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2023-05-19 22:33:32
TAG: 英文


  1. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.



  2. Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.


  3. Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one"s living at it.


  4. The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.


  5. I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.


  6. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.


  7. I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.


  8. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.


  9. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I"m not sure about the universe.




  原文:Before God we are all equally wise— and equally foolish.


  原文:Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.


  原文:Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.


  原文:Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity.


  原文:I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.


  原文:I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.


  原文:I think that only daring speculation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts.


  原文:If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.


  原文:It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.


  原文:It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom.


  原文:Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.


  原文:Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.


  原文:Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.


  原文:Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.


  原文:Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That"s relativity.


  原文:Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.


  原文:The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.





albeit: [ ɔ:l"bi:it ] 虽然(即使) e.g.I hate him albeit he helped me.尽管他帮助过我,可是我还是恨他。这词不是太常用的.
2023-01-11 11:21:102


2023-01-11 11:21:281


2023-01-11 11:21:341


柯林斯词典1ADV 尽管;即使 You use albeit to introduce a fact or comment which reduces the force or significance of what you have just said.Charles"s letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form.尽管有所删节,查尔斯的信确实被刊登出来了。双语例句1Charles"s letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviatedform. 尽管有所删节,查尔斯的信确实被刊登出来了。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2Albeit fictional, she seemed to have resolved the problem. 虽然是虚构的,但是在她看来好像是解决了问题。
2023-01-11 11:21:421

albeit 和 notwishstanding 的区别

2023-01-11 11:21:481

though、although、despite、even if的区别

although, though, as, even though, even if, despite, (in) despite of, in spite of等,除了后三者是介词(短语)外,其余都是从属连词。 一. 从属连词although, though, as, even though, even if的用法 1.在自然语序的让步状语从句中,although, though, even though的用法相同,均可置于句首或从句首,常与动词连用,只是thouth比另两者要通俗些。如: Though/Although/Even though it"s hard work, I enjoy it.尽管这项工作艰难,我却喜欢它。 Although/Though/Even though we all tried our best, we lost the game.(=We lost the game although/though/even though we tried our best.)虽然我们已经尽了最大的力量,但还是输了。 注意:上述的句型都不能用as代替though, although或even though。 2.当让步状语从句的动词用一般现在时表示将来的假说或一般的行为习惯时,通常用even though/even if,一般不用though, although和as,如: Even if/Even thouth I have to walk all the way,I"ll go there. 即使我得一路走着去,我也要走到那里。 She won"t leave the TV set even though/even if supper"s on the table. 即使晚饭已摆在桌上,她也不愿意离开电视机。 但是,有时though+情态动词+行为动词也可替代even though/even if+动词的一般现在时来表示习惯性的行为。如: Even if/Even though you don"t like wine(=though you may not like wine),try a glass of this. 尽管你不喜欢酒,也要喝一杯这样的酒。 3. 当让步状语从句的动词用虚拟式表示与事实相反的假说时,大多数用even though/even if, 而不用though, although和as,如: It was a sword-thrust, received from twenty to twenty-four hours before, but nothing could have saved him even if/even though he had been tended without delay. 那是一处二十至二十四小时前被剑刺的伤口,但是,即使他当时得到及时的救护,也没法挽救他的命。 You are not stupid. Even though/Even if you were slow at study, you shouldn"t give up your studies. 你并不傻,即使你学得慢一点,也不应该放弃学习。 4.在倒装语序的让步状语从句中,通常用though或as,不用although, even though。如: Poor though/as I am, I can afford beer. 虽然我穷,我还可以买得起啤酒。 Young as/though I am, I already know what career I want to follow. 尽管我还小,但对要从事的职业已经胸有成竹。 Strange though it may seem, it is true. 尽管这事似乎很奇怪,可是是真的。 Try as he would/might, he couldn"t open the door.虽然他试了几次,却仍打不开那门。 5.在省略了主语、be动词或行为动词的让步状语从句中,常常用though/although,而不用as, even though, even if,如: Her appointment was a significant(success),although/though( it was a )temporary success. 她受聘虽然是临时性的,但却是一大成功。 He performed the task well, although/though(he performed it)slowly.尽管他做得有些慢,但把任务完成得很好。 It is a sunny day, though/although (it is) cold. 今天虽然冷,但阳光充足。 注意:上述三句中的although/though可用albeit代替,只是albeit比另两者更文雅、更正式一些,如: Her appointment was a significant, albeit temporary success. He performed the task well, albeit slowly. It is a sunny day, albeit cold. 6.though作副词时表示“尽管如此”,一般置于句末,可用however代替,此时不能用although/even though/as等代替。如: We all tried our best. We lost the game, though/however. 我们都已尽了最大的力量,尽管如此,我们还是输了。 The task was very hard. He decided to perform it, though/however. 任务很艰巨,尽管如此,他还是决定去执行。 注意:当however置于第二句(表示结果)的句首时,不能用though来代替,如上述两句可改为: We all tried our best. However, we lost the game. The task was very hard. However, he decided to perform it. 7.当状语从句用although/though/as/even though时,不能与but连用,但可与yet连用,如: Although/Though/Even though he is old, (yet) he is quite strong. 虽然他老了,但是还是十分强壮。 Child as/though he is, (yet) he knows a lot of Chinese characters.尽管他是个小孩,却懂得很多汉字。 二、介词(短语)despite/(in)despite of/in spite of的用法 在英语中,despite/(in)despite of/in spite of是介词(短语),都可接名词(短语)、动名词(短语),只是(in)despite of是较古老的用语,这短语中的in可以省略。如: They had a wonderful holiday, despite/in spite of/(in) despite of bad weather. 尽管天气不好,他们的假日还是过得极为愉快。 Despite/In spite of/(In) despite of wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters.她尽管很想再见到他,但却不愿意给他回信。 Despite/In spite of/(In) despite of the fact that we tried our best, we didn"t win. 尽管我们尽了最大的努力,我们还是没有得胜。
2023-01-11 11:21:571


2023-01-11 11:22:131


简述了传统企业由低级向高级循序渐进的电子商务化模型。Three e-business models from low to high grade used by traditional have been briefly discussed.循序渐进,1000天之后,你既能听懂英语,还能讲英语。Step-by-step, over 1000 days, you will learn how to understand and speak english!如今,中国官员确实已开始朝着这一方向努力了尽管是以循序渐进的方式。Officials in beijing are now embarking on precisely such an endeavour, albeit gradually.进行形体训练要持之以恒、循序渐进、全面和谐地发展,并且不断增加自身艺术修养,以达到自然的、和谐的、健康的形体美。To carry on physique exercises needs to make constant efforts. Follow in order and advance step by step, develop fullyand harmoniously and try to increase one"s own artistic accomplishment constantly, in order to reach natural, harmoniousand healthy pretty figure.养老基金的投资运作的市场化是一个循序渐进的过程。The marketization of pension fund"s investment is a progressive course.实践证明,在资本项目开放方面实行循序渐进的方针是正确的。Practice has proved that the principle of opening the capital account step by step is correct.他们的议程安排是随意的。但达成生意的节奏是轻松并且是循序渐进的。No one follows a set agenda, but business is accomplished at a gradual and comfortable pace.凯里任内在其它方面还是遵循传统的循序渐进的做法,但金融危机成为他的决定性时刻。Other aspects of the carey tenure were more conventionally progressive, but his defining moment was the financial crisis.
2023-01-11 11:22:491

求一片 简。奥斯丁还有爱玛的英文评论 是评论不是读后感谢谢

按照楼主要求,再作修改了对作者简。奥斯丁评论:Over the years, talking about favorite books, in addition to "Dream of Red Mansions" is Jane Austen - all works.Family has a translation in 1980, Shanghai"s "Pride and Prejudice", 1 per 3 Point 5 has been broken apart. I like all the way to turn old books away, and constantly replaced with new versions, the books of the Enlightenment, but never treasure. My mother may not have thought that she purchased from the book in 1980, decided to almost life like me. The high school, the biggest enjoyment is reduced on the couch watching "Pride and Prejudice", while listening to music. Years later, Ningbo apartment, Shanghai apartments, offices, my mother"s living room. . . Where the shelter, accompanied by at least one Austin, readily used, time, You Hu passing.Although Austen"s novel sold briskly over 200 years, although it was enough that she par with Shakespeare, but the controversy is still intense. Over the years, like Austin, Austin, and do not like people who are entirely different. "Jane Eyre" author Charlotte is very not like Austin. However, this does not seem surprising. Works of the Bronte sisters, the characters so strong and intense emotions, and Austin himself, restrained, rational opposite. See "Wuthering Heights" had people feel stifled, even if the "Jane Eyre", an adult and then read, and also felt the emotion of Rochester as the Pretty Horses, the lack of erotic love and hate the basic binding. If love is like the tide - tide rises, eventually the tide falls.For me, any time of depression, and open one in Austin, is a comfort. Austen"s world, full of peaceful Christian-like tenacity. Love is not madness. Cutting did not hate. In every trivial detail in the daily, you can find wisdom, humor, ridicule, and warmth. Not war. Not revolution. Only the sunny countryside. Gentleman ladies drink tea and dance, you come to my party and visits, the occasional picnic or hiking, a few of letters, a little controversy, alternately interspersed with dozens of characters, and soon, everyone standing in your immediate, vivid and full.Over the years, I"m tired of hearing people have repeatedly applied the classic Elizabeth and Darcy. I"m tired of young artists like that, "Dream of Red Mansions" only Bao Dai and Chai. Twelve Beauties of Jinling, as they do not know to pointing, "Dream of Red Mansions", as even the five Bennet sisters all tell is talking about the "Pride and Prejudice", terrified, for the Austin distraught. If Austin is just a romance home, Darcy if she is a cross-shaped diamond age bachelor, she could not enjoy the supremacy of the British literary world. The essence of Austin, lies in her analysis of human nature and perfect reproduction of the exact. Even today, you can also easily described by any one in her little body, see human nature fickle, selfish, narcissistic, ridiculous, stupid, hypocritical, treacherous. . . Just the right sense of proportion was just right, sharply, but full of tolerance and compassion.Only true Austen fan can understand why the brilliant, not Elizabeth, but Charlotte is not Emma but 菲尔费克斯, and - Annie. No they do not represent the spirit of the world"s most brilliant Austin. "Emma," the novel technique is almost perfect, compared to the limited space of many people"s "Persuasion," think how much I write rapidly less impressive calm. To the latter is the one of my favorite Austen novel, without him, because moving. Across the river eight years, Gezhao Men first, property, misunderstanding, resentment melancholy distance and rough, Captain Wentworth and Anne eventually come together. The most emotional story of Austin, was undoubtedly the "persuasion." Although Austin"s sensibility, is always mild. The writer was born in the Romantic period, life-long advocate neo-classical period - to order, reason, sense of proportion and elegance.Order. Rational. Sense of proportion. Elegant. Jane Austen"s world, and therefore eternal.对爱玛的英文评论:Emma reading the new version, and is to my liking. Whether people like it or not, and regardless of db how some people romola vocal opposition, anyway, I see very hi leather it is. Emma in the 4th edition, though not the best, but certainly the most physically fit I see it! Six of austen heroine (extended to six books) can be divided into things, not three did not feel like it emma must belong to the middle one. Look to see whether the original or a theater adaptation, even the most spiritual of the KB version can not make me like the eldest - because of course from a woman"s jealousy. Money can make everyone in your center, you turn around, currying favor with you? Are eligible to rely on a small smart event pointing to the country life of others? Why should we tolerate your temper even after the Miss Ren Xingtai like you? it"s unfair!!! However, romola unintentional positive outcomes of subversion, exaggerated, silly girl, with the nature of this role has become very first time to have an affinity. Heartless creature looked at her giggling all day long, and mr. Knightly look childish, you will think this girl is like living next to you who in the lovely, carefree chick, friendly the full sense. This is why I love emma first time the reason this role, albeit from a cup of love jane and frank, do not like emma and harriet to both just turned out this time. In short this version of "Scenic beauty, actress Jane. See I feel surprisingly well, as very bright and light (shining), depressed haze swept away." Once put aside the endless essay, assignment, test, quiz, to see a new episode for the emma. Believe me, this is definitely allows you to temporarily escape the pain of learning, will be thrown behind all the gloomy great medicine! Although there are a series of problems, some are "conservatives" who can not tolerate, but who cares ~ ~ because "I basically see it as a romola, and as well as comedy, TV serials (non-derogatory) term . "
2023-01-11 11:22:581


2023-01-11 11:23:173

高分求看过 神狗巴迪的人 帮忙写下影评!!谢谢呀 英文的 200词左右

1Every studio has a franchise whose film count exceeds the usual trilogy standard. Some of these are more notable than others, and most continue what started theatrically in a direct-to-video phase. For Disney, their niche in this area is the Air Bud series.The franchise may not immediately come to mind when one thinks of creations the studio has milked to death, and yet no other series (save for Winnie the Pooh) has reached such a high number of entries. There have been no less than six Air Bud films, of which only the first two were released theatrically. The seventh and latest installment, Snow Buddies, continues the talking animal trend started by 2006"s Air Buddies.In the second film to star Buddy"s children, cleverly known as the Buddies, we find the pups living their daily routines. Their lives take a sudden turn, however, all thanks to their weakness for ice cream. They stow away in an ice cream truck not realizing that its contents are being shipped to Alaska. There, the Buddies meet an Alaskan Husky pup named Shasta (voiced by "Suite Life of Zack & Cody" star Dylan Sprouse) whose owner Adam (Dominic Scott Kay) longs to have his own dogsled racing team. Unfortunately, Adam"s father Joe (Mike Dopud) is against these dreams, having experienced a traumatic incident himself while dogsled racing. Adam, Shasta, and the Buddies decide to form their own team without Joe knowing.If the plot sounds familiar, that"s because it is. Snow Buddies feels like a dozen other films that feature such elements as a team of underdogs (excuse the pun) and a father suppressing his child from following dreams. The movie brings nothing new to the table, and this wouldn"t be a concern if the presentation were worthwhile. Sadly, it isn"t. The script is cloying and downright awkward at times. What are meant to be fun one-liners come out as forced and cringe-worthy. Characters are no more than two-dimensional cutouts. The Buddies" personalities don"t go beyond adjectives: Rosebud is girly, Mudbud is dirty, Buddha is spiritual, Budderball is hungry, and B-Dawg is ghetto. The humans are painted squarely as either black or white, and there"s very little development anywhere. 95% of the characters leave the story in the same form they entered.What"s most frustrating is the waste of voice talent on board. Kris Kristofferson, Jim Belushi, Whoopi Goldberg, and Molly Shannon are among the stars lending their voices to this film, yet each only has about six lines, which may be the reason they signed up in the first place. "Home Improvement""s Richard Karn shows up in a live-action role (his third in the franchise), but it"s basically no more than a cameo appearance. The focus is put squarely on Shasta, the Buddies, and Adam.As the boy, Dominic Scott Kay ends up being the most prominent human actor and does his best to carry the scenes where the puppies don"t speak. He voiced the character of Buddha for predecessor Air Buddies, but people are more apt to recognize him from the closing of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World"s End. He actually turns in one of the movie"s better performances but still can"t rise above the cheesiness of the script.While Snow Buddies struggles from an artistic standpoint, it holds up pretty well from a technical one. Being a direct-to-video feature, this was obviously shot on a low budget. Even with that in mind, the production looks good on screen. Cinematography and score show more craft than one would expect from a product of this nature, and the CG effects (ranging from green screen to the moving mouths of the animals) are fairly decent. These aspects help make Snow Buddies more watchable than it should be, as does the undeniable cuteness of the puppies themselves.One can"t help but feel this could"ve worked significantly better as a silent short film. Not only would that approach have gotten rid of the clunky dialogue, but it also would"ve made the story tighter as there is quite a bit of padding to be found in order to bring it to a feature-length running time. As it stands, Snow Buddies remains a harmless bit of fluff. While the script and performances are all over the place, the production itself looks good,and it"s hard to fault a film with such adorable leads. It"s far from memorable or innovative, and one shouldn"t go out of his way to see it, but there are certainly worse ways to spend 87 minutes.VIDEO and AUDIOSnow Buddies premieres on DVD in a 1.78:1 widescreen ratio enhanced for 16x9 televisions. As to be expected from a new film meant to be viewed at home, the transfer is pristine. Some wider shots come across as slightly soft, but otherwise sharpness is usually well delineated. Colors are vivid while still appearing natural, and the picture is entirely free of both print and digital artifacts.The Dolby Digital 5.1 surround soundtrack is also very good. Directional dialogue is clean, and the prominent score amplifies the soundfield without being overwhelming. Sound effects are minimal due to this being more of a dialogue-driven track, but when used, the effects come across well enough.BONUS FEATURES, MENUS and PACKAGINGUnsurprisingly, the supplements are on the slim side of the spectrum. The first of these is a reel of Bloopers (3:10), which offers a mix between genuine on-set antics and staged ones featuring the voice cast. The footage from either category isn"t very amusing, but it"s harmless nonetheless.Next is a music video for Mitchel Musso"s "Lean on Me" (2:51). The video rapidly edits shots of Musso performing the song with clips from the film.While it"s nice to see Musso in the spotlight (as his "Hannah Montana" character faded into the background), this remake of the Bill Withers standard is a painful remix."Buddy Bites" is an audio commentary featuring the voice actors for Shasta (Dylan Sprouse) and the Buddies (Josh Flitter, Henry Hodges, Liliana Mumy, Jimmy Bennett, and Skyler Gisondo) reprising their roles. It"s unclear who this commentary is aimed at. On one hand, the obviously-scripted discussion has a lot of cutesiness as the speakers consistently stay in character. On the other hand, in the midst of all this, nuggets of what seems to be real behind-the-scenes information emerge (albeit through character perspectives). In trying to please both markets, this commentary pleases no one. It"s too kiddish for adults and yet too dull for kids.Behind the Scenes holds two featurettes. The first of these, "Dogumentary" (7:11), acts a sort of video version of the "Buddy Bites" commentary. In it, the Buddies narrate behind-the-scenes footage and offer their character perspectives. Not much is divulged, but the footage on display is interesting enough to not make this a total loss.The section"s other piece happens to be the last and most informative on the disc. Narrated by director Robert Vince, "Snow Buddies: The Magic of Visual Effects" (5:17), examines the film"s fairly frequent use of CGI. Comparisons are made between what was shot on set and how that was later color timed with added effects. It"s a brisk and useful featurette.The disc starts off with anamorphic trailers for Disney DVD, 101 Dalmatians: Platinum Edition, Wall-E, Sleeping Beauty: Platinum Edition,The Aristocats: Special Edition, and a 4x3 promo for Disney Movie Rewards. All of these (minus the Disney DVD ad) can be found under "Sneak Peeks" along with trailers for Tinker Bell, The Little Mermaid: Ariel"s Beginning, Handy Manny: Fixing It Right, Little Einsteins: Race for Space, Hannah Montana: One in a Million, Twitches Too, and "Phineas & Ferb."The animated main menu features Adam and his team sledding throughout the menu"s landscape with St. Bernie following after them. The rest of the menus feature static images of each of the puppies. All of them are 16x9-enhanced and accompanied by the musical score.The DVD"s standard white keepcase is housed in the expected holographic, embossed slipcover. A two-sided insert listing the chapter selection on one side and the bonus material on the other. Also included are a booklet advertising upcoming Disney DVD releases and a Disney Movie Rewards code.CLOSING THOUGHTSSnow Buddies strives to be nothing more than cute. While it certainly is that, it"s a shame that quality couldn"t have been dealt with more tact and care. The feature is clichéd and half-hearted, resulting not in an abomination, but in blandness. However, it"s presented well on DVD with top notch picture and solid sound. Like the film, the extras gear towards children, though some nice behind the scenes footage emerges. This earns a recommendation to children who adore puppies and haven"t been jaded enough to pinpoint spotty filmmaking. Everyone else remotely interested should either rent it or wait for the inevitable airing on the Hallmark Channel, where its flaws will actually be more forgivable.2A new franchise is born, when Air Bud got sequeled enough to get put to sleep the franchise makers decided to concentrate on his adorable puppies. Now the Buddies find themselves in the Alaskan wilderness and competing in a sled dog race.The Buddies - Budderball (Josh Flitter), B-Dawg (Skyler Gisando), Bud-dha (Jimmy Bennett) Mudbud (Henry Hodges), and Rosebud (Lilianna Mumy) ?find themselves up to their necks in trouble again. After being adopted into the families of various kids that share their personality traits the puppies still meet to play.One day they抮e playing and Budderball decides to go into an ice cream delivery truck for a little snack and the other buddies follow. They end up in a refrigerated container that抯 heading, via airplane parachute drop (?!?), to Ferntiuktuk, Alaska. They find themselves in a strange, new, and white world and strangely devoid of dirt to Mudbud抯 horror. They meet up with Adam (Dominic Scott Kay, who voiced Bud-dha in Air Buddies) and his Alaskan husky Shasta (Dylan Sprouse).It seems that Adam抯 dad was a racer in an annual snow sled race until tragedy struck and he retired. Adam wants nothing more than to take up his father抯 reins and race, but he抯 lacking five more dogs (see where this is going?). Out of the sky and into his lap falls his team and the puppies consult the wise, old Talon (Kris Kristofferson) to train them in the ways of the sled dog as they compete against the devious Jean George (John Kapelos) and his team. Also listen for vocal cameos from Whoopi Goldberg (the cat Miss Mittens) and Jim Belushi (Bernie the St. Bernard deputy).It抯 another one of those that the younger you are the more appealing this film will be to you (and maybe the young at heart). This hard hearted critic found it a bit derivative of the other film but in the end liked it a bit more since it really didn抰 have the bumbling human characters and focused more on the puppies.We抮e not exactly talking Oscars here but the voice talent that does the puppies is cute enough. We spend a great deal of the movie with the puppies and Adam and this makes for a better story than what occurred in Air Buddies in my opinion. Air Buddies had bits of 101 Dalmatians and Snow Buddies feels like a little bit of Snowdogs (remember it had the dogs yacking in a dream sequence, but this one thankfully is without the horrible mugging of Cuba Gooding, Jr.).3Continuing the successful series or "Air Bud" movies, here is the latest entry of this series, the Disney Family movie "Snow Buddies," following the exploits of Bud and Molly"s five puppies.Unable to resist the lure of fresh ice cream, the five buddies are getting stuck in a cargo container filled with ice cream, on its way to Ferntiutuk, Alaska. Here they meet Shasta, a young Siberian Husky puppy whose dream it is to become a great dogsled leader. His owner, the 11-year old Adam (Dominic Scott Kay), shares this dream, as he wants to be come a musher.Sadly, Adam"s dad had an accident during last season"s dog race and lost all of his dogs. Saddened he decided to abandon dog sledding and also doesn"t want his son to be a part of the dangerous challenge.So Adam, Shasta and the Buddies train in secret and enter the Ferntiutuk dog sled race unbeknownst to his parents. Together the team of youngsters have weather not only the deep freeze of Alaska, but also the other mushers, some of which will try to win at any cost.Shot in British Columbia, the film has beautiful vistas of snowy mountain ranges that conjure up an atmosphere that is both romantic and adventurous. It makes for the perfect backdrop of the movie ?albeit not a very realistic one, of course. Conditions in Alaska during the mushing season are dramatically different form what is depicted in the movie and I doubt that a bunch of Golden Retriever puppies would be able to survive the harsh climate on their own.Nonetheless the film has a certain feel-good charm that is typical for a Disney Family movie. The can-do attitude of the dogs and the boy is wonderfully charismatic as they face challenges and obstacles. With their high spirits and good heart, it is clear form the beginning where this story leads us to, but frankly, I did not mind at all. I found "Snow Buddies" a charming little film that I could enjoy with my 7-year old son, that made us laugh together and talk about the film"s beauty and the team"s challenges.Presented in its original widescreen aspect ratio, "Snow Buddies" looks great, offering up a print that is clean and without any defects. It nicely renders the whites and blues that make up the majority of the snow sequences, while also making sure that colors standout nicely in contrast. Black levels are solid, giving
2023-01-11 11:24:211


