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2023-05-19 22:31:38

true:英 [tru:] 美 [tru]

  • adj.


  • adv.


  • n.


  • vt.



  • adv.


  • n.


  • vt.






  • 真实的,符合事实的 in accordance with fact or reality

  • [A]实际的 actual, as opposed to what is thought or claimed

  • 真正的,真货的,纯正的 real; not false

  • 忠实的,忠诚的 faithful; loyal

  • 逼真的,一模一样的 in accordance with an original or standard; proper, correct, or exact


  • [P]正确的,准确的 correctly fitted, placed, or formed



true是形容词意思是“真正”。ture的意思是“真正为名词后缀 如picture图画、future未来、nature自然。拓展资料  trueadj.【不规则形式】 truer, truest正确 correct1、符合事实的;确实的;如实的 connected with facts rather than things that have been invented or guessedIndicate whether the following statements are true or false .标出下列说法是对还是错。Is it true she"s leaving?她要走是真的吗?All the rumours turned out to be true.所有的传闻结果都确有其事。That"s not strictly (= completely) true.那不完全正确。The novel is based on a true story .这部小说是根据真实的故事写成的。His excuse just doesn"t ring (= sound) true .他的借口听起来就不真实。Unfortunately, these findings do not hold true (= are not valid) for women and children.遗憾的是,这些调查结果不适用于妇女和儿童。The music is dull and uninspiring, and the same is true of the acting.音乐沉闷枯燥毫不动人,表演也是。You never spoke a truer word (= used to emphasize that you agree with what sb has just said) .你说的一点不假。反义词: untrue真正 real2、实质的,真正的(而非表面上的) real or exact, especially when this is different from how sth seemsthe true face of capitalism (= what it is really like rather than what people think it is like) 资本主义的真实情况The true cost of these experiments to the environment will not be known for years to come.这些实验对环境造成的确切代价在未来数年内是看不见的。He reveals his true character to very few people.他没有向什么人显露过他的真实性格。3、[usually before noun] 名副其实的;真正的 having the qualities or characteristics of the thing mentionedIt was true love between them.他们是真心相爱。He"s a true gentleman.他是个正人君子。The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.这幅画是名副其实的杰作。He is credited with inventing the first true helicopter.他被认为是发明第一架真正的直升机的人。承认事实 admitting fact4、(承认事实或说法正确,但有更重要的考虑)确实,的确 used to admit that a particular fact or statement is correct, although you think that sth else is more importantIt"s true that he could do the job, but would he fit in with the rest of the team?他确实能做这项工作,但他是否能和团队其他人配合得好呢?‘We could get it cheaper." ‘True, but would it be as good?"“我们可以买得再便宜一点儿。”“话是这么说,但是质量是不是一样好呢?”忠实 loyal5、~ (to sb/sth)忠诚的;忠心耿耿的;忠实的 showing respect and support for a particular person or belief in a way that does not change, even in different situationsa true friend忠实的朋友She has always been true to herself (= done what she thought was good, right, etc.) .她一贯坚持按自己的信念办事。He was true to his word (= did what he promised to do) .他信守诺言。ture1、ADJ-GRADED 基于事实的;真实的;如实的;可信的 If something is ture, it is based on facts rather than being invented or imagined, and is accurate and reliable.Everything I had heard about him was ture...我听说的关于他的一切都是真实的。2、ADJ (感情)真实的,真挚的;(物品)真的,真正的,正品的 You use ture to emphasize that a person or thing is sincere or genuine, often in contrast to something that is pretended or hidden.I allowed myself to acknowledge my ture feelings...我愿意承认我的真实感情。3、ADJ 纯粹的;真正的;名副其实的 If you use ture to describe something or someone, you approve of them because they have all the characteristics or qualities that such a person or thing typically has.This country professes to be a ture democracy…这个国家自称是真正的民主政体。4、ADJ-GRADED 适用的;符合的;合理的 If you say that a fact is ture of a particular person or situation, you mean that it is valid or relevant for them.I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this is ture of many couples...我同意婚姻里可能已经没有了浪漫这一说法,而且很多夫妻都的确如此。5、ADJ-GRADED 确实的;诚然的 You can use ture in order to admit that a fact or opinion is real or valid before indicating that you think that it is not important or relevant in the circumstances.It"s ture she gets madly impatient with him, but what mother doesn"t?…她确实对他极其不耐烦,但哪个母亲不是这样呢?
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true的全称true。副词1.合乎事实的;确实的;如实的2.实质的;真正的(而非表面上的)3.[usually before noun]名副其实的;真正的4.(承认事实或说法正确,但有更重要的考虑)确实,的确,真的5.[true (to sb/sth)]忠诚的;忠心耿耿的;忠实的6.[true (to sth)]精确的;与正本无异的;忠实的ad.【旧】【文】1.笔直地;不偏不斜地2.[speak true]直言相告;实话实说n.【习语】[out of true]歪七扭八;位置不正;偏斜
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英语 true的各种形式

