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在NBA中,back two back championships表示两连冠,那三连冠用NBA中的话怎么说

2023-05-19 21:54:14

“连续两个的”是“back to back” 还是“back two back”


back to back


Three successive championships



2023-01-10 23:55:464


2023-01-10 23:56:014


公开赛(Open Championships)指不限制参加人员身份,职业及业余者皆可参加的比赛。经常或每年举办公开赛的运动项目有:网球、高尔夫球、羽毛球、桌球、围棋和国际象棋。它是以单人或双人为主体的运动项目。相关信息:公开赛指不限制参加人员身份,职业及业余者皆可参加的比赛。但是某些公开赛会限制选手需于资格赛中取得一定的名次或于该领域具备一定的水平,才能获得参赛的资格。经常或每年举办公开赛的运动项目有:网球、高尔夫球、羽毛球、围棋和国际象棋。它是以单人或双人为主体的运动项目。
2023-01-10 23:56:151


China College Student Track and Field Championships 这个看起来最符合原中文,而实际上,Athletics Championships 是田径锦标赛的公认的说法。因此,建议楼主还是用 1)Chinese College Student Athletics Championships 还可以说:2)The Athletics Championships of Chinese College Students这样说的不同是强调了Athletics Championships,英文中的规律是,强调什么,把什么放前面另:大学生college students 最常见,而不说university students,请注意,1)中的student是单数,因为它起修饰作用,而2)中要用复数
2023-01-10 23:56:276


丹麦公开赛目前中国体育APP会员可以,央视频目前没有看到节目表排播,公开赛央视播的一般不多。中国体育app是一款在国内拥有很高名气的专业体育资讯平台。中国体育直播app涵盖各种类型体育赛事,比如足球、篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球等等。中国体育——最精彩的体育娱乐直播平台,提供最独特的台球直播、乒乓球直播、羽毛球直播、棋牌直播、搏击直播、足球直播、篮球直播,成百上千位不同风格的签约体育主播让您在观赏体育节目的同时获得最棒的互动体验。公开赛(Open Championships)指不限制参加人员身份,职业及业余者皆可参加的比赛。经常或每年举办公开赛的运动项目有:网球、高尔夫球、羽毛球、桌球、围棋和国际象棋。它是以单人或双人为主体的运动项目。公开赛指不限制参加人员身份,职业及业余者皆可参加的比赛。但是某些公开赛会限制选手需于资格赛中取得一定的名次或于该领域具备一定的水平,才能获得参赛的资格。经常或每年举办公开赛的运动项目有:网球、高尔夫球、羽毛球、围棋和国际象棋。它是以单人或双人为主体的运动项目。
2023-01-10 23:56:501


拉丁舞锦标赛(Championships/ Tournament)指不同地区或竞赛大组的优胜者之间的一系列决赛之一。锦标赛是排名在一定水平上的人才可以参加,而且每个国家的选手数量限制。锦标赛亦称“单项锦标赛”、“冠军赛”。运动竞赛的一种。为检查某一单项运动发展情况和训练成绩定期举行的比赛。国际锦标赛由各运动项目的国际组织定期举行。国家锦标赛由国家主管体育运动的机关或各项运动的全国性协会定期举行。拉丁舞简介:拉丁舞(Latin dance)分为国标拉丁舞和拉丁风情舞(即民间拉丁舞)。国际标准拉丁舞又指体育舞蹈,分为伦巴、恰恰、牛仔、桑巴和斗牛五支舞;协会分为世界体育舞蹈联合会(WDSF)和世界国际标准舞总会(WDC)、中国国际标准舞总会(CBDF)、中国体育舞蹈联合会(CDSF)等协会。
2023-01-10 23:57:061


World championships 呵呵。可要记好了哦。多学点英语真的拍得上用场哦。
2023-01-10 23:57:226


根据读音来记cham pion ships
2023-01-10 23:58:082


世界乒乓球锦标赛 World Table Tennis Championships 又称WTTC
2023-01-10 23:58:355


温网全称是温布尔登网球锦标赛(U英语:The Championships, Wimbledon)是网球运动中B历史最长和最具声望的公开赛。899锦标赛通常举办于6月底至7月初,是每年度网球大满贯的第3项赛事,排在澳大利亚公开赛和法国公开赛之后,美国公开赛之前。整个赛事(大满贯赛事中唯一使用草地球场的)通常历时两周
2023-01-10 23:59:205


世界乒乓球锦标赛(World Table Tennis Championships)简称"世乒赛"。
2023-01-10 23:59:563


2023-01-11 00:00:311


2023-01-11 00:00:373


2023-01-11 00:00:481


楼上的搞什么啊 不对和半对是有区别的好伐~~~~~~~~~~不对得0分 半对得三分 答错或者不做得0分 答对得5分哈哈哈 高中物理选择题
2023-01-11 00:00:536


2023-01-11 00:01:151


IAAF World Championships世界田径锦标赛,创始于1983年,是国际田径联合会主办的国际性田径赛事,最初是每四年一届,1991年起改为每两年一届。至今已举办过14届,2015年8月22日-30日将在北京举办第15届世界田径锦标赛。
2023-01-11 00:01:291


世界射击锦标赛(ISSF World Shooting Championships)由国际射击联合会主办的一项最高水准的射击运动。
2023-01-11 00:01:351


