barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 22:26:12

The teacher got the student _____ the papers for the whole class.
B.copying copy


TAG: 英语

选C。 get sb to do sth.让某人做某事


1、Mr. Smith, together with his wife and children, ____B____ going to the party this weekend. A.amB.isC.areD.will

2、How he could avoid ____C____ so much? payB.payC.payingD.paid

3、The aged feel __B___ very often.A.aloneB.onelyC.lonenessD.loner

4、I will certainly vote ______D___ you.A.atB.inC.toD.for

5、My mother objects ____A_____ the

6、He challenged me _____A________ across the jumpC.jumpedD.jump

7、He was _____A___ with his success in the business.A.encouragedB.encouraging

8、It is very _____B___ indeed to find such a large attendance of delegates. A.encouragedB.encouraging

9、Women are great shoppers. They go _____D____ almost

10、I can not afford ____B______ such an expensive

11、Everybody was ____A___ at the news of a sudden outbreak of polio in the community.A.alarmedB.alarming

12、He could only find one shoe, so he __C______ across the room on one foot.A.flewB.sprintedC.hoppedD.jumped

13、The head of this school will take the problem into serious ____A____.A.considerationB.considerC.considerateD.considerable

14、He was doubtful ___A_____ he was able to afford a new house.A.whetherB.×C.becauseD.that

15、Look! The flag is __A______. A.risingB.raisingC.being risenD.raised

16、You are very kind _____C_____ said

17、Great changes ___A____ in our institute in the last few years. A.have taken placeB.were taken placeC.have been taken placeD.took place

18、I can"t stand _____A_____ in the rush travelD.traveled

19、She began to ___C_____ something but stopped when she heard the teacher ________.A.tell,sayingB. speak,talkingC.say,speakingD.alk,telling

20、_____C___ is a blessing that we do not know what is going to happen. A.ThatB.WhatC.ItD.How

21、He promised never ____A_____ drunk

22、He later became successful __B______

23、They were uncertain ___C______they ought to go to the country. A.thatB.whatC.whetherD.why

24、_____D___ English well, we have to work hard.A.LearnB.LearningC.LearnedD.To learn

25、I heard someone _______C____ for help last night. callC.callingD.called








英[əˈlɑːmɪŋ]。alarming造句:1、That is an alarming prospect.那是多么骇人的前景啊。2、I am deeply perturbed by the alarming way the situation developing.我对形势令人忧虑的发展深感不安。3、They argue that the figures fail to give the full alarming picture.他们认为这些数据未成完全反应当前紧急的形势。4、But behind this tranquility lies an alarming reality.但令人警醒的现实却藏匿在这份谧静之下。5、A problem of alarming dimensions.警报范围的问题。6、Even using a "hands-free" device can divert a driver"s attention to an alarming extent.即使使用“免提”设备,也会在令人担忧的程度上转移司机的注意力。7、This is an alarming development.这是一个令人警惕的举动。
2023-01-11 08:43:421

每日一词 | alarming

英英释义:making you feel worried or frightened  “alarming”是形容词,意思是 “令人担忧的、使人惊慌的”; 它的名词形式是 alarm,本意是“警报、闹钟”。alarming 经常出现在新闻报道中,用来 形容某个问题的严重性 。和它同义的表达一般还有 worrying 和 disturbing。在 alarming, worrying, disturbing 后面加上 ly 就变成了它们的副词形式,同样常见,我们可以一起掌握。 一种令人担忧的现象是,现在很多孩子在学习上花了很多时间,但其实并没有真正学到什么东西,就可以说:  It is alarming that students spend so much time learning without actually learning something.  在写稀有物种、自然资源在以令人担忧的速度消失时还可以使用“ at an alarming rate/speed” 这个表达。比如,中华鲟的数量越来越少,非常令人担忧,就可以说:  The Chinese sturgeon is disappearing at an alarming rate.  类似地,亚马逊热带雨林消失的速度让人担忧,可以说:  The Amazon rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.  另外, alarming 的副词形式 alarmingly 也很常见。 比如,在最新一期《经济学人》Leaders 板块中有一篇关于印度环境污染的文章,它的摘要中就出现了这个词:  Even by the standards of poor countries, India is alarmingly--and unnecessarily--filthy. It needs to clean up.  《经济学人》另一篇写土耳其 #MeToo 运动的文章中有这么一句话:  Domestic violence is alarmingly widespread in Turkey.  当我们想说某个现象很普遍,而这种普遍性令人担忧的时候就可以直接说 alarmingly widespread 了。  3. 怎样学会使用这个词?  1)翻译下面的句子:  美国的自杀率在过去几年有所上升,这尤其令人担忧。  It is alarming that American suicide rate has been increased in recent years. (参考翻译:The US has seen an alarming increase in suicide in the past few years. 或 It is particularly disturbing that suicide has been on the rise in America in the last few years. 或 It is particularly worrying that a growing number of Americans have taken their own lives over the past few years.) 造句: 令人担忧的是人们的心脏病发病率在过去几年不断上升。 It is particularly alarming that the rate of heart disease has been on the rise in the past few years.
2023-01-11 08:44:071


alarming报警双语对照词典结果:alarming[英][əˈlɑ:mɪŋ][美][əˈlɑ:rmɪŋ]adj.使人害怕的,扰乱人心的; 使人惊慌的; 告急的; 危言耸听的; v.警告(alarm的现在分词);
2023-01-11 08:44:141

警报的英语翻译 警报用英语怎么说

2023-01-11 08:44:222


the alarm is ringingdo you want to employ someone?
2023-01-11 08:44:336


2023-01-11 08:45:007


alarming rate 惊人速度alarming 英[əˈlɑ:mɪŋ]美[əˈlɑ:rmɪŋ]adj. 使人害怕的,扰乱人心的; 使人惊慌的; 告急的; 危言耸听的;v. 警告(alarm的现在分词);[例句]The death rate from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years.在过去的30年里,心脏病患者的死亡率一直在以惊人的速度增加。
2023-01-11 08:45:301


2023-01-11 08:45:385


2023-01-11 08:45:592


2023-01-11 08:46:123


回答和翻译如下:撤防, 消警 。Disarm ,alarm .
2023-01-11 08:46:462

英语discovered an alarming trend怎么翻译?

discovered an alarming trend发现了惊人的趋势
2023-01-11 08:46:554


你所说的应该是属于现在分词和过去分词做定语而转化为形容词的问题。先说ING形容词,也就是现在分词做定语,有两种。一种已转化为形容词,已无动词性质,这种词不但可以被副词VERY修饰,而且也可以有比较的变化。另一种则仍有动词性质,不可被副词VERY做修饰,也没有比较的变化。试比较:a promising young man 一个有为的青年(已无动词性质)a leading comrade 领导同志(仍有动词性质)常见的已转化为形容词的现在分词有alarming,amusing,astonishing,charming,daring,demanding,encouraging,confusing,disappointing,discouraging,exciting,grasping,interesting,inviting,misleading,pleasing,promising,refreshing,revealing,shocking,striking,surprising等。多数现在分词并未转化为形容词,如:developing countryworking class一般来说,现在分词做定语时有动词性质,具有能动性。而形容词只表一种品质或性能。再说过去分词做定语。和现在分词一样,有些过去分词也已变作形容词。他们失去了动词的性质,所以可被副词VERY,TOO等所修饰,并可以有比较的等级,这种过去分词常见的有:advanced, aged, blessed, conceited, contented, crooked, cursed, disappointed, distinguished, excited, frightened, interested, learned, limited, pleased, pronounced, reserved, surprised, tired等。尚未转化成形容词的过去分词一般不可用副词VERY等修饰,但可以用副词MUCH修饰。还有一些过去分词虽然尚未转化成形容词,却也可以被副词VERY修饰。常见的有:alarmed, amazed, amused, balanced, bored, disturbed, divided, embarrassed, exhausted, fascinated, hurt, lined, puzzled, relaxed, satisfied, shocked,specialized, worried.现在分词与过去分词在意义上不同,一般来说,现在分词表主动、正在进行,过去分词表被动、已经完成。
2023-01-11 08:47:126


