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2023-05-19 21:26:12
TAG: 英语
In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.

Those, however, are not what college life is all about. As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society. Therefore, the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.

Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect. It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on. Of course, I"d like to lead a carefree life. However, this does little good to my future. What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment. Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like.

To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life. But, I should not forget about the negative sides. They are not less necessary.

Good day everybody!

First, I want to share an analogy of what college means to me. From my experiences, College is like an orange (similar to like Hobart"s colors), the orange representing the college education and the juice representing the substance, or better yet, what you got out of the experience. Over the four years I have had at this great college, I can honestly say that I have squeezed as much juice out of the orange as I possibly could have. I hope you all feel the same way.

When I arrived at the college in the fall of 2000, I entered with a clean slate. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but I wasn"t sure what professional route I wanted to take. I continued with my passion for Spanish and Computer Science, and in the process, learned a lot about my identity. I found my limits, I found my strengths, and I found other scholarly interests. Granted, I took advantage of everything this wonderful place had to offer---I did six internships, studied abroad in Madrid, double majored and double minored, and served in a variety of leadership capacities on campus. However, during all of this, I felt that there was something missing. I wasn"t sure of what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. I was a nervous, naive first year, trying to find his way through college life. However, I managed my way through Introduction to Biology, Intermediate Programming, History, and Spanish to emerge loving college life.

Pressing on, sophomore year had many twists and turns. I served as Secretary of HSG. September 11th occurred, and my life was almost in ruins due to extenuating circumstances. It was that year that I learned how strong I really was. I continued my studies and involvements, trying to get the most I could out my Hobart education. The text on the chapel sundial expresses my feelings of sophomore year, the Latin Pereunt et Impernateur, which means "the moments that pass are then charged to us," meaning that you should make the most of your time at the college. Ladies and gentlemen, take advantage of what HWS has to offer---or as the etching on the Hobart shield states, the Latin Disce, or in English "LEARN!"

Junior year rolled by and I found myself studying abroad in Madrid, Spain for the first half---enjoying every moment of it. I even was fortunate enough to meet my German relatives, as well as family in England, which was quite amazing, because I never met them at all and I felt a deep connection with my family"s rich heritage. President Gearan said in a speech two years ago during Charter Day that one should "remember his/her roots." I can say that I know where my family came from and that felt great. I came back Junior Spring, getting back into the swing of things and running for the Vice Presidency of the Hobart Student Government. It was great to be back, although a part of me still is back in Europe. Senior year feels like it flew by. With the maelstrom of degree checkouts, job applications, resumes, graduate school applications, homework, projects, and internships, it was amazing that I was able to survive. Nonetheless, I am confident as I graduate from Hobart. I will miss my professors, advisors, and mentors deeply. These people have shaped me to become the person that I am today. I am reminded of a quote from John Lennon, who always said "Life is what happens when you are making other plans." He is indeed correct---even though we all make plans to do other things, whether it is after graduation, or switching jobs, we cannot freeze time---because life will continue on while we make our plans.

Even though I received a top-notch education at HWS, I found a deeper part of myself within the curriculum at the Colleges. When I took Making Connections during my sophomore year, it was at that turning point that I figured out what I wanted to do with my life. Making Connections deals with crucial social issues and presents ways of being an ally---with relation to the "-isms": sexism, racism, classism, homophobia/heterosexism, hate crimes, international awareness, and ableism. I"ll admit I wasn"t too politically active when I first came to campus---but it was through this course---and the Peer Education in Human Relations Program that I learned what I wanted to do with my life. Couple all of this my study abroad experiences and studies in Latin-American and Spanish cultures, and the product is a student who thinks globally and is sensitive to social justice issues. It was through Peer Education in Human Relations that I learned that we, as communities and as a society, must take a stance on diversity and social justice issues---issues that face our society in the twenty-first century and beyond---which span not just the United States, but internationally, as well.

From my experiences of growing up with a sister with Down"s syndrome, I understand that not everyone has the same advantages as others and is subject to prejudice by our society. In fact, I learned that the other day that over 1,700 children of disability are waiting for care in the State of Connecticut---due to budget cuts---despite attempts to secure help from the federal and state governments. These children are living anywhere the State can put them---even jails! We cannot allow prejudice or apathy like this to affect our world. We must take a stand.

As I leave Hobart College this May, I aspire to attend law school. It is my hope to go into public interest law, possibly international law and would like to eventually become a senator or a judge. It is with a law degree that I feel I can dedicate my life to others who don"t necessarily have the means to help themselves. This is the crux of what social justice work entails---standing up for what you believe in.

The charge I issue to all of you this morning is the following: What are you willing to stand up for? In a country that is consumed with materialism, greed, status, politics, and popularity, we do not place enough emphasis on individualism, service, and standing up for our own rights and the rights of others. Whether you are graduating in a few weeks like I am, or you have a year or more at the Colleges, my advice for you is to find something you believe in and stick to it. Cultivate it. Develop it. Enrich it.

Going back to my question, I ask you all again: What you are willing to stand up for? If you know of rape or sexual assault that has/is occurring, take a stand and report it. If you know of hate crimes occurring against people of color, people of other religions, people of other cultures, or people of other sexual orientations, do something and take action against it! If you see a person of disability---help them out! If you hear prejudicial jokes, take a stand and explain to the person why such dialogue is incorrect. Take a stand to help to stop the perpetuation of hate, prejudice, and violence and become an ally. New York Senator Hillary Clinton sums it up best in a speech she gave at the Commencement Exercises at the University of Pennsylvania: "What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities." It is in fact, our differences that make us all great.

I encourage all of you to make an impact on society. Write your senators and congressmen. Run for office. Read as much as you can. Ask questions. Pique your intellectual curiosity. Attend speaker lectures. Do public service. Get involved. Study abroad. Travel. Become cultured. LEARN! It is through these actions that you all can become culturally competent leaders for the twenty-first century, and hopefully you will all be able to answer the question I have set forth for all of you: What are you willing to stand up for?

Thank you.

Romance can wait
Good morning everybody!
The topic I am going to present to you today is “Romance can wait.”
My fellow classmates, I am sure you still remember the day you got the acceptance letter from the college. You were excited. You were happy. You uttered a big sigh of relief. You were very proud to tell your parents, your teachers, your relatives, your buddies,” I made it! I made it!” After all, we all had been working hard for this day to come.
When we came to the college, we are surrounded by a new environment. We meet new classmates. College life is sweet and wonderful. We all come to a time to love as well as to be loved. This is a very natural and inevitable thing. We want to have fun like all other young people our ages do. This is fine and it is understandable. But some of us get confused about the main focus at college. Some of us assume that college is a rose garden. Some of us just want to idle the time and have fun with their sweethearts.
Boys and girls, college life is wonderful. But we can"t just idle our time .We have set new goals. We face new challenges. I don"t know if you have realized that the world is getting smaller and flatter. It is more like a global village now. We face more and more competitions and pressures from all over the world. If we want to grow and flourish in a flat world, we need to think globally. We"d better learn how to change and align ourselves with the fast changing world. We have to constantly upgrade our skills. There will be plenty of good jobs out there in the flat world for people with the knowledge and ideas to seize them.

Boys and girls, let me tell you this loud and clear:Romance can wait. Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.
Thank you and wish you all the best!

my campus life

Every person has a unique experience and a story to tell about his campus life and first day in school, and for that matter, passage through their student life. My story goes something like this. The first day I went to the unversity and the times I spent in the campus.
When I was still a little girl,I have had a dream.It just like a bird,take me far a way in the future.My grandmother told me that where there"s a will,there"s a way.How time flies!Today,my dream finally became true.
The first day when I came in to my new school,I knew,a completely new life would start,and I felt my heart had already can"t w
and my mew classroom.A new beginning could always give people a lot of surprise and wait.
How to discribe my new campus? I think I can describe it in "Three S"s, they are: Small, Sweet and Simple.Small campus with sweet green trees and simple buildings,every where just looks like a beautiful picture.The most unusual view is that you can see students in white clothes walking in the campus everywhere, and a lot of white pigeons flying or walking around you .
Time gose by .In a flash,I have had spent two years in the university.All the years of my university life, I have made many friends and they have helped me a lot in my academics. Many a time I used to have angry anguments with my friends. But, then I think that everything is fair in friendship.Only real friends could contain each other.In my school life I am gifted with excellent class teachers and subject teachers. They always gave me so much help in study,and ofcause excellance classes.
Growing and learning had been a great fun. Every year my system would hold an art and sports competition .I had a grate fun in playing volleyball. So I took part in the team of my class.Finally,we got the first place in the competition. There were also football games ,basketball games ,and so on.I enjoyed every game of those competions. I was very fond of singsing, so I took part in many different singing competions.and I won a couple of prizes.That made me love singsing more and more . Some friends of mine also loved it. We usually sang together in our bedroom after school.At the same time we all used to get lots of fun from our beautiful sound.
Whenever I recollect all these incidents of school life. I feel very happy and I think in everybody"s school life there are many ups and downs that mould one"s life. School is a place where all of us learn to care and share. "School" is just not a place, but it is a large dome made up of discipline, knowledge, love and affection. I think in everybody"s success, school plays a key role. I shall describe my school again in "Three S"s, they are: Small, Sweet

Good day everybody!

First, I want to share an analogy of what college means to me. From my experiences, College is like an orange (similar to like Hobart"s colors), the orange representing the college education and the juice representing the substance, or better yet, what you got out of the experience. Over the four years I have had at this great college, I can honestly say that I have squeezed as much juice out of the orange as I possibly could have. I hope you all feel the same way.

When I arrived at the college in the fall of 2000, I entered with a clean slate. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but I wasn"t sure what professional route I wanted to take. I continued with my passion for Spanish and Computer Science, and in the process, learned a lot about my identity. I found my limits, I found my strengths, and I found other scholarly interests. Granted, I took advantage of everything this wonderful place had to offer---I did six internships, studied abroad in Madrid, double majored and double minored, and served in a variety of leadership capacities on campus. However, during all of this, I felt that there was something missing. I wasn"t sure of what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. I was a nervous, naive first year, trying to find his way through college life. However, I managed my way through Introduction to Biology, Intermediate Programming, History, and Spanish to emerge loving college life.

Pressing on, sophomore year had many twists and turns. I served as Secretary of HSG. September 11th occurred, and my life was almost in ruins due to extenuating circumstances. It was that year that I learned how strong I really was. I continued my studies and involvements, trying to get the most I could out my Hobart education. The text on the chapel sundial expresses my feelings of sophomore year, the Latin Pereunt et Impernateur, which means "the moments that pass are then charged to us," meaning that you should make the most of your time at the college. Ladies and gentlemen, take advantage of what HWS has to offer---or as the etching on the Hobart shield states, the Latin Disce, or in English "LEARN!"

Junior year rolled by and I found myself studying abroad in Madrid, Spain for the first half---enjoying every moment of it. I even was fortunate enough to meet my German relatives, as well as family in England, which was quite amazing, because I never met them at all and I felt a deep connection with my family"s rich heritage. President Gearan said in a speech two years ago during Charter Day that one should "remember his/her roots." I can say that I know where my family came from and that felt great. I came back Junior Spring, getting back into the swing of things and running for the Vice Presidency of the Hobart Student Government. It was great to be back, although a part of me still is back in Europe. Senior year feels like it flew by. With the maelstrom of degree checkouts, job applications, resumes, graduate school applications, homework, projects, and internships, it was amazing that I was able to survive. Nonetheless, I am confident as I graduate from Hobart. I will miss my professors, advisors, and mentors deeply. These people have shaped me to become the person that I am today. I am reminded of a quote from John Lennon, who always said "Life is what happens when you are making other plans." He is indeed correct---even though we all make plans to do other things, whether it is after graduation, or switching jobs, we cannot freeze time---because life will continue on while we make our plans.

Even though I received a top-notch education at HWS, I found a deeper part of myself within the curriculum at the Colleges. When I took Making Connections during my sophomore year, it was at that turning point that I figured out what I wanted to do with my life. Making Connections deals with crucial social issues and presents ways of being an ally---with relation to the "-isms": sexism, racism, classism, homophobia/heterosexism, hate crimes, international awareness, and ableism. I"ll admit I wasn"t too politically active when I first came to campus---but it was through this course---and the Peer Education in Human Relations Program that I learned what I wanted to do with my life. Couple all of this my study abroad experiences and studies in Latin-American and Spanish cultures, and the product is a student who thinks globally and is sensitive to social justice issues. It was through Peer Education in Human Relations that I learned that we, as communities and as a society, must take a stance on diversity and social justice issues---issues that face our society in the twenty-first century and beyond---which span not just the United States, but internationally, as well.

From my experiences of growing up with a sister with Down"s syndrome, I understand that not everyone has the same advantages as others and is subject to prejudice by our society. In fact, I learned that the other day that over 1,700 children of disability are waiting for care in the State of Connecticut---due to budget cuts---despite attempts to secure help from the federal and state governments. These children are living anywhere the State can put them---even jails! We cannot allow prejudice or apathy like this to affect our world. We must take a stand.

As I leave Hobart College this May, I aspire to attend law school. It is my hope to go into public interest law, possibly international law and would like to eventually become a senator or a judge. It is with a law degree that I feel I can dedicate my life to others who don"t necessarily have the means to help themselves. This is the crux of what social justice work entails---standing up for what you believe in.

The charge I issue to all of you this morning is the following: What are you willing to stand up for? In a country that is consumed with materialism, greed, status, politics, and popularity, we do not place enough emphasis on individualism, service, and standing up for our own rights and the rights of others. Whether you are graduating in a few weeks like I am, or you have a year or more at the Colleges, my advice for you is to find something you believe in and stick to it. Cultivate it. Develop it. Enrich it.

Going back to my question, I ask you all again: What you are willing to stand up for? If you know of rape or sexual assault that has/is occurring, take a stand and report it. If you know of hate crimes occurring against people of color, people of other religions, people of other cultures, or people of other sexual orientations, do something and take action against it! If you see a person of disability---help them out! If you hear prejudicial jokes, take a stand and explain to the person why such dialogue is incorrect. Take a stand to help to stop the perpetuation of hate, prejudice, and violence and become an ally. New York Senator Hillary Clinton sums it up best in a speech she gave at the Commencement Exercises at the University of Pennsylvania: "What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities." It is in fact, our differences that make us all great.

I encourage all of you to make an impact on society. Write your senators and congressmen. Run for office. Read as much as you can. Ask questions. Pique your intellectual curiosity. Attend speaker lectures. Do public service. Get involved. Study abroad. Travel. Become cultured. LEARN! It is through these actions that you all can become culturally competent leaders for the twenty-first century, and hopefully you will all be able to answer the question I have set forth for all of you: What are you willing to stand up for?

Thank you.

In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts. They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life.

Those, however, are not what college life is all about. As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school. It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society. Therefore, the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time.

Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect. It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on. Of course, I"d like to lead a carefree life. However, this does little good to my future. What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment. Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like.

To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life. But, I should not forget about the negative sides. They are not less necessary.

Good day everybody!

First, I want to share an analogy of what college means to me. From my experiences, College is like an orange (similar to like Hobart"s colors), the orange representing the college education and the juice representing the substance, or better yet, what you got out of the experience. Over the four years I have had at this great college, I can honestly say that I have squeezed as much juice out of the orange as I possibly could have. I hope you all feel the same way.

When I arrived at the college in the fall of 2000, I entered with a clean slate. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but I wasn"t sure what professional route I wanted to take. I continued with my passion for Spanish and Computer Science, and in the process, learned a lot about my identity. I found my limits, I found my strengths, and I found other scholarly interests. Granted, I took advantage of everything this wonderful place had to offer---I did six internships, studied abroad in Madrid, double majored and double minored, and served in a variety of leadership capacities on campus. However, during all of this, I felt that there was something missing. I wasn"t sure of what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. I was a nervous, naive first year, trying to find his way through college life. However, I managed my way through Introduction to Biology, Intermediate Programming, History, and Spanish to emerge loving college life.

Pressing on, sophomore year had many twists and turns. I served as Secretary of HSG. September 11th occurred, and my life was almost in ruins due to extenuating circumstances. It was that year that I learned how strong I really was. I continued my studies and involvements, trying to get the most I could out my Hobart education. The text on the chapel sundial expresses my feelings of sophomore year, the Latin Pereunt et Impernateur, which means "the moments that pass are then charged to us," meaning that you should make the most of your time at the college. Ladies and gentlemen, take advantage of what HWS has to offer---or as the etching on the Hobart shield states, the Latin Disce, or in English "LEARN!"

Junior year rolled by and I found myself studying abroad in Madrid, Spain for the first half---enjoying every moment of it. I even was fortunate enough to meet my German relatives, as well as family in England, which was quite amazing, because I never met them at all and I felt a deep connection with my family"s rich heritage. President Gearan said in a speech two years ago during Charter Day that one should "remember his/her roots." I can say that I know where my family came from and that felt great. I came back Junior Spring, getting back into the swing of things and running for the Vice Presidency of the Hobart Student Government. It was great to be back, although a part of me still is back in Europe. Senior year feels like it flew by. With the maelstrom of degree checkouts, job applications, resumes, graduate school applications, homework, projects, and internships, it was amazing that I was able to survive. Nonetheless, I am confident as I graduate from Hobart. I will miss my professors, advisors, and mentors deeply. These people have shaped me to become the person that I am today. I am reminded of a quote from John Lennon, who always said "Life is what happens when you are making other plans." He is indeed correct---even though we all make plans to do other things, whether it is after graduation, or switching jobs, we cannot freeze time---because life will continue on while we make our plans.

Even though I received a top-notch education at HWS, I found a deeper part of myself within the curriculum at the Colleges. When I took Making Connections during my sophomore year, it was at that turning point that I figured out what I wanted to do with my life. Making Connections deals with crucial social issues and presents ways of being an ally---with relation to the "-isms": sexism, racism, classism, homophobia/heterosexism, hate crimes, international awareness, and ableism. I"ll admit I wasn"t too politically active when I first came to campus---but it was through this course---and the Peer Education in Human Relations Program that I learned what I wanted to do with my life. Couple all of this my study abroad experiences and studies in Latin-American and Spanish cultures, and the product is a student who thinks globally and is sensitive to social justice issues. It was through Peer Education in Human Relations that I learned that we, as communities and as a society, must take a stance on diversity and social justice issues---issues that face our society in the twenty-first century and beyond---which span not just the United States, but internationally, as well.

From my experiences of growing up with a sister with Down"s syndrome, I understand that not everyone has the same advantages as others and is subject to prejudice by our society. In fact, I learned that the other day that over 1,700 children of disability are waiting for care in the State of Connecticut---due to budget cuts---despite attempts to secure help from the federal and state governments. These children are living anywhere the State can put them---even jails! We cannot allow prejudice or apathy like this to affect our world. We must take a stand.

As I leave Hobart College this May, I aspire to attend law school. It is my hope to go into public interest law, possibly international law and would like to eventually become a senator or a judge. It is with a law degree that I feel I can dedicate my life to others who don"t necessarily have the means to help themselves. This is the crux of what social justice work entails---standing up for what you believe in.