名词 Truth 副词 Truly
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real 和 true 的区别

real是 真假的真true是 是否的是
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real 和true 的用法区别:一、real 的意思是“真实的、真正的”。其内涵是:(1) 客观存在,不是想象,不是传说。如:Fairies are not real people. 仙人不是真实的人。The story is not real, it is only imaginary.  这件事不是真实的,只是想象的。(2) 天然之物,并非人工合成。如:Is this real leather or plastic? 这是真皮革还是塑料的?This is a real pearl, not an imitation. 这是真珍珠,不是仿造的。二、true 的意思是“真实的、真正的”。其内涵是:(1) 客观存在,符合实际。如:What he said was quite true. 他的话是真的。It was a true story. 这是个真实的故事。He is your long lost father. It"s true. 他是你的失散很久的父亲。这是真的。(2) 达到标准,符合模式。如:The table is a true antique. 这张桌子是真正的古董。True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves. 真正的古怪人决不故意引人瞩目。True love should last for ever. 真正的爱情应当持续到永远。He was a true soldier. 他是个真正的军人。扩展资料:相近词义单词:一、really读音:英 [ˈri:əli]   美 [ˈriəˌli, ˈrili]  adv.实际上;真,真正;实在,果真;事实上例句:1、I really do feel that some people are being unfair 我真的觉得一些人处事不公。2、"We discovered it was totally the wrong decision." — "Really?" “我们发现那完全是个错误的决定。”——“真的吗?”二、forsooth读音:英 [fəˈsu:θ]   美 [fərˈsu:θ]  adv.确实,的确,真的例句:1、But truly, forsooth, I find it hard to believe him the same man. 不过,说老实话,我简直不敢相信他就是那同一个人呢。2、I will not gainsay love, called love forsooth. 我真不否认所谓的爱恋。
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really和true的区别如下:1、指代不同(1)really:事实上,真正地。(2)true:符合事实的。2、用法不同(1)really的基本意思是“真正地,确实地”,通常用于预料对方会有不同意见的场合,因而含有“确实如此,不骗你”的意思,有时也用于表示惊奇或含蓄的怀疑。(2)true的基本意思是“真实的,符合事实的”,指某事与事实相吻合,强调事物的客观真实性,也可指“实际的”,即事物客观真实的一面。3、侧重点不同(1)really多用于进一步说服对方,或表示惊奇,或表示含蓄的怀疑。(2)true多用于强调事物的真实性。例句:really1、I"m very sorry. I really am.我很抱歉。真的。2、My father didn"t really love her.我父亲实际上并不爱她。true1、I allowed myself to acknowledge my true feelings.我愿意承认自己的真实感情。2、This country professes to be a true democracy.该国宣称自己是一个真正的民主国家。
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C 中TRUE与true什么区别

找到如下几种说法1.true和false是bool类型 而TRUE和FALSE的定义是:(在AFX.H文件中) #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 2.大写的是从c开始就有的宏定义 小写的是c++引入的关键字3.注意vc里大小写有别就行了4.要说区别,那他们有一个最大的区别,bool是C语言,而BOOL不是C语言,编译器能认识bool而不认识BOOL,BOOL只是int的别称,说得更俗一点,bool是C保留字,而BOOL不是,你可以这样把BOOL定义成别的,当然在不与别的头文件冲突的情况下. float BOOL; 当然,如果谁写出这样的程序会被骂死的!但它并没有语法错误.5.true与TRUE的曲别: 两者虽然取值一样,但前者是占8位,后者占32位的。 MS搞个TRUE出来,可能是为了进行内存对齐吧。 自己感觉第五个比较专业,呵呵
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true 和truly有什么区别?不要复制的 谢谢