2023-01-11 00:01:441


羽毛球赛事分类英语词汇   我们都知道,正规的羽毛球比赛,有很多的专业称呼的",下面内容由我为大家分享羽毛球赛事分类词汇,一起来看看吧!   1.羽毛球运动:badminton   2.世界羽毛球锦标赛:World Badminton Championships   3.世界羽毛球大奖赛:World Grand Prix Badminton   4.全英羽毛球公开赛:All-England Open Badminton Championships   5.汤姆斯杯(男子团体冠军赛):Thomas Cup   6.尤伯杯(女子团体冠军赛):Uber Cup   7.苏迪曼杯(男女混合团体冠军赛):Sudirman Cup    人员   8.羽毛球运动员:badminton player; shuttler   9.打网前位置的球员(双打):net man [player]   10.发球裁判员:service judge   11.司线员:line judge    规则   12.回合(争得一分的往返击球):rally   13.一方得零分的一局:love game   14.一方得零局的一场:love match   15.再[加分]赛:set (the score)   16.选择再赛权:choice [option] of setting   17.错区:wrong court   18.站错位:out of position   19.界内:in   20.界外:out   21.没看清(指司线员对球是否出界):unsighted   22.压线球:line   23.死球:dead bird; shuttle not in play   24.有效还击:good return   25.击球犯规:foul hit   26.持球;拖带动作:slung; hold   27.连击:hit twice   28.球触身:touch the body   29.球触网:touch the net; net tap   30.过网击球:over net   31.干扰:distract   32.妨碍:obstruct   33.试球:test the shuttle   34.换球:change the shuttle    发球   35.发球方得分制:side-out scoring system   36.换发球:service over   37.重发球:let   38.发球方位:serving position   39.发球顺序:order of service   40.发球顺序错误:serve out of turn   41.发球方位错误:serve from a wrong court   42.交换发球区:alternate courts   43.发球权:right to serve; service privilege   44.有发球权:hand-in   45.掌握发球权一方:"in" side   46.一方保持发球权的时间:inning   47.失去发球权:hand-out; loss of service   48.失去发球权的一方:retired side   49.发球违例:service fault   50.过手:service above hand   51.过腰:service above the waist   52.脚违例:foot fault   53.一次发球权:one hand   54.两次发球权:two hands   55.第一发球:first serve   56.第一发球权;第一轮:first inning   57.失去第一发球权:one down [out]; one hand out   58.第二发球:second serve   59.两次发球失误:two down   60.发球动作:delivery of service   61.抖腕发球:flick service   62.发平球:flat service   63.发短低球:short low service   64.发高球:high service   65.发高远球:deep high service; long high   66.发短[网前]球:short service   67.发远球:long service   68.发深球:deep service   69.发球方:serving side   70.接发球方:receiving side   71.接球预备姿势:on guard    击球   72.基本击球法:basic strokes   73.东方式握拍法:Eastern grip   74.西方式握拍法:Western grip   75.握手式握拍法:shake-hand grip   76.移指握拍:finger the grip   77.向前挥拍:fore swing   78.向后挥拍:backswing   79.全力挥拍:full swing   80.绕臂挥拍:wind-up   81.击球:strike; hit; bat; stroke; shot   82.回击:return   83.高手击球:overhand stroke   84.低手击球:underhand stroke   85.过渡球:transitional ball   86.拍框击球;木球:wood[frame]shot   87.抽球:drive   88.齐肩高平抽球:shoulder-high drive   89.抽平高球:drive clear   90.抽球用力过猛:overdrive   91.杀球;扣杀:smash   92.点[短]杀:overhead wrist shot   93.锋利扣杀:razor-sharp smash   94.绕头顶扣杀:round-the-head stroke   95.头顶击球:overhead stroke   96.绕身后击球:round-the-back stroke   97.侧手球:side-hand[sidearm]stroke; swipe   98.搓球:lunge stroke   99.推球:push shot   100.挑高球:lob;toss; lofted shot   101.高远球:clear   102.正手高远球:forehand clear   103.低球:low shot   104.短击:stop; no swing   105.短球:short   106.吊球:drop; dink   107.顺风:before the wind   108.逆风:against the wind   109.借助风力的攻球:drift-assisted attack   110.轻挑短球(近网直起直落):hair-pin shot   111.近网挑球:lift   112.近网挑高球:pop   113.贴网下落的扣球:stop volley   114.贴网快平球:driven flight   115.近网扑球或扣杀:net shot   116.扑球:rush shot   117.曲线近网球:net fly   118.飞行(指球):flight   119.直线球:straight   120.对角线球:crosscourt shot   121.勾对角:crosscourt flight   122.场内落球点:court spot   123.判断错误(误以为来球出界):misjudge   124.落点的准确性:accuracy of placement   125.善于找落点的球员:placer; place-hitter   126.追身球:body hit   127.超身球:passing shot   128.救球:retrieve:recover   129.救险球:get   130.救险球队员:getter   131.抢打同伴的球:poach; hog the court   132.滑步:sliding step   133.交叉步:cross step   134.跑过头:overrun   135.下蹲防守:crouch defense    打法   136.打法变化:variation of shots   137.网前打法:net play   138.上网:rush; take [approach] the net   139.封网:block the net   140.截击:intercept   141.后场打法:backcourt play   142.底线球战术:baseline game   143.四方球;快速拉开:fast clear out   144.扣吊结合:smashes combined with drops   145.前后站位:up [front] and back   146.左右站位:side by side   147.对角线阵形:diagonal formation   148.轮转配合打法:rotation system   149.攻人战术:one-man attack    场地与器材   150.边线:sideline; side boundary line   151.端线:base line; back boundary line   152.端线外的空地:back room;runback   153.发球区:service court   154.左发球区:left service court   155.右发球区:right service court   156.前发球线:front[short; inside]service line   157.后发球线:rear [long:outside] service line   158.单打球场:singles court   159.双打球场:doubles court   160.单、双打两用球场:combination court   161.单打边线:singles [inside] sideline   162.单打发球区:singles service court   163.双打边线:doubles[outside]sideline   164.双打发球区:doubles service court   165.双打发球线:doubles service line   166.边线狭长地带:side alley [lane]   167.端线狭长地带:back alley [lane]   168.无障碍物空间:clearance; head-room   169.球网装置:net assembly   170.网的上缘:top line of the net   171.网顶白布边:white top band   172.网端的标志带:strip   173.羽毛球拍:badminton racket   174.拍颈:throat   175.拍杆:shaft   176.拍框:frame   177.拍面:racket face   178.羊肠线:gut string   179.尼龙线:nylon string   180.穿线:stringing   181.拍夹:press   182.羽毛球:shuttle(cock);bird   183.皮包软木羽毛球:leather-covered cork shuttle   184.塑料羽毛球:plastic [synthetic] shuttle   185.底托:cork base   186.羽毛:feather   187.坏球:broken shuttle ;
2023-01-11 00:01:491

欧美除了UFC 还有什么大型的MMA 赛事

美国UFC WEC Strikeforce Bellator Fighting Championships XFCRITC Ring of Combat Adrenaline MMA Ohio Xtreme Fighting HDNet Fights FFC King of the CageTachi Palace FightsWCF IFC Vyper Fight League USA-MMA Gladiator Challenge Ultimate Warrior Challenge Called Out MMA Kingdom MMA Shine Fights Ironheart Crown MMA Big Show加拿大MFC Xmma Warrior-1 MMA King Of The Cage Canada TFC CfC XCW Valley Fight Iroquois MMA Championships Combate Extremo EFC欧洲Cage Warriors Finnfight SLAMM!! Events It"s Showtime M-1 Global KSW Ultimate Challenge UK RESPECT.FC The Zone FC British Fighting Championships Kombat League Cage Fight Series这里是北美和欧洲几乎所有比赛的名字了 未包括已经倒闭的~这里很多小组织大部分我也从未听说过,提供给你仅供参考。其他的著名拳手你可以参考其他网友的回答
2023-01-11 00:01:596


网球比赛有好多种,你问的具体是哪一种?1877年在英国温布尔顿举行了第一届世界网球锦标赛,英文叫Wimbledon Championships。
2023-01-11 00:02:201