The charge I issue to all of you this morning is the following: What are you willing to stand up for? In a country that is consumed with materialism, greed, status, politics, and popularity, we do not place enough emphasis on individualism, service, and standing up for our own rights and the rights of others. Whether you are graduating in a few weeks like I am, or you have a year or more at the Colleges, my advice for you is to find something you believe in and stick to it. Cultivate it. Develop it. Enrich it.

Going back to my question, I ask you all again: What you are willing to stand up for? If you know of rape or sexual assault that has/is occurring, take a stand and report it. If you know of hate crimes occurring against people of color, people of other religions, people of other cultures, or people of other sexual orientations, do something and take action against it! If you see a person of disability---help them out! If you hear prejudicial jokes, take a stand and explain to the person why such dialogue is incorrect. Take a stand to help to stop the perpetuation of hate, prejudice, and violence and become an ally. New York Senator Hillary Clinton sums it up best in a speech she gave at the Commencement Exercises at the University of Pennsylvania: "What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities." It is in fact, our differences that make us all great.

I encourage all of you to make an impact on society. Write your senators and congressmen. Run for office. Read as much as you can. Ask questions. Pique your intellectual curiosity. Attend speaker lectures. Do public service. Get involved. Study abroad. Travel. Become cultured. LEARN! It is through these actions that you all can become culturally competent leaders for the twenty-first century, and hopefully you will all be able to answer the question I have set forth for all of you: What are you willing to stand up for?

Thank you.

Romance can wait
Good morning everybody!
The topic I am going to present to you today is “Romance can wait.”
My fellow classmates, I am sure you still remember the day you got the acceptance letter from the college. You were excited. You were happy. You uttered a big sigh of relief. You were very proud to tell your parents, your teachers, your relatives, your buddies,” I made it! I made it!” After all, we all had been working hard for this day to come.
When we came to the college, we are surrounded by a new environment. We meet new classmates. College life is sweet and wonderful. We all come to a time to love as well as to be loved. This is a very natural and inevitable thing. We want to have fun like all other young people our ages do. This is fine and it is understandable. But some of us get confused about the main focus at college. Some of us assume that college is a rose garden. Some of us just want to idle the time and have fun with their sweethearts.
Boys and girls, college life is wonderful. But we can"t just idle our time .We have set new goals. We face new challenges. I don"t know if you have realized that the world is getting smaller and flatter. It is more like a global village now. We face more and more competitions and pressures from all over the world. If we want to grow and flourish in a flat world, we need to think globally. We"d better learn how to change and align ourselves with the fast changing world. We have to constantly upgrade our skills. There will be plenty of good jobs out there in the flat world for people with the knowledge and ideas to seize them.

Boys and girls, let me tell you this loud and clear:Romance can wait. Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.
Thank you and wish you all the best!

my campus life

Every person has a unique experience and a story to tell about his campus life and first day in school, and for that matter, passage through their student life. My story goes something like this. The first day I went to the unversity and the times I spent in the campus.
When I was still a little girl,I have had a dream.It just like a bird,take me far a way in the future.My grandmother told me that where there"s a will,there"s a way.How time flies!Today,my dream finally became true.
The first day when I came in to my new school,I knew,a completely new life would start,and I felt my heart had already can"t w
and my mew classroom.A new beginning could always give people a lot of surprise and wait.
How to discribe my new campus? I think I can describe it in "Three S"s, they are: Small, Sweet and Simple.Small campus with sweet green trees and simple buildings,every where just looks like a beautiful picture.The most unusual view is that you can see students in white clothes walking in the campus everywhere, and a lot of white pigeons flying or walking around you .
Time gose by .In a flash,I have had spent two years in the university.All the years of my university life, I have made many friends and they have helped me a lot in my academics. Many a time I used to have angry anguments with my friends. But, then I think that everything is fair in friendship.Only real friends could contain each other.In my school life I am gifted with excellent class teachers and subject teachers. They always gave me so much help in study,and ofcause excellance classes.
Growing and learning had been a great fun. Every year my system would hold an art and sports competition .I had a grate fun in playing volleyball. So I took part in the team of my class.Finally,we got the first place in the competition. There were also football games ,basketball games ,and so on.I enjoyed every game of those competions. I was very fond of singsing, so I took part in many different singing competions.and I won a couple of prizes.That made me love singsing more and more . Some friends of mine also loved it. We usually sang together in our bedroom after school.At the same time we all used to get lots of fun from our beautiful sound.
Whenever I recollect all these incidents of school life. I feel very happy and I think in everybody"s school life there are many ups and downs that mould one"s life. School is a place where all of us learn to care and share. "School" is just not a place, but it is a large dome made up of discipline, knowledge, love and affection. I think in everybody"s success, school plays a key role. I shall describe my school again in "Three S"s, they are: Small, Sweet

楼上的。上面两篇估计都不行,第一篇的GPA都错了,GPA是General Points Average。 就是总体平均分。这都没搞清楚。我看还是不要用这个了。一看就知道是高中毕业生的水平。




Whether for a crowd of 50 or a crowd of 1, fear and embarrassment about speaking in public can be overcome. Public speaking is a learned skill that everyone can master with practice. Learn how to speak with confidence and add punch to your presentation by using the power tools below.

Eight Communication Power Tools

Eye contact

Good eye contact helps your audience feel more relaxed and builds confidence in your speaking knowledge and ability. Maintain eye contact by knowing your speech well enough that you need only occasionally glance at your notes.

Find a few friendly faces in the audience that react to your message and concentrate on delivering your speech to them. Keep eye contact for four to five seconds at a time, then move to someone else.

Stance and Body Movements

Good posture portrays confidence. Square your feet shoulder-width apart and plant flat on the ground. Swaying or too much movement can be distracting to your listeners.

A natural position for your arms is relaxed by your sides. To emphasize strong points you"ll want to use movements that are deliberate and precise but look natural and spontaneous.

Be aware of habits you might have like crossing your arms, leaning against a wall or the podium or tapping a pen. This might also be distracting to your audience or tell them that you are uninterested or unconfident.

Practise your speech in front of a mirror to evaluate your presentation style and body movements and adjust accordingly. Try many different ways to find a comfortable balance of gestures to use in front of an audience.

Facial Expressions

Pleasant facial expressions help to establish a warm and positive relationship with your audience. A smile lets them know that you are human and trustworthy, giving them more reason to accept your ideas.

Expressions in your face captures the mood of your speech and keeps the audience involved.

Appropriate Dress

Good choice of attire helps establish respect with your audience. Before you arrive to give your presentation, ask others for their opinion on your choice of clothing and appropriateness for the occasion.

Voice Projection

Sometimes tone of voice can have more impact than the message. Put feeling and energy into your voice by practising vocal skills. You can add interest and variety to your speech by:

varying the pitch throughout sentences to convey emotion (high and low)

change the speed of your words to dramatize the audience

use pauses and silences instead of uhs, umms and you knows

increase and decrease the volume of your voice to emphasize main points and draw in the listeners (soft and loud)

add vitality so your voice never sounds monotonous or emotionless

Practise vocal variety every day and soon it will become automatic. Tape your voice and evaluate where changes may need to occur.

Audience Involvement

Involve your audience by: asking questions, talking to them directly (not to your material) and sparking their interest. This helps establish a relaxed rapport with your audience.

Use the content of your speech to involve the audience. Consider strong, catchy openings, visuals or demonstrations or ask for a volunteer"s assistance.


The objective is not to be a comedian but for you to establish a comfortable atmosphere and have fun with your audience. Humor can make the difference between an average and an outstanding presentation.

A little humor in your speech lets the audience know you are human and people actually learn more if they are having fun. Try to incorporate personal stories or current events to add fun to your speech.

Controlling the Butterflies

The number one fear of people in North America is speaking in public. Most people fear this even more than death. Everyone has a certain amount of nervousness when talking to a group but the trick is not to get rid of the nervousness - learn to control it.

Just before your speech do some deep breathing exercises to relax you

Use your nervousness to add excitement to your personality

Remember you"re the expert - you were asked to talk because you had something worthwhile to say

Everyone wants you to succeed

Speaking in public is a skill you can learn with practise. Controlling your fear and practising the above skills in public speaking can give you that winning edge.



my campus life

Every person has a unique experience and a story to tell about his campus life and first day in school, and for that matter, passage through their student life. My story goes something like this. The first day I went to the unversity and the times I spent in the campus.

When I was still a little girl,I have had a dream.It just like a bird,take me far a way in the future.My grandmother told me that where there"s a will,there"s a way.How time flies!Today,my dream finally became true.

The first day when I came in to my new school,I knew,a completely new life would start,and I felt my heart had already can"t w

and my mew classroom.A new beginning could always give people a lot of surprise and wait.

How to discribe my new campus? I think I can describe it in "Three S"s, they are: Small, Sweet and Simple.Small campus with sweet green trees and simple buildings,every where just looks like a beautiful picture.The most unusual view is that you can see students in white clothes walking in the campus everywhere, and a lot of white pigeons flying or walking around you .

Time gose by .In a flash,I have had spent two years in the university.All the years of my university life, I have made many friends and they have helped me a lot in my academics. Many a time I used to have angry anguments with my friends. But, then I think that everything is fair in friendship.Only real friends could contain each other.In my school life I am gifted with excellent class teachers and subject teachers. They always gave me so much help in study,and ofcause excellance classes.

Growing and learning had been a great fun. Every year my system would hold an art and sports competition .I had a grate fun in playing volleyball. So I took part in the team of my class.Finally,we got the first place in the competition. There were also football games ,basketball games ,and so on.I enjoyed every game of those competions. I was very fond of singsing, so I took part in many different singing competions.and I won a couple of prizes.That made me love singsing more and more . Some friends of mine also loved it. We usually sang together in our bedroom after school.At the same time we all used to get lots of fun from our beautiful sound.

Whenever I recollect all these incidents of school life. I feel very happy and I think in everybody"s school life there are many ups and downs that mould one"s life. School is a place where all of us learn to care and share. "School" is just not a place, but it is a large dome made up of discipline, knowledge, love and affection. I think in everybody"s success, school plays a key role. I shall describe my school again in "Three S"s, they are: Small, Sweet and Simple. My school was the best, is the best and will be the best.

ait to see my new classmates, new bedroom




emotional deficit
2023-01-10 16:36:435


2023-01-10 16:37:365


  学习英语时,我们都学过惊讶的英文有surprised;amazed等。那么你知道不要惊讶的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的不要惊讶的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不要惊讶的英文   1.don"t be shocked   2.don"t be surprised   惊讶:surprised; amazed; astonished   don"t be surprised造句   1. Don"t be surprised if all these cigarettes you are smoking catch up on you one day.   如果你现在抽的这些香烟哪一天损害到你的健康,你可别大吃一惊.   2. Don"t be surprised if there"s an hour - long wait to ascend.   不要惊讶,如果有一个小时的等待攀登.   3. Don"t be surprised, he just likes to show off everything.   别奇怪, 他就是很爱现.   4. Don"t be surprised when somebody takes issue with your testimony.   有人对你的证词提出异议时,不要大惊小怪的.   5. Don"t be surprised to find your biggest interrupter is your boss!   如果你最大的被打扰的来源是你的老板的话你千万不要感到奇怪!   6. Don"t be surprised if what you feel is rough and bumpy.   如果你觉得粗糙或凸凹不平,别觉得奇怪.   7. Don"t be surprised if she refuses.   她多半会拒绝的.   8. Don"t be surprised! It is only a supposition.   不要感到吃惊, 这只是个假定.   9. Don"t be surprised if Hatton ends up flat on his back with the referee wavingarms overhead.   如果到时候哈顿仰面倒在拳台上,裁判挥手终止比赛,大家可别太惊讶啊!   10. Splash out artistically -- and don"t be surprised if your experiments lead to big discoveries.   飞溅的艺术 —— 并且如果你的实验引起大发现也不必感到惊讶.   surprised例句   1. He was surprised they had married — they had seemed so different.   他俩居然结婚了——这让他非常惊讶,因为他们实在是太不一样了。   2. The duke was surprised by his wife"s omission from the guest list.   公爵对他的夫人未在获邀宾客之列感到意外。   3. My voice surprised me; it was even and emotionless.   我的声音听起来心平气和、不露一丝感情,这让我自己颇感惊讶。   4. He was surprised by the venomous tone of the anonymous calls.   那些匿名电话的恶毒语气很令他吃惊。   5. She was surprised at the urgency in his voice.   他语调中透着急迫,这让她很吃惊。   6. Were you surprised that his disease progressed so quickly?   他的病情发展得这么快,您是否感到意外?   7. "I don"tagree," she said, surprised at the strength in her own voice.   “我不同意,”她说道,对自己的声音如此响亮有力而感到惊讶。   8. I would be surprised, actually, if he left Birmingham.   如果他要离开伯明翰,说真的,我会很惊讶。   9. Anne was both flattered and surprised by Danny"s attentiveness to her.   丹尼的大献殷勤让安妮受宠若惊。   10. Liam surprised his tutors by twice failing a second year exam.
2023-01-10 16:38:111


heartless people are not worthy of being love(提醒下楼主,deserve有活该的意思,最好不要用)
2023-01-10 16:39:065


  惊讶指觉得很意外,很奇怪;惊异。可以用作形容词和动词。有惊异、惊奇之意。那么你知道惊讶用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    惊讶英语说法1:   surprise    惊讶英语说法2:   amazed    惊讶英语说法3:   astonished   惊讶的相关 短语 :   惊讶地 in surprise ; in astonishment ; in amazement ; in wonder   表示惊讶 oh ; wu ; Expressing Surprise ; express surprise   惊讶漫画 Marvel Comics   充满惊讶 be full of surprises   会惊讶 be pleased ; be surprised ; be surprise at   惊讶不已 Taken by surprise   不必惊讶 Nothing"s Shocking   惊讶什么 What surprised   非常惊讶 Boy ; My Goodness ; WOW ; Oh, mine    惊讶的英语例句:   1. The Foreign Office in London has expressed surprise at these allegations.   位于伦敦的英国外交部对这些说法表示惊讶.   2. He was surprised they had married — they had seemed so different.   他俩居然结婚了——这让他非常惊讶,因为他们实在是太不一样了。   3. My voice surprised me; it was even and emotionless.   我的声音听起来心平气和、不露一丝感情,这让我自己颇感惊讶。   4. Neil"s ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me.   每次我都很惊讶,尼尔怎么能讲出这么索然无味的东西。   5. They stopped in their tracks and stared at him in amazement.   他们突然停下,惊讶地盯着他。   6. "I don"tagree," she said, surprised at the strength in her own voice.   “我不同意,”她说道,对自己的声音如此响亮有力而感到惊讶。   7. I would be surprised, actually, if he left Birmingham.   如果他要离开伯明翰,说真的,我会很惊讶。   8. I"m amazed they had the cheek to ask in the first place.   我真惊讶他们当初竟然有脸问。   9. I was surprised at the cross-section of people there.   那里的一些典型人物让我感到惊讶。   10. Astoundingly, an American had won the Tour de France.   令人惊讶的是,一个美国人获得了环法自行车赛的冠军。   11. These jumbled priorities should be no cause for surprise.   这些乱七八糟的需优先考虑的事项没有什么可惊讶的。   12. Chang seemed surprised to find the big living-room empty.   张看到偌大的客厅里空无一人,似乎很惊讶。   13. We were rather surprised by their sporting and correct behaviour.   他们富有体育精神而且举止得体,让我们感到相当惊讶。   14. She was hitting on me and I was surprised and flattered.   她在挑逗我,这让我感到既惊讶又受宠若惊。   15. Whenever it snows in Britain we are taken by surprise.   每次英国下雪,我们都会感到惊讶。
2023-01-10 16:39:311


  一、【近义词】   平心静气、和颜悦色、平心易气   二、【词语注音】   xīn píng qì hé   三、【基本词意】   心平气和,谓思想或精神平静没有不安或压抑的"感情;也指抑制或重新克制住了自己的感情;平静下来。   四、【英文翻译】   heartsease;   be in a calm mood;   become gentle with...;   calm of spirit and even of temper;   cool it   五、【详细解释】   宋·苏轼《菜羹赋》:“先生心平而气和,故虽老而体胖。”   《儿女英雄传》第二五回:“姑娘这段话,说了个知甘苦,近情理,并且说得心平气和,委屈婉转。”金 王若虚 《复之纯交说》:“吾病始兆,悟而药之,治养以方……行之期月,乃复其常,心平气和,百邪不攻,乃愈而康。”   示例:一想到事情的前因后果,他也就心平气和了;   老刘总是那么心平气和的,我从未见他发过脾气;   在考虑大事时,必须心平气和,不急不躁。   六、【拓展延伸】   让我们心平气和地坐下来谈一谈。   Let"s sit down and have a calm and sensible talk.   一旦我知道自己得到了宽恕,便可以心平气和了。   Once I knew I was forgiven I could be at peace with myself at last   在这件事上我们表现得很成熟。我们一边喝酒一边心平气和地谈了谈。   We were very adult about it. We discussed it rationally over a drink.   他通常是个非常心平气和的人。   He was normally a very even-tempered person   你最好心平气和地同他讲理。   You"d better reason things out with him calmly.   我的声音听起来心平气和、不露一丝感情,这让我自己颇感惊讶。   My voice surprised me; it was even and emotionless.   有话心平气和地讲。   Let"s try to talk things over without getting excited.   他忙着写日记或讲学的时候,心平气和得很。   Busy with his journal or addressing a lyceum, he was untroubled.   我很能理解这一点,他心平气和地说。   I can quite understand that, he said calmly.   让我们像文明人一样心平气和地讨论吧。   Let"s discuss this like civilized people
2023-01-10 16:40:291


正确的是:emotional。adj. 情感的,情绪的;激动人心的,有感染力的;情绪激动的(尤指哭泣),情感流露的;(人)易动感情的,感情用事的短语emotional intelligence 情绪智力 ; 情绪智商 ; 情感智力emotional appeals 情感诉求 ; 感性诉求 ; 感情诉求 ; 情绪性诉求Emotional Quotient 情绪商数 ; 情绪智商 ; 情商 ; 的情商同根词词根: emoteadj.emotive 感情的;情绪的;表现感情的emotionless 没有情感的;不露情感的adv.emotionally感情上;情绪上;令人激动地;情绪冲动地n.emotion 情感;情绪emotionality 情绪性;感动性emotionalism 感情主义;诉诸感情;主情主义vi.emote 夸张地表现感情
2023-01-10 16:41:461


题库内容:无动于衷的解释[emotionless;unconcerned;unmoved;untouched;cannot have caredless;turn a deal ear to] 一点也不 动心 ;不为感情所动 详细解释 见“ 无动於中 ”。 词语分解 无的解释 无 (无) ú 没有,与“有” 相对 ;不:无辜。无偿。无从(没有门径或找不到头绪)。无度。无端(无缘 无故 )。无方(不得法,与“ 有方 ”相对)。无非(只,不过)。无动于衷。 无所适从 。 有 部首 衷的解释 衷 ō 内心: 由衷 。苦衷。无动于衷。 衷肠 。 福,善:“降衷于下民”。 正中不偏:折衷。 贴身的内衣。 部首:衣。
2023-01-10 16:41:581