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true可以作名词:真实的,及物动词:装校, 形容词:真实的,副词:真实地truer形容词:真的、确实的,名词:校准器truly 副词:真实地true使用较广,例如its true. He disguised his true intentions from her.他对她隐瞒了他的真实意图。作形容词可以修饰名词 The arrow flew straight and true to its mark.那箭不偏不斜地直朝目标飞去。 作副词,多用在不定式中 如come true truer含有更的意思,类似比较级,This was even truer of Japan than the US.相比起美国,日本的承诺甚至更靠谱一些truly 只能作副词 多数修饰动词的情况多使用truly而不用true直接接动词,I truly feel for you in your terrible loss.我确实同情你的惨重损失。作副词修饰feel
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true 的用法

true1)形容词adj.真实的;真的;准确的;精确的;忠诚的She gave the true account of what had happened.她如实地讲述了发生的事情.On what grounds do you say that is true?你根据什么说那是真的?2)副词adv.真...
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real recognize real什么意思

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true[tru:]adj.真实的;确实的It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, the very reason people can"t bear to part with city life.确实,城市能提供许多方便和娱乐,这正是人们为什么不愿放弃城市生活的主要原因。Is it true that you are rich?你很富有是真的吗?(与to连用)忠诚的,忠实的;忠心的逼真的;一模一样的安装或配置得准确无误的The wheel is true.这个轮子装得很正。
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真、实、正、实这几个词都有“实”和“实”的意思。1.real既可用于有形的人或物,也可用于无形的物;True和actual通常只用于无形的事物。2.real可以做定语或表语;实际仅用作属性。3.actual、real、true表示“实际存在的”、“真实的”、“一致的”时,可以互换使用。但actual强调的是实际的存在和现实,而不是理论的、传言的、假设的,尤其是知识、财产、价值、状态或行为、经验。对真实的强调,而不是假的假的,主要是指事实、事例、对象。例如:你的戒指是真金的吗?你的戒指是真金的吗?True强调真实,而不是虚假,通常指爱情、故事、历史等。例如:真爱应该是永恒的。真爱应该是永恒的。Positive强调的是真实的东西,而不是尚未证明的东西,常指真理、证据等。扩展信息:True可以在句子中用作定语或表语。用作定语时,可以跟一个抽象名词,也可以跟一个具体名词;当用作表语时,它可以跟介词短语、不定式动词或that从句。True后面常跟介词to,意思是“忠实于?”;Of,意思是“符合?,对?实用”。Real可以用在句子中,以加强语气,做出“完整的,非凡的”解决方案,以及修饰名词。Real是一个绝对形容词,没有比较级或最高级形式。https://iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/37d 12 F2 EB 9389 b 50857 b 7 e 028 a 35 e 5 DDE 6116 ede?x-BCE-process = image % 2f resize % 2Cm _ lfit % 2Cw _ 600% 2Ch _ 800% 2c limit _ 1% 2f quality % 2Cq _ 85% 2f format % 2Cf _ auto一站式出国留学攻略
2023-01-11 10:35:481