Introduction to AustraliaAustralia is massive, and sparsely peopled: in size it rivals the USA, yet its population is just twenty million. It is an ancient land, and often looks it: in places, it"s the most eroded, denuded and driest of continents, with much of central and western Australia – the bulk of the country – overwhelmingly arid and flat. In contrast, its cities – most of which were founded as recently as the mid-nineteenth century – express a youthful energy. The most memorable scenery is in the Outback, the vast desert in the interior of the country west of the Great Dividing Range. Here, vivid blue skies, cinnamon-red earth, deserted gorges and other striking geological features as well as bizarre wildlife comprise a unique ecology – one that has played host to the oldest surviving human culture for up to seventy thousand years (just ten thousand years after Homo sapiens is thought to have emerged from Africa). This harsh interior has forced modern Australia to become a coastal country. Most of the population lives within 20km of the ocean, occupying a suburban, southeastern arc extending from southern Queensland to Adelaide. These urban Australians celebrate the typical New World values of material self-improvement through hard work and hard play, with an easy-going vitality that visitors, especially Europeans, often find refreshingly hedonistic. A sunny climate also contributes to this exuberance, with an outdoor life in which a thriving beach culture and the congenial backyard "barbie" are central. While visitors might eventually find this Home and Away lifestyle rather prosaic, there are opportunities – particularly in the Northern Territory – to gain some experience of Australia"s indigenous peoples and their culture, through visiting ancient art sites, taking tours and, less easily, making personal contact. Many Aboriginal people – especially in central Australia – have managed to maintain a traditional lifestyle (albeit with modern accoutrements), speaking their own languages and living according to their law. Conversely, most Aboriginal people you"ll come across in country towns and cities are victims of what is scathingly referred to as "welfare colonialism" – a disempowering consequence of dole cheques and other subsidies combined with little chance of meaningful employment, often resulting in a destructive cycle of poverty, ill health and substance abuse. There"s still a long way to go before black and white people in Australia can exist on genuinely equal terms. Fact file • With an area of eight million square kilometres, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. • The population stands at just twenty million, of whom some 85% live in urban areas, mainly along the coast. About 92% of the population are of European origin, 2% Aboriginal and about 6% Asian and Middle Eastern. • Much of Australia is arid and flat. One-third of the country is desert and another third is steppe or semi-desert. Only six percent of the country rises above 600m in elevation, and its tallest peak, Mount Kosciuszko, is just 2228m high. • Australia"s main exports are fossil fuels, minerals, metals, cotton, wool, wine and beef, and its most important trading partners are Japan, China and the US. • Australia is a federal parliamentary state (formally a constitutional monarchy) with two legislative houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The chief of state is the British Monarch, represented by the Governor-General, while the head of government is the Prime Minister.
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连系动词be的用法 I. 概念 连系动词be,在刚开始学英语句子时,恐怕你首先遇到动词王国中的成员就是be。不少同学对be的说法不一,这叫be如何“是”好?连系动词be的基本意思是“是”,其实,不少场合连系动词be也充当“不是”。真可谓“是也不是”。让你先一睹be的“容貌”吧。 (1)询问年龄及回答时be不译出。 —How old are you? 你多大了? —I"m eleven.我十一岁。 (2)询问姓名与回答时be不译成“是”。 —What"s your name? 你叫什么名字? —My name is Amy. 我叫Amy。 (3)在一些表示问候的用语及答语中be不译出。 —How are you? 你好吗? —I"m fine. Thank you. 我很好。谢谢。 II. 用法 连系动词be是am, is, are三者的原形,一般不直接出现在句子中,而是以am, is, are的形式出现。它们各有分工,而且随着主语的人称和数的变化而变化。am最专一,始终跟着I转;are 跟you, we及表复数名词或复数意义的词连用;is的交际最广泛,is与“他、她、它”形影不离,至于名词单数,指示代词(this/that)都与is结下不解之缘。 刚开始学习英语的同学,往往对连系动词be与主语人称保持一致的问题把握不好。为此,建议你在歌谣中熟悉连系动词be的“身影”: 我用am,你用are; is用在他、她、它; 遇到复数全用are。 一般来说,be是当系动词用的,但是当有助动词,比如can could will would shall should,后面就要加原型(和普通的动词差不多),完成事态用been,如have/has/had been
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Switzerland Culture and Traditions What defines Switzerland Culture? Most likely, visitors see us as a chocolate snacking, cheese eating, alphorn blowing and a yodelling nation, ruled by perfectionism and timed by precision watches; a law-abiding nation that takes seriousness very serious and sleeps with guns under their pillow in well-ordered and efficient Switzerland :)Of course, there"s always a little truth in every stereotypical cliché. Though neither Alphorn nor yodelling are exclusively Swiss, nor is chocolate for that matter, though the Swiss - who knew - set the standard in terms of quality for the latter. It is said that the origins of the Alphorn lay in Asia. Over the centuries though, we managed to find our own distinct folk music style that is typically Swiss albeit with distinct differences between regions. Switzerland was inhabited by the Celt"s in the West, the Helvetii (the most powerful Celtic tribe) in the North and the Raetians - a stubborn Roman alpine tribe - in the East. Switzerland"s culture is shaped by all of them and the many different languages spokenin our small country make the mix even more interesting.Remnants of the pagan culture still affect our seasonal celebrations, even though the protestant reformers did their best to change that. Just think of the Swiss spring customs of scaring off winter like the Sechseläuten in the protestant Zwingli city of Zürich and the Chalandamarz in the Engadin. The culture of Switzerland is multi-faceted and age-old traditions thrive. We don"t just celebrate for the sake of tourism; we dwell in keeping ancient folk customs alive and wear our ethnic dresses with pride, albeit more and more only on special occasions.Although we are maybe a bit on the conservative side, take our time to warm up to each other and visitors and slow in adapting to new trends, we got a bit bolder over the years in expressing our attitudes.
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Ralph(拉尔夫): The protagonist of the story, Ralph is one of the oldest boys on the island. He quickly becomes the group"s leader. Golding describes Ralph as tall for his age and handsome, and he presides over the other boys with a natural sense of authority. Although he lacks Piggy"s overt intelligence, Ralph is calm and rational, with sound judgment and a strong moral sensibility. But he is susceptible to the same instinctive influences that affect the other boys, as demonstrated by his contribution to Simon"s death. Nevertheless, Ralph remains the most civilized character throughout the novel. With his strong commitment to justice and equality, Ralph represents the political tradition of liberal democracy. Jack Merridew(杰克): The leader of a boys" choir, Jack exemplifies militarism as it borders on authoritarianism. He is cruel and sadistic, preoccupied with hunting and killing pigs. His sadism intensifies throughout the novel, and he eventually turns cruelly on the other boys. Jack feigns an interest in the rules of order established on the island, but only if they allow him to inflict punishment. Jack represents anarchy. His rejection of Ralph"s imposed order--and the bloody results of this act--indicate the danger inherent in an anarchic system based only on self-interest.Piggy(猪崽子): Although pudgy, awkward, and averse to physical labor because he suffers from asthma, Piggy--who dislikes his nickname--is the intellectual on the island. Though he is an outsider among the other boys, Piggy is eventually accepted by them, albeit grudgingly, when they discover that his glasses can be used to ignite fires. Piggy"s intellectual talent endears him to Ralph in particular, who comes to admire and respect him for his clear focus on securing their rescue from the island. Piggy is dedicated to the ideal of civilization and consistently reprimands the other boys for behaving as savages. His continual clashes with the group culminate when Roger murders Piggy by dropping a rock on him, an act that signals the triumph of brute instinct over civilized order. Intellectual, sensitive, and conscientious, Piggy represents culture within the democratic system embodied by Ralph. Piggy"s nickname symbolically connects him to the pigs on the island, who quickly become the targets of Jack"s and his hunters" bloodlust--an association that foreshadows his murder
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1、Conan Edogawa After being discovered snooping around the shady business of a pair of criminals, Jimmy Kudo is given an experimental drug that transforms the teen sleuth to childhood size! Luckily Jimmy retained his intelligence and panache for solving the most difficult of crimes. Not wanting to reveal his true identity, Jimmy adopts the name Conan in honor of the creator of his hero, Sherlock Holmes. As Conan this pint sized detective is able to gather clues that the police and Detective Richard Moore, the bumbling P.I. Conan lives with, are unable to see. Although Conan takes great pleasure in solving crimes, he yearns to uncover the clues behind the "Men in Black" that forced him to take the experimental drug that forever changed his life. 2、Jimmy Kudo 新一 Jimmy Kudo is widely regarded as one of the top detectives in the land..and he is only in high school! The police often solicit his services, albeit sometimes unwillingly, in their efforts to solve difficult cases. Despite his age, Jimmy gets results, and his confidence is clearly evident. Jimmy is a top athlete as well, often relying on his physical abilities to apprehend a crook. His father is a famous writer of detective novels, a fact that is inseparable from his career choice and his choice of personal hero, the one and only Sherlock Holmes. 3、Rachel Moore 兰 After Jimmy"s mysterious disappearance, the happy go lucky girl decides to help take care of the young stranger, Conan, who claims to be a distant relative of the lost Jimmy. Rachel is fearless in the face of danger and always willing to lend a helping hand in the detective work of her father, Richard. She keeps a close eye on Conan in the hopes of keeping him out of trouble and because she sees many of Jimmy"s traits in the young boy. Just as with Jimmy, Rachel is never shy about putting Conan in his place because of his age as well as scolding her father for his lazy habits. She is also a student of martial arts, a skill that helps keep her out of many jams. 江户川柯南 Conan EDOGAWA Conan, who has the physical appearance of elementary school kid, is in reality Shinichi Kudo, a high schooler who is equivalent to a modern Sherlock Holmes. One night, Shinichi Kudo was discovered eavesdropping into criminal activity. He was caught and beaten by the criminals. In order not to disturb the police, the criminals forced Shinichi to consume a newly invented pill that was designed to kill anyone without a trace. However, the drug failed, and instead of killing Shinichi, it turned him into a small kid! From then on, Shinichi resumes a totally different identity under Conan Edogawa. Conan befriends Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko. Together, they form the Detective Boys team. 工藤新一 Shinichi KUDO Shinichi, a high school student, is equivalent to a modern Sherlock Holmes. However, he turns into a small kid after being forced into consuming a deadly pill. He is professional at soccer and uses his soccer practice to train his body and mind. His close friends include another high schooler, Ran Mouri, and his next door neighbor and inventor, Dr. Agasa. All the high school girls swoon Shinichi, which often makes Ran jealous. 毛利兰 Ran MOURI Ran, who is high school friends with Shinichi, was with him on the night that he disappeared. Later, she accidentally stumbles into Conan and adopts him. She doesn"t know that Conan really is Shinichi even though she eventually suspects it. Ran is trained in martial arts and often uses her skills to help defeat criminals. Ran lives with her dad, Kogoro Mouri, a detective who isn"t quite bright. 灰原哀 Ai HAIBARA/sherry A fan favorite, this mysterious little girl is just plain mysterious and quiet. She, like Conan, also took the APTX-4869 pill (she used to be a woman with the codename of Sherry among other names). So, it might as well be that she"s in serious danger if the members of the Black Organization ever come lurking around! There"s also a lot of indication/talk on whether she likes Shinich/Conan or not. So, things do get interesting in the ongoing love-triangles. 怪盗基德 KID A genius theif who is also a worthy rival and enemy of Conan/Shinichi. I guess it shouldn"t be that much of a surprise since he looks almost identical to Shinichi. He loves to steal things that are hard to get (especially jewelry) and doesn"t mind in dwelling into risky adventures along the way. Will he ever get caught by Conan/Shinichi? We may never know. 少年侦探队 DETECTIVE BOYS 吉田步美 Ayumi YOSHIDA Ayumi is a member of the Detective Boys team. She is very playful and friendly but often leads the whole group into trouble. However, she is so KAWAII! She likes Conan. 圆谷光彦 Mitsuhiko TSUBURAYA Mitsuhiko is a member of the Detective Boys team. He is very science oriented. He usually doesn"t cause much trouble and is often a great candidate to have in an adventure. Doesn"t his voice sound more like a girl? He also likes Ayumi 小岛元太 Genta KOJIMA Genta is a member of the Detective Boys team. He is strong but often foolish. He adores food and fun stuff in general. He proved very useful in several episodes. He likes Ayumi. 服部平次 Heiji HATTORI A very worthy rival of Shinichi who figures out about the Shinichi/Conan"s identity (that"s how good he is!). At least it was kind of him to keep it under wraps. Anyway, he eventually befriends Conan and the two teamwork together to solve a ton of amazing mysteries. Lastly, he"s from Osaka (dark skin anybody?). 远山和叶 Kzuha TOYAMA Kazuha is Heiji"s girlfriend. Since, of course, Heiji befriends Conan, Kazuha is, likewise, friends with Ran. She"s in a bunch of those all-star episodes. So seeing her onscreen is always a good thing. 铃木园子 Snoko SUZUKI Ran"s best friend and highschool classmate. Very romantic (but unlucky in love I might add). She is often used by Conan (in an unconscious state of course) to explain the solutions to mysteries. She comes from a very wealthy family. Watch out for her more normal sister, Ayako, who also appears in a few major episodes! 毛利小五郎 Kogoro MOURI Kogoro Mouri is the father of Ran Mouri. He is a detective whose business was doing badly after losing potential customers to Shinichi. However, when Shinichi disappeared, Kogoro"s business as well as fame soared. In reality, it was Conan who would figure out all the cases and give credit to Kogoro. Besides not being a very intelligent detective, Kogoro also lives a sloppy lifestyle. But once you get to know him, he can be really funny. 妃英理 Eri KISAKI Ran"s mom and a very intelligent lawyer. She is divorced from Ran"s father Kogoro (any questions...? She plays a major part in several episodes and movies. It seems that whether or not she will get back with Kogoro has been an on and off question. Probably not since Kogoro happens to be easily attracted to famous/good looking females (for example, the model/singer Yoko Okino). 阿笠博士 Hiroshi AGASA Dr. Agasa is Shinichi"s neighbor, friend, and inventor. After Shinichi gets drugged and shrinks into a elementary kid, Shinichi first goes to Agasa for help. From then on, both Agasa and Conan share the secret of Conan"s true identity. In addition, Agasa often helps Conan solve cases by inventing cool gadgets for Conan to use. 工藤优作 Yusaku KUDO He"s the father of Shinichi/Conan. His career is writing detective stories. He apparently does such a good job of this that women will crowd around him whenever he"s in public (making his wife Yukiko jealous - that"s the price you pay for being famous). He also seems to cause a lot of unprecedented surprises in several of the mysterious (especially at the climax). 目暮十三 Juzo MEGURE Megure is often at crime scenes with Shinichi or Kogoro. He is there to sort out all the evidence as well as to make the necessary arrests. It is often he who the Detective Boys report problems to. 白鸟任三郎 Ninzaburo SHIRAITORI A police officer who appears in several episodes (early, middle, and as well as late). He"s not shabby when it comes to solving crimes. His affections for Officer Sato cause some tension between him and officer Takagi. 高木涉 Wataru TKAGI Takagi is just an ordinary officer under Megure"s command. He"s not smart or dumb, just your plain decent citizen. He is greatly helped by Conan (no, he doesn"t know the secret yet). Oh yeah, it seems he has a crush on his co-officer Sato 佐藤美加子 Miwako SATO An female officer whose kicks and punches are something that criminals need to watch out for. On top of that, she"s much smarter than the average officer. She apparently is hot, otherwise why do you have the whole police force panicked whenever she"s in trouble? 琴酒 GIN One of the evil members of the Black Organization. He was directly responsible for hitting Shinichi with a stick and then shrinking Shinichi to a kid with the APTX-4869 pill. Has a habit of smoking which contributes to his scariness. 伏特加 Vodka One of the evil members of the Black Organization that was there when buddy Gin shrunk Shinichi to Conan. I guess you can"t judge an enemy by how not-so-detailed they look! Heck, Vodka was the one that suggested shooting Shinichi in the first place (which probably would have ended their troubles once and for all, but then there wouldn"t be a Conan show so never mind). JODIE Jodie SAINTEMILION Jodie is the new English teacher for Ran and Sonoko"s class. But she"s not any ordinary being, as she seems to have some link to the Black Organization. Her English accent isn"t that great. So, this mirror definitly has two faces. Is she good or bad?
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据一份研究文件Keneth罗格夫2008年,大多数经济危机之后一样广泛的脚本。先到房价和股票价格,其次是资本流入加速驱动乐观的外国投资者。其次是快速建设债务,最后,在风暴前夕点击- 1倒V形路径在经济方面,与增长的第一,然后拿起摇摇欲坠。这是正是在第一年发生的新千年。它正式开始于2007年8月9日,前往关于揭露在世界经济中的漏洞,。它削弱了世界最大的经济和展示了全球金融的脆弱性部门。倒塌的房屋市场第一,这导致为燮贷款借贷机构的巨大损失。因此,如新世纪金融和熊有些银行贝尔斯登申请破产保护。然后,自由落体开始。这场危机并不局限于美国,迅速蔓延到德国,法国,英国和日本。这些经济体的打击最严重的银行部门的崩溃以及随后的经济低迷。与此同时,像印度,印度尼西亚新兴经济体,中国和巴西出现富裕。虽然他们受这些发达国家在崩溃经济体,其经济持续增长,尽管以较慢的速度。我们的目标是确保这种危机不会发生再次。如果他们这样做,我们必须制定一个遏制和应急计划,以限制它们的影响。次级抵押贷款这些带有风险较高的贷款人(因此往往以较高的利率),因为他们是谁提供给有问题的人或财务谁是低或不可预测的收入。不景气阿经济负增长的时期。在世界大部分地区经济衰退,在技术上定义为连续两个季度负经济增长 - 当实际产量下降。在美国,更多的因素是考虑到,如创造就业机会和制造业活动。但是,这意味着一个美国经济衰退通常只能被定义时,已经结束了。对冲基金私人投资基金与一个大的,不受管制池的资金和经验丰富的投资者。对冲基金的使用先进的一系列战略取得最大的回报 - 包括对冲,利用及衍生工具交易。流动性流动性的东西是多么容易转化它成现金。您当前的帐户,例如,更多的液体比你的房子。次级抵押贷款危机在美国的许多银行提供高风险贷款与个人信用记录不佳或根本没有。自2004年和2006年之间,利率上升1%至5.35%,很多业主拖欠按揭付款。这个数字是在激烈的特别案件的次级抵押贷款。因此,次级贷款人遭受严重的损失。这些影响默认影响了尽可能多的金融体系抵押贷款已被捆绑起来,出售给银行和投资者对抵押债务的形式义务。
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爱因斯坦励志名言英文版   下面由我为大家整理的爱因斯坦励志名言,欢迎大家阅读与借鉴!   爱因斯坦励志名言英文版:   1. a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.   一个从不犯错误的人,一定从来没有尝试过任何新鲜事物。   2. intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.   智者解决问题,天才预防问题。   3. science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one"s living at it.   科学是个美妙的东西——如果无须靠它维生的话。   4. the hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.   世界上最让人难以理解的东西就是个人所得税。   5. i am convinced that he (god) does not play dice.   我确信上帝不玩赌博游戏。   6. reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.   现实不过是幻象,尽管这幻象挥之不去。   7. i never think of the future. it comes soon enough.   我从不去想未来。因为它来得已经够快的了。   8. the only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.   妨碍我学习的唯一障碍就是我的教育。   9. two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and i"m not sure about the universe.   宇宙中唯有两件事物是无限的:宇宙的大小与人的愚蠢。我不能确定的是宇宙的大小。   10. i know not with what weapons world war iii will be fought, but world war iv will be fought with sticks and stones.   爱因斯坦励志名言英文版:   个人的价值,在于他贡献了什么,而不在于他能得到什么。   原文:The value of a man resides in what he gives and notin what he is capable of receiving.   科学没有宗教是瘸子,宗教没有科学是瞎子。   原文:Science without religion is lame, religion withoutscience is blind.   任何一个有智力的笨蛋都可以把事情搞得更大,更复杂,也更激烈。往相反的方向前进则需要天份,以及很大的勇气。   原文:Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, morecomplex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius— and a lot of courage— tomove in the opposite direction.   一个从未犯错的人是因为他不曾尝试新鲜事物。   原文:Anyone who has never made a mistake has never triedanything new.   当我们的知识之圆扩大之时,我们所面临的未知的圆周也一样。   原文:As our circle of knowledge expands, so does thecircumference of darkness surrounding it.   在上帝面前,我们都一样聪明——也都一样愚蠢。   原文:Before God we are all equally wise— and equallyfoolish.   常识就是人到18岁为止所累积的各种偏见。   原文:Common sense is the collection of prejudicesacquired by age eighteen.   教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全部忘光之后剩下的东西。(爱氏自言引述某前人的话)   原文:Education is what remains after one has forgotteneverything he learned in school.   方程式对我更重要,因为政治只看眼前,而方程式是永恒的。   原文:Equations are more important to me, because politicsis for the present, but an equation is something for eternity.   万有引力可无法对坠入爱河的人负责。   原文:Gravitation cannot be held responsible for peoplefalling in love.   原文:I do not know with what weapons World War III willbe fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.   我从不去想未来。因为它来得已经够快的了。   原文:I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.   我认为只有大胆的臆测,而不是事实的积累,才能引领我们往前迈进。   原文:I think that only daring speculation can lead usfurther and not accumulation of facts.   如果A代表一个人的成功,那么A等于x加y加z。勤奋工作是x;y是玩耍,而z是把嘴闭上。   原文:If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus yplus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.   有一个现象的明显程度已经让我毛骨悚然,这便是我们的人性已经远远落后我们的科学技术了。   原文:It has become appallingly obvious that ourtechnology has exceeded our humanity.   要打破人的"偏见比崩解一个原子还难。   原文:It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom.   法律本身并不能保证言论自由;要做到这一点,必需要所有的人都有着包容的心。   原文:Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; inorder that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit oftolerance in the entire population.   人生就像骑单车。想保持平衡就得往前走。   原文:Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balanceyou must keep moving.   只有利他的生活才是值得过的生活。   原文:Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.   武力不能维持和平。只有互相理解才可以。   原文:Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only beachieved by understanding.   把你的手放在滚热的炉子上一分钟,感觉起来像一小时。坐在一个漂亮姑娘身边整整一小时,感觉起来像一分钟。这就是相对论。   原文:Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and itseems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like aminute. That"s relativity.   所谓现实只不过是一个错觉,虽然这个错觉非常持久。   原文:Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a verypersistent one.   这个世界最不可理解的就是它竟然是可以理解的。   原文:The most incomprehensible thing about the world isthat it is at all comprehensible.   不要试图去做一个成功的人,要努力成为一个有价值的人。   原文:Try not to become a man of success, but rather tryto become a man of value.   并不是我很聪明,而只是我和问题相处得比较久一点。   原文:It"s not that I"m so smart, it"s just that I staywith problems longer. ;
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This movie begins on Krypton, where Superman"s father sends him off to Earth as a young child. He grows up to be a perfectly normal newspaper reporter named Clark Kent. He has great powers - he can fly, outrun a train, and lift up a 1-ton truck. At least, he appears perfectly normal, until he transforms into Superman - flying around with his underpants over his tights, saving the day. One night, after leaving work, he sees a helicopter crash on the building"s roof. From this night on, he will be known by a new name...SUPERMAN! His mission: "To fight for truth, justice and the American Way". Lex Luthor, however, has other ideas - to sabotage a pair of nuclear missiles and use them to create an earthquake that will wipe out the California coastline. When the evil Lex Luthor plans to take over the world, Superman is the only one who can stop him.Superman must race against time and stop a sinister plan by Luthor to eliminate him before millions of innocent people are killed.
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The Elephant Manaka Joseph Merrick, aka (incorrectly) John Merrick He was not an animal, he was a human being! Ironically, the one thing he wasn"t was an elephant man. Joseph Merrick suffered from a rare disease which was not actually the elephantiasis that provided his unfortunate nickname. But The Proteus Syndrome Man or even worse, The Neurofibromatosis Man, wouldn"t be a very good movie title, so the misdiagnosis probably worked out for the best. Merrick was born in England in 1862. When he was a toddler, it quickly became clear that something was terribly wrong when disfiguring tumors sprouted on his face.Merrick believed he had become deformed because his mother was frightened by an elephant. Even considering the science of the day, this was a ludicrous idea, but then again Merrick didn"t get the chance to receive a high-quality education. Merrick"s mother died when he was 10. His stepmother couldn"t deal with the child"s escalating deformity and insisted that his father throw him out on the street. Daddy Dearest complied, and Merrick became a street urchin, albeit a not particularly adorable one. By the age of 12, Merrick was peddling shoe polish on street corners, where he was exposed to the elements as well as the taunts, bullying and general persecution of his fellow urchins. Later he became a ward of the state, forced to live and work in a welfare sweatshop, making Oliver Twist"s problems seem trivial by comparison. Merrick"s face and body were covered with massive lumpy growths, hard tumors made of bone; he looked much like a Play-Doh bust that had been mashed and gouged by a child. A lackadaisical attempt to cut away some of the excess growth failed, and Merrick"s deformity grew. Everywhere he went, crowds gathered around to gape at his deformities, without paying so much as a dime. Putting two and two together, Merrick decided to pursue the most obvious career choice that lay before him -- sideshow freak. If he was going to be a spectacle, he could at least profit from the process. Despite popular myths about the Elephant Man, Merrick wrote in a short autobiography that his time as a sideshow freak wasn"t particularly sordid or hurtful. Real life was hurtful. In the sideshow, Merrick said, he was treated only with the "greatest kindness." Many misconceptions about Merrick"s life stem from the popular 1980 movie, The Elephant Man (directed by David Lynch), which depicts Merrick as a lost soul who was abused at the sideshow and deprived of his dignity, which he was then forced to laboriously reclaim, uttering at one point, "I am not an animal! I am a human being!"The movie lays waste to Merrick"s dignity far more comprehensively than anything that happened in his real life. Merrick appears to be unable to communicate (in life, he had difficulty speaking because of tumors on his jaw, but he could write very serviceably). The circus owner, whom the real Merrick considered a kind friend, is painted as a drunken bully. The movie even got his name wrong, calling him John Merrick (repeating an earlier chronicler"s mistake). Merrick"s time with the sideshow went quite well, according to his own account, but ended on a sour note when the money he had been saving was stolen by a crooked promoter in Belgium. Penniless and in declining health, Merrick returned to England.Merrick"s appearance precipitated a mob scene. When police answered the call of public disturbance, they found a card for Dr. Frederick Treves and deposited Merrick at the London Hospital. Treves was a physician who had visited the sideshow a few years earlier in order to study the Elephant Man"s affliction. A prominent anatomy specialist, Treves would later be knighted for his glorious efforts in performing a routine appendectomy on King Edward VII. Treves initially diagnosed Merrick with elephantiasis, a disease in which the lymphatic system goes nuts and large, hard tumors grow around the legs and genitals. Merrick"s deformity continued to grow unchecked. In addition to the huge, boney tumors on his head -- which eventually reached a circumference of three feet -- a constellation of tumors sprouted all over his body, some hard, some soft, some just right. His left arm was normal to all appearances, but the rest of his body slowly distorted into phantasmagoric shapes, even more uncomfortable to possess than they were to see. Despite Treves" care, Merrick"s health declined because of his disease, and he slipped into a rather understandable state of depression. Treves collected donations and solicited volunteers to provide care for Merrick when the hospital refused to foot his bills. After the newspapers had their way, Merrick grew a bit of celebrity, his hospital room pupating into a classy sideshow. Members of the royal family and other nobility coming to pay their respects and do whatever inbred aristocrats do instead of gawking like yokels. Merrick wanted nothing more than to emerge into the world again, and in 1889, he took a six week vacation out in nature, far away from the prying eyes of the public. Although his life had been filled with clamor, his death came quietly. Merrick died in bed at the age of 27. Through his life, Merrick had slept in an upright position because of his deformities, but on the night of April 11, 1890, he lay down on his back in bed and apparently asphyxiated from the weight of his chest.
2023-01-11 11:26:361