  官方站点的介绍,你看看,是否是你需要的  The Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon have developed from the garden party atmosphere of the first meeting in 1877, witnessed by a few hundred spectators, to a highly professional tournament attracting an attendance of close to 500,000 people. Players from over 60 nations regularly compete in front of a crowd of millions worldwide, through the press, radio, internet and television.  Frequently Asked Questions  The Wimbledon Championships  The Championships start six weeks before the first Monday in August and last approximately a fortnight, until all events are complete.  The 2006 Championships  The current Men"s Singles Champion is four-times Wimbledon winner, Roger Federer of Switzerland, while the reigning Ladies" Singles Champion is Amelie Mauresmo of France.  Wimbledon 2006 Recap  Wimbledon 2006 Website  The 2007 Championships  The 2007 Wimbledon Championships will take place between 25th June and 8th July 2007  Wimbledon 2007  Ticket Information  The All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club  The Wimbledon Championships is run by a Committee consisting of 12 All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC) members and 7 nominees from the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). Preparation for The Championships begins directly after the preceding meeting, implemented by seven full-time AELTC executives and their staff.  The All England Lawn Tennis Club  Church Road  Wimbledon  London SW19 5AE  Tel: (0)20 8944 1066  Email:  The All England Lawn Tennis Club  Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum  The museum offers a glimpse of how the original medieval real tennis has now become a multi-million dollar professional sport played all over the world.  Open year round, the Museum includes memorabilia from many famous players and includes tours of Centre Court, featuring a state of the art Audio/Visual Theatre showing highlights of great players in action.  Open: Throughout the year, daily: 10.30am – 5pm*. Last admission is 4.30pm.  * The Museum is closed: The middle Sunday of The Championships, the Monday immediately after The Championships, 24th, 25th, 26th December and 1st January.  Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum  All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club  Church Road  Wimbledon  London SW19 5AE.  Tel: (020) 8946 6131  Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum
2023-01-11 00:02:261


2023-01-11 00:02:321

乔丹的名言翻译:Talent wins games,but teamwork wins championships.

2023-01-11 00:03:184

英语 羽毛球运动员

  羽毛球运动员 译作:badminton athlete  1、badminton 英[ˈbædmɪntən] 美[ˈbædˌmɪntən]   n. 羽毛球; 羽毛球运动;  [例句]Did you go play badminton?  你去打羽毛球了?  2、athlete英 ["æθliːt]美 ["æθlit]  n. 运动员,体育家;身强力壮的人  
2023-01-11 00:03:323


是花滑比赛。这是一个B级赛,虽然也是国际滑联承认的国际大赛,但相比GP啊世锦赛啊级别较小除了SCACI比赛外,还有其他花滑缩写,如:OG 冬季奥林匹克运动会(Winter Olympics)、WC 世界花样滑冰锦标赛(World Figure Skating Championships)、WJC 世界青少年花样滑冰锦标赛(World Junior Figure Skating Championships)、EC 欧洲花样滑冰锦标赛(European Figure Skating Championships)、4CC 四大洲花样滑冰锦标赛(Four Continenets Figure Skating Championships)、GPF 国际滑联花样滑冰大奖赛总决赛(ISU Grand Prix Final Skating)。WTT 世界花样滑冰团体锦标赛(英语:ISU World Team Trophy in Figure Skating)其中,大奖赛分站赛有:SA 美国站 SC 加拿大站COC 中国站 COR 俄罗斯站TEB 法国站 NHK 日本站男子单人滑men女子单人滑ladies双人滑pairs冰舞ice dancing男女单和双人滑有以下几个项目:自由滑/长节目 free skating 缩写:LP或FS短节目 short program 缩写:SP还有OP 是Official Practice单人技术:跳跃: jump旋转: spins 缩: Sp步法 / 接续步:step sequences 缩:StSq跳跃 (jump)几周: Single 一周跳 double 二周跳 triple 三周跳 quad 四周跳种类: (按难度排序)Axel 阿克塞尔跳(A)Lutz 勾手跳(Lz)Flip 飞利浦跳(后内点冰)(F)Loop 后外结环跳(Lo)Toeloop 后外点冰跳(T)Salchow 萨沃夫跳(S)
2023-01-11 00:03:441


2014年南宁世界体操锦标赛(Nanning 2014 Artistic Gymnastics World Championships)暨第45届世界体操锦标赛(The 45th World Artistic Gymnastics Championships)于2014年10月3日至12日在广西南宁举行,广西体育中心体育馆是体操世锦赛的主比赛馆,这是中国继1999年天津世界体操锦标赛之后,第二次承办体操世锦赛。世界体操锦标赛(The World Artistic Gymnastics Championships)是由国际体操联合会主办、其所属的一个国家(地区)体操协会所承办的世界性体操赛事。这是体操项目除奥运会外最高级别的赛事。
2023-01-11 00:03:493

at the state championships 得意思

2023-01-11 00:04:172


国际滑联认可的国际大赛包括:冬季奥林匹克运动会(Winter Olympics)世界花样滑冰锦标赛(World Figure Skating Championships)世界青少年花样滑冰锦标赛(World Junior Figure Skating Championships)欧洲花样滑冰锦标赛(European Figure Skating Championships)四大洲花样滑冰锦标赛(Four Continenets Figure Skating Championships)国际滑联花样滑冰大奖赛(ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating)冬奥会一般是在2月份左右,2014年的索契SOCHI冬奥会计划于当年的2月7日至23日举行大奖赛一般是11月左右,因为有6个分站所以时间长一些,上周刚刚结束总决赛。欧锦赛也是1月2月左右,一般在冬奥之前四大洲之后
2023-01-11 00:04:261


LiuXiang, a Shanghai native, was born on July 13, 1983. His height is 188 cm, weight 75 kg. Singing and computer are his hobbies. In March, 1999, he entered Shanghai Track and Field Team. and one year later, he was admitted to the National Youth Team. Sun Haiping has been training him. In 2002, he won the gold medals in the men"s 110m hurdles at the World Indoor Championships in England. At the Athens Olympic Games on August 27,2004,Liu won the men"s 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, equaling the world record set and breaking the Olympic record. We all sincerely hope that he will get better in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.Liu Xiang (Simplified Chinese: 刘翔, pinyin: Liú Xiáng) (born July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China) is a hurdling athlete. In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds in the 110 metres hurdles. He has since made the finals at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics (twice); two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major prize, but in the last in May at Osaka, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 13.06 seconds. Still young, Liu has improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles event. In the final, he equaled the world record of 12.91 seconds held since 1993 by Colin Jackson of Wales. This is the first time an athlete of non-African descent has dipped under 13 seconds for the 110 meter hurdles. Major achievements 2001 World Student Games - Beijing, China. 110 m. hurdles gold medal East Asian Games - Osaka, Japan. 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2002 Asian Championships - Manila, Philippines. 110 m. hurdles gold medal Asian Games - Busan, South Korea 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2003 World Championships - Paris, France. 110 m. hurdles bronze medal World Indoor Championships - Birmingham, England. 60 m. hurdles bronze medal 2004 World Indoor Championships - Budapest, Hungary. 60 m. hurdles silver medal Olympic Games - Athens, Greece. 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2005 World Championships in Athletics 110 m. hurdles silver medal.
2023-01-11 00:04:321


Liu Xiang For other uses, see Liu Xiang (disambiguation). This is a Chinese name; the family name is Liu. Gold medal 110 m. hurdles Xiang (Simplified Chinese: 刘翔, pinyin: Liú Xiáng) (born July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China) is a hurdling athlete. In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds in the 110 metres hurdles. He has since made the finals at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics (twice); two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major prize, but in the last in May at Osaka, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 13.06 seconds. Still young, Liu has improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles event. In the final, he equaled the world record of 12.91 seconds held since 1993 by Colin Jackson of Wales. This is the first time an athlete of non-African descent has dipped under 13 seconds for the 110 meter hurdles. [edit] Major achievements 2001 World Student Games - Beijing, China. 110 m. hurdles gold medal East Asian Games - Osaka, Japan. 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2002 Asian Championships - Manila, Philippines. 110 m. hurdles gold medal Asian Games - Busan, South Korea 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2003 World Championships - Paris, France. 110 m. hurdles bronze medal World Indoor Championships - Birmingham, England. 60 m. hurdles bronze medal 2004 World Indoor Championships - Budapest, Hungary. 60 m. hurdles silver medal Olympic Games - Athens, Greece. 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2005 World Championships in Athletics 110 m. hurdles silver medal
2023-01-11 00:04:376