saying 不是形容词,是现在分词做状语
2023-01-11 08:47:403


1.他是意译的不好理解 直译是这样的:很难去想象 比 收集有关住房和教堂的绘画作品 更不惊人 的东西那他就是想表达:收集有关住房和教堂的绘画作品 很不惊人 (不知道这么说你明白吗)
2023-01-11 08:48:053


you make a decision later(你迟作决定)can not/can"t use the telephone office (不能用办公室里的电话)at that time has left (那时已经飞走了)All flights were canceled (所有的航班被取消)Alarming findings (调查结果令人吃惊)
2023-01-11 08:48:192

despite these alarming

本句这样理解: 尽管这些统计数字令人惊讶和担忧,但吸烟对妇女健康所造成的威胁却令人费解地没引起足够的重视.
2023-01-11 08:48:351


不知道广大大众车主们有没有注意过,大众基本所有车型的仪表板时速表上,30km/h和50km/h处都是被标红了的。你有想过为什么要在这两个位置标红嘛?它有什么重要的意义,或者实际用途吗? 网上有一种说法是,30km/h和50km/h代表着手动挡的最低档最高车速 与 最高档的最低车速,所以要标红特别注意。其实这种说法是不太对的。 其实这个问题牵扯到大众的出生地,德国。 30km/h和50km/h这两个速度值在德国的交通规则中有着极其重要的意义。 在我们的印象里,提到德国限速第一个想到的肯定是德国的不限速高速。相信有很多人都想到德国的不限速高速上跑一把,体验一下不限速的快感,当然这也是要在确保安全的前提下。 其实德国除了不限速高速也是有很多限速标准的。而30km/h和50km/h两个速度是德国最经常使用到的限速标准。 在德国市区主要干道或道路上,如果旁边没有明确路牌标出最高限速,则限速50km/h。而在居民区、商业区等地,出入这些地区的路口都是有明显的限速30km/h的标识,也就是所谓的30km/h区。 在德国,30km/h区内行车时必须充分考虑行人,如果此时出现事故,开车的人负全责。在没有红绿灯或没有让行标牌的交叉路口,实行右先行,即右边来的车有绝对先行权,此时如果撞车,左边的车负全责。如果四面都有车同时到,则大家手势协商解决。 而30km/h和50km/h这两个限速在一些地方是没有标牌的,但是默认限速还是在的。30km/h和50km/h的标红就是时刻提醒车主,注意限速,避免出现身处限速区而不自知的情况。 30km/h和50km/h标红这个设置就这样一直在大众品牌各车型中延续。而在我们中国,在没有中心线的公路,限速为每小时40公里;同方向只有1条机动车道的公路,限速为每小时70公里;进出非机动车道,通过铁路道口、急弯路、窄路、窄桥以及掉头、转弯、下陡坡时,限速为每小时30公里。除此之外还经常会有特殊限速出现,所以对我们来说实际意义就不是很大了。我们还是老老实实看路边的限速标识比较好。 除了大众其实很多德系车也有这样的设置,奥迪与奔驰的各种车型和大众一样,会在时速表30km/h和50km/h处标红。 而同为德系的宝马现在大部分车型都是没有这个标红设置的,但也有个例。像是宝马旗下MINI品牌同样也是会在时速表这两个地方标红。 有没有感觉自己涨知识了? 30处是提醒你没握住方向盘,50提示车上有刺客 国内各种型号的大众车,在仪表盘上时速30km/h和50km/h处都是被标红的,不知道各位大众车车主是否考虑过车子在这两个位置标红的目的是什么? 30km/h是经过学校、路口限制的速度,所以标红提醒车主要限速?其实这种说法是不对,下面小道来告诉你为什么大众车会在这两个位置做标红处理。 这个问题的答案在于大众车的原产地:德国,而我们现在看到的大众车仪表盘标红的30码和50码两个时速在德国交通规则中有非常大的意义。 众所周知的是,德国的高速公路是不限速的,世界上的唯一一个(而且德国也是第一个修建高速公路的国家,第一条高速修建于1932年)。高速上不限速,但是在非高速路段,德国交通有非常之多的限速标准,最常用到的就是30km/h和50km/h。 在德国的市区主干道上,要求车辆行驶的最高时速一般是50km/h,而在一些住宅区、商业中心,这一限速则是30km/h,在德国一般把限速30km/h的地方称为30km/h区。 在30km/h区的地区行驶,车辆必须优先礼让行人,并且实行右先行的制度,一旦发生车辆行人事故,那么车主负全责。 而现在30km/h和50km/h限速在德国有些地方并没有明显的标识和禁令,但是无论是约定俗成还是法律规定,在上面讲的地区,车辆还是要遵守这两个速度限制。 而我们看到的大众车仪表盘上这两处位置的标红就是为了时刻提醒车主,记得保持车速。大众以及其他的德系车很早就有两个车速标红的设置,而这设置也一直延续至今,而且一般国内进口或者生产的大众车也会有这一标识。 我们用的是合资车,我们照搬的国外东西太多,自己又不懂,只能习惯性延续了,本事没意义。 不知道有多少人知道这个问题,但是据我所知,大众车主只有看到这个问题时,可能才会注意到自己车辆的仪表盘30km/h、50km/h位置被专门标记为红色,“ 汽车 概况”给大家讲解一下! 大众仪表盘的设计可谓是用心良苦,专为车主考虑,并且考虑得还很周全,这些全部都是德国人仔细、认真、严谨的代表。大众仪表盘不仅仅在30km/h、50km/h位置设有红色标记,而且大众仪表盘在60km/h以下位置,仪表盘分度值会很小,车主可以很清晰地看到我们车辆速度的变化。 大众为什么在30km/h和50km/h位置设置红色标记? 红色代表什么?红色代表警告,Alarming,在这些位置标记为红色,意思是让车主注意啦,这个车速比较特别,在特定的路况条件下,车主不能超过这个车速行驶。 在城市道路驾驶过程中,车主们应该注意的两个速度值就是30km/h和50km/h,这两个速度值也是大部分道路对车辆速度的限制。无论是在中国还是在德国,车辆通过人行道或学校路段时,车速限制几乎是统一标准30km/h;如果是在单向双排车道的道路上,车辆的速度限制则是50km/h。简单来说,车主驾驶车辆时,速度限制最多的点便是30km/h和50km/h。 提到德国的道路,车主们脑海中浮现的是“没有限速”,没错,德国的高速是没有速度限制的。怎么样,是不是有心动的感觉?是不是想要到德国尝试一下车辆最高车速?德国的高速虽然没有限速,但是城市道路行驶时,也是有速度要求的,德国道路狭窄,城市人口相对密集,尤其在学校、商业街道,这些主要以行人为主,德国也就慢慢养成了礼让行人的习惯,而车辆遇到行人最安全的、可控的车速便是30km/h,所以,30km/h设置为红色也就理所应当。与此同时,德国道路相当狭窄,即便是城市道路,基本都是两车道,所以,德国人虽然体型高大,但是都喜欢开小车,主要是驾驶安全,停车方便,在城市道路驾驶时,50km/h也被认为是临界车速。 30km/h和50km/h设置为红色标记,对于德系车来说,这代表着一种传承,一种为消费者服务的意识。 仪表盘60km/h以下,分度值非常小 德系车还有一个特点,仪表盘60km/h以下,速度分度值非常小。比如0~260km/h的仪表盘,仪表盘速度分度值为5km/h,高速时分度值为10km/h,其中0~60km/h占比达到了40%,这种情况下,对于车主而言,最显著的差异是视觉体验。车主低速驾驶车辆时,感觉清晰明了。 其实,这种设置也是从客户角度出发,坚持以司机为中心。车主们在城市道路行驶时,是不是有经常看车速的毛病?没别的,就是怕超速,而车辆经常使用的速度区间便是0~60km/h以下,为了让车主更容易识别车速,这个区间段设置的分度值自然也就更小一些。 怎么样,一个小小的仪表盘也体现了德国的大国工匠精神,有没有丝丝的的敬佩之情?欢迎留言评论! 这绝对是一个网红问题,说实话之前我也没特别在意过,后来看到有很多朋友都特别想知道答案,于是联系了在德国的同学,让他帮我查找答案,她对 汽车 并不感兴趣,但是有地理和语言上的绝对优势,她给我的答案我觉得很有说服力: 她说在欧洲有一个类似国内公益组织的机构,倡导欧盟各城市将部分人员流动密集的道路限制车速为30公里,以保证安全。30公里的时速比较慢了,即便发生碰撞事故人员伤亡的概率会大大减小。 因此欧盟很多国家城市都响应,将部分道路限速设置为30公里/小时。 我们平时所说的迈也是速度单位,1迈=1.6公里/小时,而30公里/小时刚好是20迈,因此欧洲很多城市就出现了“20 ZONE”,也就是限速20公里/小时的区域。 上图就是欧洲城市里的20 ZONE。 而欧洲很多城市市区20 ZONE以外的道路限速为50,比如上图瑞士的交通标志。 上图是荷兰的限速标志。 英国的限速标志。 同样奥迪的仪表盘也是如此设计。 但是也有例外,途锐的仪表盘上竟然没有标注。 因此我觉得大众如此操作主要目的并不是让驾驶员开车时时刻盯着仪表盘,而是作为一种提醒,让驾驶员时刻注意安全,潜移默化中强化人们遵守交规的意识,更像是一种文化。我想应该是这个原因吧。 一般在国外开过车的就知道了,国外路面限速都在50km.小巷子30km.高速100km个别其他国家例外。所以国外交通事故身亡的少,因为50km的情况下前方有紧急情况出现很容易刹车刹住。国内一个小区里的路面车都会开到80km这简直是对自己家庭对自己对别人不负责任 我是只见其文,不见其人的“ 志与文 ”。一个以用户角度出发的非专业车评人,接下来直入主题: 关于大众仪表盘上为什么30公里,50公里处要标红? 首先呢,这个要从大众车的德系血统说起, 因为在德国的限速中30km/h和50km/h是两个很重要的限速标准, 而且对于超速的惩罚比较严厉。 所以德国的车通常会在仪表盘上用醒目的红色,将这两个速度标示出来,引起驾驶员的注意 。在德国的城镇市区主要干道上,如果旁边没有明确路牌标出最高限速,则按照限速50km/h的标准行驶。居民区、繁华商业街道或学校门口等一些人流密集的路段,限速标准一般是30km/h。 其次呢,我们国内的车上,车又不是进口的,而有的车上却没有?其实,恰恰说明了某些德国品牌合资车型就是为了延续比较完整的德国生产工艺,相对来说这些车的德系车血统更纯正一些。 结论:红色最为显眼,同样的不管是在中国还是在大众的原产地德国都是一种警示色,提示驾驶人该注意了。 如果您也赞同的话,希望您能关注一下“志与文”,让我们一起“怼”车,聊聊各自的看法...… 大惊小怪,只怪表盘太小,20、40字写大了(写小了有些人看不清),那10、30、50只能写小字了,有些还干脆不写了,30、50的点也很重要你看限速牌就知道了所以就标红色了,正常的司机不会是色盲的。 大众 汽车 的拥有者们肯定会发现仪表盘上30km/h和50km/h处都被标上了红色的印记,他们不禁会做出猜想“是不是30km/h和50km/h两处所显示的数字太小了,所以需要用不同颜色的记号将其区分开来?”又或者是驾驶者们自然而然会将这两个数据看成是最高车速与最低车速的划定标准。其实不然,要想 探索 其背后的原因,应该从大众 汽车 的原产地—德国作为出发点研究。 首先,从最根本的原因出发,30km/h和50km/h两个速度是的德国经常使用到限速标准,这个标准背后则反映出了德国的交通规则。从整体来看,30km/h和50km/h的标红起着一个警示作用,随时提示德国驾驶者们注意限速,避免身处限速区而不自知的情况。细分来看,30km/h和50km/h的确立与 汽车 所在区域密切相关。 同时,30km/h和50km/h标识牌的设立体现了“内隐”与“外显”二者之间的联系。具体来说,在德国市区主干道上,一般限速为50km/h。在居民区、商业区等人口密度高的地区,一般限速为30km/h,而在出入居民区、商业区的路口都会有明显的道路标识,在主要干道上却很少有道路标识。确实,有标识的区域肯定能给驾驶者带来最直观的视觉冲击,转而使他们在内心身处提醒自己;但是在没有标识区域的驾驶者们依然会在没有提示的条件下,自发地提醒自己进行着限速的操作。所以,不论是“内隐”式的没有树立标牌的区域,还是“外显”式的树立标牌的区域,都统归于交通规则之中。 其次,大众仪表时速板上在30km/h和50km/h处标红,不仅仅是一种行为习惯的延续与传承,更是体现出德国人的严谨以及德国人对自己与他人出行安全的责任的承担。从严谨这个角度来看,就拿我们国家对比来说:我们国家在限速的标准上显得比较宽松,道路上的不同位置,道路与道路之间时速切换频率太快,导致许多驾驶者无所适从,经常出现超车、超速等违规现象,甚者则可能与其它车辆相互碰撞。 德国却不同,在某种特定功能的地区确定唯一的时速标准,且在路旁设置标识牌,标识牌的间隔疏离,这无疑不对驾驶者起到一个缓冲作用,以减少意外事故的发生。从责任的承担这个角度来看,在30km/h和50km/h这两个不同时速下,德国人对开车行为以及事故承担后果也有着较为明显的差别。抛开最后洽谈的结果和责任分配的结果,不难看出大部分德国车主都是充分考虑到行人的出行安全的,有时甚至多于对自身安全的关照。 最后,无论仪表板红线设置在任何位置,决定安全驾驶行为的始终是驾驶意识。30千米、50千米标红是集驾驶者安全、行人安全以及道路规则而成的统一体之下的产物,不仅仅是这一标识逐渐被其它品牌 汽车 所运用,更重要的是驾驶意识的培养,这也正是标识红线所扩展出的真正意义。(二马)
2023-01-11 08:48:521