请高手帮忙翻译 1

The results suggest that benefit reductions, coupled with a decline in social security contributions, would clearly offer the most beneficial reform alternative with regard to both growth and economic welfare measures. Figure7.5 shows that both simulated reforms would result in higher long-term growth relative to the baseline, although the effects would be larger in the case of benefit reductions. While benefit cuts would imply a short-term output decline, the positive long-term effects on output would be substantially larger, owing to a fall in interest rates that would provide a boost to investment. In the case of a consumption tax increase, private saving would decline relative to baseline, since the pension financing would be partly shifted from workers to pensioners who generally have a lower marginal propensity to save. Higher growth over the long term would thus mainly be an effect of increased labor supply as a consequence of lower payroll taxes. 结果显示,福利的消减,以及社会保障投入的下降,将会明确地在经济增长和经济福利措施方面成为最有利的改革方案。图7.5显示,模拟的改革将会产生相对基线的更高长期增长,在削减福利情况下效果会更大一些。虽然福利削减意味着短期的产出下降,但是由于利率下降而促进了投资,长期积极的产出效应仍会大幅增加。当消费税增加时,由于部分养老资金将地从工作者转向有较低边际储蓄倾向的养老金领取人身上,私人储蓄相对于基线将会下降。因此私人储蓄长期内的较高增长主要靠低工资所得税导致劳动力供应增加而产生。In contrast to benefit cuts, a reduction in social security contributions financed by a consumption tax increase would have mixed effects on private consumption and wealth. The initial decline in saving implies that interest rates rise and that there is less of a buildup in capital stock compared with the baseline. Moreover, the increase in interest rates leads elderly consumers------who are less liquidity constrained-----to increase consumption, thus further reducing aggregate saving. The resulting decline in the current account surplus also depresses financial wealth through a drawdown of foreign assets. Eventually, the fall in wealth would imply that consumption would drop relative to baseline, although this would only occur toward the end of the projection period. 社会福利投入由增长消费税来支持。与消减福利不同,社会福利的消减将对私人消费和财富积累产生正反两方面的影响。最初的储蓄额降低意味着利率的上升,也意味着相对基线而言资本存量积累得更少。此外,老年消费者的资产折现力不受太多的限制,利率的上升将使他们增加消费。因而,累计储蓄总额进一步减少。由此而导致的活期账户余额的降低,也通过外国资产的减少而使金融财富萎靡不振。最终,财富的下降意味着消费相对于基线下降,虽然这只在预测期接近期末才会出现。Although the results may depend to some extent on the particular specification of the model, the main policy conclusion is that a reduction of social security benefits would generate lasting output and welfare gains, albeit at the risk of some small short-term output losses that would need to be minimized through careful phasing. By contrast, financing social security through an increase in the consumption tax would also result in output gains relative to payroll tax financing, but beneficial welfare effects would not be permanent.尽管结果在一定程度上取决于模型的特定规格,但主要的策略结论是,虽然会有一些小的短期产出损失,通过谨慎细致的调整会使这些损失最小化,然而社会福利的减少将产生持久的产出和福利收入。与之相反,相对于工资所得税筹资的减少,由增加消费税来筹措社会保障金,也将产生的产出收益,但是有利的社会福利效果不会持久。
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关于票据的英语基础句子   Instrument 票据   1.A bona fide holder for value takes free from any defect in the title of his predecessors.有价证券善持意有人不受前手所有权缺陷的影响。   2.A check cannot be accepted. 支票不得承兑。   3.An endorsement by the drawee is null and void. 付款人背书无效。   4.An instrument is a document of title to money. 票据是代表金钱支付权利的文据。   5.Every instrument constitutes an independent contract embodying a payment obligation. 每张票据都构成一份独立的体现支付义务的合同。   6.The bill of exchange was in its inception confine largely to the financing of foreign trade. 汇票最初主要限于在外贸金融活动中使用。   7.The check is payable to bearer. 向持票人付款的支票。   8.The promissory note is a document in which A promises to pay a sum of money to B. 本票是规定甲方向乙方支付一笔款额的一种文据。   9.They would almost certainly be held by the court to be negotiable instruments, albeit outside the scope of the Bills of Exchange Act. 尽管不在《汇票法》规定之内,但法院几乎肯定将它们裁定为是流通票据。   10.This autonomy of the payment obligation is essential to the marketability of instrument. 支付义务的自动履行对票据的可流通性非常重要。 ;
2023-01-11 11:27:301