科比的: Early life Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant. His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu. At the age of six, Kobe, his parents and two older sisters, Shaya and Sharia, moved to Italy, where his father began playing professional basketball. He became accustomed to the lifestyle and became fluent in Italian. At an early age, he learned to play soccer and his favorite team was AC Milan. Bryant once said that if he had stayed in Italy, he would have stuck with soccer and would have tried to become a pro soccer player. In 1991, the Bryants moved back to the United States. A spectacular high school career at Lower Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburb of Lower Merion, brought national recognition. While his SAT score of 1080[2] would have ensured his basketball scholarship to various top-tier colleges, the 17-year-old Bryant made the controversial decision to go directly to the NBA. Early NBA career 1996 Draft Even before he was chosen as the 13th draft pick overall by the Charlotte Hornets in 1996, the 17-year-old Bryant had made a lasting impression on then-Lakers general manager Jerry West, who immediately foresaw the potential in Bryant"s basketball talent during pre-draft workouts. West stated that Bryant"s workout was one of the best he had ever witnessed. West continued his quest to return the Lakers to championship status and startled spectators by offering and completing the trade for starting center Vlade Divac to the Hornets for Bryant. Growing pains During his first season with the Lakers, he mostly came off the bench behind guards Eddie Jones and Nick Van Exel. Bryant played limited minutes initially but this changed as the season continued. He earned himself a reputation as a high-flyer and a fan-favorite by winning the 1997 Slam Dunk Contest. In Bryant"s second season (1997-98), he received more playing time and began showing more of his abilities as a talented young guard. He was the runner-up for the NBA"s Sixth Man of the Year Award, and through fan voting, he also became the youngest NBA All-Star starter. While his statistics were impressive for his age, he was still a young guard who lacked the experience to complement Shaquille O"Neal and significantly help the team contend for a championship. Championship years However, Bryant"s fortunes would soon change when Phil Jackson became coach for the Los Angeles Lakers. After years of steady improvement, Bryant had become one of the premier shooting guards in the league, a fact that was evidenced by his annual presence in the league"s All-NBA, All-Star, and All-Defensive teams. The Los Angeles Lakers became perennial championship contenders under Bryant and O"Neal, who formed an outstanding center-guard combination. Their success gave the Lakers three consecutive NBA championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002. End of a dynasty In the 2002-03 NBA season, Bryant averaged 30 points per game and embarked on a historic scoring run, posting 40 or more points per game in nine consecutive games while averaging 40.6 in the entire month of February. In addition, he averaged 6.9 rebounds, 5.9 assists, and 2.2 steals per game, all career highs up to that point. For the first time in his career Bryant was voted on to both--All-NBA and All-Defensive 1st teams. After finishing 50-32 in the regular season, the Lakers floundered in the playoffs and lost in the Western Conference Semifinals to the eventual NBA champion San Antonio Spurs in six games. In the following 2003-04 NBA season, the Lakers were able to acquire legends Karl Malone and Gary Payton to make another push at the NBA Championship. With a starting lineup of four potential Hall of Fame players in Shaquille O"Neal, Malone, Payton, and Bryant, the Lakers were able to reach the NBA Finals. In the Finals, they were eliminated by the Detroit Pistons in 5 games. In that series, Bryant averaged 22.6 points per game, shooting 35.1% from the field, and 4.4 assists per game. Conflicts and turmoil Bryant, following his arrest in 2003In 2003, Bryant"s reputation was tainted by criminal charges, in which Katelyn Faber, a young woman from Colorado, accused Bryant of sexual assault. With his image badly tarnished, the public"s perception of Bryant plummeted, and his endorsement contracts with McDonald"s, Nutella, and Ferrero SpA were terminated. Sales figures from NBA merchandisers indicated that sales of replicas of Bryant"s jersey fell far off of their previous highs. Even before being arrested for rape, Bryant was known to publicly feud with his teammates, including Shaquille O"Neal, Samaki Walker and Karl Malone. In an isolated incident, he allegedly punched teammate Walker in the face outside of the team bus.[citation needed] In 2004, a dispute between Bryant and former teammate Malone became public prior to Malone"s expected re-signing with the Lakers. Bryant claimed Malone had made inappropriate comments to Bryant"s wife. Malone claimed the comments were in jest and that Bryant was overreacting [1]. In the subsequent months, rather than re-join Bryant and the Lakers, Malone turned his attention to the possibility of joining another team, but ultimately decided to retire. Unquestioned leader When O"Neal was traded, Bryant became the Lakers" unquestioned leader of the team going into the 2004-2005 season. As it turned out, however, his first season without O"Neal would prove to be a very rocky one. With his reputation badly damaged from all that had happened over the previous year, Bryant was closely scrutinized and criticized during the season. A particularly damaging salvo came from Phil Jackson in The Last Season: A Team in Search of Its Soul. The book detailed the events of the Lakers" tumultuous 2003-04 season and has a number criticisms of Bryant. In the book Jackson also calls Bryant "uncoachable." Then, midway through the season, Rudy Tomjanovich suddenly resigned as Lakers coach, citing the recurrence of health problems and exhaustion. Without "Rudy T," stewardship of the remainder of the Lakers" season fell to career assistant coach Frank Hamblen. Despite the fact that Bryant was the league"s second leading scorer at 27.6 points per game, the Lakers floundered and missed the playoffs for the first time in over a decade. This year signified a drop in Bryant"s overall status in the NBA by not making the NBA All-Defensive Team and being demoted to All-NBA Third Team. 2005-06 season The 2005-06 NBA season would mark a crossroads in Bryant"s basketball career. Despite past differences with Bryant, Phil Jackson returned to coach the Lakers. Bryant endorsed the move, and by all appearances, the two men worked together well the second time around, leading the Lakers back into the NBA Playoffs. Bryant also resolved his conflict with former teammate Shaquille O"Neal. The team posted a 45-37 record, an eleven-game improvement over the previous season, and the entire squad seemed to be clicking. In the first round of the playoffs, the Lakers played well enough (3-1 series lead) to come within a game of eliminating the second-seeded Phoenix Suns before finally falling short. Even with Kobe Bryant"s remarkable game winning shot in Game 4, the Lakers broke down, falling to the Suns in Game 7. In the following offseason, Bryant had knee surgery, preventing him from participating in the 2006 FIBA World Championship tournament. Accomplishments In many ways the team"s improvement in 2005-06 was often overshadowed by the individual scoring accomplishments posted by Bryant which resulted in the finest statistical season of his career: On December 20, Bryant scored 62 points despite playing only three quarters of play against the Dallas Mavericks. Entering the fourth quarter Bryant had, by himself, outscored the entire Mavericks team 62-61, the only time a player has done this through three quarters since the advent of the 24-second shot clock. On January 22, Bryant scored 81 points in a 122-104 victory against the Toronto Raptors. In addition to breaking the previous franchise record of 71 set by Elgin Baylor, his point total in that game was second in NBA history only to Wilt Chamberlain"s legendary 100-point game in 1962. Also in January, Bryant became the first player since 1964, and the only player aside from Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor to score 45 points or more in four consecutive games. For the month of January, Bryant averaged 43.4 per game, the eighth highest single month scoring average in NBA history, and highest for any player other than Chamberlain. By the end of the season, Bryant had also set Lakers single-season franchise records for the most 40-point games (27) and most points scored (2,832), among others. Bryant won the league"s scoring title for the first time, posting the highest scoring average (35.4) since Michael Jordan"s 37.1 average in 1986-87. Bryant finished in fourth-place in the voting for the 2006 NBA Most Valuable Player Award, but also received 22 first place votes — second only to winner Steve Nash, and by far the highest number of first-place votes Bryant had ever received in his career. Other notable events When the Lakers faced the Miami Heat on January 16, 2006, Bryant and Shaquille O"Neal made headlines by engaging in handshakes and hugs before the game, signifying the end of the feud that had festered between the two players since O"Neal"s acrimonious departure from Los Angeles. A month later, at the 2006 NBA All-Star Game, the two laughed and joked together on several occasions. Bryant"s jersey.Late in the season, it was reported that Bryant would change his jersey number from #8 to #24 at the start of the 2006-07 NBA season. #24 was Bryant"s first high school number, before he switched to #33.[3] After the Lakers" season ended, Bryant said on TNT that he wanted #24 as a rookie, but it was unavailable, as was #33, retired with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. He said the switch to 24 signified the start of the second half of his career. Bryant took number 8 after his favorite Italian league player, Mike D"Antoni. The Lakers guard grew up watching D"Antoni as a star point guard in the Italian league, where his father, "Jelly Bean" Bryant, also played.[4] Player profile Bryant is a shooting guard who is also capable of playing small forward. As of 2006, he is considered one of the premier players in the NBA, being elected into the All-NBA Teams en bloc from 1999 on an featuring eight NBA All-Star call-ups. Bryant was a vital part of the three most recent Lakers" championships. He is a prolific scorer, averaging 23.9 points per game for his career, and also scores 4.5 assists, 5.1 rebounds and 1.5 steals per game. The 1997 NBA Slam Dunk Champion Bryant is capable of both dunking on opposing big men or scoring with his fadeaway jump shot, able to hit the shot from mid-range to long three pointers (.335 from beyond the arc). His versatility was especially showcased in the 2005-2006 NBA season, where Bryant averaged 35.4 points per game to secure the first NBA scoring title of his career, including his 81-point game and his 62 points in 3 quarters-game. In addition, Bryant also maintains a reputation for clutch performances in games, able to rise to the challenge and hit the difficult shot. On his own half of the hardwood, Bryant plays tenacious defense. He has made the All-NBA Defensive Team a total of 6 times, and has established himself as one of the best perimeter defenders of his generation. A controversial side of his game is his tendancy to show the behaviour of a ball hog: in his record-setting season, he racked up 2173 shot attempts in 80 games (avg. 27.1). However, fans and experts widely agree that Bryant is one of the best two-guards of his generation. Private life In November 1999, 21 year old Bryant met 17 year old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer on the Tha Eastsidaz music video[5] " G"d Up " (In the video Vanessa is in the convertible in a silver bikini). Bryant was in the building working on his debut musical album, which was never released. The two began dating and were engaged just six months later in May 2000,[6] all while Laine was still a senior at Marina High School in Huntington Beach, California. Due to the media, she finished high school through independent study.[7] According to Vanessa"s cousin Laila Laine, there was no prenuptial agreement. Vanessa said Kobe "loved her too much for one". [8]. They married on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California. There were only about 12 guests at the wedding. Neither Bryant"s parents, his two sisters, longtime advisor and agent Arn Tellem, nor Bryant"s Laker teammates attended. Bryant"s parents were opposed to the marriage for a number of reasons. Reportedly Bryant"s parents had problems with him marrying so young, especially to a woman who wasn"t African-American[9]. This disagreement resulted in an estrangement period of over two years, during which Kobe Bryant did not have any contact with his parents. The Bryants" first child, a daughter named Natalia Diamante Bryant, was born on January 19, 2003. The birth of Natalia influenced Bryant to reconcile his differences with his parents. Vanessa Bryant suffered a miscarriage due to an ectopic pregnancy in the Spring of 2005. In the Fall of 2005 the Bryants announced that they were expecting their second child. Their second daughter, Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant, was born on May 1, 2006. Interestingly, Gianna was born 6 minutes ahead of former teammate Shaquille O"Neal"s daughter
2023-01-11 00:05:576