题库内容:无动于衷的解释[emotionless;unconcerned;unmoved;untouched;cannot have caredless;turn a deal ear to] 一点也不 动心 ;不为感情所动 详细解释 见“ 无动於中 ”。 词语分解 无的解释 无 (无) ú 没有,与“有” 相对 ;不:无辜。无偿。无从(没有门径或找不到头绪)。无度。无端(无缘 无故 )。无方(不得法,与“ 有方 ”相对)。无非(只,不过)。无动于衷。 无所适从 。 有 部首 衷的解释 衷 ō 内心: 由衷 。苦衷。无动于衷。 衷肠 。 福,善:“降衷于下民”。 正中不偏:折衷。 贴身的内衣。 部首:衣。
2023-01-10 16:42:041


题库内容:无动于衷的解释[emotionless;unconcerned;unmoved;untouched;cannot have caredless;turn a deal ear to] 一点也不 动心 ;不为感情所动 详细解释 见“ 无动於中 ”。 词语分解 无的解释 无 (无) ú 没有,与“有” 相对 ;不:无辜。无偿。无从(没有门径或找不到头绪)。无度。无端(无缘 无故 )。无方(不得法,与“ 有方 ”相对)。无非(只,不过)。无动于衷。 无所适从 。 有 部首 衷的解释 衷 ō 内心: 由衷 。苦衷。无动于衷。 衷肠 。 福,善:“降衷于下民”。 正中不偏:折衷。 贴身的内衣。 部首:衣。
2023-01-10 16:42:111


LZ,简约但不简单!!绝情,,联想到了绝情谷。numbnessresolutionunmoveddead-heartedisolatedemotionlesscruel & hardNo passionNo sympathyCut all links感觉好多!!你选个吧!
2023-01-10 16:42:173


题库内容:无动于衷的解释[emotionless;unconcerned;unmoved;untouched;cannot have caredless;turn a deal ear to] 一点也不 动心 ;不为感情所动 详细解释 见“ 无动於中 ”。 词语分解 无的解释 无 (无) ú 没有,与“有” 相对 ;不:无辜。无偿。无从(没有门径或找不到头绪)。无度。无端(无缘 无故 )。无方(不得法,与“ 有方 ”相对)。无非(只,不过)。无动于衷。 无所适从 。 有 部首 衷的解释 衷 ō 内心: 由衷 。苦衷。无动于衷。 衷肠 。 福,善:“降衷于下民”。 正中不偏:折衷。 贴身的内衣。 部首:衣。
2023-01-10 16:42:291

emotional damage翻译

emotional damage翻译是精神损害。重点词汇:emotionaladj.情感的,情绪的;激动人心的,有感染力的;情绪激动的(尤指哭泣),情感流露的;(人)易动感情的,感情用事的。短语emotional intelligence 情绪智力;情绪智商;情感智力。emotional appeals 情感诉求;感性诉求;感情诉求;情绪性诉求。Emotional Quotient 情绪商数;情绪智商;情商;的情商。同根词词根: emoteadj.emotive 感情的;情绪的;表现感情的。emotionless 没有情感的;不露情感的。adv.emotionally感情上;情绪上;令人激动地;情绪冲动地。n.emotion 情感;情绪。emotionality 情绪性;感动性。emotionalism 感情主义;诉诸感情;主情主义。vi.emote 夸张地表现感情。
2023-01-10 16:42:471

emotional damage翻译是什么?

emotional damage翻译是精神损害。重点词汇:emotionaladj. 情感的,情绪的;激动人心的,有感染力的;情绪激动的(尤指哭泣),情感流露的;(人)易动感情的,感情用事的短语emotional intelligence 情绪智力 ; 情绪智商 ; 情感智力emotional appeals 情感诉求 ; 感性诉求 ; 感情诉求 ; 情绪性诉求Emotional Quotient 情绪商数 ; 情绪智商 ; 情商 ; 的情商同根词词根: emoteadj.emotive 感情的;情绪的;表现感情的emotionless 没有情感的;不露情感的adv.emotionally感情上;情绪上;令人激动地;情绪冲动地n.emotion 情感;情绪emotionality 情绪性;感动性emotionalism 感情主义;诉诸感情;主情主义vi.emote 夸张地表现感情
2023-01-10 16:42:581

"好冷漠" 英文怎么说

2023-01-10 16:43:093

带无字的词语 除了无心 无情 无忧 无爱 还有无啥 谁知道

常用词组1. 无把握 wúbǎwò[unsure] 缺乏信心或没有把握的。处理他们的…无准备,无把握,无经验的问题。2. 无保留 wúbǎoliú[unreserve;without reservation;unconditional] 没有保留。3. 无比 wúbǐ[incomparable;unparalleled;matchless] 没有能够相比的。可怜体无比。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》无比的优越性。4. 无边 wúbiān[borderless] 没有边际。无边界框。5. 无边无际 wúbiān-wújì[boundless;vast;limitness] 广大而看不到边际。白茫茫一片无边无际,原来是太湖边上。——《说岳全传》6. 无病呻吟 wúbìng-shēnyín[adopt a sentimental pose;make a fuss about an imaginary illness] 比喻没有忧伤而发出慨叹,也比喻诗文矫揉造作,缺乏真情实感。虽然有人数我为“无病呻吟”,但我以为自家有病自家知。7. 无病自灸 wúbìng-zìjiū[bring trouble to oneself by making uncalled-for moves] 没有病而自行针灸。比喻无缘无故自讨苦吃。8. 无补 wúbǔ[of no avail;do not help matter] 没有补益,无益。这样恐怕无补于事。9. 无猜 wúcāi[innocent] 没有猜忌;不顾虑。无猜的感情10. 无产阶级 wúchǎnjiējí[proletariat] 指在资本主义社会中没有自己的生产资料,因而靠出卖劳动力为生的、受资产阶级剥削的阶级;工人阶级。11. 无常 wúcháng(1) [anicca;anitya;impermanence]∶佛语。生灭变化不定法令亡常。(亡通“无”。)——《汉书·李广苏建传》反复无常(2) [name of a ghost]∶迷信的人指人将死时勾魂的鬼。(3) [pass away]∶婉辞,指人死。一旦无常12. 无偿 wúcháng[gratuitous;free;gratis] 不需代价,无须报酬的。无偿资助13. 无成 wúchéng[achieve nothing] 没有成功;没有成就。一事无成14. 无耻 wúchǐ[cheekiness;brazen;impudent;shameless] 不知耻辱;不要脸。无耻的东西15. 无出其右 wúchūqíyòu[matchless;be unexcelled;have nothing superior to;without equal] 无人能战胜或超过(古时以右边为上位,古人写字从右往左竖写,右则在前)16. 无从 wúcóng[have no way(of doing sth.);be not in a position to] 指做某件事没有办法或找不到头绪。问题复杂,无从入手17. 无大无小 wúdà-wúxiǎo[whether big or small] 亦说“无小无大”。不管大小,一般指人不懂礼节。18. 无道 wúdào[brutal;cruel;tyrannical] 暴虐,没有德政。伐无道。——《史记·陈涉世家》19. 无敌 wúdí[unparagoned invincible;unmatched;unconquerable] 没有与之匹敌的对手。无敌将军20. 无底洞 wúdǐdòng[rathole;bottomless abyss;bottomless cavern] 无法填满的洞。比喻满足不了的物质要求,或者比喻做不完的工作。21. 无地自容 wúdì-zìróng[can find no place to hide oneself for shame;feel too ashamed to show one"s face] 没有地方可以给自己容身。形容十分羞愧。22. 无的放矢 wúdì-fàngshǐ[shoot at random;discharge one"s pistol in the air;stoot an arrow without a target] 盲无目标地射箭。比喻说话、写作离题,行动盲目。23. 无冬无夏 wúdōng-wúxià[the whole year;regardless of winter or summer] 不论冬夏,指一年四季。他无冬无夏总是很早起床。24. 无动于衷 wúdòngyúzhōng[emotionless;unconcerned;unmoved;untouched;cannot have caredless;turn a deal ear to] 一点也不动心;不为感情所动。25. 无独有偶 wúdú-yǒu"ǒu[it is not unique;do not come singly,but in pairs] 虽然罕见,但不只独个,还有可以配对的(多含贬义)26. 无毒不丈夫 wú dú bù zhàngfu[ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man] 要成就大事业必须手段毒辣,技高一筹。那侄少爷见如此情形,又羞又怒又怕,回去之后,忽然生了一个“无毒不丈夫”的主意来。——《二十年目睹之怪现状》27. 无度 wúdù[immoderate;excessive] 无节制,没有限度。无度不丈夫饮食无度28. 无端 wúduān(1) [unprovoked;for no reason at all]∶没来由;没道理。无端滋事(2) [evil]∶品性不端正无端贱婢(3) [endless]∶没有尽头29. 无恶不作 wú"è-bùzuò[stop at nothing in doing evil;do not shrink from any crimes;stop at no evil] 什么坏事都干。30. 无法 wúfǎ[unable;no way;no means of;incapable] 没辙,想不出办法。我无法做出这道题31. 无法无天 wúfǎ-wútiān[wild;without law and order;defy all laws;become absolutely lawless;run wild] 不怕法律,也不怕天道报应。形容肆无忌惮,胡作非为。32. 无方 wúfāng(1) [in the wrong way;do not know how;not in the proper way]∶不得法;方法不对。经营无方(2) [nothing]∶没有固定的方向、处所、范围。33. 无妨 wúfáng[there"s no harm;may as well;might as well] 不妨有意见,无妨直率提出来34. 无非 wúfēi[nothing but;only;no more than;simply] 不外;没别的他无非就有三板斧功夫。35. 无干 wúgān[have nothing to do with] 不相干;无关这事与你无干36. 无告 wúgào(1) [extremely wretched;have nowhere to turn for help]∶有疾苦而无处诉说受欺压无告的社会。(2) [extremely wretched sufferer]∶有疾苦而无处诉说的人。疾苦无告37. 无根据 wú gēnjù[unfounded;unsubstantial;groundless;without foundation;do not hold water] 在道理和事实方面缺乏确实依据的无根据的指责38. 无功 wúgōng[idle] 没有功劳39. 无功受禄 wúgōng-shòulù[get a reward without deserving it;one without merit receives emoluments] 没有功劳而享受优厚的待遇40. 无辜 wúgū(1) [harmless]∶清白无罪的常恐无辜死。——宋·文天祥《指南录后序》(2) [an innocent person]∶无罪的人枉杀无辜41. 无故 wúgù[without cause or reason] 没有原因无故旷课42. 无怪,无怪乎 wúguài,wúguàihū[no wonder;not no be wondered] 表示知道了原因,所说的情况就不足怪。外面起风了,无怪有点冷43. 无关 wúguān[have nothing to do with] 不牵涉;无牵连;没有关系。无关紧要44. 无关宏旨 wúguān-hóngzhǐ[unimportant;do not matter much] 未涉及主要的意思,指关系或意义不大这事无关宏指45. 无关紧要 wúguān-jǐnyào[neither here nor there] 不相干的;不重要的舒适与便利是无关紧要的事46. 无关痛痒 wúguān-tòngyǎng[of no importance;irrelevant;matter of no consequence;superficial] 比喻无关紧要或与本身无关47. 无害 wúhài(1) [harmless;inoffensive;innocuous]∶没有妨害(2) [incomparable]∶没有能胜过的;无比请择吏之忠信者,无害可任事者。——《墨子·号令》以文无害,为沛主吏掾。——《史记·萧相国世家》汤给事内吏,为宁成掾,以汤无害。——《汉书·张汤传》。颜师古注:“无害,言其最胜也。”48. 无何 wúhé(1) [soon]∶不久;很短时间之后亡何国变。(亡通“无”。)——清·黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》无何宰以卓异闻。——《聊斋志异·促织》无何他二人就言归于好(2) [nothing; nothing else]∶没有什么重要的事情自觉无何49. 无恒 wúhéng[no perseverance;inconstant] 没有恒心,不能持久50. 无华 wúhuá[unadorned] 没有华美的色彩朴实无华[来自百度百科]
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瑞典歌特金属乐队Beseech Lost的中文翻译

Lost in myself, I cannot feel 迷失了自我,心已冷漠Control I aim, I stumble and fall 故作坚强却已无力支撑Believing you, that"s why I loose 对你的信任是我失败的缘由Emotionless, I"m falling apart 我的心麻木破碎Reaching for you but falling through 想要抓住你却一切成空Confused I am, I"m loosing ground 困惑不解,我步步退让Embraced by you in my own mind 还在心中渴望你的怀抱Holding on to the sweet beliefs 坚持着那甜蜜的信条 Calling out my own reality, 呼唤那只属于我的真实 Screaming out all my fears喊出我所有的恐惧 Overwhelmed by all insanity,被全部的疯狂淹没Sacrificed a thousand tears 献祭了千万泪滴水Calling out in pain my weaknesses, 痛苦中喊出我的虚弱Fighting to get back whole挣扎着找回自我Overwhelmed by madness, 被爱的狂热淹没,Lost in the darkness of my soul 我迷失在灵魂的暗处Woke up alone, but in my heart 孤独的醒来,却在内心听到You were there whispering my name 你轻声呼唤着我的名字Wanna go back to the same old place 想要回到过去,那时我们Where we belonged until death do us part 相依相许直至死亡降临I close my eyes and numb my heart 紧锁双目,禁锢心房Wish for sleep but only face my truth 确无法入眠,眼前只有现实之痛Embraced by you in my own mind 还在心中渴望你的怀抱Holding on to the sweet beliefs 坚持着那甜蜜的信条Calling out my own reality, 呼唤那只属于我的真实 Screaming out all my fears喊出我所有的恐惧 Overwhelmed by all insanity,却被全部的疯狂淹没Sacrificed a thousand tears 献祭了千万泪滴水Calling out in pain my weaknesses, 痛苦中喊出我的虚弱Fighting to get back whole挣扎着找回自我Overwhelmed by madness, 被爱的狂热淹没,Lost in the darkness of my soul 我迷失在灵魂的暗处------------------------------------------------转载[歌词翻译吧]作者: 猫友友
2023-01-10 16:43:341


  voice表示嗓音; (动词的)语态的意思,那么你知道voice的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了voice的短语搭配,希望能帮到大家。   voice的短语   with one voice   异口同声地,一致地 unanimously   With one voice, the workers voted to strike.工人投票一致要求罢工。           raise one"s voice against   坚决而勇敢地发言反对某人〔某事物〕 speak firmly and boldly against sb/sth   I feel I must raise my voice against suggested changes in the law.我认为我必须对该法律所提出的修改条款提出反对。   make one"s voice heard   表达感情、意见等 express one"s feelings, opinions, etc. in such a way that they are noticed or acted on   This programme gives ordinary viewers a chance to make their voice heard.这个节目给普通观众一个发表意见的机会。   give voice to   表露(感情、忧虑等) express feelings, worries, etc.   The people gave voice to their distrust of the government by voting against them at the election.选举时人们通过投票表示他们对政府的不信任。   voice的 同义词 辨析   noise, sound, voice   这些名词均含"声音"之意。   noise : 通常指不悦耳的、令人烦恼的嘈杂声,隐含贬义。   sound : 普通用词,含义笼统,指人们能听到的各种声音,无褒贬色彩。   voice : 指人说话或 唱歌 时发出的声音。   voice的短语例句   1. His voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully.   他一字一顿,听上去很生硬。   2. She"s got a great voice and is singing better than ever.   她的嗓音非常好,现在的唱功比以往任何时候都要好。   3. It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune.   他声音很一般,但唱得都在调子上。   4. I answered the phone and this voice went, "Hello? Is that Alison?"   我拿起电话,就听到这个声音:“喂?是艾利森吗?”   5. Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out the words.   罗斯听到了熟悉的声音,但没注意听说的是什么。   6. The Daily Mail has the headline "The Voice of Conscience"   《每日邮报》的头版标题为“良知的声音”。   7. "Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice.   “请理解这一点,”她开始说道,声音有些发颤。   8. "That is correct, Meg," he answered in his cold, dead voice.   “没错,梅格。”他用冰冷、阴沉的声音答道。   9. She sighed, then continued in a soft, calm voice.   她叹了口气,然后继续用温柔、平静的声音说下去。   10. Then there was a woman"s voice, rising shrilly above the barking.   接着,一个女人的尖厉声音盖过了犬吠声。   11. He picked up the phone expecting to hear the chairman"s gruff voice.   他拿起电话,心想会听到主席粗哑的嗓音。   12. Mack made his voice quiver with fear on these last two words.   麦克说出最后这两个字时,吓得声音颤抖。   13. My voice surprised me; it was even and emotionless.   我的声音听起来心平气和、不露一丝感情,这让我自己颇感惊讶。   14. He was still laughing when he heard the rasp of Rennie"s voice.   当他听到伦尼尖叫的声音时仍然在笑.   15. She was surprised at the urgency in his voice.   他语调中透着急迫,这让她很吃惊。 猜你喜欢: 1. voice的同义词 2. voice是什么意思 3. catch的短语 4. even的短语 5. visit的短语有哪些
2023-01-10 16:43:531


王亚乔(Jasmine Wang) - Remain As IsThinking of the rainy days 记得那些雨天My tea is as cold as ice手中的茶似冰般冷You say remain, to be remained as is你说我们不如顺其自然吧For the good time used to be曾共渡过的美好时光 Seems far and out of touch现已遥不可及You say remain, just be remained as is你说我们不如顺其自然吧Oh my days are fleeting,时光飞逝如箭I remember how我依稀记得As is, I can find a better way out顺其自然, 我能找到更好的出路 Thinking of the lonely nights记得那些孤寂的夜晚Cold hearted and emotionless你的冷漠和绝情You say remain, to be remained as is你说我们不如顺其自然吧For the places I"ve ever been我曾去过的每一个地方There"s none as cold as you没有一处像你这样冰冷You say remain, just be remained as is你说我们不如顺其自然吧Oh my days are fleeting,每一天都稍纵即逝I remember how我依稀记得As is, I can find a better way out顺其自然 我能找到更好的出路For the years I remember 我仍清楚记得这些年来Hard to find and hard to share难以寻觅 难以分享You say remain, just be remained as is你说我们不如顺其自然吧Thinking of the rainy days 记得那些雨天Tears are as cold as ice泪水似冰一般冷You say remain, to be remained as is 你说我们不如顺其自然吧
2023-01-10 16:44:131