工程学: 早期的教育 孩子们是出生工程师。 一切他们看见,他们想要改变。 他们想要重造他们的世界。 他们想要变成,爬行,走。 他们想要做词在声音外面。 他们想要放大和播放他们的声音。 他们想要重新整理他们的衣裳。 他们想要拿着他们的空气,他们的水,他们的火,他们的地球。 他们想要游泳和飞行。 他们想要他们的食物,并且他们想要也是使用用它。 他们想要移动土和堆沙子。 他们想要建造水坝和做湖。 他们想要发射棍子船。 他们想要堆积块和罐和箱子。 他们想要修筑塔和桥梁。 他们想要移动汽车,并且在他们自己的路的卡车设计。 他们在轮子想要走和乘坐。 他们想要画和绘和写。 他们想要命令军队和指挥玩偶。 他们想要从映象点做图片。 他们想要有时打比赛–计算机游戏。 他们想要横跨距离和时间谈话。 他们想要控制宇宙。 他们想要做某事他们自己。 Grown-up工程学,是一样老象文明,维护孩子的青年时期、强健和想象力。 这就是为什么,当独自地提出对孩子期限,工程学的兴奋立刻明显和充分地comprehendible。 孩子不太年轻的使用并且以至于不能参与工程学,虽然原始种类。 当我们构想甚而我们自己的玩具和比赛–和有时虚构的朋友享用他们与我们,我们全部做了至于孩子我们自己。 嬉闹想法在设计被埋置通过发明和设计的概念。 没有那工程学是轻佻的; 相反,活动的心脏给想象力它的头,勒住它只检查不可能或危险梦想和把想法变成现实。 孩子们体验精华设计在他们的最早的活动,很少有所有公认这是实际情形。 他们也许仅听见词“engineer”与铁路机车相关和不知道他们嬉戏的活动可能成为终身行业。 设计自己可理解地勉强视同他们的专业活动与仅仅孩子戏剧。 终究他们学习了长和难掌握原子神秘的知识和分子,重音和张力、热和力量、潮流和电压、位和字节。 他们操作等式,不是块。 他们为严肃的塑造和演算使用计算机,不的乐趣和比赛。 他们设计并且修筑测试可靠性和安全,不是玩具极限一个蹒跚并且跌倒与一点后果的真正的塔和桥梁。
2023-01-11 11:27:382


"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
2023-01-11 11:27:522


是People often say that saying "dog-and-mouse Mind your own business", in the end is how it all? With my experience of dogs in several years, in fact, this is not a dog"s instinct, but man-made dog accustomed to be so. Some of the family dog has a habit of raising a long time, and this dog sometimes the formation of a special character of the problems of the eyes is that it can only tolerate the existence of its own, but found the front of a different animal exist, it will rise to call upon. As well as other animals can be used to drive away shouting, especially cats. As for rats, albeit one-sided to see a dog"s just an ordinary side, putting rat Needless to say, my family"s dog did not miss even the cockroaches are, personality characteristics of the dog would not let go of, let alone a cat, but its character Some of Tete, and as if people describe a person, how would it not gregarious person does? The dog has a similar view that the dogs just unsocial. Dogs also have a dog"s dog edge, of course, some dogs love to play alone, which is caused by the dog to see the attempt by a different individual shouted, grasping bashing other animals, to express in this area is the site. And people usually only see a dog catching mice of this partial, only saying that this, in fact, is also facing a different dog is not the same as other biological actions, we are also common to puppies and kittens playing with a scene , but this comparison gregarious dog, has been able to break the dog playing with the dogs together, and those personality quirks of the dogs, and who is also playing less than one go. Individual differences in personality, is the "dog-and-mouse Mind your own business" The real source.
2023-01-11 11:28:1315

爱因斯坦的名人名言 短

一个人的价值,应当看他贡献什麼,而不是看他取得什麼。 一名热衷于宗教的人之所以会虔诚,是在于他们对没有或不具备理性基础的超自然物体与其宗旨所展现的意义及其崇高上不存有任何怀疑。 人只有献身於社会,才能找出那实际上是短暂而有风险的生命的意义。 没有侥幸这回事,最偶然的意外,似乎也都是事有必然的。 出自:《教育论》 没有信仰的科学是瘸子,没有科学的信仰是瞎子。 原文:Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. 只要我还能有所选择,我就只想生活在这样的国家里,这个国家中所实行的是:公民、自由、宽容,以及在法律面前公民一律平等。公民自由意味着人们有用言语和文字表示其政治信念的自由;宽容意味着尊重别人可能有的任何信念。这些条件目前在德国都不存在。那些对国际谅解事业有特别重大贡献的人,在那里正受到迫害,其中就有一些是一流的艺术家。 一个物体的质量就是其所含能量的度量单位。 原文:The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content. 我用比相对论还多的脑力在量子论上。 原文:On quantum theory I use up more brain grease than on relativity. 物理学家们说我是数学家,数学家们又把我归为物理工作者。我是一个完全孤立的人,虽然所有人都认识我,却没有多少人真正了解我。 原文:The physicists say that I am a mathematician, and the mathematicians say that I am a physicist. I am a completely isolated man and though everybody knows me, there are very few people who really know me. 那我只能对亲爱的主表示遗憾。相对论是正确的。 原文:Then I would have felt sorry for the dear Lord. The theory is correct. - When asked by a student what he would have done if Sir Arthur Eddington"s famous 1919 gravitational lensing experiment, which confirmed relativity, had instead disproved it. 任何一个有智力的笨蛋都可以把事情搞得更大,更复杂,也更激烈。往相反的方向前进则需要天份,以及很大的勇气。 原文:Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius— and a lot of courage— to move in the opposite direction. 一个从未犯错的人是因为他不曾尝试新鲜事物。 原文:Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. 当我们的知识之圆扩大之时,我们所面临的未知的圆周也一样。 原文:As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it. 在上帝面前,我们都一样聪明——也都一样愚蠢。 原文:Before God we are all equally wise— and equally foolish. 常识就是人到十八岁为止所累积的各种偏见。 原文:Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. 不要担心你在数学上遇到的困难;我敢保证我遇到的困难比你还大得多。 原文:Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater. 教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全部忘光之后剩下的东西。(爱氏自言引述某前人的话) 原文:Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. 方程式对我更重要,因为政治只看眼前,而方程式是永恒的。 原文:Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity. 上帝不为我们那些数学难题而费心。他信手拈来,将万物合一。 原文:God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically. 万有引力可无法对坠入爱河的人负责。 原文:Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. 我不知道第三次世界大战会用哪些武器,但第四次世界大战中人们肯定用的是木棍和石块。 原文:I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. 我并不假装理解宇宙——它比我大多了。 原文:I don"t pretend to understand the universe— it"s much bigger than I am. 我喜欢旅行,但不喜欢到达目的地。 原文:I love to travel, but hate to arrive. 我从不去想未来。因为它来得已经够快的了。 原文:I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. 我认为只有大胆的臆测,而不是事实的积累,才能引领我们往前迈进。 原文:I think that only daring speculation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts. 我想知道上帝的构思;其他的都只是细节。 原文:I want to know God"s thoughts; the rest are details. 如果A代表一个人的成功,那麼A等于x加y加z。勤奋工作是x;y是玩耍,而z是把嘴闭上。 原文:If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. 如果我再次成为一个展望人生的年轻人,我不会选择成为一个科学家、学者或是教师。我宁可去做一个水管工或是小贩,盼望著在当前的环境里,可以找到些许独立自主的空间。 原文:If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances. 如果我的相对论被证明是正确的,德国人就会说我是德国人,法国佬会说我是一个世界公民。如果我的相对论被否定了,法国佬就会骂我德国鬼子,而德国人就会把我归为犹太人。 原文:If my theory of relativity is proven correct, Germany will claim me as a German and France will say I am a man of the world. If it"s proven wrong, France will say I am a German and Germany will say I am a Jew. 如果我们知道我们在做什麼,那麼这就不叫科学研究了;不是吗? 原文:If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn"t be called research, would it? 创新不是由逻辑思维带来的,尽管最后的产物有赖於一个符合逻辑的结构。 原文:Innovation is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure. 精神错乱:一遍又一遍地重复作同一件事,而期待会有不同的结果。 原文:Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 有一个现象的明显程度已经让我毛骨悚然,这便是我们的人性已经远远落后我们的科学技术了。 原文:It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. 要打破人的偏见比崩解一个原子还难。 原文:It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom. 法律本身并不能保证言论自由;要做到这一点,必需要所有的人都有着包容的心。 原文:Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population. 人生就像骑单车。想保持平衡就得往前走。 原文:Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. 只有利他的生活才是值得过的生活。 原文:Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. 武力不能维持和平。只有互相理解才可以。 原文:Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. 把你的手放在滚热的炉子上一分钟,感觉起来像一小时。坐在一个漂亮姑娘身边整整一小时,感觉起来像一分钟。这就是相对论。 原文:Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That"s relativity. 所谓现实只不过是一个错觉,虽然这个错觉非常持久。 原文:Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. 科学是个美妙的东西——如果无须靠它维生的话。 原文:Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one"s living at it. 我们的主很狡猾,好在他不怀歹意。 原文:Subtle is the Lord, but malicious He is not. (Raffiniert ist der Herrgott, aber boshaft ist Er nicht.) 天才和愚蠢之间的区别就是天才有它的限制。 原文:The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. 世界上最让我难以理解的就是所得税。 原文:The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax. 这个世界最不可理解的就是它竟然是可以理解的。 原文:The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible. 真正有价值的是直觉。在探索的道路上智力无甚用处。 原文:The only real valuable thing is intuition. The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. 我们不能用制造问题时的同一水平思维来解决问题。 原文:The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. 原子能的释放并没有创造新的问题。它仅仅是把解决一个现有问题的工作变得更为急迫。 原文:The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. 创新的秘密在於知道如何把你的智谋藏而不露。 原文:The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. 科学的全部不过就是日常思考的提炼。 原文:The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. 真理就是在经验面前站得住脚的东西。 原文:Truth is what stands the test of experience. 不要试图去做一个成功的人,要努力成为一个有价值的人。 原文:Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. 态度上的弱点会变成性格上的弱点。 原文:Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. 真正使我感兴趣的是上帝创造世界的时候有没有别的方案可选。 原文:What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world. 如果有来世,我要去做一个商人。 原文:If I had to live my life over again, I would live it as a trader of goods. 如果我给你一个芬尼,你的财富增长而我的财富缩减,幅度都是一个芬尼。但如果我给你一点想法,尽管你有了新的想法,我却并没损失什麼。 原文:If I give you a pfennig, you will be one pfennig richer and I"ll be one pfennig poorer. But if I give you an idea, you will have a new idea, but I shall still have it, too. 并不是我很聪明,而只是我和问题相处得比较久一点。 原文:It"s not that I"m so smart, it"s just that I stay with problems longer. 宇宙中威力最强大的就是复利息。 原文:The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. 宇宙中唯有两件事物是无限的:那就是宇宙的大小与人的愚蠢。而宇宙的大小我却不能肯定。(4月2日名言) 原文:Zwei Dinge sind unendlich: Das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit. Aber beim Universum bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher. 一个快乐的人总是满足於当下,而不太浪费时间去想未来的事。……By 维基语录
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We all like a meteor across the heaven, with a spectacular moment, albeit fleeting, but has a short eternity.We all like across heaven meteor, has spectacular moment, although a flashes, but have short eternity. .........我们都像是划过天堂的流星,拥有壮观的一刻,虽然只是一闪而过,却拥有短暂的永恒。
2023-01-11 11:29:381

阿基米德 哥白尼资料 english

Polish name: Mikolaj Kopernik. Polish astronomer and mathematician who, as a student, studied canon law, mathematics, and medicine at Cracow, Bologna, Rome, Padua, and Ferrara. Copernicus became interested in astronomy and published an early description of his "heliocentric" model of the solar system in Commentariolus (1512). In this model, the sun was actually not exactly the center of the solar system, but was slightly offset from the center using a device invented by Ptolemy known as the equant point. The idea that the Sun was the center of the solar system was not new (similar theories had been proposed by Aristarchus and Nicholas of Cusa), but Copernicus also worked out his system in full mathematical detail. Even though the mathematics in his description was not any simpler than Ptolemy"s, it required fewer basic assumptions. By postulating only the rotation of the Earth, revolution about the sun, and tilt of Earth"s rotational axis, Copernicus could explain the observed motion of the heavens. However, because Copernicus retained circular orbits, his system required the inclusion of epicycles. Unfortunately, out of fear that his ideas might get him into trouble with the church, Copernicus delayed publication of them.In 1539, Copernicus took on Rheticus as a student and handed over his manuscript to him to write a popularization of the heliocentric theory, published as Narratio Prima in 1540. Shortly before his death, Rheticus convinced Copernicus to allow publication of his original manuscript, and De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium was published in 1543. Copernicus proposed his theory as a true description, not just a theory to save appearances. Unlike Buridan and Oresme, he did not think that any theory which saved appearances was valid, instead believing that there could only be a single true theory. When the work was published, however, Andreas Osiander added an unauthorized preface stating that the contents was merely a device to simplify calculations.Copernicus adapted physics to the demands of astronomy, believing that the principles of Ptolemy"s system were incorrect, not the math or observations. He was the first person in history to create a complete and general system, combining mathematics, physics, and cosmology. (Ptolemy, for instance, had treated each planet separately.) Copernicus"s system was taught in some universities in the 1500s but had not permeated the academic world until approximately 1600. Some people, among whom John Donne and William Shakespeare were the most influential, feared Copernicus"s theory, feeling that it destroyed hierarchal natural order which would in turn destroy social order and bring about chaos. Indeed, some people (such as Bruno), used Copernicus"s theory to justify radical theological views.Before Copernicus formulated his theory of the solar system, astronomy in Europe had stagnated. After the Almagest had been translated into Latin, European astronomers such as the Austrian mathematician Georg von Peurbach and the German astronomer Regiomontanus proposed no new theories, attempting instead to refine the flawed system already laid out by Ptolemy. The astronomy textbook used for teaching was still The Sphere, the same book that had been in use since the 1200s. Rather than formulating new theories, astronomers had busied themselves in "saving appearances," which consisted of trying to patch it up Ptolemy"s cumbersome and inaccurate model. Copernicus, however, wiped the slate clean in a single broad stroke, and proposed a fundamentally different model in which the planets all circled the Sun in De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium. While radically different from Ptolemy"s model, Copernicus"s heliocentric theory was hardly an original idea. Similar theories had been proposed by Aristarchus as early as the third century B. C., and Nicholas de Cusa, a German scholar, had independently made the same assertion in a book he published in 1440. We know for a fact that Copernicus was well aware of Aristarchus"s priority, since his original draft of De Revolutionibus has survived and features a passage referring to Aristarchus which Copernicus crossed out so as not to compromise the originality of his theory. In his belief that his theory was an accurate description of nature rather than just a mathematical model, Copernicus was therefore not truly revolutionary.What was a little revolutionary was that Copernicus worked out his system in full mathematical detail in De Revolutionibus. By doing this, Copernicus went a step beyond Ptolemy, de Cusa, and Aristarchus. Ptolemy had regarded his theory as simply a mathematic tool for calculation, having no physical basis. On the other side of the coin, de Cusa and Aristarchus had proposed a purely physical model, not endeavoring to mathematically investigate its consequences. Copernicus"s most significant achievement was his combination of mathematics and physics, adapting physics to conform to his view of astronomical truth, with a good bit of cosmology thrown in for good measure.This achievement alone, however, hardly qualifies as a "revolution." Copernicus offered mathematics which were every bit as entangled as Ptolemy"s, and because he retained circular orbits, his system required the inelegant inclusion of epicycles and their accompanying complication. To Copernicus"s credit, although his description was not any simpler than Ptolemy"s, it did require fewer basic assumptions. In addition, Copernicus"s theory explained some problems, such as the reason that Mercury and Venus are only observed close to the Sun (their orbits always kept them nearer the sun than Earth ) and Mars"s retrograde motion (the Earth, traveling in its smaller orbit, overtakes Mars, causing Mars to appear to move change direction and move backward relative to distant "fixed" stars). However, like Ptolemy, Copernicus could still not explain variations in the brightness of Venus.Copernicus was the first person in history to create a complete and general system, combining mathematics, physics, and cosmology. Yet, by themselves Copernicus"s achievements, do not constitute a revolution. Copernicus had been motivated to this theory by Neoplatonic and Pythagorean considerations. His reasoning seems to have been predominantly motivated by aesthetics. In his view, equally spaced planets in circular orbits would represent harmony in the universe. But Copernicus had made no observations and stated no general laws. His mathematics could describe the motion of the planets, but his theory was of a very ad hoc nature.It took the accurate observational work of Brahe, the exhaustive mathematics of Kepler, and the mathematical genius of Newton to take Copernicus"s theory as a starting point, and glean from it the underlying truths and laws governing celestial mechanics. Copernicus was an important player in the development of these theories, but his work would likely have likely remained in relative obscurity without the observational work of Brahe. It would have been discarded by the wayside, until subsequent investigation brought it back to light. It is likely, in fact, that given Kepler would have independently arrived at a heliocentric theory just in the process of interpreting Brahe"s data, and the scientific revolution would have been born anyway. To a large extent, then, Copernicus has achieved his prominent place in history through what amounted to a lucky, albeit shrewd, guess. It is therefore more appropriate to view Copernicus"s achievements as a preliminary step towards scientific revolution, rather than a revolution in itself.波兰名:哥白尼Mikolaj. 波兰天文学家、数学家,他作为学生学习卡法律、数学、医学、克拉科夫、博洛尼亚、罗马、帕多瓦、Ferrara. 哥白尼天文学产生兴趣,早日出版说明"心"模式在太阳系 Commentariolus (1512). 这一模式的 太阳其实并非太阳系中心,由中心以弥补略发明的装置 心 称为 Equant点. 以为 太阳 中心的太阳之(已提出类似理论 Aristarchus 尼古拉的大学生和,但他创立并制定全面系统的数学内容. 虽然并没有说明他的数学简单得多 心的 ,要少要点. 只有通过假定的轮换 地球 , 对革命太阳 , 倾斜,对 地球 轴轮,可以说明哥白尼发现天动议. 不过,由于保留哥白尼圆形轨道,他必须把epicycles系统. 可惜,担心他会想法使他的事情教会哥白尼推迟公布.在1539年,哥白尼危机 Rheticus 作为学生,他交了手,他写的普及心论出版 看来Narratio 在1540. 他去世前不久, Rheticus 哥白尼使他相信发表原稿, DeRevolutionibusOrbiumCoelestium 1543年出版. 哥白尼提出的理论是正确的说明,不仅使理论出现. 与 Buridan , Oresme 他不相信任何理论,出现了有效,而认为只有一个真正的理论. 在出版工作,AndreasOsiander擅自增加前言说明内容只是手段,简化计算.哥白尼的要求天文物理调整,认为原则 心的 系统错误,而不是数学和意见. 他是第一个创造历史,完成总系统将数学、物理、宇宙学. ( 心例如,分别把每个星球). 哥白尼的系统的一些大学教授1500s并未进入学术界之前约16. 有人称赞约翰,其中最有影响的是英国的威廉,恐怕哥白尼理论,认为它破坏自然hierarchal,从而破坏社会秩序,造成混乱. 甚至有人(如布鲁诺 )用哥白尼的理论来解释根本理论观点.在哥白尼提出太阳中心论,欧洲天文学停滞. 在 Almagest 译成拉丁文、奥地利等欧洲天文学家数学家乔治冯 Peurbach 德国天文学家和 Regiomontanus 没有提出新的理论,而是努力完善制度,制定了错误 心 . 天文教学课本还是 领域 ,这本书中所使用的自1200s. 而不是制定新的理论、天文学家已经忙自己"拯救亮相,其中包括设法补起来 心的 麻烦和错误示范. 哥白尼,丧失了一个大过,不干净,提出了根本变化,地球上所有的模式盘旋 太阳 在 DeRevolutionibusOrbiumCoelestium. 而迥异 心的 模型、哥白尼的理论几乎没有一个心本意. 已提出类似理论 Aristarchus 早在公元前三世纪,体育局取消,德国学者中提出同样主张独立成书于1440年发表. 我们所知道的是,天知道 Aristarchus的 优先,原草案 DeRevolutionibus 渡过一段内容,指 Aristarchus 哥白尼,以免交叉影响,他的理论创新. 他认为,他的理论是正确的,而非描述性的数学模型,因此并未真正哥白尼革命.什么是小革命是哥白尼制定全面系统的数学细节 revolutionibusde. 对此,关进了超越 心 ,取消体育、 Aristarchus . 他已经把心之论的数学计算工具,并没有实际的. 在另一方面,在体育和 Aristarchus 建议纯物理模型,其结果不致力于数学研究. 哥白尼的最大成就是他综合数学、物理、应用物理,他认为天文学符合事实,好一点的好,学医.这一成绩仅限定几乎是"革命". 哥白尼数学所提供不亚于错综复杂 心的 ,因为保留循环的轨道,其制度规定不够配套,将epicycles复杂. 在哥白尼的贷款,但他没有说明是不是简单 心的 ,确需减少的基本设想. 此外,哥白尼的理论解释一些问题,例如,因为 水星 , 金星 只看到接近 太阳 (永远的轨道接近太阳比留 地球 和 火星的 落后的议案( 地球 , 旅行小轨道超越 火星 , 令 火星 出现倒退,提出改革的方向与远"固定"星星. 但如 心 ,也不能说明关亮度的变化 金星 .哥白尼是历史上最早建立全面彻底的系统将数学、物理、宇宙学. 但哥白尼自己的成就,不是革命. 哥白尼是这一理论的自觉,Neoplatonic 定理 考虑. 其主要理由似乎是出于美学. 他认为,地球的圆形轨道间隔同样将是宇宙和谐. 但哥白尼未表示任何意见,一般规律. 他可以说数学的议案 地球 , 但他的理论是一个非常特别的.它把准确监测工作 Brahe ,详细的数学 本片 和数学天才 牛顿 采取哥白尼的理论为起点,从搜集的基本原理和规律,天体力学. 哥白尼是一个重要的角色,这些理论的发展,工作仍然可能会有比较模糊的观测工作,而 Brahe . 就被丢弃在路旁,在调查后发现带回. 很可能实际上,由于 本片 有独立心论达成刚开始使用 Brahe的 数据和科学革命诞生了. 在很大程度上,再关他取得突出地位相当于一个历史的幸运,但精明,估计. 因此,比较适合哥白尼的科学成果为革命的第一步,而不是革命本身.
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The Egyptian SphinxA great symbol of Ancient Egypt is the Sphinx. A magnificent monument carved out of living rock, sits outstandingly in the Giza Plateau. It is a carving of the body of a lion with a head of a king or god, symbolizing strength and wisdom. It is 200 feet long and 65 feet high with paws being 50 feet long. The body of the sphinx was buried in the desert sand for thousands of years and only in 1905, about a century ago, the sands has been cleared away from it. Thus, the sphinx has several layers of erosions, those that are horizontal are due to sand and stone, while some are vertical due to water (probably rain) erosions. It is believed that the sphinx was built by king Khafre (Chephren 2558-2532B.C.) who was one of he 4th Dynasty kings and whom the 2nd pyramid of Giza was built for him. The sphinx faces due to the east, to the horizon and this has an astronomical belief to the ancient Egyptians. It is also thought that it is a guardian of the horizon for the later journey of the kings in the life-after. There is a large stela between the front paws of the sphinx. It was placed by king ThutmoseIV and describes the king during his hunting in the young days ,while falling asleep min the shade on the sphinx. During his sleep, he dreamt that the sphinx talked to him and told him to clear away the sand around his head and he will be rewarded by making him a pharaoh.However the sphinx misses some pieces, his ritual beard that is now placed in the British museum. While his nose was used as a target by Napoleon"s troops. The sphinx has undergone many major restorations. It now features a sound and light display where it seems as though narrating its story. This is a much delightful tourist attraction by itself.
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2023-01-11 11:30:484