答案:truly 少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly.如:true-truly; due-duly,绝大多数辅音字母加e结尾的形容词直接加-ly.如:polite-politely; wide-widely; wise-wisely,故答案为:truly
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true读法是英 [truː] 美 [truː]。具体解释:adj. (形容词)1.真实的,符合事实的 in accordance with fact or reality;实际的 actual, as opposed to what is thought or claimed2.真正的,真货的,纯正的 real; not false;忠实的,忠诚的 faithful; loyal;逼真的一模一样的 in accordance with an original or standard; proper, correct, or exact3.典型的 having all the particular qualities typical of its class;正确的,准确的 correctly fitted, placed, or formed双语例句:1、His relationships did not permit the degree of self-revelation that true intimacy presupposes.他的关系不允许真正的亲密关系所预设的那种自我揭示程度。2、I"m not stringing you—I"ll eat my shirt if it"s not true.我不骗你。如果不是真的,我就把衬衫吞下去。3、He displayed the true grit of the navy pilot he used to be.曾经当过海军领航员的他表现出了这一职业所特有的勇气和坚毅。4、We may not look like true rock jocks yet,but we talk the talk.我们看上去可能还不像真正的摇滚迷,可是我们说起来蛮像那么回事。5、This entirely new production remains true to the essence of Lorca"s play.这部全新的作品仍然忠实于洛尔卡戏剧的精髓。4、We may not look like true rock jocks yet,but we talk the talk.我们看上去可能还不像真正的摇滚迷,可是我们说起来蛮像那么回事。5、This entirely new production remains true to the essence of Lorca"s play.这部全新的作品仍然忠实于洛尔卡戏剧的精髓。
2023-01-11 10:36:211


true[英][tru:][美][tru:]adj.真正的;真实的;忠实的;正确的adv .真正地;确实地;正确地;正当地n.真理,真实;正,准,精确vt.摆正;决定(某物)的位置以使其平衡、平稳或水平复数:trues 第三人称单数:trues 过去...
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true的读音英 [truː] 美 [tru] adj.真实的; 符合实际情况的; 精确的; 准确的; 忠实的; 忠诚的; 诚实的; 正直的; 真正的; 真的adv.真实地; 确实地; 准确地v.装准; 配准; 摆正例句:1、You know that"s true, and so do I.你知道那是真的,我也知道。2、Maybe one day you"ll find true love.也许有一天你会找到真爱。3、"Not true!" she said with conviction.“不真实!”她肯定地说道。4、Everything I had heard about him was true.我所听到的关于他的一切都是真的。
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true是1。0是false。重点词汇:true英[tru:]释义:adj.真实的;正确的。adv.真实地;准确地。n.真实;准确。vt.装准。n.(True)(英)特鲁(人名)。[第三人称单数trues;现在分词:truing或trueing;过去式:trued;过去分词:trued;比较级:truer或more true;最高级:truest或most true]短语:True Blood真爱如血;噬血真爱;真实血液。词语使用变化:adj.(形容词)。1、true的基本意思是“真实的,符合事实的”,指某事与事实相吻合,强调事物的客观真实性,也可指“实际的”,即事物客观真实的一面。true还可指“真正的,真货的,纯正的”“忠实的,忠诚的”“典型的”“正确的,准确的”等。2、true在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作定语时,后可接抽象名词,也可接具体名词;用作表语时,其后可接介词短语,也可接动词不定式或that从句。
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英语 true的各种形式

true的各种形式:比较级 truer ;最高级 truest ;过去式 trued ;过去分词 trued ;现在分词 truing或trueingtrue 读法 英 [truː]  美 [tru] 1、adj. 真实的;正确的2、adv. 真实地;准确地3、n. 真实;准确4、vt. 装准短语:1、true nature 本性2、true color 真彩色;全彩;实色3、true self 真我;真实自我4、hold true 适用;有效5、true power 有效功率;实力派扩展资料一、 true的近义词:actualactual 读法 英 ["æktʃʊəl; -tjʊəl]  美 ["æktʃuəl] adj. 真实的,实际的;现行的,目前的短语:1、actual demand 实际需求2、actual value 实际价值;实际指标3、actual measurement 实测;实物测量4、actual life 实际寿命;有效寿命5、your actual [口语]原产的;真正的二、 true的词义辨析:real, authentic,  true,  factual这组词都有“真的,真实的,实在的”的意思,其区别是:1、real 普通用词,含义较广,有时可与actual和genuine换用。指一切真实的或 表面看不出虚假的事物。2、authentic 常可与genuine换用,指与事实完全相符,强调准确可靠。3、true 指同实际情况或标准完全一致。口语中多用。4、factual 与actual同义,但更测重根据事实,不扩大或缩小,不渲染。
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英语 true的各种形式