闹钟响了吗Did the alarm clock go off怎么我听发音是 do be 老鹰ing clock go off 是我听错了 还是连读

应该是连读,也是您听错了。the 这里应该读[ 犭i:],原因前都这样读。所以Did the 和 do be 就很像了。闹钟可以说成alarming clock。alarming和老鹰ing很像。可能是这样。在下是托福雅思听力老师。我的很多学生都有辨音错误的情况。不明白可以追问。
2023-01-11 08:48:591


自现象级英语 ALARMING 1. 英英释义:making you feel worried or frightened  例句:It is alarming that students spend so much time learning without actually learning something. 2. 为什么选这个词? “alarming”是形容词,意思是“令人担忧的、使人惊慌的”;它的名词形式是 alarm,本意是“警报、闹钟”。alarming 经常出现在新闻报道中,用来形容某个问题的严重性。和它同义的表达一般还有 worrying 和 disturbing。在alarming, worrying, disturbing 后面加上ly 就变成了它们的副词形式,同样常见,我们可以一起掌握。 一种令人担忧的现象是,现在很多孩子在学习上花了很多时间,但其实并没有真正学到什么东西,就可以说:It is  alarming  that students spend so much time learning without actually learning something.在写稀有物种、自然资源在以令人担忧的速度消失时还可以使用“at an alarming rate/speed”这个表达。比如,中华鲟的数量越来越少,非常令人担忧,就可以说:The Chinese sturgeon is disappearing at an alarming rate.类似地,亚马逊热带雨林消失的速度让人担忧,可以说:The Amazon rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.另外,alarming 的副词形式 alarmingly 也很常见。比如,在最新一期《经济学人》Leaders 板块中有一篇关于印度环境污染的文章,它的摘要中就出现了这个词:Even by the standards of poor countries, India is alarmingly--and unnecessarily--filthy. It needs to clean up.《经济学人》另一篇写土耳其 #MeToo 运动的文章中有这么一句话:Domestic violence is alarmingly widespread in Turkey.当我们想说某个现象很普遍,而这种普遍性令人担忧的时候就可以直接说 alarmingly widespread 了。 个人拓展: 搭配:be/ seem/have an extremely/ particularly/ very /faintly/ slightly alarming increase/ rate/ report It is alarming that/ to do 背诵: 同义词:alarming, worrying, disturbing, upsetting Domestic violence is  alarmingly  widespreadin Turkey. Even by the standards of poorcountries, India is alarmingly --and unnecessarily--filthy. It needsto clean up. The 21stcentury brings somechallenges not seen before, most obviously and most worryingly climate change.自每周一段
2023-01-11 08:49:131