帮助: 1. aid2. assistance3. to help4. to assistRelative explainations:<befriend> <helping> <help> <lend oneself to> <lend...a (helping) hand> <leg-up> <ministration> <office> <assist> <bestead> <with the help of> <leg up> <scratch his back> <help...out> <bear a hand> <scratch her back> Examples:1. 他的成功是由于勤勉和许多朋友的帮助。 He succeeded both because he was industrious and because he had many friends to help him.2. 只要我活着,我都会帮助你。 As long as live, I will help you.3. 他回过身来, 帮助那位扭了脚的朋友。 He came back to help his friend who had sprained an ankle.4. 我会尽一切可能帮助你。 I"ll do everything possible to help you.5. 我帮助她止住了伤口的血。 I helped her staunch cut.6. 耳膜的振动帮助声音传送到大脑。 A vibrating membrane in the ear helps to convey sounds to the brain.7. 尽管他帮助过我,可是我还是恨他。 I hate him albeit he helped me.8. 我钱很宽裕,能帮助她。 As I had plenty of money I was able to help her.
2023-01-11 11:31:026


“Everything is the same, but you are not here,” the words from one of Byron"s love letters reflect the feeling of loss among those who cherished the scenery of what were the Threerges. With the recommencement of river traffic on Monday, the history of the Three Gorges turned a new page. For poets down through the ages, as well as lovers of poetry, the 200-kilometer-long Three Gorges, from Baidicheng, Sichuan to Nanjinguan, Hubei, represented far more than a simple geographic entity. Some maintain that without the Three Gorges of Qutangxia, Wuxia, Xilingxia, the Yangtze River would be just a plain, albeit long, river, and the history of Chinese literature would not be the same. The launch of the Three Gorges Project in 1994 was followed by the largest archaeological excavation project in history. More than 70 archaeological institutions participated in the work, with almost 10,000 people at one time involved. The focus of their attention were over 60 Paleolithic Age relics sites, over 80 Neolithic Age relics sites, over 100 ancient Ba people relics sites and cemeteries, 470 relics sites from the Han through to the Southern and Northern Dynasties (206 BC - 581 AD), and nearly 300 temples, residences and bridges from the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).
2023-01-11 11:31:252


2023-01-11 11:31:3812


Move over(1) Barbie veiled is beautiful. The physical ideal of Muslim girls increasingly includes the hijab(2) as evidenced by toy shops" best-selling doll "Fulla" and the string of showbiz(3) stars opting(4) to cover up. The dark-eyed and olive-skinned(5) Fulla has replaced her American rival"s skimpy(6) skirts with more modest "outdoor fashion" and Barbie"s luxuriant(7) blonde mane(8) with an Islamic veil. "Fulla sells better because it is closer to our Arab values: she never reveals a leg or an arm " says Tarek Mohammed chief sale *** an at a Toys R Us branch in Mohandessin. The Arab answer to Barbie has been selling like hot cakes for Eid Al-Adha(9) not least because it is cheaper than its American rival although both are made in China. Fulla is not the first Islamic doll but none of her predecessors(10) have taken the regional market by storm like she has selling some o million since its creation o years ago by the Emirates-based NewBoy Design Studio. Saudi Arabia"s religious police had then just banned "Barbie the Jewish doll" whose "revealing clothes and shameful postures accessories and tools are a symbol of decadence(11) to the perverted(12) West." Fulla named after an Arabic word for a type of ja *** ine(13) was initially sold in the Gulf in a similar pink box but in more modest attire(14) such as the traditional abaya(15) overdress and plete with a little prayer mat. "Her wardrobe(16) had to be widened to adapt to the Egyptian market. In other words she became more modern " said Ahmed a sales clerk at City Stars Cairo"s largest shopping mall. Fulla can now dress her perfect albeit slightly less busty(17) figure with tight t-shirts and jeans and wear the same colourful head scarves donned by most young Egyptian women today. Fulla also has o female friends Ya *** ine and Nada with lighter hair. But she is still single as no plans appear to be afoot for(18) marketing an Islamic equivalent of Ken as giving her a boyfriend would be seen inappropriate in conservative Muslim cultures. 芭比靠边站,穿着保守才是美。 穆斯林女孩的完美装束一定要有一条伊斯兰头巾,不信的话可以看看玩具店中畅销的“芙拉”娃娃和成串穿着严实的娱乐秀明星们。 黑眼睛、橄榄色皮肤、穿着端庄“户外装”、披着伊斯兰罩袍的芙拉已经完全击败了身穿超短裙、顶着一头金发的美国对手。 Toys R Us穆罕黛森分店的主管塔莱克·穆罕默德说:“芙拉卖得好是因为她更符合我们阿拉伯人的审美:她从不露出腿或者胳膊。” 芙拉在阿拉伯的热销就像宰牲节的热蛋糕,不仅是因为她比她的美国对手要便宜,虽然她们都产自中国。 芙拉并非第一个伊斯兰娃娃,但却是第一个如此轰动当地市场的伊斯兰娃娃。自从两年前由阿酋新男孩设计室设计出来后到现在,销量大约已经有二百万了。 沙特阿拉伯的宗教警察当时封杀了“犹太巴比娃娃”,说它那“暴露的衣服、丢脸的姿势、装饰物和小零件是邪恶西方堕落的象征。” 芙拉是阿拉伯语,是一种茉莉的名字。芙拉最初在海湾地区出售,包装是和现在相似的粉色盒子,娃娃的衣服更加保守,例如传统的阿拉伯长袍,还附赠一条祈祷跪毯。 开罗最大商场都市之星的销售人员说:“为了适应埃及市场,娃娃的衣柜也必须拓宽。” 现在,芙拉可以穿着端庄了,只是当她穿上紧身体恤和牛仔裤时显得没有那么丰满。她还可以戴上当今多数埃及年轻女子喜欢的彩色头巾。 芙拉还有两个女伴,雅斯敏和娜达,她们的发色稍浅。 但是她仍然单身,并没有计划推出伊斯兰版的肯,因为拥有男朋友在保守的穆斯林文化中还是很不妥的。
2023-01-11 11:32:381

翻译下面这段话.....(THANK YOU)

hi all, As you know, i"m in malaysia. Tomorrow is another big day and the air here is thin, so i find myself out of breath sometimes....(pant pant.) These days I have been rather carefree, not that i haven"t got work, but it feels like i no longer have to follow the industry"s pace. And there are so many interesting stories and meanings, i feel like i"ve finally found time to explore (albeit on my own). But you know how it is with us human, you take something good, you dissect it, scutinise it time and again, not believing your good fortune and finally cast it to the "no" bin. It"s self destructive and unbelievably stupid. I hope it doesn"t happen to anyone of us :) because it"s 2006. I have been reading some materials online the other day and realised how ignorant i would be without the convenience of the internet. Everything from details of WWII to how to cook mussels is just a click away. For those who like to read, I have bought but misplaced White Teeth by Zadie Smith. So i"m unable to finish it, but the first 100 pages were interestingly well-written. (can"t say the same for On Beauty though), will find time to replace it when i"m not busy breathing in other things. SO, what"s new with everyone? ok i should go to bed soon, or not. get ready malaysian fans.
2023-01-11 11:33:113


2023-01-11 11:33:502


A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.The first devices that resemble modern computers date to the mid-20th century (1940–1945), although the computer concept and various machines similar to computers existed earlier. Early electronic computers were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PC).[1] Modern computers are based on tiny integrated circuits and are millions to billions of times more capable while occupying a fraction of the space.[2] Today, simple computers may be made small enough to fit into a wristwatch and be powered from a watch battery. Personal computers, in various forms, are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "a computer"; however, the most common form of computer in use today is the embedded computer. Embedded computers are small, simple devices that are used to control other devices—for example, they may be found in machines ranging from fighter aircraft to industrial robots, digital cameras, and children"s toys.The ability to store and execute lists of instructions called programs makes computers extremely versatile and distinguishes them from calculators. The Church–Turing thesis is a mathematical statement of this versatility: any computer with a certain minimum capability is, in principle, capable of performing the same tasks that any other computer can perform. Therefore, computers with capability and complexity ranging from that of a personal digital assistant to a supercomputer are all able to perform the same computational tasks given enough time and storage capacity.History of computingMain article: History of computer hardware The Jacquard loom was one of the first programmable devices.It is difficult to identify any one device as the earliest computer, partly because the term "computer" has been subject to varying interpretations over time. Originally, the term "computer" referred to a person who performed numerical calculations (a human computer), often with the aid of a mechanical calculating device.The history of the modern computer begins with two separate technologies—that of automated calculation and that of programmability.Examples of early mechanical calculating devices included the abacus, the slide rule and arguably the astrolabe and the Antikythera mechanism (which dates from about 150-100 BC). Hero of Alexandria (c. 10–70 AD) built a mechanical theater which performed a play lasting 10 minutes and was operated by a complex system of ropes and drums that might be considered to be a means of deciding which parts of the mechanism performed which actions and when.[3] This is the essence of programmability.The "castle clock", an astronomical clock invented by Al-Jazari in 1206, is considered to be the earliest programmable analog computer.[4] It displayed the zodiac, the solar and lunar orbits, a crescent moon-shaped pointer travelling across a gateway causing automatic doors to open every hour,[5][6] and five robotic musicians who play music when struck by levers operated by a camshaft attached to a water wheel. The length of day and night could be re-programmed every day in order to account for the changing lengths of day and night throughout the year.[4]The end of the Middle Ages saw a re-invigoration of European mathematics and engineering, and Wilhelm Schickard"s 1623 device was the first of a number of mechanical calculators constructed by European engineers. However, none of those devices fit the modern definition of a computer because they could not be programmed.In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard made an improvement to the textile loom that used a series of punched paper cards as a template to allow his loom to weave intricate patterns automatically. The resulting Jacquard loom was an important step in the development of computers because the use of punched cards to define woven patterns can be viewed as an early, albeit limited, form of programmability.It was the fusion of automatic calculation with programmability that produced the first recognizable computers. In 1837, Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable mechanical computer that he called "The Analytical Engine".[7] Due to limited finances, and an inability to resist tinkering with the design, Babbage never actually built his Analytical Engine.In the late 1880s Herman Hollerith invented the recording of data on a machine readable medium. Prior uses of machine readable media, above, had been for control, not data. "After some initial trials with paper tape, he settled on punched cards..."[7] To process these punched cards he invented the tabulator, and the key punch machines. These three inventions were the foundation of the modern information processing industry. Large-scale automated data processing of punched cards was performed for the U.S. Census in 1890 by Hollerith"s company, which later became the core of IBM. By the end of the 19th century a number of technologies that would later prove useful in the realization of practical computers had begun to appear: the punched card, Boolean algebra, the vacuum tube (thermionic valve) and the teleprinter.During the first half of the 20th century, many scientific computing needs were met by increasingly sophisticated analog computers, which used a direct mechanical or electrical model of the problem as a basis for computation. However, these were not programmable and generally lacked the versatility and accuracy of modern digital computers.George Stibitz is internationally recognized as a father of the modern digital computer. While working at Bell Labs in November of 1937, Stibitz invented and built a relay-based calculator he dubbed the "Model K" (for "kitchen table", on which he had assembled it), which was the first to use binary circuits to perform an arithmetic operation. Later models added greater sophistication including complex arithmetic and programmability.[8]A succession of steadily more powerful and flexible computing devices were constructed in the 1930s and 1940s, gradually adding the key features that are seen in modern computers. The use of digital electronics (largely invented by Claude Shannon in 1937) and more flexible programmability were vitally important steps, but defining one point along this road as "the first digital electronic computer" is difficult (Shannon 1940). Notable achievements include:EDSAC was one of the first computers to implement the stored program (von Neumann) architecture.Konrad Zuse"s electromechanical "Z machines". The Z3 (1941) was the first working machine featuring binary arithmetic, including floating point arithmetic and a measure of programmability. In 1998 the Z3 was proved to be Turing complete, therefore being the world"s first operational computer. The non-programmable Atanasoff–Berry Computer (1941) which used vacuum tube based computation, binary numbers, and regenerative capacitor memory. The secret British Colossus computers (1943),[9] which had limited programmability but demonstrated that a device using thousands of tubes could be reasonably reliable and electronically reprogrammable. It was used for breaking German wartime codes. The Harvard Mark I (1944), a large-scale electromechanical computer with limited programmability. The U.S. Army"s Ballistics Research Laboratory ENIAC (1946), which used decimal arithmetic and is sometimes called the first general purpose electronic computer (since Konrad Zuse"s Z3 of 1941 used electromagnets instead of electronics). Initially, however, ENIAC had an inflexible architecture which essentially required rewiring to change its programming. Several developers of ENIAC, recognizing its flaws, came up with a far more flexible and elegant design, which came to be known as the "stored program architecture" or von Neumann architecture. This design was first formally described by John von Neumann in the paper First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC, distributed in 1945. A number of projects to develop computers based on the stored-program architecture commenced around this time, the first of these being completed in Great Britain. The first to be demonstrated working was the Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM or "Baby"), while the EDSAC, completed a year after SSEM, was the first practical implementation of the stored program design. Shortly thereafter, the machine originally described by von Neumann"s paper—EDVAC—was completed but did not see full-time use for an additional two years.Nearly all modern computers implement some form of the stored-program architecture, making it the single trait by which the word "computer" is now defined. While the technologies used in computers have changed dramatically since the first electronic, general-purpose computers of the 1940s, most still use the von Neumann architecture.Microprocessors are miniaturized devices that often implement stored program CPUs.Computers using vacuum tubes as their electronic elements were in use throughout the 1950s, but by the 1960s had been largely replaced by transistor-based machines, which were smaller, faster, cheaper to produce, required less power, and were more reliable. The first transistorised computer was demonstrated at the University of Manchester in 1953.[10] In the 1970s, integrated circuit technology and the subsequent creation of microprocessors, such as the Intel 4004, further decreased size and cost and further increased speed and reliability of computers. By the 1980s, computers became sufficiently small and cheap to replace simple mechanical controls in domestic appliances such as washing machines. The 1980s also witnessed home computers and the now ubiquitous personal computer. With the evolution of the Internet, personal computers are becoming as common as the television and the telephone in the household.Modern smartphones are fully-programmable computers in their own right, in a technical sense, and as of 2009 may well be the most common form of such computers in existence.Stored program architectureMain articles: Computer program and Computer programmingThe defining feature of modern computers which distinguishes them from all other machines is that they can be programmed. That is to say that a list of instructions (the program) can be given to the computer and it will store them and carry them out at some time in the future.In most cases, computer instructions are simple: add one number to another, move some data from one location to another, send a message to some external device, etc. These instructions are read from the computer"s memory and are generally carried out (executed) in the order they were given. However, there are usually specialized instructions to tell the computer to jump ahead or backwards to some other place in the program and to carry on executing from there. These are called "jump" instructions (or branches). Furthermore, jump instructions may be made to happen conditionally so that different sequences of instructions may be used depending on the result of some previous calculation or some external event. Many computers directly support subroutines by providing a type of jump that "remembers" the location it jumped from and another instruction to return to the instruction following that jump instruction.Program execution might be likened to reading a book. While a person will normally read each word and line in sequence, they may at times jump back to an earlier place in the text or skip sections that are not of interest. Similarly, a computer may sometimes go back and repeat the instructions in some section of the program over and over again until some internal condition is met. This is called the flow of control within the program and it is what allows the computer to perform tasks repeatedly without human intervention.Comparatively, a person using a pocket calculator can perform a basic arithmetic operation such as adding two numbers with just a few button presses. But to add together all of the numbers from 1 to 1,000 would take thousands of button presses and a lot of time—with a near certainty of making a mistake. On the other hand, a computer may be programmed to do this with just a few simple instructions. For example: mov #0,sum ; set sum to 0 mov #1,num ; set num to 1loop: add num,sum ; add num to sum add #1,num ; add 1 to num cmp num,#1000 ; compare num to 1000 ble loop ; if num <= 1000, go back to "loop" halt ; end of program. stop runningOnce told to run this program, the computer will perform the repetitive addition task without further human intervention. It will almost never make a mistake and a modern PC can complete the task in about a millionth of a second.[11]However, computers cannot "think" for themselves in the sense that they only solve problems in exactly the way they are programmed to. An intelligent human faced with the above addition task might soon realize that instead of actually adding up all the numbers one can simply use the equationand arrive at the correct answer (500,500) with little work.[12] In other words, a computer programmed to add up the numbers one by one as in the example above would do exactly that without regard to efficiency or alternative solutions.Programs A 1970s punched card containing one line from a FORTRAN program. The card reads: "Z(1) = Y + W(1)" and is labelled "PROJ039" for identification purposes.In practical terms, a computer program may run
2023-01-11 11:34:001


