1]短语搭配Stupid boy笨小孩 ; 紫轩小说吧 ; 蠢男孩 ; 愚蠢的男孩Stupid woman蠢女人 ; 傻女人 ; 傻女子Stupid Invaders愚蠢的入侵者 ; 愚蠢的侵略者 ; 愚蠢入侵者[1]双语例句I like this stupid. But the heart of every rhythm, not in under my control.我这样子很笨。可是心脏的每一个节奏,都不在受我的控制。Yes, we should be the students of these movements, and not their stupid professors.对,我们应该成为这些运动的学生,不是去当他们的愚蠢教授。If he is on fire, that I was the only reckless stupid moths.如果他是火,那我就是那只不计后果的愚蠢的飞蛾。
2023-08-19 21:42:271

stupid 怎么读用汉语怎么读

马晓丹老奶奶,我看到你那么疑惑,就帮帮你呗!stupid: [ stju:pid ] a. 愚蠢的,笨的 n. 傻瓜 [ 副词stupidly ] [ 形容词比较级stupider 最高级stupidest ] [ 名词stupidness ]
2023-08-19 21:42:383


stupid的意思:愚蠢的;笨的;傻的;欠考虑的;糊涂的;1、I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake. 我很生自己的气,竟犯了这样愚蠢的错误。2、You stupid little bitch! 你这个愚蠢的小悍妇!3、I can"t think he would be so stupid. 我不能想象他会这么蠢。4、I can"t get the stupid thing open! 这破玩意儿我怎么也打不开!5、That made me feel kind of stupid. 那使我感到有点儿愚蠢。6、I still wince when I think about that stupid thing I said. 我想到我说过的蠢话时仍懊悔不已。7、God, what a stupid thing to do! 天啊,这事干得太蠢了!8、I was stupid enough to believe him. 我可真够糊涂的,竟然相信他的话。
2023-08-19 21:43:131


2023-08-19 21:43:373


stupid的反义词:smart,clever,smater(聪明的),intelligent(明智的)。stupid的释义:头脑糊涂的,傻的,笨的,迟钝的;愚蠢的,无知的;乏味的,无聊的;麻木的,无知觉的;感觉迟钝的;不知所措的,神思恍惚的;恼人的,气人的;笨蛋,傻瓜。单词学习同义词:silly,adj.蠢的;糊涂的;不明事理的;没头脑的;n.(常用于向孩子指出其愚蠢行为)傻孩子,淘气鬼;傻子,蠢货。asinine驴的;像驴的;极蠢的;倔强的。unintelligent缺乏才智的,愚钝的,没有智能力的;小头小脑。foolish愚蠢的;鲁莽的;荒谬的,可笑的。例句:I made a stupid mistake。我犯了个愚蠢的错误。Your father wouldn"t have asked such a stupid question。你父亲不会问这么愚蠢的问题。If you give him half a chance he can make you look stupid。如果你给他半点机会,他就会极力愚弄你,让你出丑。clever反义词clever的短语搭配:Clever trick真是高明的手段;being clever机敏一点 ; 机灵一点 ; 机警一点 ; 或机敏一点。clever dog聪明的人 ; 加菲狗 ; 聪明的孩子 ; 聪明的狗。例句:How clever of you to do that!你会做那个该是多聪明!I like crows because they are clever。我喜欢乌鸦因为他们是聪明。
2023-08-19 21:44:111

反又词: stupid

2023-08-19 21:45:281

you are so stupid 什么意思?

you (你)are(是)so (如此)stupid(蠢)
2023-08-19 21:45:361

Stupid (London) 歌词

歌曲名:Stupid (London)歌手:Per Gessle专辑:Gessle Over EuropeDolores O"Riordan - StupidI cannot erase this memorySomething let its track inside of meStupid, stupidStay here for a whileSit down beside meOh, stay here for a whileSing me a love songSing me a songSing me a love songSing me a songSomething that I"m holding in my handSomething I will never understandDo you live your life to be in love?I can hear you calling from aboveStupid, stupidStay here for a whileSit down beside meOh, stay here for a whileStupid, It"s stupidJust stay here for a whileSit down beside meOh, stay here for a whileSing me a love songSing me a songSing me a love songSing me a songCannot erase this memoryErase this memoryErase this memoryStupid, stupidStay here for a whileSit down beside meOh, stay here for a whileStupid, It"s stupidJust stay here for a whileSit down beside meOh, stay here for a whileSing me a love songSing me a songSing me a love songSing me a song
2023-08-19 21:46:371