问题一:警惕的英语翻译 警惕用英语怎么说 警惕 [词典] guard; be on guard against; watch out for; be vigilant; be on the alert; [例句]为了避免意外事故,必须经常保持警惕。 Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents. 问题二:警惕怎么用英语翻译 警惕: 按释义查找例句:on guard vigilant alert 为了避免意外事故, 必须经常保持警惕。 Constant vigilance is necessary常in order to avoid accidents 表情是高贵的,警惕的,自信的。 Expression is noble, alert, and self-assured. 你必须保持警惕,防止可能的危险。 You must stay wide-awake against possible dangers. 自由的代价是永久提高警惕。 The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 问题三:时刻保持警惕 用英语怎么说? Be always on the alert! 问题四:令人警惕的英文怎么写 你好! 令人警惕 alarming 英[??l:m??] 美[??l:rm??] adj. 使人害怕的,扰乱人心的; 使人惊慌的; 告急的; 危言耸听的; v. 警告(alarm的现在分词); [例句]The disease has spread at an alarming rate. 这种病以惊人的速度传播开来。 问题五:警惕性不高,英语怎么说?不要百度翻译的,都不准。 not on the alert. alert 是机警,警觉的意思。词语 on the alert 提防 警觉 问题六:“不要放松警惕”的英文怎么写? Don"t relax your vigilance. 问题七:一直用英语怎么说 (副词)all along,as ever, all the time ,until,till,always
2023-01-11 08:49:221


the clock is alarming
2023-01-11 08:49:401


alert phone number alarm telephone code alarming telephone number 供参
2023-01-11 08:49:471

alarming rate 是什么意思

2023-01-11 08:50:066


2023-01-11 08:51:046

there is no cause for alarm是什么意思

2023-01-11 08:51:311


2023-01-11 08:51:443


to an alarming degree因为是to some degree,到某种程度。
2023-01-11 08:52:092


The Sinking City of VeniceAtlantis reduxSeveral years ago, Morgen and I visited Venice, that beautiful Italian city where the streets are paved with water. We were there for only a few days, but we enjoyed every minute of it. The place oozes history, and it"s wonderfully romantic. When we took the customary gondola ride through the city"s canals, our gondolier casually pointed toward a small house and said, “Marco Polo used to live there.” And we could believe it—if it were not for the constant noise of motor boats, it would be easy to imagine that the city looked much the same way centuries ago as it does now. But it"s not quite the same as it was in Marco Polo"s time. Whatever other changes have happened, the most significant one is that the city, as our gondolier reminded us, is sinking.Of course, the entire planet is doomed to be destroyed when the sun explodes in 500 million years or so, but I"m not losing any sleep over that. Why should I worry about Venice? It still looks OK to me, so it must be sinking very slowly, right? Well, not really. Venice is located in a lagoon on the edge of the Adriatic Sea. When Venice was founded in the year 421, the level of the Adriatic was about 5 meters (16 feet) lower than it is today. For centuries the water level rose very, very slowly, but in the last century or so the rate has increased dramatically. With each passing year, the difference between street level and water level shrinks faster. From time to time, the city gets a brief reprieve. On more than one occasion in early 2005, unusual weather patterns caused Venice to experience exceptionally low tides—so low that boats could not navigate most of the city"s shallower canals. Nevertheless, the clear trend, as observed over centuries, is in a decisively downward direction. If nothing is done and the trend continues, by 2055, a significant portion of the city"s walkways, plazas, and ground-level floors will be submerged all the time.That Sinking FeelingFor a long time I was puzzled about just what it meant for Venice to be “sinking,” because that doesn"t fit into my categories of things a city is capable of doing. This is in fact a somewhat simplistic description of a complex problem. One part of the problem is that the city is not built on a solid foundation. Venice was originally a collection of muddy islands. In order to construct buildings, workers drove millions of pilings—thin, sharpened poles made of alder trees—through the mud and into the marginally more solid base of sand and clay beneath. Oak planks were placed on top of the pilings, and on top of the planks, several thick layers of marble (which is impermeable by water) formed the foundations of the buildings. From there on up, most of the construction was done in ordinary brick or wood. At the time the buildings were constructed, the marble was well above the high water line, so there was nothing to worry about. However, over the centuries, the weight of the buildings has driven the pilings deeper into the mushy seabed. In addition, at one time there were hundreds of wells in the city, removing water from deep aquifers. Unfortunately, these aquifers had acted as a sort of balloon of water propping up the city; when it was “deflated,” the city began to sink even faster.But the literal sinking of Venice, which averages something like a few centimeters per century, is only part of the problem. The other part is that the surrounding water level has been rising at an alarming rate. This is partly due to the effects of global warming and partly due to centuries of poor environmental management in the entire region. But in any case, the rising waters compound the sinking problem and make the net effect quite serious.When It Rains, It PoursVenice has always been subject to periodic flooding—mainly in winter, and especially at high tide. This is something that residents have come to regard as a fact of life, and not a terribly troublesome one; most of them get around in boats anyway. But whereas flooding used to be something that would happen a few times a year, now it happens on the order of a hundred times a year. Because the sea level has risen, even in a modest flood, the water level rises above the waterproof marble foundations of the buildings, rapidly wearing away the less-robust building materials.In November, 1966, a particularly bad storm caused a devastating flood that put much of the city under 2 meters (over 6 feet) of water. This caused extensive damage to both buildings and the valuable artwork they contained, and began to impress upon Venetians the need to take drastic action.In 1970, a plan was proposed that involved the installation of large, mobile gates at the three inlets of the lagoon; these would be raised as needed to keep out high water. But for the next 30 years, a series of excruciating delays prevented any significant progress from being made. There were, of course, significant engineering problems to be solved, not to mention the problem of financing such an ambitious undertaking. But political reasons, more than anything else, held up development. Many Venetians did not want to believe their city was in imminent danger—and even to the extent that they did, there was tremendous disagreement about how best to address the problem. Some wanted to address the problem at the base—to basically “jack up” the city and install new and improved foundations. Others wanted to build a series of dikes and locks around the city—the so-called “Dutch solution”—or use a different mechanism to hold back high waters.Holding Back the SeaAt the end of 2001, a plan was finally put in motion to keep back the high waters. Nicknamed “Project Moses,” the plan calls for the construction of 79 steel gates, hinged at the bottom, to be installed along the sea floor at the three inlets to the lagoon. The gates, which are hollow and normally filled with water, measure 20 meters wide, 3.6 meters deep, and 20 to 30 meters high. When water levels appear to be rising dangerously high, compressed air will be pumped into the gates, causing the ends to float up to (and slightly above) the surface. In effect, they will form a dynamic dam that will appear only when needed. The gates will be tall enough to hold back water quite a bit deeper than the 1966 flood.Although construction has begun, there are still numerous problems ahead. One problem is where the 3 billion euro (about US$3.5 billion) budget will come from; the government does not currently have adequate reserves to pay for the project. There are also significant environmental concerns; the project was vigorously opposed by numerous environmental groups. Among the concerns is that any interference with normal tides will increase the levels of toxic chemicals such as mercury in the waters of Venice, seriously threatening both marine life and the health of people who consume the local fish. There are also basic worries about health and sanitation. Venice has no sewer system; household waste flows into the canals and is washed out into the ocean twice a day with the tides. No one is certain quite what effect the gates will have on the city"s natural waste treatment system.An Uncertain FutureUnder the most optimistic prediction, Project Moses will be operational by 2009, but given the city"s history of delays, few expect it to be finished that soon. And even if it works perfectly, it is not a complete or final solution. The city will continue to sink and the water level will continue to rise. Sooner or later, the gates will no longer be able to protect the city from deterioration.In the meantime, Venice faces an uncertain and paradoxical existence. While tourism increases to record levels, the population of the city itself has plummeted. There were 184,000 residents in 1950; today, there are fewer than 60,000. A shocking percentage of Venice"s glorious old buildings stand vacant as owners move to more stable surroundings, yet real estate prices remain astronomically high, discouraging an influx of new residents. With no one to renovate and maintain the buildings, they will fall apart faster; but the more the city deteriorates, the fewer people are willing to live there and do anything about it. Project Moses may keep the floods out, but will it enable Venice to keep its head above water
2023-01-11 08:52:271