Liu Xiang (Simplified Chinese: 刘翔, pinyin: Liú Xiáng) (born July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China) is a hurdling athlete.In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds in the 110 metres hurdles.He has since made the finals at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics (twice); two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major prize, but in the last in May at Osaka, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 13.06 seconds.Still young, Liu has improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles event. In the final, he equaled the world record of 12.91 seconds held since 1993 by Colin Jackson of Wales. This is the first time an athlete of non-African descent has dipped under 13 seconds for the 110 meter hurdles.[edit]Major achievements2001 World Student Games - Beijing, China. 110 m. hurdles gold medal East Asian Games - Osaka, Japan. 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2002 Asian Championships - Manila, Philippines. 110 m. hurdles gold medal Asian Games - Busan, South Korea 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2003 World Championships - Paris, France. 110 m. hurdles bronze medal World Indoor Championships - Birmingham, England. 60 m. hurdles bronze medal 2004 World Indoor Championships - Budapest, Hungary. 60 m. hurdles silver medal Olympic Games - Athens, Greece. 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2005 World Championships in Athletics 110 m. hurdles silver medal
2023-01-11 00:06:452


共十种项目(含男女重复项目),其中分为男子7项,女子6项。男子项目:个人全能;自由体操;鞍马;吊环;跳马;单杠;双杠女子项目:女子团体;个人全能;自由体操;平衡木;跳马;高低杠世界体操锦标赛(The World Gymnastics Championships),是国际A类体育赛事,是由国际体操联合会主办及其所属的一个国家的体操协会所承办的世界性体操赛事。主要分为竞技体操和艺术体操锦标赛,其历史仅次于奥运会体操赛。两个吉祥物整体形象以广西“白头叶猴”为原型,并融入了“壮锦、祥云、朱槿花”等元素,分别取名叫“南南、宁宁”,寓意“南宁”主办地;整体色彩夸张呈中国红、黄两色喜庆色彩,身穿内含“壮锦”图案体操服,做出优美的体操动作,体现出顽强拼搏、勇于竞争的奥林匹克体育精神
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SCOG:Olympic Games 奥运会(OWG:Olympic Winter Games 冬奥会)WC:World Championships 世界锦标赛EC:European Championships 欧洲锦标赛4CC:Four Continents Championships 四大洲锦标赛GP:Grand Prix 大奖赛JGP:Junior Grand Prix 大奖赛(青年组)SA:Skate America 大奖赛美国站SC:Skate Canada 大奖赛加拿大站CoC:Cup of China 大奖赛中国站CoR:Cup of Russia(Rostelecom Cup)大奖赛俄罗斯站TEB:Trophée Éric Bompard 大奖赛法国站NHK:NHK Trophy 大奖赛日本站GPF:Grand Prix Final 大奖赛总决赛WTT:World Team Trophy 世界团体赛
2023-01-11 00:07:161