truly 真实地; 确实地(副词) truth真相(名词) true-hearted忠实的; 忠诚的 true-life实有其事的; 真实的 true-love真心爱的或被爱的人; 爱人 true-blue忠心耿耿的(人); (尤指)坚持传统原则的(人)
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true的形容词是true。true的副词:truly ;名词:truth;形容词:true 。truly,adv. 真实地,不假;真诚地n. (Truly)特鲁利(人名),truth,n. 真理;事实;诚实;实质,复数 truths,true,adj. 真实的;正确的,adv. 真实地;准确地,n. 真实;准确,vt. 装准。例句1、I truly think you think it,sir.我真的认为你是这么想的,先生。2、But are these books truly helpful?但这些书真的有用吗?3、Chimps are truly selfish.黑猩猩真的很自私。4、There is no truth in this story.这个故事不具备真实性。5、None but he knew the truth.只有他知道真相。6、She feared to tell him the truth.她不敢把真相告诉他。7、That may or may not be true.这可能是真的,也可能不是。8、Is it true(that)she"s leaving?她要走是真的吗?9、It"s not rubbish—it"s true!这不是瞎说—是真的!
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1、true英[tru?]美[tru?],adj.符合事实的; 确实的; 如实的; 实质的,真正的(而非表面上的); 名副其实的; 真正的; 忠诚的; 精确的; 正而准;adv.笔直地; 不偏不斜地; 直言相告; 实话实说;n.真实; 准确。2、[例句]To some extent what she argues is true.她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。
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true是形容词意思是“真正”。ture的意思是“真正为名词后缀 如picture图画、future未来、nature自然。拓展资料  trueadj.【不规则形式】 truer, truest正确 correct1、符合事实的;确实的;如实的 connected with facts rather than things that have been invented or guessedIndicate whether the following statements are true or false .标出下列说法是对还是错。Is it true she"s leaving?她要走是真的吗?All the rumours turned out to be true.所有的传闻结果都确有其事。That"s not strictly (= completely) true.那不完全正确。The novel is based on a true story .这部小说是根据真实的故事写成的。His excuse just doesn"t ring (= sound) true .他的借口听起来就不真实。Unfortunately, these findings do not hold true (= are not valid) for women and children.遗憾的是,这些调查结果不适用于妇女和儿童。The music is dull and uninspiring, and the same is true of the acting.音乐沉闷枯燥毫不动人,表演也是。You never spoke a truer word (= used to emphasize that you agree with what sb has just said) .你说的一点不假。反义词: untrue真正 real2、实质的,真正的(而非表面上的) real or exact, especially when this is different from how sth seemsthe true face of capitalism (= what it is really like rather than what people think it is like) 资本主义的真实情况The true cost of these experiments to the environment will not be known for years to come.这些实验对环境造成的确切代价在未来数年内是看不见的。He reveals his true character to very few people.他没有向什么人显露过他的真实性格。3、[usually before noun] 名副其实的;真正的 having the qualities or characteristics of the thing mentionedIt was true love between them.他们是真心相爱。He"s a true gentleman.他是个正人君子。The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.这幅画是名副其实的杰作。He is credited with inventing the first true helicopter.他被认为是发明第一架真正的直升机的人。承认事实 admitting fact4、(承认事实或说法正确,但有更重要的考虑)确实,的确 used to admit that a particular fact or statement is correct, although you think that sth else is more importantIt"s true that he could do the job, but would he fit in with the rest of the team?他确实能做这项工作,但他是否能和团队其他人配合得好呢?‘We could get it cheaper." ‘True, but would it be as good?"“我们可以买得再便宜一点儿。”“话是这么说,但是质量是不是一样好呢?”忠实 loyal5、~ (to sb/sth)忠诚的;忠心耿耿的;忠实的 showing respect and support for a particular person or belief in a way that does not change, even in different situationsa true friend忠实的朋友She has always been true to herself (= done what she thought was good, right, etc.) .她一贯坚持按自己的信念办事。He was true to his word (= did what he promised to do) .他信守诺言。ture1、ADJ-GRADED 基于事实的;真实的;如实的;可信的 If something is ture, it is based on facts rather than being invented or imagined, and is accurate and reliable.Everything I had heard about him was ture...我听说的关于他的一切都是真实的。2、ADJ (感情)真实的,真挚的;(物品)真的,真正的,正品的 You use ture to emphasize that a person or thing is sincere or genuine, often in contrast to something that is pretended or hidden.I allowed myself to acknowledge my ture feelings...我愿意承认我的真实感情。3、ADJ 纯粹的;真正的;名副其实的 If you use ture to describe something or someone, you approve of them because they have all the characteristics or qualities that such a person or thing typically has.This country professes to be a ture democracy…这个国家自称是真正的民主政体。4、ADJ-GRADED 适用的;符合的;合理的 If you say that a fact is ture of a particular person or situation, you mean that it is valid or relevant for them.I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this is ture of many couples...我同意婚姻里可能已经没有了浪漫这一说法,而且很多夫妻都的确如此。5、ADJ-GRADED 确实的;诚然的 You can use ture in order to admit that a fact or opinion is real or valid before indicating that you think that it is not important or relevant in the circumstances.It"s ture she gets madly impatient with him, but what mother doesn"t?…她确实对他极其不耐烦,但哪个母亲不是这样呢?
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true 英[tru:] 美[tru:] adj. 真正的; 真实的; 正确的; 忠实的; adv. 真正地; 确实地; 正确地; 正当地; n. 真理,真实; 正,准,精确; [例句]Everything I had heard about him was true我听说的关于他的一切都是真实的。[其他] 比较级:truer 最高级:truest 第三人称单数:trues 复数:trues现在分词:truing 过去式:trued 过去分词:trued
2023-01-11 10:39:463