  自动,指不用人力而用机械、电气等装置直接操作的;或自己主动。那么你知道自动用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    自动英语说法1:   automatic    自动英语说法2:   self-motion    自动英语说法3:   voluntarily    自动英语例句:   超级市场的门是自动关的。   The supermarket doors shut automatically.   我们的薪金每年会自动增长。   We get an automatic increase in pay every year.   一种自动准备索引(自动标引)的 方法 。   An automatic means to prepare an index.   每次发书,将自动从账户中扣除款项,账户若有差额,请自动补足,款额不拘。   Please remit payment by checks when there is a balance due in your account.   有人在其前面走过时,自动门会自动开启。   Automatic doors open when something walks in front of them.   全自动力矩限制器具有自动检测和报警功能。   Automatic moment limiter has the function of self testing and alarming.   结构有自动除尘、自动回收磨砂等特点。   They can automatically remove dust and recover grinding sand and so on.   目前的自动应答触发立即自动回复邮件。   The current auto responder triggers an immediate auto response.   我们自动为您的财产上失窃险和火灾险。   We automatically insure your belongings against fire and theft.   评测者的态度也很苛刻,汽车网站Edmunds.com称,这款车型的可靠性“还需要观望,自动档车型的油耗令人失望,载物空间小于 其它 竞争车型。”   Com complained about “ wait-and-see reliability; disappointing fuel economy with automatic; less cargo room than rivals. ”   非法 种植 罂粟或者其他毒品原植物,在收获前自动铲除的,可以免除处罚。   Persons who illegally cultivate opium poppy or any mother plants of other narcotic drugs but voluntarily uproot them before harvest may be exempted from punishment.   死亡时某些财产会自动转让。   Certain kinds of property are transferred automatically at death.   他们身穿迷彩服,携带自动步枪。   They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles.   这机器是自动控制的。   The machine is automatically controlled.   这种录像带能自动倒回。   This kind of videotape rewinds automatically.   这是一台进行造型操作,如碰撞、装头和压袋的自动压力机。   This is an automatic press that performs shaping operations, such asbumping, heading and pocketing.   子弹自动排出。   The cartridge is ejected automatically.   一旦那个目标已开始自动运行了,你才能开始着手进行下一个目标的设定。   Once that new goal is on auto pilot, only then do you start on your nextgoal.   几乎所有的功能可以搬到那里,可以设置为自动隐藏,鼠标悬停在其区域的时候然后重新出现。   Almost any functionality can be moved there, and it can be set toautomatically hide, and then reappear upon mouseover of the area.   解决这个问题的方案当然是订阅并让他们自动下载。   The solution for this, of course, is to subscribe and have them downloadedautomatically.   这些 报告 自动为您处理认证。   These reports automatically handle the authentication for you.
2023-01-11 08:52:401


2023-01-11 08:53:0011


Thanks president! Fellow teachers, schoolmate, opposite party debate the friend, everybody is good! marched into the information age along with the humanity, computer"s universal use, the network gradually has also integrated our life, drew close to the middle-school student more and more. The reason that but we thought that on the middle-school student monopolizes profit is bigger than the shortcoming, the reason has three.1. network is developing by the astonishing speed, future world will be the network world. The middle-school student future national pillar of the state, must be able inevitably to adapt this high tech society quickly, must have rapidly from the outside, prompt gain effective scientific information ability, but the network has been meeting our need.2. network is a hypothesized space freely, but it convenient, quick, nimble and so on many kinds of merits, has developed our aspect of knowledge, has given the space which we travel at leisure on foot. Its appearance changed the people tradition thinking method, has rendered us in ours life the enormous assistance; Sits then glances over the numerous on-line library rich books collection in the home; In several second kind, then may receive is separated by Wan Li the incoming letter, obtains the regional each kind auspicious in the shortest time thin, from already the information which wants to know, the big reduced middle-school student has studied barrier. As a result of network these merits, is receiving more and more table youth"s favor.3. on-line information is numerous and diverse, certainly many bad information, but also similarly has many softwares and the service filters these bad information, has guaranteed middle-school student"s body and mind good growth. synthesizes the above viewpoint: We believed that on the middle-school student monopolizes profit is bigger than the shortcoming.
2023-01-11 08:54:256


最后一段接错了!A comparison between the late and mid-21st century shows that there are increases of P–ET in most parts ofNEC and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley, implying as light recovery by the late 21st century in these regions (figure not shown).The seasonal scale shows different features from the above annual mean results, especially in winter and summer. By the late 21st century, winter precipitation is projected to decrease in South China, SWC, and the Tibetan Plateau, while an increase occurs in North China, NEC, and NWC. However, summer precipitation is projected to decrease in SWC, the Yangtze-Huaihe-Yellow River basins, NEC, and the Tibetan Plateau, while an increase occurs in South China and NWC. A simulation of the climate inthe late 21st century under the A2 scenario was performed by Gao et al. (2008,2011) using RegCM3 driven by global model FvGCM/CCM3. Their simulation projected decreases in the Tibetan Plateau and increases in the NWC for both winter and summer precipitation, increases of winter precipitation in NEC, and decreases of summer precipitation in SWC. These results are all consistent with this study. However, the two RegCM3 simulations present many differences in eastern China, especially for summer precipitation. They projected increases of summer precipitation in NEC and the Yellow-Huaihe River basins but decreases in most parts south of the Yangtze River valley, which are contrary to the results of this study. Gao et al. (2012) made a more detailed comparison between the two simulations and suggested that these converse changes should mainly be attributed to a stronger topographic forcing in RegCM3, which may enhance slight differences between the global models.In light of the long-term trend of P–ET (Fig. 3g), most areas of China are characterized by an increasing trend, indicating a tendency to be wetter in the long run, except over the Tibetan Plateau, SWC, and the Yangtze River basins, which show a significant decreasing trend. The different trends in NEC and the middle and lower reaches ofthe Yangtze River valley may be attributed to different decadal variations, which may influence the computation of the linear trend of P-ET. It is alarming that a persistent drought in SWC in the future would most likely heavily impact the local agriculture and economics. Hence, it isimportant to develop and establish climate adaptation policies for these areas. On the other hand, Shi et al. (2002) suggested a possible century-scale climatic shift from warm-dry to warm-humid in NWC, as supported by this study, the potential significance of which should also be considered.
2023-01-11 08:55:171