最具有价值运动员首先,MVP的意思是:Most Valuable Player 顾名思义,最具有价值运动员。 世乒赛即世界乒乓球锦标赛(World Table Tennis Championships)简称”世乒赛”,由国际乒乓球联合会主办,每届比赛由国际乒乓球联合会授权比赛地乒乓球协会主办,具有广泛的影响力。 世乒赛MVP即在世界乒乓球锦标赛中,表现最突出的运动员,或者是进步最大的运动员,但不一定是获得世乒赛冠军的运动员。
2023-01-11 00:07:2915


一、奥运会水球比赛(Olympic Water Polo Competition)奥运会正式比赛项目之一,由奥组委主办,五大洲的洲际锦标赛的冠军队伍自动获得资格,东道主代表本洲参赛,以及游泳世界锦标赛前3名的队伍参赛,2008年北京奥运会男子水球队共有12支队伍,女子8支队伍。二、世界杯水球赛(World Cup Water Polo Competition)由国际业余游泳联合会主办。参加者是东道主和世界锦标赛或奥运会比赛的前7名。采用单循环制。与奥运会水球赛、世界游泳锦标赛水球赛一起构成世界三大水球比赛。第1届于1979年在南斯拉夫贝尔格莱德雷杰卡举行,匈牙利队获冠军。后一般每2年举行1届。三、世界游泳锦标赛水球比赛(Championships WaterPolo Tompetition in World Swimming)1973年,国际游泳联合会创办世界游泳锦标赛,其中设立水球项目。后历届锦标赛均举行水球比赛。国际游泳联合会(FINA)主办的世界水球比赛,与竞技游泳、跳水和花样游泳一起构成世界游泳锦标赛的4项比赛。首届比赛于1973年9月在南斯拉夫贝尔格莱德举行,以后每2年举行1届。1987年改为每4年举行1届。至1992年已举办过第6届。它与奥运会水球赛、世界杯水球赛并列为世界水球三大赛。自第5届起始设女子项目,澳大利亚队获冠军。第6届荷兰队获冠军。四、亚洲运动会水球比赛(Water Polo Competition in Asian Games)1951年第1届亚运会将水球列为比赛项目,后历届亚运会均设,是代表亚洲最高水平的水球比赛。仅有男子项目。至1990年共举办了11届。五、全运会水球比赛(Water Polo Game in National Games)1959年第5届全运会起,水球被列为全运会正式比赛项目,后历届均设,是中国水球最重要的国内水平比赛,反映水球运动的群众基础和技术水平。2009年第10届全运会,女子水球列为比赛项目。
2023-01-11 00:08:371


随着电子竞技逐渐走出泥潭,慢慢被社会大众所熟知和认可,电竞赛事也再度迅速崛起,走上向前发展的轨道,那么世界上有名的电子竞技大赛有哪些呢?请看下文介绍。 1、 英雄联盟S系列赛,英雄联盟全球总决赛(WorldChampionship)是英雄联盟中一年一度的最为盛大的比赛,全球总决赛是所有英雄联盟比赛项目中最高荣誉、最高含金量、最高竞技水平、最高知名度的比赛。全球总决赛迄今为止已经举办了S1-S8(S是season的缩写,赛季的意思)八届的比赛。 2、 DOTA2国际邀请赛。DOTA2国际邀请赛,TheInternationalDOTA2Championships。简称Ti,创立于2011年,是一个全球性的电子竞技赛事,每年一届,由ValveCorporation(V社)主办,奖杯为V社特制冠军盾牌,每一届冠军队伍及人员将记录在游戏泉水的冠军盾中。TI8决赛现场,Valve公布——2019年Valve将在中国上海举办第九届DOTA2国际邀请赛。 3、 绝地求生全球邀请赛。绝地求生全球邀请赛PUBGGlobalInvitational2018,简称PGI2018,是《绝地求生》官方举办的第一届全球范围内的邀请赛,也是绝地求生最大规模、最高荣誉的一项赛事。本次比赛于2018年7月25日至29日在德国柏林举行,采用四人组队的形式,分为TPP和FPP两种视角分别展开角逐。 4、 守望先锋联赛《守望先锋联赛》(OverwatchLeague,简称OWL)是全球首个以城市战队为单位的大型电竞联赛,于2016年11月4日成立,由来自全球各个城市的20支战队组成,是《守望先锋》电子竞技的最高殿堂。守望先锋联赛共拥有20支战队分为太平洋赛区以及大西洋赛区,每个赛区由10支战队组成。2019年,达拉斯燃料队、亚特兰大君临队以及洛杉矶英勇队三支参赛战队将成为在自己主场城市举办比赛的先行者,并预计在2020年全面实现主客场。 5、 暴雪嘉年华。暴雪嘉年华(BlizzCon)是美国电子游戏品牌暴雪娱乐于每年举办的年度盛事,主要内容包括旗下游戏:《魔兽世界》、《魔兽争霸》、《星际争霸》、《暗黑破坏神》、《炉石传说》、《HeroesoftheStorm(风暴英雄)》及其新作《守望先锋》。 6、 英特尔极限大师杯赛。英特尔极限大师杯赛(IntelExtremeMasters),简称IEM,是第一个全球规模的电竞精英锦标赛。2006年Intel德国公司与ESL合作创立了IEM极限大师赛,开始实施以欧洲为基地的全球性赛事。2013年IEM在7月25日来到中国上海ChinaJoy现场。 以上就是我给大家介绍的世界上有名的电子竞技大赛,相信大家对此有了一定的了解,希望能帮到大家。
2023-01-11 00:08:431