化解危机这款游戏在街机方面不同于其他射击游戏的地方就是在机器底部设置了一块踏板,玩家可以通过踩/松 踏板来实现躲避/攻击,并且化解危机系列从3代起增加了武器切换系统,玩家可以在躲避模式下通过扣动扳机来切换:手枪/冲锋枪/霰弹枪/熘弹,四种不同的武器。另外,化解危机虽然有4个正传,但每个作品的剧情都没有什么大的联系。所以,想了解游戏的剧情的玩家是不必要将所有作品都玩来了解剧情的。第一部某国的大总统的女儿被一犯罪集团绑架了,这个组织的首脑人物,是一个已经被别国侵占了的国家的王子,和一国际罪犯Wild Dog,要求该国的总统在限定的时间内将总统的位置让出,不然就将其女儿杀掉。该国的总统向国际碟报组织V.S.S.E求助,V.S.S.E.派出一特务前往拯救总统的女儿,最后成功打破该犯罪组织,成功救出总统的女儿,Wild Dog也在最后的爆炸中被VSSE拟定为死亡。第二部化解危机,再度出击!!本游戏是由大型街机版所移植的「化解危机2」,加上了「一边躲藏一边攻击」的要素,让本作品的游戏性更上一级,是「化解危机」系列的第2弹!!也曾是GUNCON2(光线枪第2代)的首作,特别以特惠价格推出,以满足GUNCON2(光线枪第2代)玩家之胃口。化解危机˙精彩刺激「Neodyne Industry」公司实际上发射的竟然是军事卫星。这个消息传到了国际特殊谍报机关V.S.S.E,连忙派出情报员克利丝汀遣入该社,以收集有关情报,岂知情报到手之后,卧底身份曝光,只有逃亡一途。对此V.S.S.E连忙派遣琪斯·马汀与罗伯特前往,负责接收所得到的情报。他们是否能够顺利逃脱且阻止军事卫星的发射呢?!玩家将加入他们的阵营,一起经历这场惊险刺激的「化解危机」!!玩法多多˙任君挑选本游戏大致上分为「单人游戏」、「两人玩游戏」、「追加游戏」、「OPUTION」4个模式。不但可以一人同时使用两把GUNCON2(光线枪第2代),享受荒野大侠客的气氛。还可将画面分割为两半,两人同心协力一起玩。还有迷你小游戏集,可使用本游戏的舞台以特别的规则进行游戏。而在「OPUTION」中则可依照自己的喜好设定游戏的难易度,生命值以及GUNCON2(光线枪第2代)的调整。玩法多彩多姿,你要选择哪一种呢?画面细致˙巧妙效果本游戏将「PlayStation 2」的高质量的性能完全发挥,比起街机版本更能鲜明逼真的表现出每一个画面。且经由多边形技术的利用,背景或角色立体感的质量更为向上。枝叶因为风吹而摇动,硝烟冉冉…等等如此细微的部分也巧妙重现。此外,本游戏还追加了多彩的特殊效果以及光源处理,将现场紧张的气氛忠实传递到玩者面前。剧情介绍「Neodyne Industry」公司利用通信事业为对外掩饰,实际在密谋研究一巨大的攻击性的兵器,这个消息传到了国际特殊谍报机关V.S.S.E,连忙派出情报员克利丝前往调查,成功得得到该巨大卫星兵器的设计图等资料,在女主角向V.S.S.E.报告并请求援军时,被一组织人员抓走,资料也被带走了,V.S.S.E派出2个特工吉斯·马汀与罗伯特前往救援,两人最终在河道上截获了资料,得知卫星兵器的试作机准备用火车运走,随后他们来到车站,可是距成功只有一步时,敌军用直升机转移了试作机,他们击毙了负责运输的军官,并驾驶直升机来到了该组织的基地,并出现了一个意料之外的敌人——Wild Dog。最后,再次将Wild Dog打倒后,主角们发现了这个组织的首脑,并开启了试作机。最后,主角们成功破坏了该卫星兵器,并成功救出了女主角。 爽快、刺激充满动感的光线枪射击游戏!射击!躲藏!再射击…一反光线枪射击游戏之游戏规则,且充满动感和刺激的本系列作,在推出街机版本之后,且质量和游戏容量大幅提升之下,顺势推出家用版本!在本作中,不但有追加新模式,就连在剧情模式的容量也大幅提升,整体而言家用版本足足约有街机版本的两倍之多。在本作不但可以享受到新鲜的爽快感外,也可以感受到手心直冒汗的紧张感。原创要素追加!游戏容量大幅提升!在街机版本中,原只分为三大关卡的作品,本次推出家用版本时,除了在原本的三大关卡外还追加了原创新剧情等,只有在家用版本中才有的附赠模式喔!且原本只能选用两名角色的街机版,在家用版本的原创剧情模式里,也追加系列作史上第一位女性角色,而让游戏添增不少华丽的色彩。此外,在前作中就相当受到好评,使用游戏原背景来进行的迷你小游戏模式(CRISISS MISSION),当然也延用到本作之中。只要再配合家用版本追加的新系统,在如此效果加乘之下,使本作的耐玩度和游戏性都随之提升了不少。而若玩家想要享受和街机版本一样,全画面的双人协力作战方式,只要配合使用i-Link线和游戏光盘,很轻易的就可以使用两个屏幕,来和朋友一同联机协力进行游戏了喔!全新要素「武器选择系统」及「狙击系统」!本作中的全新要素-「武器选择系统」和「狙击系统」。和一般只有在取得武器时才能使用的光线枪射击游戏类不同,在游戏中可以于四种武器中任意切换的「武器选择系统」,是一个充满战略思考的系统,对付不同的敌人善用不同的武器,如此多变的刺激感和新鲜感因应而生且为本作所特有的。而依选用的武器不同,也衍生出本系列作中首次尝试的「狙击系统」。善用此系统,就可以完美的进行 用狙击枪远距离射击和确实地击倒敌人并救出所有人质等,更加有战略性及丰富的游戏攻略法。剧情介绍扎戈瑞亚斯联邦(Zagorias Federation)——一个地中海沿岸的国家发动了对独立国家卢卡诺(Lukano)的领土——阿斯迪戈斯岛(Astigos)的单方面军事攻击,其不顾各国的抗议,并且扎戈瑞亚斯正准备进行大规模登陆战,所以官方相信占领全岛只是时间问题,V.S.S.E.组织的密探已经查明由乔治·卓克上将领导的扎戈瑞亚斯军方在阿斯迪戈斯岛上的废旧军事基地内部署了战术弹道导弹,这些导弹不仅仅威胁卢卡诺国,也包括周围的其他国家。所以V.S.S.E.派出了两位精干——阿兰·杜那威,卫斯里·兰勃特,伪装成钓鱼者,成功潜入了小岛,与敌军大干了一场,并与解放军的阿里西亚·温斯顿汇合。在敌人的大本营,主角们再次遇到了Wild Dog和他的双胞胎兄弟Wild Fang,将他们打败后,成功解救出了当地解放军军官丹尼尔(阿里西亚·温斯顿的哥哥),后来阿里西亚杀死了叛徒杰克,主角最后遇见了乔治·卓克上将,三人在发射基地进行了殊死搏斗,卓克上将被打倒后,早以设置好的战术导弹发射了,两人飞速冲过去捡起卓克丢在地上的M66飞弹发射器——各剩下一枚弹药——已经足够了,随后他们瞄准发射基地顶棚处发射了飞弹,火箭推进式飞弹加速快过战术弹道导弹点火初期的加速度,它们四两拨千斤——及时炸塌了发射基地的顶棚把所有战术弹道导弹都“活埋”了,然后走出硝烟.... 《化解危机4》是由Bandai-Namco公司制作,并于2006年6月在大型街机平台上发售的一款光枪射击游戏。该作在2007年11月于PS3主机上发售。由于《化解危机4》运用了全新设计的System Super 256基板制作而成,所以在移植度及画面表现能力上都相当出色。在系统方面,该作除了与《化解危机 3》一样是以踩、松踏板来完成武器的切换之外,新追加的“语音导航模式”和手动切换画面享受魄力战斗场面的“多屏幕战斗模式(Multiscreen battle)”系统将使游戏更加刺激、更加富有战术性。PS3版《化解危机4》移植自2006年同名大型电玩光线枪射击游戏,承袭原作内容,并藉由PS3强大的处理与绘图效能,大幅强化影音表现,支援720p高解析度画面输出与5.1声道环绕音效,同时加入家用版原创的FPS第一人称射击模式。 点评:1射击手感良好,跟三代有些相似。打有血条的敌人时挺爽的。2现在有一个换武器的按键了,不用蹲下换,方便了不少。避免了很多“低头红弹”的情况  3左右掩体的设计很新颖,而且是通关利器,熟悉使用的话无伤通关轻而易举。  4老敌人WILD DOG一开始就登场了,令人感动啊……而且这一次共同通关的伙伴是二代的ROBERT BAXTER,再次感动……只不过大叔你样子变太多了吧?  5有新系统,类似QTE的。有时候危险到来时,有3秒倒数,完毕后显示左或右提示,玩家要按提示踩下对应的踏板才能避免伤害。  下面是吐槽: 1两个主角,你们是闪电侠的徒弟吧?一开始瞬移到两个杂兵后面就令我瞠目结舌了,但这只是小事,后面各种瞬移,0.5秒上二楼,秒切掩体,这……也不算什么,连骑的摩托车也能瞬移,天啊!  2没看见WILD DOG甩大衣表示不高兴,而且这WILD DOG是三岛平八演的吧?这次WILD DOG挺狼狈的,被两个主角打的摔地上了……  3中文化是不错,然而中文配音表示难以接受……看着TC的主角们说中文感觉怪怪的主角:国际特殊谍报机关VSSE年轻的特工。性格调皮,执行任务时常不顾风险而贸然深入,和Marc组成搭档。VSSE年轻的特工,Luke的搭档。性格冷静,寡言少语,但总能做到言出必行。对于鲁莽的Luke很好的起到了抑制作用。《化解危机2》的主人公,完成过许多任务的VSSE传奇特工。担任Luke和Marc的的导师,以及本次任务小队的队长。VSSE特工,担任本次任务的后方支援。作为最年轻的VSSE成员,性格倔强,说话唠叨,连Robert都有些招架不住。制造了许多恶性事件的传奇杀手。因多次扰乱VSSE的工作和任务,也被视为眼中钉。因在过去与VSSE的战斗中负伤,导致身体的一部分被机械化改造。游戏主要由街机模式与全任务模式所构成。街机模式是承袭街机版的内容而来,全任务模式则是PS3家用版新增的原创模式,由街机版中担任支援任务的威廉大尉担任主角,并采用独特的‘GUNCONFPS"操控,透过新一代光线枪控制器‘GUNCON3"来进行独特的第一人称光线枪射击新玩法,体验在本篇故事背后不为人知的剧情。制作人萨川隆史表示,当PS2《火线危机3》开发告一段落后,制作小组决定在下一款系列作中采用先前未尝试过的自由操控,让玩家不再依照游戏既定路线行进,而是可以自由控制角色的移动,因此展开了新光线枪的研发,计划在光线枪上额外添增操控行进方向的类比摇杆,经过不断的实验尝试后,最后设计出玩家所看到的GUNCON3。萨川隆史表示,GUNCON3采用了额外配置的2个感应装置,因此能在任何类型的萤幕上游玩。对于定位精确度的疑虑,他强调GUNCON3不论是硬体或软体都具备精确的定位设计,如枪口用以定位的镜头,是由专门制造相机与扫描器用高精密度镜头的公司所设计,内部并配置有专门用来计算定位的独立晶片,能以每秒60次的速度进行定位,该晶片同时也具备侦测移动与倾斜的功能,如同PS3控制器SIXAXIS般。游戏本身也采用了两种定位方式,包括传统的2点定位与更精确的5点定位,以确保游玩过程的精确顺利。 负责监察军队内部情况的美军统合监察部获悉情报称,美军秘密开发的新型生物武器Terror Bites有可能被从地下渠道转卖到欧洲恐怖组织“W.O.L.F”手中。为了调查并阻止这一重大犯罪案件,统合监察部特殊实行部所属上尉威廉·拉什(William Rush)受美军两位高层将领加弗尔德中将以及麦斯威尔准将的指派,出发调查真相并阻止秘密武器落入恐怖分子手中。由于此事属于国际犯罪,V.S.S.E.派出两名特务乔治·布鲁诺(Giorgio Bruno)和埃文·伯纳德(Evan Bernard)前往和统合监察部的Rush汇合并调查此事,三人在加州阻止了武器交易,却发现敌人所属的组织是美国军方。3人前往怀俄明州的黄石国家公园,在那里有美国的生物武器研究所。在国家公园的战斗中,后方传来情报,原来是“W.O.L.F”买通了美国军方的生物兵器特殊部队(Hamlin Battalion),从而从他们手里取得数量惊人的生物武器Terror Bites来用于大规模军事行动。在研究所中,3人打败叛徒,却发现研究所内的大量Terror Bites不翼而飞。就在3人疑惑时,突然传来情报说美军某空军基地遭受袭击,对方使用的武器就是Terror Bites。而基地一但失守,那么基地中的无人攻击机XA-60-Ex(UCAV)就将落入敌手,而机上装载的高威力飞弹更是足以毁灭美国。事态紧急,3人火速赶往基地,,但还是晚了,基地守军和后续部队面对成群结队的Terror Bites根本束手无策,基地的沦陷快得另人难以置信。在敌人的操控下,数十架UCAV飞往美国各处。后来主角在机库里发现了Wild Dog,再次被打倒后,主角进入了基地核心部位。最终,主角们杀死了这一切事件的幕后黑手,抢在最后一刻按下了飞弹的自毁按钮,拯救了整个美国。在游戏中玩家还会遇见宿敌Wild Dog,则在FPS模式中会遇见Wild Fang。家用机会附赠FPS模式(也可以说成RUSH模式)另外,介绍可能会有错误,欢迎各位提出正确的内容并修改!!人物背景Giorgio BrunoAge:29Hometown:Palermo, Sicily, ItalyRank:Special Operation Agent of the V.S.S.E.Originally from a powerful Italian mafia, Bruno was adopted (when he was 10) by an Italian authority after his family"s organization was wiped out. Living a righteous life ever since, Bruno returned the Italian authority"s favor by serving as a NOCS officer prior to his recruitment to the V.S.S.E. While his demeanor is cool, he is quiet but passionate and masculine beauty. Bruno operates as a restaurant chef for a Milano restaurant (famous for his lasagna) when operating as an everyday civilian. He also played as a boss character in Crisis Mission mode.He is voiced by David Vincent for the English version, and Hiroaki Miura for the Japanese version.乔治欧·布鲁诺年龄:29故乡:巴勒莫西西里意大利职衔:V.S.S.E特别行动代理人起初来自一个强大的意大利黑手党家族,10岁时家族被消灭,随后被意大利管理机构收养,从此以后过上正常日子。后作为NOCS(不知道是什么,可能是什么组织吧)的军官,Giorgio在V.S.S.E的新兵招募中被优先录取,此举博得了意大利政府的好感。虽然态度冷淡,沉默寡言,但无可否认Giorgio是个多情又很有男性魅力的人。Giorgio平日里在米兰的餐馆里当厨师长(他做的烤宽面条好像很有名,是会浇上肉末番茄汁的那种,好想试试看哦~~~)。他在任务模式中扮演指导人。英文版中由David Vincent配音,日文版的配音则是三浦祥朗。Evan BernardAge:25Hometown:Rouen, FranceRank:Rookie V.S.S.E. Operation AgentEvan is from a line of famous French fishermen. His outstanding performance as a coast guard troop caught the attention of the V.S.S.E. Brash, impatient, courageous, and acting on instinct (deciding without thinking), Bernard is a contrast to his partner Bruno (who is thoughtful and considers the consequences of his actions). As a civilian, Evan is a high-rise carpenter. Although Giorgio and Evan have been partners for only one year (not to mention that Giorgio has been on the V.S.S.E. longer than Evan), they prove to be a good pair. He also played as a boss in Crisis Mission mode. He is voiced by Travis Willingham for the English version,and Hiroaki Miura for the Japanese version.埃文·伯纳德年龄:25故乡:法国里昂职衔:V.S.S.E行动代理人新成员Evan来自一队著名的法国渔民队伍,他在海岸防卫队的优秀表现引起了V.S.S.E的注意。Evan是个傲慢、轻率、急躁又勇敢的人,凭本能行动(想都不想就做决定)。与拍档Bruno(心思缜密,考虑周详的家伙)相比,就更明显了。Evan的平民身份是一个手艺极高的木匠。虽然Giorgio和Evan组队拍档只有一年(不用说,Giorgio在V.S.S.E的资历比Evan老),但两人合作起来非常有默契。在TC的任务模式中,Evan也是指导人。英文版中,由Travis Willingham配音,日文版中则是三浦祥朗为其配音。(两人都是同一个声优啊~~~)William RushAge:33Hometown:Dallas, Texas, United States of AmericaRank:Captain, United States ArmyOriginating from an elite military family, Rush defined his own character on the battlefield as an important asset of the U.S. special forces. Throughout his service in the U.S. Army, Rush has managed to bring down a handful of U.S. Marines who sided with a South American drug cartel. Serving as a member of the U.S. Internal Surveillance Group"s Special Operations Division, his patriotism and loyalty to his country is considered to be second-to-none although he can be stubborn and emotionless at times.He is voiced by Chris Sabat for the English version,and Akio Ohtsuka for the Japanese version.威廉·拉什年龄:33故乡:达拉斯 德克萨斯州 美国职衔:美军上尉Rush大叔来自一个军事精英家庭,清楚自己作为美军一员在战场上的价值和长处所在。在军队服役期间,Rush负责管理处决袒护南美毒品企业联合的海军陆战队士兵的事宜。Rush身为监察部特殊实行部成员,其爱国精神以及对国家的忠诚在部队中是首屈一指的,虽然有时他会显得固执、不讲情理。英文版中,由Chris Sabat 配音,日文版的声优是大冢明夫(但在网上公布的资料中,大冢明夫的作品中没有出现该游戏) 这是另一个外传,在PS2和街机上推出的《化解危机 危机地带》(TIME CRISIS CRISIS ZONE)。《化解危机 危险地带》是设定在近未来的舞台,玩家扮演手持冲锋枪的未来除暴特警队,以强势的火力攻击剿灭恐怖份子,而整体玩法也跟「化解危机」系列传统相同,可以用脚踏板闪躲子弹并补充弹药。当初《化解危机 危险地带》最让人津津乐道的就是彻底的射击爽快感,除了拿冲锋机枪把敌人打成蜂窝之外,能能以机枪扫射游戏舞台场景,不管是把墙壁打得千疮百孔,还是把水泥柱打得钢筋暴露,甚至是打得整个书房七零八落纸屑横飞,这种连发的射击快感真得是爽到头皮发麻。剧情介绍:一名URDA恐怖组织头目Derrick Lynch找到位于伦敦中央广场地下5千米的核动力炉,扬言会启动定时爆炸装置。STF战术部队为阻止他们,带着冲锋枪,找到地下控制室,击毙URDA首领并停止定时爆炸装置,终于拯救了伦敦。
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熟悉规律方法:首先,语法;再则,段落主旨的归纳;最后,错题归纳,在文章中重新找一遍,不看答案。98-2004,做地点排除练习,不做时间定点做题。2005-2011做定点做题,同时2012-2015控制时间。 一、八级阅读考查的总要领 1. 略读 (skim): 文章大意 2.  扫读 (scan) :细节点,如人名、地名特定信息   3.  研读 (study) : 段落逻辑 、上下文指代、 段落主旨 课程讲解顺序 1. 有句法结构到单句阅读 2.  有单句阅读到段落主旨归纳   3.  有段落主旨归纳到解题技巧 二、如何处理单词和阅读的关系 1. 过词而不是背词   把熟练程度分开,过词即认识其一个意思,因为背多忘多。不认识、不太熟悉的词放在阅读中去记   2. 控制背词时间,增加阅读时间   3.  理想的过词顺序 什么时间点背词 措施: 早上腾出半小时,把能过的单词过一下,过时采取不同顺序,标记认识和不认识的。中午、下午过同样的单词。过词时间长,背词短。因为背词使得放在文章中就读不懂了。而放在句中记可以让我们提高上下文理解能力 三、一些已经在八级改错中出现的 混淆 词 1. conscious/conscientious Awareness / 2. literal/literary 3. imaginary/imaginative 四、语法需分三步走 1.  五种语言现象 2. 否定和因果结构 转折、因果、否定必读   3.  看清省略、指代暗示 副词表程度,可放在形容词和动词;名词、副词+形容词可放在名词前面 技巧(定位)→没技巧→基础→字句归纳 As early as elementary school, we are told that jumping the line is an unethical act, which is why so many U.S. lawmakers framed the immigration debate as a kind of fundamental sin of school lunch line. (2010 年 TEXT B) 翻译:早在小学的时候,就有人告诉我们插队是不道德行为,这也是为什么诸多美国国会议员将移民辩论视为类似于学校午餐插队那样的恶行。 The other problem that arises from the employment is that of the working wife. It has two aspects: that of the wife who is more of a success than her husband and that of the wife who must rely heavily on her husband for help with domestic tasks. 翻译: 由雇佣引起的另一个问题是工作女性的问题。体现在两方面:一方面妻子比丈夫更成功,另一个是妻子在家务方面严重 依赖于丈夫的帮助 。 限定形定语从句和非限定定语从句的差别: 前者为限定修饰,经常前置处理 后者为非限定修饰,做补充说明,经常后置 名词that句子,名词在后面的句子中有成分 主语:名词who 句子;名词 which 句子;名词 that 句子;名词, which/who…  宾语:whom/which/that/省略; 所有格:whose/of which; 地点:at which/in which/where; 时间:at which/in which/when) What does this thing that  people cannot escape  consist of these days? And what do people look at when decoding which class someone belongs to? The most useful identifying markers, according to the poll, are occupation, address, accent and income, in that order. The fact that  income comes fourth  is revealing: though some of the habits and attitudes that class used to define are more widely spread than they were, class still indicates something less blunt than mere wealth. (2011 年 TEXT C) 1、 开门见山 直接出现主旨 2、 抛砖引玉 转折后出现主旨 3、 现象解释 常见于散文,先描述现象,而解释往往是主旨 4、 问题回答 开篇是问题,回答很可能是主旨 中文翻译过来不是转折,但在英文中是 1、But, Nevertheless, However, Yet, while, though, although 2、 实际上: Actually, In fact, As a matter of fact, Indeed, Rather, Instead, 3、 和 “ 震惊、不幸、讽刺、矛盾 ” :Astonishingly, Surprisingly, Shockingly, Stunningly, Startlingly, Unfortunately, Satirically, Ironically, Paradoxically 4、 Most people believe that… But…/It is often thought that…But…/Typically, …./Historically, …/Conventionally, …. 1、 时间、地点具体化 如作者具体化他的经历 2、出现一些不认识的人物 3、试验的过程 用于证明观点,会有证明过程,会妨碍理解。但事件的体现和结果是主旨 4、叙述的过程 小说常见,容易陷进叙事中,忘记题目 1.阅读不是翻译,翻译时第二遍阅读  2. 段落主旨归纳是阅读的本,即READING COMPREHENSION  3. 首位转折是关键  4. 开篇段如果有具体化迹象需要找 主题观点(现象解释才是真)  5. 注意 反问句(语气弦外之音才是真)  6. 查收细节是假,段落主旨归纳、大意理解是真 一、定位方法 1 )出题者知道你会定位   招法  1 :定位模糊 2011年TEXT D The description of the couple"s clothes and behavior  at the beginning of the passage seems to indicate that they had a sense of A.secrecy秘密的,文章中的furtive B.elation得意洋洋的 C.superiority优越感,与文章刚好相反。可根据ity猜测其意思 D.awkwardness概括了shy和blush The train was whirling onward with such dignity of motion that a glance from the window seemed simply to prove that plains of Texas were pouring eastward. Vast flats of green grass, dull-hued spaces of mesquite and cactus, little groups of frame houses, woods of light and tender trees, all were sweeping into the east, sweeping over the horizon, a precipice. A newly married pair  had boarded this coach at San Antonio. The man"s  face  was reddened from many days in the wind and sun, and a direct result of his new black clothes was that his brick-colored hands were constantly performing in a most conscious fashion. From time to time he looked down respectfully at his attire. He sat with a hand on each knee, like a man waiting in a barber"s shop. The glances he devoted to other passengers were  furtive and shy. The bride was not pretty, nor was she very young. She  wore a dress of blue cashmere, with small reservations of velvet here and there, and with steel buttons abounding. She  continually twisted her head to regard her puff sleeves, very stiff, and high. They embarrassed her. It was quite apparent that she had cooked, and that she expected to cook, dutifully. The blushes caused by the careless scrutiny of some passengers as she had entered the car were strange to see upon this plain, under-class countenance, which was drawn in placid, almost emotionless lines. They were evidently very happy.  (这里是心态,题目为穿着)"Ever been in a parlor-car before?" he asked, smiling with delight. 招法  2 :问单句的意思,而不是全文的主旨(对文章的精度考察) 16. What function does the second sentence in the first paragraph serve? A. It further explains high-tech hubris. B. It confirms the effect of high-tech hubris. C. It offers a cause for high-tech hubris. D.It offers a contrast to high-tech hubris. For office innovators, the unrealized dream of the "paperless" office is a classic example of high-tech hubris (傲慢). Today"s office drone is drowning in more paper than ever before. But after decades of hype, American offices may finally be losing their paper obsession. The demand for paper used to outstrip the growth of the US economy, but the past two or three years have seen a marked slowdown in sales — despite a healthy economic scene. 招法  3 :实词和代词交错,扩大寻找范围( 用she.he之类一直导下去) 题目:27. According to the passage, most Icelanders view land as something of A. environmental value. B.commercial value. C. potential value for tourism. D. great value for livelihood. Now elsewhere in the world,  Iceland  may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as western Europe" s last pristine wilderness.   But the environmental awareness that is sweeping the world had bypassed the majority of Icelanders . Certainly  they  were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to, or encumbered by, family one can"t do anything about. But  the truth is, once you"re off the beat-en paths of the low-lying coastal areas where everyone lives, the roads are few, and they"re all bad, so Iceland"s natural wonders have been out of reach and unknown even to its own  inhabitants . Fo r them the land  has always just been there, something that had to be dealt with and, if possible, exploited—the mind-set being one of land as commodity   rather than land as, well, priceless art on the scale of the “Mona Lisa.” 总结: 1 )先看题,由 名词 定位到原文、顺序查询 1、名词不可改,但动词和形容词易改 2、寻找大写字母 3、有时可用标点符号定位,如名词-名词 2)注意指代前后串接 3 )坚持段落主旨的归纳 4) 坚持首尾必读、转折必读 句子阅读(长难句) -段落主旨归纳-题型-开查 长句和难句的区别在哪里? 1) 长句 的 语序 干扰大 2) 难句 主要在 否定、比较级和因果结构多 3)前者只是读着慢,后者经常读错,一旦针对性出题就会出问题 4)前者频率高,读熟了就好、后者出现频率低,一出就要命。 大部分能找主谓宾,但比较句子结构找不到,是平行结构 难句结构 1 :比较平衡性 ( 复杂比较级) 1) not so much A as B:与其说 a,不如说 b  2)less(more) A than B:与其说a(b),不如说b(a) 3)anything but 一点不和 nothing but不过双重否定 4) A is none other than B不是a就是b/nothing more than=only 5)句子比较级 例子: As a matter of fact, each advance in social levels is anything (nothing) but certain progress in tools and instruments.社会进步都是(都只不过是)工具的进步 句子比较级:Human beings are consuming water faster than they run out of food.(人们消耗水的速度比他们消耗食物的速度快) 用比较级的写法暗示最高级 :No creatures have received more praises and abuses than a kind of common garden snail. 句子比较级:But Descartes and Hobbes didn"t think of themselves as those modern philosophers do.(“笛卡尔和霍布斯没有把自己看做现代哲学家”为什么是错误的)他们没有像当代哲学家一样看待自己 句子比较级:Hardly had I done when I did.(Hardly had I entered when the telephone rang.) 1. owing to; due to 名词  2. thanks to好事  3. As a result of/Consequently中性 4.out of感情上的  5. for the sake of/By means of/By virtue of短语式  7. 动词结构 1. ascribe A to B(原因在后结果在前,之所以a是因为b);attribute to(名词 be attributed to+名词) 2.A can be ascribed to B(A can be attributed to B) The scarcity of deer in Texas can be ascribed to the emergence of some insects called the spiral flies. (之所以鹿少是因为…) 3. contribute A to B(之所以...是因为…) 和 A contribute to B(a导致b)  4. owe A to B(把A归因于B) owe one"s success to:之所以成功,是因为 大部分能找主谓宾,但比较句子结构找不到,是平行结构 1.  用介词判断: A originate from B/A can be traced back to B/A arise from B/A result in B/A result from B 2.  主系表判断: be responsible for对……负责;是……的原因 A is to blame for B A是B的责任 Several medical studies show that too much cigarette smoking can be responsible for various kinds of chronic diseases ranging from hypertension to lunch cancer.吸烟要对各种各样的慢性疾病负责 1. have something to do with   2. Involve 和... 相关   3.  be linked with   4. be associated to   5.  be related to: 与 ... 相关 If something happens until a particular time, it happens before that time comes, and stops at that time. (主谓宾 at/on/in/during/until 时间) 如: I left the office at six. 改:I didn"t leave the office until six o"clock.我6点才离开办公室 改:It was not until six o"clock that I left the office. 改:Not until six o"clock did I leave the office. 例句:The organizing committee discussed four and half hours before announcing that the decision would stand.主委会讨论了半小时才确立这个决定 unless: if not few/a few, little/a little seldom/hardly/never other than/instead of doing/rather than do 例句:Instead of doing their part in improving the air quality in Beijing, 注意:名词的修饰句,一般比较短时,名词挪后。如果句子为主语 fail to do something/refuse to overlook/neglect/ignore/deprive somebody of something/decline/ dis-under-im-un free from/be far from being/less than/be in short of/… would have done/would not have done 1)文章主旨(少)、作者态度(多)、段落主旨(很少)文章架构,一定拿分 2)细节查找→取非题→词汇指代题文章细节 3)推导、句子含义和修辞文章句子 定位之后又和原文最大相近性的改写,通常为形容词 - 动词 注意否定词的出现: no, would(not)have, too, few, little, hardly, seldom, barely, less, fail to, refuse to, lack, rather than, instead of, be far from being….; be in short of; dis-, im-, un, until, before 动词、形容词和否定词的改写 就近排查不存在的名词 最高级的选项 (est/the most/the least) 名词前面的限定语(形容词)、情态动词( will-must-can-may-might )、助动词、 绝对化限定词: all, just, only 如文章junk food contains sugar(一般现在时是指常规性,规律性的),答案sugar can be found in some junk food ,这是可以的。反过来是错的,因为是真理性答案 May是可能,would 和would have是可能性更大 1 )文章主旨题的问题方式 What is the central (main) idea of this passage? What is the best topic of this passage? What is this passage mainly about? What is the main purpose of this passage ?  2 )解题方法 方法1:浏览各段首尾句、尤其是第一段和最后一段的首尾句 方法2:段落主旨不等于文章主旨 1 )提问方法 What is the tone of this passage? What is the author"s attitude towards … 2 )解题方法 注意 attitude 后面的词,通常是定位点,回找原文 复习一些和态度有关的词 正面态度、负面态度、中性、褒贬 中立:neutral(中立的), positive(积极的), negative(消极的) 主观和客观:objective(客观的), subjective(主观的) 辩证:dialectical(辩证的), rational(理性的), justified(合理的),reserved(有保留的) 冷漠:indifferent, detached, uninterested, unsympathetic 热情:enthusiastic, passionate, zeal 乐观:optimistic(乐观), pessimistic(悲观) 偏见:prejudicial, partial, biased, 公正:impartial, disinterested(公正的), compromising 怀疑:dubious, skeptical, speculative, ambiguous(模棱两可的) 确信:appreciative, approval, assured, convinced, conclusive(结论的) 广泛:comprehensive(广泛的), qualified(限定的) 赞扬批评:praiseworthy(值得赞扬的), critical(批评的),scornful(蔑视的) 1 )提问方法: Why the author mentioned … The author cited … in order to… The author mentioned … in order to show (illustrate/demonstrate)… 2 )解题方法 例证本身如果复杂,定位段落主题句 提问方法: The word in line … probably means… 解题方法: 定位原文,“怪词”要根据上下文判定单词的大致意思。 定位原文,认识的词汇要注意熟词僻意 提问方法 :  Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? All the following is true EXCEPT … Which of the following is INCORRECT? 解题方法: 注意文章中列举的位置
2023-01-10 16:44:531