[ dīng ]1.天干的第四位。现常用来表示顺序的第四。2.人口:人~。~ 口。3.指成年男子或从事某种劳动的人:壮~。园~。4.遭遇;碰到:~忧。5.蔬菜、肉类等 切成的小方块:肉~。黄瓜~。[ zhēng ]〔丁丁〕拟声词。伐木声。丁,象形字。最早见于商代甲骨文,有中空与填实两种写法,像钉帽的俯视图。在战国及西汉时分别出现像侧视图的写法,以后,古篆把锭的圆头保留,把锭的下部拉长,变成钉子形状。到秦代小篆则更将字讹变,完全失去原状。此后二者合流,将上面像钉帽的部分简化成一横,钉脚变成竖弯钩,就是今天见到的楷书“丁” 。“丁”本是“钉”的初文。后来因为把“丁”用作“天干”——古代十个表示数序(甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸)的第四位;故此又另造了个以“金”旁表意,以“丁”旁表音的形声字“钉”。“丁”,原是铜锭形。金属是坚实的,故从“丁”引申出“壮健”之意,古代把成年的壮健的男子叫作“壮丁”。又引申出“人口”(如“添丁”)和指某些专职服务的人(如“园丁”、“庖丁”)。
2023-01-11 08:46:281


1、夏天的夜晚十分美妙,蝉鸣不断,萤火阑珊 ,不闷湿燥热,不冰酷寒凉,好像温和慈祥的老奶奶为你扇着蒲扇。2、夏天的夜晚十分美妙,田野里的蟋蟀不停地歌唱,天空的星星不停地闪烁,好像孩子的眼睛在眨着。3、夏天的夜晚十分美妙,遥远天幕上,星星不停地眨眼睛,背景的云也在不时变换姿态,它们好象相互呼应相伴在夜空。4、夏天的夜晚十分美妙,不刮风,不下雨,好像风浪静的沙幕胧罩着大地…….。扩展资料:1、在理解词义的基础上加以说明。如用“瞻仰”造句,可以这样造:“我站在广场上瞻仰革命烈士纪念碑。”因为“瞻仰”是怀着敬意抬头向上看。2、用形容词造句,可以对人物的动作、神态或事物的形状进行具体的描写。如用“鸦雀无声”造句:“教室里鸦雀无声,再也没有人说笑嬉闹,再也没有人随意走动,甚至连大气都不敢出了。”这就把“鸦雀无声”写具体了。3、有的形容词造句可以用一对反义词或用褒义词贬义词的组合来进行,强烈的对比能起到较好的表达作用。如用“光荣”造句:“讲卫生是光荣的,不讲卫生是可耻的。”用“光荣”与“可耻”作对比,强调了讲卫生是一种美德。4、用比拟词造句,可以借助联想、想象使句子生动。如用“仿佛”造句:“今天冷极了,风刮在脸上仿佛刀割一样。”
2023-01-11 08:46:281


keep 1. 及物动词 [+receipt] [ money] [ job] (retain) 保留 Make sure you always keep your receipts. 记住留着收据。 2. 及物动词 (store) 保存 Keep your card in a safe place. 把你的卡保存好。 The rubbish is kept in the basement. 垃圾是放在地下室的。 3. 及物动词 (detain) 留 They kept her in hospital overnight. 他们留她在医院过夜。 4. 及物动词 (hold) 保持 Keep your back straight. 别驼背。 Keep costs to a minimum. 尽量减低费用。 5. 及物动词 [+shop] [ guest house] (manage) 经营 My aunt kept a sweetshop. 我姨妈经营糖果店。 6. 及物动词 [+chickens] [ bees etc] (look after) 饲养 7. 及物动词 [+accounts] [ diary] 记 As a young girl I used to keep a diary. 当我是小女孩时我常记日记。 8. 及物动词 [+family] (support) 养 9. 不及物动词 (stay) 保持 It"s not always easy to keep warm. 保暖并不总是那么容易的。 10. 不及物动词 [food+] (last) 保鲜 Homemade muesli keeps for ages. 自己作的穆兹利可以保鲜很长时间。 Fish doesn"t keep well, even in the fridge. 就算把鱼放在冰箱里也不容易保鲜。 11. 名词 [s] (expenses) 生活费 I need to give my parents money for my keep. 我需要给父母我的生活费。 12. 名词 [c] [of castle] 要塞 to keep doing sth 总是做某事 13. 名词 (continuously) 不停做某事 to keep sb happy 让某人高兴 to keep sb waiting 让某人等着 to keep the room tidy 保持房间整洁 to keep sth to o.s. 保守秘密 to keep an appointment 守约 to keep a promise 履行诺言 to keep one"s word 履行诺言 can you keep a secret? 你能保守秘密吗? to keep a record (of sth) 记录(某事) to keep o.s. 供养自己 to keep (good) time [clock+] 准时 what kept you? 怎么会晚了? how are you keeping? [inf] 你还好吗? to keep at it 坚持干
2023-01-11 08:46:284


2023-01-11 08:46:351


丁字书写的笔画:横、竖钩。丁字组词:园丁、补丁、丁零丁宁、丁艰、付丙丁、丁字尺、抓壮丁、零丁、冷不丁、丁点儿、庖丁解牛、丁坝、添丁、沙丁鱼、丁税、丁字街、可丁可卯。抽丁、丁零当啷、家丁、一丁点儿、兵丁、人丁、丁部、门丁、目不识丁、丁壮、拉丁字母、丁宁语、贫丁、猛割丁、丁外忧、炉丁、适丁、一顺一丁、貂丁、兼丁、卖壮丁。含丁的句子:1 、无需肥沃的土壤,无需园丁的细心呵护,哪怕是在贫瘠的岩石缝里,给点阳光,给点春风,它就能成长,它的生命力真顽强啊。2 、我们需要雷峰,但不能让雷峰穿补丁的衣服上街去。3、 未来的文盲不是目不识丁的人,而是那些没有学习潜质的人。4 、他是一个目不识丁的粗人。5、 按规定,即使目不识丁的村民也需要指出哪个部队的人到他们家行凶,然后到军事基地去指认常常需要在危险的路段跋涉几百公里。6 、一天我擦亮阿拉丁的神灯,灯神说:我会满足你一个愿望。我说:请祝福正在看短消息的人新年快乐!
2023-01-11 08:46:401