stupid的比较级是stupider,最高级是stupidest。一、读音及释义1、stupid的读音是英[u02c8stjuu02d0pu026ad],美[u02c8stuu02d0pu026ad]。2、stupid,做形容词时,意思是愚蠢的,笨的,傻的,欠考虑的,糊涂的,脑子不好使的,(用以加强语气)讨厌的,恼人的。作名词时,意思是傻子,笨蛋(常用于开玩笑)。二、短语1、feel stupid:觉得愚蠢。2、think something is stupid:认为某事物是愚蠢(或无用)的。三、例句1、I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake.我很生自己的气,竟犯了这样愚蠢的错误。2、You stupid little bitch!你这个愚蠢的小悍妇!3、I can"t think he would be so stupid.我不能想象他会这么蠢。4、I can"t get the stupid thing open!这破玩意儿我怎么也打不开!
2023-08-19 21:46:451

stupid 副词

2023-08-19 21:47:062

stupid的比较级是more stupid 还是 stupider?

2023-08-19 21:47:174

silly和stupid 在用法上有甚么分别?

silly-foolish/unwise(姐系傻儍地 又唔蠢得晒甘lo) stupid-not clever or thoughtful;without reason or mon sense(姐系话人死蠢甘lo) 讲程度 stupid紧系劲D啦... 参考: 我个脑 silly意思解 1)愚蠢的;糊涂的 2)无聊的 3)眼花的;失去知觉的 4)呆子 傻瓜 stupid意思解 1)愚蠢的 笨的 2)麻木的 无知觉的;迟钝的 3)无聊的 乏味的 讨厌的 用silly和stupid骂人的话 stupid会比较严重. 参考: 其实没大分别 两个都系形容人蠢,而stupid就严重性!!!
2023-08-19 21:48:131

Toni Estes的《Stupid》 歌词

歌曲名:Stupid歌手:Toni Estes专辑:Two-Eleven (International Only)JC - StupidOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!(This was the best thing that ever happened to be. But over time, I realized that I was stupid)(Listen)How did it get to this, see I thought I headed into the perfect relationship.Should"ve known you"d be influenced by them girls you was hanging with.Cause they (?), just thought you wouldn"t trip, flip, dealt the script.Don"t oh oh yeah, overheard your conversations on the phone (Yeah)Last time I checked Tim wasn"t a woman.So I knew you was creeping, baby you"re fronting. I feel so stupid.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.What"s the reason you"re doing this, everyday"s an argument.Cause it doesn"t take nothing to make you smile (Oh yeah)From not answering the phone to not coming home.To the dude you was walking with in green by the mall.I ain"t seen everything, you can do what you wanna do, do.I"m so stu-stu.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.The lying, the cheating, the heartache, the pain, the strain.The worry, frustration, was all.Baby, been trying to getting this out of my heart forever.Thought the remedy to a broken heart was you.But I realized that it was just nothing, and I never should"ve loved you.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.I was so stupid, stupid for trusting you.So stupid, stupid for loving you.Oh I"m so stupid, I"m so foolish. I"m stupid for loving you girl.Should"ve known you weren"t the one.
2023-08-19 21:48:211

在字典里看到这样一句话 I am utterly puzzled what to do with it. 为什么这里的puzzled后面没有介词?

2023-08-19 21:48:314

67年福特野马 (独角兽)在中国市场折合人民币多少钱?

2023-08-19 21:48:441


2023-08-19 21:48:521


2023-08-19 21:48:547

在国内有福特野马Shelby GT500 KR这种车型卖吗?大概价格是多少?

2023-08-19 21:49:023


2023-08-19 21:49:031

what puzzled us is this为什么把puzzled改为puzzles?