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2023-01-11 00:09:236

关于刘翔的资料和精神 英文

Liu Xiang (Simplified Chinese: 刘翔, pinyin: Liú Xiáng) (born July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China) is a hurdling athlete. In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds in the 110 metres hurdles. He has since made the finals at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics (twice); two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major prize, but in the last in May at Osaka, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 13.06 seconds. Still young, Liu has improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles event. In the final, he equaled the world record of 12.91 seconds held since 1993 by Colin Jackson of Wales. This is the first time an athlete of non-African descent has dipped under 13 seconds for the 110 meter hurdles. Major achievements 2001 World Student Games - Beijing, China. 110 m. hurdles gold medal East Asian Games - Osaka, Japan. 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2002 Asian Championships - Manila, Philippines. 110 m. hurdles gold medal Asian Games - Busan, South Korea 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2003 World Championships - Paris, France. 110 m. hurdles bronze medal World Indoor Championships - Birmingham, England. 60 m. hurdles bronze medal 2004 World Indoor Championships - Budapest, Hungary. 60 m. hurdles silver medal Olympic Games - Athens, Greece. 110 m. hurdles gold medal 2005 World Championships in Athletics 110 m. hurdles silver medal
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世乒赛当然有第三名2022世乒赛女团第三名是中国台北队、德国队,男团第三名是韩国队、日本队。 2022年成都世界乒乓球团体锦标赛(2022 ITTF World Team Table Tennis Championships Finals Chengdu)是国际乒乓球联合会主办的第56届国际乒联世界乒乓球团体锦标赛,于2022年9月30日至10月9日在中国四川成都举行,共有32
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1.世界乒乓球锦标赛(World Table Tennis Championships)国际乒乓球联合会主办的国际乒乓球比赛。原称第1届欧洲乒乓球锦标赛,后改此名。第1届于1926年在伦敦举行。比赛共设男子团体、男子单打、男子双打、女子单打和混合双打5项。2.世界杯乒乓球赛(World cup table tennis match)国际乒乓球比赛由国际乒联主办,自1980年起每年举办一次,又称“杯赛”。男子单打比赛只有一个项目,国际乒联指定了16名运动员。他们是世界单打冠军、大陆单打冠军、赞助协会单打冠军和国际乒乓球联合会公布的世界优秀球员名单中的一些顶级球员。3.世界明星巡回赛(world stars tour match)为了促进乒乓球运动的发展,国际乒联从1990年开始举办世界明星巡回赛。巡回赛运动员小、短、简练,组织相对简单。参加者都是著名的运动员。到世界各地比赛,是乒乓球广泛宣传推广的良好形式。4.世界杯乒乓球锦标赛又称埃文斯杯,由国际乒联主办的国际乒乓球比赛。男单只有一个项目。国际乒联指定16名运动员参加。他们获得了世界单打冠军、主要协会单打冠军和国际乒联公布的世界顶级球员名单中的一些顶级球员的资格。5、亚非拉乒乓球友好邀请赛(Asia- Africa- latin America Table Tennis Friendship Tournament)亚非拉乒乓球友好邀请赛是洲际乒乓邀请赛。6、全国乒乓球锦标赛(China Table Tennis Championships)中国国家体育运动委员会和中国乒乓球协会联合举办的全国规模的比赛,是全国最高水平的乒乓球比赛。以省、市、自治区和中国人民解放军为竞赛单位。
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为什么是a person in his teens