1. (长期或永久)持有,保有I kept it all the time to remind me of you.我一直保存着它,以此唤起我对你的记忆。2. (一时)拥有;保管Please keep the watch for me while I go swimming.我去游泳,请代我保管这表。3. 存放,保留,保存We keep food in a refrigerator.我们把食物存放在冰箱里。4. 使...保持在(某一状态)[O][O4][O7][O8][O9]Those toys kept the children amused.那些玩具使孩子们玩得很开心。She kept the child quiet.她让孩子别作声。5. 整理,料理Mother keeps the house.母亲料理家务。6. 履行;遵守;保守Everyone must keep the law.每个人都必须守法。7. 阻止,妨碍;控制住[(+from)]Robbie couldn"t keep the child from yelling.罗比没法使孩子不大叫大嚷。8. 记(日记、帐等)Mary keeps a diary.玛丽天天记日记。9. 抚养;饲养He needs more money to keep his wife and children.他需要更多的钱来抚养妻子儿女。10. 雇用She keeps a maid.她雇一个女佣人。11. 经营,开设(商店等)They kept a small hotel in the town.他们在城里开了一家小旅店。12. 守卫;看守[(+from)]He has kept goal for our team.他一直是我们队的守门员。13. 庆祝;守(宗教节日等)They keep Christmas as well as Spring Festival in their house.他们家既过春节,也过圣诞节。vi.1. 保持着某一状态[Q][L]Please keep quiet.请保持安静。2. (食物)保持不坏Will this food keep in hot weather?这种食品在热天能经久不坏吗?3. 继续不断[+v-ing]The child kept asking me questions.这孩子老是问我问题。4. 搁,拖Sorry to disturb you, but this problem won"t keep.对不起,打扰你了,可是这个问题急待处理。5. 【口】居住,逗留Just where she kept in Boston is unknown to history.她在波士顿到底住在什么地方,历史上无人知晓。
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有人喜欢柳绿如红的春天,有人喜欢银装素裹的冬天,也有人喜欢果实累累的秋天,但我却独爱热情如火的夏天。一年四季中最神秘的,是夏季;夏季最神秘的,是夜晚。下面给大家分享一些夏天的夜晚 作文 600字,希望对大家有帮助。 夏天的夜晚作文600字1 每当夜幕降临的时候,就是人们快乐的时候,夏天的夜晚是最美的,接下来,就让我给大家介绍一下这令人兴奋的夜晚吧! 夏天的夜晚和白天的不相同,白天的时候,天气很热,整个世界都像一口烧开的锅一样热。路上的行人都走得急匆匆的。白天大人们要上班,小孩子们要上课、写作业,心里非常烦闷。一到夜晚,人们走在路上,偶尔还会有微风吹来。这样人们的烦恼就全被抛到九霄云外了。 夜晚,大街上的人三五成群地悠闲地走在路上,他们一路 说说 笑笑。一些小孩子一路上蹿下调。 来到广场,这里人山人海,人声鼎沸,到处充满了欢声笑语。这里有跳舞的、踢球的、划滑板的…每一个人都洋溢在欢乐之中。每个人的脸上都带着微笑,没有一个人愁眉苦脸。 天上大月亮就像一块无暇的翡翠,它周围的星星把它装饰得更美了。天上无数的星星组成了各式各样的形状,快看,那不就是我的 狮子座 吗? 快听,那是谁在开音乐会?蟋蟀拉起它的小提琴,知了在树上唱着美妙的歌,青蛙在荷叶上呱呱地叫着…就这样你一声我一声,此起彼落。 时间过的真是太快了。不知不觉,我们在快乐的海洋里已经到十点了,我依依不舍地离开了广场。夏天的夜晚真美呀! 夏天的夜晚作文600字2 夏天的夜晚是一个安静美丽的夜晚。之前我并不以为,直到另一个夏天的夜晚,让我恍然大悟,夏天的夜晚真是一个让人啧啧不赞,赞不绝口的夜晚。 夏天是一个安静美丽的夜晚。记得在那一个夏天的夜晚,我因天气热而被奶奶强迫把椅子搬在了门口,刚开始我很不情愿,但过了一会儿,我的目光停留在那美丽的夜空,时不时发起的神,因为夜空太美啦!我边用手数着星星,别用嘴巴唱着“一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星,挂在天空放光明……”唱完歌,我听听着那一声声哇哇哇哇、吱吱吱吱、汪汪汪汪、嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡声……”我静听着这些音乐家达人送给我的音乐、歌声。我听着那欢快 唱歌 的蛐蛐,让我身临其境,仿佛我就是那只快乐音乐的蛐蛐,刹那间,一阵凉风吹醒了幻想的我,那凉味令我毛骨悚然,魂飞魄散,胆战心惊,寒心酸鼻,这时醒过来了,都已经十点了,我睡了,这一夜的开始令我留恋,夜晚让我做了一个美美的,甜甜的美梦,让我的人生停留在这美丽的时刻,让我铭记着这一刻。铭记着这美丽的夜晚。 我爱这美丽的夏天的夜晚! 夏天的夜晚作文600字3 夏天,是春夏秋冬这几个孩子中最调皮的,它让大地干旱,让我们走在路上跟烤肉似的,但它又让站在树下的人们凉风习习,我挺喜欢夏天的,因为只有炎热的夏天才有冰淇淋和雪糕吃,嘻嘻嘻。当然,夏天的夜晚也是很美的。 晚上,我吃完晚饭,闲着没事干,就到外面散散步,消化消化。我散步走到了一条小溪旁,刚专注走路的我四周看看,抬起头,天空中挂着一轮圆月,还有许多在眨着眼睛的星星,这颗是启明星,那颗是北极星,还有牵牛星和织女星。此情景,让我想到了一首歌,“宁静的夏天,天空中繁星点点,心里头有些思念,思念着你的脸……”闭上眼睛,侧耳一听,青蛙躲在小溪旁的草丛里不停地“呱呱”唱起歌来。小溪“哗啦啦”地流着,月光照在水面。变得一闪一闪的,就像天上的星星一样。我蹲下身,手刚一碰到水,好凉啊。突然,这天气果然变化多端,刚还万里无云,突然就飘来了几朵大乌云,风“呼呼呼”地吹着,可怜的小树都快要被它吹断了, 雨水 也跟着“沙沙沙”地下了起来,我用手挡雨,拼了命的往家跑,一回到家,雨就停了,青蛙“呱呱呱”的叫声似乎更大了些,就像大演奏家在演奏一首夏夜进行曲。 夏天的夜晚,总是那么令人难忘。 夏天的夜晚作文600字4 今夜偏知暑气炎,虫声清透绿窗纱。傍晚时分,太阳像一个害羞的小娃娃悄悄地躲进云层里等待妈妈的召唤,知了在树林里吱吱地引吭歌唱。我和好哥们有说有笑地来到老家后边的小树林一起捉知了。 我们一个个拿着手电筒在每棵树上绕来绕去,仔细寻找。可是什么也没有发现。这时我娘走了过来和蔼地告诉我:“知了这时候还没出来呢?你看看地上的小洞,或许会有新发现。”我低着头慢慢地挪动脚步,左看看右看看,可还是什么也没有发现。我有点不耐烦了,嘴里嘟囔着,咋这么难?不捉了…… 这时正好,妈妈走过来笑着跟我说:“你看看地上的这个小洞,你扒开试试,或许会有不一样的收获哦!”。我蹲在那里,只见里面好像有什么东西在动,我一下子来了兴致,我单膝跪在地上,歪着头看向洞里,只见一个黑乎乎的东西用两个大钳子慢慢地扒着土向上爬。我赶紧用手指往里戳了一下,它灵敏地缩了回去,我这一戳不要紧,洞口被泥巴堵上了。这可怎么办?我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁——团团转。 这时,妈妈看着我着急的样子,笑着说:“你傻不傻?用根小树枝试试?它会顺着树枝爬上来的。”我半信半疑地找来树枝,小心翼翼地用树枝把刚才被土封住的洞口一点一点地挖开,洞口一点点慢慢变大,我双腿跪在地上,把树枝慢慢地往下塞,一直到塞不动为止,我静静地等待“鱼儿”上钩,树枝动了,我激动地大叫一声,兴奋地想要跳起来。没过一会儿,一双大钳子出现在我眼前,我慢悠悠地把树枝一点点往外挪,终于出来了。哎!人家姜太公没事钓鱼玩,我的欢乐是钓知了,哈哈哈…… 就在这值得庆祝的时候,妈妈突然大声喊道:孩子们这里有只刺猬。我们一窝蜂地挤到妈妈跟前。妈妈用树枝慢慢的把它从岸边挪到小路上,让我们看清楚一点。可树枝刚碰到刺猬,它就变成了一个浑身扎满牙签的白灰色大刺球。我们看着他七嘴八舌地说起来:有的说没见过这种颜色的刺猬;有的说刺猬原来长这个样子;还有的说这刺猬真可爱!欢声笑语响成一片。这时刺猬突然把身子舒展开,长长的鼻子一拱一拱的,黑乎乎的眼睛迷蒙地看着我们,我们都被吓得一机灵,它便甩着它那肉嘟嘟的小屁股摇摇晃晃地钻进了草丛里。 夏季的夜晚欢乐多,有好朋友的欢声笑语,又有趣可爱的小动物,夏天的夜晚真美! 夏天的夜晚作文600字5 夏天的夜晚,永远是那么令人心情愉悦,我独自一人漫步在广场四周的塑胶跑道上,享受着夏夜的宁静。 一年四季,我独爱夏天,因为夏天的夜晚是最美的,抬头仰望天空,满天的繁星一览无余,像是给这原本晦暗的天空镶上了一颗颗钻石。 夏天是昆虫们的天堂,它们总会在夜晚出来寻找食物,对于像我这样的昆虫 爱好 者来说,无疑是给我提供了一个观察昆虫的平台。 记得小时候,晚上,妈妈总会带我到旁边的小广场散步。等我走累了,妈妈就会将我丢在空椅子上,独个去和阿姨们跳舞。 我也是一个闲不住的人,妈妈一走远,我就赶忙跳下椅子,去寻找专属于我自己的乐趣。当时正值盛夏,到处都是昆虫的声音和足迹,对于其他人来说已熟视无睹,我却认为很新奇。 一阵“嗡嗡”声传入耳畔,我寻找着声音的源头,最终定位到一个路灯上面,我被这一幕惊倒了,黑压压的一片笼罩在泛着黄光得路灯上,有点眩目。 我愣在原地,直勾勾地望着那一团东西不知所措,直到妈妈的出现,我才从自己的思想中挣脱出来,我用手拍了拍路灯,妈妈看到后,笑着向我解释这个现象,我也似懂非懂的点了点头。 回家的路上,微风吹拂着,我和妈妈异常的温暖。 现在的我已经没有了那时的童心,但是还是喜欢在夏夜里与妈妈散步。 夏天的夜晚作文600字相关 文章 : ★ 夏天的夜晚作文600字优秀范文6篇 ★ 描写夏天的夜晚作文600字6篇 ★ 夏天的夜晚作文600字范文精选4篇 ★ 关于夏天夜晚的作文600字4篇 ★ 夏天的夜晚作文600字初中作文5篇 ★ 夏天的夜晚作文600字优秀范文5篇 ★ 多彩的夏天作文600字初中优秀作文4篇 ★ 回到故乡600字作文最新 ★ 夏天的夜晚作文600字
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install app 是什么意思