true 读音:英 [truː]  美 [truː]解释: 1.adj. 真实的;真的;准确的;精确的;忠诚的2.adv. 真实地;准确地3.n. 真相;精确4.vt. 使...平衡具体解释:adj. (形容词)1.真实的,符合事实的 in accordance with fact or reality2.[A]实际的 actual, as opposed to what is thought or claimed3.真正的,真货的,纯正的 real; not false4.忠实的,忠诚的 faithful; loyal5.逼真的,一模一样的 in accordance with an original or standard; proper, correct, or exact6.[A]典型的 having all the particular qualities typical of its class7.[P]正确的,准确的 correctly fitted, placed, or formed列句:用作形容词 (adj.)She gave the true account of what had happened.她如实地讲述了发生的事情。On what grounds do you say that is true?你根据什么说那是真的?We both thought that he had given a true judgement.我们都认为他给出了正确的判断。He was true to his word.他信守诺言。用作副词 (adv.)She spoke truer than she knew.她说的比她了解的更接近事实。The arrow flew straight and true to its mark.那箭不偏不斜地直朝目标飞去。用作名词 (n.)Two of the pictures hanging on the wall are out of true.挂在墙上的照片中有两张挂得不正。用作及物动词 (vt.)It is not easy to true up a frame.做个标准的框架也不容易。
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这两个单词意思不同. ture 意思是【人名】图雷 true 意思如下: 形容词 a. 1.真实的,确实的 Is it true they"re getting married? 他们真要结婚了吗? The news is true. 这消息是真的. 2.真的,非人造的 This is a true diamond. 这是一颗真的钻石. 3.适用的,合宜的[F][(+of)] This is true of my farm. 我的农场适合这样. 4.忠诚的;虔诚的[(+to)] He is true to his friends. 他忠于自己的朋友. 5.正确的,准确的,合乎标准的 The door is not true to the frame. 这门与门框的尺寸不一致. 6.纯正的;纯种的[B] 7.(安装、形状等)正的,准的[F] 8.合法的,法定的 He was the true heir to the estate. 他是这个庄园的合法继承人. 副词 ad. 1.不偏离地,正中地 2.准确地 The old clock goes quite true. 那只旧钟走得很准. 3.真实地 He told us true. 他据实告诉了我们. 名词 n. 1.真,真实[the S] I believe he is able to tell the true from the false. 我相信他能辨别真伪. 2.(安装等)正,准,准确[U] Two of the pictures hanging on the wall are out of true. 挂在墙上的照片中有两张挂得不正. 及物动词 vt. 1.装准,配准,摆正[(+up)]
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true与ture的区别last夏未恋 LV102014-10-13英语测试单项选择往往让区别true与ture,, 2.词底区别哪吖满意答案paoxmtLV9推荐于2019-11-03区别:含义不一样:1、true是形容词意思是“真正”。2、ture的意思是“真正为名词后缀 如picture图画、future未来、nature自然。扩展资料:true英 [tru:] 美 [tru:] adj.真正的;真实的;正确的;忠实的adv.真正地;确实地;正确地;正当地n.真理,真实;正,准,精确vt.摆正;决定(某物)的位置以使其平衡、平稳或水平第三人称单数: trues 复数: trues 现在分词: truing 过去式: trued 过去分词: trued 比较级: truer 最高级: true1、It"s true she gets madly impatient with him, but what mother doesn"t?她确实对他极其不耐烦,但哪个母亲不是这样呢?2、David was true to his wife 戴维忠于妻子。3、Many of his predictions are coming true 他的很多预言正成为现实。4、The opening scenes of this movie are just not true to life. 这部电影开场的几幕真是太假了。