  hear有听说;得知等意思,那么你知道hear的过去式是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的hear的过去式,希望大家喜欢!   hear的过去式   过去式: heard   v.听到,听见( hear的过去式和过去分词 ); 听说; 得知; 听取   the last I heard 据最近的消息...   hear 得知   haven"t heard the last of ...的事还未了结..   hear的过去式heard的用法   1. He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence.   他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。   2. Flying at 1,000 ft. he heard a peculiar noise from the rotors.   在1,000英尺的高度飞行时,他听到旋翼发出一种奇怪的噪音。   3. Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out the words.   罗斯听到了熟悉的声音,但没注意听说的是什么。   4. He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision.   为避免相撞而刹车时,他听到了轮胎与地面刺耳的摩擦声。   5. I heard the engines revving as the lorries backed and turned.   卡车倒车和掉头的时候,我听见发动机的轰鸣声。   6. She had heard the news-flash on a TV channel"s news update.   她在一家电视台的新闻快讯中听到了这则简明新闻。   7. I heard them coming, crashing through the undergrowth, before I saw them.   还没看到他们,我便听到他们穿过矮树丛过来的声音。   8. As they pass by, a piteous wailing is heard.   他们经过时,响起了令人哀怜的恸哭。   9. She heard him let out a pitiful, muffled groan.   她听到他发出一声令人悲悯的低沉的呻吟声。   10. I don"t know how often I heard the same awful jokes.   这种千篇一律的烂笑话我不知道听过多少回了。   hear的用法   英 [hɪə(r)] 美 [hɪr]   考研 / CET6 / CET4 /   vt.& vi.听到,听见;   vt.听说; 得知; 听取; 审理   vi.听; 听见;   1. "I"m afraid he"s ill." — "I"m sorry to hear that."   “恐怕他生病了。”——“真是遗憾。”   2. She could hear his ragged breathing, as if he had been running.   她能听到他不均匀的呼吸声,似乎他是跑着过来的。   3. "I think I hear the telephone ringing."—"Okay, I can take a hint."   “我想我听到电话铃在响。”——“好的,我明白你的意思了。”   4. He picked up the phone expecting to hear the chairman"s gruff voice.   他拿起电话,心想会听到主席粗哑的嗓音。   5. From what I hear, half the campus is lusting after her.   从我听到的来看,半个学校的人都想和她上床。   6. She could hear a clamour in the road outside.   她能听得见外面路上的吵闹声。   7. I hear you had a very narrow escape on the bridge.   我听说你在桥上险些出事。   8. I know this is an imposition. But please hear me out.   我知道这是强人所难。但是请听我说完。   9. We could now very plainly hear their heavy tread.   我们现在可以非常清楚地听到他们沉重的脚步声。   10. Press the lever until you hear the catch engage.   压下挡杆,直到听到挡挂好。
2023-01-10 16:46:501


Karina Pasian - 16 At War Ain"t no daddys where I"m from it"s just mad mothers And eyes that still seem can"t see past color Why am I disrespected by someone I should call brother And why girls feeling pretty and constantly hate eachother Bad air in my lungs man I can"t breathe My eyes burnin from all the dirt and debris And it"s third degree emotionless on the scene It"s like a disease the way ya"ll killin me I"m 16 and I should"nt have to feel like this I"m 16 and every young boy out here wanna kiss I"m 16 and me and my momma goin through it I"m 16 on the block, I"m 16 on the block I"m 16(at war) I"m 16(at war)I"m 16(at war) I"m 16(at war)I"m 16(at war)I"m 16(At war) I"m 16 on the block I"m 16 on the block Around here cool is another word for fool If he smoke then she smoke I gotta smoke to Now what would I do if I did not have a clue I"m 16 y o askin god oh why oh If my clothes ain"t tight the he ain"t gon like me Eyes on the prize so the next girl dress just like me I"m so full of promise but why promise if I"m gonna be rewarded by bad Actions to him I"m just a trends setter I"m 16 and I should"nthave to feel like this I"m 16 every young boy out here wanna kiss I"m 16 and me and my momma goin through it I"m 16 on the block, I"m 16 on the block I"m 16(at war) I"m 16(at war)I"m 16(at war) I"m 16(at war) I"m 16(at war)I"m 16(At war) I"m 16 on the block I"m 16 on the block I want you to know my mind my smile my style I want you to know the best of me I want to belong without being Treated like property Why does this feel like fantasy I"m 16 and I should"nt have to feel like this I"m 16 every young boy out here wanna kiss I"m 16 and me and my momma goin through it I"m 16 on the block, I"m 16 on the block I"m 16(at war) I"m 16(at war)I"m 16(at war) I"m 16(at war) I"m 16(at war)I"m 16(At war) I"m 16 on the block I"m 16 on the block I"m 16 (oooohhh yeahhhh yayyyyy...) 16, 16
2023-01-10 16:47:353

很想要李准基的英文歌fiery eyes的译文~帮帮忙!!