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丁字的笔顺基本解释丁[dīng]1. 天干的第四位。现常用来表示顺序的第四。2. 人口 人~。~ 口。3. 指成年男子或从事某种劳动的人 壮~。园~。4. 遭遇;碰到 ~忧。详细解释  丁[dīng]〈名〉1. (象形。金文象俯视所见的钉头之形,小篆象侧视的钉形。本义:钉子)2. 同本义。丁为“钉”的古字 丁,钻也。象形。今俗以钉为之,其质用金或竹,若木。——《说文》又如:丁屐(底有钉齿的木鞋);丁子(蝌蚪。初生头大有尾,如丁字)3. 小的立方体 (如肉、瓜果、蔬菜等割成的小方块)。 如:黄瓜丁;炒鸡丁;羊肉丁4. 天干的第四位,与地支相配,用以纪年、月、日 其日丙丁。——《吕氏春秋·孟夏》夏,四月,丁未,公及郑伯盟于越。——《春秋》5. 能担任赋役的成年男子,不同于男孩。无何天宝大征兵,户有三丁点一丁。——唐·白居易《新丰折臂翁》余丁传餐。——清·邵长蘅《青门剩稿》 又如:丁粮(对男丁征收的粮食);丁力(一男之力。引申为劳力);丁女(能担任力役的成年女子;道家语指火神);丁奴(二十岁以上的成年奴仆) ;成丁;壮丁6. 家庭人口 。 如:添丁;丁税(按人丁所课的税);丁赋(按人丁所课的赋税)7. 指从事某种劳动的人 。如 :园丁;家丁;庖丁
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用法举例:1、Do not keep to yourself the secret of your heart, my friend!不要把你心的秘密藏起,我的朋友!2、Some things you keep to yourself.有些事情,你留在心底。3、Looking for a job has got to be a goal you keep to yourself and do incidentally.寻找工作可以作为目标,你将它保留在你内心深处,并且附带着来做它。词汇解析:1、keep to oneself英文发音:[kiːp tu wʌnˈself]中文释义:保持镇静;保守秘密;不交际;杜门不出2、keep英文发音:[kiːp]中文释义:vt. 保持;经营;遵守;饲养例句:I had to keep in with the people who mattered.我得和管事儿的人保持良好关系。扩展资料keep的同根词:1、keeping英文发音:["kiːpɪŋ]中文释义:v. 保持;遵守(keep的ing形式)例句:Can you give me some advice on keeping slim?你能给我一些保持身材苗条的建议吗?。2、keeper英文发音:["kiːpə]中文释义:n. 监护人;饲养员;看守人;管理人例句:No, not until he tried to kill a keeper.不——直到他企图杀害一个看守人之后。
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描写长江三峡的古诗名句如下:滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。——杨慎《临江仙·滚滚长江东逝水》凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流。——李白《登金陵凤凰台》日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。——李之仪《卜算子·我住长江头》大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。——苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。——杜甫《登高》星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。——杜甫《旅夜书怀》山随平野尽,江入大荒流。——李白《渡荆门送别》朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。——李白《早发白帝城 / 白帝下江陵》潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。——王湾《次北固山下》孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。——李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》天门中断楚江开,碧水东流至此回。——李白《望天门山》京口瓜洲一水间,钟山只隔数重山。——王安石《泊船瓜洲》长江悲已滞,万里念将归。——王勃《山中》木落雁南度,北风江上寒。——孟浩然《早寒江上有怀 / 早寒有怀 / 江上思归》长江绕郭知鱼美,好竹连山觉笋香。——苏轼《初到黄州》哀吾生之须臾,羡长江之无穷。——苏轼《前赤壁赋》江北秋阴一半开,晚云含雨却低回。——王安石《江上》不知江月待何人,但见长江送流水。——张若虚《春江花月夜》八月长江万里晴,千帆一道带风轻。——崔季卿《晴江秋望》长江万里白如练,淮山数点青如淀。——周德清《塞鸿秋·浔阳即景》大江来从万山中,山势尽与江流东。——高启《登金陵雨花台望大江》长江人钓月,旷野火烧风。——贾岛《寄朱锡珪》长江如虹贯,蟠绕其下。——宋濂《阅江楼记》黄鹤西楼月,长江万里情。——李白《送储邕之武昌》
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及物动词 vt. 1.(长期或永久)持有,保有 I kept it all the time to remind me of you. 我一直保存着它,以此唤起我对你的记忆. 2.(一时)拥有;保管 Please keep the watch for me while I go swimming. 我去游泳,请代我保管这表. 3.存放,保留,保存 We keep food in a refrigerator. 我们把食物存放在冰箱里. 4.使...保持在(某一状态)[O][O4][O7][O8][O9] Those toys kept the children amused. 那些玩具使孩子们玩得很开心. She kept the child quiet. 她让孩子别作声. 5.整理,料理 Mother keeps the house. 母亲料理家务. 6.履行;遵守;保守 Everyone must keep the law. 每个人都必须守法. 7.阻止,妨碍;控制住[(+from)] Robbie couldn"t keep the child from yelling. 罗比没法使孩子不大叫大嚷. 8.记(日记、帐等) Mary keeps a diary. 玛丽天天记日记. 9.抚养;饲养 He needs more money to keep his wife and children. 他需要更多的钱来抚养妻子儿女. 10.雇用 She keeps a maid. 她雇一个女佣人. 11.经营,开设(商店等) They kept a small hotel in the town. 他们在城里开了一家小旅店. 12.守卫;看守[(+from)] He has kept goal for our team. 他一直是我们队的守门员. 13.庆祝;守(宗教节日等) They keep Christmas as well as Spring Festival in their house. 他们家既过春节,也过圣诞节. 不及物动词 vi. 1.保持着某一状态[Q][L] Please keep quiet. 请保持安静. 2.(食物)保持不坏 Will this food keep in hot weather? 这种食品在热天能经久不坏吗? 3.继续不断[+v-ing] The child kept asking me questions. 这孩子老是问我问题. 4.搁,拖 Sorry to disturb you,but this problem won"t keep. 对不起,打扰你了,可是这个问题急待处理. 5.【口】居住,逗留 Just where she kept in Boston is unknown to history. 她在波士顿到底住在什么地方,历史上无人知晓. 名词 n. 1.生活费,生计[U] 2.【史】要塞;堡垒中最强固的部分[C] 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 keep 1.意为“保留,保存”. 2007年研究生入学考试英语词汇测试题及解... keep意为“保留,保存”. 2.保持,保存 电脑专业英语1500词 613.keep v.保持,保存 3.保持;坚持 单词 第二波 - 米秀包饭的窝~-... keep vi.保持;坚持
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