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一、形容词adj.真正的; 真实的; 忠实的; 正确的二、副词adv.真正地; 确实地; 正确地; 正当地三、名词n.真理,真实; 正,准,精确;四、及物动词vt.摆正; 决定(某物)的位置以使其平衡、平稳或水平;五、短语True owl 鸱鸮科True lemur 美狐猴属true lemming 旅鼠属true color 真彩 ; 真彩色 ; 全彩 ; 实色true horizon [测] 真地平线 ; [天] 真地平 ; [光] 真水平 ; 真水平线六、例句1、True that, Uh ah, why you do that? 的确是这样的,嗯,啊,为什么你能这样呢?2、Me and my first true dunking in the Pacific! 在太平洋的我和我的第一真实的泡!3、But is it all true? 但是,那都是正确的吗?扩展资料同近义词1、actual英 ["æktʃʊəl; -tjʊəl]  美 ["æktʃuəl] adj. 真实的,实际的;现行的,目前的短语actual price 实际价 ; [物价] 实际价格 ; 现货价 ; 实价actual quotation 实际报价 ; 实际价位 ; 实盘 ; [金融] 暗盘actual capacity 实际能力 ; [计] 实际容量 ; 实际出力2、sincere英 [sɪn"sɪə]  美 [sɪn"sɪr] adj. 真诚的;诚挚的;真实的短语Sincere Heart 拳拳之心 ; 款诚 ; 真诚的心 ; 诚挚的心sincere prayer 诚挚的祈祷sincere a 诚挚的 ; 真挚的 ; 真诚的
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true:英 /truː/ adj. 真实的;正确的adv. 真实地;准确地n. 真实;准确vt. 装准ture:英语中没有见过
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true 英 [truː]   美 [truː]  adj.  真正的; 真实的; 忠实的; 正确的;adv.  真正地; 确实地; 正确地; 正当地;双语例句1. As a player he was unselfish, a true team man.  作为一名选手,他毫无私念,真正把自己摆在团队中。2. But as with other charitable bodies, these figures mask the true picture.  但和其他慈善机构一样,这些数字掩盖了实情。3. Too much salt masks the true flavour of the food.  太多的盐会盖住食物本来的味道。4. They were decked out in tracksuits, seemingly to dissimulate their true function.  他们都穿着田径服,似乎想掩饰他们的真实职能。5. The jury is out on whether or not this is true.  这是否属实仍未得出定论。6. He argues that he is the true candidate of change.  他争辩说他才是真正能带来变革的候选人。
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一、释义不同1、real的意思:真实的2、true的意思:真的二、侧重点不同1、real指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与"无"相对而言。例如: Lu Xun"s real name is Zhou Shuren.鲁迅的真名字是周树人。 2、true是指"真正的","真实的",强调事实和实际情况相符,它是与"假"相对而言。例如: The news is true.这消息是真的。(不是假消息) 三、用法不同1、real在句中可用于加强语气,作“完全的,非常的”解,可修饰名词。real是绝对形容词,没有比较级和最高级形式。2、true在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作定语时,后可接抽象名词,也可接具体名词; 用作表语时,其后可接介词短语,也可接动词不定式或that从句。
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一、Rolling:在片场术语中表示开机,直接译为旋转。在胶片时代表示胶片已经在摄影机中跑起来了,钱已经烧起来了,要抓紧拍。二、Action:意思是开始或开拍,是在拍片现场,各单位准备完毕后,导演用来命令演员开始表演的口头用语。此时拍摄进行中,直到导演喊停。在电影或者电视拍摄现场导演、剧组工作人员在工作中经常用一些“专业术语”在进行交流,不仅节省时间而且能快速反应出问题,提高了在片场的工作效率。扩展资料相关术语:1.NG英语“NO GOOD”的缩写。指在电影拍摄过程中,导演对演员的某一场戏不满意,让演员再来一次,即为NG。2.搅片指底片或影片在摄影机或放映机中搅成一团。有人戏称之为“沙拉”。3.机位图机位图,标明有摄影机位置的场景平面图。是摄影设计或摄影台本表达方式之一。从机位图上可以看出摄影角度的变化和每个镜头的拍摄范围。4.speak录音师已经准备好录音机,并已经开始运行录音机时喊出“Speak”。一般喊在摄影师的“running”之后,导演“action”之前。国内喊法一般为“录音开机”。5.ready“Ready”一般为导演指示各部门完成所有准备进入待命状态。国内导演一般喊“准备”或“再一个”。6.goodGood意思为好,表示此条片表现都非常好,导演满意并指示进入下一镜头的拍摄。一般国内导演会喊“过!”7.keepkeep的意思为保留,当导演认为这条尚且可以,而寻求更好时,便指示keep,场记须记下。当没有更好的时候,此条可用。
2023-01-11 10:36:086