  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的写葡萄的作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 写葡萄的作文1   前几年我家住在城关一个曲型的四合院里。院子里栽满了花草,有月季,茉莉,美人蕉,可最息影我的还是这高高的葡萄架上的葡萄。这葡萄比我的饿岁数还大哩,老藤已有碗口这么粗。龟裂的表皮犹如一个饱经风霜的老人的脸。   每当春姑娘不知不觉来临的时候,光秃秃的葡萄藤上也钻出了嫩芽,给寂静的院子带来了点点新绿,增加了一些生机,不几天,嫩芽长成嫩红的小叶,渐渐变绿长大,同时抽出一条条新枝。六月到了,葡萄开花了。一簇簇黄火粒似的小花开在绿叶丛中,美丽极了。中午时,总有成群的蜜蜂,有的停在花上采蜜,有的围着葡萄唱歌。偶尔还会一两只蝴蝶在花朵上翩翩起舞呢!   炎热的夏天到了,烈日炙烤着大地。枝繁叶茂的葡萄架给我家搭起了一座天然的凉棚,挡住了火辣辣的阳光。晚上,全家人做在葡萄架下纳凉,聊天,快活极了。葡萄花谢了,不多天,葡萄架上就挂满了青豆般的小葡萄。   夏去秋来,葡萄成熟了,大串大串地从叶子缝里垂下来。它们晶莹透亮,像一颗颗姿色的珍珠,又圆又大,水灵灵的。这时,大人们架起了梯子,摘下了葡萄。我迫不及待地把一颗葡萄扔进嘴里。啊,真甜!葡萄汁顺着嘴角流了出来,这般甜滋滋的味道使我至今难忘。我爱新疆的葡萄! 写葡萄的作文2   水果葡萄是一种美味的水果。人们都喜欢吃。   水果葡萄的形状跟足球相似,只是大小跟足球不一样。一串串美味的葡萄像一颗颗稀少罕见的珍珠,美丽了!葡萄又像小朋友喜欢的玩具——珠子。   水果葡萄不像雪梨只有黄色,而葡萄有的是紫色、青绿色。   水果葡萄不但颜色美丽,而且葡萄的味道是甜里带酸,非常开胃。   水果葡萄生产的地方就是新疆。新疆生产的水果可真多啊!有芒果、杏子、无花果……新疆一年生产葡萄数量像天上的闪烁的星星,数也数不清,供应全国各地。   水果葡萄可以经过加工制出葡萄酒、葡萄干等等。新疆的人们在葡萄园里的竹棚上摘下一串串葡萄,用机器把葡萄榨成汁,然后把葡萄榨出来汁装进瓶子里,制成酒。最后,把这些葡萄酒运到其他城市里高价售买。葡萄酒就是这样制出来。   葡萄的种类很多,总的来说可以分为两大类:一类是没有核子的葡萄;一类是核子的葡萄。   葡萄的价值营养有人们身体上的维生素C。我们要吃多一些葡萄,来补充维生素C。让自己更加健康。   水果葡萄物美价廉,营养丰富,我最爱吃葡萄了。 写葡萄的作文3   星期六,我和我的父亲、母亲一起到江心洲采葡萄。   葡萄园里的葡萄可真多啊,有巨峰、美人指、马奶、京秀、红提、红地球、玫瑰王子等等,品种繁多,令人目不瑕接。   走进葡萄园,首先看到的就是一排排葡萄架,一棵棵葡萄树攀爬在葡萄架上,可精神了。那些葡萄树根部粗粗的,上部越来越细,肥肥的叶子,一串串葡萄挂在葡萄架上随风飘摆。此时正是葡萄成熟的季节,细心的农民伯伯们用一个个白色的纸袋将一串串葡萄包住,这是为什么呢?我好奇地问着我的父亲,这时候,农民伯伯说:“小朋友,我们套这个纸袋是为防止虫子、小鸟偷吃葡萄,有了纸袋的保护,葡萄就不用担心受虫害了。”噢,原来是这样。   这时候我又提出,用袋子包住葡萄怎样才能知道葡萄是不是成熟了呢?这时候农民伯伯又耐心地对我说:“小朋友,我们只要看葡萄的根部发黄了,就说明葡萄已经成熟了。”照着农民伯伯教给我们的方法,我们用剪刀一串一串地采着成熟的葡萄,一会儿就采了一大筐。采完了葡萄,农民伯伯就用纸箱子把一串串新鲜的葡萄装起来,以便我们好带回家。   采到了好吃的葡萄,我们离开了江心洲,高高兴兴地回家了。 写葡萄的作文4   今天早上天刚刚蒙蒙亮,母亲就用她那超大号的嗓门把我从甜美的梦乡中惊醒。我睡眼朦胧的抬起头看了看墙上的挂钟,没想到才6点半。我的母亲干吗这么早就叫醒我啊。我正纳闷,只听我的母亲在厨房里念叨着:“快点起床,爷爷今天要带你去姑婆家采葡萄呢。”我听我的母亲这么一说立马清醒了一大半,赶紧刷牙洗脸连早饭都没吃就跟着爷爷屁颠屁颠的去了姑婆家。   来到葡萄园,最先跃入我眼帘的便是一串串熟透了的紫葡萄,接着我又发现了好多碧绿色的奶油葡萄,再往里走便是清一色的无子葡萄了。我看的口水直流,姑婆似乎也才出了我的心思,连忙给我剪了两串葡萄。我拿起葡萄狼吞虎咽起来,姑婆家的葡萄可真是甜啊,我一边赞叹一边品尝着。可我还没吃几粒,爷爷就要我去帮忙了,我只好去帮忙,走的时候还不忘再放几粒在口袋里。帮忙采葡萄可真不容易啊,要先看看葡萄有没有烂,再看看有没有生虫,还要把裂开的的葡萄都剪掉。就这样忙活了一上午,我已经累的双手无力了,衣服裤子上都是紫色的汁。不过我感到十分的快乐,而且我还品尝到了甜甜的葡萄,今天可真有意义啊!   这次的采葡萄可真是感触非浅啊,大家有空要多参加室外活动哦! 写葡萄的作文5   大家都知道吐鲁番的葡萄闻名天下,可我家乡乌海的葡萄也是颇有名气的。   果实累累的秋天来临了,葡萄成熟了。这天,我妈妈买回来一些葡萄让我尝尝鲜。我提起一串紫红色的葡萄,只见它的大小和玻璃球差不多。这串晶莹剔透的葡萄,好像宫殿里的水晶灯。“这葡萄别说吃了,就是看一眼也舒服半天哩!”我心里这么想着,忍不住摘下一颗放进嘴里,蜜糖一般的甜味,立刻浸透了我的心,使我感到舒服极了,使我忍不住一颗一颗地往嘴里送。   大葡萄不但味儿好,样儿好,而且它的价值和用途也不小哩!   大葡萄具有树姿优美、适应性强,容易繁殖等特点,是绿化城市,改善生活的理想果树。它还可以加工成葡萄干,酿成葡萄酒送往世界各地。据计算,生产一万吨纯汁葡萄可节约600吨做酒的粮食。葡萄皮还可以制取工业原料酒石酸,可用于照相业。葡萄核可榨油,提炼单宁。葡萄不仅有紫红色的,还有淡青色的,深绿色的,青黄色的,真是五光十色,美丽极了。听大人们讲,日照时间长,昼夜温差大,有利于葡萄集糖分,再加上这里的土地肥沃,所以这里的葡萄特别甜。   我爱我的家乡,但我更爱家乡的葡萄。 写葡萄的作文6   我喜欢葡萄,不仅因为它外表玲珑多姿,最主要是因为它酸甜可口,十分好吃。   葡萄没成熟时,是穿着绿色的外衣,像碧玉似的翡翠。深绿色的叶子层层叠叠,微风吹过,叶子下的葡萄宝宝就翩翩起舞,如同一个个绿色的小精灵,可爱极了!春雨“沙沙沙”地下着,喊着:“葡萄们,你们快快长大,农民们正等着丰收呢!”   秋天来了,葡萄们成熟了。圆溜溜的葡萄一串串挂在枝头,它们聚拢在一起。密密麻麻,好像在开葡萄会呢!成熟的葡萄颜色也各种各样,有紫中透红的,有紫莹莹的,有半紫半绿……真是让人眼花缭乱。在阳光的照射下,一颗颗葡萄像粒粒珍珠,美丽极了!走在葡萄架下,你就像置身在珍珠王国里。   轻轻扒开葡萄皮,一个晶莹剔透的果肉,呈现在你的眼前,果肉半透明的,像玛瑙,像泡泡,像水晶。散发着诱人的清香,使人想情不自禁的上前咬一口,迫不及待地放入口中,甜甜的汁水渗遍全身,那酸甜的味道,溶入我的口中,久久不会消失,让人回味无穷。   葡萄不光好吃,还有很多作用呢!里面富含维生素C,可制成葡萄干,加工成各式各样的糕点,酿成美味香甜的葡萄酒,葡萄皮还可以润肤呢!   我爱葡萄,更爱吃葡萄。 写葡萄的作文7   我的家乡是个十分美丽的地方,而最令人难忘的是家乡这紫莹莹的葡萄。   来到一条乡间小路,远远望见了一条沟,走进沟内,只见一串串葡萄挂满架上。人行其间,真好像走进翡翠,琥珀,玛瑙的珠宝世界,一颗颗葡萄珠,晶莹剔透,煞是好看。最引人注目的是奶葡萄,这种葡萄不仅外形美,而且皮薄肉厚,汁多味甜,捏起一粒,放入口中,这甘醇的味道仿佛要把你醉倒。   我仿佛不是在葡萄架下,而是在一座宫殿里:这碧玉般的叶子是一幅幅壁画;这一串串晶莹透明的葡萄是宫殿里的水晶灯;这葡萄架上的木棍是一个个威武的战士。   葡萄还可以制成葡萄干,葡萄干虽然不比葡萄鲜美,但它的甜是连蜜梨都比不过的。   葡萄不光有紫红的,还有淡青的,深绿的,青黄的,碧绿的,真是五光十色,美丽极了。   家乡的葡萄味道十分鲜美,轻轻剥开皮,紫色的果肉露出来,摇椅小口,这滋味呀,爽极了!比新疆的葡萄味道好多了!不信?你来尝尝!   思念家乡的葡萄,思念家乡。 写葡萄的作文8   我家院子里栽了一颗葡萄,去年才有我那么高。今年,我和爸爸一道为葡萄打了一个高高大大的架子,并为它施了很多肥。   早春三月,天气刚刚转暖,葡萄就开始发芽了。嫩绿的枝条上长着一对对叶子,像一双双小手随风轻轻的摆动,弯弯曲曲的枝条上长出许许多多的卷须。它紧紧地缠绕着支架向上伸展,不久就爬满了架子,茂密的枝叶像一块绿色的毯子把整个葡萄架子严严实实盖住。四月,葡萄开出了串串白花,就像一朵朵排列整齐的小雪花,美丽可爱。听爸爸妈妈讲,花开后,就可以长出葡萄来。从那以后我一有空就在葡萄架下认真观看,默默地数着一串、两串、三串······有40几串。小白花落后,便长出一串串珍珠般的小葡萄,最多一串四五十粒,我真喜欢他们,经常给它们浇水、捉虫,精心护理它们成长。小葡萄慢慢地长成了玻璃球那么大。那一串串沉甸甸、光亮亮、圆溜溜的葡萄挂在架子上,像一盏盏精心制作的水晶吊灯。   炎热的夏天,一家人围坐在葡萄架下乘凉,吃着一串串香甜可口、味道鲜美的葡萄时,心中别提多高兴了。 写葡萄的作文9   炎炎夏日,一颗颗像紫宝石一样的葡萄成熟了,它们等待着人们前来品尝。   葡萄披着紫色的外衣,圆溜溜的,像一颗闪亮的玻璃球,更像那光彩夺目的紫宝石。葡萄的果肉是半透明的,泛着淡淡的青色。仔细一看,还能发现果肉中裹着许多线一样的东西,让葡萄的口感更好了。葡萄摸起来很光滑,稍微不小心,就会在皮上留下一个痕迹。葡萄的果肉摸起来汁水很多,像是被水淋过似的。   葡萄闻起来没有味道,但如果把皮剥下来,会闻到一股淡淡果香,让人有食欲大振。轻轻咬一口,葡萄汁突然流出来,流进嘴里。甜甜的味道中夹杂着一丝丝酸味,美味极了!把葡萄咽下去后,果肉沿着喉咙滑到肚子了,甜到心里,让人回味无穷,吃了还想再吃。   清水洗过的葡萄,晶莹剔透,那是因为水珠折射阳光,让人感觉璀璨无比,就像是穿了金光闪闪的铠甲似的。小水珠在上面滚呀,不断变大,最后成为了一个很大的水果,像是紫水晶上的透明宝石,相映成趣,美丽极了!   这就是美味的“紫宝石”——葡萄,它像紫宝石一样闪烁光芒,同时它也给我们带来了味蕾上的享受。 写葡萄的作文10   今天下午,妈妈从商场买来了两串葡萄。我正在书房看书,妈妈喊我:“孩子,吃葡萄喽﹗”我放下书本,走到客厅,只见茶几上放着一串葡萄,葡萄有红的、青绿的、灰紫的¨¨¨   有好几种颜色、好看极了!看着哪诱人的葡萄,我口水都流下了,迫不及待的轻轻地摘下一颗紫红色的葡萄,两手捧着,小心翼翼地用拇指、食指指甲把皮剥下来,看着红红果肉,我猛地放进嘴里,顿时感到:凉凉的,一嚼酸酸地,甜甜地慢慢咽下去,滑到胃里沁人心脾,味道好极了,我又拿起一个青绿色的,酸酸的,把牙都酸倒了,还是紫的.好吃,我吃了一个有一个,不知不觉一大串葡萄都快吃完了。   通过吃葡萄,我明白了,青绿色的葡萄很酸,因为没熟透,紫红的葡萄酸甜可口,因为熟透了。我很高兴学到了一个小常识。 写葡萄的作文11   阳春三月,冰雪融化,万物复苏,春姑娘来到了大地,葡萄藤上长着无数嫩绿的叶芽,好像一排排刚出生的婴儿,在吮吸春天的甘露。   初夏,手掌形的叶子布满了整个葡萄架,绿荫荫的,好像搭起绿色的小帐蓬。不久,葡萄藤上开着一串串淡黄色的小花,花的芳香引来一群群翩翩起舞的小蜜蜂,好像在为葡萄将要获得丰收而欢庆呢!   盛夏,葡萄藤上的小花谢了,结出了米粒大小的"青豆豆”这就是葡萄。葡萄渐渐长大。到了秋天,一大串一大串葡萄挂在绿叶底下,有红的,有紫的,还有绿的,五光十色美丽极了。   没有成熟的葡萄又酸有涩,成熟的葡萄甜津津的。它们像一串串珍珠,又像一颗颗玛瑙。倒挂在绿叶丛中。大的像鹌鹑蛋这么大,小的像棋子,使你见了一定会垂延三尺。   一次我妈妈从市场上买来了一些葡萄,我拿起一串,真像倒垂的宝塔。一颗颗葡萄足有鹌鹑蛋这么大,我追不及待地把一颗放进嘴里,啊,真甜啊!   葡萄营养价值高,不仅可以晒成葡萄干,还可以加工成葡萄糖,葡萄酒等。   我爱家乡,更爱家乡的葡萄。 写葡萄的作文12   生命苦短,只是美德能将它传到遥远的后世。--莎士比亚   建德有个地方叫三都,外婆家就在三都,那里依山傍水,盛产蜜桔。四五月有蜜桃、杨梅,七八月有西瓜,到十月份,人们最喜爱的蜜桔成熟。   桔树种在高高的山坡上,广阔的田野里。春天时,一朵朵雪白的桔花随风舞动,芬芳扑鼻,整个三都成花的海洋。   “一年好景君须记,正是橙黄橘绿时”,秋高气爽的金秋十月,走进新安江畔的桔乡三都,首先映入眼帘的是漫山遍野的蜜桔挂满枝头,犹如一个个黄澄澄的小灯笼,处处都被沁人心脾的桔香包围着,仿佛来到蜜桔的海洋。早已垂涎欲滴的我,恨不得每棵桔树都品尝一番。热情好客的桔人递给我一个刚从枝头采摘下来的又大又黄的蜜桔。拿在手里爽滑柔软,娇滴可爱。拨开薄薄的桔皮,含一瓣桔瓤在嘴里,顿觉甜爽可口! 写葡萄的作文13   中秋节,我的父亲母亲带我去富阳采葡萄。   中秋节,天气已经很凉爽了。走进葡萄园,顶上和四周都被塑料膜包得严严实实,里面虽然不热,可是很闷。进去一看,哇,顶上全是一串一串的葡萄啊。说是摘葡萄,其实是剪葡萄。进去后我们每人发一把小剪刀,就是对准一串葡萄的根部,狠狠剪下去就行了。   要摘葡萄,首先要知道什么样的葡萄可以摘来吃,我以为红了就能吃,让我的父亲抱着我,卡喳就剪了一串马**葡萄下来,结果葡萄园的农民伯伯肉痛死了,说这种葡萄超市里要卖7块钱一斤呢,还没完全熟透就剪下来,太可惜了。   后来我就知道了,这里有两种葡萄,一种圆圆的,是红了紫了就能吃的,一种是马**葡萄,红了还不能剪,要等农民伯伯看过才能剪。他还告诉我,还有一种青葡萄,是怎么也不会红的。采个葡萄,还有这么多讲究!   采完葡萄,我身上已经出汗了,我们抱着满满一箱葡萄开车回家了,当然,里面还躺着那串被我闯祸剪下来的马**葡萄。 写葡萄的作文14   我们的学校很美,其中有一处地方更美,那就是四季诱人的葡萄架了。   进校门往左走,再向前走就可以看见那迷人的葡萄架了,每一棵都长着不同的样子,每一棵藤子都用力的缠绕着灰色的柱子,葡萄架各式各样,有的象老爷爷弯着腰在走路,有的象一个舞蹈演员,跳着优美的舞蹈,有的像警察指挥着交通……   春天,葡萄架开了花,如果不仔细观察,可是看不出来有花,花很小的。但是可以闻到一点点花散发出来的香气,感觉很清爽。   夏天,炎热的太阳很刺眼,可是小葡萄们团结起来合作起来,根本不在乎那么强的光线呢!到了夏末,一串串葡萄都长熟了,仿佛象串连在一起的珍珠亮晶晶的,可美了!有些同学把长熟的葡萄摘下来吃,那味道一定是又酸又甜的,一想到这我的嘴里直冒酸水。   到了秋天,树皮已经脱落了。葡萄也没了,不过到了明年夏天,又会长出诱人的葡萄的。   冬天也来临了,柔软的雪给葡萄披上了一件雪白的衣服,雪好象在对葡萄架说:“明年你又会出现在同学们的面前的,现在好好休息吧”!   这就是我们学校的葡萄架! 写葡萄的作文15   在现代社会上,葡萄是一种栽种面积大,产量多的水果之一。她不但具有产量多、树姿优美、适应性强、繁殖能力广等特点,还是一种能够绿化环境,有较高经济价值的果树。   哇,原来葡萄的种类有这么多,在全世界有8000多种,我国就有500种以上。最常见的有两种,一种是绿色的葡萄,一种是紫色的葡萄。绿色的葡萄比较甜,还没有籽。紫色的葡萄和绿色的一样,也是甜的,但是她有籽,您别看她的籽小,她的用处还不小呢!葡萄里的籽可以用来榨油,葡萄籽榨出来的油可以提炼成“单宁”,单宁是多酚中高度聚合的化合物,她们能与蛋白质和消化酶形成难溶于水的复合物,影响食物的吸收消化。可分为水解单宁和缩和单宁,两者常共存。后者也称“原花色素”。全谷、豆类中的单宁含量较多。   人们又把称葡萄做是“水晶明珠”,这是人们给葡萄取的爱称。因为葡萄果色浓艳,汁多味美,营养丰富。葡萄这种水果的果实含糖量达10%至30%,并含有多种维生素和钙、磷、铁微量元素,有增进人体健康和治疗精神衰弱及过度疲劳的功效。葡萄除了可以鲜食以外,还可以经过加工制成葡萄干或酿制成葡萄酒。   我喜欢这果色浓艳,汁多味美,营养丰富的“水晶明珠”,您喜欢吗?
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◆storage是存储卡的统称. ◆sdcard=SD卡(Secure Digital Memory Card)是一种基于半导体快闪记忆器的新一代记忆设备.SD卡由日本松下、东芝及美国SanDisk公司于1999年8月共同开发研制.
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  描写葡萄的作文1   “青帽子,绿帐子,滴哩嘟噜挂珠子”你们知道这是什么?对!这就是我——葡萄。你想认识我吗?那么我就来给你做个自我介绍吧!   我的身子圆溜溜的,像玛瑙,似珍珠,我还穿着一件紫色的外衣,像一个紫色的小球在对着你笑,多么可爱呀!我小时候是绿色的,长大后,就成了紫色,一串串紫色的葡萄挂在葡萄架上多么美呀!每逢七月初七,牛郎织女就会在葡萄架下相会,人们就会来到我的家,看看这感人的一幕。   摸一摸我,你会发现我的外衣十分光滑,就像抹了一层厚厚的蜡,冰冰的,凉凉的.。秋天一到,我就成熟了。你坐在葡萄架下,一股沁人心脾的香味扑进你的心田,你一定会“口水流下三千尺”。迫不及待地摘下一串洗一洗,洗完澡的我会变得晶莹剔透,在阳光下闪闪发亮。   你剥开我那薄薄的外衣,绿色的果肉就露了出来。咬一口,汁水四溢,咬在嘴里,酸酸甜甜,饱你回味无穷,越吃越爱吃。   我的用处可多了。我含有丰富的维生素,每年秋天一到,葡萄架下就挤满了摘葡萄的人。人们会把我们带回家,做成葡萄干,酿成葡萄酒,把我们的外衣敷在皮肤上,还可以加倍滋润皮肤呢!   这就是我——葡萄,你们喜欢我吗?   描写葡萄的作文2   我家门前有棵葡萄树,它已经生长多年了,茎差不多有手臂那么粗,枝条爬满了整棵葡萄树。   春风吹来,葡萄长出黄绿色的嫩芽。过了几天,嫩芽变成了绿色的小叶子。几阵春雨后,小叶子变成了手掌那么大的叶子,布满了整棵葡萄树。   夏天,葡萄的叶子长得更茂盛了,郁郁葱葱的,把整棵葡萄树遮得严严实实,远远望去,就像绿色的凉棚。火辣辣的太阳照在葡萄树上,只能透出几缕金光,葡萄树底下显得特别阴凉。这时,葡萄树上开始结出葡萄。小葡萄一串串像绿色的珍珠,挂满了葡萄树。我真想摘下来吃。妈妈告诉我,现在还不能吃,要到秋天,葡萄成熟了,才好吃呢!   盼啊盼,终于秋天来到了!一串串的葡萄由绿色变成了暗红,长得又圆又大、晶莹透明,像玛瑙似的。葡萄收下来了,我挑了一个大的放在嘴里。嗯,真好吃啊!又甜又酸,果汁又多,葡萄真是好水果啊!   冬天到了,吹来一阵阵寒风,黄叶子一片片的从葡萄树上飘落下来。葡萄树上光秃秃的,只剩下横七竖八的枝条。一场大雪给大地披上银装,葡萄树上的枝条也被盖住了。看到冬天的景象,我真希望春天快点到来,好让葡萄发芽、长叶、结果。
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medium rear 是几分