2023-01-10 16:47:494


  1. Where is industry"s and our recognition that protecting mankind"s great treasure is the single most important responsibility?   [参考译文]企业和我们个人什么时候才能意识到保护人类的资源宝藏是最最重要的责任呢?   2. If ever there will be time for environmental health professionals to come to the frontlines and provide leadership to solve environmental problems, that time is now.   [参考译文]如果说有需要环保专业人员站出来担负起领导责任的最佳时机的话,现在可谓是正当其时。   3. In 1975 psychologist Robert Ader at the University of Rochester School of Medicine conditioned(使形成条件反射) mice to avoid saccharin(糖精) by simultaneously feeding them the sweetener and injecting them with a drug that while suppressing their immune systems caused stomach upsets.   [参考译文]1975年,罗切斯特大学医学院的心理学家Robert Ader在使老鼠对排斥糖精形成条件反射的试验中,喂食老鼠糖精的同时给它们注射了一种药剂,这种药在破坏老鼠的免疫系统的同时还会引起腹痛。   4. The Times newspaper agrees, complaining that quality has suffered as student numbers soared, with close tutorial supervision giving way to “mass production methods more typical of European universities.”   [参考译文]《泰晤士报》对此有同感,它报怨说,由于学生人数激增,教学质量受影响,因为个别指导不得不让位于“欧洲大陆国家高校里惯有的大规模生产方式”。   5. If food already contains natural carcinogens, it does not make sense to add dozens of new man-made ones.   [参考译文]尽管食品中已经含有了天然的致癌物质,但是,再人为地增加一些有毒物质也是很不应该的。   6. By studying mineral grains found in material ranging from rocks to clay articles, previous researchers have already been able to identify reversals dating back 170 million years, including the most recent switch 730,000 years ago.   [参考译文]通过研究岩石,陶器等一系列材料中含有的矿物颗粒,先前的研究人员已能够确认早在1.7亿年发生的磁场两极转化现象,以及发生在73万年以前的最新一次两极转化现象。   7. Several theories link polarity flips to external disasters such as meteor impacts.   [参考译文]有些理论将两极转化现象归因于诸如陨星撞击等外部因素。   8. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments.   [参考译文]人们能够学习的原因是:人的经历能够带来奖励或惩罚。换言之,如果人的某一行为得到的是鼓励,他重复这种行为;如果亿的某一行为带给他的是惩罚,他会避免这种行为。为了获得鼓励,避免惩罚,人会努力去做他人认可的事情,从而不断进步。   9. Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are “good” and others are “bad”, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life-from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept.   [参考译文]与事物的情感经历使我们产生了一种社会认同感,即认为某些事情或行为是好的,其他的是坏的。我们还把“好”和“坏”的分类推而广之,运用于社会生活的"方方面面,——从我们吃的,穿的,到如何守信以及与什么人为伍等。   10. The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends.   [参考译文]报告坚持认为,当前高校面临的危机不是由将知识运用于生产这一指导思想导致的,这一思想是完全正确的。   11. Yet for all the talk of a forthcoming technological utopia little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor.   [参考译文]然而,尽管人们正在大谈特谈即将到来的令人神往的科技王国,却很少有人意识到这些技术发展中国家意味着什么。   12. The electronic economy made possible by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global market, —with destructive impact on the have-nots.   [参考译文]信息技术使电子经济成为可能,而电子经济将进一步加强富国对全球市场的控制,从而给穷国家带来毁灭性的影响。   13. Home schoolers habor few kind words for public schools, charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herdlike approach to teaching children.   [参考译文]家庭教育的倡导对学校教育鲜有褒奖,他们指责学校教育的种种弊端,从课和表上没有宗教课到放牧的教育方法,不一而足。   14. Finally, advertisers try to begin commercials with sounds that are highly different from those of programming within which the commercial is buried.   [参考译文]最后,广告人员还运用各种方法使广告节目的声音不同于其他节目的声音。   15. The act, designed to protect species" living areas, and policies that preserve land and forests compete with economic interests.   [参考译文]这一旨在保护动物生活场所的法案以及一些保护土地及森林的政策却与经济利益相抵触。   16. Once again, the scientists have caught us mouthing pieties while acting just the contrary.   [参考译文]你会说以貌取人不是美国人的做法,这不公平,令人难以置信然而,科学家们又一次证明我们言行不一。   17. Not content with its doubtful claim to produce cheap food for our own population, the factory farming industry also argues that “hungry nations are benefiting from advances made by the poultry industry.”   [参考译文]工厂养殖业已不满足于我国人口提供廉价食物的可疑说法,进一步提出了“让贫困国家从家禽养殖业的发展中受益”的论调。   18. then came the weakening of the U.S. dollar against major currencies.   [参考译文]其次,美元对世界其他主要货币的比价下跌。   19. Bottom retail prices—anywhere from 30% to 70% lower than those in Europe and Asia—have attracted some 47 million visitors, who are expected to leave behind $79 billion in 1994.   [参考译文]比欧洲和亚洲低30%~70%的零售价价格吸引了约四千七百万的游客于1994年涌入美国,而这些游客为美国留下了79亿美元的收入。   20. It is said that the public and Congressional concern about deceptive(欺骗性的)packaging rumpus(喧嚣)started because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes of cereals consumed by him, Mrs. Hart, and their children were becoming higher and narrower, with a decline of net weight from 12 to 10 1/2 ounces, without any reduction in price.   [参考译文]参议员哈特一家在购买合装麦片时发现,包装盒变高了,变窄了,食品的分量也减少了,然而价格却分文未降。据说,由此在公众和议会中引发了一场关于欺骗性商品包装的轩然大波。
2023-01-10 16:48:071


A Place Where I Can See the Furthest You"re the first one who found meThe more emotionless I am the more grieved I getSo when I am unwilling to tremble with tearsYou will hug me in your chest with loveYou understand me more than anyone elseYour desire swam in your heart, but never on your faceSo when I fell and broke my wingsYou didn"t help me up but stood by me, learning how to endure pain with meSometimes, I feel we are very differentYou can see places that I can"t seeAgain, sometimes I feel we are very alikeWe both raise our heads, not listening to the words of fateI"m going to the place where I can see the furthestDancing and talking about dreams with you thereLike we"ve never been disappointed nor hurtLike we still believe that as long we dare to fly then there"ll be skyI"m going to the place where can see the furthestAnd put the first golden sunlight on my shouldersI was splashed by the coolest raindrops and snowflakesBut I must keep smiling and be warm as the sun 这首歌实在写得太好了。我也很用心地翻译了。很多朋友看了都很喜欢。请你笑纳!以后有什么歌词想翻译的可以找我,积分你自己留着吧。
2023-01-10 16:48:131


  pass既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道pass做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来pass的英语意思解释和相关例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   pass作名词的意思:   通行证;通道;关口;越过   pass作动词的意思:   通过;走过;批准;度过   pass的英语音标:   英 [pɑ:s] 美 [pæs]   pass的时态:   现在分词: passing 过去式: passed 过去分词: passed   pass的英语例句:   1. They will not allow your more way-out ideas to pass unchallenged.   他们不会放过你这些古怪的念头的。   2. He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence.   他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。   3. Your partner should then pass the ball back to you.   然后你的搭档应该将球回传给你。   4. As they pass by, a piteous wailing is heard.   他们经过时,响起了令人哀怜的恸哭。   5. Liquidize the mixture and then pass it through a sieve.   将混合物打成泥状,然后用滤网滤一下。   6. Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors.   官员们没有将重要信息汇报给他们的上司。   7. The Senate is expected to pass the bill shortly.   预计参议院不久就会通过此议案。   8. An A-level pass in Biology is preferred for all courses.   不管读什么课程,生物学高级证书考试最好都要及格。   9. The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.   虽然他有通行证,卫兵还是直勾勾地盯着他。   10. "I can"t pass this up." She waved the invitation.   “我不能错过这个机会,”她挥舞着请帖说。   11. The medical board would not pass him fit for General Service.   医疗卫生委员会不会批准他为全科医生。   12. Nancy wasn"t sure if Dirk was making a pass at her.   南希不确定德克是不是在勾引她。   13. The court is expected to pass sentence later today.   预计法院今天晚些时候会宣布判决。   14. Luke badly wanted a pass mark. Still does, I daresay.   卢克曾经很想能及格,他大概现在还是很想。   15. This title will only pass down through the male line.   这个头衔将只能传给男性后裔。
2023-01-10 16:48:201

求陈源源唱的《IF ONLY》的歌词?

What"s the way of love?Tell me your fictionTell me your liesSay to me now, you"ll never forget this nightI"m feeling emotionlessMy head"s so clearMy enemies aren"t, the one I fearYou know your kiss confusedThis troubling soulAnd I found outThat we"re all breaking heartsThat we"re all broken heartsIf only love could find us allIf only hearts didn"t have to fallWe can"t mislead to make things rightSo instead we"ll sleep alone tonightWhat"s the way of love?You are thinking I"m crazyBut you"re blushing of lustI"ve heard a lot of nice things,but tell me which ones I"m to trust?These walls we made are glassAnd they have been known to crackBut until thenYou"ll keep pushing my wayAnd I"ll keep pushing your awayIf only love could find us allIf only hearts didn"t have to fallWe can"t mislead to make things rightSo instead we"ll sleep alone tonightIf you want to take a chanceAnd try to make things rightYou better have a reason to be lovedWe all want something moreAnd it is worth fighting for...If only love could find us allIf only hearts didn"t have to fallWe can"t mislead to make things rightSo instead we"ll sleep alone tonightAnd if somehow fate were in my handsWould it be enough to understandWhy we feel lost in a world so smallIf only love could find us all...If only love could find us all...If only love could find us all...END[ti:If Only][ar:The Calling][al:Two][00:07.00]What"s the way of love?[00:28.01][00:30.08]Tell me your fiction[00:32.25]Tell me your lies[00:35.21]Say to me now, you"ll never forget this night[00:40.31]I"m feeling emotionless[00:43.52]My head"s so clear[00:46.38]My enemies aren"t, the one I fear[00:51.81]You know your kiss confused[00:54.42]This troubling soul[00:57.57]And I found out[00:59.82]That we"re all breaking hearts[01:03.37]That we"re all broken hearts[01:06.10]If only love could find us all[01:11.53]If only hearts didn"t have to fall[01:17.16]We can"t mislead to make things right[01:22.86]So instead we"ll sleep alone tonight[01:29.29][01:30.17]What"s the way of love?[01:39.19][01:40.20]You are thinking I"m crazy[01:43.49]But you"re blushing of lust[01:46.31]I"ve heard a lot of nice things,[01:48.07]but tell me which ones I"m to trust?[01:51.94]These walls we made are glass[01:54.79]And they have been known to crack[01:57.52]But until then[02:00.55]You"ll keep pushing my way[02:03.31]And I"ll keep pushing your away[02:06.03]If only love could find us all[02:11.67]If only hearts didn"t have to fall[02:17.08]We can"t mislead to make things right[02:22.74]So instead we"ll sleep alone tonight[02:29.42][02:31.58]If you want to take a chance[02:34.67]And try to make things right[02:37.47]You better have a reason to be loved[02:42.95]We all want something more[02:46.00]And it is worth fighting for...[02:54.11][03:17.31]If only love could find us all[03:22.69]If only hearts didn"t have to fall[03:28.46]We can"t mislead to make things right[03:34.07]So instead we"ll sleep alone tonight[03:39.81]And if somehow fate were in my hands[03:45.28]Would it be enough to understand[03:51.08]Why we feel lost in a world so small[04:20.19][04:08.63][03:56.83]If only love could find us all...[04:30.15][04:37.53]END
2023-01-10 16:48:291


like water
2023-01-10 16:48:359


  pass有通过;经过;度过;传递;发生等意思,那么你知道pass的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    pass的用法:   pass的用法1:pass的基本意思是“过”,如“走过”“通过”“经过”“度过”等,指逐渐地、平稳地转入另一种状况。可用于时间、季节、状态,也可用于其他抽象事物,如“考试”“审查”等,甚至可以表示生命转入死亡。   pass的用法2:pass作“通过,经过,穿过”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时常和副词搭配使用; 用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   pass的用法3:pass作“传递”解时,可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。   pass的用法4:pass作“(考试)及格,(审查)通过”解时,若主语为“人”,则用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,若主语为“物”,则用作不及物动词,主动形式常含有被动意义。   pass的用法5:pass作“度过,消磨”解时是及物动词,宾语多为表示时间的词语。   pass的用法6:有时pass可用作系动词,例如:Many important things have passed unnoticed.很多重要的事情都忽视了。   pass的用法7:pass作名词时的基本意思与动词相同,作“越过,通过”解,有时含有“越过障碍”的意味,是可数名词。作“通行证,许可证”解时,指准许在一定区域里通行的证件,引申可作“票据”解,尤指在某期间在某固定路线上使用的或优待或免费搭乘的票据,如月票等,是可数名词。引申还可指“考试及格”“传球”等。   pass的用法8:pass还可作“通道,山口”解,指连绵的山岭中中间较低处,多为通道经过的地方。    pass的常用 短语 :   用作动词 (v.)   bring to pass   come to pass   pass along1 (v.+adv.)   pass along2 (v.+prep.)   pass away (v.+adv.)   pass by1 (v.+adv.)   pass by2 (v.+prep.)   pass down (v.+adv.)   pass for (v.+prep.)   pass in (v.+adv.)   pass into (v.+prep.)   pass off (v.+adv.)   pass on1 (v.+adv.)   pass on2 (v.+prep.)   pass out (v.+adv.)   pass over (v.+adv.)   pass through (v.+prep.)   pass up (v.+adv.)    pass的用法例句:   1. They will not allow your more way-out ideas to pass unchallenged.   他们不会放过你这些古怪的念头的。   2. He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence.   他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。   3. Your partner should then pass the ball back to you.   然后你的搭档应该将球回传给你。   4. As they pass by, a piteous wailing is heard.   他们经过时,响起了令人哀怜的恸哭。   5. Liquidize the mixture and then pass it through a sieve.   将混合物打成泥状,然后用滤网滤一下。   6. Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors.   官员们没有将重要信息汇报给他们的上司。   7. The Senate is expected to pass the bill shortly.   预计参议院不久就会通过此议案。   8. An A-level pass in Biology is preferred for all courses.   不管读什么课程,生物学高级证书考试最好都要及格。   9. The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass.   虽然他有通行证,卫兵还是直勾勾地盯着他。   10. "I can"t pass this up." She waved the invitation.   “我不能错过这个机会,”她挥舞着请帖说。   11. The medical board would not pass him fit for General Service.   医疗卫生委员会不会批准他为全科医生。   12. Nancy wasn"t sure if Dirk was making a pass at her.   南希不确定德克是不是在勾引她。   13. The court is expected to pass sentence later today.   预计法院今天晚些时候会宣布判决。   14. Luke badly wanted a pass mark. Still does, I daresay.   卢克曾经很想能及格,他大概现在还是很想。   15. This title will only pass down through the male line.   这个头衔将只能传给男性后裔。
2023-01-10 16:49:121

close up的意义

■(of a person"s face) become blank and emotionless orhostile(人脸)板起He didn"t like her laughter and his face closed up angrily.他不喜欢她的笑声,因而生气地板起脸来。■close something up (或 close up):cause to cease or cease operation or being used使停止;使停歇;闲置The solicitor advised me to close the house up for the timebeing.律师建议我暂时闲置房子。■(close up)(of an opening) grow smaller or becomeblocked by something(开口)变小;堵塞She felt her throat close up.她感到喉咙堵住了。
2023-01-10 16:49:551

求李准基《eyes fiery》歌词,谢谢。

[ar:이준기][ti:Fiery eyes][al:fiery eyes - joongi][00:19.90]I"m standing here alone and[00:21.48]I wonder baby why[00:24.33]Was it something I say[00:26.44]Something that I didn"t try[00:30.03]That I just want to trying F프라일[00:31.15]have you want to see 언 프레- afraid[00:35.62]All I know is I need you[00:36.21]but do you feel the same that I do[00:41.78]Was it just a game to you[00:45.56]You never draw me tears what I know[00:52.08]If you haven"t met for me[00:55.44]I want you right now[00:57.73]I want you to hold me right now[00:59.96]I need you right now[01:02.17]I need you to need me somehow[01:04.52]I love you for now[01:06.73]So you do too love me oh now[01:09.75]it"s motionless passing by Wo~[01:15.04]Say wo~[01:17.62]That coming together[01:23.11]포민 together[01:33.97]Let"s think about it baby[01:35.23]Let"s go back to the start[01:37.88]We"re kissing loving now babe[01:39.91]but it"s the from the heart[01:41.93]but i said once i 프라일[01:44.73]have a 란제드 시어 프레일[01:47.23]would you spend your life with me[01:49.03]always it just a game that you play[01:54.82]and as the thing you used to say[01:58.33]I know that you"ve been well but I don"t[02:02.55]have any thing that for you[02:08.88]I want you right now[02:10.76]I want you to hold me right now[02:13.09]I need you right now[02:15.43]I need you to need me somehow[02:17.67]I love you for now[02:19.93]So you do too love me oh now[02:23.22]it"s motionless passing by Wo~[02:27.58]**** 랩 *****[02:28.06]마담 가트로 애니봐[02:31.09]쏘니봐[02:35.41]와씽소[02:40.04]해밍봐도 노모[02:41.85]it"s motionless pass me by[02:43.76]but your 워스니마 fiery eyes[02:45.14]*** 랩 끝 ****[02:46.11]it"s a love in your soul[02:49.94]it"s a love without 트로울soul for the 댕 you come[02:53.29]and 와임why I am for[02:55.45]the passion was gone[02:57.62]could you let me hold on to you[03:03.47]I want you right now[03:05.89]I want you to hold me right now[03:07.99]I need you right now[03:10.38]I need you to need me somehow[03:12.47]I love you for now[03:14.86]So you do too love me oh now[03:17.11]it"s motionless passing by Wo~[03:24.19]I want you right now[03:26.26]I want you to hold me right now[03:27.29]I need you right now[03:28.65]I need you to need me somehow[03:31.09]I love you for now[03:33.27]So you do too love me oh now[03:36.45]it"s motionless passing by Wo~[03:41.06]wow wow wow[03:50.34]no no no no灼热眼睛我独自站在这里,我不知道为什么现在的孩子呢? 我说这是一件吗? 我没试一试吗? 眼睛,曾经有火, 多么渴望看到的火焰, 我只知道我需要你。 但你也有同样的感觉, 或者这只是一个游戏, 你从未告诉我就我所知, 如果你有足够的空间留给我。 [合唱] 我想要你现在, 我想要你要我现在, 我现在就需要你, 我需要你需要在某种程度上, 我爱你, 所以你也能爱我下来, 它的表情的经过,哇! 魔鬼,那个女人是魔鬼 女人的魔鬼 那个女人是个魔鬼…… 让我们想想宝贝, 让我们回到开始, 接吻,爱孩子,现在是发自内心的吗? 眼睛,曾经有火, 多么渴望看到的火焰, 你会度过你的一生吗? 你愿意和我共度一生的吗? 或者这只是一个游戏,你玩吗? 和所有你曾说。 我知道你的意思, 不错,但我不这么做, 有什么让你,哇! [合唱] 我想要你现在, 我想要你要我现在, 我现在就需要你, 我需要你需要在某种程度上, 我爱你, 所以你也能爱我下来, 它的表情的经过,哇! 这是我得走了, 如果我看起来很可能是如此寒冷, 但是如果我没能采取的门口, 你要我来, 我不知道什么是在商店, 所以我们现在在这里, 当我第一次碰触你的唇,与我, 它是我的,你有时间, 没有,没有激情从我身边经过, 但你永远是我的火红眼睛。 什么是爱情没有灵魂吗? 爱情不收费吗? 为痛苦, 如果激情,也不见了, 你是否会让我紧紧抓住你吗? [合唱] 我想要你现在, 我想要你要我现在, 我现在就需要你, 我需要你需要在某种程度上, 我爱你, 所以你也能爱我下来, 它的表情的经过,哇! [合唱] 我想要你现在, 我想要你要我现在, 我现在就需要你, 我需要你需要在某种程度上, 我爱你, 所以你也能爱我下来, 它的表情的经过,哇!
2023-01-10 16:50:046


sentence 读音:英 [ˈsentəns] 美 [ˈsɛntəns] 释义:n.句子;宣判vt.宣判,判决复数: sentences 过去式: sentenced过去分词: sentenced现在分词: sentencing第三人称单数: sentences例句:1.He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence.他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。2.If he is caught again he will be given a custodial sentence.如果他再次被捕,将会被处以监禁。扩展资料sentential [sɛn"tɛnʃəl]adj. 句子的;判决的例句:This text will first introduce you one branch of symbolic logic, what is generally called sentential , or propositional, logic.本课首先将向你介绍符号逻辑的一个分支,即通常认为成为的句子逻辑或命题逻辑。
2023-01-10 16:50:301