因为这是年龄的表达,意思是一个人在他十几岁的时候,用teens。teen读法英 [tiːn]  美 [tiːn]n. 十几岁,青少年时期(指从13岁到19岁);(青)少年,十几岁的孩子;伤害;愤怒;悲哀adj. 青少年的,十几岁的词汇搭配:Teen Age Message 青少年的讯息Teen Talk 青少年论坛示例:He started making crosswords when he was in his teens.他从十几岁就开始创作字谜游戏了。近义词:youthsyouths读法英 [juːðz]  美 [jʊθs] n. 青少年;青年时代词汇搭配:teenage youths 十几岁的少年Flowers and youths 花儿与少年示例:In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.在我年轻时我的抱负曾是当一名发明家。
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【一个穿着粉蓝色裙子的女孩,微带着小麦色的皮肤看起来是那么健康,乌黑的头发瀑布般垂直地披在肩上,脸蛋微微透着淡红一个黄衣少女笑吟吟的站在门口,肤光胜雪,双目犹似一泓清水,在各人脸上转了几转.这少女容貌秀丽之极,当真如明珠生晕,美玉莹光,眉目间隐然有一股书卷的清气】【那女孩有一双晶亮的眸子,明净清澈,灿若繁星,不知她想到了什么,对着自己兴奋的一笑,眼睛弯的像月牙儿一样,仿佛那灵韵也溢了出来。一颦一笑之间,高贵的神色自然流露,让人不得不惊叹于她清雅灵秀的光芒。】【细致乌黑的长发,常常披于双肩之上,略显柔美,有时松散的数着长发,显出一种别样的风采,突然由成熟变得可爱,让人新生喜爱怜惜之情,洁白的皮肤犹如刚剥壳的鸡蛋,大大的眼睛一闪一闪仿佛会说话,小小的红唇与皮肤的白色,更显分明,一对小酒窝均匀的分布在脸颊两侧,浅浅一笑,酒窝在脸颊若隐若现,可爱如天仙。】【清澈明亮的瞳孔,弯弯的柳眉,长长的睫毛微微地颤动着,白皙无瑕的皮肤透出淡淡红粉,薄薄的双唇如玫瑰花瓣娇嫩欲滴。】【一个穿着粉蓝色裙子的女孩,微带着小麦色的皮肤看起来是那么健康,乌黑的头发瀑布般垂直地披在肩上,脸蛋微微透着淡红。】【尽管看不到她刘海下的容貌,却也可以清楚的看见她两边脸颊连同后面修长白皙的脖颈整个都红了,嫣红透白的煞是好看。这时才注意到女孩的打扮,上身穿着一件可爱的卡通T恤,下身是雪白的七分裤.】【这女孩看起来非常的娇小玲珑,如果站在旁边,简直就象是个儿童一样;但是胸前隐隐坟起的鸽乳造型优美,颇有规模,一群女孩子都化了点淡妆,头发也拉直的拉直、造型的造型,精心的打扮过了,只有素面向天,头发黑亮服顺的搭在肩头——可就是这样,依然很容易把她从一群漂亮女生中一眼摘出来。】【只见眼前站着一位身材高挑,深目高鼻的姑娘,吃力的拖着两个大大的行李箱,满脸期待的望着他们。】【即使是满面疲倦和仆仆风尘,依然能看出她娇小的脸型和精致的五官,象混血儿一样奇特而夺目的美丽;细腻白皙的象羊奶凝乳一样的皮肤,仿佛透明的水晶色的新疆马奶提子一样,晶莹剔透的让人不忍多看,生怕目光落实了,把她的脸蛋刺出两个洞来。】【同样是美女,这个女孩给人最深刻的印象是她眉宇之间有种超越了她年龄的惊人的美丽,淡淡的柳眉分明仔细的修饰过,长长的睫毛忽闪忽闪的象两把小刷子,亮得让人觉得刺目的一双漂亮到心悸的大眼睛,异常的灵动有神。】【一袭粉紫色的短披肩小外套,更加衬托出她绝佳的身材,再搭配一条嫩黄色天鹅绒齐膝裙,一双黑色的高筒靴,漆黑的头发有着自然的起伏弧度搭在肩上。清澈明亮的瞳孔,弯弯的柳眉,长长的睫毛微微地颤动着,白皙无瑕的皮肤透出淡淡红粉,薄薄的双唇如玫瑰花瓣娇嫩欲滴。】【一头紫色的中长发,随意的披在肩上,斜斜的刘海适中的刚好从眼皮上划过,长长的睫毛眨巴着,泛着水的眼睛仿佛在说话,小巧的鼻子高度适中,粉色的小脸,湿润的嘴唇让人好想咬一口。一件白色的连衣裙,没有任何的修饰,但穿在身上却丝毫没有感觉到平凡。】【身着粉色的露肩雪纺短裙,腰间的蝴蝶结可爱动人,层层叠叠的蕾丝点缀在美丽的裙子上。长长的卷发披在肩上。】【Burberry露背装勾勒出背部完美的曲线,纤细的白色丝带从颈间绕过,挡住月牙链的心型扣。下身穿着一墨绿色的休闲裤,手腕上带着施华洛世奇 Dakhia全球珍藏版情侣拼图手链。脸上涂抹着淡淡的妆,依旧是那独特的月牙链斜斜的挂在颈上。】【酒红色长发微卷着披泻下来,显得有些慵倦和叛逆。脸上的表情冷若冰霜,细长的柳眉被她画上了深紫色,暗色的眼影下,被长睫毛盖着的褐色双眼烁着拒人于千里之外的光,却深藏着不易察觉的忧伤,用冷酷深深掩着。那高窄的鼻梁,秀气中带着冷漠。咬着几乎无一丝血色的唇,似雪的脸上显出几分苍白。一条闪着细小水钻的黑色吊带短裙搭着一件小巧的牛仔披肩,配着一双黑色的抽折高筒靴。】【红白条纹短袖,黑色的领边和袖边,精致剪裁,显得小巧玲珑,圆领露出漂亮的锁骨。淡蓝色的迷你短裤露出白皙修长的大腿,一双红色布鞋简约大方。左手手腕上是一连串的细小红圈圈手镯,阳光下发着耀眼的光泽。头发蓬松盘起,雪白的耳垂挂着两个银白环状耳环。只是化了淡妆,嘴唇上涂了淡粉唇彩,卷翘的眼睫毛忽闪忽闪,暗红的眼眸散发着妖冶。】【小麦色的皮肤给人一种健康活力的感觉,穿着耐克的一整套的纯白带粉色边运动服,微卷的褐色头发扎成一个轻松活泼的辫子,总是那自信可爱的表情 】【浓密金色的大波浪长发随意地披在肩头,丝丝缕缕都热辣得迷死人~!浓密的睫毛、魅惑的眼神、性感丰厚的双唇,无时无刻不透露出万种风情……一袭粉紫色的Joe&Jules超短款披肩小外套更加衬托出她一等一的绝佳身材,再搭配一条嫩黄色chanel天鹅绒齐膝裙,一双黑色的PINKY&ROSE高筒靴……真是娇媚十足 】【一个穿着粉蓝色裙子的女孩,微带着小麦色的皮肤看起来是那么健康,乌黑的头发瀑布般垂直地披在肩上,脸蛋微微透着淡红。 】【魔鬼般惹火的身材,一头大波浪形金黄卷发发出耀眼的光芒,修长的大腿穿着一条鹅黄色的超短迷你裙,显出身材的完美绝伦. 】【清澈明亮的瞳孔,弯弯的柳眉,长长的睫毛微微地颤动着,白皙无瑕的皮肤透出淡淡红粉,薄薄的双唇如玫瑰花瓣娇嫩欲滴】 【白色的鸭舌帽把她那盘起的长发和半张脸都给遮住了,但能感觉出她一定很漂亮,惊人的漂亮!!!硕大的黑色墨镜使得大家只看得见她嘴角的那丝完美弧度,透着一股无所不知和天下无敌的自信,黑百相间的休闲服把她衬托得似神秘似纯洁。给人感觉,除了酷就是酷,找不到别的词语来形容了!】【粉红玫瑰香紧身袍袍袖上衣,下罩翠绿烟纱散花裙,腰间用金丝软烟罗系成一个大大的蝴蝶结,鬓发低垂斜插碧玉瓒凤钗,显的体态修长妖妖艳艳勾人魂魄。】 【她穿着淡蓝色的裙子,双手背在身后,握着一束野菊花,头戴的草帽子挡着武后的阳光,照亮她的鼻子】【她抱着这一只白猫,对它做着鬼脸】【她穿着一件紫色的晚礼服,白色的手套更显出她的高贵 】【一张再标准不过的古典瓜子脸,看上去仿佛只比**的巴掌略大一点,就象从最标准的美女漫画上走下来的人一样;比起一般美女的大眼睛不同,她的眼睛大而有神,似乎眸子里有水波荡漾,仿佛无时不刻在默默倾诉着什么;坚毅挺直的鼻梁,兼有女性的俏美又有点男性才有的英气;略薄柔软的樱唇,呈现出一种近乎透明的宝石红,随时细润的仿佛看一眼就能让人沉醉似的;一头水一样柔美的乌亮长发,流瀑般倾斜下来,恰倒好处的披散在微削的香肩上……】【她的脸是鹅蛋形的。加上一双明净的眼睛,让人见后如痴如醉,神魂颠倒,仿佛被施加了催眠术一般。眼睛上面是弓形的,像是画上去的眉毛。一个小巧笔直的鼻子,一个圆圆的、像生气似的噘着小嘴。卷曲的头发柔软的披在肩际,宛若丝绸。】【妩媚的长卷发被洁白的蕾丝带松松绾起,飞旋的纯色裙裾,在月光下绽放暗香,那夜,每一片纷舞飘落的雪雾花,都追逐着爱琴海的风,轻吻她飞扬的发。】【一袭浪漫的波西米亚风格长裙,火红的颜色,耀眼夺目,裙摆层叠着镂空花纹,艳丽精致的流苏在脚踝边飘逸】【首先映入眼帘的是一袭白色抹胸裙,精致的花边衬出白皙的双腿,修长挺拔,玲珑的曲线完完全全的勾勒了出来。不经意间,她抚上自己的唇角,划出抿住的发丝,指尖的轻灵仿佛精灵的活泼。发丝划过的地方还残留着淡淡的余香。她的目光仿佛秋日横波,款款深情,一颦一笑,风姿绰约,少女的楚楚动人,少妇的素雅风韵,在她身上似是天成。没有额外的装饰,她盘着青丝,大气的水晶发卡一挽,清秀典雅,发丝自然的垂落下来,划过耳际。白皙红嫩的左耳,隐约可以看见带着小小的耳钉,光线忽明忽暗,她的脸庞却始终带着似有若无的微笑,明眸皓齿。似是她怎么打扮都是这谪仙的气质。】【淡雅的双眸如水一样纯净;鼻子十分标致;嘴如樱桃般小巧。长长的一头棕色秀发像一条棕色的瀑布,上面还有一顶粉色的遮阳帽。身穿白色吊带裙,吊带裙上有一粒一粒的红色小点,下摆还有一圈蕾丝;身上穿了一件白色外衣;淡雅的手上提了一个淡粉色的包包。脚上穿了一双白色凉鞋。 】
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描写小白兔外貌的句子有哪些 怎么写出小白兔的可爱

1、小兔子长着长长的耳朵,黑黑的眼睛像一颗闪闪发亮的宝石,头上戴着一顶小花帽,雪白的兔毛,红红的嘴巴总是望着我笑。 2、小兔子的耳朵是粉红色的,有一段是肉色的。嘴巴粉粉的,腮上有两个粉色的圆圈,里面是两个加号;手是粉色的,尾巴一半是粉的,其它的地方都是肉色的。这只粉嘟嘟的小兔子好可爱呀。 3、我家有一只小兔,它长着一身洁白如玉的毛,一双炯炯有神的红眼睛,就像一对闪闪发光的的红宝石;它还有一张三瓣嘴和一对长长的耳朵,真是人见人爱。
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