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秋雨打着她们的脸。一堆堆深灰色的迷云,低低地压着大地。已经是深秋了,森林里那一望无际的林木都已光秃,老树阴郁地站着,让褐色的苔掩住它身上的皱纹。无情的秋天剥下了它们美丽的衣裳,它们只好枯秃地站在那里。秋天带着落叶的声音来了,早晨像露珠一样新鲜。天空发出柔和的光辉,澄清又缥缈,使人想听见一阵高飞的云雀的歌唱,正如望着碧海想着见一片白帆。夕阳是时间的翅膀,当它飞遁时有一刹那极其绚烂的展开。于是薄暮。晚秋底澄清的天,像一望无际的平静的碧海;强烈的白光在空中跳动着,宛如海面泛起的微波;山脚下片片的高粱时时摇曳着丰满的穗头,好似波动着的红水;而衰黄了的叶片却给田野着上了凋敝的颜色。多明媚的秋天哪,这里,再也不是焦土和灰烬,这是千万座山风都披着红毯的旺盛的国土。那满身嵌着弹皮的红松,仍然活着,傲立在高高的山岩上,山谷中汽笛欢腾,白望在稻田里缓缓飞翔。当峭厉的西风把天空刷得愈加高远的时候;当陌上呼头的孩子望断了最后一只南飞雁的时候;当辽阔的大野无边的青草被摇曳得株株枯黄的时候—一当在这个时候,便是秋了,便是树木落叶的季节了。秋后的后半夜.月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天;除了夜游的东西,什么都睡着。秋末的黄昏来得总是很快,还没等山野上被日光蒸发起的水气消散.太阳就落进了西山。于是,山谷中的岚风带着浓重的凉意,驱赶着白色的雾气,向山下游荡;而山峰的阴影,更快地倒压在村庄上,阴影越来越浓,渐渐和夜色混为一体,但不久,又被月亮烛成银灰色了。将圆未圆的明月,渐渐升到高空。一片透明的灰云,淡淡的遮住月光,田野上面,仿佛笼起一片轻烟,股股脱脱,如同坠人梦境。晚云飘过之后,田野上烟消雾散,水一样的清光,冲洗着柔和的秋夜。秋夜,天高露浓,一弯月牙在西南天边静静地挂着。清冷的月光洒下大地,是那么幽黯,银河的繁星却越发灿烂起来。茂密无边的高粱、玉米、谷子地里,此唱彼应地响着秋虫的唧令声,蝈蝈也偶然加上几声伴奏,吹地翁像断断续续吹着寒茄。柳树在路边静静地垂着枝条,荫影罩着蜿蜒的野草丛丛的小路。……月亮上来了,却又让云遮去了一半,老远的躲在树缝里,像个乡下姑娘,羞答答的。从前人说:“千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面”。真有点儿!云越来越厚,由他罢,懒得去管了。可是想,若是一个秋夜,刮点西风也好。虽不是真松树,但那奔腾澎湃的“涛”声也该得听吧。 西风自然是不会来的。临睡时,我们在堂中点上两三枝洋蜡。怯怯的焰子让大屋顶压着,喘不出气来。我们隔着烛光彼此相看,也像蒙着一层烟雾。外面是连天漫地一片黑,海似的。只有远近几声犬吠,教我们知道还在人间世里。蔚蓝色的天空.在深秋时节,一尘不染,晶莹透明。朵朵霞云照映在清澈的嘉陵江上;鱼鳞的微波,碧绿的江水,增添了浮云的彩色,分外绚丽。凉爽清明的秋夜里,明亮而发红的火星在星空中为我们增添了不少的光彩和趣味。近来每晚八点钟以后,火星就从东南方的地平线升起。它比附近天空中的任何一个星星都亮,不论你在哪里,都很容易找到它。北国的落叶,渲染出一派多么悲壮的气氛!落叶染作金黄色,或者竟是朱红绀赭罢。最初坠落的,也许只是那么一片两片,像一只两只断魂的金蝴蝶。但接着,便有哗哗的金红的阵雨了。接着,便在树下铺出一片金红的地毯。而在这地毯之上,铁铸也似的,竖着光秃秃的疏落的树干和枝桠,直刺着高远的蓝天和淡云。北方的果树,到秋来,也是一种奇景。第一是枣子树;屋角,墙头,茅房边上,灶房门口,它都会一株株的长大起来。像橄榄又像鸽蛋似的这枣子颗儿,在小椭圆形的细叶中间,显出淡绿微黄的颜色的时候,正是秋的全盛时期;等枣树叶落,枣子红完,西北风就要起来了。北国的槐树,也是一种能使人联想起秋来的点缀。象花而又不是花的那一种落蕊,早晨起来,会铺得满地。脚踏上去,声音也没有,气味也没有,只能感出一点点极微细极柔软的触觉。秋蝉的衰弱的残声,更是北国的特产;因为北平处处全长着树,屋子又低,所以无论在什么地方,都听得见它们的啼唱。在南方是非要上郊外或山上去才听得到的。这秋蝉的嘶叫,在北平可和蟋蟀耗子一样,简直象是家家户户都养在家里的家虫。
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1. 关于关于葡萄的作文怎么写 家乡的葡萄 我的家乡山清水秀,我不仅爱家乡的山山水水,更爱家乡的葡萄。 春天,枯干的葡萄藤贪婪地吸吮着大自然那新鲜的甘露,悄悄地萌发着毛茸茸的嫩芽,抽出新的枝叶。在春雨的滋润下,它那小小的叶子嫩绿嫩绿的,弯弯曲曲的葡萄蔓绕在它旁边,十分惹人喜爱。 夏天,天气很炎热,葡萄藤上开出了一朵朵米粒般大小的小花。结出了一串串的小葡萄,摘一粒放在嘴里,又酸又涩。葡萄叶子长成了手掌般大小,似蝴蝶,像鱼尾,密密层层地挤满了葡萄架。一眼望去,好象一个绿色的大凉棚,我们常在凉棚下乘凉、玩耍。 秋天,葡萄成熟了,它的样子很可爱。紫得像紫晶,绿得像绿玉,圆润可爱,仿佛碰一下,就要流出蜜汁来似的,那一颗颗密密颗粒上,都蒙着一层细细的白霜,让你垂涎欲滴。咬一口,甜津津,酸溜溜的,浓浓的葡萄汁像一股甘泉流入心田。 冬天,他的叶子全落下来了。但我相信它明年春天还会萌芽抽枝的。看着它那坚强的样子,使我想起一句古诗:“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。” 我爱你,家乡的葡萄,爱你春天的生机勃勃,夏天的绚丽多彩,秋天收获的甜蜜,冬天的坚忍不拔。 2. 关于关于葡萄的作文怎么写 【葡萄】 我喜爱葡萄,不仅仅是因为它玲珑多姿,更重要的是葡萄香甜可口,让人吃了还想吃。 星期天,我在家里睡懒觉,突然,听见“咚咚咚的敲门声,我就从猫眼瞧了瞧,哦~。原来是妈妈呀!我就赶紧开了门,我见妈妈手里提了个袋子我很好奇我问“妈妈这袋子装着什么呀?”我问妈妈,妈妈回答:“这个袋子装的是你最爱吃的葡萄啊”,我一听是葡萄可开心了,因为我最爱吃葡萄,“谢谢妈妈”我说。 我把葡萄“洗了个澡”一颗颗水灵灵的水晶般的葡萄。它们伸展着嫩绿色的叶子,一串串晶莹剔透的葡萄聚拢在一起,密密麻麻的,像满天繁星,令人眼花缭乱。葡萄圆圆的,摸起来滑熘熘的,非常舒服。 我就开始吃了,剥去皮,放进嘴里,香甜可口的汁水一下子渗遍全身,那甜滋滋的味道始终留在你的嘴里,久久不会消失,在吃一颗,透过葡萄肉,隐隐约约看见几粒葡萄核躲在果肉里。我把葡萄放进嘴里轻轻一咬,一股汁水流了出来,又酸又甜。一股清凉的滋味一下从舌尖滑到心底。 葡萄的颜色多种多样。有的,?暗红色的,有的是淡绿色的,有的是淡紫色的,有的又是紫里透红的……在阳光的照耀下,五光十色,一颗颗可爱的小葡萄闪闪发光。 我喜爱葡萄,你喜欢吗? 3. 描写葡萄的作文 描写葡萄的作文葡萄 上海市闵行 江小 三(6)班 钱嘉 我爱吃水果,有红彤彤的苹果,小巧的香梨,甜而爽的西瓜…………。 但我最爱吃的水果是葡萄。它不仅仅是玲珑多姿,更重要的是葡萄香甜可口。 葡萄没成熟时,葡萄皮是翠绿色的。像一颗颗碧玉似的翡翠,晶莹剔透。 每年秋天,葡萄成熟了。由于葡萄品种很多。 葡萄大小不一,颜色各异。有白色、紫色、绿色、红色……在那又大又绿的葡萄叶下,挂着一串串晶莹透明的葡萄,紫红色的、碧绿色的,圆圆的,好像一颗颗不同颜色的宝石。 置身其中犹如进入珠宝的世界。轻轻扒开葡萄皮,一个嫩嫩的果肉呈现在你的眼前。 果肉半透明的看上去像水晶,像玛瑙。散发着迷人的香味,使人口水直流。 迫不及待放入口中,细嚼一下,香甜可口的汁水一下子渗遍全身,那甜滋滋的味道始终留在我的嘴里,久久不会消失。让人回味无穷。 葡萄不光好吃,它含丰富维生素C。还有很多用途。 能制成葡萄干,加工各种各样的糕点,还能酿成美味香甜的葡萄酒,供大家品尝。葡萄皮有润肤作用。 我爱葡萄更爱吃葡萄,你喜欢吗? 指导教师:刘芸 葡萄 逍林镇中心小学 五(1)班 王益柳 我喜爱葡萄,不仅仅是因为它玲珑多姿,更重要的是葡萄香甜可口,让人吃了还想吃。“不吃不知道,一吃忘不了。” 真是上等的水果啊! 春光明媚,一颗颗水晶般的葡萄在太阳公公的爱抚下显得格外美丽。它们伸展着嫩绿色的叶子,给一串串挂满了枝头上的葡萄增添了许多光彩,他们好似在齐声高喊:“我长大了,我长大了……” 一串串晶莹剔透的葡萄聚拢在一起,密密麻麻的,像满天繁星,令人眼花缭乱。 葡萄圆圆的,摸起来滑溜溜的,非常舒服。等葡萄逐渐长熟后,摘一个,剥去皮,放进嘴里,香甜可口的汁水一下子渗遍全身,那甜滋滋的味道始终留在你的嘴里,久久不会消失。 葡萄的颜色多种多样。有的, 暗红色的,有的是淡绿色的,有的是淡紫色的,有的又是紫里透红的……在阳光的照耀下,五光十色,一颗颗可爱的小葡萄闪闪发光。 在春雨的爱抚下,变得更加滋润。 我喜爱葡萄,你喜欢吗? 指导老师:周忠波 酸葡萄不酸 丹灶镇金沙中学 初二(16)班 徐嘉慧 光阴似箭,日月如梭。 时间飞快地流逝,但我仍然未忘记您那黑油油的皮肤,花白的胡子,明显的筋线,深深地皱纹,轻轻的微笑…… 说起酸水果,人们准会想起葡萄,我也不例外。别人总说;“葡萄越酸越美味。” 可是,我并不这样想,不管是什么,还是甜的美味点吧?我的“酸”的定义很广呢!葡萄紫的是酸,绿的是酸的,刚买的是酸,放久的是酸,反正关于葡萄的都是酸。 那是炎热的一天,太阳公公笑容灿烂极了。 真想待在家里享受空调的冰凉冷气,谁知,妈妈说要带我去逛街,我这个购物狂当然去咯!哪怕我要冒着热气的“危险”,也在所不辞。这次的目的地如我所料,果然是广州。 开始行动了,我们5人快速前进。到了下午4点多,经过多次杀价,我们收获丰富,就去买点水果回家。 来到市场,一个围了五、六层的大圆圈一下子吸引了我的注意。众人都在议论着:“他准会趁机赚一笔………”,“这家伙可真倒霉………”。 大家说的都一样,一会听起来像是件好事儿;一会儿听起来又像是件倒霉事儿,我都被弄糊涂了。脑里的问号快要涨得装不下了,真是“丈二的和尚——摸不着头脑”。 为了弄清是怎么回事,得到妈妈的准许后,我便使出了浑身解数,一招“燕子穿梭”钻到了大圈里,站在第一排。只见一个金发蓝眼的洋鬼子站在一个水果摊前,手不停地摆弄着,好像要说什么。 一位老人对着这位外国人划着,他个子中等,弯得像小山的背使他显得矮小。花白的头发和胡子紧帖着,好像连成了一片,衬着油黑的皮肤,样子特滑稽。 从他紧皱的眉,我知道,他们都不知对方在说什么。看了一会儿,才知道那外国人是想买我认为酸得很的极为讨厌的葡萄!真想一走了知,但为了看到“大结局”,我只好“忍辱负重”了。 过了十多分钟,我都看得不耐烦了,还好,老农夫已经知道外国人是想要买葡萄了,便给了外国人一个红色的袋子,让他随便挑。外国人随便拿了紫葡萄、绿葡萄各一大串,放进了袋子里。 农夫称了一下,刚好4斤,牌子上写着“特便宜:5毛钱一斤”,我便合指一算:2元!当外国人想要付钱时,农夫便竖起了两只手指,表示2元。可外国人不明白,以为是20元,便挑了张20元的人民币给老农夫。 在场的人都惊叫了起来,这20元足以买40斤葡萄啊!“看,我早说他会趁机赚一笔”,“不过,数目也不很大呀……”,“这外国人可真笨”大家更议论纷纷。我想,这4斤葡萄哪值20元钱呀!我真替这个外国人难过,被骗了18元钱,还傻头傻脑地什么也不知道……“喂,请等一下!”一个巨大的叫喊声,一下子吓着了正在冥思苦想的我,猛一回神,原来是那个老农夫。 那走了不久的外国人认得老农夫的声音,便走了回来,奇怪地问:“What?(什么事?)”老农夫急忙跑过去说:“这是18元,您付多了。”说完。 便把18元塞到了这个年轻人手里,这个外国人拿着钱,想了一会儿,终于明白了,那些葡萄2元,而他付了20元,所以诚实的农夫就还给他18元。 4. 葡萄的作文怎么写 1我爱吃的水果有很多,而我最爱吃的是葡萄细雨如丝,茂密的葡萄藤贪婪地吮吸着春天的甘露。 它们伸展着嫩绿的枝条,一片片掌形的叶子在雨雾中欢笑着。 清明节过后,葡萄藤长出了一粒粒小籽,这就是葡萄花的花苞。 过了几天,葡萄花开了,花小小的,白中带有一点黄,像一团团雪花。风把香气吹得四处飘散,引来了一群群辛勤的蜜蜂和翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。 我走到葡萄藤下,闻到一阵清香,使人感到心旷神怡。 春末夏初时,葡萄花纷纷凋谢,开花的地方又长出一粒粒小籽,这就是葡萄了。 葡萄先是嫩绿色的,上面就像蒙上了一层“白霜”,粉扑扑的。然后渐渐变成紫色,一个个绿中透紫的珍珠,挂在葡萄藤上,闪着诱人的亮光。 最后葡萄已经成熟了,一串串亮晶晶、紫红色的葡萄,挂满了葡萄藤,让人真想尝一尝。 摘下一颗葡萄,剥去它的表皮,便看见一颗诱人的晶球。 把它放进嘴里,舌尖触到葡萄那晶莹透明的果肉,使人感到细腻。没有熟透的葡萄甜中带酸,熟透了就甜滋滋的,叫人越吃越想吃。 葡萄不但营养丰富,含有多种维生素,是水果中的佳品,而且还有一定的医药价值。 我真喜爱葡萄 英语名字:Grape(Vitis vinifera) 别名:蒲桃、草龙珠、山葫芦、李桃等 科名:葡萄科(Vitaceae) 葡萄【形态特征】葡萄属葡萄科植物葡萄的果实。 为落叶藤本植物,是世界最古老的植物之一。原产欧美和中亚,在我国长江流域以北各地均有产,主要产于新疆、甘肃、山西、河北等地。 茎蔓长达10~20米。单叶,互生。 花小,黄绿色,组成圆锥花序。浆果圆形或椭圆形,因品种不同,有白、青、红、褐、紫、黑等不同果色。 果熟期8~10月,中国栽培葡萄已有2000多年历史,相传为汉代人张骞引入。 葡萄品种很多,全世界约有60多种,其中我国约有25种。 世界栽培品系有欧洲品系(European grape)及美洲品系(Fox grape)两大系统,根据其原产地不同,分为东方品种群及欧洲品种群。我国栽培历史久远的“龙眼”、“无核白”、“牛奶”、“黑鸡心”等均属于东方品种群。 “玫瑰香”、“加里娘”等属于欧洲品种群。鲜用或阴干备用。 2葡萄属葡萄科植物葡萄的果实,为落叶藤本植物,是世界最古老的植物之一。葡萄原产于欧洲、西亚和北非一带。 据考古资料,最早栽培葡萄的地区是小亚细亚里海和黑海之间及其南岸地区。大约在7000年以前,南高加索、中亚细亚、叙利亚、伊拉克等地区也开始了葡萄的栽培。 多数历史学家认为波斯(即今日伊朗)是最早酿造葡萄酒的国家。欧洲最早开始种植葡萄并进行葡萄酒酿造的国家是希腊。 在我国长江流域以北各地均有产,主要产于新疆、甘肃、山西、河北、山东等地。茎蔓长达10~20米。 单叶,互生。花小,黄绿色,组成圆锥花序。 浆果圆形或椭圆形,因品种不同,有白、青、红、褐、紫、黑等不同果色。果熟期8~10月,中国栽培葡萄已有2000多年历史,相传为汉代人张骞引入。 葡萄品种很多,全世界约有上千种,总体上可以分为酿酒葡萄和食用葡萄两大类。世界栽培品系有欧洲品系(European grape)及美洲品系(Fox grape)两大系统,根据其原产地不同,分为东方品种群及欧洲品种群。 我国栽培历史久远的“龙眼”、“无核白”、“牛奶”、“黑鸡心”等均属于东方品种群。“玫瑰香”、“佳丽酿”等属于欧洲品种群。 鲜用或阴干备用。 在果品中,葡萄的资历最老,据古生物学家考证,在新生代第三地层内就发现了葡萄叶和种子的化石,证明距今六百五十多万年前就已经有了葡萄。 有的学者认为在23000万年前至6700万年前就有类似葡萄的植物。3 我爱吃水果,有红彤彤的苹果,小巧的香梨,甜而爽的西瓜…………。 但我最爱吃的水果是葡萄。它不仅仅是玲珑多姿,更重要的是葡萄香甜可口。 葡萄没成熟时,葡萄皮是翠绿色的。像一颗颗碧玉似的翡翠,晶莹剔透。 每年秋天,葡萄成熟了。由于葡萄品种很多。 葡萄大小不一,颜色各异。有白色、紫色、绿色、红色……在那又大又绿的葡萄叶下,挂着一串串晶莹透明的葡萄,紫红色的、碧绿色的,圆圆的,好像一颗颗不同颜色的宝石。 置身其中犹如进入珠宝的世界。轻轻扒开葡萄皮,一个嫩嫩的果肉呈现在你的眼前。 果肉半透明的看上去像水晶,像玛瑙。散发着迷人的香味,使人口水直流。 迫不及待放入口中,细嚼一下,香甜可口的汁水一下子渗遍全身,那甜滋滋的味道始终留在我的嘴里,久久不会消失。让人回味无穷。 葡萄不光好吃,它含丰富维生素C。还有很多用途。 能制成葡萄干,加工各种各样的糕点,还能酿成美味香甜的葡萄酒,供大家品尝。葡萄皮有润肤作用。 我爱葡萄更爱吃葡萄,你喜欢吗?还满意吗?。 5. 葡萄的作文怎么写 1 我爱吃的水果有很多,而我最爱吃的是葡萄细雨如丝,茂密的葡萄藤贪婪地吮吸着春天的甘露。 它们伸展着嫩绿的枝条,一片片掌形的叶子在雨雾中欢笑着。 清明节过后,葡萄藤长出了一粒粒小籽,这就是葡萄花的花苞。 过了几天,葡萄花开了,花小小的,白中带有一点黄,像一团团雪花。风把香气吹得四处飘散,引来了一群群辛勤的蜜蜂和翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。 我走到葡萄藤下,闻到一阵清香,使人感到心旷神怡。 春末夏初时,葡萄花纷纷凋谢,开花的地方又长出一粒粒小籽,这就是葡萄了。 葡萄先是嫩绿色的,上面就像蒙上了一层“白霜”,粉扑扑的。然后渐渐变成紫色,一个个绿中透紫的珍珠,挂在葡萄藤上,闪着诱人的亮光。 最后葡萄已经成熟了,一串串亮晶晶、紫红色的葡萄,挂满了葡萄藤,让人真想尝一尝。 摘下一颗葡萄,剥去它的表皮,便看见一颗诱人的晶球。 把它放进嘴里,舌尖触到葡萄那晶莹透明的果肉,使人感到细腻。没有熟透的葡萄甜中带酸,熟透了就甜滋滋的,叫人越吃越想吃。 葡萄不但营养丰富,含有多种维生素,是水果中的佳品,而且还有一定的医药价值。 我真喜爱葡萄 英语名字:Grape(Vitis vinifera) 别名:蒲桃、草龙珠、山葫芦、李桃等 科名:葡萄科(Vitaceae) 葡萄【形态特征】葡萄属葡萄科植物葡萄的果实。 为落叶藤本植物,是世界最古老的植物之一。原产欧美和中亚,在我国长江流域以北各地均有产,主要产于新疆、甘肃、山西、河北等地。 茎蔓长达10~20米。单叶,互生。 花小,黄绿色,组成圆锥花序。浆果圆形或椭圆形,因品种不同,有白、青、红、褐、紫、黑等不同果色。 果熟期8~10月,中国栽培葡萄已有2000多年历史,相传为汉代人张骞引入。 葡萄品种很多,全世界约有60多种,其中我国约有25种。 世界栽培品系有欧洲品系(European grape)及美洲品系(Fox grape)两大系统,根据其原产地不同,分为东方品种群及欧洲品种群。我国栽培历史久远的“龙眼”、“无核白”、“牛奶”、“黑鸡心”等均属于东方品种群。 “玫瑰香”、“加里娘”等属于欧洲品种群。鲜用或阴干备用。 2 葡萄属葡萄科植物葡萄的果实,为落叶藤本植物,是世界最古老的植物之一。葡萄原产于欧洲、西亚和北非一带。 据考古资料,最早栽培葡萄的地区是小亚细亚里海和黑海之间及其南岸地区。大约在7000年以前,南高加索、中亚细亚、叙利亚、伊拉克等地区也开始了葡萄的栽培。 多数历史学家认为波斯(即今日伊朗)是最早酿造葡萄酒的国家。欧洲最早开始种植葡萄并进行葡萄酒酿造的国家是希腊。 在我国长江流域以北各地均有产,主要产于新疆、甘肃、山西、河北、山东等地。茎蔓长达10~20米。 单叶,互生。花小,黄绿色,组成圆锥花序。 浆果圆形或椭圆形,因品种不同,有白、青、红、褐、紫、黑等不同果色。果熟期8~10月,中国栽培葡萄已有2000多年历史,相传为汉代人张骞引入。 葡萄品种很多,全世界约有上千种,总体上可以分为酿酒葡萄和食用葡萄两大类。世界栽培品系有欧洲品系(European grape)及美洲品系(Fox grape)两大系统,根据其原产地不同,分为东方品种群及欧洲品种群。 我国栽培历史久远的“龙眼”、“无核白”、“牛奶”、“黑鸡心”等均属于东方品种群。“玫瑰香”、“佳丽酿”等属于欧洲品种群。 鲜用或阴干备用。 在果品中,葡萄的资历最老,据古生物学家考证,在新生代第三地层内就发现了葡萄叶和种子的化石,证明距今六百五十多万年前就已经有了葡萄。 有的学者认为在23000万年前至6700万年前就有类似葡萄的植物。3 我爱吃水果,有红彤彤的苹果,小巧的香梨,甜而爽的西瓜…………。 但我最爱吃的水果是葡萄。它不仅仅是玲珑多姿,更重要的是葡萄香甜可口。 葡萄没成熟时,葡萄皮是翠绿色的。像一颗颗碧玉似的翡翠,晶莹剔透。 每年秋天,葡萄成熟了。由于葡萄品种很多。 葡萄大小不一,颜色各异。有白色、紫色、绿色、红色……在那又大又绿的葡萄叶下,挂着一串串晶莹透明的葡萄,紫红色的、碧绿色的,圆圆的,好像一颗颗不同颜色的宝石。 置身其中犹如进入珠宝的世界。轻轻扒开葡萄皮,一个嫩嫩的果肉呈现在你的眼前。 果肉半透明的看上去像水晶,像玛瑙。散发着迷人的香味,使人口水直流。 迫不及待放入口中,细嚼一下,香甜可口的汁水一下子渗遍全身,那甜滋滋的味道始终留在我的嘴里,久久不会消失。让人回味无穷。 葡萄不光好吃,它含丰富维生素C。还有很多用途。 能制成葡萄干,加工各种各样的糕点,还能酿成美味香甜的葡萄酒,供大家品尝。葡萄皮有润肤作用。 我爱葡萄更爱吃葡萄,你喜欢吗?还满意吗?。 6. 描写葡萄的作文 500字 每年秋天,葡萄成熟了。由于葡萄品种很多,它含丰富维生素C。还有很多用途,香甜可口的汁水一下子渗遍全身,那甜滋滋的味道始终留在我的嘴里,久久不会消失,一个嫩嫩的果肉呈现在你的眼前。果肉半透明的看上去像水晶、紫色、绿色。让人回味无穷。葡萄不光好吃。轻轻扒开葡萄皮。迫不及待放入口中,细嚼一下,供大家品尝。 葡萄没成熟时,葡萄皮是翠绿色的,像玛瑙,挂着一串串晶莹透明的葡萄,紫红色的、红色……在那又大又绿的葡萄叶下。置身其中犹如进入珠宝的世界,更重要的是葡萄香甜可口、碧绿色的,圆圆的,好像一颗颗不同颜色的宝石。有白色。葡萄大小不一,颜色各异。但我最爱吃的水果是葡萄。像一颗颗碧玉似的翡翠,晶莹剔透。它不仅仅是玲珑多姿我爱吃水果,有红彤彤的苹果,小巧的香梨,甜而爽的西瓜…………。散发着迷人的香味,使人口水直流。能制成葡萄干,加工各种各样的糕点,还能酿成美味香甜的葡萄酒。葡萄皮有润肤作用。 我爱葡萄更爱吃葡萄,你喜欢吗 7. 葡萄的作文怎么写 这些葡萄胀得马上要破裂似的,它们的皮上还有些薄薄的白纱。 水果多种多样,有黄色的鸭梨,红通通的苹果,有粉红色的桃子……但我最喜欢的就是绿色的葡萄了。 它的茎细而长,绿色的茎上面还有许多叉口。葡萄一串一串的挂在叉口上。葡萄挨挨挤挤的,像珍珠一样。有的才长出一两颗小葡萄;有的长地像宝石,晶莹透明;有的还却是最大的葡萄,好像是小孩玩的弹珠,让人爱不释手。 这些葡萄胀得马上要破裂似的,它们的皮上还有些薄薄的白纱。 这些葡萄皮上还有许多“青春痘”,我心里开始嘀咕:“这葡萄都长了这么多“青春痘”,好不好吃呀呢!”这时,我听见家人说:“太好吃了,真是人间美味呀!”“太好吃了,再吃一个!”我开始犹豫:“吃还是不吃呢?”但我还是被它那晶莹透明的外表诱惑。我剥开外皮,开始吃,它那黏手的果汁的清香久久的在我的喉咙里回荡!我又拿了一颗,用手摸着它,觉得凉丝丝,光滑的外表又诱惑我…… 看着吃着,我也觉得自己就是一颗葡萄,挂在枝上。一阵微风吹过,我就翩翩起舞,不光是我一颗,一串的葡萄都在舞蹈。风过了,我停止了舞蹈,静静的挂在那。蜻蜓飞过来告诉我清早飞行的见闻,小鸟从天空掠过,告诉我昨夜做的好梦。 过了一会,我才回过神来,我不是葡萄,我是在吃葡萄呢
2023-01-11 11:24:171