Charlotte 是男名还是女名?

2023-01-11 10:36:093


含人财的成语四字: 人财两空、、人财两失、、人为财死,鸟为食亡、满意请采纳
2023-01-11 10:36:101


My Winter Holiday My winter holiday is very dull. I stay at home for most of time. Sometimes I visit my friends and play basketball with them. Sometimes we go shopping. One day, we go to the KFC. We have hamburgers, chicken coke and French fries. We have sore throats. We go home and have a rest. Then we feel better. We go and play computer games! How mad we are! This is the only thing I can talk about in the holiday.
2023-01-11 10:36:042


呆若木鸡、张口结舌、喜笑颜开、嬉皮笑脸、眉飞色舞等。一、呆若木鸡 [ dāi ruò mù jī ] 死板板的,好像木头鸡一样。形容因恐惧或惊讶而发愣的样子。出处:《庄子·达生》:“鸡虽有鸣者,已无变矣,望之似木鸡矣,其德全矣;异鸡无敢应者,反走矣。”译文:鸡即使有时候会啼叫,可是不会惊慌了,看上去好像木头做的鸡,精神上完全准备好了。其他鸡都不敢来挑战,只有落荒而逃。二、张口结舌 [ zhāng kǒu jié shé ] 形容理屈词穷、无言答对,或紧张害怕得说不出话来。出处:曲波《林海雪原》二八:“凶手感到这声音象是一个铁棒击打在他的头上,他转头一看,大惊失措,张口结舌。”三、喜笑颜开 [ xǐ xiào yán kāi ] 因为高兴而笑容满面的样子。出处:清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第九十九回:“穿过牌楼,人来人往,莫不喜笑颜开。”四、嬉皮笑脸 [ xī pí xiào liǎn ] 形容嬉笑而不严肃的样子。也作嘻皮笑脸。出处:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第三十回:“你见我和谁玩过!有和你素日嬉皮笑脸的那些姑娘们,你该问他们去!”五、眉飞色舞 [ méi fēi sè wǔ ] 形容喜悦或得意。出处:清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》:“五乡绅一听此言,不禁眉飞色舞。”
2023-01-11 10:36:036


在网页编程中action是<form>表单标签的属性,指代的是当用户提交这张表单的时候由哪张页面来进行处理,一般使用方式是:<form action="处理页面路径"method="post或get">。
2023-01-11 10:36:021