英文歌曲16 at war歌词翻译

我来的地方没有父亲,只有个疯狂的母亲眼睛能够看见但不能看见过去的颜色为什么我称为兄长的人对我如此不尊敬为什么女孩们感觉很漂亮了,还会不断地恨彼此糟糕的空气在我肺里,男人,我不能呼吸了我的眼睛被所有的污垢和碎屑搞得像燃烧一样这是个三度没有感情的现场这就像一场疾病,你们将杀了我我16岁,我本不应该感受这些我16岁,想亲每个在这的年轻的男孩我16岁,我和母亲经历这些我16岁在人生地不熟的地方,我16岁在人生地不熟的地方呆在这儿酷就是另一世界的愚弄如果他吸烟了,她也吸了,那么我也将吸烟现在我应该做些什么,我一点也没有头绪我16岁,为什么 ,oh问上帝,为什么啊?如果我的衣服不够紧身,他将不会喜欢我眼睛盯着奖品,所以下一个女生打扮的像我一样我是充满希望的,但是为什么是希望如果希望仅仅是因为坏的行为而得到的奖励对他来说我只是个荡妇我16岁,我本不应该感受这些我16岁,想亲每个在这的年轻的男孩我16岁,我和母亲经历这些我16岁在人生地不熟的地方,我16岁在人生地不熟的地方我16岁(在战争)*6我16岁在人生地不熟的地方,我16岁在人生地不熟的地方我想你爱我的想法,我的微笑,我的风格我想你知道最好的我我想是属于而不是被对待的像财产一样为什么这些我想要的感觉看上去像幻想我16岁,我本不应该感受这些16岁,想亲每个在这的年轻的男孩16岁,我和母亲经历了这一切16岁在人生地不熟的地方,16岁在人生地不熟的地方我16岁(在战争)*6我16岁在人生地不熟的地方,我16岁在人生地不熟的地方16岁
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C 词义辨析。A. 因为;随着 B.因为;以至于 C. 好似 D. 至于;关于。句意:在聚会上我对同学们的反应太冷漠无情,好像我从来不对他们感兴趣似的。故选C。
2023-01-10 16:50:591


空中飞人"Air Jordan" 或 "His Airness."是Michael Jordan的nicknamesAir Jordan也指由其代言的衣服和鞋一系列产品.如Nike运动鞋等没听说过其它的空中飞人的说法.
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描写夜景的句子集锦 孤单夜色亦有别样风味

1、月光倾泻在池塘水面,像滑落的丝一样。风一吹,水面起了波澜,水中的月亮成了破碎的玉片,漂浮在水面,打破了原有的宁静。 2、柔弱的月光与灯光融合成一片昏暗的天地,隐隐约约,朦朦胧胧,将那条走廊的轮廓描绘出来。那条走廊与小石径相接。走廊上方爬满了不知名的藤蔓。将走廊上空覆盖,如同一把巨大的绿伞撑在上空。月光透过夜间的缝隙,在走廊上投下许多“星星”,走在夜间的廊上,如同漫游于银河之间。那实在是一种难以言明的惬意。 3、抬头,今晚的夜空没有繁星,只有几颗孤单的星星,努力地在发光,零星地分布着,像是被人丢弃的玻璃弹珠,和我一样,孤独。整个夜空如一墨盘,空中有一层淡淡的云,使原本就不明亮的夜空更添迷蒙。 4、晚风吹动着树叶,月光拉长着一对对恋人的身影。罗浮的夜色,自然也少不了他们精心的点缀。这该是个静寂而又热闹,冷清而又浪漫的夜吧! 5、街道像一条波平如静的河流,蜿蜒在浓密的树影里,只有那些因风雨沙沙作响的树叶,似在回忆着白天的热闹和繁忙。
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2023-01-10 16:49:391


我爱这座城,我更爱这座城市的夜景。还知道有哪些描述夜景的可以值得摘抄的好 句子 呢?这里给大家分享一些关于描述夜景的句子,供大家参考。 描述夜景的语录 1. 月光如流水一般,静静地泻在小河里,与河水交织交融,构成了一幅动人的图画。我走在苍茫的月下,身旁是潺潺而又清亮的小河,纯净的河水像一面明镜,倒映着晃动的树影和我的身躯。 2. 远处密密麻麻的楼房仿佛笼罩在一团灰蒙蒙的烟雾里,闪着点点迷蒙的灯光,分不清轮廓了。 3. 这夜,这星空,忽然之间就是一次偶遇,而这种偶遇总是会季节性地出现。秋的萧瑟,秋的浅殇,总是无意间给生命增添了一种催化剂。我想:我等待在青春,却错过了彼此,但我永远记得,那年……最灿烂,最寂寞的星空。 4. 夜幕降临,幽蓝幽蓝的天空中点缀着无数的小星星,一眨一眨地,仿佛在邀请人们到广阔的太空中去遨游。 5. 月亮把半边天都照亮拉。只有在远际得天空中才能看见一两颗星星,闪烁着耀眼的光芒,那两颗星星顽皮地眨着眼睛,一闪一闪的,可爱极了。奔腾了一天的万泉河平息了,静静地流着。一轮圆月倒映在这水面上,晚风一吹,波光粼粼。啊!河面亮了,整个宽阔的河面就像一面明镜,像一条缀满宝石得绸带。地上亮了,一眼望去白茫茫的一片,真像盖上了一层。 6. 秋天的夜啊!你真是家乡的人间天堂,毫不吝啬地给我们美丽欢乐!秋天的夜,我为你痴!为你狂!为你的美丽而自豪! 7. 高楼林立,霓虹闪烁,灯红酒绿的世界,再没了夜的黑。 8. 夜晚,微风拂过,不管是喧哗热闹的城市,还是低调宁静的乡村都不会像白天一样炎热,沉闷;而是凉爽,舒心。夏季的人们最享受的就是这时。 9. 一轮圆月正冉冉升起,那银色的月光映着几丝儿羽毛般的轻云,美妙极了。 10. 五彩斑斓的霓虹灯把香港的高楼大厦打扮得花枝招展,灯光把香港每一个角落装点得流光溢彩;霓虹灯一闪一闪地让人看得眼花缭乱,让人浮想联翩,简直就是灯的海洋,光的世界。 11. 夏夜景,是温婉的。城市中的灯火,犹如群星,装点着大地。时而掠来一阵风,微微地驱赶着炎热。 12. 每当夜幕降临的时候,我常常在皎洁的月光下漫步江岸,夜色扫去了天空中的最后一片云,只剩下一弯新月,月光隐约照出江边柳树朦胧的轮廓,静听江中传来江轮驶过的声音,夜晚还有一种不一样的声音,似乎是风和云的翻动,反而更衬托出宁静的气息,漫天的星星互相玩耍,眨巴着小眼睛,好像是在看大地上各种有趣美丽的景色。 13. 夜幕降临了,小草躺在“床上”,睡意渐渐来袭,大树也靠在“床头”,伸了伸懒腰,挺了挺高昂的身躯,准备美美地睡上一觉。 14. 德盛路上,华灯高照,川流不息的汽车灯光闪烁,像银河从天而降。 15. 月亮一直是那样光彩照人,那样独一无二,那样硕大无比,那样令群星失色,她,就是大众的情人,男人的偶像,八戒因她而犯戒,因她而下凡尘,当然,这也是我的月亮。 16. 除夕 的黑夜,可不像黑夜,天上是轰隆轰隆的狂想曲,五颜六色,仿佛天涂上了各色各样的颜料。 17. 客亭临小市,灯火夜妆明。 18. 寂静的夜,银辉毫不保留地倾洒大地,大地立刻恬静了,月夜的清光抚摸着这一望无垠的大地,忽然飘来几朵乌云,轻轻地遮住了月亮。 19. 乡村的夜,可真是安静,连青蛙也停止了它那步子,静静地听道我们的 故事 。 20. 皎洁明媚的月亮像一个圆圆的玉盘似的,挂在遥远的天边,身边的护卫们,总是喜欢一闪一闪的,就像一群忠诚的卫士,保护着它们的主人。所以人们才会创作出“一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星……”这样美妙的歌曲。 描述夜景的短句 1. 灯火万家城四畔,星河一道水中央。 2. 我站在星星与灯光的照耀下,无忧无虑。暮色中,我忽然看见在一堆隆起的石头上,坐着一位少年,晚风吹拂着他的衣襟。 3. 一轮圆月升起来了,像一盏明灯,高悬在天幕上。 4. 凉亭上装饰着五颜六色的灯,顶子上好像盖了一层五彩缤纷的琉璃瓦。长廊上的灯光照亮了夜晚,里面有奔跑的孩子和跳舞的老人。 5. 高楼大厦上做装饰的霓虹灯五彩斑斓,把整个都市照得如同白昼。 6. 每当夜幕降临的时候,阳江华灯高照,瑰丽无比,那些明亮的灯可多了!有霓虹灯草坪灯……把阳江打扮得绚丽多彩,好像穿上了一件崭新的衣服。 7. 一排排闪亮的街道灯光,一处处漂亮的店面灯光,让街道充满了活力和惊喜! 8. 我不禁抬头仰望起天空来,那一轮皎洁的明月发出了淡淡的莹光,像给地球妈妈披上了一层层银色的白纱,月牙儿形的月亮宛如一个装满了美好回忆的摇蓝行驶在湛蓝纯洁的空中。 9. 每当夜幕降临的时候,天上繁星点点,一个明亮的月亮悬挂在夜空中,好似一面明镜,真美! 10. 夜色越来越浓,夜越来越深,景色也越来越美,人们在知了的叫声中,进入了甜美的梦乡。 11. 城市的夜晚总有一种迷人的魅力,华灯初上的建筑,川流不息的街道,渐渐充满了烟火气息的角落里……当夜晚来临时刻,洗去一天的疲惫与乏力,似乎这一刻更加希望能够享受宁静。 12. 月光不变,但人会变。她已不是中秋的主角,但愿我们都知道这是繁华背后的代价。 13. 黑,渐渐布满天空,无数的星挣破夜幕探出来,夜的潮气在空气中漫漫地浸润,扩散出一种感伤的氛围。仰望天空,求摸的星空格外澄净,悠远的星闪耀着,像细碎的泪花。 14. 城市的夜色像京剧老生的唱腔,锣鼓喇叭声中起承转合,明明灭灭,韵调斑斓。 15. 黑,一点一点地侵蚀着天空,夜,飘然而至。整个世界陷入了一片寂静和昏暗。那是一种令人胆颤,束手无策的昏暗。我望着窗外孤洁的月光,内心却平添了几分宁静。 16. 天空像一块洗净了的蓝黑色的粗布,星星仿佛是撒在这块粗布上闪光的碎金。 17. 我十分爱月亮,月亮,不仅是美好的象征,更是鼓励我前进的动力,但月亮也不全是完美的,它常常也是有缺憾的。不过,它在努力拼搏,积蓄力量,直到十五,月圆。 18. 每当夜幕降临,兰州就亮起来了。一束束灯光照射着她,使她变得年轻美丽多了! 19. 这里每个建筑都是花灯高照,灯火辉煌,建筑物的顶部,装有向下照射的灯,地上有向上照射的射灯,上下光区相互重叠,融为一体,使整个建筑灯火辉煌,夜如白昼。真漂亮! 20. 马路上,人来人往,车辆川流不息,耀眼的灯光汇聚在一起,像一条闪着金光的长龙。 描述夜景的 说说 1. 琳琅车马繁华地,璀璨灯火不夜城。 2. 钟山灵秀,秦淮灯火,霓虹渐欲迷人眼,犹如身处人间仙境一般。 3. 每当夜幕降临,珠江两岸就亮起来了。顿时,珠江两岸变成了灯的海洋,光的世界。 4. 夏天,是大连最迷人的季节,除了蓝天白云碧海沙滩以外,其实大连的夜晚,则是妩媚妖娆令人如痴如醉。 5. 夜幕降临了,街道两边的店铺楼房亮起了各色各样的灯,一个个彩色大字闪闪发光,街上各种乐曲混在一起,夹着人声车声,热闹非凡。 6. 深圳作为最年轻的一线城市,夜景自然也是超美。霓虹闪烁万星璀璨鳞次栉比的摩天大楼,是深圳夜景最直观的特点。 7. 朝天门大桥像一只张着大嘴的鳄鱼,它张着大嘴贪婪的吞吐着每一辆过桥的汽车。 8. 我走在江滨路上,望着对岸灯火通明,陷入了沉思。 9. 地王大厦灯光闪烁金碧辉煌,那里美丽极了。那里的道路向从天而降的流星划过的隧道,金光闪闪美丽极了。 10. 夜晚,望着这城市里被灯光渲染得五颜六色的天幕,没有星星,也没有明月。比起这绚丽华贵的天幕,我还是留恋那个小县城里帆布一般质朴的天空,没有华贵的颜色,却有最可爱的星星,最纯净的明月,还有那个在夜晚陪我看星星的人。 11. 月光如水平静柔和,我心如这月光,平静柔和。 12. 街道像一条波平如静的河流,蜿蜒在浓密的树影里,只有那些因风雨沙沙作响的树叶,似在回忆着白天的热闹和繁忙。 13. 看那星星多可爱呀!小的星星眨着眼向我问好,大的星星直愣着“耳朵”听我 唱歌 ,亮的星星高兴得告诉我昨夜和月亮姑娘嬉戏的情景,暗的星星哭泣着向我诉说孤独和寂寞。星星多么神奇呀!银闪闪的,像一颗颗钻石,我总是梦想把它摘在下来,串成一串闪亮的项链,戴在自己的脖子上,那该多美呀!明亮的星光,掺上了露水,变得是湿湿润润柔柔和和,随后轻轻的挂在树梢上,搭在屋檐上,铺在街道上,薄薄的一层。接触到这种光辉的一切都变得那么雅致,那么幽静,那么安详。 14. 你瞧,那一盏盏霓虹灯五光十色,一会儿红,一会儿绿,一会儿半紫半黄,让人看得眼花缭乱,真是灯火通明。 15. 银白色的月光洒在地上,到处都有蟋蟀的叫声。夜的香气弥漫在空中,织成了一个柔软的网,把所有的景物都罩在里面。眼睛接触到的都是罩上这个柔软的网的东西,任是一草一木,都不像在白天里那样现实了,它们都有着模糊空幻的色彩,每一样都隐藏了它的细致之点,都保守着它的秘密,使人有一种如梦如幻的感觉。 16. 月亮高挂在天空,趁着这月光,蟋蟀们唱的更加卖力了。月色朦胧,歌声悠扬,枕着这美景,我进入了梦乡。 17. 夏天到了,夜暮降临了,音乐会也随着开始。我静静地坐在阳台上,准备参加夏夜举行的一场热闹的音乐盛宴。你看,那群星争辉的夜空就是音乐舞台的背景。闭上眼睛,感受着夏天的微风,是多么舒服呀!当风迎面而来时,仿佛有一股暖流流进我的心里,是温柔的又有温热温热的感觉。 18. 我躺在城市夜晚的窗前,看着渐入夜幕的城市走进一片灯海中,似乎这夜晚的月光也只是城市里的一个点缀。 19. 夏天的夜晚是宁静的,小草打着哈欠昏昏入睡,花儿收拢了花瓣进入了甜蜜的梦香,桂花树静静地睡着了,鸟儿不在歌唱,知了不在鸣叫。夜,静悄悄的,没有一点儿声响,只有风还在调皮地嬉戏。万物都睡着了,星星眨吧眨吧眼睛问月亮妈妈:“妈妈,为什么我们一出来它们都睡觉了呢?”月亮妈妈微笑的抚摸着孩子们的头,不作回答。 20. 城市是方方正正的盒子,盒子满是棱棱角角,日光下的城市显得颓废不堪,而只有灯光下的城市有点闪光的璀璨。 描述夜景的文案 1. 无数的彩灯像是一颗颗星星从天而降,撒在擎天柱上面,显得非常美丽。 2. 北流的夜景,是多么的多姿多彩,既有它的热闹烦躁的一面,也有它轻快寂静的一面。难怪外来游客,都羡慕我们北流市的夜市生活呢! 3. 每当夜幕降临,达城就亮了起来了,整个达城变成了灯的海洋,光的世界。 4. 大桥护栏和桥架上的霓虹灯,周期性的闪烁出绚丽多彩的光芒。江两岸的万家灯火,倒映在水面上,五光十色,金碧辉煌,随着微波轻轻荡漾,十分迷人。 5. 夜深了,小城的灯光像远飞的萤火虫,忽闪忽闪地越来越昏暗,整个城市像笼罩在梦幻中。 6. 城市夜景美如画,让你如痴如醉! 7. 在昆山这座充满魅力的城市里,我更是快乐无比。特别到了周末的晚上,城市里闪耀的灯光,像五颜六色的焰火溅落人间。 8. 站在阳台上远眺,星星点点五彩缤纷的街灯霓虹灯构成一幅美妙无比的图画。 9. 城市的夜景,总是,那么令人迷醉。 10. 夜幕降临,华灯初上。有着千古流传的历史和现代高科技文明的绵阳,在灯光的映衬下,闪闪发光,流光溢彩,让人们目不暇接,流连忘返。 11. 繁华的都市夜色依然是那么迷人,路边的霓虹闪烁着,发出五光十色的炫人灯光,在夜空中映出环环灯晕。 12. 山城重庆的夜景别具特色,同时拥有江船桥树楼交相辉映的立体美感。 13. 不知道在这不夜的城市里,是否有人和我一样,在繁华里落寞。 14. 夜色渐浓,城市却依旧繁华喧嚣。 15. 黄浦江上来往的船只都由霓虹灯装扮起来,像宫殿像龙船,每一艘船都形状各异,变化万千;黄浦江也变成了一条流动的丝带,江两旁高高低低各式各样的高楼如镶嵌在丝带上的钻石。 16. 春节 ,城市披上了节日的盛装,街上道路上飘拂着五颜六色的彩旗,商店,娱乐城里灯火辉煌,霓虹灯放射着夺目的光芒,到处一片喜庆洋洋,到处是人们的笑脸。 17. 啊——珠江,白天你是一个健壮的小伙子,有着宽广的胸怀,向着天空长笑,夜晚,你就是一个温柔婉盈的女子,披戴着五彩的霓裳,轻轻舞蹈着。 18. 霓虹灯,路灯,车灯,便是这个城市的元素,当然也有包含着人们永无止尽的贪欲与发泄,于是,大把大把的红色纸钞,挥洒湿透在了这灯光下。 19. 夜色渐渐加浓了,天上的星星调皮地眨着眼睛。城市各处灯火也随着夜色相继亮了起来,形成一座座宫殿,人们就如一条条小鱼,逍遥自在地遨游在纷乱的灯火下。 20. 一座座雄伟壮观的建筑令人赞叹不已,配上金黄色的光,更使这些建筑变得金碧辉煌。隔着黄浦江,就是著名的东方明珠,它散发着万丈光芒。此刻,它们成了苍穹之下最引人注目的景点。 描述关于夜景的唯美句子相关 文章 : ★ 描写夜景繁华的好句精选 ★ 城市夜色唯美的句子 ★ 描写城市夜景的好句精选 ★ 形容夜晚很美的好词好句 ★ 农村夜晚的优美句子 ★ 赞美夜晚月亮的优美句子精选 ★ 描写丽江风景的唯美句子 ★ 关于下雨的夜晚心情说说 ★ 表达夜晚的说说心情短语素材
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电解H2SO4就是在电解池中进行。两极反应: 阴极:4H++4e-=2H2(^)阳极:4OH--4e-=O2(^)+2H2O总反应式:2H2O=电解=2H2(^)+O2(^)从中可以看出,电解H2SO4就是电解水。
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形容河畔灯光夜景的句子 描写夜里灯光的优美句子