What puzzled us 是主语从句,is 是 系动词,主句和从句的时间不一致,要么把 puzzled 改成puzzles,要么就把 is 改成was,来达到时态的一致。
2023-08-19 21:49:112

be puzzled by与be puzzled over有什么区别?用法如何?

be puzzled by 为什么所困惑 he was puzzled by this question .他对这道题目困惑。 be puzzled over 对。。苦苦思考。he was puzzled over this question.他正在思考这个题目。
2023-08-19 21:49:202


2023-08-19 21:49:245


Pisces[英][u02c8pau026asi:z][美][u02c8pau026asiz]n.双鱼座,双鱼宫; 出生于双鱼宫时段的人; [电影]错爱双鱼座; 复数:Pisces易混淆单词:PISCES以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I"m a pisces, what are you? 我是双鱼座的你呢?
2023-08-19 21:49:291


2023-08-19 21:49:326


Pisces[美] [u02c8pau026asiz]u2003u2003[英] [u02c8pau026asi:z]u2003u2003n. 双鱼座,双鱼宫; 出生于双鱼宫时段的人; [电影]错爱双鱼座【网络释义】双鱼座; 鱼纲; 双鱼宫; 双鱼双鱼座是一个星座。以下为星座简介:双鱼座,Pisces。日期为2月19日—3月20日,黄道星座之第十二宫。在水瓶座之东,白羊座之西。
2023-08-19 21:49:372

英语a arcade puzzle game怎么翻译?

a arcade puzzle game翻译之后,他的意思就是:一个街机益智游戏
2023-08-19 21:48:0211

福特野马shelby gt500多少钱

2023-08-19 21:47:231


2023-08-19 21:47:131


封面女郎是任务里面躲避狗仔队的女演员 原型是模特shelbywelder 不过游戏出场还是挺少的
2023-08-19 21:47:043

问,Looking at her______expresstions,.为什么用puzzled,而不是puzzling?

puzzling adj.令人困惑的 puzzled adj.困惑的 一般情况下,puzzling用于修饰物,puzzled用于修饰人.但当用于修饰人的表情、眼神等时,也还是用puzzled,如题中“her puzzled expression”意为“她困惑的表情”.
2023-08-19 21:46:481


满意回答?有一点错误,我在评论里写了,还有在USA GT500光车售价60000刀左右,剩下的得看你其他的要求之类的,还有配置问题~~
2023-08-19 21:46:304


2023-08-19 21:46:065


貌似一个是过去时 一个是现在时。。。。。。。。。。XDDDDD
2023-08-19 21:45:582


这个是puzzle的过去词 意思就是混乱了
2023-08-19 21:45:386


在车标中有蛇的品牌车型有福特野马眼镜蛇以及道奇蝰蛇,蝰蛇是美国最凶猛的蛇种之一,毒性非常强烈。而道奇蝰蛇的外形以及性能恰如一条愤怒的蝰蛇。蝰蛇最大的特色就是其排量中上,但扭矩巨大,烧胎打滑就如同家常便饭。在《名侦探柯南》中黑衣组织的女狙击手基安蒂曾开过蝰蛇;在2006年上映的美国迪斯尼动画电影《汽车总动员》中,道奇蝰蛇成为了主人公闪电麦坤的形象设计参考。1968年福特发布的野马眼镜蛇喷气机被公认为那个时代最强大的肌肉车,其性能超越了通用汽车和克莱斯勒,当时一直在全美国占据主导地位;福特曾在2008年重新发布了眼镜蛇喷气机,此后每隔几年发布限量版,不过大多数是专门设计的汽车,不能上路行驶。福特旗下的肌肉车野马眼镜蛇全称是Mustang Shelby GT 500,是赛车手兼工程师的卡罗尔·谢尔比(Carroll·Hall·Shelby)的神作之一,初代Shelby GT 500是在第五代Mustang的基础上改进,后来演变成一个车型,并且从初代Shelby GT 500开始就使用了张开血盆大口的眼镜蛇。目前眼镜蛇GT500已进驻中国汽车市场,外观造型上眼镜蛇 GT500秉承了野马刚毅、强壮的肌肉线条,而且车头灯、尾灯以及前格栅相比第五代福特野马都有明显的改造,使GT500整体视觉上更为强悍;GT500搭载的是V8 5.4L机械增压发动以及匹配6速手动变速箱的动力组合,最大输出功率为550马力,峰值扭矩也能够达到691牛/米。
2023-08-19 21:44:501


2023-08-19 21:44:445