勤勤恳恳,勤劳能干 勤俭持家
2023-01-11 11:24:093


2023-01-11 11:24:091

mass storage是什么意思

mass storage英 [mæs ˈstɔ:ridʒ] 美 [mæs ˈstɔrɪdʒ]大容量存贮器A fast double - error - correction Reed - Solomon algorithm for mass - storage system is proposed. 提出了一种适用于大容量(Mass -Storage )系统可纠双错的Reed-Solomon 快速编、泽码算法,具有硬件实现代价小,运算速度快的优点.
2023-01-11 11:24:081


rare: 稀少medium:中等well done: 干得好
2023-01-11 11:24:072


2023-01-11 11:24:052

storage/sdcard1不存在 是什么意思

内存卡坏了,或者没有插好。一般拔出来重新插一下就好了。storage是存储卡的统称.◆sdcard=SD卡(Secure Digital Memory Card)是一种基于半导体快闪记忆器的新一代记忆设备.SD卡由日本松下、东芝及美国SanDisk公司于1999年8月共同开发研制sdcard0是内置储存;sdcard1是扩展储存,就是一般的sd卡。手机存储卡,不同品牌手机生产商在手机生产的工艺不同,硬件设施也大不同,如手机存储卡的插槽尺寸规格不同.而存储卡厂家也因此生产出不同尺寸规格的手机存储卡,来配合不同尺寸的存储卡插槽的手机的使用.并给这些存储卡命名(如TF卡,MMC卡)来区分这些尺寸不同的存储卡而已。PS:一般有这种情况的手机,建议不要买,为什么呢?以前淘宝山寨手机满天飞的时候,垃圾手机都是这样的搞的,他们用外置的假卡,可能1G刷成16G来欺骗消费者。这里面的水分很足很足,所以建议不要买!买手机自己配好的闪存卡是很有必要的,好的闪存卡读写速度要大大的好于劣质的卡!此外随着现在的手机越做越好,一般买手机你选择配置高点的款式,要保险的很多。
2023-01-11 11:24:021