1、天色,越来越暗,此时的月亮不知躲到哪里去了,也许是藏到云彩里睡觉了吧?可越秀山里的灯火却更加明亮了!你看,那“龙凤灯”不停地飞舞向我们挥手致意;“阿凡提”骑着小毛驴朝我们眯眯笑;“航天飞机”正在飞快地旋转,似乎就要射向太空……清馨的花香扑面而来,人们的欢歌笑语在越秀山的山谷中久久回荡。 2、夜晚,滨江路更美。每当夜幕降临的时候,滨江路就成了灯的海洋。长江里闪耀的灯光,像五颜六色的焰火,洒落人间。马路上一串串明亮的车灯,如同闪光的长河,奔流不息。高楼大厦的彩虹灯光彩夺目,热情欢迎来自五洲四海的游客。 3、华灯初上,一条条街道变成了皓光闪耀的银河。 4、我喜爱夜,因为在那漫天的星光下,燃烧着黎明的渴望。 5、咦,那是什么?灯光一闪一闪的。哦,原来是五岭公园呀!此刻我所在的位置是动态模型区,那里有五岭公园的四季变化,尤其是夜晚,五岭公园的夜晚一片繁华,灯火通明。 6、夜晚,灯光点亮了步行街。商店里的霓虹灯亮了,造型各异色彩缤纷,有的像长龙有的像凤凰有的像彩蝶……闪烁的灯光吸引着购物的人们。街道两旁的装饰灯柱亮了,发出红的黄的蓝的紫的光芒,把整条街都染成彩色的了!地面的灯也亮了,闪闪烁烁,如银河一般。在街心花园,迷人的灯光把跳舞的人们吸引过来了,他们随着欢快的音乐翩翩起舞。夜晚的步行街成了购物的天堂,欢乐的海洋!
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高中阶段有H2SO4参与 的反应

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满头银发,面红耳赤 面黄肌瘦 神采奕奕 容光焕发 喜笑颜开 满面红光 面不改色 大腹便便 昂首挺胸 虎背熊腰 肩宽腰圆 体态匀称 身材魁梧 满面春风 英俊潇洒 1) 描写人物外貌的成语:膀大腰园、披头散发、虎背熊腰、衣冠楚楚、相貌堂堂 (2) 描写人物神态的成语:呆若木鸡、目瞪口呆、神采奕奕、全神贯注、聚精会神 (3) 描写人物心情的成语:忐忑不安、心急如焚、七上八下、六神无主、心神不定 (4) 描写人物品质的成语:舍己为人、大公无私、两袖清风、助人为乐、拾金不昧 (1) 描写人物外貌的成语: 一表人才、风度翩翩,大腹便便,膀大腰园、披头散发、虎背熊腰、衣冠楚楚、相貌堂堂 (2) 描写人物动作的成语: 身手敏捷、风驰电掣,动如脱兔,举目眺望、大步流星、昂首挺胸,手舞足蹈、张牙舞爪、 (3) 描写人物神态的成语: 呆若木鸡、目瞪口呆、神采奕奕、全神贯注、聚精会神,眉飞色舞、张口结舌、挤眉弄眼、眉开眼笑、目不转晴 (4) 描写人物心情的成语:举棋不定,忐忑不安、心急如焚、七上八下、六神无主、心神不定
2023-01-10 16:49:201


1. 描写夜色的好词好句 月夜 (刘方平) 更深月色半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。 今夜偏知春气暖,虫声新透绿窗纱。 齐己【不睡】 永夜不欲睡,虚堂闭复开。却离灯影去,待得月光来。 落叶逢巢住,飞萤值我回。天明拂经案,一炷白檀灰。 十五夜望月 (王 建) 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。 今夜月明入尽望,不知秋思落谁家。 其他名句 烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。——《泊秦淮》杜牧 窗前明月光,疑是地上霜。——《静夜思》李白 天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星——唐·杜牧《秋夕》 午夜江声推月上,浪花如雪寺门前(郑元祜《寄金山普衲》) 明月有情还约我,夜来相见杏花梢(袁枚《春日杂诗》) 更深月色半人家,北斗阑杆南斗斜(刘方平《月夜》) 一夜梦游千里月,五更霜落万家钟(濮淙《闻梁蘧玉己寓京口》) 2. 描写夜色的好句、急 这时,恰是夕照西下的时分,草原上覆盖起金色的悄然,远处山峦披上晚霞的彩衣,那天边牛乳般明净的云朵,也变得火带一般鲜红。 黄昏傍晚夕暮傍晚夕照暮霭暮色 夕照余晖炊烟四起掌灯时分夕照西下时近黄昏 夕照慢慢地坠下山去了,满天红霞,宛如彷佛天女撒下一件红衣裳。 黄昏,夕照洒在河水上的光,像是许多金针银线,跟着水波晃悠着。 暮色已经恍惚起来了,堆满着晚霞的天空,也垂垂平平下来,没了色彩。 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯! 暮色降临了,蟋蟀开始在村道旁的竹丛中细声吟唱,青蛙在水田中无休止地打鼓似的鸣叫着。 夜幕降临了,港内外的轮船上都闪烁着一串串灯火。这些灯火和天窗中的星星混为一体,使人难以分辨出哪是星星,哪是灯。 3. 描写夜色凄凉的好句好段 听,小竹林哗啦啦地有节奏地响着,原来是风姑娘!这些声音交织成一曲自然动听的音乐,使人心旷神怡,仿佛进入一个神秘的七彩世界,使你流连忘返。——周桥 晚风吹动着树叶,月光拉长着一对对恋人的身影。罗浮的夜色,自然也少不了他们精心的点缀。这该是个静寂而又热闹,冷清而又浪漫的夜吧!——陈晓晓 万籁俱寂 夜黑雨紧 夜凉如水 月明星稀 寒夜阴森 夜幕低垂 夜雨敲窗 微润的花朵在风中轻摇,像一串串紫葡萄,盖住了叶子,仿佛花是紫叶,叶是绿花,如梦如幻,让人精神一振。——叶海敏 我的心情也多是在公园里的景致,目光也像流动的小灯笼一样,在公园内四处溜达。妻子知道我出门常有这个“坏习惯”,并不太理会,顾自逗着儿子玩。我 真正认真地赏月是因为身边两个人的争论引发的。有一个人说今晚的月亮特别圆,另一个人说今晚的月亮不是最圆,明晚的月亮才最圆,俗话说十五的月亮十六圆。 本是很普通的一句话,两个人却争得不可开交。我认真望着月亮,因为戴着眼镜,看起来好像月亮底部还多了一块,并不觉得月圆。取下眼镜,因为看得不太真切, 月亮变得有点模糊,也感觉不到月圆。我无法印证他们两人谁对谁错。一个人说月亮的左下侧弧线不够圆。我再仔细观察,像是有他说的这种现象。另一个人说因为 月亮本身的亮度不一样,看起来不圆只是一种错觉。我再仔细观察,又觉得他说的也有点道理。第一次这么认真地赏月,却没有把月亮看个真切。他们两个人还在争 论,旁边一位老人忍不住插话了:“其实十五的月亮圆不圆用肉眼是看不出来的。月亮圆不圆就在心里,心里想它圆,它就圆,心里想它不圆,它就不圆。就像人, 想圆的时候,有一千个理由可以圆,不想圆的时候,有一万个理由可以不圆。”老人的话让他们停止了争论。 4. 描写夜色的好词好句 月夜 (刘方平) 更深月色半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。 今夜偏知春气暖,虫声新透绿窗纱。 齐己【不睡】 永夜不欲睡,虚堂闭复开。 却离灯影去,待得月光来。 落叶逢巢住,飞萤值我回。 天明拂经案,一炷白檀灰。 十五夜望月 (王 建) 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。 今夜月明入尽望,不知秋思落谁家。其他名句烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。 ——《泊秦淮》杜牧窗前明月光,疑是地上霜。——《静夜思》李白天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星——唐·杜牧《秋夕》 午夜江声推月上,浪花如雪寺门前(郑元祜《寄金山普衲》) 明月有情还约我,夜来相见杏花梢(袁枚《春日杂诗》) 更深月色半人家,北斗阑杆南斗斜(刘方平《月夜》)一夜梦游千里月,五更霜落万家钟(濮淙《闻梁蘧玉己寓京口》)。 5. 写夜色的好句 春夜喜雨 杜甫 好雨知时节,当春乃发生。 随风潜入夜,润物细无声。 野径云俱黑,江船火独明。 晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。 夜宿山寺 李白 危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰。 不敢高声语,恐惊天上人。 枫桥夜泊 张继 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔父对愁眠。 姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。 十二月十五夜 袁枚 沉沉更鼓急,渐渐人声绝。 吹灯窗更明,月照一天雪。 春夜 王安石 金炉香烬漏声残,剪剪轻风阵阵寒。 春色恼人眠不得,月移花影上栏杆。 春夜闻笛 李益 寒山吹笛唤春归,迁客相看泪满衣。 洞庭一夜无穷雁,不待天明尽北飞。 寒夜 杜耒 寒夜客来茶当酒,竹炉汤沸火初红。 寻常一样窗前月,才有梅花便不同。 春夜别友人 陈子昂 银烛吐清烟,金尊对绮筵。 离堂思琴瑟,别路绕山川。 明月悬高树,长河没晓天。 悠悠洛阳去,此会在何年。 除夜有怀 崔涂 迢递三巴路,羁危万里身。 乱山残雪夜,孤烛异乡人。 渐与骨肉远,转于僮仆亲。 那堪正飘泊,明日岁华新。 阁夜 杜甫 岁暮阴阳催短景,天涯霜雪霁寒宵。 五更鼓角声悲壮,三峡星河影动摇。 野哭几家闻战伐,夷歌数处起渔樵。 卧龙跃马终黄土,人事依依漫寂寥。 旅夜书怀 杜甫 细草微风岸,危樯独夜舟。 星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。 名岂文章著,官因老病休。 飘飘何所似,天地一沙鸥。 月夜 杜甫 今夜鄜州月,闺中只独看。 遥怜小儿女,未解忆长安。 香雾云鬟湿,清辉玉臂寒。 何时倚虚幌,双照泪痕干。 月夜忆舍弟 杜甫 戍鼓断人行,秋边一雁声。 露从今夜白,月是故乡明。 有弟皆分散,无家问死生。 寄书长不避,况乃未休兵。 酬程近秋夜即事见赠 韩翃 长簟迎风早,空城澹月华。 星河秋一雁,砧杵夜千家。 节候看应晚,心期卧亦赊。 向来吟秀句,不觉已鸣鸦。 寒食夜 韩偓 恻恻轻寒剪剪风,杏花飘雪小桃红。 夜深斜搭秋千索,楼阁朦胧细雨中。 6. 描写夜景的佳句 暗蓝色的高空中闪耀着一颗白亮耀眼如钻石的星星. 太白星像有人小心地擎着走的蜡烛一般,悄悄地闪烁着出现在天空上面。 月亮像位亭亭玉立的少女立在地毯上。她透过云尘,散发出皎洁的柔光。远远望去,就像一盏大明灯。 淘气的小星星在蓝幽幽的夜空划出一道金色的弧光,像织女抛出一道锦线。 再仔细地一听,青蛙在水稻田里纵情地歌唱,小虫儿在玉米地呼唤伙伴,蚯蚓钻在地底下说悄悄话。还有那草丛中的蛐蛐,像是在唱歌,又像是在弹琴。歌声啊阵阵,琴声啊悠悠,莫不是妈妈在把它呼唤。描写夜景的好词好句 夕阳好像一颗红熟红熟的大苹果,高高挂在枝头,漫空铺染了灿烂的色彩。 夕阳似乎陡然在地平线上断裂了,无声无息地消失,对面山口上,只残留着一道血红。 路灯亮了,晶亮的雪花在光影里闪闪烁烁,像一群群洁白的小飞蛾。 极美的星夜,天上没有一朵浮云,深蓝色的天上,满缀着钻石般的繁星。 星星充满了感情,像顽皮的孩子,在稚气、执著地注视着人间,仿佛用那明亮的眸子讲述一个美丽动人的神话。 海边的月夜是美丽幽静的,耳畔只能听到“哗哗”的海浪声;微风轻拂脸面,使人感到轻松愉快。 夕阳收起了它最后的微笑,暮霭轻轻地飘落下来,夜地浓黑地翅膀温柔地覆盖着大地,一切都静悄悄的,只有河水在哗啦哗啦地流着。 7. 描写夜色的好词好句好段 离别的好段一般是(小飞坐在座位上,埋头只顾写呀写呀,笔底下好像有源源不断的泉水涌流出来,用不到一节课的时间,一篇作文竟全写好了。 晓鸿恰好面对窗户坐着,午后的阳光射到她的圆脸上,使她的两颊更加红润;她拿笔的手托着腮,张大的眼眶里,晶亮的眸子缓慢游动着,丰满的下巴微微上翘——这是每当她想出更巧妙的方法来解决一道数学题时,为数学老师所熟悉、喜爱的神态。 每当我做作业时,笔尖沙沙响,好像小鸟在对我唱歌,又好像在鼓励我:“你要不怕困难,勇攀高峰。” 她站了起来,回答得那么准确,那么自然,那么流畅,似乎早有准备似的。 她抑扬顿挫地朗诵着,声调优美,娓娓动听,举座动容。 他这个调皮鬼,书念得太快了,劈劈啪啪,像是炒花生米一样。 娟娟用普通话朗读课文,声音脆生生,很是好听,连阳光也听得入了迷,偷偷地从窗口钻进了教室,落在她的书上,久久不愿离开。 我贪婪地读着书,如同一只饥饿的小羊闯进芳草嫩绿的草地。 她钻进浩如烟海的书籍里,如鱼儿进入了大海,忘记了时间的流逝。 他勉强打起精神,翻开书,开始就觉得一行行的字在上面活动起来,像要飞;后来觉得只是模模糊糊的一片,像一窝蚂蚁在纸上乱爬。 他又埋头写起作业来,屋里静悄悄的,只听到钢笔在纸上沙沙写字的声音。 同学们坐在教室里,聚精会神地听老师讲课,像几十株花儿在静悄悄地承受着辛勤园丁的浇灌。 琅琅的读书声从各个教室飞出来,像动人的童声大合唱,音符满天。 好句: 满天红云,满海金波,红日像一炉沸腾的钢水,喷薄而出,金光耀眼。 早晨,太阳像个刚出门的新媳妇,羞答答地露出半个脸来。 太阳落山了,它那分外的强光从树梢头喷射出来,将白云染成血色,将青山染成血色。 太阳慢慢地透过云霞,露出了早已胀得通红的脸庞,像一个害羞的小姑娘张望着大地。 灿烂的阳光穿过树叶间的空隙,透过早雾,一缕缕地洒满了校园。 太阳更低了,血一般的红,水面上一条耀人眼睛的广阔的光波,从海洋的边际直伸到小船边沿。 天空被夕阳染成了血红色,桃红色的云彩倒映在流水上,整个江面变成了紫色,天边仿佛燃起大火。 春天,那太阳暖洋洋的,它伸出漫暖的大手,摩挲得人浑身舒坦。 阵阵春风,吹散云雾,太阳欣然露出笑脸,把温暖和光辉洒满湖面。 炎炎的烈日高悬当空,红色的光如火箭般射到地面上,地面着了火,反射出油在沸煎时的火焰来。 没有敢抬头看一眼太阳,只觉得到处都耀眼,空中、屋顶、地上,都是白亮亮的一片,白里透着点红,由上到下整个像一面极大的火镜,每条都是火镜的焦点,仿佛一切东西就要燃烧起来。 晚秋了,太阳懒洋洋地挂在天上,像个老公公露着笑脸在打瞌睡。 深秋的太阳像被罩上橘红色灯罩,放射出柔和的光线,照得身上、脸上,暖烘烘的。 太阳一到秋天,就将它的光芒全撒向人间。 瞧,田野是金黄的,场地是金黄的,群山也是金黄的。 冬天的太阳像月亮一样苍白无力。 太阳正被薄云缠绕着,放出淡淡的耀眼的白光。 太阳一年操劳到头,忙到冬天,就筋疲力尽,几乎放不出热力来了。 和煦的阳光,透过稠密的树叶洒落下来,成了点点金色的光斑。 远处巍峨的群山,在阳光照映下,披上了金黄色的外衣,显得格外美丽。 阳光被层层叠叠的树叶过滤,漏到他身上变成了淡淡的圆圆的轻轻摇曳的光晕。 这时候正是早上八九点钟,明亮的阳光在树叶上涂了一圈又一圈金色银色的光环。 阳光透过淡薄的云层,照耀着白茫茫的大地,反射出银色的光芒,耀得人眼睛发花。 金灿灿的阳光倾泻下来,注进万顷碧波,使单调而平静的海面而变得有些色彩了。 红艳艳的太阳光在山尖上时,雾气像幕布一样拉开了,城市渐渐地显现在金色的阳光里。 那刺穿云块的阳光就像根根金线,纵横交错,把浅灰、蓝灰的云朵缝缀成一幅美丽无比的图案。 太阳刚刚升上山头,被鲜红的朝霞掩映着,阳光从云缝里照射下来,像无数条巨龙喷吐着金色的瀑布。 金色的阳光透过缝隙,洒在褐色土地滋生的小草上。 天空一碧如洗,灿烂的阳光正从密密的松针的缝隙间射下来,形成一束束粗粗细细的光柱,把飘荡着轻纱般薄雾的林荫照得通亮。 太阳泛起火红的笑脸,使朦胧的校园豁然揭去纱帐。 天际出现了一抹紫红色的朝晖,像绽开的红玫瑰。 刚刚起身的太阳呵,精神抖擞,红光四溢,把整个世界照得通亮。 火红的旭日刚刚透出海平面,给美丽恬静的大海抹上一层玫瑰色。 朝阳把它的光芒射向湖面,微风乍起,细浪跳跃,搅起满湖碎金。 忽然,迎面升起一轮红日,洒下的道道金光,就像条条金鞭,驱赶着飞云流雾。 海面上跃出一轮红日,鲜艳夺目,海空顿时洒满了金辉,海面由墨蓝一变而为湛蓝。 金灿灿的朝晖,渐渐染红了东方的天际,高高的黄山主。
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